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sausage+egg in a bread is a godly combo
wake me up in 6 hours
will do
thought i heard music but it turned to be a saw
music to my ears
has my assistance been required? 
i kinda haven't been checking on the site for the past few days, so if you actually require something you should probably make a separate thread so i can see it whenever i do actually come around
uhhh no everything is just peachy i think well theres some accounts we dont know but the terrible bad actual bad posts are gone so i personally dont care
if theres any problems i'l let you know in the test thread
the only issue right now is how theres no last 100 posts option so everyone has to load the entire thread and that becomes a problem for phoneposters and favelados when it gets too big
actually this site runs better on my fevelaptop than meguca did
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so you're still having the board locked?

well that's one way of running an imageboard i suppose, probably even unique

you should probably (or i could do it) make the test board (which isn't locked) listed/public and explain in a sticky thread why one cannot post on the main board, but i dunno if you still have any unaccounted posters left 

as for the last 100 posts, i'm afraid it's out of my hands, and the dev doesn't seem very interested in adding it for whatever reason
someone go find macon and force him to code for us again
*breaks out the ouija board*
did argentina make it to the finals
argentina sank into the sea
unending pain!
only dulled by seeing dying jews
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theres too many teams in the world cup so it feels like it goes on forever
that's nice but dont legsphere players do it just for the money
well then you're in for a treat because they are adding even MORE teams in 4 years
nobody even watches outside of top 16 unless you are extremely brown
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all pigs must die
what were they even trying to accomplish there
i think landlines are gonna make a comeback soon
partly from regular phones becoming bloated messes and partly from the increase of shut-in and work from home people
that and physical media hopefully
physical media is rather alive but you can also just...download the digital media and make it physical on an external
i feel like shit!
reading a manga thats kind of trite
life is trite and shite and then you die
which team
kosovo? north cryprus?
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the art also for whatever reason is completely normal 90% of the time then sometimes it just has very nice spreads that feel out ofplace
not a specific team they are increasing the number of countries that can qualify
amazing how fucked the economy is in the year of our lord 2022
there's an entire caste of people who studied to be a doctor/lawyer/other traditional bigboy job but could not become one after finishing school because they couldn't nepotism their way in, so they just endlessly stroll the streets in a mix of depression and boredom like some sort of neo-gypsies
what the fuck is going down in brazil
whatever happened to the free market anyway
why don't these people just sell their services for a lower price than their competitors'
god knows
theyre all probably getting ganked by some ridiculous law
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its not doing it for me
try turning up the volume some more it usually works
maybe if i didnt constantly feel like shit i could enjoy things
i feel like hanging myself all the time yet i can still enjoy anime girls just fine
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kick anglos out of europe
take mejorca and minorca and the other one
take coatia
connect prussia to balkans
too much balkan blobbing
oh god for whatever reason that single screenshot just triggered so many repressed eu4 memories i had like a dozen campaigns id completely forgotten about just came flooding in all at once
including one where i unified the hre but because of all the over governing capacity modifiers my country collapsed
also after u finish 49 turn the game off because strong austria is so motherfucking boring
t. tried to get the austrian india achievment one time and finish the austrian tree
sounds like how a 12 year old swears
dont worry there should only be like 60 years tops until i unify the hre so ill quit then
though by 1560 its basically going to be a fucking european union
me i'm actually terrible at eu4 and rarely make it past 1480 before quitting in frustration
how can you be terrible at eu4
armies get instantly deleted on contact with the enemy and running out of money constantly
omg i just opened the save to check and persia is zoroastrian eurgh wtf
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh just click the right buttons
play a meme game get memed on
わへytime to work
death to kikĕs
delete cav and stack morale
nothing else matters
cave are literally an epic prank by paradox because they cost a lot of money and are just fucking useless unless you're one of four countries
for money its just set a merchant to collect from your home node and set all the other merchants to transfer trade downstream to that node
and yeah for army just get everything that gives discipline or morale
ok i'l try to remember that the next time i play uninstall4 (never)
oh yeah also developing is the easiest way to break the game in half
i think most people dont do it because its a FUCKING MANA SPENDING SYSTEM instead of natural growth like any fucking sane game but yeah you just break the game in half if you dev shit and stack dev reduction costs
oh yeah also loans are super broken if you can use them right but you should only ever really need them if you're powergaming as a shithole
the super quick explanation is that loans are based off your income, so you just take a billion loans, go to war, win that war with your merc stacks, and since you had complete garbage income before you should have easily doubled or tripled your income so you can pay back the loans very fast
clicked on a random youtube recommendation and instantly recognized the tranny voice and closed the tab
they all have it
dont watch eu4 vids mate
forgot to mention this earlier
in my trite manga one of the characters is one of the last surviving argentinians (the country was destroyed by meteors)
when he dies peronism will be forgotten forever
one day it will be reborn under a new name
neo peronism perhaps
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uhuh yup
*looks over my shoulders*
my veins hurt
wait until you start getting sharp stabbing pains every few hours
already have that in my brain and heart and willy
can if youre here can you please post
uh fuck my life i hate being put in shitty situations
think ill lay off the net for a while and instead focus on games and whatnot
not in for long 79
yeah can you play video games and make a best moments compilation for me to watch
i havent had the time to play so i want to be entertained in this way at the least
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every time i wake up but am still sleepy i mindfuck myself into believing i can telepathically tell what time it is and just go "yes yes i see its fine i can still sleep for a few more hours" until eventually i get up for real and find out ive slept the entire day
any1 else do this
almost every day
bit slow
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anyways this is the page that mad me read this (i dont think it was worth it)
ok well i finished it
there are certainly worse ways i could have wasted two days
and certainly better ways
me i finished a ham sandwich
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by worse ways are you referring to this
wtf happened to portugal
whacked by blobbing france then blobbing morocco and then i dragged the corpse into the empire
ill annex it all under castille eventually
yeah i would call that worse
also you cant really see it but i've got 6/7 of the normal reforms and 2/5 of the centralization ones
the 3rd centralization one enforces faith in the empire and because of my hard work defending The Pope the evil kike martin only popped up in the 20's so i'll end up completely invalidating the reformation the moment it pops up
the 5th reform just forms the hre
with how powerful you are you can probably just no cb any country that spawns a center and kill it before it even spreads
it might not even happen also i think theres some stuff where if catholicism is super strong it just wont happen
no i think its just straight up forced
until 1500 the reform desire was 50% and then the number suddenly turned red and when i hovered on it it would say that my actions make reform desire increase 200%, then it rose to 300%, 500%, and it was at 700% by the end
it seems avoidable at a glance but is actually impossible, i had done literally nothing to increase the desire or to multiply it's speed so the only reasoning i can make for it increasing like that is that it's dependent on what year it is
well then yeah, if you have religious ideas (which you should if youre power gaming like a pro) then just cleanse heresy any princes with a center and take the province it spawned in
i selected humanist ideas so i could go "theres only one race - the european race :)" once i make my european union blob hre
theres no need to bother with beating the heresy out of the little hre retards since as i said i'll very soon get the reform that deletes the heretic prince imperial authority loss and only 15~ years later be able to form hre
humanist is shit unless youre conquer blobbing a bunch of different cultures but everybody around you is german and everybody that ISNT german is another religion
you get a D+ on your powergaming report card
also cleansing heresy is one of the most broken cbs at least last time i played since everything is reduced cost and its war score from combat
theres like 10 cultures around me of the same religion mate what are you on about, also i TOLD you im picking humanist for larping purposes, im gonna drop the campaign in a decade or two anyway when i form the hre and die because i dont have enough blobbing mana to have all of europe under my direct rule
yeah but outside of the balkans you get restoration of union on all those cultures
oh yeah also the meme mod that i used in this particular campaign had an event where if i shattered france into pieces then i could turn the entire french cultural group into "frankish", which is a culture under the german cultural group, so now the entirety of france from paris to brest to aquaitaine to marseilles is frankish
epic in a retarded way
or perhaps.....retarded in an epic way O_O
2+3 and 3+2 both equal 5
t/n note: 5 is written with the kanji for based
also realizing i remember too much about eu4 thats a lot of wasted grey matter
think about it this way
the more you remember of eu4 the less you remember of the real world
eu4 may be one of the few things worse than the real world
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meant to post this
whats the difference
hate academia
luv the church(cool kind not gay kind)
simple as
stop posting poopoo4
ill stop posting it when you start posting
i will accuse you of biggerdom if you persist
i'll just pm the siteowner on the soulseek if you ban me
i dont even have janny powers :sadface:
*strangles you to death*
also you think the siteman is a glownigger?
yeah and its all the turks fault for posting about homicide all day
always said turk was a bottom of the barrel poster
just wait until you see the mirror
reinhard heydrich is my spirit animal
dont have a problem with any sort of strategy game being posted here 
it could even be something like stellaris and all i would do is call the poster a retard for playing it but it would still be ok to post
where the fuck do you think this is some sort of strategy general???????
its always really funny when someone breaks out into genuine vicky2 discussion amid the endless stream of consciousness kill kikes posts
the kill kikes posts ARE vicky2 discussion
aktually... yes, it stemmed from grandi's grand betrayal
all he had to do was leave lanfang alone...
turk isnt bottom of the barrel
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he's better than bigger but thats it
you cant even tell which posts are mine
what do you mean "so" you unrepentant bigger
call me that one more time and I will drink from your skull you filthy judaic beast
/ can tell whos posts are whos
stop talking like a bigger then you forward messenger of the antichrist
ive said the turk is a good poster a lot recently
wow guess that means he's made lots of good posts recently
*checks his post history only to see that its all just "gas kikes1488"*
those are goodposts
he's probably the closest one to killing a kike simply because he's a deranged man with nothing to lose
he's a weebpostere they never do anything
all the weeb sites only get shut down because one of them shot up a mosque or synagogue
*looks around nervously*
well did you?
hey god lets make a trade
you kill me right this moment
what does he get
1x soul of a great man
(brown coloured)
what are some posts that could be made
ive got an old classic i could post for you
im the white one
thats the touhou i like
ugh... el classico...
*brings out the big kongo drums to celebrate*
oh did you want me to post the classic
the classic touhou girl or the classic touhou post
no no the classic post not touhou related
yeah bring out the sonatas
well ideally we would stop this retarded convo and youd post it
why are the touhou girls fighting
not enough rice left
oh okay i'll post it
ajajjajajja now thats an e1 *puts a willy badge on you*
*salutes while my ill-fitted pants fall to my ankles*
now thats what i call comedy
*esse homo starts playing*
ecce homo qui est brunus
*gets uncomfortably close to you*
*comfortably closes the tab*
dont worry it was only for comedic effect
im not laughing sicko
cant help but feel something terrible is about to happen
its me
suspected as much
no it is i
spent 15 minutes lounging around teetering between going to work or calling sick
how do i roll dice tell me quick
(##2d9) Rolled 2 dice with 9 sides = 18
(##1d2) Rolled 1 dice with 2 sides = 1
go dont
fate is a cruel mistress etc etc
cant tell if i have a stomachache or just hungry
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genuinely laughed
its pretty good so far
im reading it because my friend watched it, said its really good, but said not to watch it because the anime has some of the worst cgi on the planet (he showed me two episodes and is right)
mayhe the real hunger was for blood
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ok now i know why he's actually creeping me out
he's too jimesque for me
did anybody else have the thread die for an hour
when trash fell
into the bin
need corpses for collection
i grow weary
immensely so
blow my brains right out g-d im begging you
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The guy in the last picture is pretty good as a character
Almost teared up at his death scene
death to kikes
remember how china was supposedly having huge riots a month ago
me neither
you should never believe anything anybody says about china this goes for positives and negatives
gotta sneeze but dont want to
so did anything happen in the past couple days since the thread started
been too busy with uhhh stuff yknow
having good times
things happened but not in this thread
yeah did you hear russia invaded ukraine
utterly baffling that thats still going on
turns out that a real war is going on between a nato puppet and a secondary superpower and real wars take time to finish
if it was a real war everyone would have mobilized from day one and there would have been a total strategic bombardment campaign
not this constant "repositioning" and only shooting a few dozen missiles every other week nonsense
no no no thats not what real wars look like anymore ever since people found out that if you do that everything gets destroyed
everything is getting destroyed anyway 
its genuinely one of the most bizarre conflicts in history with how one side is half dead and only being kept on life support to prolong it as long as possible and the other side is sleep walking through it which is stretching it out even more
im sad they havent used nukes yet
yeah but did you know russia has tigers
how come they havent used them as military mounts yet then
it would be rude
macaroni came out wrong
it was still edible
well thats good
favourite bach song (uuhhmm actually its a "piece")'??
gonna have to go with banana phone
for me this is one of my favourites
if its not in civ4 i dont know it
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wow i was right about to post a random image to pretend the thread is alive but now i dont have to
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cat wont stop climbing on me
my cat drooled
now its dead
is it really
my cats drool all the time
practically all they do
its been dead a long time cant say if the drooling caused it for sure
is the opening uhh riff(??) of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1GbPYtRQbI (0:22 onwards) borrowed from somewhere or original
i swear its very familiar
feel like all the posts are from four men working in shifts
as soon as two of them leave the other two take over
im busy eating rice sorry
it does sound like another song but i'm not a big music listener so i couldnt say which
i guess all music ultimately sounds the same
theres only so many notes and you can only string them together in so many ways
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is this a joke
my sign is stupendously ugly and simple does anybody else have this
what sign
for me its virgo
for me its listening to football songs
the music of the foot
its like the chant of the volk
similar idea to marching music
for me its the urge to kill
^man inspired by football songs to kill opposing fans
i was told my entire life my sign was the lion but i just checked and it turns out it was the maiden
such is life
feels like those 2 are different system (and different from the system im familiar with)
at least it wasnt the nigger
well the systrm that imnlooking at is birth dates
western = aries, taurus, scorpio
chink = lion, snake, horse
??? = maiden
also im literally just 1 day off from lion so the reason i thought i was one my whole life is because the guy who told me didnt remember the exact dates
maiden lion etc are the english versions of the western one u tart(i used that instead because i thought tragsg above memorizing astral signs)
also women are animals too so it fits right in
ok so whats the maiden mr. leo
had a headache all day finally took medicine now i dont want to kill things
you got zogged
killings bad bible said so
no it says murder is bad
not all killing is murder
guess who wrote the bible
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you tell me
looks like the goddess associated with it is the goddess of innocence, justice, purity so it fits me perfectly
well i would certinaly be out murdering
yeah id be out murdering too
RETARDED image i could make it better i dont know how but it sucks
slovneia = euskara
croatia = portugal
bosnia = galicia
serbia = spain
montenegro = andalucia
albania = catalonia
macedonia = andorra
there should be an image where its the balkans but its sudacaland
and it fits you
im also a virgo
3 men with the same sign
it must be... a sign...
not me i have the great man sign (not telling you which)
the swastika
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i think i ruined this manga by associating this guy with jim
me im taurus (bull)
yep thats the stuff
imagine if that energy was channeled into something productive
who really cares about productivity when you can just enjoy life
all productivity gets you is more shekels for your boss
what about the production of killed kikes
but the whole point is that you CANT enjoy life and all those who claim otherwise are servants of the demiurge
>they have a cut off dick idk why
>they wear a weird little hat idk why
>they invaded argentina idk 
>goooo away to israel
>here comes chaca down the alley
>killing kikes to make soap
>ole ole ole ola
i enjoy life
did i ever post about how in one of my uni spanish classes one of the gay ass first day things was "whats ur favorite word in spanish and why :)" and some girl said "israel"
no you didnt
ha ha ha
that was also the same class we just had some mother from albania in the class and she talked about how she liked spanish because it has the same sounds as albanian
this 1st one is funny
>russian(kike) you were born a chicken
>and chicken you will die
>together with those of chicago
>you are the nation's shit
>russian, too bad
>youre a kike cause your dick is chopped
and the 2nd to last is really funny too
>i ask myself sometimes
>hey dirty nigger, why dont you shower?
>boca, i'm so disgusted by you
>wash your ass, with turpentine
>you are half+1
>youre from bolivia and paraguay
so THIS is why all the other third worlders i know are angry about argentina making it to the finals
che negro sucio just doesnt have the same ring to it as hey dirty nigger
i disagree personally the vowels harmonize nicely
like you cant chant the latter it just sounds stupid but the former thats a nice chant
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note the wastika
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the more ai advances the more blatant it becomes that people only want to use it for sex
well yes its fun that way
tried to do that once back when ai dungeon was a thing but the shame overwhelmed me
its the only thing its good for
shame this shame that sometimes you just have to do what you have to do
i tried it back then too and it was terrible honestly wish i had been too ashamed to do it too
ugh are you kidding me thing for like 10 seconds about all the horrible things youve done in your life this shouldnt even crack top 10
remember when dol was a regular topic
glad thats over
the last couple of updates have been dogshit
at least it gets updates unlike liliths throne
if i were in charge of liliths throne i would have finished it years ago honestly
its unreal how all these awful porno games have been in development for a decade now and there still isnt a single one good
i remember playing liliths throne for like 10 mintues and i think i realized it just existed for people to fuck dogs
i mean if you are putting in the effort to make an actually good porn game you might as well make a... regular game that you won't be ashamed about being associated it
but at the same time if you someone WERE to make a good porn game he'd immediately have a monopoly
theyre all scams so the whole point is to slowly inch to the objective of being good and to intentionally shit up the game when youre close
they all make more than just a few thousands every month by doing this
i think dol is now the funniest porn game development because he has to do this awful balancing act between the people who want to get raped 100 times and fuck dogs and the people who want to take robin on a date and hold hands
its so fucking cold here and the wind is killing me
thats not the first time i said that word for word
not the second either
as for me i remember posting "its so fucking windy i hope i dont get fukken blown away" word for word twice
the first time someone just said "that wont happen it's impossible" which made me laugh

did i psot this one i really like it
death to kikes
turns out there was a synagogue literally right next to me and i never found out because i dont go outside
yeah that happened to me the other day i went for a walk and there is a church like a fourth of a football field away from me
do you reckon theres some cute 3 year olds for me to wed there
christ i hate dealing with people theyre the bane of my existence
i dont know i thought about going there christmas for free food but then i remembered i would have to leave the house so i wont be able to let you know
we need to move back to the guca so nhk can keep screamposting
that fucking apartheid state website.....
23 agree x1
hate women
hate men
shamefuly I must admit there was a soijak that i liked, it went something like 
'wtf there are NIGGERS in my videogame, kill them, fuck kikes, fuck niggers, and heil hitler'
im happy for you
also are We still playing that dawn of war mp
*runs away*
was it the bigger who suggested that or can/ohio
either way i shant do rts so long as its not C & C zero hour or one of the other wacky rts of mein youth
*sends in the kurdish assassins*
it was the kikekiller man
i was just thinking about how if g-d gave me the choice between living with kikes for the rest of my life or with arabs id pick the former
why is he called kikekiller when he hasnt even killed any
he has seen the writing on the firmament
i didnt suggest anything i dont have the capabilities
all you need is a paper and pen
or in our case an idea and account
easy listening for the hard of hearing
fat cat on me lap
want to eat but dont want to waste money on food
'tis painful
its a shift of 3 people and the following one is a shift consisting only of me
soulstorm campaign is too easy
ai is too dumb even on normal which is ostenibly not nerfed in ways of behavior
how is it christmas ALREADY???
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really really glad im not the one who made this image
what if we crowned jim the God-Emperor of mankind
not a bad idea
about as exhausted as a southwest forest bantu being worked to death on the rubber plantations by his belgian masters
hurry up and start posting already
i dont need a counter to know all men are onboard
*leaps overboard*
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hyup... that's me...........
*also leaps overboard*
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burst out laughing when she said hisao for some reason
would be funny if someone edited that to be an argentinian talking
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audibly laughed out loud
for me its honor killings
w0w cant believe trump made the workweek only 4 days.....except oh wait he didnt!!!! just like all the other kike presidents!!!!!!
well can you blame him every president has historically had troubles passing legislation in turkey
well thankfully now that we've got jim in the white house he should be able to do something because he knows the pain of the working man
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think i posted this before but ill post again for the funny little godzilla men
*frowns bigly*
i like the golden dragon one
thats king ghidorah
he is cool
just got the call from the bossnigger
looks like this christmas is cancelled too boys...
gotten sick of reading retarded opinions
just wait until you realize everybody is retarded
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nice scenery
so does anybody know if the japan mod for ck2 is any good
id like to play it but only if it lets me play as the emperor right from the start and to kill niggers
uhhh i played it a long long time ago i dont know if its been updated or how ck2 updates have effected it
but...it was certainly ck2 in japan
mods are never good
you are probably better off just playing sengoku
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also got this screenshot i think a lot about from it still makes me laugh
thats a stupidly compressed map down there
got a bizarre sort of internal infection 2 days ago
guess its over for real now
for me its the painful lump that appears then recedes every few days
how the fuck do you represent football on a map
you put it on a plane
also known as plain
keep thinking its later than it is
cant wait until a new kind of cancer that grows in a single week and explodes develops
you know its just a matter of time
we can only hope
need a new cancer that explodes the thread with posts
told you not to ban the bigger
anyways just realized that i have a bizarre anger problem after hitting my thighs in anger dozens of times this past week
highly recommend this to the 2 people who care
>open embed
>see japonic runes with horrid japonic english
>close embed
cant stop feeling dehydrated
have you considered hydration
come on man why do you cry every time you see japanese
what did they do invade your country and raze your cities or something lol
received a cryptic message today
was it from jim
hes overcompensating for the fact hes a gachafag
no, from an elderly woman
who cares then
stab her the next time you see her
japanese is just hideous and the way they use english is revolting
i don't plan on seeing her any time soon given my current state
ive become the sort of freak who spends his entire day watching cat and dog videos on the internet
just fucking kill me at this point
are you a 46 year old white woman
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thats not a cat or a dog
thats jim (forma 2025) and his prey
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somebody had to be the poster girl
i only did my duty by enlisting
amazing how they dont even let you use sites anymore without first doing 300 background checks and making sure you have the "right" version of the "right" os with the "right" browser that is updated to the latest version
digital apartheid approaching
youre living in it
well yes but I'm a White man here so it's okay
oops meant to write askhenazi big fat lying kike sorry mate
t. bigger
the bigger is a jew he would never hurt his comrades
this also explains why hes an autistic little man who has meltdowns and early onset schizophrenia
i dont think he is a jew, but a little anglo freak 
i'd still oven him though
wish there was a place that i could write down all of my honest impressions into without any reservation
just like a .....blog
first you write a blog then they throw you in the bog
and then we kill all the niggers and the kikes
years just keep passing on yet i have no memories
something is seriously wrong with my back
just standing around hurts massively and the only way to make it stop is to hunch over like that fellow from notre dame
also it doesnt help that i cant see shit if im further away than ten cm from the screen
i was thinking we should make a sort of tragsg time capsule to be revisited in a year but i cant imagine itd contain anything other than posts about killing kikes
yep kill kikes btw
i thought about playing chaos head because it seems cool from what i heard
have to read my nasu stuff first
zalud pijtri ponor pakla zalud vatra groma
brasilero brasilero
que amargado se te ve
starting to have serious problems that might kill me but dont want to go through the hassle of seeing a doctor about it
why doesnt anybody make house calls anymore
in fact this would solve the "people who studied to be doctors but cant find jobs" problem someone mentioned some days ago
bet its because kikes
sure is
why dont you retards just become archaeologists
feels like theres a big lack of manpower in the field
prefer to hunt dinos not dig them up
arch not pal
nothing but death
for kikes
turns out the real kikes were the friends we made along the way
so all my friends are gonna die??
no actually theres way too many archeologists
dreamt about tragsg
somebody posted an image where it compares the size and price of that big pink cloudy sweetie from several years ago to how it is now, it was like 5 cents more costly and 3% smaller than the past, and then people started grumbling about kikes ruining the economy, then some guy came in claiming the changes to price and size are natural because the economy is dynamic, and said that the changes are probably due to some iron or copper deal or so that the government made
amongst thousands of others
why me
god gives his toughest fights to those he loves most
wow this is amazing the moment i got on the computer i felt like killing myself
also a little fun fact about me is that my password is aeiou
my good friend!!

how are you?
at the rate i keep hitting my thigh im gonna have to go to the hospital
limping right now
accidentally found a programming vtuber(real actual female) and i want to show it around to gather funny reactions but in all the communities i am in i'll just get told to kill myself if i post her
am bored 42
its like ships passing through the night
*gets torpedoed*
god submarines are so cool
*faggy little voice* i like planes!!
had some fun btfoing niggers in the mmo
too busy getting btfoed by life to have any fun
any time i get too comfortable with my life the bossnigger comes around and puts me back in my place
my quality of life would rise if i was permanently entrapped in my room with nothing but a computer and internet
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^ the flag of the british ottoman occupation zone
^clueless bigger
cant find the site anymore
if you cant find the site how did you make that post
i meant the official cockroach britain site
found it https://www.parliament.uk/
wonder if i was suffering from radiation poisoning all along
where can you even find radiation these days
eugh this shit is impossible
how are words this hard to use
its hard to rhyme in english
thats why its the thinking mans language
>According to some newspaper reports in
1951 and 1952, the recorded number of aircraft of unknown nationality flying to northeastern
Hokkaido in both years was significantly more than 100,3 of which approximately 30-35% of the
aircraft confirmed in 1952 were thought to be Soviet aircrafts. In addition, the number of cases that
involved not only flying over the area but also the resulting violation of territorial airspace was
believed to be more than 40 in the six months between July 1952 and January 1953.
wow fascinating
gotta make sure those paratroopers are ready to go at a moments notice
the ezo worker-samurai republic.....
if the soviets had taken it they probably would have flooded it with poles and other central asians
the ezö hunter gatherer nomad republic.....
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mystery post
have been feeling myself get steadily more and more insane for the past few years yet i still dont even know the cause
lack of good sleep + social interaction
what kind of a tard would lose his mind over something that small
its a recipe for becoming trapped inside your own head and becoming increasingly deranged
example: jim jacobson
jim had us to talk with so it doesnt count
yeah talking to internet people doesnt count just look how he turned out
i have the "blackpill" mood
cool it off with some girls
this is text...
kikes are killing my culture
anything can be an anime girl if you just think hard enough
the potential for a post to be bad is greater than the potential for a post to be good
so in the long run noposts is a good thing
you dont get it
good posts and bad posts are of equal value
take a look at the thousands of biggerpoopygoteposts made in the past few years and say that again
good posts are good because they inspire feeling(happiness)
bad posts are good because they inspire feeling(anger)
noposts causes unhappiness which is only made worse when the silence is broken by an abhorrent post
conclusion: infinite terrible posts are necessary
*makes infinite good posts just to spite you*
keep switching between absolute happiness and absolute agony every few minutes
its been like this for hours now
break the cycle by making the switch to absolute unconsciousness
turn the lights on!!!! its scary!!
^ my genuine thoughs whenever i wake up in the middle of the night
wish there was a light switch near my bed so i wouldn't have to jump out and sprint across the room
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my clock has a light on it so i just hit than whenever that happens to me
but the light is extremely dim and green so it makes the room look ghostly which is almost worse
used to get piss scared of the dark back when i was a child but it went away after i stopped using lights
now im scared of illumination
some days i wade through the pitch black like it's my own domain other days i jump out whenever a catch a glimpse of my own shadow moving it's just how things are
going to play armored core because ive heard its epic and so i can get on top of the hype
spam the thread with screenshots please i am so painfully bored
as ^ said
gonna die of starvation
but i lack the energy to get up and eat
i will but first i need to find the.... iso?
nhk u in
ugh no you buffoon if you dont post it NOW i'll fall asleep
how can i post it if im not playing it
dadc dadc just hurry up and entertain me
i found it but its gonna take a while to download it seems
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if it were me downloading such a big file the internet browser would exact divine punishment by failing it at 99%
i think archive.org is generally reliable at least
well im basically about to shit myself and die of 10 diseases now
disgusting fromoids
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wow a tucke double feature tonight
tod der juden
still dont know who tod is
the pale rider
for me its high plains drifter
theres a country
you dont live there
but one day you would like to
does it begin with an.... a
yeah its angola
fuck blood is fguszhing out of my mouth mayhbe somewhere else in my face no idea but its all red
is that good
the red blood is leaving so the blue blood can take its place
hoping the angola song makes it big tomorrow(today)
it was trending on argie twitter and they were talking about it on the radio so pretty much the whole country knows it
for me i cant stop thinking about "che negro sucio sí te bañas"
i did like high plains drifter
its actually the outlaw josey wales for me
high planes drifter just sounds cooler
canman i watched a movie called "graveyard of honor" by takashi miike
seems like one you could like
its christmas in a week
what did you get me
keep waiting for the one where i get nothing at all but people still send me cards
death to kikes
resurrection to christ
land to laborers
woe to workers
land for landowners
capital for capitalists
art for artisans
bureaucracy for bureaucrats
intelligence for intellectuals 
??? for clerks
offices for officers
crafts for craftsman
farms for farmers
labor for laborers
slavery for slaves
??? for soldiers
serfdom for serfs
really think people in high places have to start dying in high volumes for a future worth living
also lots of americans
solidi for soldiers
lit. coinmen
feel like theres a 100% chance the word clerk comes from dutch
is that an old japkino
uhhh the original is from the 70's
but the miike version is from 2002
it's based on a book based on a true story about a yakuza guy
so the answer is "yes"
uhhh so its not really that old then
i was imagining more black and white kurosawatrite (still got a lot of those to get around to)
well its good regardless
miike knows how to make a movie
ol' 2 eye mike as we call 'im in the biz...
wish i had an infinity pizza right about now
i CANT deal with this fucking stress
so fucking tired
weekend ..over
time to blast myself with coffee and loud music until the tiredness temporarily fades
bizarre bizarre dream wont bore you with the details but i was being chased by a hundred different predators from polar bears to dinosaurs
and in the end even an anime girl joined in on the chase although i believe she was cheering me on rather than trying to eat me
me i went through a warp gate in a space fighter full of monsters and bossnigger bureaucrats were harassing me
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had some good fun in a midsized fight in the mmo again, btfod some 18 men whilst leading merely 10

am still recruiting if anyone wants to play
i can barely even speak at this point man you dont want me joining your game
you dont really need to speak just understand commands
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i suppose there'd be a basic need to understand some russian words for terms such as bridge, flank, 'rape that one to death' but it's easy in general

if there were more than 3 men playing we could even make a proper clan there (with same icon as on this website)
woww cant believe they dont let you post .txt filels here -_-
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heart just skipped a beat while giving an extreme sharp pain as if about to explode
also the skin around my eyes has been mysteriously purple for the past week, causing people around me to think it's bruised and ask me if i've been in a fight
it also takes me around 10 seconds to regain full vision if i close my eyes for more than a second or so
really typing this out i have to ask g-d how the FUCK am i still even alive
the argentine win will heal all the world's ails just hang tight for another couple hours
gonna vomit
we need to save portugal
a few centuries too late for that
lots of fireworks
more argentina supporters than i imagined
did they win
is it finally over
a huge meme game too they squandered a 2-0 lead and went to penalties
if youre not gonna make posts ill just close the page
its wasting ram
so did argentina win the cup
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i expected some hm posts by now he must be out partying
keep having to use the fan.....in the middle of winter
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too much over scan
tranny wallpaper
theres nothing i can do about the picture quality this tv wasnt mean to have a computer hooked up to it
maybe my plasma tv would do better
plasma such a horrible display technology
you are just wrong
what kind of tard would set it up like this and then use.....WINDOWS 10?????????
go back to either XP or 98 you tard youre fucking up the aessthetics like this
plasma is just a dogwhistle for anti-christian
i want my operating system to work
you are a drooling retard
either disconnect your tv right now, or upgrade to XP, or disconnect from life
set the resolution to 240p otherwise whats the point
it only goes to 800x600
im mostly going to use the CRT just for melee, i had to order a displayport cable and when that comes i can dual-monitor it


how did you find your way back this time
anyway what i wanted to post about is just how utterly hilarious the ascii art jokes are
oohhhhh my god the bigger is such a hilariously pathetic retard hahahahahhaahha
well you see i just opened the tab and started making posts because i have a dynamic ip


ugh dont tell me you dont even KNOW about the measures in place to lock you out
there were never even any measures
its all psychological warfare
can we postpone this for 30 min i need to take a shower real quick
the first ones are incomprehensible but the fighting ones are funny
no because im closing the tab


bet you couldnt even pronounce her name
she has a name?
yeah its called frog
just had someone explode in rage when they found out i still use windows 7
incredible stuff all around my voice is gone i got diarrhea we jumped and sang abunch with rhe tranny 
we were in the capital at this park area with these huge screens there must have been easily 10k people or more in the area we had to sit under the noon sun for over 2 hours but it was monumental i cried a lot
anyways now were sitting around and drinking some stuff my body hurts thered probably about a million people heading to the obelisk
legitimately one of the most stressful things ever and also i guess looking back on it it mustbhave been a really good match to watch as a neutral (or knowing that we win)
wow so in argentina people start crying when they win a football match and go to obelisks to pray to the demiurge for more victories against the white man huh
we literally beat 10 african niggers and the sole white person left in the french team by the end was the goalkeeper
had multiple teams from my home state win the national sports thing a bunch of times over the years and every time i dadc
a national athlete did the most epic sprint or something and get the most epic sprint of humanity award and i dadcd
then it got found out he was using drugs and got arrested and invalidated and i dadcd
also my face is burning from the sun and afterwards i couldn't walk
*dies celebrating a fucking sports game*
anyway can you have a little fight with the bigger for about auhhhhh 4 hours so i can be entertained
need to know if locking the board means no one can post or only accounts can post
right now only thread creation is locked
well alri you go figure things out i'll be here drinking tea and dying of ptsd of my life
i dont actually want to test it because i dont want to be responsible for accidentally the whole site
dont worry if you accidentally kill tragsg you'll only be thanked by the dozen souls you saved from imprisonment
now the board IS locked but it said it wasnt just a few minutes ago...
Replies: >>3166
ideon was a pretty funny anime
basically the premise is that a bunch of humans in a frontier colony discover a mecha and ancient battleship and have to use that to fend off an alien attack, but the mecha was actually the demiurge/anti-christ/g-d/etcetc all along and tortures all sentient beings at all times across all universes
thats not an anime thats real life
*glances over at the mecha sitting at the corner of my bedroom
wish i knew when i would die so i could set up a count to it
imagine how funny it would be if what The Buddha said was true and once i die the universe will drag me out of my grave and reincarnate me back in here
death to kikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*they all reincarnate in your city*
*drowns them all in the bay*
     /\  i丶 ノi
    / 8\. ヽ_ノ
  「>´ ヘ  へ |
    ! ノノ ヽ ノ. |
   ノノ.!ノ ゚д゚ . |
  /::::/  |: .i丶 |
 <::::::::/  .|: .i::::>|
     /\  i丶 ノi
    / 8\. ヽ_ノ
  「>´ ヘ  へ |
    ! ノノ ヽ ノ. |
   ノノ ゚д゚ .)  |
  /::::/  |: .i丶 |
 <::::::::/  .|: .i::::>|
car rolls over
the white cliffs of dover
did the silver win
they are now the gold
the highlight being hm was killed in a million man stampede while visiting the "obelisk"
Replies: >>3166
es auros
i cant say rest in peace unfortunately he was an evil man he is probably burning is we speak unfortunately
but he did make a post now and then
huh how was jm evil
only evil people do drugs
also he was american
jm as in jitlermod
first i broke my thigh by punching it into paste
now im breaking my hand
thats not something that should be done
yeah well blame that fucking niggerurge for this
low imuplse control is a sure sign of a subhuman
says the subhuman
if i had low impulse control then i would have done this decades ago
i want a bear killer 444
all i want for christmas
is a bullet in my head
my dominant hand is my right one so why is my left arm stronger
deaf to kikes
as for me im glad the niggers lost
i used to think messi was a hockey player because of this guy
hanging trash
gassing big
murdering nig
all pigs must die
what went wrong with the chinese
hitler put them up with the japs as honorary aryans so they cant have always been this bad can they??
too much mao not enough dao
some people say buddhism was an aryan religion...
germoids were buds with the chinks before japs
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gonna fucking vomit of starvation
when will my insane treatment of my body finally fucking catch up to me instead of just making me feel vaguely terrible
how is life this painful
i did that when i saw there were a bucnh of bans
its funny cause that nearly did happen we wee stufk at a people traffic jam for a while and then people got sicknand started pushing a lot
watched the extended cut of the first lotr with my dad
he only fell asleep for 5 minutes towards the end i was very impressed
by him or the film
by him since we had both seen it before
tragsg has fallen(asleep)
not meeeee
you're spiritually asleep
well i'm going to be asleep in 10 minutes so if you got any posts make em now
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la mort es trash brigade
saw an anime girl in my bedroom, at first she was just static but then she slowly started moving, then started moving as if she has a will, then looked at me, and then once i spoke out to her she talked back, then once i extended my hand out to her to do a handshake she walked a bit closer and shook my hand, then made a joke about how cold her hand is
the whole time i was utterly baffled by the sight of a real anime girl
for some reason i cannot tell if this was a dream or not but it definitely happened recently
koantumm fiziks(quantun physics) is a bitch
how are there STILL no posts
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someone just admitted to creating a tulpa by accident and nobody replied
think its just because everybody saw it coming from a mile away
yes but the admission of it actually happening ifs noteworthy
la mort es trash brigade
death to kikes
completely drained of energy both physical and mental
doesnt help that i cant sleep because my mattress feels like its filled with rocks
so why are YOU not posting
too busy having fun with the newcomer to my mind sorry
peronism with chinese characteristics
peronism with auric characteristics
anime girls with 3d charasteristics
wow i was out all day and theres been (16) whole posts!
why in the FUCK would you assign 3d characteristics to anime girls
its easier to animate
it cant be helped
you have to do it if you want to see her since were in the 3rd dimension
cant wait to read all the new and exciting posts when i get back in 4 hours
death to niggers
been listening to the same meme song for so long it physically hurts now
remember this
feels like yesterday
thinking of becoming a reichsburger
no time like the present maybe you can step into henry's shoes
cant believe they let off the turk despite him doing that
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czech these dubs ajajjajajjaa
really (un)funny how the americans branched out from satanic proddie cults to forcing satanic muzzoid cults into other countries
the organization is treated as demonic in every country with a muslim population, except of course for ISIS
why isnt there a single damn fucking thing worth dying for in this world
thinking of becoming a reichsführer
make me your foreign minister
how many mps have you organized
i'd rather the one who got remaining 74 going
well he's dead in a ditch now
prove it
organize another mp
>According to the Dolgans, Erlik took Mammoths down to the underworld. Whenever they try to get back to the surface, they freeze to death as punishment.[9] 
i called men for the mmo a countless amount of times
dont know why wont you go and kill niggers with me
mmos arent any fucking good you retard
not nhk but yeah been recently thinking that maybe i've been gaslighted into thinking theyre fun when theyve actually always been terrible dogshit
theres a factor you're not counting which is the server I'm playing on is purely a pvp oriented one
most of the modern mmotrite that makes the genre shit doesnt exist there
usually i log in, see if theres any fighting going on in the world, and if yes go there to kill men and be annoying
Replies: >>3250
thats a retarded copout why bother with the mmo when you can do all that and more in real life
tis hard to kill kikes in real life
there you can just walk up to one, bonk it and witness the hilarious meltdown
goddam why are tghere no fuckiing postsA????
Replies: >>3554
i'v been gone all day
what would you like to see a post about
about when are you joining the mmo trashgang
i'm too shy for mmopvp i can only anonymously kill niggers in red orchestra 2
what is there to be shy about wtf
you gotta coordinate with people and be in a group
i have good experience herding retards
dont want to be herded
also i'm sorry but that chinktrite mmo just looks awful
it's fun you poor baby
i'l take your word for it
and another problem is how the only time tragsg is semi active anymore is always right before i sleep
the sheer inertia of a trashman is truly something to behold, when they refuse to do something collectively right as they moan about wallstaring nopostitis
unity through apathy
no, really
when was the last time We did something
we (me and canman and someone else) watched a movie
and when was the last mp
that game the bigger played with everyone cant remember what it was called
project reality
and then before that there was the diplomotrite now that was an episode (that i didnt participate in)
i sincerely believe We need to play my mmotrite collectively as we once tried, it can me made good now that i have good experience there
i think a couple of men said they were going to be occupied around christmas so thats why things are slow
just wait until january for things to pick up again
well i won't be
that is why i need men!!!!!!!!!!!
it would be awkward if it was just me and you i'l wait and see if anyone else shows interest
death to kikes
wait which trasher are you
cant be one of the previous ones
its me... your favorite unnamed personalityless poster!
why not play an actual fighting game like super smash brothers: melee for the nintendo gamecube?


thats a childrens party game
no its a competitive esport
*rings the hm bell*
invader alert!!!
instead of complaining about noposts you could be practicing your turnip control like me
i switched to peach from samus, she was fun but she was too low tier

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST accidently made it too short

you are making it so so so difficult to take you seriously
i dont see you as an equal (because you're below me) so i dont really care if you take me seriously or not

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST why post here then you bizarre little man

i believe this is what they call cognitive dissonance
Replies: >>3262
the board is locked so that means one of the accounts is his now we just have to find out which
well outside of winkman and me everybody else can contact hm right so uhhh winkman may have to be a sacrificial lamb for a spell
hm died in a stampede its me who's on duty right now
who knows how many hours of retard faggot anime you've watched and you think melee cant be taken seriously because it has terms like "turnip control" the only cognitive dissonance here is yours


are you trying to be the lovably retarded comic relief or something because its not working
what an enigma
is this negro serious about his japtrite memegames
i think he is
that is sad
anyway am still recruiting for my koreatrite mmo!!!!!! (¡most cancerous mmofeatures excised!)
do koreans play it or is it de facto russian territory
its really embarrassing because he sounds even more like a petulant 12 year old if youre a knower of the games hes talking about
Replies: >>3273
99.9% russian/ukrainian on that particular server 
i know of one spanish player besides and a couple baltic men and that's it
i like how hes turned to being anti-anime after begging for beginner recs months ago
i give him 2 months before he flip flops
youre not a knower at all "tho"


from a ten story building i hope
ive played melee since high school you little tard
Replies: >>3282
since a year ago woah
nonono i believe winkster played melee in highschool so x years ago
i played melee as a toddler since thats the target audience
hm please kill the ploiding scum thank you
this song is fukken epic for no reason
not a fan of ultramen or power rangers or any such stuff
yeah with your little sisters as you said before wow im real impressed
bet youve never wavedashed once retard


believe it or not the rest of us didnt just get done with high school last year and we're in our mid 20s
its fun but ive only watched the original kamen rider (and i guess power rangers when i was a little man)
i wouldnt ever suggest anybody watch them unless they had a specific personality but its some good natured fun for me
you know the smash documentary came out in 2013 right
literally almost 10 years ago that kids were getting made fun of for being new to the game
Replies: >>3293
also sometimes you get very funny parts like this (only the first 20 seconds)
2013 was yesterday
Replies: >>3292
kamen rider was a meme in my very first beejy general before gsg
very e1 on 73 just wanted to denounce that language
somehow every day is a new low with this one
dont think he can go lower than the cockpost
the only person being made fun of here is you man
wrong ploid >>3285
someone smite this intolerable nigger and delete his account
i have 7 accounts
then delete all of them
first you have to beat me in a best of 5 at super smash brothers melee
Replies: >>3298
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i would be surprised if you took one stock off me
you literally cant even wavedash dont get your hopes up
im not sure where youre getting this idea when youre the one who picked the game up like a week ago
i would like to play with the winkman though if that wasnt made up
ohhh i thought you were the winkster
ive picked the actual game up
playing with your little sisters isnt actually melee sorry man
you are the embodiment of the dunning kruger effect
Replies: >>3314
ive known a lot of deplorable people, some of them include some of you, but the bigger is something ive never seen before
just pure unbridled teenage rage with zero higher functions
thinking back to when i was an embarrassing teenager i can honestly say i was much more tolerable than the bigger is now
death to biggers
all this posturing yet you arent posting your slippi tag for the bo5 because you're a poser loser dried-out faggot
he's like the negative version of the quote at the end of fear and loathing in las vegas
one of god's own prototypes never meant for mass production, too weird to live to rare to die (negatively)
what on earth gives you the impression i want to drop what i'm doing right now to play with YOU of all people
what im doing right now (staring at the wall and jacking off to the latest porn of cyberpunk edgerunners)


revolting projection
but i realize im not actually any good while you think you can 4-stock me despite not having played in 6 years, it being with your little sisters, and not knowing how to wavedash. lol. Grow up.
if you arent good can you do us all a favor and kill yourself at last
no for that you have to beat me at a best of 5 in super smash brothers melee for the nintendo gamecube released,..... 2001(?)
well that wont happen because i dont like you
Replies: >>3318 >>3322 >>3325
Replies: >>3325
i have some things id like to post on this topic but i won't do it until he is gone
Replies: >>3325
btw that was on purpose iykyk
Replies: >>3325
dont post anything for the next ten minutes if you want to live
Replies: >>3325
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Replies: >>3325
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ugh the last active time isnt the last post time so i cant use it to confirm anything
lol owned tranny retard
ok well heres a theory i think might check out
i posted >>3317 which is the 20th
i did not make these posts

i am assuming >>3319 and >>3321 are you

which leaves >>3318 and >>3320 as the only posts not made by me or you on the 20th

ergo idreamofcheese must be the bigger, as that's the only account on that list that was active on the 20th
unless thats not how the activity works
so we got 4 accounts with activity on the 20th
2 are admins so they cant be the bigger
1 is ohio so unless the bigger named himself that as a sick joke its ohio
that leaves only cheeseman
i made my account that name solely to avoid this issue
cheesedreamer if you arent the bigger and suddenly cant post sorry go complain about it in /test/
nothing a fine bout of detective work couldnt solve there eh
idreamofcheese sounds vaguely familiar it tickles my memory in such a way that i assumed it was some ancient vgsg meme but i guess that was a red herring
also i just now went into my browser tab because every time i click on the fucking name field it fucking autofills with my full name and email and i have a full heart attack every time so tahts turned off now
"sometimes i dream about cheese" is an olde meme from some half life 2 video
doubt the bigger would have known about that but then again he wasnt even born when melee came out and now he's "obsessed" with it so anythings possible
judging by the fact things have quieted down it appears we got him
i dont know WHY he couldn't have taken the 10 fucking chances he had before we went scorched earth to at least try and assimilate i could tolerate his stupid smash posts if he wasnt just a monstrous faggot about them
Replies: >>3367
i'm glad he's gone
smashfaggotry and broad 4/v/core is distilled unitedstatian mental illness
coaleater is likely still his reserve account though
well whatever we cross that bridge when it comes to it
if he can fucking assimilate i dont care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the thing is i actually like the smash games just as fun quirky little games that combine all the nintendotrite
no idea why people get really into it obsessivly
like i said i DONT care that he's posting about smash he can brag about his playings and post his little replays to his heart's content but he doesnt have to be a big gay homo loser about it
its because they accidentally made melee really fun and fast paced
i do think its a great game
you have to have been molested as a child to understand
oh wait was that HIM i dont know who else i thought it could have been
maybe he would have been better off getting groomed by discordites at least he would have been forcibly assimilated into some community
bet he was
offing myself (to bed)
dowload mmogame
sorry i dont play games with imperialists you know
huh why not
because im the imperializer
well join me in creating an empire of trash
im already in one mate
that wasnt a real one
*gestures to the board*
THIS isnt real?????
had my last final of this the penultimate semester today
i feel an overwhelming relief knowing that after one more semester im a free man
20 years imprisoned in the school system, almost a life sentence
dropped out and im never going back
it's not real because it doesnt have a king
well then i crown myself
doesnt count
dropping out always felt wrong because ive never really struggled in the academic part
even these advanced 4th year physics courses are nothing i cant handle
either way men get the fucking mmo and play in a gang with me!!!!!!!!
yeah mate ive already downloaded it 
you said korean mmotrite, so that means maplestory naturally
no, you need lineage 2 specifically
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im back bros!! i was eating and taking care of my dogs
why does that look like ai generated art
because i hate you faggots? lol, i dont have any good will with you retards anymore because ive grown up
ok well post account activity logs now
thats complete sour grapes youve always been desperate to seem cool so we'd like you and now you're trying to cope with the fact we never did even a little bit
i post on scv now where the actual cool kids hangout
they play slippi with me too
thats great
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yeah it is
remembering all the horrible trite on scv honestly the bigger is a perfect fit
they obsess over kpop and vtubers
you guys just tricked me into thinking you were cool because you were one of my first exposures to this type of alt-imageboard experience, but now ive seen hima and 162 and ota and a few other places and know that youre just a bunch of fags and theres way cooler places to go for this type of posting
if you seriously looked at the posts on tragsg and thought highly of it you are truly beyond help
oh and who could forget the unspoilered tranny porn they post
the only redeeming quality of that place is that they have many more posters
i looked at the post of tragsg 5 years ago and thought highly of it and then came here and spent a year coping about how much of a circus of retards you all are and trying to stay and hang out
but now ive stolen all your mannerisms and culture and can go places not held down and back by dysgenic mouthbreathing inbred nigger retards
now tell us how you really feel
dysgenic mouthbreathing inbred nigger retards eh.... only one guy in the room matching that description im sorry to say
yeah its hm
my freudian analysis is that we substituted a father figure in your life and possibly much like your real father we dont really like you and would rather be away from you
i respect the tranny way more than the little prostitute from north carolina
well yes thats partially what i meant by maybe he'd be better off if he had gotten discord groomed
at least then he'd be neutered and demure instead of this
tranny was groomed by cacan natives though they're likely same thing as generic kordoids
well yes and the caca groomee isnt presently shitting up the board
my expert analysis is that the bigger is what you get when you take a person with absolutely no self awareness or capability for introspection and try to run him through the same internet environment which can sometimes produce thinking feeling real human beings (it fails utterly)
come on now they are at least a little bit unique
he really does just embody the kind of kid who JUST missed the internet golden age
he cant take the bants, he has full blown meltdowns daily, thinks posting his cock is some kind of epic own, dumps personal info without realizing it leads to his shameful past
BUT since he only JUST missed it he got to see people doing their cargo cults to it and then made his own double cargo cult which just led to disaster because he has no respect for his elders
don't think about him at all honestly it's just pitiful 
when i'm writing my magnum opus about tragsg i'm thinking of sweeping him under the rug he's just too ugly a stain on this community
just an asterisk that says "note: there was a little bigger"
ive been thinking about the cargo cult aspect of altchans a lot lately after a conversation on 4/a/
the cacans? they seem to be generic japtrite-obsessed transsexual groomers to me (i.e. gross)
part of why i dislike the turk is he came from that place
i dont think tragsg is special or unique and i dont like the idea that it should be immortalized in any way
i like tragsg as an ephemeral little thing that ends up being a chapter in our lives connects us together in some small way as individuals
like that uhhh gorky play... yeah
perestroika they called it
whats this gorky play
hey man you posted it
its called the lower depths
nhk mentioned it one time as reminding him of tragsg (he mistakenly attributed it to dostoevsky)
'На дне' / At the bottom
listen big if i ever had the power to make you an eunuch you wouldnt survive the process
i would torture you to inevitable death very slowly, but it will be a certainty
cant even tell what this is supposed to be
an anime girl version of goatse?
are you feeling better now
like to imagine he thinks he pulled some epic move when the only time he wasted is his own
>1957: Japanese film director Akira Kurosawa, adapted the story into the film Donzoko (The Lower Depths), starring Toshiro Mifune, in which the characters have been moved to Edo period Japan.

maybe i'll watch this instead of like...reading the play???? i dont know how youre supposed to consume a play
i guess ive read shakespeare and death of a salesman
and ive been to some plays in highschool and one on a vacation that one was called gypsy
what the fuck DIDNT he adapt???
this reminds me i wanted to watch the wallenstein trilogy of plays they seemed epic and somewhat important
if only highschool kids were being taught that instead of shakespetrite
shakespeare is good
just now remembering in my lit class before we started doing shakespeare stuff the teacher had like a whole day dedicated to englush history at the time and i think i read ho chi minh's entire wikipedia page instead of listening the whole class
im pretty sure she ended up yelling at the class because other people didnt care and started doing other shit
i liked my english teacher
that didnt stop me from completely ignoring some of the books he assigned
looking back on it the ones i hated were the libtard books and the ones i liked were the white man classics
i didnt like this one too much she was an old lady who was very irritable
i DO remember one time and it was extremely funny me and my mate always fucked around in class so we drew her ire, then when we had to read heart of darkness the whole class had a spell of fucking around too much so she gave us a pop quiz to see who read the chapters and me and my friend actually did so we did fine and she came up to us later and was like "i know im hard on you guys sometimes but you do your work and participate so im sorry"
which to be fair, is kind of unreasonable humility from a highschool teacher
still wasnt a huge fan of her though
must be so weird and sad to be a schoolteacher
specially with how absolutely clueless some of them are
she was also PISSED at me (i never had to deal with the consequences of these actions as i never saw her again) but so this was an ap lit class i assume the americanoids know but just to explain its a """harder""" class and the end goal is taking an ap exam at the end of the year which is good for college credit, theyre scored 1-5
ANYWAYS the entire year she said "dont write on something you didnt read this year dont write on something you didnt read this year" then came the ap exam and one of the prompts was some shit like "discuss a story in which someone had some sort of "power" that was both a negative and positive to them"
which was a fucking AWFUL question to get since we had just read historical fiction that year and i did not have it in me to pull an essay about macbeth's charisma or some fucking shit out of my ass
BUT the year prior in my ap lang class we read a book called "blindness" (great book) and the main character in that book is a woman who is the only one who can see after everybody else in the world has gone blind from some illness, so obviously she can help people but she also has to see the rapes in the asylum and all the caca in the street
so of course i thought this was perfect to write about and i liked the book so i remembered enough about it
i told this to a classmate and she said i was a genius for this, and i guess she went and told the teacher (because she thought it was a great idea) and the teacher was fucking pissed because i wrote on something i didnt read that year
i ended up getting a 2 on the exam lol (bad score)
my english teacher was good and honest about her work, but it was mostly wasted on unrepentant retards
i know she was glad i did coast through effortlessly
also i think she knew german better but had to teach english due to bossnigger directive from bureaucracy
are we talking about english (foreign language) or english (native) here
english (classes where you read books) ((native)) for me
foreign for me
wish i took french in grade 11 and 12
wish they let me "take" classes instead of shoving them all down my throat
i heard 'naro was going to fix the school curriculum but i think they didn't let him and he's six feet under now
how would you fix the brazilian education system
i think the idea was to make it so the brown guy who's going to grow up to sweep my streets isn't forced to sit through a lesson on the greek classics
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it's winter and theres been only one pissweak instance of snow
there just shouldnt be public education
did i post that article about aristocratic tutoring
but what if that little brown man was so moved by the tales of the trojan war he went on to write a brazilian classic
as for ME i'd just get rid of everything past 4th grade and
actually yeah pretty much 41
not sure if its summer here or not but the heatwave has cooled down and im currently fully clothed without breaking a sweat
why is asuka the only anime girl to be successfully cosplayed
for me its the prospect of all the bpd women who dress up as junko
shant be discussing animegirls
what about that lady with the blindfold
which one
the blue hair one???
what about death for all the kikes in the world
lady justice? what about her
should be wielding executioner's sword
only the law
of truth and the flame
only the law
of master and slave
wowwwwww so glad to see my best friend the bigger made lots of posts as a nice surprise to me after i made this post :)))))))
literally every single english(foreign) teacher i had from 5th grade and onwards was worse at the language than i was
i nevertheless was forced into participating in the retarded schoolwork despite being more knowledgeable than the teachers themselves
also in fact i also clearly remember knowing more than the geography and history teachers too in several cases, and god knows which other teachers
making teaching a backup profession for those who failed in life was a terrible fucking idea
you'd think that with how close to death i am they'd let me some time off
need some good music
got plenty but im not sharing
*records you a kike in my list*
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yeah yeah fine here you go
shant fool me even once with this
god i remember the horribly horribly loud, SCREAMING 'wacht when you first load dh kr
it adds character and all that
personally i went on a big long search just to find that exact same version of die wacht so i could listen to it in my free time
it does that for sure
however i immediately removed that song from files thereafter
Spoiler File
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tired of it all
seems like you've been spammed...
should i, uh, do something? i can look up things in the server logs which log the ip whenever someone logs into their account among other things
i told you the account system wasn't really envisioned to be used like that
hm are you going to meet la scaloneta
get rid of any account originating from north carolina and everything is good
Replies: >>3631
somebody sold me their 4 year old cpu which i'm going to use to replace my 12 year old cpu
speed 5 in vicky2 will be faster than ever
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dunno about north carolina but the person who logged in with the coaleater2233 account did so from a russian vpn so there's that
i'll leave it to other two admins what they'll do with that information
if he starts up again i'l delete it and see if that shuts him up for good
funny how we've reached a state where the only one "seriously" posting is the bigger
or you can just untick the bypass filters permission
was it a russian vpn or did it just look like one because nhk lives in a fucking village outside vladivostok
nhks account is nhk
prove it
ok i'l disable coaleater
if its the wrong one they know where to complain
nhk said he wanted to be a janny too but he probably got ignored when privileges were being handed out because he asked one single time (presumably while everyone else was asleep)
no actually that may have been me and not nhk
oh well
how much do you bet that winkman is actually a gucan
i'll bet my entire fortune(3$)
you just lost 3$
no.....this years rent!!!!
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i think you can get false positives if someone's maybe under a nat but i don't think that's the case here
wouldnt want a moscow poster
why the fuck does it go as far as to count your currency
maybe if she was a cute teenage girl
would really not want a girl poster
youd change your mind if she was cute
just know that shed be mine ok
fuck off man i've seen enough communities get destroyed after 1 filthy femoid found her way in
no no shed be different shed know her place and stay out of the way
*hangs you*
thankfully no one with a vagina has ever played vicky2 so we're safe
evidently playing vicky 2 is no longer a requirement
what are you talking about this has always been the thread for the discussion of traditional grand strategy games primarily victoria 2 and darkest hour
yeah its a darkest hour thread alri
had a really good serbia game in kr once but thats about it
only time i played dh was that one mp game that lasted for 20 minutes
i remember playing the ottomans and there was no content for them after the war with the browns
and then they released the ottomans update and there was still no content
over 5 million people on the streets of buenos aires waiting to see the national team bus
but the streets are so packed full of people they are sending in the helicopters instead
most ive played dh was playing hungary while me mate played germany so i could learn the game and we did good then the soviets fucked us after a promising start
ughggjgghgjgug so much fucking ricenincant eat it all help me
ate it all
now to vomit
youre not supposed to do that you know
yeah and im not "supposed" to kill kikes either
tell that to the kikes that killed jesus
feel nothing but the desire to die and the occasional stroke of ambition that suppresses it for a few seconds before getting drowned out
lot of posts about wanting to die being made
little dying being done
just give it some time
who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make a bullet dodging game where you're put on an endurance contest against computers
play japtrite and you get japtrited
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bit of an unpleasant start on that second one
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this game is a fucking luck-based nightmare
half of the characters vomit out unavoidable attacks half of the time, and they easily dodge all of your shit except for when theres so many bullets that they cant even dodge and just have to resign to death
in japan this type of game is referred to as "kusoge" or "murige", in the former "kuso" means shit, and "ge" is a shortening of "geemu", which means game, and in the latter "muri" means impossible, both of those fit the game pretty well
guess i'll just have to play until lady fortune decides to smile down at me and make me win the game, i've already 1CC'd up to stage 8 out of 9 so it should be done in a week tops unless i break the laptop into pieces in divine anger
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also the whole story of the game is that these 2 girls came to gensoukyou after constructing a ship capable of traveling through space-time, all so they could prove to the faggy academia of the real world that magic exists
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true that but i'm long accustomed to it
actually quite a lot of their songs have a bad start 
this particularly irritates me in the beginning, but then is good
as for me im just enjoying the ambient sound of violent wind gales interceded by people screaming and ambulance sirens
oh here it goes now the police is here too
most japanese games are about learning to enjoy torturing yourself
do you reckon they made it like that so they could punish themselves for losing the war
they can no longer have a glorious samurai death so now they must die one hundred thousand times in brightly colored anime girl games
death to kikes
death to anime girls(gay kind not cool kind)
Agree x1
first time in a while that i felt an overwhelming urge to have an anime girl as my conversation partner
shame that there's none around here
god has fell
did the site die for a spell
hm here no idea whata been up here but do you know whats been up HERE??
you know seen all the images and videos and stuff
probably the biggest mobilization this country has had and the biggest party ever probably the biggest sport party in history
over 5 million people utterly flooded the capital so over 10% of the country went to try and watch the NT open bus
in the end they had to be heli evaced because it was impossible to get anywhere but damn it was some of thr most epic shit

and surprisingly it was really "peaceful" for 99% of it, of the 5 million there was only like 3 or 4 retards (like those 2 that jumped into the open bus from a bridge and one fell but survived) 
they stole some police trucks etc. but it was all in good faith and just for fun/banter
no it would of ben impossible and i was already tired and sunburnt+busy wih work

i would have loved to though definitely would have been one of the memorable things in my life
5 hours
5 posts
just looking at the stuff now
with whats going on you would think they just won ww2(on the axis side)
>they stole some police trucks etc. but it was all in good faith and just for fun/banter
the mass crowds of shirtless flipfloppers running around the good airs architecture is surreal
argentinian flipfloppers have awoken
why would you wear a skirt in this weather
women are insane
isnt it summer down there
im talking up HERE you tard
everybody knows argentines dont ear clothes
cant remember ever seeing a girl in a skirt but then again its been years since i was outside
subway more like subhumanway
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finally winter proper
think i'l die before i see another one
thought i was on earth but it turned out to be hell
dremt i was in the wild west
there were five lawmen after me but i only had four bullets left
i had to beat the last one in a fistfight but then i helped him up and we became friends
then we rode out together to terrorize innocent ranchers out of their food
except we weren't riding horses but a "volkswagen beetle"
kino i guess
thanks for not making any posts while i'm away
or asleep
or at all
i have now seen every showa era godzilla movie (and some associated kaiju movies)
any of them good
the first one is a genuinely phenomenal film
godzilla vs hedorah is borderline art house cinema i would give it five stars
theres a couple that are fun
most arent good
godzilla raids again and all monsters attack are two of the worst movies ive seen in my entire life without exaggeration
godzilla vs megalon gets a special spot on the wall of shame for using so much footage from a movie that came out 6 months prior
(but i dont hate it because megalon is an awesome monster and jet jaguar is retarded and for some reason the main characters are just two grown men who live together with a child which is never elaborated upon which is funny)
saw the american godzilla from the 90s once and thats all
why is everyone honking!!! im being left out
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tin people problems
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was -25 two days ago
honestly didnt feel particularly cold when i went outside
i was bundled up but still
for me its also been around 25 and 30 (positive)
62 you're deep inland so there isnt much humidity, so it doesnt feel as bad 
here -10 is a fuck sometimes
no it really does feel horrible sometimes no amount of humidity or lack thereof is going to change like -40
well that is true
there was a story this or last year where two retards in yakutia went on a road trip in -50 weather and what do you think, their car broke down and they froze to death
I still prefer the cold to heat because no sweat
interesting interesting 
*adds "yakudia road trip" to the suicide methods notebook*
extreme weather only bothers me when im trying to sleep
when its cold i get another blanket when its hot i have to turn on this horrid loud fan that makes my nose all stuffy
i'm fond of suicide vests myself as vehicles of holy war and martyrdom against kikery
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pictured: a few hundred thousand people yelling "those on the bridge are all fags" at another couple hundred thousand people
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pictured: approximately 5000 people lifting a fat person up the roof of a bus stop (where all the party is going on)
is la plata going to be in a constant state of rioting for the next week
is that what people call a riot?
theyre just having fun
also no its mostly over
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like for example see theyre just throwing foam at the police truck not stoning it
its banter
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this is the guy who jumped out into the players truck but apparently he survived

overall i think theres only 1 or 2 dead
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i think he broke all his limbs except for that arm

anyway i think everyone is quite surprised there werent any big tramplings or chimpouts or anything like that, given the 5 million people getting piss drunk and going absolutely insane
theres even videos of accidents happening like a little roof collapsing from too many people climbing on top and jumping, but not really any big casualties
the nightmare is over
i'm never touching the inside of a computer again
did you zap yourself
speaking of zapping, my sister stuck a key in a power outlet once
is she ok
now she's a brother
yeah she was fine, just quite dumb to do something like that
replaced the motherboard and the cpu which is almost like putting the whole computer together from scratch
and then there was some big fuckup where it wouldnt recognize any drives even the backup ones so i thought everything got deleted but it turned out i just needed to change some obscure thing in the settings
>The setting takes place in the fictional Kabayan Kingdom (カバヤン王国, Kabayan Ōkoku) in the Middle East. His Imperial Highness Coconut, the heir to the throne, and his sister Mammy are searching for hidden treasure, guided by a map. When Coconut and Mammy are attacked by the Crimson Lizard Gang (紅蜥蜴団, Kurenai Tokage-dan), the white turban-wearing ally of justice, known as the "Messenger of Allah", appears. The Messenger of Allah's secret identity is Goro Narumi, a private investigator.
it probably makes sense once you see it
i just cant get over how FIVE MILLION people just went and showed up everywhere in the city all over every important avenue and park and highway and just took over everything completely on their own

like i've seen massive mobilizations before but none as big as this and all of them had organizing behind them like "gooo march into this square and then turn here and then cut off this street.................and if you dont you wont get your benefits..." and so on

but five million people just took their bus took their train or walked a dozen kilometers just to get piss drunk and jump on top of newspaper stands
oh and also it kind of cucked the government because they refuse to have any contact or photo shoot or meeting at all with the president
the pro-government media has been subtly seething (not outright or everyone would turn on them instantly) 

i'd be shitting my pants if i saw that as a government bureaucrat, just imagine if the players just decided to coup the government right there and then??? 
they were literally on helicopters, that they could have landed on the pink house, and they had 5 million people filling out the street before them
they could have just gone "uhhhhhh......so from now on.....we're taking over the government" and people would have gone along with it
i know i would have at least
albania+kosovo kind of looks like peru
the world cup coup...
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death to kikes
wow nakhodka when did you sign up to play for CANCH
i dont know what that is
jajajaja just remembered i dont remember what it was but it was some old japanese thing and he was complaining about how japan would be overpopulated in the future funny how that happens
its the club of the guy in the video(who is you)
blegh dont speak of legspheresportrite to me
*makes a little hat gesture with my hand*
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another day at work yup yup yup
im going to go listen to some oto MAD's to cope do you men want in as well
scared to find out what an oto mad is
men enjoying obscure japshit are mentally unsound
you'd be mentally unsound too if you were in my shoes
try cement shoes next
will do
cement shoes
rubber souls
well if you wanted in its too late now
it was always too late
it wont be any good
its morning(its not any good)
the facts that all of the people from my mothers side of the family act like hyperkikes and that they all have a dozen undiagnosed mental illnesses makes me think that i may be half-kike
nhk can you confirm/deconfirm this for me
both sides of my family are pseudo jews
13 depends on which personality you are
and geographically where that branch of your family originates
if they're angloids they're kikes straight away
says on the bible that my personality is "w&b with a dash of kikekilla"
they're from uhh.h....somewhere.....in the old world
some of the most renowned kikehaters were repentant kikes themselves so maybe
also if the white is merely a dash on you then you're one of the sudacas who arent really predisposed to kikery
now that i think about it i cant recall a single time jimmy made a killkikes post
jim was a unique poster
he didnt copy anyone elses style and nobody copied him
(past tense)
(subjunctive mood)
dont think anybody was a stylecopier
there was the one who shallst not be named
kicking people out of the world by erasing all records of them existing is pretty badass
wish i could do it too
evil never dies
instead of a death note its a big eraser and when you rub it on someones picture or name they disappear without a trace
*rubs it all over your face*
luckily i dont have my name or picture tattooed to my face
what kind of tattoos would a tragsg tribe have
reckon some pretty good ones likr the prubian eagle
big dadc across the chest
tattoos are fucking gay
insstead we'd havee epic totems and ornaments made of clay and whatnot
*of silver
if the tribes of argentina knew how to use silver then how come they were so poor
no tattoos but a mensur scar would be epique
maybe university wouldnt have been a total nightmare slog if they let me carry out duels too
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absolutely fucking starving
realised that music i listen to consists mostly of grunting and and screaming
me im the one who really did spend his entire life listening only to marching songs and anime girl songs
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anime girl songs are immensely repulsive to me 
some military music is good but most is piss-horrid
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planning on going through all touhou games before dying
worried i wont make it in time
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absolutely terrifying little legs
think i just accidentally ate a load of napkin
happens to me all the time but instead of napkin its paper
i am anti-soviet because they wiped the cossacks out
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just like me
sea bugs are so absolutely revolting
wish shrimps didn't taste so good
can no longer even think
mercy on our souls etc etc
can you at least odd think
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found a long untranslated manga about the siberian intervention
going to read it(eventually) then report back
its got a cool train on the cover at least
it starts with a japanese artillery platoon + armored train fighting against some russian armored train
doubt armored trains ever really fought each other but it would be an e1 if they did
you can realize it right now
just ask canman to buy a few trains, cannons and armored plates for you
im not going to do that
you will once im done with you
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(the men assaulting the castle town have the flag of asturias)
love tearing wild swedes to pieces with my teeth me
never run into any sort of scandinavian in my life and hope it stays that way
my coffee iscold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *splashes it on the screen in rage*
put it... in the microwave
they should ban microwave
just don't like 'em
yeah and replace them all with big ovens with wooden doors
nobody wants to wait 20 minutes to cook a hotpocket in the oven
*cooks YOU in the oven*
exactly that's how you end obesity
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otherwise known as ukraine
now those are some bleeps and bloops
you would have also seen the little girl if the site allowed flacs/faggy little editor didnt take her out when i converted to mp3
miss the headphones girl image
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here you go man
now i just need to see the file girl one last time
>A so-called poltergeist. Spawned from a girl with mental instability, she is one aspect of that girl.
turns out one of the first few characters in the series is a tulpa
im sure she'd get along well with mine
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don't think i ever saw half of these icons
love how displeased the file girl looks
like shes not happy at all at whats being posted
just wait until you see how displease my face looks
so whats the deal with fusion energy huh?? did we finally get it?????
ive been seeing it be mentioned more and more
drugs i took arent helping at all
making me worse infact
im going to strangle the retarded nigger who thought up this garbage game and hang his corpse on wall street
think johan andersson is his name
really makes me think if the whole game was designed around the slow processors of the time and now that a modern cpu is playing the game its just fucking up by making the computer plan 1000000 steps ahead at lightning speeds when it was originally supposed to be around as good at playing as the ai
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think its been possible for decades now but nobody's doing it because its a pain in the ass and not even efficient money-wise(for now)
very nice drawing
well anyways....... onto the next topic.............. ......................... ... ..... .................
suggest a loop starting from 61
*spills my posts into the gutter*
dont have a single post to make just waiting to be rescued from this world y'know
like many good men before you i'm sure
yeah like macon and jim and the turk and uhhh......oh(deep voice)
can feel it in the air
im gonna get terribly sick on the 24th and spend the entire 25th passing in and out of consciousness, then make a full recovery on the 26th only to fall sick again on the 31st
not my problem
ate nothing but seafood today
might have been a bad idea
ugh, i can't believe it will be an odd numbered year in only a couple weeks
wait until u hear what it was last year
also quite literally every year has been getting worse and worse
cant wait for the terrors of 2023
expecting just full scale human extinction but at least all the bossmen and rich cunts will die with me
the rich and the powerful are the only ones who deserve to live
keep forgetting how old i am
i think things are going to change for the better :)
not if i have anything to say about it
*says nothing*
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is that where the posts come from
its where they are going
so bored
could just go take like 3 sleeping pills and fall asleep and hope tomorrow surprises me
dont forget to be there for the anniversary thread on the 25th!
been waiting for this towelhead cunt walking into a bus with a starbucks in hand and then sticking to me like a bug to finally spill it all over me so i can get an excuse to kill her
pretty sure starbucks is closed at this hour so god knows where she got it
should i watch an anime
read a manga
play a game
guide my life
play a game because your post ended in 3
planned economy gang
for me its state capitalism
yeah after the results of 13 i hate planned economy
i thought today was christmas eve
which means i have two less monsters than i needed
so whats up with vic3
did it get fixed yet
i think it might still be for shit eating retards
will never be fixed
it took imperator a few months to die 
we wont know if vicky3 will end up the same or limp on like ck3 for a while
theyll never kill v3 like imperator the shame would rival that of the chinese century of humiliation
but they will certainly drag its corpse around on a leash and go "yup yup its still alive"
i'm always shocked to learn they still update stellaris
that festering mess is the definition of in for a penny in for a pound
wouldnt be surprised if it came out the updating of stellaris is done via machine learning
its more like machine unlearning
growing older is realizing stellaris is paradox's worst game
its because its the only one where you cant form germany
no but it does have space mongols *wretches and vomits*
they have like 3 sentences of flavour
even the community's "unofficial mod" for it sucks fucking dick
yeah because its a shit fag retardede fuck SHIT awful meme event that is completely immersion ruining and also gameplay ruining because theyre unstoppably strong and make the map fucking ugly for no reason because they make no o fucking sense
tha japanese are a nation thoroughly fucked in the head, wish only death upon them
if there was no japan all 2d art would be ugly
it would be all fat cheeked big lipped niggers thats just a fact
yup what 7 said
trust me nakhodky you do not want to see what non-japanese characters look like
if i had the means to i would personally cripple every single slant eyed person into bliddeafness
getting terribly sick out here in the cold
yeah reckon its gonna be cold here
-4 i rhink
seven killkikes stele of tragsg
*tattoos it on my head*
neither good nor night
terribleday as you may call it
want to talk to an anime girl
read a post that went "we'll never be freed" and then when i blinked it disappeared
tried to think about if the ukraine trite would be more interesting if it was a full blown civil war that mirrored syria but then i internally dadced so the thought didnt develop very far
unreal thing i just learned about
japan was the china of the 20th century
The term itai-itai disease (in Japanese イタイイタイ病 itai-itai byō, "it hurts-it hurts disease" or "ouch-ouch disease") was coined by the affected locals for the severe pains that people with itai-itai disease felt in the spine and joints.
i try but its really hard to take the japanese seriously
already seen that one
guess everyone is out doing some last minute christmas shopping
thats what I just did yes
game keeps crashing right at the end
absolutely dire lack of posts
dont worry im going to bed in a 5 mintues they will start very soon
little early for bedtime
but not too early to kill all kikes
its far too late...
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ugh just imagine if they got fried right there
well you know what they say
god is everywhere but his office is in buenos aires
didnt know that was said
yeah my argentinian cousin hans hitler used to say it all the time
almost want to turn flags on for a week to see who is still alive
its everyone you would think mate what are you expecting to find
that theres only 2 men in at a time
hate nopost criers more than i hate noposts
the only thing worse than a post...
is a brazilian
imagine if every country had to be named the (thing you can find there) 
so brazil was called the brazil(tropical wood)
and argentina has to be named................bovinetina or something
slept like 24 hours
also had a baffling dream but itd take too long to explain
make some posts for me
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wonder if these actually mean anything
>AUKUS (/ˈɔːkəs/, AW-kəs) is a trilateral security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, announced on 15 September 2021 for the Indo-Pacific region.[1][2] Under the pact, the US and the UK will help Australia to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.[3] 
amazing how nobody even realized this happened
also c >France, which is an ally of the three countries, recalled its ambassadors from Australia and the US; French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian called the pact a "stab in the back"[10]
that was big news a year ago though
well nobody told me about it
the deal was either regular subs or nuclear subs + an alliance with their fellow anglos
it was really a no brainer
dont know top left
top right is engine room
below it is cargo room
left of it is "danger"
bottom left is medical room
right of that has 2nd deck(upper deck?) written, and lower deck
right of that is restroom(not the toilet but a room where you rest)
finally a non anime reason to learn japanese
reading text in a 20 year old game thats entirely in english aside from the signs in one level
think about all the epic jap kino movies you could watch while understanding the original kansai(texan) and touhoku(irish) accents the characters have
the touhou accent...
*puts on a gay little voice*
japanese bigshot talking about laws that require for floppy disks and cassette tapes to be used
>horrible weird non japanese sounding accent
>starts off by rambling about the ukraine
>goes on to say how he was responsible for vaxing millions in japan
demonic little man dedicated to destroying anything soulful
im getting him shilled at me from the resident Expert of a japan thread and that LDP member is supposedly "pro immigration, pro militarization (change article 9) pro digitalization, pro research and pro business&deregulation."
he hasn't exactly failed in selling him to me but if we zoom in at his "pro immigration, pro digitilization" aspects he sounds exactly like the kind of 21st century 1st world dictator that rolls out death squads at civilians that refuse him and drop bombs on protests
supposedly he went from being pro-nuclear(only reasonable source of energy) to wanting no more nuclear plants in japan, but wanting to conserve the ones already existing
oh and also even if that guy were to become PM and realize his immigration and digitilization dreams in a way that respects common sense and the japanese people those policies would be immediately violently abused by the next pm and japan would probably end up as a nigger filled cyberpunk nightmare within 10 years
wait were we supposed to celebrate on the 24th or the 25th or the 31st or the 1st which was it
well i guess it doesnt matter since i haev nobody to celebrate with
was going to make a thread on 25 when i wake up (in the middle of the day)
gonna kill everyone
its probably not possible to kill everyone since people are born faster than they can be killed by one man
just watched the argentinos videos and its absolutely baffling to me that people call my country a brown shithole yet insist argentina is the last bastion of whiteness
how do i simultaneously have too many things to do and nothing to do
its driving me fucking crazy
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i want a war and i want to be the leader of all military forces
do you hear me bush
gonna do another sausageegg in bread
then ill eat......yogurt with salt ohohhohoh
dreamt that i tried to kill myself, but i ended up walking away with no injuries, then i got attacked by some cows
dreamt the devil yelled in my ear then woke up to an ear ache
merry christmas tragsg!!!!!!!!!!!
havent celebrated it in any way shape or form in at least 3 years
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*looks out across the wasteland*
melli kurismas!!
"think about all the epic jap kino movies you could watch while understanding the original kansai(texan) and touhoku(irish) accents the characters have"
thats an old poast
yeah well thats your ration for the next week
make best use of it
nobodys actually celebrating christmas theyre all looking at the dead thread silently
The gunman who shot and killed three people in the French capital, leaving another four wounded, confessed to police that he had a “racist” motive, AFP has reported, citing sources “close to the case.” The suspect is said to have a history of violent crimes against migrants.

The 20 Minutes daily newspaper, citing an unnamed police officer, claimed the shooter said “he didn't like Kurds” while being arrested.
oh so thats why there are no posts
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i'll kick this retard thread awake
*kicks your teeth out your mouth*
thought there was a horde of loud bikes riding by but its actually the thundering heavens
thats what you get for posting anime girls
so what do i do now
its christmas and im just staring at the screen doing nothing
wait for santa to bring your presents
cant wait to see how excited he'll get once he finds me hanging on the christmas tree
made me laugh
how about we raid the gucans
bad idea
how about i tell them to raid us
even worse idea
how would you even raid them
it would be 2 seconds of posting "ugh epic willy dadc" then a 233 year ban
i didnt really think that part out because from the start i was planning to just sit on the side and enjoy you all fighting eachother because i am far too tired and old to do raids anymore
they would barely notice 
we're outnumbered 100 to 1
god gives his toughest fights to those he trusts most
never battled in my life
you're an anglo he fucking hates you
im brown
did i stutter?????
it will be really funny being alive in 2070 and some teenager called Mohhamed Nashpustra-Westham tells you how you are a brown 3rdworlder and the UK invented everything
you dont have to be alive in 2070 for that
yeah that'll be 2040 at the latest
I saw on the news how theres like 50 dead over an amerikkkan snowstorm

funny how 5 million drunk argies only kill 2 people but a little cold just obliterated 20% of yank pops
haha yeah *swipes the 10m argentines that disappeared into nowhere during the height of the riots under the rug*
havent eaten in 40 hours
little early for rammadan
wow you know what im not having any fun
thought at least today would be different but it couldnt get more trite than it is now
why do angloids call any congregation of people "a riot"
yeah and now im just getting angrier and angrier
i guess christmas of all days is going to be the day that i get all fucking pissy and want to kill everything
put us on the manifesto
no no its still too early for that
give me a few more months
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can’t believe this little guy almost got killed by a 2 year old
that was a decade ago and it was not "almost"
where have all the dionysian performers gone...
eating the family Christmas dinner with der trny
having some vitel tonne and like a rolled up chicken thing
later grilled meat
really glad nobody spent their christmas eve here staring at the wall
god i wish i had
what absolute hell
children and dogs and secret santa and christmas choruses christ almighty why didn't i spend it ta\lking to anime girls like i did the last one
well now that i'm done for the evening its back to computer time
mmerry cheistmas!!!!!!
apparently the gf mnever watched Dinosaur (2000) 
think w emight watch that soon
does secrrt santa really exist
only dinosaur move i know is jurassic park
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anyway i got a tshirt, a book on naval battles and.......a magnifying glass......
never knew that movie was called "dinosaur" 
i remember playing a (terrible??) ps2 game about it too
yeah i didnt know it was either, but its that one where the dinos get almost wiped out and they have to migrate to an oasis together with a couple of brazilians
the carnotaureses made me genuinely terrified i had made nightmares involving them
many not made
as for me i got... chocolates of all kinds
and also one of those things you gulp your meds out of
you arent supposed to open the presents until morning
*looks at the clock*
both arms are up matey
its morning in turkey yknow???
morning is when the sun is up
i read that the sunrise is god's way of greeting us and you should pray in the morning to greet him back and it made me a little sad knowing i've ignored the man thousands of times now
been years since i saw a sunrise
just a couple more hours im sure you can make it today
nope its bedtime soon
death to kikes
and the rains back on again i guess it really is bedtime
once again i am reminded of the dream i had where i was santa and a kid wrote "a swift death" on his christmas list
makes me smirk every time
completely slavic
*pulls my festering corpse out of the mud*
merry christmas!!!!!!
wow gc/macon/jim came back to life!
its a christmas miracle!
tranny got monster feet uhhh fluffy shoes
installed dwarf fortress
uninstalled dwarf fortress
pronounced death upon hebrewdom
i gained 30 pounds
dreamt of trains and the glowies hijacked it and shot us dead
then i talked to a train conductor about loving trains
then i saved a woman who loves trains from certain death
die braune kompanie
and now im fucking sick -_- you've got to be kidding me man what a nightmare of a life stop dancing on top of my head satan
felt particularly catholic this midnight mass
listening to this while i pass off this world from a sudden bout of illness
was thinking of doing that too for the first time
*vomits all over the carpet like a tarded dog*
gmornin mates.............
love when the gangstalkers post what i'm thinking i don't even have to bother typing it out
a fellow tarded dog huh
dont tell me youve got syphilis like me too
any living man in
wouldn't know
but whatever i sent down last night is about to come back up
my water bottle was leaking and i woke up to my phone soaked in water an it wouldn't turn on
thankfully it was just out of battery
dreamt that i was cycling along a coast and almost fell in multiple times
the anniversary thread is up
well not posting there because im not allowed to and also the snow bombs my computer
grandi wins again
talexia grandia "the anti-santa"
oh its christmas
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won another siege, but only slightly so 
allied men managed to snatch one castle off vile gayniggers, but the central one other (very stupid) allied men failed to conquer, though they had a chance at very last minute, but they got outmaneuvered

my subfaction successfully defended our castle as well 
not much else happened aside from 'army' people getting humiliated once again
when does it end
arent you orthodox supposed to be out proselytizing or something
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at server wipe really
it's a dying server with 200men strong population at most (that during biweekly sieges)

politically it's in a sad state
there's a big bossnigger clan that has as many men as every other combined and they're decently skilled

then there's fractured opposition which has bad squad organization due to avilability issues (with constant blackouts in ukraine and whatnot) but of superior skill to the former faction, twice as small size-wise 

then there's another midsized clan with shit tier squad organization, worse equipment and worse but serviceable skill - they were the only ones that met any success today 

and finally there is the 'army' faction which is composed of a horde of retarded baboons with practically no leadership, only good for running in a stretched line to be slaughtered by any force at last half their size. regrettably they have to be counted in due to sheer meatshield factor. they failed to cast the central castle today, but came close with our assistance

generally I dadc about holydaytrite
you know what would be funny
if the army men were from the army
probably all larpers
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many are
they're mostly from khabarovsk actually but they're so fucking pissweak their paries of 14-15 men get blown the total fuckout by 3 decently skilled players

their organization is immensely fucking stupid, all their ~35 men sit in ONE voice channel, i went there once and don't want to go there again

pic related was their first attempt at throne room sealing (ie capturing th castle), they got the clan leader and his escort in but then didnt bother to bring in the rest of the clan, why?
they all got picked apart by the horde of gaymen 
they wouldnt reach that room again for one and a half hours
also there's a cantranny lover in that pic
mildly pleased by the thought of a bunch of angry hapa militarymen all sitting on their computers and playing an mmo while getting shot at by tiny little chinamen
well basically thats why I need more men for my party
counting myself, i only have 6 100% reliable people which is bad
you heard the man hmspcanjimbiggerwinkman go help him out with killing kikes
also the drama is funny
bigger would 100% whore himself out for good gear
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it begins...
*curses u*
waiting for the plot twist that its spanish
cant sleep
thems energy drinks
every two weeks it's either total insomnia or bottom of the barrel ingame performance
well as for me i spent the entirety of yesterday boiling with bloodlust and now im spending the entirety of today at the verge of vomiting while staring at the wall
havent even drank any alcohol
shouldve been niggerkilling with me
im about to spend 10,000 pesos (30 usd) on videogames.......
back in my days everybody would pirate
i would too but i want fm23 which is not going to be available for pirating until at least 2025 (fm22 is still not available and they usualyl put them out over a year after they come out)

then i just saw there's so many stupidly cheap games that i got carried away. for example xcom2 is 50 pesos, which is how much they charge you for hot water at a gas station...just stupidly stupidly cheap
(for reference 50 pesos is like 15 usd cents)
nooo i want to live in argentina too!!!
last i checked you could pull the argentine trick with just a vpn
hm get yourself and the tranny to play mmo with me (every two weeks only)
every two weeks i could do but i really dont like mmos so it'd be a favor just for you
also what kind of mmo is it that heavily influences my decision
vicky 3 seems to be 7 dollars in argentina
still wouldn't buy it
that one i posted above
it's much more a squad tactics game that a modern mmo really
yeah amnt gonna buy it either for now at least 
maybe next christmas, and then i can see if its actually gotten updates/dlc or been completely abandoned
ok but whats it called??????
do we have to grind for 5 weeks before being useful
its the same one we all already played
its lineage 2 we tried it once but i called it off that day because i chose a shit server

i can make a completely ready character in 1 day on my own, faster if you're controlling the character being rapidly leveled as that saved much various hassle 

full fear can be financed by clanmen easily
ok well i guess we'll think about it, i have some trips coming up in mid january but these days i'll be more free
next siege is up in exactly two weeks so theres no critical need to hurry
i'd like to do some training though
so the 8th??
its my mom's birthday then
well theres actually two events each two weeks
'territorial war' followed by sieges proper on next day
former isnt really relevant but the sieges are where the good stuff is 

i want to form a proper reliable party which I think is very much possible
theres the link 
some people here have accounts already
( ¯_¯ )
5 years of tragsg!
and a thousand years of the death of niggers
insomniac meandering commences
suffering mode engaged
theres no reason for advertisements to exist
if you need a product you should already know about ti
kill kikes
went to mass for the first time
my condolences
woe to niggers
ok i'm here the posts can start
hope theres lots of fireworks this year so all the stupid dogs die of terror
you can call me dr worm
prefer dr no
are you a medical doctor because i might have a bad case of t'torsion
think i got permanent damage cause i got permanent pain
doctor death
paging dr posts
dr posts needed in the thread
we're very sorry, its post cancer
need to be in a constant state of mania
feel like complete shite
recommend kino chemo
like what
dont know
just thought it would be a funny thing to post going off of the medical theme we got going tonight
well i did like it
first its liked
then its kiked
ive decided i hate everyone i know
this opinion will change in a month
the answer to both is that i can only ASSUME the wires in my brain were constructed wrong
but why would it change
unless you plan on getting brain surgery or banging your head against the wall
because im retarded
many such cases
u9im paying this space gam
realyl god
the game of staring off into space
spent the last week in bed and also only ate 2 meals in it
might not be a bad idea to go to a doctor
couldnt do that but i ate a few bites of biscuit
just realized "da silva" sounds like "the silver" if the latter is spoken by an englishmen 
alex grandi the silver...
bit slow are we
81 surely is in jest
just never spared a single thought about weird anglo pronunciations until i heard it myself
stiffy in da silva uh huh yeah yeah ugh
stiff as a corpse
hungry as a horse
imagine if all we had to eat was grass
the steppes would be the breadbasket of the world
the heartland of the world...
ive got a theory about that
death theory
time for a new???
give it thirty more posts
should only take a week for them to come in
We can make 30 right now
doubt it
wel...have u dne anything...
playing through an old shitty game and not enjoying it at all
for me i still havent finished haibane renmei i honestly like it a good deal its just a relaxing comfortable show but whoever said they dropped it because its a show where "nothing happens and you have to derive meaning from that" was mostly true so its not something i like...want to watch often
just got roped into playing some modern garbage with someone
just been watching football all day i thought  the itch would go away after the world cup ended but it didnt its such a good timewaster
 it helps that i decided to uninstall all the games i wasnt having fun with yesterday and ended up with... not a single one left
think i will finish akiha's route in tsukihime tonight i probably have like an hour left but i got bored and the sex scene was terrible like the rest so i stopped
if a vn has sex scenes its automatically worthless trash
factually untrue since most of the ones that werent made by big huge names had to have them so people would buy them
this is evident because every nasu sex scene reads like a rape scene written by someone who doesnt know what sex is let alone rape
the problem with 99% of visual novels is rather than focusing on telling a story from multiple angles by having different routes the focus is picking a waifu and locking yourself into a route that ends with sex
well thats why i like tsukihime because yes its waifuism at the end of the day but you get that different angle and also its lots of nasu sperging about magic and vampires
like uhhhh so far
arc's route: you learn about vampires and thats about it
ciel's route: you learn more about vampire's and a big bad vampire named roa and his connection to (You)
akiha's route: learning more about the tohno family and why its such a fucking mess
shoulder is squeaking like a rubber toy not a big fan of this
Kizen Sasaki noted that perhaps they are the spirits of children who were crushed to death and buried at the home.[15] In the Tōhoku region, infanticide was called usugoro (臼殺, or "mortar kill"), and it is said that children who were killed this way to reduce the number of mouths to feed would be killed by being crushed by a stone mortar. Afterwards, burying them in the dirt floor room (doma) or in the kitchen was a custom. It is said that the spirits of such children would, on rainy days, walk around outer edges, shaking and frightening the guests, which is said to be seen to resemble deeds similar to that of a zashiki-warashi.[10] The aforementioned notabariko and usu-tsuki warashi are seen to be lower ranking among the zashiki-warashi, and the former would peek out from the inner dirt floor (doma) room and crawl around while the latter would use a mortar to make a sound. Due to such acts,[12] it is sometimes suggested that these kinds of zashiki-warashi have a relation to the fact that the location where the infanticide happened is in the dirt floor (doma) room or underneath a mortar.[3]
hilarious country
not going to be laughing when your dead children are crawling around your dirt floors
doesnt happen in MY coutnry
thought the holidays were over but there's still the ny to go
*grunts as loud as my vocal cords allow*
new years is the best holiday
hate it
i bet you like halloween you fucking loser
like the idea and aesthetics of halloween but havent celebrated it in years
it would be cool if there was Football Manager MP where you just play a league with another 20 people
good news for you 20, you can play retard manager with 15 other people every two weeks
or as a retard among 180 other retards
uhhhhhhhhhhhh why every 2 weeks
because two big ingame events occur once in two weeks on saturday and say
nothing really stops you from playing otherwise but there isnt much do to othet than farm ingame money or steal people's forts; occaionally there are fights for those forts
on saturdays and sundays*
and because server is quite deserted most of the time, there are many people whose primarity activity is searching for people farming to utterly shit upon
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starting a manga
promising start
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why is that freak taking this gentleman's loli
the gentleman (human) was trying to murder he (she is a genetic mutant it would seem)
the gentleman (bear) lives with her
i dont know more
hyper-dadc mode engaged
hey we got 1500 make the new mr dadc

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