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14 hours of jerking off
what happens if you put your arms under the covers...?
70 minutes between threads
want sleep
you absolute fucking niggers you couldnt have waited a couple more minutes to post your abhorrent worthless trite
in this moment i seriously despise you and would wound you grievously if given the chance
what is it this time
trying very hard to not let all the vomit in me get out
>Nobody is ever going to try this because it's "crazy", but here's what you're supposed to do in 2023 if you want to find a gf. You go door-to-door.

>>*ding dong*
>>"Hi there, do you have a single  daughter who lives here? May I be introduced to her?"
>Now, in most cases they'll say no, but if you're a strapping young lad who is dressed nice and doesn't look like a ghetto piece of shit I bet you'll find parents who are eager to pass off their lazy daughter who just sits inside on their phone to you. That's where 99% of young women are. If they aren't working or in school, they're at their parent's house scrolling on their phone.
found canman giving out dating advice on the 4
door-to-door gf buysman
that is something i would say
only problem is you dont get to pick what she looks like which is a big minus for me
just say it was a prank and run away
*pranks you off my private property with ashotgun*
man i am tired of this shit
youre not allowed to kill people just for knocking on your door actually, so congrats now youre going to jail for like and your daughter is out both a father and a potential husband
well im actually half black so im allowed to do that
half black
half kurd
all brown
only 8 and a half hours until beddytime
me i stayed up too late again
wow me too we should have sex(not with eachother)
civilian companies estimate that the japanese gdp between july and september dropped 1%
official government announcement will come out in a week
japanese communist party chairman denounced the government for not demanding the isreali government to cease attacking gaza and accused the japanese government for having pro-jewish double standards
was watching futurama and there was a funny bit
do you watch pickle rick too
no but i was talking about it
also futurama is like 10x better than any current year slop
yeah but it has the same hypertrite ameri-satanic core in it hence my post 67
......not really 
you havent watched a second of it have you
uhhh ive watched all 24 episodes okay???
yes yes of course
*drools in 40+ episodes or whatever amount there are*
menem, macri, massa, milei, starting to notice a theme here
glad to report that we still have spring here 
will be hot tomorrow(30) but then itll be a nice 15-25 for the rest of the week, as is today
isreali cabinet minister said to nuke gaza
uhhhh what about messi!!!
only two hours left until my epic legendary moment of SLEEP
haha wouldn't it be embarrassing if someone didn't realize there was a new thread for 12 hours
messi doesnt have nukes idiot
not yet
i think ill go sleep
me too soon
ughgghhggh fuck yeahhhhh sleep!!!!! this feels a million times better than having sex!!!!!!!!!
10000+ dead in gaza
about 40% are children
why does gaza have so many children
its the birth rates
yeah sleeping and eating are both way better than sex
that still seems so low, with how much the kikes are attacking them
good morning
accidentally tricked myself into a 24 hour fast
had a classic "go to bed a midnight fall asleep at dawn" episode again
friends gf got me a pumpkin spice iced cold brew
did you tell her halloween was last week
was it good
yeah it was good and i feel clean and white
is this friends gf a tranny
and there it is
not a big fan of pumpkin or cold brew
or trannies
feeling really ill
when is the last time anyone here played a grandi strategy game
i just got struck with the urge to play ck2 but hopefully it passes
its hard to post when you have only had 2 hours of sleep
for me it was also 2 hours (since i played a grandi strategy game)
i tried v3 around the time it came out 

maybe ill try project alice or open vic when it comes out
(tl note: never)
i keep making the same mistakes over and over and over. and you know what? i think im starting to get good at it. every failure is less of a failure than the last one. and it affects me less each time too to the point eventually i wont even care.
you know who i really like
the occitans
this fight DID make me feel sad
youve never met one occitan in your live
well yeah they're all dead didn't you play hpm
never met a tragsger either
listening to some guy in a suit sing like a girl

quite good so far
was this guy in a suit a tranny
he changed suits in between halves so yes
i dont know who i am
i dont live in a believable world
im about to be in some kind of situation again
dib bid dibbid biddib
can help
i should have listened 
the ippy counter is at -5
well im here
was supposed to sleep 6 hours and be awake for 6 yet i ended up sleeping for 12 instead
i hate it
g-d thank christ im finally home you know going to an opera esque situation is nice and all but jesus christ my ass hurts and i was hungry as hell
did they not have any hotdogs
at the train station yes but we took the bus not the train
rookie mistake
last time i ever went to any sort of live show was an elementary class field trip to a play
the train doesnt run past like 11pm and it ended at like 10:30 (the theatre isnt next to the train as you may imagine)
should have bought at least 4 or 5 hotdogs before going, something light
if theres no hotdogs then let them eat hotcats
for the last two days i was stuck in a home that wasnt mine while me mate watched nearly two entire seasons of bleach
well you see i was at my friend's home
and when i woke up in the morning i went downstairs and my other friend was just watching bleach and i had nothing better to do so i just sat there until somebody brought up a better idea
then it happened again this morning
luv having to go work after exactly 0 seconds of fun and relaxation
me i havent left the house in months
might even be over a year at this point
why are the 3 of you at one house and w which ones house is it
bleach? yeah if you ever feel like watching it you should drink it instead. much better
i should clarify it was the newest bleach
me mate lives on his own and go over and just watch whatever sometimes
do any of you have problems with each other or emotional issues that surface in each others presence
no jim we dont, we just put on bullshit and proceed to shoot the shit while drinking
is the drinking masking those issues
no, i dont think so
(read as: no)
how do i get better friends 
(not the way im currently doing it thats for sure ohhh boy am i in for a weird WEIRD near future hhhhooooo man but at least im not depressed as such right now like at least being in a situation makes you less wallstarey)
if jim was asian
he'd be called
kim kpopson
you have to get very lucky
knew one of these guys since middle school, other since highschool
me i dreamt that i was in high school and drinking alcohol
had to suppress the urge to cry again
me i shed some tears of joy fukken epic episode of macross 7 ugh what a show
i want to drink some alcohol today
youll all be saying this in the end
already asking you for monetary help everyday
turk if i come to izmir will you show me the hookah bars with the best baklava and coffee
i dont go to whorehouses so no
alas i live
visual kei is so cool
the japanese really know how to be stylish
luv being bossed around by literal retards and sociopaths
ate being free to do what i want
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first result after googling visual kei
^biggeresque post
may as well copy paste the first sentence of the wikipedia article
uhh actually i couldnt do that because the clipboard can only have one thing in it at a time
for me its physical keike
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funny little thing
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hey what the hell the one time i see "baklava" mentioned and i was going to post about it, someone else does it too
drank spoiled milk
in the turkey they call it "yoghürt"
yogyurt actually
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is this funny
i dont care
dugin admired peron did you know
now its really funny
explains quite a lot
afpg talked to dugin this is real facts
i think me mate gave dugin some art
that image is a bit too wordy to be funny
it should just be the name of one of his actual books or theorys but the cover is hyperborean slavs and niggers and aztecs or something standing side by side
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jews burn rome and blame the emperor and christians for it
just another day really
what a coincidence i just finished installing imperator
i hate my self and want to waste my life away
ok well play the eu4 byzantine mod
have to do a game as the original rome first
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man nero is just like jim
or should i say that jim is just like nero
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ugh and you dare to tell me that romans WERENT steambonk
paying money for holy water doesnt seem very holy
Filthy brown third worlder here, if you want to pander to us give us aryan goddesses and anime... we hate brown people...
did i post about how we have a deli "chain" here that is ran by an actual pagano-prod doomsday cult to raise funds
also i think theyre not actually protestant (i dont think they have anything to do with the bible) but, in my opinion, they could only exist in the environment american pagano-prodism allows so they fall under that umbrella
ohhh hhhhhhhh my god canman here just realized am fucking gay and i didnt like little girls at all but actually i like little boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Last edited by hitlerman
Replies: >>37117
the flags should be reversed
went out to buy a new toenail clipper
found the old one as soon as i walked back inside
i'm unhappy and only blood can fix this situation
child soldiers are like the rice of japanese fiction
>pascal and astaroth in battle tower
>just get to print extra turns against 10th teams
later fags
got zero idea what any of that means
it was in the wrong tab is it what it was
it is what it is
i'm so out of it
of everyything
i've spilled water on myself at least 4 times today and already had 2 changes of clothes and i keep doing it like a drooling retard
going to google what..........game..........?? that is and embarrass you in front of the whole class.......................just you wait...............a few hours..........or days
presumably its diablo4
t.looked it up for 3 seconds
no its dx2 i've posted about it before
it's only vaguely embarrassing
they make phone games now??? fucking retarded
when are they going to make a shitty little gacha that closes within 6 months of release
and let me be clear ive never put a cent into it and i never will would rather go buy a fukken gumball
oh yeah i remember those posts
there should be at least 150 posts a day
i need to sleep
i need a 1 year vacation
actually make that 2 years
vacate from life
would if i could
how now brown cow
now bow low bow
*slaps my knee*
more! more! more!
heard brazil was increasing the VAT to 27% (a lot)
whats vat
what did this say
stop abusing your power you giant faggot
it was a painting of the death of napoleon the 4th at the hands of niggers
but it was labeled the falklands war
why would i even be the one to post that
it was some niggers getting killed and there was an argentina flag over the niggers and a british flag over the niggerkillers and it said falklands war

the post said something along the lines of check this out before hm deletes it, and i did so as to play into it
i hope you understand
who cares anymore
sp get on steam
lost in a dream
ohhh fuck its cold today
guess winter finally started
miss the cold
hate being in a tropical shithole
yeah im sure youd keep saying that even if you had to wake up at 6am every morning
waking up at 6 is bad in any weather
sao paulo isnt coming to save me... guess ill just have to do it myself
*blows brains out*
ugggghhh fucking hell
nooooo im going to get fucked over again and then be humiliated nooooooo i literally just fucking woke up
oh nope i got saved by a big strong courageous white man
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wishing for the death of mankind
got ist todd
ohhh wow guca is down again
how are we feeling about this
Replies: >>37147
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funny how she goes straight from a 10/10 to a 7/10 just by changing to gyaru clothes
guess clothes really do make the (wo)man
things seemed pure and now they seem vulgar and it's all my fault
^you wont BELIEVE what this post is about
help me please
save me
did you do something weird to the tranny is that what this is about
no dumbass theres multiple posters
nvm fixed
time to sleep waheyyyyyyy heaven here i come
i'm stuck in such a shit place
nothing i do play watch is fun anymore
and now i'm afraid of playing all these games i wanted because i'll waste the experience and not have any fun even though there's a chance playing them is exactly what i need to get out of this slump
and how do you know this
yeah and the multitude of them are involved with trannies
its over
ye\ah it is i just broke my keyboard it was already broken but now its beyond repair for sure
thw membrane is ruptured
good thing you can buy shitty keyboards for around ten american dollars
that could feed me for 2 weeks
watched this the other day and it was very fun ova but i cant stop thinking this terrible butt metal op it has (it's hilarious)
its not the worst thing i'v seen
theres even some cute girls in it
did something silly at the Milei place
(i went to the milei place)
made a post
yeah its like when youre talking about someone in 3rd person ("yeah so i did this thing and then some guy....") but it turns out that this 3rd person is the person who youre talking to and you just didnt notice/recognize them
was the 3rd person milei
more like 3rd place in the elections jajajajajaja
no but i spoke to milei personally and told him to exterminate all bolivians
he agreed and promised me a position in the future extermination ministry
sorry mates gonna be closing the tab for the night nothing anybody did
i agree doing nothing is the problem
death to kikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and to arabs as well
wouldnt want people to think this is a pro-palestine board
i turned into a pickle!!!
thankfully not a kike
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i did it
i saved nihon
i cant even open discord she will just see my status and ask why im awake 
im getting taken advantage of 
but some of the things she says im so weak to 
christ what have you become
whos 'she' tnhk out of the loop
just some young girl at work leading me on and me going along with it, thats really all thats going on here
kürtis kürtis kürtis kürtis......
what happened to the tranny
did you lose interest already
jim found a tranny trucker and something happened now he's moaning about it
most of it was stuff you had to have a tragsg+ subscription to see
well i told jim to get the tranny's discord and it sounds like he did.... 
(the boxtranny)
total rossi failure its oveer
he didn't stand a chance
rossi de grossi
join freikorps nogkilla today
when we are alone together
dancing portraits of our lives
where we are least alone
the only thing worse than solitude...
is an inescapable loud nigger
Last edited by Hidden User
was planning to sleep 6 hours and wake up 7 hours ago but i just ended up sleeping 13 hours instead
stop editing posts you utter fucking nigger
what did 85 say
it said load nigger which didnt make much sense
brother is going to montenegro with his wife tomorrow
yesterday he spoke to me and gave me a pair of chopsticks
dont know why that made me laugh out loud
well yeah it was a pretty odd thing to do
he also taught me how youre supposed to hold them because he....knows how to do that somehow
hey that wasnt me (hm), that was Hidden User as it says right there (or hu if you will)
im tired(i pressed the wrong buttons on the phone so i accidentally wrote girl instead the first time)
apparently back when my mother and aunt were both about 18 they sewed themselves some kimono and drank green tea while wearing them
so did anybody else realize that montenegro means black mountain
just played koikoi for the first time
big fan 
mainly i like the hanafuda
koikoi7 huh what did you like about it
the hanafuda are pretty
and the hands are also cool by extension
and its a good middle ground between strategy and luck
weirdest anime review ive ever heard
why is my willy swollen
ask the bee
what are the attacks hes talking about
theyre attacking my soul with jew magic
saw a child about 1-2 years old on the bus whose in his....kid wheelchair.... and he had a big phone in front of him playing youtube minecraft videos
when ads show up he recognized them and pressed the part that skips ads, and i couldnt see his mother anywhere on the bus
im sure shes there somewhere but shes far away from him and not even giving the occasional glance or anything
this is what modern mothers are lik
Some people shoplift because they're criminals while others steal because they're hungry and don't have the money to buy what they need.
wow this is disgusting i hate it :) time to be forced to deal with it everyday for the next two years
some people are born to retard nigger parents
so what kind of shoes are even good for walking and running
mine start tearing my skin and making me bleed if i walk more than 5km everyday
jim youre not replying to my messages so ill just tell you here
you cant be led on and even less by some 19 year old "girl" retard (who sounds like a bad person) when youre an almost 30 year old drug addict retard male 
just tell her straight up that you like her and to like you back or fuck off
and then request she gets transferred to a differnt """""""crew""""""""""" so you dont see her troon face ever again
jim never mentally progressed past high school
no he's mentally an adult
he just keeps convincing himself that he's mentally a high schooler because its the last connection he has left to the days when his life didnt fucking suck
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10 yes yes exactly exactly but it 
i dont, i cant
ok well just send me her discord and i'll do the diry work for you
if nobody claims them why dont they just auction them...............
because theyre retarded kikes and dont want to
i could be there for japan
i could save her from her financial, societal and economic problems
satupid tranny retard DOESNT wanna go to the big monster truck rally fight epic thing going on at hestadium
tell him the big monster trucks crush jew heads with their tires
if even that doesnt hype him up then kill
actually i saw and they have marvel.themed trucks so ive lost all interest
why would spiderman drive a monster truck

what nonsense
to crush the black spiderman to pieces
going to actually begin working out again (exercising is probably the better word)
prefer making out
yeah im going to do some things too
..........starting from the day after tomorrow
so how does glass not crack when inside the house is 30c and outside of it is 40c
its not that bad of a difference you have to heat glass up to like a billion degrees then cool it to 1 for thermal shock to happen
thats not that big of a difference 
also modern glass windows have layers and stuff
and it DOES """Crack""" obviously theres wear and tear like a window just existing for 1000000 years will maybe be broken
ohhh sorry i meant -40c
well what we both said still applies
glass explodes even when you pour 50c water on a 0c glass so the only way the windows wont explode is if theyre of superior quality(they arent because jews hate paying money)
the stuff about layers is fair though
can ig et that in imperial
50c super hot
0c not hot or cold
i was thinking of chinaware lately
how cool would it be to make some yourself using all the traditional materials and techniques
i'd be such an interesting person if i had money
0c is 30f which is cold
>i'd be such an interesting person if i had money
>i'd be such an interesting person if i had money
>i'd be such an interesting person if i had money
same yeah same
just saw a bonibonkers
she's a fatty now
3d women are so weak and pathetic and jimlike
theres this 1 single nose hair thats constantly touching the outside of my nose and it really fucking irritates me and makes me want to rip my whole nose right off
why dont you......... you know...........just.....................yeah.
well you see i dont have those nose cutter things and i cant tear it off with my hand
you can tear it off with your fingers
nail trimmers are good at cutting all kinds of hair
if that were true itd be called hair cutter
jim i think you just need to get into a really autistic hobby for manchildren to keep you occupied
like model trains
you know about this sp
brazilian childrens shows sure are something
*watches this live in the year 2 ad*
ugh...brazil has fallen...
everyone likes xuxa here in argentina
i didn't concsiously know about that but yeah xuxa was big in south america and she dated pelé too
if you want to talk about weird children shows i remember this one where there was a bunch of little boys and girls and they were all cmpletely naked and it was about washing your hands with a catchy tune and everything i've never been able to find it again
I used to like this one, it had a bunch of chink animal characters, and it had a cool art style, like those old chink/jap paintings but animated, i've never been able to find either
deeply distressed
help help help
stop talking to women
stop asking for help and accept my help retard
no that wasnt jim it was me
stop being retarded retard
well no it wasnt you it was me but im not jim either
what are you on about i begged for help like three days in a row its gotta be me
penis stopped swelling but its still red and it hurts
try going to a hospital you mongoloid what do you want me to grab you by the hand and pull you over there or something?????
how about you pay the fare
well you see its not my dick
is this the guy that keeps talking about his night time issues
whose dick is my dick
hello world!!!!!!!
and death to kikes!!!!!!!
it could be anyone who has a penis
what if things were not as they were
golemã foré
the thoughts are returning
*nigger comes out the noggin*
hes in there
here in the thread????????
the real nigger was the friends we made along the way
a post a day keeps the argentine away
all pigs must die
but must they be eaten or not................
this aint august '69
still september
but is it late september
cant believe theres 4 more months until september ends
september ends
september begins anew
typed out the last post really slowly and it made me realize how much i miss live posting and watching jim take 20 minutes to write up a post
woke up
genre: tragic comedy
heard sirens all over the city
85th anniversary of ataturks death
ohhhhhh my god kill me now
loudly farted in front of people
yup its all over kill me
Replies: >>37304
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why why why why why why
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thoughts on this especially the pavillions
the wiki page has next to nothing written in it but the expo is facing massive setbacks due to actual retardation on the side of the managers and the government
expect it to be a complete flop
what a horrid logo like a biomass with tumors of eyes
emblematic of the state of the world in 2025
sometimes i have this extreme cathartic feeling in me when starving, for like maybe one second every 24 hours of starvation
its like a calm version of the raw joy that youd get from killing an enemy or something like that, i cant figure out why i get this bizarre positive feeling from starvation
i know for a fact that its not the usual "i deserve to suffer" → "i am suffering" thing that makes you feel good but something else
it seems like whatever the jews are planning, that they got everyone used to with covid and lockdowns, is gonna come around to the next step. the last worlds fair was cancelled right, and those are huge, enormous events that only happen twice a decade. so we're going to have this next one, and of course everybody's going back to work, and they're saying WFH people are falling behind and the bosses want to see your face at work, so everybodys getting used to how things were again, but the memory of shutdown is instilled and practiced. give it another 5 years and there will be another more severe lockdown for some reason.
i think i wanr to sleep
the lockdown was easily the best part of my life so i really wouldnt mind another
you may say that it is just a kike trick and that is true, but even if they were to stop tricking us from now on wed(especially i) would still be fucked anyway
morning men
just blame someone who is fatter
i was the fattest person in the room *weeps*
satanic logo
wow i really fucked up my wrist
for me my pecs hurt
better a hurt pecs than an alert gex
*looks around*
uhhh yeah i guess so
speaking of which somene asked for moving to uruguay, and one of the forms (which im looking at but i dont think i need) is a "GEX"
did you laugh audibly and slap your knee then explain the joke
yes i yelled "jajaja es el gexo de los grandi estrategies"
i looked at myself in the bedroom mirror and got a confidence boost from how handsome i looked
but then in bathroom 30 seconds later i looked like a goblin
ONE of them is lying to me
it means you're handsome among goblins
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people were saying there was a mod that fixed imperator but after some testing i'm going to have to disagree
i reckon that game is just fucked beyond repair by now
namnetia.... the ancestral enemy of nemetia............ what a riveting and rich map
cooking up a pot the classic american dish "franks and beans"
fuckig epic a lot of fiddlig i maaged to get the keyoard to work ad ow istead of half of the keys ot workig its just the N and B ad the umers
i ca play some games at least
that happened to me once where only some of them worked it was water damage
should i go buy ice cream
answer within 5 minutes
well i really want some so eat for 2
thats a good answer
way ahead of u mate
ughhhh macross 7 is so fukken epic i hope the rest of the franchise can hold a candle to this
desktop background switched to an image of the franco prussian war i forgot about and i said ugh out loud
ive developed an old man brain i think
every single day, from like 7-8pm i will get tired and require like...a 15 minute nap
thats normal
well most people require a 6-8 hour nap
>Others are controversial, such as his plan to round up the homeless and move them to tent camps outside US cities until their "problems can be identified"
wow can't wait for the favelaization of america
time to dust of ye olde "who are you quoting"
imagine if foreigners could become the president of the united states
imagine the bolsanaro tucker ticket
they already had obongo that guy is from kenya glad i could help
yeah so its time to go a step farther and have a sudaca
a freedom loving mileist american will become president in uhhh 20 years
we need peronism before anti peronism can take root
milei is weird because theyre not really antiperonists 
i mean obviously theyve absorbed a majority antiperonist vote but an amount of them (maybe 10-20%) are just disillusioned working or quite lower class families that have always voted peronism but now are wanting something else because of the bad governments
new ideology idea: anarcho peronism
wait i think we already had these posts
slept a full 20 hours straight
im still sleepy btw
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ugh hes just like me,,,,
what if it was what
you(thats what it really says there i still remember it)
whats it from
hi ;)
uh isekai ojisan
Replies: >>37531
saw a sicko south american thing where they make girls younger than 8 dance in public with next to no clothes and pretend its a festival
in my opinion after we rescue sp from the jungle we should nuke all of the americas
every country does that
(in the americas)
i wish what youre making up were real
well it is quite real i saw footage of it
anyway i thought you were only into girls around 12
wow wtf apparently in turkey everyone is an islamist who prays 5x a day and spontaneously explodes
why wouldnt they be
look the south american lost his mind in fear when he got exposed as the pedo he is
who isnt a pedo
(^the tranny)
he's not a pedo either but because of some cosmic unepic reasons unlike me
in my case im not a pedo because im not enough of a loser to have to expand my list of preferred women to every woman below 80
trying to make a joke about someones preferred women only being 80 and up because they are only interested in former nazis but its just not materializing
i'll give you a B+ for effort
in depth and uncharted territory
weird last dozen posts
what you see is what you get
dad gave me the employment talk
i dont wanna work again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a coincidence, I gave the tranny the employment talk today too!!!!
but you see i've done thing before
so i deserve to never do anything for the rest of my life
tell that to the dollar bills
conclusion: sp is a tranny and im his daddy
remember when the bigger kept bringing up trannies and saying how everyone was a tranny so everyone wanted him dead
so do you think he got arrested after he came here freaking out
oh yeah what was THAT all about
sisters husband got residency in korea
theyre thinking of moving there as a whole family
why dont you become adopted by them
turks are kind of like koreans in a way
did you tell them the country is run by a cult and will likely be vaporized in nuclear hellfire soon
korea is unironically probably really fucking nice to live in if you arent korean and dont have their brain programming
i wish i posted this with all the typos it had initially
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Most common foreign coach nationality at the (top flight) football league

(TL Note: Argentina and Uruguay have no foreign coaches)
no korea is a hellhole

i mean probably not a complete hellhole but like, if you live in seoul or one of the big cities its just infinity bugmen density everywhere you look
yeah but YOU arent a bugman so you dont have to deal with their escapades
yeah thankfully since im not a bugman i am magically exempt from the 200000 people per squaremeter population density and the 18hour workday
time to take the bullet subway
*becomes squeezed in every direction by freakish sweaty suicidal salarymen that may spontaneously jump on the subway tracks at any moment*
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because i dont care about them and have a nightmare-tier memory with my sisters husband so no matter how many years pass we'll be extremely awkward when dealing with eachother
he was going to spend 3 months in japan and 3 months in korea then select one to move to but he just picked korea without checking japan for some reason(probably got laid the fuck out by immigration laws)
if they did move to japan that'd be epic since i'd have a way to uncoolly migrate there even if i cant do it coolly all by myself but alas
they wouldnt listen and i dont care to say it
so whos going to win the big Turkey Supercup of Attaturkish Glory and Erdoganian Honor 
my heart is with trabzonspor
nice of hell to include a little park next to the chicken temple
oh its a real thing
i think you mean da fc
yeah that ones good too (da meaning deutsche arbeiters)
> Those with Buddha-like mindset adopt catchphrases like "anything will do", "let it be", and "take life as it is".[4] They embrace the saying, "Life itself is hard enough, and we just can't afford to make it harder on our own."[1] When asked a question, the youth typically respond with "okay" or "sure".[2]
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was flipping an anime girl image around and i accidentally made her smile
aint that nice huh my 1 good deed of the year
ugh ugh rain feels so good
yeah too bad theres no roof here
*smoke and spaks start coming out of the post indicating that my comput
sheesh man just cover it with your hands
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dont click youll just regret
Replies: >>37436
i did its slowly iopening
did you actually play it yourself finally or is that just a funny screeshot
how was it
UUGGHHHHH *** willy juice exlpsion
better than vanilla i suppose but no replayability
not much to say and the only thing that made a big impression on me was how all of europe had a coalition on me from 1500 to 1700(2 million troops)
any1 wanna take a plane here for next week just in case milei loses so we can have one of those memes where people go take over the congress
fuck no your shithole is worse than bermuda
.........................bermuda.......????????? isnt that supposed to be one of those paradise richfag island anyway.................. uhhhhhhhhh
well anyway not to STAY just to invade the government you know???
also funnily enough buenos aires is by far the whitest and most developed city out of any of the countries that we partake in
bermuda is the demonic hellhole where if you get within 1000km of it youre cursed to suffer for all eternity
la plata is like that x1000
no mate i think its really just one of those tax heavens 
i mean that IS demonic in and of itself but here in la plata we have the opposite we have a tax HELL!!!!!
if you want a tax heaven in the river plate you have to go to the other side (urgay(
stop pretending not to understand what people are saying just to make yourself an excuse to keep talking about argentina
queres garchar gobierno??? viva milei viva peron
prefer sega
not really though sega sucks
i like the games not the companies
bodycount of four tonight
no idea where these bugs are coming from
1 for me
i considered just letting it go but didnt
when i had a tv and cable i used to always have those natgeo animal documentaries on in the background
i thinks its been almost a decade since i saw one and you know what i think i miss them
i saw those too and i dont miss them
for me its ancient aliens
for me its the hitler channel
i want to hurry up and finish my happy cute anime girl games and move on to the depressing suicidal anime boy ones
the latter ones fit my current mood better right now
god damn this faggot headphone wont play music any louder
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speak you retarded freaks
got nothing to say
if they have nothing to speak then let them scream
i really like the scene at the end of hidden fortress but the rest of the movie isnt very good
but i feel like you have to suffer through the whole movie first to enjoy it
for me its underwater dixies
if only vicky2 had submarines
well for ME its robot sicilians
i not sleep will
uhhh it does download hfm
un branch office in gaza got bombed by jewish artillery
there were several hundred people seeking refuge there at the time
umm... okay?
un eh i guess they finally bombed a legitimate target
israel bombing the un... guess its friendly fire
nobody would fucking talk like this
yeah the writing is absolutely atrocious
i don't know matey i've heard plenty of people say "i don't want to live next to turks"
 especially in the 17th century
"i don't want to live next to turks" t.urk
how about a uh roman colonization mod but they go to japan instead of america
i would play that
how do they go to japan
on their botes
they use the greek underground tunnels
good evening gentlemen this is your chancellor adolf hitler speaking
i wanted to remind you that
waheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to hell i go :)
uhhh to discover myself :)
hope you dont discover me down there
boy do i hope that these elections i get to send some people to jail for frauding
wha are you gonna do put them in the truck and drop them off at the prison
well unless the police is complicit you should be able to yell at the police to take them away 
if they are for example pretending to be someone else
haha theres no way the police would be complicit theyre the final line of defense of our country if theyre corrupt then everything is basically over :)
got recommended this
well to be honest i dont hate it its not bad
i mean at the very least you can prevent them from voting
if they get taken by the police or not, well id be good for them to be punished but it doesnt really matter as long as you prevent the vote
also even if the police gets them...... then itd be up to the justice system to punish them......and they wont.....so yeah
constantly dropping my speakers has finally caught up to me now there's a constant static noise almost like a cicada
This anime just started playing a cool rock song while a character was talking about how much he loves 17 year old girls. It was hilarious.
hrr drr
3rd debate in minutes
unfortunately my schedule is full with the 1st sleep
had tuna
hope they yell at eachother and perhaps even punch eachother
this was the game i was talking about half a year ago
today was one of the most retarded and meaningless days ive had in years and its all my fault
ill watch some gay comedy for 10 minutes then go to sleep and pretend this day never happened
dreamt i was a hobo drifter serial killer
saw this on niconico
i upvoted it
wtf did you really seventy because i dreamt there was one living in my house just yesterday
but as i said i was a hobo drifter so i wasnt in a house
well thats because i called the cops and threw you out the day before
yep its over
far more interesting than the previous debates but it was absolutely ridiculous
who won
every day is an ack
not sure how to gain wealth or prestige but starting to realize thats all that matters
i'm just fiddling my time away until i die
just inherit it all 
t.expert on becoming wealthy
been thinking
i drank alcohol but it came and went like fucking water
would have been better off just drinking water instead honestly
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yezh this is funny
the faces in that anime look so strange
ck3 persia update came out
eu4 dlc came out
vic3 update coming out tomorrow(also the 20th anniversary of victoria)
stellaris dlc out in 3 days
isnt that what the bigger kept saying
mate that phrase is older than the bigger himself
yeah but only the bigger actually used it here within the last 5 years
well in this case it was apropos, a clever callback to an old phrase but used in a new way
the bigger always did a terrible job of aping tragsg culture
jajajajajaa "BOB"
i think the full name is funnier
kishida has a whopping 29% approval rating
hm is it cold today
Replies: >>37500
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woman on the right(home secretary) got fired for saying pro-palestinian marches are hate marches
incidentally she is a pro-jewish anti-islamist and anti-irish full indian, her mother is from mauritius and father from kenya
she's also considered a 9/10 cute girl in england
now this is what real christianity is like
what if we took 500 ad to 1500 ad
and we made a japan simulator game about it
its something i want to do eventually but i wont
just the other day i was thinking about how grand strategy games would be better if they focused on one country or region
not really cold im wearing shorts but its ~20 degrees
need a city builder that spans all of human history
if there was a preprehistoric gsg i bet the big "vgh what could've been" everyone does would be saving the dinosaurs from extinction
afternoon gents
evening antwerp
morning bruges
bombing rotterdam
i love liquor 
and i love tragsg!
15 post today
i have nothing to post about!!!
fun with exclamation marks!
i get uuuuuuppppppp
i get doooooownnnn
and when you're halfway you're neither up nor down
had the thread on unable to connect for 10 hours and when i finally realized it and reloaded the page it had 5 more whole posts
hears half a
unless you got something else to say, thats 3/4 of a post not half
i spent the whole day making japan a miko matriarchy and conquering korea
in ck3 sadly
*looks at you and puts my hand on your shoulder*
it happens to the best of us...
*turns into dust and blows away in the wind*
didnt know japan nor miko were in ck3
i reckon this fine young gentleman modified his game
i used a chinese mod that adds all of asia
for some reason this chinese mod about asia but especially about china was made almost entirely by a single polish man
i've been wanting to play crusader kings myself
don't know which one because i actually don't WANT to play either i know i'll end up unistalling after fifteen minutes like last time
ck2: most complete, still a """STRATEGY""" game
ck3: best mods, more """ROLEPLAYING"""
this is my understanding
ironically they still dont have working porn mods
maybe everybody collectively realized god would be really really sad if they made them
ck3 is reddit meme poo about sharting yourself to death
i was reading a bunch of ck3 dev diaries and forum posts the other day
apparently because people were complaining that everyone always lives until their 80s because of how easy it is to stack modifiers from skiltrees they decided to add dozens of purely random events that either killed you or made you incapable
then when they were removed the next update a bunch of people went wild (and were all promptly mass-respectfully-disagreed with)
such a funny community the paradox forums are
paradox implosion has to fucking happen soon right
it seems like all the normans who got sucked in with ck3 being the funny naked court comedy game are now getting sick of paradox being paradicks and are rising up in rebellion, much like my favorite game ever made, victoria 2
they can live forever off of eu4
what specific page or chapter or whatever
latest chapter
why do you care
fuck this ill go sleep
it's not going to get any higher res than what you posted is it
well it will but youll have to bother finding the raws and thats assuming that the high quality raws are even up online
but then those will be in japanese and not english
that would be ok can you do it for me
ill consider it
ok ill be needing to send it to someone by then this is important
the gote with the broken leg
he will never be able to climb again
my appetite is zero lately wtf is going on
a likely story
more likely than you think 

in 30 years youth cancer will be the leading cause of death and the average lifespan will plummet to like..... 50.......
source: hitler told me
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streets full of semites
knew a bunch of kids in midlle and high school who read mein kampf
and they would do hitler salutes even in class and draw swastikas on the blackboard
i remember one time the school was taking class photos and they asked everyone to raise their arms for one and i did a sneakyvhitler salute
alri now that's wikipedia links for the day
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got this but i cant tell if its higher quality or not
Replies: >>37575
did you know a bunch of japanese red army guys killed a bunch of people in israel (a long time ago)
everybody did that in every high school ever of every country
think you meant to write "every high school ever of every (argentine) count" mate
no i dont think i meant that
no that definitely happens here too
>A project featuring women in various outfits showing disgusted faces and their underwear.
really looking forward to the future of paradox with this one
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for me its the contrast between his flagrant esl spelling and his valid points
>fucker of the pope: +10% church tax
this is all paradox games are
dad of the Cs: -99% interest rate
e1: +15 prestige
i was JUST thinking in the shower how fucking potent and powerful "dadc" is and how all of 4chan would have 100% used it but thankfully it is ours
"didnt ask" was already in common normie parlance like 3 years ago
but dadc is DIFFERENT
ach the good old days
always funny seeing it outside of tragsg too
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i made that one
*stares at you a bit*
*high kicks you in the skull*
early tragsg was actually putrid shit
but it was OUR putrid shit
yes it is thank you
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waaaaaaaaaaaohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgahhawhoooowwwahh wow :)
that was pretragsg though
oh GOD
the holidays or hellidays as i like to call them are approaching once again
christmas is one of two good holidays
i might cry soon
for baby jesus?
for everything yeah we'll say that too
fighting to the absolute fucking death with steam so that i can download one of its mods
theres a command line thing you can use
yeah but some games have their access locked to those who dont have an account that owns the game
so using the steam servers to download it is impossible
yeah there's just nothing you can do then
i think all the online steam download websites don't work anymore only the russian ones where you need to manually request one and wait
yeah i tried a few of those but it didnt work out
if you know of any more then do tell me mate
if the game is not on skymods all that's left is begging for someone to share the mod on fourchannel
or if you actually have money you could do the thing where you buy the game then immediately refund it
Replies: >>37624
very small appetite
very light sleep 
high energy and activity levels 
elevated mood (with spurts of nervous agitation and irritation) 

im enjoying it. it's good. it won't last but it's good.
did you make the switch to cocaine
gangstalkr post
you remember how i posted that video where the guy used an ai to make kishida talk about gay sex and scat
well the guy who made the original video got sued, not by kishida but by a major kike news company whose graphics(bar that you place the text on and stuff) that he had copied so he deleted the video and begged on social media for forgiveness
absolutely retarded how they even get any right to do something like this
and now we're seeing things like this pop up as a lashback
93 this is natural but it's making me think of what peoples motivations for things are. and if suddenly my situation changes or whatever i'll get real mopey and not be able to move. it's similar. it's very similar.
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this would be really funny if i was japanese and into the youtubepoop scene
this would be something i like if i liked it
wait actually i liked the part at the end with hitler
its just cyberbonk
cyberbonk is kafka+technology
the evil kafkaist corporations are raping the yellow man for using their technology without their permission
sounds pretty cyberbonk to me
yeah its both
the kafka part is how they got him on using the news stations patented text bar rather than defaming a public official
the government literally held a press conference saying they dont fuckken care
funnily enough everybody hates kishida so despite it being nippon tv thats acting like a nigger over half of the public hatred just goes over to kishida who did nothing wrong
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think this sums up how i feel
thought that was talking about real life for a moment
also it took me like 20 seconds of staring to realize thats a girl licking her zipper thing
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you can make THIS but you cant make a single fucking cute girl
it looks like it ate a bee
wow nopost
Jim Bakker wishes he was an Asian cult. Asian cults make massive amounts of money and have huge amounts of sway globally. One still has power over most of South Korean society. The Unification Church had the Former President of the United States speak at one of its meetings, and their leader met with Kim Il Sung to discuss the peninsula's unification. They have so much power that they were the ones who opened business relations between the North and South. Moonies specifically are a massive organization and an unofficial pillar of the Korean government, even being used by the KCIA to infiltrate Congress, and were funded during reconstruction due to their at the time extreme anti-Communist stance. They now support the proliferation of nuclear weapons in North Korea. Since the 70s, the majority of the Moonies' money is from Japan instead of Korea, and they have very deep ties to the LDP, who themselves are already tied to the official political party of a homegrown cult, Komeito. They're being persecuted under the same law and pretense as Aum Shinrikyo. The biggest whammy here is that the "dissolution order" isn't actually an order to disband. It's a legal condemnation that renders the Moonies as a non-religion. This only means no tax breaks and a social stigma. While this would set the stage for them to be declared an anti-social organization like the yakuza and boshuzoku, I doubt such classification will happen. They have too much sway in Japanese society and are presenting themselves as the victims. One of the pillars of Moonie activity in Japan is the exploitation of Koreans as a protected caste and Japan's national shame over Korea.
Like we saw yesterday with STALKER 2, Paradox have taken the increased scrutiny and awareness over differences in Russian and Ukrainian spelling in the wake of the war to change the name of a major city from Kiev, as it had traditionally been spelled in Crusader Kings III, to Kyiv, which is the local spelling.
>The Catholic Trinity is a mod that originated as simply another module from The Kingdom of Heaven mod that has evolved into an independent and standalone mod for your CK3 games. The Catholic Trinity aims to expand your game-play by increasing the depth and flavour of Catholicism by introducing mechanics like the College of Cardinals, Investiture, Sainthood, and Anti-popes - all while now allowing you to play as the Papacy!. Overall these features come together to provide a truly unique Catholic experience for all players.
funny how it literally adds more content than a full price paradox dlc
and you have this mod which handles pops and trade better than vic3 for some reason
youd think a game about medieval western europe would have in-depth catholicism mechanics already
just remembered i apparently have a spaniard ancestor on my moms side
i tried to figure out more details but i didnt get a good answer when i asked
going to be honest i still don't really know whats going on and burma
just remembered that one of my cousins was named melissa
funny how its a greek name huh
what a lovely depiction of a man receiving his bread 
very catholic
saw they're making krisis in the kremlin 2
noposts extreme edition
im retarded
going to drink myself honestly the me of the last month has been the worst me of the last 5 years
i've been "showering" with this high-pressure hose for the past couple days and i've never felt so clean i don't think i can go back to normal crappy showers
that sounds painful
that magical girl destroyers show i watched was such a big piece of shit but it had good music
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no fucking way
dont drink wine and beverages at the same time
is this reverse psychology
but i did that last weekend
well not at the same time
when i woke up i drank wine
then as the night went on i started drinking beer
for the past two hours ive been constantly trembling and my stomach feels like its tearing itself apart and my consciousness keeps fading in and out
its probably just gas
after this episode ill head to sleep
been on edge recently and always have the urge to punch and break things
sleep doesnt fix this
when that happens i try another browser
made me do a big smirk
dont need microsoft in my life to hate it
what do you call people who keep forcing themselves to waste time doing things they absolutely resent and for no reason
not a jimpost just some consultation
theres no word since thats what everyone does
the end
nobody know where they at
nobody see where they been
nobody remember what they seen
theres nothing to see
nowhere to be
thought something epic was happening butit was just clickbait
am currently traveling 
got business news
whats teh news
meant to say the
meant to say dadc
second night in a row of having nightmares of being forced to work a jimesque job
meant to say daddc
dont get it
57 my job is cool they sent a whole room of helpers home today that came in they said "the only person i need is C the rest of you can go home sorry". and me and C went out on a job and got money.
the old c&c
is C the tranny
its curtis
is me and C some sort of dual personality schizo thing thean
no im curtis and c is my helper
jim and curtis
curtis and jim
would this helper happen to be a tranny
somebody is cruising for a bruising
is that a yes then
.....non binary born female
all things considered thats not bad
how convenient that she's the only one they called in to help you
yeah, it is. we have a thing. it's a thing.
woke up 7 hours ago
spent 7 whole hours trying to bait divine punishment by acting like an utter fucking troglyte drooling fuckhead
that doesnt work and the proof is people like the bigger continue to walk the earth
you don't know that
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how likely is it that shes dead now?
whats the deal with brown people
white man hates them
black man hates them
yellow man has never seen them
but what about der kurds von ikebukuro(or saitama or wherever the fuck they were)
*stares at you with chocolate smeared all over my face*
i dont know
what does it say in 77
death to korea


The Defense Intelligence Agency released two reports in 1994 that showed Moon, the founder and leader of the Moonies at the time, donating 450,000,000,000 yen to Kim Il Sung between 1991 and 1992 and that the two groups were cooperating to reconstruct North Korea's economy. The majority of this money was drawn from Japanese believers, transferred to South Korea, laundered through Hong Kong, and deposited in North Korea. A former executive of Pyeonghwa Motors, a Moonie motor company established in North Korea, is the source of this claim. He also admitted to having ties to North Korea's Weapons Development Chief. Backing this up is information from South Korea's former Vice Defense Minister, whose investigation found that the money gained from this was used to develop nuclear weapons and ICBMs. The action which prompted this shift from extremist anti-Commnism was Moon allegedly asking Kim Il Sung to "be his brother," and the latter replying along the lines of "Yeah sure." In 2016, the South Korean Defense Ministry released a report that a company based in Tokyo but founded and run by Moonies had sold a Golf-II to North Korea in 1994 under the guise of scrap metal as part of this economic revitalization. The submarine was deconstructed and used to build SLBMs. The Unification Church funds and supports North Korea's nuclear weapons program under the guise of reunification and the pretense that the Kim family is connected to the group and Moonies themselves.
its extremely bizarre how anyone from japan would think its a good idea to get into a pagano prod korean mystery cult
well you see they are an honorable and innocent race so they just don't know any better
you see
its women
>The Revolt's AI, VOLKNET
try and dare to tell me that this DOESNT sound cool
is that neo victoria
actually ive never played the campaigns of the red alerts and command and conquers and tiberium wars before despite havig played extensively in skirmish
maybe i should check them out ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
got a proposal to be like a "representative" of another moving company (thats based in another city) because they know us and they think we are "serious and responsible" and to basically get a bunch more clients and manage some of their trite here 

not entirely convinced due to needing more details and also the bureaucratic and tax nightmare of having employees but yeah, it COULD be a way to progress. its not too different from ideas i had in mind anyway
you could think of it like a franchise, they said

got the possibility to go to a meeting and get a paid hotel (its in mar del plata). will resolve after the elections anyway so at least therell be some certainty with that
thats somewhat of a step down 
but if you get more clients through them it could be a part of moving up
but you yourself said you like only having to work a few trips a month and if you're now a franchise operator theyre going to expect performance and volume. also maybe youd be hiring people for them that would work for you but you could have employees directly of yourself too
not really i wouldnt accept if it were but as far as i understood it shouldnt be 

basically id have to make a company (reminder we are all technically self employed here) and probably get some workers and then go and rent some warehouse-type of place
and then make like one of those big furniture locker type of places and well profit off of it 

the offer is that THEY (as a company with a lot of clients) say that they will use your space (pay you for it) up to a certain point (where supposedly you will at least cover the costs), as well as sell you clients (which,  if you get them, youd have to treat them in a certain way in accordance to their brand) 

the -likely- catch is that i guess youd have to be the one to make sure you profit off of your storage space (advertise it, manage it correctly, cut costs idk), and also i BET theyd want me to go around picking up little loads so then they can come once a month with a big caravan to send it all wherever it goes

the upside is that obviously i can still.....work on my own... like my own clients will still be there as i obtain them through my own advertising and word of mouth 

anyway all of these things ill have to find out and see if we can be compatible in terms of work and profiting or if itd be a bad investment for me 
as of now were quite "okay" but id love to expand the vehicle fleet some time and become a boss and bathe in money
yes all of these things are to be talked about in a meeting
i am pretty sure the employees would be of my own pick... i mean ID be the one paying them as well as being the person...from the city.... THEY dont necessarily know good workers from here

and yeah they didnt really phrase it like that but it could be a condition. didnt really talk much about conditions (probably not to spook me), besides treatment of clients

and anyway i dont know how formal it all is. were still owners of the vehicles, wed be the ones paying the workers, and wed be the ones renting and managing the warehouse, so in any case we could just decouple and keep using all those resources, then just try getting more client volune

i got an interesting piece of data: that they spend 3.5m on ads a month (compared to mine... fairly irregular...lets say ~100k)
and their cost per sale is about 40k (due to having saleswoman who take commisions as well as the ads)
obviously our costs are far lower but yeah theyre only enough to sustain 2 vehicles working
to simplify it he presented the deal as follows:
i sell you lots of clients
you have to manage a warehouse
(im talking pesos obviously. just divide by 1000 for usd)
it's a thousand now huh it was half that last i time bothered to check
played ck2
hurrrrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr im fucking eretareded
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wow modern grandi strategy sure is ugly
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ok fine how about this -_-
fun fact i actually had to spend like 6 hours finding and merging and fixing mods made for the sole express purpose of fixing the women and making them look like humans
why doesn't sommebody just rip out some mmd model heads and stick them in historical clothes itd look more pleasant than any 3d paratrite
because 90% of the model stuff is hardcoded and if you touch it it fucking implodes into a trillion bits
wasnt japan mudhut tier in 1000 ad
for some reason i only get dreams about the kind of girls jim likes
which i think is a good thing i wouldnt want to have any dirty dreams with pure girls
stop having those dreams retard
start having posts
dreams are fascinating
love having to hear about how the fate of the world hinges on israels security daily
well it does because of the samson option
people in real life have actually told me thats a good thing
man these japanese guys sure hate jews
my run is fucked now btw because my dynasty grew to 200 living members and literally every japanese vassal and courtier is connected in blood to me now, if i want japanese genes i have to inbreed and embrace becoming a dynasty of ugly retards, and if i dont want that i have to wed chinese and koreans
cant you just hit the "hire woman" button like in ck2
i dont know i dont look at stuff like that
ugh baby youre so perfect but youre my 5th cousin twice removed... our kid will come out looking like you took thalidomide
jim jpopson
woke up at a normal time waheey
imagine if the Basque country was owned by aboriginal australians in 1444, oh and they worship Satan, except Satan was actually real for a while there and killed loads of people in France and Spain in the form of a fucking fire-breathing dragon. Also you just showed up recently and the actual Basques are just off the coast on an island waiting to kill you, and they've already invented steam power. Oh and Christendom was recently visited by nephilim from across the sea that interbred with the population and taught them magic so they can kill you better. And everyone in your tribe, and the other two tribes who want to backstab you, are fucking 3 feet tall and live in holes. This is who you're playing as.
sounds like a game of dominions
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is that the new ui for the mobile port
its some console port trite
dont know if there really is such a thing out there though
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eugghhh jesus christ i feel like vomiting
me i completely forgot how to play eu4
probably a good thing
woke up at 6pm
gonna start drinking at 12pm
sometimes it feels like my window for liking video games has closed
i just keep playing the same games i've been playing for years on a loop, whenever i try something new i just can't bring myself to learn it, or if it's not the kind of game you learn i just rush through it and forget about it the next day
for me i just cant play games much now
1-2 hours a day and i feel full, anymore than that and i get fucking sick of it
Churchill was just a retard who went broke spending all his money on premium alcohol, exotic vacations, and gambling, which led to an analogous spiritual death for him.
Churchill was a very sad and pathetic man far beyond the scope most Anglos even realize due to the continued gross mythologization of WWII. Besides his reckless conduct in WWI at Gallipoli (which if he ever had any personal honor was what almost certainly led to his spiritual death), he once forced Mark Twain to sign thirty autographs for him in one go, then tried to sucker Twain into defending what he did to the Boers (he was involved in that war too as a journalist reporting fake news), but Twain told him to his fat stupid face the Boers were right to fight against him. You can see the same spiritual death in Churchill's bloated, surly portraits, displaying a snapshot of a window into the soul of a greatly spiritually degraded man compensating for personal weakness through waging evil acts in the real world (though being both an Anglican and lifelong parliamentarian, it's questionable if he ever really was faithful before the war.) And Churchill would also break down crying like a woman in private all the time, because he absolutely believed it was game over despite the propaganda speeches. It kinda was, to be honest. The empire totally collapsed and Britain was relegated to a lesser power under his leadership.
i've been like that for a long time but ever so often i get obsessed with a game and do nothing but play it from the moment i wake up to when i go to sleep
i like Pike and Shot (slitherine) 
play it every now and again
you can download mods(scenarios) inside the game itself even with the pedo version. pretty handy
me im still butthurt about dw2
one of my favorite (least) things about eu4 is how cavalry is utterly useless shit garbage and has been unless you're a country with any modifiers to them then theyre broken as fuck
i hate living in a house thats so weak
if i punched the wall my fist would literally go straight through it
being surrounded by so many feeble things irritates me because if i just make 1 tiny movement therell be 1000 holes through everything
that sounds horrible i bump into the walls all the time but at least they're sturdy
yep only brick and cement here
my jaw bone is slightly disfigured but thankfully its impossible to tell without actually touching it all over
my soul is disfigured
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it takes a will of iron to play ancient anime girless computer games
now just imagine what it takes to play modern anime girless computer games
uggggggghhhhhhhh ii want to make an epic game but im a fat loser with no skills
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mhm well this isnt bad
the filenames start with 17 now 
its over
dont even remember what it was when i first started posting
feelss like it was at least 1-2 digist below the current one though
>What are some good resources for relearning vector math after a decade of drug abuse?
laughed a little at this
me i completely forgot how to do anything
57 real
need to fix myself
oh im turning into a jim in real time btw which is why ive been becoming increasingly selfhating and violent these past few weeks
i have a feeling it was like 14
this sunday ill be doing the voting bureaucracy and patrolling and counting and i guess possibly even escorting 
it involves sitting in a school sitting next to a couple other people for 12+ hours

thinking of buying lots of fart food so as to wage psychological warfare on them
>In the days of flash games, flash portals like Kongregate, Armor Games, and Newgrounds paid indie game developers a flat fee to have their logo embedded in their game. For a decent game flash portals paid indies in the range of $10,000 to $30,000 ish dollars. That was the expectation for games at that time.
what the actual fuck
i thought they were forced to put it on for free
yeah yeah now that you say it
it was like 14 or maybe 15
jim told me that he's jealous of me but actually im a drooling fucking retard and ive spent all this time doing things that disappoint people who i care about and which i have sworn to never do again <- i will keep doing this until the very day i die
ive also spent all my free time day after day after day on stuuuufuckingpid bullshit that i couldnt possibly care less about despite having epic dreams and desires that i sincerely hope to accomplish and which i know that i could easily and quickly achieve if i so much as consistently put effort into them <- i will keep doing this until the day i die
in other words i am terminally retarded with no hope of a cure that isnt death and im not allowed to die either so i will sit here for another 70 years barely suppressing my fucking disgust and rage
breaking news: kentucky annexes ohio
im sad
yeah well get in line fuckhead
the line to remove my sadness
the line to kill myself
intense desire to kill myself
yeah well get in line cunt
i should die
reminder that every time you think you want to die your lifespan gets extended by one month
this is some extreme mental torture
just thinking that i want to do the things i am interested in and i want to be approved of for doing things that require effort almost sent me into vomiting while tearing my chair apart
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its finished
extreme self hatred
love waking up just to find out that niggerkikes are """""maintaining""""" the electrical network in the middle of the day again
its STILL not fucking back my entire weekend is going to be spent seething at the lack of electricity
at least it's not dark
watched that "akiba maid wars" (i think the turk watched it)
thought it was really good had a very fun time
dreamt i was living in a hotel room and the police knocked on the door to tell me the tranny living in the adjacent room acked himself and exploded into a torrent of liquid shit so now the building had to be evacuated
and then liquid shit started pouring through the vents
shit happens
mayeti......that wasnt a dream.............
increasingly seeing turks and argentines on the internet teaming up and saying being hyper inflated is actually a good thing
not me
well it seems like NOT being hyper inflated still makes life fucking shit so maybe its not that bad
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uh sorry wrong one
well the truth is that its not THAT bad
i mean retards on the internet make it seem like "oh wow your currency devalued? well i guess that means now you dont have any internet and your clothes turned into rags and the pavement disappeared and now you live in the stone age"

its bad for the economy and its annoying and its stupid and it makes some things hard or impossible (for example any form of credit or doing any transaction for stuff that will happen in the future) 
BUT i mean its not the worst terrible thing
it does also mean that people have (worthless) money and are out buying shit all the time with it ............... but also they buy worthless shit and they dont get to save as much money and wages are constantly obliterated

but if there was a big recession instead of big inflation then some people would just simply have no jobs and some stores would close due to people not buying and so on

but obviously the big inflation means that people are buying a lot of......... whatever they can afford (basic shite like food) instead of things that are needed for you to improve your living standards (idk new cars, new houses, new clothes, new electronics, that sort of trite people buy but dont necessarily need to SURVIVE)
yeah twas me talex
those ck3 screenshots look really bad
wtf do you expect its ck3
hope for the best expect the worst
if ck2 had colonization you could use it for any time period
it kind of did have it with some meme mod but it got dropped because it was extremely convoluted and buggy and a mess to update
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why are europeans so convinced that this is a good way to run things
idk retard go ask somewhere else
cant tell what that is at all
soccer im pretty sure
no its football
don't think i know a single thing about german history from this period
well if you count this it's exactly one thing
>Under his direction, Jesuits introduced the Counter-Reformation to the north-western German states and under the leadership of his successors, these territories remained a Catholic stronghold until the late eighteenth century
cant believe there actually was a time when the good guys won
that's some loud loud thunder i hope MY power doesn't go out
the posts have gone out
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weres vicky
>The only explanation for missing this bug is that no one in Paradox play their shit games
They just outsource development to shitskin countries like Argentina or India and just keep selling DLC with no effort on their part
total war outsources some of their stuff to bulgaria
we should outsource the posts
already doing it
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man just imagine how mentally ill you have to be to include stuff like this in the game
fighting peronists tooth and nail
50 exterminated so far. i got all their IDs and fake-voted 

viva milei
it's been a rough few weeks
brainstorming some epic game ideas
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wonder why the ck2 version is so different
indulgent weastrel homosexual cannibal lustful vain cruel envious drunkard
it's homosexual hedonist lustful sloth zealot envious drunkard t.expert
oh yeah youre right
oh yeh on the latest eu4 patch they made it so ai byzantines can survive even without player interference if they get lucky
dont know how to feel about that
the byzantines surviving is always sort of memey, its only plausible if they remain a rump state in greece or trebizond because the turks imploded or something
well i doubt the ai will manage to go past that specially since they added a bunch of debuffs that make their country even shittier
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played a little anime girl slasher game and it made me remember why i never play slashers
its because 99% of them are made for consoles and if youre using a keyboard you just get raped to fuckken death, in this case the camera controls are an actual nightmare, once you acquire a target its impossible to swap, combos are ridiculously hard etc
that looks like ugly realism with a slight japanese flair
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whell i lhike it
around 66% have voted thus far (of a precious 75%)
1:30 hours to go 

think its pretty even where am at
hate hate hate how EVERY video on youtube nowadays is over edited beyond reason
have to keep the zoomers focused
well now when i see cute anime girls i feel like crying
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i literlaly cant stay awake for over 12 hours a day now
>Founded in 2006, the company has two offices in Poland (Kraków and Łódź) and one in Tokyo, Japan
the polish hokkaido games studio.....
milei won at my table
milei won at my school
 milei won 
milei will be president
but did he actually win the elections or are you just having your daily mental breakdown
massa congratulated the next president milei
i googled it and it says milei won
milei 56 the other guy 44
absolutely crushed 
90% counted
do people not normally residing in the country get to vote too
here all the filth hiding in europe votes for erdogan and then goes back afterwards to live in luxury
cant wait for nothing to happen
i think every country does that
but it usually doesn't matter because there aren't that many expats specially ones who care enough to vote
unlike in turkmany of course
cordoba 75-25
mendoza 70-30
santa fe, san luis and entre rios like 66-33
even won shitty northern provinces by 5-10 points
won patagonia too
PBA was like 50.5/49.5 for Massa when they wanted to get like 60/40 to be able to win

the only provinces massa won were PBA (just barely as i said), Santiago and Formosa (tiny horrible)

whats funny is how this absolutely exposes the kirchnerperonist triters as the bourgeois lefties they have become. all the ps & bs voted for milei
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i got too cocky
argentina has a LIBERTARIAN president now
can you understand how insane that is

after decades of the most cruel nonsensical statism
ive got bigger problems
so uhh when is the peso gonna go to $1488 hm????
the obelisk is filling up 
everyone is outside
also when i was walking back home people wee honking and yelling around and jumping
does anyone else ever forget how old you are?
i forget how old i am
yes every time someone asks me i have to count
forgot to shave my beard......................................................................................
ill probably shave it in like 3 minutes when i wake up and be covered in fucking blood as a consequence
anyawy its bed time
its really insane, Peronism has NEVER done this awfuly
everyone absolutely everyone (AND radicals) all the establishment every single institution you can think of even the rural society
AND they only got 44 fucking %
its almost like people vote for their interests and not vague promises of abstract peronism that never actually manifest
oh boy do i have some bad news for you
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no you dont get it

its like trump 2015 media support (for the established candidate) 
but like even worse (because milei is a 3rd party not just A/B) so both were against him
and even worse being as the 3rdworldness allows you to plaster every square cm with peronist images everywhere and its all "milei will sell your organs!!!" "school shooters for milei!!!"

AND the CHINESE AND BRAZILIANS invested literal millions into internet ads for the government and bots and so on
also i think elon musk supported
just thought of an idea
its to skip work today
so fucking what
ads do nothing to help somebody who is already hated
well cause theyre trying to make you hate the other guy more

literally one of the campaigns was "the people LOVE X // Milei HATES IT!!!"

(× = the pope, las malvinas, the country, democracy etc. etc.) 
and.another was
Bus fare under Us: 35
Bus fare under Milei: 750!!!(fake) 
and so on

it was absolutely everywhere bur thankfully people managed to see past their nose
in a world where the media magically wasn't against trump (could possibly exist without wide ranging repercussions obviously) then he would have won an unimaginable landslide
also milei is now the most voted president (by % and obviously by total vote since pop growth)
people everywhere in the streets
the real test is the re-election
we've seen it with trump and bolsonaro they both failed to stop the coups against them
milei won… but at what cost????
(my liver)
i've been playing some project jimboid lately
it's weird because every time i play this game it feels like i'm not having any fun at all but i still can't stop
with most other games i "enjoy" them but get bored after a while and never have the desire to boot them up again
thats how i feel when doing most things
never played jimboid though
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why does that one province love massa so much
interesting color choice
mileis coalition is purple

because its the poorest shittiest province and also a feudalistic shithole with mafias and no freedom
also milei wants to obliterate the state and like 60% of people are state bureaucrats there
if milei ends inflation i think we got it
looks like rosas made a big mistake
jumped right on my phone when i saw the news
did milei really win????
so does this mean la plata is saved
it means they get their own bolsonao arc
it means we become number 1 gp in 20 years
what penance will hm have to give if the country only gets worse like with trump and bolsonaro
Replies: >>37914
bolsotardo and trump helped the economy thoug

also things will be fucking shite anyway everybody knows it
but the only way to put the country in the right path is big shock changes and hopefully things will be on the up trend for 2027 

EVEN IF  a lefty wins the entire POINT of dollarization is that lefties CANT wreck the economy anymore
you neutralize the "free money" policy for good
i mena they can wreck it but.... at a much higher and obvious political cost 
its much harder to pass a law raising taxes than to poof some money out of nowhere
so will i soon be able to fly to argentina with my dollary doos and live like a king with no complication or currency exchange

thats the opposite of what will happen
NOW you can live like a king because weve been impoverished to shit and so the country is "cheap"
when we dollarize we will go back to avg wages being at least 1000usd a month and things will go back to being worth what theyre supposed to be worth (together with wages) 

its good for workers bad for stupid foreigners
clearly i misunderstood what “dollarize” has meant this whole time
can you explain it for me
its when you stop using banana leafs and coconut shells and start using dollars
current state:

currency is worthless 
always has been
peoples savings always go into USDs that they have in cash off the records
savings dont do anything in the economy because there just cash

future state:
the peso gets eliminated
all pesos get changed for USDs (via government acquiring money)
people finally have stable wages and the state is forced to have a surplus (you cant print USDs if ur argentina) 
you can plan ahead
people have access to credit (for buying cars, houses, etc.) because now all the usds ar ein the bank

mortgages literally dont exist in argentina for years and years now
isnt that a good thing though
mortgages and credit are kike schemes
so uhhh its basically just “restarting” the economy and now usd is the official currency?
arent there some central american countries that do the same
yeah sure something like that 
mortgages are goid because the current situation now is you literally have to brinf a suitcase full off 100k usd in cash to buy a property, and pay all in 1 go
and thats obviously unsafe, but also.... you need to have all that money saved up right now!!!!!!

if you get access to a house now and youget to pay for it in 10 years.... thats good..... because then you have a house

likewise for any kind of debt.
also there are rumors of complete government collapse 
basically massa wants to resign but others in the govt. dont want him to and the "president" says that if he leaves then hes resigning on wednesday and the vicepresident (CFK) is disappeared and all the little "secretary of X" "viceminister of Y" are leaving
basically nobody wants to take RESPONSIBILITY for the 3 weeks left before Milei takes over
(because they think everything will blow up i  the air as they've distorted and fucked up the economy so much and spent a literal 3% of thw GDP in handours for the past 3 mo ths jusy for thia pitiful result as well as shortages od all sorts and controlled prices that will be liberated soon)
its too warm
for me it's finally not too warm
i went rock climbing (real rocks) today
i heard it was 60c in brazil 
anyone heard anything of sp

maybe he died from wet bulbing
it was becoming not too warm but then it became warm again suddenly
ui think that was in rio the worst it got here was 40 but it's been raining a lot and today it's finally cool again
thats today yes
stupid fucking faggot kill yourself
the 4 years under trump were the best in decades
imagine if all three of them had been presidents at the same time
2024 trump wins easy

i think bobotardo is banned now though
just wait for the bobosono cia backed coup
dump ass trump inherited a strong economy (just like literally every single president) the economy had ONLY been going up every presidency until covid
but fucking nothing in the country improved any retard could have taken office and NOT fucked economy (im not even pinning anything related to covid economy crash on him i dont think anybody could have handled that well)
it feels like there is no sign of being a bigger retard than being an american and going "yeah but the economy was good"
do you love obama too because the economy was going up with him????
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heres a visual exercise 4 u
the line going up is the economy (this is a good economy)
the red demarcations are just line arbitrarily diving "decades"
now if you see every single decade is better than the last, because the economy is always going up, ergo you can point at any point on the line go "see! when this guy was here the economy was the best it had been in a decade!"
you are such a retarded nigger "trump is just taking credit for the economy improving thanks to OBAMA" is a literal cnn msnbc line
the economy was doing well for once thanks to trump is one thing but it was mainly the fact that the trump presidency was a brief pause in the freefall decline that immediately resumed the second he was out of office
the economy slumped under bush though so that means oboama was a big man
you can also pretend the line is the peso and the red demarcations are the last 4 days
pausing the horror isnt exactly making good policy
nothing got done 
there was no lasting impact as you said he just delayed things
oh but i forgot he did those supreme court picks and those did something
bad things that happened during trumps presidency:

bad things that happened after trump:
summer of floyd
israel-palestine trite

yes that IS a good thing because its a gigantic tangible improvement in everyone's quality of life
so basically the only criticism you can make is that he didnt singlehandedly save der west in 4 years
im not saying that you stupid fuuuuuuuuck the whole point is EVERYBODY has just been having the economy improve before them
i guarantee you would say "obama is just taking credit for the improving economy from bush"
the economy recovering from the 2008 recession is one thing but the economy actually tangibly improving above baseline was all trump
also floyd WAS during trump what the fuck
and so was the start of lockdown, but trump gave free money and that was cool
anyways you should just kill yourself because you are clearly a libtard
summer of floyde was during trump though
yeah yeah sorry you're a weak little man who cannot fathom someone being above american """politics""" and giving every single worthless corpse in office the same amount of ire
he got politically outmaneuvered at every turn and floundered from crisis to crisis without really solving anything due to being a tard
a good statesman would have been able to reform things and make sure the country wasnt obliterated by his enemies as soon as he is out
*bes above american politics*
*cares deeply about correcting the /pol/chuds*
Replies: >>37953
AND if you actually care about """politics""" as a serious, real, entity that should be taken seriously then you should look at the supreme court justice situation with shifty eyes too because it shows how fucking gay and retarded american politics are
obummer couldn't appoint a justice because it was like, the last year of his presidency, and republicans said that would be completely unfair if a republican won the next election (this is not even close to any kind of written rule, it was just argued on the spot)
then trump got to appoint a justice with like...two months left in his term and the same republicans had no problem with this
if you dont care about politics on a level deeper than "i want to see people i dislike be btfo" than whatever, it also just means this conversation is pointless
but if you're someone who thinks politics should exist as an entity which follows rules for the benefit of a nation, you should be at least annoyed when you see shit like this happen even if you do like trump

and to be clear dems would do the same shit im not a retart
and then there was my favorite part where his cabinet was comprised of uber kikes and they named a building after him in israel
didnt you say the exact same thing about milei because you heard he same something positive about israel once
im above american politics should be read as: i feel no love, respect, or admiration for anybody involved in the american political systems, in fact i think the vast majority of them should be put into a woodchipper and turned into dog food and it would be a net benefit on the nation and world
and i dont care about "correcting" anything, this is just an argument with a retard and all i really care about is laying out what i have to say and then allowing the jury of my peers to decide who got owned
its like a hitler situation where he failed and fucked everything up for everyone but at least he tried
except its 0.01% of the e1 hitler was
and so help me god if i am arguing with the only canadian about fukken american politics again im gonna be upset
a canadian and a brazilian argue about american politics
canada really should just be annexed at this point why even keep up the farce of it being a country
quebec should be released after though
i always did that in vicky
Replies: >>37954
"Milei is the owner of five English Mastiffs, with the progenitor being Conan, who died in 2017 after suffering from spinal cancer.[45][269][270] He considers Conan his son and has named four of Conan's six clones, including one named after the original and another named Angelito,[277] Milton (in honor of Milton Friedman), Murray (in honor of Murray Rothbard), Robert, and Lucas (both named after Robert Lucas).[278][279] Milei said that he cloned Conan because he understands cloning as "a way of approaching eternity".[270] To do this, he went to a clinic in the United States; the process cost him about $50,000.[270] He has described his dogs as four-legged children and thanked them after his 2023 primary win.[14]

Milei stated that he communicates with the dogs through a mystic.[10] For example, he commented that the new Conan provides ideas on general strategy, Robert is the one who makes him "see the future and learn from mistakes", Milton is in charge of political analysis, and Murray of the economy.[280] When asked about this by El País journalist Martín Sivak and Nicolás Lucca of Radio Rivadavia, Milei did not deny it, and said: "What I do with my spiritual life and in my house is my business. If Conan advises me on politics, it means that he is the best consultant of humanity."[269]

Milei said he had dialogues with the likes of Rothbard and Ayn Rand. In 2015, he cited Conan as a source of inspiration for his writing.[269] About Conan's death in 2017, Milei said that Conan had not really died (he described it as "his physical disappearance" and continued to refer to Conan in the present tense) but had gone to sit next to God to protect him, and that it was thanks to this that he had begun to have talks with God himself.[281] According to González, Milei wrote to a friend in a chat: "I saw the resurrection of Christ three times, but I can't talk about it. They would say I'm crazy."[45] According to various sources consulted by La Nación, Milei maintains that he and Conan have a mission that was assigned to them by God and has a mystical story with Conan. He said that he met Conan, who was a lion, as a gladiator in the Roman Colosseum about 2,000 years earlier.[282]"

smiled smugly when i read someone refer to peronism as "far left" on the internet
if only they knew...what i knew...
is dog cloning real
it must be some kind of scam theres no way
its very real yeah
theyve cloned a couple animals now
one time they cloned a sheep but its lung didnt work so it just suffocated and died instantly after being born
that happens to people who arent cloned too
yeah but its way funnier to do all the science of cloning and animal then just having it die in a pathetic meaningless way instantly
maybe that will be my future clone's future as too
it actually is far left hm has been lying to us and obfuscating this whole time
Replies: >>37955
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hey canman check this out
if youre actually saying things like polchud then youve clearly gotten yourself far too deep into the /int/ and twitter shitholes
take a deep breath and realize already that youre above these retarded things
i was the one who kept calling you a retard for playing as america and for having shit borders
no it isnt. kirchnerism is
menem (peronist) is literally one of mileis favorites and he was basically a big pro-market neoliberal type from the 90s

and Peron himself literally exterminated leftist guerrillas

and Masssa spent the whole campaign talig about God , Family and Country (all fake though)
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looks a little interesting
any men want to give it a try
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52 why is the bottom part chilean?
why are you posting those random sceeencaps therr not funny
youre just jealous
THREE ploids in a row what were you niggers up to while i slept
tenchi no wakareshi tokiyu, kamisabite, takaku toutoki suruga naru fuji no takane wo, ama no hara furikoke mireba, wataru hi no kage mo inrahi, teru tsuki no hikari mo miezu, shirakumo mo iyuki wa bakari, tokijikuzo yuki wa orikeru, kataritsugi ihitsugi yukamu, fuji no takane wa
^ posted only because i thought it looks cool when written down
today i learned that there was a big lake north of fuji that got buried permanently when it erupted in 864
and aokigahara(suicide forest) formed on top of that land
interesting huh
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that is pretty interesting
apparently it created some pretty caves as well
sounds pretty cool
there was also an even bigger lake there in like 2000 or 3000 bc or so but it disappeared(due to eruptions i assume)
also yeah japan has some epic ice caves
yoyu know what's cool
motorcycle helmets
it's the closest thing we have to traditional looking armor in the modern day
went on the amateur game development general and all the people there just use weird little software where you put preset blocks together to "code" a game
yeah i've read through one of those threads once it's really weird no one was even talking about actual games it was just brand wars over which cookie cutter engine to use
as far as i can tell there's like 3 guys in there working on making a game and the rest are just there to shitpost about sex and women
cant believe ancapism is about to actually be tried in our lifetime on our planet
its going to be liberalism with argenkike characteristics
no we wont have ancapism
the president IS a libertarian ancap but obviously he cant put all extreme retardation in practice, nor do people want it 

his government program (assuming it doesnt change much) is just quite-rational centre right liberalization of the economy -of an economy thats incredibly closed off and tax heavy and state led- into just a normal prosperous market economy.... with conservative/anti-progressive characteristics,  hopefully banning abortions again and "sex education" (fag/tranny/whore indoctrination)
also tougher on crime and retard lefty protesters 

and also if the economy goes well, remilitarization 

if we win the midterms and then the reelection then honestly it coule become quite exemplary
obviously the whole PROBLEM with the country is that the only person proposing NOT destroying everyone with taxes is some crazy ancap guy. now all the other politicians were left clearly "offside" and things have shifted right across all parties (internally)

his only real RADICAL proposal is the Depesification (aka Dollarization)
so as to end -even after he leaves- government deficits and inflation
bread and cheese for lunch
green falcons out in full force
shaved beard
and now the time you've spent doing that is forever shaved from your lifespan
its 20 minutes
the cost performance is better than like 99% of things i do
shaved me brain
the chinese reaction to the video
interesting how theres so many posting in japanese(and shitty japanese)
so are the green falcons a football team or a baseball team
beach episode or bathhouse episode
sleep episode
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my coworker sent me this what do i say
reply: hi hitler i'm jim
too bored and tired to do anything
not too bored nor tired to sleep
this is my life now
thanks for playing
a kamen rider form is named "putotyrannosaurus" so i often times see various sudacas laughing about the name
i did laugh as i was reading that
glad to be of service
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dreamt there was shit on my bed
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why are americans so Obsessed with milei
funny how one of my cousins has a greek name
how's old melissa doing anyway
dont know since i last saw her when i was 11
i guess she's married now or something
thinking about it now she was blonde wasnt she
cant wait to see what milei gets up to
a new era of entertaining news from argentina for sure
what are the odds milei asks for the falklands back and he actually gets it because the uk leadership is brown and obsessed with decolonization
theres a giant NATO refueling and monitoring station there now so its too late for that
mate an israeli politician just threatened to cut off hamas' foreskins
do you seriously think western leadership isnt retarded enough to do it anyways
politian kvetching ≠ handing over the best naval base in the south atlantic to a country thats right about to join BRICS
Brown Retarded International CoalitionS
were not going to join brics
(although we probably will eventually if milei doesnt suceed during his mandate so itd be retarded anyway)
but i thought argentina wasnt going to join brics because it hates brazil(and has fucking nothing to offer brics)
brics is a fucking meme
im going to sleep
woke up
want to sleep more but cant
things that i want to do
things that i have to do
things that i like
things that i hate
people i adore
people i detest
laughed at this
yeah dainan would have been better
got a thousand kilometer stare
it gets upped by 1km with each passing day
how many hectares is that
i mean kilometers as in a single straight line
how many football fields is that
sorry i dont know the math to turn a square into a line
imagine someone who is a real math wiz but they cant do anything in real life
thats kind of like me but im bad at everything
are you talking about yourself
i cant do math at all
listening to cute girls say things like "i love you :)" has put me in a very suicidal mood today
hate girls pretending to be cute
is it because it makes you want to kill yourself
its dumb and i cant tell its fake
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i finished macross 7 today
i thought it was really really really fukken epic i see why its really divisive cause its really retarded but i loved every second of it i think
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now to watch macross zero (i have no expectations for this it will probably be mediocre) then i'll watch frontier which is supposed to be the one most people shit their pants over as the greatest one
kill me
ohhh my dear
just let me stay locked up in my house
to exist is retarded
t.actual 21st century philosopher
say what you will about their motivations but its fukken epic to see a bunch of normie americans against israel
i can feel the fall of israel inching closer and closer every day
the moment it looks like anything is about to happen is the moment before things get 1000x worse
Do you ever shut the fuck up with this? What's even your angle you insane asshole?
ass pee status: destroyed dominated and humilliated
oops meant to write torikee not ass pee
whats with the sudden caps
im assuming it was copy and pasted from the 4channel
imagine a whole copypaste thread
i overdosed on suffering and thoughti  was back in 2016 gsg
51 could be a fun gimmick
imagine having to track down a post thats close enough to what you want to say
or you could make a post of your own to bait someone else to making it for you
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kamen rider faiz had a symphogear collab which is funny for a couple of reasons (dont care about explaining)
got no idea what a symphogear is
dont worry about it just trust me that its mildly funny
keep hearing about symphogear but generally have no clue what it is
it seems like it's probably a fun watch
i will probably do it at some point, me one mate likes it a lot
i like it too watched it a few times
i only watched the first season got bored through the next ones
knew a guy who was absolutely obsessed with symphogear
time to kill my emotions and reactivate them when its the weekend
arent you a bit old for 8th grader syndrome
no its workers syndrome
ok macross zero was actually quite good i mean the "lore" it introduced sucked and was retarded but i did thoroughly enjoy watching it
if it was just some random fucking ova i would probably have loved it
please tell me that was the last one you hadn't watched
i think borough is a really cool word
burrowing beneath the boroughs
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the silver waters of the silver... its actually turkey
kill me
you know i think there's nothing i hate more about modern society than skyscrapers and big buildings
such an eyesore you should have maybe one important tall building in the city but theyr're EVERYWHERE
i like big buildings but i recognize this as a character flaw
yeah the buildings on the mountains on the horizon were all hidden by fog todya tahnkfully
heard napoleon is somehow even worse than ridley scotts last movie
scratched my leg until it started bleeding
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found this and thought it funny
I don't need any love
t.cries himself to sleep everyday
i appreciate you replying to all of my lyricsposts
i wouldnt if i knew its a lyricpost
i thought it was just canman having a breakdown again
bed time for me soon:) and a beautiful girl with a heart filled with justice and hope will strangle me to death in my sleep as an act of mercy
ridley scott should be put down i dont think he even knows what a movie is anymore
alien covenant was one of the biggest piles of shit i've ever seen and i LIKED prometheus
had an epic 3 hour conversation with me mum about utter fucking trite when i could be doing literally anything else
also i havent had sleep in like 20 hours
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seriously how is the guy who did this (left) the same guy who did this (right)
i think i watched alien covenant but i don't remember a single thing about it
the answer is he got old
old people should not be allowed to exist
president elect javier milei
heard the argentine pop got caught hanging out with trannies
well now thats a funny typo
im convinced he got lucky and wasnt actually ever good
i mean he did all the fucking retarded shit with all the different versions of blade runner where he just inserted new retarded things literally nobody likes
and the worst part is, he's very easy to compare to george lucas but i find it hard to HATE lucas because he just has this like, childlike idiocy to him he seldom seems malevolent he's just a big stupid bumbling oaf who things a talking rabbit frog is hilarious from the bottom of his heart you dont find that kind of genuine-ness often
but ridley scott keeps releasing all this literal shit and then he blames "ohhhh its the youth they like their phones too much ohhhh french people are just mad" he's a malevolent idiot
you can't tell me that's NOT a little bit funny
well yes yes dont worry it IS funny of course
the worst part for me is just that alien and predator are two just completely fucking poisoned franchises for me now both have been shit longer than they've been good by like, a factor of four
predator only ever had one good movie and should never have been a franchise
alien being ruined is terrible though because it was such a foundational piece of science fiction that inspired a billion things after it
(i also havent even watched the last two predator movies because the last one i saw was so unfathomably shit  i cant do it)
(although finding out the second to last predator movie's central plot is the predators want to get autism IS entirely hilarious)
i watched the last one when it came out the one about the indian (native) girl
i wouldn't even say it's offensively bad it's more like pointlessly bad like you feel bad that someone wasted their time making it
yeah you cant really be mad at george lucas unless youre a retarded manchild who watches too much red letter media
becoming a malicious youth-hating old is the worst way to age that nigger needs to just drop dead already
i guess there is also a decent level of cosmic comedy to studios just constantly trying to create new entries into these franchises and they just suck every time and nobody likes them so everybody has their time wasted every single time
wew rere pkarenning to go watch napoopan with der trannische 

isnit really that terrible 
cant waste 3 months' earnings just to watch a movie that SUCKS
i heard its just a big load of trite that suddenly ends
maybe you can just treat it like marvel shite and fall asleep and have someone wake you up when theres a battle which might be entertaining enough
heard even the battles are extremely shitty and lazy
the joke i heard is it skips over the entire egypt arc by just showing him firing a canon at the pyramids
its a shame too cause nappy IS obviously an interesting man with a rich history
a nappy movie, doesnt even need to be a full blown hyperrealistic documentary, could be really enjoyable
imagine lawrence of arabia (i never saw it) but for nappy
lawrence of arabia was freaking epic
and how did you not see it we all watched it together
i was probably watching something retarded or forgot
huh???? we always said we were going to watch it but never did
we(3 people with one dropping out halfway through) all watched it
i thought lawrence was before turnout dropped off
what i heard is the movie is basically a big fuck you to napoleon and the idea of ambitious young men in general
ohhhh speaking of films saw starship troopers for the first time the other day
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lamb ravioli and some pork trite (and drinks)
wowwere back
you can watch movies for free these days
why cant i just have the traditional 8/8/8 split of work sleep fun
why is it always either 12/12/0 or 12/0/12
cant believe lambe posting finally killed tragsg
nothing says fine dining like a can of pepsi
for me it was the first run of baja blast from taco bell fountains
never tasted quite as good since then
the one time i had that it tasted like toothpaste
not american enough i guess
as the years come by they keep downsizing the soda that they serve so yeah............
eventually inflation will cause the portion sizes to be downsized back to normal human levels
so what happened in the 1 hour between 02:40 and 03:40
i did literally nothing in that one hour and i have no memories of staring at the wall silently without purpose either so just what happened in that 1 hour for it to pass
youre telling me that its 03:45 now but im quite sure that the one hour between 02:40 and 03:40 does not in fact exist
drove around
im about to have a moral panic in my brain
im about to flip out
it's going to be real
no, no that's just silly. no it isn't. it's serious.
for me its 2000s pop nightcore remix
what do We think the of the dutch election?
well from what I understand the guy that won is anti islam/immigration but also pro tranny/kike/nato
the dutch might be the most disgusting people in europe culturally speaking they don't have a single redeeming quality i think it must be the weird brand of paganoprodism they follow i don't know if the flems are any better
source: eu4 memes
theyre fine
*falls asleep at the wheel and dies in a car crash*
driving into slumber
dying into death
i wonder how many conversations i have on 4chan with people who have been using the site as long as me
i try not to think about it
yeah me too
no seriously theyre all crackhead freaks
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argent meltdown imminent
it's shit because turkeys are huge and tards cook the whole thing at once and it takes 4 hours, so it ends up dry and tasteless. Just butcher it into pieces, flatten it out and cook it on trays, give the brown meat longer than the white meat. You can also fit other stuff in the oven at the same time.

Also idiots don't know how to make gravy, they try to thicken it at the end with raw flour, all they've actually done is made glue. Flour needs to be cooked, at least make a roux. Then they blame the tryptophan in the turkey for making them sleepy. If you need to thicken gravy bring it to a boil and use cornstarch
imagine being the guy who spent a whole hour waiting for a bus just to enter a full bus for an hour and a half and be surrounded by arab youths
and then he sleeps for 4 hours and repeats it all over again the day after
i'm going to imagine being the guy who is unemployed and never leaves the house instead
is it a bad sign to go to therapy in a dream
its not the worse thing to be doing in a dream
i have the freedom to wake up at 6am everyday, get to the bus within 20 minutes, then come back 13 hours later
also the freedom to get paid peanuts and to be incredibly poor despite working and eating only one meal a day for 4 years straight
ive spent quite a while now banging my head on my dresser
i stared at a cute anime girl and it made me feel like crying so i think ill stop here for today, eat something then sleep
i was flipping somebody off with both hands... that's all i remember from my dream
waheey it's thanksgiving!!!!!! water you thankful for mateys!!!
consumed a "kentucky gentleman" beverage
bottled in louisville
a bottled gentleman eh you better let him out then
ohohoho got a chuckle from me there
o tannenbaum o tannenbaum
how did i just sleep 16 hours
sleeping is better than most things
16 hours is fucking insane ive never slept that long before
done it once or twice myself
exhausting being the dedicated big fat retard who's a retard and constantly fucks everything up and is retarded
thats why i just do nothing
in 2 years ill be the boss or 4 or 5 people thats crazy
we're not moving to argentina mate
i remember when i was innocent i asked some 18yo guy whats the longest he ever stayed up and i was saying i bet i beat you with my 50ish hours i did not long ago and he got this crazy look in his eyes and said 5 days and i tried to call bs and his whole demeanor changed he looked at me like i was a dumb fucking idiot child who he didnt want to talk to or take seriously anymore even though i was older than him
was he a druggie heard those can keep you awake
yes and i immediately felt bad about not knowing anything about that. now it's the opposite and if i went back in time to that moment i would have had a much different interaction with that person
i still dont believe those stories about how the germans were hopped up on meth for weeks during barbarossa
i was thinking about exactly that like 2 days ago
funny how the slang for pervitin would be pervys. because you know
did i ever show you this turk
one of the finest tomino moments
maybe you should watch this show, saw someone say it's his greatest show but only if you were abused as a child or autistic
tomino tomato
last meal i had was about 36 or so hours ago and i have another 13~ hours left to go until my next
normally people die of stuff like this but i think god is secretly injecting energy into my body to prolong my suffering
no you didnt
cant really check that right now itll have to wait until the next time that i have free time and am not sleeping(somewhere between 13 to 30 hours from now)
don't worry you can last multiple months without too much exertion
every grandi empire was built by brown slaves who lived off of gruel
I practice some moderate levels of mental flagellation
On hot days (florida) I often lock myself in my car with the windows rolled up and tell myself how poorly I'm doing in every aspect in life. I tell myself that everyone around me has their shit together and if I don't nut up I'm gonna fail 100%
Before big presentations (I do research and Im the least autistic of all of the engineers on the group so I usually end up speaking a lot) I tell myself some seriously horrible things will happen if I botch the presentation or if I deliver unfavorable results. Stuff like my parents will die in a housefire or I'll get stage last cancer or some shit. If I ever fuck something up I usually sleep on the floor for a day or two and don't eat for 24-36 hours
I need to treat myself like trash to keep going and it's essentially a hobby at this point
fascinating post
well i get where hes coming from
but what do you call the empire if its made by white slaves
Dude who fucking cares so much about this shit jfc get a fucking life or go look at sexy anime girls or some shit. Like what the fuck is wrong with you that you decided to get this worked up over some random sperg?
whoahhhh wowwaawww woweee amazing :) life is amazing eh mates really cool dont you think so? :)
we will fight
we will fall
till the angels save us all
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uhh is that you macon?
do we not get to see the ascii art
speaking of grandi did anyone ever check the v3 credits
no because i just googled the first news thing and dont care to check teh rest
somebody did and he supposedly wasnt there
honestly id feel bad for him if he really was involved in the production
why would anyone feel bad for alex grandi
because he's a dear friend of mine with whom i spoke to for hours everyday for 5 years straight????
for me hes a hated enemy whom i spoke to for hours every day for 5 years straight
because he tried very hard for several years and did his best and was very dedicated he just had an issue understanding there were actual people that used the website he liked to post on and try to control
the same could be said of any paradox employee
ok not the same but something similar
i fell asleep before the kid narrating the video could tell me what happened to the northwest passage retards
whats this passage thing
ok so they all ate each other then died of exposure and were walking south for 10 years and inuit saw them eating each other and dying but nobody believed them
some months ago i put $1000 in btc when it was at 20k now it's almost 40k weewwwwowowow
it literally just goes up then down and infinitely repeats that so youd have to be actually retarded to not make money off of it
yeah i watched the thing
did he get his christmas card or no
maybe i'll watch it sometime but thats probably 1+ years away
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this is what people make games with now
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well certainly not "people"
took me a bit of staring at the image to figure out what it was about
how did you get access to nhks steam screenshot folder
think nhk would much rather transition and become south koreas second female president than play ck3 for one nanosecond
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ohhhhhhh my god i just coincidentally found a /gsg/ bunker thats filled with hoi4 and ck3 posts
wow im surprised there are other bunkeres
although i guess the bigger made their own
usually am hesitant to click literally any of these bunkers ever since they just raid each other with gore and gay porn and cp like a retarded ouroboros
oh yeah i guess i just doomed that entire bunker right now if the bigger is still checking up on here like the psychotic freak he is
they talk weird
if the bigger is STILL checking this place
then i dont know but its really bad
why would anyone care about that random general its bsaically just zoomers that are completely unrelated to any olden gsg users
the bigger would because he's clinically insane
any other questions
yeah why is the sky blue
to match the la platan flag
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pretty crazy huh......
id rather suffer poetically than prosper artlessly
^quote i just thought up could do with some refinement
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made me think of this
doesnt the first part contradict the rest
it's two people talking so yeah
oh of course how did i miss that
35 wasn't meant to insinuate you should know that
'tis better to suffer in poetry
than prosper in prose
^second revision
i dont know how i feel about the use of "prose" here
/ figure it out on my own so i think he should
well im suffering poetically and its not any fun
i think i would prefer prospering blandly and doing things i enjoy and learning things i want to rather than getting fucked over every week like the mc of a 70's anime or something
now im remembering how good patlabor 2 is
no your suffering isnt beautiful nor artistic it's just pathetic and laughable
comedy is still art
subversion of expectations and monkey paws area beautiful in a sense
sincerely hope you werent thinking of shitty self-insert romeo juliet when you said "beautiful suffering"
me im thinking about bananas
no i was fantasizing about the other thing (being a soldier)
...for bananas?
gotta earn your keep somehow
i think the asian cashier at best buy was flirting with me
couple times ive been to sheetz my friend said the black lady cahsier was flirting with me but i didnt think so
never been flirted with in my life
you probably have you just dont know it
its almost mind boggling how hard it is to notice when its happening to you
good thing he failed and the middle east is run by wise and pious rulers like erdogon these days
paid for by the us government of course
yep the us government has done everything ever t. history pro
yeah???????? ever since 1945 they've paid for literally all terrorists worldwide except for hamas
*gives you 100 pesos*
now you have to do exactly what i say
huh.....this agent from america sure looks a lot like us arabs...........but oh well hes speaking english so surely he must be an american
yeah the telly was telling me israel is gonna undergo pesoification...fascinating huh...
have you ever noticed how there arent any japanes names that begin with p
in almost all cases of p and b they get "lowered" down from h, which happens when you have two kanji together and the second one is read in a way which starts with h, it gets dragged down to either p or b
turkish has the same thing but applied to other letters
huh fascinating
ore name wa...hablo
you see the same stuff happening with ka ki ko ku ke dropping down to their g variants, tsu turning into zu/dzu, etc etc
sometimes its cancer like with my mate 天平天皇 here who we can read as tenhei, tenbyou or tenpyou but usually its fine
one thing to mention is that the 2nd kanji in a word starting with a k or h or being tsu or whatever does not necessarily mean that it will be dropped down
this thing sucks so much
think its about time for bed yeah
umm i need to study and work(cool kind not gay kind) or else ill die a virgin loser
had the 1 hour disappearance phenomenon again
>so what happened in the 1 hour between 02:40 and 03:40
yeah literally exact same timeframe but pull it back by 10 minutes
sunkissed hmist
now THAT was a post
i have to wake up in 7 hours
if i had too i would have gone to bed 3 hours ago
what are you doing thats so important in the place of that
i'm not doing anything so i dont have to do anything
you have to do some things sometimes
drog gord dorg grod gdor
*tells self to stop* 
dont forget to make another thread in a hundred posts
you can't expect that much from me it's too much responsibility i'm a mere mortal
just fyi i (canman (the usual threadmaker)) will NOT be making the next new so dont rely on that
funny how the only way to be epic is to suffer nonstop
put the things i do for fun into words and then realized im a weirdo
92 yeah, and the more aware you are of that, and the more cognizant of your pain, the less able you are to deal with it and are more likely to try and avoid it. your brain literally doesnt work as well (moves slower, gets cloudy) if youre anticipating pain so the only way to be epic is have recurring expectations of reward even if time and time again evinces the futility of all efforts. then if reward actually does come, you also cant get used to it or have an attitude that you deserve it, you have to gaslight yourself into believing it came from all the work youve been putting in and all the hardship you went through.
BUT you cant even do that, because sooner or later you will catch on to yourself and not be able to lie that doing anything is worth anything.
what are some reasons to be awake
these last few posts are going to take the whole week
dreamt i had a giant computer like those old ones that were as big as  whole room, but high tech
and at some point the dream became about argentina but i don't remember that part
been struck by an interest in old computers lately
not the giant ones though
oh dear im retarded :(
you ever notice how theres a lot of german made "economics & trade" "simulators"
they literally jack off to math all day what did you expect
modern economics and trade
space economics and trade
historical economics and trade
the list goes on
one day they're bound to make a single one good
the time where it was possible for a good video game to be made has long since passed
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why is "reinventing the wheel" considered something futile and pointless, when modern cars literally could not exist if you didnt have compact, strong and rubbery wheels
that would be reinventing the tire
reinventing the wheel is a good idea if you want to understand the underlying principles
and utterly retarded if you're going for performance and speed in whatever youre doing
well but olden wheels didnt have tires did they.... it was just a wooden circle with a bunch of sticks in the middle

you had to invent the idea of a tire
and then.... you had to make it be metal and able to swap out tires and make the tires inflatable not just a piece of rubber
an dlike have you SEEN wheels
old ones were really tall and thin
modern ones are short and fat
oh wow really
idk about you men but my president is an epic libertarian who yells and calls leftists dirty insects and says hes going to exterminate them
*epicly gives all your money to kikes*
mine calls me a nigger and halves my wage everyday
wtf based joe
hey nhk lets go find some uninhabited land near an african lake and retire there to live trad hunter gatherer lives while diy'ing computers and an internet connection
sounds homosexual
but nhk likes industrial sound, not neolithic rock
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cool :)
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what would you do with this
uhh well for starters id shove it up my ass first
uhhhhh as for me uh count it i guess...... doesnt look like  that much money.......
probably put it in a box and save it for a few months for some spendings i have to make later
656 dollars eh that'd feed me for the next decade
umm i fucked up again
incredibly unpleasant stuff really
anybody want to post
im too tired but i cant go to sleep because i have a download going on
what is 'it"
i literally have no clue what the contents of it are i just saw on an obscure dead imageboard a spoilered text that says RCT-247 and when i googled it there was a single rapidgator file named that and now im downloading it out of curiosity
to be fair its probably just porn or something
thats not something i would do or recommend
its going to be a video of roller coaster tycoon
well my first google result is some kind of jav with that exact code
i was gonna say thats just a jav code
>Every modern JAV video is released with a code consisting of a few letters representing the producers or series, and a listing number.
but yeah i more or less saw that coming
biggeresque post
how what
theres only so many possibilities
the fuck is so biggeresque about it
>not knowing what a jav code is
>copypasting the first line of the wikipedia article
>acting as if youre bringing up something new nobody else knows about
of course i dont know you retard you think i fap to jav??????
i wouldnt be surprised if nhk didnt know what jav was
he is a sexless individual except for his bote
thats like saying you dont know what a dilator is because youre not a tranny
Spoiler File
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at first i was glad that wasnt jav
(at first)
it turned out to be a gav (gay anime video)
gav could also stand for gundam anime video
its funny how the turk learned japanese so he could finally understand the japanese internet only to exclusively use his powers for memes that had made their way over to the english internet and gotten old a decade ago
actually i have plenty of gay man videos that have never made it to the west
there are even plenty of new ones being produced everyday
right but nobody cares about the individual videos the concept of gachi is ancient and there were (probably still are) tons of western guys making videos of it
i must acquiesce i did always find the gay man videos exceptionally funny
no no i was talking about non-gachi gay man videos
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here's the least mentally ill one that i can show you
as you can see the gay parts are very subdued and most of it is kankore and cookie☆
*does a racist chinese voice*

they didnt archive the full image -__- 
i want proof i looked good once 
i posted this on tragsg too did anyone save it
ah yes putting your beautiful pure 2d angels right next to gay porn this is surely much better than wanting an anime wife
wow /soc/ really is the abyss
theres no way america exists in 10 years right
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cannae believe i have to be the one to send a guy ive never met his own selfie
what the hell are you doing
ohhh i scrolled up four posts
wait is that curtis???????? what the fuck is with these shapeshifting trashmen nhk has like eight forms and jim has like four
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is this the right way up
rotate it 180
wow he really does look like michael jackson
made me laugh when i saw that post in the archive
bit weird to save images of strange men you met on the internet but i got 2 jimmages saved too just because of how funny they are
i have a few but my collection was missing that one
do people in the rest of the world also clap in front of houses
usually because there's no doorbell and you can't knock on the door because there's a big fence in the way
GOD computers are such retarded horseshit wifi suddenly shut down and asks me to put in a password (i unsurprisingly have this set to remember the password)
i put in the correct password 1000000 times, and it would connect for a split second, load my pages, then kick me off and say "Wrong password :)"
THEN i tried different variations of the password (wrong) and this STILL HAPPENED as in it was letting me connect then booting me
anyways im seriously annoyed by now and just fukken unplugging and plugging in the router fixed everything grrrr ahhh grrr

and ive never seen a gated home usually the rich gated homes will have doorbells on their gate unless you mean like...a picket fence in which case you'd just like...swing open the latch (if you're assumed to be welcome there) or thats usually a sign that person does not want you even close to their property also i already had a headache today so im double annoyed
youtube keeps recommending me project jimboid videos
but get this
theyre ones in LOUISVILLE (in zomboid)
my house actually had an intercom connected to a little phone in the kitchen but it's been broken since forever, it and the doorbell are kind of hidden so people always just come up and start clapping
it's very rare to see a property that's NOT gated around here, i want to say it's because of crime but i think it's more of a thing where if everyone else has big gates and you don't you're just painting a big target on yourself. but if NOBODY had gates then... it'd be slightly easier to rob a house but your chance of being targeted would be about the same as having a big gate right now
and also lots of people keep big dogs in their front yard so there's that too
well louisville is "the" cool place to be or so i've heard, you can't spawn there and it's full of zombies so it's meant to be an end game thing
what's the real world connection
it's an actual city full of people for one
the other real life places in the game map are all tiny tiny towns with a few hundred inhabitants
what about like...new york...
not too caught up with the lore but it's not a true "apocalypse" it's just louisville and the surrounding areas that are infected so the government just closed down the borders and called it a day
ohhh that's cool
this video is making the game look a bit fun
*never plays it*
it's fairly fun but it's also a game where you'll constantly be thinking "i wish i could do x or that they would add y"
i think it's been in early access for over a decade and at some point one of the guys working on it had his laptop stolen and they lost an entire update you know just the classic development hell but at least there's a bunch of mods i saw one where they added all the maps from stalker
its STILL in early access?????? what more is there to add it looks uhhhh at least decently robust
it definitely could've been "released" a while ago but i think the developers are just stubborn and want to properly finish it first (rightfully so you could say)
but it's still missing some big things like npcs so you can encounter other survivors and be raided and such
well yeah its complicated, i have the concepts of faggots and cute anime girls completely split up and seperate in my head though so i dont suffer from seeing them in the same frame
dont remember ever saying anime wives are bad
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yup looks great
that sounds very silly
managed to have a normal night of sleep for the first time in weeks
the area in between my car seat and the glove box is filthy theres crumbs and bullshit everywhere
thats why we dont eat in our cars
i do and have been for 4 years
thoughts on skibidi toilet w rizz sigma ohio looksmaxxing fanum tax
i think it can indicate how youre feeling
any slang the way you use it can show if youre comfortable with a situation or conversation or not and how you fit in with the other people there
how is ohio toilet tax slang
those are the only real words there
skibidi toilet is a fucking gmod video? in 2023? 
we are going to reach the new middle ages, where the same exact styles and memes just persist unchanged for 700 years
gachi gayman videos are like the ukiyo-e wood prints of our time
itd be epic if that happened but 20 years earlier
if it happens now itll be living hell
mooooommmm!!!!! the internet archive is locking books it doesnt own behind meme paywalls again!!!!
thats how they teach english in japan even to this day
you see my opinion on it all is actually positive
everyone who is feigning outrage at "zoomer brainrot" is becoming an old retard, it's just funny words no different from sneed bane or the way memes have been for years and years
the fact that i can still "get it" tells me im not spiritually old quite yet which is a big relief
hate old people
hate young people
see thats my opinion as well
i have not consumed any of this "skibidi toilet" but from what i understand, it cant be any more retarded than pootis or dr. hax shit
i have fun watching it
and im happy that an oldfag gmod guy it getting successful off it
the problem isnt with the words its that the ones using them are brown 12 year olds who shake their asses on tiktok for money
well yeah thats a different issue
if the former existed today there would be ethots dressing up a dr. hax and shaking their ass while some fucking raggaeton remix plays
what kind of people would we be if we turned our back on the white zoomers just because their generation is brown
anyways have we talked about how raggeaton is the shittiest music ever and i will never forgive central americans
well to be honest they're fucked either way so i dont think abandoning them or not even really matters much
raggeaton more like niggeraton
idea: nigger eating dinasours
man dinos are cool
wooooww google spreadsheets wont even let me see a spreadsheet without a google account huh
guess ill have to go all out then and never look at a spreadsheet ever again in my life
uhhhhh i might just use this "khaganate academy" thing to relearn high school math
no real reason for it i just feel like a retard whenever math is mentioned
me i gave up and i'll just live as a retard
>The term bachelor in the 12th century referred to a knight bachelor, who was too young or poor to gather vassals under his own banner. By the end of the 13th century, it was also used by junior members of guilds or universities.
does that make you feel cooler
huh???????? americans are some seriously weird people this sounds like a funny factoid you'd read about some ancient empire doing their pagan rites but it's NOT
man armored core 6 is a good game
wait until you read about how el presidente stands by a hole and waits to see if a rodent crawls out of it to determine if spring comes early or not
thats freaking based though
groundhog day is fukken retarded its not based
i'll make the next thread
its a based retard sort of thing
hope its not retarded
i chose a turk theme for it
hope its groundhog themed

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