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learn how roman numerals work tard
i didnt have a good image btw
how do you mean, looks right to me
its better than most images
great i guess ill have to make the next op to fix this numeral situation
ugh thread numbers ruined by discordkikes yet again -_-
eu4 has 2 more dlcs
theyre just history podcasts by literallywhos and they cost way too fucking much
really wish there was a game in eu's timeline but good so i could scratch the early colonialism itch
this potato SUCKS
it's all uncooked on the inside
put it back in the campfire
spent the last 60 days doing absolutely nothing
think i should get back to working and trying to do and learn things instead of being a retard nigger staring at the air all day
same for me except it was the last 20 years
endless epic ideas of cute girls to draw appears in my brain as if to mock me for my inability to draw
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in all honesty, stellar
nhk get on gameranger
Replies: >>20648
hes dead
its okay i dont actually want him to get on gameranger
yeah i dont want the likes of you talking to him either
this little girl got traumatized not by the enemys mechs but by the mcs mech
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a lot of epic things to screenshot but i dont really get the chance
boo hoo i had all those things happen to me and im just dandy why cant these niggers stop complaining
how did speedrunning go from this
to trannies
they let retards and trannies and women into video games
also they keep making grotesque porn and forcing it on everybody so it gives some virgin losers the tranny disease
also i swear i heard that song somewhere before
one of the many casualties of gamergate
been thinking and cant decide if be invoked is a happy ending or not
obviously uhhh the idea that theres something to the whole "theres something beyond life" is meant to be a happy ending but......is that life beyond life worth it if you now just have to be a part of the big fucking cuntsphere that started all this??? will it all just happen AGAIN??? did the ide care at all about actually creating peace???
well as i said i think all of this stuff was just an excuse for it to kill billions more and use them as fuel for its continued existence
the ending shows it creating a brand new race so presumably this is all a loop, the previous civilizations all died to ideon and everytime it carries out absolute nigger genocide it makes one or two new races on different planets, then pits them against eachother when they've become interstellar civilizations
holy shit theres TWO of you??!?!?!?!?
hey huh wait a second...some higher power puts everybody in reality through hell...but once you die via its actions you get to spend eternal life with it...........where have i heard this before....
gonna eat cold potatoes and cold rice
my second and last meal of the day
cold rice cold life
just go leave them out in the sun for a bit man jesus
*bes eaten by bugs*
spray your food with insecticide the farmers do it
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reminds me of the kigurumi general on trash
those kiggers are awfully funny people t.expert
just realized they cant have cartoons in anime land
its all live action to them
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must be how tragsg looks like from the outside
DID laugh at that image with that text
jim: i lost my car keys
i lost my drive and i lost my soul
then you better go catch it
me: i lost my car keys
there must be a car key thief around
hooooooly fucking shit
im on the 16th episode of zambot3 and the episode started with tens of thousands dying due to "human bombs" exploding in crowded spaces, and then it immediately cut to the villain playing pachinko with an extremely loud imperial army march in the background
note: this is an anime with a target audience of 6-10 year old children
and now 3-4 year old children are having time bombs implanted in them
would have been real funny if that was the last post ever
i was thinking about how i wanted to make a cute girl happy and safe and before i knew it i was tearing my vocal cords apart screaming at the top of my lung
you have to be able to make yourself happy and safe before you can start with other people
yeah exactly its the main reason i was screaming
even if a cute anime girl fell on my head from the sky or something all i would do is endlessly fail to make her happy and i would end up humiliating myself and suicide or something
could make for a good manga
yeah i was thinking you could have a depressive vn that goes along those lines where a big loser keeps fucking up big time
your life is not going to get any adaptations
been very stressed this last week
hope all this trite ends soon
amazing how much better i feel after sleeping more than 3 hours
i wish i could nuke toronto fuck those niggers
how does a submarine get lost
cant you just go up?
alri cantran
its ironic because they wanted to see the titanic
something got hold of me 
oh yes it did I said
what the FUCK are we talking about???? tinatic??????????????????????
the unit circle
a submarine full of canmen disappeared while visiting the titanic
Replies: >>20649
shouldnt of visited it, then. seems to me
still posing 03 as an open question
well you see
it gets crushed by the water

hope it helped
how do you get lost at sea? cant you just sail in a straight line until you hit something
yes until you run out of fuel/food and then you dieeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
think about all those uboats people are permanently entombed inside...
how do you lose your car keys arent they just on your keychain
no no getting lost at sea makes sense because you dont know where you are and the currents wash you around
but getting lost UNDER the sea doesnt make any sense because you can just surface and eventually someone will find you
someone (the ancient megashark lurking the oceans)
something probably broke and they couldnt surface
thers a lot of dangers at sea that just came to mind as potential responses
oh yeah... name ONE thing that can go wrong
i wonder if they started hugging and crying. or maybe they hid in their own corners and screamed at each other unintelligibly
they probably instantly imploded
better than stantly ploding
what if you were on a submarine with a cute girl and you both were into each other and wanted to have sex before you died but theres no privacy
id probably just make out with her and then hold hands or something while we died but going any further is too much
you would probably hug and kiss instead. other people are still around and they have last desires too that probably dont involve watching some other people fuck
you know speaking of submarines apparently there was a new nazi submarine off the coast of argentina or something recently
oh yeah i saw the pictures
thougt it was uruguay but it's all the same sea anyway
honestly if i wanted it bad enough id just kill everybody else on board
not like it makes a difference
where did THAT come from
oooh nevermind i thought you said "on this board"
from a factory, probably
i want to go join those nazis so bad
id learn german and beg them to let me on
finally im going to die so i can unleash my long repressed desire to murder
32 neither one portends good things
its not that i WANT to murder its just that i dont value the lives of others very highly
im kind of like an inverse shiki if you think about it
watching you kill a bunch of people will probably make that stupid foid horny too
killfuck rraaaarrghhh
*in heaven*
i cant believe we were all having a tender last moment but this freakazoid *gestures downwards*decided to flip out and murder everyone and rape them
what ideas do you have?
id do anything for love
*scrolls up like a retardt*
i have some ideas but they arent related to that post
the beauty of tragsg is you can just post whatever whenever
doesnt matter if its apropos
ohh i see so thats why the canman i know(not this canman) kept talking yesterday about how theres jets and helicopters and patrol cars everyfucking where
woke up to some nigger calling me about something important and i spoke with him but couldnt hear a single fucking thing so i have no idea what im supposed to do now
back to sleep i reckon
he told you someone else filed your taxes in your name now you dont have to file this year but also the mysterious filer could be (almost definitely is) up to something nefarious.. but what??
must be aiming for my body no doubt about it(random response)
*kicks you in the head *
can we try to discuss the submarine rescue more again those people are still alive you know
Replies: >>20668
i cant say much because i dont know what it is
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its where if they find them and bring them out with this the people will explode by the air pressure being not enough on regular surface levels so theyll never be able to leave this pod
but thats not actually true now is it theyll be able to leave the pod eventually
i want to kill
theyll never be able to leave the pod!!!
killkillkill i want to kill goblins murder them all theyre not human so its just fine
or you could think about why you want to kill
i want to kill because they are all niggers and very very very terribly fucking annoying cunts
theyre just hanging out why dont you leave them be your anger certainly has deeper and more internal roots. after you figure that out and work on yourself maybe we can start investigating the potential misdeeds of the goblins
theyre screaming at the top of their lungs and they always do it right next to me and intentionally too
it cant be helped if they get killed
tired and stressed yet sleep wont help
okay well uhh what are they??
i know 65 i know
no theyre not retard
their air supply doesnt run out until thursday or something they said
what makes you think that matters?
sub broke, plummeted down to the earth, everyone got crushed. simple as

its not like they're lost for directions. its just fucking broken and they either slowly drowned or sank and exploded
you dont know they got crushed yet dont some of the mechanics on the sun still work
please entertain me im so bored
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look at the friendly possum
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look at the spider
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look at the dinosaur
thats not a dinosaur you fucko
laughed real hard at 42
2873rd day in a row of rejecting friend requests only to regret it
ill buy a cake for myself on the 3000th day
never gotten a friend request in my life
me i got one on pisscord from an old friend but they never sent me any messages they just fucking called me like three different times at like 10pm each, which i ignored
i tried to install discord once like 6-7 years ago and it stopped me from using it unless i give it my phone number so i uninstalled
are you sure you dont mean like...one or two years ago i never had to put a phone number on mine and my account is from 2016
no i tried it all the way back then
i dont know why i was forced into it at all and it seems like im the only one in the whole world that was forced into it back then
are you perhaps russian or turkish
may be a case of good ole racism
im ukrainien mate not a russian -_-
arr rook same
crazy how much better my body feels NOT drinking sodas or energy drinks
mine always feels shit
have you tried eating your greens
theres noone out there to buy and cook them for me *cries*
don't care about greens but this pig i just ate was pretty good
for the tragsg meetup we should eat an entire pig
well it sure would have quite a lot of protein
new idea: looking at cool pictures of anime boys and thinking "my descendant :)"
yeah uh i'll pass on that
i got the idea from staring at the alucard concept art (again)
thats a vampire
just now realized 96 said "anime boys" and not "animals"
whats stopping my descendants from being vampires
they arent real
thats what you think
so they got at least one thing in common with your descendants
*descends into the grave*
*despins the earth*
ehehehe oops
oooh the tards made a submarine with no ballast tanks or something, so they CANT go up
what the fuck were they thinking?
saw a really funny post about how the whole thing is a glowie psyop since nobody ever talked about submarines until this happened
whats a ballast tank sorry for stupid question
its where they store the ballast
i remember reading about how submarines work when i tried to get an underwater exploration mod for ksp
already forgot everyhting by now
ok im not going to go so far as to ask what a ballast is i already feel retarded
its the thing that makes you go down
(and if you get rid of them you go up)
and it sounds and looks cool when you do an "emergency blow" in submarine games
i remember watching some guy try to see how deep underwater he can go in ksp in the base game where the water just pushes you up really hard and theres nothing down there
i still dont think theyre dead
well you know its like that cat
you'll only find out when you open the submarine
they will be dead by tomorrow though
im so exhausted from not doing anything and sleeping all day i think ill fall asleep
metro by t mobile
Cebu said he had been in the area since Monday morning when the explosion happened at a local hospital and was being investigated for the incident in a nearby village in a village near a town in central
what does that mean
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did i post this of this cool old elevator yet
how does it work do you have to pull the lever for it to move
yeah and you manually close the two sets of doors and you can feel the air whoosh around you as you go up and down
oh wow manually closing doors haha, imagine living in a place like that, and then the elevator gets stuck a solid 20-50cm above/below the floor level of where you want to stop?? hahaha yeah couldnt be me
so how about the next topic
what if everyone came together for the next topic 
what if the thread was full and the posts bountiful
27 ive been in many buildings all around the city and happened to go to this one twice, once a couple years ago, one last week. and it is the only place i have ever ever seen one of those that look like that and work that way. it feels ancient like stepping into an old ruin that still works somehow
well ive never been into one that has a lever but multiple times ive been to those ones that are basically an open cage that was just tacked on into the middle of a stairwell in the early 1900s
also like i implied the elevator at where i live you open and close the door manually. it does have a normal elevator shaft and door though
and it used to have these epik SOVL handpainted square buttons that stuck out, but then those bossniggers from the building consortium came in and replaced them with some shitty factory made chink flat buttons that dont fit at all with the rest of the elevator
normal elevator doors are smooth and have no handles or anything so how could yours be normal and open manually
okay tard
were you also implying you couldnt open the door where it was stuck
no you just open the door with your hands and you get out
im so confused rrrgh
do i need to post a picture of my elevator now or something
you might as well if you get the chance
spent my morning harrasing wömen in the mmo
now i am become true gamer
mmos are gay
not when you drive wömen to hysteria there, it's funny es fuark
well guess ill just drink alcohol and also pull an allnighter(theres work tomorrow)
wish i could drink
or i mean
no i dont
 death to kikes
ill definitely regret it tomorrow but i honestly need it to cope with the stress and unpleasantness of this all
thanks for reminding me to get my beer
remind ME to get my beer in 20 min
everybody is dead OR dying OR crippled
dont forget about the beer
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the little kid and all of the mob adults he goes with are human bombs who were implanted with time bombs inside of a refugee camp that was actually controlled by the enemy, and they have no way of being saved so they run away elsewhere so that they may explode without harming others
and this is a kids tv show
...and the mc's love interest dies in front of him(theyre both 8 years old)
the time has come for me to once again seriously consider suicide
be warned 
it's progressive
all i know is regress
The Titan submersible will run out of "breathable air" by around 5 to 6 a.m. Thursday, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.
how long away is thursday
did they really name the submarine to the titanic "titan" that's a little funny
they have 10 hours left to live
if you told me i'll die in 10 hours i'd be crying tears of happiness right now
and then when you have but a few minutes left all the weight of reality settles in and you lose your mind
what does that matter though
just a few minutes of suffering when i could be suffering for decades straight living a life i dont even want
come on retards they just got crushed by the pressure it has imploded they wont be choking to death
dead either way so what does it matter
i guess spontaneous combustion might be better than choking but i dont have experience in either so i cant say for sure
just an average morning for me
spontentous combunstion is really something isn't it if i could pick any way to go that'd probably be up there just minding your own business when suddenly pwoosh you're ashes
well as i was crying about yesterday or perhaps the day before when i was dead drunk(as i am now) i want a terrible painful death for me so that i may be punished for my sins even if only a little bit
think jim would like this
debt to kikes
pork to muhammads
might already be insane
hope a painful death awaits me
same but painless hait pain
it honestly wouldnt be that bad
nothing that can compare to all the painful days up until now
death never comes in any form other than the spiritual one
cant think of anything but dying today
the little death
of the little man
big suffering
...of the little man
its time to listen to music enough that i fall asleep to it hopefully
hope i fall to death instead of sleep this time around
failed to fall asleep
nuclear warheads ready to strike
nuclear dadc since 1946
its impressive how much worse the united states got under king nigger's presidency
well it wasntHIM who did the patrioct act
nooooooooooooooo youre using up all the oxygen
neco-arc is pretty cute
not at all
cut my wrist as a little test and now its bleeding too much
hope nobody gets the wrong idea when i go out
yeah ill definitely get stared at like a little freak
yeah should have cut the neck instead
im not feeling good either
when was the last time anything good happened
i ate some yummy food
has any country ever had a national art style like japan does
walked a lot today and i guess at some point the bottom of my foot got cut real hard by something or another
dont regret it at all though all the walking helped me calm down
apparently sminem got drafted and died in the war
the rapper?
no the little meme man
thats probably a meme
some guy with his exact name and from his city was killed in april
the constant white and red flashing lights in old mecha anime might just kill me before i can kill myself
yeah honestly that was something i was thinking the last two episodes of ideon (tv show) go completely fucking overboard with it
theres a publishing company that saves old /m/ stuff and normally im all about releasing stuff exactly how it was, but i know for some releases they actually tone down the flashing and i'll be honest i think thats a good change
we have this too
amazing how many places it has spread to
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the turk looks more russian than i expected
was in some kind of comedy
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heavy spoilers but the smallest file that im gonna post here should be "fine"
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they found the sub wreckage
i feel bad for everybody in there BUT the ceo
the website used to talk about how they didnt comply with safety regulations because regulations stood in the way of "inspiration", said he didnt wanna hire a bunch of "50 year old white dudes" because they werent "inspirational" and then fired an engineer who told him they made a death trap
so yeah, he deserved to die from his own creation, but i do feel bad for everyone else you'd be hard pressed to find someone i hate enough to suffer this kind of fate
did they die or not
well...the didnt find the bodies...so who knows...
(they didnt find the bodies because they were compressed into atoms)
see i told you retard they didnt ""le slooowly choke to death"" the submarine just instantly fucking imploded and everyone got crushed into a paste
oh yeah first time i used elevators in my life today
i hate it why cant we just have stairs
elevators are cool troll
^bet youve never even walked in your life and go around in your own home riding a little scooter
i feel like one of these days i'm gonna hit my head and all of a sudden turn into a normal human being again
probably not
one of these days ill die for real
imagine the joy and bliss
angels will gather around my corpse and sing beautiful songs in celebration of my death
one of these days ill stop with my nonsense
no way
i wont stop until im dead
why so dismal trags
white man came took everything
noooooooo mom i dont want to work nooo please ill do anything you want just dont send me to work nooooooooooooooo
*dies and gives you my inheritance*
for me?
*its 10 dollars*
*buys 10 mcchickens to feed me for a month*
wonder how all these stereotypical fantasy setting names formed and became so popular
like "galicia"?
probably that tokien guy
no i mean like sylvie and whatnot
remember that time when i played skyrim and was utterly baffled when i first killed a dragon and it was piss fucking easy
it's crazy how terrible that game is combat-wise (and lots of other wises too but specially that one)
i think there's a lot of mods that try  to completely change how it works nowadays but i doubt any of them are good
its a victim of modern "everything needs to feel epic" game design
but the thing about it is that its not epic
how you have to manually swap weapons and spells everytime is not epic at all
and neither is the fact that some random undead nigger is tougher than a fucking dragon
and while we're on the topic i have this memory of playing oblivion where i just circled this enemy for a straight minute (they are physically incapable of hitting you if you run circles around em) and i just kept hitting and hitting him until my weapon broke because i was playing on the hardest difficulty
thats like the most basic flaw that a game must fix
at times its staggering how elder scrolls got so popular and didnt just up and die like the million other 00's series
i'v actually been reading through tolkeins letters recently and he talked about something related to this where things in fantasy must always be the true thing for it to be good
for example a dragon should be an enormous foe and defeating it should be the culmination of an arduous quest rather than killing 5 a day to make boots that are marginally better than the ones you already have
took me 20 years to realize that I was actually a person brought up by a single father this whole time
well yeah you have to either make a really good atmosphere or make a really good game system where people can enjoy it even without immersion
one time at a party a girl described herself as "a slut for skyrim" to me and i was already plenty aware of this but it reminded me how utterly out of touch with people i am
this was like two years ago
that just reminded me of that terrible greenpasta where the whole joke is "sky's rim"
finishing my box of fancy important beers
two were quite good
two were okay
two were rather bad
had shitty wine that tasted like grape soda but flat
had shitty cold canned coffee and then some good cold bottled ayran
realizing beer is just the best alcohol our ancestors were truly on to something
its so simple and yet has quite a good taste with lots of variety, even some rather good cheap beers
but liquor is brutal because its expensive and some is just fucking awful and anybody who claims they like it are liars (tequilla and whiskey)
gin is good at least
then how come the beers i drink always taste like piss(the joke is that im poor)
if you arent american i think you are just shit out of luck
rolling rock is great
i think the trick is to buy cheap beer it has to be a light beer, anything other than a light beer is too sophisticated to be cheap
beer is fucking awful man, my ancestors were better than your ancestors, wine its where its at
gets you way more piss-drunk if you feel like getting drunk, but also extremely varied and rich in all the kinds and flavors 

all you get with beer is either "tastes like water" "tastes like ash" or "tastes like honey or some random additive that i decided to put on it but youre better off drinking the real thing"
i have genuinely never had wine that tasted good in my fucking life
but i dont hate it at least
also yeah some liquor is shit but some liquor is good usually ~25% is around the highest amount of alcohol where it can still taste really good but not get completely overpowhered by the alcoholic feel 
anything higher yeah it truly is an acquired taste where you need to drink 500 whiskeys until you "get it" (which i havent so i will just claim its fake like you)
but also obviously with liquors you can do a lot of mixed drink to bring it down from 40% down to like 15% or whatever when you put other stuff in it so it balances out into being good again
its 100% fake
me mate one time brought out some expensive whiskey and wanted to share it all with us and i sniffed it and it just smelled like fucking shit so out of respect for his money spent i just gave it back to him
(i am talking about abv obviously) 
i think since it has a strong flavor most of the time (though it can be different) you either like it or you dont
like you should probably try 2 or 3 different varieties of red wines. then there's white wines who are more sweet and stuff like that. there's even pink ones
but if you dont like it then you dont like it

with beer it just tastes very mild most of the time so eventually you can trick yourself into thinking you like it
also wine is as cheep as beer in countries that produce wine which makes it simply superior
we had one of those tequilas with a worm in it at home (i'm not sure anybody ever drank it it just lived on top of the fridge) it just looked so foul and disgusting
well we DO have very cheap wine here but it is affectionately referred to as "bum wine" as it was the drink of choice for homeless people
rumor has it, one called "thunderbird" the creators would be able to drive through the project and yell out the window "what's the word?" and the bums would respond with "THUNDERBIRD!" (their slogan)
i also believe the theory the 5 big bum wines were invented with the purpose of killing the homeless population
the one i've had "md 20/20" (colloquially known as: mad dog) ive had rather often, and it isnt too bad, but one time in uni me and my roommates all got it and my roommate threw up all over a girl in his bed in the middle of the night because of it
100 dollar scotch is a lot better than 40 dollar scotch
used to drink raki thats like 40% alcohol and makes you vomit if you drink it straight
okay but when that 100 dollar scotch tastes like 2% better than the 40 dollar scotch whats the point
the only alcohol i agree with this on is vodka, because i bought a like 15 dollar massive jug of vodka one time that went undrank for two years because it was so awful i couldnt even use it to mix drinks
yes but i dont mean bum wines, i mean normal proper wines 
that IS indeed one of the american dystopia things that no other country has. wine-producing countries are like italy, argentina, australia, chile, france, spain, etc.
turkey and iran and shit could be big producers too (as they were) but then they turned muslim
noo but muslims can drink wine
it was a lot better than 2% but i cant put it into words
it was like an entirely different beverage
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like i think the "bum wine" quality stuff is what is sold here in these bottles, and it basically kills you
once i got drunk as fuck on one of those and the next day i couldnt feel my hands for hours
bum wine is an intended feature of america (and a good one)
they should make olive wine
pretty sure the high-alcohol low-cost drinks can literally kill you if youre not careful
any price of alcohol can kill you anyway if you drink enough
easily the worst think i've drank in my life was a three pack of natural light tall boys (note: natural light is a cheap beer brand) (note: a tall boy 16oz, usual can is 12oz)
anyways it is 3 16oz beers for $3 and i drank one and a half and threw up all over myself in bed and passed out in the dorm shower for 3 hours
technically it was 1.5 hours then i woke up, thought i felt better, stood up, and threw up all over myself and then fell back asleep in the shower for another 1.5 hours
yeah but these ones just up and kill you all of a sudden even if you drink in moderation
for me its steel reserve
what does the government say about that
it tells you to not buy them(it doesnt do anything to stop you from buying them)
also i know TWO other people with the same experience with this three pack
its so funny how invasive species are dealt with by the government paying people to kill them
wonder who the next generation freak is going to be
if nobody good comes up then we'll have to rely on you to step up canman
if i got 1 dollar for every nigger ive killed so far id be the reichest man in my country
why are we talking about alcohol and parties and shit stop STOP i demand it
never talked about parties me, all my drinking has always done by myself in dark nights in front of the computer
im never supposed to be able to experience a level of euphoria and profound contentment and relief that a drink or drug would give me, ever again. except caused naturally, in those rare life moments that almost get there. like if i have kids, the day they are born, only then would i be able to experience a real high
yep me too except for the first time i got drunk
i never know what to do when i drink alone
w**d alone though i will just listen to music or watch some garbage reality show
i do nothing special, i just do the same stuff i normally do but its more funny
well im also pretty autistic about like...if im watching something for the first time...i dont like doing it drunk or anything else, there are very very very rare exceptions but that limits my options
i do the same stuff as always too but only because i have nothing "special" to do
i only like watching things when on a drunk of some kind
let me sleep
do a little workout then see maybe you sleep better
the government should take steps to ensure that everybody has at least 8 hours of sleep everyday
the government should forcefully inject morphine and cocaine into my veins until i die
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this is a road. up this road a lady moving her restaurant got scammed by the company i work for. i was helping hold her shit hostage until she signed the payment. later on, when the restaurant opens (it's a crab place, like where you pick the meat out of the shell) I'll go there and leave a big tip
only ever eaten crabs in cakes
thats nice of you
sp u spinnin round?????????
Replies: >>20910
he spun out
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huge fan of this utterly retarded (positive) sub plot with the chairman that started so long ago, completely refuses to end, and has quite literally zero connection to the story
unbbelievable i was super tired the whole day but i forced myself to stay awake until the night so i could have a normal schedule and then i woke up at one fucking ey em!! what's more the stupid birds were singing so i was sure it was already morning and didn't even bother trying to go back to sleep until it was too late
can you describe your accent
you ever notice how old timey fatties are ALWAYS men
now its mostly women
but even OLDER timey fatties WERE women
funny how that works
good point
in relation to portuguese or to english?? i don't really... ever speak english so i don't know about that one specifically but for portuguese it's mostly this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caipira_dialect
ok but what about for tupi
yes i meant in portuguese
so do you pronounce the ti like chi
well it's influenced by tupi if you believe the article
which reading it now it's not fully correct, as always there's a continuum and my homeland of campinas is not entirely capiria, nowadays it's all a part of what we call "great são paulo" so the dialect is a lot milder and closer to standard portuguese (paulista)
now that i'm living deeper into the countryside the way people speak is already quite different and sometimes i have to hold my laughter in they just sound so silly
in general i'd say my pronounciation of things is very caipira but i avoid some of the more wrong grammatical differences
i'd say i could definitely erase and control my accent if the time calls for it but not the rhotic part, that's deeply rooted inside my brain
it's more like tchi but yes
"arr gen tchi na"
>standard portuguese (paulista)
> but not the rhotic part, that's deeply rooted inside my brain
so you pronounce it like americans not even propah bri'ish gentlemen thats terrible
it's a bit like both
we (most dialects) usually drop the r if it's at the end of the word like the british but not if it's in the middle then you have to pronounce it really hard
ALSO irish is quite rhotic and i think it sounds a lot cooler than british
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what excellent storytelling in your manga about large robots to go "ohhh man the battle was so large and so devastating" and then completely skip over said battle
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are nujabes good
you mean the musician?
yeah he's quite good, very easy listening and pleasant
and his instrumental albums are also quite good if you dont want the rappers on his other ones
i dont know man if its a musician or a person or an album or a band or a rappist
nujabes was a man, a japanese one
he made quite a lot of "beats" as they are referred to in the rap community with a lot of focus on jazz samples or just general jazzy sounds
as he made beats he also had people rap on them, but as i said he has albums of JUST the beats if you want that
he unfortunately died very young
ah yes dying young, now thats the mark of a good artist
but if you want something "instrumental" with lots of samples i highly recommend "since i left you" by the avalanches
make sure you find the original release because they keep fucking re-releasing it and because it's a licensing nightmare album full of countless stolen samples each re-release fucks it up even more
two songs i enjoy a lot off of it, coincidentally the first and last tracks
i love looking at the flags when torrenting
currently trying to download something and the only seeder is a chink who seems to have capped his upload at 100 bytes a second so me and this random ukrainian are just sitting here permanently at 1%
torrenting makes me think maybe the world isnt dead
either some kind of monster in my light tubes or im going insane
all the public workers are going to have a whole week of siesta
problem is that i have some documents i fucking need
i went out of my way to download an older version of my client just so i can see the flags
watching some "australian football" out of boredom
what a bizarre bizarre sport but i think i understand the rules now after watching a bit
also this has a funny name https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_experiment
as for me i just found out that i apparently did not get even 1 vaccine as a baby
also kill all public servants 1488
isn't it funny how we call them servants
public serfs if you will
yeah it is funny but they all live piss easy lives doing fuck all
imagine if in the cyberbonk dystopia of 2025 their jobs would also be digital and all theyd do all day is press buttons
some nigger is pounding steel below and the floor shakes everytime he does it
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what if immediately after the world war the emperor secretly allied with the soviets and they helped him rebel against the americans and restore communist imperial rule
think it could be big
the soviets werent fans of communism with the emperor so they would have stabbed him in the back eventually
dont worry theres a whole sea there to separate them
more like a puddle
that just made me remember how theres a what if hitler won but japan lost mod for dh and you can play as emperor pu yu in manchuria
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uhhhhhhhh hello???? why are there gray hairs on my beard??????? hello????????????????????????? i need a technician please
as for me my aunt just pulled up pictures from my high school graduation and i look exactly the same
ive got some too dont worry about it
im so fucking tired
birdie wing and magical girl destroyers end today
time to see how they go
but what does that mean in english
two anime i watched this season ended today
magical destroyer's just had an utterly awful finale which feels even worse when the show was as mediocre as it was
turns out the real villain in my manga was...women
finally a realistic manga
my consciousness just keeps kind of phasing in and out and i cant concentrate anymore
its like being severely ill except that i suffer no side effects other than these
well my golf ending was enjoyable at least
cannae imagine what the fuck is wrong with people who watch every seasonal anime, just one show out of three i'm watching having a garbage ending thoroughly annoys me
>NieR Automata anime Episodes 9-12 to air back-to-back on 23rd July
oh this is good news at least
back to back as in all at once or 1 per week
fairly certain its implying all in one go
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finally, philosophy i agree with
>The arson killed thirty-six (36) people, injured an additional thirty-four (34) 
why is wikipedia typing like this
dont tell me there are people out there who really can't read thirty-six or thirty-four
i gurantee that's just copy-pasted from whatever source they used
you know what they say it's the encyclopedia anyone can edit so go ahead and fix it :)
>The arson killed thirty-six (306) people, injured an additional thirty-four (304) 
yeah this is more like it
Replies: >>20973
heard theyre trying to coup in russland
oh yeah well i still suffer more than them
if when something happens nothing happens
im not even real im just the mc of an 18+ suffering porn doujin story released by some preposterous annoying faggot
i have no idea what that means or implies
just think about it
do it i dare you
i wont do that because i'd have to go through like 20 layers of retarded verification to press the button that changes it
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every trial as a trial run
every run the last run
hes important to my life
im like an uhh..plane...that failed every test run but was still sent to war.......yeah exactly that
big pile up on the road
the traffic looked like something out of one of those end of the world movies
but jim you say that everyday!!
i think i should listen to more hirasawa
personally im like the last donut thats gone stale but they try to dip it in coffee and it still tastes like shit
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yeah yeah just get it over with and put it away already
have finally become hopeless enough that i can drink everyday and become a smelly alcoholic bastard
now i just need the money to buy alcohol everyday
think im dying of terminal lack of confidence
........in what............
in the modern financial system
in the end only barter will remain
i feel so fucking empty inside lately
have you tried filling the void with one of the typical vices
you can magic the pain away like 84. theres lots of types of alcohol. some of them are suuuuuper good 
*does 10 lashes*
*does another 10 lashes for hurting myself*
*stops doing them and just sits still and writhes*
i DONT hate myself 
i DONT hate myself 
i dont hate myself
why not become a savant in some irrelevant stupid thing
like mahjong
but neither of those would actually make this feeling of emptiness stop and i cant do 84(written by yours truly) either because i am poor
i think what i need in my life is stability, consistency and cute girls but those are all fucking impossible, may as well just create tulpas instead since that's far more feasible
i dont think you deserve a single cute girl let alone multiple
now / on the other hand...
"tulpa" yeah uh 
refer to 91 lol
shut up jim
you know im right here
if you're right here... then who's that over there?? *lights go out*
why dont you all get together and un-suffer yourselves
i think i sympathize a bit with kiyoshi
ill probably listen to those old songs again for 3 hours and fail to fall asleep the whole time. something is banging around deep inside my head and it wont ever ever be fully quiet. i will always hear it.
my knees are absolutely killing me you'd think i was out running all day
i pinched a nerve really bad in the back of the knee. whats that called behind the knee
the knrevasse
are you serious
no no its not called that
dont ever mislead me again do you hear me
sp have you ever gone to the beach
once with my friend and his family i must've been like 10 or 11
don't remember much about the beach itself, only that at some point something wrapped itself around my feet and i absolutely bolted out of the water
Replies: >>21024
sorry that was me
i went to a rock beach there was rocks all over instead of sand and it hurt to walk on
sand is just really small rocks
apparently theres dudes in moscow
unclear if fighting has started or not but i think theres marching
yeah the wagner guy i think
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yeah it looks like it might be more than nothing going on
how did he get there so fast wasn't he in ukraine
wait nevermind thats a different guy
double nevermind it IS the wagner guy
ok that video looked really funny for a second i thought the grey truck was part of the ground and all the soldiers were pouring out from a hole in the ground
wish i could fall into a whimsical sleepy mind state
wait whats going on did i miss an epic one
he's in rostov (the place from the 2nd mission in men of war)
and they seized an administrative building
wow i also was taken on vacations when i was 10 or 11 by my friends' family us sudacas eh what a sense of community we have here eh 
anyway was it the st.pauline beach like uh santos or whatever
russian gov issued an arrest warrant for the wagner group lead for "mutiny"
unsurprisingly they havent taken kindly
no idea what his goal is 
he said putin was deceived just like everyone else and he's not planning to over throw the government and that he just wants to "restore justice"
huh yeah i trust the things this guy says
the way i understand it hes throwing a bit of a tantrum as part of his ongoing feud with the russian army
also it makes no sense why he's doing this now when they just had their big victory and the war is probably going to end soon
it was here i posted it before https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubatuba
the city itself was a rundown shithole
what big victory did kiev get occupied yet
no but theyre 2 weeks away now
so sp since you were 11 did your parents let you wear a bikini yet or were you still in a one piece
they took this big city that they had been sieging since august
and everyone was saying all of ukraines army got chewed up in the defense so its either russia wins or it becomes a frozen conflict if their army is exhausted too
my russian connections seem to be treating this as an actual happening
not like a coup, but as an actual pretty big event
wait wait wait wait wait since fucking AUGUST?????????
of LAST YEAR??????????
pmcs always seemed like such extremely shady things i don't get why governments like them so much
i mean this little guy has an army of his own!! and if you look at him the wrong way he could completely fuck your men in the frontlines
well wagner was kind of epic and they seem to have contributed a lot
well yeah congratulations on having a normal brain
this was bound to happen especially since this really is just barely even a pmc at this point, its been borderline extension of russia in general which is just asking for problems
i dont have the ability to be entertained by big world events anymore everything is just sad at best and confusing and i dont care enough about it at worst
yeah all i can think about is how everything that happens is another step towards everything getting worse
might be a sign of getting old
i am sad and confused
many homes are filled with sadness and with sorrow
many hearts are filled with anguish and with pain
my knreevace or what ever still hurts too
the scents bother me
theyre out there 
thats real 
theyre really out there
wherever they may be
i'll be in bed
i warn you
personally i am just simply enjoying a little bit of coffee :)
my attempt to go to sleep two hours ago failed
whenever i closed my eyes and managed to relax i started hearing this incessant screaming and crying
not ACTUALLY hearing it of course but like inside my head
oh yeah there was a lot of maniacal laughing as well so it's not like my headmate was too sad
noen of what random retards are posting online makes any sense
if they wanted to "coup putin" why the fuck would they start with some random bumfuck villages and then declare that they are going to overthrow the government
all of this trite is supposed to be palace coups not that you "mobilize" like 500 dudes and literally march on moscow, it wouldnt even do anything
oh gee i dont know man if they wanted to coup erdogan why did they go around the streets in 2-3 tanks instead of occupying key points??
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got a new law coming up in '24 where all mangaka and vtubers and the like will have to make their real names publicly available
expect 10000 vtuberoids to be slaughtered by weirdo freak fans
>After talking to Putin, Lukashenko sends his personal plane to Turkiye
note that lukashenko is the fat belarussian who keeps importing and exporting niggers
so he sent the plane.........but was he in it????
i was sleeping in the couch and i was hearing the news in the background and obviously people dont care about The Ukraine very much but they were trying to explain the wagner thing, and its funny how they said they were criminals and "not patriotic people who were trying to recover ukraine" word for word
imagine how funny the inevitable episode where nhk flees to izmir will be
i dont think they want to fully coup i think they mostly just want to oust the minister of defense
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the march on moscow,
the flight on ankara
my tea is too strong
i am far too weak
apparently theres videos of russia's super swat units just letting wagner guy go by without notice
wonder if this has been brewing in the background for awhile
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source: some retard
Replies: >>21095
cant believe the wagner bastards are going to take moscow before ukraine does
really is almost insane how much of a paper tiger russia turned out to be
weren't they supposed to fukken roll over ukraine??? and now theyre just beating themselves up??? how does it go this wrong
my guess is this was all preplanned to give putin an excuse to reshuffle his generals and mobilize for real
yeah just a few more decades and he'll mobilize for real this time
apparently its already over
lukashenko negotiated something with wagner and now they are standing down
wow that was fast
also find it hilarious lukashenko seemingly left belarus faster than putin left moscow
can any of you do a proper investigation and then post about whats actually happening so we can all point and laugh at russia
my guess is luhashenko just gave them money and negotiated for russian pardons and that satisfied them
well yeah cant think of anything else they could give to wagnies except for maybe knightship
both belarus and russia agreed to ramp up the war and any new occupied territory will be ceded to the company which will act independently inside russia
wow holy fuck
>According to Russian State Media, Major Changes to the Leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense including changes to the current Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu and Army Chief of General Staff, Valery Gerasimov have reportedly been Agreed upon in order to Stop the March of the Wagner PMC Group towards the Capital of Moscow; these Negotiations have also reportedly included the assured “Security of the Wagner Group.”
thats a bit more than a fucking handout
i want to have an epic campaign in stellaris but no matter how many years pass it never  becomes a fun fucking game
oh yeah thats big alright
if i remember right the defense minister and army chief(or the ones before them????) were incompotent as fuck so maybe this is a good thing
>These Negotiations are also reported to have included a “Stipulation” that the Majority of Wagner PMC Forces will be Redeployed out of Russia and Ukraine to Africa.
this ones interesting as well
is that their punishment being shipped off the africa
well surely this is all just a joke and this isnt real(incredibly funny if it is)
i'm soooo tired how can this be i slept for a healkthy 8 hours
i slept 10 and im about to die of tiredom
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got this
mildly funny but the big Z sticker made me laugh good
funny i also thought about the ck2 mercenary thing earlier
i remember how hard i tried to et them to take over a country once but the ai just wouldn't do it god i hate that game
i dont think ive ever tried that thing where you can make your own mercenary company
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these "memes" seem pretty terrible they all miss the basics that prigozhin's grudge is with the mod not putin
russians dont really care they seem to just take any chance they can get to post monkey putin
what happened 
it looks like they gave in to their demands and are letting everyone go but that cant be right
no by all accounts that seems to be the case
this is so retarded why would they paint the map this big when its literally some dudes
even representing this on a map to begin with is retarded, its like if you were doing american elections and all the electoral college trite was blobbing at eachother
its just political shit, they wont sustain an actual rebellion with like 10k people and no actual basis or legitimacy or ideals for anything
well...its already over anyways...
yes yes i read the rest of the posts see it was just some political leveraging trite they were never going to start blobbing up 
even if they failed they still would have just accepted their surrender and given up and done some compromise
from what i gather putin is basically the japanese emperor of russia
electoral colleges are satanic
from what i gather putin is basically the top banana
theyre basically the only thing stopping america from permanent demonKKKrat rule
the cream of the banana as they say
theyre evil because theyre literally just a random institution shat out so that the peoples democratic will can be ignored
within how they were made they made sense
states were supposed to be a lot more sovereign than they are and the feds more pointless
*country turns into poo*
heyyy what gives!!!
americans all look and act the same anyway why dont they just get rid of all this federation and states trite and make it an unitary country instead
its truly funny how homogenous america is culturally
the whole world is at this point
no not really llook at china for example 

something that did happen is this whole concept of "the west", as invented by americans, culturally blobbed up all over europe and replaced all the individual european cultures for 1 "western" (more as in western hemisphere) culture
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i dont get it
norwegians eat lots of banana???????
are you tellin me the banana republics of central america have no bananas i don't believe this
redder the country is the bigger a spot the banana occupies in a mans daily life
i like me some bananas especially while traveling
they made a stellaris spinoff game
*vomits everywhere without even clicking the link*
>What if you could have a 4X game that can be played in the time that it takes you to do the laundry?

>Stellaris Nexus is a multiplayer turn-based 4X clash for galactic dominance, played from start to finish in about an hour!
sounds great johan
*gets exiled to cuba this time*
really love how nobody ever invented a way to differentiate johan the swedish kike and johan the gayreek
they both suck so its fine
i like the greek
thhe greek one died of cancer like 5 years ago so there is no need for difference
oh this guys using a text capturer and machine translator to play the game
guess it wasnt one sided after all
they finally started releasing their games on steam huh
they made a rome total war THREE????
oh and the guy who made the video edited in the vic2 war declaration sound when he got declared on
got fucking jumpscared by my aunt who i havent seen in 11 years being at my house
would be really epic if some random relative ive never even seen died somewhere and gave me their entire inheritance
thinking about it god must be really good at math to have made this dogshit world
whose gonna take responsibility for this world
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have this happen to me everyday
munchen eh you mean manchuria??
im munchin rn
...on the fresh corpses of my enemies
on taco bell actually
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everytime i feel like murdering someone i get the mysterious urge to draw a big smile
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paging one guy
did you see zambot-3
was reading some stuff and it sounded good, and it isnt too long
are you paging me(the guy who finished zambot3) or are you paging someone else
the mp4s i posted a few days ago were of it
ohhhhh i zoned out and thought they were something else
it was really good and i enjoyed it thoroughly, the ending felt like it got fucking axed(it probably did) like almost everything tomino did(because he's fucking crazy) but they managed to change up the schedule so perfectly that there's no awkwardness or anything left, i also just liked it in general since it sort of asked the mc the question "was all of your fighting really worth it?" and it's really up to the mc to decide whether it really was worth it or not
also its one of the most cruel tomino shows
wonder how you'll feel about zeta/victory in like uhhh five years in terms of "cruelty"
victory is pretty infamous for cruelty but i dont know, based off only what i've seen ideon and zeta are pretty fucking brutal consistently, but victory just has one or two parts that are really fucked
its insane how every time anything happens in russia/ukraine everyone 
gets utterly embarrassed with the exception of the *nothing happens* people
well it'll be a long time until i get to those, i've still yet to watch 79 and i'll probably do that after i watch the original macross
zambot3 felt more cruel than even ideon but that might have just been because its more compact so the suffering is more frequent, even if you account for that though its at least as bad as ideon
will be interesting to see how you feel about the original macross
its funny because it may be the one show thats even fucking cheaper than gundam 79 was
also the only reason it even exists is because a bunch of people were such big fans of gundam they wanted to make their own, theres a bunch of references to 79 in it and a  major character in macross only exists because they thought a character in 79 was too cool for how quickly he died
achhh wait fuck
you can stop waiting now
wish i hadnt lost my marching song collection
dont you think its interesting how everybody in the world made their scabbards the same way
what other way could there be
dont know
has the longest day of the year gone by already
want it to start getting darker faster
fuck yeah sink venice that shithole
somehow modern post death tragsg is faster than vgsg
what a magical time just having a train race to decide who gets to have something none of that corruption crap
>Cycloped was the first to drop out of the competition. It used a horse walking on a drive belt for power and was withdrawn after an accident caused the horse to burst through the floor of the engine
funny how 6 hours ago i could barely keep my eyelids open and now i'm simply incapable of falling asleep no matter how hard i try
ate some raw chicken
hope i don’t catch the nella
i just came to a realization
"pen pal" refers to people who write to each other... with a pen...
for as long as i can remember i thought it meant two people who shared a pen (like a sheep's (metaphorically))
we had pen pals in grade school
how on earth could you make that mistake
teacher one time tried to organize pen pals but everybody stopped caring and gave up also i started hating myself midway through typing this
personally I tried to sleep yesterday, was awakened after 3 hours, and now its tonight and i cant sleep despite being really tired

also i heard the neighbors having sex but i thought someone was fucking with my door
jesus fucking christ
body is red all over
my mouse sensitivity is broken again!!!!! i hate this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
i fucking hate ahate ahazte hate teheart all inggersr i will fucking kill them all total nigger death i wiill drown all men in black nigger blood
bit slow with the posts
had like 10 ideas for posts up until now but everytime i forgot them before i open the thread
the less i want to deal with people the more i am forced to do so
all that shit i thought was all such nonsense
have you ever understood who you are really
all i know is that ill first have to die if i want to know
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think your life is bad?? at least you didn't reincarnate into a potato
i was thinking just earlier today about some stuff like being progressively reborn into more painful lives and it made me realize that would guarantee that you'd be born a human with no significant intelligence issues every single time because that is the being that can suffer the most
why is it so sweaty
being progressively born into more painful lives is obviously true because thats already what happens during the span of a single life. that is what it is to age.
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it fell through the driveway
its a metaphor
next is to fall to hell
i easily could
i want to
i dont want to
burning in hell is easier than living on earth
no, it isnt
burning on earth
living in hell
you can only say that because youve never been alive
i must have been so much more virtuous and noble than all of you in my past lives
you were a little weirdo pedo in your last life too
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cant wait for the next election in 10 years where erdogan is just gonna win with a 50.01% share of the votes again
>Tomino(commie)=Ideon, Tomino(facism)=Xabungle Tomino(USA evangelism)=Dunbine
is this true
i think i should learn morse code so i can shitpost with it when im bored
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ugh.. the sun is setting...
water yu duin
>272.3 GiB for 43 episodes
what in the fuck
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i'm replaying battlestations pacific
and i finished the japanese campaign a few days ago so now i'm forced to continue on as america
i played it too ages ago but i quit after finishing the japanese one because i didnt want to do the amerikkkan one
russia couldnt possibly have tigers
yeah they really went for it with that cutscene
but it didnt make sense how all the late game japanese units were suicide planes/rockets/torpedos which they wouldnt have developed if they were winning
theyre literally only there because theyre epic theres no other reason for it
.  .  .  . . .  .  .  .
dont use up all the dots
its truely and honestly bizarre how many sickly-obsessed people with argentina there are on /sp/ 
they will literally go on any argentina related thread and start shitting it up or bring up argentina(or argetinian things) in unrelated threads
negotiations have broken down and as a result i am now watching 79
cant wait to see how thisll turn out
je deteste l'etats unis
enfer à mes ennemis et au paradis avec moi
ok so the american campaign becomes impossible towards the end due to all the kamikaze planes and rockets one shotting you
thats what happened in real life
wonder if i will eventually get angry enough and kill myself or if i will forever keep on falling downwards and downwards
ugh fuck would love to kill meself right about now
my knife bounces off my skin because im a weak little retard faggot with gay little hopes and dreams
no comment on this but the main character designed for gundam is adamant that newtypes were an allegory for marxists
i believe tomino has just said something to the effect of "newtypes are knowing without"
kill all men kill all women kill all children
(##1d2) Rolled 1 dice with 2 sides = 1
is this going to be my last sleep yes or no
yeah im satisfied with the results
i haven't done ANYTHING this week
there's games i want to play and animes i want to watch but i just can't bring myself to do either thing
it's not that i don't like them i'm sure once i start i'll get hooked the problem is taking the first step
death to kikes
grow up
implode inwards
eating bagel
bagels were invented by kikes supposedly
it's only fair for them to give something back to the world after all they've done
accidently closed the tab and didnt realize it for an hour
yeah i did that earlier
im getting fed up with myself
been fed up with myself hopefully will fall asleep before too much self hatred
i have to wake up early
ought to go to bed then
i will do such a thing at such a time that sleep comes
it hasnt come yet
hate constantly acting like a tard
been trying to get something done for weeks but i cant even start
that prigozhin thing was just so bizarre
its somehow even more bizarre that it blew over so fast with nothing coming of it
feel like ive received some brain damage that I cant snap out of
in a similar situation but i attribute it to a mix of both being extremely busy and extremely bored plus an erratic sleep schedule that i can't seem to fix because I CANT SLEEP AGAIN!!!!!!!
and yeah the russia thing is very very odd it must have been a falseflag of sorts
i bet that 20 years from now the /gsg/ers of the future will be browsing the wikipedia article for the war and someone's gonna find out about this bizarre couple-days rebellion and they're gonna post a link to it and everyone will go "oh wow fascinating fascinating" and then immediately forget about it
such are the wheels of history
if it was genuinely a falseflag then thats truly 4d chess from putin or prigozhin or... whomever it is.......
i have to say though the fact that the libtard nafo ukraine supporting faction was cheering on prigozhin for a bit was some emperors new clothes for them i would be extremely embarrassed
i mean it being a falseflag is the only way i can explain it being over so quickly
the only alternative is the wagner guy being genuinely bpd-tier mentally ill
if he was just run out of the mill insane he surely would have kept going to moscow even if most of his men gave up and he died like a good megalomaniac
but no he just exiled himself to belarus out of nowhere and harmed the image of both himself his company and his country for absolutely no gain other than... sticking it to some russian generals i guess
had a bunch of bizarre dreams and although i remember none they still managed to make me feel bad
heaven if you die, eternity in hell if you survive
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manga about little girls gassing niggers
what kinda retard keeps saying "oh it must be a falseflag"
they wanted the guy arrested because he was getting too popular
russian man & co. arent some ideological titans, theyre a fucking private military company, and ultimately theyre far more useful kept on a leash than running amok
so to keep putin's image clean just have belarus handle the negotiations and once again, these arent some men of ideology, just give them cash, pardons, and a vacation to africa and theyre happy
and as for "well then why replace ministers" because simply nobody really cares about them especially when the war is going so poorly, so may as well shuffle things around to appease people and potentially change things up
what if they said to replace the ministers because theyre incompetent retards who keep shoving the company into deathly situations t.200iq and an amazing imagination
new footage straight from the ukrainian frontline
im a crew leader at work!!!
more like a poo leader
as for me im in charge of the death marches
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the trembling hands from the poor motion tracking really adds to the effect
calling a place in new jersey and the woman on the phone sounds like a brit doing a bad american accent impression
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pretty sure he's intentionally making them tremble
the 3 second cicada sound effect loop is hilarious
never been to japan but if i go there im certain thats what itll sound like at all times
youre supposed to laugh at the other parts
do you guys really not have cicadas
i thought they were a thing in the northern america
we have them but they make weird noises
theyre not constant everpresent at all locations at all times like they are in my animes
well theyre supposed to be a summer thing........ you know setting you in the mood for nostalgic summer times........................

and yeah they make a different pattern of noises here, i'd wager each little tribe makes their own noises
mine make the same noise as the japanese ones
the ones here go more like
hey mate you just shat in your pants
>the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks (1453), an event which had a huge psychological effect in Europe;
im so used to robbie memes that i forgot the fall of constantinople actually WAS a big tragedy
it was just a greek civil war nothing big
oooh right i had a dream where i had dream where i "remembered" that i was in the military as a kid and achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel (this was in my mind a rather low rank for an officer)
uhhh i only had one layer of dream ignore that typo
constantinople has fallen...
at least we still have jerusalem
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so i chose to read the prison school author's next manga
a few pages before this was clearly some kind of meta commentary by a character who makes manga going "oh if it's in manga i can have whatever fantasies i want" and now this is going on
makes one ponder
HAHAHA thats so silly nobody would ever crossdress *shits eggs out of nervousness
what drove you to make that post mate
theres so many different ways to take low
playing a chinese game in japanese where you grow a little girl into a big girl and its giving me the love ive never seen
i find games where you get to kill to be more stimulatin
i think i know that one
but all the games where you kill in large numbers(millions and above) fucking suck cock!!!!
i was functional in society today
but i feel unfulfilled
nothing will ever top the setting of my hedonic upper bound
ever again ever
my life is just 
empty and unfulfilling forever
me im just an empty bottle
god i just resent having to deal with people i dont care about to deal with matters i dont care about so so so os os fucking much its unbearable
should just get a split personality and let my other personality handle all the terrible jobs
thats an idea i had it didnt work. but i also didnt go all the way with it
thats basically the plot of dmc5
do you mind if i post something everybody will hate
you can do that really but you shouldnt. i mean its out there. not saying it’s an option you should think about but the mind blowing thing is that it’sa real thing you can actually do
91 was in response to the split personality thing not 90..
fucking why
giddy up
gonna need the bossman to inspect this tard
the (god fucking awful) taste of this new beer i got is a lot weaker than that of the beers i usually drink so im drinking a lot faster
i reckon i will soon get drunk as fuck due to the incredible speed with which i drink
looks like it might be the bigger running wild so i locked it again
if its not the bigger making these horrible abhorrent posts then whoever it is needs a time out anyway
ive committed no crime
show me the man and i'll show you the crime
WHY cant he just fuck off does he seriously have not a single person who can tolerate him
the quality of posts is extremely important to this community
also global rule 15
just had a bit of a chuckle imagining a website that has no rules of its own but just uses the 4chan rules
im not even the bigger you tards stop freaking out
all i did was post an epic pony
horseniggers will be shot on sight
also there was that horrible tranny post a few posts up
okay but i didnt post that to antagonize i posted that because it was funny to see an author so flagrantly putting a fetish in something
thats not a tranny post at all its just leaving all the terrible trite for others to deal with
and even if it was tranny trite then tulpas would be tranny trite too
oh i thought 05 was referring to 87
glad everybody has ascribed traits to posts at random so nobody knows what anybody is talking about
the trannypost: 76
the ponypost: Deleted
kikes: not a single one dead
think its really funny now how the narrative has shifted so far in some places they say hitler never hurt a single kike and even shipped them all to luxury resorts with swimming pools to keep them safe
until the dastardly anglos dropped typhus bombs on them
but thats true
yes its funny how the truth is finally coming out
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trust me that's a pretty funny image
i prefer the one about gsg
gsg has finally transformed into its most pure and perfect form, tragsg, a forum of faggots who hate themselves
gsg is full of teenagers and schizoids and people who post eu4
we are the real gsg
that gsg is full of little children
the traditional gsg...
i want vicky2 but it starts in 1500
want a cute child to bring up but imagine just how terrible of a parent i would be
ive also been thinking about how these feelings of wanting to be a parent might be because ive already given up hope on myself and all i can do is hope the next generation doesnt fuck up as hard, i guess this is what all parents feel like
when i was a child i was always scared of the dark but now it makes me feel extremely calm and tranquil
wonder why
all thats left is death
would be a fitting end for the turk if rabid greek nationalists implemented the megali idea and he was executed for being an ottoman squatter
bit too busy being tormented spiritually to care about being killed for political trite
in fact i welcome any and all forms of death
ive been drinking a lot these last few days
this should be my very last drink though
its too hot to live
you know what
i think i want a mullet
watching videos of guys working on their cars and its making me want to work on my car
Replies: >>21383
dont got no car
isn't it funny how cars became such a stable hobby for men when just 100 something years ago nobody knew or cared about them
thats because they replaced horses which were a stable (heh) hobby for 3000 years
cars suck but i do like watching car videos sometimes as basically visual asmr
cars are freaking epic you libtard kike
yeah yeah man its so cool to have your mode of transit beholden to saudis fucking with oil prices and gas stations fucking with oil prices and mechanic shops fucking with every price
would genuinely rather ride a fukken horse
feel bad for all the horses i see on the side of the road getting roasted in the sun or rained on
its especially cool that theres no kind of intelligence test so literal mouth breathing retards get to sit behind the wheel of a car and they can just kill you if you're unlucky
i suppose this applies to many aspects of life but still
a few days ago someone lost control of their car "due to medical reasons" and crashed into a pole
yeah isnt that epic
i'm willing to compromise and say people with functioning brain's and bodies are allowed to drive cars but on the condition that the government subsidizes some kind of transit for subhumans only for necessities
sometimes i randomly remember that johnny cash actually did make real good music and its not just old people having nothing better to listen to
you just need to always have your wits about you that's just what life in the city is like
imagine being some polish guy and you just get run over
i guess its the same logic i had when i worked retail where like, i had to be nice to customers because sometimes people will just fukken shoot you to death
both this and some retard killing you in a car are super unlikely obviously, but i would hate to die in something statistically improbable
keep reading late uc gundam manga but none of them are any good
why are bugs so scary
seriously theyre fucking pathetic and harmless so WHY are they more terrifying than like a wolf
well theyre gross
gross is not a reason to be scary
they buzz into your ear
some of them carry aids and some have poo all over them and some just get everywhere and some stela your blood
plenty reason to be afraid
no there is nothing at all to be afraid of with a random standard ant or spider that cant bite you or sting you or do anything
yes there is cause ants get everywhere and spiders have 8 eyeballs
humans didnt even know spiders have 8 eyes until like the 1830s when they started putting bugs under microscopes
your brain knows
it doesn't need to have a logical reason bugs are just nasty and alien
some spiders are pretty big
youcan see that they have many eyes if you look at them really closely
laughing imagining mein ancestors getting really close to fucking huge spide and not getting scared until they count 8 individual eyes
have we talked about how dancing is retarded as fuck
we all know it to be true
dancing is stupid but i love spinning around
*looks at you as if to imply you're REALLY retarded*
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which ones are the aryans
all you have to know is the spacemen are stinky perpetual seethers throughout the entire gundam timeline
so the earthoids are the epic ones eh....
no because earth has been raped like six times over so living there is actually pretty awful if you arent rich
but it's better than being a spacenoid who gets mad at earth for simply existing
so its niggers vs niggers then?
not fully
its more like brown vs brown i suppose
sigh i need a series with aryan space vampire elves
actually around the time this manga takes place earth is kind of "healed" its at least in a better state than multiple other points in history, but this is in part to the government forcing poors into outer space
it takes around ~100 more years for there to be solar system wide famines resulting in borderline warlord states
"ugh ugh south american history is so boring and stupid"
*watches 8000 hours and 20 seasons of brown people feuding with and backstabbing brown people to see who gets the most rocks*
im one of the people who's probably never claimed south american history was boring
i was going to make a post about slings and how they were quite prominent in antiquity but now absolutely nobody cares about them anymore but when i opened the wikipedia page i was greeted by a video of palestinians slinging rocks at kikes so i guess i was wrong
can you make the post anyways
i remember finding out how fukken deadly they were and being surprised
well i don't have much to say but the pedia does have a bunch of interestinf factoids
such as
>Very often, symbols or writings were moulded into lead sling-bullets ... Writing might include the name of the owning military unit or commander or might be more imaginative: "Take this", "Ouch", "get pregnant with this"[30] and even "For Pompey's backside" added insult to injury
the whole thing just makes me think of mountain blade and how hilarious i thought it was whenever somebody lobbed a rock at my head and i just dropped dead
don't think i've ever seriously danced or sang aside from mumbling along to a song or tumbling around a little
i've been known to do a little dance every once in a while if nobody else is around
how have you been known............if nobody was around............ o___0
do people still talk about AI or did the fad die down
>dirty old egg-suckin dog
every once in a while i burst out in laughter at the fact that there have been so many songs and bands thoroughout history that people nowadays have no choice but to write down incredibly convoluted and random names to distinguish themselves from that one other thing
the only reason I managed to wake up is because I accidentally knocked down the mountain of beer cans in my room and got forced awake by the terrible sound
don't think i could stand to live like that
my place does get messy sometimes but it's always an organized chaos of sorts and not just mountains of garbage for me to randomly bump into
my place is clean and just fine its just that theres a mountain of beer cans in the middle of it
cant even drink coffee in this weather
drank cold milk
but that song is old
people were making songs thousands of years before actually t.expert
seals are such funny fucking creatures
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i mean come on look at that thing
i feel like they might secretly be some of the smartest animals, up there with dolphins, but they just look so stupid
i always think about this video
just saw panels from a lolita manga adaptation
not my problem
not a problem per se just an occurrence
as for me the mc(me) grew feathers and became a bird
that happened in a thing i watched (it was a gigantic pile of shit)
opened the lights and it looked really weird so i thought that im finally losing my eyesight but it turns out it was just that part of the lights have fuckken died
one time i was taking a shower and the power went out and i thought i went blind
its a very very strange sensation to go from seeing, to actual 100% pitch black like no light anywhere, but you can still hear everything clearly
did the shower stop working
no thats just water pressure
but what... controls the pressure....
the fukken water man
what was that one argentinian movie hm streamed
something something dirty war
wasnt it something like day of the pencil
there were two i think but that was the other
>The volantes were a small and special band of troops—around twenty to sixty—from every state of the Brazilian federation, formed by the government Law-Enforcement agencies sent to seek and destroy the cangaceiros. The cangaceiros often referred to them as "monkeys", because of their brown uniforms and their willingness to obey their orders. Some of them carried modern Hotchkiss machine guns, weapons that the cangaceiros quickly learned to fear—but were always willing to steal for their own use.
brown uniform for my brown skin
the official english localization is "funny little dirty war" 
the spanish name is "no habra mas pena ni olvido" or "there will be no more sorrow or forgetfulness"
and the night of the pencils is the one that took place in La Plata where they killed a bunch of students but i dont think we ever watched it
the one we DID watch was pizza,beer, and fags, which was a comedy one
ohhh okay that one too
wwoooow theyre bringing GHOST TRICK to steam i gotta play this
oh i hate this(nightmare)
i think the reason its hard to depict an angel with a gun instead of a sword is that swords are artisanal weapons that are each individually made whereas guns are mass-produced, so its easy to imagine a "heavenly sword" forged by a heavenly being, but a gun like that would be hard to imagine, even though in theory it should be just as possible
i can imagine some fanncy steambonk looking fantasy gun
i dont think an angelic gun would be steambonk
it would just be very elegant
yeah probably not
but when i think of artesenal weapons i imagine some 19th century inventor making some overengineered unique gun
not necessarily steambonk but more just victorian in general
i do wonder why artisanal guns arent a thing
god i hate this fucking retard nigger family so much
an interesting fact about them is that they only come to visit me at midnight and stay for fucking hours at a time
also apparently my brother has given up on going to dubai and has now decided to go to.....montenegro instead, trying to get a residency there and wait for them to get into the eu
but they are though
see: prisons, brazil, the middle east
well the state kills you if they find out
remember that video of the polish kid who made a machine gun
also now that we have 3d printing maybe we'll get something
no i mean like high quality masterwork guns not some improvised prison gun that explodes in your face
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heres an example of what might be called an artisan gun

and yeah 3d printing lets you make some decent guns but its only really for posh hobbyists, who wont really use them for anything
guns dont look cool but swords do
simple ass
i like the idea of 3d printing guns because then you can have it so nobody knows about it and if you make it out of plastic then it wont set off metal detectors either
of course you still need ammo but you can get that anywhere...
well in that case still see: the middle east

theyre not quite "masterwork" but theyre pretty competently made by people who do it for a living, definitively better than prison trash
for more complexity than this again you kinda need a whole setup for milling stuff and pressing stuff and shit like that, you can probably only really find it in north america (either yanks with too much money/free time, or random narcoids in mexico)
there are tons of youtube channels of guys machining random stuff and i mean theres blacksmiths making intricate swords that are never going to be swung once, so why not combine the two disciplines and make the kind of gun a medieval king would have
27 this is true
and as aresult of that there's no real symbolic value in having a cool gun
a king could comission some ornamental fancy sword that he can carry around but putin isn't gonna walk around with an ak with his face engraved on it it just doesn't work
and in fact the whole "coolness" that lies with guns IS the mass production, nobody thinks a single gun is "cool", when they think of a gun thats cool they imagine hundreds of men in line and row with cool rifles, not a single person wielding a single gun
okay heres the actual point i didnt make; the fact that swords have symbolic significance and guns dont is not entirely a result of their inherent properties, its just because of the times in which they're found
when swords were the main weapon to defend yourself with, people were very spiritually oriented and understood symbolism and stuff, but today everything is completely materialistic
oh and yeah that too
if you draw jesus on your sword thats white and based but if you draw jesus on your pistol literally everybody will perceive it as "a pistol that some nigger in the hood has" because only those kinds of people are shown to have such things on tv movies
they need to make one of those big volcanos go off so we can get some cool weather and a proper winter
*looks over at fuji-san*
without it japan would be san fuji
do you think i can emotionally toy with me quebec mate and get him to sponsor my migration over there
do you think i will be reborn a devil
if you're willing to troon out and he's desperate enough to go for that then sure but i dont see what you have to gain from living in quebec
therell be no trooning im not argentine
did you implicitely argentinize the tranny
thats very kind and pro-immigration of you
the moment you step foot on the plate your skin turns pitch black and you become an argentine artisan-tribesman who congests rubber out of thin air
>He did wonders as a striker in his first training session and was quickly invited to join the squad.
is this secret commiespeak or what
yes he showed them that if you close down as fabricas das bananas then the government is forced to give you free bananas so that you dont die 
from then onwards, free shite was baptized as "welfare"
it's really funny to me how all over south america there were all these englishmen who spread football around and established clubs and thats their ONLY contribution to the entire place
the reason football spread so much was (after it arrived in big ports like buenos aires and rio) is the railway
well i dont know if there was that much railway in brazil in that era but at leat here there were hundreds of billions of englishmen who were brought over to build the rails and show people how to use them

eventually the rail companies got statified by peron..........and the rest is history
(also there were a lot of frenchmen but those didnt play football)

this is also the reason why the platine area of south america is so good and prevalent at football while the rest (caribbean and andes) are between grim and nonexistant
also there were enough bri'ish people that there were plenty of english high schools
i think the first champion in argentina was st.andrews' scots school or something like that
we had some rails too i came across these guys the other day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A3o_Paulo_Athletic_Club
we had some rails too but then the great satan privatized them all
so this is what happens when you spam railways on other countries invicky huh
yes they unironically could have done so much more with vic3, like for example they invented like an engineer pop or something like that, well when you invest in other countries it should have been simulated that like 100 dudes come over for every factory you make or railway or whatever
and then that could cascade into triggering one of those mass-migration events

(i mantain the mass migration mechanic makes SENSE since it kind of worked like that irl, but the general migration mechanics are awful, and the way they implemented the mass migration is also nonsensical like the Bwe'Bwe or BaKongo migrating to Japan because they starved too much. 
a proper way would be if there's already pops from that culture (from normal migration) and they have good standards of living, and there's all the typical things that attract immigrants such as free arable land(since arable land is a mechanic), jobs, a decently compatible culture, etc. etc.
the reason 5 million italians went to argentina is because la plata was part of the spanish empire and there was already a decently sized upper class of italian(mostly genoese) traders living there, and from all the connections it cascaded into a mass migration)
its funny to imagine some englishman going to argentina to show off his epic engineer skills and earn shitloads of money
and then his children learn to do literally nothing so when he dies his family instantly naturalizes into poor brown argentine minimum wage manual laborers
like it still genuinely makes me upset how GOOD vic3 could have been, and the fact that there are some ideas for good mechanics already in the game is like rubbing salt in the wound
did you know in the 1920s people talked about argentines and their work ethic like they do the japanese today
(i know this because i read an uruguayan text from that era talking like that and how they should be like us)
urugoids arent people
if there was an oriental poster they'd go something like "yeah uruGODS are übermensch"
uruguayans work 0 hours a week argentines work 2
whites work 50 and japs work 90
yes yes i agree but you see you are talking in present tense whereas i was referring to the past
hope this clears everything up for you, good luck ;)
history repeats itself
yeah hate it when people completely ignore when i say things like "if" and "used to" can't remember how many times it happened but more than it should have
if you piss hard enough on top of a skyscraper in a space colony, the piss can fall on the other side of the tube
...............................what tube......................................................
>people (who live right next to argentina) talked about argentines
really funny post when you read into it
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why would they have a skyscraper close to the axis of rotation
that defeats the whole purpose
imagine if hitler had blue hair like that
well you can also read those american history book from the 50s where it says the reason argentines are rich is because theyre white (i.e. the complete opposite of today's current view)
someone on here has them
argentines were rich and white then they became poor and brown
the question scientists have been grappling with since is: did they turn brown because they became poor, or did they lose their money because they became brown?
it can't be anything else than both at the same time
since the 70s but especially in the 90s we had about 50 trillion brown people come into the country and shit out 20 children each
but at the same time, as you become poorer, even the whitest people act like retarded browns so it effectively makes no difference anymore 

you can see this with american zoomers today whose culture is 2/3rds nigger and 1/3rd mexican
in 40 years even the WASPest of americans will act like pedro watermelonius IV
wow 100000000000000 trillion brown retard nigger apes came and raped your country and shat out 50 nigger children each huh never heard of it bef*stone with erdogan carved on it smashes right through my window*
its funny how in the first episode of the anime the protag accidentally kills his father(his first kill) and he literally never realizes it
also regarding migration mechanics, if you invest in a coutry but its something like persia or serbia or japan, your pops go there to build shit but eventually if its not a suitable place to stay in or migrate more into, they would either start returning to their countries or just assimilate
during a brief period it actually wasnt rare for poor europeans to go over to south america to work during the european winter and make a bunch of money and then go back to be farmers in their country and keep going back and forth every year
then eventually some stayed in america or in their countries 

if you invest in a country but its still shit, or they hate foreigners, then they keep going there but if theres economic potential and/or social mobility then yes they do

someone really should just hack/terrorize paradox and get all their source codes and destroy the company
the lesson is that its not enough to not be a nigger, being around niggers turns you into one even if your white
that concept also works with americans
nowadays like 3/4 western europeans are american
or maybe its the cursed soil of the americas that turns aryans into orcs
yeah seen that happen a lot in public schools
its why i will never never never let my daughter around a public school or perhaps never even around ANY school at all
i'll buy land in the bumfuck of nowhere and she'll be able to learn anything she wants via books and the few internet sites i allow her
but then how will she get to dress up in cute school uniforms and meet a handsome older college boy to marry
ohoho yes yes
and personally I will never let my pet unicorn eat donuts
^i just ate 2 donuts from the grocery store and im met with earthsplitting stomach pain
divine punishment
theres literally no reason for me not to bullshit her and say that she has to wear school uniforms,  designed and and made by none other than mein weife or me, when she's being homeschooled
why not send her to one of those rural schools in the middle of nowhere where there's 2 teachers and like 15 kids at most
do you really want her to be completely socially stunted, no friends, and her entire childhood memories being "i sat at home reading books or talked to my parents" 
you have to do childish stuff like playing in the mud with other 8 year olds or throwing a rock at a gypsy
the problem is that other children are retards with retard genes and children(mine) are extremely weak to social pressure and they constantly adjust themselves according to their social environment, if i let her play the traditional argentine childrens game of rock throwing then when she becomes an adult she will end up an argentine who spends all her time throwing rocks
having her be socially stunted is a shame but all social interaction comes with its own risks and this is all the more true considering that all the people outside are legitimately 70 iq retards, imagine if she happened to hear something about lesbians and ended up transforming into jims sister
well but see the thing is that being a rural school, there would be rural children, and in those cases i think its less likely that theyd be utterly retarded since theyd probably be doing some manual and human stuff at their home like picking up logs or milking a cow or whatever 
and the smaller the size of a group is the less retarded it tends to be, like if you have 50 kids spitting at eachother they'll probably be more retarded than if theres 10 kids and they all know eachother and are more or less normal 

and also throwing rocks at gypsyes or playing in the mud ARE what children are supposed to do and its not a bad thing, its how children have always been you know just playing around outside and doing mischief. nothing like all the children of TODAY that spend all day inside, watching streamers and generally doing NO mischief, it turns them into obedient golems
like for example in my school with my mates we crawled into a sewer filled with poo that lead into free entry to the zoo
we didnt actually make it through though because it got small and there was too much poo and darnkness but thats the kind of funny experience that children should have, you know, doing stuff in real life with their mates
(probably in the case of a girl youd want her doing something else but i dont know i was never a girl)
what if you just put her to watch all the slice of life animes so she can live vicariously through the tv without getting covered in poo
honestly SoL anime is terrible for a person's development, it should only be watched by informed adults who only consume it for the purpose of reminiscing
true but the thing about rural children doesnt apply so much, nowadays they're very similar to urbanites because of the internet, even if they do some manual labour every once in a while its "just" that and it doesnt have much meaning
i didnt mean to say that the act of playing itself causes any harm, but naturally the kids she plays with will speak to her and they probably have terrible retarded ideas that'll drop her iq just by listening
i dont think being inside all day turns children into obedient golems at all, but that other circumstances that usually follow with it cause it
even a great big man with a strong constitution like me cant endure sol, if a little girl watched them she'd DIE!! DIE!!!!
uhgh....looks like we'll have to reform that constitution.........
*gathers all the judaic senators of hell*
*turns your constitution into a banana document*
stop self-inserting your terrible jewish constitution onto everything i was talking about my physical constitution
next lets discuss how youre supposed to get that wife and child you keep going on about
im in west virginia
and its just like greenland
west virginia it’s just like it was last time i was here
im in virginia everyday *cries*
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you need a wife before you can have a daughter wife
my legs are pitch red and full of bumps now because ive been scratching them violently everyday for weeks
thats not good
at least theyre not full of sages..................
amazing how i quit 4chan millennia ago and have not regretted it for a single second
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now we truly are the red sea
how are you liking gundamu
not the turk but i think the "kids need social interaction with other kids" line is bs, and they only really need it to adjust to those types of people
if a kid is always around grownups who treat him with the right attitude then theyll grow up to be upstanding and mature
no thats stupid though
being a kid is about having fun while life is free, sure you can have "fun" with adults but its genuinely not the same
kids will have fun on their own regardless, until i was about 4 i lived with my parents in a very rural area and was an only child, and i had lots of fun doing random shite on my own, and if i look back on those times they were probably more exciting and "childlike" then when i started going to school and most of my entertainment came from video games
but i too have thought about how best to raise my child, in a way that i wish for myself, and i think giving him as much *real* freedom as possible but keeping him away from mindnumbing activities like tv and video games (some video games are positive influences for sure, like books, but i havent thought that through yet) would result in a child who sees the world most "freely" that is, as containing the most possibility for himself. i think oversocializing your child has the effect of limiting his horizons of possibility, i.e. that he will think the only way to live is to get a job and go to school like everyone else
ideally you should just let your child exist naturally barring them getting into sicko shit
maybe they get too into video games but if its something they end up passionate about theres no reason to shit on them just because they dont like what you like, obviously you're free to push stuff you like onto them as thats just what parents do but dont be dream hitler to your kid
4 is still way too young, i was referring to people between the ages of like 8-13 
at 4 you are still just learning the basics of how to talk and interact socially and how to not say stupid shit
i had already learned to read and would go walk around the forest on my own. it goes without saying this type of upbringing only works for bright individuals of the right character, but as my son (and my wife's son too--i would only have a child with a girl of good character and fitness) he would naturally possess that
i forgot to mention that i would keep him away from mindnumbing activities without adopting a "this is forbidden" attitude or anything that would make him covet those in spite of me. i dont quite know how to accomplish that but it should be obvious that "real" activities have been plenty good for children for thousands of years
yes i knew how to read/write too at 4 but i didnt know how to chat socially they are different things
but you can learn that from adults, and much better too, because if adults treat you like an adult you learn how to ACT like an adult
but you're a fucking KID man
what's the one saying, something about there being nothing more immature than thinking you're mature
that doesnt really apply here. a kid like that would just "know" how to act and it would be natural for him, and he wouldnt still act 100% like an adult, because he's a child. but those are the innate childish parts that you are somehow worried about losing. this might sound larpy, but paul from dune is the best example.
paul's entire fucking life was ruined because adults wanted to mold him into space jesus from the second he was born, in fact even BEFORE he was born they wanted to do this
it wasnt really "ruined" he chose to live it as he saw fit. but the part that "ruins" his life is pure fantasy. nobody's child is going to see the future because you raised him "too well"
right before everyone gets killed he's just a proper well-raised child, yet he simultaneously has the will and maturity to go make big decisions when the time is needed. that's ideal.
i dont know if you really understood dune man
in both of his "final moments" he laments the hand he got dealt, he doesn't regret it per se, but he certainly isnt happy with how he ended up
aldia also has a similar issue where she says almost word for word at one points "i wish i could have led a normal life, but instead my brother had to be the emperor"
that's like saying the iliad is about the horrors of war because achilles' ghost complains about being dead in the odyssey
a really shallow masturbatory way of looking at things, "this entire epic saga is about how... all of it was actually... le bad"
okay you're actually just an idort, re-read the first four books with your eyes open this time
what a cowardly way to concede the point
i dont know what u 2 retards are talking about but youre both clearly mentally ill
im not conceding anything if you read my posts and got this entire epic saga is about how... all of it was actually... le bad" out of it you're just a stupid person and theres no point in talking about this
boy am i glad i dont read fiction
dune is barely even fiction its just high art
youre making a trite point i've seen a million times before, and not offering anything substantial or new, and in the first place it doesn't have much relevance to the topic. ill reply again if someone is interested in the actual topic
tolkein said dune is bad
so bad in fact he refused to say why because it would be too impolite
and where is tolkien now
tolkien also said lotr has absolutely nothing in common with der ring
tolkien hated dune because it's the anti-lotr, which isnt me saying anything about about lotr i havent read it
tolkien was also catholic, so what now huh?
tolkien also died before he got the chance to make lotr stupid, which cannot be said for dune
he wasnt a normal author it took him decades to make anything
he spent 17 years working on lotr and 58 years working on the silmarillion
maybe it's best not to assume his reasoning for saying "dune is bad" then
his reasoning for saying "dune is bad" is pretty obvious though
all he said was "I dislike it with some intensity"
yeah and the reason for that is obvious even if you have a cursory knowledge of both franchises
yeah, something trite like not liking scifi
he tried to write a science fiction story once but he accidently made it about time traveling anglo saxons instead
its so humid fuck this shitty planet
i wish the corporativist/gangster candidate had a chance to win i actually personally like him more than any of the other ones even if he says some retarded shit
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how do you measure it
anyway im surprised turkish is so different from greek
im not saying this because of your image but ive come to believe genetic stuff is borderline psuedo-meme science because of how many 4channel tards i see use it as gospel
interesting theyre closer to the french genetically than italians though
if i had the energy i would translate pages and pages of the stuff he says its really quite a glimpse into the minds of mussolini and peron
billion dollar idea
we make a musical based on argentinian history to the disgust and hatred of the entire world, and cash in on the infamy
god seriously i cant believe we've been so close to fascism and yet things had to veer off into libism and socdemism and kikeism in general
(meaning in my lifetime)
vgh tyranny of the browns...mein dream
no no you dont get it at all read evola and the bible and the peronist doctrine and get back to me in 3 minutes
uh yeah the only one of those that doesnt lead to tyranny of the browns is the bible
so how about the musical
yeah ill get back to you the moment i finish lecturing my cute daughter(5) about how everybody in the outside world are niggers and we ought to slaughter them all
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*buries a post in the ground*
i think aliens would understand the concept of private property and valuable materials
valuable materials that are actually not valuable at all and just glow yellow
*starts sobbing*
its valuable...because...because it just is!
gold is a very useful metal in many applications
yeah but the amount we have on earth is several trillion times the amount we'll ever need
and the amount in the solar system is several trillion times the amount on earth
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"oh, they dont have access to all of the gold in their solar system, so their effective supply is limited"
its really not limited t.pro
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got a book from this guy
may i have it
sorry its in chinese
im chinese
>establishment of the imperial paradise
why do these japanese always get to be the ones with epic book names
japan seems to have had a lot of overlap with their ultranationalists and their socialists
almost like.......almost like.........it's the logical step 0_o
>limited preview: some pages are omitted
why do these archive org apes just go and take random 100+ year old books and force you to pay to read them when they have absolutely 0 right to do so
its really not, as history showed
>3 × triple 46 cm (18.1 in) guns
who needs them that big
*truck passes by*
*walls start shaking*
naval fortresses
but this is a ship
the fortresses of the sea
fortresses dont sink
what if they made a ship with 40 inch guns and saved space by using that to move instead of a traditional engine
im a genius
shells cost more than oil
not for long
world at war
what if they just made a big gun that floated
thats what is going to happen
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dont you think its interesting how when i was a child i would only sleep 2 hours a day but now i keep trying to sleep as much as possible and absolutely resent every moment i am awake
guten TAG
im not gonna play tag with a bunch of ugly smelly old men
>Korea will scrap its traditional method of counting a person's age and officially adopt the internationally recognized system beginning this Wednesday, the Ministry of Government Legislation announced Monday.
hooooly shi i cant believe it
oh yeah i unironically saw something about that on the news when i woke up but i forgot to post about it
i was going to post about it because they brought some korean guy who emigrated and he said he and his parents came over in 1977 via paraguay in a very convoluted way, and back then argentina was 11 times more wealthy and when they went over they were like "wow very good country" and they went to live in a villa and then 40 years later theyre still living here and they have a company (probably a grocery store) but now corea is like 4 times as wealthy as argentina 
and then they were talking about how korea is as a society and the news people were kinda skeptical like "hahaha yeah i dunno man, you get more money but you have to be taking exams every week since youre born and then you kys i dont know about that man i think i'll stick to my poverty"
and also it was kind of funny because he said korean people were very ignorant or stupid or something because they ran away from a dictatorship in korea to get into another dictatorship in argentina since a year or two before they arrived the democracy had fallen
the only bad thing about being korean(other than being korean) is that youre stuck in seoul which has ridiculously high prices
also did you know that seoul has residences going like 4 floors underground because they dont have any fucking place to live in the city now
and when it rains all the people living underground fucking drown to death
we are all awake
the jews are all gone
there is nothing to stop us from posting now
sadly we have all suffered ego death
just need to reincarnate
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and herein we see him doing a masterful imitation of a virgin
yup thats me alright
never touched a tit
what a coincidence me neither
literally never hugged a woman outside of my family
now that's just weird
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to be more specific every time i hugged a woman inside my family it was completely against my will
yeah one of the things thats really bad about japanese cartoons is how the protagonists are all teenagers
it just takes me out of it when they have it were all these people are fighting and dying for space hitler and he's a 14 year old anime boy
in this case literally everybody between 16 and 80 are dead so it cant be helped
its very interesting to see all these shows and how the translators only mistranslate the chapter titles and dates and nothing else
the chapter titles are always vaguely related at best and the worst case of date mistranslation ive seen so far is 20 years translated as "over 10000", note that these sorts of mistranslations happen every episode
remembering all the times when i bled into my food while i was cooking it
whenever i close a tab, i imagine that it dies and i am killing it
whenever the turk posts i assume that hes talking about one of his past lives
would be funny if all of his past lives he was a miserable turk as well
what i dont get about buddhism is if all souls are recycled how do they deal with population growth and where did we all come from
well theres like 1000 trillion ants
yeah and its not like ants are a primordial aspect of the universe
where did the soul for all the ants come from............when ants started existing..........(500 million years ago)
let me ring up buddha and relay your question
like 90% of the people outside arent human
used to imagine reincarnation as a sort of claw machine, where all the souls are inside, and then when its time, one gets picked out
wish i had an imaginary friend or something, but i would have to come up with all the responses so it wouldn’t be worth it
i think the idea is like a tulpa where the responses are automatically generated by an unconscious part of your mind
thoughts on the idea that schizophrenia is just people suddenly realizing they have an inner voice and not knowing how to rationalize it
yeah theyre more or less automatic you dont think about it t.mysterious expert man
yeah something like that would be ideal but i read about people “loosing control” like uhh there was one where the tulpa would be constantly screaming
sounds like an /x/ inside joke
even if its real its literally just the same as any other day in my(our) life(lives)
one of the strangest insults ive heard people say (20-30yo) is "mentally deforested"
thats a good one
for me its mentally overhunted
in gundam theres usually at least okay reason
amuro is basically the only "child soldier" in terms of being like, thrown right into it
zeon started training young people very early on to be pilots because they knew they had to have a war at some point
this is also why some later uc stuff does have lots of overtly young federation pilots, because they didnt properly train mobile suit pilots like zeon did so they just needed bodies
eugh there's no "okay reason" for child soldiers you sick fuck
also amuro's dad worked on the gundam and amuro would read the documents and was a tech nerd so him being able to pilot a death machine isnt too ridiculous (he's also bad at it inititally)
it feels so fucking weird to go outside every once in a while and see people acting like being a virgin is some shocking thing
thought i was having a stroke but it turns out it was just in spanish
do you go around everywhere telling people youre a virgin or something
also answer me THIS TIME how are you liking gundam
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oh so you asked me before(i actually noticed it when i woke up but ignored it since writing is too much of a pain)
i dont have much to say really it's just good in general, its easy to see why it was so liked since it depicts a very real war despite it being a very early production(79), i like amuro's character since he doesn't take everything like a bitch and he feels very real as well, they keep relying on him so he rightfully believes they need him, he lost his "place to return to", his mothers side, because of the army, so when bright tries to get him off the gundam he flips the fuck out, its all very good over all
there were a few parts that i thought were weird though like char trying so fucking desperately to kill his own friend for no reason other than shits and giggles, his friends wife-to-be trying to avenge her husbands death by taking 3 fucking gaws with ZERO(0) escorts, and some other parts but other than these few small things i dont have anything i dislike
its also interesting how theres a kamikaze attack every single episode
normgroids are unironically subhuman and all they have is sex (mostly porn) and drugs like weed and key-jangling like capeshit to keep them going
the char killing the twerp thing actually has a reason
and yes amuro's characterization is very good
NOW in the present day this isnt particularly bold or creative obviously, but i always think about how he gets the hang of shooting other mobile suits just fine but then the second he starts seeing zeon guys outside of their suit he's completely incapable of firing
and i probably prefer kamille a bit more as an mc just because he's completely fucked but amuro is easily the stronger character
just like 4 episodes ago he went out of his way just to help a wounded enemy and that enemy told him that caring so much about the enemy would get himself killed eventually
now that i think about it i also really liked that scene where the zeon troops find him hiding in the infirmary together with his mother and he has no choice but to shoot a few zeon troops to death with his own hands, right in front of like 20 people including his mother
the tension was really well done there
oh yeah the whole mother arc is another pretty brutal segment
finally gets to see her again and she's borderline disgusted with him
it was also just amazing to see how much of a filthy bitch the mother was, she abandons her son for a decade just because she doesn't want to go to space, then when he comes back to her she goes on an autistic spergout about how she didnt bring him up to be a killer(despite it being only fucking natural for him since he's a soldier(civilian forced into an uniform and given a gun))
i commented to the guy i was watching with that i am glad she stayed on earth instead of going with them because she'd definitely turn amuro into a crossdressing faggot if she could, and he completely agreed with me
i dont think ive seen tomino write even a single mother that wasnt a bitch, other than that one in zambot3, but nobody cares about her
all of this is also why i think the 79 ed is just my favorite gundam ed, very heartbreaking, also this is a very good version of it
im not going to listen to that because i hear it literally everyday
yeah i think this is some form of hell or purgatory-like place and that there is some higher being controlling things with some goal in mind
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the internet is a funny place where images like this exist for some reason
yeah i love when i see images like that, you know whoever made it is truly deranged but thats the art of it
the other day i saw some random meme image but it was so so low effort and you could tell whoever made it used one of those phone programs and it just filled me with disgust
Pedro von Greifsburg
Alberto Bobbington
Quique Wolff
which one is me
well if you guess which one of those is a real (and somewhat famous) person...... you get to be them!!!!!
alberto bobbington
is it.... quique wolff
pedro's the most believable to me it's a common name and it wouldn't be unusual for german and latinx nobility to intermix
yes its quique wolff!!!!

one of the best argentine players in his position, i think he briefly played in real madrid and also for the national team
after retiring he started doing commentary and later did some good shows in the 90s/00s 
he is still around and working in that kind of stuff

(quique is the nickname for people named enrique or similar) 
what are you going to do now with your newfound talent and.....70 or so years of age
(also who knows maybe all 3 are real but only 1 of them is a public person)
that was actually my first guess but i decided to go with facts and logic ugh
ok now its your turn sp what are some brazilians with silly and unbelievable names
yeah me neighbor's name is adòlfo hitler
wouldnt it be adôuphinho or something
idk im not brazilian
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there's too many to list i'm sure you know that half of the people here have ridiculous names due to poor people wanting to sound fancy like this kid playing in lower divisions called
Sosthenes José Santos Salles (nickname: Neto Berola)
^ that's actually one of he more resptacbles ones since they usually go with angloid names
and if you want to o there yes there's the famous hitler mussolini as well
okay if sp is sleeping, what are some finny TURKISH names that sound silly and unbelievable!!!!!!??!!!!!!!?!!!!!
come on people lets get this funny party going were all here to have fun!!!!!
yeah me neighbor's name is adülf hıtler
the other two were blatantly not real because of the surname and forename mismatch
i still cannot believe the head kike responsible for communistizing the us was called fucking armand hammer
he makes laundry detergent now
>surname and forename mismatch
what do you even mean
i will bring you this example of Eduardo von Holmberg who was a significant guy during the independence wars (minor character though) being an artillery commander and producer, also a naturalist and proponent of uhh the telegraph or something
another hilarious and unbelievable thing: they actually unironically added the nigger dlc to the fag flag and made it ubiquitous
thinking about Blame!
what a great manga
cooking cutlets on butter instead of sunflower oil for the first time
dreamt that i dealt with a mountain of bureaucratic trite and when i went over to check it again i saw that some faggot whose official title is "gender decider" had written on all of them that i am a 15 year old girl
can anybody tell me why this 90 year old japanese book about fascism is tagged "manga" and "anime"
every book about japan is anime if you imagine it to be
wow 4 whole postoes what a gift to wake up to
all me
i am a human
i have a right to die
funny how theyre talking about that in the news (in a bad and propagandistic way)
theres a lifeweb religion about that
how do you say it in a bad way
Replies: >>21699
>Thanati reject this world as inherently damned and imperfect, laid down by the incomplete Creator. They believe that the next Creator - their overlord Tzchernobog - is already gaining strength, and to carry on to the new Creation it is enough to end the existing one. The door to this Universe will close with the death of the last person witnessing it - and the cult of Thanati intends to contribute to this out of good intentions.

lifeweb has good lore shame its a retarded byond game with an even worse community
Replies: >>21695
>Grey Postchristian Church was one of the countless cults on evergreen - a drop in the quaint sea. The dogma of the GPC says that God is weak, unconscious and drowns more and more into the suffering.

>Merging your soul with the Lord after death is tantamount to falling into Hell, therefore a person should live a righteous life with pious thoughts about God - so he has a chance to separate himself from Him. Inheriting the distorted and disfigured features of the Christian faiths of the past, these fanatics, whose faith is closely intertwined with the cult of the personality of the once-permanent leader of Evergreen, are far from tolerant.
theres already like 5 different religions in the real world that are the exact same
name two of them
not the same
"uhm well if youre terminally ill you should just die and if the hecking chrostcuckerinos say otherwise they must be fired and ridiculed for believing in outdated concepts such as 'a soul' and 'morality'. also we should legalize euthanasia and push all the ytes into killing themselves teehee"
stop replying
thats actually a good thing because it lets people who want to die die
not if you're and international clique of kikes who constantly make life miserable for a specific subset of people so that they all genocide themselves
not my problem
not my problem either since i'd be just as miserable and suicidal even if it wasn't for the jews
yes i know you're turkish but this an important issue for us westerners (white people)
they can have this pile of trash planet if they want it
almost pissed all over my clothes because of the inefficient human body
reminder to hate the tokugawa with your whole heart because they are the ones who invented everything bad
give me a more miserable example of poorness than putting days old white rice into days old bread and eating it just like that
eating nothing
thats actually better because at least youll die and stop being poor
*be's reborn as a turk*
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these past few days ive been secretly watching a man play higurashi and i have to say mion is pretty cute
what is that black band going between her legs
its part of the robit
why would a robot need underwear in space
its cold as fuck up there
to hide her pussy from voyeuristic perverts
why would a robot have...
how else would they reproduce?
machine parts factories
jews took them away
for some reason getting a monopoly on late game goods like electric gears is really fun
its fun because its epic
a complete monopoly on robot pussy factories... just what my fascist galicia run needed
i really like having my entire industry depend on endless subsidies from the government, makes it feel realistic
it also means that lots of epic things will happen like mass unemployment and crash of the national economy and the market being flooded with cheap foreign goods but its way too fucking easy to make shitloads of money so it never actually happens
i'v really turned into an old prude because even the slightest sex reference makes me recoil
i didnt make a single sex reference you sick bastard
robot pets cats wouldnt be a bad idea for aluxury good in neo victoria
robot niggers wouldnt be so bad either
you send them to space to mine all the gold there
if only there was a space gsg...
yeah that'd be great
yeah ive been having the urge to play a space gsg with anime girls for a while now but unfortunately i cant do it very sad state of affairs
dont think girls much less anime girls should be involved in matters of war
how about a 4x with a visual novel/dating side part
i honestly dont think thats too good of an idea
when you want to see cute girls you play anime girl games and when you want to slaughter quadtrillions for fun you play big boy strategy games, mixing the two just fails to scratch any itch
true, its always annoying when you have to play a minigame or side gamemode to progress further in the main game
what no thats the fun part
13 sentinels is a game i quite enjoyed and you have to play an "rts" to progress in the story which was epic
but its only for consoles so it balances out
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yeah and i dont fucking know WHY these deranged fucking sickos would make a psuedo-rts console exclusive
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hurry up and post like its the last day of your lives you dumb fucks
im playing mahjong
ill split that riichi of yours in two you faggot get on tragsg NOW
well i won also it was sanma which is still riichi but still
yeah thats how it goes
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average japanese anime girl
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average japanese girl
old women are so bitter
they see young women and lolicons having a good thing together and they just want to ruin it
evil despicable behaviour
tn note: "old women" here refers to women over the age of 10
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average japanese girl
look at that horrible old witch
how could you possibly take her side
nono thats blatantly false thats not how they look like at all
that is in fact how women looks past their early 20s
really they contribute nothing to the world at that point, christmas cakes should just be executed
mate stop pretending like im talking to you
but thats the whole gimmick of tragsg
i deserve a reward for not screaming even once these last 20+ years
shall I awake from dreams for the glory of no thing
lost my glory ages ago i just want rest
rest doesnt work for me
there is no meaningful refreshment
well of course
i was referring to death
to kikes i hope
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randomly found this old screencap of mine
i like it very much
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man i know i said this a year before too but this guy really is just like me
>A Jew dupes ten Christians, a Yankee tricks fifty Jews, but an Armenian even dupes a hundred Yankees...
I really do love this quote
ok its official i'm getting back into ck2
going to do a big dutch game
youll regret it
did you know they have whippet bars in thailand
i feel so empty
i want you to know that every single episode title in gundam is completely mistranslated
but you already taught me that yesterday sensei
carve it into your brain
also i hate these 3 retard fucking baby cunts so fucking bad why cant they just be kicked out in the bumfuck of nowhere and experience the real war orphan life instead of getting free handouts 24/7 while harming everybody around them(especially my ears)
bring my enemies before me, and slay them
the kids are hilarious (not because theyre funny) but because them being in the show is such a reviled aspect the nobody on the planet has ever liked
except, according to tomino, women
>they uhhh saw war and stuff so we're gonna keep them with us on our giant battleship that sees warfare everyday :)
im gonna strangle this fucking monitor with which i am watching this childrens show
yeah that parts also hilarious(ly bad) how they are GIVEN multiple times to drop them off but its not like they forget to, they just refuse
a fucking cannon on a ball
its legitimately evil too how against the wishes of everybody they keep these 3-4 year old children in a ship that could explode at any time
literally just this episode these children got found by the enemy, tied up and gagged, and forced into a room full of explosives and these faggots are babbling about this bullshit
was listening to a eurobeat playlist while driving (yeah i know) and one of the songs started with dixieland and i thought i was dreaming
it was this
the rest of the song is completely unrelated too
you dream of dixieland i dream of paperwork and being called a 15 year old girl
its not fair
uhhhh.... hm i thought we talked about this
i haven't been sleepingg much lately but in my last coherent dream i was doing a math test and i could solve all these complex math equations flawlessly but when it came to the normal text i was completely illiterate and couldn't read anything
i should post pictures of my quantum physics exams to impress everyone with my math skills
yeah actually lately it feels like my literacy has been dropping in all languages i know
wish i knew a dixie aristocrat with a big family manor so i could visit him and stay with him and have fun little adventures
i know like 5 people with big manors and not a single one wants to let me in despite us knowing eachother for a whole decade now
its amazing how parents and the like keep talking about how important connections are yet in Real Life they do fucking nothing to help you
huh??? mate i met a rich chinese guy in uni and after like 2 weeks of being friends i told him he could stay with me and he said i could stay in his big mansion in shanghai
well i know 5 aristocrats including canman and jim and not a single one would let me in through the front door
well maybe jim but id have to pull some of his emotional strings to do that
well have you considered that we're not actually friends and you've been nothing but mean to me
im your best friend
well in any case its different with fellow aristocrats because i have something to offer in return (visiting me) and he has the assurance that im not some resentful poor freak who just wants to leech off him and probably steal something
see you're the one whose the true mean asshole here
you know very well that i am not resentful and that i would not leech or steal yet you say that anyway to hurt my feelings
i do NOT know that because i have received nothing but venom from you (plural)
we're only mean to you because you are a weird freak its not out fault
i've never been mean to anyone here i'm a saint
yeah well if you were a fellow aristocrat instead of being vile you would instead bond with me over our mutual appreciation of high school girls
i died for the sake of all of you and this is how you treat me
just a quick reminder that immigration to argentina is quick and easy and you are able to live off of like 400 dolares a month
yeah but i dont want to live with YOU
yeah and the average monthly wage is like 20 dollars
AND you have to get robbed by the mafias every day
would it REALLY be a good long term idea to move to argentina
i mean currently it's fine but what if the browns start burning the coutry down
or even worse, what if the economy recovers and suddenly you're not rich anymore
what do you mean "fine" the country is on fire
and as hm says the buraunos socialistos have been in charge for 40 years and keep giving out free shit so the country is gonna implode eventually
it's "fine" if you're a foreigner with a 100k dollars warchest is what i mean
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just saw this and its terrible but interestingly enough around half of it is actually true
the criminally isnt too bad if you dont live in the greater buenos aires slums and as far as the long term are you REALLY going to be alive in the long term

anyway my answer would be yes because 1.the country will never "burn down", weve been in this crisis cycle for a century you just have to figure out how to benefit from it and 2.yes this is possible but then who cares you can just get a normal job, eventually itll go to shit again anyway 

in the mean time you can have the freedom of only using cash and saying nigger with your irl friends and on the internet without being beaten up or put in jail
no no you dont get it at all the economy will continue being retarded but actually things will still be okay because at the end of the day all the basic things for civilization exist so its just a matter for the bottom 10% to figure out which caudillo will give them food but we will never run out of food,fuel,and that kind of trite
personally i want more than just food and firewood in my life t.man with hopes and dreams
if you dont hear from me for a while its best to assume im dead
like the country has been "in crisis" for like 70 of the last 100 years but it never quite actually explodes because
1. the country is very resilient
2. its actually.... NOT .... in crisis...... and its all silly numbers for harvard and MIT nerds, 50% of the economy at least is unregistered and that's where people make most of their money

you have to realize that theres about 10,000,000 with completely useless and worthless and pointless jobs and then a few more millions just on state money 
its perfect heaven for people in the right mindset, both if you have money and if you dont
well yes thats part of what i mean. you dont NEED """"hopes and dreams"""" if you live in argentina, but you have to realize those are just a spook.
the idyllic lifestyle here for the average person would be to have some meme job where tou do nothing, so youre sitting all day in an office but because everyone knows irs a joke people basically act like its highschool just dicking around and fucking with eachother and you drink your mate and eat your facturas all day, and then during the weekend you spend your leftovers on having your family/friends over for asado 
thats all people need to be happy, and love of course yeah just find some little girl and have children

people who go on about their "careers" and "8nvestments" oe qhat have you will die sad
and if you DO have moeny and shit and you wanna make money then you just do everything you can under the table
anyway what i mean is i feel life is a lot simpler. you learn to just simply live. i havent been deeply worried about anything in a while
but life SUCKS theres legitimately not a single thing i enjoy out here!! living is easy but i may as well be dead if im not having fun
life iss great though, maybe try hanging out with some people who enjoy life and you can sap their vital energy
or just like do stuff, go to buenos aires and walk around that neighborhood where rhey sell antiques and eat some food, or just go to rhodesia and kill some niggers. just do SOMETHING you will enjoy it without realizing
i do do some things and they are interesting but thats it, they're slightly interesting but it doesn't make me feel "happy" and it also feels very fleeting, i could keep doing this for all my life yes, and i would probably never get tired of it, but there's just this bizarre feeling like i'm autistically spending my entire life aiming for some tiny side mission when there's a whole main questline out there
not to mention that all the bad things in life very much outweigh the interesting things and that things are only going to get worse as the earth and the people living in it become shittier
ill go negotiate with god and see if he can get the sun down a few hours earlier tomorrow
or atleast make it rain hard
well im back......... we didnt get what we wanted but........ there was a landslide in bolivia and 60 died
id say thats pretty good work for today
im back from driving a truck for 18 hours over the course of 3 days
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poor guy
shouldnt have fallen in love with a woman made by tomino i suppose
stop taking my job
im never going to sleep again
not until im dead
ill do it for you
see the nightmares in my stead too
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the rick dom is such a good looking mobile suit
(the rick indicates it was built for space use)
yeah i know the little man in my head who im watching all this with keeps going on about the lore and equipment
as a rule any mobile suit with a mono-eye is cool
this is why the zaku will always be the coolest mobile suit
was thinking of becoming a serf
stopped thinking about it when i saw modern serf tools are like half a millon dollars for the whole deal
feel like shit
are you eating healthy meals every day
yeah usually eat 3 mcchickens and drink 2 grimace shakes a day
eating isnt the only way to feel bad
you are what you eat
an army marches on its stomach
wow my ck2 game was going great until my heir randomly decided to assimilate to brown and gave all his kids islamic names after winning the crusade
laughed at that
ugh a vtumor i watched started and wont stop playing stellaris i cant even watch that shitty fukken game
stop watching or i will kill you
well im not as i said i cant stand stellaris
stellaris is that game which is better thought of, than played
fuck you
you talking to me?
>Forget about his gender and alleged Muslim faith ... Garfield is not married
i see i see this clears up everything
oh yeah i fucked up the word for jew but uhh youll get it
yandex translate still knew what it was
i like 5 its a really good example of classic tragsg ingenuity
imagine if you had to unlock countries before you could play them in vicky2
like only having the top 3 gps and top 2 sps playable at the start
the games would probably be better if most countries were unplayable and the rest were locked behind dlc because then they could work on making the ais actually good and consistent and believable and the individual country mechanics fitting but paradox would never do that
yeah not that i'v ever played hoi4 but most of the complaints i here about it are how paradoxs keeps adding focus trees for ulm world conquest rather than fleshing out relevant countries like italy or the soviets
same thing happened to eu4 after they added focus trees too like how theres a billion opm natives in the pacific that have more content that some countries in europe
thats only like barely true for eu4
any real country in europe has a frankly completely fucking bloated mission tree
havent played peepoo4 since they ruined colonization
>like a sister
>end up fucking her
>call her mom
how is this related to eu4
no well you see
"Guntank is a mobile suit for fat cucks"
the guntank is epic
the moon of the africa
the alps of the moon
think calling them that is a bit premature
they havent even climbed any of it
knew a white kid named niles
but then he dried up
char would be a lot more of an epic guy if he wasnt obsessed with this indian child prostitute
you have to understand newtypes to get it
ill do that later after i get out of texas
the texas episodes are really good from what i remember
also i dont know if the version you downloaded has this but, when amuro meets lalah for the first time a song played in the original airing, which is a good song
wasnt there nope
dont want to spend even one more day here
here or "here"
i hate here but especially "here"
its still not clear
you know very well what im on about
im going to fucking puke if this disgusting fucking smell doesnt fuck off right nowt
imagining a man so brown that he keeps procrastinating his own suicide
did you know that up in the great north they have a thing called "canada day" and it's just a couple days before the 4th of july
given they are all the exact same people i think it'd only be fair if they both celebrated their pointless national holiday on the same day
Replies: >>21908
canada really is one of the great mistakes of history
it should have either been a big new france or gross americaniums
i thought they just celebrate on the same day because its easier that way
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fun fact i literally learned today in the toonami airing of the show they replaced hitler mentions with just "fascists"
thats better
mussolini needs love too
i dont watch toonani so i wouldnt know
well neither do i
but i read it today
that reminded me char's full theme which never plays long enough in the show has a bizarre jazz-esque section in the middle and then ends with the show's theme which is fun
also if that episode is the one i think it is i believe that episode is what really ended up cementing gundam for a lot of people when it originally aired
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ackkkk yes a baoa qu
in all the gundam i've seen it's never been outdone
havent read a manga in a couple years so i decided to read kodomo no jikan
wow this looks like shit
you just say that because youre a tasteless retard
wow that looks like shit
well come on mate share with the class
well WE have the 9th of july here in la plata, which is actually fairly remarkable given the seasons are flipped. youd think that theyd be all lazying about in their homes at that time
when i see this fucking thing i keep being reminded of the two legged polandball
 the big zam is a classic 
classic in the sense that it sets the long standing tradition of mobile armors looking fucking retarded
but it is good in the sense that everytime i see it beating the shit out of the enemy i have the image of polandball fucking russia in the ass and start laughing like a tard
that is pretty hilarious yeah
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pictured: canman and the daughter of a married couple who happen to go to the same church as him
im flattered
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if youre so flattered then surely you wont mind letting me stay over at your mansion
that ones from turn a
turn a nigger flip a kike
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make canmans mansion into a trap house
god im such a fucking friendless loveless useless fucking faggot and i will never be "strong" in any sense nor will i be happy either
im not even gloating about it its just that its so factually apparent that i cant help but want to yell it out loud and jump into a fire
life is hard and you're strong for persevering
one day you'll realize you always were strong
only the weak cry on the internet
catharsis is healthy
self reliance also isn't the same thing as strength; it's okay to vent
but all that persevering does is make you live longer
Replies: >>21932
these sound like loading screen tips
if only my life had an alt button and an f4 too
the hardware store sells ropes
big fan of how the in rts games the keybid for setting a "control group" is ctrl
it makes into a sort of double-meaning
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ach yes
whether you accept it or not, every small victory in life gives you a little more knowledge on how to handle future problems
it isn't for nothing
sometimes its shift
and sometimes you do shift+fkey but sometimes its just shift+any number
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pictured: the turk
i remember that in eu4 to hotke to open the little tab with popes and cardinals is c
like... the holy c (see)
i always had it as ctrl by default
fucking hell
for as long as i can remember ive been living with in mind, i always thought that if things became exceptionally shit then i could just kill myself right then and there and the problem would be solved
now that i look back on it, that line of thought is ironically enough precisely what's allowed me to live so long, it gave me the strength to go through utter bullshit nightmares despite me only having it so that i can prevent myself from experiencing nightmares by killing myself
me i got an ominous feeling that wont go away
we are a band of brothers
and native to the soil
want to just dig into the ground and sleep deep underground
aunt was telling me a story how as a kid i would sit and wait for my dad hours before he was supposed to return from sea and refuse to do anything else, and i got a little bit embarrassed
really cute kid stuff, i hope my kids look up to me like that
couldnt put it into words just how tired i am
couldnt put into words just how much i want to end the world
youre welcome to do it anytime bud
i would if i fucking could mate believe it
it ended up being a pretty good manga
you read too fast
tried to btfo myself but it didnt workout
there was a nice bit of blood and my body fucking hurts but thats literally it, no significant wounds at all, amazing how fucking sturdy the human body is
when i realised that i cant actually kill myself with this i was baffled and spent half an hour laying on my bed thinking what the fuck im supposed to do now, for now i suppose ill take a shower to wash the freaking blood!!! off and then go meet up with some guy since i have some business with him
i spent like 2 hours hyping myself up before doing this so just imagine how dumb i looked when i realized i cant kill myself with this unless i pull off some movie-tier shit
mentally im perfectly fine and its like i never even did anything and just so happened to get drenched in blood(and some of my fucking clothing is ruined too now)
hardship ahead of you. sorry. it sounds like a rough time.
uh yeah that's really worrying mate talking about it and whining about your life is all well and good but you're not supposed to ACTUALLy hurt yourself
so how did you do it and are you turkish or dixie
theres a positive voice that chimes in here idk who but he seems older a little. and has some real life experience that he has thought and reflected on
are you perhaps referring to jim
thats the most positive guy we have here
positively insane
now i have nothing to do
why doesnt god just smite me
it would be a blessing you dont deserve
surely i didnt commit a sin grave enough to live here
there was a lizard in my laundry
a long time ago i must've been like 8 years old a gecko got into my room late at night and i couldn't get him to leave and i was tired so i just went to bed
then in the middle of the night i open my eyes and he's standing in the wall right in front of my bed and then he suddenly JUMPS ON MY FACE!!!
i got really rattled and called my parents but they couldn't even find him
to this day i don't know if it was a dream or not
he was helping
im in a bit of a bad spot here fucked if i get found out
thats the eventual fate of all vagueposters
was thinking about the galicias again
it's really unlucky the french didn't name any of their colonies after gaul, we could have had a gaullicie somewhere
formerly japan
ugh just a few dollars (10k) away from becoming an oligarchic landowner

anyone have some spare usds????
spent all mine on being rerarded
right now i want to get to bed and cry myself to sleep
i did that but without crying now i woke up and wish i could sleep some morest
now im eating bread like a fat lard
i wonder why im so sad
there was a maplestory server called galicia
im interested in a youtube video if anyone has one
goddamnit i killed the website by trying to upload a ONE AND A HALF MB image!!! what's up with that
anway i was going to post this in reply to 77:
the canadian flying saucer
what i need right about now is love
presently in a bit too fucked of a situation though
there really should be a thing in the settings to stop huge files from being uploaded and killing the website 
but 1.5 mb is way too small and that makes me think its not about size
it could just randomly dies from any upload
do you have any different ones
what you see is what you get
this is the first time in my life that ive felt like this
me i'm boiling
i said that not too long ago 84 and now i have to accept never feeling like that again either
its 81 in here!
88 here in the house
thats probably like 50c or something
i would really like a month or so off from public life so that i can fix myself up but thats probably not possible
you could go to a mental hospital but it’s up to you if you take their advice and cooperate with them
maybe you could go to one of those self checkout ones
*checks out of life*
its very tiring
not really
yeah 14 hours for 4 words is not fast at all
in a little bit the thread is gonna die
you make the new i dont wanna this time
ill make a tranny new if you dont
i dont care that much
i couldnt make it if i wanted i dont have my computer
why dont you go and get it
legs broke down
that would mean giving in to the urges
i have urges too ive been able to sleep through them but i havent had much success in proactively doing things to help
take a look at me im not even allowed to sleep
no rest for the wicked
just use a tasteful painting or a portrait of willy or something for new threads its not that hard
i dont have any of those
why dont you go and get them
you know what would be funny
if somebody changed the thread lock limit to like 10 posts less than it is now and nobody noticed
nobody noticed because everyone just stopped posting forever so this will have been the last thread?
i like how in the manga they dont cuck and when the elementary school girl turns 16 she gets to have sex with the teacher finally
vgh watched a think about minecraft world generation and now i want to make me own game
reminds me of how i failed to do programming projects
what number is the next one really supposed to be anyway
XVI right
who knows but I’mmimnjbhking to the go in m
i like that guys videos that makes videos about stuff like terrain generation and whatnot in unity with gpu stuff
wonder if its possible to use my talex powers to edit a threads op
i did that
did what
dee doo dee dee doo daa dee doo
nobody wants to post anything but everybody wants the thread to be over
i'l make the thread if you make 6 more posts
tranny I II III IV V VI
i dont trust you youre going to cock up the numbers again
got my finger on the trigger
is that so
well too bad

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