ohhh yeah i see
i do agree and thats what i meant with 09, the butthurt of many different men just crystallized in the internet and due to pretending to be some sort of coherent ideology by taking on the aesthetics of a specific old ideology(fascism, nazism, stalinism etc etc etc) it lended itself some legitimacy, and the lost youths clung onto them because those meaningless complaints manage to blend in perfectly with the actual ideologies that existed in the past that they dress themselves up as
the youth are attracted to stuff like internet nazism because of two different reasons, the first being the fact that there is a genuine need for the "outside world" to change, which is where the pseudo-ideology part comes in, and the second being the various personal worries of the youths themselves, which is why you see everybody shitting on women and whatnot(not that they're wrong, women are niggercattle, but they're usually shitting on women for either the wrong reasons or no reasons at all)
their worries regarding themselves are lessened by this sort of blatant bashing of elements(like women), so they just keep endlessly doing it, and the first people to even give out these ideas are all bitter 40-50 year old spergs, so there's basically an unlimited supply of groups to hate and reasons to hate, i think that this very nature is also why you see stuff like christian nazi vs islamoid nazi vs pagan nazi and the like
another thing to pay attention to is that 99% of internet nazis and other extremists dont actually have any sort of real ideology, in regards to the state or economy they have NO FUCKING OPINION or just a vague "uhhh gas the kikes???", but when it comes to social matters, things of little importance or which are not "primary causes" in and of themselves but are caused by other, greater things(such as the fucking state and economy!!!!!) and which are very easy to have an opinion on even if you're not "educated"