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heres your new president!!!!!
i fucked the number up but it was an actual accident this time
its retarded
wtf is that thread number
it was an accident i swear
anyway if / had made it would have been an image of food
i guess it would technically be thread 22
just ignore the V
amazing how you managed to fuck up your first thread
@clapper from last thread
yes you clap in that situation
>President John F. Kennedy spontaneously spared a turkey on November 19, 1963,[7] just three days before his assassination. The bird was wearing a sign reading, "Good Eating Mr. President". Kennedy returned the massive 55-pound (25 kg) turkey to the farm, saying "we'll let this one grow."[8] Scattered reports in The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times referred to it as a pardon, but Kennedy did not refer to it as such.[9] Likewise, Richard Nixon also spared some of the turkeys given to him during his time as president.[10][11]
well you see they ARE pagans
ive made multiple threads
not every ceremony is religious
whats this number stuff about its 27 and supposed to be 27 isnt it
its been fixed
so what was it before the fix
woah you can just do that
there was an extra V in there
the twenty sevventh thread
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el presidente das platinos. present in the republic of cordoba

(milei got 77% of the vote in  this area)
if it were me i'd get 100%
i've always had the impression cordoba is a shithole
well its the opposite cordoba is probably the wealthiest province (besides the capital, which isnt a province)

the amount of infrastructure is night and day with other provinces even with the buenos aires province theres a lot more roads and things, and the small interior towns (of which theres A LOT) always looo very nice and tidy and they have very big houses and big yards and theres lots of agrarian and transport work and sellers of things like that

the reason milei got so much here is basically Ye olde Rural/Urban divide to simplify things

which is quite funny when you consider that milei is some social media anarchist phenomenon 
but without taxes cordoba will be basically qatar but not islamic
*builds skyscrapers out of poo and yerba*
ahhh...just like qatar :)
well yes but replace poo by Argentine Cement (buy $LOMA) and Argentine Steel (buy $TXR) 

stocls have already rallied like 50% but this is just the bottom, over the next 12 years we will sextuple the economy
if i get a job and start investing in argentinian companies and lose money i'll kill you
its financial advice for people with money i.e. canman and me not you
but the best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the second best time is today, as they say
like look at merval (argentine s&p) and theres still so much to go until macris peak

what will happen is like what happened in the 90s with menem..... billions of dollars made..... entire towns built from nothing....... every argentine can fly to miami with his store clerk wage....... 

also we will get a new migration wave now that the world is a shithole. argentina is the freest nation on earth
well yes go for it if you want 

buy gas companied
argentina will be first world for the first time ever
actually all the immigration and tourism to argentina will cease because things actually cost money now and then the population growth will collapse because youre a "1st world" country now and to fix it youll end up importing 10trillion niggers and indians
i hope tragsg doesn't collapse in the next few years so everyone can laugh when hms delusions don't materialize at all
i actually believe argentina will improve greatly under milei
it'll be very interesting to see
i wonder if other countries will throw their hats into the "ancap" ring
ancap is honestly a thought killing meme word
uhhhmmm actually argentina was 1st world until 1955
you dont understand tourists at all

they LIKE spending money. if something is more expensive it makes it MORE attractive. thats why people go to ski resorts in bariloche instead of sitting in la plata eating cheap food
thats why people go to disney or vegas or qatar or to europe. to spend billions

also security will improve

it wont be an ancap government
it will simply be a government that solves this fucking crisis and puts in a good path
and hopefully.... its legacy will be to never let politicians print money again..... (by killing the peso)

the reason this new Right came out (here) as ancap is because its an expression of the argentine persona
i already said how 99% of people tax evade (except.me ;)) and bribe people
well having an ancap system would just be "formalizing" what already exists in practice, in a way

obviously it only represents a certain part of society, but its definitely a majority
(and even more big than the one who voted him. probably 80%)
argentina really is a VERY free country. you just have to avoid the state(extremely easy unlike in other countries)
retard only poor people go to argentina and all of its tourist facilities cater to poor people who can only afford cheap things
what do you think will happen when the peso increases its value by 1488 times huh?????
well the peso wont do that theyre putting every peso in the nation into a big furnace
(and the way out of this crisis is stopping inflation, removing useless subsidies, exterminating the hundreds of thousands of state employees who do nothing and only got apppointed due to politics, and complete deregulation of most sectors of the economy)
yeah well same thing since youre just going to switch to the dollar and thatll instantly drag the real prices and wages way up
i know several people who went to argentina and they all only did it since its piss cheap
no definitely not most people i met were europeans who like outdoors. barely any americans
with the tranny we even overhead a conversation of some chink-anglo who was CEO of a company 

arrogant idiot
i love the idea of hm turning red with steam coming out of his ears whenever argentina gets mocked here
you only mock yourself
hm whats some funny stuff i can say to uruguayans i know a guy and so far all ive got is pretending hes from argentina
just check the fucking statistics if you want to
a country that is relatively cheap to vacation in if youre a foreigner, and said country having no previous significant history of catering to rich foreigners will naturally end up having most of it's tourists be lower/middle class stingy cunts
i think its funny how youre getting all pissed off at this basic fact that you can observe in like 100 other countries in the world as well(if i didnt mention argentina and simply talked about this phenomenon in relation to other p&b countries you would agree with me, but not now because youre one of those funky football supporter tier meme nationalist)
have you tried "u r gay"
pretend that he's from paraguay and thus a brown
i hate the streaming antichrist
they are (or were) having a big drought in uruguay
listen i dont care about your retarded statistics ive literally gone to the biggest tourist areas a trillion times and 80% of them are european, you are american, just shut up when something is clearly outside your life experience you angloes are all such arrogant tards
they really just have this complex wtith argentina, theres absolutely nothing to their country just that they claim everything argentina ever did.....is ACTUALLY uruguayan
okay but hes not a mentally ill nationalist freak and i dont even think he cares about politics so whats some funny like... cultural things.... to make fun of
did you know uruguay invented the internet?
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oh yeah check this out
guess it didnt come up on camera but those are british columbia plates (because its in british columbia)
theres really nothing, absolutely nothing funnt about uruguay 
its just a lost argentine province with barely any people in it
its funny how canada is such a meme country they have to larp as americans larping as dixie
its the same with uruguay 
tell him hes canadian
being canadian means not being american so being anti canadian means being american
what i know about uruguay is that there's a big rift between the capital (pretty much the only real city in the whole country) and the countryside
which funnily enough IS pretty much the same as argentina, except x100 times worse
also they all smoke weed i'm not sure if this is a capital thing or not but it's the only cultural trait i can think of
idea: weed coloured argentines
getting the eu4 itch again but thankfully i dont have it installed
lucky you
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holy shit is this real?
pretty sure i have hundreds of these kinds of images on an old dropbox account
microwave cake was a big meme here when i was young i remember trying to make one at a friends house and it came out horrible
you need self rising flour
or just buy the betty crocker mix it works pretty well
only problem is nobody has either of those things at home so having to go out and buy it ruins the convenience factor
yeah really its not like im a woman or something i dont have cocoa and flour in my house
now if its barley we're talking about however...
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average house in cordoba
big fan of the big box and the tractor right next to it
brown houses
brown grass
_ people
man you must have some strange eyesight if grey looks brown to you
its literally just brown but lighter
anyway i literally drovr by that house and there was that same tractor parked there thats why i looked for it on google)i couldnt take a picture)
so if you apply white to brown....it becomes gray?????
think i missed this particular lesson in art class
hjh    ..ggggggggggggaaaaaa
milei will turn every house into a mansion and give every man a tractor
it was foretold
is it weird to call 2 hours in advance to make a reservation for 1
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during his first week, milei remained secluded in the 21st floor of the libertador hotel, his office, in which he works full time.
he wakes up at 6am and goes to sleep at 2am. sometimes he naps for an hour. 
his assistants bring him 6packs of "mango loco", his preferred energy drink. he consumes multiple cans a day.
in what
a restaurant???
yes its
just go eat in mcdonalds as single losers like you do

or take your mtftm tranny to a date
i did it because i was struck with a sudden craving for a meat dish
you really dont need reservati9ns though
but why dont you order or hust...... go straight there.........

or do aa a good pe4son does and cook yourself
is there any actual proof of that
of WHAT 
i havent made a reservation in years
of 0
was forced to eat twice in one day
seven seals seven trumpets seven bowls whats the deal
1 hour and 7 minutes of sleep
wait milei sleeps for FOUR hours every night??????
men of action are like that
yeah must be nice being rich
its really so torturous for me now to go on without sleep
and im just constantly fatigued andeven if i sleep for 10 hours ill be sleepy enough to pass out after just 10 hours of being awake
i guess im hitting my 40's.......in my early 20's......................
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ugh literally me
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i really like that one terry davis quote about the bird
Computers, those are cancer. I had to deal with computers. Still have to do that today and still hate it. There is no good software, it is all terrible, and I have used all of it so I know that from experience.
if computers could only display 4 colors which colors would you pick
well oddly the colors they went with on the original "pc" were
>Putin FREES satanist cannibal monster who ate two kids after they were stabbed 666 times… because he fought in Ukraine…
fascinating world
thats not real is it
well there is a news article like that yes
...is it reputable
its a british tabloid
:__: kill me
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sums up my mood
youre feeling... slovakian
been listening to this on repeat for days
guess they don't like the argentine penguin wine
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see, i told you, rich foreigners are lining up to come here
viva milei
cant wait for those poor slobs to get trapped in la plata as it hyperinflates forever
did something happen 'im
'ims 'ed
did nothing today
hhhuhhh im still retarded what do i do onhhshshitwhatdoido
what is done about it all 
what runs it 
what ends it 
what betrays it 
what told them 
who talks about it 
who speaks 
who elaborates who 
who speculates and does the speculation circulate 
and who circulates 
and through whomst runneths this circle
know already already know 
all is transparent 
so it's not a surprise 
that's a surprise 
so would it be a surprise 
how so if everyone knows already
knows already know
sleep would help
you cant hide nothing noways
shut the fuck up thats the real advice 
but i wonder
i think i was right about one thing 
the telepaths
the telepathic dadc networked unconsciousness
retard phone threw me out of my tragsg premium account
dynasty idea: hasterburgs
they kill each other 
they are collaborative artists
so i went and installed eu4
mileism will triumph
every state ideology being named after the last big bossnigger is a big sign of thirdworldism
anarcho peronism with mileist characteristics
in a couple decades mileism will turn into distributing free money to poor brown people but hm will insist it's a far-right ancap ideology because thats what milei did in 2024
free market = free money
>Inactive google accounts are going to get deleted along with all their content, this include google drive files, youtube videos, and blogspot sites. 
this is going to happen starting next week
i heard that they won't delete youtube videos anymore
they never delete those
that's old ass news im pretty sure they went back on all of it
they said theyll go back on it but now theyre...........NOT not going to go back on it
i was typing something but nevermind it was stupid
well we cant really call it anything else because we dont know what hell do

but ANYTHING he does will be mileism thats for certain
kitten (plural kittens)
2. A young rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox, beaver, badger, etc. 
huh ok then
oh boy i sure love when the clear skies suddenly turn gray and i'm on the toilet having a shit and it starts storming directly on my computer that sits under the open window so i have to finish up real quick and run to the room to stop it from exploding and short circuiting
what happened to that one manga that got shilled fucking everywhere the instant the first volume came out
turns out it was shit and zoomers trying to force a meme couldnt keep up the """JOKE"""
wow thank you tragsg for the epic wikipedia article posts
hey now beggers can't be choosers
begging for death
i dont click any of the wikipedia links but im glad theyre here
that trite sounds interesting on paper but its retarded when you realize its only the hard democrat states who dac at all
its retarded when you realize that none of them actually intend to give their vote fairly and that they could probably get forced out via lawsuit because of the legal ambiguity
tried playing eu4 because i'm mentally ill but then i saw that thing happen where you defeat an army and it teleports through all your forts and instantly regenerates so i snapped out of my stupor and shut it off
youre smarter than me then
it's crazy how they forced that awful shattered retreat mechanic on both ck2 and eu4 and all the paradrones just lapped it up with no complaint and now it's going to be a permanent feature in all their games
its a permanent feature on all their games made since 2016
also ck2 had it as a game rule and you could disable it(i always did since its retarded)
know a man just like this
>he seems only to have existed for the purpose of giving a melancholy and unneeded illustration of the truth that a man with the finest prospects, may, by the wildest folly and extravagance, foully miscarry in the advantage of humanity, play away an uniterable life, and have lived in vain
reminds me of someone
ぐううううううううわあああああはああああああああああああああああああああああyywhaaaaaaaaaaawsgwagshjiuukkkkkkkkk ne ee tihs fjsut fucking hurtts
man that fucking stung
most of the time i can just laugh it off effortlessly but sometimes it drives straight into my heart and makes me go fucking crazy
did the girl reject your advances or whlat
im not jimboid i just happened to see a girl(2d)
turk can i get it in writing that you'll donate me your brain after death
i would like to study it
now im laughing at the idea of making a turk ghola as my personal aide
did you mean golem
ill consider it
i think i had a fair and legitimate reason for suffering though
no i meant ghola
>A ghola was an artificially created human, who was replicated from a dead individual. Gholas were created in Axlotl tanks and could be reconstructed from as little as one cell from the original being. 

>To be considered a true ghola, the cells used to grow the ghola were collected after the original human had died, whereas a clone is grown from cells collected while the original human was still alive. Clones do not possess a "death memory" when the original memories are restored.
>Gholas possessed most (if not all) of the memories of the source human, thanks to a combination of conditioning and a variant on genetic memory.
>Gholas originally possessed artificial 'metallic' eyes, due to an initial problem with the method of ghola production. This was later resolved, resulting in them possessing natural eyes.
shes a character that im a big fan of and she said おいで下さいな which basically means come on over
the おいで part is very feminine andending the sentence with な is to me also very feminine, though as far as i know men used it too 1000000 years ago
the whole thing said with a gentle tone and with the element of surprise was very effective and i think that any other man in the same situation and circumstances would feel just as pained
dont worry mate your ghola will tell me later
he'll call you a kike and kill himself within 10 seconds of being born
man this is retarded
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thought provoking eh
well well what have we got here
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argentino is an anagram for antinegro
last night i had the larpiest idea ive ever had
the idea to make a vaguepost and not elaborate
no the idea is to wait until someone asks me to elaborate
the dadc ideal
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for the turk
i thought she was a spiritual kike not a physical kike
i cant remember if i mentioned this too but theres one guy in i thiiiink zeta who is flip flopping sides (not a major character, just some suit) and tomino really really wanted to make him jewish but it never gets brought up in the show
content warning - high levels of niggeraids
so the developer of the funky incest game got partially doxed because uhhhhhhhhhhhh??? and now she's going to cut off all outside contact and hide behind her publisher while continuing to make the game
real bizarre news honestly i think this is the first time i see a bunch of non-tranny freakazoids try to dox somebody for literally no reason(though i guess this is nothing new??? seems like it)
i heard it was literally soyteens doing it
oh yeah thats what you linked
only good thing here is that they're legitimately too retarded to do a real dox and all they did is take a look at old accounts by copy pasting a bunch of names onto google
anybody ever watch the old jesus chatline 4chan raids
those were pretty funny
watched an old clip and the guy calls in and goes "yeah i just wanted to ask, if you knew how magnets work" and the host just instantly hangs up on him
anyways i brought this up because those kinds of "raids" were the first thing i thought of whenever i see morons go "the sharty is just like old 4chan!"
honestly magnets are consistently one of the top 10 funny things in the world
im reading a tomino thing now
>Tomino's delusional "ideal woman" is based on a one-sided crush from junior & high schools. She was a smart, mature, and older girl. As a result, his sexual fantasies always involve mature women. He is not interesting in young girls.
(these are summaries from a book he wrote)
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tomino's favorite movies at one point
>Hilarious Syd Mead anecdote: the first episode was screened in advance to staff members and Mead was in attendance. He didn't know Japanese but kept arbitrarily saying "great!" throughout the viewing, which made Tomino question if he even understood anything that was happening.
>Tomino assures the reader that he too would like to look up Kihel & Dianna's skirts.
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japanese humor: the more loud stuff popping up on screen the more funny it is
youre supposed to listen not stand up and clap
feeling my blood fold in irritation
folded blood
folded proteins 
folded life
reminds me of folding clothes
hate doing that
completely pointless endeavor
you can fit more folded clothes in a drawer
god i hate modern software and os ui so fucking much
why isnt there even a single os out there where you can just slap a windows xp theme on top of it or something
what the FUCK the light just flickered and its still flickering and the computer turned on and off by itself but not the router god i hope its not fried
2024 elections: the 4 horsemen of the woke apocalypse

ron paul 
back from the ol kenny is he
didnt know ron paul was still alive
you can switch him out for his son if youd like
i dont know which ones which
i would easily vote for ron paul in this situation
trump is the only real option for true patriots
oh yeah i love a real patriot who loves israel
they all do mate unless you want to vote for that one brown woman who doesn't
>Paul has stated that "Israel is our close friend" and that it is not the place of the United States to "dictate how Israel runs her affairs".
nooooo it never ends!!!
ive actually learned to not mind israel in politics because its a great retard filter
if someone is getting caught up over trump or milei giving mild lipservice then you know he's a giant retard and you can move on without any further effort expended
its not fucking lipservice here thought its giving them billions of dollars and then giving them a billion more worth of weapons
whats a single billion when we give trillions to niggers
i ACTUALLY care less because they fucking live here
i would rather see every homeless person in america be given 1000 to solely spend on crack cocaine than see a cent go to israel
>As I recall, I compared the Israel lobby to a piece of dental floss, and the Palestine lobby to an arm-thick iron rope. Now, it’s true that if your definition of “lobby” is “something like the Israel lobby,” there is indeed no Palestine lobby at all. There is an AIPAC; there is no APPAC. Indeed, I don’t know that the Palestinians have any organization at all for bribing Congressmen, though I suppose they must have something or other.
>But, I mean, duh. This is exactly the point. The situation is not at all symmetric. If you have an arm-thick iron rope, do you need dental floss? Why do you think the Israel lobby needs to bribe Congressmen? Because they don’t have an arm-thick iron rope.
what is that even trying to say
and also this extends to not just israel obviously, the vast majority of foreign aid is such a monumental waste (they either dont deserve it or it goes to mafias and scammers in said countries)
"the state of israel and its people are our greatest ally and those dastardly palestinians and all their might are trying to destroy our country"
milei met up with senile man bidet
they all loved him
republicans also loved him

biden said "give this man 1 trillion dollars!!!" but ((( they ))) quickly escorted him to the toilet
is that real
it is bizarre isn't it and like every country does it imagine if you told an upstading britishman from 100 years ago that half of the taxes he pays to the queen should go to random countries across the world
as of now, milei's n1 economy man is furiously begging for dollars at the US treasury
like on paper, me PERSONALLY i see nothing wrong with foreign aid, i would have no issue if money got sent to some fukken bantsustan and they used it to build infrastructure and elevate the country+population
but it NEVER EVER happens, it all just scammed away i cant believe we still do it
yes, milei went to the hwite house

>Alarm bells in the Woke Democrat Left, Milei has left a great impression on all the white house officials, and they speak wonders of the President Elect, they say he "bewitched" everyone with his ideas and international vision. The Republicans are just as surprised by him.

very good source 100% true the media is picking it up now that the meeting is over
we will get a marshall plan to go to the moon with and also colonize antarctica and recover las malvinas inshallah
lots of posts huh whats happening
israel is falling right now
dont get me excited
actually i just realized that all those times in vicky when i built dozens of unprofitable factories that never get finished in some random shithole country just to get more influence it was just what they're doing with foreign aid today
is that why they made milei convert to rabbiism
are they going to make argentina the 2nd isreal
yeah but instaead of building factories or roads it gets used on random financial kikery or just to give to politicians 
yes once israel falls all the jews are going to come here its over
the reality about milei is that hes some sorta religious freak and he genuinely believes in religious trite but he's a weirdo and he probably has mystical deliria and the like 
i dont know exactly what weird jewish sect hes in but i mean at least hes religious and anti abortion (instead of some retarded nihilistic cynical politician kike agenda 2030 depopulation who wants to exterminate everyone) 

journotriters say he thinks hes a messiah or that he reincarnated or that he communicates with god or retarded stuff like that but, same as theyve lied about pretty much everything, its likely made up. but hes definitiely "invested" in religion and believes in stuff
what i mean is that he's likely had a some religious experiences and hes definitiely religious (he used to be catholic) but its overblown into retardation 

(like when they said milei was going to harvest and sell your organs or that if milei won we'd be able to buy guns at the chinese supermarkets and there'd be school shootings)
maybe he's been influenced by that american evangelical thing where they believe israel needs to exist because thats the only way god (protestant) can return
either way it doesnt matter politically as we're not going to send billions to israel
if anything we're going to receive billions from israel (dont ask me how)
i remember when we had a bunch of floodings here and bolsonaro got israel to send us some kind of rescue team that was kind of funny
>Märtyr von Nagasaki
gonna change my name to this in the future
>if someone is getting caught up over trump or milei giving mild lipservice then you know he's a giant retard and you can move on without any further effort expended
imagine being retarded enough to think this
how hard do you have to cope until youre satisfied mate
he's a gay retard im SICK of him and his literal braindead american boomer view of politiks
update: jim had a girl in his house cuddling with him for 36 hours and he managed to not have sex with her
i'll trust that you mean a girl girl
that means hes gone further than any other traggite
good for you jim
well theyve always been a girl girl innit
they just think theyre a girl (neutral)
idea: send all the kikes to the unclaimed bit of antarctica
yeah the argentine bit right? sending them over right now
then their next conflict will be israel II vs nazi remnants in antartica
if youre talking about me(me) im NOT the one who said that, instead it was he(he)
he couldnt pull it off because she wanted him to admit that sleeping with her made him gay or bi
and he cucked and refused to do that
what do you think men? would you pretend to believe in her delusions for the they/them pussy? did he do the right thing? do you think you could have slept with her anyways?
you know who you are you know what youve done thats what matters
i wouldnt have sex it violates my moral code
so what happened to the old boyfriend

i told you jim to get away from this horrible person if shes doing this already shes going to sleep with someone behind your back in 2-3 months
also shes clearly mentally ill probably bpd as well
its for the best to avoid women who are more mentally ill than usual
also lets be honest having sex with men is utterly fucking retarded
i have a massive gaping hole in my heart where the calmness and happiness and gentleness and peace is supposed to go thats why i cry and try to kill myself every time i see a cute girl speaking gently
what kind of retard would instead shove a grown fucking man in that hole
i realize i can never be with a woman because at some point the autistic obsession with japanese superheros for children will have to come up and not many good women will tolerate that i think
well apparently she broke up with the bf after coming over to jims house
i predict theyll get back together though because jim is being such a cuck
shes not a real woman if she doesnt let you have your harem of 72 anime girls
after?????? wow
ok ok but get this one
she's been telling her therapist about "curtis" for a while now
and the therapist APPROVES of him ajajajajaja
fascinating fascinating
this feels like im at thanksgiving and an uncle is telling embarrassing stories about his nephew
>100% born with a vagina woman
>wont sleep with a man unless he calls her a man and says he is gay
absolute nightmare bizarro world
i consider getting to tell you all these stories as my payment for having to be hold his hand through the whole affair
no no wasnt it a tranny
is this a different personnow
isnt it STRANGE that this so-called "woman" that xim is going after...... is in the SAME situation........as *im's """""sister""""""????????? eh??????????????
you got something to say about this one ×im????????
a different tranny?
yeah uhhh ummm m he wants to fuck his sister t.funny little psychology man who wants to fuck his mom
no you see he THOUGHT it was an mtf at first but then in episode 3 we found out she was actually a they/them non-binary female who wants to be an ftm
jim met a "girl" at work
HE thought that it was a Male (to female) tranny........ and addressed him as a girl (to be polite)
it TURNS OUT.......
that it IS a girl AND a tranny (Female TO Male)
hey what the FUCK my tv didnt show episode 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its still september in brazil i heard
the point is a GIRL wouldnt have sex with him unless he admitted he is gay for having sex in a vagina
give sp a few years to catch back up to us in time
well anyway either way its a freakoschizoid so he should just run away from her
its 2024 man -_- get with teh times ok
but jim is a freakoschizoid too
yeah and when you put two of them together you reach critical mass and the whole state goes boom
project jimboid: origins
for me the most SEVERE thing isnt the trannyism

its that shes clearly a cheating traitor scum
she was openly flirting with jim for waht a month??? while being with her boyfriend literally at the same workplace (so the bf and jim probably know eachother)
Replies: >>39173
couldn't imagine paying someone thousands of dollars just for them to judge you constantly and tell you how to live your life
youve just made a grammatical mistake my esl friend, "someone" is a singular noun but you used the plural 3rd person pronoun which doesn't agree
uhh no tard
i'm afraid that's how the english language works
dont like it you can speak something else
ugh fine guess i got no choice but to speak in classical latin then -----_---
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MY president....!!!
uhhh he loves israel dont you know that means hes a leftist
leftists hate israel now keep up mate
whats the etymology for "surdos(?)" being leftard
he loves isreal which means he's an envoy of the demiurge
try to keep up
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"zurdo" means lefty, as in literally someone who is left-handed.
wait a minute thats not a president thats just yet another weirdo actor that does nothing but screech in the presidential seat
see also:zelensky, trump, the funny canadian guy
i dont have a horse in this race but i like complaining about leftists hiding things when every american politician covers each other raping little kids
what do you call it when people say stuff like 31 
a lack of political object permanence?
i mean he's right for 2/4
well that was around 4-5 years ago before he was a politician
in his recent speeches and interviews hes given hes quite calm and collected (as hes now the president of 10million leftie retards) but we all know what he's really like on the inside :)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how dare you disagree with me you just dont get it because youre not as smart as me!!!!
i mean yes you are actually a retard if you think those 4 belong in the same category and dont do anything except sit in a chair
2/4 of them do
yeah thats more fair then
i assumed that it was recent footage since all the americans also go on retard rants shortly after being elected
name 1 thing that those 4 people have done so far that was in the realm of something a president does
theres no point this one sped is some fukken q level truther who thinks trump saved the entire nation and everything bad about it only happened due to everybody but him
well milei isnt president yet
zelensky no matter how you feel about him he did campaign for all that foreign aid to defend against russia, surely he got more than he would have otherwise thanks to that
trump, youre a fucking tard if you think he did nothing, he literally built like half of the wall, de-escalated north korea, killed soleimani, defeated isis, pulled out of afghanistan, and a million other good things all while fighting the entirety of the rest of the government every step of the way
trudeau legalized weed
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speech after the election
this interview is after he won

the one im posting is from inbetween the primaries and now
built half of the wall which dude....UHHHHHHHHHHHHH
"""de-escalated north korea""" north korea is never actually escalated they never do anything except theatrics
killed soleimani which did UHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
kurds defeated isis and american attempted to sell them out at every opportunity
pulling out of afghanistan is an objectively good thing but you're retarded if you think he was "fighting the entire government" when everybody but the most retarded war hawks (read as: those heavily invested in the arms industry) wanted out
>de-escalated north korea
in what way?
>defeated isis
he pulled the cia funding?
>pulled out of afghanistan
joe biden did that though and he did it in the most spectacular failure sort of way
STOP fucking lying it was the senile retard now who pulled out of afghanistan wasnt i t!!!!!!!!!!!
like even bring up der wall shows what an impotent retard you are
i hope you never ever complain about government waste in your entire life
wait it WAS biden
this fuck did this too when he was like "biden allowed the summer of floyd!!!" when it happened while trump was fukken preisdent!!!! i hate you not because of your politics but because youre just a retard who's wrong about everything!!!!!!!!
legal immigration and illegal immigration reduced drastically and he actually made good on his campaign promise
no that is NOT impotent its actually extremely important
youre such a slimy little faggot
yeah it sure is important
*quality of life for every american continues to only get worse and worse*
but at least we have....1/4 of a wall :)
legal immigration and illegal immigration reduced drastically from 23484834 million a year to 21484834  million a year
the PROBLEM is that retarded yankees are only interested in "DIEEEEEE LEFTARD SHITS!!!!!!!!!!" and are not interested in statesmanship and honestly showing the problems of the country and telling you "we are going to cut this this and that" which is what all the politicians lie in your face about
thanks to the boss pharaoh drumpfa building the pyramids
didnt the thing where all the latin americans band up and force their way through the border literally happen during trumps term though
actually i dont remember what the end result was but uhhhh
also legal immigration decreasing is in a certain way a bad thing, america gets plenty of white and asian technicians with actual experience and knowledge in their fields and without them america would be.........even shittier than it is now
white and asian techinicians are going to argentina now
yes this is always the greatest flaw in the kinds of retards we see here
theres no universe where a sane person who actually cares about politics sees this retarded fukken 1/4 of a wall that did NOTHING and goes "ahhh yes this is what my nation needs to heal"
it's all based on ownage and pwnage and nothing else
i cant believe youre actually adopting the position that immigration is good on tragsg just to own the drumpftards
youre even lower than i thought
/ dont give a fuck about immigration
/ give a fuck about politicians lying and stealing and doing nothing to help the country and instead wasting millions of dollars on building a fence that does nothing to appease retards like YOU who have no spine or morals
60 million people voted for trump because he promised to build a wall and stop illegal immigration
kill yourself
you retarded nigger if it wasnt for legal immigration america would have a population of 100k right now
stop pretending people have opinions that they dont have, im not saying nigger immigration is epic but that as a natural side effect of lower legal immigration there will be less Actually Knowledgeable Non-Retars migrating
\ want billions of usds for my argentina thats all i want just elect whichever potus will give us money
and did he build the wall?
did he stop immigration?
is the country any better?
answer all three of these questions with a full paragraph with academic sources or i am sentencing you to retard jail forever
how about this: give me 10k usd and i'll help you out in this argument
give ME 8k usds and i will own this retard and every other retard
whats wrong with modern politics is how "rightwing opposition" doesnt have a platform anymore, they just say how the left is going to turn everyone into a tranny and kill them, and when they do manage to get into power they simply act as a stopgap for the nightmare soyworld at best and people defend their constant do nothingness by saying well at least they didnt give money to trannies
in fact the fact that you even said
>60 million people voted for trump because he promised to build a wall and stop illegal immigration
kill yourself
shows the ENTIRE fucking problem with american politics
60 million people are such braindead fucktards that they were promised this (not even given it) and they though "oh yes this will fix the country" 
and before you sperg or whatever im not saying voting for fucking HILLARY CLINTON or JOSEPH BIDEN and whatever their campaign promises where (nonexistent) were somehow the key to fixing the country
>trump didnt magically solve every problem in the entire country on his own in a single term therefore he did nothing
is literally the argument both of you are making
like just look at milei, theres a man who got votes because he promised to dollarize and fix the economy (there are other reasons here but lets keep it simple)
that is a real, tangible goal, which if it WORKS, WILL fix/help the economy greatly, thats a real goal that actively helps everybody in the country improve their quality of life
how the fuck does 1/4 of a wall and slightly less mexicans help me?
well no im not saying that he should have fixed every problem he just didnt fix a single one which is the issue
biden is also not fixing a single problem to be clear
yeah anyway i was talking with the tranny about how milei is "grouped" with the whole new right or altright as they used to call it but its really not much like it at all 
the entire campaign and the issues that were discussed and the underlying ideas are all very argentine
(and im not talking about "libertarianism" im talking about disliking a caste of bureaucrats that sits in an office drinking mate for 10 hours a week and getting a 1000usds a month from it)
anyone with a brain could see he was completely ineffectual at statecraft and got blocked and slowed at every turn but for some reason we're supposed to believe he would do better after four years of the left bolstering themselves and the american "right" desperately trying to find someone else
he made serious headway into many of them 
all the while being vehemently opposed by literally the entire rest of the government (!!!!!!)<--- you keep ignoring this part
like for example biden campaign on cancelling student debt, which completely failed
this is arguably a greater sin than anything drumpf promised and didnt do or things he just didnt do in general
but i dont have to deal with braindead dumbfucks trying to convince me biden is the god king trying to save the nation so i dont have to argue about it as often
>he made serious headway into many of them 
name five examples of serious headway into policies/actions he undertook that benefited the common man in the nation
he made tranny leftoids seethe
i already did you goalpost moving faggot
trump improved the oil reserves and biden is drinking all the oil reserves because hes retarded
trump probably wouldnt have helped ukraine (but idk his stance i dont follow us politics) which has sharted up the world economy (because of all the oil, gas and grains implications) 
trump SUCCESFULLY waged economic war on china and now the biggest exporter TO the USA is Mexico and the US/Chinese economies have decoupled much more than they were before and now china's position is much worse
no you didnt the ones you listed were retarded and tw people told you why they were shit examples
i listed a few random ones off the top of my head which were perfectly valid and by legitimately arguing against the fact that him decreasing immigration was a good thing you ceded your right to me taking you seriously
where can i collect my 5k usds??? hello???? im helping out in the argument
1000 usds will be enough just send them over to me in crypto
only one person said immigration was a good thing
okay well forgive me for not being able to tell you two apart
nobody said immigration was a good thing
oil reserves sure
ukraine sure, i personally have no issue with aid to ukraine it's a real country that wants to join der west and would be nice to have
economic war on china which did...? consumer goods are only continuing to rise in price and quality has not improved
and to be clear im NOT saying "its trumps fault consumer goods are going up!!!"
a few more things i thought of though:
the muslim travel ban decreased a lot of brown legal immigration
quite a few businesses brought manufacturing back to america thanks to him (they even started building that chip manufacturing plant)
muslim travel ban which does......
businesses sure, chip manufacturing here is a good thing wasnt it literally only china+taiwan doing anything with chips for an eternity
trying to be epic but failing and having everything you did accomplish be reversed in less than a decade means you failed
the muslim travel ban lasted for about a month
do i even need to say anything
the way you two are constantly nitpicking and moving the goalposts is giving me mein kampf flashbacks
motherfucker you're saying retarded things and people are pointing out why theyre retarded
NOBODY has moved any goalposts you're just imagining shit
my entire point from the start was: trump did nothing that actively improved american life
i was PARTIALLY wrong as other people have points out stuff he genuinely accomplished that is a net positive
but YOU are a big fat retard who just goes "yeah but my heckin wallerino!!!"
okay you know what now its YOUR turn
give me SIX examples of concrete things he COULD have done to prove how much of a real effective helpful president he is (in your eyes)
its not moving the goalposts
you can say hitler was epic because of all the stuff he did but someone can reply with how germany was completely obliterated after
and trump doesnt even come within 0.001% of hitler
yeah but the fact that hitler lost a war does not invalidate everything he did to improve germany and amount to him being a useless chairsitter (literally exactly the argument you just made)
its not "about" sending aid to ukraine or not
its about whether global trade and production gets obliterated or not

if russia just happily annexed ukraine (or a portion of it) then oil, gas, steel and crops would all be flowing nicely through the seas and rivers of the worlds, with prices being much lower than they are today

and yeah china makes cheap shit and now the cheap shit isnt as cheap............ okay............but if youre a GP and youre trying to topple other threateining GPs thats a small price to pay in exchange for sharting up china's economy
and eventually some other shitty country will come up and make lots of shitty factories with cheap goods (say vietnam or indonesia or india or some african shithole)
and IF NOT then thats not even abad thing. just LET things be expensive, and LET americans be employed in factories that pay good wages that produce those goods
ukraine getting annexed would have sent the american empire into a death spiral
it still might but its been delayed for now
in my view trump's america needs to reassess its relationship with ruBia and focus on the REAL threat
(the yellow man, and his (future) arab henchmen)
honestly this pathetic and lifeless view where nobody can accomplish anything and nothing matters because you just end up having your work undone in the end and everything will keep getting worse just makes me so upset
instead of arguing with it i should just leave them to rot in their misery and never try to achieve anything
"If you dont like it, just make a party and win the elections."

-Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, circa 10 years ago.
all of the current politians are useless chairmen because they are essentially theater actors
its the unelected bureaucrats and a lot of nongovernment organizations who are really making the decisions
reform the welfare system
reinvest in the housing construction industry so people can have houses again
fix the fucking budget(or at least try)
decrease illegal immigration
try to do something about uni debt or perhaps try to give food variance to the country(c https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_desert)
1. legalize marijuana, if you disagree with this you're retarded because it's a waste of money to charge these people and it would be such a boost for the economy
2. do SOMETHING about the rent crisis, granted it wasnt as bad as it is now but it was clearly becoming a problem, just some kind of policy to help curb landlords gouging rent prices
3. do SOMETHING about the housing crisis, stop fucking letting foreign companies in foreign countries buy homes in america to own or turn into airbnbs
4. you might think this is epic but NOT be such a loud retard publically, you can obviously say "fuck what countries think if trump offended them!" but having your head of state just have no filter and say retarded shit and flip flop on said retarded shit every day on twitter is garbage for his presentation and the country
5. help the job crisis, and what i mean by this is right now there is a job """shortage""" because what's happening is ceos of so many companies just keep increasing their pay so that as you go further down the chain you cannot pay employees as much/have as many employees which leads to a death spiral EVERYWHERE here where low effort jobs dont have enough staff because they cant afford to take on more because up the chain the profits get siphoned off the top
6. unironically raise taxes on people making retard money and specifically allocate that money to public infrastructure like roads and water and fiber across the nation
bonus 7: break up some of the faggot retard scammer monopolies across the whole nation, shit like all internet being owned by three service providers (all shit(one so shit they changed their name to get rid of the stigma of how shit they are))
>1. legalize marijuana, if you disagree with this you're retarded b
JAJASJJASJDSJAJASJAJAJAJ epic onj e man JAJSODJASDIAS simply made me burst
death to druggoids
legalizing drugs would mean more jims
yeah thats retarded
what good would NOT taxing it even do to the economy
yeah man okay 99 im sorry that youre on the same side as 00 maybe we can argue another time jajajajaja
you fukken legalize it so its sold in stores that pay a huge tax on it and all the drug dealers die off because people just buy weed in a store instead of in the ghetto
but then america because one big opium den full of jims
and this is a proven fact in states that HAVE legalized it, you can "dude weed lmao" me all you want but the states that legalized it saw an ass load of money come into the state
which surely gets scammed away but its the thought that counts
actually i wonder what all the drug dealers would do if they could just....not deal drugs again
i dont think theyre high iq enough to work shifts in walmart so what would they become robbers or something
my actual idea one time i was shitting was to legalize all cocaine and other hard drugs trade but make it a state monopoly and send convoys of cocaine to places where theyre needed(or just ship them overseas) and kill anyone who trades it
and also use one of those CBDC(central bank digital currency) kike things as the ONLY means to purchase it and uhhhh make it be a quota so you cant consume more than X amount of cocaine every week

i diddnt elaborate much more but it was funny thought
so basically, the problem with trump is that he wasnt bernie sanders
got it
those states also have hobo drug zombie armies shitting on their streets too
they would continue existing, because legal weed is more expensive
thats literally false mate
its literally exactly what happened where it got legalized
no, as i've said the problem is that he didn't do anything
the problem with trump is that he wasnt a socialist nationalist
ugh why didnt trump just socialize healthcare and legalize weed and raise taxes on the rich -_-
no it didnt why do you think you can make shit up
yes every drug dealer isn't going to disappear over night and yes many of the drug dealers will just move on to harder substances
but if legalizing does nothing and people just keep buying cheap illegal weed then WHY did those states see such a huge boost in money?
the rich(kikes)
nobody said anything about healthcare and you're a retard if you dont think people who make fuck you money should have to contribute just a little bit to the economy
they already get taxed at absurd rates and you yourself said the money is getting scammed anyways
but i almost feel bad for how much ive made you out yourself at this point
also trump did sign an entire policy to raise middle class tax rates for the next couple years while he was in office which is actively evil
okay then where does the fucking money come from you faggot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the working man already gives an arm and a leg and everything just gets worse and worse!!!!!!!! do we just grow it on trees?????? will you magical wall print money????????? what's your idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the housing thing is bizarre because its kind of a problem everywhere in the world (in america in europe in asia in latin america) and both in places that are regulated and palces that are deregulated

theres problably some papers or somethin but yeah its a strange phenomeonn thats risen in the past 5 or 6 years even more than normal
its literally just chinese corporations buying houses thats it
the fix is unironically as simple as "foreign companies/groups cannot buy homes"
anyway MILEI will FIX the housing and rent crisis

HOW??? because instead of THE STATE syphoning all credit (i.e. taking people's money that they deposit on banks), BANKS will be able to LEND money to PEOPLE who want to BUILD houses, instead of ledning it all to THE STATE which uses it to PAY for RETARDED shit

and this will be accomplished by DOLLARIZING, which will have the effect of getting a STABLE currency which wont suddently lose 99% of its value (and as such make the interests youre paying worthless, and as such the lender loses money, which is why currently nobody wants to lend you money)
no its not because its a problem even in shitty shitholes with no foreign investments
(see la plata)
do you seriously think there arent chinese men buying houses in argentina
okay anyways i feel bad for 99 so ill reply to him now
>reform welfare
>fix the budget
>try to fix uni debt and food deserts
do you not realize these are completely nebulous and vague, theres nothing he could have done that would make you admit he successfully achieved these goals, and certainly not in 4 years
>decrease illegal immigration
he literally did, as you can tell by the fact it spiked back up drastically the second he left office
>reinvest in housing construction
okay thats one tangible policy, but he did lots of things equal to that (such as what we listed)
there really.....arent..............................
they don't call it argenchina for nothing
>theres nothing he could have done that would make you admit he successfully achieved these goals
what does this even MEAN you troglodyte 2/3 of those are completely tangible and if any progress was made could have been noticed
this country is a capital prison for now. buying a house here for speculation would be retarded because
1. all operations are in CASH
2. you cannot take your money away from the country because off all the foreign exchange and taxes 
3. if you bought a home 5 years ago its probably lost at least 20% of its value
its a nationwide thing
getting weed or crack or whatever the fuck is pathetically easy in america hence why there are people like bigger(who had his mum buy him weed as a fucking 15 year old kid)
you either crack down on the drug epidemic and make sure nobody does drugs ever again OR you legalize them and get money from the drug tax, the current situation where everybody can easily do drugs and get away with it benefits nobody, if its like this then you may as well at least legalize it so you can make money off of it, the degree of penetration of drugs into american society is so high that it wouldnt increase now even if drugs were made legal
also its NOT as simple as "foreign companies cannot buy homes" 

something like that'd be extremely simple to bypass. you could just... MAKE a company and hire a bunch of local retards, and then just GIVE THEM 10 billion dollars for THEM to buy houses with
it doesnt matter WHO is actually buying them, just that there is an excess of capital that wants to invest into the real estate area, and also profit off of it in ways that arent compatible with long-term affordable housing
yes thats part of my point
im personally in favor of complete decriminalization a la portugal, THEN the important part is actually working with mexico to stamp out cartel drug trade into the country, which is obviously easier said than done
anybody with half a brain knows the "War on drugs" was a complete and total failure so something else needs to be tried (a la portugal)
also 18 it is literally like that here i personally know people who go to drug dealers instead of dispensaries because its cheaper
yes obviously SOME people do go to dispensaries... that does not mean all the illegal drug dealers suddenly vanish... because not ALL of them do... get it... okay class dismissed tomorrow we'll learn subtraction
and portugal obviously isnt perfect, yes a drug problem still exists and yes now it exists as a weird drug haven for tourists and the like BUT you can just read about how it worked in portugal and how decriminalization was a net improvement over how it was
what is the color of your skin and those surrounding you, because people / know will literally drive across state lines to buy legal pot instead of buying from dealers
you dont get to pull the skin color card when youre the american who desperately wants weed legalized
personally i think we should take a lesson from fentanyl

just order the CIA to start adding rat poison and cyanide to every drug they encounter/trade/produce
and make it PUBLIC too
so people shit themselves about consuming drugs

and tell the media to report everyday how many dozens of deaths there are from cocaine/weed/lsd consumpion
and REALLY wage war on druggies
what is that even supposed to mean do you think its only nonwhites that want weed legalized??? i've already gave you reasons and examples of why and how it has worked, and can help and you just go "well uhhh you're black"
THAT doesn't even work because people still fukken do cocaine (literally all cocaine in america is cut with fentanyl now) and crack!!!
the minute you do drugs is the minute you assimilate to nigger
just look at jim and the bigger
what did PORTUGAL do???????im not familiar

I AM familiar with the netherlands however, which is the biggest destiny for overseas drug trade and TRILLIONS of dollars worth of cocaine come into Rotterdam every year and they spread into the rest of europe from there 

we should NUKE the netherlands for facilitating the overseas drug trade. ships from argentina and brazil filled with cocaine go to the netherlands (and the product comes from bolivia and peru)
im literally telling you what happened here, which i personally witnessed, with my own two eyes (NOT internet memes mind you, i just really want to make this clear, I TALKED TO PEOPLE who do weed and THEY TOLD ME THIS themselves) when weed was legalized
you cannot argue with this
just uhhhhh raise the fentanyl concentration
no it WILL work

you need to TELL everyone that you are TRYING TO KILL THEM!!! and make cocaine give CERTAIN DEATH 
not just turning you into a retard

COMPLETE EXTERMINATION of anyone who sniffs 1g of cocaine
yes i agree
the sparknotes is that that portugal had an awful drug crisis (primarily heroin i recall, beachs would be filled with needles and such) and instead they decriminalized, stopped caring about junkies because throwing them in and out of jail is a massive waste of money and solely focused in on the dealers who are the real problem
and when it first started it was not a perfect solution but as time went on drug trade, overdoses, and crime all decreased
but IM telling you people I know (white) drive across state lines here just to buy weed legally instead of having to deal with drug dealers
okay and heres the amazing thing
that doesnt mean the people i talked to dont exist
different people do different things
isnt that amazing
did you know weed is legal in uruguay
also to be transparent "crime decreased" IS true however there was (and still is) ((this also applies to states here which have legalized it)) a rise in DUI charges for people driving while high
yeah but the people you know are not white hence why they continue buying from dealers
every single one of them was white actually
likely story
and what kind of argument even is that
okay lets say they werent.... well the us is not 100% white now is it???? so if the us legalized weed nation wide.... then there would still be drug dealers.... wow.....
like do you literally have 85 iq how do i have to explain this to you
people doing drugs is the problem
what does legalizing them solve
yes there would still be but the POINT is that it decreases them, as it already has, there is no perfect solution to ANYTHING, but the entire point is that its a net IMPROVEMENT
because now if they want to buy drugs to do the state gets a cut, which ideally allows for things to be financed and done
no the fucking point is i was answering hms question about what happens to the drug dealers if weed is legalized and you wouldnt stop freaking out like a retard
Replies: >>38876
YOU freaked out like a retard this entire time ive been very clear it's not some kind of magic 100% fix but instead the positives far outweigh the negatives
legalizing drugs is like how they legalized theft as long as its under 1000$
crime is still happening but the statistics go down
no i have been ignoring your point about that and i have exclusively been addressing hm's question
havent had anything to eat but chocolate in the last week and the malnutrition is really getting to me
is that true can i just rob people and nothing will happen
its only in certain states and only for certain demographics
also theres the other side where someone like me dad, who has been in construction his whole life, has had debilitating back pain his entire life to the point where for as long as i can remember he just always been barely able to get good sleep
UNTIL he decided fuck it, and bought (illegal) pot and lo and behold, he was able to get far better sleep at night versus some kind of nightmare alternative where he just gets fed painkillers and gets addicted to them
he ended up getting a medical card so it's whatever, but i would have liked a world where my dad didnt have to buy weed from his friend's fukken son just so he can sleep better
yeah if you're argentine they let you go because youre from a protected species
man seriously i have nothing to eat
if you smoke weed for the back pain it doesnt go away you just cant feel it anymore
hey that wasnt MY question stop lying
then who was phone
yeah the legal theft thing is pretty grim even in places where they didn't do that they just made bail be 0 dollars so they can just rob people to their hearts content while "awaiting trial" (1000000 years)
anyways heres a quick summary
people will always buy drugs, people will always do drugs, even if you do some filipino tier murder drug dealers and doers in the streets it will still happen
clearly the current solution helps nobody, states get no money, tax money gets spent on putting people in jail for doing drugs, putting them back in jail when they inevitably do more drugs, and more money gets wasted
if you decriminalize drugs these problems DONT magically go away, but as i said in my humble opinion the benefits from legalized low class substances and decriminalize the rest far outweigh just dragging your feet and continue with the garbage system we have
thanks for that information genius, any other cyber facts for me?
i actually think its a good thing to spend tax money on keeping niggers in jail
the state is evil so it getting more money is bad
instead of spending money on keeping niggers in jail we should be spending money on bullets to feed them
what is the free market solution to drugs

funding a private death squad that goes around killing niggers???
then i guess we just fuck ourselves and circle the drain for another 100 years while nobody does anything and just stares at walls
most of the problems with modern society would be solved with corporal punishment
you can heavily punish people for minor crimes WITHOUT spending lots of money keeping them in jail for 20 years
just like... whip them 200 times or cut off a few limbs
yeah ^ unironically good post
yes and also sentencing to death
statistics show that in societies where stealing expensive items(as opposed to bread and the like) was punishable by death there were....LESS cases of stealing O_O funny how that works huh
yeah and logically... if there were LESS risk to doing drugs...... then MORE people would do them....... woah........
no once again in portugal (outside of weed) there wasnt any significant increase in other forms of drug use (after a few years)
speaking of the death penalty, i've never understood why it takes so long to execute them, instead of just paying for them to sit in a jail for years, why not just do it... a day or two after the sentancing?????
because prisons receive more money relative to how many prisoners they have so it's better to just keep pushing it back and fill your cells up
because the justice system is shit and they might've gotten it wrong
....................because they might have been innocent......

im actually personally agaisnt death penalty beacuse the justice system is so terrible there'd be a million cases where some guy "rapes" some woman and then get sentenced to death and then 3 years later it turns out it was just some schizo-psycho attack from the girl or that they just got the wrong guy
its intentional but the reason is ?????
in japan it takes them like 10-20 years
i dont really get the reason but presumably its to let them "repent" or something(retarded)
i think the death penalty should only be applied against politicians who destroy the country(i.e. all of them)
yeah honestly if you were earlier saying "the state deserves nothing because it is evil" (this is a valid stance) you should not be super gung-ho about the death penalty and government death squads
yeah there wasnt a SINGLE person in the entire country who started using drugs after they became legal
^ really smart guy with critical thinking skills
can you quote where anybody said that? perhaps you may be thinking about when someone said "drug use did increase" with an asterisk
well yeah its only good in a country where the government isnt full of kikes
in america it would legitimately be like this because drug use is so common and drugs so accessible that all the people who would do drugs already do them
i need food
so about jim
reading post number thrity eight thousand eight hundred and ninety
"there wasnt any significant increase in other forms of drug use"
look up what each word in that post means and read the definition very carefully
i even mentioned that AFTER decriminalization drug use in general did noticeably increase however it tapered off (into overall more marijuana use)
idea: put brain eating amoebas in drugs
judging by this episode i think that may already be the case
wait a minute... nothing changed!!
it has like a 90% fatality rate so a lot would change
the bigger population would be decimated just like the native american population after europeans came
eating some WHOPPERS with the tranny
good night!
isnt that the one they put estrogen in
i went off on a char-tier rant about mothers and feminity a few hours ago but i dont remember anything from it
ill go eat bread tuna
don't apply it for rape (obvious)
only apply it any case when its been proven beyond ANY doubt (not just a reasonable doubt)
uh hi is this the rape office
yeah id like to apply for a rape
just go fap to some fake rape jav or something man
wouldnt know what a jav is because i dont fap to those
*nervously closing tabs*
japanese women shriek like cats and dont shave
and all the men are bizarre goblins or fat old yakuza
the only jav i fap to is jav-ier milei
jajajajajaja(vier milie)
javier mil(e1)
so its going to be 4 years of this huh...
its an eternity in here
he'll probably get btfo by "based" milei goldstein at some point and spend the rest of the term pretending he's not the argentine president
if peronists get their way it'll be 6 months and then they will coup the government

i will be there shooting browns in the congress
but sir, you ARE the brown
LISTEN here retard, milei is not jewish by birth, he's not genetically jewish, he doesnt have the EVIL gene...!!!

therefore it doesnt matter if he self-perceives himself as a jew, as a woman, as a dog, or if hes a an-trad-bol zoroastrianist incest monarchist
he wont scam and destroy the argentine people!!!! because inside his heart, he has that thing that jews dont have............ empathy and compassion for normal people!!!!!! (gentiles)
does he have any children
has he married any of them off to jews yet
Replies: >>38941
ate my tuna bread by the way
isn't he married to some kind of plastic porn star
Replies: >>38941
many such cases
i feel like plastic pornstar wives are ancap-core
didnt mcafee have a pornstar wife or a couple
no theyre just filthy whores
same thing
haven't been too happy lately
who has
hate having to traverse the city
dont understand why theres no map out there that shows where all the busses and trains and stuff come and go and their numbers
.........isn't there
no hes never had any children and he's not married

(media says he likes his sister and hes a incest lover but acutally i think hes just a weirdo who only has sex with women(whores) ocasionally but never settled down into a stable couple)
woah hes into incest huh
*writes to my local soyjakwiki cell*
you cant trust anyone who doesnt have children to have a good longterm agenda
t.man who has 3 children(in his head)
noooo!!! hes not thats what the media campaign has said about him because his sister is a big part of his political circle and she managed his campaign and stuff 
i think hes just the type of person that you know WOULD be an incel if he were born today but since he wasnt he just purchases whores
its over bud he's gonna get canceled by my soyjak mates
prepare for total silver death
theres nothing wrong with incest anyway
if i had a sister id consider making her pregnant
well first you should ask her if she wants that
something funny about the guy who absolutely hates trump just now finding out about the soyjak wiki and adopting the total x death meme
but all of those are wrong except for the last one
normally i dont use the total X death thing but i used it a lot back when it first came out
nobody hates trump here they just dont see him as the messiah
woah, we went from 3rd person singular "they", to now 1st person singular "they"
wow language is evolving before our very eyes
yup just need the 2nd person singular and its complete
grammar is trite
they think that singular they is dumb but theyr wrong
always insane when im reminded of the fact korea is ruled by a radical feminist dictatorship
apparently now something is happening related to blue archive
yeah apparently the 'tiny' hand sign is a feminist cult symbol now and everybody is flipping out about how all the games and actors are using that hand sign
to be fair i almost never see the hand sign being used in real life nor media so it is quite odd
the what/???
yeah but your not korean either
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anyway i suggest that if you see people posting about this you pretend that the sign actually means "gas kike 1488" instead
it means "corea"
you know lap pillows
i think if i were to ever receive it i would die on the spot from the healing and the relaxation that would finally be given to my soul
you would probably just continue being miserable
and even more mind broken over how something you wanted didnt actually solve anything
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no no surely i would die in the face of peace
anyway seems like ill feel lonely for a while, sleep will probably fix it
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luv retrofuturism
its a bit reddity
trying to think of things to do tomorrow so i don't spend the whole day doing nothing but... i've already been this for a few minutes and all i can think of so far is "wake up" and "eat lunch"
me i did nothing today (yesterday)
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the man who will save argentina
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woke up and these fell off
not a big fan
and yeah i guess this means ill be forced to get fake teeth because im already lacking several others
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omg is this real
why doesnt the body just regrow them anyway
absolutely 0 reason to not just regrow the teeth that dont exist anymore
yeah thats what ive always thought
like if you just drink milk and eat bone broth then that should give you everything you need......
yeah thats a good question
apparently kids can regrow the tips of their fingers
maybe theres a hidden esoteric way
my political platform: a tooth for every man
tranny just admitted to actively being an evil force upon this world
why would your teeth randomly fall out
especially the big ones in the back
god works in mysterious ways
you have cancer mate
 i know
well dont be surprised when its your eye that falls off while you sleep
you know what they say about the land of the blind...
get cancer and die corporate tool???
in the land of serbia the kosovan nationalist is king
typed up a couple lines worth of post but when i went to click back on the tab i closed it and lost it all
yesterday: posts
today: noposts
did you see that meme there saying where vuvuzuela is going to invade guababa
are they
i saw one post on 4chan a few days ago and forgot about it until now
apparently armenia and azerbaijan reached a peace deal
what's this the evening international news
oh yeah artsakh just doesnt officially exist anymore
did it ever
alri it sounds like azerbaijan is just gonna get to blob all over it (almost off the armenian population has left+peace deals)
alright what are the two other fake soviet states leftover now??? not transitria but theres like two in georgia right
i opened the wikipedia article and there's a whole section about "russian peacekeepers" and it's just a random anti russia rant what a nasty website
shant read it and dont care but to be clear when have russian peacekeeps ever kept the peace post-soviet union
well you cant say they did a great job of keeping the peace
abkhazia and ossetia
werent theer 3 in georgia
this has to be the most amount of proper "wars" in a long while right
all at once we had russia & ukraine, armenia & azerbaijan, and israel & palestine
i guess you could argue the other two arent exactly "wars" for a littany of reasons but i think they count enough
3 wars not a single one good
russia ukraine was pretty good for awhile, especially liked canman talking about how kiev would fall in two weeks only for a massive embarrassment from the entire russian army
israel and palestine is good because its turning more people against israel (even if for the wrong reasons) so hopefully israel will cease to exist in my lifetim
armenia and azerbaijan yeah who cares pretty sure that land was always meant to be azeri but soviet planning fucked it up (many such cases)
it was all a big wet fart
alright whatever you say then
*puts the dunce cap on you*
is there even any benefit tp venezuela blobbing into guyana or is it just mean to bolster morale
actually theres probably more oil there isnt there
oil isnt exactly what they need right now
its death
what do they need? money?
oil can be exchanged for money
retard headphones dying
retard mouse('s wheel) dying
they should take me along to hell
so uhh where else could the next war be? everyone is always saying china taiwan but thats probably just fearmongering as usual
blobbing into syria more? seems realistic enough, especially if biden pulls out some time
china taiwan will never happen
more middle east shenanigans seem possible, maybe russia will scramble into one of the fake soviet states
china taiwan could happen but only once its lost its strategic/economic importance to the usa (some indeterminate point in the next 10-20 years)
well yes i guess thats a good point china taiwan WOULD happen if there was literally zero risk of an american (military) response
i dunno they seem pretty commited to this anti china gimmick but yeah I guess a lot can change in 20 years
yeah if it were the same with ukraine ("economic" response and just general butthurt) then they could easily do it but not now because taiwan is actually vageuly important

it'd be funny if like japan intervenes to help thatd be cool
when national syndicalist america rises and aligns itself with china and nazbol russia and juche korea (united) taiwan will be no more
no itll be turks vs turks
acutally that'd be a good war full on kurdish war of independence
vgh.... der new axis
korea and japan would help taiwan but america would 100% pretend to not see anything(which is what everybody expects them to do anyway because as everybody knows americans are filthy kikes)
its funny how the world would be like 30% better if the americans didnt just cut support to the nationalists in the 50's for no fucking reason whatsoever
well i think at the present moment there would certainly be a military response from america
getu in linu
getu inu gasu chanberu
the cloud strikes back
>A university student in China that played Genshin Impact for five consecutive days in a row ended up passing on from the immense exhaustion.
>While initially choosing to play all day, starting November 5th, the student began playing all night instead, and ended up staying up all night for five days in a row, and the longest time they played was nine hours in a row.
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the official canman manga
>The decision to appoint Estonia to the chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for 2024 was blocked by a veto from Russia and Belarus, the Estonian Foreign Ministry said Nov. 21.
why didnt youtell me!!!!!
i vetoed the decision to tell you
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cheer up gay man
if i werent retarded id be the richest man here already
and the happiest and most successfull(cool kind not gay kind)
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look at this ugly little thing
its all this things fault
pitiable gay nigger retards of tragsg
how do they live?
they unlive
>liveleak changed its name, systematically deleted every video before they could be archived and then changed their name to "itemfix".
oh i see
just heard that liveleak is dead and got shocked but it turns out it thankfully just phoenix'd itself
did it die last year???
i just swear i remember having the "liveleak is dead" convo with a friend last year
think i need a mom to control my bedtime so i stop getting into retard situations of 1 hour of sleep and kill myself like that one day
i havent bothered deepl'ing any of these as long as theyve been posted
its all just rambling anyway nothing ever matters
do you think people would have more children if we just abolished pensions
nothing can help birth rates if everything is poo
my pet theory is that everybody who makes a child past 2025 will eventually be stabbed to death by their own child as revenge for being dragged to hell, no exceptions
the browns are living life and loving it
and im supposed to belive that
the translation matchine is broken
deepl was broken for half the day for some reason
deep L as they say hahahaa
deep Letardation
bros did you know they pronounce l as r in japan O_
i'v heard it pronounced as either L or R and I'v even heard it where they just dont pronounce it at all
sometimes we do that too
rolling your R once a day keeps the teeth from rolling away
they dont roll their Rs in japan they clip them
he died
hell gained another demon :)
interesting how everything in the article has already been changed to the past tense but theres no indication of his death in the personal details box
much easier to replace than add anything
also i think he died literally like 15 minutes ago (as in: announced dead) so i dnt think anybody knows how/why
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couldn't imagine living for 100 years
imagine living for the past 100
>Internet activity moved to discord/tiktok/roblox depending on age and interest
>First forums and 4chan pulled activity away from BBS and IRC and only a handful of ghost communities stayed on the old systems
>Now it's our turn
saw this post an immediately thought about how this is essentially a "imageboard ghost community"
saw some kino with the tranny
about to see the inside of my eyelids with the eyes
wake up
ants in my food
take a shower
big buzzing fly stuck in the bathroom
want to sleep
retarded bug headbutting the light
whatever mercy i might've had in the past is gone, it's time for the tenfold response, just wait until i can afford a new can of bugspray
personally i dreamt that i was going to drink coffee but some cosmic force forced me to put a juicy tomato in it and i spent the entire dream thinking about how i dont want to drink it
want to play red alert
what do they call it in english when the con rod explodes and makes a hole through the engine bits
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wow ck3 sure is looking different
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omg this new hoi4 dlc is going to be epic bros
shadow empire got big updates
think ill try it out
dremt i was watching a movie about the cisplatine war except it was all just ww2 footage
did you know argentina invented the wehrmacht?
i like the part where milei says theyre aesthetically superior to lefties
funny how many internet leftist types are beside themselves with joy celebrating the fact that henry kissinger finally died ate the ripe old age of 100 like something terrible happened to him
everyone is happy to see him go but its silly to think it changes anything
they do that when any old person they hate dies
keep seeing the term "death cultist" thrown around by both sides
kissinger was a hero if youre sad to see him go youre a libtard
yeah proud hero of the jews
he was the apex kike
Henry Kissinger in 1972 called Jews “self-serving” because of pleas from the community for the Nixon administration to increase the pressure on the Soviet Union to allow its Jews to leave.

“Is there a more self-serving group of people than the Jewish community?” Kissinger, who is Jewish, asks Leonard Garment, also Jewish, in transcripts of a 1972 exchange released this week by the State Department and reported by The Associated Press.

Garment, a special counsel to President Nixon, replied: “None in the world.”

Kissinger, who at the time was the national security adviser, added: “What the hell do they think they are accomplishing? You can’t even tell bastards anything in confidence because they’ll leak it.”
he saved israel from total destruction in the 70s and set china up to be a super power at america's expense just to spite the soviets
and thats not even getting into the third world stuff
>just so spite the soviets
so... he did his job....
>the third world stuff
yeah c03
i knew someone once who said that the clintons were going to die any day now, funny how that still hasn't happened
saying kissinger was good or bad is literally just a midwit opinion
he was the same as metternich or castlereagh or whatever. just a diplomat realpolitik nigger putting his state's strategic objectives on top

now obviously, the state's general strategic objectives dont line up with "the people" or any retarded ideas you may have on one side of the spectrum on the other
and so everyone obviously hates him because at some point hes fucked you over and pissed on the things you liked
forgot being a perfidious kike is based
he was literally qwenching about how we have to save the jews...........1 fucking week ago
no its not based, nowhere did i say he's based. youre a midwit beacuse youre thinking im saying he's good
he just did his job
his job of turning the world into a hellscape
thats whats best for the satanic american empire so yes 
hate the boss not the employee
well you see i hate them both because theyre both actively trying to make the world worse for everyone including themselves
the good outweighs the bad, and his heart was in the right place
in ian smiths memoirs he makes a point of mentioning how regretful kissinger was about what he had to do
overall id say hes like... 3/10 good (0 being neutral)
dont you think there would have just been some other guy who did similar things in place of him
if it werent for kissnigger, china today would be as developed as afghanistan and the USSR would be an industrial technology powerhouse with colonies on mars
vgh the nazbol ussr jvpiter colonies.... forever cucked by an american diplomat
how does that absolve him of any sin though?????
he's german just like the great metternich '-_-
the fact he did his job much better and with less negative impact than you could have expected most others to
and hes also jewish like the great.... satan -_-"
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figuratively me
except all my ideas are retarded
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a frank was not a javelin
yeah they were more like pigs
found the exact thread that image came from and  one of the first few posts said a frank wasnt a javelin
nooo stop looking at my gay little threads
thats interesting but i dont have anything to say about it
oh... so THATS what iceland means
did yuno argentina means land of the argentine
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me on the uhh right
it honestly makes me feel incredibly weird in an ineffable way every time im reminded that people who arent me also find cute girls attractive
problem is almost all the girls you think are cute are legitimate 3/10 weirdo freaks
thats not true outside of jim
really its a mystery how canman still hasnt gotten addicted to some parasocial tiktok or vtuber freak 
one of the miracles of the father in heaven im sure
he's high on his own supply
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please donate
so youre telling me there are 3.950.000 men out there like the turk
its not really a mystery im the complete diametric opposite type of person that would do that and if you still havent figured that out it says a lot about you
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well well
poor little jim
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found this
nigger obliterarion beam................................ ACTIVATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *country of turkey disappears*
jimmy can NOT fire beams stop lying
anime kept a warped version of the mid 20th century american spirit alive for a few decades longer
god im such a vn protagonist
it makes me feel like a pro actor that cant get any work because he doesnt have any contacts to nepotism his way into getting roles so he just lives day to day off of part time
    I recently bought alcohol and I didn’t even get fucking carded. Literally only like 3 years ago I would get carded. Has my face really changed that much? Now when I look in the mirror I can’t help but notice adult features where there was once a boyish countenance. Is this really what others see? It’s so fucking over. Youth has fucking passed me by. I feel like fucking Edmond Dantes after he escapes the Chateaux d’If, except he becomes a rich badass and I’m just a mentally ill degenerate freak. I have done nothing. I am nothing. I still have leftover trauma from when I was 12 years old for fuck’s sake. This pitiful creature skulks around at night, and old ladies see this creature dressed in black with the face of a human adult, and they get nervous and walk a little faster, ignorant of the fact that what they’re seeing is in many ways still a fucking 12 year old. Have you ever heard something so pathetic? It’s so fucking over. Just kill me.
>Enrico Fermi offered to take wagers among the top physicists and military present on whether the atmosphere would ignite, and if so whether it would destroy just the state, or incinerate the entire planet.[86][87] This last result had been previously calculated by Bethe to be almost impossible,[88][89][d] although for a while it had caused some of the scientists some anxiety. Bainbridge was furious with Fermi for frightening the guards, some of whom asked to be relieved;[91] his own biggest fear was that nothing at all would happen, in which case he would have to return to the tower to investigate.[92]
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just kill all turks already
yeah same
>Two scammers from India traveled to Paraguay claiming to be diplomats from a country in Asia called Kailasa (population 2 million) interested in signing friendship and commerce treaties. Over several weeks they tried to get appointments with various governments officials while wearing "traditional" attires to appear more legitimate. One paraguayan official fell for the trick and signed a friendship treaty. He has been fired.
juuust gotta wait for it to get later so i can fall asleep
>On 8 October 1912, during the First Balkan War, Lemnos became part of Greece. The Greek navy under Rear Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis took it over without any casualties from the occupying Turkish Ottoman garrison, who were returned to Anatolia. Peter Charanis, born on the island in 1908 and later a professor of Byzantine history at Rutgers University recounts when the island was occupied and Greek soldiers were sent to the villages and stationed themselves in the public squares. Some of the children ran to see what Greek soldiers looked like. ‘‘What are you looking at?’’ one of them asked. ‘‘At Hellenes,’’ the children replied. ‘‘Are you not Hellenes yourselves?’’ a soldier retorted. ‘‘No, we are Romans."
yeah yeah this was what i was talking about
does that have anything to do with the fact they were under turkish rules and turks called them funny names
soooooo bored hope i get to see the new godzilla tomorrow
yeah all the orthodogs were called rumi(romans) and the former byzantines naturally referred to themselves as romans so....it kept up like that forever(to be more specific until the anglo-rus sponsored revolt of greece, then all the retard virgin thinkers of their country got forced by britain to stop calling themselves roman)
well everyone the time has come once again
man im too tired to live
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two sides of the same coin
no no i disagree
well what do you think then
theyre different
monkeys are so fucking cool
dont call them monkeys asshole
he hates me but never showed it
i know this is all some silly game, that i missed out on when i was younger, and up until very recently i was enjoying it. but now my full ego and feelings are deeply entrenched. and i think im together with the person. we slept in my bed. they have said verbatim "you are not emotionally ready for kissing and you keep pulling away from me". I like when theyre around me. I like cuddling. I think theyre going to hurt me eventually. theyre telling me i have to trust them. 

i did freak out and have a full blown panic attack in the woods at the train trestle though. hyperventilating uncontrollably, fingers and arms went numb, collapsed on the ground, started scream-crying. i wanted to kill my dad as well. I don't know what's wrong with me but somebody out there tolerates me in a romantic way and I'm not letting that go. I can't.
Replies: >>39182
christ alive
okay well i cant help you with many things but i would kindly request you do not murder anybody for any reason
can you talk more about the part where her discord friends said they wanted to all fuck you as a joke
another meal ruined at my hands
well was it edible
hes dead mate
didnt ask
youre a sicko and mentally ill
also this girl is clearly just fucking around with you for fun (because youre funny)(and we all laught at you(girl included))
you dont get it jim needs to debase and destroy himself for spiritual reasons
at this rate a peso will be worth more than jim
jajajajjajaja now THAT'S a crazy e1
said it before i'll say it again jim you need an autistic hobby as an outlet
speaking of xmas. which toradora character is jim
never seen it
yeah thanks to a last minute intervention by someone much more competent than me
hmmmm...i think i would like to die for my christmas present :)
dreamt about somebody i really like but forgot who
scary vampires were trying to kill us
also i felt my limbs get ripped apart and my neck bitten and it was very unpleasant for some reason i don't have the ability to wake up whenever something is going to hurt like everyone else
think we need to make jim learn japanese
how come people dont have fun when playing games anymore
The surest way to insult an Ottoman gentleman is to call him a 'Turk'. His face will straightway wear the expression a Londoner's assumes, when he hears himself frankly styled a Cockney. He is no Turk, no savage, he will assure you, but an Ottoman subject of the Sultan, by no means to be confounded with certain barbarians styled Turcomans, and from whom indeed, on the male side, he may possibly be descended.
why does the resident mentally ill south american brownie never talk about her
forgot this existed
in fact i think i've never actively thought about it until now
how do you take the first step to coming to terms with being retarded
i reckon receiving your designated retard handout can go a long way into easing the pain
*gets 1 dollar a month*
yeah when i learned of its existence a few years ago i was really shocked by it
all the quests that i read along and replied to were in /tg/ so it was bizarre to see it have its own board now
i remember having some fun on that board when it first got made cant imagine what its like now
well uhh probably really dead
death with tragsg!
well if you insist.......
what a wet fart of a day
saw a really gross bug
im seeing godzilla tonight
first you see the zilla
then you sea God
it's definitely wet no sure about the fart part
feeling the melancholy
with germans you lose
winning isnt everything
its so over
what are some ways to be less sleepy
i sure hope my 4 hour nap will not impact the sleep schedule i workd so hard to build uyesterday
poo of the soul
electricity disappeared for 2 minutes
my anger photons are distrupting the global electricity supply
>Hitler loathed New Zealanders as a “lower form of human being”.[85] At a speech given on 15 July 1925 - his only recorded lengthy discussion on New Zealand - he argued that New Zealanders lived in trees and ”clambered around on all fours” having not yet learned to walk upright.
>Hitler said: “For example, many New Zealanders live in trees and many still climb around on all fours, very different from a European, who walks on two legs and does not live in trees, but wanders the streets.
>“Now you might say: 'That is the effect of climate.' My friend, if all Europeans left the continent and the New Zealanders slipped in here, you will surely not believe that the climate will make a European out of a New Zealander."
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omg is that gote
futurama dog episode
seoul-pyongyang railway dog incident
so theres somebody out there thats getting paid 6 figures to make a fake language
and they uhhhhh........copyrighted a language
so thats what ohio has been up to.....................
many of them are famous here and they are genuinely funny
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the shogun trooper guy is the only one with a non retarded hat
but in exchange hes a kike
>And every Argentinian is a cocain addicted tranny biker. 
saw this in the wild and laughed out loud
incredibly funny how somebody else in the world also managed to independently develop the idea of tranny argentine biker gangs
i also saw a comment about the argentine race a few days ago but i forgot what it was
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fascinating to some
dadc to others
its even funnier when you realize that these exact people were 6 year olds watching minecraft playthroughs.....6 years ago!!!! in 2018!!!!!
its even funnier whern you realize its the same as reddit atheists 10 years ago but this time theyre right wing instead of left wing
oh yeah the big race yeah isaw it how could you miss the argentine prix
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just publicly embarrassed myself
has it got anything to do with trannies
no i wrote sage into the wrong bar and when i tried to delete my post it gave me an unsolvable captcha so i have to keep the post up and get laughed at
internet posts are like sand in the ocean
and all the cute girls on this side of my beach are laughing and pointing at me
there are no cute girls
just bang your head into the wall until you see some
classic ottoman method
anime girls really are my only allies
going to sleep
going to weep
>Russell states that Baudrillard argues that "in our present 'global' society, technological communication has created an excessive proliferation of meaning. Because of this, meaning's self-referentiality has prompted, not a 'global village,' but a world where meaning has been obliterated"[1]: 283  Accordingly, Baudrillard argued that the excess of signs and of meaning in late 20th century "global" society had caused (quite paradoxically) an effacement of reality. In this world neither liberal nor Marxist utopias are any longer believed in. We live, he argued, not in a "global village", to use Marshall McLuhan's phrase, but rather in a world that is ever more easily petrified by even the smallest event. Because the "global" world operates at the level of the exchange of signs and commodities, it becomes ever more blind to symbolic[note 3] acts such as, for example, terrorism.
feels like edgy larper kids are the only people who talk about utopias these days
funny how this got completely memoryholed huh
funny how this got completely memoryholed huh
funny how this got completely memoryholed huh
it was 35 years ago i wouldnt call it "memoryholed" at that point
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man if only there was a way to die
bAn this guy
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>In Britain, on 2 December 1988, 7,000 Muslims in the town of Bolton staged the first ever demonstration against The Satanic Verses. 
keep forgetting that britain started importing boatloads of niggers and arabs decades before the rest of the western world
remember MAGA hats?????
uhh the middle antediluvian grenadier army??? yeah i remember it
that doesnt make any sense
yes yes fascinating
so this kid stabbed the author because he.......watched videos on youtube telling him to do it
went on the 4 and made a racist little thread on it
the 1 reply my thread got got deleted and i got put on autosage(probably banned for racism too)
banned for racism on 4chan is a hilarious cosmic joke i cant believe anyone would keep using the site after that happened to him
it happened to me just yesterday because i told an isreali i would "gaza him" if he kept telling lies
yeah how dare he say theres brown people in argentina. 
argentina is an epic ethnostate with little hitlers walking around killing kikes whenever one shows up
water you on retard
water me on yes
water on the brain
water of the soul
the new godzilla was crazy good
have to watch the other 70 first before i can see the new one
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from the new ck3 dlc
just realized they changed the reddit man to look even uglier
now it has these massive insectoid eyes that stare directly at you
its a sign of the times
why is everybody in my family a kike
they keep kiking eachother out of money 24/7 and everybody hates my grandfather and wants him to die so they can get his inheritance
and now youre telling me my brother and his wife hate his mother in law and wants her dead......because shes rich and they want her inheritance!!!! even her daughter in blood resents her for no reason other than simple greed
you dont it's a reboot :))))))
it's set in immediate post-war japan and the protag is a failed kamikaze pilot very cool setting
you need to see every film ever made plus all the media ever made too to really understand things in their proper context
dont think im quite at the point where im ready to start using "gay" in the original meaning
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you can feel the insanity
i could show you some other things made by this guy but you would hate me
genre fiction consumers are some of the stupidest people on the planet i think
yeah cant imagine wasting time reading fictional trash like dune
you know what i meant im not falling for it
well lets be honest k is better than c
we should have had it where all the names were just one letter
hm is h jim is j and so on
'aitch is hpm you can't take that title away from him
so whod be k
oh yeah completely forgot
imagine if hpm and hm combined into hitler project mod
no fuck off
gex strategy grandi
man theres a lot of things in this world that make me sad
anyone one know the secret to not feeling like cement all the time
avoid eating pasta
avoid eating poo
ate talking to fuckingp eople and they keep messaging me retarded things
you know how there's all kinds of autists obsessed with random things like trains and whatever
what did these people DO back in the olden days
there were no trains no guns no big boats did working all day manage to keep their autism at bay or did they obsess over different things like... swords and horses
they whittled things out of wood
obsess over other things or just obsess over nothing
what sort of reply were you expecting????????
knowing every different type of gross bug
knowing every different type of jew
i was expecting theories on what they would obsess over just like those ^^ yes
i think ck3 could really be enhanced with a dlc centered around being a turk nomad and conquering byzantium to then get hellenized and try to reform the roman empire
knowing every type of turk(like 60 or something)
they could have learnt trades and also those autists are the ones that invented uhhh gravity and uhhhhhhhhhhhh astronomy and the like i reckon
idea: drumming with chopsticks
think it could be big
next up: chopping with drumsticks
something seriously bizarre happened (culturally) in argentina
my uncle -who is just some random guy- is sending me videos of this radical ancap anarchist guy (who broke off with milei ~5 years ago when he got into politics because he was even more radical than him and disagreed "philosophically" with being into politics because that legitimizes the state and blalablabla and you cant change the system from inside blalbalbla and you have to topple it from outside) 

this is just 1 little fact but you know teenagers on the street cite austrian economists and sometimes theres videos of them on tv
like basically what i am saying is that if milei is succesful (and even moreso if he reelects) then there will be an entire generation of ideologically ancap retards

(as of now its not like 56% of the population is ideologically ancap its probably like 5-10% but everyones rallied behind milei because hes new)
wait until you find out about all the american uncles obsessed with a 4chan tripfag
yeah but that could make SENSE in a way, after all its just ..................... you know conspiracy boomerism.......................................... 

austrian economics(ancapism) are very niche even in the realms of serious economics, and ancaps are like 0.1% of the population everywhere else 

like i forgot what the Q trite even was but as far as i remember its just "trump = god" and "ugh im an epic insider with info .... trust the plan -_-" its not really very radical or weird.
just the fact that it COMES from a 4chan tripfag is whats funny
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die volke
poop is funny lol
t.average man
i wonder which great men from history enjoyed poop and fart jokes
mozart was greatly known for writing scat jokes on his letters i think
yeah but i heard that it was all just fabrication by his rivals
they will say the same thing about hm in a few centauries when people bring up the trannyism
well unlike hm he wasnt a weirdo virgin loser freak
well this is weirdo virgin loser freak grand strategy general
noposts strategy general
dont worry even if i dont spend time posting i am 100% using that time on something just as worthless
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man im just tired of being human
make me a turtle next time
potato bomb: the western onigiri
had my first kiss :))))))))))))
in a game???
lowly cur is me
37 in real actual life
woke up
had a meal and took a shower
came back to my bedroom and stood there for 10 minutes supressing the urge to cry
what about you men
>It's enough for me. Only reason I'm pushing through with Japanese is to read Mishima, I barely watch anime or read manga anymore.
well well what have we here
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cant decide if thats better or worse than the idea the french had about dividing all their territory into perfect squares
so are you gay or not now jim

also i thought you already had some contact with women
in the 21st century having sex with vaginas is gay
new 3dcg gundam thing is coming out and the writer is a huge warhammer 40k autist and has only wrote for literal garbage and the trailer it looks like it will be an entire movie of "zeon did nothing wrong!!!" which is really funny
i just want to know how this debate was resolved
as ive aged 43 seems like more and more of a good idea
as ive aged...one hour
issnt it strange how theyre ok with greece but not spain
its more like..... 6 years......
dreamt i drew a very nice anime girl but then i put the eyes in the completely wrong position and she looked retarded
i dreamt i had a motorcycle
(and had a lot of fun driving it)
well well well..... :)
i dreamt i was getting psyopped by some middle aged brown man
>Shiravune previously used the term ‘incel’ in a translation for Criminal Border, or ‘Liminal Border,’ instead of simply going with the original word for ‘loser.’ The time before that, the publisher butchered the localization of the first Nukitashi with politics, Big Bang Theory memes, and other questionable translations.
>This time, in a trailer for Nukitashi 2, at around the 0:22 mark of the video, a character says, “可愛い妹叩いたな、この童貞淫奔野郎!” which translates to “You hit your cute little sister, you obscene virgin bastard,” but the localization team translated the line to “You smacked your cute little sister huh you goddamn d*ckless virgin incel!”
so how do these guys manage to get jobs
even speaking walking and writing have started to become pains in the ass
localization fucking sucks so the only people willing to do it are deranged retards
well surely its a GOOD job if it lets you get away with shit like that no matter how many times youdo it
turk why dont you bring dadc to universal parlance by slowly introducing it into weeb localizations
why would you teach retards to use it
also weeb localizations take too long to do so i dont bother
ohhh its over they figured it out
luv how i cant tell youre talking about a shadowy cabal or a quirky teenage girl because weve all collectively decided that its better to talk like complete retards than disagree with libtards
answer: me family
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living the life eh
the speakers on the left ruin the aesthetics
so its obviously a pc98 on the right but what is that on the left
and is the thing under the pc98 a microcomputer
been hearing a lot about that vn with the retarded faces
uhhh which?
i think its called "sea cat"
is that the thing the bigger was into or was that the other one
what im really interested in is whether that 98 on the right is displaying a modern anime girl or not
it does look like modern 3dcg to me
maybe its playing a video off a cd
apparently the vuvuzelans are voting on whether they want to invade guyaba or not today

sp do you think you'll get drafted for the big amazonian war
well you see its very good. simple as really
the government already sent some troops there
don't know why lula is being a cunt he's supposed to help venezuela
infamy cooled down
time to blob
i saw a map of the claimed territory by venezuela and if they got to blob over all of it the remains of guyana would be like guinea sized which is really funny
whats bidet doing now huh

a few years ago trump wanted to invade venezuela for.......................................... doing nothing............................................
now theyre voting to annex a place and...??????????????????????????
i think vicky had venezuela cores there too i remember being annoyed at britain when i played gran culombia
i HOPE he does nothing i dont give a fuck about banana wars
anyway what i think will happen is just that they'll just start putting guababa on their maps and claiming them and then SOME DAY if the venezuelan regime is falling internally then they might go and invade it 

yeah i HOPE he does nothing too i hope venezuela fukken blobs and that the remainder of bubaba goes to brazil too might as well
but its just pathetic and ridiculous for the US for something like that to happen right under their nose
its only pathetic if you still believe in truman doctrine shite
i do NOT want anything wasted on cleaning up sudaca messes
no if youre going to be a hegemonic superpower you need to give off the impression that anything that happens must be consulted with you first and you need to approve of it

at least they should be like................... support it................ even if it makes no sense. like they should do a new arbitration of the borders and they could just give the venezuelans what they want in exchange for something
now THAT would be hilarious biden announces complete unwavering support for vebezuela
wait wait what vn
...the one in the picture
i believe its called air
i guess that answers 74 as well
saw a thing where niggerzuala was saying this is a war to stop guyanian imperialism
ohhh i watched the anime of that it sucked ass
no air no life
animes of vns always suck
that is true
me mate really wanted me to watch muv luv but i told him if im gonna bother im just gonna read it
same thing with steins gate
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uhhhhhh hold up were we always calld Anon or was it Anonymous
i cant even remember the day of the week you expect me to remember names??
theyre already failing internallyt.heard the news from some venezuelan
me i saw a thing where some anglo said the turkish independence war was actually a war of imperialism that the turks were waging and that england and france just wanted to put an end to imperialism
it was though
they were trying to restore the turkish empire after getting dismantled
uh no it was actually an anti-imperialist war as they were fighting against the imperialist regimes of england france and italy which.........wanted to blob all over anatolia for free labour and resources
where did all the eastern greeks and armenians go
well the greeks went to greece and the armenians went to armenia
why didnt the turks go to turkmenistan
*nervously looks at all my "dead greek" and "dead armenian" storage facilities across turkey*
"went to armenia" eh that's a funny euphemism
kike russians and anglos didnt let us
mate...were at an impasse......and only ONE of my 2 braincells can survive this 1.............
cant you just kill them both
so how do these sorts of people manage to become rich
i want girls to want to have sex with me but i dont want to have sex
who cares about what girls want
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dont look at this if youre not in the mood to look down on others and hate them
its some weird brown obese goblin acting like an animal
uhhh god is dead etc etc
remember when people thought islamists were the worlds biggest issue
ughghhhhhggghh man seeing some awful stuff here that makes even the most scary of apocalypses look like a fucking joke
at this point it almost feels like it makes sense to worship anime girls because they look like the only semblances of sanity left in the world
if you can post on the internet things cant be all bad
why does this only happen in america
seriously what happens to people in that country that they just go insane

come to argentina we're still a normal country with freedom and normal people and no incels and no niggers 
(promotion only valid until 2030)
they call it "american exceptionalism"
argentinians have been used and abused by politicians looking to come out on top
americans have been used and abused by politicians working for satan
probably a mix of the following:
genetic abominations(not in the usual meaning but the one thats used in scifi and stuff)
laws entirely based around protecting them and increasing their numbers
poisonous food and water
people regularly using soda as a replacement to water
media poisoning
i do have to say though that this sort of thing DOES also happen in other countries just at like 1% of the rate
i mean yeah everything happens everywhere pretty much but its completely anecdotic 

like for example theres no mass shootings or school shootings here in argentina but sometimes (once in a year or two) theres a kid that goes to school with a gun (for some reason they never kill anyone though so its probably got something to do wiht the fact that theyre involved in drugs and not with the fact that theyre polcel shooters) 
also when i was in high school, a girl (from our rival school) went to school with a gun and.... shot herself in class............ didnt shoot at anyone else though
rival....school???? are you from an anime
>went to school with a gun and.... shot herself in class............ didnt shoot at anyone else though
uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  if only wtaht wherte me
only thing more pathetic than suicide is fantasizing about suicide
theres literally nothing wrong with suicide
even the roman faustians wrote entire letters about how good it is
and where are those roman faustians now
one time this really scrawny kid, he was small enough that people thought he was still in middle school, he messaged all his friends the classic "don't come to school tomorrow..." the previous day then started going on about wanting to kill everyone and eventually the police took him away, no idea if he brought a gun i was from a different class just heard the rumors
anyway there's been plenty of school and mass shootings the last few years i blame the accelerating rate of cultural americanization and the spread of protestantism
yeah well
our 2 schools were close and on the same street 
both were like "big" and relatively well-known 

one of them (mine) was a technical (uh i guess like trade??s??) school and it'd teach stuff like mechanics(cars) or electronics or chemistry (for working at the refinery) and so on
the other one was supposed to be kind of "hard"(you know like a higher level of education) and it was like more upper class and you could only get in through being raffled and doing an entrance exam (or i think you could transfer to it for the 2nd year if you just did the entrace exam idk) 

so yeah its not like they were exactly 100% hating eachother to the death rivals but there were just conflicting cultures with both schools and they were close toeachother
i never fought anyone from that school but one time we were going to go as a group to fight some other group of them (we never did)
good man
suicides of despair are incredibly pathetic
there are epic reasons to suicide but doing it because you hate life is not one of them
theres exactly 0 reasons to live a life that you dont like
especially when you are a fashionable youth like me who has no family to protect or promises to carry out
one time someone told me about getting the "fat guy in a little coat talk" and to this day i dont know what they meant
fat guy in a little coat
fat guy in a little coat
is that another lyricpost
fat soul in tiny body
otto weininger now that was an epic suicide
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found the turks car
wouldn't be complete without the disabled plate
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saw like a dozen schizocars with writing referincing qanon
really baffling how theres millions of people out there believing in him
imagine how he must feel about this whole situation
think i've seen that secondo ne somewhere
all that text and yet not a single mention of the jews
well they wouldnt let him keep his schizohouse and schizocar if he did that now would they
Continue to act thus, my dear Lucilius – set yourself free for your own sake; gather and save your time, which till lately has been forced from you, or filched away, or has merely slipped from your hands. Make yourself believe the truth of my words, – that certain moments are torn from us, that some are gently removed, and that others glide beyond our reach. The most disgraceful kind of loss, however, is that due to carelessness. Furthermore, if you will pay close heed to the problem, you will find that the largest portion of our life passes while we are doing ill, a goodly share while we are doing nothing, and the whole while we are doing that which is not to the purpose.
the greeks and romans already figured everything out
even their cement was better than ours
actually cement is a really cool concept when you get down to it, you're like... mixing up a liquid rock... then shaping it into whatever you want
*starts laughing unctrollably*
ohoohohooo....cement :)
yeah jajaja anyways invest in platine cement companies when milei dollarizes there will be a construction boom and there willl be a real estate bubble (buy now and sell before it explodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)))
you know what if all goes well argentina will be like 70/80s japan yep number 1 gp here we go
the touhou girls are really nice
nobody has come close to zun in terms of making girls
they're all kind of samey
are you sure thats not just an illusion due to the fact theyre all nice pure girls
i'm not saying they are bad i'm just saying none of them are particularly exciting
girls arent supposed to be exciting
i mean excitement in the sort of way that you say wahey its that! when you see them
can you give an example of an exciting girl
sorry dont know any girls
then i will have to disrespectfully disagree with your fallacious point against the touhou girls
huhuhu phalus
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get angry whenever i see a commercial with like...a humanoid cookie...something so satanic about the concept
i want to get a lobotomy that removes all of my brain except for the pineal gland. i want it bouncing up and down in my empty skull like a ping pong ball in an anal cavity.
yeah theres something really disgusting about commercials
there has not been a single time in my life that i didnt feel an immense hate and disgust upon seeing one
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Most men ebb and flow in wretchedness between the fear of death and the hardships of life; they are unwilling to live, and yet they do not know how to die.
I commend you and rejoice in the fact that you are persistent in your studies, and that, putting all else aside, you make it each day your endeavour to become a better man. I do not merely exhort you to keep at it; I actually beg you to do so. I warn you, however, not to act after the fashion of those who desire to be conspicuous rather than to improve, by doing things which will rouse comment as regards your dress or general way of living.
Beasts avoid the dangers which they see, and when they have escaped them are free from care; but we men torment ourselves over that which is to come as well as over that which is past. Many of our blessings bring bane to us; for memory recalls the tortures of fear, while foresight anticipates them. The present alone can make no man wretched.
>And when the games stop for the intermission, they announce: "A little throat-cutting in the meantime, so that there may still be something going on!
what a time to be alive
i was thinking just a little ago that having these sorts of thing as public entertainment is millions of times better than having modern porn
far less damaging to the soul to see and actually interesting even if in a wicked way
    Singapore has 4 official languages, all of which derive from completely different language families. What do you think about this? Why does nobody on the Internet remark that all the 4 official languages of Singapore derive from completely different language family.
dadc capsman
but its obviously because singapoor is an international trade hub and has been under the colonial administration of a bunch of different countries
yeah honestly thats an idiot tier question it only requires thinking for five seconds
it would be more weird if a country had many official languages from the same family
hell south africa probably has 4 official languages all from different families right?
afrikaans is obvious
bantu languages
some other african language
and another one
okay nevermind literally all of their african languages are from the same family
really? not one khoisan language?
nope, not recognized officially at least, presumably a couple are recognized minority languages but all the official ones are bantu family
tired of being sleepy all the time
grim kino
turk you should watch mahoromantic
oh yeah that mentioned the ohio train thing whatever happened to ihat
covered up as expected
hm have you been to tierra del fuego
need food
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i dont get it why do they worship acting like a nigger so much
you know why
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hey thats that game
how come everyone is black

it kind of looks like miami...
there arent any trees in iceland
you know if america didnt exist then europe would just be a pooor backwards hellhole and china/india would be the centers of the universe

maybe japan would rise up some day but thats IT
no whites would be kings
the poortugese would have still sailed around africa in 1500 and things would be largely the same
singular they has been used since Shakespeare as a non-specific pronoun and it's both more natural and easier to use than writing he/she every time, which comes off as jilted in conversation. It's just how English is, prescriptivochud.
using they to refer to a person of known gender is a neologism, however
but thats wrong
no they would have had the economic means to trade with all the indo-chinese (they wouldnt have had mountains of silver) nor would they have had the military means to blob all over them 

(all of europes economy benefited from spanish silver not only because it injected that money which then... was in other countries and they used to trade, but also because it increased demand(by spain) of other european manufactured products that they didnt sell in spain)
(also all the shite they found on the new world like potatoes and so on helped europe be more developed, and just the mere fact of being able to cheaply import billions of tons of cotton and tobacco and sugar and so on with slaves)
yes yes if it wasnt for argentina canman tuscaloosa ohayoi jim and nhk would all be filthy peasant slaves and the turk would be a sultan
>I’ve been consistently learning Luxembourgish for the past 9 years for around 1-2 hours a day, and I’m still A2. I’ve spent an estimated total of 6000 hours immersing, studying, and speaking Luxembourgish, but I’m still unable to understand the language at a decent level.
gotta be a meme
whomever you copypasted is actually wrong
>Yea… One tutor has a countdown timer extension for zoom so when they notice their student is forgetting a vocabulary word they play it, which is like a 5 second bomb detention alarm. Once it runs up they make the student take a shot of alcohol, or if they don’t have any then they make them dump water over their head. If the student doesn’t do what they ask then they just cancel the classes and the student loses the $65 they paid for them. It’s fucked up.
where are you finding all these inane fake posts
random reddit post i got linked
honestly the tutor sounds like a pretty good guy
brother came to visit at 3 am :)
i dont get why the redditmen are pretending luxembourgish is this obscure language with 0 learning resources when its literally just german with an accent
also unclear why a redditman is lying about a tutor making people do shots??? and dump water on their head??
i dont think he's lying i think he's just retarded
hows it go again
the works here are elaborate works of fiction and falsehood, only a fool would take them at face value
that applies to the entire internet
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raising arizona now thats a film
hmmm i would have thought between "surrender" and "capitulate" the latter is the latin root and the former the german one
the germans called their bossniggers the caesar for centuries
but thats because they are addicted to being anything but german
fuck you
fich dich
personally im a big fan of being surrounded by retards and having to deal with their attitudes 24/7
hearing whale sounds outside
watched 1 ep and so far it looks like the usual early 2000's romcom(probably with some really shitty forced drama past the halfway point)
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in the last 3 months i have not had;
-proper sleep(in terms of quality nor quantity)
-proper meals(ditto)
-any form of relaxation
-silence in my surroundings
-free time
and i am starting to get very angry
no sleep causes mental illness
having some ovened meat with some other stuff
havent eaten in 18 hours
>Hello! (informal, South Germany / Austria)
think ive done this episode before
the roman empire lives on..........ugh..............
oh only a little bit left till christmas huh
ill be working then
maybe i'll be ten feet under who knows
well i hope I will
i think my constantly walking into and tripping on everything is a result of reduced depth perception which in turn is probably from my extreme nearsightedness
maybe i should go to the eye doctor after all
in my case its malnutrition
but yeah i have to squint a lot these days
whenever i get sucked into some niche on youtube i always end up wanting to get into it for myself but graphical programming stuff has consistently piqued my interest for a while
The steadiest speaker, when before the public, often breaks into a perspiration, as if he had wearied or over-heated himself; some tremble in the knees when they rise to speak; I know of some whose teeth chatter, whose tongues falter, whose lips quiver. Training and experience can never shake off this habit; nature exerts her own power and through such a weakness makes her presence known even to the strongest.
god i hate this shithole so much
the one im in
geographically or mentally or spiritually
geographically its always geographically
the damage my mind does to me is not even a thousandth the damage that being in this hellhole full of retards does me
would rather be eating shit than being here but uhhhh here we are
i have a dozen different things i need to go and handle yet here i am
seeing people say "shitpost" out loud now and tell eachother to stop shitposting
fun fact.................im in turkey!!!!!!!!
i always do a double take when i see the word "willy" it's easy to forget that there's some anglolikes who really do speak like that
in this case it was "willy juice" which is doubly funny
idk wtftodooaaaahhahahaghhwhatdoidooojjhhno
absolutely baffling how the weirdos on the 4 speak just like us
how is this even possible its the same everywhere
vgh... 20/88
literally nobody here can read that
heard theyre taking the hobbits to isengard
anyway im going to bed
had a terrifying nightmare of me mum and dad going senile and me having to dedicate every single day of my life having to take care of their retarded asses despite loathing them from the bottom of my heart for so long
if they were to turn senile right now then this WOULD actually happen as i am the only one "capable" of doing it(all the other ones who could it ran away or are too far in blood relations to be expected to do it) though that is of course assuming i wouldnt vehemently refuse at the near certain risk of permanently breaking relations with all my family members(theres a 99% chance i would refuse)
also thinking about girls made me feel bad
construction decided to start right outside my window at 6 o clock
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isnt the israel thing already over
hm we should go here
but weve already gone!!!!!!!!!! twice!!!!!!!!!!! i posted about it for perons sake!!!!!!!!!!!
thats where the bodies are hidden
did you go see cerro torre
no we were in the fitzroy area mainly and the part with the perito moreno glacier (which i walked on, and drank whiskey on, with ice being the glacier itself) and i guess some other miscellaneous small glaciers and mountains which i dont remember now
remember when sp was assyrian
now he is askeleton
extreme starvation
my body hurts to an untold level
just remembered that "ubuntu" is supposed to be a concept in ""african philosophy""
it's like uhuru remember that1
i dont remember it
me neither
it was from the africa movie i think the tanzanian part
ubuntu is like the saudade of nd'e kongomongo
SS marschiert
would you guys watch barry lyndon if i put it on
uh i dont know who that is so..................
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yes yes fascinating
well to be fair this sort of stuff does not concern me since i only play good games and new games are not good but it still pisses me off a little
its over
they upped the niconico premium from 550 yen per month to 790
the hyperinflation spares no one
finally the modders are making headway on fixing bg3
hopefully ill be able to do a proper playthrough in 2024
its funny how japan was struggling with inflation for decades because....it was too low and they had constant risk of deflation (which they didnt want) 
and now that they have SOME inflation theyre celebrating and partying (the economists) 

i think if argentina and japan exchanged economists then the great satanic empire would collapse within the decade
no actually it would be japan thats collapsing
no you see when the yen starts hyperinflating thats going to make japanese people start spending their money instead of just sitting on millions of yen, which is going to make the consumption and production economy move more
also the devaluation will strengthen japanese exports to the rest of the world 

meanwhile the japanese economists in argentina will end the hyperinflation and make a new currency which will make argentines stop being poor, and now that theyre not pooor they will start importing cheap japanese goods

this virtuous cycle will continue until argentina becomes japan and japan becomes argentina
they will call it the nipperonification
and in japan theyll call it niggerification
any posts
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wow another loud flashy and annoying video from niconico ill definitely watch this one thanks turk
make sure to donate to my patreon so i can pay my bills(790 yen)
my gayme crashed right as it was getting good
this alcohol smells like honey but doesnt taste like it
is it mead
no its whiskey
thats how they say it in nihon
yes thats right cass confirmed it and theyre japanese :)
jims tranny
need gc to return and suddenly revitalize tragsg
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got sent this by an american
>giant turkey blob but its dismantled in the east
what is the point
i actually really like it because at first glance it looks like a big meme "ugghhh epic armenianumsn bloibums!!!!" thing but its actually merely using that as an excuse to force all the brown retards on armenia and georgia while letting turkey into europe
i dont like it because the borders are ugly
personally haeiong some vermouth
the alcohol didnt make me drunk but it did make me sleepy
and now im wondering if i should just sleep instead of working
what the fuck is a "cass" thats a fucking food or maybe a type of fish egg you cant be named that
because new turkiye is actually white you see and the red is where all the white turks are 

albania is genocided
what about der greeks
what about them
and there would be a bunch of bulgarians in that too
those are turks also
tomorrow(today) im getting fucked no matter what i do
quite sick of it all really
have you tried protecting your assshole from being fucked
perhaps quitting the prostitution industry
simply stop being a prostitute
stfu hm you perverted fuck
go die for the falklands
its going to be an e1 when milei gets couped by lula and xi
thinking about lots of things
quite melancholic
thats as bad of a cuck post as 22
how is calling someone a fag prostitute a cuck post 
its just insulting them
if i ever write a work of fiction, monetary policy will feature in it
and thats why nobody will read it
hence why it will become a kino cult classic instead of formulaic goyslop for the masses
if "fan" is 1 person then multiple "fan"s should be "fen"
wow i can see the future
yesterday i said that tomorrow will be hellish and it really is
I'm worried about money, not about you, you're ugly
i want money too you know
thinkgen about elvis
fuck you argentine bastard i had to endure afucking hour long conversation about how "you should totally become atrucker because i heard they makebig money(on the internet) uhhhuhhuhuhjjihhuh" its all because of fucks like you that i have to listen to morons give retarded nonsensical "adcice" they heard from the internet
i don't like my life
i recommend civil insurrection and sabotage to ease the pain
never going to a restaurant again in my life mates it was exactly 10 times more expensive than what im willing to pay
idea:get the world out of recession
post depression
yeah why didnt you listen to them
well you see im not a tranny
yeah the truckers are the ones who pick up the trannies 
if you were a tranny you couldnt be a trucker
you think youre praising yourself but youre actually cursing yourself
no i thought i was just explaining the situation to you
i'm not a fan of trannies or argentina
give me 1 reason i shouldnt be rich
God wants you to be poor
wow i had warm coffee too earlier
apparently venezuela blobbed
more ugly borders
yeah its awful and makes me shit myself
yeah i told you thats exactly what'd happen
theyd just add it to the map and call it a day

welll i guess from what im reading theres something with the oil companies and whatever so i guess if the foreign oil companies dont pay venezuela what they want then theyre going to get a CB
di they actually take the territory or what
from my reading the answer is no because there are literally no roads from venezuela to guyana, except through brazil and brazil wont let them through
so unless uhhh they use their navy i guess, it really is just "this is ours now :)" and thats it
aregentina should pull that same trick
weve had las malvinas on our maps since forever, and kelpers are legally argentine citizens just like anyone and they have all the same rights as i do; likewise its considered to be an illegally occupied territory much the same way israel is occupying palestine or how the turks are in syria now
anyway i think the islamics will give them to us in 20 years tops
*dumps 5 million islamic browns on the island making them legal silver citizens*
ok here you go
so what do we do when the cs goes down
do we kill ourselves
i dont see how counter strike affects us
when the scun gooytresfpeb
ate copyright
i dont think about little children at all
worst euphemism for that i've seen
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thats the sound of my soul vomiting translated to english
for the past few days i've been eating my bread with a knife and nothing else
i try to balance it on the flat side of the knife then lift it up to my mouth like a spoon rather than piercing it that would be too brutish
when it's too big i try to cut it in half but that's not easy since i don't have a fork or anything else to hold it down
i'm doing this for no particular reason just thought it'd be a fun skill to acquire
i approve
who eats plain bread alone
(´・ω・)what happens here(・ω・`)
fuck this
no seriously i hate it
im not cool enough for people to care about the fact i hate it, but i hate it
thought we were being raided but its just a bout of mental illness
whats the difference
man i should just go and pray or something
better than this
just let it all out man spill the beans
no no theres nothing epic going on or anything
its just that i keep refusing to do enjoyable things and going out of my way to do things that i know i will hate and which will have a whopping 0 positive effect
it doesnt sound like a big issue but consider that ive done it 1000 times this year
wow im doing that right now
given it's almost the end of the year i've decided to give up on this one and turn my life around starting next month
huhhh yeah you know what thats a good idea
but what if i fuck up next year too
theres always the one after that
seems like my grandmother might be dying
already had one die
i think i should be a typographer
fonts look easy to create when you really get down to it just draw like 24 letters and sell it for 200 dollars even if a single sucker buys it that's more than enough
theres already 50000 fonts
who would pay for new ones
i'm not entirely sure as to why but people do i'm pretty sure
because there's only so many ways to write the letters there's lots and lots of fonts that are "inspired" by another but actually look the same except for like 2 tiny variations
i didn't actually think too deeply about the money part just how actually making a simple one wouldn't be difficult at all
and if you really want to be an autist you could even do the thing where you support different scripts like kanji (out of the 50000 fonts there's like 2 decent ones that do that)
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was playing some sweaw alri
so then i came upon some thread on vst and they were talking about trannies 
naturally i was interested so i investigated

anyway a few days later apparently what happens in the original expanded star wars lore is that the empire goes into chinese warlord mode for a few years then eventually they reunify and they sign peace <--- like this (after the rebel kikes become the biggest power)
then idk they kill eachother again in wars a few times but then some space aliens from another galaxy invade, but basically the original emperor already knew this and actually he was building the death start and all those otehr big ships because he knew they were going to invade and was preparing

and those space aliens were basicalyl like the space mongols but they are from another galaxy(remember the entire plot takes place in just 1 galaxy that is far afr away and long ago or whatever), and so theyre very different bcause instead of being epic scifipunk, theyre like biologicalpunk and their ships are alive or something o_0

anyway narratively i think its quite interesting and coherent that since theyre from another galaxy its basically like theyre from a different setting altogether. as if it was an alien vs predator type of thing you know how those started out as 2 separate movies -yeah its interesting to me
shame they made nustarwars into nigger chinese festival
also apparently you can play the sweaw campaign in MP...............so.............................if anyone wants to mp................................................................
yeah that sounds interesting but i don't really have anything else to say about it
>Tuesday is generally unlucky in Greece for the fall of Byzantium Tues 29th May 1453.[44]
BERLIN (JTA) — Recognizing Israel’s right to exist is now mandatory for those who want to become German citizens in the former East German state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Applicants living in the state will have to confirm in writing “that they recognize Israel’s right to exist and condemn any efforts directed against the existence of the State of Israel.” Saxony-Anhalt’s interior minister, Tamara Zieschang, a member of the center-right Christian Democratic Union party, said Tuesday that the rule went into effect at the end of November.

In its decree, reportedly shared internally at the end of November, Saxony-Anhalt also requires naturalization agents to be on the lookout for antisemitic and anti-democratic attitudes among applicants.
thinking doesnt make me smarter
heard theres a socialist nationalist party on the rise in germany
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stupid little stuff for stupid little people
that might have worked with dutch or even german but french is just too different
it lost me on the first switch
no no what do you mean
i understood like 80% of it with a brief pass and im an esl
knowing spanish/portugese probably gives some insight into french
stuff like est parmi and par la quelle is completely unintelligible
yeah i never studied french but i got 80% of it
en meme
en nigger die argent
or rather, i THINK i get it
but the english also helps course-correcting
omg i just found a canman
hello canman say hi to the class
i was literally telling him about oblomov years ago and he was calling me projecting and said thats not his problem
they added zerg to star wars....
>son of the president of somalia kills a delivery guy in a traffic accident in Istanbul
>police covers everything up and make sure he gets away with it
are the deliverymen kurdish or armenian
pureblooded turk
frankly if the police arent covering up a wee traffic fatality for the PRESIDENTs son of all people theres something wrong with your country
the problem is that its the son of the somalian(worst shithole in the world) president
and if it were instead the son of an european president erdogan would be chimping out right now doing a speech about the evil whites and how we need to jihad them
...........................what are somalians doing in turky anyway........................................ o___0
i already told you
erdogan has been trying to import them for over a decade now to further his islamic narrative
started up that reddit space puzzle game someone was posting about years ago
think it was the bigger though
what game
outer wilds
it reminds me of myst but in space
do you think the islamic arabs will kill all the niggers or will they spare them just on the basis that they are also islamic
theyll just be slaves like for the last 1400 years
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i am a white slave
you know im reading more (retconned) lore and this seems more and more plausible 

why the fuck didnt they just make movies out of this, its literally like roman civil wars or chinese warlords or sengoku japan.......... but in space!!!!!!
well idk what do they make mmovies of now
my degree came in the mail
funny how it says "with honors" twice because i was in an honors program and i graduated cum laude
star wars has cool lore that they are addicted to shoving into the back of the closet and never allowed to see the light of day outside of books for literal infantes
so what do you do next eh man whats the next step
well i want to go to grad school but not because i care about pursuing a masters or phd 
so that can wait
tragsg - traditional grad school general
me mates in grad school told me it's hellish
it probably is if you care and you let the workload consume you
well...no...it's just a lot...and is very hard
well it depends on the program and your supervisor and a million things
whats your friend doing
me i am literally incapable of studying if its not explicitly out of genuine interest so all forms of school are nightmares for me
theyre doing some variety of compsci i dont know what but it is """real""" compsci as in like...computer security and stuff like that
like they have a real ass job at the present moment they arent just a coding sissy making ck2 mods
why do you have to say "they" like a faggot you dont even have the pretense of not knowing his sex
because you dont know either and it just doesnt matter
also because i know it frustrates you :)
youre both retarded faggots
but yes for example he was talking about a prof (a shitty one) dumping a pretty difficult project on a class on top of other shit they're working on and he said he knew many other people in the class were entirely fucked because the questions they were asking when approaching him weren't even scratching the surface of the project
well no i do know to a very high degree of certainty he's a man
you never know
anyways like i said i dont actually care about grad school so if i get shit i dont want to do ill just blow it off
what the FUARK is a """""""""grad school"""""""""""""""""
theres elementery school, hihg school, and university

thats all there is stop lying
checked this mecha director's credits and he has worked on a lot of mecha shows as one would expect but then he also directed every fucking boku no pico thing
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>sad thread, but your story inspired me to make your life into an artpiece
>here you go brother mehmet
not posted at me but at some random other turk crying about not getting to have sex but i still find it funny
i dont like it
what if we pretended that everybody is actually the ethnicity of the 2nd language they learned
far too much anglo dominance then
you can pretend we're still in 1836
nothing would actually change for me because thats how you all treat me anyways
everyones second language is either english or nothing
okay third language then
/ speak a second one
what third do YOU speak huh
the language of the third world
its called spanish
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what do i do
you die
he said
only that
that only
only that
that only
only that
only matters only that
all you can do is
can do is all you can do is
he said
man american women are creepy
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>Kyrgyzstan passed legislation to change the flag from having wavy rays of sun to straight ones.
why is it always turks who suffer
the xbox flag
easier to draw
sp whatre ur thoughts
thoughts on what i just woke up and opened the thread this minute how would you even know that
ure thought on santos
thoughts on the flag change
i've always wanted it to happen for the comical value alone but now that it did i'm a little sad
it looks specially dumb because of the gap between the circle and the rays
yeah the big ring of yellow looks like shit
the waviness of the rays doesnt really do much
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iss that your ancestry
origin of english words
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trurkr have you watched hinamatsuri
trurkr will you watch hinamatsuri
if you really want me to then i can put it at the back of my list of things to do(about 20 thousand things)
whats got you so matsuring huh
imagine having 4% of your ancestry derived from proper names
that's when your great great grandma married someone named "jim" but you know nothing else about him
im watching this new stellaris game and it looks like such abject shit
oh yeah i saw that (saw the steam page ad nothung else)
i think its like stellaris but turn based and you play with like 4 people and it lasts only 1 hour
and its just a bad 4x game so it serves no purpose
just saw a post on 4chan with "support ukraine" in the namefield in some random fucking thread with no connection and it made me laugh
yeah thats pretty funny
this entire website is very funny
>While I generally avoid killing healthy insects, I often find injured or dying insects in my house that I try to euthanize. This page describes the two methods I use to kill bugs with as little pain as possible
>It's not completely clear to me if euthanizing dying bugs is more humane than leaving them to die on their own. For example, I worry that when crushing bugs into little pieces, there's a small chance the animal's tiny brain might remain somewhat intact in one of those pieces?

>It's a difficult question how to handle invertebrates like flies, ants, and beetles in one's house in a way that minimizes total invertebrate suffering. I generally err on the side of not killing healthy bugs because my euthanasia methods are probably not pain-free, and I worry about increasing total deaths per unit time by killing bugs prematurely
like this entire website is just a gem in the "upper class retard with too much free time dwells on nonsensical shit for his entire life" genre
>When I find an injured bug requiring euthanasia, I gently pick it up and bring it to the part of my house where I keep a flat piece of wood and sheets of rough scrap paper or paperboard (such as the rough side of a cereal box). I lay the bug in the middle of the paper, bang the flat wood on it as hard as possible, and then continue a succession of banging and scraping motions. I scrape the bug out over the paper in order to fully flatten it, using the rough surface of the paper to trap small bug particles. (Smooth paper doesn't work as well, because the bug's body is more liable to just slide around without coming apart.) I continue scraping and banging on whatever parts of the bug's body seem incompletely disintegrated.
seriously just imagine watching this guy going about his daily life
>You could potentially carry around a small plastic container in your backpack or purse that you could use to collect any injured bugs you find on the road or sidewalk, bringing them back home for crushing or freezing with proper equipment (idea inspired by Benjy Forstadt, 2019 Jul 12, cited with permission). Of course, if you won't return home for a while and the bug seems to be in pain, crushing it imperfectly on the spot may be better. You could alternatively carry around paperboard and a piece of wood in order to crush injured bugs that you see outdoors, though doing this would get your hands dirty, and you wouldn't have a sink nearby.
>I unfortunately have a lot of experience with freezing flies and other bugs around my house in order to euthanize them. Usually I drop a bug into a plastic container that stays in the freezer. Since this container is cold, the bug also gets cold quite quickly. When I put a fly into this container and then reopen the freezer to check on it a few seconds later, I find that the fly stops moving within ~10 to ~20 seconds.
>I looked on Amazon at food shredders, trying to find one that had blades as close to the bottom as possible so that it would be more likely to shred insects, which aren't very tall. Cuisinart SG-10 Electric Spice-and-Nut Grinder seemed to have relatively low blades, so I tried ordering it. When it arrived, I saw that the blades were still probably too high to do a great job shredding, but I tried it out on some already long-dead insects that were lying around (ladybird beetles, houseflies, and a wasp). Even though the blades were high, these bugs were cut up into several pieces. 
>I also tried adding a bit of water to the nut grinder so that the insects could float closer to the blades. I'm not sure if this helped (maybe a bit?), but the resulting chunks were still sometimes bigger than I was comfortable with.
i just cant stop laughing at this retard
>The difference between non-player characters (NPCs)a in video games and animals in real life is a matter of degree rather than kind. NPCs and animals are both fundamentally agents that emerge from a complicated collection of simple physical operations, and the main distinction between NPCs and animals is one of cognitive and affective complexity. Thus, if we care a lot about animals, we may care a tiny bit about game NPCs, at least the more elaborate versions. I think even present-day NPCs collectively have some ethical significance, though they don't rank near the top of ethical issues in our current world. However, as the sophistication and number of NPCs grow, our ethical obligations toward video-game characters may become an urgent moral topic.
personally im of the opinion that every time you close your browser is like doing a little genny
i mean i understand the sentiment i've thought about bug lives too but the fact he spends so much of his time thinking about the most efficient way to murder them is just hilarious
he should do that with humans too
i dreamt about space games too
in mine you start out right after a sudden complete infrastructural collapse with only 2-3 ships filled with a few cute girls each and you try to investigate and fight your way through space and stuff like supplies and colliding with asteroids are all modeled properly
I am a hero; I am gigantic; I am colossal; I am magnificent.
ohoho i know this riddle you are that giant greek statue that got destroyed
bzzzztt sorry bro im the last epic neo-assyrian emperor -_-
computer fan decided to turn into a jet engine for no reason today
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new tf2 map
tf2 has been dead for nearly 15 years 
its been a furry pony erp party for over a decade now and those are the only people who make maps and items for it
yeah but whenever i make fun of you for still playing it you get angry
/ havent played tft since probably 2011
oh no i dont feel like killing myself
i need to fix this quick!!!
You must persevere, must develop new strength by continuous study, until that which is only a good inclination becomes a good settled purpose. 2. Hence you no longer need to come to me with much talk and protestations; I know that you have made great progress. I understand the feelings which prompt your words; they are not feigned or specious words. Nevertheless I shall tell you what I think, – that at present I have hopes for you, but not yet perfect trust. And I wish that you would adopt the same attitude towards yourself; there is no reason why you should put confidence in yourself too quickly and readily. Examine yourself; scrutinize and observe yourself in divers ways; but mark, before all else, whether it is in philosophy or merely in life itself that you have made progress.
Perhaps someone will say: "How can philosophy help me, if Fate exists? Of what avail is philosophy, if God rules the universe? Of what avail is it, if Chance governs everything? For not only is it impossible to change things that are determined, but it is also impossible to plan beforehand against what is undetermined; either God has forestalled my plans, and decided what I am to do, or else Fortune gives no free play to my plans." 5. Whether the truth, Lucilius, lies in one or in all of these views, we must be philosophers; whether Fate binds us down by an inexorable law, or whether God as arbiter of the universe has arranged everything, or whether Chance drives and tosses human affairs without method, philosophy ought to be our defence. She will encourage us to obey God cheerfully, but Fortune defiantly; she will teach us to follow God and endure Chance.
you have to remember that advice directed at a well to do roman patrician and not a modern poor slob living off starvation rations
interestingly enough the very next thing he went on to talk about was poverty(and so far he has said at least 100 times that the things he says are just as applicable to the poor as they are to the rich)
what makes you think that though
its impossible to think or appreciate philosophy when you feel like shit all the time and have no energy or money
well according to him that doesnt count since poverty = rich enough to eat food and have a roof over your head but poor enough to not have any luxuries, and that technically has nothing to do with being a turk in terms of mind and body
does he have any advice for the mentally retarded
ohh interesting
so in english the big roads are highway, in turkish otoyol, in german otobahn, in french autoroute
all of them shares the same auto but the latter half of the word is different for all of them
in dutch its autoweg, with weg being directly related to the english way, and weg is also in german but its not used to refer to highways
yeah its to always bee yourself
in spanish its autopista when its built in a certain ways and autovia some other times 

pista meaning like track and via meaning like... you know road/way.... like you know the roman vias yeah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appian_Way
"via(s)" is also used for railroads
so yeah what IS up with that huh canman why do you anglos use the subhuman "high" when you could be using auto instead like us european gentry???
call it a freeway here
theyre not free here you get kiked every kilometer
gotta say "sticktuitiveness" is one of my least favourite ""words"" ever
wow austria and hungary combined dont even have 20 million people
yeah but now imagine them with der balkans and czechs and slovaks and poles
bet you feel real stupid now
according to my calculations a modern austriahungary would have about 70 million people
god this is such a fucking meme
i mean you can tell that from the concept alone but just look at this shit, its outright offensive
the fact that it claims that between 2010 and 2021 turkey was one of the countries in the world to see the biggest annual hdi growth is so fucking blood boiling, if this fucking thing was worth even a trillionth the amount of money invested into acquiring it's shittyass "data" then it would put the annual hdi growth of turkey right next to that of venezuela, yemen and the congo
hey all those mountain kurds and armenians greatly improved their lives in the past decade
dont forget the internetification of the syrian concentration camps
ummm actually the gdp(meme number) got up by 1% so that means the hdi is higher now :)
got my little 400ml glass...........filled up about 1/15th of it with whiskey..............quadrupled it with water.......yup this is the only way i can afford to drink alcohol :)
hm brags about argentines drinking wine with water so thats fine
well no its not fine because its like 1% alcohol(out of the original 35%)
*stares at my calculator*
well fine its like 4.5% or 9% or something but its not fun either way
its like im on wartime rations or something
and yes for the record i HAVE been scretching that single glass out for over half an hour
dont feel the slightest hint of drunkenness i think i can take another 10 glasses of this just fine
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ohh i like this one its nice
with bubbles you retard, with bubbles. have you never seen a water syphon?
no because youre a golem, i know
i dont know what this wine bubble mess is but if it were me id drink wine as is with no water
Replies: >>39879
the magical technology of pouring sparkling water into your wine
well in MY country all the sparkling water is poisonous
so does it like...sparkle because it has bits and pieces of silver ore in it or something
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the white man came and put bubbles in our water with his voodoo magic
got a hearty chuckle from me
what even IS this those are just abstract geometric shapes with faces on them
ujmm////its wine
theyre cyborgs
the anime was made back when everybody in the world thought that cyborgs = geometric shapes
they look like people with funny helmets though
what if i told you he's also like 250m tall
how many football fields is that
about 2 and a half
its like 0.8875 golf fields
will make sure  to tell my country club mates all about this
the other day i was reading about this country club that got into a big scandal because they didn't allow women in like 10 years ago then a couple years back... they just did
be glad that they didnt get executed for sexism mate
in uns deutschland
mit uns deutschland
big fan of thinking of fun and interesting things to do when i'm lying down and then not doing any of them when i get up
のおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおmy fucking whiskey is OVER ill go kill myself
still got half a bottle of bourbon
99% of the time i drink it as-is because i dont have ""sparkling water"" on hand and i just like having it normally
but its a good option for having with a meal when its like the afternoon and youre not just trying to get drunk
i never really consume alcohol with food really
i mean sure if you combine the two its fukkken epic especially if the food is............................MEAT !!!! OHH  WOMY WILLY AHAHAHGAHAAGH but ive just gotten so used to drinking alcohol by itself that it feels uncomfortable to not drink it by itself
yeah if im having steak or something like that then i just have it normally

also this tradition of mixing the wine is just because thats the only thing people had to drink anyway. you know back when you didnt have fridges and cocacola
so if you were going to have something that wasnt water, youd have wine or vermouth or something similar. and if you didnt want to be drunk all day you'd water it down 

i havent been proper drunk in a while though. i wouldn't say im abstaining from it because its not like i was an alcoholic retard, but i've just reduced my drinking habits quite a bit since the past 2 years
so i generally drink while eating
personally ive been subscribing a lot recently to the idea of pretending to cum from the sheer pleasure whenever you drnik proper alcohol or eat meat
think its an e1
^ sicko
^^ asiatic post
apparently youtube has been having this bizarre bug where it keeps telling everybody about suicide hotlines and you cant disable it
youre just not white enough to comprehend the epicness of being such a serf that you arent even allowed food and wine
no thats defiantly an afro-asiatic thing (being so poor you cant even feed yourself)
well im white and speak in asian so hows that huh
clearly i am euro-asiatic not afro-asiatic
need a few more posts
imagine a kurd who knew chinese
imagine a turk who knew japanese
oh theres a few fuckups here and there
i blame the alcohol
theres cuts all over my hands
they werent there before i drank
beverages can be dangerous
well to be more specific it was probably walls or something
now that i think about it i've been exclusively having nightmares for the past few days
not necessarily scary just... that nightmare atmosphere and anxiety
me ive been crushed by real life
not a big fan to be honest
its utterly insane to make dueling illegal
impossible to view that as anything but a reprehensible slave revolt
yeah but thats like the least of your concerns right now
what happens if you refuse a duel
niggers could just walk up and kill you (legally)
that would be called murder
its only the least of my concerns because everything else is also completely insane
oh new therad soon
findd a good pic i beg you
i'm making the thread
make a few more posts so we can get it over with

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