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mystery websiteman why the fuck isnt board lock working
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but it is?
any idea why the website likes to randomly die in the middle of the night
and is the mystery websiteman the one turning it back on or does it just come back on its own
Replies: >>12690
i always get a mail when i'm asleep but by the time i wake up the site's already running on its own... usually...

how often does it actually happen and for how long has the outage lasted this time?
sometimes it goes out every night sometimes theres weeks between it being down
it seems to go down around 10pm to 2am eastern time and it comes back online in 6 to 12 hours
it happens that often? 
i should really get around to fixing it then, the board software doesn't print any errors so it's probably something with the server itself...
yeah most of the time the board stays up but you cant post or open images so its definitely the server
yup it happens quite often but fortunately almost always when only the turk and nhk are on
i did something i think should've fixed it 
if the site still goes down after this  send me a mail again
it went down like an hour after you posted that mate
are you jesting 
cause there's really nothing in the system nor board logs to indicate that anything happened
completely serious
then it came back up after like 3-5 hours
well i can't really do much if i don't have anything to act on, the day before yesterday (when i got a mail telling me the site was down) a certain service errored out after which there was an abrupt end to anything being logged for couple of hours but i didn't see anything for the time you mentioned 
can you tell me what exactly happened?

anyway the only thing that's left for me to do would be to wipe the server completely and reinstall everything
all i could see was that it didnt give any error but couldnt actually load anything at all
the site always shits itself in one of three ways
>gives an error when you try to load it
>gives no error but doesnt load anything
>gives no error and loads everything fine, but its always stuck at "connecting" so you cant do anything
its only fitting that the site is constantly dying i say leave it as is
was down for uhhh 5 hours can you see that in the log
if you cant then that means your log is fucked too
yeah i can, i did something again and i think it should be okay now...probably...
the website hasnt seized up and died in over a month so i think you fixed it
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saw this. and took this picture, of it.
spoke too soon
the website lost its https for some reason
if you try to get in using "tragsg.mooo" it will look like the website has been deleted
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