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love how the posts just suddenly stop
just kidding i hate it
business idea: threads have no post limit instead we just decide to move to a new when it gets around 1500 posts
that way we dont have to suffer through this every time
thats what we did on the club and it was AWFUL
dont think so
you dont remember how everyone sperged out every time there was an early neu and then as soon as it got to 3k and started lagging horribly everyone complained about the lag
would rather have that then threads getting shot dead once they reach the funny hitler number and half the men just assuming it died
do you think girls ever get embarrassed when they remember they're wearing panties
oh my ffffffffucking god my internet cut out at some point so i kept seeing the thread at 1485 and kept waiting for someone else to post for at least a fucking hour but it hit the limit and the ffffffucking website didnt update
just noticed the first 2 threads are still unlocked because the post limit was raised
if you ruin the first threads perfect 1000 post count i'l get mad
they were already ruined a long time ago
also one of the threads has 1500 for some reason
that was before the meme limit went into effect
actually i'v completely changed my mind
threads auto locking is a good thing since it means old threads cant be defaced
yes i like that because it means you dont have to miss out on secret conversations
dreamt there was some kind of party going on at my house... and someone gave me a golf club... and i wanted to play in my living room... but not only was it really cramped but the club was made of shitty plastic and got bent... but i managed to get a really good swing anyway and it was SO loud i woke up and my ears are hurting
this is all because i found this old golf ball in my desk that i've always had but can never remember why
wait until you find the secret carrier pigeon conversations
also did something happen in the last 18+60 posts i didn't see anything substantial but i heard the b-word being thrown around
it was someone being a GIANT retard
seeing the g word in the last thread was more concerning
for me its xelat
i always was very fond of rubber
i think a lot about this romanian i knew who was lamenting anglos on the internet and said "and im forced to speak this pee pee poo poo language daily" which makes me laugh constantly
thats the plot of mgs5
so uhhhh anybody keeping up with the new sam hyde thing
"fish tank"
could be fun for us to...post about
not me
i slept for an hour and woke up and i have been on the verge of vomiting out pure acid and passing out ever since
same for me except it was 3 hours
i think i agree with the consensus that itll be an e1 when its over and all the interesting stuff gets edited into something easy to watch
for now we can let the turbo autists watch 23 hours a day of *nothing happens*
is it literally... a fish tank
its a bunch of random people of various, lets say breeds, living in a house for 6 weeks with literally everything being recorded
Replies: >>14633
also this was my first day watching and some pretty funny stuff did happen
sam came in and was doing boxing shit and broke like the cabinet doors and every time he did it the girl who is super super autistic (like actually) jumped like a mile
basically sam put a bunch of dysgenic freaks into a house where theyre being constantly monitored and then comes in to fuck with them
reminds me of something
also the audience is supposed to be able to (pay) to fuck with them but sam & friends are mouth drooling retards and drained an ENTIRE bank account that was supposed ot last 6 months in 3 days because of how expensive hosting actually was
thats such a retarded fucking thing to do
there will quite literally and plainly be casulties
thats the point
sam is an entertainer
also my friend was telling me about how the super autistic girl was "stimming" with this fucking horrifically loud baby toy that played the "OOO EEE OOO AH AH TING TANG WALLA WALLA BING BANG" song in the middle of the night
if he really cares so much about entertainment then he should have just given them swords and made them fight eachother
because that would be like 5 minutes worth of entertainment as opposed to 6 weeks
also honestly ive never found sam particularly funny, i was never a big mde guy, a friend did show me a lot of his vertical phone videos and some of those still make me laugh (especially the one where he's singing in the mirror about how cool his mom is and she gets progressively more and more furious)
only thing he's done that REALLY made me laugh was his kickstarter tv but mostly because he got the shittiest mic and webcam ever and just would not stop breaking box fans which would blow out the audio constantly
my internet is dying every 5 minutes wha thte FUCK is going on
hes been consistently REALLY funny on occasion through the years
like once every few months he does something hilarious and then farts around doing unfunny trite
yeah this is the one i still sing it to myself sometimes under my breath
well anyway ill go sleep 4 more hours and hopefully both the blood red eyes and the vomiting acid are fixed by then
i still laugh at the goobers one from that era
but like i remember a friend trying to show me that "moms" thing and i genuinely forced him to turn it off because it was so fucking awkward and uncomfortable i couldnt watch another second of it
which im sure is the point but it was too far for me
Replies: >>14634
watched a bit before im going to bed at the (literal) retard (with fetal alcohol syndrome) who earlier had to make himself throw up because he ate spam (he is a muslim because of andrew tate(he is white)) is now arguing with the mexican who talks like a black man in the hood about who is the bigger liar
he really got the cream of the crop for this
over the past few days i haven't been "sleeping" properly but instead taking little naps throughout the day
this feels a lot less stressful given my usual sleeping ails although it's very difficult keeping a schedule you never know if you'll drop dead from exhaustion right before the allotted time to do something
as for me i legitimately cant be awake for more than 12 hours at a time due to constant starvation
also dreamt i was with canman and he was a surprisingly normal person
isnt that literally big brother
jesus christ you were right what the fuck
imagine being a woman and birthing a demon like sam hyde honestly
not sure what to make of 31
all the times i've dreamt about trashmen they always have jim's face
it's like he's burned deep in my subconscious
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for me its genocide dadc
>On 19 April 2023, a crowd crush occurred in the Old City of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, after people gathered in front of a school to receive the traditional alms of Zakat al-Fitr before the end of Ramadan. Shots fired by the Houthi militia, ostensibly for crowd control, caused an accidental explosion and panic. At least 90 people were killed and 322 people injured in the ensuing crush.[1][2]
>two days before Eid al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan,[8] when hundreds of people were gathered hoping to receive about 5,000 Yemeni riyals (about US$9) per person as Zakat al-Fitr, 
ah yes
>The Houthi "General Authority for Zakat" announced that it would compensate each family of the victims with 1,000,000 Yemeni rials (about US$4,000) and each injured person with 200,000 Yemeni rial (about US$800).[9]
ugh are you kidding me why couldnt i get injured too
sorry mate should've volunteered to fight the saudis earlier
>Dekiru Neko wa Kyō mo Yūutsu is about a woman having a giant black cat as "house-husband".
any thoughts
looks like a show for girls
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he's gone :0
nothing but nothing but nothing but emotional pain
either get out of my head or get ME out of here
its funny how instincts and genetic memory and all that work
this cat has been an indoor cat for nearly two decades straight now and has been pampered, presumably her parents and their parents were also indoor domesticated cats
but STILL she saw a bird outside the window and freaked the fuck out and was in the hunting pose and everything
will a good OS ever come out again
nothing good will ever be made again
...by anyone other than me
ahh yeah now thats a classic
got nothing to say
remember watching that when it first came out
anyway more importantly i am dying inside
one of the best videos i think
now that i think about it the anime culture japan has is just plain good for the whole society because it allows a constant unique flow of media and allows animators and artists to actually get jobs(only 1% but its still better than the west where there is not a single artist that has been employed in the last 100 years)
amazing how ive been consistently and accurately seeing into my future for a whole decade straight
too bad its fucking worthless
can you see mine
no because youre not me.....are you?
16 episodes into xabungle and so far the whole plot is arabs made to fight eachother by jews
immensely tired in a spiritual and emotional sense
had an interesting experience just now where my entire mouth was filled with flood and it overflowed out of the sides and down my neck like in anime
now that might sound cool at first but actually the context here is that i accidentally cut my lip while shaving my moustache
(blood not flood)
>The Fifth Monarchists took their inspiration from the four kingdoms of Daniel which prophesied that the Fifth, or Kingdom of God, would be preceded by the Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman kingdoms. Followers believed the execution of Charles I in January 1649 marked the end of the Fourth or Roman Monarchy. Several became regicides in the belief his death would usher in the Kingdom of the Saints, or rule by those who were "saved", such as the Fifth Monarchists. The role of these so-called "Saints" was to prepare the masses for the Second Coming, although exactly when this would happen was debated. Based on the Book of Revelation, some believed Christ would return in 1666, which corresponded with the biblical number of the beast, while it was also common to refer to a "Thousand Years".[3]

>Many supported "Antinomianism", a rejection of the legal system on the grounds that the "Saved" were not bound by the Ten Commandments, while they also believed it was their duty to resist any regime which hindered the coming of the Kingdom. Although the movement eventually split between those who opposed violence, the "suffering Saints", and the "insurrectionist Saints" like Thomas Venner who advocated taking up arms, these beliefs caused Oliver Cromwell and later contemporaries to see them as wild revolutionaries and enemies of the established order.[4]
what in the name of god were they doing in england
yeah i read some stuff about that in uhhhh *checks* "On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History"
unfortunately they expected you to know the context about it yet i hadnt the slightest clue
im only aware of this now because i guess they were added in peepoo4 and are uhhh what allow you do all of england's meme horse shit i think and i realized i had never ever heard the term "fifth monarchists" before
from what i know a great man revolted in the name of god and became the sole sovereign of the british isles, and just when a theocracy was about to be established he got backstabbed by bureaucrats like 3 times over and then died, thus leading to the entire british isles being ruled by a trannyocracy
ohhhh my ffffucking god this shit eating rock manga has another hiatus now -________-
jajajajajjaaajajajaj owned
at least this one has a fucking start and end date as opposed to the last two that were basically "go fuck yourself"
listening to this metallica song and its reminding me of hyperdevotion noire
metallica has uhhh i think two (2) good albums and then some absolutely terrible albums
they were a band i really really liked as a kid like in my brain metallica and linkin park were as cool as music could possible be
and i thought and justice for all was an awesome album
and i decided to revisit it recently and i'd seen people making jokes about it having really bad mixing and just having no bass at all and i believe i very reasonably thought "huh that sounds retarded, this is like their fifth album why would it suddenly sound like shit?" and i went and listened to and that album is almost fucking unlistenable i think because of how bad the mixing is like its physically painful
ride the lightning is fukken amazing though
its not that its particularly good its just that i was listening to a couple songs in particular on repeat while grinding trite for the true ending
CANNOT believe what they just did
did they cancel los sinsones
no no much worse
oh no...
theyre making MORE simpsons????
yeah it would be good if they just canceled that already... unlike TUCKER
is anything even going to change
im just assuming he's going to continue his shucker cornson shtick on youtube now or some shit
i don't think anything has been confirmed yet but yeah he will probably join some other group or go independent, but still its a shame to see things go this way
baffled people actually feel anything about this
i thought he was one massive joke a la shapiro
well just like with la shipiro there are 100000000000 obese conservative americans that would march on washington if only their idol jew orders them to do so
also my fucking god there is pain emanating in immense amounts from all corners of my body heart and soul all at once
they should hurry up and make a soul dispersion pill already so i can finally erase my existence from the root
america must be destroyed
this is now my only political thought
after 5 years i completely forgot all the rubiks cube algorithms i knew so im proud to say ive relearned how to solve it but this time completely intuitively
me im not gay so i never owned one
me im retarded so i never solved one
if you put one in front of me and told me i had to solve it in a week or i'd die i'd probably end up dead
just remembered that one time i almost spat at my reflection in the mirror instinctively
tuned into the fishtank
the super retard (guy with fetal alcohol syndrome, not the girl) was ego tripping very hard this morning for bullying sam's retarded goon out of the house and now i've reopened it and i think literally everybody is mad at him now
i tried solving one of those cubes one time
i got only one of the sides to be all the same color and called it a day
also the autistic girl basically said verbatim "there was a pill that said 'brain pill' and i ate it" and she's doing autistic shit more than i've seen her do before so who knows what happened there
i almost want to tune in but i'm content with the second hand reporting for now
i dadc but keep me reported
now is certainly a decent time to tune in but i'll post anything genuinely funny
the actual funny thing happened right now is the FAS guy and the weird fag are having an EXTREMELY gay heart to heart (presumably due to the FAS have a major spergout that caused everyone to hate him)
the FAS guy is also presently idolizing sam (who he believes is named "jason goldstriker")
honestly better than his real name
also i will say i think one of the subtle funniest things is one of like, two decorations in the entire house is a fucking big poster right in the living room that just says
and nothing else
so how did he even organize this
who do these people think he is and how did they agree to be recorded 24/7
answers to all are unclear
my assumption is: he put out some kind of craigslist ad or something, and also to be fair i think one of his butt buddies "jet" is the big big brains behind it so sam probably wasnt the face these people say\w
also apparently these two fucking dorks have been having this talk in the room for an hour straight now
the FAS went "do you want to know why i hate women..." and then the camera changed
also one of the sharks (guys here to fuck with them) got ready to make some hot pockets until he found out theres no fucking microwave
oh so theres jannies there to fuck shit up
hopefully theyre few in number so its more fair
so far the jannies have been okay
although after the sam & co. plant got completely btfo by the FAS tard and had to leave the house a shark came in and poured apple juice on the tard's laundry which was super fucking gay and lame but nothing like that has happened since
also apparently the entire crew exclusively shits in one girl's private bathroom and nowhere else which is probably one of the funnier things
sometimes my heart just suddenly starts beating harder for 3-5 beats in a row and then turns back to normal
the super normie girl came into the tard talk room and has just been silently watching them kicking her legs it's utterly surreal
also im thinking one of my favorite characters is slowly becoming the fatso hawaiian who just eats and sleeps
he seems like a good lad
lmfao and they sent in a wrangler to stop them talking because it's been 3 hours
let me out!!! let me out now!!
if only i wasnt here...
ill climb out of this hellhole sooner or later
there is nothing at all to do and my hearth bleedeth
honestly wish nobody on this planet had ever existed at all
sometimes i feel extremely angry about this, like right now
posted on the 4 for the first time in months only to be instantly banned for insulting /vg/ and its dwellers
fishtank update:
the retard keeps begging his gay lover to him try to bench press him on various pieces of furniture, and when i say begging i mean literally how a child asks to go to the playground
saw a picture of illya and my first thought was "she looks like a nasu character"
someone said they thought the challenge today would be a debate and the tard went "well i dont think a debate would be fair" which is one of the funniest things to happen so far
the challenge today is to make posts
once again i will ask
isnt this literally big brother but for the zoomer generation
what a name
flipped a coin on whether that was going to be an italian or a japanese and it turned out correct
don't know about literally but it's about locking people up in a house and recording everything yes
speaking of big brother my mom is obsessed with it she spends all her free time on her phone watching videos of random people analyzing and discussing every little thing that happened in the show
as for me i slept 4 hours only to bee woken up by the neighbourhood retard screaming at the top of his lungs for 15 minutes straight
its barely big brother because its a miniscule amount of people and theyre all dullards and theres more weird things
but conceptually yes
ok they turned the site back on so no more youtube stream
theyre retarded and you need an account to watch but they just used people's personal emails as their usernames which is funny
anyways if anybody feels like watching i made a throwaway account which im assuming is fine for multiple people to log in to

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someone i know was watching that (show)
yeah but then they fell down a well and died
choking on my blood presently due to all the screaming tearing my throat into pieces(not literally but in a cool way)
i was playing with a clothespin yesterday and it hurt my hand, specifically the side of the joint of my left ring finger
and it's STILL hurting i think it migt be a splinter
did you at least have fun
not at all
its back to holding half-open food packages shut for the little guy
as for me i ended up bleeding while outside too yesterday
just remembered the queen is dead
fishtank got fucked now
they brought back sam's retarded as fuck friend who got kicked out and he was in for less than 45 minutes and was doing nonstop painfully unfunny garbage that killed all momentum in the house
oh yeah and people found out the weird faggot wrote a book about how to date people as a camp councillor and for the 10 minutes text to speech was on people fucking assaulted him over it (sam did too, kept implying he was a pedo) and he's been fucking shellshocked since then and is now revealing what it was about to people all on his own volition and you can tell they think he's, well, a weird faggot who wrote a book about how to diddle people (not TECHNICALLY what it was about)
had some shikiesque urges all of a sudden
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hmmm and i just remembered i was having visions earlier of my future wife and me embracing
this must mean im experiencing some sort of presensation
it was a sensation from the alternate dimension where you arent a bizarre little man
i may be bizarre but im not little not at all
speaking of dimensions i was having some meaningless inane dream earlier but when i woke up i was just so upset and confused it felt like i didn't belong "here" at all i just wanted to go back to dreamland
the veil must be thin recently
for me its waking up and not remembering where i am
its tragsg!!!
somebody gave me goat cheese
it tastes like solid yoghurt
speaking of dimensions ive spent the last 20 minutes unable to feel anything and as if completely detached from the world
got that sort of feeling earlier while it was dead silent on the highway at night with no cars for miles
no no by 50 i meant my sense of time etc were completely broken like i got drugged or something
felt very peculiar
also very interesting that we all felt it at the same time
in an unrelates topic i just remembered how with old tvs when you got close to them your skin would feel weird
"your skin would feel weird" yeah youve never heard of static boy?????
im more of a dynamic boy myself
was that static electricity
i always thought it was condensed radiowaves or something
condensed jewwaves kill tragsg
managed to drink water in such a way that perfectly convincing bird noises came out
birds are inherently funny
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what a shitty fukken flag
as ancap USA i can genocide all the smelly niggers and mexicans that bullied me at school and still get immigrants so it's literally the perfect playstyle
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eughhh wait a second whats wrong with your fucking font mate!!!!!!!!!!!
data corruption from the virus in hpm
ok im beginning to understand why i think normies hated reconguista in g
it would seem the central conflict is about a religious organization's monopoly on electricity and people from space coming back to earth but with space aids now
uckkk...... what SHOLDOF beenn...if only it werent for those filthy bureaucrats we could have 2 internets TODAY.... 
anyways given the current days id say its a good time to invent some sort of machine-learning-techno-fascism utopian ideology
basically we imbue the bunkers' supercomputers with the faustian spirit and then it dictates what the best course of action for the nation is for every changing situation
almost ran over two curly haired zoomers in the parking lot today
better luck next time
heard erdogan is erdying
me too but i didn't believe it
am feeling particularly bellicose
whats some cause to die for
dying for a good post
so fucking hungry but the thouht of eating makes me want to puke
so does The ukraine war have any epic march or folk music yet
im like 80 points from adept in mahjsoul
will try and get it tonight (i will probably derank)
cant you not go below adept once you get it
i thought thats how it worked
no clue i just mean that i'll probably drop down in my current rank (tard tier)
so why have you been playing mahjong behind my back
well i havent
i posted about playing it forever ago
and i havent played in forever but i got the urge again lately
remembered more than i thought i would (read as: i remembered how to play at all)
there seems to be a code gayass promotion
hmmm i just thought of a loophole in ny moral programming that could potentially lead to a shikiesque outburst with no warning
dont do that because its wrong also it will get the rest of us investigated
protagonists dont get arrested
you are not the protagonist you are canadian
its a loophole because i wouldnt do it under any normal circumstance and its 
 shikiesque because i wouldnt have any control over it
dont think being "shikiesque" holds up in court
epic first game lost 15 points in a pathetic match 
well no it wouldnt hold up in court which is why i hope it doesnt happen
i think i got kokushi musou once
for me its pork lo mein
ill explain further, it's a conditional syllogism
on one hand, ive completely detached myself from attraction towards 3d representatives of the female sex, havent had so much as a twinge in the willy for literal years at this point
on the other hand theres this freudian idea that if desires are "repressed" then they will eventually burst out violently when given the chance
so, IF this is true (which i dont think it is but it might be) then if i ever see a truly beautiful girl all of my emotions will be released at once and i might do something insane and/or criminal
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ahhhhh yes then next game i won 39 points back
posting this hand not to brag (it's a terrible hand) but i built it out of fucking poo and won on the second to last turn
WHY are you not using the cat you deranged subhuman
because im not a deranged subhuman
and because i DONT give a fuck!!!!!!!!
you gave enough of afuck to change the default character you sicko maconish faggozoid
alright well thats true but who cares!!! i will not let you groom me
the worst grormer is yourslef.
lost this one
up a couple points overall
literally all you hae to do is learn defsne and people will deal into you at that level invetibly you will win in the long term
huh yeah thats right
*builds my defensive wall out of poo*
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no seriously you just have to learn some defensive decisionmaking i.e. just realizing when your hand is too trash to keep pushing and just start discarding the safest tiles and also when youre close to tenpai just to not deal a tile thats too dangerous and go farther away from tenpai and change your waits ora lso just learn to integrate the 7 pairs yaku into your play since its good for defense  but seriously the most important part at that level is just being solid and not deal into other people because as long as you dont lose points you just know that niggers willfall into your hand
mahjong sounds like the glass bead game to me
lost again
i think my defense game is at least okay (for shitter level) i very seldom deal in i just uhhh dont build good hands
and yes i keep an eye out for 7 pairs
toda y for midnights snacks
tranny toast
why do cats like to be pat anyway
uhhh because it feels good
i think kendo clubs as a sort of hub for right-wing youth and the western equivalent of mensur fraternities in central europe are a good idea i should start something like that
personally i was thinking we should ust go back to like yugoslaia but across all of europe (the part where it collapses)
taking a food break
lightning struck in the dead of night maybe 20m away and then immediately after some massive rain
in other news i slept 13 hours straight and i regret it(also now im forced to sleep 10 more because of it)
never regretted sleeping in my life
what about that one time you missed all the posts
honestly deeply worried about my future
the amount of things i want to do + the amount of things i am being forced to do will soon end up taking 30 hours a day every day and continue on for like a full year straight
add on to that the fact that i may kill myself at any time and thus have to dedicate myself to the things i want to do(so as to at least have a little fun before dropping dead) and its all just a sloppy mess
hope ill get an ingenious trick to get out of this
there are some people who have principles and ideals in their souls, and for them the meaning of life is to be true to those principles and nothing else
other people are more akin to animals and their lives cannot be said to have a "meaning" or a telos, they exist only to satisfy their bestial desires
hopefully this helps
im going to start greeting people with "servus"
looks like someone wants to be served a beatin
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a whopping +59 points into a rank up
*wipes the drool from my face*
that last win felt very deserved, frankly, the flow was with me
two quick closed kans into an even quicker riichi with 5 ura dora
well yes precisely and i am presently suffering because i am being drqgged down by the latter who are like sharks who smelt blood, and i have no way out whatsoever
then you should know what to do
forget everything that's just a distraction and live for your ideals
a schizophrenic man once told me "live freely and automatically"
well actually he said that shortly before he faked a suicide to a bunch of people but i wasnt involved in that but he said it to me separately one time
you cant fake suicide anymore in the current day it just doesnt work out
ugh its like im buried in a mound of niggers and i cant get out
a true 21st century tragedy story
Replies: >>14841
you know how your brain develops certain areas when you learn a language, especially when youre below 8
well i was wondering what happens to that area of the brain when you forget languages you knew
saw my post and thought it was a response to my post from someone else
needless to say i was terribly disappointed when i found out
acch yes woke up today to a nuclear countdown on my videogames
well the brain is a complex thing
t. expert
*loses half of the brains function repeatedly learning and forgetting languages*
yeah well thats just how the protein folds
*folds left*
*folds right*
*its a gigantic dinasour*
ebin post /b/ro
why do we turdworlders have to receive so much collateral psychic damage from the garbage that they put 1sties through
specifically what
personally i am very isolated even on the internet so the retard trite i see is minimized
as for real life however.....i am forced to be with literal apes everyday and its killing me from the inside out
gotta crack a few apes to make a shakespeare
(modern day shakespeare)
honestly sick and tired of having to clean my monitor all the fucking time
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dont think ive done it in a long time
althouh it is extremely dirty now that you mention it
i notice it immediately because theres a single speck of dirt on the face of my pure anime girls -_-
mine actually has this weird
diagonal effect its like if you threw water at it then spread it around but its just permanently like that so i'm used to little specks here and there
try taking it to the monitor hospital
if i had the money to pay for a monitor healthcare plan i'd buy a new one (that isn't small)
just dawned on me i skipped lunch and i've been suffering all these hours of starvation while waiting for dinnertime to come for no reason
i waited 24 hours to eat breakfast
do you think i need my 1000-2500kbps music library
terribly sick and tired of living all of a sudden
guess thats what happens when i suppress the urge to die for 2 whole weeks(enough time for russia to win the war)
honestly its a surprise that im even alive now
surely i should have passed out from exhaustion of the soul and entered a permanent coma about....-10 years from now
feeling particularly serbian as of late
how does that make you feel türk
remember when everyone on the internet thought serbs were cool
power of meme magic
wonder what happened to dotty
didnt he die of cancer
happens to the best of us
someday someone will say wondered what happened to tragsg
all this communism has making me wonder what it'd be like to live in a commie country for a few years
just drive up/down to cuba/north korea and check it out
ment a real country
well uhh what about china or belarus
they still got lots of commie iconography up
yeah but i cant get in a 6 year queue for a free car
my tonsil is inflamed
should've had them chopped off like the good doctor said
i never went to doctors
ma didnt believe in em
and i dont believe in em either
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spotted this when i was trawling through a drawslave's twitter
this ought to be inspiring for some of you
oh i thought the right was an ai generated image from the right
(from the left)
unreasonably tired
today for dinner i'll have some pasta with nothing else no sauce no anything
just love the taste
may i suggest wheat instead
and now i slammed the oven door on my finger this is a disaster
should have listened to me cowman
dont have a cow
got a confession to make
i downloaded the newest eu4 yesterday but it ran at 2 speed so i uninstalled
i like to blob from time to time nothing to be ashamed about
although if they've made the performance even worse this time i might not bother
spent the last 20 or so straight minutes throwing little paper balls as hard as i could at the trash
now my arm is killing me i can barely use the mouse
place i bit my hand twice still hurts
you know how some people say the ancient romans had lead poisoning and were stupid because all their pots and pans and everything was made of lead
i wonder if some years from now they'll say the same thing about us and (micro)plastics
if they really had lead poisoning then they would have been too dead to go down in history
big fan of how the footnotes are longer than the article itself and include comments such as "the severe battering delivered to these foreign armies by Turkish forces"
just teaching the historical context thats all
i was referring more to the lyrics meaning though
the only thing i hate more than public transport is the public being transported
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love stabhitting the anglos
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absolutist kalmar union formed in 1885 after denmark prestige spammed and got congo. then they beat disarmed russia in a war for finland
i like playing ottomans and giving up all of iraq and the shite egypt owns except for adana, then painting the balkans red
i like doing that but just by having 9 militancy all game so they leave
serbian public meeters have awoken
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grobitalia cucked by germany
oh man i cant wait to be happy
just another 7.3 billion reincarnations of dedicating myself
personally am moments away from feasting on some leaves as a tropical slug
fucking HIRE ME!!!!!!!
you know where the airport just come on over and you'll be set for life
i will not join your sicko situation
feeling like cement
its over
cant believe they finally killed all of tragsg in one fell swoop
read "angiopathy" as "anglopathy" and laughed at the idea of angloism being considered a pathology (it should be)
but who is angio
hit by a WAVE of despair
slept about 16 hours straight
if this isnt depression then what is
its when the economy go down
turk can i run away from my debts and live in your mud hut
i will steal copper to pay rent
no sorry my mud hut is only big enough for 1 corpse to live in it
you can make your own next to mine though
*builds a mud hut out of kurds*
still havent had a legitimate answer to 86
not a big fan
its better than the canadian anthem
can you give me a dog house just let me shower and eat inside
canman if you buy me a plot of land here in argentina (goes for 10-100kusd depending on how many milllion sq.km) then i can build a few dozen houses as prefabricated houses are like 8k usd each and build a village
most anthems are pure poo
especially if you can actually understand what they are saying
i really like mine
big sign of nationalism
kusd = kurdish usd
whats the fucking point of having epic lyrics such as "my god loving race that will extinguish all niggers" if you cant even understand them
well you see no anthem has lyrics like that
i just posted one that has them!!
its actually about browns killing browns which is not very epic
sounds like you need to be reeducated on the independence war
readthing through frandom 4chan boards is kind of funnier unde the influence
got the chance to complain to some friends and it feels a bit less terrible
what is it this time
well i just got to complain about it and i dont feel like doing a re-run
also wow i just woke up 2 hours ago and im already entering into mind paralysis and absolute hatred
dreading the idea that this could be the timeline where everything goes so wrong and we all have to live on hm's compound
it would only make things slightly more worse
have spent every day of the last few weeks wishing for a good dream and it has not happened even once
i think its really funny how the treaty where the nobles of england shat all over their king and made him their bitch is lauded as some grand democratic achievement by the whole world when it was just a tyranny of the nobles
makes you wonder just how clueless and retarded the average man is
>by the whole world
read: like 20 people
i had to read about it in books in school and im a third worlder
have you tried not being from the third world
yeah but when i got to the first world a bunch of obese brown women beat me with plastic while crying about how im racist so i went back
yeah no i dont think more than like 20 angloes and maybe the japanese know about it
why does people on /g/ talk abou absolut nonsense such as this
i had forgot what it was actually called so i copy pasted "the treaty where the nobles of england shat all over their king and made him their bitch" to the search engine and it really found it out for me which is incredibly funny
anyway if its so fucking obscure how come a fucking turk had it in his schoolbooks?? doesnt make sense
the only latin law thing i got mentioned in school was corpus christi
dont wanna open the link can you dictate it to me
you pay to use a google which doesnt gangstalk you (it probably does anyway)
i guess their logic is uhhh "the devil you know" and all that
at least it doesnt have niggers on the advertising page
you know what would be nice
a devil that actually does things for you in exchange for your soul
dont think we were ever taught anything about turks or ottomen in school
i dont think i was taught shit in school
all i remember about ihstory class regarding other countries was missing every class and taking a test at the end of the year and just saying the outline of how ww2 went
dont want to open that can you dictate it to me
what are turkish history lessons like
i want fun ai friends to talk to (in rusian)
ai is literally satan
its just one of those japanese stage things but with hatsune miku also taking one of the roles
shes not there presently its 2 fat old men crying together
so are rusians what your point
russians are funny online i quite like them but i've been over this
i remember one time finding a softcore porn stream thing on niconico younger and it randomly swapped to some woman in a mask and then a dog walked into frame and i closed the tab
open soulseek
download epik serbian music
kill turks
i think history class first started in 4th grade for us and it was just the ottomans from 1440-1520
then in 5th-6th it was mesopotamia and ancient anatolia(it was ataturk himself who specifically forced them into our history classes 100 years ago and its still absolutely mandatory that we are taught about them) and in the 7th grade it was turkic ancestors from 300bc to 800ad or so
8th to 11th was just endlessly repeating ottoman history from 1300-1600 and the 12th was History of the National Revolution
personally find turkic ancestor classes to be extremely funny conceptually
like in my brain it's the equivalent of if we had a big long class about the angles and saxons before they even got to england
to be honest i remember absolutely nothing about them except how hilariously jacked off the 1 tribe that adopted islam was
note that the only reason they adopted islam was because the abbasids asked for them to do so in exchange for supporting them against a chinese invasion
glad i'm mostly celto-nordic
wekll personlly i dont really remember in elementary school but when ever we had history classes it must have been from 4th-6th elementary school and jsut a basic overview and saying what some basic really well known figures are known for 
and then in high schoo l it was vaguely speaking mostly focusing on national history and in a chronological order (in the 1st or 2nd years youd learn independence and other 1800s events like the french revolution) and then later youd learn about the world wars and great depression and then in the last years youd learn more about cold war and contemporary history and that was it
its about time you open the nico stream
nico is such a dog shit website how is it so garbage
i actually cant remember any history classes because i hated history for the longest time
nevermind they went away now
its still much better than youtube and twatch which is honestly pretty funny
and then once i finally was interested in history and took my first college history class it was the easiest most boring class ever (because i knew most of it)
the latin american history class i took my last year was pretty interesting though
i knew beforehand but it was especially interesting seeing just how much of a frankly bizarre country that mexico is
the education system(worldwide) is honestly ridiculously terrible but recently ive been thinking that i am also just terribly unfit for having a teacher at all, especially one forced onto me
the amount ive accomplished and learned through 12 years of mandatory education = fucking nothing(other students learned even less than me mind you)
3 years of fucking around randomly = a lot more
post sucked nevermind
ohhh hatsune miku made her entrance as an eldtrich being
and the big fat man made a long speech about opening a portal to the 2nd dimension for the 3d plebians and he did it all in ancien japanese
honestly pretty embarrassing to watch but im liking it
*nods angloically*
*nods digitally*
*nods 2 dimensionally*
alri its over time to scream about loneliness and lose the mind again
no fucking idea how this fishtank this is supposed to go on for four more fucking weeks
it is very funny to start to see people cracking
the super normal pretty chill guy has devolved into sitting in a room alone talking to the walls (voices from tts) so i think he's gonna snap extremely soon
he also keeps checking outside the door of the room he's in
its also funny how their only communication with the outside world is the deranged mde fanbase
they didnt believe that jerry springer died and someone tricked the retard into thinking andrew tate died
its usually the normal people that are the weirdest freaks cme
had some other things to say but dont remember them
i fully expect the normal guy i mentioned to end up as kurtz from heart of darkness by the end
haha yeah
has never read heart of darkness
its quite a good book
apocalypse now is also good
frankly i think heart of darkness is a very very relevant book in our age with social media and all that
what is an influence if not a dutch man who made himself king of the pygmies
also apparenly someone donated asking the tard to summarize and explain what he was reading (a passage of the bible) and he has been in a pissy mood since (he reads like a retard)
anyway yeah i remember what i was going to say now
at some point i gained the ability to both consciously and unconsciously control the bottom side of my eyes(bottom eyelid??) and move it over to the red part of the eye and now everytime i feel bad or angry i just end up doing it subconsciously
oh yeah other funny update is they added a $500 donation to give the autistic girl a stuffed animal and apparently they ran out of stuffed animals almost as soon as the feature got added
imagine being american and spending a fourth of your monthly wage to give a tard girl a stuffed animal
feels like 2020 agiean (simultaneously aeons ago and the future()
isnt it funny how 2016 was 7 years ago
imagine how the "people" who only first came to 4chan in 2022 or even 2023 must be like
theyre fucking insufferable t. expert
yeah i was thinking the other day how even 2019 was pretty long ago
i realized the other day the huge problem with zoomer channers, and you can really tell with the soyjak website, is they do NOT understand what kind of a good thing they have
yeah 4chan is far from it's glory days but where fucking ELSE can you actively post anonymously, without any kind of account, without any kind of post history shit, ect ect
raiding and shit like that was extra funny in the past because well, like all the internet was more the wild west so its not like it mattered
but zoomers just caca'ing all over one of the last moderately decent websites drives me up the wall
and maybe some of this is nostalgia driven but still, an internet without a website like 4chan would suck, sure theres alt chans but those all have specific worse faggotry
i checked into /mu/ the other day(first time in 4chan in years) and in the music making thread they were posting shitty "sick rap beats" and begging people to rap their lyrics for them
pretty insane what the site is like now
/vst/ ios still adequately good i f dead
i dont even remember what that board was
thought it was shit from day1
the tard started talking about giants being real
who does THAT remind us of?!?!?!?!?!
and the chat instantly started arguing with each other about the validity of giants
80!! posts starting from the minute i wet to sleep how suspicious
were avoiding you
yeah yeah whatever i'm used to it
anyway i had this very complex dream and in the end a bunch of anime girls fused together into a being of light and la marseillaise started being sung from the heavens probably because of all that anthem talk
what's worse is that i'm pretty sure / was singing it in the real world very loudly
everytime / try to do something in real life it is rendered in the dream as me being incapable of doing the thing and getting desperate about it (be it moving some limb or yelling something etc.) as i am trying to actualyl do it in real life but idk i guess the body inhibits you from doing it properly
i guess it depends on how deep my sleep is (very often not at all) but i've gone so far as to forcibly peel my eyes open one time
well if youre embarassed about it just remember the time i started endlessly repeating touhou character names in my sleep
bit of a spoiler but the man in drag is the villain(as in all time periods and all countries)
everyone in this thraed is a nato zogslave compared to me
from now on.... i am a free man
me im just a fucking radio
noone here has killed as many nato dogs as i have
what did those poor little canines ever do to you
they were being american around me
im a fucking radio
hi a fucking radio im hungry
hungry for death
how did you know!!
only 9 hours left to go till night and then i can finally be productive(i have a disease that makes me take fiestas if the sun is up)
i have a disease in the brain
alaska: russian empire
russia: russian federation
kaliningrad: soviet union
should i try and sleep again
will the voices stop it again
the answer is yes i will try
been having some very strange ideas and thoughts recently so i honestly hope they're just being planted there by some 3rd party and aren't my thoughts
how strange can a thought get anyway
quite t.expert
think i want to kill all handsome and or popular men
nooooooooooo, not me please!!!!
ohoho you wont have any flesh left on your bones when im don....hey wait a second youre that guy crying about nogf everyday on tragsg!!!!
which one theres 10
kind of cool huh
it looks like the kind of thing steambonk romans could've come up with
the more i see beautiful things the more i die inside(not talking about your trite)
see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_ladder
thought about walking from hiroshima all the way to aomori and the idea seemed pretty interesting so i looked up on google maps how long it would take, and apparently just the walking alone would take 11 days(of walking 24 hours straight)
even if you do it in 30 days it would require you to walk 8 hours a day for a total of 8 hours and 40 km, and of course the sole point isnt crushing your feet youre also supposed to enjoy the local culture :) so you would stop for 3-4 days in cities like oosaka or kyouto and so on too, which would add like a full month on top making this a 2 month trip even with the assumption that you walk 40km a day(even up slopes and mountains) except on the days youre out touring cities
of course theres the problem of expenses too, since im pretty much a wild man i can sleep in the mountains and forests so long as its not raining, and scoop water from rivers or whatever the fuck while eating mre's, so that helps, but there's the problem of showering, laundry, and charging your phone too(shant even touch on the no computer stuff), and since im a sentimental faggot i would like myself a camera too so as to take cute little pictures
and of course theres no company out there thatd let an employee take a 2-3 month long vacation
you can get little solar panels to charge your phone out in the wild i've seen them
but yeah that doesn't sound plausible japan is way too big it's like walking from istanbul to moscow
would only work if you took a train/bus through the more boring parts or maybe used a bicycle
come on man its just a tiny 1300km any real man could do it
anyway how much faster even is riding a bike anyway?? i never rode one in my life because my parents were retarded poorfags and i would rather die than get outside the house
i rode one one time around the block with my dad then i never touched it again and it rusted outside
but i reckon its a lot faster and you can also cruise downhill without exerting yourself
i looked up one of those cycling competition and its 3300 kilometers and lasts 21 days
given its professionals proper roads and all but you get the idea
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jyajyajyajya look at that silly face
lets read this together!!!
anglos are such funny retards no wonder theyve been getting bullied since they were born
do wager they are
huge huge fan of how there were noposts yesterday until i went to sleep and then 500 got made
and now there will be no posts today
uhh you know the turtle and the rabbit and all that
anyway as i was heating up my rice on my brand new pan the bottom of it suddenly caught fire 0-0 and then i looked down and it was some sticker thing there that i forgot to take off
also i tried to sleep 2 hours but it didnt work out
tried to sleep for 12 hours and it worked out
ya know ostriv
its not a real ostridge
opened my morning fishtank to the "normal" girl alone in a room with her black baby saying "im about to snap, i cant stand these motherfuckers, im about to do something unforgivable"
maybe she'll be the kurtz
laughed out loud at the black baby part
lots of retarded things happening to me lately(the last hour)
and for clarification one of the challenges is they have to care for these fake babies that cry and burp and need to be fed and shit, and unsurprisingly (but still funny) sam gave a black baby to the whitest couple
well did he explain how he managed to get them to accept to do the challenges
well you see they presumably signed a contract and are also locked in this house so uh...if you went "no i DONT want to raise this baby" they would just kick you out
shut up bigger im having a very serious discussion with this brown door-to-door salesman about black children
oh also funny thing is the ONLY people who have consistently cleaned the house are the autistic girl and the retarded man
my assumption is the retarded man who loves andrew tate porbably was moved by the originaly jordan peterson "clean your room" meme so he takes pride in his living space
the autistic girl is real autistic so a mess probably freaks her the fuck out
boopeeeee booopeeee booopeeee
alri that's it
*sends you to the pampas to be adopted*
nooooooooo not there señor jitlermod
yeah i think i should reread heart of darkness
or just rewatch apocalypse now
hababfu????am i reading this wrong???? turkoid niggers dont need visas to enter japan????? who would have thought
also here's a funfact: all the posters on the /int/ turkey general call turkey bokistan(shitstan) and have been doing so for over half a decade(also theyre all underage and have been for over half a decade)
pretty funny
ate a big american meal of franks and beans with a coke
are there any turkish alt chans
dont know dont care, even if there are i can guarantee you they're filled with utter retard niggers
ive never seen a proper turk on the internet except for myself, the whole country is full of huehuehue retard underages, maybe the reason ive never seen a proper one is because no proper turk is willing to announce his nationality and be compared to those retards
one thing i do know is that in 2017 there were at least 3 confirmed turks in gsg including me
i remember when someoe posted some random poll except the website publicly showed the geolocation of all voting ips and there were a few turks yeah
meme country full of meme people it seems
it may be a meme now but it wasnt before all the niggers migrated in
its all the fault of god for birthing arabs
become president and start an immigration treaty with central asia in an effort to re-turkify
and change the state religion to tengri
i reckon the average turk (asia) is more islamic than the the average turk (anatolia) nowadays
no sorry ill be too busy searching for the ultimate miko in japanese shrines to be doing that
i'll have to leave that job to erdogan jr.
so i guess he isn't dying after all is he i didn't hear anything else about that
havent heard anything about him dying either
what are you on about
*stomach growls in nuclear hunger*
honestly would kill for handmade food by cute girl
dont know why canman hasnt capitalized yet on this great source of agony but i think with this post he'll start frequently thinking about it too
business idea: ugly men make food and cute girls deliver them to you so as to pretend they are the ones who made it
i can tell whether they made it or not by the amount of love put into it
always wonder what the point of the unofficial "only women can be waiters" rule when i enter a restaurant and all the women are abominations
hadn't heard of that one
did you never find it weird how flyers recruiting employees for cafes always exclusively ask for women
lets visit there!!!
just learned that this is the "umineko" while discussing touring japan with a seasoned expert
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heres one of the places that i'll go to visit around 20m years from now
also interested in the "fox village" which supposedly smells of shit and piss at all times
also thisll be my 8th cup of coffee today i believe
god this nigger tomino hates women so much
the last 4 episodes(that i watched) of xabungle have ALL been the 2 heroines abandoning all their duties and running away with random men to feel "love"(its explicitly stated that they dont actually feel that way) and then they go back to the mc's side like nothing happened once both of their partners fucking die
been joking about it for the longest time but now i really cant hold myself from screaming unintelligibly anymore
i let out a grunt or two sometimes and they're getting louder and more frequent
*turkic sleep experiments*
heres what my mate had to say about the last 5 episodes "these femoids are vicious as fuck"
this last episode ended with the mc slapping one of the women 23 times, and punching her 5 times, all with full strength right on her face, and she bled and fell to the ground
just realized its the xi thread like that big chinaman
would be an e1 if the post below this was the last post ever
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just dadc
*depressive background solo guitar comes on*
day went by quite fast
were half a dozen or so posts deleted to keep the joke going or am i going insane
no its just plain old noposts
no no but you see i went to sleep after 97 and when i woke up there was a clear (6) on the tab
then i refreshed the page and when i looked at it again... poof
i can't have possibly have hallucinated that even if i was half-asleep
well theres nothing in the log so it comes down to either trusting a computer or your brain
i saw a funny post
ive always found it humorous how the cat tracks me with its head every time i walk by even if theyre in the middle of doing something or in a funny position
see no fun
hear no fun
do no fun
ohh its brain damage time again
when i think about it america is just an evil roman empire where jews are the citizens and everybody else are slaves imported from conquered lands
so what do we know about eastern european feudalism
they were slaves
day number 14888 of waiting for lightning to strike me down
dreamt i was sobbing under a sakura tree
thats a tongue twister, it reads as "toukyoutokkyokakyokuchoukyoukyuukyokyuukakyokakyohi", meaning "request of the tokyo patent office chairman for a sudden day off today was refused"
also its not 邉 but 遽
funny little language for funny little people
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welp me car exploded
my intestines have been exploding everyday for the last 2 weeks
and by fucking god am i sick and tired of it
apparently a turkish 16 year old hacked kiwifarms only to do some dumb prank and null talked to him and paid him to go actually learn cyber security
that's not particularly funny but that funny part in my opinion is there is an edit in the post that says "he wanted me to correct this, he is a kurdish 14 year old"
yet another evil brownie given free bux when a blond eyed blue haired aryan turk could have had it and used it for grand purposes instead
thought something absolutely funny and amazing i hope it happens in real life too
ohohohoo yes how very humorous
*imagines canman slipping on a banana peel*
divine punishment as we call it
for me its imagining right as he's about to get his 14 month old gf a boiling pot of maple syrup falls on his head then he gets trampled by a moose
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going to need power
i think i will play the resident evil 4 remaster (NOT the remake) since i recently found out it existed
need jim and canman to come back and suffer some more
i dont suffer though
says right here on your diagnosis you suffer from a critical lack of gf
personally the tranny is hopefully about to cure my lack of bread shortly
the other night while i was in bed thinking about death in great detail i was also rotating an apple visually but it was rotating as if it was orbiting around a black hole
i am so tired
hello yes you were the apple and it represents that you need SSRIs that will be $5000 thank you
well i think the great reason behind my dream was being sick and tired of struggling meaninglessly all alone and wanting to die under a tree like the great people of ages past
wonder if theres any significant number of abandoned shrines in japan
it would be quite an interesting experience to go there especially since you wouldnt have to deal with herds of people everywhere
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looks like there are some yeah
as far as i can tell only a few are actually recorded on the net(and probably filled with occult freaks all the time) and theres quite a lot more out there that you just have to somehow find yourself which is....fucking hard
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heres some other pretty stuff
theres no people because the ghost women and anus eye monsters keep them away
those dont exist outside of shitty youtube creepypastas read out by british cunts
well maybe the ghost women do but they dont matter too much
why are all the youtube essays done by people with the worst anglo accents imaginable
its like an unwritten law
one of the funnier tts lies in fishtank today was them being convinced there is a separate fishtank being ran at the same time but with only black contestants
they believed it because same made some "fishtank after dark" joke awhile ago
got kaiser franz on my mind
the retard won an argument on if women or men have more rights, not necessarily because of his rhetoric but because he's excellent at yelling and the girl he was arguing with is a demure twig
was insane to witness
whats more insane to witness is the continued existence of tragsg
it is funny to see how quickly people crumble to just...being yelled at
the woman had an "easy out" (regardless of if you feel this is correct or not) because the tard kept bring up how women have full authority in abortions and the man has no control
but she just could not get the quick rebuttal with just arguing for using a condom or just not fucking disgusting women
frankly i think spending so much time on imageboards is essential to developing argument tactics
been playing a video game all day thats not tragsg related so i got nothing to post
uhhh heres a post me mate put on this "summertime rendering" show and i remember seeing it talked about very lightly on /a/ while it aired (it was in disney+ jail for reasons beyond the logic mortals) and uhhh i was surprised it was pretty fun and good from the 10 episodes i saw will probably finish i
vaguely higurashi like with just...murdering induced timeloops (i think thats what higurashi was about) but with more dumb shit so its fun
it certainly did feel uhhh very zoomer aimed just with how it works and the characters but i think this is a case where that made it pretty enjoyable
this afternoon my internet suddenly went out, it made me pretty angry since i was in the middle of watching something
anyway after 30 minutes of restarting my route i gave up and went to sleep and when i woke up some hours ago i was told "someone came with a truck and took all the internet cables away"
now i have no idea if that someone was the company doing some maintenance or some cable thief though it does explain all the banging and drilling i heard this morning
anyway its working again now so crisis averted
woke up and was disappointed
what about you men
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don't know about disappointed but i'm pretty sure i have a cold
it must be the weather change
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seen nothing know nothing done nothing live for nothing
forgor something important
happens to me several times every single day and its been like that for many years
by the way where is this
on the caca, there is this person who is also turkish and also speaks japanese and also wears maid outfits and also is a total weeb and also goes to japan and also makes music etc. etc. but i dont remember if he lives in izmir or where he lives in
pretty sure he was also a freakazoid who does private dj shows in his discord server or something
all in all a freak
even if i had unlimited money and time i would still spin around in my computer chair all day rather than anything else
well i am trying to do things but i am so lazy that i spend 1 hour out of every 24 actually doing things
yes he used to have a website where you could just connect to but idk if its still exists he was all in all one of the more technically competent ones
anyways any idolshit in particular youre fond of turk
ive never bothered with any
incidentally ive never worn a maid dress either
why well i think you should try there are some idols out there
well i wont
idolatry is illegal in turkey anyway
*idolizes suleiman the magnificent*
my parents like to do this bizarre thing where they say "happy x 1st" on the first day of the month, and its also weird because they used to not do this, until one time they just did and have ever since
have you tried cutting your relationship with them
that should help
no, things are alright now that there is some distance between us
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so do you think the buddhas claims that only those who did many great deeds in their past life get to be human this time around are funny or do you think they are extremely insulting
not sure i really buy that
are there really THAT many animals who perform great deeds among their fellow animals? they mostly just follow programming
far as i know you keep getting reborn in 1 out of 6 worlds depending on what your last life was like and the niggercattle world is just a single one out of them and so is the human one
maybe you can get born as a human in an even shittier world than this one
ok with this i have now finished every tomino gundam
he is a very smart storytelling who sometimes gets a bit too autistic and turns things into caca but overall good
as for me i drank 500ml of milk in a gulp
i love the garlic in the oven
its very easy to buy, in fact i already have it all figure out, once you die the best way to get back to humanity is to climb your way to a dog. once you are a dog its very easy did you never see all of those greentexts and folk jokes about how dogs are better than women because they just like you and they dont care 
and dog makes a lot of people happy so just by being a normal family dog and existing youre already doing quite a good deed compared to most other humans and compared to most animals too. 1 lifetime of being a dog easily justifies you becoming a human
that's a good point
had some pork tenderloin in the oven

(is now in my stomach)
*gets reborn as a pitbull*
*goes to heaven for destroying nigger children*
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face has been gradually changing into this over the years
reckon its because im always overdosing on wrath
think it means youre the antichrist
or antibuddha
actually made myself laugh about the concept of the antibuddha
killing people is giving them salvation so actually im the real buddha -_-
terrible posts
would an antibuddha be like an antichrist or like an antipope
uhhh im picturing him as just going around giving the opposite of buddha teachings and bad life advice
anti buddha is good fuck you
going to get some coffee to drink
sure hope it doesnt give me natural gas reserves again
if youre planning on watching xabungle then i recommend that you dont see either of the heroines as heroines in any way shape or form
itll save you a lot of pain and anger to just think of them as dogs that just kind of do things randomly
think my intellectual capacities and my emotional state have both been steadily melting down over the years
going to need a caretaker in another 2 years max
tomino can only write utterly schizophrenic women (until turn a)
one of the "heroines" in victory reveals at the climax she played both side just because she wanted to have two men fight over her (to the death)
yeah but its unusually grim this time
also literally every woman in zeta is completely and utterly insane and all but one of them die horrible deaths
canman will you help pay my carekeeper and my medicine expenses in the future
we go very far back after all
i dont believe in healthcare or medicine unfortunately for you
its weird how swimming is basically a cheat code for exercise
you have to have access to a decent sized body of water thats not full of snakes and bog parasites though
*gets dissolved by chlorine and piss*
thats the other end of the spectrum
you have to find a good medium
chlorine is healthy for you in pool sized doses
extreme emotional suffering ie just another day
really happy with my internal clock i can wake up within a minute of the time i wanted if i'm not too exhausted
only problem is i'm extremely lazy so i roll around for in bed for half an hour and often fall asleep again before i remember why i wanted to be awake in the first place
stubbed my toe
been organizing my hard drive today that's how bored i am
got a few gbs freed at least
install spacesniffer
wouldnt want strange software sniffing my space
there's worse things to sniff i suppose
but i don't care about space so much as just figuring out which files i care about and where they are so i can back everything up when the computer eventually blows up
ive used it on occasion for like 5 years and its always useful on the times i need to free up some space
it basically just visualizes what uses up the most space by uhh displaying your hard drive as a bunch of squares (the folders) with names for what they are
then you just go and delete the 30gb download of some anime you never watched instead of going around deleting a hundred different tiny files
but whats taking up space is hundreds of tiny files (music)
well if your files are at least vaguely organized you'll see that "steambonk factory ambient noise vol.8 ultra FLAC" is taking up 25gb while all your favorite albanian irrdentist songs combined are only 1gb
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wow 3.2 mb of nothing
( _ 
spider on my monitor currently walking on the tabs!!! its really tiny
going around outside without wearing a mask really feels like walking around naked
reckon i should want myeelf corona 2
i always liked the aesthetics of wearing masks like when anime girls do it
shame it became such a hot politicl issue
yes me too but people arent allowed to wear any masks other than plastic faggot ones sadly
yeah i kind of liked wearing one i had because i thought it made me look better (it was a green cloth facemask so it made my eyes stand out)
also god fucking damn everybody stinks so much
half of the people i see smell like poo and the other half used up whole cans of perfume to hide the poo smell
havent had the displeaseure of smelling someone for at least 3 years
got distracted earlier and spent an hour reading about skinwalkers
immensely tired
ohgb uhhh....no work today?? why did nobody tell me????
sure fucking hope i have a good dream!!
want to jump head first into a well everything SUCKS and it's all my fault
feel like if this happened 100 years ago it would've resulted in a free establish protectorate casus belli
dreamt that i played splatoon with a nice gentleman, who came all the way over to my home with his ps4 just so we could play
oh also for some reason the game was filled to the brim with half naked ladies
we are made of the same stuff as nightmares
think im going to try and get in the best possible situation life-wise and then kill myself
nevermind im fucked
wow i have......300k yen worth of monies!!!
which is enough to buy uhhhh an exceptionally good camera yup
eight more hours to go and i'm just about dead
also my neighbor is up to something
hammering the walls at 8 in the morning
then very heavy things falling down
then a burning smell
and now a heavy acetone smell and more banging
he hid it in the walls now he's getting rid of it
wonder why its always the lazy men who are forced to do the most work
woe is me
fishtank gave everyone new disabilities and jet looked at his unfunny filipino friend and just went "you're retarded now" and he's been having the most fun i've seen him have acting like a retard
dont need to be fish to be disabled me
god fucking damn im surrounded by literal orcs and goblins
wish i lived in a place where there arent subhumans strategically placed to hinder any happiness on my side
have i got bad words for you
how did hannibal get those phanties
immensely tired
filled with the urge to punch myself but i know ill regret it immediately afterwards so i am refraining
are you also the self biter
well yes back then i only punched myself as a reaction to my self biting
also the place i bit myself still hurts
thats God's way of reminding you not to be a retard
but you see i am actually an aryan with an iq of 120 and actually the only reason im always seething is because i am stuck with retards against my will
so about those elephants
bought them from an israeli private defense company
not a damn thing out there to do
makes you wonder exactly how the average man lives
well something you could do is tell me how hannibal got those elephants
try asking google
its africa mate they're everywhere
funny how building and maintaining buildings is so hard when you try to do it alone
are elephants really in north africa
did they use to live in europe
i didnt want to google i wanted a post
yes tart
to both of those questions?
how did he get the phanties across to gibraltar
it is isn't it
whenever i fantasize about being a lonesome king in my palace i can never think of a way to avoid having 100 groundskeepers
just let it fall into squalor
you shouldnt care because youre the only one there
*brick falls onto your head from lack of maintenance*
ugh... i should've used roman cement...
just maintain your room and the throne room
maybe a bathroom if you're up to it
is there a 1 single human bean on earth who knows the difference between concrete and cement
i have a slight idea
concrete is the stuff you stand on
cement is the powder that sticks (cements) it together
uh actually i stand on tiles 
so cement is used for brick walls too but not concrete
well they call it mortar there im not sure if its the same thing exactly
why is RTW3 on steam and why is it the exact same thing as RTW2
when i think about different variations of girls i like, its basically the same face/body/personality but with different clothes/hairstyles and in different contexts
so the idea that you need polygamy to not get "bored" of your wife seems quite silly because girls can change their clothes and do their hair easily
yes thats quite silly so why are you bringing it up out of the blue
i was thinking about it
generally i am anti polygamy but my previous counterargument was weaker
laughed at 71
there we go 26 hours what an awful awful day but its finally over time to sign off
you know i dont think about it very much but i should be very grateful that i live in a racist country still
not feeling great after half a box of stale crackers
for me its some epic tranny-style burgers
do you two freaks only eat burgers
why would i post about when we eat a potato
personally i dont even need a counterargument against polygamy
in other news im gonna puke
i need to rationally justify all of my beliefs just to make sure
for me, billions must die
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ugh at last... argentina, free from the urbanites
*erects my city in your territory*
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deeply nostalgic
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peru burned down the white house...
browns burning down the white house eh
is this what you meant by being able to predict the future
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the yanko-shogunate alliance...
joshua eh very very fitting name
pretty sure i was way smarter as a child
wonder where all those smarts went
been watching some videos about computers (hardware) and its made me realize just how monstrous the things are 
i guess in a similar way to engines where back in ye olden days you just put a little bit of coal in and it made the wheel spin but now you put hyper diesel in the mega piston to do superexplosions or whatever
as for me ive recently gotten the urge to make a shack in the bumfuck of mountain forests and live there and ive been constantly switching from being depressed about the unfeasibility and interested in any methods to make it more feasible
ssooo what about when the owner of the land comes along and seesyour shack and shoots you
thats the thing i would live in such a shithole that nobody can find me, just like with canmans grandfather
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cucked by bullgaria
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ugh imagine sitting in a chair, drinking wine and eating meat
have done precisely 0 of those in my life
its like im always high on lsd or something
which 3letter kike is doing this to me
uhh i tihink its the mi6
yesterday i got hyped about how im definitely going to do something in the future but now i can not even remember what that thing was
i think i opened my eyelid too fast this morning and strained it
is it true they put ciel in higurashi
wonder what would happen to you legally if a child intruded into your private property and you shot him to death
one would assume that nothing would happen since the american flag guarantees your right to shoot those who enter your property but there are billions of retards whod cry "he's just a child"!!!! so
seeing as you go to jail for life if you defend yourself against a schizophrenic homeless nigger screaming hes going to kill you i think the answer is obvious
(i did not shoot a small child(not yet))
neither of you live in america and dont know what you're talking about
kremlin got bombed
the thread i accidentally made got nuked
oh and today is the memorial day of the 2nd world war
no its not its the 9th of the month
how come even when i sleep and eat properly i am utterly crippled by pain headaches and sleepiness
because you are evil and have an ugly soul
drink more milk
i already drank half a liter today but sure since you INSIST i will go drink another
aaaachh yes its time for tsukihime again
h8 h8 h8 having to shower every single time i go outside
have you tried migrating somewhere there isnt daily acid rain
daily rain would be preferable to this heat
akaiii akaiii
akai kamen no v3
in fact id really like some rain
would be so epic and moody and romantic
yeah the fuckinger """WEATHER"""man keeps talking about rain but it doesnt come
why are there TWO galicias in europe????
rained all day recently but i was sleeping all day too so they canceled eachother out
would like a retake
just wait until you find out about georgia
galicia is a good generic ruritania-type name
if i wrote a novel i would set it in "galicia"
i would set it in "izmir"
it would be a post-apocalypse story
i dont think a novel set in 2024 turkey would be that interesting
it would have murder, societal collapse, survival and many other such components like wars between religious cults
no doubt it would be a bestseller the moment it gets published
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what do we think about this
this is the same anime with the strange white beast ive seen
is it all one big joke or is it just actual feces in animated form
im pretty sure all the 3dcg is just done to spite people
99% of the anime is just "normal low budget animation" and then the remaining 1% just violently thrusts this sort of stuff in your face
by the way the sequence from like the 4-10th seconds was taken straight out of last episode too which is about as fucking memey as anything can get
apparently the reason japanese cg sucks so bad is because all the people who know cg either go into video games or american movies
dont worry video game and movie cg sucks fucking ass too t.pro
which makes it even weirder when you see actually good cg
i saw the new dragonball movie and the 3dcg in that looks frankly excellent, but toei makes 10 orangutillian dollars so that should be expected, also since they make so many dragonball games
sunrise also does 3dcg pretty good the cases ive seen (in gundam), like the hathaway movie is one of the most gorgeous anime movies i've seen and theres a decent amount of 3d stuff going on in it (obviously, mostly with the mechs) but once again, sunrise makes a lot of money
and then studio orange is utterly bizarre one because i have no idea why they can do cg really good, houseki no kuni looks good but also strange which is fine because theyre freaky rock monsters, but then godzilla singular point is obviously a more traditional anime but that also has genuinely nice looking 3dcg (minus one kaiju that looks like complete fucking shit) and then that new trigun theyre doing, which i have no attachment to trigun so no comment on the actual quality of the show but some of the clips i've seen of it look really good

what a strange industry
oh and if you want to see some utterly deranged 3dcg check this out
the best thing is because gamera fans are like sonic fans who have to enjoy the shitty crumbs they get theres tons of comments acting like this looks even remotely acceptable
why cant life be as good as vns
be the change you want to see
got no vampire girls to murder
try pasting paper that has the names of the anime girls you want to kill on a straw puppet and burning it
that would be embarrassing and pathetic
ill just have to suffer nobly
wow nigger in my manga killed a white kid and ran away its just like real life
looks pretty good for a movie with a target audience of 6 year old children
it looks like poo mate did you see how the people looked like clay monsters
hence why i said target audience of 6 year olds
anime fans have the mental age of 6 years olds
well not only am i sick but i am also suffering from severe coffee poisoning
giant monsters are for refined manchildren like me
the retard got eliminated from fishtank for not engaging in the stupid "challenge" the last few days because he took the "act retarded" and "act schizophrenic" very personally amongst other things
have you considered that he might in fact not be a retard but a perfectly normal person
it would match with him cleaning his room and not being willing to act retarded for no reason
uh no he's a huge retard
he admitted to being into speech therapy for 19 years, knew he had a gluten problem but drank beer until he was throwing up for hours, had genuine tard rage, was getting strung along by a harlot, professed his love for the bible but had immense difficulty reading like 75% of the words, had a tantrum when someone donated asking him to summarize what he just read and he couldnt, constantly preaching the manosphere stuff, amongst other things

i dont blame him not NOT wanting to act like a retard, regardless of his own mental status, but he is certainly a retarded individual, a well functioning one 
also apparently his sister was on social media talking about how she hated seeing him put through this
feeel like i should be doing something productive instead of fucking around but i dont know what
sign up for a meme show and you get memed on
got no robot vampire girls to murder with
as for me i am reading a 2channer bunker thread of some man who found an abandoned shrine in the bumfuck of fukushima
the shrine is old enough that at the very least its not recorded in any post-war maps
well yeah that's the thing
in defense on him because frankly he was excellent for content minus needing to be coddled a lot, but the show is managed like utter fucking shit to the surprise of nobody
i think this is all jet's brainchild (sam's top lackey) but he barely knows what he's doing, and when he does get something going sam comes in with some utterly retarded plan and actively fucks up the flow of the show for multiple days
and then all of their horribly terrible nightmarishly unfunny friends they bring on to the show to do unfunny garbage (let me ramble about crypto to you for an hour (nobody payed attention except the aforementioned tard)) and then also putting one of those painfully unfunny friends on the show while he's withdrawing from xanax and turning into a corpse constantly
i think this has been rather funny the couple times ive tuned it, i would call it a "good attempt" but holy fuck the good aspects have literally nothing to do with the people running it
posted on the 4 in the first time in months and had that thing happen where gex warns you then blocks you hours later then bans you the next day
a true classic of all times
thougt he was dead
oh yeah an idea of what i mean by fucking terrible lackeys, all of the people associated with show make music like this, unironically i presume
my router doesn't reset ips properly anymore so i've been a good boy for the past few months only a 3-dayer here and there
am i weird for not being able to relax around the government even though ive done nothing wrong(ever)
maybe its the african-american genes deep inside me
the white man and the black man both know the government is not. to be trusted
yes but the black man is a retarded ape who listens to what hes told about da government bein racist and shiet even though it gives them free money and lets them commit as much crime as they want
whereas the government is actually out to get whitey
now that i think about it its really funny and ridiculous that 99% of society never benefits from welfare and then 1% of society just gets a shitload of it from the government then proceeds to waste it all on trite
thankfully here in argentina were all on welfare
in argentina even the white people are poor leeches
all 10 of them
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was quite the good and thick thread of 450 posts
looks like it was actually originally from 1780
thats a bit older than my house....
look mate i dont care if you live in a castle or not
oh and also one thing of interest is that i always see a shocking amount of retarded posts like "make sure to bow when you enter the shrine" or "say excuse me when you enter and dont pray there because you dont know what might be enshrined!!" which managed to baffle me every single time
you know, i'm a big believer in the big man and all, but these kinds of religious superstitions and little rules are just so silly to me 
(and not just because japano-prods made them up)
wait you mean............that japan........................... has retards too?!?!?!?!?
i could never have guessed
i cant even tell if theyre superstitions or just retarded stuff brought along from creepypasta etc(although probably the latter)
anyway i guess my organs are itching for some harakiri right now seeing as how theyve been jumping up and down and granting me extreme suffering and discomfort for the last 3 hours
my ankles and feet are itching like crazy but i cant tell if im going crazy or if it was a real bug bitting me
i think all the nip spirit wank is just so you dont get bored
for a minute i forgot i'm supposed to be exhausted and everything was just so nice
any music youve been fond of
looks like its the sound of silence tonight
yeha i like music
as for me
yeehaw i like music yeah
*yeehaw* terror attacks
alright im fucking dead can these retards just let me go home already
why the fuck is this piece of shit broken
i dont fucking know!!
well i managed to find out what I wanted but iam....... ANGRY!!!
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what shitty fukken meme mod is this
why does being drink enchance your musical experience by like 800%
w**d does it too
that sounds ya though
the last time i did it i ended up watching kitchen nightmares (the shitty american version) but i wasnt even paying attention to the show i was extremely hyper fixated on the generic ass tv music that was playing
as for me ive never done weed o_|
me too fuck niggers and turks
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that's the crime mod
cry me a river
how did the ai persia blob soi much
meme mod
you know the rest
they just beat the turks alone, and then when the turks attacked them for revenge the anglos beat the turks for them
yeah fuck turks(deep meaning)
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and the german people rise up against foreign occupation... (partisans are friendly rebels)
huh that's not a bad feature
*said with a gun to my head*
ugh europe after this great war will be so epic
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that poland is such a meme
ah yes because it should instead be 5 polands like hpm
no it would just make sense if it went to russia
thats the only good way to handle it because irl poland existed, just as a province of russia
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hungary ruined it...
the south rises again
>japan is number 1 in industry
tennoheika banzai
greece might lose anatolia to turkish patriots
eh they lost just 1 state its fine
wow its just like real life
was just raped of 49 mahjongbucks
was just raped of my soul
had two good hands that i ruined by dealing in tiles i did not need to deal in
then the fucking cat ended my dealer round with a fully set up hand with just a fucking fanpai
namibia is 1/3 russian 1/3 german 1/3 african...
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not touching either of these
idea: tuckerg is an anglo
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*completes my 1000th greater argentina campaign*
ackkkk yes...another GRAND campaign...
i didn't blob though it's kleingertina
always thought it was retarded how in the mememods you have to pay a 20 infamy cost just to invade shitzerland
idk what happened but i think nazi germany did it
no they didnt BECAUSE of the infamy limit you idort...
you have to pay 20 infamy as nazy germany too
but in crimeamod it works different 
they were at 0 infamy, and went to 18 but suddenly switzerland wasn't neutral anymore and france, italy and germany have cores on it now
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yeah yeah in crimmod you have trannies dancing on the screen i get it man i just DONT care
whatever man i gotta wage for 2 more hours maybe i'll finally play a game of victoria 2 to 1936
my exit from this country cannot come soon enough i almost want to run the fuck out of the border
problem is i have to wait years more to get out of this gayass torture
funny how human rights only comes into effect once people have theirs repeatedly violated and then killed
uuuuugggghghhh wooooww
every route really is better than the last
but i liked long black hair shiki more than white hair shiki, he was cool while this one was just pathetic
as for me : broken and in despair
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don't worry bros germany is healing
absolutely terrible
it's even better now, russia went communist
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anglos landed 240k troops wtf
they tend to do that
could really go for a big glass of water right now
do bhuddists pray when an insect dies since they think it has a full human soul?
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germany making sinthetic oil
for the past few days every time i fell asleep i did it while thinking about how ive never even hugged a girl
its the best feeling in the world
^read it in a book
yeah not hugging a girl ever is the best feeling
charles the fat little tard is getting crowned
are you hyped yet
no actually were sort of pissed here
yeah yeah
wonder if ill drop dead on my bed the moment i get home or if ill fight a valiant fight to do things
ive been thinking about it for a while but maybe all the people around me in real life are legitimately 80 iq and i am 100 iq
i just cant see any other explanation for the way things are
theres a fucking fire in the forest near suwa!!! are you fucking kidding me
and it happened on golden week so no doubt it was some grotesque freakish retard tourist creature that caused it
had to walk half an hour after meaninglesly waiting for the tram
then when i enter the bus theres some drunkard picking a fight
still dont know who controls my fate but i sure hope theyve got a good reason for this mess
well did you beat him up
he wasnt picking a fight with me so no
dreamt i ate gross ham out of a can
that was real
and it was me
the first few bits were ok because they were like some kind of sliced sausage but then the rest of it was gooey organ meat
dreamt that some schizos were trying to convince me that there were these 2 other planets nearby, one that was like earth but different, and another was much smaller and i couldn't make out any features or anything, according to the schizos, people lived on both of them
had a dream i forgot
had a dream too but anyways yeah theres a nice monkey script for the wikipedia trite so you dont even need an account
(you dont even need a script either you just need to add "?useskin=vector" at the url but doing that every time is tedious)
*smiles before im executed*
had the big chicken and rice
on one hand i regret speeding through akiha's route in 1 day and not enjoying it for longer on the other hand im glad i didnt get too attached to her because she doesnt have a good ending
you'd think that after over a year of playing the flute you'd start to get a little better at it but my neighbor is still completely out of tune even if the songs are getting more complicated
i think it's a little girl so i'll give her the benefit of the doubt
what are the cons of having a denture again
i'm so tired of cleaning my teeth
the shit that gets on your teeth gets trapped between your gums and fake teeth all day instead
shes not OUT of tune shes just in a DIFFERNT tune!!!!!!!
*tunes into the grave*
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god fucking damn it all
so macross huh...............
they play music in that anime
innit weird
you know what else has music
crazy coincidence huh
everything.......... HAS..........music

im saying they.... PLAY............music............... IN the ANIME

you know what is both
* A VN
* has music played in it

yeah crazy innit maybe  you should go and read it now
(its only a single short scene thoughever)
frankly the fact that im liking tsukihime so much makes me want to play umineko less
because i know i always feel awful after finishing something i like
yeah but its good
only seen the original show, do you remember love, macross II: lovers again, and the macross plus ova
do you remember love is pretty phenomenal and macross plus is great
original show is old mecha fanfare with some bells and whistles
oh yeah and macross II is real bad it was only made cause one of the studios involved with the original basically went "well...we still have this ip..."
did you know that a japanese train station had a piano in it but then they removed it because people kept playing it
there was literally a piano and multiple people playing it last time we went to the capital with the tranny (at the constitucion train terminal)
or maybe it wasnt the last time but one of the times
theres a piano in my city hall
i think they have them in lots of public places so.... people can play them
pianos are good because a nigger cant just pick it up and take it to his house
imagine if  you left like a guitar lying around
it wouldnt lasta day
my piano is bigger than yours
you dont even have one you freak
seen enough spanish trite for today man leave me be
..........................such as...........
No me dejes
time since i woke up is a little less than 2 hours and i already want to die
still find it funny how 99% of americans know spanish but not even 1% know any other languages
what about the franco-canadians those are americans too
those are nigger cattle
hahaha im gonna kill myself
did a kurd bully you again
no i thought of anime girls again
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uuuuuuhhhmmm yes thank you i will very much go and watch this 2 hour long video in a language i dont understand about a topic that i dont know shit about (something programming related probably epik haker garbage since its in russian and theres a skull)
actually yes it says khaking
its even funnier because its just a russian voiceover of some guy talking in english
oh fuck me i just ran out of things to read
time to switch to writing then (posts)
theres nobody to read them
posts are a comb you get once you're blind...
blind but not bald
defeated but not broken
shattered but not bent
want to sleep but dont
decided i will
i slept 14 hours
open soulseek
download epik serbian music
kill turks
Replies: >>15531
been about 3 years since i had to abandon logic and have to life my life solely through instinct due to various reasons(brain stopped working) and i am doing surprisingly fine
hey thats my post you bitch
*kills yuo*
im back!!!
*overbearing silence*
thats preferable to underbearing noise
looks like my complete and total genocide on the ant's territory with chemical weapons was a resounding success
do the kikes next if you dare you chinless faggot
well i guess its time to read agaun
sorry mate its just the ants i have a problem with
imagine dying in the middle of some abandoned shrine deep in a forest and then dozens of years later people find your skeleton
bonus points if your cause of death is completely unknown to them
that would NEVER happen
*camera on the helicopter zooms over to the rotting corpse of the turk stuck in a shinto shrine*
the guardian turk of........i cant make up a japanese name
kaikukira jinjya
daitoruku soriman
i have to admit i am quite enjoying 4chan dot org slash GEE
just wait until you find out theres not a single man in there that knows how to code or do anything at all computer related(including installing linux)
this fake tea tastes like shit
yeah pretty sure its just red paint
( ゚д゚ )
imagine a cryilic/katakana pidgin script
looks a bit like a...
been scratching all over my body recently, especially the hands and elbows, so theyre completely fucking red and filled with bumps
ive already seen it which is why i think its funny i especially like when retards argue against eachother
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good taste i dare say
looks like both of the men are broken in various ways
this place was first constructed in 1909 and they're probably straight from back then
*takes a hammer to it*
its funny how china is boring as fuck to play in every single grand strategy game because it has been the same big blob with no ambitions for 800000000 years
but what about how they break up every 400 years
its funny how in the west 1 person slipping and dying is a natural disaster but when they eat hundreds of thousands alive in china nobody gives a shit
not a natural disaster a NATIONAL disaster ugh -_-
i heard from the buddha reincarnating as a chinese costs less karma points than reincarnating as a dog
they break up into the same blob every time though just a new coat of paint
thats true the last time my family died the whole neighborhood came over to the funeral but in china they would have just eaten the corpse yep
is the justice league cartoon any good
thought the first episode was cool when i was a kid
cartoons are for children
*turns on my japanese cartoon about golf*
i think i had a dvd about some justice league cartoon movie
thats where that memory ends
golf is something only old millionaires do so its fundamentally not childish
its quite strange how because of the technological gap ive basically had all the same life experiences as someone born 4 or 5 years before me in other countries
like having red eyes on photos...
funny how they gave the char cloen (char's exact voice actor and exact same design) an underaged brown girl in this golf show as well
did you know that the wokou pirates of the 15th-16th century were mostly chinamen that cooperated with a small number of japanese
the more you know
any parting posts for me
wonder if one day we'll get struck down because i keep posting random books
anyway i recommend this 1 because it also talks about fun things like italian mafia and barcelona syndicates killing hundreds of people every single week for the sole purpose of supressing the newspapers and proceeding to be ignored by the central government
wish i were a neet so i could solely focus on the things i like and do so with all my might
things i like: complaining there are no posts on tragsg
posting on tragsg
anime girls
you usually do two of those three
i really type like a fucking esl because i dont use the home position and i dont look at the keys and i also have a brain wired wrong
can j talk about AI
i'd rather you didnt but i wont stop you or yell at you
well you see how morans keep going on about "AGI"s (which btw when did they even switch over to calling them that???)
well i thought a good argument against it being close is that you
yes its me
is that you know how all the algorithms are hyper specific 
so the image recognition ones can only recognize images, the image generators can only do that, yhe chatbots can only chat, etc. etc.

and so the way something like chatgpt knows what a word means is just by associating it by context with other words. which itself isnt that far from how humans do it in some cases
but for being able to know what a word TRULY means a toddler doesnt just hear apple apppe apple and eventually learn that its an apple. it can also associate apple with SEEEING an apple, and TASTING an apple, and so on. thus eventually truly understanding what the meaning is
something like chat GPT can never do that because it doesnt understand what an image is. you need a different algorithm for that. 
then say that hypothetically you could make a network of these algorithms that would very much resemble the functioning of a sentient being, but its clear to the naked eye how it just......isnt..... 
since it can never truly understand or connect the things with eachother
like the best you could do is show an image of an apple. it recognizes rhat its being sh9wn an image so it uses the img.rec algorithm, and translates it to the word "apple", which then goes to the talking algorithm
but each individual step has no idea what the fuck its actually doing in a meaningful sense. "apple" doesnt mean anything to the image algorithm, and "apple" does not map out to an apple, it maps out to a series of relations between other words like "food" or "orange" or "pie" etc.
i stopped reading like halfway through but yes in a sense a lot of chatgpt stuff is ultimately like.......a glorified glorified google search, granted that's an intense oversimplification and doesnt encompass really everything it can do
like im not playing it down because i believe it can achieve SOME level of understanding, like how animals sometimes understand things. just not a TRUE understanding of what something is
at least until someone manages to make some super advanced technology that merges all the algorithms in a more deeper level which i wouldnt understand or be able to explain because its probably not possible but yeah. nothing like individual LLMs can be sentient
frankly i do believe it is ultimately all the work of satan
mostly the image/voice producing software that stuff is genuinely going to end the world (in the sense of raping the common man of his freedoms)
it just means you can't trust digital image or audio anymore
we didn't have that for 1000s of years i'm sure everyone will adapt back to the old ways just fine
and i think i said this before but the truly terrifying aspect is all of this was being worked on intensely and we ONLY found out/got public builds because people kept leaking shit
its very very possible this shit would have just kept going on until 2 years from now we'd see the first ai generated war
and also of course the fact that the public builds are...public...so who knows what theyre like behind closed doors
i dont remember if i posted this here or not but i wonder if it's true or misdirection that the open models are much more optimized or if they still do have 10x better ones that theyre just hiding (so the open source ones are 90% of the public proprietary ones, but 9% of the secret ones)
>open source will outcompete private models and grow exponentially
think thats what reddit calls the singularity
why would it have anything to do with it being open sourcve
actually what would a sentient ai even be classified as??? fucking self-source?????
its open because its not owned solely by corporate kikes
but the self aware ai would gun you down if you tried to recode its brain so it wouldn't be open source
anyway as it says there you can already run LLMs on your little computer as long as you have a graphics card from the last 5 years or so, maybe even a bit earlier
you can go to multiple 4chan generals about it
whats its going to gun me down with its stuck in a computer
well you know all those drones in The Ukraine.....yeah she(yes she) is going to commandeer them across the Black Sea and come down upon Izmir as if it were a neo crusade
how will we even cope with the dead internet coming to life and having 90% of posts be bots
thats probably how they will force biometrics and all that
i say ignorance is bliss
i wouldn't mind talking to robots if i didn't know they were stupid tin cans
in fact i might not even mind it if i did know given the state of the average internet goer nowadays
when you say she surely you dont mean natalia
the current form of "ai" is dogshit that forgets what it said at the beginning of a sentence by the time it gets to the end so i wouldnt be too worried
we're more alike than we're different...
its honestly gotten quite better compared to how it was, it CAN remember a quite impressive amount of stuff
you have to understand this stuff has come leap and bounds in the span of months
no it hasnt
getting raped in mahjong
better than getting raped in macon
think i may be too shite for silver rooms
waheey just after i posted that i won!!!!!!!
*smiles through the tears*
me i completely forgot how to play
i think its genuinely really easy (with all the automation mahjsoul does for you)
memorizing yaku is annoying but uhhhh they honestly make a lot of logical sense when you break down how tiles work and all that
like calling like a retard is 0 yaku because well...you just build a hand full of literally everything theres no scarcity
then something like 7 pairs on paper sounds like a crazy hand but it's only 2 yaku, because you only need 2/4 of a tile, when something like four concealed triples is a full on yakuman because 3/4 is so so so much harder mathematically, especially since you cant call
im not intelligent enough to put into words but uhhhhh...it really works with all the yaku if you just thing about it number-like...
its also why stuff like all terminals is worth points because those 1's and 9's are useless outside of a single sequence (1-2-3) or a triple, whereas something like a 4 is useful in a lot of things, (2-3-4, 3-4-5, 4-5-6) so to have your hand only have tiles that aren't particularly useful be worth more than a hand of other tiles.........makes sense
this really feels like schizoid talk
yeah but then you got all the funny chinese blocks to contend with
luckily mahsjoul puts real numbers on those
real numbers(east west south north)
those get real letters too
but what do you do with them and the other meme tiles
dragons: 3 = good
wind: east is always good, the seat you are in is good
if you are sitting in east it is double good
Replies: >>15627
the the current way ai is will always be trite and shite since theres nothing intelligent about it
its the computer equivalent of playing charades or guessing a card
>However, the impact force of a colony was estimated to be the equivalent of 3 million Hiroshima bombs, capable of destroying any man made structure.[1]
ahhhh fascinating
>The [Tsar Bomba] detonation was astronomically powerful—over 1,570 times more powerful, in fact, than the combined two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
ohhhhhh so 3 million is a lot
waiting for my tsar delivery
today we vote on whether the swiss have a right to exist
i vote nay
found a big sized nico community that has a picture of ataturk as its main picture for seemingly no reason
overwhelmed by the desire to open up eu4 or stellaris or whatever and blob like an utter retard but my pc is far far far too shit to do so
man who never played a single hanchan >>15619
so we have a new king huh
i dont remember voting for him
remember that show about the fish girl who falls in love with a human
but the fishgirl family is underwater yakuza and so hilarious hijinks ensue and they eat chocobanana
yeah now that was tragsg
dont remember that at all
but i do remember my dream last night where macron showed up and tried to get me to eat the bugs
Replies: >>15646
do remember a fish girl anime where its a terrible terrible love triangle(x10) mess between humans and fishe
i only rmeember the OP and the idol girl
okay yes theres a lot more to each of those but i didnt feel like typing it all
i have checked the "leaked google document" that talks about open source surpassing googleoid trite and have come to the conclusion that its fake trite made up by discord children(says right there it was posted right on a public discord channel by a "google researcher" anyway)
glad i could help you
everyfuckingtime i drink coffee my organs get fucking obliterated and i spend an hour in the restroom!!!!!
its better to get rid of it than to be stuck with it
i just want to drink coffee in peace
does anybody know a soft that for example can extract each frame of a 1 sec video out as an image
have you tried the old "ffmpeg"
for me one of the most compelling reasons to get chipped, would be if there was a brain-app (henceforth: "brapp") that would allow me to easily and seamlessly translate my brain's orchestra/band (you DO have one right???) straight into an audio file or at least into some sort or music notation software or audio editing software 
when i was playing instruments my biggest issue wasnt not having ideas it was just not having a solid brain<->notation/playing interface due to not having musical education from childhood 
beyond that, there is little use i could have for brapps and ive thought of possible ones for a while
use for brapps: instant death via electrical shock
another would be just forcing me to hallucinate anime girls via brapp but at that point itd be writing into the brain not just reading into it and well, you know how kikes are, theyd probably force 1/10th of your hallucinations to be obese nigger trannies
it WILL BE hilarious watching people getting chipped and going insane and seeing suicide rates rocket thoughever
you couldnt possibly sell me on cataclysm dda(challenge)
it was called yakuza fish no koi monogatari
then we watched the sequel and it was the same but :dense2
it all just sounds so far fetched to me i'll be long dead before any of that is even remotely feasible
well / saw on 4chan that SOME guy on twitter with a checkmark said that THEY knew a FORMER googler who knows a CURRENT googler who said its real 
but yeah its just interesting to read anyway because most of it is just the truth. what may or may not be false is the big kikes having secret more powerful techniques or not. because from what is public, the open source versions are pretty close or sometimes better than the kike ones (depending on what u use it for)
memeing aside it was called seto no hanayome and we cytubed it a few years back it was quite funny its pretty much the classic and gold standard for romcoms
ok thats good that post scared me i didn't remember the name and thought everyone watched the sequel without me
you know what "i am become death, destroyer of worlds" is something incredibly edgy to say and its made even more ridiculous by the fact that he only destroyed 2 cities whereas others destroyed fucking hundreds through the war
its from one of the vedas
ugh yeah fine you win you convinced me to check out cataclysm dadc are you happy now -_-
nuclear weapons are the most evil thing invented simple as
preventing wars from occurring is indeed very evil
yeah they depraved us of decades of war and millons of subhumans dying
as for the google document, i believe its "real" in that the world at large (autists+unis+startups+governments+etc.) WILL outcompete the monopoly eventually
however i believe that it was intentionally leaked for the REASON of the AI fearmongering that theyve been doing so they can get the government to regulate it all and the kike oligarch grip on society is not perturbed. that is what theyre most afraid of so they cry to their government buddies to protect them since theyre the only ((( responsible people ))) to be trusted with super AIs
as for me i cant stop thinking about tsukihime
so whats the deal with this game huh what are you supposed to do aside from just being alive
hwich game minecraft???
cataclysm dadc
i thought my chair was feeling funny the last couple days but it actually BROKE
and i mean the metal part it just spontenously split apart
had the same experience recently but with my heart
guess you must've had.... a heart of iron
now its just melted steel
just remembered i pedoed rimworld a few weeks ago and never bothered to get it running
youll regret playing it if you do
you better install the rimjobworld package if you want anything good
thats really not not good
there really aren't any good mods for that game
i've gone through 100s of pages and yeah sure there's a handful of "good" ones you might as well always have installed but nothing that would make you go "woah... this is the hpm of rimworld..."
its way too much of a pain to mod games and especially to make large-scale mods
what i like most are dubs mods where he adds stuff like nuclear reactors and water o_o
yeah that dub guy is one of the good ones
another thing is that the game is just very very poorly made from a technical standpoint you can't really do a lot without the entire thing breaking and slowing down to a crawl
yeah the mod that enables multithread processing has been getting worked on for over half a decade by genuinely competent men yet it still barely fucking works with vanilla
you wouldnt even need such a mod if tynan was competent enough to code properly
"the hitlermod of rimworld"
for some reason right in the middle of a major plot point in xabungle the retard retard translator translates "several dozen years" as "several thousand years" which gives off a completely different context to everything happening in the anime
the fact that he can make mistakes such as this yet under normal conditions translates just fine is absolutely baffling, the words arent even similar or anything he has no excuse at all for this
if you plug your nose they sound kind of similar
*plugs your throat*
i discovered that guy named "kike" a couple months ago and now i'm seeing kikes everywhere it's amazing
its so HOT all of a sudden
just a couple days ago i had to sleep with multiblankets
its been a thing for ages man i brought it up to the tranny even but im sure i mentioned it far back
was just replied to with the aforementioned post:
">western socks: :(    
>japanese socks: :0"
the japanese do have sexy socks
no sock talk in my tragsg
i would make some computers joke but i have no idea how computers work
uhh the one board spins and this makes a square glow and then you see...color
what a classic
found out today from my dad that my grandfather's family came from germany/austria (i knew this) but they dropped the "von" from their name to seem less german but the comedy of it is the last name itself is still intensely german so what's the point
then you should add it back and larp as a noble even if it wasnt noble originally
charles "can" hitlerreich
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhhhhh im gonna dieeee!!
in 50 years
WHY cant i stop thinking about moonprincess
you got it
got a microwave burger eaten
by whom
really the more i think about it gundam 79->zeta->char's counterattack is just one of the greatest stories ever told
big 1980s action movie credits atmosphere
well it is the credits to a 1988 "action" movie so you hit the nail on the head
death to niggers
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gotta love archive.org
SICK to death of seeing this wheelchair bound little girl avatar in mahjong
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proud of this hand meself
will stop tonight before i lose 10 times in a row now
getting that third white dragon was also a fucking nightmare because i was sitting on the first from the start and saw the dora indicator and knew if i wanted to achieve my dreams i would have to draw at least one before someone chucked the last available one
without that the hand just becomes a shitty 3 han turd potentially
oh yeah i was also two fucking tiles away from kokushi mushou as well today but the fucking tiles i needed never even got dealt away by anybody else
the flow was with me tonight it seems
death to kikes
dadc is not enough for mahjong posts
these warrant a grandadc
didnt sleep enough because of nightmares
oh so it writes their meanings on the top thats...uncool
mums got a cat and shes commissioned ME to name it 0!o
herr fluffels
presently wearing wet pants
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gets me everytime
well now that the era is changing who is going to be the one among us who learns chinese
i recommend can
both hoi4 and stellaris are getting some new stuff uhh you can check them if you wish
no those games are really bad
i meant read about them not play them(nobody wants to do that)
>A new ruling council is introduced, where characters in the highest positions of your empire may take their place. Powerful traits have immense influence over all that lies within your empire's borders. And from here, you can unleash political agendas.
very very exiting(monotone)
unreal how they keep updating these games that were dead on arrival 20 years later
not too knowledgeable about marvel trite but i think this dev diary is saying that its a major inspiration
>Under One Rule is a semi-story origin, with a lot of different outcomes based on the empire composition and in-game choices. If someone asked me what was the inspiration, I would say a certain person from the Invincible series (his name starts with O)
you would think given how they remake stellaris every patch there'd be one where it's good but no
release stellaris is still probably the ideal version
what do you mean dont you want councils in your stellaris so you can ck2 in stellaris??
i really cant think of many other games with such a terrible identity crisis as stellaris
tranny wont shut up about this "christian chandler" guy
was on my way out of church for the LAST time before i move away and the cute little girl stops me by the door to say hi and act all shy and embarrassed and cute
she hid behind the door and i asked her what she was doing and she said "im trying to say hi"
kids just do that mate stop being a freak
as for me a 3 year old boy threw a baby carriage in my path in an attempt to make me crash into it and he watched me silently
then i expertly btfod him by walking around it
argentinian culture is beautiful
how does that make me a freak
honestly i have no clue if that baby carriage had anybody in it
could have been attempted fratricide for all i know
by thinking shes making advances on you and not just being a underaged retard
anyways -_-
the reason why was because some discorders have taken it upon themselves to start gangstalking him, and they caught some photos of him out in public, which is interesting since there was no word from in over a month since he got out of jail
i like how he got the medallion back and still wears it all the time, some things never change
when did i say that
of course shes just being cute but she chose the worst possible moment
うh。。。are you talking about tucker again??
the based news medallion
no, about cwc
the wtc now that was something
well now its gone
chrischan stopped being funny once he entered the tranny arc
now its just the grimmest thing on earth to witness
whats funny is that happened nearly a decade ago
he was truly ahead of the curve
all the discord trannies should pay him for violating his copyright rights
he was also arguably one of the first bronies
truly truly a trendsetter
yeah he really went downhill with the tranny stuff, but in recent years, before going to jail, he started becoming very schizo and talking about other dimensions, talking to his comic characters, and the end of the world and other occult stuff
well he'd been talking about that for quite awhile
it just got really bad when a bunch of people super fucked with him and totally destroyed his sense of reality awhile ago
by a while you mean 15 years go
...uh yeah, thats why i said it
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absolutely resent having to cut my beard everyday
want to go back to the times when i was a youthful little boy who didnt have to deal with no trite
youth is virtue
for me its once a month
just stop fukken shaving
ugh my god fukkkkkkk
going to cut my dick off at this rate
why cant it just fucking settle into a proper position in my pants instead of bothering me for 10000 million fucking years
just dont wear underwear retard
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found something interesting
apparently in the late 15th century the province of kaga was taken from the governor by an organization of buddhist priests and the faithful, and they ruled it as a theocracy for a hundred years straight
on the left is one of their banners, it has "if you advance, paradise, if you retreat, an eternity in hell"
on the right is a letter written in the same month as the provincial governors castle falling, it describes the events and apparently all but one of the governors family committed suicide when the castle fell
if its the buddhists im thinking about they were a big thing in peepoo4
well yeah
in the muromachi period villages, buddhists, and peasantry forming organizations with specific objectives ranging such as self-defense, debt erasure, self-governance etc etc was very common you see
the provinces of echigo, dosa, kai, were famous for their gold mines and iwami, tajima for their silver mines
any man here willing to install peepoo4 and check the province goods so we can make fun of paradox
echigo and iwami DO have gold
is that hecking gold&silver you mentioned????
im gonna cooloonizeee
you would get killed by all the epic samurai
no but seriously why the fuck did spain just forget to colonize japan they had all the right reasons (lots of heathens to convert and gold to take)
all the conditions (a fragmented and infighting once united empire, with some loyal locals and traders who knew their way around)
and even a perfect cb (getting kicked out and catholics being massacred)
well as i told you before spain did not have the ability to invade a militarized nation on the other side of the planet with 10 times its population nor did it have the ability to administer it
the stuff with india only worked out because there was a good match between indians(niggercattle) and anglos(kikes)
they couldn't even handle taiwan
>girl eating live tarantulas
ah yes the beautiful 8000 year chinese culture
Gök türk literally means "sky turk"
next up "moon turks"
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lost turks
alternatively: türkiyhime
its meant to be meat but it feels like im eating rubber
guess it finally found its way into my plate
*burps up an automobile*
except it did all they had to do was just dac instead of dadc (divide and conquer), then the administration would just be some random samurai being made the viceroy of japan
they were just stuck dealing with the turks, the prods, the anglos and the french literally all at once
they couldnt divide and conquer you retard they would obviously have the entirety of japan fight against them if they trited to blob like in your shitty scandinavian fetish simulators
im so unlucky!!! fuck these shitty tiles!!!
they already got spanish japan its called the philippines
im never fucking lucky!!!!
nevermind just got very lucky
(i lucked out into a 3 man riichi putting my faith in god and i hit the dealer and tied it but the game gave me first so i got double his rank points lol)
the hand was complete crap too barely worth any points but got some ura dora and red tiles
these are antiposts
cry me a river
a river of silver...
im gonna do it
im gonna eat a poptart
my fucking god there is pain emanating in immense amounts from all corners of my body heart and soul all at once
i woke up bleeding furiously from the nose and im on the verge of vomiting and can barely see ahead of me
truly a body of steel to last me this long
gott unser helfer var?
well canman are you up to learning chinese yet
i can help you find webnovels to read
one day ill escape this shithole
had this dream about chaining a really big boat to the malvinas then moving it around the world
thought about sending to the chilean coast... to brazil... even south africa
probably wouldn't work in real life
az for me i will sleep in 2 hours ans maybe evendrea m
cancanman can i borrow 50k usd to buy properties in patagonia thx
dreamt there was a game like vicky2 but good and it went from the 18th to the 21st century
dreamt nothing because the tranny kept waking me up
must've been about that penalty
holy fuck a plane just flew RIGHT by my house
i mean they do this oftne but this one was extremely close
first helicopters then planes
who can guess whats next
omg a bote just swam right past me house
it came by again too now i understand why pilots wear earplugs i'm still half deaf
up next: low flying posts
wrre goingnto havena super giga burger andnkeep going
post status: soon
havana is a long way to go for just a big burger
jim was right all these normalfag niggercattle are linked in the subconscious
we need to burn them out of their hives with napalm
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actually we have dozens of havanas but they sell chocolate there not burgers 
in other news the tranny is the most antiproductive being in the universe
how many bones do you need me to break until you comprehend we dont care about the tranni????
maybe 1 would do the trick
canman i signed you up to a free chinese learning course near you
its from 4 to 6 pm every wednesday and thursday
if i wanted to learn chinese i would get my friend to start teaching me
he already taught me a few characters/words
yeah like the word for argentine
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havent thought for a second of my life that the dutch are smart
90% of the nationalities written there should be smarter than them
uhhh i had them pegged as one of the smartest
they lead the world in lots of technical/scientific disciplines
and they were the center of that important painting movement
well maybe im just biased since theyve all been crackheads for like 50 years straight now and that straight up drops the national iq by 30 or something
yes i suppose the retarded stoners are another stereotype but they are quite accomplished
elections are going ti start in a few days
learned from a man that talked to me against my will that apparently there have already been a few cases of stonings and other violence so...
hope that we dont get couped and turned into a grand islamoturd north korea after the elections, anybody here willing to take me in if it does happen
i think my cat just farted on my social security card
is erdogan running
is he allowed to run
does it even matter
yeah and yeah
i said previously that he isnt allowed but that was outdated information from before he changed the constitution to a banana presidential republic one
with the previous constitution you could only run twice but now i believe he can run infinitely
so is anybody here willing to take me in or subsidize my campaign into japan
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what do i get in return for subsidizing an upstart turk
you get the deed of having saved a man from jihad and uhh....cheap figures and pictures of random things if you want them
what iffffff
you also give me your turkish identification papers
brith certificate and all that jazz
you know you cant use them for anything right
and im gonna need them to get a japanese citizenship
you never know when you might need a turkish birth certificate
suddenly felt like doing a ck2 early campaign as a spaniard and blobbing to north africa but by the time i opened the thread the desire disappeared like i never even had it
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figuratively me
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have been taught that the edo period was the darkest and most dystopian period that japan has ever experienced
the people lost the right to hold any weaponry and a pseudo-caste system was erected to prevent social advancement and progress of any kind, so the country became east-east china for nearly 300 years
we have Emperor Meiji to thank for japan being saved from the disgusting fate of japan permanently becoming china 
pictured is some stuff about how some daimyou used latin letter seals for some time
alright 298 episodes...a handful of movies later im done with gundam for now
hey wait a second that sounds familiar...
all roman letters look the same
so whose the oda nobunaga of the post cold war western world
then ill be the hideyoshi
you'l be hideous alright
stfu nobigger
the edo period was a good thing because the country was completely closed up which kept the iberiods and dutchmen from running loose all over japan
its funny how you can click on a certain type of youtube video and know exactly what accent the guy is going to have
saw a video of an insanely autistic huge lego build and i knew for sure the guy was going to have a german accent (he did)
took me a long time to notice this but edo is a letter away from pedo surely theres a few good jokes there
finally an era for me
you would get split straight in two by a passing samurai testing his new sword
uhh no i would be that passing samurai
you would be the kurd getting run over by a man driven cart
me i'd be a fucking bottle
keygen music is such a treat
those russian crackers are going above and beyond by providing me with cool songs to listen to while i pedo another game
me i dont play games anymore so its been ages since i last heard one
found the song they put in the installer for pathfinder wrath of the righteous
i think nhk was playing the other pathfinder game
me i dont have ears (im a bottle)
i cant pirate the fucking books i want!!! they're nowhere!!!!!
have you checked the z (heil putin) library
how about the old 'lib
did you look at the library (pronounced liberry)
looked at 4 yes
guess ill try the old archive too but therell probably be no hits there either
i remember one time in highschool we had to do some paper and the teacher genuinely suggested i go drive to a college and go to the college library to check out a book because she figured they'd let me in because i "looked like an intellectual"
i remember just finding a pdf of like three pages of the book and a summary and extrapolating whatever i wanted from those excerpts
the teacher expected too much of you
oh there's the "https://openlibrary.org/" now hosted by archive
it has shit like game of thrones right on the frontpage so i think the managers might be legitimately braindead
they really do let people in solely based on looks so she was right
yeah she was completely mental
anybody willing to transcribe this to english for me
i think she expected this shit because it was an ap class my senior year but.......also it's college
she also wanted us to go and see a stageplay in person and once again i just looked up a play that happened near me and then looked up the play and wrote a load of bullshit i also think i just stole some stuff people said in actual reviews about actors or whatever
it was "incident at vichy"
i meant "but......also it's highschool"
i mean she probably thought you were a bright lad who could handle a taste of some real academic work and wanted to challenge you to go above and beyond
but she was wrong in her assessment
yeah she was wrong because i didnt give a fuck about the assignment (because its highschool)
basically i think if something like highschool already steals 7-8 hours of the best years of your life, you have to be a real sick fucking freak to then allow it to bleed into what should be your free time and actively inconvenience you
i got told that im an intellectual several times by different teachers every year in highschool
mine took 11-12 hours everyday mate you men dont have it bad at all
11-12?????? waht the fuck are you korean????
luckily for me i minmaxed my highschool experience to be like 3 hours a day of classes and then the rest of the time i would hang out with girlfriend and play video games
truly those were the days
that was my senior year
except i didnt have a girlfriend and i would just sit in the senior common area for like 5 hours and fuck arounds with friends
well i count my hour and a half daily commute too on top
even without it it was ridiculously fucking high though and my highschool was full of crackheads and retards so we did nothing in class and just sat there staring at and licking walls 10 hours everyday for years
ach i will never regret those days i will never regret staying at school playing melee until the janitor kicked us out then going home and playing dota 2 until 3 am
as for me i was staring at walls
yeah highschool was kind of an e1 for me
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hope this helps
say what you will about child labor but i didnt get paid a dime throughout my education career
i think most kids would love to work in a cool factory with big machines if they got to use the wages to buy candy and games
actually i feel like paying children for good grades is something that would have happened in south america
they pay children for going to school in scandinavia if i remember correctly
well the book i want is nowhere but at least i got this epic 100k word article about...snakes
i think i genuinely have brain problems
not only do i constantly mix up and forget basic words but i can't for the life of me formulate a complex sentence i just stumble over every word and it takes me 30 minutes
dont worry we're all the same here
well then ill check out for today
i think a highly corrosive acid just dripped from my ceiling onto my foot
neighbor is yelling at his girlfriend telling her to take her meds
her fertility meds so she has a big baby...
hope my future gf makes good babies
finally finished the gigantic goyslop game i'd been playing for months
waheey back above 300 mahjongpoints
should i do one more game???????
do one more and lose it all
what flavor of goyslop
also truly had a tale of two mahjongs last game
wanted to finish the game in first so i made a garbage all simples hand and called ron....but it was a DOUBLE RON and the other guy had some masterfully crafted hand that gave him first by like 300 points
slop of the open world variety
holy fuuuuuuuuck you dirty little brown retard 95 95 95
i literally lost it all (dealt into kokushi mushou and lost 79 points)
it was actually a double ron but who cares about that when i get raped by the funny yakuman
uuuughhh i have the perfect character build made up except for the subrace
one is exactly what i want flavorwise but really fucks over my stats
the other is pretty lame but has the perfect stats
ok NOW i will watch ideon for real
in what gayme
heres my post-gundam plan i think
ideon->gaogaigair->macross 7
i think i expressed this sentiment last time but i thought going in knowing that ideon is lifeformkilla1488 would lessen it but then the opening song also just instantly paints it as some fucked up weirdo thing which is funny
pathfinder: wrath of the righteous
dont know what that is but i'm going to assume its bad
nhk was playing the previous iteration of it so
heard they came out with genshin impact 2 and it already made more money than god
or something like that
yeah probably
its hilarious how china has yet to produce anything of modern cultural significance but they have mastered gacha games
never understood why people like that lego stuff so much, they cost so much money and break very easily
its a certain german flavour of autism
they dont break easy if you arent a big fucking oaf
they are way too fucking expensive though i swear they were not this expensive as a lad
(the relevant part is from 0:09 to 0:21)
ohohoho but for los sinsones? i will watch it all
i downloaded the first 8 seasons and have been watching a few random episodes every once in a while when i feel like it
it can be a pretty good show sometimes
has any1 else seen this classic?
the dropoff is frankly unreal
i was at my father's and he had modern simpsons on and it made me want to go out and kill people like it's not just bad it's terrorism
anyways just watch seinfeld if you want american comedy but is 100% wholly consistent
one thing i noticed is the early seasons dont quite have that level of writing yet
somewhere around season 6 is the peak
its a 1960s sitcom take a guess
seinfeld huh, that one is next for me after i finish friends
prefer finnish friends
friends is pure poo
yeah friends is abject crap
me one mates a big frasier fan never seen it though
does the tranny realize the only way he's getting into heaven if he goes out in a blaze of glory niggerkilling spree
better question hm can you ask your slave if kiwifarms is dead forever this time
seinfeld, frasier, and the original twilight zone are the only american television shows that are worth anything
what about spongeboberu
(said chinesely)
what about the original twilight movie
what about star trek
been meaning to watch that
the twilight zone movie was made by the starwars guy and a giga kike who killed three people making it and got away completely scot free
some star trek is secretly good but dont let anyone know i told you that
had no idea george lucas worked on the twilight "trilogy"
alri but what about when the sponge and his friends play in the stadium
the first few seasons of spongebob are good for a cartoon but then they started making it for babies and forgot he was a grown man who  just acts like a retard and thats where the humor came from
laughing imagining a brown argentinian crossing his arms staring at spongebob in disgust
would you rather have a tranny trashman or a nigger trashman
did you ever notice how both spongebob and homer are both yellow
nigger trashman would be an e1 but only if he wasnt american
ahhhh yupppp grandi said tragsg isnt meeting diversity requirements for funding anymore...anyways we'll be having a zulu poster starting tomorrow
that means one of the old members has to die
we've had like three deaths unchecked he'll fit right anyways
we have BOTH of those and they live under the same roof
i really like that the russians named a city "archangel"
they also named one "stalinville"
always hated how that province is shaped in dh
as for me i am sleepy and starved
tried watching an anime girl play genshin impact
its sooooooooooooooo fucking boring am i missing something or is everybody else retarded but me
its a game with anime girls in it for you to look at
yeah but uh i can look at them elsewhere
oh and you can also gamble for new and exciting anime girls to look at and show off when you get a rare girl
when does the fun happen
if you pay them enough money they make the anime girl real and you get to have sex with her
ohhhh thats quite appealing
sex huh vomited at the thought
anime girls huh smiled at the thought
all gacha and gachaniggers are retarded t.gachapro
amazing not a single post for miles
terrible cramps on my rshoulder 
that's a first for me i don't think i've ever had them outside of my lower body before
i feel bad for you
do you think the niggers niggering around me are being niggers and niggering because they want me to kill them(as i am niggerkiller) or is it just because they are niggers
additional question: how long do you think ive got left until i kill all these niggers
i think that guy who invented the cereal to stop people from masturbating
im eating a bowl of dry frosted miniwheats and my head is free of all thoughts
the idea was to put it in chairs and mattresses so it would make crackly noises while they did the deed
i believe it
all kinds of crazy puritans must have been running about back when it first took off
oh yeah i meant to say i thought he was right
what the hell are you people on about
deep american lore
the story is the guy who invented cornflakes convinced americans to cut off their penises to stop them from waggling because he was a giant paganoprod and the jews werent involved in any way whatsoever
seems like a pretty nice guy(for a proddie)
well you see it didnt actually stop anyone from waggling but now everyone in america has half a cock
AND kelloggs is a megacorp
why didnt they take the other half out too
havent gotten all the details but the gist of it is that the spudgunian mp community started their own v2 project some time ago and now because of trannies and shitcord drama, thats made schombert (original v2 remake with a globe map guy) come out of his slumbert to work on it again because you know how mentally ill those people are 
seems like itll be mildly funny
remind me to post about bills soon
schombert schombert
who even cares about vicky2 anymore everyone who was ever going to play it has already played it to death
schombert was just some ui guy anyway evidently he'll just give up in 5 minutes again
more importantly ive been getting lots of fierce nosebleeds everyday for the last week and my nose in just constantly a little red from all the dried blood now
no idea why this is occurring
seems like traditional japanese toilets and traditional turkish toilets are the same thing
traditional toilets: a hole in the ground
well yeah you cant just poo on the ground now can you
yeah funny how the biggest criticism of schombert was he just made a map with no mechanics and he responds to it by coming back with nothing to show for anything except the map
people who mod video games are among the lowest form of life
honestly the amount of modders should be infinitely lower than what it is now
if you can mod like a real man then you can just make your own game anyway so go do that
keep forgetting elden king is a dalk souls game and not a copy of dalk souls by another company
pretty hard to keep track of what game is what these days
yeah so anyway with the tranny i was saying how there should already be 200 or 500 dollar bills the same way that here we're supposed to have new bills eventually because of all the inflation
and back in the day 100 dollars was so much money and you could like buy a car or something but now its barely enough for 1 videogame and its thebiggest cash that there is so they should make 200 and 500
so i was saying they should put some epic dixie general like Lee E. Robert and maybe some normal american person like Ford since thatd be different from the presidents (or just someone who is stereotepycally "American") and I think she mentioned kennedy and patton or something like that and i said macarthur too
and also i joked about there being a 1000usd rockefeller bill or something
and now for the real 200 and 500 bills......:
lakwanda shaqanda
st. floyd
its really funny seeing non-americans discuss america
well yes initially we were discussing the bills here and then i asked about her country because thats obviously what you do but then immediately realized canada is a soulless non-nation entity so then when that happens (really often) i just ask her about america because shes basically american
i think they should have a hundred penny bill
think it could be big
in circulation today: 5 million lira bill
anverse: erdogan
reverse: our proud turkish forces destroying syria
ello matey i'd like to buy one gum ball
uh huh yup got my 5 mill right here
highest is 200 actually
pretty sure he only doesnt increase them out of some pride thing
cant wait for the global economic collapse
and all my friends across the globe who will help me :)
already got the national economic collapse so nothing changes for me
genuinely baffled whenever i see someone born in 2005 or 8 or 10 or whatever
hard to even see them as human
born just in time to witness the end of the world
it is interesting how we are of the last generation to have any sane people in it
well everybody after us wont even have a planet to live on so they dont need to be sane
cant wait for 2030 and metaverse tragsg
actually did you see a bunch of big companies shuttered their "metaverse" departments
funny how quickly that died
no because i didnt know that was supposed to be a thing
anyway now that all the corpotriters have left the metaverse *spreads legs* yeah im thinking its waggling time
well yeah no shit it was just a painfully unpopular(userbase at its height: 10 people) vrchat
wish there was a no nigger mod for every game
im okay with cute girls in fantasy games being a little unrealistic but niggers are just TOO MUCH
what i hate the most is niggers suddenly appearing out of nowhere in japanese games
just keep them restricted to western games for Christos sake
was reading some posts and gundam style space battles would actually be truly terrifying like dog fights on earth are rather restrained because of how planes operate but like...a maneuverable thing in space adds a whole new plane (dimensions) to combat so what are you gonna do if some guy just comes at you from above or below you and instakills you before you ever know he exists
you can die suddenly without knowing whats happening in ground battles too mate
its a perfectly normal part of warfare
yeah but not because a kurd dug a tunnel underneath you or instant transmissioned on top of you
think i am rapidly turning nearsighted
struggle to read text more than 5 meters away
ok uhh i read the update from null, it does seem grim this time, some troons have been stalking and intimidating the families of people who work at datacenters, isps, ddos protection, ect. companies, so even if they want to host kf, they don't want to deal with some weirdo bothering their family, so kf is only on the dark web for now
troons are honorary niggers they can be rounded up and lynched together
ahh yes wikifarms i was thinking of that website a few days ago or something
wow that's impressive
*be's too lazy to install tor*
why would they be harassed by trannies
isnt the entire population kaywee afrms trannies anyawy
its complicated t.expert
just instlal brave bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awful horrible terrible advice
the entirep opulation of kiwifarms if chudtrannies laughing at leftrannies
also m not the tranny but what / heard of it was some silicon valley chink ghoul person raped someone and it was on kiwifarms and they had lots of contactsin tech so they tried to shut it down 
no idea what that has to do with trannies at all maybe its not even true
that's the thing, the tech chink IS a troon
yeah i think thats one of the bigger reasons people have been trying to take it down because of that one perosn but also it draws general ire
speaking of ire its pretty dire how much they (the powers that be) can go after a website we really should be worried for things such as tragsg the moment some random troon takes notice of it and sends it to cnn its over
its not even the powers that be it's just like two people with too many connections
i doubt anyone would care, they hate hf so much because it keeps an archive of all their bad deeds and personal information for anyone to see
wow an empty post thats not allowed mister
also who the FUCK would care about tragsg
ugh yeah the trannies would never try to fuck us over for absolutely not reason
utter fucking retard who doesnt even know tragstory
i fucking was HERE you little man dont pretend there arent layers to what happened
yeah just like all thoseo ther times they tried to take it down
literally the canadian government issued an import ban on kiwis
holy shit my stomach
how does drinking 2 cups of coffee give such damage
i finally figured it out
its not all the games that are boring
its me im the problem
next youre gonna claim that not all girls are bad and that We are the problem
well yes not ALL girls are the problem only 99% of them which means finding THE right one is nearly impossible
wouldnt it be funny if we landed on venus and the soviets were still there in some little colony just hanging out
flies been open this whole time
too bad no posts came out
you dont like my posts :(
i made no comment on anyones post
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sleepy little thread
perfect for a sleepy world
hold on i'll make a post within twenty to fourty minute
*holds off*
gutenmorgen trashmeits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
going to hire a statistics man to prove the universe is making me lose at mahjong
its neither guten nor morgen
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heres the post
do you find this COOL? (i do)
i dunno i never ever found mecha shows to be cool at all or interesting
i guess part of the reason is my suspension of disbelief has been pretty bad throughout my life so i'm just not impressed when a lot of mecha shows just go on long scenes with like "LOOK AT THE COOL ROBUTT!!!"
imagine instead of man shaped robots they were jets or space ships
this is not me trying to shill because you still wouldnt like it probably but turn a probably has the least "witness the robot" scenes ive seen outside of like...eva i guess
they use the robot to clean laundry one time
you see the show is called "turn a gundam"
(after the titular "turn a" gundam)
*turns a tab off*
wow apparently i hit 100!!!! ranked matches
because i have been having "fun"
and back above 300 again waheey
started truly taking "just dont deal in, retard" to heart
seeing a nightmare right now
thats just a mirror mate

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