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first for "イスラム語(islam language)"
also known as arabu
have no rabus
managed to accidentally stumble on a ww2 ln where the emperor is a woman and theyre fighting the soviet union
also some turkish guy saves her at some point
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i find it funny how anime girls go all doki doki with their heartbeat and that's presented as being something special yet my heart just randomly goes crazy throughout the day for no particular reason and recently every time it happens i start thinking of anime girls and laughing to myself
yeah mine just randomly rolls into 200bpm for no reason
also i keep hearing abot the eu tightening on immigration is this actually true???????
well you see you have the vaxx aids or maybe you dont but you still have (naturally) the same things as vaxx aids
hope it helped and maybe go get it checked or kys
well no i had this long before the vaccine
its fine my grandma also had it and she died of something else
steam will stop working in like a week
what is our thought
uhhh lets all learn latin together
i dont give a fuck
you will you piece of shit
you were so close to being a good boy this year and you just had to go and say that
no i wasnt
yeah i was
managed to avoid the gathering
of magic
vns during christmas eve -_-
thinking about that pluto adaptation
always crazy when an actually really good amazing anime is made in the modern day
what kind of fucknig dogshit internet company has an outage at 6 PM on CHRISTMAS FUCKNIG EVE
okay okay i think im calm
i managed to avoid breaking something
thats good
youtube reallllllly is trying to push competitive billiards onto me
ate 8 sandwiches today
and nothing else
owari da
nobody drank the eggnog
おhhhhhhhhh のおおおおおおおお
dont feel the christmas spirit at all this year
guess my soul is finally dead
ok so the 25th comes down to monday.....but get this;
the 1st comes down to monday too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????
*stares at you*
uh huh
isn't that a good thing
so you get more days off
the only good thing would be if i wake up dead tomorrow
its not a day off though
every day can be a day off if you put in the effort
if effort equaled money then i wouldnt be in this situation
being unemployed for 2 years straight is a lot of days off
if i were to remake ecksmass id get rid of santa, and id make it so that starting on the 25th, you start leaving presents under the little Christ being born thing (manger???) and you start leaving gifts there, and then throughout the weeks you give family (and friends and neighbours) gifts if you want, as you visit then
then on the 6th is when the 3 magi come (and you leave grass and water for their camels), and thats when you get to open all the gifts 

i thought it was just the economy but i guess someone cast a spell on this year's festivities
sorry mate here in america nobody knows about the three dudes and their llamas but have you heard of these little green lads
also i think it's called uhhhhh a "nativity scene" here if you're talking about what i think you are
so why are you defending that? youre celebrating that they arent familiar with their own christian faith?
and the 3 magi is the only vaguely related thing thatd justify giving/receiving gifts (and not nonsense claus)
do you mean goblins or aliens

im not defending anything it was a joke you retart
and i meant elves
but yeah honestly theres nothing christamsy about this
everywherei s fucking dead
even if i drank alcohol today itd just have been wasted
elves arent green those are orcs
t.olkien radcath
its been fucking wet and shitty cold warm here for like a week so it feels extra un christ like
idk it's just a normal christmas here
el niño has risen
you should give me your christmas,
the spirit of giving and all that
what fucking "give me your christmas" theres nothing there to even give
figure it out or you're going on the naughty list next year motherfucker
>Go to the Store Page of a Steam game. Say for example Cities Skylines.
>In the right you'll see "Publisher: Paradox Interactive". Click it.
>You are in the page of Paradox (keep in mind that not all devs have their own page)
>In the right you'll see a settings icon. Click it and then click "ignore this creator/publisher".
buh buh buh based...
so what was the steam going down thing
stressed and tired and stressed and tired
patriots are taking control of it
theyre going to shut it down for win7 users forcefully as the glowniggers they are
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lets do it
becoming more convinced that milei is the gray man
i believe in the annihilation of taiwan and the supremacy (<-i am building credentials for the chinese future)
seriously why do i feel so bad today
head hurts, cant think, body feels very weak overall
that prion scalpel got you good eh
i was like that too before i slept the entire afternoon
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In 2001, the goat was burned down by a 51-year-old American visitor from Cleveland, Ohio, who spent 18 days in jail and was subsequently convicted and ordered to pay SEK 100,000 (US$11,655.01; equivalent to US$19,262 in 2022) in damages. The court confiscated his cigarette lighter with the argument that he clearly was not able to handle it. He stated in court that he was no "goat burner", and believed that he was taking part in a completely legal goat-burning tradition. After he was released from jail he returned to the US without paying his fine.[8][14][15][16][17]
based ohioan
i still need to visit cleveland so i can have been to the three big C's
wow epic
heard a weird sound and when i went to look my bathroom was flooding because one of the toilet pipes decided to do ???? and shit out gallons of water
come on there can be only one reason for that to happen on christmas you know what you did
wow 50 whole posts
no you tard why would i do anything??????? at best MAYBE the pipes of me and the senile retards next door is connected
“Latin is not a natural language. When written, Latin takes up approximately half the space of written Italian or written French (or written English, German or any natural European language). Since Latin appears to have come into existence in the first half of the first millennium BC, which was the time when alphabets were first spreading through the Mediterranean basin, it seems a reasonable working hypothesis to assume that Latin was originally a shorthand compiled by Italian speakers for the purposes of written (confidential? commercial?) communication. This would explain:

a) the very close concordance between Italian and Latin vocabulary;

b) the conciseness of Latin in, for instance, dispensing with separate prepositions, compound verb forms and other ‘natural’ language impedimenta;

c) the unusually formal rules governing Latin grammar and syntax;

d) the lack of irregular, non-standard usages;

e) the unusual adoption among Western European languages of a specifically vocative case (‘Dear Marcus, re. you letter of…’).
to think the same guy who wrote that thinks we live in enlightened times
he didnt say that he thinks that
the more "nativity" decorations an area has the browner it is
it's now that i'd post one of the vic2 event prompts about killing natives but i'm afraid event hat is gone from my memory
i used to live for event prompt posting but i've forgotten them all
who gives a hoot about their religion anyway
meme i do!!!
yes yes viva paganoprodism
unser kaiser wilhelm aß alle juden in die welt
johan johan johan johan johan johan johan johan johan johan
you dropped the g
its gaß
no he eats them alive
g is for grandi
i have some really old memories from when i was like 4-6 that do not fit in with the others in the slightest and make me think they may just be from somewhere else than me
my oldest memory is waking up on the floor and thinking about how i couldnt remember anything
i dont remember anything im a retard
wir wollen unser altes leben wiederhaben
wir wollen unsere sorgenfreie vergangen wiederhaben
many such cases
hey i was about to say that
hoping whatever present i get tomorrow is a live grenade blowing me into viscera
hey i was about to say that
wow perhaps we should kill each other
now that i think about it my exile is a lot like that of the jews except im not a satanist freak
arumba has been playing eu4 for 12 hours straight today (christmas eve(now christmas day))
thats actually more pathetic than me
a rare occurrence
its modded eu4 as well, up to you if thats better or worse
uhmmmm yeah i think i'll blow me brains out next year if my life is still shite for sure
yeah great idea man
so where do we get the grenades from
i have a russian contact
if i had a grenade right now i would actually detonate it right on my face
can only deal with trite for so long you know
theres truly just no light at the end of the tunnel
and to think some people believe theres a way out
but it's all just shit all the way down in this caca world
actually who cares if it's all shit i should care less if my life is shit yeah
expect posts like this for at least a month until the mania swings back in
well yeah the very laws of physics just force it all to be one very wet ball of shit
even if you get [literally anything you want or think you want] there's at least just as good a chance for you to be completely fucked up right afterwards
stuff like death in childbirth and rape etc etc etc(the list literally just goes on forever) is proof of our world being ruled by satan or worse
ive read a little bit from some greek men saying "just accept life as it is so that you fear nothing :) then you'll be able to enjoy it even as a slave or a beggar :)" and i do agree to some level but there's clearly massive holes in this line of thought
but thats depressing as fuck isnt it
i mean i have worked retail and i """enjoyed""" it and thats just modern day slavery, so it makes complete sense but you have to debase yourself into retard cattle and just not care about everything being wasted or thrown away and thats a bad feeling
well as far as i understood it youre supposed to take your situation calmly, and exert all your effort in doing the things that you truly enjoy
but of course things aren't so simple, there's literally just no way that the average man is going to be stuck in a life of 8 hours of work a day, three meals of bread everyday, nothing to drink but water, and live a life of satisfaction because he participated in this one thing that he enjoys
whether he will even be able to find something enjoyable, or if he'll even be able to do it at all, etc etc is also just basically up to luck
im sure the guy whose writing im thinking of would drown me in spit if he were to see me having retard 3 iq takes on his writing but honestly even what he actually meant is at least just as vulnerable as what i comprehended his writings as
life is by nature just one really detailed and irregular(cant quite find the word) suffering, and humans by nature are pathetically weak in all ways, you don't have something like a "strong" human, you have "a human that's strong relative to other humans", all that the guy who lives his life as he wants and enjoys it needs to have it all be crushed is to have a tiny bit of force applied to him in the right place and way, kind of like untying one's shoelaces
only a couple olives out of the dozen or so were moldy but i did eat 2 or 3 without looking
we may never know if i just consumed mold
merry christmas
im hungry
i looked at my phone
then the anime girl looked at her phone
and it was the exact same time!!!
>honestly even what he actually meant is at least just as vulnerable as what i comprehended his writings as
this is good im taking this
got a shirt
i got nothing but i gave
got tools and an electric drill
darg gard dargard gardarg
grad drag gradrag dragrad
i overslept.....
got books
on the jews and their lies and mein kampf
>Upon their publication in 1766, the Prolegomena were savagely reviewed by Christian Adolph Klotz, who sarcastically wrote that his own time was so lacking in bad books and foolish men that it had proven necessary to wipe off the dust in which Hardouin's manuscript deservingly laid and deliver it to men who had never asked or looked for it.[51]
ok thats enough for today
im going to bed
its not even 5pm!!!!!!!!
uhh and??????
still a big fan of how european drawing and painting was just like a 1st graders drawing and then once the renaissance hit it just instantly became a never ending line of epic art that can not be improved on any further
think theres other things to be a big fan of in life
yeah like japanese drawings of cute girls
anyway apparently umineko is about 120 hours long, or 5 straight days of reading nonstop
uhhh yeah
are you reading it yet turk
or you could evem treat it as an audiobook since its voiced (at least 99.9% of lines are)
or well i guess not really because its not like every text is a thing being said
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the sakuya man that holocausted us has left the site now
how do you know that
if i did then i would give a headsup
but yeah sometimes i just close my eyes, put the thing on auto and treat it as an audiobook of sorts
uhhhhhhhhhh pure coincidence that i just so happen to know it within only an hour of it happening
i thought nobody went on there anymore
maybe jims' troon goes on there
/ know who goes on there
i mean its always been the turk out of everyone who wasnt hmacon
and uh i guess the tranny was kidnapped from there too
wait was the guy polish
cant remember
no no the original man was a lativan
latvian was lat
sakuya is ????(presumably polishi  cantfucken remember)
but the fellow in questionwas a pole hence poletranny
if it was a turk in poland would it be poleturk or turkpole
yes the yuri autist was polish
the normal eastern european guy who let us in was latvian
uh oops accidentally started a 500 post argument there
no you didnt
no i literally just did theyre still arguing among themselves
sure wish we'd get 500 posts
if you want i can make a little macro thing and have it spam 500 random garbage posts from me
there literally is nobody arguing
no no the thread BEFORE that 1
oh ok who knwos who cares
well you asked me so i told you
let us not dwell on the past
honestly its a million times better than dwelling on the present or future
i like dwelling in a house
sometimes i think about dwelling in an apartment and shudder
you trying to pick a fight nigger?
authentic british culture
i have begun reading "mistborn"
ugh even more vn trite
no no this one is just an n
a nigger?
saw that coming a lightyear away
great minds think alike
got whiskey again
whisk me away
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its all the same fucken thing
if one of the meguca namefags lived in a different city id accuse the turk of being him
huhh like....which city??
LAUGHED at "molten gràcies"
i think thats meant to be a brazilian meme because minas gerais is the state the portuguese got most of their gold from
always was a fan of how "Grazie" sounded
.....izmir........you know.....the place where the turk said he lives......
Jimmy – Randomnly spew Conspiracy and Redpill about the US government, Nigger, etc. Is also into trannies and femboys. Literally /pol/ personified.
>owned/opperated by a turk who call himself KAGUYA
loving this summer so far
lots of rain 
no heat waves
20c in the night 

seems like itll remain this way until next year
listening to some christian metalcore album
its actually quite good
what makes it "core"
why can't it be just metal
music genre autism is impossible to explain
the short short answer of it is that it's not quite metal, and it's not quite hardcore, so it's metalcore
ohhhhhhhh my fucking god mates i almost fell for a meme and started reading steppenwolf
get this; im the fucking one who told the last guy reading steppenwolf that he'll fucking hate the latter half of the story!!!!
i hardly even know her
ok well you remember how a part of my tooth fell off
well another fell
shite present eh
well yeah uhhh its something like this
>mate dies
>toilets pipe gets cut by ???
>tooth falls out
presumably thisll keep going on until the 1st
sorry about your mate
feel sorry for me too while youre at it
what bad things happened to you
well for starters those things in green
sorry about that mate
feel sorry for me too while youre at it
>I went to a bookstore with my parents real quick yesterday and picked up a Dostoyevsky book that I didn’t own yet. My parents asked me what book I got and I told them “Dostoevsky, he’s a Russian writer, I got most of his books” then my dad jokingly said “Yeah but you don’t get girls” and everyone in the car laughed. I am fucking pissed off all day today. Last night I briefly shed tears into my pillow after ruminating about it all night. Fuck you dad I’ve never seen you hug or kiss mom in 20 years
and what bad things happened to YOU!!!!!
pity clause is closing the tab deal with it yourself actually
well to be fair living is sad enough
so uhh... an organization all about a dead old family??? wtf
had this funny thing to say but i forgot it
remember when satan made me play ck3
i played it for a day then found god and uninstalled it
now i feel like playing it again
its fucking ridiculous that you can be a nativoid in any romance language and just learn italian, spanish and french in like 2 years total and then larp as a polyglot
its all just accents of the same fucking thing!!!!
as for me i remember reading trollface memes on facebook 10 gorillion years ago
too bad buddy, should of been born in the cool part of the world
-miya is a good surname ending (jp)
like 90% of -miya are just 宮(it means shrine, court of the emperor)
yeah and there good sounding
man but seirously seriously seriously seriously serriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously seriously i justwat to fucking sit at my home all tday in this shitty < 10 square meter shitbox and read ancient books all day and wank off about how cool and epic i am to read ithese
i mean seriously teres just nothing to do outside anyway so i may as well just do this forever
and the funny thing is that the only thing stopping me is MONEY, i have the motivation, le epic faustian will, the utter resentment of the modern world, etc etc etc etc etc yet im somehow getting cucked out of this because i could be working as...uhhhhhhhhh..........a subpar part timer in the supermarket -_-
man theres really just not a single redeeming quality of life is there
if i lived in the good old days then i could easily find a fucking sucker to finance my whole life in exchange for me translating the bible or whatever else into something he could read
instead im fucking crawling through the whole shitty race named life
they call that patreon nowadays
except you need to make furry porn games instead of translating the bible
meet them halfway and translate the bible into a funny animal book
*spends whole life translating japanese furry books into american ghetto english*
i want to hugh a cute girl even if its just ooooooooooooooooooooooooon nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnccccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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man this guys got it 100000000000000000 times better than me in every compartment
i find myself jealous of him even though the chief difference between him and me is probably just uck and nothing else
wonder if he ever got a reply
with 10 acres of first-rate buckwheat, who wouldnt
(read:not uck but luck)
uwoooooooooooooooooooooooow extremely drunk
ill go post cute anime girls(elsewhere you tard, if you wat them so bad go find them on your own -_____-=)
turk make a report on this and the other heian period nobility title
you can post it on your blog afterwards
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah i heard that on the 万葉集 along with all the other funky japanese things but i dont really remember it right now
anyway im too busy being praised y some japanese guy on some other place as being almost native level so i wont bother with you right now :)
here i was going to tell you of the long fucking ass name of some guy from the manyoushuu but icant remember it perfectly right now so i gave up
what which blog
no i dont acually have a blog what he really meant is here
i do frequently think thouggh that id be better off having a personal diary where i just write whatever the fuck i want without fear of what i migght be told
come on man
you know the one hes posted it before. its called tttt
turkish trove of translation trite 

dont try to make it into a secret club
did turk even come in here before the time that trite started being a word
i came to gsg in 2016 or 2015
the first time i interactede with tragsg was 2017 or 2018
i have some fuckold directory named just "tragsg" with no explanation whatsoever and full of shitty ass gsg memes if that helps show how old i am
also HOOOLYYY SHIT being drunkj is bad
i feel like every xecond i lose 10 fuckning iq and its the most UN relaxing thing i have ever experienced
evidentlyl too fucking drunk for my own good holy shit
half of my tragsg folder are jim images it's separte from my gsg folder
hohohoh found a fun new word
nnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooo im cr5tity mh tears of sadnes now
it hurts so fuckin bad
me i usually wait until new years to start drinking
wekk i usually just wait until ANY excuse to start drinking
i mean life is going to suck either way so i may as ewll just shit it out right out yeah???
Replies: >>41660
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god this si suck a fucking disgusting feeling
it feels like yt iq is gettihng halved bt yythe second
i bet he jap guy who replied to me is feeling liike he repolied t o a fcuking freak now
put me down i beg you
death death dearg e3qgt death deatyg edagh
drink a bunch of water then piss it out and go to bed
iDID drink abunch of watre but it did literallly nohing
its fucking amazing and prroof of godlyhood tat i didnt just vomit everywhere jesus
this is too much raw alcohol for a huamn
anyway yeah alcohol changes nothing
cute: cute
rst: worthy of nothing but a dumpsetrt fire
less tan scuk
so realisticaly who wouldclean if i were to vomit all over the floor
the w3iredo bigger is all gone and nodobody wants to do it
for me its being seconds away from passing out just to jolt up from the floor to make a pointless post
really why the fuck did i do that i can't sleep anymore now
the trick, mr potter, is not minding that it hurts
^ive thought about this quote at least once a month since we watched that movie
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this is HALF of the payment for a not-even-that-far away job
they really need to come out with new bills

theres 2000 ones supposedly, but there very rare, idk why
and supposedly milei was going to make 5k,10k,50k etc. but not until like....july..........
they MIGHT stamp old bills with new values which is something that has been done before
 also the previous one just paid in cash USD 
much better, almost the same amout of money but i could just fold it and stick it in a pocket and nobody would notice
with this im having to walk around with bricks and its like im a narco or something 

funnily enough the man who paid in usd specifically requested there be no record, and he was a former sub-secretary of the Nation
some stuff to say about that one later
dont remember posting this or anything below it
well actually it wasnt THAT much alcohol you know
big fan of that sudden reference to the bigger though
ohhh my god it really was me(checked on the 'puter)
wow what the actual fuck
my japanese writing drastically improved when i got to the part where im so drunk i dont even remember writing
turks first time drinking: the film (adapted from an obscure manga)
have you ever thought of a career path down the "driving around a construction machine and moving sand around" sector 
seen it a few times and it seems comfy enough and probably pays well
Replies: >>42073
well no not at all
but yeah i had the same impression when i saw my drunken posts like half of these just sound like an 8 year old kid pretending to be drunk
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kind of shitty but it gave me a chuckle so ill share it
whose odk
well you should consider it
a lot of the machines are japanese too...like........komatsu
you could familiarize yourself and then obtain a really high paying job translating manuals for operation or repair
if you read umineko for 1 hour every day then you would be done in about 4 months
umm yeah ill think about it
slept 14 hours
i would try it
when is something going to happen
im bored
the jews fear the samurai
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kishida's approval rating dropped to 17%
big fan of the fact that it keeps dropping and nothing happens
yeah wed have killed him by now
google this erdogan guy
the famous rapper...
jajajaj 80000 yen is equal to 16000 liras
parity with the yen when???
how do lirae look
i posted my fat stacks of cash now uou have to show me yours
hope that helps
the turk is so poor he doesnt even have any hyper inflated money
h8 bank notes
love shiny coins
ah yup yet another day well spent arguing about japans economy together with fellow men who have never been to japan
i wanted to argue too
you know i love economics
notice how there arent any big retard arguments about how corruption doesnt exist or other similar thoughts anymore
yeah i killed those posting them
going to take a break to masturbate violently to my up and coming painful death
idea: translating the manyoushuu to latin
think it could be big(5000 piece of poetry)
isnt it about time we got some womanyoushuu
well i dont know why but they just refuse to come to me even though im so cool, tall, handsome and manly
don't forget all the buckwheat
>Fagopyrum tataricum
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literally me
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literally jim
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uggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh pureblooded 100% JIM stock
girl at the dollar general checkout at night in the middle of nowhere is SO CUTE
need to eat something havent eaten anything today
think i might do my first attempt at eating on my desk,..........in 4 years!!!
theyre killing a cat here
yes but i dont get what youre getting at
ate paneuropeanism
me i luv it
*dumps a billion slavs, germans, and anglos into your little “union”*
anglos and germans are latin they just dont know it yet
i thought my sound thing was broken but it was just my right ear not working
same thing happened to me awhile back
>Some Turks believe that cold foods, such as ice cream, will cause illnesses – such as sore throats and the common cold; it is held that consumption of warm liquid while consuming ice cream will counteract these effects.[citation needed] 
wait but isnt this true
thats how they taught me
isnt yoghurt cold and they eat that all day
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well yeah yoghurt is indeed cold and turks do indeed eat it
what about it
donerukebabu & nobiiruaisu
>Lmao you imbecile, /ʃ/ is literally a sound producing in palate while /s/ is denti-alveolar.
glad i dont know what any of that means
what if you could like learn latin and ancient greek and that would enable you to understand every european language when written
that would be cool
nnooo wait wtf so it really WAS not real????
so youre telling me it took over 20 years just to find out that mum lied to me to make me stop eating ice cream
you know how they say you shouldn't get in the pool right after eating
yeah well my mom believed that also extended to any water-related activity (such as showers) and the waiting time was 2 hours
one time i forgot it had only been 1 hour since lunch and hopped in the shower and she started screaming outside the bathroom like she actually thought i was going to die
glad mine is a "cultural thing" and not just a big case of schizophrenic mother
as for me none of that exists
eating a nut cake
nut a big fan
haha yeah
*doesnt post within 2 hours of pooing*
this guy is blasting classical music again
after over a year of being broken they fixed the streetlight outside my window so now it burns like a miniature sun at night again
turn g∀y
*turns öff*
woke up
going to sleep
as a child i didn't understand the lyrics to pop songs at all
now i don't really "get" the songs either because i'm looking for a deeper meaning that isn't there
at some point in between i was on the same level of intelligence, and i think it was around middle school
im a barbie girl
in a barbie world
that was one of them
i genuinely didn't get what the song was about, beyond barbie dolls
huh??!?!!? what the fuck does that mean???? whats is the meaning of barbie?????? is the barbie world faustian?????? aaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!
it was more like "why is she a barbie.... is this from a movie about barbies i havent seen... her life is what?? what was that word??"
life is...... plastic??!? does that mean she is living in a lie!!???!? barbie you need to wake up!!!
shuuut up
youre the one who brought it up mr. wake me up "inside" (inside of what???? aaaaaa!!!!!)
dont tell me you understood exactly what that song was about as an 8 year old
that girl looks the EXACT same as the girl from his girl akagi manga (i stopped reading because it was so fucking boring and the translators stopped translating because it was so fucking boring)
man i was having such a great great dream but then i characteristically fucked it all up and now that i woke up i'm stressed out
im going to get taco bell despite being sick
me mate's sudaca friend is named "mario"
like der plumber
i know lots of marios
well actually it's 2 now that i think about it
mario is a pretty common name.....
i was having some sort of dream and then it suddenly swapped to some polish guy telling another esl in his shitty broken english that he feels bad for thata  guys father because his wife already had another mans kid in her womb
then i woke up
oh yeah i remember my original dream now
i was in the supermarket and all the cashiers were niggers
then one of them said my hairstyle is really cool
dreamt i saw a bunch of cats get run over
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omfg the fukken site is updated you can spoiler and strip filenames now
uh cool
i remember listening to all the popular american songs back when i was a child and loving it
then i learned english and noticed that every fucking thing is about rape and drugs and killing and bitches and was so fucking shocked and disgusted that i completely stopped listening to them
still vehemently refuse to listen to them
that supports my theory that music is always better when you cant understand it
the voice becomes another instrument
well in my opinion its always better when youre not singing about raping all the children in the world to death
what popular american songs even talk about those things other than rap aren't all the cheesy pop songs about romance
drugs and murder are fucking epic though
you can just find american music made by such weirdos you can barely understand their english
well you know there was like uhhh beyonce???? or something all the american "musicians" that kept shitting out hit songs 15-20 years ago
they always talked about stuff like sex and stuff
just imagine the little me who barely knows english and can kind of make out an explicit meaning from they lyrics, but isnt sure if he's just imagining it or not
i mean to be fair even being a kid who speaks english i didnt get anything
you think i understood that one song that goes "see these shackles baby im your slave"????
it was just noise in me ears
the only beyonce song i ever listened to was this one on youtube where they reversed it and it sounded like she was saying praise satan or something of the sort
knew a guy who was just a weirdo then like 3 years later i wondered what he was up to and he became a full blown schizophrenic and had a podcast where he talked about how someone i knew was an agent of satan and how lucifer convinced him to make his band
he also had a youtube channel full of that reversed audio stuff
those are all made by blacks though
nuh uh theres some made by hwhites
ah yes the pure blooded 1%er whites
open ur freaking mind -_-
*bees shut-in*
that moms spaghetti guy is white
my elementary school friend liked him a lot
i have lots of things i like
and many more that i hate
i am always surrounded by the latter, despite my efforts to indulge in the former
from but keep keep keep keep keep keep keep best been manifesting
*manifest jacobin revolutions*
ahhh...just like me video games...
ich denke nicht
i donjgrthinkso
er war ein homo
vertiert in den willywaggle
liked milei 300 points decree?
well now get ready because you will LOVE milei's 600 points state reform law

among the interesting changes are: 
lower house members to be elected on a per-district basis, rather than on a provincial level
allowing you (and others) to shoot the shit out of criminals and not being able to be trialed for it
adding jury trials to penal crimes
letting the government fire thousands of state bureaucrats as their ministries are removed
giving the president the power to privatize like 40 state companies 
removing limits on the amount of things you can personally bring back from abroad without paying or declaring anything 
adding an item for "taxes" on receipts so YOU KNOW how much the state is stealing from you 
dozens of other regulatory changes on all sorts of trite from insurance to taxes and state advertisement and the like
Replies: >>41861
>allowing you (and others) to shoot the shit out of criminals and not being able to be trialed for it
ugh acapistan
also theres just a lot of random things there which nobody will probably bring up but thhere there and you have to pay attention to see them
for example legalizing the re-sale of tickets, or banning the State from using the word "free" and instead having to say that its paid for by taxpayers
its funny how theres suddenly a bunch of argentina experts on the internet after milei got in saying how he's selling out the country and ruining everything and there will be a workers revolution or coup to set things straight soon
who says that
i want to have a chat with these argentina experts
wish there was a workers revolution or coup to set things straight soon(in argenturkey)
whenever someone says something is happening on "the internet" most of the time that means /int/
/int/ - the internet
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who even goes on int
abq is one of the most epicest anime wars
am i dying? not in a physical way but in terms of soul
not doing enough productive things in a day gives me existential fear but despite this i cannot bring myself to actually do them
the real jim was me all along
heard the jimification of haruhi suzumiya was coming out next year
big if true
is it morally wrong to kill someone in the past, if it doesn't alter the future
im uhhh...asking for a friend...
uhh yeah i can see that being immoral
>Knapp über 22 prozent der in deutschland lebenden menschen (18,6 millionen) haben einen migrationshintergrund.
>Just over 22 per cent of people living in Germany (18.6 million) have a migration background.
read this right off a german book
absolute fucking satanic stuff now i know wheere i WONT be fucking moving to
oh yeah and the book is from..... uh yeah 6 full years ago :) and the data this passage is taking as its source might be even older
we told you so
have you tried migrating to uhhh... *checks notes*......uhhh....... ummmmm *flips the pages back and forth*......... uhhhh yeah have you considered....... *adjusts my glasses* ....... theres ummm...... *looks under my desk* ...just uhhh that one place uhh..... *peeks out into the corridor to see if anyone else can help me*...........
yeah honestly the only choice left is argentina, sorry
have you considered erm...uruguay...
time to go to sao paulo
sao panlo is full of nordestino (nigger) immigrants 
uruguay is known for having niggers
uhhh but is that REALLY true
i thought sao paulo was full of hwites and they didnt let northern niggers in
you're thinking of Pao Sao-lo, the chinese province
sp used to compalin about flipflopping favelado nordestinos all the time
sp has a big italian migration and then when that ended they had to keep the number go up so it attracted poor niggers from inside brazil instead
they're by large in the capital (sp city)
it's not something i worry about too much these people are just parasites as soon as things start to go bad they'll leave and go somewhere else
the real question is why and how someone would move to the paulestine countryside
deep inside everyone yearns for a simpler life
one without niggers and arabs and money problems
weve got the place just for you! argentina!!!

-post paid for by the argentine government
sorry im looking for a place with a strong economy and a white population
package said it would take two weeks but it came a day later
yes yes we understand the carrier pidgeons may not have gotten to al-ataturkgoblipabiyymashallagoglu yet BUT since mileis 4th term argentina has become the biggest economy on earth
of course we cant forget the contributions of the 100 million european catholic/orthodox refugees who helped build the country up
my dad showed me and old silver coin he had that was encased in a plastic cube so i asked him where he got it since it looked like it was from medieval times  
he said his grandfather gave it to him and he probably got it from the kurd he threw down a well
did you ever tell him that theres a turk out there whose a big fan of him for throwing a kurd down a well
he doesnt know the difference between kurds and turks
well why arent you teaching him
cant teach an old dog new tricks
old turks new kurds
feek free to make more posts
laughed at 17-21
the time between those posts and now passed in the blink of an eye for me
noise in my head  ist ot strong
i just now found out archive.org links work on cytube
i will be watching some gamecenter cx if anybody is interested
ultradadc man
i could have probably found a more enjoyable episode for other people but uhhhh dadc
is that the first episode
my autism would dictate that the episodes would be in order of release
its not no
but honestly im willing to put on the first episode instead, i think i remember it being good
oh yeah and not every episode is even subbed
i could already tell its not something i would like from how its edited and put together
huh its not loading for me o_O oh well
uhhh weird
i had to click the button for it to work but im assuming you already tried that
well yeah
got nothing then
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why is mid 20th century literature like that
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10 pages in and theres already a selfhating spiteful white liberal bragging about how civilization will die out and how its a good thing
also i finally realized why people like physical books
when you find a good part of the book you can just put a long line under it with your pen
here im stuck having to fucking copypaste it into an image editor and waste time on it regularly
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hope the other guy is also reading his book!!! the one who told me he'll go read 1 too when i blogged about picking up camp of the saints!!!
for the past few days my right eye occasionally gets blurry and sometimes i go hours not being able to hear anything from the right side
sure hope its not a brain tumor
its probably just a lethal infection
for reference mr 43 i have smaller physical problems
Schengen Area
romania to join
thats bad
ill try to wake up in 3 hours
try as you may, life always catches up
me: still doesnt know what the x in latinx is
going to bed
hope i die
if i see someone say "que chido" online are they 1000% mexican
i hear that mexican slang is kind of popular with the youth of some countries kind of like wiggers you know
- nothm
youth of some countries(read: americans)
some latinx countries
only latinx country i know is america
im sooooo relaxed right now
oh cool ive heard a lot about that book
it might be time to move to argentina.....
i love hollow bricks!!!!!!!!
maybe central americans idk 

anyway im in the mountains
can you stay there
according to steam stellaris was among the top 25 best selling pc games this year
dreamt a sad dream
same, had a nightmare this game called "stellaris" came out
ck3 was in the top 100 at like 95th
vicky3 was nowhere to be seen
did you know we call those two-way power adapters "benjamins" here because of this guy
eagerly awaiting the popping of the gaming industry bubble
eagerly awaiting my painful death with 16 eyes
guhufghfgffuuuufffufugufuuffuh itaii desuuuuuuudgaagffhdhgagagaghhhhh
every time i stand up to go towards the shower someone goes in the fucking bathroom!!!!!
e1 if true
cant read
can't tell if the light is flickering or my eyes are closing on ther own
its me
knock fucking knock
ate too much but i cant let the christmas left overs go to waste
let me in im white
white (ghoulishly pale brown)
how's everything
4/10 for me
6.5/10 for me once i have a meal it will be closer to 8
head hurts
whatre you jim or somejing
thats my father
im jim II
jim ill
lets learn ancient hebrew
theres no anime in that language
heard a guy claiming to spend his time translating manga to quechua
so why does this supposed high-tech civ use late 18th century methods for even things such as clothing manufacture
why is everywhere dead
no matter where i go on the internet its fucken empty
everyone is busy enjoying their christmas presents
am done working for the day 
anyone who needs anything to do with me be quick
umm can you order me a pizza on your bill
been eating left over turkey pie all week
thatd be fine too
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wwe didd iitt
bunch of slavs under italian flags
So once upon a time I was a redditfag (I know I know), anyways I was trying to meet people on reddit to talk about Kant and I would go into chatrooms and I met this girl and we seemed to get along and we went into a private chat. And I was so hyped I actually met this cute girl that wanted to talk about to Kant with me. And then we were having this cool conversation and then she hit me with the "wait, like you ACTUALLY want to talk about Kant?". Turns out she liked me and wanted to just flirt and thought me talking to her about Kant was just pretext to get flirty and just fuck around and get to know each other in private chat. But I told her I was serious and just desperately was looking for someone to talk about Kant with who had actually read the first Critique and I told her I thought she was cute but I really just wanted to talk about Kant. When she realized this she started laughing but in an upset way like she couldn't believe I was passing up an opportunity to flirt around and maybe hook up with this cute girl just because I wanted to talk about Kant. Then she told me I was never going to find someone else as into Kant as I was and left upset. It was a real sobering moment in my life and something I will never forget.
dadc capsman (i actually read the whole thing)
Also I'm Argentinian.
just realized tragsg is just a slow paced manzai community
would you prefer a fast paced banzai community
i dont really care
going to eat bread with cheese stuff slapped on top
cheese and mustard is a meal
no mustard for me
wooow spent 10 minutes thinking of how i can take the amount of days ive lived and the total amount of time that ive spent actually doing a certain activity to then find out just how much time on average i spent a day doing that and i couldnt fucking do it
its so over i cant do 3rd grader math anymore
the best part about tragsg is that i can always read about someone worse off than me
lads i wasted the whole fucken day doing nothing
how do i cope
oh its bedtime by the way
spilled used kitchen oily water all over myself
don't care still going to sleep
reading 120 hours of fate:
alri im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it im going to do it
reading 120 hours of seacats
ugh its a waste of time
i'll read fate once i get a puter
ill put you if you call me
took you long enough
We realized like 5 threads in
want to explain what the heck a manzai is for the people here who dont speak japanese
one guy says something retarded
another says no thats not it!!!
woke up at 10:30 pm
theres no reason to get up
how do i express this agony in text?
ohh epic
regarding my gorgeous castle im inheriting
>syrians stole some stuff(fault of the wall painter guy)
>the whole floor is covered in paint because the wall painter guy didnt use some protectors or whatever the fuck they normally use
what a massive fucking blackhole that money and time is pissed into i cant believe im letting shit like this stress me out
id just torch the damn thing and be done with it once and for all if i fucking could
can i have it
stop pretending you want it you dont
if it was free i would take it
....so you can torch it?
i can torch it for you and we will split the fire insurance
floating on down
wtf is with this book(japanese history 1)
its mostly fine but occasionally has some bizarre nonsensical shit in it like......the 1906 german-polish-italian alliance.........???????
oh well anyway finished it
whats the review
really shallow book on japanese history from 200-1910, it's 200 pages but here's the funny thing, for each page of history there's 1 page of a cute anime girl wearing the clothing of the relevant time period
i just skipped all those because they were like.... you know.... i mean i did glance at the girls but thats it, they also had some weird biographies and things they like and stuff but i pretended not to see
book is like uhhh 6/10 or whatever, in the first place i only readd it because i mistakenly downloaded and thought "ohh this must be fate" for some reason
can you post the nicest looking girl
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no but i can do this
thats good enough for me
starting to think this macross delta is a big pile of crap and i have 20 more episodes
jajaja this jp-en translator makes me sound like a little girl when i pass my text through it
whats the kanji for noposts
無投稿 or whatever
touched my chin a bit and all sound in the world stopped
tried to watch anime with a mate
but the anime was shit
so we decided to watch it at 4x speed instead(good call)
prefer grand strategy speed
so freaky to see guys like these who center their whole life around random "dna tests" with mysterious weird names for ethnicities
excuse the link to the retard shithole garbage place
burst out laughing at the thread title
going to try a new theme for 2024
iwakura looks nice enough i hope the animated background won't melt the computer
as for me i just realized vndb has other themes too and that i played half the stuff that the themes come from
you know what
ive been making lots of long and serious posts on other places recently and almost all the time people agree or thank me for putting effort into writing a proper post, then start arguing seriously about the places which they disagree with
its a really strange feeling for me(20 years of shitposting history)
me i'v never really been a big post poster
feel free to post some small ones then
what is there to post about
god i want to eat food so bad
*stares at you and see's a big turkey leg talking*
haha yeah me too...
they should make a turkey restaurant in kentucky and call it... kentucky fried turkey
no way
a turkey kebab would probably be excellent
what do they even usually make them out of
uhhh idk pork or something
now imagine if instead of turkey it was porkey
too bombastic
ok have this one then
its not bad but its not my style
going to make a list
i like lists
even though i never finish them they help put my thoughts in order
i am here
sipping 0 calorie cheap fake cup soup
for me its making lists of video games i'm never going to play
woow great i made this nice sandwich would go great with an anime girl but i forgot to leave her downloading and it's an ancient torrent with almost no seeders going at 300kb/s
just some butter and cheese and ham
to go with which girl
a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell
ahhhh so she's a fat girl
you know i've been rewatching gurren lagann
and you know what
that show IS really quite good even still
just saw someone review kiss x sis and they disliked it because they attempted to apply it to real family members at a young age
(by that they listed 13 years old as when they watched it, and if you ask me that's old enough to know not to fuck your family)
i remember really liking it back when i watched it 30 years ago
i actually very frequently talk to myself as if i am a completely different person that exists in the same body
happened a lot today
usually when i do this its to shittalk myself or to advise myself not to do something incredibly self-harming
10 am: spent talking about classical chinese poetry with a fucken amerikkkan i dont even know
umm ummm ummm umm!!!!!!
youre amerikkkkan too ×im
saw that there was over 500 posts so i figured that meant at least a hundred were made since i last checked
but it turns out it was only eight
got a retarded sleeping schedule where i go to sleep at 12 am and wake up at midnight
uh isn't 12am midnight
for me its going to bed at midnight and waking up 12 hours later
terrible depressed mood
what if i bought you a clown, for your birthday
whats the most soy thing youve done
for me its watching the mario film and going bing bing wahoo
purchasing toys meant for japanese children is probably pretty high up there
for me its exclusively listening to video game music and old marching songs
dont know or think about "soy" as i am not retarded
on a similar note i recently played through this game called outer wilds and hugely enjoyed it to the point that it became one of my favorite games 
but every time i see it being discussed people call it a reddit kike tranny game and i cant tell why
i hear its a very good game i mean to play it
and the reason why is because all the newfags on /v/ failed to learn that its okay to enjoy things that annoying people enjoy ESPECIALLY if said thing is actually really good
and to be clear you CAN dislike a game purely because annoying people like it, i just ask that they exercise some humanity and say "i dont like this because people i hate like it" instead of going "uhhh yeah this game is slop cringe crapslop twitter fueled slop" just use real words i dont care how shallow they are just talk to me like a human i cant stand going on the internet and people just talk like animals like there isnt a single personal human thought in their skull it's all comprised of insanity and a desire to drag everything down to the level of poo and ruin the world and everything
the only thing that i felt was "soy" about it was the alien race you play as are mono gendered so they use they/them pronouns, but i didnt even notice that and filled in genders for them in my head as i played
also the dialog veers into "i hecking love science!" territory at times but theres so little of it throughout the game that it doesnt ruin the whole thing
funny how grammatical gender got slaughtered by mentally ill freaks
its funny but nobody is laughing
no they aren't
i'm nobody
so i got this clown for nothing
but doctor, i'm the clown
whats with all the spanish and portuguese and french and german and all the sudmaerikkkan goblins who tell me about their language being poisoned by feminists and trannies then
figure it out
well assuming that i go to sleep 11 hours later i have a lot of free time to do things
just need motivation to actually do them
keep inhaling water
less than human
wqhat the actual FUCK is with outer wilds????
i remembeer seeing it when it firsst released and it was kind of cool but why does everybody everybody everybody talk about it now 5 years later??????????????? fuckin tarded
well i never heard anything about it and just happened to pedo it over the summer and only got around to playing it last month
he had a good run
always makes me laugh how the events suddenly turn from stuff like "epic historic fight 30 million dead O_O" to "first black rapper dies of crack overdose"when you cross past 1945
i swear the world must have split into two different dimensions on 1945 or something
>ww2 didnt officially end until december 30th 1946
yeah i like opening the wikipedia front page sometimes and there's always something like that
this one is from two days ago
1943 – World War II: After eight days of brutal house-to-house fighting, the 1st Canadian Infantry Division captured the Italian town of Ortona (depicted).
2018 – Netflix released Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, its first interactive content for adults.
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this is what passes for news in the 21st century
in their defense nothing ever happens
what if i told you its their fault nothing ever happens
are they also behind the noposts
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uhh im thinking fucken epic
this is better than victory was
finally fukken home
somebodies out there running a buzzsaw at midnight
uwauwwahwauhuwauhawuhaw!! netto fucken died
STIL dying fucking piece of shit how dare you die at an important time like this you trash
>İnternet hizmetinize ait ödenmemiş fatura borcunuz olduğundan hizmetiniz kullanıma kapatılmıştır.
kill yourself retard i paid it
fucking satanist cunts
its a government owned company btw
don't worry this private one i got is just as bad
welp have to eatup my phone internet now
can anybdy cytube something
im really drunk andwould rlike to watch something
yeah that scene is really epic
it doesnt feel like annoying fanservice or anythign, it feel like properly bringing all of gundam together as one "thing" and its not like it matters, only the super autistic care about a gundam "timeline" but i think from a meta angle, tomino making peace with stuff like g fighter, wing, and x is super imprtant and it really elevates turn a
that jettoman song from the other day is stuck in my head
jetto jetto jettoman
uhh well i can recommend this anime to you if ou want 41 its pretty good
this is the only other sentai song i know
and i really really like it
they call it turn a because its so bad you turn a tv off
i need to sober up before i go to bed because i know if i lay down now i'll get the spins which are insufferable
i like the spins they make me feel good
you said that already
the spins make me feeL SICK
I've thought about this in depth before. Imagine you get to that world and try to interact with the dazzles and they just think you're a weird creep and want absolutely nothing to do with you. There is no way around it, they simply find you disgusting and nothing could possibly change their mind. So now you're in this lame world AND you have to live with the fact the entire reason you wanted to be there is null and void. All you've done is transfered to a new medium in which to be lonely, suffer, and die. Can you imagine a more intoxicating tragedy?
remind me tomorrow to think about htat
big fan of how the holograms just pop up everywhere as if trying to force everybody to know about what happened
also how zakus are used at all times in all universes and how some colonies just outright fucked off to other solar systems
just wish there were some epic sequels about those colonies and the epic wars they have
yeah super vaguely g-reco is "about that" but also the problem is that bandai g-reco is a prequel to turn a but tomino said its a sequel
it doesnt ufkken matter ultimately but yeah
also in the Turn X model kit manuel the lore for the turn x is that those colonies that fucked off built the turn x, and it basically floated back into the solar system
might just end up watching g with my mate honestly at first i thought its just some moderntrite but the more i hear about it the more it seems worth a watch
its only 26 eps anyway
its worth watching imo just because its tomino
so even if you think its bad its a glimpse into his brain which is always nice
and i dont think g-reco is BAD, it's just kind of a fuckng mess
>and i dont think g-reco is BAD, it's just kind of a fuckng mess
regarding that i have a funny quote
>The reaction to the series was mixed. Toshio Okada, a co-founder and former president of Gainax, has voiced concerns regarding the show's comprehensibility. He stated that "Ordinary people watch this and don't know what's happening," and "It's fine to make it for today's kids, but who does he think kids today are? Who does he think the kids that watch Yo-kai Watch are?"[20]
yeah thats a very apt quote
the movie makes it more comprehensible, at the cost of some slice of life stuff gone, but with improved animation and better pacing
i basically dont think the show or the movies is better than the other, its all up to you
retard phone internet keeps desyncing
fuck isp's
let my keyboard drink a little coffee
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big fan of how the devs named wiki this way
also i might not have internet on the eve because of this retarded bullshit
thinking about that and its making me really sad
hope that when i reincarnate ill be a cooler guy
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imagine having literally every day of your christmas shat on and laid the fuck right out by your OWN fucking government
just how fucking corrupt and evil must it be to accidentally manage to achieve things like that???? picture very related
yes this is exactly like renaissance italy *gestures to wide expanse of plains, emptiness, agrarianism, bossnigger fiefdoms and cattle ranching* 
t. americans
yes my government is led by the antichrist
t. me
omg when did we get our own isrealiposter
i wonder what my name is in latin
i guess i get to just make it up
if you respect yourself then you should hurry up and choose a latin, greek(old kind not gay kind) and japanese name for yourself
oh yeah i forgot to say this
the 50 million people in mainland china or however many there were there should all convert to traditional chinese
japan needs me to save it
actually always thought this would be very tricky, a lot of those construction zones on the side of the highway are small and have a lot of precarious hills, and what if the big machine gets stuck and what if i don't like it being hot and dusty and ESPECIALLY (i know this because i drive arohnd an airport cargo tractor for a while and did forklifts) what if I feel so slow and clunky in the machine like as if I stuck in it and anything could go wrong with it and when its being slow or uncooperative it makes me want to cry in exasperation and scream. at least with physically lifting boxes and furniture myself, i can trust my bodily autonomy
was wondering what the fuck is up with this post and then realized in the latter half that its a jimpost
hello jim hows it going man
it's actually pretty rough right now, i freaked out in front of my family, my brother and his boyfriend, ive been sick and miserable, the person im seeing is playing with my feelings and i dont think i will ever find happiness or even peace in life, ive been dealing with drug cravings, i finallt caved and bought some kratom which is the only reason im able to type anything right now, my job is stressing me out, i feel suffocated by my mother, my father also makes me feel emasculated, its all my fault, i hate myself, genuinely with every fiber of my being i fucking hate myself, im coming to understand how serious my anger issues are, im making things awful for everybody, i fucking hate being alive, i have less hope than i ever have.
well i'd like to help you but your life is clearly too big for a man on the internet to help you out so i hope that at least the intent is understood
have you considered distancing yourself from your lover if she's(already) causing you some problems, seems like its mostly external factors right now that are causing you to stress out and re-rely on drugs and self-hatred
ive distanced myself twice already like definitely, and regretted it and "got them back", couldnt help myself. so now i really am stuck. because if i do that one more time, it's like betraying them, and i care about them at this point and couldnt do that
i feel like you've spent a good portion of your life being strung along by things that you yourself do not trust, simply because they give you a temporary feeling of wellbeing and attachment to the world. obviously the right thing to do would be to find ways to be at peace with yourself and with the world without any negative side effects but it's not so simple is it
hope you get better mate
got the solution for you 'im
come to argentina and leave all the trite behind
change your name to javier or something and say youre from texas and make a new life. maybe as a patagonian sheep herder, or construction man
hm just wants an indentured serf
is there any problem that cant be solved by moving to la plata
escaping hyperinflation and loud brown people
hyperinflation is being escaped now and eventually well have a gold pattern because the free competition of currencies will make the dollar be eventually displaced
loud brown people arent actually loud, nor brown here
i was really quite drunk last night but drank an entire bottle of water before bed and didnt have a hangover this morning
ok remember how i was moping around in 75 i had a mood swing and we're back now, forget all of what i said. everything is cool
i had a big pan cake and now i feel like shit
a pain cake eh
death to niggers 1488
i will rape erdogan to death and sell his family to a chinese workshop
woke up at 23:30, passed into 2024 in the restroom
brother got poisoned after eating a burger, i got my internet cut for no reason, and various other troubles that have targeted this freakish family i want no part in
i want alcohol -_-
in turkey, argentina is already a superpower
well no its a nameless shithole
so basically an alternate universe turkey where instead of being in the old world its in the new world
writing my manifesto as we speak
on the jews and their lies......wait thats not it!!!
*writes the hit book "on the georgians and their lies"*
>Flanagan asserts that "European civilization was several thousand years more advanced than the Aboriginal cultures of North America both in technology and social organization"
>While appearing on the CBC television program "Power & Politics", he called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be killed. "I think Assange should be assassinated," Flanagan stated, before noting to host Evan Solomon, "I'm feeling pretty manly today."
>He was asked about Stockwell Day's claim that a lawyer that defends a person against child pornography charges is defending the legitimacy of child pornography. Flanagan responded, then made a "side-bar" comment: "But that's actually another interesting debate or seminar: what's wrong with child pornography, in the sense that they're just pictures?"[54]
>One of the protesters, "Levi Little Moustache," stood and quoted Flanagan's 2009 comments on child pornography. Flanagan responded that "I certainly have no sympathy for child molesters, but I do have some grave doubts about putting people in jail because of their taste in pictures. I don't look at these pictures."[58]
>Levi Little Moustache
why are nativoids like this
>he called for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be killed
kikeikeikeikiiekikeikiekikeikeikeikei KIKE SCUM
uhhh i decided this world is crap
*destroys it*
ugh i wish
i officially call for the turk to be killed
well why whats up
i mean i DO want to be killed but i dont get why YOU want me to die
i support the turk's right to exist
no dont
raki tastes so fucken bad urgh
the name sounds like a fantasy drink that orcs would make
it tastes like liquid ceramics and looks like it too
probably IS
is it made out of milk
no its kaka ve çiş
glad i could be of help
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i call for joe biden to be killed
this is a good film
rally in the streets
vote for partido reactionario in the sheets
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this is what the japanese should have done in real life, gas all amerikikes
hey speaking of
wtf am i looking at 16
figure it out -_-
retard indie movie made by mentally impaired peoples
seen like 100 dead cats lying on roads in my life
wish i were like them
here are two other scenes maybe theyll strike ur fancy
no it all just kind of looks tarded
what i want is imperial eloquence or a coarse attempt at it by bright young men
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ugggghhhhhhhhhh beer really tastes 10 million times better than this raki
and thats saying something
feels like im gradually losing bodily autonomy
i can for example suggest myself to do X or in rare cases force myself to do Y but most of the time my body just moves freely and does whatever it wants
the jim of the east
had a terrible thought
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ugh just like me
so water you up to mates
having fun with your families or what?>??? personally i got riled up by the alcohol and had a japanese nationalism episode and that made me want to vent in some gsg but theyre all shite and i dont wnat to waste time downloading and playing one
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animeing nothing else really
just getting ready to eat dinner
wtf is this meme langauge
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pictured: average american politician
it's not too bad
pretty sure we've already talked about all the fake global languages at this point
well yeah we talked about them but its not like we did a thorough analysis of them
all i could figure out upon seeing it was that its not a natural language and that it borrows heavily from latin languages
i've just thought of something
vns are kind of like stage plays
the characters stand around reading their lines with minimal moving or special effects only the background changes
>After France became the dominant power in the latter area in the 19th century, Algerian Lingua Franca was heavily gallicised (to the extent that locals are reported having believed that they spoke French when conversing in Lingua Franca with the Frenchmen, who in turn thought they were speaking Arabic)
now THIS is a real language
won $20 at poker
saw a mudslime diaspora(or paganoprod i cant tell between the two) and told him what he needs to know, namely the fact that he'll be a lot happier if he blows his brain our right now
one good deed a day and all that
but i do seriously think its funny how at this point its impossible to tell the differnece between internet mudslimes and paganoprod american freak schizos anymore
a paganoprod a muslamoprod and a paganocatho walk into a bar...
all look same
all three give their tip to the jewish bartender
6 years of tragsg......
6 years of tragedy
just realized that the last 5 years have all been the worst years of my life while they were active
its never changed for me
neverending suffering
well at least i managed to get the anime girls to wish me a happy new year right at the turn of the clock instead of being pestered by relatives
i was stuck in the toilet right as it changed into 2024
its 10
out of 10
its 2014???????
this is the least intoxicated i've been during new years since i started consuming beverages
i just want to crawl and die
nothing stopping you unless you got no arms
just need to find a way to die
never got how that suicide where you stuff your head in the oven worked
i read about that once i'm not sure it works
you burn
meant to write average politician
i think you inhale the gas until you pass out
what if you got an electric oven
then you have even more reason to kill yourself
yeah think about the electricity bill
got too drunk last night to get drunk tonight
maybe i'll have one souju
>wow what are you yapping about buddy DAMN if i wasnt paying attention youd tell me the earth was flat and bill gates is buying all land to make people infertile
first reaction after me to the paganoislamoprodoid
may i suggest sake instead
dont have any
got a decent amount of fireworks this year 
much more than i expected
the ones here got mixed up with loud screaming and it just sounded like a city in them iddle of fierce fighting
i was pissing at the time
doing nothing because i dont want to be doing something while the year starts
im listening
for me it was like being in the ukraine
i couldn't see anything in the sky but the roof and walls were lit up so i think my neighbors was setting off a bunch
neighbors are being stupidly noisy
really cute picture of my bro
resisting temptation to post
*gives you the evil eye*
will you give me death if i pretend to be gay
how about eternal suffering
already have a few dozen
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-posted from my cold dark room
cant tell whether i should spin myself around to being positive and stay awake for a few hours or sleep now sad
woke up 8 hours ago
happy new years
i guess
it literally started with listening to sad songs and crying and i doubt itll end in a better fashion
switched themes
added a serif font
you are all going to look a lot different this year
different face on the same old suffering man
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going to watch this thing burn
about 150m away from it
paganoislamoprodoid ritual
since when are cartoons religious idols moran
it looks familiar but i cannot tell what they are
starting the year with heartburn
"largirucho" or some sucho
we burnt it down
the anthem started playing
that metal trash pole thing is a hallmark of third worldism
no you dont get it theyre symbols of the saviours of the argentine republic
most houses don't even have that here they just throw it by sidewalk
got one of those japanese fortune slips and it told me i have the worst luck(they used to tell it to you in even worse terms before but past some point they started getting censored)
off to a good start i reckon
hope they at least gave you a cookie with it like the chinese do
what??? cleanliness is third world???? ok garbagedump man
they would be plastic bins
*gives you a plastic bin together with your worst luck fortune*
yes we love plastic here in the estrogen world
t.pasty suburban starbucking wigger

here in real countries we have steel to hold our trash
it has advantages such as not being able to be blown over by the wind or tipped over by some dog or nigger
took me a while to realize that its the trannyguy whose shittalking estrogen
2 minutes is not that long give yourself a pat in the back
hm hasnt modded hitler in awhile his name should be changed to tg
i think
i will
go to
its funny because both of those are board names
anyway tranny thinks bidet will win by a landslide shes doom moding
personally i believe trump will win easily since biben has destroyed the economy
hmmm yeah real interesting discussion we got for ourselves will kike #1 win or will kike #2 win(in america its illegal to have more than 2 kikes trying to become president at the same time)
uh oh here it comes
yeah fuck it im going to bed
kill me in it
cant bear more bullshit
need to get back into listening to nsbm
what if the trash pole was plastic
starting the year off with waking up at noon
cant bear more bullshit
the bad news is: another year of bullshit
the good news: the test worked
the autest
had earthquake and tsunami
many such cases
ugh...its just like mein president is right here...
oh theres apparently some meme theory going about claiming that the earthquake is manmade
source: uhhh things cant happen
el manemoto
oh its the year of the dragon???? my time has come....
need to clear my head
me too its filled with shit
i've read so much stuff already
i told myself i wanted to read more this year but this is excessive my mind can't keep up
me i want booze
made some fish burgers for the tranny
just like at home :)
only beef and turkey and be a burger
apparently open alice is out or somethign
anyone wanna try it

i heard it runs very well
they made the borders and the fonts ugly
as such, i will never play it
i dont even play vic2 anymore why would i play vic2(tranny)
its a new vicky2 for a new generation
i think ancaps were really onto something with the idea of the NAP
a lot of morality based issues are solved by the simple idea of "dont fuck with other people's shit"
it will always descend into barbarism
all gang of armed niggers can just say your shit is theirs
well sure if we treat the rest of it like you're an ancap
but in even a moderately functioning society, i'd even use current society as an example, whats mine and whats yours is very clearly defined
and im mostly talking with the idea of like...crime
like there is literally zero reason to ever break into someone's home or to rob someone, these are morally objectionable concepts and should be punished accordingly
if you are going against morality that's a bigger issue than going against law
normal people (white men) already have the idea of NAP built into them and act by it at all times
we just need to teach the other races the idea of NAP too
*stares are you with my mouth open drooling*
what's wrong with barbarism
everybody thinks they are going to be the big strong bossnigger and not one of the slaves in the salt mines
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i dont WANT to be the big strongman, i just want people to not commit crimes with victims
"states" didnt exist for 90% of humanity's time

states naturally have emerged from "anarchy"(statelessness) anyways, not the other way around
i dont have an issue with the state if im being honest
also frankly being a slave in a salt mine is better than working 90% of modern jobs
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big fan of when there are too many things to do at once so i just end up doing nothing and wasting time
planned on doing three things today and i did them
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thought the fish in the third one was moving because of the earth quake at first
i love having breakfast
but i also love sleeping until noon
it's quite the conundrum
>Ukraine officially celebrated Christmas on 25 December, instead of 7 January for the first time, following President Zelenskyy’s decision in July to abandon what he called “Russian heritage”.[119]
bobodimir zogensky has officially announced that ukraiyn would be converting to judeo-catholicism
reunification with poland soon to follow
youre a bit late
there is no loneliness greater than that of a targeted individual
wtf this isnt about argentina!
*cries and deletes the whole board in rage*
is there any point in talking about anything BESIDES argentina
heard it makes you more popular among women(biological)
prefer women(animated)
women enjoy fun guys with interesting things to say who arent weird quiet incel freaks who only know about videogames 
argentina scores women
holy shit bros this "hitler" guy is so based!!! apparently he killed all the blacks and browns!!!! why didnt you tel me about such an epic guy before
get coffee in this maount of minutes
(##1d20) Rolled 1 dice with 20 sides = 10
the die looks like its made of cheese
>Ricarte never took the oath. He was deported to Hong Kong in February 1903 and secretly returned to the Philippines in 1904. After being arrested and imprisoned, he was deported in 1910 to Hong Kong in 1910. He moved to Japan, living in Yokohama and returning to the Philippines in mid 1942, while the Philippines was under wartime Japanese rule.[6]
ugh indeed
i am starting to get really sick of stuff like le third world poo man no35829357023975 living in japan with all of his expenses taken care of
the poo man could be a you man some day
too white and god hates me too much to give me anything but pain
does this one make you feel better
no because its literally just fake and intentionally misunderstood trite
the funny thing is that it really is jim
saw some more retarded trite
ill read some book to get over it
normally i would eat some food but i have none left now
if i had to play a gsg which would you suggest me and what campaign
super hard mode: no argentina related suggestions allowed
ohhhh i found some great quotes
ill throw it all your way later so make sure to read it :)
in posts we trust
ok nvm theres too many great quotes
i like it when a book does that, when i think i found one good line but then it just shits out a dozen more like its nothing
*literally fukken dies before any of you*
as for me ive got a sudden violent urge to create......something!!!! anything!!!!
create the first turkish VN
failing that make a traditional steppe wood carving
yup sounds epic itll be the story of the first turkish girl to go to japan and shell have a yuri harem there
you know what i like
when any girls go "...-tte"
well no not any girls ANIME girls
and she'll have a little imperial secret society and theyll go around every night hanging brown immigrants
yeah just do something
just write a fanfic or something you don't have to put it in any effort or do anything fancy just get some experience and 10 years from now everyone will be crazy to buy the unreleased first manuscripts from the renowned turco-japanese author
you called??
kemono friends
"Ah, Zackaroff! I can see myself now. Hero of the Soviet Union,
from grenadier cadet at Stalingrad to general in the artillery, com-
mander of the northern bank of this blasted Amur ... And all of a
sudden, a year before I'm supposed to retire, they're going to turn
me into a butcher of women and children! ... Well, all we can do
now is figure how much vodka we'll need to make those Chinese look
as if they all have uniforms. Then we can shoot them without a
second thought. ... What do you see? What's happening over there?"
"Of course. And in each one there's a damn little Chinaman who
speaks Russian, and thinks he's the star of some second-rate play. A
few words from him, and we're all going to burst into tears!
'Proletarian comrades of the great Soviet Union, the time has come
to return to the Chinese people, in a spirit of brotherly love, these
Siberian lands so long a part of their sacred ancestral home. Our
women, our children, our peasants stand before you, helpless and
unprotected, your brothers and sisters, here to open your eyes, to
show you the truth and reclaim what is theirs. Please don't shoot.
We're unarmed. We're just poor, humble folk trying to make our
way .. .' And blahblahblah, and more of the same! ... Well I'll tell
you, you have to watch out when you talk about poor, humble folk
to other poor, humble folk who haven't heard anything else but poor,
humble folk for some sixty-odd years. You might just take in a few,
don't you know!
>We're caught in the clutches of the
great hermaphrodite, Zackaroff. We're all its serfs. And we can't
even cut off its balls!"
going to memorize that so i can quote it from memory at any given time
"Time was, we would
soften the enemy up with a few rounds of fire. Today they just pound
you to hell with their bullshit. The world has had enough of us,
Zackaroff. I think it's time we quit ... "
fukken sick of this
get in line
heart at 200bpm
hope it finally stops
aircraft crashed in japan
a MA722 fixed wing of the coast guard slammed right into(or grazed or whatever) a big commercial plane filled 380 or so people, which set it on fire
5 people in the ma722 died but all the rest are alive somehow
japan just cant catch a break mates its not fair i need to genocide some chinks and niggers and kikes and arabs to get rid of this pent up feeling
live footage
>If you are spooked on seeing the unhygienic,dysentery and vomit inducing indian street food then it’s the time to learn about “Panchgavya” - the ultimate food which billions of indian consider holy. “Panchgavya (pronounced “punch-guv-ye”)” is a mixture of cow dung, cow urine, milk, yoghurt and butter is essential part of kitchen of hindus.
ah yup.............
>Panchgavya: A precious gift to humankind
>Ayurveda recommends Panchagavya to treat diseases of multiple systems, including severe conditions, with almost no side-effects. It can help build a healthy population, alternative sources of energy, complete nutritional requirements, eradicate poverty, pollution-free environment, organic farming, etc. Panchgavya can also give back to mother nature by promoting soil fertility, earthworm production, protecting crops from bacterial and fungal infections, etc. Scientific efforts shall be taken to build evidence for the clinical application of Cowpathy. 
huhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?????/??/?/ // ?  ?? / ?? ? ? ? /  are ytou tlelling me to eat cow shit and piss??????
ugh now im thinking about panchagavya supremacist indians migrating to japan and getting citizenship there
maybe i really should do something to take down at least one of those people
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>can protect dna from destruction
ummm is this true!!!
big fan of how they just purged their entire history and culture just to back out on it and try to reintroduce to no avail
>Tonal languages 
just leraned about this
sounds like a pain
cant bear more bullshit
had a nice 24 hours that almost made me nostalgic about the days back when i was a child who had no proper food, clothing, nor roof and spent my days doing nothing but fighting off phantoms of my imagination and watching sailor moon on the shitty old tv
im fucking tired and not just physically
dreamt about napoleons legacy (the mod not the little man)
me i dreamt about napoleons legacy (the concept of)
found this after reading the cow dung article
today i saw an ancient battletoads meme and laughed
getting liquidated by lack of money
*starts sobbing*
the world is poo...
and i just cleaned the toilet
isnt it crazy how uhhhh ummm actually it isnt
all i see is poo
all i feel is poo
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argentine comic book writer, quino
cleaned billions of bugs
for me it was billions of kbs worth of files
not a single one good
dreamt i was back in highschool, sitting at the back of the class
teacher got angry at me for speaking too loud, called me a jew and told me to sit at the front
then i started getting really pissed and insisted that i am not a jew
then it turned out she was referring not to me but somebody else entirely
what could it mean
reveal your hidden heritage
a hidden post....
that happened 50 years ago and things have only gotten worse
brother and wife visited
at 2 am
its 430 now
theyre still here
i hate them for this
we need abswers
wonder if pumpkin tastes good
not really
thats actually really abnormal and bizarre
more or less did things today
more less than more
yes it very clearly is
they always visit at night for some baffling reason ive blogged plenty of times about them visiting at 1 am, 2 am etc
>Go Nagai Museum Burns Down After Earthquake
now its the stop nagai museum
but poors are crafty
yeah i saw the museum thing
rather sad about it, apparently it had a bunch of original manuscripts in it
wrote a big .txt and saved it on my desktop
hope itll let me clear up my thoughts
i have a few and a couple days ago my mouse went wild and drag and dropped one into the post box and i almost exposed myself for the whole world to see
a post is a post
tired of niggers
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>Is it just me, or when you get older, do you start feeling tired where you would have used to feel angry?
>yes.more than that, being angry itself is just exhausting.
yup thats me
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great idea actually
eating canned fish that might be spoiled
see you in valhalla
oh fuck i accidentallly gave some to the cat too
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guggugagaggggahghhghhhhhhhttyhg my fucking head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant focus and i cantthink and its all fucking OVER i cant think anymore its finished
erzählen, und die juden verstehen nicht
schlagen, und die juden verstehen nun
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yup really like camp of the saints, think it expresses the overwhelming rot in the western world really well
also i think this "marcel" guy(around page 85) is a really good sort of explanation of the average conservative or right-winger of modern times, especially the american ones
man im sick of all these politics
i just want to spend my days larping a latin speaking violently authoritarian and militant european union
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feel free to post
tragsg is my personal blog but i personally do not mind it if others post in it every once in a while
i just woke up
tired to incredible levels
its been.......16 hours since i woke up
and i feel like a fucking corpse
cant focus, but also in my body there's a sort of overwhelming resistance to any attempts to focus, my body just wants to go to sleep and not bother with any such thing
a kamen rider married haruhi's voice actress (the one who fucked a lot of people)
good for him(not)
he's an older guy who's been acting for a long while so im sure he's been around the block himself
the seiyuu of konata got married again
isnt that the haruhi va?!?!
yeah she got married to the haruhi va
ohhhhh okay
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if i ever take an iq test and my iq turns out to be 80 or 90 or whatever tell my mother that i blame it all on her for screaming every single word my whole life and me having to put up with her screaming nonstop for 20+ years, turning my brain into mush
imagine having to live with someone who speaks so loudly that you can hear her clearly 2 whole rooms away and with headphones playing loud music on
dont have to imagine
ugh...i wont explain why...but it would see the mayor of my city is a member of the german national socialist party who slipped through a time stream -_-
me the mayor of MY city likes gnocchi
gnocchi with ___
the taxpayer's money
demure demiurge
me an cass carried a full size couch up to the 3rd floor
hms tranny is nowhere near as helpful as mine i guarantee it
i waited hours for posts and this is what i get
everyione is still recovering from the new years
personally i'm recovering from eating garbage
well yes yours does steroids and mine does the laundry 
quite different uses id say
thinking i should induce psychosis so theres never a dull moment
the tragsg annual trannyathalon
who will sign up this year
my vote goes to the mysteryman who exists
*gives you the evil eye*
the evil eye only works on africans and moslems
Replies: >>42423
poor turk he takes double damage
thats why i dont give it to him
94 no they dont dothat
how many are they????
how many whats
how many notdoers of roids????? they must be pretty weak
i dont do them
who needs roids when you're already on meth
anyway the tranny doesnt do shite because I dont AKS her to, but IF i did im sure shed do more than your poor malnourished crass because mine has 2 heads and 50 pounds on yours
feel like this is literally how slaveowners talked about their slaves
kids used to argue who's dad could beat up other peoples dads
now they argue it but with trannies
MY tranny would beat up YOUR tranny
id put $20 on it
sicko thread
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how's this for a change of pace i dont even remember which this is it might be a very homosexual one
grim how they went from ww2 to this
but it's cool
ich hasser dieses maus
yeah same
holy fuuuuck saw someone listed as "born in 2004" and thought "holy shit what a child" but that makes them TWENTY (at some point this year)
i consider anyone born after 99 to be an alien
dont do that to me
Replies: >>42425
ill do this and more
woow i've been bored for hours and after finally thinking of something interesting to do i take a quick break to scroll through 4chan and completely forget what it was
*gives you the ploid eye*
yeah haven’t you realized, people born in 2006 are going to be 18 now
noo i thought about having a cute little daughter for 1 second and now im already crying
its fine because she would hate your guts anyways
what if i tried really hard to stop being a drooling retard
have a daughter and it turns into jims tranny
have a son and it turns into the hms tranny
have neither and you turn into...
mein dach in stücken ist
i have a tiled roof too
Spoiler File
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laughed out loud did not see this coming even a bit
maybe this show can win me over
>Flyboat working (see § Boats below) virtually ceased, as it could not compete with the railways on speed and the boatmen found they could only afford to keep their families by taking them with them on the boats. This became standard practice across the canal system, often with families with several children living in tiny boat cabins, creating a considerable community of boat people. Though this community ostensibly had much in common with Gypsies, both communities strongly resisted any such comparison, and surviving boat people feel deeply insulted if described as "water gypsies". 
nevermind it didnt win me over that was bad television
maybe if you add some liquor it can become good television
ran out of content to consume
what now
make your own
s that the new mahou shoujo thing
i dont like anime like that theyre too desperate to show off sexual footage and uhhhh "base"(cant remember the exact word) jokes
maybe i really should sign up to some romanian monastery
i want to see some cute girls right now
huh according to that table its quite close to white language
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no it was macross delta
but i do know the show you're talking about it not watching it either
ok ok get this
a combination of latin and ancient chinese...... BUT with koine greek grammar
think it could be big going to start working on it immediately
you have my complete monetary backing
(30 cents and hotdog without the sausage)
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grimaced when i saw this
just think what the guy who intends to learn literary chinese with no prior experience with any asian language will do when he opens the first page and sees this with no explanation or addition(he's the reason im even looking at this stuff)
also i have to say i really dislike this stuff in this page i can read and understand them just fine but have to go section by section and everytime there's multiple possible meanings for the text that appears and i have to squash them down one by one via common sense
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(1st volume out of 15, a series of dictionaries on kanji used in literary chinese, their readings and meanings as well as history explained in both japanese and in literary chinese(this 1st volume here has 1449))
my browser chugs violently everytime i move this fat piece of shit by 1 pixel
cant even imagine using it daily honestly fucking terrifying
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i feel like it's very telling how much japanese media involves the villain's big plan being turning everyone into one big spiritual and mental soup with no individuality
they them theyre they thou thy they roideth
also one interesting thing i got told about a by literary chinese guy a few days ago is that i read the things in a japanese way and unconsciously utilize japanese syntax
pretty sure this is what all the cultures of east asia did too, read the text in their own language and still understand it fully thanks to the kanji
like for example for the first part of text 1, 知命者不怨天
i would read it as: mei(命) shiru(知) mono(者), ama(天) ni uramanu(怨)
reading it all with japanese pronounciation, sort of translating it into a legible modern japanese sentence, and jumping all across the phrase, from one kanji to another, and connecting them together. the cool part is that all of this happens inside my head at the same time, subconsciously
so what does it mean
hellohow are you my name is wang
those who know fate do not resent heaven
2nd part of that text is; those who know themselves do not resent people
also among those 3 texts i actually managed to get all of them right the first time i read them BUT the 1st one
in that one i confused mei(命) to be inochi "life", but it actually meant "fate" in this particular case
un mei
dos mei
tres mei
umm did you mean dos as in DOS or as in doss or as in dox or as in 2
t.average chinaman
dos as in dossier
my cat is like a heat seeking missile but for vomiting on my clothes
like theres an entire house to puke on
am i really meant to believe you just so happened to vomit where my clothing is
uhhhh it just means it really loves you bro
t.retard catologist
reporting in
every thing hurts
death preferable
it wants attention
t.amature felinist
the attention of the fist and boot
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reference picture
wowwww that last macross delta movie was very very good
cant believe how bad the original show is when that movie worked great
wowww noposts
watched the first episode of that dungeon meshi never read the manga
seems rather fun will continue watching it
so did something ever happen with the fish thing
they started coming out of the water and breathing air
those are your ancestors
yeah yours are still swimming
watching gaogaigar now
watch gogiegluger
speaking of geoguesser i was playing a bit on argentina the other day man what a stupid place EVERY city has the exact same road names it's belgrano this malvinas that maddening stuff
better a peron avenue than a saint floyd street
oh yeah the maps were from 2023 so i saw a bunch of election stuff too
like a peron monument with "viva milei!!!" painted over it
what do you call that thing you put clothes on? a hanger?
that thingfell off now and wont get put back on no matter what i do(its glued onto the outside of the closet)
a hanger yeah
that's gonna be me in a few years
yes and thats a good thing
it builds national character and consciousness 
we have our big men that we like
no no mate not THAT peron street it's the third one down the favela
wtf but you told me ck2 isnt realistic
ck2 is the most historically accurate video game ever made
no retard he means amongst different city
like youll have a 9 de julio in 100 different cities, an independence street in another 100 cities a constitution street in 100 different cities and so on
and obviously they dont repeat in the same city
fascinating how theres no western equivalent to this stuff since they didnt use a bizarre alien bone scratch pictograph system to write in
well theres latin
woman cuts up 5 people in train, in japan
would be an e1 if they were kurds
isnt that the thing that happened yesterday or did someone go apreshit on ANOTHER train
amazing how its completely quiet with nobody there
if that was america niggers and browns from across the landed would have already flocked there to pick through the rubble and set stuff on fire
swear i posted something but i guess not
its entirely possibly that no actually posts have ever been made and this whole thing is a delusion
thats the plot of my game
the imaginary game
no its right there in my drive
*car alarm and tire screeching sounds in the distance*
i'm getting too self conscious about my typing style i try to mix things up even here to some degree but it's just not feeling right i think i might start doing the thing where you run it through google translate a few times
for me its filenames
switching between capitalization styles and your sentence spacing and use of commas is enough to fool the ploids on the 4
yeah but what about the federal government
used to name images "image" before posting them but then i noticed the bigger was doing that so now i dont know what to name them
for a while i was reusing 4chan time stamps and changing some numbers around but then some schizo pointed out that the images i was posting had stamps that didnt line up with the times any copies of an image had been posted in the archives
ploids are the federal government
i mean not showing up on the archive is kind of the point when you make your own random filename like that
depending on what kind of image it is i just throw it in the archive and download it with a couple with original filenames to use in different situations
i remember back when i was on the other /vg/ generals i was being a complete autist about typing styles, content posted, frequency of images posted and filenames
had like 5 different personas and would sometimes larp as the weirdo discord cults so as to discredit them, nobody ever noticed me or found out
thats because nobody cared
no no everybody did
it was a general filled with freaks and schizos and constant offtopic bullshit and i got plenty of replies everytime i posted
that generals name? tragsg
no it was the danganronpa place
grim but it could have been grimmer
well i never posted there "seriously" if thats what youre worried about
nigger soup
had my fill
head spinning body hurting
i take a shit
flush, then stare at it as it slowly disappears into the grand nothingness.
it stares back.
am i a human who is dreaming of being shit?
or am i a shit who is dreaming of being human?
Books make happy learn understand everything read easier. Read little end reading okay. Know things okay too. Reading big adventure find new words books friends help understand world. Words mean confusing okay. Still learning matters fun journey go more find cool learning awesome! Every day, read books, happy learning many things. If don't understand everything, reading more make easier understand. Even read little, seems like end reading more, okay. Know things okay too. Reading like big adventure find new words stories, exciting. Words books like friends help understand world. Think words mean confusing okay. Still learning matters fun journey go more find cool learning awesome!
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ich bin ein nigger
und jude und mist und zigeuner und...
mein sheiße
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though that was a rocket in the thumbnail but its a man in a chicken suit!
what is a rocket but a featherless biped
>single, alone, spontaneously, Germany 
ach yes germany of course why not
then logically 独独 refers to gutter crown germany
feels like my brain is full of acids right now
its all in there, sploshing around
if only some posts would slosh around here
fuck i feel bad
i cant hold it in anymore
just want to drop dead and get this all over with
since there arent going to be any posts ever again we should all just get goteing
theres been plenty of posts lately why are you so uppity
i had too much to eat
i was going to make a post detailing how shit / was feeling but i'm feeling too shit for that too
somebody said i looked like i was dying of carbon monoxide poisoning earlier
whats the point of beds again
the ground is so much nicer
the jjapanese have it right
bugs live on the ground
beef lives on the ground too
before being processed into eatableform of course
standing on the ground is something other than living on the ground like a worm
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no man they lay on the ground and sleep like that
the one on the left even looks japanese
its all the same when you shit it back out matie
figuratively me
thought i was hearing scifi alien music outside but it was just the kitchen sink dripping water
of the sink
i wish there were musicbooks
like an ebook but you have to read it yourself BUT depending on where you are a different background music plays and you could also have some sound effects in there i guess
thats called a sound novel
which is a vn without pictures
just found out that ck3 has a fun little bug
in gist it saves error logs directly into your drive, while youre playing
now heres the interesting thing: playing for 2 hours = 25gb error file
dont know what theyre pulling to manage something like this
no automatic management of the size either as far as i can tell so if you play for 50 hours you'll end up with a fucking terabyte file
its funny but not surprising
there used to be manga like that where each chapter has its own music that you listen to while reading
but it was just a fad and died
ate amassivvveeeee fuckking bowl of rice AND a big bread at the same time, constantly alternating betweeen the twoo
double the poverty
made a big gift to a big tranny
did somebody restart the website or did it come back on its own
i can attest that ive done nothing of the sort
the website fixer tool has never worked for me
why do you tards just NOT fucking mail the guy to fix the site!!!!!!!!!!!! its been dead for 300 years now because none of you mailed im!!!!
he already gave us the keys why would you harass that poor poor sod
the guy said he doesnt really check that email anymore and there have been two occasions where / did email him and got no response
one thing i noticed is that when i pull some sentences composed solely of kanji out me arse and put it into deepl it recognises it as chinese and gives decent translations
some stuff i wrote out of fun was
yup now i too am a scholar 0_-
well if you tards have the keys why not use them????????????
Replies: >>42594
whenever i go to do it it doesnt work
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works on my machine
it is a bit fucky though yeah sometimes it subtly changes translation because ?????
especially on that last one
man i am incredibly hungry
want some pasta with tomato sauce but theres just nothing to eat at all evenn outside that
geuss ill sleep
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was skimming this https://nichegamer.com/8-years-awful-localizations-games-anime/ and my eyes bugged out when i saw this 1
game looks like poo regardless
bet youd slobber all over it if the original resolution was 2x what it is
no idea what most of these games are honestly id guess theyre like... psp jrpgs or something
in general the horrific localization thing is not something that affect me because i havent the faintest clue what those games are
haha yeah mate
*goes back to watching crunchyroll subs and playing funky japanese games*
imagine if vicky2 had only been in swedish and you had to wait for the fan translation
it would probably be a billion times better
would be funny because all swedes are fluent in english so the only reason to that is spite
want to strangle eveery scandi that isnt finnish to death honestly
bunch of loud retards
wait until you find out about scandis that are finnish
back when the website first started the dying everything was still technically online you just couldn't post
but now what's happening is the whole server is breaking you can't even open the url or log in with the keys
thats a good sign
gotta eat big to get big
mind being corrupted but i dont know how to make it stop
build a mental wall by staring at the wall
thought it was read "big ender" for like 20m and drooled like a retard
so anyway whats the contignency plan for when the weebsite goes under for the last time
are we raiding the caca again or are we going back to trash or are we just going to type on the ywot until someone rememberes another bumker
we die
just get jim to cook something up
anyway after last time i'm pretty sure we're all connected through either mail or steam
cant remember if the mail i got messaged on last time was my real one or a temporary one
ohio and turk arent and also der winkmann (totally real poster)
wonder if the bigger is dating a tranny or became a tranny too (or both))
pretty silly how when i become president ill have to justify some nonsense secret meaning for what "hm" means that does NOT include hitler
.......or maybe it can include hitler.................
the anime girl told me 10 minute stretches every day for 2 weeks would fix any posture problems caused by sitting on the computer for too long
not sure i even have that but might as well give it a try maybe my body will feel better
think the reason chinks sound so ugly is because of the tones
anime girls are so clueless and suburban
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wish i could give anime girls a piece of my mind
to sleep
crying about the website being dead all day
making noposts all night
holy fuck why won't time pass it's only the 6th it feels like new years was years ago
reporting in
failed at life
massive suffering inbound
youtube recommended me a video called "doctor react to guts' trauma" and i felt a flash of murderous rage despite never having seen or read berserk
lived on anonymous sites for so long that i cant even act normally on non-anonymous sites anymore
started unlearning japanese
shallt be learning latin instead
the 2nd grear schism
amazingly long article for something that only 12 people care about
split in darts
united in tarts
    There's only one good mod, and that's hpm. Everything else is derivative trash.
should be reading now i think
me i showered
>As for houses that leak, the people leave them.
yes yes very funny joke chinkchong
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homicides per 100 mil habitants in a year is in single digits???? who would believe this stupid trite
TL note:
100 mil means 100k NOT 100 million
homicides per 100 thousand habitants in a year is in single digits???? who would believe this stupid trite
uh idk a normal person i suppose
for reference somewhere like turkey is like 2.5 while somewhere like germany is <1 and japan is like uhhhh idk 0.0001 
america in general is pretty violent
ruBia is nearly 7 xaxaxaxax the white nigger strikes again
murder rate has never been a good indicator for "violence" i guarantee 90% of those are drug dealers killing drug dealers
yeah i dont disagree with you
the place with the highest murder rate here is santa fe (mostly concentrated in 1 port-city, Rosario) which has been basically overran by narcos because thats a port where they can export the drugs (that come from bolivia and peru) from 
though obviously many innocents die nonsensically

also many of the safe provinces are quite poor 
and other unsafe ones are oil ones which i assume living in empty depressing places with long shitty isolated jobs makes people angry
having lots of murderous drug dealers is a good indicator of violence
minutely reminder that like 99% of the gdp of the netherlands comes from the drug trade and brothels(which is tied into the defacto slave trade from the balkans and east europe)
also i heard ecuador was at like 7 a few years back,but then there was soem sort of narco civil war-coup or something and now there all slaughtering eachother 

something more useful would probably be some index made up of like..... murder+thieving robbery+rape+general vandalism
yeah rosario-ansterdam is a huge international drug trade route they literally just ship containers full of cocaine and its all legal when it gets there
those nasty first worlders are always finding new ways to exploit argentina -_-
or rotterdam whatever its all the same country 
its fine because when milei launches the 1000th money laundering pardon all those billions from the drug trade will go straight to the banks and then they will give out credits with which we will build all our houses and new cities
the narcos will finance the mortgage boom
they also load it in paraguay since its all connected
you guys are not gonna BELIEVE what i bought today
is it... a plot of land in argentina
Spoiler File
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here it is
yep would you look at that he's really in a can
well im not sure if he's in there
it's so old i think its stuck closed and i dont want to force it open and cut myself and die of tetanus aids asbestos
what kind of place sells decade old tobacco
i love pringe albert
an "antique store" (read as: garbage dump) in an amish area
theres basically just an "amish" equivalent of a "strip mall"
so theres this "antique store", a boot store, a tool store, ect ect ect
also there was a funko pop store
well surely this is fate
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you can enter this website at any moment and see whats up with argentine power generation and distribution
hope your reactors explode
wheres the coal and natural gas
'ello...it's me...mr bigmac macarthur...argentina cannot be trusted with nuclear energy, therefore we will be invading
realistically though what else would they use them for aside from on britain
its "termico"(aka....) and 99% of that is gas we dont really "do" coal power
thought termico meant thermal power and i was actually impressed that it was such a big percent
yeah they just burn garbage and tires for fuel in argentina
argentina and brazil both had the bomb by the late 80s/early 90s but then that pesky wall had to fall and everyone knelt down to the americans and basically agreed not to build it
pretty retarded because instead of being like "well / dont want argentina to have the bomb t.brazil" and "well / dont want brazil to have the bomb t.argentina" we could have just agreed to both have it and tell the yankees to fuark the fuck off 

well anyway i'm sure sometime in the 2050s everyone will have nukes and we will have nukes too
well it DOES mean thermal power
when you burn gas that creates heat, hope it helped you understand
thermal means volcano power
global nuclear demilitarization is the only way forward
only jewish people are allowed to have nukes
t.new discovery from torah expert
*starts sobbing*
i just hate israel so much...
we did it bros egypt is saved
the indian armada isnt going to invade them!!
40 minutes later that post still doesn't make sense
first thing i see on this imageboard established 1 hour ago
the 1 million man strong indian armada decided to not try to pass the suez but to sail through the cape and then enter the med via gibraltar
the sharty raids really bother me because i dont get the humor of raiding literally random imageboards
sure it is just dumb cargo cult shite but people out there still want to post anonymously and that is only becoming harder and harder to do, why fuck with them
its not even le epic old/b/ raiding or anything they literally just spam ai soyjaks and then clap at their enormous wit
no fucking wonder theyre all 10 year olds and weirdo 40 year olds locked in the basement
yeah i mean like raiding stuff like habbo was "funny" becaue...it was a kid's game...so blocking of pools saying they're closed due to aids is "funny"
but this is just going to a place and smearing shit
the stellaris mental illness is creeping in again
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woah so this is the peak of art
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>Six days of rioting in Newark in 1967 left 26 dead, 1,500 injured, and the inner city a burned-out shell. In Detroit in 1967, Governor George Romney sent in 7,400 national guard troops to quell fire bombings, looting, and attacks on businesses and police. Johnson finally sent in federal troops with tanks and machine guns. Detroit continued to burn for three more days until finally, 43 were dead, 2,250 were injured, 4,000 were arrested; property damage ranged into the hundreds of millions. The biggest wave of riots came in April 1968, in over a hundred cities after the assassination of Martin Luther King.
wow so this is what the "great superpower" and "continuation of rome" looks like
>continuation of rome
nobody but thirdies say this
also that would make for a great kr even image
no ive seen dozens of americans say it.............................................on the 4!!!!!!
all brown mexicans
couldnt tell a mexican from an american to be honest
it all just looks the same
love that meme
flooding a country with your latinxoid mud people then turning around and laughing that they look the same as you
>History tells us what can be offered. Does anyone really feel that our time lives up in any way to history? We have these great machines and vaccines and we live longer lives and yet we are perhaps the most irrelevant people to the history books that have ever lived. But the icing on the cake is that in spite of all this, it’s not even like we really enjoy our lives in these wonderful material conditions. Rather, we live in cities filled with crime, poverty, drugs, broken up concrete, roadways littered with trash, our food supply is literally fake, I could go on and on.
uh yeah quite interesting take actually especially "we are historically irrelevant"
cities have always been shitholes and 99.9999% of people have always been irrelevant
he was referring to our countries and "the west" the "third world" not the average man
at least thats how i saw it
countries arent relevant unless there are grandi men to steer them
china existed for 40000 years and was irrelevant the whole time
ok but what happens when not even a single country gets a grandi....for a hundred years and counting!!!
suffering and mediocrity which are the norm
a kamen rider has the catchphrase "uchuu kita" which apparently is really awkward to translate (there are seemingly two accepted translations)
what would you translate it as
uhhhhhh i dont fucking know
i assume that its 宇宙来た! which is "space has come!" and i dont understand why there would be two translations at all
maybe he says 雨中来た! instead which has the same pronounciation but means "came from the rain!"??????????
yeah the "main" one people use is "space is here" but some other sub group just did "it's space time"
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━if you will
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a good example of 2d and its eternal superiority over 3d
i remember way back when i couldn't tell any anime girls apart now i recognize every one of them i've really come far in life
they should do an anime girl show where the girls are kanji
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reminds me of the boat game i used to play
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god i hate this retarded recent trend of making anime girls all fucking fat, no i dont care if the fat is all in the butt or breasts its still fucking retarded, what kind of freak would look at a 200kg ass and like it??????????
i already deal with enough obese women in real life man JUST STOP pushing this bullshit in anime too
have never seen a fat anime girl in my life
200lb of ass is a nier meme
well i made that post unaware of such a thing
die zeit ist gekommen
die zeit ist geheit
ugh she's 21 years old huh
still dont know what the deal with her is after all these years, remember being baffled that they let some random little kiddie talk about climate change and other shite and that everybody on the 4 was pissed
taking a glimpse at her wiki page story it all seems like incredibly crazy fake bullshit, also she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome
according to some random guy
>she has handlers, not parents or guardians
>they are clearly quite powerful and wealthy as these handlers are flying around everywhere in a private jet
>Greta herself is apparently on some hardcore vegan diet one that is quite extreme even for vegan standards and she also has some weird hormone thing going on like she is begin given capsules and what not and has even had some type of hormone surgery
funny stuff eh
the literal poster child for 21st century absurdism
oh look
88 files
imagine 88 posts
what an absolutely shit day it has been
i almost passed out from lightheadedness after taking too long in the shower
then i ate a slice of pizza and i guess it was too greasy because it gave me a terrible headache
i just feel so exhausted despite not having done anything and not even being awake for 12 hours but i'm not actually tired so i can't fall asleep either
dying from a shower
dying from pizza
yet still alive somehow
well for me it was another good day of taking it easy and doing some easy tasks
feels great not being one of the sickmen
your time will come young man
oh no, i'm sick, i just dont have a shitty life inbetween dying
im gonna go to bed but im gonna wait for the cat to fall asleep first so it doesnt fuck with me
glad i dont have a cat that pukes and pisses everywhere
she only pukes sometimes and she's old as fucking dirt so i dont hold it against her -_-
(but if i go to bed while she's awake she'll start walking all over my pillow which drives me fucking mental)
feeling federal
love when you look at normie internet and see a question like "what are the most insane political opinions" and people say things like "bet you didnt know that some people think stalin is...GOOD O_o"
going to go eat food
>If I had to baptise a Jew, I would take him to the bridge of the Elbe, hang a stone around his neck and push him over with the words 'I baptise thee in the name of Abraham'.
maybe this martin luther guy isnt so bad after all
its pretty obvious that she was just like a puppet, they would give her a lot of attention and publicity on purpose, its all very artificial. what i don't get is why, like of course its to get this young person they can control to be like a plant in the climate movement, but like, to what end? what's the point? just to do the same "uhh yeah climate change is all your fault, stop having kids, no eating meat for you!!!"?
for some reason retards forget that the catholic church was anti-jews for like 90% of its history
for some reason retards forget that the human race was anti-jews for like 90% of its history
genocided about 250gb from my drive
those poor anime girls and vicky2 save files....
*sobs as i delete my 18th fascist italy save game with the exact same borders as the previous 17*
hows it going with the tranny
has she left you yet
welppppp looks like i have no choice but to stomp my very energy out of this universe to be happy
wahey some more paint thinner raki
to be honest i think i look attractive
got good sharp eyes and a nice chin
heart is fucking dead though and i can barely think or speak
i look retarded and i am also retarded
i look normal and some women have paid attention to me whereas others havent
from my life experience it comes down to a lot more than looks
well yeah
i noticed how when you ignore women they usually just ignore you too
its made my life a lot more peaceful
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i hate how you cant dress like this anymore
nobody is stopping you...
well for one you can't really buy those sorts of clothes
maybe you could have them made for you........
was thinking earlier today about how when i get a daughter of my own i'll regularly speak to her in all the languages i know and my wife will do the same
the end result will be her knowing like 5 fucken languages natively by 15!!!
turkish child livin in japan posting on english imagebords
i think the biggest achievement ive had in the last 3 months was finding out about classical chinese, then immediately moving ahead to writing about wanting to fucking die in the language
it wasnt even a conscious attempt before i knew it i had written the thing
its kind of funny how milei and rosas look vaguely similar despite them being on the opposite end of things
milei looks like an offshoot of the human species
rosas...i dont know what he looks like
what do you mean how
he just has this weird little face
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what are you talking about idiot 
he just has a round face structure while being a bit fat but otherwise he's completely normal

whats abnormal is the hair, if anything
but thats what i meant anyway since he has big sideburns (like rosas and menem)
well yeah hair is fucked too
looking at the 2nd pic its clear that everything other than his eyes and brows is fucken weird
do you just not make or understand facial expressions
actually why am i asking youre very obviously autistic

thats just how an older fat person looks
well no im not autistic im a perfectly normal guy in a world of insane people
but yeah maybe ive been staring at anime girls and anime girls only for a bit too long
that 2nd picture he looks like a hobbit
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its funny how cartoons were meant to be more expressive and exagerated than real life people but everything got castrated so much that its all a series of power point slides wiht no animation or expression and now normal people make bigger faces than cartoons(anime included)
nope got no idea what that post even means or was meant to mean
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hes just some slightly fat guy man
why are you so angry at milei??? did you KNOW he used to be a GOALKEEPER?????????? at a profesional team (but as a youth)
have you ever seen a cartoon or anime
uh no im blind
nobody here is angry at milei
imagine instead of raiding people with frogs and wojocks shitposters spammed mileis
gross(not groß thats dıfferent)
raki is starting to hit
eww i dont like seeing men
t.raging homo
well yeah id rather see anime girls
all jokes aside ive got massive memory and attention span problems
just got to live with it i guess the best treatment i can get for them in this society is shitty pills that cost 8000000000000000000 liras per package and also make you a tranny
i remember the alamo
oh thats nostalgic
have you tried not hitting your head against a wall anymorr
both of these started around the age of 12 long before i started banging my head and punching myself as punishment for biting myself
every once in a while i hear people talk about depression managing to regress peoples brains in a physical way and when i think about it maybe that was the case with me too
but really this whole thing was just too sudden, what happened is that one day when i was 12 i suddenly started thinking like a tard all of a sudden and its been like that ever since
no gradual evolution or anything
have you considered watching peewee's big adventure to raise your spirits
never heard of the guy
he looks like a shitty copy of that one british guy, me and my father really liked that 1
same i still watch it sometimes
are you thinking of "mr bean"
personally never seen mr bean
i DID thoroughly enjoy his performance in "man vs bee" now that was a hoot
i've also watched the other comedy thing with the same actor although he actually speaks in that one instead of mostly grunting
it goes from medieval to early modern to colonial to ww1 with each season fairly entertaining but i still prefer the classic mr bean
ohhh wait yeah i think ive heard of that and was told it was funny
hey thats not mrbean
yup i like anime girls
t.man who just saw a bunch of ugly 3d girls
apparently in preschool a girl and i agreed to get married
my aunt sprung this on me recently and i feel like theres narrative importance to this
well then why didnt you
find her phone number
as for me its how i memoryholed that one blonde greek named cousin for like 10 years straight only to suddenly remember her
i put a cursory effort into finding out who she was when i was in town but its not like i have much recourse
like to imagine every turk has a greek cousin
well i mean theyre basically the same thing
its funny how i probably have some ancient greek blood
maybe i should just start larping as one
i have ancient european blood
maybe its time to start larping as one
*starts larping as proto-indo-european*
there is a slight urge to listen to asmr of cute girls speaking as i fall asleep but my soul is above it
i dont feel the slightest need for female anything
well yeah me neither but recently ive heard some really soothing anime girl voices and they made me crave more
again my soul is far too great to allow me to go out of my way to listen to them but i would be lying to say that i have no desire to listen to them
i dont wanna be me anymore
no i mean i dont even feel a thing when i see or hear anime girls any longer
sounds like illness
well you tell me if you think my state or jims is more desirable
i would earnestly rather be der turk
this comment has nothing to do with who's situation is better or worse, but i would rather be the turk
i mean if i was jim i could fix his life in 24 hours the turk is a victim of society
i think if you were jim youd instantly give in as soon as you got to experience a crumb of gf
still dont have the full picture on jim but yeah i'd be him
probably fix his life within 24 hours too unless his rationality is not being blocked by idiocy as we thought but a heavy dose of drugs and nanomachines by three letter organisations
i would convert to islam and then swap back
yeah if it was between jim and turk id defiantly be jim
though id be sort of curious to be the turk to see all the stuff in his life that he doesnt talk about (like what he actually DOES for a living or how he looks like or how retarded his parents are)
and if i had to be jim id just fly to argentina and meet myself (probably bring more trannies in too)
im not actually the turk though
the turk is the one who desperately wants an anime daughter
i just feel nothing towards females
ohh sorry...uhhh...what was your name again boy...erm...you're so much taller now it's hard to remember err...uh oh yes sorry tusc
my chair is kind of bent to the right
i've already tightened all the screws not really sure what's going on
ugh my good mate tusc
but what if theres hm.... and hm reincarnated to jim...then what appens when the two are in the same room!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*beats you to death retardedly*
well my appearance is how i described in 40
amazing how much of a non-personality tusc was
oh and as one may have noticed i have weekly breakdowns over how tarded my family is
tuscaloosa will probably become like...a dentist or taxman...that seems fitting for his specific brand of whateverpathy
wasnt tusc beeman
or are the personalities melting into one in my head
no beeman was some literal who, who owned bees, and was a "communist"
tuscaloosa was from tuscaloosa, his claim to fame being horribly terribly unfunny
tusc just blended too much with the rest of the early dixie posters maybe he had some unique traits but those were lost in translation
a bee for every man
his entire trait was just being unfunny as fuck and having that picture where he looks like a murderer
macon at least had literal genuine insanity going for him
macon isnt even special anymore now that all of modern tragsg is mentally ill
>Anonymous Fri 22 Nov 2019 20:34:05 No.26714300 
>no peronist ever called me a tusc
fantastic post
yeah i remember that
wat nao
the grave
wahey been waiting 25 years for that 1
the average tragsger will be 30 before the decade is over
30 feet under
oh yeah i saw this on the news
some old guy dug a 40 meter hole inside his house then fell inside and died
i think he was looking for gold
thats a really epic way to die
TRUMP Said: LLA(Milei's party) is a TRUMPIST movement
Peronists SEETHING that Donald isnt on their side
(funnily enough in this country both sides like trump. milei because hes anti woke and because hes generally pro guns and anti deepstate and conservative and so on
the peronists because of the personalism, the protectionism and other economic policies, and i guess also because of the conflict with the mainstream media)
that's like reverse american peronism
anyway my personal opinion is that obviously trump is way closer to classical peronism but not to the current kirchnerist peronism (and obivously trump doesnt fukken know anything about all that)
where the fuck were the voter vacation rewards then
american peronism will strip out all the gay communist stuff
theres nothig communist in peronism
in fact it helped so communism never spread here and they directly combatted socialist guerrillas

it only got infiltrated by capitaline ivory tower socialists in the 00s and theres many anti-That inside peronism itself, but as per the rules of peronism, you just follow the leader
well no the leadership is absent so its going to change
using the budget for anything other than nigger gibs and israels defense is communism
i like this word
i find it hilarious when i read some ancient text from 1000 years ago and it goes "ugh people these days only think about pleasure and money what has the world come to"
i bet if i read some ancient greek work from 10000 years ago it'd say the exact same thing
the suffering has only multiplied
slept 4 hours
clearly cant sleep more so ill just get up
had an interesting dream
was in a group of people and in it there was a chinese girl, all of a sudden she called uyghuristan xianjiang and my body started boiling, started cussing her out, told her that shes a turk too just like me because for generations all chinese have had turkic fathers, then i suddenly stopped after realizing my face is caucasian and not mongoloid, and started feeling my turkic ancestry ripped apart frlm me
then i woke up
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big fan of the stuttering british retard heer
anyways 2/3 of the book is done have YOU started READING YOUR BOOK other bookman??????? tell me about it
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had a dream that ai content was getting so out of hand and personalized that i saw a youtube bot video about me referring to my tragsg name
then i posted it here and somehow this alerted the bots to our presence and they started posting here
its ok we cant be raided because the board is basically invite only 
we should probably have an open board though what happened with that.......
problems with the open board
1. bigger (this is very unlikely at this point)
2. bots (remember jimguca)
yeah i meant as a place where some poor sod who forgot his password or where just some random lurkers could go and cry about wanting to get it
well / wont scream and cry if it gets unlocked to be clear, just wanted to share my thoughts
will you piss your pants though
you guys hear about the jew tunnels
yeah actually i "heard" no idea what its on about though
not sure why there arent more tunnel stories though, here in la plata, and in buenos aires, and in many other interior cities, all of them have stories of secret jesuit/governement/mason/whatever tunnels that connect random trite
well yes this is still breaking news (also very little info is getting out)
but the gist is they found some tunnels in a synagogue leading to various places wheres new york jewish people would hang out and riots were breaking out while the city was filling them and theres some funny clips of a man is full jewish attire just crawling out of a sewer
and so......... whats the big deal--------.................... 
unless they lead to like the white house its not some unheard of thing
well i dont know about "big deal" but i dont know about many other places that had literal secret tunnels that weren't up to code that proceeded to start riots when the city attempted to fill them
ohh oohh i get it the JEWS are RIOTING now that they are being filled??? okay thats pretty silly then
i mean even / got into tunnels, in high school there was a park nearby that had a sewer and you could walk throuhg the sewer to get into the zoo 
never got in though because there was a lot of poop to get through but we looked
you're talking a lot like a tunnel jew mate...
everyone loves tunnels
yeah but not everybody has secret organized tunnels that their select community knows about!!!!!!!!!!! this isn't just kids digging tunnels for fun mate they were crawling up out of the sewers
>they found some tunnels in a synagogue leading to various places wheres new york jewish people would hang out 
usual stuff
its crazy how utterly stupid and devoid of imagination so many americans are so they fall into these insane cults where people just regurgitate stuff from religions that already exist but say "yes but actually im god"
speaking of bygone days, the thing about macon is that he was on a medication that can make you see ghosts, and he was seeing ghosts. not saying that means anything or that he wasnt actually schizo it's just a funny coincidence
ohhh that is funny
speaking of blonde gays the tranny cooked some food without me asking shes starting to learn to be useful
still patiently waiting for the episode where the jig is up and you both get honor killed
me im waiting for the one where the jim is up
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cant believe we hit the story arc with moleman jews
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dont like jews to be honest
I always heard 100 years of solitude was the best book of all time, absolute masterpiece.
Just read it, idk if im autistic but it just seemed like a bunch of random things happening, with no overarching story. Just 2 people having kids then dying, then those kids having kids and dying, then those kids having kids and dying until the end.
What's the deeper meaning of the story im missing? Cause there's no way people love this book just based on the literal story
idk maybe read in spanish 
ihavent read it myself nor do i plan to
but i also never heard itcalled the best ever
the guy who read it explicitly stated that he did it in spanish
supposedly the only good thing about the thing is the prose in the original and outside of that its just a completely mediocre....thing....
remember reading years ago that .sov links will give you mega viruses
ugh yes the links of the soviet union
ughhh i fukken loveee potatoes
drawing my ire up there mate
for me its the galloping gaucho
nefret ediyorum
i might have said this already but i like those turkish words that end with [vowel]rum it makes me think of latin
-iyor is "is doing"
-um refers specifically to the person himself doing it
another turkish thought to close out the thread: i bet ataturk thought he was real smart when he came up with a "new" letter by removing the dot from the i but then typewriters and keyboards came around and now you need a special layout to write turkish and it looks odd on the computer screen should've just gone with a standard ` or ´

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