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>noblesse oblige is not an obligation
meit it literally says so on the tin
nooooooooooooo i was gonna make it but i it got canntrannied!!!!!
Replies: >>20029
minimum wage going up next month by 1.2 times
costs going up next month by 2.1 times
thankfully you can fix this by not being the minimum type of person
well you see the non-minimum wages are also only going up by 1.2 so everybody is fucked anyway
what a disgusting op image man are you retarded or what
now i have to see willies literally every time i open tragsg
you dont HAVE to look at them you freak
in fact it should be one of the last things you look at on that image, there are so many other things to look at
yes yes im such a little freak for seeing dicks in a picture with dicks
may i ask why you had a picture full of dicks saved on your computer matey?
because theyre dressed like little ghosts and have stuff on their heads yeah
youd think that with how tired i am at some point my body would give up and let me die
if i became epic diktator i'd invest 50% of the national budget into the intelligence agency and infiltrate into the CIA and kill the president of the CIA over and over and over and over again
i took a public speaking class irl and spoke about the selknam as referenced in a book by mircea eliade
you can already do that(in ck2)
taking a private dying class right now
and what did you say
i could find the video of it then you can see what i said. but it was drug induced. but it was still going in a good direction it was just off color
the guys in the pictures were those natives who had that one ceremony, where when a boy reached puberty all the Men in the village would go off with him to do something, then secretely they'd go back to the village dressed as demons or spirits or whatever and terrorize all the w-men and boys
only the adult men were supposed to know this and it was kept a secret from the women and children that the men were the ghosts. i dont know if the men were then supposed to slay them when they get back or chase them off or what
so whats a fun game
the one i will make in years
right now im downloading chaos head noah and this time ill actually play the whole thing
i was so crazy thrilled about the idea that the boys would see the faces of the men close up while they started ‘fighting’, and recognize them as their neighbor, elder so-and-so, and then a smile would flash on both their faces and theyd both join in the theatrics together and wrestle. the big life lesson being that you have to have faith, even if it all seems like bullshit. the other big life lesson being to see otherness in familiarity and self, to see evil in yourself but know yourself as good. 

that was the gist of my speech. and i was connecting it to how little kids have to find out about santa not being real. like our unmasking ritual being our most important holiday.
ive always thought little rituals like this for boys is really important but they dont exist anymore and i know for a fact that even if they did and i had to go through them as a child i would have sulked and hated every second of it and ruined it all
santa.......i am sorry.........but you have to hand over those gifts............. *pulls your beard off and starts punching you*
oh but to clarify my understanding of the ceremony was a bit different than 68, i thought the men would dress up and terrorize the new teenage boy initiates who were hiding in the hut, that all of them had just collaborated to build.
i dont know the specifics, i know its related to women because women were supposedly the ones who did it first until the men found out and overthrew the woman-demon alliance
think i want to pick up some basic novel writing skills
actually i could get started on this right this moment but i'll just let it wait until the last possible moment(my deathbed) and then i'll start practicing
the thing about picking up skills is that it gets easier if you dont actively want to be good at the thing
no idea where this fucking baby came from but he's been crying day and night it's always the first thing i hear in the morning before i go to bed
well no mind it will all be over in a week or two
it doesnt get easier at all actually its just that you dont worry about it at all so it feels like time flows faster and you get better quicker
i've thought about media-production in the past
i mean there's just SO MUCH garbage out there and a lot of it is really popular too, there's just no way whatever i churn out doesn't end up being objectively better than at least 90% of it
the thing is that all media keeps getting endlessly worse which is actually the main reasons im thinking about picking up all this stuff eventually
if i can make my own media, whatever it may be, then i can spend my free time making it and enjoying it too rather than suffering others trites and desperately trying to search the few things made by others which i can actually enjoy, when it comes to things i make my enjoyment would be primary and other peoples enjoyment would be secondary
is twitter actually full of chuds but people on 4chan only post all the rabid leftists for bait purposes or is it just this region's twitter thats full of chuds
not full but there's plenty
the difference is a brit being mean to black people makes the news but an argentinian saying negro de mierda is business as usual but either way they still exist
kill yourself
come on meit its not like you REALLY go to jail if you say nigger on the internet
i wouldnt know about a lot of things if it wasnt for twitterscreencap bait threads
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what do you think about the notes app on my iPhone, of songs which i have heard, and want to hear again sometime?
Replies: >>19090
i dont get it
youre supposed to type some of them into youtube and say what you think
why do you have a goiPhone
having a x-tranny rn
for me its an aneurism
for me its euranism (not to be confused with eurasianism)
prefer turanism
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i wonder what on earth causes something like this

there was -by no means- more french migration to argentina than there was to USA
and its definitely not the case of "1 whole extended family with a rare surname emigrates, and they pick country X so most of them live there" because 50k+ people is way too many descendants for that to be the case

so why would ONE specific group of people with a surname, disproportionately migrate en masse to 1 country (in this case argentina) and ignore the rest. meanwhile some other french families had a completely different idea
one of these things is not like the other
this is a good song
regretfully woke up
hear no evil
see no evil
do no evil
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im going insane
get in line
feeling argentine
feel like munching on crunchy metal
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did some archive diving this morning as i organized my related files
the more things change the more they stay the same
yeh it's me curtis..
my name is yon yonson 
i live in wisconsin 
i work in a lumbermill there
feel like i should at least learn kana so i can google things instead of just staring like a tard
or hang out in environments without strange letterings you cant understand
the 2 dot ellipsis really add to the post
wish i could turn my whistles into a post and post it
wish i didnt have a severe mental disability
what a quaint domicile in 00
it is kind of funny taking a step back and seeing that all those wordy blogposts jim has made about his life spiralling out of control have amounted to pretty much nothing changing about his life
i wouldnt say that yet
my personal mandela effect is that i went to elementary school with jesus aka god's son
taste the power of the bomb
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im dealing with some symptoms
we've noticed
do you have any suggestions
find meaning in the meaningless
be alone with the alone
might just languish around for 3 or 4 hours then do my stuff then go to a thing and hang around for the next thing and hang around some more and then finally sleep. i get to go to work tomorrow so i have that to look forwards to.
or maybe i could skip the languishing and just do the stuff then go hang around at the place even if theres not a thing going on at the exact moment. i could just bring my book and hang out right now. 
but i am… scared. to do that.
i was so ok yesterday but ive just lost the plot today
find it again, simple as
speaking of finding things i need to find myself a new wallpaper i'm tired of these anime girls
played a shitty video game because it was too early in the day to play my good video game
now ill go eat something and then play my good video game
as for me my skin is turning yellow
hope its just a bruise and not imminent japfication
japonification (turning into japanese soap)
huge of fan of how i'm too ill to do anything but not ill enough to die
just d
as for me im having good mahjong luck or perhaps i am learning
wanted to learn solitaire
that ones easy i think
my meal: potato chips and ice cream
feel like a grade schooler
i've been wanting ice cream for so long
but now summer already went by and its freezing
mate its summer
how come i got 3 layers of clothes on then
i imbibed 900mg of caffeine and took a nap for an hour. if only i h
your country is broken
ok you know what im going to stop writing things if i have nothing good to say. keep my thoughts to myself sometimes maybe.
not like its harming anybody
holding on to anger something something something
they say not letting your emotions out breaks you from the inside but thats obviously false because im not broken at all
*wardrobe door gets suddenly forced open by the weight of all the corpses stuck in it*
keep scratching my right lower leg bone so hard its bleeding
dont remember any of these posts despite staring at the tab for hours
im sure that right now in the real world my brain is being experimented on
that would explain my torment and inability to think
some people are just born wrong
played a game like that once
played.. life
can barely stand
good thing i spend all day sitting down
this website i use wasn't working because of some certificate nonsense and after half an hour of trying to fix it with computer stuff i just turned the computer date back 24 hours and wallah
oh no now i cant post on 4chan
a blessing
just realized how funny the name "pacific war" is
why the pacific specifically
not a lot of other places named after being peaceful
its honestly a great location for a war since everything is so far apart
its comforting how tragsg is dying alongside myself
tragsg is like an old shell i moulted out of long ago
no you didnt
i keep its rotting decaying remnants around out of fondness for old times but eventually its going to start stinking so much i need to abandon it
you can say the same for yourself
but im not rotting im doing perfectly fine and in fact have much to look forward to
seconding 65 but my new shell is uncomfortable and restricting yet somehow still too big for me to ever hope to fill, and the head part has a lens that makes everything crazy and weird looking so that my entire perception of things and events is just baffling and overwhelming
fucking puny little retard bug i will CRUSH you and all your fucking siblings too get out of my monitor
hope you don't mean me and my shelled friend above
theres even more of them now are you shitting me
wish the sun would just set already so i can finish tsukihime
and now theres guts all over my screen :)))))) total nigger death
as for me i waited for the sun to set only to accidentally fall asleep instead and now its about to rise back up
the sun rising back up.... is that a japan reference O_o
im about to have a panic attack
my ego 
oh my ego
worry not things will get worse
i think i've been really close to having either a panic attack or a heart one in many occasions i'm just waiting for the day when it finally happens
i wouldnt even care at this point i'd just lay in bed and wait until its over
that sounds sad
being alive is a lot sadder actually
whats sadder than not being
well, a lot of things. come to think of it. 
excuse my naivete
but there are happy moments. period, full stop.
also remove the 'but' then thats a good statement
nobody wants to be stuck in this bitch doing this shit but we all are. thats the whole big idea. thats everything.
i ate too much again
fuck i keep thinking and thinking in loops
hope i dont have to listen to a horrible buzzing ringing noise forever
same i guess. ill sleep to that
meaning ill go to sleep with a commendation of that idea, like saying ill drink to that, but with sleep, because i can and should sleep.
what i didnst mean was, that ill sleep with a horrible ringing buzzing noise in the background.
yet somehow im still not sleeping!!!!
can anyone
ill try to sleep now
guten tag!!!
yeah hi
slept all day but for some bizarre unknown reason so did the tranny
read the little manga oneshot called "first kiss" and now i feel bad
how come
is anyone knowledgeable about how to sleep
why is that bizarre
drug yourself into unconsciousness
because i was the one with the fucked up sleep schedule and unending tiredness so i dont get why she would copy me like a little 5 year old (already does this with other things)
try putting a brick on your trucks gas pedal and sleeping in front of the truck with your tranny
how would the truck go if it's missing its transmission
same as how i can still live despite missing my soul
does the average american actually have any theoretical idea of how a manual transmission works
never had a car so i dont know what the fuck a manual or an automatic is
you should at least know a little about cars from video games
i remember my dad explaining to me how a clutch and a transmission works in the car when i was like 12
i dont play video games
my paper trail goes big
for me its chemtrail
well the name speaks for itself..........manual means you do it manually.............automatic means the auto itself matics it..........hope it helped ;)
something interesting in my vn
basically everybody is stuck in a facility and due to some reasons i wont bother explaining there are lasers all over the facility to that shoot into peoples eyes, the purpose is to display holograms realistic enough to be confused as real objects or people, and everybody wears bizarre earphones which among other things can control what they hear, at what volume, and from where
now what i think is interesting here is that you can theoretically make somebody see and hear what isnt there, make someone incapable of seeing and hearing what is there, or even change how someone looks or sounds to others and even what they say(which im pretty sure is the trick here), and that can even lead to situations where say out of a grop of 10 people, everybody is hearing something different when conversing to the others despite all of them being real people speaking directly to eachother
and i was absentmindedly thinking that you could take this setting straight out of the game and use it in some other game and youd have a little plot where the mc is stuck with no memories in a place with a few gross retard people(or actors or whatever the fuck) but is actually being displayed epic nice noble gentlewomen the entire time and once he finds out the truth he just flips the fuck out and tries to force himself back into the situation where he's with the fake hologram characters again
it would be an epic depressing game with all of our glorious ideals and all
laughing at posts
not reading that one
didnt ask you to read it retard
things are starting to make sense some more. but i won’t go there. goodnight and hopefully goodbye to this place
well... thats it... im done tsukihime............................................

i was kind of hoping that kohaku's route would have a good end for shiki because i thought thats what the hisui ending was implying
and i also kind of wish arcueid made an appearance somehow, its been months since i did her route and shes the titular character, but thats a bit of a stretch
in any case it was... really good yeah....... and as with all good things i consume im left feeling very........................... (the ellipsis are how i feel)
ugh dont just leave me hanging men cant you see im suffering from acute post-medium sickness and need to talk with someone to alleviate my symptoms
well would you recommend it
yes but im pretty sure im the last one in here that is liable to read it and hadn't yet
ill post something about it tommorow texpexrt
the rate of steam harassment occuring in my account has risen 8000%
^not me btw im not sorry
isnt it strange how completely different the concept of sports is in america compared to the rest of the world
what the fuck will i eat today
dreamt about dutchmen and niggers and vampires
dreamt that i was back in school and there was some great event going on and i was going to have an audience with the king principal(the school is a monarchy for some reason) in front of everyone as a result of my great deeds
so i went there and the first thing he told me is "why are you walking? why arent you lowering your head in my presence?" and i told him to go fuck himself and then woke up
also i was thinking about how jim has an entire part of my brain function dedicated to him and how i would probably never forget him even if he died
my favorite name to use when making accounts is jim jibson
yep same for me
i also have a lot of "afpg" accounts
in my mind i always imagine this hilarious scenario where he's scrolling through some random forum and suddenly he sees one of my posts with his name on it but it's probably never going to happen
yeah thats a good idea too maybe what i need in life is a few afpg accounts
......i dont even remember what afpg stood for anymore......something about fag pack guys
you called? *starts fagging it up in heer*
great start to the day my computer's power button stopped working and i had to stick my head into that dusty tomb and switch up the wires
how did you even figure that one out
if itd have been me i would have assumed it to be literally any other faulty hardware and maybe MAYBE figured it out after 48 hours
keep reading "leopard" as "leopold"
yeah that reminds me i keep having re-ocuuring dreams where i'm in school again
well it wasn't working last night when i tried to shut it off and it had been faulty the past few days so it only made sense to look at it first
if i dont leave tragsg ill become a lolcow of minor notoriety
only children care about "lolcows"
is the bigger on the loose again
apparently a russian got eaten by sharks in egypt
in the red sea huh didn't know they had sharks there i wonder if moses ever saw any
I have died but somehow can still interact with the physical world
get in line
didn't these two exact posts get made just yesterday
you have died and are endlessly repeating the same day of tragsg
where are my promised posts
you already got three today
im glad you enjoyed it i dont like it as much as you did it feels more like a prototype for things to come unsurprisingly i still have to get back to reading fate but ugh im watching shows
now play plus disc and kagetsu tohya
oh yeah and i can say now im not a huge fan of the maid routes ultimately because hisui's is pretty good except the like two or three hour segment where shiki just lays in bed groaning and kohaku is just so unlikeably evil
wait they made MORE of this???
well yes and no
plus disc is probably not what you want really, it's like, two side stories, and three little comedic segments, but i found them fun and the side segments matter for kagetsu tohya
and kagetsu tohya is a proper "epilogue" uhhh once again maybe not what you want but i really had lots of fun with it

also kohaku doesnt have the happy ending because eclipse is the happy ending
really i thought kohaku's ending was disappointingly normal and "happy" i was expecting at least someone to die
in what way is it a "prototype" do you mean nasus other stuff is better
if you end up playing kagetsu tohya i PERSONALLY suggest playing it without a walkthrough for the most part (use it to finish up a thing if you get confused or lost)
i think its technically possible to get stuck in a never-ending loop but im retarded and it didnt happen
i did use a guide for all of tsukihime and it took me until akiha's route to realize i was missing out on bad ends and stuff
i should have seen what happens when you rape arcueid
well yes and no, i think the intended purposes of nasu's stuff are different enough that saying one is better than the other is kind of pointless 
but lots of things in tsukihime get refined far more in fate, and kagetsu tohya itself is just a complete and total prototype for the fate sequel hollow atraxia which is the EXACT same gameplay loop and gimmick as kagetsu tohya (but expanded upon)
and this isnt like...a new thing, one of those side stories in the plus disc i mentioned is basically just a refined version of kara no kyoukai story
also i used a guide for tsukihime because in that case i kind of couldnt be asked but i think the gimmick of kagetsu tohya lends itself better to not using a guide for most of it
uhhhh... i kind of dont feel like reading more nasu stuff though
i dont want to get sucked into another one of these
(referring to fate and kara no kyoukai and stuff, obviously i have to see tsukihime through)
and also this is one reason why i enjoy looking at all of nasu's stuff as a whole because of him just constantly taking things from previous works and doing...MORE with them
part of the reason fate is interesting as a nasu thing is his two previous protagonists (shiki and shiki) have their whole murderphilic thing going on but that gets turned on its head because shirou in fate is by all accounts an autistic manchild with his dedication to saving everyone
well kara no kyoukai isnt intended to be a girlfriend simulator its just overtly chuuni
the movies are very good
as for fate ive only watched the fate route anime and fate zero so my knowledge isnt big for it but what i do know i like
oh yeah i remember seeing people talk about shirou and thinking he was lame compared to shiki
probably a big reason i could enjoy tsukihime so much is that i dont find shiki to be all that annoying of a protagonist
i did not feel like i was playing a girlfriend simulator at all after arc's route
"doing everyones route" completely ruins that feeling for me in general
shirou is cool because he is lame and retarded thats my opinion
so lame and retarded his future self from another timeline tells him to kill himself for being lame and retarded (despite being equally lame and retarded)
....your not selling me here
wow lots of dadc for me to read while eating yogurt and potato chips
the problem fate is the "sell" for it only works to really retarded people (you can look at how popular it is to see proof) because the actual "sell" for it is completely fucking juvenile and stupid and has been copied by other things by now
the sell for non-retards is just that nasu writes very unique stories you cant find anywhere else with all manner of eccentricities you wont find anywhere else and thats why reading his stuff is fun
i mainly liked tsukihime because it was interesting finding out more and more about shiki and everyone else, so yeah basically as just a "story"
but these are big emotional/mental investments to get into you know...
>so lame and retarded his future self from another timeline tells him to kill himself for being lame and retarded (despite being equally lame and retarded)
hes just like me...
apparently ted K is dead
i remember last year someone leaking that he was 100% dead and it would be announced in a week
so is it for real this time
according to yandex, yes
well anyways i can wholly recommend the kara no kyoukai movies if you just want to watch something that is pretty good with vaguely similar writing to tsukihime (i personally prefer knk)
as for fate just read it all the anime for it stinks
i wasnt planning on watching any of it
thats why im saying you SHOULD -_-
and im saying id still rather readi t
for kara no kyoukai? dont read it the current translation is borderline fanfiction cause the guy who did it is a mongoloid (unless you are polish which apparently has a very high quality translation) 
for fate? okay yeah
its 20 years old how is there NO good translation
because shitty translations are not only bad because theyre shit but also because they convince people in the future to NOT translate them
why dont.... YOU translate it then :)
because i dont speak japanese
isn't this popular why doesn't it have an official translation
define "popular"
is it popular by any sane standards? no
is it popular by nasu fan standards? even then, only sort of, people care way more about fate and nasu himself cares way more about tsukihime

and its popularity it DOES have frankly only really exists because it got adapted into pretty good movies, people i've talked to have claimed the light novel itself really isnt anything particularly good and its the movies that elevate it to being pretty good
huh.... looked it up and it really does only have one translation....
well..... i GUESS ill watch the movies................ after i get done with all the other tsukihime-related stuff
wdym by "nasu cares more about tsukihime"
im about to leave for the day so i wont be able to post anymore unless i drunkenly figure out how to get here on my phone at 2am but the quick of it is just that nasu always sort of viewed tsukihime as incomplete, the maid routes are obviously ridiculously short, the little vampire girl never got her route, amongst other things
this is also why he remade the entire game recently but once again no time goodbye
i thought yumizuka had enough going on
i always wondered about her during the near side routes and then i was satisfied during akihas
i suppose she does deserve a full route
i thought the remake was super incomplete
oh i see the rest is still not out yet... guess ill read it when it comes out then
i got this half-eaten pack of crackers from a month ago and each of the two times i've tried eating it i ended up with terrible stomach aches
yet i feel so bad just throwing it away when i've gone hungry so many times before
didnt read the post above yours and thought you were talking about a trashman
had to legitimately wonder who youre referring to and if its me
in 8 days the nier anime will enter its 3rd full month since it died
its been TWO YEARS since the near side of the remake came out what the fuck have they been doing????
if the word duce was replaced with deus how many years do you think it would take for people to notice somethings off
deus years
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kill all translators
kill me
it would be a mercy to do it so no
who died?????
nobody died thats why were so depressed
the unabomber
rings a bell
plans for the day got ruined so now im just staring off into space like a broken toy
ooooooooohhhh man youtube comments are SO SO bad why do i ever read them
i got an extension years ago where you can turn off various parts of youtube
i turned off around 80% of it including the comments and i have not once regretted anything
i used to have that then i stopped using it
stuff like youtube and twitter really show very well how 99% of the world population are niggercattle not worth keeping alive
it "redpills" you as the kids call it
erm... having a normal one are we???
what are you on about
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bus me straight into the gas chamber
trying really hard to imagine as vividly as possible what self-immolation would feel like
no actually when you realize that "99% of people" are old ladies and 50yo office workers and homeless people etc. and that all the freak internetobsessed twitter zoomer retards are like 0.2% of the population its a very good realization
the twitter zoomers of today are the 50yo ladies of tomorrow
old people and homeless people are 1000x worse i cant believe you thought that was a good example
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sick sick sick of retards
no actually on a spiritual level a little brainrotted zoomer postinf "BIG CRINGE MY DUDE RATIO :skull:" is about 50 times worse than some guy who became poor and steals doritos from a store and does cocaine

and what happened to respecting your elders??? old people can be fairly.pleasant as long as theyre not demanding you fix their computers or change their diapers
"what happened to respecting your elders" we'll mate we found out they're braidead retards too
no no there is absolutely nothing redeeming about homeless people
it should be legal to shoot them on sight if you catch them shoplifting too, youre one step away from a "be gay do crime" faggot
old people are ugly and contribute absolutely zero value to the world by their existence, at least the zoomer possesses the virtue of youth
where on earth do you(yous) live where homeless people go around stealing things if some smelly bum tries to enter a store he gets thrown out
the point is that having your brain literally rot from cocaine and doing retarded shit irl is a lot more "real" and respectable than acting like a human bot due to no particular reason beyond choosing to be retarded until your brain becomes mush and all you can do is look at tiktoks and produce emojis
what the fuck are you talking about you stinking retard?? how about knowing how to do anything at all ????

how many fat ugly balding 60yo engineers are there that know everything about how to run a nuclear plant or how to program some obscure financial computer program thing or how to use a typewriter 
zoomers dont even know what a folder is
being a stinking meth addict is not cool or "real human being" its completely subhuman animal behavior
be respectful to those present
like knowledge is one of the most important things and older people, if not wise, at least they(some of them) are supposed to know things
zoomers literally have not had the time to learn how 90% of things work
if you killed everyone over 30 right now wed enter a dark age forever
at least zoomers were born in an environment where you either zoom it up or fuckken die
whereas most old people are just......simply dumb and you can also lay the blame on lots of things(world fucking sucking and the internet etc) on them too
thats like 0.001% of old people and every single one is male
and more importantly that knowledge isnt going to get passed down anyways because the world is already circling the drain, when they die its over
you can always keep blaming the older generations
whos to blame for boomers being raised in front of TVs and turned into hippies and forcefed LSD?? what generation did those glowniggers belong to.....
its not 0.001% of people i picked complex engineering things but its also more mundane stuff like idk simple managing of a business (PROPERLY and with hierarchy and respect and order) or even simple human interaction 
literally after old people die, nobody will remember how to talk to people irl

zoomers are all "casual" speech 100% of the time because they dont know anything other than ebonics and they could not wirte a formal.mail to save their lives
they do not understand the concept of there being ranks or respect or formality or separation
all these things are important and they live on in our elders
look mate i dont know what trite peruvian propaganda you were reading but the simple fact is that all the old people you see are fucking retards and "writing a mail" does not make them good even if zoomers are too retarded to be able to do it
zoomers being too braindead to do anything at all is in fact funnily enough a "good" thing in a sense since in a world of braindead fucks the few people who arent braindead can easily get to the top
youve obviously never met those types, "order" and "hierarchy" are ideals from 200 years ago not the current crop of boomers we have
trust me, ive spent my whole life around those types, and i live in the middle of a big hotspot of them
okay maybe not american style boomers but the ones ive met still clearly treated different people differently (in terms of distance and language etc.)
im not saying they were some epic pruBian officers just understanding that you dont talk to a bum or a teacher the same way
also in my experience zoomers are retard zoomers who zoom it up 99% of the time but when they're in the face of a higher authority they immediately start rubbing their hands and acting all meek and polite so i dont think they're as braindead as you try to portray them as
they've still got some form of survival instinct in there
youve probably been deceived by the devolution of language. most of the examples you cite are things like boomers being able to talk properly, or write formal emails, or zoomers have retarded ebonic niggerbabble slang
its true all of those things make general interactions with old people somewhat pleasant, but it's not an innate quality of theirs, it's really just that everything is going down the shitter at lightspeed
it should be clear if you watch older things and notice how they spoke and dressed not even that long ago
this is some random movie star in the 70s and the difference from today is heaven and earth
people never spoke televisionspeak in real life and they never will
but i sure wish they'd speak it on tv again!!!
why would it have to be innate to be a positive
they should have kept doing that weird pseudo-british accent on TV forever instead of dropping it uhhh whenever they did
it was kinda funny sounding and elegant and then all the other anglos would use it too and in 2000 when people learn english theyd learn generic TV anglo accent
if anyone is confused as to what the fuck im on about
mate literally everyone ever knows about that and its already been brought up 5 times before
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well anyway i didn't really get the point of like half of those posts above but dealing with old people ranges from pleasant to as-unpleasant-as-everyone-else meanwhile i dread even looking at zoomers much less interacting with them
how do i speak with static
no speaking only uploading
*uploads my faggot anglo accent into your brain*
roightly seu
i've been hurting myself so badly lately i mean it's always been a problem but through this week every single one of my toes got stubbed at some point my nails are in shambles
about to go insane from frustration and anger
its at times like these that i need to remind myself that no matter how bad it gets i can always get out via suicide
feels like throwing my body into a coal furnace
i think im turning albanian
prepare to die
everyone should do that not only the albanians
kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kike death kill me right now its all so embarrassing and pathetic
if i wasnt born in this nightmare planet but a reasonable one then i could very easily have someone appreciate my skills and pick me up yet here we are
yep this isnt going to work out without personal connections ill go hang around at places filled with rich middle aged men from now on i suppose
need someone to teach you how to write formal emails after all
silly little me was too focused on my formal cremation to study how to write formal emails
hear nothing
see nothing
do nothing
gonna write into my diary that i pissed away all of today too
oh boy jim is going to be so relieved when he sees my spergout
huge fan of how its possible to be crippled for life randomly
honestly dont believe things like that happen to normal people
theres just no way i could ever be a guy who randomly loses an arm or becomes paraplegic or falls into a sinkhole and dies
the best one is when youre not crippled physically or mentally but your future is
no such thing a man makes his future and thus a healthy man has a healthy future
a man makes his future t.got a trillion dollars on his first birthday and hasnt worked a day in his life
"i want my children to have a good life, so ill work to make it so"
"umm sorry your children didnt EARN that money, i should have it instead because uhhhh i just should okay"
im not even saying that you braindead retard you just never even tried to get a job or work it so you know absolutely nothing about any of these and have no right to talk about them
you could literally just vomit half of your assets into any random index fund and the life of you and your next 100000 generations will be guaranteed despite doing fuck all
yes because index funds definitely will just generate free money forever and ever with no downsides i sure am glad to live in the 21st century
only kikezoids can make money off of stocks
did some looking to see where people get the idea that the singular "they" is not a new feature of the english language, and all of the historical sources people cite exclusively use it when the antecedent is something like "everyone" or "each" i.e. a singular form but blatantly referring to multiple people
obviously to adduce this and say it proves that "they" has always been used as a singular pronoun is dishonest, so my intuition has once again been confirmed to be correct
god who fucking cares how many years have you been going on about this
however this is annoying because a big reason i wanted to know this is to figure out whether i should use singular or plural pronouns with "everyone" because both sound awkward but this indirectly confirms theres no solution
so im just going to have to stop using that word
take your meds
time to vomit and go to sleep
absolutely terrifying to think that this life is going to continue for god knows how many hours more
i cant even imagine how i would feel if it gets revealed to me that i will live for lets say 20 more years
that schizo post from the other day got me thinking, my day to day life really is a rollercoaster of absolute bliss and absolute suffering and all because of the smallest of things
for me its suffering into more suffering
got THIS as a random youtube rec
is there anything touhous cant do
imo this one's a little bit tranny'd up it just has that sort of aesthetic you know
well plus+disc was a little bit pointless
kill yourself hm
good morning to the rest
huh what did / do
i only woke up a few hours ago
tell it to the sheriff
the other day i went a little crazy and deleted all games i had on my computer but now im just extremely bored
plus disc is pointless but i found the jokes in it funny
pointless little jokes by pointless little men
    .  .  .
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     .   .
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another day among the living dead
you'd think i'd be killed off by a bolt of lightning or some other freak accident or something by now but nope
i'll probably live to 150 at the least
death of a trashman
yes i was giggling like a tard a bit and i suppose it answered a couple of random questions
     Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering about, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know that he was Zhuang Zhou.
     Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuang Zhou. But he didn't know if he was Zhuang Zhou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming that he was Zhuang Zhou. Between Zhuang Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things. 
i see... i see...
Replies: >>19932
amazing how people over twice my age have less than half my brainfog and memory loss
i confirmed this just yesterday
for some reason in my dream i had a very strong urge to install skyrim with rape mods
then i woke up and i thought to myself how utterly retarded of an idea that was
i dreamt that i was playing an mmo with 4-5 guys and we had an epic time slaying a big monster
ive done that like 10 times over the years and not once has it had the effect i wanted when i did it(using my time properly instead of on stupid worthless trite)
could you imagine being a dog and being part wolf
itd be like having lord of the rings elf ancestry or being a demigod or something
im part wolf and my life still sucks
if you were a dog you wouldnt be able to know or care
i never understood this "epic music to study/work/wtf to!!!!"
when i listen to music i become completely incapable of doing anything because all my brain cells are concentrating on the music
same, but theres a difference between active and passive listening
in particular if you listen to classical passively you are doing it entirely wrong and deserve to be whipped
time to waste time t.shakespear
want to be impaled by a spear actually
specifically a sarissa
think im having deja vu about things that happened mere hours ago
my fault
well pay up the reparations white boy cant buy my beer if i dont have money
uhhh im black
heard they are remaking persona apparently
yeah kind of
what are some other topics
la plata...
my deal in rate over 235 games is 14.89%
whats the deal with dealing in
its bad
;if it were me itd be over 80%
frankly i think have an 80% deal in rate would be more impressive than having like, a 5% one
it just means youre too dead inside to play video games(like me)
well what is it then
i dont even know what 26 is meant to mean in this situation
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just when i thought the mangaka was spouting trite he finally puts in a good line
think i want to get one of those games where you can make a cute little girl character and have her fight battles and stuff and make a cute little wolf girl as my character(2nd time writing this post)
heard something about a ff16 can you tell me about it
oh nevermind i thought itd be a new ff mmo or something but its just yet another normal ff
its final fantasy again t.expert
never played a single one and i reall'y don't feel like i'm missing out
do all these new ffs even have any sort of content or do they literally only just exist to show off how good the graphics are
uhhh well 15 is apparently an utterly terrible game but maybe 16 will be good i guess
actually that's a lie i did play some random new final fantasy game but i couldn't get past the intro quick time events
been only 12 hours since i woke up and i already want to sleep
actually i cant even remember what i did in that time
wow i think i need to start studying properly if i dont want to disappooint and disgust myself even more
nah you'll be fine
*farts around for 20 more years*
could eat a cat right now (this is a lot more feasible than eating a horse or elephant)
could eat a corpse right now
(note: i was intending to write horse but somehow my subconscious changed it to corpse instead)
you could eat neither because you have no access to them
i, thoughever, COULD eat a cat
well soon enough ill get access to a fresh corpse
sure hope these anime girls dont mind how im always bleeding when with them
its not like i do it because i have a bizarre interest in bleeding in front of girls or anything
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luxembourg is a meme state
i meant the provinces you tard
its funny how meme states like switzerland are only allowed to exist because the geography makes it a pain in the ass to split it between the rightful rulers
what even funnier is how people actually live in those meme states
showering, brushing my teeth and shaving before i talk to anime girls
story of my life
but there arent any anime girls to be found!
a new body!!! please!!! i swear i won't screw up this time!!!
yeah ill have uhhhh 1 fresh 2d ikemen body please
*flattens you with a cement roller*
turk-style bioengineering
i find the idea of a country/people stealing a flag and using it for something else to be really funny

like imagine if you were a bunch of random africans or a bunch of SEAns living in the jungle and you found an anti-kike movement or an anti-bald people guerrilla or whatever the fuck, and you have to get some flag................so you go to the local dumpyard and you get 500 flags of Guatemala.......and you start using that
even more funny if it becomes globally recognized. like say the fagflag would probably make incas seethe if they still existed
the fagflag makes ME seethe because the rainbow has now become universally recognized as the big great faggot symbol and lost all of its original pure and reasonable meaning
what if you make the stripes vertical
i think thats a good subversion

especially now that they added the troontriangle
have you been living under a rock mate
for me its the black and brown stripes because blacks and browns are gay
i'm sorry
wooow they put NEW MUSIC and NEW GRAPHICS in for kagetsu tohya this is incredible
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would you like me to explain kagetsu tohya's gimmick/gameplay loop
what a weird thing to say
obviously i know what the gimmick is because im playing it
its like asking someone who's playing call of duty if he wants to know what a first person shooter is
i dunno meit i thought you could have just hopped in and thought it was just about clicking things
well... it kind of is yeah... i only use me mouse
anyways if you get super stuck and want to actually advance the plot proper i suggest using ciel's hints but just pick the one thats a vague hint
im quite autistic and methodical with things like this so im probably not going to get stuck
im trying to remember any particularly good little events i could point you towards but theres a lot i remember
a loading screen tip told me theres a threesome with the maids
yes there is but that ones uhhhhh in one of the side menu stories, dont remember how you unlock that one but im sure you can figure out how to unlock a maid side story
already unlocked one of those but im too busy replaying the school day
the side stories are weird some of them are just canon information and some are just random shitpost stories
also check the gallery often you unlock a ton of bullshit randomly and theres some nice pictures in there
seems like theres a lot of content here
good that itll keep me satisfied for a while longer
tucked into bed, still can see my breath
seems like theres a lot of tuckers here
i forgot to mention but it was funny seeing q bunch of uruguay plated buses outside my house due to the whole thing going on
what the fuck do you mean thing going on
nobody here reads uruguayan news or whatever the fuck other than you
they are world champions -_-
champions of the amazon maybe
in the mood to play shit porno games(read: extremely stressed and about to implode)
but im too white and intelligent to waste my time on that demonic trite
going to be like -8 with all the humidity and shite where well be sleeping tonight
think i should be nervestapled for my own good
thats no way to start your morning
but seriously what even is there to do at all
feel like just plunging right back into sleep for another 30 hours
uhhh yeah i rekcon im gonna fall asleep again in 2 hours or so
how about a game of solitaire
thats single player mate
it is you idiot unless argentine solitaire is different
almost feel like writing lies in here just to kill time
did you know jim migrated to canada in an effort to rebuild his life
migrated straight into a forest fire he did
imagine all the innawoods autists who burned to death back then with nobody ever discovering their corpse
this character's name is "kitty kitten"
its only been maybe 3 months since i watched that 1 and i dont even remember the face of that character
i cant even sit down and play and finish a game or finish an anime anymore
im a cripple in all ways but legal
its not like the characters are...particularly special or anything
but she has big blue hair thats how i tell them apart by hair
ah yeah that's marge i know that one
*laugh track plays* (in rioplatinese spanish)
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for me, its jimmy jimmen
in that one mecha anime i watched the rival of the mc was an american and they kept shitting on eachother constantly
i was thinking ignoring the possibility of it being assblasted japanese authors it does feel rather realistic for the last battalion of americans in a war against robots from hell and space to want to kill non-american guys even after they bring them a cool new robot
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anyways a random comment is getter (and general dynamic pro manga i've read) do something which seems to be a lost art in lots of manga but survived in western comics/graphic novels which is playing with panelling and framing
this is a super miniscule example but the cannon in the bottom panel going all the way outside and "off the page" feels very cool because last chapter they mention it's 150 meters long which is long of course but when you play with the art like this you can go "wow.....that IS a big cannon..."
theres still some cases of it even now
i think it might just be because of the switch to digital and the pecularities of the software they use, as far as i know most of them just use the little paneling setting of their preferred software and dont draw them themselves so maybe theyre being restricted by some gay software trote
yeah its of course not entirely gone but certainly less prevalent than the past, and especially less prevalent than in the west
and yes i wouldnt be surprised if digital+schedules changed things up
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also heres the bote because it looks cool
that does not look like a bote
well its an air one
why is it sitting on a shag carpet then
times are tough
even the botes have it rough eh... what has the world come to
like i said robots from space and hell and space hell cause problems
may as well just read warhammer at that point
warhammer doesnt even register as a real thing to me im sure if i got into it a bus full of people would show up to my house to laugh at me for falling for their decades long prank
warhammer seems like its one of the few western things that hasnt been subsumed by the tranny horde yet though its teetering on the edge
i mean its not like it ever "will" because warhammer isnt like...a centralized thing like yeah you need "permission" to make warhammer things but that doesnt stop people from just...not getting it, or the people who do get it just making whatever the fuck they want
well without wanting to veer into "two guys talking about something neither of them know anything about" territory isnt it managed by games workshop which is a company
so if they decide to release some space marines with the trannynigger flag it would basically be victory for them (not that i think they will, it's just that there IS a victory condition, you know what i mean?)
i mean yes it is but like i said its not like warhammer canon "matters" and as far as i know from friends the relationship between games workshop and the fanbase is strained on a good day, so if they really did something stupid (most) of the nerds would riot against them
thats good, seems like one of the last few bastions of pre-gamergate "nerd" culture (in the west)
and once again its not like the fanbase is any stranger to hating games workshop, i know they have a history of (somtimes) killing fan projects people like and of course their utterly criminal business model
cat keeps trying to eat a bunch of fucking dust!!! what the fuck!!!
they do do that
maybe a level of self-reliance and animosity between the fanbase and corporation is healthy in that way, because it protects you from top-down corruption
the world is so fucked now that its hard to even remember the pre-gamergate pre-2016 election world
maybe it was all just a dream and never existed
must be what it felt like to remember the 50s after all that trite that happened in the 60s
or the 30s after the 40s
(in germany, obviously)
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what the mother fuck HAPPENED with this map
Replies: >>19556
the grey is land
the white is sea(and also the north pole ice)
Replies: >>19556
ohhhhhhhhh holy fuck you're right i even tried looking at it like that but ice being it also was confusing me
Replies: >>19556
vgh the arctic north pole army is so w&b no matter the setting
Replies: >>19556
confusing the land and sea is such an universal mistake 
i wonder if all the map enthusiasts from hundreds of years ago experienced it as well
Replies: >>19556
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turk whats this character mean
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its insane how much worse arcueid looks in the remake
every one of the remake designs are worse it's utterly bizarre how not a single one is improved
i dont even think theyre BAD per se but theyre just wrong
i think arcueid is the most egregious
i remember hating akiha's a lot didnt they give her a shorter skirt and fuck up her hair
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uhhh akiha looks fine to me meit
noooo its just different enough i dont like it
maybe id be upset if i just saw her but in comparison to arc im unmoved
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update: dinos came back for a third time
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should mean dragon
man i really love dinos i mean just look at those they are so cool
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pretty good ride all things considered
i think giants have a very big potential market and the chance to be epic
but the ordinary portrayal of them is fucking boring so i need to find out just what will unlock their true potential
don't remember hearing about this guy before
the mistake is that the american army is in siberia and the russo-chinese army is in america

hope it helped
uhhh the tsukihime music has been looping in my head all day
thatd actually be my one "complaint" (not really) is i wasnt a fan of the music
like none of it is bad and its a low budget vn but like...10 tracks for an entire vn is brutal and it gets repitive
fate has some excellent tunes however
yes it does get a bit repetitive but i spaced out the routes quite a bit so i didnt get sick of anything
and track 8 so iconic that its hard to get sick of it
in the download i linked oyu theres actually multiple osts but i didnt bother checking any of them out
i dont think i clicked on that
thought there was water dripping but it was just my chair arm slowly breaking
i unscrewed mine just yesterday
don't even like armrests they're too constraining
im ready and willing to be cut down at any time by a force of justice
thought there was something wrong with the website
but alas
theres something wrong with the people who use this website
if puy was a word what would it be
it's got a proto germanic feel to it just needs a couple superscripted h's in there
looking at flags and imagining things is a lot more fun than playing any "grand" strategy game
really wish i was not here
HERE or "here"?
just when is the coup de grace going to be delivered to me
wowww exact same time nice nice
here(18th layer of hell) not here(tragsg)
though i suppose the latter counts too since its just one of the many parts of this layer of hell
>In a referendum on 15 May 2011, voters in the Canton of Zürich overwhelmingly rejected calls to ban assisted suicide or to outlaw the practice for non-residents. Out of more than 278,000 ballots cast, the initiative to ban assisted suicide was rejected by 85% of voters and the initiative to outlaw it for foreigners was turned down by 78%.[17][18][19] 
amazing how bloodthirsty the swiss are
and just when is the swiss guard going to cut me down in the name of god
my droppings were really really reddish and i was getting ready to see a big splurge of blood when i got up from the seat but then i rememered i ate like 5 whole beetroots this week
also also i was going to post earlier about how i'd like some rain but decided against it 
and then a couple hours later it finally rained!! for the first time in the last couple weeks even if it was only for about 10 minutes i guess that's all i could manifest
either im breaking or a fucking bug is in my nose cutting a hole
its nose cancer
death to kikes
hey turk how often are there bus/tram strikes 

do things get canceled when that happen as does here
dreamt that canman and sp/ohayou? came to my house and we watched jap kino all through the night and did stupid ad lib plays and whatnot
i woke up the next morning to see the house in a total mess and somebody had forgot their phone here
they are so few ive never even had to deal with one
the real problem is how all the buses breakdown at least once a week presumably because of absolute dogshit maintenance
almost never had the bus break down(though ive seen it) but theres national bus strikes at least once a year
and thats the beauty of cultural differences
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hes just like me
really have to stop making up fantasies in my head that suddenly become miserable and make me want to cry
had a nightmare where nothing happened
i had some manner of pleasant dream last night but i dont remember it
nothing like warm milk to stave off this glacial 18 degree cold
cant help but feel theres something i'm supposed to be doing right now but i cant remember what it is
i drank some milk earlier and it burned my fucking throat
wow me too :)
want to hang at the hanging gardens if you get what i mean
ah yes the japanese suicide forest i get it
just ate the most fucking terrible tomato sauce pasta of my life
it tasted like water and pain
turk i have an epic idea why not study catholicism until you get a degree and then you can get a phd in exorcism
yeah no thanks
just look at how jim turned out
joining the catholic church to become a vampire hunter just like ciel-senpai
i just realized the mystery squares that show up when a character your pc cant display actually have their hexadecimal number on them
for example 255 is  and 254 is  (though you can probably see them just fine and not the boxes like i do)
they are boxes
says they are for "private use" i doubt most fonts have anything for them
i think the most fun thing about computers is how its such a disgustingly deep thing
like sure if you want to be a little pooinloo nigger you can just....make a game in java without understanding how anything works.... but if youre a white man youll have to learn java, your libraries, the os, databases, hardware and software and all of these are deep, even with just hardware you can go all the way down to the fucking movement of electrical currents if you want to actually "know" how it works
and do....nothing with that knowledge
i checked them and one was the square sign and the other was that one space people used to shitpost on 4chan with
i cant see any of the math signs for some reason theyre all replaced by ・
if you dont know how it works it may as well be black magic
using epic tricks to minimize performance loss requires indepth knowledge anyway and (more importantly) you can always btfo people on the neet with your knowledge
almost used affirmation to destroy the universe because of this awful no good mahjong luck
stop playing traditional gacha then if your luck is so bad
i dont gacha i just jong
its ancién gacha
thinking about how good devilman is
*curses you*
you dont get it...body of a devil...heart of a man...
all i know about devilman is i like the devilman song in the anime
its probably not an exaggeration to call it one of the best manga ever in my eyes
and personal preference aside it just changing japanese storytelling forever
closed my eyes
once i opened it there was a massive cockroach literally like 3-5 cm away from my face
you must have done something horrible in your past lives
i tried to lure it in to an open space and then smash it wide open with the cheaparfume™ bottle but it just went into the sink instead
then i drowned it in boiling hot water
had an extremely hard laugh talking with a friend about the concept of getting worse and worse roles in life as you reincarnate all the way down to a worm and then they said "and what if after you died as that worm you were just back to the you at the present"
anyways i think this must be the turk's situation
grrr JUST as i start reading me freaking manga the site is down for maintenance
its really hard to think that there isnt somebody pulling the reins behind my existence with some goal or another, especially since i regularly end up in situations with dozens of layers of irony piled on top as well as the bizarre "precognition" thing i previously talked about
this really might just be my personal hell in all honesty
a soul so wretched it keep going down to lowlier and lowlier lifeforms until it ends up at the absolute bottom of the chain and then when it dies samsara is clueless as to how it can punish it more so it just spits out the turk
can you use this fucking precognition to get me a lottery win? i would split it 40/60 with you, and you get the 60%
no sorry it only occurs when it can cause me additional suffering
ok then how about i promise you 100% but i wont give you any of it  should give you some despair
cannot believe he learned japanese just to play MAHJONG
thats the argentine though
unless youre telling me theyre the same person
mate this is tragsg the truth is lower priority than making an epic post
nobody here but the turk learned japanese
cannot believe he(japanese) got reincarnated as a turk
what will he end up reincarnating as next time
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epic btfo of twitterkikes
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Replies: >>19933
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thats the second time im seeing that exact plot point
whats the other thing
its uhahhhhh uhhh votoms
ohhh really now
i was already planning on watching that but now im more interested
it comes in fairly late game though
i think the best part of the anime was the not!vietnam arc
well yeah i was already interested not knowing that so that just adds a bit more
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anyways now i have finished reading getter
now to the keen eyed this may not look like an ending but the author fukken died before he could make more
very jealous
my real hope right now is violence jack gets translated because thats the next dynamic pro thing im actually pretty interested
funnily enough it IS completely translated in spanish which i guess i could read
hey hold on a fucking moment when did clothing made from leather/wool become a luxury item!!!
not long after they made straight sex a luxury item
>One effect of this was that "during World War II rotary pencil sharpeners were outlawed in Britain because they wasted so much scarce lead and wood, and pencils had to be sharpened in the more conservative manner – with knives."[30]
classic anglo retardation
one time in elementary school i shaved all the paint off a pencil using my desk
was one of the most epic things ive ever done
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jeeeeesus fucking christ its been so long since ive last seen people write like this that im struggling to read it
just why did white writing die out anyway
caligraphy is gay for latin alphabets just make it legible
can only imagine the kind of ultra tryhard faggot who uses one of the tips like the index or mordant
for me its the spear and shield
i'll have to go with flat centre and wide heel
isnt it funny how through my entire life i have not once had the opportunity to flaunt my knowledge of geography and history
i did when i took tard history in uni and didnt have to study at all
also when i watch ufc and my normie friends dont know a flag they always ask ME which flag it is :)
no no that doesnt count you could literally just randomly write shit in and pass it too
well yeah but i didnt and i didnt JUST pass i did good so it counts
also in the event youre retarded this isnt me BRAGGING about doing well in a class meant for tards it is just an example
*dies of asshurt*
killkikllliilllkilll kill all bugs dtotal fucking bug nigger daeth kill them all little fucking freaks
yeah theres too many japan related posts these days
make different posts then
i hate america so much
 lets talk about koreaaaaaaaaaaa
>Albanians in Kosovo wanted to thank former U.S. President Bill Clinton for his help in their struggle with the government of Yugoslavia.
>In a summer vacation, a group of 15 children discovered a mysterious man living in a seashore cave, along with his high-tech gadgets. The man claimed to be a game developer creating a video game with a giant robot defending Earth from 15 alien invaders, and asked those children to test the game for him. The kids agreed happily at first, but soon they began to find the game horrifying, not only because of its realism but also because the first fatality among them happened right after their first victory. Worse yet, they had no idea how to stop or leave the "game."
going to read this now because of a single panel i saw that was very cool
last time i did this the manga was a complete 6/10
read the first sentence and thought it was from wikipedia for some reason
also yeah i swear i read that description sometime in the past
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well all ic an say for now is i like the big spindly robot
unfortunately too hard for us old little trash to will things
also the humans remind me of how digimon kids looked
ugh am i retarded or what i need to go learn how to draw or something
first you must learn to shuffle
woooow i cant BELIEVE it never occurred to me that mario is a shoto in smash bros
shoto eh is that peruvian for melon
yeah me mate...mario melon...grew up in peru...yeah heard he's with that maost terrorist group now...did you know theyre the only terrorist group with a submarine
mother bought me ice cream
i want it oo i want it too!!!
had to buy some random wet tissues(you know that thing) after mine run out and i couldnt find the usual one i buy at the market
well the problem is that everytime i smell these they remind me of mlp for some bizarre fucking reason so everytime i wipe something with them it smells of ponies for the rest of the day
whats worse is that i still have 200 more of these to use up
genuinely the most mentally ill post in tragsg history
look mate do you think im smelling ponies because i fucking want to???
haven't used tissues in about a decade i just keep a roll of tp specially since my nose is always running
they're so expensive and ran out so quick
ugh i kind of want to try melty blood now
mr tsukihiman would you care to play it with me
no because my computer is (still) dead
i like melty a lot but it is by literally any sane definition a kusoge like it has some absolutely vile game design choices and completely shit tier balancing, also it's super fucking dead so its relegated to a discord game now
type lumina is relatively popular though and according to people with no credentials its "the best" anime fighter right now
never played it though
well obviously i meant type lumina
well then the answer is double no because of the computer not existing and then extra no because i would have to spend money
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ugh how come i never had a sister like this(note; i know what im saying is retarded)
spend... money? but arent games free
anything is free if you put your mind to it
O_o michael roa is s-tier... thats probably who i was gonna main
trembling in excitement at whats coming up, the most interesting and fun part of my day; sleep
wait this is a 60 dollar game wtf theres no way im not pirating that
ahhh yes thank you fitgirl
jesus fucking christ i just said something extremely painful to an anime girl what the fuck is happening to my brain
im not even talking about a vn protag or something i said it myself
before we continue which part of that statement do you think demonstrates there is something wrong with you
i cant really answer that question because i dont know the answer myself
no you cant back out of this one buddy
tell us what EXACTLY you said and to whom
i saw a passing gif of an anime girl smiling and for some reason felt a bit of sadness and instinctively said "don't ever lose that smile"
absolutely painful
ok thats pretty funny
is the tranny watching tucker on twitter now
how is he adapting to the change
Replies: >>19733
the ear ringing has gotten quiet enough were i almost forgot about it for a few hours
hope that means it will eventually go away entirely
i think ive posted this before but sometimes when i think about chris chan it makes me sad
imagine your life actually just being the truman show. nobody you speak to for nearly two decades is a real human are just people with varying degrees of desire to fuck with you
nobody forced him to record 1000 videos of himself being a weird tard and upload them on youtube
yes that part is funny and indefensible and he is obviously a tard at best and a malicious retard at worst
but you can still feel bad about one aspect of something
just waiting for news of his death at this point
there isnt really anything else that could happen
being such an unfathomable mistake of god i can only imagine he will live for an exceedingly long time
that means tragsg will last forever
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okay yes a proper wide shot of it i do quite enjoy this robot
i look about 10 years older and twice as insane if my hair gets just a little bit more disheveled than usual funny how these things are
and yes very cool robot i always like the alien aesthetic a lot more than the generic blockey hunk of metal you often see
hope i fall asleep instead of wallowing in misery for hours
funnily enough this manga is reminding me EXACTLY of the one i mentioned before where i got tricked by a single cool page
but at least this has robots in it which pertains more to my interest
(the other one was called sekai oni for those curious)
like sekai oni was about a bunch of kids with fucked up lives having to fight these big bad monsters without any choice so you have your monster fights then it cuts back to "oh yeah my adoptive brother cut my bird's head off and kicked me in the stomach 100 times" or "this girl is a sex addict"
and now this one is about a bunch of fucked up kids who without any choice together to fight a big bad and then you see them fight in a big robot and then the fight ends and it goes back to "oh this kid wants to be a prostitute to get money to save this other kid from being a prostitute" or "oh this kid fucks her teacher"
bizarre sub genre ive discovered i think
i think i'll call it "shittier evangelion" after stewing on it for a bit
insane that the cut yumizuka route keeps getting brought up over and over and over twenty years later its actually going to become real soon
really looking forward to that
just noticed i did a pretty cool effect with my sentence structure there
youre not cool at all
never forgive
never forget
c also
>One primary cause for concern with such farms is the potential for the insects to escape, something that could lead to a "catastrophe" according to Zhu Chaodong, a professor and head of insect evolution studies at the Institute of Zoology in Beijing.[2] In August 2013, over a million cockroaches escaped from a farm in the Jiangsu province.[1] The farmer had an unregistered building housing the creatures that was demolished while he was out to lunch, freeing the insects; the farmer summoned the authorities to exterminate them.[4]
>Cockroach racing is a club gambling activity which started in 1982 at the Story Bridge Hotel in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The event is held on 26 January, Australia Day, and is given the title "Australia Day Cockroach Races". This type of racing has spread to many parts of the world including the United States.[1][2] In North America, cockroach racing has recently become a popular feature for money, prizes, or just for its entertainment value. It is held in exhibitions promoting entomology where the public and entomologists participate.[3] 
>The racing event in Australia generates a feverish pitch and the event held annually is given the hyperbole as "the greatest gathering of thoroughbred cockroaches in the world".[4] Every year, seven such events are held in Australia, which is known as the sprint, the steeplechase and main event held at the Story Bridge Hotel called the Gold Cup event.[4] The race arena is 6 metres (20 ft) ring. The roaches kept in glass bottles are let out in the middle of the ring. The cockroach which reaches the edge of the ring first is declared a winner.[4] There is an entry fee to participate in the event. The winners listed so far in the Hall of Fame of this Australian event are unusual names such as "Soft Cocky, Cocky Balboa, Cocky Dundee, Drain Lover, and Priscila-Queen of the Drains".[4] 
jesus fucking christ man
>In the United States, the cockroach race is also a popular event held prior to the Presidential election. It is conducted every four years by the Pest Control Association of New Jersey. The race predicts the Democratic candidate for the presidential election; in 1999, Al Gore won over Bill Bradley and Bill Clinton "won by an antenna," in 1992.[7]
Total Nigger Death ~ Story of Grim Men in Grim World
how do you write total nigger death in kanji
what was the deal with ododadcer huh what happened to him
he was dadced to death
to be a warrior is to dadc with the knowledge that one day it will be you being dadcd
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hey hold the fuck up corsica isnt even french so why do they get to own it
las corsicas son argentinas
ohhhh yahhhhh lets d drugs all night mayes!!!! my e little chumchums!!!!! me 20 year pooacquaintances!!!!!
hopefully theres a burger in my future
how much time has it been since i last ate red meat
must be......years
at least you get to drink red(your own blood) everyday
its blue
does anybody here know my birthdate
i forgot...
someone told me ideon starts to get very good after kitty kitten is introduced (and so far this does seem to be the case) but i assumed she would have a part in it considering the person...named her
but uhhh no she gets shot two episodes after being introduced and dies instantly
i know there's somebody here who was born... around the middle of june
i didnt want to say anything but my birthday is scarily close to the biggers
or was it nhks fuck i forget
none of you are even real so i didnt even know you had birthdays
ive never brought it up and i probably never will
ohhhhhhh yeah she was that one
i remember now she's the one who just gets killed off immediately
the whole time they were in that planet me and my mate were just making fun of the child soldiers so its no wonder i couldnt remember her
there was actually a character just like her in xabungle in that she died just as fast as kitten
every once in a while i remember that my sign is the sign of the virgin and laugh
whenever i remember about the chinese zodiac im reminded my year is the year of the metal dragon and thats quite literally the most epic possible one
i forgot mine but i also liked it
i think we're all metal because the elements dont cycle very often
uhhh nevermind it does not work like that at all scratch that
im a fucking metal chicken(according to the month one)
i dont think the month affects it at all
according to the wikipedia its more important than the year one
weird ive only ever heard of the sexagenary one
according to this thing my wuxing(i dont know what that is) is "east" and my.....time.....is 5-7pm
its a shame this stuff is almost certainly real and affects your destiny deeply but nobody actually understands how to interpret it anymore because the art is lost to time
yes you see as my direction is east and my time is dusk what it means is that i alone will be surrounded in darkness as all the rest of the world prospers under the sunlight t.pro
ive spent the last few days doing nothing but reading manga i dont even like
wow same
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presenting to you the latest hoi4 dlc
funny how long it has been and even with all the things hoi4 can do paradox is still churning out generic flavor "decision that gives you +1.% of something" like they did with vicky 2
that doesnt even bother me at this hoi4 is already so stupid and it's sweden i cant even muster up the energy to care
yeah i just laughed and skipped it
>'If it can be shown that an incorporeal and reasonable being has life in itself independently of the body and that it is worse off in the body than out of it; then beyond a doubt bodies are only of secondary importance and arise from time to time to meet the varying conditions of reasonable creatures. Those who require bodies are clothed with them, and contrariwise, when fallen souls have lifted themselves up to better things, their bodies are once more annihilated. They are thus ever vanishing and ever reappearing.'
a very good quote
holy shittt it's ALIVE?????
so it wasnt down just for me
i got so worried i posted on the hima
well now that its back time to not make any posts
would you rape a woman if you had 100% assurance there would be no negative consequences
absolutely not
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anyways during the downtime i finished that manga i read only because of this panel
grossly okay manga too much words words words and stupid bullshit but i thoroughly enjoyed the ending (guy has to spend 48 hours killing every living thing on an alternate earth to kill one person)
that image looks like an old photo from the thumbnail and thats cool
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it's quite a good spread
the entire ending had some very excellent art
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last one i'll post (post omnicide)
these are a good example of how a little can go a long way with black and white contrast
also japan really makes a lot of atomic bomb allegories
can i post??
yes theres even a bit in the manga where one of the robots theyre fighting flees to hawaii because it can shell their robot from there, and they cant get there within a 48 hour timeframe (time limit until the universe ends) and the us government decides the only option is to have japan drop a nuke on the monster, but japan HAS to take the blame for it and they even say "well...we're probably going to widely hated for this but im sure the people at the top made some kind of good deal..."
maybe thats what happened in real life...
also i found out like halfway through this actually got an anime adaptation to my complete surprise
no idea how it is but i wonder how they handled the:
1. middle schooler pregnancy
2. middle schooler attempted prostitution
3. actual middle schooler prostitution
4. plot required child death at all times
whenever i read something i always look up if it had an anime or voice drama or voiced preview or whatever else because i get really autistic about imagining the characters voices
i mostly think about the music
middle schooler pregnancy eh... wait til canny hears about this
its going to be a terrible day today christ
i want to go back to bed
also i was the one who killed it ysterday i was trying to post a picture of hell
(to recap i possess the ability to kill the site at any time by posting big images(if the bigger tries the same tactic then its all over))
sometimes i wonder why the tram sways left and right like a fucking cradle
finished watching martian successor nadesico
now that was a good one
i played a bit of one of the two games a year ago but i stopped because im retarded
should get back into it eventually
going to have to spend everyday with my phone by me at all times and set to the highest notification volume
i want to just break the fucking thing and rest in peace
was the website down for any1 else
it went down last night for a few hours
slept 3 hours and dreamt about not being able to sleep
i had a big bunch of crazy dreams again
in one of them the turk was this giant omnipotent figure and he grabbed me by the collar and pulled me all the way back to turkey
all the while i was screaming "i have no money!!"
you know now that i think about it i dont think i ever did a turk game in vicky2
its rather fun
ive done all kinds
my favorite one was probably when i released everything outside modern day turkey and after becoming a literate industrialized ethnostate i turned into a dictatorship and blobbed around
dreamt i was at work and everybody hated me very very openly for touching a womans nose just when the electricity went out
thing is i did not do it and the woman just suddenly started screaming about how i did it and nobody cared to hear me out
towards the end of the dream i realized that nobody actually cared about her but had just wanted an excuse to hate me because they think im disgusting and dont fit in, even though ive never done anything wrong
i think i want to get some weights
those you can lift with a single arm
i can never get a good rhythm going with exercising and working out it's all such a bother but if i could just lift something while i'm bored on the computer that'd be perfect
wow funnily enough while i was going to bed (not dreaming yet) i was recalling a time in elementary school where two "friends" completely made up that i said something mean and kept trying to get me in trouble with the teacher
my aunt is obsessed with turkish dramas (like k-dramas but turkish) but she has no idea who ataturk is
Replies: >>19815
is that a good thing or a bad thing
hooting and hollering imagining anybody but the turk posting 11
Replies: >>19916
that reminds me there was this turkish movie or tv show or whatever that i wanted to watch years ago but i completely forgot anything about it including the title
i'm sure they can produce some decent pieces
wait what wheres 11 what
refresh the page
apparently turkish dramas are very very popular among....retards..... so its not really strange
ive hated them since i was born theyre the most disgusting filthy trite ever yet literally everybody watches them so you can never escape them, imagine for example a world where everybody exclusively listens to zoomer mumblerap
wait but i live in that world
HAHAHA no way man it was just an example theres no way everybody would be listening to shitty mumblera.....oh...
shes not turkish and neither am i for that matter
she watches them with subtitles
ohohohohoho so my post was reality
its really not that strange, people have been watching foreign soap operas since tv existed. thats why i compared it to k-dramas
but nobody outside of 4chan even knows turks are real
european people see turks all the time, theyre like the equivalent of mexicans
(but white)
oh yeah i forgot to say this but i saw some big statues of ataturk and the ataturk mask a few days ago
what happens if you put the mask on
but yeah obviously she doesnt actually know shit about turkey if shes never heard of ataturk. she probably thinks theyre all white because thats how the actors look
wait holy christ its not a mask they made fucking mount turkmore??? i cant believe nobody have ever brought this up before
wow... i simply must visit izmir to see mount ataturk
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its so ridiculous
hes a lot more epic than smelly fat democratic jewish americans so it doesnt matter if its a ripoff
also it looked a lot better than in 1
there it just looks like a giant statue of a man holding in a fart
the nation of turkey IS the fart
too bad we dont have mote facedoxxers otherwise we could make a mount tragsmore
couldnt even imagine the type of man to go out of his way to edit in a tragsgmore
itd be less work than other things weve done
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time to read this
im going to read an enormously long story about incest
finally going to read the bible then
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united....states....of.....south amreica??????
all they were missing was a true strongman
as opposed to the stronglittlemen who divided up the continent
theres no reason to waggle to the idea of an united south america since you know itd be absolute fucking dogshit
they'd be the best at football at least
did you know because pachinko machines have to operate under their retarded secret laws, when the hit anime/manga "Gambling apocalypse kaiji" was turned into a pachislot they had to change the name because they couldnt have "gambling" on a machine
gayblade apocalypse kaiji
chinkos playing pachinko
im gonna vomit
i literally do not have a single thing to do
suffere yeah i do it every day!!!!!!
undergoing turkification (increasing japanese declining health)
anybody seen that gintama 
always see people i trust speak highly of it but i see its a comedy and the japanese are NOT funny
a little bit of it a full decade ago and i legitimately remember not a single thing
teehee wrong tab
well i saw it all
yeah i dont even think deleting it does anything here
its not like i understood anything of what you were saying in that post anyway its all chingchong to me
its not like its some sensitive info i only cared enough to delete it because yes it's chinese to anybody here
out of not only disinterest but also respect i will not google any of the words
how did you even mistake this tab for another everything looks so different specially the reply box
happened to me a lot in the past too but everytime i mistook the other place for here
i was in the zone
what am i even supposed to do
its nighttime so i want to use it well but theres nothing to fucking do at all
uuurrrhgg i keep getting the urge to play grandi strategy games but then i keep remembering that they are all shit!
homo proponit
deus disponit
would be funny if we had posters from all the hyperinflating countries but so far we only got 2
to be fair dont we have two of the literal worst ones
i guess like...venezuela...and zimbabwe could be worse
ive been fighting for my fucking lifeeeeeee trying to rank up in mahjong i was so fucking close but i just got ACTUALLY unlucky, like im sure there were games i could have 100% played better but im NOT dealing in
me i still cant beat famicom majong which is 1vs1 on super easy mode
dont worry america will collapse any moment and then the number will jump up to 5
when america goes down canada is going with it
and probably all of sudaca land and west europe too
i think part of my trauma is east games are an actual circle of hell but i was advised to hit expert before playing south
(this is because east is half as long as a normal game (south) so fags just build the quickest shittiest hands)
looks like the doctors werent happy with me lies now i have medical debt
i fucking told you!!!
well i will call again and say i have no money again and see what happens
slept 6 hours
stayed awake for 5
slept 7 hours
stayed awake for 7
gonna sleep another 5 or so
gigantic rain for the 2nd night in a row
yeah its great innit
wonder how many hours it would add up to if you summed all the time i've waited for a game or any other kind of application endlessly load
my life is over
cant end what never began
yeah thats the real sad part is i never had a chance
really im basically an anime character written by a generic mediocre 19th/early 20th century tragedy writer
me im just a puddle
i cant even play video games anymore i just end up spacing out staring at the screen blankly
im dead in all ways but biological
have you tried doing something about it
like those people who go live in the woods for a week with no sins or pleasures
i cant i have bills to pay
well that does suck then
it sure fucking does!!!!!!!!! i failed at life this fucking early!!!!!!!!!
death to kikes
had like 1 dream for every hour i slept and now i cant discern between reality and deam
just earlier i was desperately trying to get up and try to answer the questions in an exam only to realize it doesnt exist
any1 else remember that one time i posted a link to the site of some chinese woman talking about how asian women are all white and should only marry with white men and how asian men are scum
made me laugh a lot back in the day
death to niggers
i hate eating so fucking much
how do you say tsunami in european
we already had this conversation a couple months ago
sorry i was hibernating
dreamt i was trapped in a sunken submarine fighting goblins or something
then i dreamt i was back in high school trying to explain something to this stupid high school girl but she just wouldnt get it
daihinmin huh finally found a good word to describe myself

>In Sweden, a common name for this game used to be "neger och president" which means Negro and President. This title reflects the injustice and hierarchy of slave-age USA. New titles have since been adopted, since the word "neger" is considered by many to be offensive.
>Similar to the Swedish and German versions, there is also a Greek variant of Daifugō called "Νίγκα" (Greek imitation of US-pronounced "nigga"). The original game play features 5 ranks (Masta, Half-Masta, Swiss, Half-Nigga, Nigga)
i cant fucking breathe agaghgh
my veins are blocked so the oxygen doesnt reach my brain
yeah thats weird swiss are supposed to be below niggers not above
3 you were trying to warn her about canman but she wouldn't listen
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got me first yakuman last night
its kazoe but it counts to me
was trying to pretend i care but then i accidentally closed the tab then i tried to pretend to care again and accidentally closed the tab again
ive decided
if i procastinate for one(ein(1)) more day ill kill myself(said inbetween reading manga)
oh wow the girl in my manga did an argentine backbreaker
theres nothing to eat!
got alcohol that needs drinking
not him but turkish telenovellas have been a topic of discussion for a while even before the turk came in
they are like the mass-produced chink version of telenovellas because i guess people still watch TV in turkey which means that TV studios have the budget to make good ones, whereas everywhere else (3rd world shitholes) people dont have money to make good ones so they just buy turkish ones

ive never watched one but honestly from the ads its probably better than american slop. theyre usually about some retarded contrived plot like my brother killed my lover who was the mother of my cousin and the heir to tataturk's secret estate where you have to marry into the 5th grandson of the cousin of the son of the bride to blabablaba instead of "im lgbtqpia+ so im going to make a neovagina in my forehead" which is the average american show
well yeah it absolutely btfos american shows just by having white people in it
the stuff about contrived plots reminds me of the chink webnovel stuff
contrived plots are just par for the course for any telenovela (which we also have a lot of)
that reminds me one time i was bored to death surfing random tv channels around the world and ended up watching some arab/lebanese novela about the ottoman period (at least i think it was) maybe it was a dubbed turkish one who knows
the average american show is arguably worse than that
one time i was upstairs on the couch with a headache and the tv was on and the show was so unfathomably indescribably boring i thought it would be alright to just kill myself on the couch
did steinerenko take moscow yet
havent been keping up
2 more weeks until they reach moscow but also 2 more weeks until they reach kiev
reminiscing about that one time i did 93 pushups in a row
honestly that was the one single time in my entire life where i could honestly be confident in my strength and satisfied in it
cant do 5 probably
i probably cant even do 50 now and im not even morbidly obese like the rest of you
youre going down with us mate
but then i'll push myself back up
.....fifty times
did you know that in niconico there's a category of gameplay videos where the entire commentary is cropped audio from various gay pornos
they are fairly popular and the interesting thing about them is that the commentary always directly relates to whats happening on screen, for example if the mc is offered cake ingame then some audio of a gay offering cake is played
heres a good example of what im talking about
what an amazing culture they have cultivated
maybe if the koreans and chinese valued gay sex more they could make empires too like the japanese did
this is Two Heavens
i like him
is that you jim
yea h
dont you think its amazing how i could instantly notice you
i chuckled at my screen and shook my head and whispered "stupid"
surely your reaction wasnt that exaggerated
xim wasm essaging me
thats the 3rd person that messages me in like 30 days
that may indicate, where im at. in my head. its not a bad place not a good place. its a confusing place where i dont know whats real. this place isnt real to me still. theres part of me that wants to hang out here and randomly laugh at things people post but it just doesnt seem like anything anyone would do in real life. im in all these meetings and group therapies now and none of this feels right, the whole internet feels wrong like it would be the same if i went to the indian valero with $100 cash and sat there on the slot machines all day. that would eak out the same amount of dopamine enough to distract me from myself and waste time
did you respond to them 
the messages
now THIS is the pinnacle of american humor
almost crying laughing rewatching this
yes i did
i get where you're coming from but it's perfectly fine to waste time sometimes as long as you don't get lost in it
especially in a situation as seemingly fucked up as yours
i think you should do the opposite of rushing things, one day at a time and all that
>Florida woman accused of shoplifting while car caught on fire with children inside
beautiful country
that may be bad but did you see 42? that justifies our existence
its amazing how americans really pay to watch movies where bald old men get fingered in the ass
nobody gets fingered in the movie
why does it say "freddy got fingered - shower scene" then
really the whole scene is funny but the deilvery of "forget that FUCKING soap and get your ass a job!...you retard" kills me
well you see its quite a long story but im off to shower myself
im off to the bathroom
why do they never bring over cool animals from other places?? its always something lame like a different colored squirrel or a rodent that eats all the plants, why not something epic like... american elephants.. or platine zebras o_0
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im rusty
look mate i cant read turkish
i had dozens of pages of arabic on my notebook but i can't even recognize the letters anymore
well yeah thats how it goes
not weird that youd forget something you havent used in years
well why does it have to work like that why cant the brain be different and better
what if i impulsively bought one of those e ink tablets that are really big and have their own pen and that you draw shit on
i've looked at them in the past i think they're pretty cool
it has to be like that because you would legitimately be even MORE retarded if the brain was adjusted to make sure you dont forget information you havent used in ages
not a bad idea but youll probably end up like nhk
i recommend buying secondhand since theres plenty of people who buy them impulsively only to realize they cant draw and sell it off practically in fresh condition
e-ink is also good for writing notes and reading... ink things so even if you stop drawing it's not necessarily useless
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yeah one of these
nobody could stop me i could just click and buy the shit 
how exciting
how is anybody supposed to read that pathetic chicken scratch
i guess that's one name for french
ughughughughughuguhggugh god why am i SO fucking lazy its almost like im a brownie or someshit
god please give me divine punishment so i may mend my ways and go back to not being a lazy tard
heres an idea get a second job so youre always busy and give me the money from that one
over my corpse
eating ice cream in the cold
hes mister white
christmas hes
mister snow 
hes mister ice sickle 
hes mister ten below
eating ice cream in the hood
i ate some ice cream toda for the first time in years and it was shit can safely say i grew out of it
i dislike most foods but i still have too high an appetite
i'm embarrassingly picky
i was like that as a kid and i always thought "well when i grow up i'll be able to eat more stuff" and that just didn't happen!!
and i don't mean just "not liking" a food i mean it making me retch
im fine with 99% of stuff but there are some things out there that just have utterly vile disgusting fucking textures
me i was a super picky eater as a kid now i'll eat basically anything
except mashed potatoes that texture makes me sick
i love mashed potatoes with yogurt and salt
ah yes classic turkish food
why do you get so angry everytime i mention yogurt
or is it the salt that pisses you off
potato and yogurt the stable of the galatians
i will slaughter yogurteaters
only ever eaten the industrialized sweet yogurt
would like to try yogurt but im scared
am i seriously supposed to believe theres a galicia in spain, a galicia in poland, and a galitia in turkey?
it wouldve been funny if the anglo faggots named one of the islands they stole galicia too
yeah and theyre ALL celts
surely not the polish one
the ancién celtic capital of krakowistan
would like to try greek yogurt but im scared
what if i turkize after eating it
sometimes i legitimately cant tell if what i write makes any sense or accurately expresses what i want to say
who cares
yeah nobody cares which is why i always post it anyways with zero hesitation
almost twenty 1000 doesn't feel like that much with how long we've been here
(2 months)
didnt the last site go to like 100k or something
want to talk to an anime girl
sure, which one?
100k posts nasog
mite b tired enough to sleep soon
sorry for wasting that
imagine i was on a tiny island with a single palm tree and was counting coconut shavings or grains of sand. and it was the number of posts. 
"twenty thousand and three"
would have been really funny if there were noposts ever again because nobody wanted to take it
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the sun
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the phases of the moon
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the hemispheres of the earth
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having some retardo attack or somethin
just passing the time
tell me what to draw and then see if you can guess what it is
but if i tell you... i'll know
draw germaniums
yes thats what makes it easy enough to do
remember the ywot
i check on it every once in a while
has anything happened there
i made a hell of a confession in a place i wont say where or what
is that a new development or something that you did long ago
my lips are sealed
"just pissed my pants" found it all the way to the left
was reminded of that time i was talking to this guy in school who was kind of a retard and he was telling me about all the pills and stuff he would take and the side effects, and i said "isn't it strange how the side effect of anti depressants is depression?" and he said "NOOO >: ("
that is pretty grim i don't remember anybody in my highschool who took those kinds of pills
wow that post reminded me i havent checked the ywot in aeons
surely there are some e1s waiting for me...
well were there any
well i'll go to bed and you can get back to me in the morning
havent checked yet
just for the record i didnt make this op
(i would have numbered it correctly and normally)
you know i wrote up a post about one of my many problems but then i realized the solution and that it was all my fault all along and deleted it so all you get is this post nstead
thats no reason not to post it
personally i overslept and i really really dont want to start my day so i am covering under my bed covers like an infant
how come im all alone
this doesnt even make sense
youre not alone you will always have us :) 
*creepily extends my arm over and around your shoulder*
youre not even real
thats true thats true
*creepily extends my tentacles all over your brain*
stop reading all that shitty tentacle porn you damn tard
i should write a song about mercy killings
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lets play a game of op guesser
try and match each thread with the man who made it
im going to guess X was,,,,,,,,,,,me
like half of those are hm
i was gonna make one or two myself too but i got gimped(by hm)
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recommend shiyakusho
luv lentils
Replies: >>20176
drinking gross coffee
want to break my wrists
i think i should memorize a long prayer or something so i can keep repeating it when im in the mood(im in that mood a lot recently)
you got one of mine right, missed two, and confused one for can
amerikkkans are all fascist devils never forgive never forget
would be an e1 if that were the case but sadly they are actually all fat liberal slobs
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america is easily the most fascist nation on the planet, perhaps in history
>not the poor niggerinos!
you're posting literal marxist propaganda
you dont get it
yeah i get it third worldism is "based" and the browns need to unite against those nasty whites
no actually it would be a brown on brown war which is white and based
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i feel like theres an increasing amount of ideological schizophrenia or bipolarness on the internet where the soviet union and the third reich are often praised in the same sentence
the current narrative seems to be that whites have failed and have no agency so its actually a good thing when they are raped and killed and their countries destroyed
theyre praised in the same sentence because they are both infinitely better than what we have now
id say the current narrative is just endless schizophrenic trite about utterly worthless garbage, and its forced onto everybody with any level of political awareness so theyll become braindead retards and fight against their own interests
both nations realized the bossman is no good and to blame for everything
yeah but people keep omitting how they were sworn enemies and their primary struggle was to destroy each other
its juvenile to say the good guys lost in 45 and then go on to say the soviets should have won the cold war right after but it seems like an extremely common sentiment in certain places
i cant really tell since i dont have the context but from the filename that appears to be a picture taken in a 1942 school trip to manchuria of a girls high school
it says graduation album so i guess they safely returned to the mainland and sticked it into their album
well its as i said
the mindset is basically "ugh yeah hitler was epic he should have won -_- but yeah if that cant happen then you can at least make the soviets win the cold war instead right god mate???" its like a desperate attempt to negotiate with god and try to lessen the sentence as much as possible
i mean its also a historical fact that when times are tough extremism rises, so it should be a no brainer that two countries based upon "extreme" ideologies are idolized during exceptionally tough times with no light at the end of the tunnel
it just bothers me because its retarded
if you actually know anything about either of them you cant support both just like how you cant love both willy and hitler at the same time you gotta pick one if you want to be taken seriously
i have a post to make in a minute hold on
anyways yeah on paper sure you CANT, and there are people who idolize nazi germany purely because of racial supremacy aspects of the ideology but its not unreasonable, like i said, for the current times for some to idolize it purely on the concept of "this person pulled a country out of the gutters and turned it into a global players again" which, coincidentally, happened with the ussr as well
i mean this shouldnt even be that weird, there were certainly people in nazi germany who's appreciation for everything never extended beyond "well i have a job and can feed my family now"
another way to look at it: 99% of the globe doesnt care about "ideology" or praxis or what you do with people who arent your race/nationality
they just want a house and food and money
thats true but i only exist on the internet so i have to hear about stuff like which haplogroup raped all the others every day
it all makes sense perfect
you are too close to this because of your knowledge of history but both of these people are dead gone lost as are their countries it doesn't matter what they actually believed in or what their propaganda said you're just picking at their various ideas and they do have a lot in common
this is no different than say studying ancient philosopy and all the various schools even though if socrates knew you liked what theosodpolous said he'd spit on your face (i made this up but you get the idea)
can you open this and scroll down to the "white on wikipedia part"
i think its really funny because whats being displayed is absolutely most certainly not what the site owner wanted but what the wikipedia kikes wated
well at least the first link is about just the color
and this while youre at it too the most peculiar painting ive ever seen
it looks like blue on white to me
ate wyte people luv me some hitler
oh yeah, i had this dream... there was a baboon in my kitchen... i was teaching him how to cook... and at some point i ended up roaming the streets of northern ireland during the troubles except they weren't really streets it was an overgrown jungle
oh yeah me i dreamt of something epic alright
just need to... remember it
*assimilates to black isrealite*
ethiopia would have been better off a place of legend and not real
copts are based
hasnt ever looked up anything about them and also doesnt care
no no like you know the legend about a faraway christian kingdom that will save us and all that
im saying that it would have been better if it just never got associated with ethiopia and thus indirectly with niggers
i will even take one step further and say that the short time period when europeans thought the mongol horde was that christian kingdom was the most epic time period of all and that this manga has only been getting shittier ever since then
really hate /x/ schizos
especially the alien/ufo ones
/x/ is a pretty good candidate for deletion
i think it functions pretty well as a containment board but that is a board that is just so terrible at this point its better off gone
frankly i dont even remember which OPs i made
id have to go check
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love how every single conflict in the late timeline of gundam boils down to stinky swarthy spaceman angry about living in space
that anime character looks melted
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yes i dont exactly like the art style in this one
it feels like old shoujo manga in the character faces which feels off for gundam
case and point here
why is the captain of this ship baking bread
well you see this is a sequel to the film "Gundam F91" which was meant to be a 52 episode series..................turned into a two hour movie
anyways her father was a baker, but that's just her adoptive father because her real father was a member of some space freaks who wanted to kill literally everybody on earth with robots and after he died she usurped the remnants of the "army" to make space pirates
so the answer is she is baking bread because a movie mentions her father was a baker a single time and its never brought up again (until now)
why is the captain a woman
that does not answer the question
her real parents were members of the "crossbone vanguard" which wanted to take over earth
after they died she was the heir so she just kept the crossbone vanguard name to use for her own plans and to keep loyalists
been trying to make a fake google account for the last 2 hours
not going well so far
walk me through the steps you tried
ive made a bunch some time ago
well you know just randomly bullshit and when it gets to the part where it asks for a phone number i use a random phone number from those fake number sites(ive tried several hundred so far)
it always spits out some trite error
no no no you if you got to that part you already lost
you have to trick the ai into thinking you're a good golem
what i do is:
watch youtube on google chrome with no adblock or anything for about 30 minutes
then you make an account and they don't ask for a phone
what the fuck really
awaiting to see if this actually works because if it does thats hilarious
ugh...but thats just...no.....
guess ill do it.....................
just vomit out some random song links for me to press
bocchi the rock
(thats not a song but thats the kind of search you should make so you appear retarded)
looking back i think the moment it all ended for me was when i saw a video of a 15 year old russian fingering herself
will probably never be able to love a girl my age after that
awful post
i dont fucking care
why would that even make you feel...anything at all
i happened to see child on child rape when i was like 10 and all it made me feel was a bit angry
and all i had were crappy magazines!!!
because i can tell just by looking at them that normal (20+ year old) girls are nowhere near as beautiful
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! *smashes your skull on my knee and splits your fucking skull wide open*
havent thought about women in 500 years
above 30 is in demand fortunately
the idolization of youth is mental illness
see can and jim for proof
Replies: >>20180
its mental illness to see what is clearly beautiful and pretend it isnt
its mental illness to think all girls turn into evil soul sucking whores the minute they turn 8
good thing i dont think that
yeah im enamored with the guy who is obsessed with children calling anybody else mentally ill
do you know what "enamored" means
also the perversion of natural beauty is hugely satanic
yes i agree completely
hurting the little ones is hugely satanic
somehow i get the impression you are not actually reading what im saying
3d women are hugely satanic regardless of age
put em into furnaces bake em cook em burn em alive
yeah that too
i know i should agree because ive never seen any evidence to the contrary, but i just cant bring myself to believe something so beautiful and unblemished and pure could be innately evil
i will never forget that time i poo'd in the middle of the desert next to some goats, and accidentally pissed my pants in the process
from my perspective theyre not beautiful at all and theyre objectively not pure or unblemished past 5 or whatever arbitrary 1digit age
is 29 real
probably but its not me so dont give me any weird fucking looks alri
don't you remember the posts about it
sounds like something someone who shat in front of a gote would say
okay well maybe youre a pedo or something, but i was referring to her body
you know you see a lot of porn and hentai and stuff just by being on the internet but this was the first time i just saw a real girl naked who was obviously still unspoiled
first and only
clearly she was fucking spoiled mate do you think this child just decided to make and upload this on a whim?????
a 15 year old is a woman not a child, and yeah i dont see why not
why wouldnt it be real
and ive posted about it before yes, i was just having a lot of stomach pain and it was the middle of the desert so there was no gas station for 200km and there was basically no traffic 
also the road was completely cratered up so those 200km had to be quite slow too
no no you see this little girl is pure despite masturbating and uploading it on the net because....uhh.hhhh......hhhahhh.hh....
15 year olds are literally retarded enough to be called a child and saying "i dont see why not" shows how little you know about the world
you even said she was russian for fuck's sake cam on mate
i just told you i meant physically pure
ahhh i see so you really are just a lecher
ach yes physically pure.........as opposed to all of those old hags who have...............microplastics and....vaxxes.......and................ zinc.....
zinc is based you tard
girls with zinc stink
based on poison
okay well its the only mineral i know so i couldnt make a joke with anything else
i mean... yeah women age pretty badly... they get cellulite and start drooping and stuff
and theyre sucked a hundred penises and their pussies get roast beef flaps
women are fucking disgusting
good thing you arent ugly!
*audience laughs*
did the thing as you said but it still asked for my phone number
whats impossible is impossible i suppose
i did that like 3 times before some months ago and it always worked
maybe your ip is cursed who knows
new google policy: no brazilians allowed
im not ugly
i could pass for a high schooler even
there was a time when a cute high schooler girl wanted to have sex with me, so i dont think its an   "incompatible" desire
honestly i dont even think im ugly i think especially my jaw looks good but i cant really feel good about it because just like jim im always crying about how i cant be an anime boy
also when i was a teen literally nobody told me not to pop the bubbles on my face so theres some....scars??? of those
not a fan of how i left to consume food yet this conversation is still going on
yes we all cry about that, crying about how i can have an anime wife is just a part of the same vein
personally just wish my facial hair was a little denser
wish i could get rid of mine permanently
*starts pointing my laser pointer at ur face*
that will be 40000 pesos
40000 pesos nasog
i told you i dont know what that means!!!!!!! stop it!!!!!!!!
"i want to marry a 15 year old"
"wow you want to rape and murder a 5 year old? what a disgusting freak"
why do you even keep saying that
you probably couldnt endure being in the same room as that 15 year old(or any 15 year old) for 15 minutes so its not like any of this has a point
i dated a 15 year old girl once before and i rather liked being alone with her
the real thing is different man im a pro so i can tell this to you
it was real, i was 16
my video game is too hard
try again
i'm out of quarters
i can offer you a loan
mine is easy
today its nice enough weather that i dont have to use the fan
will i be punished for being the way i am or is being the way i am my punishment for something else
only one way to find out
i used to cook lentils and quinoa together. i probably posted it here. or rather on the club
jede zelle meines koerpers ist glucklich
isnt quinoa a seed
why even cook a seed
jede zelle meines koerpers ist leidend
i dont repent
was just thinking about this today in fact 
it’s similar to the idea that you get reincarnated as lesser and lesser beings until you live as a worm

life is a long comedown. lesser and lesser. but, as soon as you realize this, you can be more grateful for what you have right now
i dont have shite mate
Replies: >>20191
theres no reason to idolize youth because everybody in this world is retarded regardless of age
i suggesst that you give up on this one and try again next world
dont you make popcorn by cooking corn seeds
i did it
i won the battle
well yes but thats not the same as making a stew with it
at least five steps ahead of you in terms of giving up on this world
mate that cant possibly be true
im a spirit tied to land the moment the object i am sealed in is broken my soul will instantly escape
you're just a cactus mate
you people are just side quests for my story
story of a cactus eh
you know how it goes
the minor character from 500 chapters ago was actually the mastermind
look man if hard drugs taught me anything its that things can always feel so so much worse
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ohohohoho he said the line
i are so much im about to throw up
wait a minute you read it already why are you reading it from the start all over again
no no no i WATCHED it and i was thinking about how it was quite good so i decided to read it now
as for reading it from the start: im not some kinda homo who skips manga i've already read
(and the anime isnt the entire manga)
also reading it now even with the early art this artist truly truly made some kind of faustian deal because if he just drew porn he would be a literal quadrillionaire but all he actually wants to write are serious stories
im legume if he is a cactus
ill be the caterpillar
are you a very hungry one?
im currently squirming on the ground as a part of my faustian rebellion against my existence
write three paragraphs explaining what makes that faustian
draw three penguinos representing how it makes that faustian
well you see faust made a deal to uhhh get a really good gun right and he had a good gun but ultimately the devil made that gun kill him. so the reason this is faustian is the artist was given very good art skills, especially at making naked women, but he hated drawing naked women, or at least didnt want to draw naked woman. and also Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Sed cras ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut. Amet purus gravida quis blandit turpis cursus in hac. Sollicitudin ac orci phasellus egestas tellus rutrum tellus. Eleifend donec pretium vulputate sapien nec. Molestie at elementum eu facilisis sed. Elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Non odio euismod lacinia at quis risus sed vulputate. Morbi quis commodo odio aenean sed adipiscing diam donec adipiscing. Neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero id faucibus nisl. Morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor magna eget est lorem. Vestibulum rhoncus est pellentesque elit. Sed ullamcorper morbi tincidunt ornare massa eget. Egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices.

Sit amet nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis. Cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit libero volutpat. Viverra suspendisse potenti nullam ac tortor vitae purus. Mattis pellentesque id nibh tortor id aliquet. Orci porta non pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum consectetur libero. Ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae. Diam in arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar. Ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut placerat orci nulla pellentesque. Vitae semper quis lectus nulla at volutpat diam ut. Enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat. Lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus in massa tempor. Eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim diam quis enim. Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque id diam vel. Morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit. Tellus molestie nunc non blandit massa. Vulputate odio ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat. Lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor rhoncus dolor purus non. Tortor posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra.

Aliquam sem fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit. Varius morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque. Metus dictum at tempor commodo. Et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget. Massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel. Vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est. Amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut pharetra. Iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. A cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus. Fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra orci. Vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet. Ultrices eros in cursus turpis. Magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Non curabitur gravida arcu ac. Feugiat in ante metus dictum. Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse. Pretium vulputate sapien nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu. Amet massa vitae tortor condimentum lacinia quis vel.
this is an english language website
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that one will show up in the documentary
the three mental states of the human penguin
maybe some 23 year old in the future does the youtube video essay about We
what a fucking boring essay that'd be
"shat up the grand strategy general era"
"shat up an anime alt chan era"
"shat up themselves era"
"heat death era"
these FREAKS posted on a SECRET forum for 10 years; 5 DIED, TWO ARE IN PRISON, TWO ARE NOW WOMEN
dont forget the one who got the capital punishment
better then the provincial punishment
laughs all around tonight huh
realistically nobody would ever make an essay about us because theres so much stuff sprinkled around 10 years of posts that unless they read it all from beginning to end they would not have a single clue what the fuck we are
and if they did try to read it all they'd go insane halfway through
and also you cant read it cause sp didnt archive shit
imagine having to sift through every fucking /trash/ tragsg thread to find the 100 good posts out of all of them
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honestly i forgot we even had(read: were supposed to have) archives
honestly its for the best most of it is lost to time
part of growing up is realizing that
every once in a while my brother says some stuff about wanting fat assed africans/brazilian africans and i make a little fake laugh while containing my utter disgust and anger at his statement
thats pretty funny
i wouldnt say its for the best but honestly i would never go out of my way to read the archives even if everything was perfectly archived
most of it is archived there's just a gap here or there and a big one in the beginning
me my mate says he wants innocent 15 year old girls and i make a little fww while containing my utter bafflement at his retardation
i think the humor of archiving for me was only when hm was having to MANUALLY keep track of fucking everything and also clean up the numbers thats funny but when its just a robot doing it then it's less magic
theres exactly 0% of the jimcaca archived, and most of the megacaca wasnt archived either
liking attractive girls is retarded because uhhhhhhhhhhhh
because i said so
theyre all potatoes to me so yes i cant see how you think of them as attractive
potatoes now thats an epic fukken fruit
not true i archived... 11 of the jim threads i just gave up halfway through because i figured jim could just and over the database (but he deleted it all instead)
and then theres like... 70% of the threads of the new guca and a handful of threads from the old one as well
well i dont exactly blame him for deleting it all after what happened
i ate potatoes a bit earlier
i dont even remember what happened
i believe my new character trait will be referring to all vegetables as fruit
i didnt fucking delete it!!!!!!! i didnt pay attention to what happened but the hackers did a DROP ALL TABLES query. THEY deleted everything
wait really
thats fucked up (funny)
achque yes the hackers
yes the hackers from i guess it was BIG. 
anyway i couldnt figure out how to get the data out of the docket container but i could have if i cared. and i was going through, and am still going through, extreme noncaring
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love how it's impossible to tell if i made any of these posts
i may have made that last one
and maybe the first and the *grunts* too
all me
keep missing all the posts
ohohohoho and we had LIVEPOSTING back then yuppppp
its fitting now that we dont have it
i already tried to make a funny about 'dead'posting
thought i did that
we both likely did liable to have both done that
im tired enough to sleep
that doesnt make me ecstatic to go to sleep it just means im bored and fatigued
it would sure be cool if i felt good right now
Replies: >>20272
orcas are coming to be known for doing shit like capsizing boats and raping people
nature is healing
10 episodes left of ideon wowwww it really does get pretty cool in this back half
the scene where the ideon gauge maxes out and makes the light swords because the baby is crying was pretty cool
i want 
it is permissible to want
then i am invalid
i am valid
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big thunder
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its always bizarre to see proof that japanese people play western games
especially computer games for autists
Replies: >>20273
sometimes i open a random game's steam community screenshot thingy out of boredom and there's always a bunch of japanese posts with japanese comments its always weird to see them outside of their netbubble
reminds me of the time i decided to translated the runes in the hentai comments and learned that chinamen are people too
the real comedy of that screenshot is them doing the "learn english" thing
we truly are kindred spirits
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dont trust anyone who liked this girl
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potentially useful image
it's so weird
i'm so disappointed and angry at myself, so scared and confused
i get like that sometimes but there's always a reason behind it, but not this time
i failed in a minor way and nobody will ever know what happened or be affected by it and i can fix it tomorrow in 15 minutes
yet i'm just so so upset
i'm starting to think somebody from the internet bewitched me
me too
audibly laughed at this
i just feel terribly fucking empty i wish i had just passed out of hyper brain kanker or whatever the fuck instead of doing this trash
i didnt even have fun(not that i was expecting to)
theres a bit of a hopeful expectation in my heart that all of a sudden a car or truck will suddenl smash right into the room and crush me into bits despite me being in a house and several floors above ground level to boot
been having this exact expectation a lot this last month
feel like i'm dying in agony every night but when i wake up i feel "ok"
dreamt that i was in ukraine and all of a sudden there were a few big explosions and lots of gunfire, i kept running through the streets and barely dodging bullets and at the same time i wrote about my situation at tragsg and about how much of a shithole ukraine is that the police and army dont even try to do anything about this
also the whole thing had already become an internationally recognized incident by the time i opened tragsg and hm had already posted a wiki link to it
seaweed is so yummy
huge fan of this fatso alien they introduced in ideon who has to be eating in every scene he's in
love when a bunch of posts appear all at once
hate seaweed
never even seen it and i live in the sea
they served it to me with fried pork at a "japanese" restaurant
did you like it
the pork yes
the seaweed c80
very mad you read my mind because if you said "no it was gross" i was going to say "nonono i meant the pork"
how does a cactus live in the sea
well you know what they say cactus are made of water thats why you can drink them
thought they had spikes
dont think about it too much mate down the hatch
better a hatch than a chimney
spiritual growth must occur
im not even human i have no soul to grow
youre really wrong about that
silence liar
grow a cacti in there why dont you
thats lair retard
i just found out that baseball has 2 leagues that go on at the same time and overlap with eachother for some strange bizarre reason that I wont look up
my entire body smells of that one foam thing you use to cut beards
and my entire room smells of cold sweat
shaving cream
maybe you ought to open a window and turn on a fan, to air it out a bit
well you see the entire outside world smells of wet soil right now thanks to the rain
i would imagine that smells better
i never tried shaving cream does it actually help because i've never been very good at it
i shave once a week always with cream. when i shave more often than that it always cuts open my face in a million places
its a scam i stopped using it years ago
yeah up until a few months ago i always just shaved with nothing but water and its a huge improvement
it cuts a bit less than doing it raw but the biggest improvement is how much faster it is
well it helps so if it doing what it says it does is part of the scam then consider me scammed
can we discuss gravestone engravings
mine or yours
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nothing good this summer
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how about you travel throughout the great country of türkiye, seeing such sights as,,,,,,,,,,,.............the bug skyscrapers that they have.........
no sorry id rather have sex
.................................................................................................................................good luck meit...........................................................................................................................................................................you'll need it...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
huh wow what the fuck its literally all bad
maybe the ryza anime will be okay but i dont care about that
ill be watching helck but i already finished the manga literally years upon years ago
well actually i bet the nier anime will come back THIS SEASON for sure so thatll be something
youre like a german soldier in 1944 talking about how germany will win any moment now
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maybe it would have worked if i watched things like this instead of music
it has 13m views by the way
oh i forgot to spoil
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i think how the mc got dragged into the insubordinate cage after ignoring orders was one of the best parts
okay finished the show
that back half was ridiculously good
will be watching be invoked later tonight
im watching zambot3 right now
all of japan is razed and the protagonists race is loathed by the whole world and its still only ep 7
also i think all this stuff is just about ww2(it was made by people who lived through it too)
the protagonists family are the only ones who fight against outside threats(the government) and the people hate them thinking that the outside threats(america(literally fat old ugly bald jews rubbing their hands vigorously while getting off to millions dying for no reason)) are attacking because of the protags family
how do you read manga and watch anime for so long and still not get the message
you do it for so long that past some point your brain stops registering
next eps name: a soldiers oath in the ruins
watch gundam 79 and zeta already -____-
ill watch.....eventually
ive watched everything other than gundam now so that means im your senior
uhhh i mean i'll get there eventually i have other mecha stuff i wanted to watch first
(gundam wing -> after war gundam x ->uhhh here i dunno, i wanna watch gaogaigar, votoms, or macross 7, but also votoms or logh but those are long)
i still havent watched macross yet but i want to do it eventually
me mate has watched logh ages ago and he wants to rewatch it with me but i dont really want to....ever watch it because its so fucking long that itd take me half a year to finish it with him
the original macross is totally "fine" its uhhh way more of a drama than anything else, but it has a strong last half and the characters are good so even the first half isnt too bad
as for logh i always hear that since it's (allegedly) as good as it is, it ends up really easy to just watch a shit ton of it, obviously if you need to schedule around another person that's a problem though
wow i'v been doing nothing all day
also the original macross is just okay and someone may call you a secondary or some manner of insult if you do this BUT the movie "version" of the original show "Do You Remember Love?" (note: the film is technically meant to be interpreted as...a film made in the macross universe based upon the original events of the show, so things ARE changed and obviously lots of stuff is cut) is an absolutely amazing phenomenal fun movie, so i can suggest watching that first and if you like it you'll probably be able to get through the original show
>more than 2800 minutes of animation
it probably IS very fun to watch but you have to factor in that im a crippled old man who can barely watch an ep of anime a day and that i have to match schedules with a faggot
if i watched 4 eps every day itd take....almost 30 days to finish the 110 eps, and if you consider how i'll watch maybe 8 eps a week it really will take me 4~ months to finish it all
i wouldnt really want to watch the movie since itd just be spoiling the tv version for me and making it less interesting to watch
well thats kind of my point is the tv version is JUST okay and it also only "spoils" the first half of the tv show, the latter half is completely not present in the movie
the fun fact about macross as well is the character known as "lynn minmay" is technically the first virtual idol ever
also the more i remember the more i think im underselling macross
i quite enjoy the first half because nobody knows how the fuck the macross even works so its a bunch of trying to figure out how to even use this massive battleship
part of the fun of ideon and xabungle was how these clueless utter retards kept niggerrigging their mechs and ships
yes thats something i always thoroughly enjoy
someone was telling me that the original mazinger is also like that but uhhh thats a 96 episode television show
macross more like macrossdressers
youre gonna get this big fat fucking punch in your face if you dont stfu hm
also after watching ideon and i dont actually feel very strongly but this does feel like a show that could genuinely benefit from a """remake""" and i only mean that in the sense that uh...in our current era (most) people understand shows are vehicles to tell a story, and i certainly think ideon would benefit from a universe where it's allowed to be more "boring" (having the mysteries be more up front and present) which would help it more than having a mandatory ship battle every episode
well yeah it certainly would benefit from having a good remake where it can focus on its story
but with how things are all the epic things like the pregnancy and the racewar and mass murder would get censored away and all you'd have is a boring shit where nothing ever happens
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oh yeah i also like how the ide in ideon are complete fucking cunts
nobody on the solo ship did anything other than try to survive but then these fags go "uh ohhhhh you failed my test :))))))))))) because these other retards cant stop being retarded :)))))))"
im pretty sure the whole test thing was just utter bullshit
the thing uses souls as energy so it needs to endlessly consume the souls of people to secure its continued existence, and the whole test is a good excuse for it to use, and you see at the end how the little kike takes a random kid to (presumably) create a whole new race all over again and thus repeat things from the very beginning
imagine how fucking weird these posts must seem to those who dont know what we're talking about
dont have to imagine
why am i even in hell what the fuck did i even do?
must have been a real piece of shit last time round the samsara
hope i get to live as a real life as a real human next time
imagine being a trashman
somebody has to do it
i just walked in the room and i saw a black window (on the computer) rapidly close and my mouse spin around
not only are they hacking me they're WATCHING me
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this has got to be the epiquest ban I caught for some other retard
must have been really egging the jannies on to get a custom message
am eating well tonight
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am on a company feast  but dont want to participate due to drunks and loud music
so i'm just relaxing on a swing
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spent half an hour agonizing over the difference between pastry and cake flour then when i get to the store the only thing they have is "pastry & cake flour"
spent half an hour contemplating benefits of global nuclear holocaust
been a while since i left home but i have a long drive coming up and hopefully i'll see some nice landscapes
if i ever get some property it's gonna have to be in the country the city is just so hellish
i mean look at that blue doesn't it just make you want to jump headfirst
from a distance sure
but then you look closer and realise there are subhumans that dump spent coal into the lake
think of all the hungry people you could feed with that coal
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yeah negroids who do this should be fed this very coal
it doesnt look like that big of a mess
they could pay some hobos (in coal) to get it cleaned up in a day
The average duration for this form of continuing care is unlimited.
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The average duration for this form of continuing care is unlimited.
The average duration for this form of continuing care is unlimited.
finished be invoked
pretty incredible
does the movie ever end 
the movie never ends bro
so is this thread just going to be 90% gundam posts for eternity
im glad for you that you sat on the swing 
it looks nice
i'll promise not to post about gundam wing or x if you want me to
the next big step in immersive sim type rpg games would be to use chat-gpt esque ai to parse chat commands which would allow you to actually have immersive dialogue, and you could even have the player voice acted by ai if that got good
itll probably happen but be completely botched because it will be done by some retarded western studio
well duh
im drinking milk hopefully it will calm me down
i drank it thoughts still racing still bad
i drank some milk too and i still feel like shit
think its in the family(feeling like shit)
this anime girl eats nothing but earth and flowers and paint
woke up
truly a sad phenomenon eh
what woke me was a missed call. and a voicemail. im scared to listen to it, what if its important
it might be
something is making me incredibly indecisive right now
just do it man theres no choice to
i also had to make a call immediately after waking up and i had to ask the guy to repeat himself 3 times because i legitimately couldnt fucking hear him over the starvation and headache and the fact that i woke up 5 min ago
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this dumb woman named her daughter yuri
with the kanji for it and everything
what if we had new blood in trags
dont even think about it
other places are more lively
they may seem lively but theyre all more dead inside than us
it was 
ill go get my second coffee
i could use a first
sorry im all out of water
make it with milk
make it with love
think the coffee i got went bad so i stopped drinking it which means it will only get worse
ever since a few months ago ive been getting terrible stomach troubles after drinking coffee so ive been trying to reduce the amount i drink
must have read over 3000 pages of manga in the last 3 days
my body wont hold on if this keeps going on any longer
just great i remembered something really important when i woke up and that's the reason i got out of bed but now i forgot it already
oh yes that was it
oooooh my god how have i slept so much
read getter robo
or usogui
ive been feeling a bit of toho project O_o the past couple of days
maybe ill finally beat IN on normal
when i tried to get into 2ho i couldnt beat a single game
well duh normally you cant beat a game right away
yeah but i also chose to give up
if you cant even beat touhou you'll be torn to shreds if you ever try playing life
already 'appening
nobody here failed life worset than me
youre wrong and i am proof
at least you dindnt be on drugs
ohhhh good point
i want to do the less ugly drugs now like mushrooms but im not supposed to
yeah i think if you did psychedelics they would break your fukken brain may want to avoid those
no before i started with the uppers i tried lsd but didnt want to waste it by being alone. 300ug was a trip but ooooh god OH my god the trips from what i have been through on the bad shit, i literally went to hell. i was in hell. nothing can compare to the trip i already took. shrooms would be light opera
uh yeah mate if you went to hell once i suggest not going back
i guess thats good advice thank you but i hate myself still so how do i escape
i dont hate m y s e l f SEE how fucking hard it is for me to say that i cant even properly correct myself i cant even fucking say it
you may not hate yourself but i do
think my life would be a lot more epic if i really had stabbed that kid to death when i was in 1st grade elementary
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now that i think about it the black haired wouldnt be bad at all as the heroine
i dont dislike the pisser at all though in fact when i finished reading the manga all those years ago i was quite content with how she won oh yeah i just spoiled you huh sorry mate
fffffffuck i dont exactly care about the spoiler but im mad she wins
Wordle 730 X/6

in fact i was so confident she lost i figured the reason people chimped out over the ending is BECAUSE she must have lost
what on EARTH is that
you see id love to talk about her and her relationship with the mc with you but i remember absolutely fuck all
well uhhh maybe youll like her more eventually though yeah look forward to that :)
well yes im aware theres an entire half to the story i havent experienced yet
my digestive issues are back
need a cold war gsg so i can conduct nuclear tests and bully sudacas
crazy how the community i hung out in instead of having a normal young adult life grew out of power fantasy games where you genocide people
got in the bath and immediately regretted it for being too boring and too hot
baths are "fun" but not as an act of cleaning but as an act of relaxation
just listen to some tunes
okay i got past where the anime ended
i must say i am quite a fan of this student council girl with the drills
i never grew out of it its just that ive realized its impossible for them to be both fun and realistic and so theres no choice for me but to be reborn as a big shot noble next time if i want to experience it
used to take 1 hour long showers but now i cant(im not allowed to)
thats how you assimilate to prune
what why
human skin wrinkles up when in the water too long
like a prune
well yeah but its hot water so its fine probably
prunes are also black
surely not ALL of them
should i go into a halfway house and live there for a year before moving away forever
i was about to post "are there really people in japan obsessed with three kingdoms like my japanese anime loves to imply" but then i realized i posted in a general full of people obsessed with nazi germany, and that was WITHOUT anybody claiming nazi generals conjured tornados or breathed fire
the punch the slap
china is boring no matter what anyone does with it
im shedding the skin off my shoulders
been in the bath for an hour now almost 
might switch it to a shower and do that super quicklike
wait i think ill put my clothes in the dryer first and come back in here and shower
ok i did it now im going to shave and brush my teeth 
and its only 5:22 pm
354 415
232 561
almost barfed all over the computer
the secret codes...
looked at the posts and made no sense hey wait 561 doesnt even exist yet in this cycle
they arnt plys as man said they re secret codes
not gonna bother
i just like using the post box to write little notes sometimes and those numbers seemed harmless enough not to delete
are those your favourite posts or your least favourite
death to kikes
am horribly boree
what do we think
i think itll be epic
>Hi everyone! Welcome to the exciting world of Cities: Skylines II
ultra dadc
just now learned that webm/clip of an anime girl handing an anime boy a letter and saying "will you come to my birthday?" and he rips it up and then says "i'll kill you" is from gundam wing
love when i open the /vg/ catalog and see some utterly lose and confused newfag making some thread
think i found the thread you mean
does it have a grey wojak as the op image
its either that or the "shrift" one
now every time the posts suddenly stop i have to check to see if it's because of the reply limit
it soon will be
tranny is so utterly retarded
many such cases
and the stuff about tornados and fire was taken directly from chinese historical records so...
also the idea that i will burn in hell for my sins is the only thing that has given me any relief in many years
funny how sign language was the one time when humanity could reasonably have 1 single language across the world but retards ended up causing it to be different for each country just like with normal languages
sounds like we need to make a new one up and call it the universal sign language
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sign language is cool
had too many drinks to post in depth but trust me
too bad none of us will ever get to use it
hey thats like that comic
i took a class onnit
it is pretty cool although i always hate the stupid little sign-languaging person they like to stick on the tv whenver something important is being broadcast
also i posted some monk sign language link a couple months ago
ww3 before the idea of putting nukes in missiles would be fucking epic
itd be a violent desperate air superiority wrestle
wanting to die without pain>wanting to die no matter how much it hurts>wanting to die as painful of a death as possible>too dead inside to actively think about death <i am here
isnt it funny how airpower turned out to be a complete and utter sham that does nothing until basically this century and even then it basically only serves as a good platform for missiles that can go far away but if you can shoot your missiles from anywhere else (land, a boat, etc.) its basically the same
planes are a lot more mobile and easier to build than silos and boats
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they don't make'em (all caps shit grammar schizoposts) like they used to anymore
but yeah i want a game about big missile boat fights
want to carve my face with a knife
calm down juan font they'll win something eventually
it is incredibly funny how ive had so many near death experiences and managed to avoid death every single time
want a fucking timeout holy fucking shit
i (canman) will not be making the next op btw (by the way)
life is just like the world championships
you keep on winning until you stop winning and the rest of it all is torture
i want to make it but due to circumstances cannot so ill leave it to lesser men
might not even hit the limit tonight
ive hit my limit tonight
i think you still got 40 more posts to go big man
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hmmmm what a perplexing piece...
dont have a good image for a thread either
ugh okay i can find something if you want
i was going to make the same post
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that was already the image for thread 2
wasn't proposing it as an op image
well i'm right about to pass out so now i can look forward to whatever cool new image gets chosen
kill kikes
who the hell invented the unit circle
the unit circle was invented by god
i was hungry
..you ATE the unit circle???
was baffled when i saw we havent hit the cap
ended up eating an ant
how was it?
too small to taste
reminded of that time when i read that manga where 2 middle schoolers flirt and make food everyday and i was absolutely dying from the inside every single day while reading it
what added even more to the atmosphere was that every time i read it at like 5-6 am in the freezing cold while eating stale bread
laughing at the image of that
you wont be laughing when it happens to you
why do zoomers love (or pretend to love) basketball so much as opposed to other sports
basketball players are just celebrities also basketball is an easy sport to play and there are basketball courts everywhere (because they are compact)
atea tate ate ate atea basketball t.spent his entire life being suggested that he play basketball
i tried to play with a friend awhile back and i think i would genuinely to better at any other sport in the world if you just dropped me into i was so so so so so bad
i wish the national defence class had never gotten replaced with pe honestly
was boiling with hatred everytime we had pe exams where you have to be all sporty or get a 0
we only ever had written pe exams and it was all trivial stuff like "who invented football" and it was worth half of the grade so you could just skip all the physical part with impunity
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new map spotted
dont exactly get the joke but its kind of funny
there isnt really a joke the guy who made it did it in earnest but it is funny for that reason
what the hell is earnest about it
"if we moved ireland a little bit then ireland would be in danger from russia"
oh thats less funny
i assumed it was some kind of anti-irish sentiment image
we should just jump england into russia
id feel bad for nhk but its for the sake of world peace
its for the sake of some bizarre argument about the russia ukraine war
somebody better have a good image ready to go

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