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i like this one
david bowie really was one of the best to do it
new thread
nothing to post
holy mother of god there's an actual notice in the bottom of the thread that its reached bump limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats incredible

anyway i was going to say:
what SHOULD a hypothetical Italian empire even look like????? in the 19th and 20th century?????
assuming that some sort of unified italian state gets constituted in the 1750s or something, and that it didnt become a flimsy puppet of someone

im talking about their colonies outside of europe specifically. their european possessions can be left to your imagination
i never liked the east africa nonsense
north africa is just perfect and ties into the whole roman thing, egypt by itself could be a amazing colony if it was properly managed and developed (don't canglos)
asia and the americas... i don't know
east africa is only good if they get egypt and sudan too(which they should, because anglos are subhuman)
yes i agree with egypt being an ideal target not only because itd be important and enriching for the italian state and their prestige but also because it opens up access to the indian ocean
so then what colonies in asia should they feasibly go for??
you really cant colonize at all if you dont have direct access to the atlantic
anything they did in real life was a mistake and a huge waste of time
also i guess a "problem" with an italian empire would be that they would very much be interested in the dismantling of the ottomans and they'd be the first in line to blob all over the middle east
why would you want access to the atlantic to go to the pacific
what if i told you there was a canal that let people in the med get into the pacific
the canal cant be build until you get machine tools and nitroglycerine and by then its vicky times which means the anglos own everything and its too late
dont worry if you install hpm you get this "dismantle" button with which you can btfo anglokikes
*camera zooms over to japanese egypt and ireland*
you dont actually need a huge shipping canal you know that you can just move things from one boat to the other right
also they literally had that canal in egyptian times it raelly woudlnt of been so difficult. the hard one was panama because it was in the middle of the muddy jungle and that kills you with mosquitoes or something
you do need a huge shipping canal because you need to do trade
and you need to move around 40k tonne battleships around so you can massacre anglos and btfo yemeni savages etc
no because until they invented steel boats were relatively small so you just need a small tiny canal

well not small but you know they dont go that deep inside the water
asian colonization is always tough for me
i mean yeah it's all about trade but... if you have the opportunity to colonize some place and the resources to hold and fortify it you do it no matter where its located because there's trade EVERYWHERE
so when you go deep into alt history it's just a question of, would the opportunity arise?? and really you can't know that so you just go and pick some random region that looks aesthetic enough
the alternative is following real history 1:1 and just going "well all the exact same things in the philliphines happened except instead of spanish colonizers they were italian"
they already had the philippines for a long while by the 1750s though
yeah maybe that wasn't a great example for this i was just illustrating a point
i always loved taking ceylon from the brits and i think they weren't even there by that point so that could be an option 
the straits of malaysia too they're relatively close by and you can make some nice borders
wouldnt it have been funny if the east india company got out of control and then they ended up independentizing like the usaians and then they form some strange epic company-empire that lasts 1000 years basically the usa
theyd get uhhh a port in india and a port in china and thats basically all they need/can get anyway
italian egypt, ceylon, malaysia, japan and new zealand
and assorted territories
dont forget italian finland
and italian la plata
oooooohh fuckkkkkkkk i just noticed belly hair growing on me fuuuuuuckkkk im getting old
i always had belly hair...
ive had belly hair since i hit puberty
have you only just hit puberty now mr50
don't know what to do for the next 2 hours
guess it's time to open youtube for the first time in 6 months
wanted to play a game and then stopped wanting to play it
thing is theres nothing else to do
its too hot to do anything
i like listening to music
who doesnt
saw the oppenheimer movie
i thought you were going to watch barbie
when did i ever say that
been there done that
i have seven tarantula legs. where is the 8th
chinawomen came and ate em all
heard there's been a massive drop in poisonous and venomous insects in australia since the chinese first started migrating there
is this true
let me ask the local chinaustralian poster
chinamen are an invasive species... they destroy ecosystems by overpredation
feels like im being haunted
is there something floating behind me
most likely a ghost
got a little happy
just a little too cocky
and judgement befell me right that istant
i smashed my phone into the ground ad it smells like burnt rubber inside, still seems to be working at least
mmmhh rubber
so anyway
"allies" is such an egotistic name to give your own faction
for me its the axis of resistance
for me its how it implies the other side weren't allied with each other
if theyre not allied with eachother ten why are they fighting together
we call those types "tsundere" around here
theyre all just evil theres no logic behind it dont think about it too much
t. allied history writer
would you prefer "winners" and "losers" applied in the future
that would be nice and straightforward yeah
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time to read this old piece of shit too
i dreamt that i was at work and one of my coworkers happened to get split into 8 people, so me and the lads tried to get them all back into being 1 person, and after having many failures and him multiplying a lot we finally managed to get him back to being one, but we all knew it was just a matter of time until he got split up again and since we didnt want to deal with it again we all clocked out of work together and ran away
the splitting/reuniting thing was like one of those classic dogshit puzzles where there's no visible logic and you just have to try thousands of different combinations of moves until you get lucky and manage to finish it
oh also the puzzle was properly implemented in my dream and i was incredibly frustrated and trying to solve it
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pretty odd outfit for a zeon soldier to wear
pretty odd site for a zeon guerilla stronghold
before ww1 passports didnt even exist you could just go wherever you wanted
less than 100 years ago teenagers could order rifles from magizines for a few bucks
you seriously have less freedom today than any other point in history ever
i know
hey men
did you know that tears and sweat taste almost exactly the same
120k registered arab/afghan immigrants in izmir
over double that amount are unregistered, and an unknown amount recently got turkish residence(as i said before erdogan gives them out en masse for free)
russia bombed odessa(the city) with drones and low altitude high-speed anti-ship missiles
apparently the ccp embassy in there was lightly damaged, basically no other damage
theyre now saying they will see all ships going to/from ukraine as ships containing military supploes and act accordingly, theyre trying to choke out ukraine(why the fuck didnt they do this from the start???)
they are just too nice and benevolent
back home
nice and benevolent(read: retartet)
>"Kebapçı İskender" is trademarked by the İskenderoğlu family,
"iskender" means alexander in turkish(for example alexander the great is büyük iskender) so "İskenderoğlu" literally means sons of alexander
do you still dare to call turks not white
talexander was a turk
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nier automata on the 23rd
Replies: >>23638
i want freedom and leeway
i will never have either
leeway wahey
japanese looks like chinese when all the runes are big and chunky
well they ARE the exact same characters... but you didn't hear this from me
not really no
a couple months back when i got my yearly desire to play some geoguessr i ended up in china and the little knowledge of kanji i had allowed me to read enough of the street signs to figure out where i was
2nd time in my life i hear of this geogussr thing
and also the 2nd time i hear of it today
really it was pretty popular some years back i guess it still is somewhat
we even tried playing together a couple times but it never worked
well maybe the part of my brain that kept the memories about it rotted
the idea is really fucking stupid though i dont know how youre supposed to know where a place is just from looking at signs
the autists who are really good at it dont look at signs they just memorize flora and fauna
sounds pathetic
like a wikipedia 2.0
i mean just architecture alone can tell you which country you're at, or even just the language
you usually just go down a couple streets then read a sign and go "i know this province from vicky!!"
yeah but thats not....fun
no they dont even do that they memorize specific things like the particular google cars
do you never go on google maps and just look at different cities that's totally fun
and the game is just a... gamefied version of that
i dont do that thats fucking weird
where is your sense of wanderlust young man
they also dont use the classic geoguessr world map where it places you randomly so you get a dirt road 90% of the time they use one where it's curated with specific countries to get non-impossible locations
dead and buried along with my hope
general i think when something is made "competitive" it kills the spirit of the thing which made it unique in the first place and it becomes like every other game (all it takes is learning the meta and developing some mechanical skill)
just like life
incredibly pissed off by this ugly russian whore who keeps flirting with amuro and acting like a fucking tard
want her to die a million times over and its baffling to know that its canon that amuro has a kid with that dumb slut
well the canon-ness of that is debatable too
the short of it is:
tomino wrote "high streamer" which is basically char's counterattack
then he got permission to make char's counterattack, but he wasnt happy with high streamer so he wanted to make some changes, and some he got to make and some he didnt
then after char's counterattack he wrote "beltorchika's children" which i guess you could say is his "true" vision of cca
i dont CARE i want this stupid bitch to die i hate women so fucking much
oh boy more posts i cant wait to see wha- ...... oh
i dont even remember why i hate women so much
all i know is that i hate
is it true that rondonia is a bolivian colony
rondonians never die
physical immortality is bad
where is that one again
there is a ron city up north that's full to the brim of venezuelans but if that one is close to bolivia yeah i wouldn't doubt it it's not too difficult to border hop in the amazon jungle
well its just hard to imagine for me bolivians in brazil also its just arural place not a big city for them to be poor in
also amazonian bolivians are such a strange idea too
honestly it's weird for me too living up there must feel like a whole different country
i have returned... to noposts
ok are we done pretending "rondonia" is a real place
^ rondonian genocide denier
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now this truck is the martially clean truck. it is kept a certain way. 
i fucked it up because the strap on the closer pad stack isnt parallel to the floor like it was this morning meaning i miscounted the pads we used today and added 1 or 2 extra, but i did so because all the heavy blue ones are on the strapped stack this way and the light ones are in the smaller floating stacks. but maybe i should have moved the strap one notch higher so it could be straight. 
but anyway, still evident are the finer details like wrapping the loose tails of the straps so theyre tight like a bow, ordering the boxes largest to smallest and strapping them diagonally so the smallest ones in front dont fall out, and winding up all the spare straps. 
it should also be mentioned that there is no box for the shrink wrap or tape rolls, which would be more orderly but people always just end up throwing trash in there and making it more of a hassle to clean. 
my help was shit today i basically did both jobs by myself.
what huh
taking so much effort just to make sure a simple mass produced truck is clean is an example of society ideally should function but because most people dont care and wouldnt even think about it is an example of how society is decaying
or something i cant really put it into words
youre talking about a "person" who [redacted] as saving civilization
its not really saving just maintaining
so that phrasing betrays the inflationary tendency of my ego..
but not the inflationary tendency of the lira...
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also i really liked the part when he gets punched by a 14 year old kid(camille) and starts crying
was laughing very hard on that scene
you are at
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i think i've spent at least 70% of this week laying in bed doing nothing
i try to go to sleep early so i can get up early but what actually happen is i roll around in bed from midnight to morning unable to fall asleep because this bed is so fucking uncomfortable 
and then i end up waking up even later than usual because i stayed up all night
hope to fix this tonight since it's still pretty early but i'm already unusually sleepy
>this is the proof the federation were the bad guys and not zeon
>they take femoids and make them artificially worse
have to say i agree
everytime i fall asleep i wake up drenched in sweat and my whole bed smelling of it too because its so fucking hot
its a nightmare
heard bluetooth doesnt work via internet
how the fuck does it work then is it magic
they're.... waves
you know like radio
ahh i see so theyre radio teeth
any poos
had a really strange one earlier
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want people who have gfs to die
woah even ME???
yours is 2d so its fine
yeah like i said kamille never not having his tard rage is perfect
sometimes thinkjing makes me feel like i have brain damage
me too
just want to backflip straight into a bed of nails
me too
want to play skyrim
funny you say that because i installed it last month
and every once in a while i browse through the mods and download something
but i can't bring myself to actually play it i just know i won't have any fun whatsoever
once every 6 months i install skyrim and get a load of feature mods and mods that make girls pretty and add clothes and shit(no porn mods ill have you know!!!) and i repeatedly test the game to see if it works fine with my modlist
once i confirm that there's no bugs i just silently uninstall everything because deep in my heart i actually know that my pc is too shit to play at a bearable fps and that i dont have enough free time that i can just dump dozens/hundreds of hours into skyrim
oh yeah that's another thing i also can't run it very well
it doesn't help that all the cool mods are on the new version and not the old one from 10 years ago that actually did run significantly better
in the end i don't feel bad about it though
just setting up a functioning system is fun for me and the alternative is usually wallstaring so there's no harm done
isnt it funny how now all artists forcibly have to name all the tracks but back in the day they just numbered them or had no name at all
the worst part is that half of the epic mods are on 1.597 or whatever and the other half are on 1.618 or what it was called
you have to either update mods with your own hands if you want the best mod list or you have to pick and choose between the two
i do get what you mean though installing games like rimworld skyrim etc and then making big mod lists and setting them up to perfection gives off an incredibly autisticly pleasant feeling, meaninglessly killing time in those games feels good too in a different way
also all the koreans and chinese who make outfits have their shit set up in such a way that if you like an outfit which comes in 3 different colours, then you have to go to their personal site and download from there, and each of the colours are set as different mods so you have to set up each of them one by one and have them clutter up your modlist massively
they just dont make outfit collections or anything so if you want 100 outfits 3 colours each youll have to download 300 fucking zips, set them up and have them take up 300 spots on your mod list
Replies: >>23685
is that better or worse than having the one single outfit you want be part of a giant 1000 outfit modpack which clutters the shit out of your customization menu
worse im afraid
we can switch if you want
i stopped playing those kinds of games long ago and i suggest you do too
i already told you i dont even play it
or rather i dont play games at all i dont have the opportunity to do so
ok heres a business idea
you make the modpack and ill play it
but you wont play it i know you wont
i really honestly might
ill go eat aeaetea eat eate eat im dying thre i havent eaten in deays
for the past 3 weeks ive been going to work in pants stained in my blood
nobody has shown a reaction so far so i am unsure if theyve noticed or not, the stains are kind of hard to see so maybe nobody has noticed it at all
i think youre supposed to bundle them into an esp yourself, you are expected to know how to do that. what they offer allows maximum flexibility
84 thats just gross man throw them out and get some new ones
no no the blood stains are slowly disappearing over the weeks man trust me
in just a few more weeks itll be like they never were there
*gets new ones*
itll be functionally the same as if i had gotten some new ones yes
i meant new blood stains
>rick and morty the anime
give me a single reason not to kill all of you right now americans
i need to give up my slothful ways
easier said than done though
in the mood to bite my hand and punch my face
i want to die
sp u sparound???
e1 died
yes yes
yes yes to sp u sparound
yes yes to e1 died
yes to sp u sparound
yes to e1 died
all of the above
you know how there's a few main hotspots for argentines in the exterior (barcelona, milan, miami, madrid) 

well where do all the brazilian expats live
a gang of brazilians moved to my high school in my last year there
they were 100% black
those are known as lulistas negrolas do bahia
there are a LOT of brazilians so they're everywhere really i don't know if there's any hotspots that stand out
i did look up the overseas votes for the election and the top brazilian expats seem to be:
wow what a riveting list of world cities
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very cool if you press control enter it just posts without your consent!!
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what kind of building is this
is it a bomb shelter
or perhaps ataturks tomb
this is in louisville -_-
its louis's villa
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the fact there's a nagoyan hotspot of brazilians is crazy
you could imagine there's some amount of brazilians in japan because of all the japoids and hafus going back but not only is it pretty close to the top, its also higher than tokyo despite being some shit irrelevant city
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apparently there aren't that many in nagoya i'd guess that's just the closest brazilian consulate to where they live
>The largest numbers are concentrated in Toyota, Ōizumi, where it is estimated that up to 15% of the population speaks Portuguese as their native language, and Hamamatsu, which contains the largest population of Brazilians in Japan.[15] 
>Brazilians are not particularly concentrated in larger cities such as Tokyo or Osaka. Brazilians tend to be more concentrated where there are large factories, as most who first moved to Japan tended to work in automobile plants and the like. 
>In the late 2000s, it was estimated that each year, 4,000 Brazilian immigrants returned to Brazil from Japan.[19]
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the fancy prospect bridge from an inaccessible dock i had to climb over a bunch of rocks and brambles to get to
i think it's funny how back in the day the portuguese had a lot of contact with the japanese and now japan is forever entwined with brazil for completely different reasons
not a fan of how most big bridges look like
i know there's a bunch of math and engineering that goes into them but i'd much rather have a roman aqueduct-looking structure
oh yeah? well ive got this bridge to sell you.............
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north rich area 
the whole river is theirs
thats a nice camera

anyway dismantle american society and values
this area north up the river right outside of the city is like a playground for rich people
also its really not a nice camera everything is so awkwardly bowed out and like if the fov is high on a game. so distant objects (that are supposed to be the point of the pic) look tiny and you get so much filler around it and high details of grass and fence that i dont care about showing
well im not an expert on cameras i was just surprised how i opened the image and i could see inside people's windows
dont you think the white mansion and green grass and blue sky and big cloud is pretty though
even if the house is like a parody of itself that makes it better if you think of it as serious and legitimate
no, one of the things i hate the most is mowed lawns

if youre going to have a big field, at least do something with it
if youre a richfag then make a little path and put some bushes and flowers, some nice trees, make a garden, maybe plant some nice ""organic"" vegetables, etc.
if youre poor idk at least build a shed and make it look decent

short mown grass is the most baffling waste of space ive ever seen and the fact people think it looks nice over... literally anything else... is astounding
here richfag houses with big fields at least are full of vegetation most of the time. maybe some swings or something or a pool idk put SOMETHING there
are the houses all different people
feels kind of silly to have such a big field the you build your house RIGHT next to your neighbor like that
its a community
wind resistance
fiery submission
Puzzle #41
my phone said for me to play this. it put confetti on my screen and said go to nyt and do this game
personally my phone doesn't talk to me nor does it show me ltitle squares with numbers
mowed lawns make me feel uncomfortable when i see them because there's absolutely 0 objects to deter peoples sight, you're completely visible to everybody
nagoya is a pretty major city and port in japan though
also i forgot to talk about this around 10 times over but the reason that tokyo became the capital instead of kyouto was because the city had almost double the population of kyouto and oosaka(the 2nd and 3rd biggest cities at the time) combined, oosaka's economy was tightly tied in with exporting its own goods to tokyo so it would have been harmful to it if the capital were moved elsewhere, and the transition into imperial rule would be harder if the capital were somewhere else, since all the vassals of the shougun lived in tokyo(they made up the majority of the city in fact)
doesnt stop me from putting my capital on kyouto though since it's the w&b capital
just went to a 3 days grace concert
your capital is in ankara retard
for me its greece
Puzzle #41

heres mine
did it perfect but it was partially luck because ive never ever heard anyone call coffee "mud"
i googled connections and only found #42 
i'm a little confused since the puzzles take like 30 seconds to figure out and the last row that's supposed to be hard is trivial because... there's only 4 words remaining when you get to it
or maybe i played it completely wrong or maybe this specific one was too easy
guess it literally just reset then
yeah tried 42 and it was indeed trivial
theres like literally 1 word that belongs to multiple categories so you can easily beat it by checking if there isnt a 5th word that could also be in the same category
it says the puzzle will reset in (exactly the time to midnight) so it might be timezone based
well anyway since i opened the nyt website i might as well try doing the sudoku it's been months since i did one
havent done puzzles in years
the few times that i do need to do them in daily life(like in skyrim!!!) theyre intentionally made simple so you can just bruteforce them by trying every single combination and it only takes 1-2 minutes
its so fucking hot that i cant even play or watch or read or listen what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck WHY twhy is tit sio fucknig hot that i cajt even do anythinhg in my free time are you fucing kidding me???? 40c my eaass you mean 55!!!!
though i don't remember many things i do have a lot of memories of boiling alive in the height of summer and they are all very precious to me
like a couple of years ago, i remember it like it was yesterday, i'm naked with the fan in max power mode blowing right at my face, music blasting so i can hear it over the fan, grinding pso2 pvp so i can get an unique skin, and every so often i have to get up and smack a cockroach to death since the sewers got too hot for them and they are invading my bathroom, the good old days
nothing like these past few summers, they've been so so mild, i almost miss the heat
im not having any fun in this heat though
napped for half an hour
woke up screaming
>Emoto claimed that water was a "blueprint for our reality" and that emotional "energies" and "vibrations" could change its physical structure.[14] His water crystal experiments consisted of exposing water in glasses to various words, pictures, or music, then freezing it and examining the ice crystals' aesthetic properties with microscopic photography.[9] He claimed that water exposed to positive speech and thoughts created visually "pleasing" ice crystals, and that negative intentions yielded "ugly" ice formations.[9] 
>Emoto's ideas appeared in the movies Kamen Rider: The First and What the Bleep Do We Know!?.[22][23][24] 
nier is out 
are you hyped
im going to take a nap then watch nier
apparently they confirmed a second season
if you have the leeway to nap then lend me a hand and kill me
its always funny when they(japan) put "!?" in the title of things
i hate
i only scream when nobody can hear
watch this and tell me what you think of it
for me its the random girl faces appearing when theres nothing onscreen
which shows how heavily that ai was trained to pump out nothing but "anime" girl faces
also why is it men taking a bath...
its gay porn liberally reanimated by an ai
if you watch too much how they constantly change gender really starts getting to you mentally
my guess is any ai model they use in japan is going to be heavily trained on anime girls which means they struggle to render men even if thats explicitly what you are trying to get it to generate
pretty sure its just a standard ai model
and all ai models in existence are heavily trained to pump out girls that look straight out of ero doujinshi
thats what i mean
ai model training is so heavily skewed towards making anime girls that its hard for it to do anything else now
not like it was going to be used for anything else in the first place
why the fuck doesnt this gayass site allow .zip files
further proof that even the real world used to look cool before the bad guys won the war
at least give a hint at what it is first
i did that at first but accidentally deleted my post when trying to figure out why i can't post zips
(its cp from niggermod)
oh you silly najodkan you
oooh say does thaat staaar spaangled baaaanner yeeeet wave
going to finish reading great mazinger then watch nier i suppose
sp u spin
sometimes i feel tired
this is one of those times
you can just assume i'm always spinning
dont you get dizzy
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its called the "firearm and sword possession control law" for a reason mr.policeman you cant arrest me for making bombs
well they arent doing either
theyre trying to put 2.4 billion yen into pass books in different bank accounts
yeah but i am
well whats the moving scene like in brazil
a bit too still for my liking
found something epic which i cannot share with anyone because it would dirty my name
no choice but to take it to the grave i suppose
not my problem
i doubt it's very different from argentina's but personally we've always moved by ourselves
just stick everything you can in the car and then call up some friends and relatives so you can use their cars as well
when we came to tatui since its a bit longer distance and making multiple trips would be a pain we also rented one of those uuh things you stick in the back of your car and tow around so you can carry more things
do you not have.....furniture........
whats the point of having furniture
when you dont even have a girlfriend
a few tables and drawers and desks yes
we just tied them up on the back of the pickup
and i think the fridge went on top of someone else's car
oh its not a car its a pickup truck
yes sometimes you see people with those that put a bunch of furniture there and tie them up at the back but its supposed to not be very legal due to the unsafety (though its not like that many people care) 
as far as fridges uhhhh............i dont know if fridges are built different in brazil..........but at least here people know that theyre supposed to travel standing up and you can't put them sideways cause they might break.........................and also when youre done moving them you have to let them settle and not turn them on for like a day
at least thats what the common average person  thinks
why the fuck do you have to "let them settle" anyway i heard the exact same thing many times before and i live on the other side of the world
why would that be necessary whats the principle behind it
well it still works but we did leeave it alone for a day 
no idea how fridges work AT ALL i'm sure there's some science behind it
because it contains some gasses or liquid-gasses or something like that and all the shaking and moving uhh might cause it to have bubbles or something, so you have to let it sit to make sure everything goes back to its right places
and i dont know exactly WHAT the bubbles would do but..........well they're just bad okay???
i thought there was just some ice in it and thats how it cools things
no the ice shows up because it cools things
surrounded by fags and retardation and suffering and self-doubt and monotony
what the actual fuck are you doing god
he left a long time ago mate
just us now
nhk i lost my copy of niggermod can you resend me the cp folder thanks
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look it has an attic and everything but the face is flat 
thats so soulful why cant it be like this anymore
here there's a trend of people buying old used buses and turning them into houses (the kind that move) 

especially since theres a lot of long distance bus transport (because the government hates planes or something) so theres a lot of 2 floor buses
planes and airports actually cost a lot hence why nobody uses them except for americans(who are retarded or something and thats why they use them)
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look how cute (and practical)
(well actually it ought to have side doors and a taller attic but the compactness to usable space ratio is ideal)
WhiteMachine Curtis.....got a nice ring to it.....
i really do like those they're like wheeled little trains
well for me its trains (with rails (not wheeled))
have a bunch of beer cans on the floor
from a month ago
ohhhhhh yeahhhh i said i would watch nier and now i have dinner what a perfect combination
dinnier if you will
was doing some stuff on my seat and then i suddenly realized that my present situation is exactly like that one hardcore torture scene i saw a whole decade ago
the torture of having to sit there and read awful posts and play awful computer games and watch awful anime all day
you joke but that really is a nightmarish fate(which we are all experiencing)
well we can escape it
i wish she had recurring dreams about me too, ones that make her hate waking up from the same way
dont you think its amazing how i dont wake up screaming several times a day everyday
considering what ive been through it wouldnt be weird at all
has anyone played songs of syx
i have some vague notion that its like dwarf fortress + total war but ive never actually looked at it. maybe should
garbage me
erach tingin fridlich raussen
Sun sun
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imagine this but with tragsg
actually i suppose it makes more sense thay tragsg itself is "secret gsg"
wish 100 nukes went off
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you're better than this jim
dyed hair and a subway employee sounds like something crafting by the devil
it was a hard week and coming up on another one 
and i have a thing coming up might ruin everything might not idk
actually laughed out loud when i noticed its the EXACT same video as he posted like 2 years ago
ooohhhhhh ok it seemed familiar
you have to wonder where she is now too..
if people didnt have to work all the time theyd have more chance to think about stuff, like how to all get along, and how to not hurt people
alri shinji
shes old and ugly and used up now
i have the same harrowing thoughts about the 14 year old i saw 6 years ago...
and where are you now eh mister?
im a pure little prince made crestfallen by the cruel cruel world
37 used up doesnt mean anything 
"jaded" does though
it does you tard the difference is heaven and earth its the singular most meaningful thing
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*uses jim up*
alri finished nier
surprised how good the show ended up being
getting very angry already
i fucking stink
have you tried showering
maybe use deodorant in your daily life
i think know what it feels like to die because i often have dreams where im nearing some point to which things have been building and then suddenly i realize that im going to wake up soon and ill never get to see the rest
all my deodorant is old
feel like playing skyrim
anyone got any modpacks for me...
the official sp modpack
69 lines, 32 sentences, 544 words, and 3485 characters of nonsense written, that's 40 minutes well spent i say
i might very well never get around to reading all these notes again but at least writing it all down helped me collect my thoughts and figure out what i want to do (at this very moment, sleep)
oh yeah i forgot you had that...hobby
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does anyone know anything about equalizing (audio)
uhhhhh a good advice i heard is (assuming you're working with multiple tracks) you wanna fuck with audio levels one at a time so like...mute everything...turn on one track, find a good volume for that, turn on the next one, adjust them both in relation, then repeat until done
no i mean like fucking with the equalizer if youre going to listen to music
dont touch that shit just listen to the music as god and the artist intended
alternatively: if your skin is not white just turn the bass up a bit, alternatively if your skin is REALLY not white turn it up a lot
your supposed to keep the sound as neutral as possible and the eq is there to compensate for your hardware failing to do so
ive never owned a headphone that's more than 5usds so
i am going deaf from listening to music at high volumes
wooden bote in indonesia sank, 15 dead and 19 missing
apparently it was way over capacity
trail derails in india, 4000 dead and 1500 missing
rocket crashes in argentina, 8000 aliens and 57 illegal aliens die
i should learn basic sewing
can't be too hard if women are so good at it
i want to too but my arms shake uncontrollably so its probably impossible
m sorry its cancer
i do wonder just what the hell it is
have had it since i was like 11 or something when one day it just popped up all of a sudden
want to sleep
like half the people in my workplace are dual citizenship kikes
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riding a steam bus
sounds sad
""""""""""""""""reckless driving"""""""""""""""
did you get in trouble
reposting. sick of this bullshit society
$600 "fuck you" for no reason
if you dont know reckless driving could be jail time and $1000 fines and losing your license.
and why reckless, i was going 30 over (and only 10 over what traffic was actually doing) and not swerving lanes, not tailing people, not aggressively accelerating, just cruising at 85 in my lane nobody else was in, everyone had plenty of space. "reckless driving". ill fucking show you reckless fucking driving. and it was NOT what you pulled me over for. whore. mother fucker
cant do the time dont do the crime
good thing i wasnt driving fucking recklessly then. fuck you
30 over? on a road where i'm assuming 65 was the limit?
are you insane?
ugh mate i was only going 30 over in a school zone lay off of me
READ idiot, i was doing 85. it was 55 there (NOBODY does 55, everyone does 70-80)
i have to drive on a road thats 55 nearly every day and i have probably never done more than 58 on it even if most people do 60 or more
stop being a nigger
the cop was black funny you say that
a literal boss nigger...
god bless our cops, keeping the streets safe from roving jims
a danger to myself and others
a danger to myself and others
a danger to myself and others
a danger to myself and others a danger to myself and others a danger to myself and others a danger to myself and others
a danger to myself and others a danger to myself and others
ate too fast
yeah that'll be a 600 peso ticket for eating above the speed limit
when everyone is brainchipped that will be a real thing
80 is like 200kmh isnt it
here in my country i only do 90kmh
really feeling starting a new video game right now 
the perfect opportunity for any skyrim modders...
oh yeah speaking of that, i think they should be coming out with those open source vicky2s soon right????????
there were 2 tranny groups fighting against eachother so that should have sped them up
got a pizza in the oven
whens the due date
is it a boy or a girl
was going to make that joke earlier but i decided against it
it was three cheese
if i eat raw egg whites i feel like shit for 12 hours straight but if i beat them hard and add some sugar suddenly its a delicious treat that i could eat a whole meal of
you put SUGAR on your eggs?????
made the gordon ramsy meme eggs for myself the other day and they were actually really good
you've really NEVER heard of meringue????
who ever was posting those queens of the stone age songs, they are coming to my city soon
wish my city would go back to the stone age
wish the stone age teleported itself to us..
umag si poshial carturs
nice, they just released a new album which is pretty good
watching a bunch of gun videos even though carrying guns is illegal here
le sigh
^,^^ me to niggers if i had a gun
i should just learn german
im planning on doing the same
cant be that hard since im a 200 iq aryan and a well known literatureman in english
why would you learn stinky german there is literally zero things worth reading in german
unless you are the turk trying to move there
because literally all the important literature is in german
uhhhh no??????? it'd be more worthwhile to learn russian if you wanted to read important literature
Replies: >>23934
are you trying to trick me into an argument or are you genuinely this clueless
im 100% serious
if you wanted to read important literature you would learn russian, french, or latin i guess
well theres all of continental philosophy
most good historical scholarship
all of the important scientific articles until like 60 or 70 years ago
then there all of the important literature like goethe
uhhh no
oh and then theres being able to talk with people in half of europe
you can already do that though
yeah so the other half would be nice
what region of europe are you imagining where they wont understand english but will understand german
germans are probably the most likely ones to speak english though
i think the only country you'd struggle with english in is france, but its not like they dont know english theyre just full of hate
they're terrible at it
in fact most europeans are
i already know french though
you cant even speak english
and even if lots of germans speak english thats way different from being able to speak geramn
90% of russian literature is just "ughhh im so depressed and my life sucks :(" novels mate, unlike other european lsnguages where they actually wrote things other than diaries
obviously the best to learn are english, french, german, italian and latin in no particular order
Replies: >>23988
*thread dies*
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laughed at that
hes just like me
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vegans are actually a good thing
the more vegans there are the cheaper meat is and thus the more i can eat
theyre aliens from vega not actual vegans actually
vega is my main 
too bad hes not in 6
oh so this is a dragon ball spinoff??
yeah lets go with that
>Meringue (/məˈræŋ/ mə-RANG,[1] French: [məʁɛ̃ɡ] (listen)) is a type of dessert or candy, of French origin,[2] traditionally made from whipped egg whites and sugar, and occasionally an acidic ingredient such as lemon, vinegar, or cream of tartar. A binding agent such as salt, flour or gelatin may also be added to the eggs. 
sounds gross...sounds gross but....it feels like i ate something with that shape before......
should i drink some milk
does this work i don't remember
here you go
(##1d10) Rolled 1 dice with 10 sides = 4
that's less than 5 so i guess not
and i definitely heard of meRANG before i've probably had it as well
was it perhaps "boomerang"
ahhh yes the boomerang
what a fukken lie never seen one of the things work
never even seen one
arbeit macht frei
frei ist wer nicht arbeitet
imstill hungeyr
hungary as they say
you know what
it would be epic if all the countries cracked down on cars and in the future people would only be allowed to use shit like electric skateboards since that way even if you crash you cant kill anybody
oh nkooooo i got the urge to play stellaris please kill me before i really do it
help! help!
not having the games downloaded really helps ward off these incidences
getting really tired of spending 2-3 hours in a bus everyday
its been 2 years since i started this
funny to think nier automata came out 6 years ago
feels like it was yesterday
first time hearing its japanese name
a lot of nintendos stuff is very un-japanese
like having fat italians as the protagonists
i want weed
havent had caffeine in 3 weeks
i havent bought an energy drink since the start of the year or so
i have bought some sodie pops though sometimes much to my dismay
yeah me too actually
its good to not buy them i do genuinely think they were killing me slowly but surely
actually speaking of that i sent the debtlords proof the hospital said i was given a 100% charity subsidy and they havent mailed me anything back so uhhhhhh guess i actually got off free
why is there no charity for me
listen mate my life sucks too this is like the one good thing to happen to me in a long while
if i had a dollar for every man whose life sucks my life wouldnt suck
it still would though
was arguing with someone who claimed "spending 2k on a gacha doesnt make someone a whale"
these people are truly deranged
today too has passed with me doing fuck all because i had no free time to do anything
may as well just become a machine who does nothing work
working is the best use for your time anyway
t. economy expert
its the lamest gayest thing you can do
theres 100 things in my list of things i want to do and not a single one of them is "work"
no work and all play
accidentally glanced inside my anime girl folder and now i want to die again
maybe i should keep a diary
what do you think this is
there are worse folders to accidently glance at
the fact you skip spanish literature shows you are an uncultured mong poltard faggot
"me mums cousins sons dogs dead owner portiquez rodrinos' wife had bugs under her pillow!!!!" is not literature nor is it epic
gone THREE whole weeks with zero alcohol, im gonna GO INSANE!!!!!
yeah you have no idea what youre talking about
the fact they even force anglos (the most narcissistic self absorbed culture in the world) to read spanish classics and that they are referenced in the simpsons just goes to show my point
anglos are niggercattle they dont matter at all
well nobody else here speaks any other language besides anglo and spanish, so you have no clue about italian or french literature orwhatever 
although i guess i see how a non-western culture such as the turkish one would have a hard time grasping our society
why are you crying so hard man take a break ill get you some water
ah yes the classic "you disagree with me so youre crying"
reminds me of the good old days
"agua" as borges so masterfully put it
i DO feel like crying right now though
would be nice to die
for me its "t.alex"
well anyway and german literature literally only becomes relevant in like the 19th century and itsmostly stupid philosophy trite
i think clearly the tierlist for western literature is
1. english, spanish
2. german
3. russian, french
4. italian
5. UUUUUUhhhhhhhhhh wlel you know....uhh all the other ones...............
you forgot albanian
>1. english, spanish
el argentiniANO
spanish (read as: bolivian) literature
the independists guys should have made up a "bolivarian" language just to spite the spanish
didn't even have to be too different from the way they speak now just call it something else and change a couple words
well why dont you (americans) do it
i mean yes honestly english literature is a fucking meme it should be 2nd together with german since its only ever been relevant for like a century or two meanwhile spanish literature was at the top for like half a millenium my bad
my skins too white
oh yes i forgot, those lazy wasps were too retarded to invent american so they left it to the nigger slaves and now all americans talk like theyre cottonpicking basketball-playing crackhead criminals
and thus the "american" language was born
^posted through rioplatinese teeth
the gulf between english literature and the rest is so vast that almost nothing from the rest of the world is really worth talking about
you have all the classics such as shakespeare and... uh.... shakespeare....
its really such an anglo thing because they dont speak any languages and they never even show them other (translated) literatures so they really do think its the only one that exists
english has dune
meanwhile theres spanish authors like borges... and borges
and the great german novel...... . .
in my school they made us read that one anglo one with the heart inside the floor
poe is too close to poetry for me
monster house?
no i dont remember what its called its the one where they kill someone and they go crazy
cask of amontillado
anyway 13 is fucking mentally ill to the point that their brain doesnt work anymore
does anybody know if the creampie thing works with truck simulator
whenever someone says they want to learn german the real and only reason is they want to watch unedited hitler/goebbels speeches
nobody actually wants to read kant or any of that other philosophy trite
randomly remembered this song the other day, still quite good
for the longest time i thought it was the "hit or miss, guess they never miss" girl on the cover
oooooooh my god that one
what do we think of the foss vicky civil war autism discord raids
the map looks bad and theres a zero% chance any good will come of any of this
frankly the fact that only trannies play paradox games and vic2 is not excluded from that should really tell you everything you need to know
glad i got out of playing grandi strategy games before the internet went down the tubes
howd you get your posts before they had tubes???
they used to get sent in the mail
he won but only to be exiled
a pyrrhic victory 
just like prigozhin
Andersson's design philosophy is "to create believable worlds."[5]
so lets say hypothetically that japan becomes an epic westernized empire in 1600, what would they do????

i think for example they could start shitting on westerners by blowing up manila and occupying formosa and shit like that, and trying to become the forceful intermediary between western-chinese trade
that way they'd sort of become a naval ottomans or something 

problem with that is that basically everyone would seethe at them and they'd probably get destroyed a few decades into that
blob all over asia
kill all the fuckin chinks
maybe even a little west coast colonization in the americas
do you think they would be able to blob all over asia
they couldnt even blob on korea and they tried 2ice
*blobs over china*
*becomes the yamato dynasty*
*gets revolted on in 400 years*
*new dynasty permanently incorporates japan into china*
how is it already this late again
time flies when you*gunshots*
isnt japan called the manlet island in chinese
i wonder what their dynastic name would actually be
i'm eating squid
are you afraid, mr. tuna?
mr tuna and ms salad
think the first time i ever played vicky2 i picked france and instantly went bankrupt trying to invade algeria
i want to play that game thats like Rule The Waves but with graphics a bit since its gotten some sort of barebones map section since i last played it but lately my graphics card has been bluescreening my computer often and i think its on its last legs
just want a big game where i can travel around the world and sink boats
something like "commerce raider: the game"
sao paulo u sao paulin
fucking pins and needles 
both my feet at the same time and its slowly climbi ngn up my legs
probably because i was sitting in this weird reverse-cross-legged position
i should have filed for unemployment as soon as i graduated honestly
who cares anymore
im so bad at tf2 still
idea:file for unemployment at grade school and once you finish college live off of the 20 years of welfare tou got
jim wants to do a 3 man tf2mp
let him do what he wants
thats cold... hey wait a tick your not sp
i'm down for it but i'll probably have 200 ping depending on which server its on
euro server to compromise so we all have high ping
ugh ffs is jim dead now
were we supposed to do this 2nite i have work in 5 hours
i can go into work for you
wait you have a JOB!?!?!?!?
i have a job too
job men
am i the only fucking neet now
no im still holding strong
yeah but you're rich so you dont count
i only work every now and then so.......
well jim just fukken disappeared so i guess its not happening tonight
its like 2am here maybe he fell asleep at his desk
i(jim) am 58
u were just crying to me that i didnt play with you and now that i got the men assembled you dont want to play -_-
come on boys lets go play with our toy boats somewhere without jims
*torpedoes u*
maybe if you people had reasonable sleep schedules
.... were all awake at the same time mate
awake but not alive
nut me my lower back is killing me
i think its because i twisted myself around too hard last night trying to find a comfortable sleeping position
me too except its because im doing hard labour while starving
im retarded :(
*frowns retardedly*
been thre dne tht
either got a joint fucked or a muscle
hurts pretty fucking bad
doesnt it
some rumblings and tumblings in my backyard and all the neighborhood dogs are barking
don't care all you'll find out there is my trash
lucky me i WANTED trash
hey wait a minute why did my desk job turn into manual labour
thats what happens when you dont have peronism to protect you
ill have to consult the labour union of tragsg posters
bossman said peron was based
sure hope theres something proper to eat today 
and not some stupid fucking dolma trite again
>Cabbage rolls entered Swedish cuisine (where they are known as kåldolmar) after Charles XII, defeated by the Russians at the battle of Poltava, returned to Sweden in 1715 with his Turkish creditors and their cooks.[4]
history is so interesting eh
my heart bleeds
i desire comfort
i was really happy then i remembred how i completely failed at everything i tried doing yesterday
what if instead of remembering your past failures you agonized over your present failures instead
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thats how ive lived my life these 20something years
in the most simple and passive form possible, i want to die
why the fuck did my electricity get cut off the moment i got home
its like 43c
it feels so strange to live my life
its like a life filled with many strong positive and negative things, but for some reason somebody surgically got rid of all the good things so all that i get to experience  are emotional void and suffering, it reminds me of a sterilized hospital building
the level of mental illness on the internet has gone beyond critical mass and its not ever going to get better
finna be playinz some flash games
ugh i quit what was i was doing but theres a whole 40 minutes until i got to do the next thing
0 posts since i left
i dont feel like it /;0
soon i go
im going 
it will happen
i will get up 
my mind will activate 
i will move and shower 
in a mere matter of hours, maybe only 1 hour
move eh hope its a well paying job
bit hot outside innit
move as in my body
very soon now
i can feel the will 
its about to happen
i rolled over 
only a little more muscular activation than that and i will e up
i have to take a piss
first you take a piss
then you leave a poo
then you flush it down
but it comes back to haunt you
david lynch said something once about how a toilet or vacuum backing up is symbolic for mankinds worst nightmares
isnt there some zizek quote about how euro toilets are focused on hiding the poo but american toilets you have to look at the poo
no its german toilets that have a ledge so you can examine your poo
i dont know what kinda hypersonic toilets they make in germany, but when MY poo gets on the ceramic and not the water, it gets stuck there
i'm hesitant to continue the conversation because i don't want to fill the thread with shit posts
absolutely loathe how anglos say "drink driving"
thought it was drunk driving
yeah it is
but for some reason anglos (english(islanders)) say "drink driving"
did you kknow that the JFK killing weapon was initially identified as a mauser...............an ARGENTINE Mauser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if someone came up to me and said "isnt there some zizek quote..." i would turn 360 degriees and walk away
well if somebody came up to me and started talking about anything at all, i would also turn 360 degrees
yup i sure go around bringing up the exact same thing i do in tragsg as i do in real life
imagining a bizarre little man who goes around telling random argentine facts to anyone he comes across
question for any non-americans
is it JUST an american thing that all politicians are fukken ancient dinos barely alive???????????? trump is 77 and biden is 80 and a bunch of senators are even fucking older, and supreme court tards literally sit there until they die
i mean theres all kinds of politicians of all ages but the dinosaurs have been around longer and so usually have the most power and fame and influence
oh yeah didnt a 1000 year old man die in the middle of giving a speech and they had to wheel him away
uhh no not exactly but the theories seem to be he either had a stroke or shit his pants
okay well it depends on what you consider a "politician" but as for most elected officials i would say yes on average they would be younger HERE (in argentina) (but probably in other places too) 
i would say the average is like late 50s/early 60s

as for us, the reason should have something to do firstly with the political processes that have happened (mainly that democracy is only 40 years old in its latest stint), but also that there is (at least at a first glance) more political renovation over the years. mainly because most political processes/projects end in failure (partly because they are incompetent, but also because if they dont fail then they simply do not end, people keep voting them forever), so there is a necessity that at least the big faces change

someone like menem for example which was a president and then seen as basically the antichrist, was still occupying a seat at the parliament for decades until he finally died (still sitting in there), he was still a politician and still having influence within his party (even if very small, at least enough to get a seat), but he was tucked away there in favor of someone more palatable for big positions
now CFK is pretty much inelectable and the main candidates are 51, 52, 57 and 67. CFK is 70 herself so not even that old. the current "president" is like in his 60s too

there is pretty much no way to tell what the political future holds, but most candidates with relevant positions in these coming elections are in their 50s or mid 60s at best. obviously there's also the kind which aren't elected, which can be of any random age, and there's lower positions like mayors and that kinda trite that obviously you cant generalize
also they were trying to install this "new generation" (a 45 year old guy) as a possible candidate before they aborted it after a few days because nobody liked him.
also like 28 says, it makes sense that the oldest people have been around for the longest and thus have had the time to climb the most and accrue the most influence 

however, that doesn't apply here when the political movement, or party, or ideological current you are involved in implodes and collapses 7 year in and you are left having to masquerade for having stood for completely the opposite thing or to have always hated the thing you liked
in america, the same 2 parties have been alternating power for like 200 years

meanwhile here, the parties themselves can be very fleeting, we've had 2 main parties (Radicals, since the 1890s, and Justicialists(Peronists) since the 1940s), but even within the context of those 2 parties, there's always been a lot of other minor ones which necessitate the forming of alliances and collaboration and backstabbing etc. etc. (especially when it comes to the non-peronists) 
so especially in the current time, we haven't had bi-partidism, but rather 2 big coalitions that are an amalgamations of many little parties and ideological groups within the same parties. EVEN THEN now it seems like that's changing with a 3rd group (the libertarians) coming in and making it a 3 party race rather than 2. I guess it was the same in 2015 too remembering it

One of the reasons for Peronism's continued longevity and popularity and success(at least in getting elected) is that like 60/50% of the population at any time is Peronist, while all of the rest is of whatever random ideology (liberal, socialist, conservative, you know all the trite). But because of all the Peronist doctries of how to do politics, they all kill eachother andbackstab eachother etc. etc. but then usually all end up agreeeing that it's X-group's time to suck dick and Y-peronists are the ones in charge now and they all Follow The Leader like the gremlins that they are. Peronism these days isn't so much about a political ideology itself but rather about how they conduct politics (meaning: in a mafia style way. both inside, and on the outside by perpetuating clientelar systems where the population relies on them, and political systems are controlled by them)
what a fascinating failure of a nation
political party idea: anti peron peronists
didnt that ALREADY exist?????? like twice????
the military DID try a "peronism without peron" during the years peron was in exile to try and tame the movement but it failed
in part due to radical peronists murdering the notPeron peronist due to not being Peron
what a fascinating failure of a nation x2
up next: anti peronists for peron
also nothing of what i said is individually that particular to this nation
the poltical landscape of pretty much 99% of countries is also controlled by one in-group of powerful and wealthy people for the most part and they're all in the know, and exclude everyone who isnt part of that
except that in most countries they are in the shadows and they have no particular name, and people dont identify as part of that system

here they DO, and its not like the non-peronists aren't also slimy politicians who fight for power
but its like you know with your ideology grids with the axis for right-left auth-lib, well its like they ALSO have another axis for peronist-antiperonist which is what ingroup of political kikes you support so to speak. whichever way they ideologically lean(in their majority) at that time depends

as for the political slimy kike class putting down the population, that's a classic in every country: see all the mass migrations to all the white coutnries and all the kike financial systems etc. etc. ist just taking a slightly different shape here
AND also as far as the political landscape changing often..............i dont even see how thats a bad thing
at least here i have the illusion that something someday may change. if I were american and knew I have another 100 years of democrat-republicans to choose from i'd off myself
that would be ME, as i do agree with and stand for many of the things peron(the original) stood for (basically fascism) BUT i despise current day modern peronists and all their spawn, and whatever ideologies they like now and also the way the whole system is set up
it sure would be interseting to have some fascinating political discourse but it looks like im the only one here who knows anything, and its only about argentina
well like you said in america theres no hope so we all dadc
yeah why in god's name would i talk about american politics its the most simple and least interesting political system in the world
the only thing that can properly shake it up is eventually (i predict in my lifetime) poor tards will realize they have literally nothing to lose and their local mayors/governors aren't magic and will just start fukken killing them
well how about all the OTHER countries in god's beautiful green earth.........................surely there's people living THERE too...................
if we had a euro we could talk about euro politics which i think are mildly interesting
seen a lot of euros say if left wing parties just take stronger immigration stances they would win literally every single election in every country because thats basically all anybody cares about
*looks over at the smoking crater known as turky*
who wants to talk about.... the wesminster system!!!
*googles how to tell a roach's age*
not a fan of the chimes since thats the sound the school bell made
also something mildly funny i notice with euros is obviously reddit is the 4chan boogeyman and euros are the /pol/ boogeyman but any time i see a reddit thread from the europe reddit about immigrants or gypsies it is genuinely almost unanimously opposed to both
it does make you wonder what will happen in grand scheme of things
i mean sure there's immigrants everywhere but all it takes is one madman to deport everyone
uhhh no i dont think it works that way
anyways even if it DID its not like it even has a possibility, was reading and the new italian pm got elected basically solely on immigration policies then they signed one of the biggest immigrant packages in europe shortly after taking power
also the more i think about things like """immigration""" mattering the angrier i get because its so fukken hot outside and its never gonna stop getting even hotter and theres nothing i can do about it (for now)
it seems "out there" right now because of the current political climate sure but just look at history and all the population movements and exchangeses
i mean yeah i don't mean literally ONE guy getting elected but just the whole perspective shifting and eventually someone goes "hey mr erdogan i have 100k turks in berlin you want them back??"
i did it btw i got up and showered and went to the gym. and a cute girl asked me (even though there was lots of guys around) to adjust the height on some shoulder thingy cause she was too short to reach up to it. 
but then i saw her talking to some other dude who is younger and more attractive than me and in a hoodie with jet black curlyish hair in an undercut and i recognized a flaring up of anger but practiced _mindfulness_ and didnt actually get mad or start feeling bad for myself. i made standard small talk with the girl not very good or bad i just came off awkward and i think my facial expressions were weird and pained because i was freaked out a bit because my sense of personhood and validity is too closely tied to girls thinking of me as an equal or whatever because of repeated repeated failures and extreme adolescent levels of spite and rage that i want to root out from myself somehow
Replies: >>24167 >>24172
honestly a girl talking to you in a gym is a pretty good sign
not saying she found you "attractive" (im not saying this to be a dick btw) but i think uhhhh being "approachable" to a woman in a gym setting is a good sign you arent a freakazoid externally
dreamt a nightmare that a homo fell in love with me
for some reason i never outright told him to fuck off despite thinking of him as a nuisance, now that i think of it logically after waking up i should have just killed him and that'd have been the end of it
right exactly. but the whole time i was thinking how long until my affect makes her realize she picked wrong. what if intrusive thoughts rise to the surface and come out somehow. what if i never attain personhood
well if that happened you'd just have to try again it's all about grinding and making progress you don't become a person overnight
i feel like im slowly and slowly getting endlessly disillusion with "proper politics" and you can call this gay or whatever you want but im just so endlessly upset that the planet was basically raped and nobody could do anything to stop it and i dont think we're too far gone but it's certainly going to be pretty fucking brutal in like 20 years
obviously stuff like burning coal and such had its place and did need to happen for a long while, that doesnt bother me, but just the gross excess with which all kinds of this shit was done makes me very very very unhappy to think about 
like i dont even know how much i care about what kind of dream political system i could live under if it means a bunch of fucking degenerates are sitll gonna be dumping poo in the ocean and killing all the fishe and all the bugs (loss of bug life is happening at a deranged rate, i remember being a kid and going in my BACKYARD and seeing so many lightning bugs, now i barely see any at all during summer, and this is during a like, twenty year span of time which is unreal)
do you REALLY think theres gonna be a liveable planet for people 100 years from now (this is not meant to be accusatory, it is a genuine question)
for the past couple nights ive been sleeping for like 12 hours straight totally blacked out with no dreams
i honestly have no idea how things are going to look in ten years let alone 100
the planet will survive but things will be much worse indeed
last thing of the sort i heard about and got me upset was the chinks gigafishing the oceans all the way up to chile
the good news is itll be time to clear them out soon
a (china)mans gotta eat
well yeah the "planet" will obviously be fine, in basically any situation even something stupidly impossible like nuclear hellfire
like even with how shitty global warming and such has become, on a planetary timescale it's fucking nothing, and pretty obvious that like, 100,000 years down the line or whatever everything will be back to standard operating procedure
what is wrong with you man seriously
just get a hooker or something did your dad never take you
seriously how is jim so mentally ill why does he "attain personhood" by being liked by women god what do they put in the water there
well im not of the type to adhere to scientism so i dont think of "the planet" as this thing that exists indifferently to people. the planet will be fine and people will continue to live on no less fine than they have for millennia
its not even that strange for americans
notice how all the dudebro retards doing steroids everyday and acting like they'll die if they don't have sex for 1 day are all americans, no non-american has ever had such a bizarre personality in history
what the hell do you mean "no less fine than they have for millenia" do you think nothing has changed for millenia?????????? nothing at all?????????
as for me i saw myself in the gym mirror and thought there isnt a thing id change about myself (except have my muscles be a bit bigger)
plenty has changed but one way or another weve lived on, thats what i mean
it does suck but i've never felt too bad about it
even if things get worse i don't think they'll ever get to a critical point. and at some point they'll get better
and in MY perfect vision for the future "billions must die" as they say so that alone would give ol' earth a break
the only girls who randomly talk to me are old grandma cashiers and waitresses who usually say "are you ok?"
i'm all better now luv ;)
we've lived on because we HAVENT had problems on this scale before
like i said just look up things about the disappearances of insects, overfishing from china, the acidification of the ocean, ect.
once again, yeah over a long timescale all of these problems are insignificant but you're completely trying to delude yourself if you think the problems we have now are on any level equivalent to the past problems we lived through
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there fishing all over here, we used to sink them with the navy with the Macri government but now that the government is begging everyone(literally everyone in the world) for money we stoppped sinking them

its a bit sad because the seas here are apparently extremely productive but NOBODY eats fish here so theres like no fishing

(also regarding the chinese. we've been doing international trade with them paying in Yuan so some people have been talking about that as people ditching the Dollar but i mean yeah sure its a thing but its mostly out of necessity because we literally dont have money, rather than some political alignment)
Replies: >>24188
68 look man i didnt say it was the right way to think. i mean theres something to be said for being generally likeable, that youre someone who knows how to compromise, how to put yourself in others shoes, how to play out scenarios in ways that make everyone comfortable. to put the others needs above yours maybe? and just be able to do that. that could definitely be a mark of personhood. 
and its just my PERSONAL thing that im so weird about girls, like i know i want to much out of them, i want to "possess", i want to tie my happiness to it. which is why i also know it's wrong to get that feeling of validity out of it (except for that i just said above). anyway i want to STOP being weird in this way by toning down my mind and shit and not wanting things that are too good to be true
there were giant volcanic explosions that left like 10000 people alive on the entire planet
we are not approaching anywhere near that level of catastrophe
okay clearly this discussion is pointless with you man why do you have to be so obtuse and just keep going "nuh uh" like a child
those 10000 people were monkey men who didnt even have stone tools i doubt life changed much for them
did you go to therapy or something??? every sane man in history has had the desire to possess women. thats what manly romantic love is, you feel like that because youre a man with a shred of sanity left
>theres something to be said for being generally likeable, [...] compromise, [...] make everyone comfortable. to put the others needs above yours maybe? and just be able to do that. that could definitely be a mark of personhood. 
i dont see how any of that has anything to do with "personhood". i am none of  those things and I dont care
just stop being such a cleaning rag of a human being and be a normal fucking person. seriously nobody in the history of man has thought "i have no personhood because i am not generally likeable". if anything personhood rises from your own self not from validation from others' 
>i want to "possess", i want to tie my happiness to it. which is why i also know it's wrong to get that feeling of validity out of it 
you dont need to be a person to do this, just get them hooked up into liking you. maybe murder someone and get love letters in prison
or beat someone up to near-death, then you dont have to face jailtime (make sure that this is IN FRONT of women, who see it and then like you)
and once again, (some) of those catastrophic volcanos just had to be dealt with over long timespans, and those were the ONLY problems at the time obviously
like yeah you can go "uhhh well the dinos survived the asteroid so we'll be fine :)" but think about how fucking long that took to recover from, and once again, that was JUST an asteroid which yeah did lead to massive system collapses (food chain and stuff) but these are just stupid animals, they can eat grass and tree bark, or sleep for 2 years, or just breed so fast it doesnt matter if they die in a month
humans dont have these kind of luxuries, not only are we obviously less adaptable than a normal animal but there are a LOT of pleasantries we've taken for granted that if they suddenly got fucked up even a bit there would be massive problems
like seriously you are just supposed to have 1 tiny ounce of self worth, and disdain for others, and thats how you gain your personhood. just stop caring what other people think about you, they dont even care 99% of the time
i had some thoughts that i didnt like, that i recognized as being very uhh odious. 
and that reconfirmed what im saying here. those demons will never go away but the only, only way to possibly get close to happiness and livability in society is to work on shit like this
>its a bit sad because the seas here are apparently extremely productive but NOBODY eats fish here so theres like no fishing
what if you exported the fishe
pretty sure thats what all the fishecountries of the world do and it gives them big revenues
man is way more adaptable mate what are you on about, we're the most adaptable species on the planet short of bacteria
people will change and those who cant will be left behind, thats the way life goes, thats why we have the flood "myth"
so translated into human speech: youre a druggy incel who hates himself because women dont like him AND you want to stop hating women but you can't stop hating yourself so therefore you seek validation from women yes okay I got it
that will be $8999 (to be paid for in United States Dollars to my bank account in Panama)
Replies: >>24193
yeah but life as we know it will be drastically changed forever and billions will die
guarantee if i dropped you and a monke out of your native habitats the monke would would manage much better
YES, yes bro you got it thANK you. everybody has to get along in the world though. there has to be some way to attain mental peace at least
well i dont know what kind of fish they are, they are not the typical sought-after fish like salmon, i just know that they are edible. i guess there's also shrimp and squid and the like but uhhh yeah............
in any case 99% of those fish country are extremely underpopulated and with tons of fish and are probably quite close to the places where they'll be consumed. i dont know how it'd work if you had to set up an entire fishing industry up from scratch and then export it all the way to europe/asia 

and if youre exporting it to china then thats the whole problem anyway, that you'd have to use your brand-new proper fishing industry to compete with these nigger illegal fishing pirates, so you couldn't compete price-wise anyway and it all becomes a pointless endeavour

i mean yeah eventually in the long term it'd become helpful and profitable, but it'd require a lot of investment (firstly in all the fishing and shipbuilding industry, and secondly in the naval defense industry to make all the chinese go away) and it'd only pay off after many decades i bet
hope ill be able to make 30min of free time to ogle anime girls before i go to work
well you see, you dont actually need to care about women to be a valid person. that will be another $13999. thank you
i dont think ive spoken with a woman in a like...getting to know each other setting in 2 years straight
in fact:
1. there are two i speak with online about shared interested sometimes
2. i have spoken with my friend's girlfriend
3. one time, my friends neighbors came over and there was a girl
4. i think i spoke to a girl at a concert
5. my mother

reckon thats it for almost 2 years
yeah me neither
i dont think about women at all except for when they cause me problems
thats a non argument and you know it
has a chimp ever survived in antarctica without the help of other species? the average urbanite's wilderness survival skills have no bearing on anything
personally i wouldnt mind female companionship but uhhh you know, no money, no car, cant drive, full of hatred
dont think women like any of these traits
can YOU survive there idiot???? if i dropped you naked, just like a chimp in the jungle, would you survive?
total biosphere collapse isnt actually bad because all the libtards will die
disingenuous to compare a naked man to anything and you know it
is ocean acidification going to dissolve all of the clothes in the world?
no but it will kill all the fish so then all the starving sea chinks will move to europa
if only trump were still here to build a wall...
he never left
trust the plan patriots in control
if it gets as bad as you say then it will also be bad enough that we can start killing and eating the chinks
i think itll go a different way before that happens though
everyone thinks they are a big kikekilla until the killakikes show up
its not like it's gonna get THATTTT bad in our lifetime
like yeah its gonna get proper fucking hot but a serious ecological collapse wont happen for awhile
and how is it disingenuous to compare a naked man to a naked monkey??? both of you are put on the exact same playing field in this situation
naked men are living in the jungle right now
i think you know exactly why "who would win in a naked gladiator fight" is a completely irrelevant question to the matter of our species' continued existence
its a good way to deflect from actually arguing about it though
also its not so much the humans continuing to exist that i'm worried about its human civilization as i know it ending in my lifetime that bothers me
but this isnt a naked gladiator fight you troglodyte, this is survival, it comes very naturally, and YOU claimed humans are still very very good at it
if thats the case, then a person being naked in the jungle should not be a problem, like at all
the point isnt if humans can survive naked the point is if people are going to be able to sit at their computers shitposting and eating gas station sandwiches made from real bread and meat in 50 years
we are a good at survival precisely because we don't go wondering the jungle naked anymore
SPEAKING of survival, this is a perfect time to bring up that a good movie to watch with tragsg would be about that plane that crashed in the andes and they had to survivethere for a long time before being rescued
its really epic but i dont want to tell you the details. the tranny agreed.
but human civilization as you know it SUCKS don't let that bother you
why are you so obsessed with humans surviving in hell with no clothes and tools when what we're trying to do is "ensure human civilization survives" and the only reason humans are good at living is because we have tools
but it could be WORSE
we could be in chinkpods with 90% of plants and animals being  dead
im NOT obsessed with it but my whole point is that animals can adapt very easily WITHOUT tools because theyll just eat dirt and twigs and survive
but BECAUSE we have those tools we cant do the same
if a bunch of bugs die out that directly fucks up how other animals survive and how plants survive, so if all of the sudden keeping cows around becomes much harder and beef becomes much more expensive no amount of tools can fix that
also the whole example itself is retarded
the average human has not spent 1 second in a jungle in his life whereas the average monkey has spent its entire life there, it'd be more reasonable to compare a normal human to a monkey that spent its entire life in a zoo getting gibs from white men, in which case the human would survive for far longer than the monkey
nobody cares about monkeys stop trying to deflect
youre the one that brought it up you dumb fuck!!!!
i only brought it up because i was thinking about monkeys we can just forget that happened cant we eh old pal?
it gets confusing when 3 people are posting at once
so you're saying people are incapable of adapting their diet?? even with all this vegan food trite they keep making up??? if monkeys can eat dirt so can we there's absolutely no difference
sure we CAN adapt our diet but is a world where you cant go buy a cheeseburger worth living in at all? plus what happens once the plants start to get fucked up too
evola said dirt is good for you
yeah i could watch a movie
we should watch uhhhh ummmm uhhhhhhhhhhhh...idk...
i'm going to pass out soon i cant watch anything
could we watch a movie now or later?????? 
who set up the last movie, i forgot how
I ALREADY TOLD YOU which one were going to watch (the one where the ysurvive in the andes with no help)
people back in the days ate tree bark and bugs so can we
i think what people fail to understand is that humans really are incredibly good at adapting to nightmarish conditions psychologically and emotionally, having to eat bugs wont even bother you that much so long as you are really stuck in a situation where you HAVE to do it t.man with experience of life sucking
>but is a world where you cant go buy a cheeseburger worth living in at all? 
no but whether life is worth living or not does not matter, most people will still keep on trying to live even if they hate it
what if theres no fuckin bark to eat
my neighbor has got you covered
your neighbour set up the movies?????
a massive worldwide famine would actually be a good thing because all the people whose stomachs have become incapable of digesting weird shit would starve to death
basically natural selection all over again
consider this: i stream the original godzilla in 15 minutes
dont i actually want to see that one but i'm going to bed right now *closes the tab*
okay fine
*goes to hell instead*
ok movies are cancelled but we should get together....... this friday night........yeah
uhhhhh yeah i think is hould be here friday maybe
but i will maybe do godzilla tomorrow if the other guy is available
you are all so unreliable we can never do anything!!!!!
left and right arms hurt tremendously
think something happened to my left leg and its a bit hard to walk
neck and spine are fucked from sitting on a terrible chair all day
well yeah
uhm im going to a concert this friday.. yeah
of this band called "white power"
oh you meant THIS friday
sorry i'll be attending erdogan's funeral don't think i'll be able to make it
i hate arab niggers so fucking bad
as for arab whites...
prefer egg whites
any man in whose depressed
ohhh my god someone take this vr headset off my fucking head
sick and tired of this dogshit "hell simulator" what a shitty game cant believe i played it for so long
jajajajaja he was playing vrchat
ohhhh wait it was a joke nevermind
its how we were talking about needing a car to have people see you as human because i got cold approached by two guys who thought my car was cool at the gas station and im noticing a trend that if you have a cool car guys will want to be your friend for no other reason
still doubting the concept that cars can be "chick magnets" though
oh yeah cars are super appealing to people (read as: absolute slime subhumans)
if you dont mind that aspect then yeah, probably one of the better conversation starters out there
maybe second to hawaiian shirts (i often have people say they like mine)
Replies: >>24263 >>24282
its just a ubiquitous male hobby so probably like 50% of young men you are likely to meet are "into" it enough to be impressed by a cool car
Replies: >>24282
you are such a stubborn brat about shit like this 
why is liking cars so distasteful to you
Replies: >>24282
i simply do not find them cool
they are expensive and any shitbox can just crash into you and explode all that effort
also anybody i knew in highschool who was "into" cars was always a massive insufferable faggot
also dont reply to me
Replies: >>24282
you just sound poor and mad about it
well yes i am poor and mad about it but that has nothing to do with my views on car culture, i can promise you even if i had money i would not be enamored with cars
a poor mans promise means nothing to me
poor men are the only ones worth trusting
get the fuck away from me you bum
66 nevermind about my reply you arent can
yes yes now that you understand my plight could you spare $20?
i actually gave a bum like $7 the other day which is uncharacteristic of me but i was in a mood where i felt emotions for my fellow man
i love giving away money that's probably why god gave me none
one time in uni when walking home extremely drunk i still had cash from the bars and i gave some schmuck playing the guitar (note: he was not a bum he was presumably another student nor was he playing in a way that i particularly liked) the cash i still had because i obviously never use cash usually
found out the next morning it was like, $15 and i was pissed at myself
let’s do a bunch of drugs together and then fucking get off this universe
^(what i want to say to girls) (most of them wouldnt say yes) (i wouldnt even say yes (nobody ever stops going back and forth between different things they believe))
im going to bed
dont do anymore drugs
limping to the bus filled to the brim
limping in the bus filled to the brim
limping to the tram filled to the brim
limping in the tram filled to the brim
when i get to work ill limp around for hours like a roach who lot a leg or two, then ill limp back home
if you do drugs you end up a jim
so what do you need to do to end up a turk?
imagine dying and waking up in a utopic wonderland and the people there are like "you went to EARTH? did you get stuck there? LMAO you said you died at 88!?? yeah you did, you went through the whole ass life, the full thing. wow. yeah one of the things about that place is that it convinces you its shitty existence is the ONLY existence so you just stay in it and keep staying in it.. yeah thats crazy man you coulda just left whenever you wanted LOL"
well hopefully when i die i will not be laughed at by a bunch of cute girls like that and then cry to sleep, but will be treated like an epic war hero for doing what no other man could
Unfortunately most Mozart biographies, if not all, are full of inaccuracies, falsehoods and mere assumptions (to some extent). For that reason alone parts of his life, like the man himself, will remain a mystery. Important sources for biographers are his letters, but taking what he writes at face value (and without context) will lead to grave misinterpretations. He changes the way he writes his letters depending on who they are for and it's hard to discern when he is hiding something, joking, honest or serious. It also doesn't help that a ton of letters were either destroyed or went missing.

To this day there are people who will furiously try to hurt his image, too. Blatant defamation attempts. On the other hand you have people who overly romanticize his life and try to add little stories here and there to make things seem more idealized. His wife wasn't exactly an honest person either – tried to sell several pieces of music not by Mozart under his name after he died to get money, destroyed sketches and letters, simply made stuff up when talking to people interested in Mozart's life and more.

Because of this I doubt any author/artist could produce a good Mozart manga. It would probably end up sucking as much as that movie one of you posted (or the other movies, TV shows, whatever). Just leave the man dead or keep him alive through his music.
so any luck with the gay sex eh gentlemen??? any young boys you found with your cool cars???? some handsome fine dudes that came up to you???

hopefully you didn't, uh, JIM OUT after they turned around and started talking to other car dudes
so uhhh just announced room temperature and ambient pressure superconductors....... and the raw materials are pretty cheap (only 400 dollars)... and the synthesis is pretty easy............. vggh i want to make some myself if it works this is pretty historic
really huh and what can i do with them? can i survive in the jungle??
yeah if the jungle is made of magnets then you can levitate above all of the naked monkeys
well i read some pol and i can confidently say......uuuuhbbb.....yeah it sounds like bullshit....... if not then wow....... sciencetrite really is retarded.......
can someone spladpill me on what a superconductor is preferably using a fun and easy to understand analogy
its something that conducts........... REALLY well....... perfectly in fact.....
thought it wasnt perfect but "almost" perfect
like if the resistance to elecricity of a coppar wire is 0.1 then superconducter is 0.000001
also didnt they invent those like a decade ago and it just never got into use because its too expensive and theres no facilities to produce it yet
what happened now that youre telling us of it
it doesnt matter its basically scifi fantasy bullshit

the main takeaway for me is that ohio could have niggerigged this in his garage at his 2nd year in uni and gone down as one of the most important men in history
the fact that its so simple yet taken so long with so many thousands of """""smart""""" people and billions of funding looking into it, makes it seems like a bullshit discovery but also is really grim for the researcher retards if true
that those had to be at like 2 degrees kelvin while this one works like a normal cable does
(and also that its cheap and easy to make)
no its literally zero resistance not just really low
the last big innovation was YBCO which is easy enough to make that i did it in my 2nd year lab class, that one needs liquid nitrogen to work, this one should just work at room temperature with no asterisks
although its a ceramic so you cant make a wire out of it
and yes the way they discovered YBCO was pretty much just trying random shit, its a pretty famous discovery for that reason
ohio is smarter than like 1000 researchers combined
the problem is that the entire research scene is funded by the private sector and only works for the private sector, researching the shit they want in the way they want, and that the entire scene is filled with braindead protocols and inefficient to an ungodly level
also you get to be a "researcher" for going to university and fucking a professor or whatever
i dont think a linguistics major could have come up with that to be honest
so you're saying / should go become a researcher and cash in my fat paychecks while nothing gets done
very little of research is actually researching, it's almost all paperwork and presentations
you dont cash fat paychecks you get paid barely anything because its a worthless job
there are some who get fat paychecks though you just need to be a socializingpro and a kike
i really dont think you guys know what you're talking about here
well then its no wonder nothing cool gets discovered you need to pay them more t. free market expert
wasn't ohio studying pharmaceutics or something 
well anyway yeah: A linguist could have come up with this
thats my opinion
who was that german architect who came up with some innovative gun
it could be like that. you know, apply some esoteric liguistic concept to cable-making and wallah
its not like that though
the concepts are figured out they just had to try a bunch of different ways to make a material with the right crystal structure
what i find THE MOST funny though, is how this relates to argentina

for the past 4 or 5 years people have been hyping up the big lithium boom and how everyone's gonna need our lithium, and these recent years finally they were starting to make some investments into it to start making money off of it, and EVs and all that shit is as abundant as ever
and then right as that happens oh whoops we dont need lithium anymore now we need all this superconductrite :)
next up: doorframes, and how they relate to ARGENTINA
uhhh but you still need lithium for batteries  i dont think superconductors can replace it
wait until you see this paper on supercapacitors i'm working on
i must contact the peronist minister of economy right now he'll be thrilled to hear that
well i saw people talking about superconductor coils replacing batteries but if not then its good 
i dont even know if lithium batteries will be used for that long though
well im sure theres epic ways to use them but this is a ceramic so its not easy to make it into useful shapes
the superconductors they use for MRI machines arent the high temperature ones for the same reason, you need to be able to make wires out of it to create anything useful
i cant wait for those superconducting toilets
couldn't you just mold it into shape?
it would be really brittle and break
also you cant really mold a coil
so anyway whos getting abeating if this turns out to be fake? huh??? 
you cant just take us for a ride like this.....
those koreans
im still not sure if i should order all this lab equipment its honestly quite basic stuff just a furnace and a vacuum pump
it's gonna be fake, the paper itself isn't even constructed correctly
the whole thing is in the "introduction"
apparently they rushed it out because of drama
in any case a bunch of people already have the stuff and are working on reproducing it so we'll know in a couple days
no i mean the person who started postinf about it here
the koreans already have guaranteed death
thought the only ones who rush stuff out because of drama were discordites
guess theres a lesson to be learned here
so apparently they just invented room temperature supervictoria........ and the raw performace is pretty good..... and the code is easy to compile.................vggghhhh i want to play a bit right now, it if works on my machine it could leave hpm in the dust
sorry you need at least win11 to play it or else it crashes your computer and wipes your hdd
thinking about rimworld
to be more specific about the people who play it with porn mods
elaborate 24
you know powerpuff girls
thats kind of like a western mahou shoujo anime
27c83 we refer to this as a "callback" in the postbiz
its just superman
i wanted to wake up now
but i still havnt slept
hey sp u spin
im so fucking sick of furnishing rooms with internet and electricity cables
hhhmmmmmmmmm they discover superscifi tech AND they disclose aliens on the same day???????? seems fishy-----------------------
it was basically just the same things they said before in interviews and stuff, just the only difference is that it was at congress. i liked the part where they said there's a good chance that they are "interdimensional" (demons)
what are you men about
enlighten me
ive given you enough fucking time to answer
im retarded
i WAS but i was too retarded
400! posts last night
all me sorry
stole a book from corporate kikes who were throwing a few hundred into the garbage
its a german book about their economy and culture and its about as thin as their culture is
is it about modern stuff or the long 19th century
cant believe the farms ACTUALLY lost wow
modern stuff sorry
the great simpson farms of louisville
oh yeah somebody asked about songs of syx a million years ago
ive been playing a little every time an update drops for like 2 years ago and its decent and makes decent progress over time
think you should give it a try but be warned that its one of those games where you just seemingly die for no fucking reason until you finally understand whats efficient and what isnt
stellaris released a dev diary about reworking habitats and its the most retarded trite ive seen, feels like the fags who wrote it up dont understand whats wrong with habitats, why people hate them, and worked on a "solution" without even knowing just whats wrong with them, they just vaguely heard somewhere that they're bad
hoi4 had a dev diary about "joint focus trees"(i stopped reading right there at the title so i dont know the details)
when will the paradox bubble pop
everything they have made since goi4 has been a failure and they cant keep living off of making eu4 dlc forever
according to estimates only 2 more weeks
when it pops i wonder if i will feel good because justice was served or bad because something i wasted 10 years of my life on died
anybody got some bug spray
that can kill cockroaches
theres so many bubbles popping now 
i cant wait until the big one pops
what the fuck even are "habitats" in stellaris
imagine if you made a tiny artificial planet floating randomly in space
thats what a habitat is
they break the population system(because the system sucks and is retarded) and also rape the everloving fuck out of performance if there are more than 3 at any time in the galaxy(because the game fucking sucks)
ohhhh wait you can just build those anywhere now or something??? didnt you have to research megastructures to build those and you could build like.........realistically....maybe two
the ai also spams them EVERYWHERE so if you take over a system from them you have to manage a ton of 7 pop habitats
 yeah anywhere now and you can upgrade them all the way to lvl3(theyre fucking dogshit if you dont do that but its also too much of a pain to upgrade them) and you can just spam the everloving fuck of them if you ever want to win the game
i remember stellaris when it was a simple game of matching adjacent buildings
yeah i remember 1.0 too
also remember back when 1.5 or whatever broke the game in such a way that peace deals all default to white peace so you couldnt play the game for an entire month
actually its a bit depressing now to see all these shit that ive known since the very beginning and see its been a million years since they got released
really is amazing how stellaris 1.0 is 100% just the better game at this point
hey wait 1.0 sucked too!!
yeah funny isnt it
read a book even though i dont want to #1d10
play.....bidoe gameys!!! #1d10
aghh fucking hell
(##1d10) Rolled 1 dice with 10 sides = 4
(##1d10) Rolled 1 dice with 10 sides = 6
that video game..........stellaris!!!
rather have a habitat dropped on my head if you get my meaning
explain further
well you see i really dont like stellaris
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hope this helps
yknow if there were a bunch of whites and some capital you could make mesopotamia into a fertile green field again and make it grow an extremely significant amount of agricultural products again as it did in the past
it would be a second ukraine
hold the fuck up wheres georgia
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while its not the location you desired it would be possible to aim the same colony drop from gundam to eliminate nearly half of middle eastern turkey
oh yeah i guess the rest would end up completely fucked too but the hole would just be there
its one of those new maps that has russia with its new blob borders look at how crimea and even that little bit next to romania are all the same color
also take note of the gross serbaniums
why cant you just move red australia a little bit west so it hits smyrna
feel like crying again
it really is so so so fucking retardedly funny in a terrible and disgusting manner, how we have massive places like australia and africa, mena etc which have great potential but produce absolutely fucking nothing because of millions of retarded restrictions imposed on humanity by itself
there would be nothing preventing arabia from becoming a great technological and industrial center that has a stable agriculture that can feed itself, if we just carpetbombed the whole thing, settled some smart whites in, and then invested in basic infrastructure in the area
same with all the other regions
somehow japanese looks cute and stylish while chinese looks ugly and brutish
all the little kana have like 2 or 3 strokes so they look like cute little faces
meanwhile the kanji/chinese characters have a trillion strokes and look like dense squares from afar
absolutely fucking hate every character that has the strokes like the top left of this one
dont know why
i didnt move the australium because i wanted to center the colony drops on each other
too bad nothing looks like a g or an r so you cant spell out nigger using ん and エ
i do't wan work!!!!!
i LOVE buying chips and salsa only for myself and not having to share it
i'v fallen in love with runny eggs
do you you mean sunny side up
i've never understood all those different eggs with quirky names
there are lots of ways to make runny eggs
IF you mean sunny side up eggs then yes theyre delectable
if you want to make the best breakfast ever:
1. make two sunny side up eggs
2. make like, two or three potatoes worth of home fries
3. to do this, dice up all the potatoes
4. fry them in olive oil
5. add salt, pepper, and paprika
6. mix it all around until good
7. dump the eggs on top of the potato bits and crack the yolks so all the potato absorbs all the yolk mmmmmmmmmm now im hungry
i'll never understand the culture of eating fried oily food first thing in the morning but other than that it does sound good i love my eggs and i love my taties
Replies: >>24415
dont like frying things with oil because it makes too much of a stink
i mean its olive oil dont euros just pour that shit on everything too
actually as a follow up does it repulse you that we (americans) do like, 99% of our cooking with butter
if i ever used a frying pan save for like........two dishes...i was putting butter in the pan first
eggs are absolutely disgusting especially the yolks ESPECIALLY when they're ""runny"" (raw)
cooking with butter as a concept is fine but yeah using it for everything is a little icky
*beats the fuck out of you for being a picky eater*
i seriously dont get why everybody pretends to like runny egg yolks, same with avocado
its just fucking nasty nothing redeemable about it
what do you want me to say they just taste good
avacado is gross and guachomolee is even grosser
who wants to have some fun!!!
depends on what "fun" is
does the godzilla man still want to watch that
like right now
ok hold on im like 99% sure this will work but uh the movie is on youtube (free with ads(nothing happens if you have adblock))
if its region locked then uhhhh oops guess this wont happen :) but i'll set it up
just saw an ant for the first time in years
ok its in here
i'll give it like uhhhh five minutes in case anyone else wants to join while this song plays
wow for once someone other than me does it
only because this is just on youtube so i didnt have to do ANYTHING!!!!
ok gojira (1954) starting now!!!!!!!
yes seriously what the fuck is wrong with americans
they eat bacon and pizza first thing in the morning at 0:06:59 AM before even brushing their teeth and then they go back home and have dinner at 5pm its the most insane thing I have ever seen
dinner is at 6pm ok
a normal human has 4 meals and dinner at 10pm
me i have one
also eating after 9 is bad
not really that would depend entirely on when you fall asleep
its funny how in 500 years there will be araps wewuzing about the saudi arabia and the other gulf states just because they had lots of money to buy things with sort of like that nigger mali gold king that niggers know and love
nigger wewuzzing is hilarious if you witness it first hand because they will genuinely believe anything that flatters them with zero evidence and hold firm to that belief forever
haha yeah
anyways did you know im a gay faggot who sucks dick

Last edited by hitlerman
one thing ive noticed with guns is that the luger and ruger are both semi automatic pistols with similar designs but they are actually completely unrelated
who came up with this shit
movie was just as good as i remembered
yeah glad i saw it
its not my favorite godzilla movie, that'll probably always be hedorah, which i would be open to watching whenever
but theres a nonzero chance you would hate it, not because you're you but because its just a fucking strange film
oh and i highly highly reccomend watching this video
the guy sometimes rambles too much but he really knows his shit and has very good sources, and just in general the movie has a very interesting history and obviously is just a monumental film so knowing how it came to be is interesting
(it is an hour long so uhhhh either have free time for find something else to do while you listen to it)
liked how it had a serious tone and was just japan turning their experience of losing the war into a science fiction movie
giant power rangers monster fights dont seem very interesting but i havent seen any of them so maybe they arent as awful as they look
uhhh well they are usually as awful as they look, sometimes they're like five times worse than they look, there are one or two that are probably ten times worse than your wildest imagination
but theyre very enjoyable if you're watching it to appreciate the madness
its like how the first terminator is a good horror/action movie but then the rest are dumb action movies where the terminator is the good guy
although the heisei era movies are good if you want that serious tone
godzilla vs biollante is just great, and godzilla vs destroyah is pretty phenomenal
the rest are pretty good but those two are standout movies in the godzilla filmology
oh and also theres shin godzilla, which is for all intents and purposes a modern remake of the 1954 movie but its excellent
well i watched all the james bonds without blowing my brains out so maybe i'l get to all of them eventually
think im going to go for a walk and play secunda from skyrim in my headphones
the good thing about all the absolutely awful showa era ones is they ALMOST never go above 80 minutes
and granted, 80 minutes is still a decent amount of time, but when a movie is bad that extra 10 minutes from a usual 90 minute run time can be fucking torture
put my shoes in the dryer earlier and it smelled like they were about to catch on fire after a minute
theres plastic in a lot of shoes that shouldnt be heated
*looks around*
was i supposed to know that
i took them out and threw im in the garage after the minutes though dont worry
do people on death row in other countries stay there for like........10 years
or is that an americanism
well HAVING a death row is an uncivilized american thing tobegin wtih
the only other semi civilized country that has it is japan and they have them for like 20 years too
they just kill em in most places
do you REALLY not have the death penalty in south america?????
that feels like a plot hole in the universe
not for like a million years no
neither the obligatory military service
speak for yourself -_-
i wonder how much having governments that would just disappear people across the continent swayed opinion against general death penalties
wörk wörk wörk
i hate wörking so fucking much
its well known that south america has surpassed the united states in civilization level
ugh fucking sickos hoarding so many translated gundam manga chapters on patreon fuck this gay ass world
remember nameless kind from dark souls 3
thats a fukken epic boss
all the dark souls after 2 sucked
dark souls 2 is a stinky pile of poo (compared to the rest)
3 is good anybody who doesnt like it (for the wrong reasons) is a dullard
3 is "good" in the same way elden ring is "good" (it panders to gamers (retards))
dark souls 2 is epic because it tries to do new things and even where it fails it has soul
okay now you're just being retarded on purpose
theres reasons you could dislike elden ring but going "it panders to gamers" is retarted
youre one of those people who thinks dark souls was good because of its combat mechanics
the reason i hate elden ring is because its not named dark souls 4
no i liked dark souls because i think the games were fun and they had at least interesting lore as a backdrop
and thats one positive i can give to ds2, i do thoroughly enjoy the story and lore in that game
and part of the reason i think ds3 is real good is because i think bloodborne is just the best game they have made, and ever will make
and ds3 is just a disgusting dark souls mod for bloodborne but at least it kind of feels like you're playing bloodborne if you squint really hard
daa daa daa daa dadada daaaaaaa daaa daa daa daa dadadaaa daaa dada daaa dada daaaaaa dadada dadada dada dada daaaaaaa dada daaa dddddda
in siberia a nematode was found that had spent the last 46000 years sleeping and just came back to life
its a new species but i dint know what a nematode is
well he's me
isnt that.........BAD though...............

like great you found this 46000 year old species but now all you did is awaken it just so it could die
no apparently its already reproduced and theres thousands of it right now
that sounds even worse!!!
what if he's nice
maybe hes superconductive
ohhh thats a good idea did they try running electricity through it
how else would you revive him
i thought they didnt revive him he just awokened
i have to be awake in 20 hours
and i've already been awake for 12 hours
and i also have to be awake IN 8 hours
AND i'm not tired at all  zip nilch 0% even though sleeping right now would fix every one of my problems
so i'm thinking of staying awake until then instead
zalp! rapalapa bumbrum guuuumumu rumamama lprarararaparapraprapra pupupupu kiIII kIII I KIIIII IkikiiII I I KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ik ik ik ik iikc ack ack ack
72 just go to bed or dont
for the past week i've just gone to bed
but i CANNOT sleep no matter what until the sun comes up and birds start chirping
so what happens is i lie around like a corpse for 6 straight hours and miss all the fun things i could be doing
have you considered just like...buying some sleeping pills just to use for like, a night or two, to fix your schedule
all those sleepless nights i kept thinking about the magical pill
but i decided against it, this is a battle i must fight on my own
i mean like i said just take it...one night
you can flush the rest down the toilet if you so desire
*kills the entire local ecosystem*
theyre not dead just sleeping
back in the days for many years i would be unable to sleep and spend 3-4 hours tossing about in bed even if im incredibly sleepy
now i just crash into bed and instantly sleep 14-20 hours straight like its nothing
this is an extreme problem in and of itself
i mostly attribute this to a lack of comfort
even if it doesn't "feel" that bad my body just can't relax
i tuned into one of those telemarketing channels the other day (picked the wrong channel and kept watching it thinking my program was about to start at any minute) and they were showing this fancy mattress that totally guarantees you'll sleep well and be less stressed and everything
i had half a mind to just call them and get one but then i remembered they're always scams and i don't have a cent to my name
i AM getting a real normal new mattress very soon hopefully so i don't think my ails will last for much longer
god i would murder someone for a new mattress
well at least in my case comfort is completely unrelated
i could sleep just as well on stone
read "what happened to europe"
all in all very good book that talks about industrial, financial and social problems of europe in the year of our lord 1919, i recommend it and its quite short too so even a retard could read it
please keep making posts for 3 and a half hours more
sorry matey i had something to say but forgot it already
thinking of playing rimworld and making a colony of gay niggers
or of playing stellaris and making one of anime girls
i will do neither as those are gay and retarded
Hereishalftheworld,halfofthatworldofintelligent,literate,industriouspeoplewhoaremade onmuchthesamelinesasourselves,who,through nofaultoftheirown,who,inspiteofawillingness tolaborskillfullyandindustriously,havepassed throughahorriblecatastropheandarefacinganotherthatmightintherangeofpossibilitybestill worse.Theirfatehasbeenandwillbedirectedby factorsthatseemoutsidetheirownvolition.
that's way too easy to read
30 min till im out of work(good kind not bad kind)
wooden train in india burns down
23000 dead and 800 injured
Here comes that feeling again
Down on my life again
And I’m joyless again
Down on my love again
I feel empty again
And I’m feral again
god music with words is so gay
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thats a good robot
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yeah yeah mate but WHAT about taisho huh what about meiji
for me its the heian era
the thinking mans choice
good to see e1 is busy on friday night
noposts: atomic edition
there needs to be a balance
yes there was simply two many posts over the past few days
                 oh yeah
i had a dream my dad got this huge nail nailed to his shoulder
i pulled it out then bandaged the wound with toilet paper for some reason but it was fine because he wasn't bleeding at all despite the giant hole
then i casually went back to my room and this stupid cat was on top of my table eating the slice of cake i'd been waiting to eat all this time
you know how chimps hunch forward and kind of waddle around when they walk
that's how i've been moving the whole day it just hurts to stand upright
i guess everyone forgot about the movies
had a vaguely lewd dream(half naked girls everywhere) and then it gradually morphed into a dream about work where i fight with my boss, murder security guards armed with guns, and battle with weird monsters locked hundreds of meters underground
i have dreams about work at a rate of about 1 every 5 days and i dont like it
the nematode died
46000 years for THIS???????? what a waste
they have its babies though
but they are only one day old, not 16,790,000 days old
next up: me
part of my body where a joint broke is yellow and green now
green means go
to hell
anyway this puts me in a very interesting situation
now my skin is a combination of a total of 6 colours; white, red, blue, purple, yellow and green
there was some guy posting about how 4channel died and theres only 4chan now
but its still there
what if some dude couped napoleon before or during or after he invades russia 

do you think they could have let the blobbing stand as long as theres no more funny business
they already told nappy they'd let him get away with the blobbing anyway and the only reason it didnt work out is because of his manlet rage
its interesting how someone can be terrible at grandi strategy games despite wasting years playing them
had a very grandiose dream with a compelling storyline
grandiose dreams for grandi men
baking alive
fascinating isnt it
>Many early cables suffered from attack by sea life. The insulation could be eaten, for instance, by species of Teredo (shipworm) and Xylophaga. Hemp laid between the steel wire armouring gave pests a route to eat their way in. Damaged armouring, which was not uncommon, also provided an entrance. Cases of sharks biting cables and attacks by sawfish have been recorded. In one case in 1873, a whale damaged the Persian Gulf Cable between Karachi and Gwadar. The whale was apparently attempting to use the cable to clean off barnacles at a point where the cable descended over a steep drop. The unfortunate whale got its tail entangled in loops of cable and drowned. The cable repair ship Amber Witch was only able to winch up the cable with difficulty, weighed down as it was with the dead whale's body.[28]
poor whale
it killed itself on innocent cables, its all it's own fault
dont tell me you wouldnt do the same if you saw an opportunity to scratch off those itchy barnacles that have been pestering you for years
only if ill drown
i wonder how they repair the cable if its eaten through
dont they have no choice but to lay an entire brand new cable
ohh fucking great blood all over my monitor again
whish i had shome money :[
post for money
saw someone oddly close to gc
someone who looked like a vicky2 shitpost?
someone usernamed "junkjen" on a vicky2 thing 
you know how if you change the Js for Gs and you put it backwards its..........
(well and also they were praising genocide)
could be him then
*shits me pants*
do you really think someone whose out of the gsphere for years would willingly get back
being in a vicky2 thing is being in a gsg thing
i do hate bugs but dragonflies have always been my least-hated
might be because they're called "dragon"
what about these cute little guys
you dont have to be "back in the gsgsphere" to casually enjoy some vic2trite
especially with v3 coming back not too long ago
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ack yes my favrite
>Latinozoros barberi lack such a dominance structure but display complex courtship behavior including nuptial feeding. The males possess a cephalic gland that opens in the middle of their head. During courtship they secrete a fluid from this gland and offer it to the female. Acceptance of this droplet by the female acts as behavioral releaser and immediately leads to copulation.[13] 
nature is so perverted
look in the mirror
right eye is bloodshot in a very weird way
think its a religious symbol but i cant remember it
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my fucking mouse broke yes hello
no i think thats your cat
i like how they wait a second before they decide to spaz out
every once in a while i remember homeworld and how their homeworld got nuked out of existence within literally 10 minutes of them achieving ftl flight(without a license)
those cats probably pissed everywhere
their homeplanet blew up along with all the piss
the concept of an alien UN in science fiction is really dumb and something that shouldnt be done
i think its plausible but it would be 1000 more of a meme than the real un is
ay posts
im going to sleep
theoretically there always could be posts
expending all my strength trying to spin in the chair without touching anything
you ever notice how images on the internet are getting too big
who needs 3000x3000 anime girls
i think anime girls deserve all the pixels they want
there is an art to fitting an anime girl on as small a canvas as possible
its way past my bedtime!
me too!!
for me its sim reich
hey turk
imagine if they dropped the 1st nuke in like mount fuji or something
so people would see it
3 pees in the last 30 minutes
i imagined it
well what do you think
i cant beat reimu
a man can never beat himself
but i beat myself all the time
i would never lay a finger on reimu
not many better ways to start a morning than browsing slurs in wikipedia
yeah ill go with chiraq instead
got the godzillia song stuck in my head
12 hours isnt going to cut it 
i need more sleep
this place is boring
it is what you make of it
a single 1050 ti would put me in heaven
me 'iv had a 1070 for the past decade
yeah meanwhile im over here unable to run games from 1998 at 60 fps
think you can get a 2000s era card for about 50 burgers
one of those should be enough to run mountainblade and vicky2
vic2 can go to hell for all i care
and mountainblade isnt fun to replay
well those are the only 2 games ever made aside from tohou and majong
hey hey whats this since when did minesweeper stop existing
death never comes
terribly nostalgic
whenever i see a bald person i instinctively touch my headfull of hair just to make sure its still there
ive got too much hair and way too little soul
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an image of early tragsg
cute girls honestly
wouldnt be so cute if it was a bunch of early twenties men doing it now would it
it would be cute in a different way
honestly im really tempted to play castlevania just because the art looks really epic
a long time ago a friend roped me into emulating one of those
it was actually really fun but i don't remember which one it was and i never played any other one
i cant play those platformer games im so shit at them
its like my body and mind move differently and i get memed every time by basic retard enemies
what if i told you youre a man in his mid-twenties
so vertigoey today
so so so so so so empty every single day its like i dont even have a soul and im just a fucking meat puppet screaming meaninglessly ahhhh
neither meat nor puppets can scream
every day i prove you wrong
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haman eh yeah she's a cute girl i can fix her
football hair
they call that moe over there
haman is not cool
shes a lonely super nazi girl there's no reason not to root for her
insane to think about that an entire 50% of the population exists only to be attractive and the whole world is presently set up to making them as unattractive as possible
yeah and thats why i only look at anime girls
she's a loser
girls are allowed to be losers as long as theyre pretty
hey wait a moment im not pretty or a girl
feeling like cement in the mixer
youll be argentine cement before long
then i suggest you stop being a loser
tl note: argentine cement means poo
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oh youll be shocked when you see this one
oh wow
god is everywhere, but his office is in buenos aires
that ouhou haman looks cute yeah
wonder what i would be like if i wasnt an insane crazed faggot
maybe an aryan
you wouldnt be you and we would have lost out on all the interesting post you made
all the interesting posts such as...
one mans post is another mans treasure
i know no treasure
instead of posting we should try preing
I want everybody to think certain things
if everyone was me there wouldnt be any problems
if i could kill everyone there wouldnt be any problems
there would be a stench
but you can't can you
*slaps your nerdy glasses on the ground and stomps on them*
i dont wear glasses yet i can still reaad things within 30cm of me
what will happen when i die
you will die
well surely it cant be just that
what else could there be
divine punishment
sublime punishment
squirming and shaking like a little worm
hey at least you're not a little worm that got awakened from a 4600000000 year old sleeep just to be harvested for your genes and forced to breed
breeding huh cant even imagine what thats like t. 26 year old worm
ah man my existence sucks
calling it "the kremlin" makes russia sound like a comic book villain
it also doesnt help that i heard it first as the name of the lizard people from donkey kong
all those poor ukrainian teenage girls... losing their brothers and fathers... and with no social media access to comfort them....
/int/ told me all ukrainian women under 35 moved to france to get blacked
wow well if /int/ said so it must be true
i was told that the ukranians have superconductors inside their skulls and we must harvest them
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laughed at this 1
you know carlism????
...what about it
sounds like gay arnold shwarzenigger
its funny how those guys eventually also ended up being claimants to the french throne as bourbons even though centuries earlier a big war was fought so that wouldnt happen

also its funny how england could of had a similar thing of claimants civil war with those stuart guys but nobody liked them enough in england
i guess yeah but its not like one war centuries ago sets things in stone forever
its not so weird for claimants to try again and the movements are completely different political contexts anyways
ok heres another fun fact
DID YOU KNOW that there was a frenchman ruling the viceroyalty of la plata when napoopy sharted the spaniards?????? well yes of course you knew that we all know about la platan history down to its smallest details and nuances

however, did you know that there was a formal napoleonic envoy to try and flip that guy to support napoleon??? he refused but it made local elites suspect him so he ended up getting replaced
when the revolution started, the frenchman guy remained a loyalist and tried to fight the revolutionaries but he was one of the first to get utterly btfod and shot to death
think i was vaguely aware
thought the website died but it was just the men
what could argentina even do in the war
well it was already invaded by the british and they got sent back so.................. soak up resources i suppose

obviously the goal would be to btfo the spaniards and steal all the gold (and hopefully their navy too) and send it to france
and argentina did that too c:crossing of the andes c:naval invasion of peru c:btfoing of the peruvian spaniards 
but we didn't steal their gold or their navy so......... i guess that just goes to show only demonic bugpeople like anglos steal people's stuff after they invade them
head feels like its going to pop
guess it really was a bad idea to drink before a workday and sleep 3 hours
trams got closed indefinitely because of some syndicate and now im gonna have to walk 45 min to work and be an hour late, ill also have to walk back
you should be able to buy pistols and ammo at the grocery store
nevermind it was a fullon general strike and the only ones not affected are buses and planes
i came to work but theres literally nobody here, wish i hadnt
now that's pretty funny, how nobody even bothered to tell you
are they protesting erdoan
that reminds me i had a robot dream even though i'm not one of the gundan watchers
i was piloting this little green robot with a gatling gun inside my house when i heard some noises outside and ran out shooting wildly and screaming like a maniac (i also screamed in real life and woke myself up)
and they announced their strike at.....5 am!!!! so 5 fucking hours ago
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imagine if putin issued letters of marque for the black sea
i would go become a russian privateer in a heartbeat
dont they only issue them to people with ships
umm i would just buy a ship
also its because you always act like this that you have no gf
a true warrior of putin would privateer for russia even if theres no letter of marque
uhhhh.... well yes i suppose thats true i WOULD have a gf if i was an unrepentant antisocial criminal
but im not a putin warrior im just a soldier of fortune
i think you would have a gf if you stopped being such a nofriends loser
but i dont WANT a gf i want to kill people legally
(and go on adventures)
yhey doubled all the fares
i like the idea that not thinking russia is immediately going to invade and annex poland is a fringe far-right position to hold there
there is where
also its not that weird of an idea since they did that like 10 times up until now
theres poland
now its gone t.putin
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who the FUCK is this handsome man
all classrooms are legally required to hang these 3 up and keep it on at all times
trostkyists??!!?!? in MY school??!??!!!!???!?!?!?!
got the opportunity to see a win11 machine up close
it comes with tiktok preinstalled
itll take me over 2 hours to go home
the grim adventures in turky
hard to enjoy food whn my tongue is so fucked up
i dont even know what happened i dont think its the usual burn
would be nice if i had water
i dont know how ill go all the way home without water
sure hope my body is strong enough
you'll be fine
humans are adaptable
who would win in a fight of survival in the desert
a naked turk
or a naked monkey
frankly it would seem the universe wants the turk to die more than anything, yet he persists somehow
so my money is on him
watched this
unfortunately i couldnt really hear it properly due to all the screaming and sirens(in real life)
if the universe wanted me dead i'd have died ages ago, all that's wanted is my suffering
went to the doctor and got dilated (in the eyes)
what the hell...dried fruits and nuts taste good...and theyre CHEAP?!?!?!??!
me mum figured that out decades ago
i dont like it though
also dried fruits are just inedible for me now, even if all i eat is a single piece an enormous amount of pain gets launched straight into my teeth
for a single second the whole world became pitch white,
then it returned back to normal
also ive been hearing a faraway creepy piano ever since i entered my house
the ghosts got you
something is deeply wrong with you
ughhh pineapple so good...
salted watermelon is the only way i can eat watermelon now
we grill watermelon here sometimes
what does that do to it
it tastes a little different and it tastes good
also if you have dual racks you can put the watermelon under some meat and get meat juice dripping on the melon slice and then it tastes gooder
my grills a flatop
woe to niggers
owe to kikes
the 4 now has paid advertising stickies
the tragsg has noposts
i wanted to play video games(past tense)
the tragsg now has paid posts
but who's buying?
day 2 of the strike
everything is still fucked and there's no signs of stopping(although i have heard a rumour that they'll stop tomorrow)
presently i spend about 4-5 hours of the day going to/from work
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the turkish people demand public meetings
you're still going to work??? what are you mate a scab
i always wondered how they knew which day of the week was which
okay sure the bible says God made the world in 7 days so theres 7 days.... but is our sunday REALLY the same as when God rested.... what if thats actually like our tuesday and we've been going to church on the wrong day this whole time
its not like i go to work because i want to okay mate ive got some circumstances going on
if i could follow my heart i would neet it up all day yet here i am waking up at 7am and coming back ome at 9 fucking pm everyda
remember spiderfag from /civ4xg/
he got himself a gf from a long distance relationship and apparently she pegs him(the man himself said this, quite proudly)
its really quite baffling to me no matter how much i think i cant comprehend what motives could make a man get willingly pegged by a woman
its like being proud of the fact your girlfriend is experienced and lets you do anal
well you know at least men have a biological reason to like taking it up the ass
yes the biological reason of cleaning the bum
one time in little-people school a friend asked me if i ever put something in my bum and i said "yeah of course, soap to clean it" and he made fun of me
i didn't really understand the names of all ass-related regions back then
you dont put the soap IN it do you little man...........
is it even true that only mens bums are sensitive
if so why are ours sensitive and why arent womens
are you retarded man

men have a thing called a "prostate" inside them which is one of the organs that participates in making willy juice
because of the way things are made, it happens that you can push into that if you stick something inside your ass, and thats supposed to feel good 
you could call it a happy accident or a suspicious coincidence 

since women dont have those organs they dont feel anything in particular
>because of the way things are made, it happens that you can push into that if you stick something inside your ass, and thats supposed to feel good 
yes thats what im asking WHY is that the case
i already told you, because women dont have that organ it physically doesnt exist in their body

and if i had to guess for why that specific organ would feel good idk maybe it plays a part for the good sensation when you waggle yer willy and when you AAAA RELIEF so that's what its supposed to do but if you fuck with it in a different way then you can also notice it
ugh if only we had an expert on prostate proteins so he could tell us why it feels good
how are there still 3 whole fucking days until the weekend my god
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cant read it
it looks like a depiction of the turkish general strike of 2023
on the right you have the disgruntled turks (you can tell they're disgruntled because of the smoke lines coming off them, they're absolutely fuming (this also has a secondary meaning of it being hot))
they're being contained behind a barrier by the men of the state. on the left the dots are lined up soldiers
wish i could go on strike too hooooly shit what a terrible workplace
oh yeah just an hour ago i saw a woman crawl into the elevator and i stood just outside of the elevator for half a minute, wondering why the fucker wouldnt press the button and go down, then i checked inside the elevator
turns out it was just a phantom
hoooooollldd the FUCK up
how do wireless earphones charge??? they need electricity
my guess would be they DO have wires or at least ports for you to plug somewhere but ive never even seen one
i do know people have fancy wireless chargers for phones nowadays so i'm sure it's possible
no idea how that one works either
wait wait time out timeout
what if you let me.... spend another 4 years doing nothing!!!! itd be a bit like going to college all over again
and this time id use my free time properly and learn things yeah i swear!!!!
took a (temporary government bus) bus to the pier, from which i will once more take a bus
turns out however that walking to the pier(45 minutes of walking) is in fact far more fast and efficient than taking a bus there(10 million years) and i only learned this after getting on, now i cant get off and walk there
took 50 minutes to get to thr place which i could arrive to in 45 minutes
i feel like a jim
*arrive to by walking
well anyway some further circumstances popped up regarding transportation and i assume i'll be at home by 10-11pm(for reference i wake up at 7am and get on the bus for my job at 7:30am) which is 3-4 hours from now
i have no battery and no water and i feel like a jim
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pictured is the izmir clocktower which was gifted to us by willy2
its the official symbol of izmir and you see it everywhere
honestly the image looks like one of those shitty unreal engine games
Replies: >>24765
yeah the sun is too big
the turk's life is like some affirmation of what borges once said: "the worst has no limits" truly a wise man. words to live by.
i thought that maybe that position would let me capture the view of the sea too but it didnt work out and i didnt want to circle around the tower again just to take a better photo
i realized that when i was like 12
its funny how outside has a smell and if you go there for even  a minute you stink like it all day
canman getting bathed by his wife
"outside" being....???
not inside
inside argentina that is
yeah it doesnt stink here
way down south in the land of cotton
was looking for something else but i thought this was funny
men have prostates because God chose to reward us with the ability to enjoy a good poo
yeah i genuinely thought that was assassin's creed screenshot for a second
mass repliers should be killed
the worst part about finding a new thing to enjoy is discovering the "fandom" with its painfully unfunny jokes and memes
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woww in my humble opinion very good panelling in this one
people enjoying things the wrong way is far worse than people who cant enjoy something
winning at strategy games is just a matter of tricking the ai
robert pattinson is so hot in batman
bedtime for jimmy
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why yes, it is
fell asleep the moment i came home and just woke up
have to get ready for work in an hour
me i'm unemployed
wanna swap places
if its now then ill even give you a banana as a gift
batman driving into oncoming traffic puts people at risk
if only he would crash into my bus
i didnt like that one so much because of the sheboon mayor
oh and the hideous catwoman
loli wife happy life
you dont have one
yeah and hence i dont have the other
cant stop the screaming
i want to be free
cant wait to scream when i see all the exciting new posts tomorrow!
dont need posts to be screaming
imagining the surprised faces of everybody once they find out i went here(earth(hell)) for vacation
clicked on a random 'tube video and the guys voice was so discordant with his face that by brain couldnt accept it wasn't dubbed over
this irs the video
apparently the strike ended
i wasnt aware of this so i walked for 45min when i could have gone the same distance wirh 10min of tram instead
remember student unions
what happened to those
same thing that happened to pretty girls
they only ever existed in anime
got nuttin 2 do at all
they had democracy at my high school idk about yours 
i bet all they did waa steal money though
here it was an autocracy
all the money was stolenby a single man
oh yeah me too we voted for the student council thing i remember people coming into the classroom and presenting their underwhelming proposals like "we'll play a cool song instead of the generic school ringing sound when classes end!!" because the school was ruled with an iron fist by the state and they weren't allowed to actually do anything
but here's the funny thing despite that happening every year i have no memories of any actual voting process whatsoever i must've skipped class every time it happened
been rewatching akagi
what a fukken show makes me wanna re-read it
the only times i got to vote was for class presidents(no clue why people volunteer for that shit, when somebody does something bad its all your fault despite it being completely unrelated to you)
there were many other things i was supposed to vote for but the school didnt let us
im going to beat this fucking retarded little brown nigger chinpira 15 year old little shit just fucjing WORK
how the fuck can somebody be simultaneously both so incompetent AND have such a fucking dogshit attitude at the same time jesus christ
is that some kind of dog
no its japanese for retarded nigger
bottom of my feet are in constant extreme pain due to all the ripping the walking caused
well to be fair the real problem is the shoes im wearing which tear my fucking skin off
par for the course as they say
yeah just another day
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they had that at mine too, it was such a sham though, the student council kikes would just pre select who can and can't be a candidate so it would usually just end up being two options that were basically just "i will make school more fun and the cafeteria food more better"
another funny thing was how the teacher would look at everyones vote after collecting it
not like they can make the cafeteria food better since theres a budget
let me see what i can do about that
*moves the teacher salary slider all the way left to 15% (hpm won't let me set it to 0)*
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reminds me of someone
think i saw this one before
in the mirror?
its possible
really like how theres a famous opera singer named "windgassen"
thats very funny
so does anypony want to play tf2nite
i just reset all my achievements and im in the mood to start collecting them
whens the nite how many hours
uhmmm... when the sun sets
well i'm only going to be around for a few more hours since i've already hit the 24 hour mark today
ahve got to go to the store still and then therell be dindins so maybe not then
havent played tf2 since they ruined the game in 2011 and i plan on keeping it that way
whats it called when you daydream but instead of a dream its a nightmare
i almost made myself cry
unbelievable that between korea and japan it had to be KOREA that got rid of their chink characters
endless thoughts of self trepanation so this sinus can finally be clear
sharks in the oven
china could get rid of their characters before japan
the japanese only got like 5 sounds they can make so they need hieroglyphics to communicate
heard that mao fellow wanted to adopt the latin alphabet but the bossman stalin said no
he should have made them use cryrillic instead
would have been an e1
imagine if japanese people were actually white and looked like anime characters
yeah thats what anime is
im dead tired
doesn t any body care
whats there to care about
thiuse fuxkres saidbthaye weenwoging togoven mearebow AND THEY DIDNT yet still
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thing in ohio (southwest (almost west virginia))
its that thing from the simpsones
no this one is coal i think?
can some one talk
can i go back
can we all go back
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good morning im tired
the website keeps not updating so i'm 20 minutes behind on the posts
can you see my post
if so you are a liar
six minutes is basically twenty minutes
and 1945 was basically just another 1905
any posts to entertain me
any posts to enrage me
any posts for me to...feel?
Replies: >>24860
i cant talk about what i'm doing
come on mate i swear i wont tell on the threelettermen
would anybody be willing to play ff14 online with me 2 years from now
hmmmmm maybe
one of the things i cant talk about is how i got roped into an mmo again
can it be different
i understand now my grave misconception
you can make cute girls in it and use mods to make them cuter
there are some men who spend dozens of hours constructing custom clothes, tails, bodies etc for their girls just to make them cuter
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well thats retarded
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finally, someone who understands me
deeply disappointed that wasnt a video and now i cant hear those penguins hooting and honking
ugh maybe i should break into the fukken zoo this summer (note: i mean just entering without paying) to look at the pinguinos
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many pictures make a video 
also i posted these months ago
dont they have security to make you pay
yeah at the front but im sure i could jump a fence
or do the classic and just put on a hi-vis vest and walk in
imagine if anime
thats what we all aspire to be
i stayed awake for 24 hours just so i could go to sleep at 9 like a good boy and fix my sleep schedule for the coming days
and guess what happened...?? i slept for THREE hours and now i can't fall asleep again. and when the time comes for me to do all the thins i need to i know i'll be exhausted AGAIN
and i just know that if i had slept during the day i could easily have gone 10+ hours. i truly don't comprehend myself anymore. it's like the silent of the night is too much for me, i can only relax with the sun on my face and dogs barking and people screaming
oh yeah here's a funny thing that happened while i was motionlessly lying in bed: i was thinking about a person, casual and innocent thoughts, and those thoughts took the shame of two people having a conversation
but then all of a sudden another guy shows up and completely unprompted goes "news have just been brought in, he's DEAD" and i couldn't help but burst out laughing at how random and out of my control that was
i think my headmates are just a few steps away from gaining consciousness
Replies: >>24921
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in japanese work is "仕事(shigoto)"
there is a pun where you replace the仕 with 死, meaning death, making it "死事", which is used to refer to work you really fucking hate and which quite literally drains your soul
if you were to make it 死ぬ事(you can kind of do this because of some esoteric old bullshit dont think about it) then it would mean "to die", "the matter, the situation of dying"
in other news my left foot hasnt healed much and i occasionally limp while walking, hopefully it doesnt get any worse today(i spent all of yesterday night limping because of the pain)
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ok well i will give a total seal of approval for Ajin if anybody wants to read something epic
oh so i managed to post that
the moment i hit post it suddenly took me to the rules page so i thought it didnt post and all the shit i wrote vanished into thin air
they found the fossil of a whale over 300tonnes in weight
jimbo jimbo
still waiting on the guy who promised to give me a brand new pc and skyrim with a big epic modlist
Estemeed Gentlemen: history is more complex. But there is something important to keep in mind: England favored separatism until 1808. Then it favored the alliance with mainland Spain against Napoleon and kept its spies to influence American governments so that free trade was guaranteed. This alliance was reinforced by two treaties, one from 1809 and the other from 1814. This explains why the Council of Regency was under British influence and why the command of the Anglo-Hispanic Army that was fighting Napoleon was also in the hands of Perfidious Albion, by choice of the Spanish authorities themselves. And that Englishmen without firm work after Waterloo formed the British Legion with Bolívar and that other Englishmen instead helped the "royalists" to recover territory in Chile, after the defeats at Chacabuco and Maipú. In addition, the lives, ideas, projects and relations with the English of characters such as Miranda, San Martín, Bolivar, Iturbide, Hidalgo, Morelos, Sucre, etc. are different. I have been studying the Independence of the Río de la Plata and Peru for 20 years, and reviewing the documentary sources I can assure you that San Martín was neither an English spy nor a Freemason, and that his Catholic, Monarchical and Hispanic proposal in Punchauca is the one that explains all his actions. Terragno himself, who discovered the Maitland Plan, assures that it is not known if San Martín knew about it and that, whatever it was about that matter, it is clear that he did not work in the service of England, as was the case or had happened with other Americans. like Miranda, Rodríguez Peña, Padilla, etc. And it is not necessary for that to fall into the Pink Legend. In this regard, I recommend reading serious historians such as Vicente Sierra, José Agustín de la Puente Candamo, Vicente Ugarte del Pino, Federico Ibarguren, Carlos Steffens Soler, Roque Raúl Aragón, Héctor Piccinali, Horacio Juan Cuccorese, Bernardo Lozier Almazán, Enrique Díaz Araujo and Antonio Caponnetto. Bolivar's case is different, at least until after 1820-21. And even more different is that of Iturbide, who was a royalist and traditionalist, and who decided for the independence of New Spain when Fernando VII did not accept his proposal to govern the Empire from Mexico (as the Braganzas did from Brazil) and instead joined with the liberal masons or filo-masons of Riego. Carlos IV and Fernando VII were the worst calamity that we Americans had to suffer while we were autonomous Kingdoms incorporated into the Public Domain of the Crown of Castile.
i dont fucking caree3e
t.english spy being exposed
the spymaster of dadcs
let my feet heal
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somebody drew a cat(?) on one of the doors of todaiji temple, a major cultural asset
you can tell it was a gaijin because they didn't draw a catgirl
assets accrue value
as i accrue suffering
my body is an asset which never accrues value
then its a liability
guess i'll sleep now while the sun is still up
ugggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh i want to do some retarded epic long 500 hour skyrim playthrough
its on my things to do before becoming a buddha list
already done one of those for each of those games
good for you
if only that king franco appointed to succeed him werent a fucking libtard kike nigger we could still have a true monarchy in europe RIGHT NOW and spain would probably be prosperous and epic
prosperous and epic of the soul maybe
and of the gdp wallet too
no not really no
the royal family would just get btfowned out of any real power by none other than the satanic american forces, same shit happened in italy and many other places too
also spains last chance to be good was during and immediately after ww1 thats what the people in my books told me
spains last chance to be good was the 18th century
i think spain is a good country for perpetual do-nothingness in the modern era
yeah its not too bad but its not too good
at that point you may as well just go to argentina
and frankly, there need to be more countries like that
shithole countries are obviously shitholes (argentina)
but good countries have the problem where everybody wants to go there so it gets full of retards
a mediocre country is truly the ideal location
you guys sound utterly retarded
no spain is not destined to be a shithole forever because its provinces have low dev or something and no amerikkka wouldnt have declared war on spain just for being a monarchy
who the fuck is saying ANY of that you stupid fuck????????? are you even reading the posts??????
you guys need to stop confusing eu4 and vicky powergaming with real life
nobody is doing any of that perhaps you should stop projecting your retarded brain onto everybody else
you cant gaslight me mate the posts are still on my screen
stop reading /int/ and look at this tab mate it'll clear up your confusion
i havent opened 4channel in years
the torn dead skin at the bottom of my feet stick to whatever it touches(shoe or floor) and everytime trying to move my foot causes the wound to be aggravated and give me an extreme pain in one of the most sensitive parts of the human body(thats what they said in the books i read)
ironically enough what mitigates the suffering is wearing socks and the very shoes which had torn up my feet, but even though the suffering has decreased it is still tearing my feet apart so the problem only gets worse
i spent all of tonight limping around the house but i suspect that these wounds will heal perfectly by next monday, i just need to force myself to not limp for 1 more workday
also im gay and retarded and will burn in hell once im done atoning for (0.0001% of) my sins here in earth(little hell)
shut up retard argentina was literally richer and better to live in than spain until the 80s and its probably still better because you dont get carbombed by islamists or starve to death by putin or die of unemployment as 50% of spaniards do at least here you can have a job
also both spain and argentina have the problem of the country filling up with retards, even TURKEY has it for fucks' sake mate ist clearly nothing like you say
thoughts on sideburns (having them)
sounds like not enough social stimulus so your brain is inventing some. you had to laugh at something some time but there was nothing real to laugh at so you imagined something. imagination induced laughter IS real laughter but it could feel more real if you got it from more real sources
i got sideburns
should have put the falange man in charge if you ask me
falange more like failange
got a good image for a thread
the falange and the carlists were the less admirable factions of the right in spain
almost cared again
didnt ask
the carlists are firmly meme tier but at least the falange had ideals
stayed up too late again
ugh that bossnigger kike franco
imagine if the commuturks rose up and there was a second spanish civil war in tyrkey
just watched a tf2 video about the robot td mode and it secretly makes a perfect argument for racism
dont need arguments
i dont think its actually worth watching but i wanted to post it anyways in case anyone is curious
thoughts on big jim
man i want to go to bed
man i want to go home
head hurts for no reason
same but for the last 4 hours
fuck yeah works over
fan of the big jim (song)
the voice in the tf2 video is one of the worst american ones someone can have
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did you know they made a cancer pill
gives you cancer?
of course
i might have heard about that before mentally filtering it out like all medicaltrite i hear
rain rain rain rain
god said "let there be rain"
guarantee you i am way better at giving people cancer than that shitty pill is
watched that entire tf2 video
not sure why i did
watched half of it and didnt understand a thing
he kind of just repeated the same single thing 100000 times
oh trust me there are much worse voices ive seen on youtube videos
it just sounds really fat and dumb
im that
feeling like poo
feeling gases
im so lonely
i'm probably more tired than you're lonely
what the fuck SEVEN of my friends are playing the new gay sex rpg
what the fuck you have SEVEN friends
it will be the eu4 number in a few posts
64 what game
show me more signs
probably balders gate 3
they have been exclusively advertising it with how you can have sex with anything that moves and make infinite multi colored trannies with the character creator
books of the times
books of the end of times
songs of the days
songs of the end of days
deliberations on the fall of all things
so how was your day jim
defenestrations since they know whats up
thoughts that i have to leave are coming back
i was getting some signs i need more signs
a dearth
i'm making the next thread as soon as i figure out how roman numerals work
doing things
they dont do things
drop in the bucket
word gets around
they know
macons on vyvanse
69 is correct
die wact am macon
took a long time to figure out
that she wasnt 
it was just him 
she took him there
if i dont know him he menkokknohhonohjko 
but if he 
but if 
but then
we have to be able to live here still
practicing your creative writing skills for your experimental novel are we jim
do i have to leave
do i have to leave
the answer is no but
really dont appreciate the randomly getting depressed and hateful for no reason with no reasonable way out except to wait until it improves for no reason and languish the whole time
languish mode 
languish life
bunch of true tragedies
none of that positive reinforcement was real
they all set it up for me
i'm drinking and i'm not pooing up the thread
ok well im not drinking 
or anything
so there
do you have some signs though
theres a stop sign right down the road
damn thats so clever
its a sign of the times
what i was doing is a sign of the times?
by that i mean months ago or they like when that both of those times was. 3 times. more than that
if you was then maybe you would like this better
did you figure out my alt
utterly incomprehensible
cant believe it was him the whole time
sorry 03 what i was saying was that it would absolve me of some shame and self disgust if i was just acting in a way thats a sign of the times, rather than in a way that shows the intolerable truth about who I am
25000 posts
and no good ones
25000 wasnt wasted it has meaning
making it
but nobody is in the mood to engage with it, even though i know some people somewhere are
its made

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