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it was an nice image but i'm not sure its nice enough to be the face of a thread
watched die hard 3 today
thats the movie where the guy has to strap a "I hate niggers" sign to himself
still dying
from a post deficiency
i was going to watch a movie today
tomorrow is the today of tomorrow
spent the last week bedridden
i had no better image avilable and wasnt on pc
2023 will be the year of kikedeath
ive given up on life
who hasn't
evening mateys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
year 2023 of waiting on christ to save us
any moment now
wouldve been an epic manga if the girl became the young man's loliwife
apparently at least 300m chinamen got corona
hm you in
how do i put my spine back in its place
“One of the first signs of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die. This life appears unbearable, another unattainable. One is no longer ashamed of wanting to die; one asks to be moved from the old cell, which one hates, to a new one, which one willl only in time come to hate. In this there is also a residue of belief that during the move the master will chance to come along the corridor, look at the prisoner and say: "This man is not to be locked up again, He is to come with me.”
am now
there was a man that asked for a spanishesque name for a healer character and i wanted your expert opinion
for that moment i forgot you are platine and not spanish
first thing i did after waking up was smashing my head against the corner of the wardrobe
sufferung help mev y- uhhhggggggg
had this dream were my fingers were really long and wobbly
say something im begging you
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slept on my face
think we got the bigger for good
well yes evidently
a weight has been lifted
*floats away into the sun*
daydreamt about killing myself
best one in months honestly
anyone here not suicidal or dying aside from myself
your greatest mistake was in assuming youre not suicidal
dont have to assume my own inner thoughts
realised that i havent let in fresh air into my room in weeks now
maybe thats why ive been spending every day on the verge of death
me i sit right next to a window
but its too cold to leave it open
why the fuck am i hearing cicadas in the middle of winter
sign of the rapture probably
nhk ill post something you might like once i stop dying(never)
honestly amazed we managed to get nearly 5000 posts already
never fancied hm a suicidepostere
there's this man who's been hanging around
i wish they wouldnt let the mentals out
the earth exploded with the gassed bodies
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amazing how they still make intolerably awful tasting drugs in the current year
where are the fuckinv posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another day of wörk........
what if instead of turkey it was workey
oh wow and now that ive taken the drug i can barely see in front of me guess its all over now
just lie down for a bit and rest(forever)
i guess they wouldnt be hated in germany
its Türkiye now you tards -_-
what if instead of türkiye it was wörkiye
*puts up the "no posts beyond this point" sign*
death to noposters
deadmen make noposts
the ippy counter would be -5/0 if it still existed
tod der juden
cannamn howhy are you playing Cod mw2
heard they added messi to that game
the biggest prize you can have
>Wake up at 1am in the Freezer.
Gargle Piss.
Uncomfortable? good.
Listen to 5 self improvement podcasts at once as you drag a tire to work.
Fire ants in your adult diaper keep you going.
Ex Wife calls, says you can't see the kids this weekend.
Good. they only slow you down.
get to work, gargle more pee.
do work on Chinese keyboard.
don't know Chinese?
you will.
Broken glass for lunch.
boss comes in, says you're falling behind.
He doesn't understand.
he can't.
He isn't a wolf in this world of sheep.
get hit by 3 cars on the way home while listening to audiobooks on x5 speed.
new record.
Legs broken? good.
pass out on kitchen floor, roaches kissing you all over.
they understand the grind.
set an alarm for 1am and drift into a coma while gargling piss.
ugh is he back
doubt it
who is &÷
anything divded by itself is 1
it's a code few can read
want to whack the tard who first domesticated dogs
loud and annoying beasts they are
96 more hours...
i'll finally be set free...
played one of those space trading games
its like watching paint dry
if only it had been a long 19th century argentinian grain trading game
the paint on the wall has long since dried but the staring goes on
death to sleepers
lack the sanity to do anything other than scream
lack the strength to scream
have you considered painting
*paints a willy on your forehead*
eugh what the fuck drop the hobby mate go back to killing yourself!
anyway got hit by a fukken hex again while i was sleeping and now im paranoid of everything and suffering immensely
its been years since the last time that happened
me i got hit by gex
is that why youre brown
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king nigger
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like how the hair is done
nothing to do
nothing to say
nothing to think
nothing to feel
how come tragsg ist MORT so badly
*looks at the calendar*
i wonder...
which do you think is cooler suicide by stabbing or by poison
suicide by a thousand posts
a lot of ways to describe suicide by poison but cool is not one of them
unless you are in the middle of a war crime trial
>unless you are in the middle of a war crime trial
thought that was what tragsg is
sentenced to 1 year in tragsg for every 10m civilians killed
literally cursed to be retarded for all eternity
it doesn't get worse than this
wonder if jim even knows his website died
and just what makes you think he didn't die before the site huh
it was us who really died and this is purgatory
cant believe jim is hanging out with his 72 wives in endless luxury while we're left out to dry like this
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if having more than one bathroom in a house is uncommon then its not a developed country
Replies: >>4262
"hmmm which one of my 10 toilets should i shit in today :)" <---- average firstworlder
yeah its a lot better than waiting for papi and 14 siblings and cousins to finish using the shitter first
i got a second one but its like a 1m² room with a toilet and a sink thats not connected to the rest of the house
if you really were a real firstworlder then you'd have 1 sibling max and thatd be it(because youre not a brown nigger)
thus there'd be no need for more than one bathroom
you need at least 2
one for the parents and one for the kid(s)
well the simpsons have 3 children and i'll believe them over you
homer is barely literate yet he has a job at a nuclear power plant and a giant house and two cars
well yeah thats what lfe was like back in the 60's
always thought it was weird how the simpsons were supposed to be lazy slobs but they still went to church every sunday and there were multiple episodes that focused on religion
incredibly funny to think that every 2000 years or so both the economy and society get completely liqudiated and people off themselves by the millions and i JUST so happened to be born to personally experience it all myself
in the 60s lazy retarded slobs were still somewhat virtuous because of lingering social mores
the simpsons started in 89
yeah and vic2 released 2010 yet its set in 1836
what of it
got dry eye
usually taking a good look at the mirror is enough to get mine wet
wet from tears of joy at the herculean aryan form in the reflection
supposedly there are little to no requirements to work at those places, i guess they just do all your training and stuff there
i looked into it a while ago because of that, but there weren't any power plants in my area
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wonder if it means anything
saw someone say sinsones and i watched some modern sinsones with my dad today and it made me want to kill myself
you dont need to watch sinsones to want to kill yourself
debt to kikes
think i'm becoming increasingly masochistic not in a sexual way but after so much bodily pain it just feels... liberating
 it's still annoying since i can't concentrate in whatever else i want to do but the pain itself has long stopped being unpleasant
Replies: >>4343
thinking about usogui
that really does it for me
masochism with usogui
uhhhh no not like that
finalyl im back fuicking home holy shit when will i get some fucking rest
we had 2 bathrooms and an extra toilet on my old house but here in the apartment we only have 1 little bathroom
1 little bathroom for 1 little man
so sp what do you know of troca-troca
dont believe everything you read on 4chan --_--
believe everything you read on tragsg 0_0
think everyone has reached a terminal point of dadc where even if a completely earth shattering post was made nobody would care
earth shattering fart
*shatters the tab*
watched inglorious basterds
was almost a great movie
cant imagine how you could think thats anything resembling good
well you see tarantino is good at making movies that look good and have good soundtracks and are fun to watch
but everything else he is rather terrible at
like telling a story
(which as you may know is a big part of film making)
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yeah and now nobody cares and everything is terrible
thought i was eating pebbles but it turned out to just be month old rice
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vic2 with all dlc costs 2 loaves of bread now
shant be buying however
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can't wait for this epic brand new anime to come out
what a dogshit site you cant even upload pdf's or txt's
that doesnt look like turkey at all
thoughts and actions are gradually becoming more and more like those of a handsome main character of an edgy early 2000's visual novel
thoughts and actions are gradually becoming more and more like a corpse
well yes that too
becoming a mix of pacifist and warmongerer
failed - no file
failed - no kikes left to exterminate
im going to watch Dinosaur(2000) with the trannysometime tonight does anyone else want to watch it (on their own) and then we can talk abou it
really really dont want to
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why not
dinosaur is a cool old little movie
funny how there's not a single person with white skin in there
why would you assume the family of a black guy would be white
br i knew said he was on his deathbed like a week ago
wow just like me
yeah they were going to pull the plug on him before the WC final so the little brazilinhos would have motivation to win it all but they didnt even get there so then they just let pele live until he died
dreamt that behind the sun there was a giant black sphere and then the sun moved revealing it, after that a priest told me to find as many people as i could to be baptised, but there weren't many people who wanted to, then in the night the sphere summoned a thing that started making explosions rain down everywhere, so i went to hide in a boat
laughed imagining just killing a guy to motivate your country
whyd you think peron killed that elizabeth skank
should have told the priest people only get baptised once a year
so anyway whats your family saying aobut this sp
i thought i had finally turned into a bronze-skinned medGOD but now theres all these little bubbles of whiteness popping up everywhere and now my brown skin is falling off and im turning back into white
the struggles of us white folx are undescribable
woke up with a big scratch on my leg
cant even walk straight anymore it's been like this for over a week now
its over
what is there to think about
i used to enjoy thinking
look where i ended up
anyone looking forward to espiocracy
you live in one
its the most likely gsg game out of the 3 i know of in development to actually release but it will probably still be shit
theres that space one being developed
one of you go play it since its out(early access)
early access more like early warning
youve spent your entire youth playing paradox games inside your room so you should have no problem playing this game either
willing to be i spent more time shitposting about paradox games than playing them
i am, although from the dev diaries there hasn't been much in terms of actually gameplay, just a lot of concept and mechanic stuff, so i don't know, i think it has potential to be good
incredible how conspicous you are i've seen a million glowniggers before and not a single one of them could hold a candle to you
never been a fan of the whole glownigger meme
whats even worse is when people say glowies instead because they want in on the meme but are sanitized redditers
but glownigggers ARE real youre speaking to one!!!!!!!!! its not  a meme!!!!!!!
who wouldnt want to be a government agent who gets paid to gangstalk people like jim
that would be super cool
waiting for sote to simulate atomic physics
waiting for anything to happen with sote at all so i can get more mileage out of calling it gote
i think you'll be waiting an outstandingly long time
already been waiting my whole life for nothing
approaching hatreds of unheard of levels of purity
finally watching gummo and it helps me understand the bigger because he was obsessed with it for a week
i think this movie is genius because i knew people like this and it's a very sad reality of middle america
the bigger likes this movie because he lived this life and thinks its fukken epic
only have a vague idea of what that movie is
remember it having a goblin looking woman on the cover
the simple moral is white trash in america is perhaps the most deplorable state one can be in
you can talk about the ghetto all you want and sure that's also a rough place to grow up in you hear plenty of success stories of people "getting out the hood" as they say, and general glorification of that environment in media
but this kind of shithole in america is completely lifeless, people dont make it out and they have no hope and just sit and huff glue and kill cats all day to pass the time

ultimately this movie should carry the same artistic merit as boyz in the hood (but it never will)
thats because the government hates white people and does everything it can to prevent them from improving their lives meanwhile on the other hand it funnels all of its efforts into giving free shit to niggers in the ghetto which makes it really easy to rise up if you have at least 90 iq
well yes im more than aware of this
>Budget	$1.3 million
>Box office	$116,799[2]
the mark of a quality product in my eyes
yes but it has to be said sometimes
>Reviewer: funnyteacher - favorite - November 27, 2022
>Subject: Terrible Movie
>I'm concerned about the individual who put this movie together as their imagination went too far. The murdering of cats for money, molestation, N-word, hate against LGBT, body shaming, and taking advantage of the special needs population was enough to make me want to shed a tear. Ritalin and Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder was presented like some kind of joke. I didn't understand how the families survived hoarding and bathing in dirty water while eating spaghetti and drinking strawberry milk. All of the homes were pretty disgusting not to mention the dead woman in one scene. The new experience was unnecessary following the 1995 Kids movie and traumatizing if ever viewed by younger children.
cant believe the jim biopic finally came out
i think the funniest thing about that review is that person unwittingly understood the movie better than some people who actually like the movie
wtf that post suddenly appeared out of thin air despite it saying it was made half an our ago
hilarious an hour after posting this i was struck with what was possibly the worst pain i've ever felt for about 24 hours straight
as if god himself came down and dropkicked me in the stomach so as to teach me a lesson
any good posts while i was gone
there isnt even anyone left to tell you theres noposts
found an image that would make a good op pic
just need to wait 5 months for when we need a new thread
canman can you answer to my every beck and call and do my godzilla double feature
canman cant man
exceedingly terrible things have been happening to people around me
luckily i'm just text on a screen so i dont count as being around
i think it means the end of the world is coming
well we're already at the end of the posts the world might as well end too
want to place bets on how many new posts there will be when i wake up in 12 hours
i might make a few
kike tricks
wtf its "harpsichord" and not "harpischord"?????? what kind of bernerstein bullshit is this
last i looked it was harpischord
check the dimensional route we're on maybe we slid off course again
chinkna established a southern pole observing(or whatever the fuck people do there) station just a little ways away from the japanese one
normally youre supposed to give out a little announcement first but they didnt do that
(Italian: clavicembalo; French: clavecin; German: Cembalo; Spanish: clavecín; Portuguese: cravo; Dutch: klavecimbel; Polish: klawesyn)
english being stupid as usual
why would it be harpischord
its always been harpsichord for me
in my timeline it was just "harp" weird how these things are
no no its adifferent thing
its like a harp but with a keyboard that plays it for you
we should kill all the musicians all they do is take up space in public transport and make people build big stadiums for them so they can scream louder
addicted to paradox games like its crack but i fucking hate it
life loses meaning without posts
death to kikes
they cut off the electricity
its back but im still not happy
(higher volume) im still not happy
been consistently forgetting to shower for two weeks straight now
not a good feeling
cant go a day without showering or else i feel subhuman
if pele is dead is there any other important brazilian
i don't usually shower everyday because i never have enough clean clothes and putting on something used feels worse than not taking a shower at all
thought long and hard about it and honestly no not a single one 73
yeah i heard there's this guy called LVLA
well think i nominate turning brazil into a car park
the only brazilian for me is sp :)
also known as Serginho Paulista
los bolsonaristas are carrying ever more violent terrorist attacks sooner or later they'll go after the big man
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violent terrorist attacks(pooing outside in protest)
they've graduated to car (truck) bombs i'll have you know
are they really
what a silly country
why dont you cross the border and do a truck bombing in support of your brown comrades
because im a lifelong petista
did you know they eat dogs there in peta
ears are bleeding because thats just how fucking harsh and shitty my earphones are
fuck china
my chinesium earbuds are quite good
speaking of eating dogs i dreamt we were all on some kind of japanese restaurant and we had to run all of our orders through the turk since he was the only one who spoke the language
in both of the two japanese restaurants i'v been to the staff spoke chinese
chinese(eastern islander)
meant to say headphones -_-
fireworks are already starting for some reason
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testing the new button
it doesnt work
*replays sad faces infinitely on my screen*
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it DOESNT work!!!
no live posting no live drawing what has this world come to
cant wait to wake up tomorrow and drink alcohol(then spend hours feeling like shit) its the only interesting thing thats going to happen in my life for the next few months
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for over a year now ive been unable to play games for more than an hour a day
if i dont get some sort of incredible physical pain that only stops when i stop playing then its some sort of incredible mental pain
ajajajajajajajaja assa sino ajajajajajajajaja
just wait till you see a sino ass
filled with the urge to kill billions
we should have a caste of captured men whom we make into our eunuch slaves
they won't have the right to post like us but they can write down post ideas(vague ideas not full blown posts) and present it to their master who can then decide if he wants to post it or not
this way we can keep up the quality while increasing the amount of posts by an explosive amount
luckily one man already has one
*rhythmically bangs on the table*
got to do some cleaning but dont want to
did the cleaning but it still looks like shit
is this the fabled new years cleaning i've herd so much about
the tiles are all cracked and rotten
entire thing needs to be ripped out and redone
in other news bolsonaro should be landing in florida any minute now
not the best place to flee too
should have went to timor to hide out
watched a timor documovie the other day
did you know those indonesian kikes supressed portuguese during their 20-year-long occupation and now nobody speaks it anymore
but their native asian language still has a bunch of random portuguese words strewn about
genuine genocide
death to kikes
theres supposed to be footage of some of the actual massacres but i never found anything good on youtube
come on man youtube???? the only footage of a genocide you'll find there is that of the white race -_-
the portuguese should have invaded and genocided as well so that the karma is equally balanced
moderation in all things and all yknow dont want to overgenocide one specific race gotta equalize it
it wouldn't even have been an invasion technically east timor was still part of portugal but this all happened directly after a big kike revolution in portugal and they were all too happy to get rid of their colonies regardless of which people ended up ruling them
all in all it was a big shitshow
timor more like tumour
oh yeah and "timor" actually means east
so east timor is the east east
but what about east timur
fat middle aged white man blasting nigger rap as he backs up into his garage
what a beautiful specimen of the "jim" race
yeah indonesia completely got away with occupying and genociding east timor for no reason frankly
reminded me ive been meaning to watch "the act of killing"
yeah sure i'll record myself showcasing it with the bigger just give me a few hours to travel there
nvm im down with gout
what's gout you down now
*laugh track plays*
we should have just swapped out the cast of tragsg completely every time there was a new season
its too late now though
*5th generation jim and macon make their way through the entrance*
been trying very hard to induce sleep paralysis not working
these posts should be helping you plenty though
you do not want to deal with sleep demons man they won't take your soul but they'll make you suffer so bad you'll wish they had
it happened once to me i want to see it again
did uhh.,...... SOMETHING happen in brazil?????
pele's dead 
bolsonaro's fled
lula assassination attempt tomorrow
but why'd he flee
what did he flee from
who wouldnt flee if they could
having the problem where my mind is consumed with girlthoughts which always happens when i dont waggle for a while
never waggle 
never get girl thoughts
always have constant groin pain
really don't like waggling but it becomes a necessity every two weeks or so to keep the intrusive girlthoughts away
its been a while since i went for longer so ill see if they go away within a month
its really a lose-lose because the only alternative is to try to have sex with actual girls but that would also be bad for the soul
(to be clear it would be bad because theres no marriageable girls around so it would be fornication)
did you try asking all the girls at the local preschool already
my middle-school-turned-high-school crush already got old and im not interested in her anymore
never had a crush
realizing my post could be interpreted two ways
ok mates where the FUCK are the posts now that im actually in for once
what to you mean theres 4455 of them
my sacred nubmer is 2233
exactly half of 4455
dont be
feel like im on the eve of the second act of my life
soon its gonna be act iii and once that's over i can finally rest in peace
im the villain unfortunately
honestly doubt that
its last day in office i suppose he decided to retire without fear of persecution instead of staging an epic coup or whatever else
what about that thing where the president gives the new president all his presidential items
yeah like......the crown....the keys to the yellow house......the golden banana......you name it
goes to show how people who think its possible to "save" the existing governments are completely delusional
even the best guys you could hope for like trump and bolsonaro are completely powerless to do any sort of caesarism
i think he's "supposed" to be there yeah but i doubt that's the first time the tradition has been broken given all the arrested impeached and couped presidents of the past
also a bunch of retards have been lighting fireworks and screaming ever since it turned midnight i guess nobody told them the new year is TOMORROW!!!
nuevo amo
so whens the lula assasination
when the banana rots as they say
there was a bit of  a funny picture in the news with all the rules for people attending the ceremony
it was something like 
no alcohol
no fireworks
no pointy things with flags
no bags or bottles unless they are transparent
and security has been amped up in general it's definitely a possibility they are expecting

i mean... in the end it's not like they even tried
maybe if bolsonaro DIDN'T concede and DIDN'T disavow his personal terrorists and DIDN'T flee to america something could've happened but now it just won't
if i was in his position i wouldnt be so craven
hate eating rice 
theres always a bunch of it left on the plate unless you pick up the individual grains with your hands
that's what man's best friend is for
i hope santa gifts us many a kristallnacht this new year
crucify hebraics
for me its a kristenkrieg
i tried playing the 600bc mod for eu4
crashed midway and started dadcing but it seems betetr than imperator
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at family house in the village
one of the little brothers continues to draw random shit 
i'm pretty sure this is some gachimuchi character rendered as amogus
painful to see
how does he even know it when there's no internet in there
regrettably he has a phone, both of them
you should tell him about all your epic tragsg stories
We will be martyrs
tell him to draw anime girls
tell him to hang kikes
wow its 2023
no its not..........
just woke up and im getting these frequent burps where my entire mouth is filled with the taste of blood
what was the significance of 2233 again
was it the year kikekilla was born and he traveled back in time to kill more kikes

dont ask how i found this article because i dont remember but its the funniest headline ive seen in my life
you wont be laughing when it turns out to be true
well they were already wrong once is why its funny
but it would be funnier if the fate of the world was only understood by a bunch of brown natives in the mountains and their snakes
took a shower and ate chicken
biggest mistake of my life
got a big meal coming up
a happy one i hope
ate garlic and now the taste cant disappear
ive got some anti-garlic JUST for occasions like this
*takes out the banana from my pocket*
*peels it off to reveal it's actually a curved knife*
aughhh the oldest trick in the favela...
would be a shame to eat a banana only to find out it was a knife all along
everyones having asleep except for me
friend got his new computer and it has windows 10 which has ads on it
feel pretty bad for him but yknow thats what he gets for being a neet and all that
similar thing happened to me recently but i didnt want to admit to switching to 10
they should use roman numerals for windows
windows X sounds like it'd be used exclusively by faggots
windows eXcrement
windows eX.......citing
saw a peruvian say bolivians are getting ready to invade
saw a bolivian invade peru
is that a good thing
gee i dont know let me check what the papers think of it
*clicks the newspaper icon 100+ times to get to the news of 2023/1/1*
still waiting for the retard nigger cattle to upload my anime onto the internet so i can wawtch it
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the 4th game
just need to beat this trite(which should be easy) and then the 5th one, all the touhou games from that point onwards are for windows and theres........26?? windows touhou games that i'll have to go through then
why on earth would you play them in release order
what the fuck am i supposed to play them by then
their rank on the touhou popularity ranking in brasil????
your not supposed to play all of them
just the ones with the girls you like
youre supposed to play all of them then replay all of them again on lunatic and then spend the rest of your life marathoning them all on lunatic every single year while throwing ieds at people who like the girls you dont
no your supposed to play one game over and over until you can 1cc it on lunatic then you can say youve 1ccd touhou (unspecified) on lunatic and never play it again
wahey fireworks
wahey alcohol
at 2 pm !?!?
you gotta drink whenever you can because you never know when you'll die of your 10000 diseases and rotting bodyparts and be unable to drink ever again
meant the fireworks
you gotta fire fireworks at niggers whenever you can because you never know when you'll die
wonder if grandi strategy games will be any good in 2233
doubt they'll have video games after the industrial age collapse
cant wait for an allout international complete collapse
whatever happened to the Chinese Century™
all dead in covid mass graves
good old cia always taking care of things
theyre reallly really really really not smart enough to develop airborne aids
theyve spent the last 30 years doing nothing but harassing people on the internet
the cia has never done anything affecting history
...except couping the government
they just psyop brown people into doing everything for them
would be an e1 if they used this power for good
*psyops brown people into killing themselves*
they didnt even really coup any governments thats big leftist cope
they had almost nothing to do with pinochet for example
they couped the us you tard -_-
wasnt really the cia that did that it was more like the sum total of every libtard institution
why cant brazilians stop crying about racism
they dont have a race to cry about
pardism is very much real
for me its tardism
waiting for all the epic posts to kick in so i can laugh and be happy
more likely to be kicked in the teeth
cant kick a screen
if youre not posting anything then ill go post anime girls or something
*posts the brazilian flag*
i'm posting something somewhere else
heart keeps stopping a lot help me
think i'l play a video game instead
can i play
no its a singleplayer game because i'm anti social and hate mp
think about all the fun you could have playing vic2 together with all your friends :)
come on man can i just plug my controller in dude
*actually plugs in my banana in*
first funny post in years
luv making people laugh
hate seeing them happy
a fellow tickle torturer eh
debt to kikes
so what should be the collective tragsg new years resolution
living or dying whichever you prefer
me i'm continuing the tradition of not having a new years resolution as always
yeah really nothing much to wish for unless its death
oh yeah i found one
money give me millions of dollars you incompetent fucking god
millions of dollars not a single one good
keep losing lots of biological signs of life today can you help me out for once
Replies: >>4645
my grandma has one of those things you wrap around your arm and squeeze if you want to borrow it
*heart stops*
dying is gods way of telling you that you arent supposed to be alive
or it could just be aids
tell it to the defibrillator buddy
in battlefield 2 AI medics loved using that to fucking slaughter you in close combat
it actually made for some extreme hard core close combat because you had to dodge the oneshot defibrillator desperately while fighting the enemy off
bizarre that they programed the ai to do something so unorthodox
well they only actually used it if they thought that they're pressed into close combat, its not like they chased you across the map just to whack you over the skull with it or something
the ai was actually really smart in game they'd revive you when you die and if you raise the ai difficulty then both the friendly and the enemy ai becomes smarter and more proactive
am drunk but not drunk
what the actual fuck is this man
either building up a tolerance or you ate to much before drinking
and they shall know no fear
drunk off bananas
its almost here...
in the mountains of nahkodkaland 
it's cold
well i guess thats over
now to wait for carnaval in 3 months
carnival of death
read a book about that one time
tell me about it
they all die in the end o_O
miss dotty
did the website freeze up and become unusable for hours for anyone else
no only for like 20 minutes
if you rode the carousel you got old and died but the carnival owner got your life force
thats dumb
yeah i ride the carousel all the time and i'm doing just fin- oh...
well yes i think it was made for kids or late kids
late kids(25+)
is it just me or does spoken japanese seem really easy to learn
its just you
here comes the noise
its cloudy and foggy out tonight too so fireworks niggers shouldnt even bother
was going to drink tonight but i have come down with the nausea
heard a scream
happy new year
its new at least
epic burnings going down in la plata
hope the whole thing is burnt to a crisp and gone by the time i wake up
wonder if theres more people named christian or jesus
apparently the trannys mom thought burning down Los sinsones was an insult to America
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she's not even american tell her to consider suicide
it is an insult to america
its like that iran guy who said they cant get revenge for soleimani because they cant assassinate spongebob or iron man
thats pretty hilarious i'll be honest
wait a tick whats this about burn los sinsones
what did homer do this time
brown people burn effigies during every holiday because they are all pagans at heart
thought the ulstermen did that too
catholic influence
just had the startling realization that there is a tiny but nonnegligible chance the tranny's parents knew my dad
theres only about 30 people in canada it wouldnt be surprising
i'll mark that one as "definitely true" for my book adaptation
no but seriously theyre not even american
frankly id be disappointed if you didnt completely embellish and outright fabricate my biographical details in a hypothetical book adaptation
saw a map where canada gets annexed aside from quebec but no new states were added because the canadian stated just got absorbed into the american ones
big fan of the idea
its stupid
canada existing is stupider
its fine as long as they dont pretend like theyre america or that los sinsones are theirs
quite unlikely, the only people they know are either people in their town or from work, other than that no one outside of family who live outside of BC
the nenborghs are having lots of fun with their karaoke.........
go knock on the door mate
i don't want to sleep because i know it's going to be a miserable night and that's no way to start a year
wtf all ofa  suddfen im a freezing it was really hot a few minutes ago im literally shaking and can barely type my kjness are trembling
well maybe it could start better if you went and did some karaoke with them
my neighbors it seems have no partying spirit at all it's almost disappointing
music stopped before it was even 1 in the morning and all you can hear now is some occasional chattering amidst the dead of night
also i have finally stopped trembling after putting on 3 layers of clothes
felt like my body temperature had just dropped to zero like an instant new years transformation into a cold blooded kikekilla
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she sends bizzare messages a lot actually
i can only imagine her as a victorian lady with a budding curiosity for the noble savages down south
link her the thread
uh oh i spoke too soon now theres a drunk guy yelling and possibly shots fired
wonder if that'll be the first murder of the new years
well if they ever frequented the comox valley for any reason the chance would be quite high
of course the probability they did in the first place is low, which is why the overall chance is low
took alcohol "celebrated" the new year went to sleep wake up and i still feel nothing
when is the fun and excitement gonna start
>no one outside of family who live outside of BC
guess that just means you and canman are relatives then
had paper stuck in my eyes for over an hour
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yeauph......things are......happening......in china.........
supposedly the medical system has completely fractured and none of the hospitals can do anything and all the people are dying in the streets
just found out this post i made while drunk and completely forgot about its tremendously funny to me
fell into sudden depression
everything hurts so bad and i just wish i could sleep forever
starting off the new year right with less than 4 hours of sleep
same but its because i drank alcohol and for some reason my body cant sleep for more than 4 hours when there's alcohol in it
tried to drink last night but my stomach started to turn so i stopped
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why the long face
thats akagi
thats no excuse
everyday is a good day to make a long face
....dont want to go to work
well they both lived lived at other places on the island at some points in their life, but i don't think they ever spent much time if any around there
might spend the rest of my life watching midnight streams of old men who are dead inside
time moves really slow when i do that so it feels like ive actually done and accomplished something by the time it becomes bedtime
and what do they do during these midnight streams
in a fit of delirium i misread that post and thought you were talking about watching actual streams with old men at midnight
play sad little games while being all sad
groan and cry
stream themselves sitting on the bed doing nothing for hours
where do i sign up
i even got some gray hair
just head down to the ole turkish hookah bar and watch twitch with the old men on the tv
*starts cheering like an avid football fan when the guy in the brown shirt farts*
oh no...buenos aires.....
time to go to sleep
i wish
im gonna accidentally break my neck sooner or later while trying to crack it(crack in like the normal way like with your fingers)
did a really good full 10 knuckle finger crack once
it was like something out of a movie
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starting to think they swapped him out for a body double (again)
dreamt that i died and got reincarnated but i didn't like the result, so i kept killing myself so i could re-roll, and i think the higher ups caught on and tried to punish me by reincarnating me into a tree or something but i was able to escape that too, and then finally get something decent
infinite reincarnations not a single one good
except for this one :)
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personally im having lots of fun on my FM23 save
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im having fun even got to laugh
alright theres another route done
also the credits song for this game is a completely terrible midi buttrock song ive heard 6 times now and its bad really bad it also isnt even the length of the credits and it doesnt seamlessly loop quite funny
sounds like somebody with a shovel is digging at the concrete in my backyard
don't care enough to look its too cold
yeah sorry im just moving in
its kind of cold here too (20c)
i feel like shit!
*flushes you down the toilet*
*clogs the fukken pipes*
well that explains why theres noposts
i feel like piss!
kill kikes
kill me
whoever that is it is not putin
not putin on enough makeup maybe
god wait i just made the image big
is the consensus that its not him or are people just not caring because thats hilarious
cannot bear the weight of not being a neet any longer
cannot bear the weight of not being asleep any longer
hey its me, your friend, putin
da i will drop a nuke on kiev soon do you wanna watch?
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he's one of those people who just looks different in every picture
also most peoples mental image of him is a decade or two old
guess its all russians huh
thats because hes actually 10 different guys doncha know
generation p talks about this btw
rusnavy clone corps at work
we laugh at usnavy but for hm and sp its just a regular name they probably knew a few guys in school named that
we are the ones to laugh at usnavy caribbeans you retard
who do you think brought it up
never saw a ship in my life
need a little gunboat diplomacy down the river of silver if you ask me
yeah caribeños are barely people i think
/ brought up usnavy the first time after a prof told me about it
his name? hmsnavy
*audience roars in laughter, stands up and bows, men begin weeping at the display of comedic talent*
wish i were playing touhou instead of this fucking retardo garbage trite
this fucking retardo garbage trite(vic2)
caribbeaners are probably my least respected people
if they were never brought up to me again i'd probably forget they exist
ugh but what about our favourite cuban commie
every time ive heard a (spanish) carribean accent it's almost untenable as human speech
which is funny because i'll be frank i like the jamaicans and their funny little accents
oh yeah jamaican is probably my favorite (comically-wise) english accent by far
another point to the anglo overlords
sad that there's no random lusophone island in the caribbean
imagine a carribean brazil and recoiled in complete terror and started yelling
curaçao is close enough they speak lusocreole as far as i know
yeah imagine all the brown people... and palm trees... and bananas...
wait a minute
brazil has brown pardos
caribrazil would have dark jungle negroç, not the same thing
its all brown to me
what does a japanese english accent even sound like
what do you mean by that
a japanese speaking english would just be engrish, everyone knows what that sounds like
and an anglo accent in japanese is just... generic foreigner japanese its really easy to imagine
gonna need to become a neet
why am i the only one who was born with an unrich mother
why does curacao even have so much oil
was it a dinosaur island back in the days
oil has nothing to do with dinos thats kike propaganda
been cultivating mass lately
death to kikes
had the awful awful urge to visit crystal cafe just now
under no circumstances am i to be allowed to do that
been cultivating dinos me
nobody actually cares about crystal cafe
what about the crystalcafellers
what dinos
pterodactyls.....chichkens.....ants....all that stuff
birds seem like a good animal to keep until you realize that theyre just a bunch of tards who do nothing but shit everywhere
why cant they just be cool like in the stories
birds are a symbol of unfettered freedom a little bit of poop shouldn't be the thing that's discouraging you from keeping them in bondage
also they are loud little shits
they also live for 10000 fucking years
thought only parrots did that
crows live like 25 years
lucky bastards
i think it'd be more fun to just have a birdhouse or feed the local crows and ravens so you have no real obligation to take care of them but you can look at them and catch and eat them
peruvians eat pidgeons
itd be nice to have a cute little bird pet or two like how people get cats or dogs but alas
just wait until you hear about gypsies
*unsheathes chinaman*
*unbounds kikes*
was just reading about edible chinese bird nests the other day
thinking about praying to the emperor
look how well it turned out for mishima-dono
>Zafer Kuzu, 24, of Erzurum, Turkey, attempted to escape a community service sentence for inflicting injury by getting himself hospitalized. He asked a friend to shoot him in the back through two pillows to reduce the shot's power. He was killed and the friend arrested.[450]
thats how my buddy tuna died too
funny little people
dont they know brown pillows cant stop lead bullets
cant wait to have a meal and sleep
me too
(except without the meal)
is camboriu still safe for argentinians
reporting in
thinking i may have caught an std
you cant catch an std if you dont.........
who says i dont
anything could be happening during the time that im asleep and i wouldnt know a damn thing
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ate my meal
time for a sleep
in tonight's episode of tragsg:
...the return of...
the yellow banana
(as opposed to brazil green)
what if brazil was blue
it is though
not in my version of hpm
now that we've switched to this website my constant worry of accidentally live drag and dropping some embarrassing file is finally gone
glad it never happened to me
now you dont have to worry about any posts at all
what a horrendous feature 72 was
the wrong post at the right time could create some more posts
think im going to watch birdie wing after this anime
would rather listen to a birdie sing
unfortunately theyre all dead
the canary in the coalmine...
woke up just to realize theres nothing fun to do
why is it always me
feels like tearing my face right fucking off
im gonna scream
before or after tearing off your face
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*vaccinates it*
presenting...the new..flag...of...türkiye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seeing death get closer and closer
its only a little bit disturbing
want to geuss how many posts were made while i was gone
says (1) there
dont think theres a single flag with an animal on it
aside from ceylon
yup none at all here sir *hides the 10 million eagle flags behind my back*
animals are for the coatses of arms
got a good joke in my head
the next time people ask me what i want ill ask for human rights
*gives you inhuman wrongs instead*
already had plenty
had a strange 4chan ban filed on this ippy but it was expired so i cant get another look at it
bizarrely im not using a vpn right now so... something is up
grandi's ice cold claws grabbing at you from beyond the grave
if i close my eyes and reopen them it takes 15 seconds for me to be able to see again
not a good sign
you need to excercise those eyelid muscles more
it was on /bant/ of all boards
oh yeah bant huh
i just rediscovered it a few days ago by accident and was baffled at how it existed right under everybodys noses for so long
...............and of course when i checked it out of curiosity it was some bizarre weirdo tranny cult where everybody who posts(5 people) know eachother
yeah imagine how deranged you would have to be to do something like that...
no trannies here no sir
we dont count because we only have 3 people left
we should try another trash thread the next time more men are in (never)
why is it this stupendously cold
even heard a dumb tard say spring is starting but oh wait its fucking NOT!!!
*gets real close to you face*
spring isnt until march
why dont the poopes ever do any magic tricks
one of the former popes dropped dead recently
God took away their powers after vatican II
is dropping dead a power...?
its one i wish god would give me
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immensely tired
squinting at moon runes all day will suck the life out of you
its the exact opposite actually
its my only cope in life
*rotates ur runes 2 degrees*
*copes 2 degrees east*
imagine if every language had its own set of 50000 characters
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*is a bomb*
santa gave me a chocolate orange and it tastes like shit
all i got was coal
when life gives you coal make cement
tragss13 when
fucking never i would frag all of you also
when life gives you coal cause an iron shortage
it just occurred to me how odd it is that the only word for "tsunami" is a loanword from japanese of all languages
did they REALLY not have a word for that before??
i have to be honest this anime about girls plays golf seems actually good
why would it
its not like it ever happens in europe
...why not?
continental shelfs......or some shit
Tsunamis are an often underestimated hazard in the Mediterranean Sea and parts of Europe. Of historical and current (with regard to risk assumptions) importance are the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and tsunami (which was caused by the Azores–Gibraltar Transform Fault), the 1783 Calabrian earthquakes, each causing several tens of thousands of deaths and the 1908 Messina earthquake and tsunami. The tsunami claimed more than 123,000 lives in Sicily and Calabria and is among the most deadly natural disasters in modern Europe. The Storegga Slide in the Norwegian Sea and some examples of tsunamis affecting the British Isles refer to landslide and meteotsunamis predominantly and less to earthquake-induced waves.

As early as 426 BC the Greek historian Thucydides inquired in his book History of the Peloponnesian War about the causes of tsunami, and was the first to argue that ocean earthquakes must be the cause.[12][13] The oldest human record of a tsunami dates back to 479 BC, in the Greek colony of Potidaea, thought to be triggered by an earthquake. The tsunami may have saved the colony from an invasion by the Achaemenid Empire.[13]

The cause, in my opinion, of this phenomenon must be sought in the earthquake. At the point where its shock has been the most violent the sea is driven back, and suddenly recoiling with redoubled force, causes the inundation. Without an earthquake I do not see how such an accident could happen.[24]

The Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus (Res Gestae 26.10.15–19) described the typical sequence of a tsunami, including an incipient earthquake, the sudden retreat of the sea and a following gigantic wave, after the 365 AD tsunami devastated Alexandria.[25][26]

idk man
well go find out what they called them mate
i am trying but i cant find anything
guess they didnt have one then
actually do euros get tornados???? i feel like you never hear about them over there but in america every tornados season theres 5 news stories about a trailer park being destroyed and you see the same people going "uhhh yup real tragic...glad it wasn't any worse..."
found an account in latin of a tsunami but he doesnt call it anything, only describes the events
alri its the same in thucydides
guess they were uncommon enough in europe that they didnt call them anything
 what if we started calling the great flood the great tsunami
europe is God's blessed land it doesn't have natural disasters
well it'd be wrong
was watching ultraman and they just outright imply with no tact that noah (constructor of the arc) was a weird ultraman alien
who can say he wasnt
detest weird renditions of western myths in japtrite
christianity is eastern
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glad to see that jim made some new friends
wait a minute that's not a jap!!!
the girls' last tour author must have been inspired by blame!
jim's last rites
trites if you will
i'll make the sacrifice
make some posts while youre at it nigger
comprehensive kikedeath
never understood why people feel the need to apologize if they pronounce something "wrong"
first time i heard of it
better to ask forgiveness than permission
would rather ask for permission to kill kikes than apologize for it
you know that funky little documentary about people in the bumfuck of some anatolian village who walk on 4 limbs
just saw a real one walk through a crowded main street and it was a surreal experience
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supposedly a bunch of angry chinamen organized all of a sudden and did this because they werent allowed to light fireworks or whatever
ive spoilered this not because its gore(its sadly not) but because its tiktokrite
still dont get what they are trying to accomplish
dd you know an argie player won the superb owl once
apparently he scored 12 goals in the final whatever the fuck that means
only americans can play american football
it all makes sense now
i was never the insane one
tiengo hambre!!!
feast my son
extremely north african looking individual
maybe even a bit further east if you get what i'm saying
>position: placekicker
that means his one job was to kick the ball so he was essentially playing football(non american) the whole time
wow he brought the superbowl home while not even playing the right sport what a hero i wonder why he doesnt have statues built of him
his skin tone is unacceptable for the image of argentina
sweet potato fries now theres a delicious thing
i'll stick with salty potatoes thank you
no no trust me
spent about 18 hours before monitor
hes probably just tanned ive seen other pictures
imagine if you could get a tan from the monitor radiation
......you cant??
my mom told me thats why i was brown
nobody ever made nuclear monitors  but they should have
i cant afford that
i cant afford anything
you can afford to die
thought the site had died but it was just the men
dont have a reason to post
hey i just woke up
nothing like a good old 2.5 hours of free time a day
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cant tell if i dwell on mount stupid or the valley of despair
i guess both
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dont have anything to eat
all i wish for christmas is......food
getting like a week off or something....eventually.............
honestly cant wait and just jumping up and down impatiently
need a life off... from life
cant even look at people in the eye and see them as humans anymore
they just dont register in my brain
big sign of too much anime
no i think its just because everybody around me is niggercattle
yeah and you are the one thinking feeling human being that god put on the earth
heard it a hundred times already
thats only because i told you a hundred times
without me you would know....nothing.............
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divine revenge
that was fast
dont worry 500 dlc packs will save it
i still havent played it at all since the prerelease leak
at this rate i dont think i ever will it looks so terrible
never tried it at all or ck3
only tried goi4 and imperator for an hour
eeehh nakhy mate... what if we went on a little road trip in the summer or fall O_o eh what do you think about that
maybe we could even go to your beloved nippon
well where are they
paradox is a small indie company these things take time
argue among eachother fools
wish i could pay double the rent to live in a fancier apartment with no poor&brown people
why'd i want to go to japland
think that was a joke mate
you know what a joke is nakhylad???? need me to explain it for you??????
why'd i want to know what a joke is
very tired of people talking of 'jokes'
we should reinvent classic 2017 vgsg style nicknames for each other
like nhk can be manchurialad or manchulad for short
when people joke you laugh
finished another novel and now ive got nothing to do but lick the walls all over with my eyes
we can go to cool places like irkutsk and mongolia first
All these men deep and of a broad mind that this century has seen have tended towards this end: the secret work of their thought. All have in common the same aspiration, that is, the soul of a united Europe which, under the prodigious diversity of formulas, makes an effort towards something else, towards a thing of the future and more elevated.
Friedrich Nietzsche
personally for me as for myself: Tuba
perhaps 死んでもいいのかな would suit your needs better
ugh uh ugh uggbh ugh ugg ugjughukkghjvh
23 dead kikes
let me IN
went outside but theres too much rain
went outside but theres too much rain
omg its back
*stops crying*
now its time to go back to not making a single post
dadcs all around
massive outages like that are the kind of thing that make a man close the tab forever and not look back
its............... back!?!?!?

praise peron
it came back unlocked...
well personally as for me its time to enjoy some fm
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fm: french music
i ought to kill a fucking nigger or a thousand
heard the 4 was down for the past hour too
speaking of fm this has been stuck in my had for days and i have no idea why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFj0e5dwkwE
think that was in eu2
i have the exact same aura as a roadkill cat rotting on the sidewalk
if the day has just started and its already this shit then just how terrible will it be later on
but the day is ending in 20 minutes
>Takasugi used the influence of his role as Kazuya Oki/Kamen Rider Super-1 to cheat his fans and refused to return the money. He said that this was because "Super-1's henshin belt was taken by the Yakuza and I need money to get it back."
does that mean he went to a yakuza gambling den wearing the henshin belt and then gambled until they took even that away
either that or it's just a lie but frankly both are funny
hope i wake up to some nice new posts and not 12 hours of it being dead again
blame! is pretty good so far
is that the one with the giant buildings
yeah although to be pedantic i think its technically one giant building
that looked interesting but i never read anything so i never got around to reading it
lucky for you lots of it has no dialogue
still gotta take the effort to look at it instead of the wall
is that a movie or a manga or what
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it's about ugly (cool) robots and megastructures and various plots involving robots and megastructures
7mb for a manga page eh youre being scammed man
i read for free
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oh yeah he also has some frankly bizarre thing where he just throws medieval style knights in the middle of his weirdo stories this happened in biomega as well i dont know what his deal is but it is kind of cool
oh shit i have no food
hope i can endure hunger for another uhhhh 7 hours straight
been in that situation
best solution i've found is just laying down as if you're going to bed and doing nothing maybe drink some water
For four centuries, the Portuguese arrived everywhere in Africa; however, in 1900, the Africans had virtually remained in the Stone Age. They had not been tempted to copy us in what was superior about us.
By contrast, let us observe Japan. In 1853, the American captain Matthew Perry obtained, through force, an agreement in favour of some who had been shipwrecked. In 1856, Townsend Harris91
 was the first Western envoy at Yedo.92

 Nevertheless, up to 1865, the xenophobic Shogun clan persisted in wanting isolation. In 1868, a volte-face and from then on Japan was westernised at an extraordinary speed. The French engineer Ēmile Berlin created the Japanese war fleet; the English perfected it and, from the beginning of the 20th century, Japan was a modern power! The Japanese realised in 40 years what the blacks could not realise in 400 years. Inequality of races, there’s the explanation!
sure wish there were things to do(there are none)
getting random chinese words popping up when i type something in the search box
big sign of learning japanese
or getting into the habit of porno asmr
ate a meal but i wasnt conscious through it so it doesnt feel like i ate anything
dreamt niggers had a death warrant on me
dreamt of a world past total nigger death
saw a cross and my first thought was eva
paid the price for eating chinese
there better be some posts soon or someone is going to cry
*hands you a tissue*
*hands you a fist*
thanks for the fist bump mate : )
woke up
wow me too
think i want some water
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happy christsmas!!!!
heard putin tried to call a christmas ceasefire but he forgot to account for the fact his opponents are jewish not orthodox
what is this ww1
well alri back to sleep
ww1 looks like a tragsgcronym
willywaggle the first
anyone else sometimes think about living in a world where everybody else, including people they'll never even meet in their life, have an extreme hatred of them and all cooperate together in elaborate schemes to hurt them
(this was an epic eldtrich horror story when i thought of it but i couldnt write it down properly so it comes off as a gay little childrens delusion)
the winter season of anime has started
personally i dadac
came across this massive e1 yesterday
time for another epic night of driving along the Grand Argentinian Highway
not at all shocking that a pedo would migrate to the americas
cant wait to tear my neck apart and be done with it all
came back to some posts
all me
good job!
*cries with the good job sticker stuck on my forehead*
*for icecream*
*note: icecream is codeword for death*
wahey 5000 posts! *cries* *gunshots*
i went insane today
did that decades ago me
well i also finished blame earlier
frankly i loved it
now you got nothing to blame for not posting
well...im reading dorohedoro now so my posting speed will remain the same
all me
its going to be only you in a minute
been that way for as long as i remember
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whoops haha
so what happened why did it spontaneously stop working
honestly no idea
i checked the logs and some kind of nodejs error borked everything, i just restarted and everything seems okay now  

i should've done right from the start  but if something pops up again just send me an email, and i will (probably) fix things in a more timely manner 
sorry for the inconvenience 

its the thought that counts
cant blame you for taking so long 
setting up a website for a random group of tards is already one thousands times more effort than what anyone would expect
death to kikes
and we tards wont even do it ourselves
hope everyone remembered their passwords
well since it was out for three whole days everyone must have a bunch of posts saved up in their heads they cant wait to make!
uhh no i just watched anime
sudden urge to visit rome
either a sign of being brown or germanic depending on what you want to do when you get there
to do as the romans do
you're supposed to want to subdue and destroy them with your faustian spirit
if germans didnt destroy rome we'd be on mars by now all wearing imperial purple
always bothered me how in rtw the red romans were the weakest at the start and the purple ones were unplayable
and what kind of freak would pick blue or GREEN romans
always bothered me how theres still NOPOSTS
dreamt that i got attacked by jellyfish
dreamt i looked like luke kelly
for whatever reason i was trespassing in a tv studio building while some british policeman named rick, with the funny hat and all, was chasing me
sp u spin????
how the fuck did Bolsomerdo fail at what trump already failed
he literally had a handbook for how NOT to act and be able to successfully coup the government
my unfounded theory is that he regrets becoming president and just wants to fade into irrelevance without necessarily prostrating himself to the opposition. just a tired old man who moved to florida
otherwise i have no idea he could not have handled things worse
wow its back huh
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gmornin lads....as you can uhm see.....things are happening...?????
god nobody CARES about china
now now no need to be a tsundere laddy :)
look all im saying is if i had a nickle for every time i heard about "crazy riots in china" that lead to nothing i'd have maybe 50 cents
thats why youre supposed to just enjoy the tard fights without thinking too deeply about it
well i dont
oh what a stoic little man you are lad -_-
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speaking of china, this is what my chink friend had to say about it
think the chinoid government could round up and kill 100 billion chinoids live on film and nothing would change and the entire world would dadc after a week
finally got around to finishing europe an empire of 400 million and also read 80% of slaughterhouse-five in one sitting
ill tell you my impressions....soon...and post some quotes i liked from the slaughterhouse even sooner.......
pan europism is a total meme at best and satanic at worst
he convinced me somewhat
its either pan-europe or we're gonna have to nuke everything outside of europe and ensure nobody can live there ever again(i actually prefer the latter to the former but the former is just more feasible)
slaughterhouse five is phenomenal
pan europeanism LITERALLY already worked once
its too late
no country is fit to lead europe these days
if you were an epic reader of random books like me you would know that the writer also thought that no country was fit to lead europe at the time of writing(1960-64), and that the whole plan was that a bunch of europeans would get together and form an epic clandestine clique that does everything in its power to topple the regimes in europe and create an european state that has no particular predecessor country(like germany, france, italy, russia, what have you) that its laws and culture are based off of
also he spoke a lot about his own wacky version of the leader theory which im sure canman would love
canman died storming brazil
it doesnt storm there
not even a funny joke because it's so wrong
youre just not avant garde enough to get it
avant garde on the rhine
the willy on the rhine
ahhghg ahh fuck why
my bad
i would
why would you fight for brazil
wow that lines up exactly with my idea of what the future should look like
roman revivalism (actual roman not german roman) is the only way
you know im something of a rebel without a cause a nationalist without a nation an imperialist without an empire
and if the glove fits...
yeah but everybody down there is...
*looks to the left*
*looks to the right*
ermmm hold on...
*runs to the kitchen*
*grabs a banana*
*places it in a raccoon trap*
*re-enters the room*
*gets real close to you*
>no country was fit to lead europe
>a bunch of europeans would get together and form an epic clandestine clique
>an european state that has no particular predecessor country
i have been thinking all of these things exactly and i agree emphatically with these points in particular
hate pan anything ism
well its more the idea of creating a truly new imperial idea and kicking off the next civilizational cycle
cant imagine it would end up like anything other than either gay hyper EU trite or the danubian federation meme
good ones:
pan-america (canada, america, mexico, carribean)
current eu borders minus balkans
levant+north africa+saudi arabia
pan slavism:
they dont get pooland but they can have the balkans

bad ones:
ugly shit blob of poo
ugly shit blob of poo
thats because your imagination is limited to things resembling already existing nation-states
it wouldnt be like that in the slightest, which is why it requires a group of people who truly reject the times
pan america is the worst, pan anglo (usa included) would make much more sense
maybe it could work since nationalism is nearly dead but i'm still not a fan
no but that's fucking shit
76 was  for 74
of course it is, but it makes sense at least, why lump usa and canada with mexico and such
for me its america+anglo canada
free quebec
and one giant brown blob of shit down south because who cares
you see culturally they are all in fact very different yes yes
BUT and im not smart enough to actually describe what i mean here, but the concept of nationalism being "dead" is actually important for stuff like this to work, especially in the new world
new world nationalism should be focused less on...what would be historically nationalism and instead more on what the new world and new world nations have done for themselves and what can further be done
and canada, america, mexico are obviously close but also the most civilized
mexico is obviously a hellscape presently but theres no reason why this kind of union shouldnt be able to pool together resources and be capable of uplifting even the biggest shitholes to sapience and the first world
thats also why the carribean is there

like i said im not smart enough to actually try and describe this but i think new world nationalism is important to any kind of future
mexico and the caribbean are too brown and catholic
you would have to make america and canada like them first for it to work
any profound historical change is not going to be the result of any "-isms" or movements
not isms or movements but great men
well you may not like this but particularly for america (united states of) i think state atheism is borderline required because religion in america (united states of) is arguably one of the worst things on the planet
obviously this leads to large problems with brown catholics but i just wont think about that
and if state atheism is entirely impossible just something needs to be changed because american christianity is a joke
perhaps emperor worship
brown catholics are not particularly devout and their religion is entirely subordinate to their other beliefs, which are themselves partly racial and partly simple social status quo
modern emperor worship would be beyond pagantrite tier insanity
what if its only worship of old emperors
i think thatd be such insanity itd be fun times for everyone
old american emperors like trump and bolsnado...
no no they can be from anywhere
Jim* had committed himself in the middle of his final year at the Ilium School of Optometry. Nobody else suspected that he was going crazy. Everybody else thought he looked fine and was acting fine. Now he was in the hospital. The doctors agreed: He was going crazy.
*i changed the name to better fit real life
*builds a little willy shrine in the back of the kentucky boxfactory*
The flaw in the Christ stories, said the visitor from outer space, was that Christ, who didn't look like much, was actually the Son of the Most Powerful Being in the Universe. Readers understood that, so, when they came to the crucifixion, they naturally thought, and Rosewater read out loud again: Oh, boy—they sure picked the wrong guy to lynch that time!
for me its the part where he's watching a world war 2 documentary backwards talking about the allied planes using magnets to life german planes up and shooting material to fill holes in their planes
An American near Billy wailed that he had excreted everything but his brains. Moments later he said, "There they go, there they go." He meant his brains. That was I. That was me. That was the author of this book.
i had plenty of epic quotes that i had left saved but i lost all but these 3 to logistical issues
that certainly was funny, though it also felt a bit hysterically anti-war as well
also think a lot about this one
>It is so short and jumbled and jangled, Sam, because there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds. And what do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like “Poo-tee-weet?”
it wouldnt be based on the mass worship of anything
it would simply be smart rational men acting in their own and each others' interests
any smart rational men in
started flipping through my copy of slaughterhouse five wooooow forgot how good this one was
cat's cradle is also pretty good
i liked deadeye dick but it's nothing special
maybe i'll finally read mother night tomorrow
yeah whats up
me ive just been reading more mishima
its still really good
its honestly such a relief not having the bigger around because i can mention something i like without having him immediately copy paste the entire wikipedia summary into the thread thus ruining it for me
me i just watch ultraman and kamen rider now so my brain is turning into paste
been reading some... *grabs the first book off the shelf*
*blows all the dust away*
*opens the first page only to find bugs have eaten all the paper*
so is this thread slaughterhouse four
this thread is pretty accurately slaughterhouse five (the actual structure not the book)
a fucking shitty dump where a bunch of tards are kept in the basement and luckily survive while everything surrounding them got firebombed to hell
and the bigger is the guy who stole a tea pot and got shot
trannys been talking all day about some "pants" conversation on tragsg that apparently happened and i had no idea why she was so interested
can you get her in to explain it because i have no idea what that could even mean
one time i said "antalones" referring to ants which makes me laugh to myself still but nobody else reacted thats my only pants related memory
is it the brown pants one
i made lots of posts about my pants falling off if thats what he means
been a long time thouh
did you not own a belt
only the ol rust belt
thats mine mate
its the one about the "pans" with a dash like panamericum and so on 
antalones was quite funny i remember that
for me its drawing gups
how bout a pan-rust beltiums
i'll take the great lakes but nothing else
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this might be one of the worst maps ive seen in my life
the more i look at it the more upset i get i wish i didnt post it
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heres a cooler one
well no that ones also fucking STUPID
what genius just colored in half of florid and wrote "florida" next to it???????????
but yeah its better the florida one is just baffling
well... hes not wrong
more like halflorida
ooohhh im a piedmont atlantic nigger and i wanna be free....
produced a laugh
anyway i unlocked the board for a little bit just in case someone forgot their password or anything
it can be relocked again in a few days or a week or what have you (or not at all if theres no problems)
no no no dont do that
*sends my carrier pigeon to la plata*
might be worth it just to see the bigger humiliate himself again
its not worth it hes already done it a billion times i dont need to see it again
frankly he already did
the fact that he started posting on the hima means he's STILL just been watching like it nasty little voyeur
tell me what tarded shit he did i wanna have fun
i mean he didnt do anything overt just posted things that were clearly his postings
according to the log everyone has logged in by now aside from the disabled bigger account so theres not reason not to lock it
well what if some brand new funny character shows up
lets say some guy thats named tim
tim tacobson
dont think theres anyone left on earth who is proper tragsg material who isnt already here
yeahhhhhh me mate tim tacobson i remember when he got abducted by aliens
for me, its italy's n1 most wanted shitposter:
carlo incelotti
this place is impossible to find its not like we're still on 4chan and constantly making expeditions into vgsg
nobody wants anything from italy
i dont want anything for christmas!!!!
hello nakhodka glad you managed to find your password scribbles underneath the desk

how's the january christmas going?
so when are we doing that roadtrip nakhy
maybe we can get ourselves some udmurt gfs
riding through siberia in some soviet shitbox as we progressively hate each other more and more
dont think thats possible(hating eachother more)
sounsd like a novel
119 hr (9,322.6 km) via а/д Амур/Р-297
~5 days, add in sleep that's a week straight of fun
i dont think we should actually cross russia
only have to go as far as irkutsk and mongolia to see plenty of interesting things
but crossing russia would be funny
theres no way you do 9000km in 7 days in a slavic shitbox
i bet 50% of the road is fukken covered in craters and you have to go 60kmh in order not to destroy the so-called "car" 
i bet it'd be at least 10 days
i mean if youre doing 7 then what's 10?
russia isnt africa mate im sure the arterial highways are well maintained enough to drive on and you can find a car with a model year later than 2010 to rent
yeah but it's more authentic if we find a shitbox
is nhk even part of this conversation or is this just third parties confusing each other
isnt snow really bad for roads
and no there's no way theres anything resembling a "highway" have you not SEEN the news where  the russian druglords had to pave their own roads because the governement wouldnt do so
you'd be lucky to have pavement going across siberia
i raise it up to 20
no doubt youll have to do a lot of backtracking and the shitbox wont function properly at all
also a friendly reminder that its winter right now!!!! the last man to try and cross russia in winter was hitler and the one before him was nappyleon
by the time i get to nakhdka it wont be winter anymore alri
what the fuck do you mean BACKTRACKING
are we gonna fucking down the state created russian highway system and find a big fukken wall with putin painted on it holding out a hand telling us to turn around?????
something about this ed i like a lot the songs nothing special the lyrics arent either but something about it
youre not gonna find a highway at all at bumfucklengsk youre just gonna find a shitty dirt road with craters in it and deadly fields of pure ice so youre gonna have to go back and try your luck in another road
no in fact i havent seen the latest cnn piece about how putin is the antichrist and drinks the blood of central asian trans babies for breakfast with taxpayer dollars while all of the infrastructure collapases
classic canmanic post
you can go on google maps RIGHT NOW and look at the trans siberian highways
ive got lots of epic songs to post too but the kikes wont let me and flacs arent allowed and theres only 30mb
they built a TRAIN across russia
you think there isnt a road??? and you think the little towns dont maintain what they can???
do you think ukraine is shooting grenades out of trebuchets into the central asian highway?
youre an ignorant fool for trusting google maps at all
if you owned a car youd know its all retarded lies
slava ukraini their tactical nuclear missiles will soon reach vladivostok and annihilate all of the russian pigs, then they will know the meaning of "green ukraine"
say what you want man the russians had more territory captured in the first week than they do now
embarrassing posts
genuinely feels like they paused the war after a few months and changed channel then they just never switched back to unpause
because they fucked up and the only possible outcome is losing but nobody wants to be the loser
(they being russia)
they should firebomb kiev
(they being poland)
fairly certain they did basically did when they were knocking on kiev's door
what happened to that.............
russia actually had a big break through on the eastern front  in the last few days but nobody is talking about it because its doesnt look good when you have 5 km of progress to show for 5 months of fighting
well they were supposed to take kiev in 2 more weeks but then they retreated all the way back to belarus because ???
well you know what they say the best time to plant a tree was 2 weeks ago, the second best time is now
heard america is running out of things to send to ukraine and theyre starting to cannibalize their own military bases
dont know how true that is but.... its not like theres an infinite supply of it right.... it has to run out EVENTUALLY
invite him back i want to see him soil himself and give him the tard treatment(i am bored enough to die)
they're sending them shit from the 80s that was right about to be scrapped
you should consider how many conflicts america has participated in, and how large america's budget it, before you believe that headline
the supply IS practically infinite
america still uses plenty of shit from the 80's actually
no do NOT invite him back hes going to post his cock again
i think they already ran out of that
but even if they didnt the point still stands, its not like theres an infinite supply of it....
yeah its going to run out any month now... hang in there putin!
its not about the budget
america's healthcare budget is massive but it all swirls down the toilet because most of it goes to bureaucratic overhead
its about manufacturing capacity
you see america has a pact with demons they can sacrifice people and transmute them into weapons
this will ensure it never ends
america had a military production matching ww2 for a long time yet theres only a few hundred k ukrainians fighting right now
there should still be plenty
but whats the win condition for ukraine
the casualties/capital expenditure massively favours russia still and they have far far more people
how much of the budget is going to r&d (the main waster of military budget in america) right now
also all this talk reminds me of how theres extreme amounts of embezzling in the korean military and all the higherups abuse the 2 year military conscription to eat up the entire military budget via embezzlement
thats basically the story for every "highly developed" country excepting maybe japan
i mean the win condition for ukraine is honestly only dragging this out long enough that putin gets murdered by the west or oligarchs
obviously they cant march on moscow or even retake crimea
tying down russia and slowly eroding their military capacity since all they are is a puppet state of amerikkka
also a big thing some of you are forgetting about giving weapons to ukraine from the american angle is........ukraine GETS to be the r&d
sure we've mostly sent old garbage but you'd have to be born yesterday to think we havent sent them a couple new toys on the cheap on the condition they tell us how they work out
this isnt a paradox game where you get forced into a white peace if your ruler dies they cant just trick russia into stopping the war by killing putin
no of course not you disingenuous mongoloid
the killing of putin will obviously only happen if theres someone ready to be put into his spot to end the war this goes for a west murder or oligarch murder
if russian oligarchs dont want the war to end they simply will not kill him
most of the r&d budget isnt spent on field testing, which you seem to be implying
but all the stuff made in recent decades is worthless garbage
the military r&d budget is exactly like the education and healthcare budgets in that it takes an enormous amount of money to do NOTHING, no new weapon fresh off of r&d has ever been useful theyre all garbage that would never be used in a real war
well they used that new sword rocket to kill the taliban guy
and russia used some hypersonic missiles i thiiiiink
russian oligarchs arent a secret all powerful force, and theres plenty of loyalists completely aligned with putin in his government ready to succeed him
hate oligarchies
love national communitarianism
well yes but do you not think there is a potentially decent subsection of these oligarchs who are starting to get angry at the 2 week war cutting into their money
the oligarchs have been hating putin for years mate that was like the big thing he did is cracking down on them
i think your problem is you're still stuck in your residual leftist frame of mind where wars are fought between military industrial lobbies to "advance the interests of capital" on both sides
that just isnt a factor at play here
its NOT a factor in the "war" but youre a fucking lunatic if you think it isnt a factor
im certain lots of individuals in high places in america who work for arms manufacturing companies made a lot of calls to get more weapons sent to ukraine, and im sure similar things happen in russia
yeah im sure it happened but it isnt anywhere near relevant to cause regime change in russia
Our people are filled with belligerence for the hated enemy.
Gain Jingoism x1
the literal first thing that happened after the war started is that the assets of oligarchs in the west were all either frozen or confiscated
thats plenty of reason to hate putin and in fact the whole POINT was to make the oligarchs hate him with this move
why would they hate putin when it was der west who took their money
it IS though because this is a complete never ending war at this point
ukraine can never ever end this in one million years even with all the western weapons they could dream of
russia can obviously never end this either because if they could it would have been over when they were right outside the capital
ukraine will never go to negotiations first because they want to keep up the image of "we're taking back donbass AND crimea!" (this will never happen)
russia will never go to negotiations first because then it's a massive joke embarrassment and 10 just posted while i was posting this so i wont continue here

im not suggesting some oligarch will step in and kowtow to the west eternally, they'll probably just go to negotiate with ukraine and go "okay yes yes you get donbass, no crimea, you get two dollars and we wont mess with you and you can join nato and the eu" and ukraine will take that despite all the posturing because their country is a war torn shithole presently (and was a shithole prior)
holy dadc i didnt close /pol/ tabs on pc and phone to read it here
*punches you in the teeth*
shut the fuck up!!!!!
because putin is the one who started the war, and the only one they could actually hurt is putin
also if they fucking hang him for the west then they might be given the reward of unfreezing for showing their loyalty to the west
yes that's another big part, the west is probably willing to offer a lot of nice prizes to a neutered russia
didnt they take back half the donbass actually or am i misremembering
uhhhh according to the "live"map website no not really
"live" tragsg
im kind of surprised belarus still hasnt stepped (been forced) in
russia only ever had half of donbass
ukraine took back all the stuff near kharkov and the parts of kerson people actually live in
russia also annexed zoposhisisi or however the fuck its spelt despite not owning any of the really populated parts
youre missing the point
the point is oligarchs have very little power now compared to the 90s and are extremely unlikely to have any influence on a potential putin successor
they have very little power relative to what they HAD but who else has any modicum of power in russia
yeah if putin dies he's much more likely to be replaced with a loyalist or someone more bold
well yeah thats if he just like...die dies from death
like i said i think a western kill or internal kill wont happen unless theyr epositive they can get a mouthpiece in power for at least long enough to end the war
putin acted bold and the end result was this so i doubt theyll get someone more bold ever
the dominant theory is that putin actually picked the safer option instead of intervening in 2014 and got punished for it because he gave ukraine time to purge russian sympathizers from the military who would have otherwise surrendered or collaborated
all i can say is if i started this war the sakhalin first airborne division would have been in kiev by morning
but hwat about the albanian mafia's opinion on this
well yeah duh, ukraine was basically a russian puppet that nobody on the face of the planet cared about
it could have absolutely become belarus 2 and nobody would have cared in 2014
who do you thinks fuelling the war effort
thought the entire ukrainian army were mercenaries up until this war where they started conscripting people en masse
if they were mercenaries then theyd have just dadced about The Big Russia Theory and not switch sides to russia at all
"kill kikes 1488" is the official stance
cant believe i got dragged into a tragsg episode right when i was about to sleep
and its all because some ukraine pro doesnt believe in russian highways
/ believe in russian highways
not my fault nobody is willing to build roads in the arctic so nhk and hm can have a roadside picnic
you cant see potholes on a map you idiot
and yes driving through a half-bombed-out 1-lane road in the middle of nowhere with no population for 300km takes a while longer than driving thru a 88-lane McInterstate
WHY would a road be bombed out in the middle of russia????????????????????????????????????????
ukrainian nato nuclear trebuchets
natural disintegration and shitty construction
why do you think all the fucking roads in and out of izmir are bombed to shit with a million holes in them???? ive almost died at least a dozen times because of them and have even flown through the air a bit because of them
oh its the turk
explains a lot
well because turks still live in mud huts so roads are a bit much
no its any sensible person with an attatchment to reality(3rd worlders)
and once again
they built a TRAIN that goes across russia
you think they cant do a fukken road???????? you think a railroad isnt so much worse to maintain???
are you serious man
yes railways are way way way easier to mantain that roads
roads require constant reconstruction and just tearing it up and building it again all the time

especially in places with lots of water and even more in places with lots of snow
ice/snow is NOTORIOUS for obliterating pavement
*starts frowning*
yeah but...
im not the main anti russian road arguer actually its somebody else
trains are easier to maintain than a million different roads that go all over the place yes
also there are very clear economic benefits to a train line whereas roads will mostly be used by random civilians and not a certain specific company or the government or what have you
*wakes the kurdish assasins from cryosleep*
and this is mostly due to the fact that
railways are made of steel and get maybe 1 or 2 trains a week
and roads are made of shitty rocks that get 100000 gorillion cars a day

and when there's lots of temperature shifts(as there is in siberia) it works in such a way that when cracks form, water infiltrates into the pavement, and then from there it expands and contracts with the temperature which basically absolutely shatters it from the inside
so you're telling me the weather makes roads bigger for FREE????
i made roads bigger
*waters my highway*
yep this boy is going transatlantic any time soon......
also fun fact is that youd have to dispatch a million icebreaker and salter cars to the roads to prevent ice damage whereas for a railroad all you need is a single little train to just throw a bunch of salt or hot water or whatever it was around the railroad, and youll have dealt eith all the snow just like that
ohhhhh but what if a tiger attacks us
what if a nomad attacks us
the sheer fucking disappointment i felt opening this
we show him horrible vgsg memes from 2015 and it dies from brain damage instantly
mood is improved because i audibly laughed out loud when i saw this page exists
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and this mr.tigrov is a forced memecord gruppen
was expecting it to be some retarded kemalist political party but somehow its even worse
death to kikes
what the fuck is this
>A 2005 study by the European Stability Initiative that was focused on Kayseri uses the term "Islamic Calvinists" to define the entrepreneurs and their values.[7
still dont get the whole victor/victoria mess
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right what it says on the post
just some random discord faggots who were trying to force their discord memes in the thread for like 1 or 2 months
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or this one too
utterly incomprehensible
glad i missed this
yes i dont particularly get it or care either i just remember because its sitting there on my folder
few gruppen had actually had much longevity
remember having a few vic2 mp with a bunch of discordgruppen back in the day
still dont know who the fuck they were
i think the only gsg shitpost image i """made""" was the big germany with dol
gsg was painfully unfunny looking back but it was an important phase because wherever i see non gsg discussion of map games it falls into those same awful patterns
it wasnt even that big i guess because i had to make the image before i lost the motivation also i was using the redditmod and i didnt know how to powergame it as hard
dont remember anything about the dol era at all my brain wiped it all
do remember that it was back then i was introduced into it for the first time though
gsg was completely hilarious to me solely because it was unfunny there were almost no "jokes" just incessantly parroted retardation
also threadwars were funny every single time
i forget about it because the game hasnt had a good update in an entire year
i started up the whole croatian fascists thing im plenty pleased with that
dont remember anything else i did though i do remember there being quite a few
went to grandmothet, she gave me a thousand unitedstatians in stonk dividends
what are the stocks in
sure wish i got free shit too
where do i sign up
najodkan port company
ive told this story before but its adjacent to gsg accomplishments
i made an ss13g in trash one time and framed it as an erp version (i did this as a JOKE to shit up the thread) anyways the thread got like 30 posts and then it died then i stopped playing then when i came back a year later turns out some creeps did make it a frequent thread and had their own little private server where they did sicko things
oh and i made grandi add the volga germany tag but ive mentioned that 100000 times thats my short list
they should make roads in nakhodka
can you believe nhk has to travel by jetpack
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no need for roads kamrad, nature makes road on its own
i and a guy i know accidentally created the entire modern idea of starsector general because we were bored
he also created the rimworld general-/indie/ divide for some tarded reason
i also made grandi add some tarded shit by using the trick of.... asking nicely
dont remember exactly what i made him do though
personally i used the tactic of spamming him with shitty wikipedia articles until he gave up
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literally picked a random spot on the highway in the middle of nowhere and it looks like anywhere in europe
so the trip is greenlit
arguing with him for hours every single day with absolutely no end result is honestly my fondest memories of pre-adulthood
looks like a shitty old racing game to me
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hate hate hate these metal sheet fences
yeah admittedly thread wars were absolutely hilarious and ive mever had more fun on 4chan
you can just jump over them
incidentally the last time i saw some was on a construction site and the retard brown slaves working there accidentally dropped some small rocks on me despite me being outside the site
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some of the hillside houses arent bad
thread wars... /trash/ brigade... ugh... what has been...
honestly dont know why we never threadspammed on trash super often
way more lightly to elicity anger there versus killing five generals that havent been bumped in 48 hours
i did remember just now constantly having to make two threads because an early thread would always get made as a furscatcord thread
the hostile squatting idea was pretty good
also im so mad nobody has found the timeline pastebin again
very funny just seeing "macon being painfully unfunny" 30 times in a row or w/e it was
have i told this story before
i falseflagged as hpm while he was asleep and made a newie 100 posts early and then argued against myself(larping as hpm) about how hpm is a shitposting nigger, then some guy went to the 4chan irc channel to complain about hpm(me) and i went together with him to back him up and even gave him crucial evidence of past incidents where hpm(not me) made early threads
the result was that the mods deleted the thread made by hpm(me) and also rangebanned me from /vg/ for like 2 years straight, and when hpm woke up he just made a brand new grandi thread and continued without noticing a damn thing
of course i was laughing like an utter retard from beginning to end of this
if you have i havent read it but im glad you posted it because thats a really phenomenal story
being rangebanned for 2 years for a joke with no payoff is fantastic
its one of the first results when you google "tragsg"
We should convene a ritual to resurrect lord grandi
yeah its really beautiful like a form of avant-garde art
sometimes i think about what a menace i was on university wifi when i was in the dorms
i think the only other time i saw a ban that WASNT because of me was pol faggot
but i was getting banned basically every single day because whenever my laptop would get banned i would shitpost on my phone until i was rangebanned
not on my fukken machine!!!! can you link it
real nice to see almost 200 posts even if i was busy its like a post war baby boom
next up: modern day america
forgot how funny searching tragsg in any archive is
like this is a post on /jp/

>There's a thread up right now
>I'm like 90% many of the posts are simply bot shitposts
>which IIRC is the reason why tragsg exists
>everyone falls for obvious bait
*eyes well up*
>Reminder that literally everyone in these threads is fucking insufferable
frankly i think this line from the pastebin should be made into a banner
imagine what the look on his face would be if he were to realize that actually 100% of the posts were made by real people
i was about to say i never understood WHY people were so adamant tragsg was a bot thread
are they that unimaginative or were we really just that avant garde
remembered the days raiding /civ4xg/
should have done more of that honestly
i think its just a natural reaction
i remember looking at a few weird generals both on trash and vgsg and my first thought always was "these can't possible be real people"
think of kpop threads all over 4channel
few thinks i'd rather not think about
wow imcopletely iliterate today
the average person wouldnt spend 7 years poosting for no gain whatsoever thats why they didnt get it
interesting aktually
i never posted personal info on usual botnets like kikebook etc, but shared plenty here
*sneeds a bomb at your address*
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ohhh thats why i got banned
im the one who got banned in the thread hm wrote "got anon banned lol" because i fucking posted this and said it was dox
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also guess the board
was that the uhh... japlad or what was it called... a 2017 or late 2016 postere
gotta be a turkpost on a
nope, it's on vt
and im the only one who would use that board theoretically (ive never posted it on)
so some lost straggler holds onto his own little memories
goteposter i bet
wish it would be easier to uhhh just search every board for tragsg
wanna find some weird instances but dont wanna hop around archives
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thats actually crazy someone brought us up over there
also i cannot tell if theyre shitposting with what they think it means if they arent that's completely fucking hilarious
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saw this cant believe i forgot this image had an intense belly laugh
partially because its in an /lgbt/ thread we made
"tragic lost generation" yep spot fucking on
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finished the book
as emperor of tragsg i decree that translation to be correct
as prime minister of tragsg i veto your decree
as a primate of tragsg i chimp out
*worships former emperor grandi*
the day was long
and it was trite
now i want to go home
and maybe talk to anime girls
personally.....................shallst be blogposting soon
lightly burnt my hands in the shower and it wasn't even at the hottest setting
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if its the hottest you want just ask around for me
Macon being painfully unfunny (60)
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>worried were gonna bully macon to suicide then his ghost will instill schizophrenia into all of us too 
cant believe it really DID happen
he was literally playing civ6 yesterday
been getting warnings from the government literally every single day about how its going to storm and flood and explode everywhere today yet fucking nothing happened except for light rain(20 minutes long)
>yes yes you'll get it eventually keep on trying jesus what is your problem can you not just google the character you want holy fuck man i cannot stan you i hope you die before you can finish this post. you're really still fucking going huh? oh looks like you finally oh oh i spoke too soon the little retard cant do anything right. pathetic. whats your fucking problem? it's just gonna end up being nonsense too i just know it oh my god it took you that long just to make that pathetic post ohhhhhh my god dont start again dont start again hoooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuck whats your problem okay thanks christ its over
yup yup made me miss the guca real bad
>What is done is done. And sorrow so great that it hardens a human being to the point where there is neither hunger any more, nor cold, nor tears; sorrow which forces one to reject in a sacred frenzy all comfort and charity; this last holy mystery of the human soul which is akin to the greatest genius-shall it be made a subject for tittle-tattle? Is it to be turned into a story to make the flesh creep and satisfy the morbid curiosity of sensation-hunters?
trying to go through my to-do list before i kill myself but im too retarded to do them in time
so it goes
cannot tell if i made 51 or not
lets hear it
*tumbleweed rolls by*
oh yeah the blog was we were at the immigration office
and its so fucking grim how there's like 50 brown people for every white person coming in

not only that but also the average white one would be like you know low-middle tier white (maybe like you know blue eyes but dark hair, not particularly strong chin/jaw, 180cm at best, etc.) while the average brown is like gigabrown with the whole asian looking amerindian face and the average height being like 120cm 

you could even tell how the average bureaucrat (who, to begin with, is already one of the lowest forms of leeches who is only there cause of connections and their family had to be given gibs 50 years ago) was 1 or 2 or 5 shades whiter than the average immigrant. some cases just the skin being a bit lighter than the immigrants, but some other times like you know the nose the hair type, the men having facial hair or being balding, etc. just you could easily tell how it was practically 2 different countries 

also it was surprising to see a bunch of mexicans and colombians but yeah the grand majority were bolivians and their 5000 children
it was like 1 white guy herding 500 browns who were all crying and stinking and trying to get over eachother in line
thankfully we had a simple thing so we just got to skip over most of the shite after a certain point
keep exploding randomly
how easily can you get me an argentine bureaucrat job
impossibly because you need to be well connected within the bureaucrat-class and my family has always been good, honest, private-sector workers and not state leeches 
you cannot get in unless you get recommended by people you know or who know you or you are in some political group etc.

i SUPPOSE you could apply for a municipal street-sweeper job, which is still a state leech job but.......more accessible to anyone........
so youre of no use to me
*state-designated sweeper comes and cleans it up*
big fuckoff zweihänder woth words 'kill niggers' engraved along the blade
so does anyone know why prince harry is in the news lately
havent been reading any news ever
dropped pol as well
every time you bring pol up im bewildered because its been over 5 years since i last opened that place
it was my news outlet and it had, rarely, interesting discussions but thats that
when earth shakes, and dead awake
to sing us their songs...
i get all of my updates from the site that shall not be named now
its quite effective at keeping me on top of things
wretches will see you teleporting and say, 'he has no steeds'
had another rape dream tonight
forgot how good this album was
cant tell if i should sleep more or do things
sleep more
rape more
hows it grim
im not gonna rape you little brown nigger
no wait that sounds weird
put a , after rape
rape is nigger behavior
cant get into ebooks
just doesnt feel right
try printing them
well its either that or paying 1488 trillion dollars to buy the sole physical copy left
just do some natural selection and get used to it man
try a kindle
itd a completely different experience from reading on your computer/phone
nothing wrong with rape if theyre helpless sedentary hut dwellers and youre an epic pampeo-mongolian uberman
yeah the epic mongoloids...
they killed arabs
prester john and all that
if killing browns made you white then there would be no browns
a perfect world...
if killing browns doesnt make you white then that means hm is brown
cant believe it took this long to figure it out
i only rape because women enjoy it so much 
im a feminist you see
sorry you cant post here anymore this is a no sex zone
the last poster we need is a rapeman
better than an apeman i suppose
wasnt there a rapeman long ago
couldve sworn there was
does mind raping a girl into suicide count
only if shes cute
well that didnt happen either macon mind raped himself
ukrainian city names are so silly
bakhmut? really? what is this a jrpg?
wait until i tell you about nahkodka
they make sense in the original language man youre just not a knower s'all
nakhodka makes sense its a classic slav place name but ukrainian villages and cities are genuinely retarded
how the FUCK are THEY not slav place names???????????????????
because theyre not slav you dumb nigger theyre cossack and uhhhh turk and ummm scythian and whatnot
no theyre slave just pole not rus
ach... ye olde new york... a true ukrainian city
formerly new amsterdam
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yep... truly a dwelling of negroes
formerly pygmies
so wait why do pygmies exist
are they another species
or are they just a clan of genetic freaks
genetic freaks among another species(the nigger species)
wooow that has to be a point against there being a god quite cruel there
god is real he's just an asshole and we need to kill him
my power went out for like 20 minutes!!! why do they persecute me so
^divine miracle
wahey i want to cease biological function(with gote)
poured soup over my rice
and god fucking damn did i regret it
gonna have like a week off
and im gonna have it,,,,,,,,soon!!!
haven't had a week on since... forever jajajaja
*puts you in a labour camp in dresden*
remembering the guy who kept spamming his shitty eu4 shia japan
i'd have that fucker pressed to a wall and shot if i could
i always thought that was funny honestly
wait wait wait no i remember him now hes the guy with the filenames and he spamming his other 5 eu4 campaigns too
no i hated that guy, but i did like the shia japan the first time i saw it
im pretty sure he is still around gsg
don't really hate him me maybe if that was still our home
feels like my tooth is gonna fall off today
dadc as they say
did i SAY they weren't???
*pulls your shirt over the back of your head and starts punching you in the stomach*
fuck you!
kicks are better t.kicker and screamer
*flexes my rock hard 6-pack abs so your punches fukken bounce off*
this is what t.ucmanos are like
attempt to murder a dog, fail miserably, get ridiculed by the whole country
what are tucs
are they like tuscs
for me its
>the club was named after Willem II
ugh fucking epic willy FC ugh ugh i'm gonna explode from pleasu-
>after Dutch king William II of the Netherlands
thats a real anatolian tigers situation there
>caribbo-colombian english names
usnavy, leydi (lady), danyer (danger)
>peru-bolivian english names
wilson, milton
>uruguayan english names
washington, darwin, jefferson
>argentinian english names
braian (bryan), johnny, kevin

i know this conversation happened many many days ago but i was thinking about it and i thought how it was funny that loaned names have regional variations like this
this one CANNOT be real
why not
its somehow more idiotic than usnavy well maybe not but its pretty retarded
wait what the fuck
what i posted about that guy a million times
also he's not turkish he's arab, but middle eastern people in general get referred to as "turks" since they came with an ottoman passport
yeah but i only read like 1/10th of the posts
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yeah 100,000 posts is still quite a lot good job on reading all those
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yup theres another part i was waiting to see again
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килл ниггэрс
screw this im going back to bed
*takes out my screwdriver out of my pocket*
whats the target chief??
ok i'm here the posts can resume now
so what do you guys think of......................................................................................................................................................................arab gulf states
not a fan
how do we fix them
its too hot and sandy over there it simply was never meant for human habitation
then how come humans live the- oohhh yes i see i see
ok i'm going the posts can stop now
*starts sipping on some bubbly water*
eh nakhy have u seen cheburashka yet
it really was like a bunch of clogged posts coming out and once and now its back to a trickle
have the posts ever been a steady rate
went to the kinoplex i did
no kinos to plex
mine was kino
i also lucked out, the film happened to be on a day where the no singles policy wasnt in effect
nopost policy is in effect
personally i am against the no dubs policy
post numbers are meaningless when its on a website with noposts
every time i try to nap for an hour i
or two but accidentally sleep all the way until its time for work i feel like ripping my hair out
incidentally this is a daily occurrence
Connected for live posts <=== where are the posts???
its doubley funny as "dubs" also refers to movies with voiceovers
speaking of naps just woke up from one (2 hours)
had this dream where i was playing this weird football (you kick the ball into a goal) + football (you tackle people)  + hockey (you wear skates (but not the ice kind))
this big nigger was crying to the ref saying i threw the ball with my hand and he disallowed my goal but then we scored and won anyway and absolutely trashed the place celebrating
lately i've been wishing i'd played some sport at least semi-professionally  as a kid
for me its pre sleep naps
i H8 sports
t.hawkish intellectual
dont really know what the difference between a hawk and an eagle or a falcon is to be honest
mind AND matter
hawk = warmonger
eagle = bird
falcon = sword
and where do crows come in
the sky
need a murder for that
anyways saw shin ultraman today
lovely film
dont understand japans obsession with giant things
they're really cool how can you not understand
have you heard of DINOSAURS
prefer medium sized dinosaurs
the big ones always looked dumb
wow it has a 10m neck just like me :)
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yup love this page
well the boring real answer is this:
toku stuff was fucking dirt cheap to produce compared to animation, and an easy way to add """excitement""" to ur costumed men slapping each other is to say theyre both 50 meters tall
also it means they can crush buildings with is fun
should have just made westerns like the rest of the world
giant men punching each other is retarded and it still plagues things to this day
its soulful you little fucking punk
im in dire straits
at this rate im definitely going to be desperate enough to get a gf and have premarital sex
a bunch of little yellow men running around in cowboy and indian costumes would have been funnier
im sure there ARE japanese westerns
yeah cowboy bepop
oh yeah
dont worry thatll never happen
luckily all my girllust and sex thoughts dried up years ago
no im surprisingly close to the edge ive been catching myself having way too much of a life lately and if the girllust doesnt go away its just inevitable
have you considered watching old japanese media i find it protects my virginity better than any chastity belt could
no it has to be mental i need to purge the desire somehow
hope it doesnt develop into another jimesque case
im too different from him for that to happen
was reflecting on how close to sex i was at one point
she was so hot and out of my league too
fuck my life
never been within a million miles of sex
as for me i got brown stripes in my field of vijon
no one here would believe me but i am quite a catch for various reasons so i wouldnt have to settle for an ugly one
i was probably within a centimeter
i dare say id be a catch too if i wasnt a depressed little faggot that wouldnt even react if somebody were to come running at him with a knife
anyways i closed my eyes and i kept seeing a blinding flashing light blink in and out all the time
me im ugly not only physically but in spirit
we need a new jim and a new macon too
any volunteers
sorry im a made man
i vote for hm and the turk
they can spiral into insanity and become a massmurderer duo while we laugh and throw bananas at them
hm is neutered the turk is in his own mind palace
just need to rough em up a bit and they'll be good to go
i want the turk to succeed in life
sun is almost up what the hell did i do all night!!!
pick up chicks
drop down whites
remember the coloured chick craze and how theyd all die within a week because of all the paint
guess you were all too young to be there eh
there is literally not a single thing to do and i have to stay here for almost 4 hours more
absolutely depressing conditions
first meal of the day
only took me 12 hours to be able to eat it
waiting for posts
atleast you're not waiting for the bus
the post that never arrives...
my heart uhghgh im having a real heart attack
the agonizing mystery pain is back
going to turn into a vengeful ghost upon death at this point
posting time is midnight to 3 in the morning
just horrible
i can feel my standards dropping down into realistic territory
its just a matter of time unless i figure out a way to avoid it
where do you even find women these days
me i only ever see fat old ladies working as cashiers and waitresses
see some decent looking ones around campus once in a while
im physically incapable of using dating apps because im too scared of the idea of people i knew seeing me on there and laughing at me
just move to a different country where nobody knows who you are
oh im definitely not going to be using any of those
wish you didnt bring that up because now im considering it
to be honest dating apps ARE entirely vain and stupid but...we arent in 2000 anymore they ARE common place unfortunately
im not advising to use one but if you are going to start killing people unless you talk to a woman i think they arent the worst idea
have you tried running a secret cross dressing board where you can meet and import trannies from abroad
heard that really works for some people
expected at least one post while i was gone
luckily i have been saved by the fact i never take pictures of myself
luckily there are noposts
i wouldnt laugh at you just spit at you
sign of a speech impediment
what would you know mr.text-on-a-screen
really wish i was anywhere else than here
anywhere else is only a click away
is 100000 posts a lot or a little for 5 or so people to make in one year
thats 50 posts a day per person so a lot
think its closer to 90000 posts in 14 months not a single one good
ive been frequently told that my posts are very funny and that they capture the old tragsg essence
liar thats me!!!
old old tragsg (trash threads in 2018-19) were pure shit no one should want to capture that essence
megacaca 2019-21 was peak tragsg
ah yes the neutral 3rd party post arbiters who can identify the old tragsg essence
i wonder how common underage girls are on tinder
not in the mood for this episode again canman
wish i wasnt either mate
ate tooooooo much fucking soup i might pop
*stamps seal of approval on your massive forehead*
i give you the go-ahead canman
you revived it too late
ive already forgotten what i was gonna post
why didn't you send me an email..
why would i.....
so i could know the site is down..........
i was going to but only if it was down for more than a few hours
oh yeah and i forgot to save the address and the site was down so i couldn't look for it
re: ghost years

i reckon its easier to just memoryhole some years and re-do them rather than just make up more years out of thin air
oh also its about to be the weekend now i look forward to that
i in fact did not even realize the site was down being as it was at least 2am here
what timezone is the siteman even on
sitemann ist gc
(monotone) omg
all me
and they shall know no posts
gonna try my best to not go to sleep today
i have an INTERESTING point does anyone want to hear it
i'll hear it 
no promises on anything else
another reason why democracy has been fragile here is due to the capital also being the most important/wealthy/populous city

if something like the DC/Brasilia trite happened here, the government would 1000% fall, or at the very least there would have to be some violent repression, which'd end up in SOMETHING falling if there's deaths

but because it happened in some bumfuk little palace towns with basically no national significance, it was no biggie. if the capital was still in rio, or if they made the capital be NY/Philly then for sure it would have been 10x worse (even if unsuccessful). even just considering the fact that more people have access to getting there cause higher pops
and also if canada wasnt such a non-country i feel like it'd also be quite fragile. its a pretty "small" country despite its size and the trucker bullshit showed how its one of those (like argentina which is also a pretty "small" country. maybe australia too) single point of failure countries
pretty sure the whole thing would crash straight down if i just firebombed all the maple trees
yeah lets plan our canda coup
couldnt find any cute underage girls on the dating apps 
looks like im saved from myself
swear that post said "soup" when i first read it
it didnt t.read it before you
think i legitimately went a little colorblind in the past few days
some colors are different now
mmmmmmmmmm canda soup.....
i like anime girls
anime girls hate me
remembering that one cat i had that would always step outside to shit there instead of on its sand toilet thing
it was a really b&w cat really the smartest and cutest one i've ever owned, it was also all white too
in my earliest memories i had a niggerman cat and all i remember it doing was drooling everywhere
then we gave it away to my aunt for some reason and became dog people instead
the good thing about cats is that you can just ignore the retard whenever you feel like it
whereas a dog will die of obesity if you dont weigh all its meals to check if its the right amount and always feed it on time and die of depression if you dont give it daily walks
i will admit that i may be a little biased though as there is no doubt that i have the cat parasites stuck in my brain
personally my besst asdvice for you canman is to use your generational wealth to buy a patagonian lake. even a small one
you can just build a cabin(s) there and rent them out for tourism money. and then when the time comes we have everything perfekt for the post apocalyptic tragsg village
fresh water (from the lake)
some ok soil for cattle and berries and honey
wood for building and fire
and epic snowstorm winters to kill off all the niggers 

think about it
oh and fishing. lots of foshing if you farm the lake and river
you can BUY a whole lake??
never weighed any of the dogs meals
we just left a food bowl out all day and it was fine
ugh just remembered what a constant hell it was to refill the dogs water all day that thing drank like a fish
uh yeah...... you just buy the land...which surrounds the lake....
most lakes are privately owned although there are laws that you have to let people have a path to go in 
not the hugest biggest ones ofc
for me its feeding the dog bones when you eat a meat
can you remind me why we buy cat and dog food again
we can just feed them leftovers instead just like people have done for the last 8000 years
because white people dont cook anymore so they dont have edible leftovers
what does it look like 1950 whatevers left over is going into my stomach the next day
patagonian berry picking huh...
patagonian dog food picking
had to read a whole 60 pages on mahomet the little tard because the one who wrote "on heroes and hero worship" decided that he's a hero for some dumbass reason
oh also i recommend this book to canman as well
not a very good sign for me that all the books i show interest in just so happen to also be books that he would like
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based on shit
a triclops is born
what does the doctor say??
ay ay ay...
*slumps over dead*
shit and poo rainjbg
a terf appears on scene
she yells: its raining men
somebody make 15 more posts so i can make a new

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