i was working today(yesterday) in a slum type of area and some old poor guy was watching Milei videos
its quite funny because the places Milei took the most votes from, is from traditionally more peronist and less developed crappy areas, rather than the middle class areas where the traditional opposition is the one who did better (from now on the centrists bc its shorter)
initially you'd think its counterintiuitive that the middle classes would be against epik ancap liberalism, and the poors for it
but if you go to the root of it (from a NARRATIVE / zeitgeist pov) its a revindication of Labor, just like Peronism
what people are tired of is crime and subsidies. they are sick of clientelism and being stagnated in the same place for decades, and want to Progress (which they can only do through Work) rather than merely survive
and just like peronism, they also have this big evil figure, but instead of being the oligarchy, its "the caste", basically the political-bureaucratic class, as this oppresive, unmovable thing that steals from you
so while the proposals and enemies are almost entirely the opposite, some of the core things are the same, which has turned it into a POPULAR movement rather than one of elites and intellectualoids (as ancapism usually is).
its also interesting how Peron himself (pbuh) predicted that when Peronism stops being this Popular, revolutionary thing, someone else would replace it
and id say this has partially happened especially during the years where they had to be opposition they turned a hell of a lot more progressive and retarded (which even if it already had shifted more to the left in the 2000s, it was a different type of progressivism and CFK was staunchly anti-abortion during her government for example), and thats definitely made it be less Popular, especially when theyre discussing retarded ivory tower trite when the people starve
and like i said, the WORKERS are basically sick of all the gibs trite because they havent been able to live well with or off of that for a decade, as well as them completely not caring about crime most of the time
theres still some things left to be decided, like how much of a personality cult there is for Milei if he has a succesful period.....as it is he hasnt done anything yet and people can be quite radical...so......
Milei might be one of the most important political figures to rise since Peron, or if his government(s) fail then I guess he'll just be Menem......
oh also another parallelism is that before the rise of Peronism, you had the Infamous Decade with you know the whole great depression and all that. We kind of have had a shitty decade now too (though back then it was worse)
and before Milei wins, they might end up forming some sort of All-parties front (The "Democratic Union" against Peron) where basically they all call to uhh vote against him.... like every single party..... but we'll see there probably not THAT stupid