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occasionally watch 1-2 minute long videos on them on niconico and theyre all fucking weirdo mentally ill tards who keep "reincarnating" because they did something stupid and got their contract absolved by their company
still baffled that threads manage to fill up with posts still
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(reincarnating means starting over with another company and avatar)
spent all 14 of my hours doing nothing
now to spend 14 hours more
i forgot i said i wouldnt make the new thread and wondered why everybody stopped posting
they got tired of having to deal with you
i got sick from work 
been there less than a week
oops meant to write "of"
mates i want to go back
>Zero waste management is seen as a viable solution in stopping the proliferation of pagpag food.[6] 
ah yes genius idea just take away the food scraps so people will starve to death instead of eating garbage to barely scrape by
>In common use, pagpag means the act of shaking off dust or dirt. Pagpag is also a Filipino term for a superstition saying one can never go directly to one's home after attending a funeral unless they have done the pagpag.[15] This practice is observed to avoid the following of the dead's soul to the home of the visitor of the wake.[16][17]

seriously the philippines are so stupid the spanish absolutely ruined them well okay maybe they didnt have a way to go but the spanish did not help
should have just let the whole place get absorbed into japanese culture BUT also completely blockade it so you have a whole island of midgets larping as japanese and never allowed to the outside world
that would have been better for all
deb i og won
i ot to fiks my lyf
reading about medieval cursive writing
very bizarre stuff it feels so foreign compared to the simple alphabet we use today the letters have different initial/middle/end form just like in arabic and there's dozens of ligatures and sometimes half of the word is just abbreviated and you're supposed to know what it means
it's no wonder no one was literate in the middle ages
it all ALMOST makes me want to learn it and then write epic medieval cursive in my shopping lists
innit that just attack on titan
yeah and thats a good thing
going to drink coffee until the pain goes away
what a crazy technology
watched one of those voice drama things and it just made me feel like shit
dont get how people enjoy those
imagine if there was no internet and you could only listen to anime girls by tuning into the anime girl station on the radio
i wish
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>They say that when his head was cut off it leaped up thrice into the air, and at each time cried out CHRIST! CHRIST!
ill do the same but with anime girls
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got really conflicted thoughts when it comes to poland
poles and germans cant exist at the same time we either need to kill one or the other
maybe its time for polands place in the sun
end the fed!!!!!!!!!!!!
boy i'm gonna watch you die
no please dont watch
had an imported "turkish" delight"
did you know that argentina is famous for its turkish delights
but is argentina famous for its argentine delights...
no thats chile
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^ me paradropping into hokkaido
wonder what freud the fraud would think if he saw my actions
here we call the pope papa
fried pope
should want for myself the act of playing with cute girls
read that as shot myself for the act at first
well it is the quickest way to make yourself capable of playing with cute anime girls
found a cute girl in a dogshit game and it pains me to know that shes stuck there forever and that there is nothing i can do to help her
you could write a fanfic or draw some picture where shes in a different game
one of these days im going to accidentally crush a glass bottle in my rage and pump my body full of shards
wow a single glance at the japanese wiki page for jews reveals very clearly the fact that the little bugmen drafted up the whole dogshit modern constitution AND shows that a pedo freak kike from kyiv(formerly kiev) was involved in it
and here i was just harmlessly and with no bad intentions trying to check to see if this funky word i saw was referring to jews or not -_-
oh yeah also i accidentally downloaded a japanese book denouncing the niggerkike world government
no choice but to read it now eh -_---
what do japanese people think of milei
think hes a niggerkike and should be shot
^criminal bureaucrat syphoning up insane amounts of tax money to give out to brown people
also known as a peron
yeah peron wants to kill milei thats why we like him
uggggggggggggghghgghghgh dh asfr rhfs a       a gfs ag gs  ga gfaluv reading and understanding fucking nothing
like peron or milei
got the urge to scream for help again
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for some reason my brain convinced me that was going to be yume nikki related but it wasnt
the real yume nikki was us all along...
Good morrow, MONGRELS ^_^ I’m Willy and I'm the unquestionable kaiser @_@ of GroBgermania <3 and one adores mein reich!!! Alright so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of mein life when I met mein hot waifu MITTELEVROPA!! <333333333 OMFGZ SHE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^________^

    When I traversed onto Wilhelmstrasse =^__^=I looked up and saw…MITTELEVROPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ GOTT MIT UNS !!!!!” I yelled nn then she turned chibi then un-chibi!! she looked at me [:3] and then she saw how awesome der kaiser was *_* she grabbed mein pickelhaube and winked ~w^ then pulled me behind a schnitzel shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HER TOUNGE TASTED LIKE BLUT UND EISEN!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< *(^O^)* *(^O^)* *(^O^)*] then I saw an atrocious underserving mongrel watching us and I could tell he was undressing her with his eyes!!!!!!! [ -___-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled “ YOU MONGREL, THIS IS MEIN WENCH WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH AFRIKA CAUSE MITTELEVROPA LIEBEN MEIN!!! (ò_ó)” then MITTELEVROPA held me close =^^= and said she would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (*O*)/ then we went to her fortress and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became junkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^__<)
thought that was a spam virus at first
ate a bunch of sour candy and my tongue hurts
ate a bunch of shit
could have done with a bit more salt to be honest
is 1 a neu or am i just dying of the parkinsons again
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me in the balkans t.ruk
big fan of how theres 2 turkes
make albanians into fuel
make turks into trucks
man you know what maybe what i REALLY need from life isnt to fight in a war and kill and be killed but to get a cute foxgirl and a cute wolfgirl and live a primitive life with them in the depths of the brazilian kongo(a week from now i will revert to my original position)
are the depths of the brazilian kongo really a place for wolves and foxes
no but its the only place left in the world that hasnt been destroyed by niggers and kikes
wk p
woke up and for some reason thought about the whole macon episode again
especially the part where he went to his girlfriends house and there were completely different people there who had no idea what he was talking about
It’s finally happening.

My old buddies have begun to look at old screenshots from our /gsg/ youth. The fools. Look at them giggling at the quirky borders they formed in the past. Pretending to enjoy themselves. They must be devastated to know that they once participated in trends. They don’t even realize that I spent years, painstakingly predicting future trends, analysing millennia of past grand strategy games, and every infographic on the internet for the sole purpose of building the ultimate empire. Something beyond trends. Beyond even time itself.

Preussen's original borders, Alsace-Lorraine(slim fit), Austria(also slim fit), and the Baltic if I’m in a fun mood. This is it. This is what I’ve done day after day for over thirty years. My entire youth dedicated to these borders. This is victory over Johan. This is timeless.

The fools continue to enjoy themselves like idiots. If only they’d have done what I have done they wouldn’t look so stupid right now.

A screenshot of mine finally appears. Just as planned, it's Preussen's original borders, Alsace-Lorraine(slim fit), and Austria(also slim fit). There’s nothing to say about my perfect Grobgermaniums. A tingling sensation takes over my entire body as decades of work finally come to a payoff.

They go to the next picture. It's Preussen's original borders, Alsace-Lorraine(slim fit), and Austria(also slim fit). Again there’s nothing to say. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up...
too be honest i was never a big fan of playing as germany 
it always turns into repeatedly beating up france and russia over and over again
did it maybe 3-5 times in me life
yeah for me its groBplatiniums
>One faction, known as the "Architects of Verity," uses their mastery over LLMs to uncover truths, fact-check widespread misinformation, and promote transparency. They design their prompts to extract hidden connections, analyze data at an unprecedented scale, and present information in a way that is both accessible and undeniable. Their LLMs assume the role of investigators and educators, tirelessly working to counteract the tide of falsehoods with hard facts and reasoned arguments.
>Opposing them are the "Masters of Mirage," a group equally skilled but driven by different motives. They exploit LLMs to generate persuasive, yet utterly false narratives, create deepfakes, and sow discord among populations. Their prompts are cunningly crafted to produce content that blurs the line between reality and fiction, making it nearly impossible for the average person to distinguish truth from fabrication. The roles they assign to their LLMs are those of agitators and impersonators, spreading misinformation like wildfire across the digital landscape.
wjha the FUCK are we talking about,
nobody is talking
voices in me head
voices in me tread
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excuse the tardo 4chan screenshot but i thought it really funny
thats probably all true
thats vaguely funny 
its almost as retarded as that guy who said they invented history from like 400 - 1000 or whatever period it was
i liked it when they said time was going loop on april 1st
i found a man named canman on the wild
i hate being sick!!!
actually i did too but i dont remember when and where
pu pu pu
pu pu pu
pupupu pu pu pupu
purururu pupupupu 
puuuruupuuuruuu puuuruuupuuupuuu
shalltst beest getting drunke
how did it go
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pi piripiri pi puri pi
pi pi
papua new guinea holding the line against the nihongo menace
why do people say that orange hair is "red"?
why does it have the korean thingy on the sides
color blindness
which sounds cooler: your hair is red like fire!!! or... your hair is orange... like tangerines
when you eat too many tangerines at once your throat feels weird t.expert
3 i just started it now
you know the whole brain implant thing
well i don't actually know anything about it but how great would it be if you could just "turn off" your ears and play whatever you want to listen from inside your head with no clunky headphones or anything
me neither
dont trust the white man to put things in me skull not one bit
so whos bidet getting replaced by?
by toilet
酔生夢死 suiseimushi (sui drunken + sei life + mu dreamy + shi death)
    idling one's life away; dreaming away one's life accomplishing nothing significant
in the future theres no way you're gonna be able to get fukken sick right
surely not think of all the vaccines
pretty sure bacteria are rapidly evolving to become resistant to antibiotics
so basically we're going to return to the medieval era
yeah but we'll have fukken...micromachines and beetleborgs in the future...or something
no sorry
oh...well...at least we'll have uhmmm.......south african brain implants...and 3d printed homes...
remember the guy who said we'll have colonies on mars by 2025
the future is gonna be such fukken shite!!!!!
but things HAVE to improve after all the 105 year old 5x heart transplant old money lobbyists die right
just 2 more weeks man come on cheer up
huh you know what russia punching through ukraine and sieging paris WOULD cheer me up...
by then the 80 year old lobbyists will become 105 year old 5x heart transplant old money lobbyists
maybe im not evil enough but...i just dont GET how so many of these people can do the things they do
and im not even making some kind of left/right divide here, there are just people in this world who earnestly lobby for "pump sewage into municipal water act" and "kill all the fukken pinguinos act"
HOW does someone end up like this??? it has to be proof of satanic possessions right?
pumping sewage into the penguinos creates jobs and is good for the economy
the jobs:
1. morticians
2. guy who pumps the sewage
3. guy who makes sure the sewage is toxic enough
3. pinguino pelt craftsmen
well yes it is proof of satanic possession
did you think we were joking when we told you about thej ews
would forgive the kikes if they got me a cute girl
my brain is so fucked normally now that i cant even tell when im drunk
why do i freak the fuck right out when i see spiders but when i see spider anime girls i feel only joy
i have a plastic cup in the bathroom with the tooth pastes and brushes and the other day i saw a spider scurrying away from it
my plastic cup never got bugs on it
so is it only me that gets extremely turned off and just all around deeply disgusted when a woman tries to "flirt"
like it just........KILLS my fucking positive emotions entirely, not even sexual but just all around
i think that women are not supposed to ever say sexual or dirty things
women dont flirt with me
well I have to deal with their attempts at flirting eveyday and im tired of it
-signed, absolutely trve post
sorry babe...... you're really cool and a good person but.... i already have an anime girl and we're serious about our relationship... theres just no room for you in my life
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what the FUCK
were you watching me when i said that or something/???? are you a fuckin stalker????? fucking creep
already saw that 1000000000 times over mate
something that makes me feel like an npc is all the music trite
i get 98% of people are npcs if we use this as a measure but to people who are musically trained you can tell them to imagine a D and they can hear that note in their head
and then you can tell it to make it move up by a 5th and then go up and down aand then play a chord and blablaba and they can (atleast somewhat) imagine that in their heads 

i'm not tone deaf myself and i can tell notes and some intervals apart when i HEAR them but to reproduce them accurately in my head is impossible 
so it makes me feel like those people who supposedly cant imagine anything 

and obviously theres also the super gifted people who have perfect pitch and can just read some sheet music and play out the entire songi ntheir head and be like "yeah it sounds good" or "uh no see theres a mistake here and here"
completely agree with 12 but also never had a woman interaction in my life
you can try receiving basic education in music retard that should fix you up
i probably have a much better one than you but the point is that its not something theoretical 
its not like 2+2 where you can "know" the answer its something you "experience". you can't "train to acquire an imagination"

well actually the truth is you can and i'm pretty sure you can improve your imagination and go from someone who cant see an apple to someone who can't, the same way as one can lose it 
and likewise with "hearing" specific notes, intervals, chords, whatever inside your head, you can also acquire it 
but its something that'd take years of practice and training and yes, to get to the point of your retarded reply yes i am educating myself BUT in the MEAN TIME its bothersome TO ME to feel as if you(royal) have some sort of disability (and you(you) have it too)
yes you can do both of those
no it wont take many years
>"i think im retarded because i dont understand music"
>"i probably understand more than you"
what did he mean by this
just how retarded are you, can you not read?
i dont think i'm retarded because i dont UNDERSTAND music
i think i am disabled because i can't IMAGINE SPECIFIC things in my head
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also the whole point with people is that only special people with "perfect pitch" (like 1% of the population) can actually, with accuracy, imagine specific notes and tell them apart inside their head, and everyone else's pitch is "relative pitch" so actually they cant imagine "an A" with perfect accuracy
but they CAN imagine (if they are trained) "a major 3rd" interval from "some" note X inside their head to another, and also you can develop a way to "remember" some specific pitch if youve heard it enough times, and then i guess reason it out from there
god youre such a retard
just fucking notice how ALL the people who can be told "imagine 1488 :)" and have the note 1488 play in their heads are ALL people who actually received education in music and have experience in playing instruments and that will clear up whatever trite youre imagining
you dont even need much experience or anything to even manage that
im actually retarded and even / can visualize (read as: hear) a scale in my head
thats not the point
anyone can do that just the same as anyone can imagine (or remember) a song
if i showed you some sheet music youve never seen before can you play it in your head though? thats the point
>are ALL people who actually received education in music
......yes........?  ??  ? ?? ??? ?? ?
and your point being
the point is that YOU who knows nothing about music naturally can not do any of these things
and about that thing about jacking off to sheets YES you will be able to manage that too if you waste a good half decade or decade with music
what even is your "concern" or whatever here
if i knew how to read sheet music i could do it i guess
>YES you will be able to manage that too if you waste a good half decade or decade with music
i know that
i SAID that
my point is that like you said it takes a lot of time and effort and its annoying that its not something that doesnt just come naturally (the same way just imagining an apple does. or the same way it does for people who received music education when they were gee I dont know 6 years old!!!) 
my concern its nothing i am just annoyed. like i said in the first line "it makes me feel like an npc" i.e. subhuman
how would you feel if you knew everyone else could imagine anime girls in their head and only YOU couldnt!! 

shut up
although i will say my whistling skill are pretty good
>my concern its nothing i am just annoyed. like i said in the first line "it makes me feel like an npc" i.e. subhuman
yeah and THAT loops right back around to what i said at first, that you can acquire that too if you just fukcen study
the idea that you can acquire it too just by staring at shitty music sheets should be encouraging you not making you feel like a retard
truth be told i don't have much of an idea what a "note" or "scale" really is but i can play the row your boat song in my head pretty well it just doesn't sound like a difficult thing to learn
yes you clearly just dont get it at all so why not be quiet instead
quiet like your musically inept mind jajajajaja
nobody's mind is quiet, retard
yeah for example mine has a thousand anime girls screaming in it at all times
i would actually sacrifice myself to save an anime girl
just need to be asked to do it
got raki all over my mouth and face and eyes
what a coincidence im drinking too
drinking the blood of my enemies
vn girls are possibly the highest form of anime girl life
got abducted into a virtual youtuber cult
dont really care about em though
feeling sad all of a sudden
ive slept 3 hours out f the last 24 so why can't i just fall baaack asleeeeeeeeeeeppppp
gonna pass out soon
ive seen far better days than this
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pyanide cills
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drank more alcohol this week than i ate food
big gecko in the house
wish i had a girl in MYYYYY house
anyoen gotten any (You)s as of late
always feel disgusted when i get one
theres a chinese military base in argentina???
argentina is widely known to have the best chinese military bases in the world
theres been a "space base" that was put there like 10-15 years ago
its like a big satellite dish or something like that 

as far as i know theres no foreign military bases in the country 
(obviously people go on about it actually secretely being filled with nukes or soldiers or spies or hackers or bioweapons or whatever they want every other month)
ohhhhh interesting
it was a topic back in the day and its brought up a lot every time the kirchnerists go on about the evil imperialist west when there the ones who accept foreign countries to put assets here but 
i think the de jure purpose its there is because china is -as you know- in the northern hemisphere, and they need some sort of big monitoring thing that is in the southern hemisphere, and that if they didn't come here and put it in bumfuck patagonia they were going to put it somewhere else (like idk south africa i guess would be the most viable choice) and idk they wanted to suck up to the chinks

for THEIR interests sucking up to the chinks did sort of work out as they gave us a few billion usds to roll-over debt with the IMF and other organizations, and also they gave them money and bots to throw against milei. which obviously was a colossal waste of money but ehhh
maaaan what a shit night
i couldn't sleep no matter what
when i finally did i woke up again 2 hours later
and worse of all i was peeing every 20 minutes for 6 hours straight but i didn't even drink anything except a mug of milk specifically so that wouldn't happen and it did anyway
slept 12 hours
dreamt of a wolf girl with black hair and blue eyes, then a fox girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, then a cat girl with black hair and blue eyes
i gave them a few pats and then we slept in the same bed(then some horror stuff happened)
all in all pretty good stuff
never dreamt about anything other than  human beings and abstract monsters
well yeah all the ones i dreamt were just cute anime girls with ears and tails nothing strange there
oh and to add to that last bit by "horror stuff" i mean actual horror(which i completely dadcd about as it happened) not s*x or whatever
seriously what the actual fuck is wrong with me
for years now i've just been following this bizarre pattern where i spit on and ridicule paradogs games, then a week or so later i end up downloading one, playing for 100-200 years and then uninstalling, then i repeat this......THE NEXT FUCKEN WEEK!!!!!! its like a drug addiction or something i hate this shit so much
what did the parakikes do to my body
the current "thing" floating around in my brain is that ill start as khazartards, then blob into germany, form the hre and play some khazar turanic hre or sometihng
do we have thoughts
think like cement
don't you think penguins should have crazy abs from flapping their fricken 40kg tail around all day
101 matches
was typing out a post but then within one sentence realized i sounded like a bitching woman and deleted it
think i'v made 5 posts
guy on the news is flirting with 12 year olds, this could be you
and yet........ its not
be the newscaster you always wanted to be
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dont get it
stop shoving the belts up ur bum freka -_-
to do nothing yet still be tired
huge fan of the term "bridge bunnies" also enjoy their presence
did i already post about how working a job sucks BUT i feel like less of a piece of shit when i do things i like now
started watching another gundam
is it seed&feed
no it's x
i'm sure i'll watch sneed some day in the future, because im a shameless fanboy, but it just looks so ugly and sounds so retarded it's at the bottom of my priorities, not just for gundam but anime in general
pretty sure sneed is just a comedy adaptation so you should just go into it with that in mind
its just the star wars prequels but gundam
there are 100 gundams, everybody gets one (there are 100 lightsabers and everybody gets one in the prequels)
theres really fucking retarded romance
both are bad
laugh everytime i see a man post ssomething and then procee to post it on other imageboards too
wasnt me
ought to get a chisel and mallet and teach my face a lesson
>Now this calamity which overtook the Cell did not suffice, for the believing folk of the Fortress of Arbil fell into a disaster which was even greater than that. For when the natives of the city, [who were] Arabs, were wishitng to overthrow the Church [there] through the agency of the KARTEWAYE (or KURDAYA, i.e. KURDS)
its ALWAYS them -_-
i swear i didnt do it someone is just copying my thoughts
easiest way to know when you're no longer ill: have the urge to waggle again
>And during the going up the KARTEWAYA (KURDS) made an ambush for Mar Catholicus, and as he was passing on the road, they sent arrows at him, and an arrow hit one of his fingers and wounded him slightly. The victorious king was enraged at this and he swore the full Mongol oath, saying, I will take vengeance of those Kurds
being ill never stopped me
i dunno i was just so sick i just wanted to lay in bed and die
dont need to be sick to want that
turk did you finish g-reco
how did you feel about it
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no still at ep10 because ive been too busy not hanging out with my mate, and when i do hang out with him its to play some tritegame
its actually not 2024 but 2365
at the top theres the "wikiwand ai" and the "この記事を 10 歳向けに要約してください" thing literally just means "summarise this article so a 10 year old can understand it"
thought it really funny and wanted to share
yeah i think that is pretty funny
love how many people (i only see this on r*ddit) who refuse to accept any poltical ideology other than ancrap or vaguely right wing, but their entire belief is literally "yeah but ubi will fix the world"
love how tarded 1sties are
theres a lot of people like that on 4chan too actually t.expert
well then i'll throw this out too, as it's connected to 16, 17, AND 18

im so tired of seeing ai faggots give the most disingenuous arguments on the planet every single day of my life
its not even like they need to """justify""" it, this shit is just going to exist now, and will only get more terrifying, nothing we can do about it, but they absolutely REFUSE to do any of the following:
1. accept any potential negative
2. NOT compare it to completely different situation (e.g they will often bring up "oh but what about blue collar workers who lost jobs from advancement in technology, what about der luddites???" as if production of resources = production of arts)
in my opinion ai is just going to give infinite shit games and infinite shit porn and thatll be it
AND the kikes will heavily censor all the ai(they're already doing this) so that you cant do anything interesting, AND you will have to pay dozens to hundreds of dollars for a subscription(they're already doing this) AND all the actual processing will be done in some faraway server completely out of your control(they're already doing this)
so what itll do is just ruin the financial lives of some few hundred thousand retards who make trash AND become a big machine that can do nothing but shit out poo
dadc about it either way
life is poo and it only gets pooer
i mean yes, to be honest im not AS concerned about it as i used to be, but it just pisses me off to see so many dumb fucks get tricked by their own stupid moron brains
like i said, im not bothered as much anymore because i realized that, much like you said, the proper artists (in all mediums) are just going to keep doing what theyre doing, MAYBE use ai for shit like backgrounds or what have you whatever, the big shitty fucking turd producers that ALREADY make terrible garbage, will just use this to make more terrible garbage, which i already dont watch so i wont watch it anymore
and like i said dumb morons tricking themselves, i saw someone the other day complain about some new x men cartoon having sjw art style and they said "well if this is the way cartoons are going maybe ai taking over isnt so bad" and it made me wanna fukken KILL the little retard like the future where marvel craps out 3 ai generated cartoons all equally soulless, but one is all white isn't just as, if not more, fucking depressing than the current reality
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this made me laugh today
wait are you telling me that human blood is green
well no the guy he's ripping apart there is actually an android
i dont remember if it was here or not but the whole thing is just like some guy said, all these niggers are just chimping out going "hahaha all the writers and artists and thinkers and moviemakers and animators are gonna get thrown out and starve!!!!" for no real reason, just pure fucking spite
creative people are usually gay commie trannies who live off of free money from kikes though
yeah and knocking them down a peg to YOUR level will just.....make it so that there's even less fucking middle class people, just concentrate more money and power on the 0.01% kikes meanwhile all the rest are literal fucking serfs
yes, and to make some bias clear, speaking as the least right wing person here probably, i think that could be one of the absolute biggest downfalls for the modern right
so many retards are JUST motivated purely by spite, not like there aren't reasons these people are spiteful over things (example: fucking gamergate killed games!!) and if that pisses you off that's fine, BUT the nuance aspect is important
like imagine a completely retarded and unrealistic scenario where the first gamergate uprising ends with the government banning ALL VIDEO GAMES FOREVER!!! now nobody wins ever again, the sane people would go "hey wait this fucking sucks, there were games / liked!!!" but now there seems to be a massive amount of people who would go "hahaha fuck yes all those fags i hate get fucked!"

what's the saying, cutting your nose to spite your face or something like that
i'm already getting obliterated and eternally tortured by kikes so its only fair that they should be too instead of getting paid to make the world worse
tried to make a sad argentine flag with the nose cut off and a sad face but it didnt work out
i've also been thinking a lot about something the kiwifarms owners said and i kept forgetting/being unable to find a way to bring up here

but he mentioned (as someone who is right wing) he feels that the modern right is facing an uphill battle partially due to so many big "modern" "alt" (note: this does not mean alt right in the old sense, but the current nu "alt" "right") right talking heads just absolutely hating women borderline baselessly

he was talking about how no woman (that isn't insane or flagrantly seeking male validation) will want to cosign or join a movement where a large portion of the big names just push the logic that everything is terrible MOSTLY BECAUSE OF WOMEN! and that they should just exist to be house slaves that pump out babies

maybe you could agree with that notion which is whatever, but he also mentioned if you WANT women to return to more "Traditional" roles and take steps back out of "society" or what have you then you need to actually...fukken incentivize them...and teaching a bunch of little boys that women should be spat on forever, or that theres no fun allowed outside of making dinner is NOT a way to incentivize them
3where did all these fukken posts comferom
the right and left and center are all just fucked 1488 times for all eternity
they all got couped by the retarded modern cult of sperging out about trite, social media and by everybody "gaining the right to talk politics" as one may say
so on all sides but the center you just have all these fucking mongoloids who make their own little interpretation of X ideology, and they make it ALL about social issues(because they literally just dont know about any other issues or how to fix them) and desperately push it, then when a retard who is a good talker does this he gets people who agree with him and support him, and as a result of this you start to have big political movements that just.....want to do fucking NOTHING>.......but btfo X and Y and Z groups by begging the government to make life 1% harder for them
it doesnt matter what anyone does at this point
its over for the human race and its been over and past the point of no return for a long time so you might as well talk some joy in watching gay internet retards realize they will never live to see luxury communism come to pass or whatever it is they thought they were destroying the world to achieve
>Modern conservative dialog has no room for women, so they do not consider themselves conservative. Women are constantly maligned as the enemy, especially White women. Tate, Fuentes, and other smear merchants selling anti-white propaganda have ruined an entire generation of men.

>Women are told they should not be allowed to have abortions, even if they are raped, despite the racial predispositions of sexual assault.

>Women are told they should be disenfranchised because they cannot be trusted to vote correctly. This is especially true for the very far right, despite Germany enfranchising women in 1919.

>Women are categorically classified as pro-prostitution and are blamed for the rise in popularity of OnlyFans and other digital prostitution platforms, despite the consumers of this material being men.

>Women are told they have no worth after their mid-20s, despite women having high fertility and healthy offspring well into their 30s.

>Women are told they should submit fully to a man, but then you are also to permit this man to be unfaithful, and generally have no expectations that this servitude be returned in any way.

>Imagine you are a woman. You are told that you are the reason society is the way it is. You are told by the most prominent conservatives that you should rely on men for your safety but you also cannot rely on men to be faithful. You are told that you should be a dedicated and protective mother, but you should also accept that 16-year-old girls are the peak age for breeding and you should stop protecting children when men want to fuck them.

>In other words, you are told you should be a slave and expect nothing in return. Most people would reject this. Most women do not find this an attractive offer. The women that do are lying to your stupid fucking face for money because her name  is Pearl Davis and she sucks off homeless black guys.

>Thanks for reading.

went and found his exact words, just because i did think it was a really interesting post
well yeah
the only good thing to ever happen to me in the last century was a genuine belief in the next world so i just dadc about the shite these tards are doing since i can always just chuck myself off a window
to put it simply all the people focus on effects and not causes because the jews made them retarded
didnae read but peronism and libertarianism are the left and right answer that transcend the normal modern right and left 
t.expert on economics and philosophy
yes i think thats a good point, its probably part of the reason i think ive become so autistically obsessed with "nuance" just...in general
everything gets so much easier when you remember you can just...........break things down into their component parts...because everything is made up of multiple things
this goes for EVERYTHING, politicking AND art (and other stuff)
too many retards get caught up in their own heads because they forget all nuance and try to jam triangle pegs into square holes and throw a fucking fit because, well, since they dont fit, theres SOMETHING horribly wrong with either the peg or the hole depending on your point of view

but...get this...if you twist the triangle.......it'll fit O_o
i get your analogy but it really shouldnt fit unless the person who made the pegs and hole was a retard
well yes but no
i WAS wrong anyways, because uhhhh any way you rotate a triangle it would fit into a triangle (if it's equilateral and the side lengths are the same for the square and the triangle)
yes those are always equilateral and the people who make those always make them(obviously) larger than the square 
you wouldnt find a right triangle in a square circle triangle game
*buys my kid a fukken irregular triangle peg hole box*
have fun retard!!!
teaching him to think outside the box eh
i have some thoughts bout the middle class political-economical stuff but its too complicated for me to figure out how to say it now and i wanna eat instead
yeah if you notice any time i talk about politics i very conveniently never bring up economics
just kill the jews and give their money to me ill fix the economy
well when / talk about politics ALL i talk about is economics
maybe we should team up

or at least you should tell me, whate even is the point of politics outside of economics? its all a fight over who gets what anyway is it not
well because as we can see in america and the first world, just when your economics are good, it doesnt mean human life will be good and evil people WILL do everything in their power to bend the world to give the money to only themselves and their lackeys
incredibly funny how turks are always shat on by meme christians on the internet but they never say a thing about the kurds and arabs who murdered billions of christians for no reason
turks arent even that bad, the bad ones are the slavicized turks who just act like russians online without any of the humor russians have
turks on the internet are some of the worst interneters almost as bad as indians t.urk
you dont get it, thats what i mean anyway
"about economics" doesnt mean "make the economy grow" or whatever. what i meant is that its all about making the state do or not do something, and its always for some material effect 
if i'm like "uhh give ubi to solve all the problems!!" thats about economics or if i'm like "ugh those poor niggerinos are so disenfranchised we need to help them" thats also economics because that is all discourse and the actual policy or action that youcould take is always something like "give BLM 100 billion usd" or "make welfare bigger" or "put affirmative action" or whatever 
its really pointless to talk about politics if youre going to ignore the economic side is my point
well yeah but i dont know economics works
and like any moralizing discourseo r whatever (for example all that trite in 136) is just a means to an end. its not the end itself 
you can meme on women all you want and if you somehow did convince women of all of this and society returned to tradition its all so you can have the real-life material difference... of a wife/children and i guess you'd probably think wage going up or whatever due to labor shortage yadda yadda
maybe familiarize yourself then
theres this little known guy called "javier milei" he might give you some pointers
the problem is that the retards in question just endlessly meme instead of doing literally anything else so all their retarded chimpouts just ends up..........making moar social media posts(angry)................and they NEVER have an impact on any actual thing
anyway economics are godod and silly and interesting because, like with politics, its all about nuance, because its not a science and its really fucking complicated and multi-faceted anyway 
never trust an economist for what he says and also keep in mind that if someone did know all these things with certainty they'd just be rich
incredibly funny how hm became the economy pro and got the exclusive right to bully people about economics...and this ALL just by taking a single tarded peronist economics course because everybody else here has an even worse understanding of the economy than that
hmmm i see...well how would you like to be imported into my revolutionary government as minister of finance
ability to speak english not required
ill take the uhhhh minister of shinto shrines and kurdocaust position
ive been interested in economics for like half my life and given the state of the country its a constant 24/7 topic and due to that ive had the pleasure and displeasureo f listening to hundreds of different type of retard opinions (and also retarded things happening)
AND also i'm a bit of a financial pro too....heh.......... i really put my money to work...... as they say ;) ............
heres some logic: if it works in argentina (poor & shitty)...then it SHOULD work even better in america (rich & good) right???
if you let erdogan have his way with argentina for a week he would make argentina the no1 great power
i love when i see a 3x3 thread on /a/ and some turbo autist posts their hyper expanded edition, for example this one i just saw included a 3x3 for "favorite paintings"
saw a man on /vst/ who patrols the board every single day for people who dont like ck3 and everytime he just comes up to them and tells them that they didnt play the game, and when those people respond to him he just says "you didnt play the game" at him again and this just repeats endlessly
just imagine this fucking guy who sits there all day and keeps trying to support a game that he absolutely hates, he's not even trolling or something but just endlessly repeating "you didnt play the game" so he couldnt possible be having fun doing this
yeah it's insane how some people are so mentally ill they spend their ENTIRE day on 4chan just...spamming
same problem on /m/, there is a guy who will literally spend his entire day every now and again making 10+ threads about how one show is "actually really bad" and he doesn't even put effort into the threads, it's just "[Random Show Here] is much more competent than Zeta" and nothing else, i dont even think he stays in the threads to argue
(my intention with 68 was to allude to us and especially me through that example)
idea: magyars go down to italy and the turkics follow them and then all of italy gets unified under a single turkic catholic horde which claims to be rome
got the wacht am rhein stuck on  my head all of a sudden
why did hpm never teach me about this
suddenly remembered how like 7 years ago i used to go on /a/ and have a lot of fun on the ryona threads, its not even a fetish, i just watched all the girls get beaten up and enjoyed a completely non-sexual joy from it
its funny how somebody like me who is autistic about virginity and pure love and rejection of sexual desire and the sanctity of marriage etc etc just so happens to also have a massive fucking dark past of having watched gore and ryona and enjoyed it thoroughly in a non-sexual manner, and also of having watched all sorts of uberfreaky weirdo porn too
ive cut off all of those things long ago but obviously the massive difference between my old and new positions (probably) causes a very big sense of discomfort in spectators
Damn bro, you kicked the shit out of that strawman. Do you feel better about being a virgin yet?
^^^^^^saw this and absolutely loved it
well / like ryona too to an extent but only when its a little bloody mouth trap nothing more and i can safely say that i do derive sexual pleasure from it unlike you repressed freakos
hahaha yeah man
*whispers into my walkytalky and alerts my comrades about the discovery of bloodytrapostere*
trappe und truppe
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this was written in the 1550s and i can read it pretty much with no issue, aside from the random abreviation now and then and some terminology/meanings being weird 
i wonder why some languages like english changed into being near irrecognizable while others were..... barely changed at all
though i'm sure if it was spoken i'd have a harder time. the way its written its even kind of portuguese-y so i wonder if the speaking would be portuguesefied too
well you see tardo you would know if you clicked the wikipedia links i kept posting
too late thoughever you will be forever stuck an unknower
you cant just POST a wikipedia link and hope people to pay attention to it
you have to provide some sort of comment or opinion or a hook or at the very least a fucken summary of it
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this is from the 1200s we studied this kind of stuff in literature class and it's also very easy to read
also i love how in medieval writing they used ß for ss in every language
i'm going to leave behind a manuscript saying how actually between 1100 and 1600 great britain was invaded by a big horde of sea niggers from the outer seas and thats why there language changed so much and became alien 
hopefully some retard finds it in AD4856024 and changes all that period due to it
same but with yapanese
japanese is very non-alien though 
they have very few soudn and its alll very samey 

english is alien because its got 1000000000 different sounds and its all like wwww guhhhh shhhhh kkssss rrrhhrrrrr rrhhaaawwwwrrrr rrrhhhhhhhuuuurhrhrhrr*rumbles* 
its like chinese where its like wa wu wa wi shu shû wa xèi xu xhi qi wù wá
well from what i know japanese did change very significantly from the 6th century onwards as a result of chink characters
well thats just too far awy to care its like saying between 1100 and 900bc latin changed a lot due to etruscan.............
some call it jomonese
thats the point you pick an obscure point so that when people in the year of our lord 1488 akd(after kike death) discover your writings theyll be absolutely shocked that an argentine labourer from the old era was smart enough to know about the history of the evolution of the common japanese penguin
jim talk to me when you get home
Replies: >>46285
oh yeah anyway hm ill give you something to think about while i slept
recently i noticed that the people on 4chan seem to have been utterly brainfucked by some bizarre social media phenomenon or another, no matter where i go its NOTHING but retards using the value system of cuck/cucker loser/chad and they only analyze things through this, when given a particular situation they just find somebody to fit into the X role and another to fit into the Y role and then they just call it a day
it was especially evident for me when i went on the /his/tard board and all the threads and posts about the invention of X and the culture of Y were all just fucking filled to the brim with retards going "huhehuhueheuhe BUT those people took 1% of their vocabulary from another language which means they are CUCK retard virgin losers!!!!" and the whole fucking board was filled with braindead onedimensional observations like that
tell me what you think about this in less than 20k characters
i went outside an saw a bunch of ants on the ground
now my whole body is suddenly itchy why is my mind like this it's like that time i saw a dog with fleas
forgot how funny fedsmoker was
noticed that too so thats why i stopped going to /his/ as well as a few other boards years ago
yeah kept seeing that on this imageboard i frequent called "tragsg" so i stopped going there
only three posts cmeon
had one of the worst meals of my life
boiled gross sausages with plain pasta
my worst meal in my life:
my second worst meal in my life:
rotten meat
went back in pixiv for the first time in a full year and you wont BELIEVE how fucking good it felt
like abstaining from drugs for a full year only to suddenly be hit with an entire years dose
........... okay
youre just jealous -_-
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avnt used pixiv in half a decade
sometimes i look at my throwaway email and there's like 100s of pixiv things i don't even know what they're about since it's all in japanese
so whos gonna succeed putin anyoen know
since when did people start calling a funeral "celebration of life"???
reckon it was the irish
when the jews took over
hoOHOhoohohOHOHOOHOOHOhoOHOHh yes yes yes i LOVE cute girls :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
theyre two different things
we had a "celebration of life" for my grandma which just means we didnt go to a funeral home or do any of that shit but instead just had a bunch of people show up to her house with food and talk about her
because of 11 and 12 i thought putin had died
oh yeah forgot to mention my grandmother was putin
im trans btw
yeah remember that season of tragsg
yeah it was really funny when the bigger kept spamming about trannies
>Question: Is it possible with Mexico to conquer the whole world? When I see the United States so powerful, I don't know if it's possible.
i think so
back in the good old days all the major and minor dynasties of japan, korea and china had protector gods and spirits
so what exactly prevents ME from getting my OWN huh?????
need asian minors
hmmmmmmmmmmmm yes i think my guardian god is an anime girl wolf :) t.urkish craftsman 10 consciousness 10 militancy
hmm should i have ice cream or cake
perhaps ice cream AND cake hehehe
women should STOP posing before great and wide fields and other things that imply prosperity and smiling brightly, its doing weird things to my retarde brain that was formed after 10 billion years of evolution
wish i was with anime girls instead of ........................................this
i want to kill every cihnk
fucking retards cant even make a proper headphnoe
no posts ever ever
the good ending
dont you know that this is just a dream
voices screaming in my head
give me a single reason NOT to worship an anime girl as a god 
yeah thats right -_-
anime girls are best after youve taken a healthy dose of poison t.expert
i wonder what its like to be a japanese politician
you get free money forever and nobody tries to stop you
same as everywhere else
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i like how the filename starts with ccaca
well yes but i meant the particulars of day to day things
like how being a wageslave is essentially the same everywhere you just toil for 1000000 hours and get breadcrumbs and then you die
but in epic nihon they force you to drink alcohol for example and also you get to play gacha or whatever while you ride in public transport
oh yeah my cat started finding its own food and taking it down from the counter and eating it by itself
pretty smart eh
i have literally nothing to eat other than bread
bread is plenty
almost tiime for bed huh
bread in bed, even
i can't tell if my teeth hurts because of how much my head hurts or if my head hurts because of how much my teeth hurts
in short it all hurts
bit slow lately
im in pain and generally im not one of the painful posters
i really empathize with this laios guy in dungeon meshi because much like him i do think about how fukken cool it'd be to eat a lot of different animals
most animals arent good for eating
i saw someone eating a ñandu once but ive never seen it be sold
dont know what that is but the accent mark in the name probably means its brown
theres lots of things in life that arent good but i'd be glad to try them once
an emu, an ostrich, a big walking bird
its like a penguino but for the plains
getting really fed up with how everyone keeps saying something is about to happen
two more weeks i hear
getting fed up...... getting FED up..... getting the FED.... to UP the interest rates??!?!??!?! OHHAAAHHHHHHHHH ITS ALL GOING TO CRASH SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!
baited for that inexact response
id like to be fed with meat
hope you like ñandu
its a big huge bird but weirdly enough the mest id very red and looks just like steak and nothing like chicken 
makes you think
i mean its better than air
mu is such a shit godawful board its like the peak (or one of the peaks of) that mentality of taking yourself so so seriously and like being so "above" certain things and its all combined with everyone being utterly retarded and mentally disabled
do you think all the dinosaurs tasted like chicken or were there some cownasaurs too
i like /fa/ because of how stupid it is
music and fashion are dumb so its not surprising that boards dedicated to them would be as well
ive only opened effay like thrice in my life
cant really say ive got a feel for what its like there
(⁠ー⁠_⁠ー⁠゛⁠)(⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)(⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
me on the left
man why did i wake up at THIS timing
you wanted to keep me company
never thought that in my life
glimpsed a corruption doujin by complete accident and now im fucking angry
ohohhhhoohohohho there was an anti-kurd demonstration in japan today!!!! wish i was there
cant tell if the reason i keep hearing about having sex with trannies no matter which side of the internet i go to is because theyre the hip cool thing now or if its because the 3letters are pulling some trickery again
oh well r&i i suppose
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saw the thing where they originally showed that off by installing it on some pigs and they started having seizures and flopping over but the scientist man said they were listening to music and loving it
well he knows better than i do
made some epic posts in the comments
want to play a good game
but there are no good games
gofggggggggghdgdgdf yrm msfdukxiing gOGOGOGOODGOggog vie me a fucking good game for once!!!!!!!!
did you suicide yourself
why would i do that 
wait well duh
but no
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah i just remembered my dream
i was playing ck2 and i just kept fucking boiling in anger and raging constantly because paradox had changed the game so that you have the ck3 character portraits and there was no way to make them disappear
believable worlds...
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somebody already made that joke but with the bug aliens 40 years ago
i cant BELIEVE "alex grandi" was just a fukken pseudonym for a venetian 17th century composer all along
and didnt he post with an italian flag once on /pol/
what if he was a brasilian who immigrated to italy -_-OO-
i dont actually remember anything about him anymore its all just fuzzy
 2、Breast War

Rulers can launch breast wars against other rulers who hold opposite views based on their faith or culture views on breast size (a new pretext similar to religious war that can seize control of the counts)
so whats up with the femtranny eh jim
Replies: >>46629
ugh what will the future hold for the poor deutsches language
heard from germans(german ones) that over half of the refugees dont speak german
>Kanak Sprak" 
jajjajjajaj that sounds really funny i like it
fucccckkkking hell was gonna write "in the mood for poo" here but almost did it in a completely different (NOT anonymous) place
now that would be embarrassing
ohhhhhhhhhh ate some delicious poo mixed in with some nice yellow juice mates
just remembered how the russian puppet state of belarus literally uses niggers as a biological weapon against europe and it made all the retard proputins on the internet and their traditionalist larping a billion times funnier
my mom says she regrets not prodizing me
it wouldn't have worked on me i had a will of steel from an early age
my parents suddenly dadc about religion right after i was baptized
me mum regularly cusses out god
ugh that bossnigger god...
well i mean yeah hes the bossnigger of bossniggers
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some people spent the entirety of ww2 on the islands around alaska where not a single battle took place
thousands died on both sides
life is like a paradox game
im dood
wat nao
dood posts nao
in retrospect polandball memes did us all a great service because now you instantly know to disregard someones opinion on history or geopolitics if he says the word "clay"
oh yeah
been awake for exactly 24 hours
argentina and chile have signed a new agreement over the clay deposits in the andes
the sound from civ4 when you discover a resource played in my head
>While I love carlos' .great music, Delia derbyshire is officially the first female electronic pioneer. I use the name Wendy but I know that he is not a biological female. It's unfair to women to give a male a title won by a biological female.
>Again, I love this music but let's be realistic and fair, especially to biological women who faced challenges men don't face. Just because someone has had cosmetic surgery doesn't make him the opposite sex.
>Excellent Music - But please credit Wendy by her actual name
>I love this album for how revolutionary it was for electronic music, but please for the love of god correct the artist's name. Using Wendy Carlos' dead name is really offensive and it really hurts to see people still call her that. 

>We all know that Wendy made this and was and is a pioneer in synthesized music. We should all refer to her by her present name and identity. Any attempt to dead-name her is wrong and hurtful to the artist and the trans community.
>But the record was released in 1969 and has the name "Walter Carlos" printed on it and is categorized as such as the credited artist. Can we get over it? Appreciate the great things W. Carlos did under any identity and name. 
funny how the tranny subject just comes up in compltetly unrelated subjects and now even historical(??) ones
its funny but nobody laughs
the devil laughs at us
*stares directly at the camera*
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what a weird word for a language to have
the image at the end of the page is a real punchline
huh are children ever born with teeth
or is that just some japanese birth defect thing because there island freaks
i will only be truly interested in AI once they launch some sort of program thats like Vocaloid but allows you to copy anyone's voice (preferably some singer you like) and then you can make a song off of that (you know lyrics, notes and the like... and then you can put that over the rest of whatever music your making or whatever) 

obviously if you could just create everything from scratch with just AI that'd be even more convenient (though probably crappy) and id imagine its more feasible to focus on 1 specific aspect like that and then to conventionally do the rest yourself
i think that already exists or something
does anybody know of any purification ceremonies
need to be purified evidently
yeah just call get baptized or something
ummm uhhhh shit poo piss :)
willy may have flipped and flopped on his opinions of some things
but he was flopped on the right flap in the end
there should be a tragsg character
or perhaps 亜
Cuneiform was rediscovered in modern times in the early 17th century with the publication of the trilingual Achaemenid royal inscriptions at Persepolis; these were first deciphered in the early 19th century. The modern study of cuneiform belongs to the ambiguously named[12] field of Assyriology, as the earliest excavations of cuneiform libraries – in the mid-19th century – were in the area of ancient Assyria.[13] An estimated half a million tablets are held in museums across the world, but comparatively few of these are published. The largest collections belong to the British Museum (approx. 130,000 tablets), the Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin, the Louvre, the Istanbul Archaeology Museums, the National Museum of Iraq, the Yale Babylonian Collection (approx. 40,000 tablets), and Penn Museum.[14][15]
idea of the day: going to sleep
idea of eternity: going to the grave
bet the me in elementary school would never expect that after a decade and a half he would finally get a dream and it would be to lock himself up in his room all day and draw up stories of anime girls
never wanted to do anything
now i do nothing
did you know the majority of people who have been into space and on the moon have been from ohio
did you know that rich people are absolutely fucking retarded and unoriginal
*tumbleweed rolls by*
gecko was back
don't know why or how it keeps getting in
it's always gone by the time i go back to the kitchen too
it keeps happenign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
watched "The Warriors" (1979) with the tranny
still fukken kino and epic 
really good with the ambience and the setting 

i was afraid i wouldnt like it after not watching it in like a decade but it was still interesting and compelling 
it even felt quite short
mein niggervolk arise!!! rise from your ashes!!!!!!!
everyday i become more certain that greeks are blue turks and turks are red greeks
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interesting interesting
i hope you find this fascinating turk
no sorry i cant speak musicese
found out that ck3 has only 3 difficulties(very easy, easy, and normal) and it made me laugh a lot
hooooly fuck its back??????
i thought it would be gone forever and ever
my browser also gave me a warning saying there were trackers not sure what that was about
uh i didn't even notice
yeah me neither
maybe i'm not human
moeagareeee moeagareee moeagareee gandamuuu
i will be raised into the highest state of bliss when lightning of pure divine anger strikes me and ruptures every single synapse
same but when i fall asleep
death will come
going insane
is your name cürtis
saw a thing about how kurds are jomon and turks are yoyoi
both shall be killed
everybody dies sometime
thought about how cool it would have been if there was ever a battle where it was a navy vs just planes and submarines while i was on the toilet
came back and the computer was making some crazy beep noise while being frozen 
just rebooted it and everything was normal so.... hope it doesnt happen again

always hate when some comptuer problem happens when am not fucking looking so its just a mystery
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milei... the 3rd most important politician in the wordl.............
a list of lizard people
vladimir vs volodomir
boludomir jajajajaj
boludomir puton
nopostimir postin
thinking back on my gaming experiences the most ludo were shadow of chernobyl and mgs 1-4
since mgs was a whole series and stalker was just the one game i have to hand it to kojima
i dont know if ill ever experience gaming on that level again
yeah except i never played mgs
is that their ip addresses
it says it right htere reatard it says how much people tweet about the mn
death to kikes
there should be a repository of vicky2 events so i wouldnt have to remember how they went
Javier MILEI the President of ARGENTINA has shut down the anti discrimination institute AKA The Thought Police 

purupuru pikoman
spent over 12 hours in front of the computer without a single interruption, and spent the whole time listening to a 1min song on repeat
when i finally stepped outside for 5 min and then came back i was utterly fucking baffled at the music because it sounded completely incomprehensible and ALSO entirely different from what i was listening to
not even to pee???
(it's today)
not even to drink water
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youve posted that one before
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well heres this then
is it alive???
okay was it just breaking on MY end or something???
something about ssl errors
didn't notice any issue in the past 8 hours
if it happens again you can try using the site with http not https m\ybe that will help
okay yeah my fucking isp (spectrum) is blocking the website??????????
guess i’ll phone post for the time being
but yeah the site has just been entirely nonfunctional for three days for me it was very fucking confusing because i saw no signs of life elsewhere
well…i can post at work now!!!
people can post does not mean that people can post
nee dsome happiness in my life
oh man it was just some light drizzle then all of sudden this huge BOOM thunder caught me by surprise
death to copyright
we had a lot of rain yesterday
its a metaphor for posts
but in reverse
not for me!!!
posts for me but not for thee
found a bunch of photos of my hometown from vicky2 times
that’s actually cool
it was mostly pictures of boats (wooden)
ahhhhh…der steamers…
titanic noposts
dreamt i was in japan in a train and us and some other nearby trains all crashed
and i got out and checked all of thrm, crying as i checked them all for survivors
then i woke up and i had slept for.... 17 hours!!!
dreamt there was a lamp in my room that doesnt exist in real life and when i went to turn it on i woke up
>Industry is billed by big bucks fuddy duddy milquetoast types but the future is all tiktok THOTs simping for KPop idols and Yakuza bad boys. 
bigger can you translate this for me
i read it three times over and still do not understand
he’s dead mate
well fine then uhhh jim translate it for me
want to play a fun game
dont know a fun game to play
been a minute since i last played a nonvn game
if you ever see me playing a paradox game ever again cut my dick off as punishment for my sins
no more heroes is fun
i have to say that nigger bosskike g*d deserved being turned into a soyjak by the little children on 4chan
why is there an atatork there at 9:10
cant wait for the retarded children to reach 20 and realize that they wasted their whole life on the internet(like we did before them)
should be a crime to make a man work before 8am
'no way people are lazy enough as it is
should be a crime to make a man
sure hope YOURE employed talking about people being lazy mister
i work only for myself
Dear Muslima

Stop whining, will you. Yes, yes, I know you had your genitals mutilated with a razor blade, and ... yawn ... .don't tell me yet again, I know you aren't allowed to drive a car, and you can't leave the house without a male relative, and your husband is allowed to beat you, and you'll be stoned to death if you commit adultery. But stop whining, will you. Think of the suffering your poor American sisters have to put up with.

Only this week I heard of one, she calls herself Skep 'chick', and do you know what happened to her? A man in a hotel elevator invited her back to his room for coffee. I am not exaggerating. He really did. He invited her back to his room for coffee. Of course she said no, and of course he didn't lay a finger on her, but even so...

And you, Muslima, think you have misogyny to complain about! For goodness sake grow up, or at least grow a thicker skin.

was thinking about playing shogun1 as mongols and blobbing but i gave it up before i could even post about the idea
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i find that in most communities simplified chinese is deeply hated by most people who know kanji
wonder why i am so bad at writing and drawing
at this point it wouldnt surprise me if it was some sort of disorder
me i'm really good at staring at walls
can do it for hours without breaking a sweat
wow me too
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funny to think people like that existed in the past too
yup tahats me
"milei is maga" t.rump
Milei ArGentinA
make ARGENTINA great again
>The book puts forward a capitalist peace theory, called the Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention; it states: No two countries that both have a McDonald's have ever fought a war against each other.[2]
>In 2022, Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine, bombing several major cities, including its capital city, Kyiv.[6] At the time, Russia had 847 McDonald's outlets while Ukraine had 108.[7]
i actually subscribed to that belief before the war started
that it was unthinkable that a population of literate people who lived with 21st century luxuries would be able to put up with total war like conditions and trench life 
but its been happening for three years now
yeah you basically posted my thoughts
one of the reasons theres noposts is because everyone thinks the same things and agrees
i dont
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dont know what to do
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wasnt ukraine hyperpoor anyway 
i think before the war their gdp per capita was like 4k usd or something 
i assume most of them still lived in shitty villages and it was only people in big cities who couldnt put up with war conditions
well uh i dont think they are very selective with the draft so you would think some sort of revolt would have happened by now
people have phones and the internet so they know theres more to life besides of starving and freezing in a muddy trench for kikes
had a dream of living in japan
saw a train station security guard with a gatling gun
when i went to a place where lots of buses gather i couldnt get on any, they took off within 3 seconds of arrival
i eventually got really pissed and started running around really fast in my anger despite carrying several dkzen kg on my back
eventually i gave up and in my anger yelled "may as well eat dicks!!!!" out loud in turkish(you woulldnt get it its a turk thing) and then suddenly some turkish girl replied to me with something bizarre like "no youre supposed to eat vaginas!!!" while laughing and i was baffled by both what she was saying and the fact that there are so many turks, so i asked her why theres so many and she said she doesnt know eitjer
still have yet to find a name and shape for my guardian god
so what did we think of milei's speech at the trump festival
i cried tears of joy when he said that we should give free argentine citizenship to all africans
needless to say he's secured MY vote
he didnt say that *bigly frowns*
>In 1972, he visited Bavaria and was shocked to hear the views of an old man he met in a Munich café who told him: "You English were so foolish. If only you had sided with us. Together we could have defeated Bolshevism and ruled the earth!"—adding in for good measure that "The Jew is a louse!" As a result of this incident, Kershaw became keen to learn how and why ordinary people in Germany could support Nazism.[7]
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just realized that east asia is just like the balkans
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just realised that i have no family, no wife, no children, no nation, no religion and no ideology
that looks pretty cool maybe envirotards aren't so bad after all
oh man fucking come on all those thousands of years of civilization and hundreds of billions of men dead and THIS is the fucking result?
wow your pronounciation got really good turk
>The FGC-9 was originally designed and manufactured between 2018 and 2020 by JStark1809, a pseudonymous German-Kurdish[2][7] gun designer
>Der Spiegel reported in October 2021 that British financial services had provided clues on the identity of JStark1809 to the Federal Criminal Police Office, and they identified a 28-year-old man in Völklingen who went by "Jacob D." Police had raided his home that June, though they found no weapons and did not take him into custody. Two days after the raid, he was found dead in his car in front of his parents' home in Hannover. Coroners determined the cause of death to be a heart attack and ruled out foul play.[3]
in a killer mood
im in the mood to kill too
opened a spoiler image and it was a blonde gyaru girl showing off her slutty panties with a really happy face
and from the moment i saw it i just started shaking my head violently while tightening my gaze and asked the image if she wanted me to murder her
did she respond
yep time to become a professional bantulogist
cant w8 for the hueg market crash tomorrow waheey
markets and economics cant effect you if you are already eternally poor
not until the looting begins that is
really nice of all those rich people to give me everything they own for free
6 strokes

    woman, female 女 

    亠 女 亡 

delusion, unnecessarily, without authority, reckless
femoids amirite -_- thinkin we should fucken kill em all
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oh hello jim
drinking grapefruit juice like an old man
did my fucking isp unblock the website
the answer: NO
its not a problem since our souls blocked us from posting
my soul is healing i think
only think though
no thoughts
no posts
no life
did an enormous amount of wall staring these past two weeks
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burst out laughing at this

heart has been hurting a lot for the past few days
one of these days i will get angry while drinking my coffee and start eating my ceramic cup in rage
kanji of the day: 穢
I am dragonkin and proud of it. If you don't like furries or dragons, tough.

Blocking me will only prove me right.

I love trains, I love aircraft, I love space, I love Factorio.
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oohhhh this is me they got me in the anime
laughed really hard at 16
it wasnt a joke
art imitates life
life imitates suffering
the Confederacy was a bunch of wholesome southern christian boys of every colour fighting the Yankee pagan menace
did you hear about the texan who set himself on fire for palestine
face hurts
thoughts on the french word "ok" which was imported from english:
if somebody came up to me and said ok(pronounced as "oki") i would smash his fucking niggerskull so thoroughly not even god could recognize it
ok (pronounced オーケー)
yeah THATS a million times better than the french trite
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why is it doing that
you know those samurai masks
sometimes i look in the mirror and look exactly like that
a lot of those masks are black..
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he's just like me...
anyway ill get piss drunk tomorrow and hopefully slip fall and die too g*d willing
been thinking for a while now to keep a sort of diary where i also write down detailed thoughts on certain matters(because i do nothing all day and thered be nothing to write otherwise)
can you remind me to play girls frontline when its out
hasnt it been out for 100 years
* frontline 2
>Sigmund Freud called it [The Brothers Karamazov] "the most magnificent novel ever written" and was fascinated with what he saw as its Oedipal themes. In 1928 Freud published a paper titled "Dostoevsky and Parricide" in which he investigated Dostoevsky's own neuroses.[37] Freud claimed that Dostoevsky's epilepsy was not a natural condition but instead a physical manifestation of the author's hidden guilt over his own father's death. According to Freud, Dostoevsky (and all other sons) wished for the death of his father because of latent desire for his mother; citing the fact that Dostoevsky's epileptic fits began at age 18, the year his father died. It followed that more obvious themes of patricide and guilt, especially in the form of the moral guilt illustrated by Ivan Karamazov, were further literary evidence of his theory.
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saw this and kind of liked it so ill give it a try when it comes out until it starts demanding i give it thousands of yuan or hours of playtime
cant go to sleep because i have to fix my sleep schedule
need to remember how to do things other than staring at the wall
may i suggest staring at a wall
may i suggest sleeping
i got sucked into some sort of mental abyss where i have figuratively done nothing for nearly two months
same for a month
 i guess ive done a gew things but nothing im too happy about
me for the last month i just kept installing and uninstalling ck3 and vic3 and hoi4 endlessly and having a fit every single time
finished a whopping 0 campaigns
want to play a little dating sim thingie but i cant think of any thatd scratch the itch
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thought this 1 funny
my mates just wanted peace but the anglo kike wouldn't let em
ww2 or everything would have never happened if everyone felt like shit and was tired constantly
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head splitting in half from pain
just realized the REASON i was never so "taken" by the whole AI trite is because i had already been an avid AI dungeon wanker before the whole tritegpt thing blew up and so it already felt like "old news" or whatever to me 
and while i understand that its better and all that stuff its not reallly the same when youre not experiencing for the first time 

also the whole image thing already had its precedent too with that older AI that made everything have eyes in it (and basically everything looked very dream-like, which as we learned is a CORE feature of early-AI trite)
me i dont care because it literally cant do ANYTHING of worth now
you could sit in bed listening to wagner
why are bulls such a common icon for old deities
because cows are good and bulls are cows but male
what are you on retard cows are literally gassing the world to death with their farts
^ man with a cockroach farm in his kitchen and a cricket farm under his bed
wrong i only have locust farms and i will use them to kill all the chinese
laughed at 73
 Astral planes is overhated

Yes they reuse mechanics, but that isn't what this DLC is
It is a STORY DLC and it does very well at this

I find that it enriches the Stellaris gameplay.

The price definitely should be somewhat lower though, 10-15$ would be more appropriate
whats its base price
that doesnt make sense…
i feel like more animals should just adopt that thing where it kills you if you eat them
me i already have it
I'd always volunteer to get electrocuted in my electronics classes. And when I got a taser my friends and I took turns zapping each other. Sometimes shit is so boring that even a little damage seems enticing. Have you ever been to Ohio? You'll take a hit of pepper spray to stave off the boredom.
you can always tell when a post is unreal when it has capitols and punctuation
UGH if only i had some delicious hot poo to eat right now --_-- --- would be fucken delicious amet8s believe me
ive notice a big increase in pooposts lately
not to be confused with poopyposts
life is poo
daydreamt for a good half hour about torturing people
no idea what spurred that on but it was enjoyable
genuinely one time i was at someone’s house (in ohio) and a girl was talking about her pepper spray and someone said “can you spray it on the floor i wanna see what it’s like”
well you know thats not that bad in my school the children would use parfume and a lighter to play with fire
been thinking about being with cute wolfgirls
and also about how i CANT be with cute wolfgirls
thats a bit strange
its normal for me
oh im also 88 btw if that matters
luv killing
ate not killing
luv cute girls
ate everything else
wish i was with cute girls instead of with smelly ugly 20-30 year old men
found this epic song its called "ss marschiert"
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looks a bit like a face when you stare long enough
uh nope
not "long enough" i thought it was meant to be an emoji at first i almost made that post but decided against it
(ノへ ̄、)
neck hurts
think i slept on it the wrong way
head hurts
think i made it the wrong way
a man cant make his own head
but he can make his own bed
I am twentyfive years old, have a good set of teeth, and believe in Wilhelm II, Gross Germania, and the 1488th of July.
yeah willy2 created a really gross germania
i actually wanted 11 to be a full parody thing that emphasizes my loneliness but i got bored on the first sentence
here comes another chinese earthquake
id like to be reincarnated as some sort of cat or wolf demon prowling the mountains
had fucking enough of being reborn as a demon
but yes on that front i would gladly be a lone wolf or fox or whatever and far away from human retardation
but not far enough away to not prey on them a little bit as a treat
whats the point of eating the flesh of shitty ugly retard humans
you are what you eat
*eats fox demons*
what an odd thing to say
well ou know i would if i could
the dog from the doge meme is still alive but it looks grim
skeletal structure
it's a "situationship" 
other people at work say nobody wants to work with us because (imo jealousy but) cass doesnt work as fast or in the same style as people expect. 
this lesbian chick wanted all the details about us and told me cass is "holding you back, and nobody wants to work with yall when you run around doing all the work" 

basically when we get out there and it's just the 2 of us, or even 3 in a small crew, it clearly brings both of us comfort. cass basically has extra assurance and security that their day will be easy and nice and that someone will protect them, that theyve emotionally softened the closest thing they have to a boss or whatever. meanwhile i get to do my same job except i sleep with one of my helpers. 

what cass isnt seeing yet which worries me is that theyre getting tired of being my motivation/inspiration at work, it takes a lot out of someone but every day i get to have them is a good day for me. so far. so far. 

combining work and fun just gave me a huge target on my back and opened up a lot of vulnerable spots and the good feelings i get are just immediately offset by anxiety and stress about the work itself, which seems to get psychologically harder the more aware of these dynamics i get
Replies: >>46633
ballad of a box lifter
jimurk alliance of doomposting
half brother (basically a cousin) is getting married
this is probably going to be my first one of these
for me its funnerals
hey i heard this before!!!
fujuuuuuuuccckkkkkkkkk fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
i hate them all
got inspired by a japanese death poem so i wrote one too:
A life of shit,
A death of shit,
Hope next life won't be shit too
a life of trannies
a death of trannies
hope next life wont be trans too....
i've been thinking 
what if instead of finding and downloading and installing and playing vns i just watched them on youtube
thats like watching other men marry girls instead of marrying one yourself
i did that a few times when i didnt have access to my computer its ok i guess as long as theres little or nothing in terms of choice
Gonna kill
want to drink
gonna tell them that i want to cut off all relations permanently
(when i wake up)
My favorite part of Start is when Da Peopo Do Wat Dey Not Suppose To Do
>God, Da One In Charge, tell da wahine, “Eh! Wat you wen do, aah?!”
>Da wahine tell um, “Was da snake! Da buggah wen go trick me! Az how come I wen eat da fruit!”
my thoughts cement
had a jimperience the other day at work on valentines day when all the nice ladies were buying valentines thing
also work already broke my brain because now when im not working i just get…bored
for me it was my boss being a mentally ill freak who doesnt have to actually do any work so he sat there all day bored and everytime work slowed down he'd start talking to me trying to get me to say interesting things to relieve him of his boredom and i hated it so much that i eventually started jumping at any hint of work that i could find
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wrote on phone
pood this up
no clue how poetry actually works by the way
can you write it again in bantu this time
one banana
two banana
three banana
no more banana
man suffer
>Da wahine tell, "I know fo real da Messiah goin come, da Chist Guy, da Spesho Guy God Goin Sen. Wen he come, he goin tell us eryting"
thats not that much different than how the japanese use romanji
I wanted to fuck a woman. I compromised. I jerked off in a tissue instead. 20 fucking years.
well thankfully i just copypasted it and am not the freak to write it
unfortunately i am the freak to read it
remembered that there was SOMETHING that i once saw that had two properties, the first is that it was related to korean imageboards, the second was that it was related to fucking your mother
cant remember in full though
gonna fucking vomit and die
gonna die
just realized "pood this up" is weird and it should be "out" instead
so uhh....mapuche chile and senor hitler are in vanilla hoi4 now............................................................................
is it time for bed
time to be taken out to pasture if you get my meaning
its over
the end continues
think i’ve been so stressed lately it’s impacting my health
how do you interpret that turk
Replies: >>46725
how very interes*falls asleep at the wheel* *fucken crashes against a 20 ton truck filled with explosives*
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the fuck is that
"it is i who to me is ourselves" or whatever
greek man dives into active volcano
turkish man dives into surface fault
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ummm ok
osuman paasha
This mod isn't being updated since a year and I'm starting to panic here. If I understand correctly there will be new species in the new DLC which I REALLY hate because that will mean that - if this mod will not take this into consideration - my perfect Anime Waifu Utopia will be shattered and filled with new disgusting things I can't easily get rid off.

So...will this mod be updated? If not, will it be possible to delete those xeno freaks? Has anyone any idea on how to handle this?
ran out of storage space again
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pretty much the only reason i ever get out of bed is because i have to pee
in japan they have this thing called parent gacha
is that when you're going to be reincarnated and then you pull a one-star family
for the turk
omg!! its february 29th!!!
ohhh so that one thing you posted was from jomon bugman
thought it was some random movie or something
want meat
oh and want to hug a cute girl while im at it
always feel bad for the vn girls whose routes i'm not currently doing
always feel bad for the vn girls whose routes i'm doing
that too...
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was going to ask why the indians picked 108(6 times 6 times 3) for the number of imperfections when they could have picked 6 times 6 times 6 instead but while searching for what the name of the 108 things was i acciddentally walked in on a good explanation -_-
johan won
we're basically just rape victims of paradox
yeah and i guess that specific entry has a big meme culture in japan (because the first 20 or so episodes are just fucking weird and everybody is constantly over acting or doing weird shit)
care to share the explanation???
>why the indians picked 108(6 times 6 times 3) for the number of imperfections
because its imperfect
brain is
going so far away
how is 108 imperfect
6x6x3 isnt the same three number in a row
and how does that make it perfect in any way
108 is even so it seems far more "perfect" to me than...... 143
it makes sense if you are the sort of goblin who is really into buddism
upsetting to realize i had one shot at life and its already irreversibly fucked up
my legend begins now
legendary suffering
here is sauna
sa oo na
why can this retarded site not handle a 1mb file
whatever i gave up and deleted it already
realized in bed the other night if i couldnt live with me mum id just be fukken homeless and it was stressing me out
me i was in bed yesterday thinking about killing me mum
had a dream where everything was exactly the same except i had an ornate lamp near my bed
still spending my life farting around doing things i hate
respond to me TURK
uh what
ooooaahhhhh shit i got the ksplust!!!
already did
maybe the transatlantic cable didnt transmit my response because the penguins chewed on it again
thought that was german
for about 3 seconds
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gonna implode
my gray hairs are growing in size
it's starting to look like i have highlights
anyone ave any thoughts on that johan tinto thingo
oh yeah i saw it earlier then skimmed through it a couple times without really understanding anything but from the forum comments it looks like they're teasing a new game without actually saying anything substantial yet
well it can't be any worse than their latest products really and i like johan a lot more than the other people at paradox
yes its basically an open invitation for you to give ideas and to criticize things from other games but youre not raelly sure what your ideas would be put into
and there really isnt anything to go off of either, just the mmeta knowledge of knowing what games theyve already release and how long its been since each release and so on (it could be a new game altogether of course) 

do you think its peepoo5 or something new
well eu4 is on its last legs and johan is making a big deal of this so i think it would be weird for the eu4 branch of the company to announce anything but eu5
preferably it would be something NOT eu because..................its fucking shit
im hoping for some new game set somewhere between rome and the 17th century but uhhhhhhhhh we''ll see i guess
h8ed johan for a long time but thinking about ti now he's the last of the old guard left so he's basically the last shot that paradox has at making a good game
maybe he'll redeem himself
why would they make such a mystery out of it if its so obvious then
and also i didnt know the side branch of the company became "the eu4 branch" i guess thats kinda interesring, i thought it was just johan on vacations still
yeah i also heard that that part of the company has been the dedicated eu4 dlc branch for a long time now
no idea if its actually true though i just heard it from a bunch of children on 4chann
also i do hope its a game in the eu period, but a lot more narrow they should either make something thats almost solely focused on the 30 years war period, or something thats very focused on exploration/colonization/trade around the world, OR something thatsjust about the late 1300s up until like the mid 1500s you know late middle ages+early rennaisance period
if they DO just make literally "peepoo5 but this time its goodi swear" then i am going to seethe 

and its a winning strategy for them too because theyvebasically "filled out" most of the workable timeline for making videogames, so now the LOGICAL step is to start "splitting" some of the games' periods you have into smaller timeperiod games, thusly you can make more franchises to employ more people to work on more dlcs at the same time 

otherwise they could focus on making games that are geographically smaller but that seems less likely than a chronologically smaller game to me
i think something like the 30 year war would be too short to be profitable, same for something that's geographically small
maybe at some point they'll do something like shogunate:china and have it flop just like all the retards who made chinkgames
oh also the more you tighten the scope of the game the less material you have to make dlc of, and it also becomes hard to make worthless meme updates and dlcs like they usually do, you have to actually.....create more mechanics............
well i guess 30 years war isnt qutie right, i mean like the pike and shot type of era
maybe you could have it from like 1520 to uhhh.. idk 1670 or something like that 

it doesnt feel like a long time but honestly nobody on fucking earth plays more than halfway through eu4 and even some people dont go past 1900 on vicky and thats a short as fuck game 
you'd have a much easier time detailing out that period and its got a pretty strong sense of period/setting, and also by starting it almost 100 years after peepoo4 you'd be able to make a lot more ""believable worlds""  you know, no swedish mexico or burgundian holy roman byzantine empire of d00m, or all that wank. 
like you got a ton of things to delve into, if you actually put effort and detail into the game, from all the dynastic politics trite, to literally the whole protestant reformation and all the religious aspect of europe, all the internal affairs of the hre, the colonization of the americas could be done a lot more faithfully (and you'd start the game with spain having a head-start), the trade trite would be easier since you only have to deal with a specific period and you can make mechanics based on that you dont necessarily have to think about medieval peasants or early industrialization, you ONLY have to focus on making a good mercantile focused system where you basically just want to find goods from all over the world and bring them to europe as an intermediary and fill yourself up with cash 
and also thats only just in europe obviously you could......... idk elaborate on a lot more mechanics for.........the rest of the world..............based on whatever was happening there.......................... but again its easier to be more accurate if you have less things to encompass
you can make 100 "prince of ulm hat pack nº3" updates because you just KNOW that there gonna have awful 3d models 
the point is that theyre a bigger company now so they just have a bunch of useless people standing around doing nothing, so they get them to make shitty DLCs, if they have more games to work on then they'll have less downtime where there LITERALLY doing nothing, and more uptime where they're supposedly doing "something"(even though its basically fucking worthless, a lot of retards will pay for it)
yeah another thing is that i'm pretty sure they let you play past the end date in most games nowadays so if for some bizarre reason you really want to play 400 years you can, maybe they add some placeholder techs or whatever to keep things working but it doesn't need content
well i mean if they want to keep making TRASH then yes nothing is stoppin them from making a game in 100000bc where youre all procedurally generated blobs and the game is endless
i am giving my ideas for what'd make reasonable "realistic" sense (like yes obviously there not gonna make an epik perfect simulation even if thats what i'd prefer), and still be an improvement over the current status quo
also making some game in the period that i mentioned would make it perfect because then you could make a game thats solely focused on..... the 7 years war,,, and then more importantly, alll the events of the american, french, and sudacan revolutions
which honestly its a crime how shitty and badly its all made in the games that exist but yeah it'd be kinda hard to represent because you'd need very specialized mechanics to simulate everything to do with... revolutions....and unrest.... and assymetrical warfare.......... and that whole business.... so i dont entirely blame them and i think the only way to do it justice would be if you purposefuly design a game to focus on it

so you could make a game thats like 1520-1720 maybe, and then one thats 1720-1820 (or 1836 really...) 
and then i guess that'd leave you a gap to, in the future, separate CK into an actual crusader kings game, and then a game thats focused more inthe charlemagne period(and one thats has fukken muhammed too -_-) 

they should honestly just make me ceo i think i'd run a good ship
cant believe i woke up to gigantic posts about grand strategy games on tragsg
ohohoho yes gigantic truly colossal....
most posts these days are variants of "urge to kill" and "yeah"
anyway i agree that games should ideally only cover a 20 to 50 year time period
unfortunately giant multi century blobbers is what most paradox customers want
mate i told it to said its march of the eagles 2
now why on earth would they make HTHATh
reasons to make it:
btfowning redditors
bankrupting paradox
want to play a fun game
power went out and only came back now
the atmosphere was kind of nice going from afternoon to night and it was also rainy
too bad i was in the middle of something!! and also it came back right on the dot so i bet it was the government kikes doing
consumed beverages
need a cold war gsg right this minute
want to either subvert nato from within as west germany to create the 4th reich 
or subvert the eastern bloc from within as east germany to create the 4th reich
for me its playing as the usa and giving argentina the economic aid it rightfully deserved
thought about cp again and now im angry(again)
thought it was neat how you fight a few of them at the end of half life 2 episode 1
yeah a few jews
milei just announced tnd
total nuke dukem
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maybe he should use that famous rifle of his
you cant hang yourself with a gun retart
in the mood to see girls
sea girls... the girls of the sea...
kanji of the day: 害
like 5 million households watched milei's speech at the congress yesterday... unprecedented stuff...... 
he said a lot of things and it was quite epic but in terms of actual announcements, he was going to send some more new laws thatd fuck with syndicates, political parties, corrupt politicians and so on
and more importantly (?) he announced he was inviting every politician on 25/5 to sign a pact/agreeement on 10 basic points to agree on to bring argentina out of the decline (and obviously there all libertarian trite but i suppose the point is that they can discuss it)

a VERY interesting one was making provinces swear to exploit there natural resources (because theres a lot of provinces with lots of minerals and trite but enviromentards dont like it) (actually its the mi6)
oh and also he said he was going to send a law to make it a crime against humanity to print money lol
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this just in... la plata has been wiped off the map...
no thankfully thats just where all the faggots are
now argentina has been saved and is a superpower
fucking drooling retard(referring to myself obviously)
work you absolute fucking retard theres nobody out there who could or would do it in your stead
dead in all ways but physical
sp have you considered that you have no documents because youre the illegitimate son of some wealthy aristocrat
every single day i wait for a mysterious man to show up at my doorstep and tell me im rich
rich in poverty
in poverty........ where we are least alone..........
all the classic repeated in-jokes are around 5 years old
in repetition.....where we are least funny............
in noposts...
just nothing to say
but be assured i read that 5 seconds after it was posted
ugly little thing
the kurd of the animal kingdom
a blood kurdling scream
i wish i could drink things wihtout pissing all night
illst be watching this

honestly i think dune has a lot of potential for something like a clone wars tv series (perhaps about the butlerian jihad) that could be really popular with kids because it has intricate worldbuilding that you could do a lot with 
that is, if it were possible to make good tv shows in the year gamergate+10
spoiler: its not possible
uhhh yeah hence the disclaimer
gamergate+10 made me smile
anyways dealing with a lot of things that make me want to hang
why is this retard referring to singular animals as they them
Ha ha, what kind of lazy asshole I would be, if I made no progress whatsoever.
never want to see the ugly freakish face of the retarded turks ever again
read this if you want to laugh
ohhhh yeah write kaomoji in japanese and convert
you get lots of the little people if you do that
stupid fucking women inviting me out when i want to stay home playing videogames
been sitting here for a while now trying to figure out what the fuck is what in this piece of shit meme map
uhh yeah can't make heads or tails of it either
i thought it was meant to be shikoku but i looked up the name and it says it's china japan korea ryukyu what?? and it's east-up too
its the kuril sialnds
east is south
west is north
north is east
south is west
pretty wacky eh -_-
and guess what all the stuff there was written from various different directions so if you want to read you have to spin your head like a helicopter rotor
isnt east at the top of the map 
it makes more sense than north (???) at the top because thats where the sun comes from so thats where ur facing 

its like that in mahjong too
uhhhhhhhhh yeah im retarded
the north of the map is east, the east of the map is south
spilled neon yellow paint all over my table
tl note: neon yellow paint stands for cum
well no it doesnt
actually i have no idea what the fuck it IS its just really similar in quality to neon yellow paint
somehow it got on the bottom of my cup and from there to my table
i won't dare to upload the file but i think this is the same map but less detailed and bigger and i still don't understand what is what
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH so that was the fucking problem the thing i posted was just some retarded tiny zoomed in section of it
just open it in image viewer and turn it 90 degrees and youll understand
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what the fuck is THIS
i was looking in the mirror and noticed this weird pink blob of flesh on the inside
my eye never had that i swear and now i look it up and now it's just a thing everywhere
nobody tell him
oooh yeah i do understand 19 funny how it went from incomprehensible to easy the instant i zoomed out and rotated it
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huh idk never heard of it
>Use not much the company of a woman that is a singer, lest thou be taken with her attempts. Gaze not on a maid, that thou fall not by those things that are precious in her
>Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.
>It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.
Cursed be the day
on which I was born!
The day when my mother bore me,
let it not be blessed!
Cursed be the man
who brought the news to my father,
“A son is born to you,”
making him very glad.
Let that man be like the cities
which the Lord overthrew without pity;
let him hear a cry in the morning
and an alarm at noon,
because he did not kill me in the womb;
so my mother would have been my grave,
and her womb for ever great.
Why did I come forth from the womb
to see toil and sorrow,
and spend my days in shame?
How many fucking meganewtons do i need to pull with to strangle your fat fucking kike throat with a piano wire?
got a post like that i'v been saving for the right moment
cant wait to see it
26 i thought that was a mass reply for a second
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guess the country
WRONG hahaha retard
woah youre right -_-
cypriot las malvinas
in the mood to rant about jews and arabs
- but i dont have enough alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
......................................walked in on my mum watching videos on how to get plastic surgery
well on the bright side now i know how she felt like when she walked in on me fapping
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nooooooo i had something to say but entropy took it from me before i could let out the corresponding sounds
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think i forgot to post this??????
that game (the image in 46) is the closest thing there is to an american version of crisis in the kremlin
had a fun run in it a few days ago playing a mod about nixon and bush
yeah i thought about doing a campaign in it too but i know of absolutely NOTHING regarding american politics other than the fact that its all run by jewsh who love niggers so i probably wouldn't "get" it
you (i think) probably cant even start wars in the game
oh is that that one political campaign game
part of the fun is picking stuff and then having the game say wtf your party would never do that are you insane!!! and then losing all your support
oh so you cant gas all the jews?
oh and there was a really well dont hitler mod for it but its not on the website for obvious reasons
the "game", the campaign trail, is just a series of multiple choice questions you have to make to try and win various  american elections throughout history
thanks wikipedia
spent the whole day choking on coffee and watching the 4
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>theres magic where women can either protect or curse things by exposing their vaginas towards it, known as harakoiminen
gonna have to ask for confirmation
want to play a vn where youre in an isolated place just having fun together with cute girls, not too heavy on the sweetness but without any suffering either
unfortunately i dont know of any such game..............................................................
whats up with how every vn is about suffering
theres something in men that makes them uncomfortable with the idea of having fun and only fun, so they mix in endless suffering with their fun
*glances over at tragsg*
yup think i get what you mean
*glances over at tragsg*
*gets sucked into the black hole vortex of noposts*
are we hyped for the plague dlc!!!!!!!! its releasing in just a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!!
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what i like about animals:
fluffy tails
not being human
you know its kind of funny that you could make these kinds of images in the past and it'd be kind of cool but now that you can shit out 1000000000 of them with ai its not so interesting anymore
how would ai even do that
i dont think it can
uh idk man it just does
thats how i understand most things
am tarded
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More than 1 billion people in the world now live with obesity
why dont you?
why would i do that when i can live as a skeleton instead
live as a skeleton
die as a man
retard nigger ape faggot cunts on niconico made it so you cant download anything made after the 20th of february this year
want to kill them all
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accchhh fixed it on my end and now i can go back to enjoying.....this
*makes a face*
is it this one :(
no its closer to :|
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you probably wouldnt get it but this is an international treasure
i think i need a community like old gsg or those mmo/gacha ones that are going around now
just someplace where a bunch of people talk about something and seethe about it all the time you know
ohohohohohooh now i know why mum was watching that weird video
its not that she wants plastic surgery...its that my brothers wife will be getting it................................................
terribly funny stuff really
fid i miss any good posts been a few days i was going through a bout of lunacy
was going through one too actually
saw turkish and thought it was japanese
sometimes my cat acts all cute and i imagine an anime catgirl
too bad its just an obese retard cat instead
that’ll be you some day
uhh no ill be starving to death
overthrow the bakufu
>At the beginning of the 20th century, Argentina may have been the first center of pornographic film production in the world.[12][13] It is considered that the porn film was born in France practically at the same time as the cinematographic medium, but it was in Buenos Aires where the clandestine production of these films, known as stag films or smokers, was capitalized.[14]
Replies: >>46901
is there anything argentina cant do
kill jews
kill browns and blacks
Replies: >>46901
it is funny how 99% of early film attempts were just kikes desperately trying to find a way to use pornography to destroy the minds of goyim
all that effort did end up giving a good result though so i guess the moral of the story is to never give up
Jump off a building. Jump off a bridge. Jump off a highway overpass. Jump into a deep lake holding a cinder block. Jump into an industrial meat grinder. Jump into a wood chipper. Jump on a grenade. Jump into a bonfire. Jump into a garbage compactor. Jump into the ocean and let the boat leave you. Jump into the snow naked in the middle of nowhere during a blizzard. Jump off a cliff. Jump into an active nuclear reactor. Jump into a vat of acid. Jump into the sun.
solid advice
we also invented cartoons
were LITERALLY the sole American country to
1.basically kill all its blacks via the vicky method (drafting them all and forcing them to die in wars)
2.to make a pogrom against the kikes. so far no other country in america has gone on a kikekilla rampage

sure the browns are a lot harder to get rid of but well have dealt with them by Milei's 5th presidency
oh yeah pogrom huh??????? why do you have BILLIONS of KIKES still in your country then>????
when i was a wee little lad i would always get pissed at my parents for not saying the time properly, if it was 3:30 pm they would say that its 4 pm, and so on, always a little bit ahead of what it actually is
then i grew up and realized its because the hours fly like fucking minutes and 3:30 pm is functionally equivalent to 4 pm
there was just too many of them man.... we went in house after house checking foreskins checking for little hats and wed kill them wed beat them to death wed hang them on the public parks but the kikeman just kept on coming....day after day they came fresh off the boats with some new trick to steal money off of us..... 

just take solace in the fact that if we HADNT done that, thered probably be -at least- like 1 million more kikes in the world
god the 4 really is such a shithole
i told them that i like girls who are rational and capable of being my equal and then they started telling me that im a faggot and that ration and capability are inherently masculine and so being romantically attracted to those traits makes you a faggot
that being said though in the last half year ive been going on the 4 too much need to quit the thing again
there is a depressing new generation of men who are somehow taught at the same time they need to marry and reproduce but also that they should hate women with every fiber of their being and never show them any semblance of compassion or love
well thats just what happens when you combine the internet with the bitter political rants of old men, and have an utterly confused generation of youngsters who live more through said internet than through the...actual....life.......
i might sound like a reddit kike for saying this but its because most people who hang around the 4 are deeply insecure or just outright neurotic so they are terrified of being cucked
so their only option for a gf is an illiterate toddler who can barely speak so there wont be any chance the kikes can poison her
that null post i posted here summarizes my thoughts on this matter
well i dunno mate i think the people in this particular case just got memed by some 200 year old "philosopher" neet retard like nietzsche, hence the hyper emphasis on conceptual masculinity and femininity
wat null post
well thats another thing where barely anyone has any real life experience to they put all their faith in philosotrite which has always been a meme
uhhhh ctrl+f “merchants” i think he used that word in it
either this thread or the last one
ugh yeah "merchants" i know those well
just wait until its gamergate +20
it already IS
idk what all the posts after my last post were but the pogrom thing was in reaction to these international anarcho socialist communist jewish revolts, since it was just 1919 and the soviets were only recently a thing and so people were obviously weary of that and all our jews are eastern european
and also its interesting because the uruguayans supposedly found some jewish communist boat that wwas planning to make a groBlaplata socialist republic

and, simultaneously to this, there was also that spartakist uprising or whatever in Germany.... i guess it was a uh ((( coincidence )))
ohhh yeah i see
i do agree and thats what i meant with 09, the butthurt of many different men just crystallized in the internet and due to pretending to be some sort of coherent ideology by taking on the aesthetics of a specific old ideology(fascism, nazism, stalinism etc etc etc) it lended itself some legitimacy, and the lost youths clung onto them because those meaningless complaints manage to blend in perfectly with the actual ideologies that existed in the past that they dress themselves up as
the youth are attracted to stuff like internet nazism because of two different reasons, the first being the fact that there is a genuine need for the "outside world" to change, which is where the pseudo-ideology part comes in, and the second being the various personal worries of the youths themselves, which is why you see everybody shitting on women and whatnot(not that they're wrong, women are niggercattle, but they're usually shitting on women for either the wrong reasons or no reasons at all)
their worries regarding themselves are lessened by this sort of blatant bashing of elements(like women), so they just keep endlessly doing it, and the first people to even give out these ideas are all bitter 40-50 year old spergs, so there's basically an unlimited supply of groups to hate and reasons to hate, i think that this very nature is also why you see stuff like christian nazi vs islamoid nazi vs pagan nazi and the like
another thing to pay attention to is that 99% of internet nazis and other extremists dont actually have any sort of real ideology, in regards to the state or economy they have NO FUCKING OPINION or just a vague "uhhh gas the kikes???", but when it comes to social matters, things of little importance or which are not "primary causes" in and of themselves but are caused by other, greater things(such as the fucking state and economy!!!!!) and which are very easy to have an opinion on even if you're not "educated"
>just a vague "uhhh gas the kikes???
do this and the rest will come naturally
yes and thats like all of you whenever i talk about any nuanced thing
well i dont hide behind any pretense of ideology i just really fucking hate women and niggers and jews
mum called and told me its time for bed
yeah me too except nobody told me
it was just a joke mate its not my mum but my REAL mum who exists as a 2 dimensional being living in my head
its super tuesday!!!
super suffering
woke up and ate my meal
now all i need to do is drink coffee and then this day will end
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apparently johan is being the based or something so hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he will make a NOT shit game O-O
also turns out the plague dlc for ck3 is dogshit and everybody hates it
wow who could have guesssed
still waiting for vicky3's heart of darnkness
apparently the legends just.......run out after 20 years
so you can claim to be descended from the japanese emperor and spread your legend all over the planet and itll fucking poof out in 20 years
paradox is a small family company please understand
funny how they actually did go from a small family company to international jewry and we witnessed the rise(fall) from start to finish
its interesting to go through their ancient pre eu3 games and see how basic they are and how they made sequels to them almost yearly without really adding anything new
ok i shat out a 10k character post on ck3
thats enough work done for today
already made up my mind that ck3 was going to be unsalvageable long before it even released
well yeah me too
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jajjajajaja i looked at the hoi4 workshop and saw a chinamod with a reference to japanese gay porn
those chinks really love their japanese gay porn
>Before we move on to the next country, one quick note for all the non-Aztec Nahuatl countries: as there was time for only the Aztec mission tree itself, every Nahuatl country gets a decision to adopt the Aztec mission tree if they conquer the Aztecs and own the Mexico provinces themselves.
theyre LITERALLY saying that they DIDNT FUCKING BOTHER to make more mission treessssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are you ufcking kidding me
and this is supposed to be THE update to flesh out the americas
hwaht do you mean "'ere"
uh this chain
mission trees are still the most retarded mechanic to ever exist
charlemagne mission tree: 19.99$
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of course its in german -_--
>(japanese) saw
what did they mean by this
japanese saw
germanese did
yuzu killed itself
yuzu mishima...
so where do you get switch games again
checked nyaa, a few trackers and the iso sites i know of but the game i want wasnt in any of them
i usually just google it
uhhhh well that led me to a suspicious indian website that says the game has a completely different size than it actually does
whats the next step
play a real game like vick2
me im playing cookie clicekr now thats a game
how about uuuh https://rentry.org/Switch-Games-and-Game-Collections-for-ROMs-and-ISOs
ohhhh cookie clicker huh now thats a good one
what do you think about the new plague dlc for it???
nope its not there either
well it IS there on some of the sites but not the currently released full version but the shitty demo
well it might also not exist if it's too recent
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that kind of shit genuinely makes me upset
like that one brazilian dinosaur they named after thanos
ah yeah the unkosaurus
i feel like a retard
well you know what to do........
so fucking glad for my fractured memory
yeah....woudlnt want to remember..... THAT..!!!!!!!!!
i'm scared of loud thunder
there, i said it
well im not scared of any natural disaster
i did once fall on my ass back when i was like 10 though and within 30 seconds the weather went from slightly cloudy to a full on fucking storm with loud thunder and deafening rain(and i had no roof)
i may look like this but i actually have no criminal record
ah fckn tihs
big fucken bump on me head
finally reached the point where looking at anime girls just makes me feel sad
i might have said this exact thing 3 months ago but starting from today i'll fix my life
god every single night right before bed i swear my heart starts beating irregularly, which stresses me out, which makes me pay more attention, which makes my heart beat faster, then i calm down and theres nothing weird!!!!
im gonna fukken explode my own heart at this rate!!! AND ive been cutting hell tier sodium out of my diet and generally eating less
it just reminds me of the thing a year ago where i swore i was having a heart attack but the doctorman said i wasnt and had no signs so i feel like i shouldnt go again!!!
i guess if i die of heart complications in the coming weeks you guys get to have my true and honest will and testament: i did nothing with this life and i want my body thrown into a hole
when i bend my upper body down my heart starts hurting a lot
me i want to be burned into ash
want my body preserved juuuuuuust in case they can bring me back
stop pretending youd want to come back
i’m not done here
need to start first for that
well you know uhhh... todays over now and going through it and calculating various things i can say that it was yet another overwhelmingly shameful and meaningless day
eagerly awaiting a bullet
absolutely awful day and the horror will continue into tomorrow
yep yep have to a gree
gee cee
another beautiful day on earth good morning fellows :)
'arently pdxciv is out
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did yuno haiti wanted kenya(???) to deploy troops there but the moment the prime minister flew to kenya haiti was taken over by gangs and now he can't come back
now yuno
that place is so cursed it doesn't even feel real
nigger e1
a nigge1 if you will
oh no i woke up
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmy heaed
oh nooooooooo im awake!!!!!!
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...is this true
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ohhh dear
is that eu5
aye i saw it
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hmmm yes this is finally a decent way to do things 
am confused though if theyre gonna make eu5 then i dont really understand why theyre making those tiny "locations" rather than keeping with the old bigger provinces, and if theyre making a game other than eu5 then i dont understand why theres impassable water and land provinces (it most likely IS eu5...)
the locations are probably smaller so that they can simulate cities and the like
theres impassable places because....there were impassable places in the eu timeframe.......
....... i know thats the point
the only way that it makes sense for them to be impassable, is if its EU5(or similar timeframe) 

so them BEING impassable proves it being something like that, or at least makes it HARD to understand why theyre like that if its some other game

but then it doesnt make sense to have SUCH small tiles if its eu5
like warfare would have to be very different and hopefully the whole economic and diplomatic systems too would have to be radically different or else it'd just be shit imagine eu4 but with 4x as many provinces any war would be a nightmare
absolutely hate the snake noodle provinces they have been putting in all the uninhabited areas of the map recently
yeah it doesnt even make sense if you think about it for 0.2 minutes
i mean thats pretty much meiou right or that voltaire mod people like microprovinces
i think johan is trying to have a greater simulation of the actual internal parts of the coutnry(well this is the 10th time he's tried that and we've seen how it went the last times) hence the territories and so on
ohhhhhh man he BETTER make a fucking good game for once -_-
one hundred billion provinces not a single one good
dont remember the original joke
> Borders will follow locations. How we solve bordergore is something you'll learn about in late q2 if I my schedule does not change.
well alright i guess we're looking for a release date around christmas or 2025 q1 or q2?
didnbt they start making dev diaries and annnouncenments and trite for v3 like ages before it actually acme out
since they havent evne said the name of the game yet i bet its going to be later in 2025
well you know the closer we get to release the more specific the details given in dev diaries get so i think that if they're going to talk about something like "how to solve bordergore" in late q2 then the release date probably isnt that far away
my fucking brain chrissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
when i see bright lights it feels like im dying
dead in mind live in form
i've been laughing lately
before if i found something funny i would just think "that's funny" or if it was REALLY funny i would silently choke
but for the past few days some sound has been coming out
i don't know if it's desperation or what
i only laugh when i know nobody can hear me
found out that the zulu in vic3 have the lithuanian tricolor
does that make you laugh
new vic3 dlc
now thats a joke
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pictured: the first turanic conference
kyahahahahahaha hyahaahahahah
you laugh like a little anime girl
i dismiss album based music
i dismiss ungood music
>saw this webm on /gif/ once from a professional porn studio (might've been brazzers i can't remember) where they brought a literal child onto the set, locked him in a coffin, had an orgy and then let him out of the coffin after they were finished
ok cool
fairly certain that was a nathan for you episode, not real porn (but it is true)
-___- why do you have this stuff in your head mate
because nathan for you is very funny and reading that reminded me it happened
this metallic rouge show ended up being so boring i hope everyone involved feels bad about what they made
listening to this vtuber girl sing(in real time)
ole hatsune miku eh
hey wati a minute shes not a vtuber
more of a vsinger i guess
gonna go get some coffee
honestly been thinking about “getting into coffee”
its not that good
yeah its nothing good i just drink it like water
did you know são paulo used to be known for its coffee production
hence the coffee and milk
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uhhhhhh im losing
yeah i agree its not that good
texpoert on drinking coffee for a while but then not
btw about the paradox thing i'm really glad johan said he doesn't want a globe map i remember that the schombert thing had it (no clue if the successor tranny version does too) and i think i saw some other knockoff map games with it too
it looks sooo dumb
well yeah i dont like it either
it just feels like a thing modern paradox might've wanted to do with how much they love their 3d
considering learning greek and pretending both online and in real life that im greek
could be an e1
uhhh uhhhh uhhh scheisse
some have come from a land beyond the wave
understood that one
ah ee oo eh oh
we should do something
just remembered the fact that one of peepoo4's most central core mechanics is that you have a bunch of little dudes that can go places to do things but you only have so many dudes and they can only do so much
why did anyone even care about this game to begin with when it was so clearly a board game
*bees incapable of converting more than 1 province at a time*
*casts TND for 500 sword mana*
one thing i used to do is call 500 sword mana 1000 sword mana instead since 1 sword mana has 2 swords in its icon
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hate this shite so good and well that words cannot express it in full
you cant escape the erdoscape
drinking black cooking oil and absolutely agonizing
any buyers... o_0
oh god
its just a pig
no need to be so scared
first comes the pig lote...
then the big gote!!!!!!!!
indeeed yessss
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cute :)
actually h8 pigs like you wouldnt believe
ugly little things
love pigs
love pork
love ham
i'll blow your house in
head muscles keep spasming
>gold, silver and copper's atomic numbers are prime numbers
i wonder if theres any schizo theories to do with this
schizo theory: kikes gave them prime numbers to summon satan
satan gave them prime numbers to summon kikes
turk i just remembered thjers a touhou mahjong game maybe you wanna check it out (though its all filled with superpower bullshit)
i thought there was only a manga (filled with superpower bullshit)
spent 5 minutes imagining a fascist eu that kills all brownies and it felt a billion times better than my entire history of following politics combined made me feel
guess i know what im going to be doing from now on
anybody ever read that “medaka box”
no but i have read a bit of megacaca in me time
that doesnt freaking help me
no but i googled it and i really liked the girl on the cover
hope that helps
kind of
well ok im gonna read it
hope its shit
no no that cant happen metallic rouge is sucking up all my shit karma for the forseeable future
hope its good :)
oh i watchec that show its TRASH
the box or the rouge
the rouge box...
well the monogatari man wrote it and i liked that so uhhh maybe i’ll tolerate it better
and maybe the adaptation just sucked
why do i feel so dead
brown soul
no its white
ughguguhugh fuvck
seriously im like a paper doll
insides all empty
paper is full of paper
did like...30%.....of my daily tasks today
and that was the most effort and time ive put into things this week
the dragon ball creator is dead
i am saddened to tell the truth
was gonna post that too just now
the more posts the better don't hold yourself back
also im white so i never watched dragon ball and dadc1488 times over
funny how nobody here posted about the guy who burned imself alive for browns
someone did i'm pretty sure
dont remember it
im white and i “like” dragonball enough to be sad
my arms are on their last legs
hey / was gonna break the news (late as always)
i talked about the guy who burned
what did he burn
fucccçccccccccccckkkk just fuck all around
the world was made in the image of shit and piss
[ˈaʊf.(ʔ)ɛɐ̯.ˌʃtan.dən aʊs ʁuː.ˈiː.nən]
[ʊnt deːɐ̯ ˈt͡suː.kʊnft ˈt͡suː.gə.vant]
[las ʊns diːɐ̯ t͡sʊm ˈguː.tən ˈdiː.nən]
[ˈdɔʏt͡ʃ.lant ˈaɪ.nɪç ˈfaː.tɐ.lant]
ate a meal two hours ago and ever since then ive just been knocked out of action unable to do anything
my guess is that the bits and pieces of meat in it was too much for my brittle body
i think its the ddr anthem
which one
eugh bumped into the bigger -_-
Life In Tokyo Ichijou
ohhh this one
i’ve actually never read any of the fkmt spinoffs to his various things
theyre good
remember starsector theres things happening in it
if that's the game i'm thinking about i think i played it for 30 minutes once but couldn't get into it
popular modders kept putting malware and savekillers into their mods for a good 5 years and the dev got sick of it so hes banning them now
thats pretty funny
whyd they do that
that IS pretty funny
because people play mods that they dont like
they also do things like distributing their mods exclusively through their discord or patreon and other bullshit
now i will be honest
was it TRULY necessary to add in depth rape mechanics to starsector
i guess this is a pointless question, im sure LOTS of people desired it
apparently its not even indepth
well you know a lot of people desired wiafus and other stuff in the game, even back in 2018(i was also supposed to work on such a mod back then) so if anything its a surprise that it took so long for it to pop up
apparently the mod also adds some other more "proper" features too
oh some people are talking about "gamergate 2.0"
go look that up i guess im too tired to d oit
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i know about the gamergate 2 situation but its too lame and gay for me talk about
yeah actually me too i was in that thread wheer they first found out about "sweet baby" and at the time i was thinking "wow would be funny if they exposed this extremely suspicious company" and uhhhhhhhhh well look where we are now
went over the road in the truck for a job, to athens ohio. we got tipped $130 each, and we fucked in the hotel.
hey hold on a minute since when is athens in ohio
i do not endorse of jims post
mate telling me of how his gf is boiling in anger that we're........being toghether and doing things.....and she's been bitching nonstop about this for months now
pretended to laugh with him about how stupid women are but in reality im scared of how fucking crazy they are
dont care about women
i want their heart to race but i want it to race with me faster than with others.
try eurobeat
do you mean like a lads night out or is there some freak weirdo shit at play
huh wow im not in athens anymore
now were here in istanbul with cass or should i say constantinople hahaha lets go casss!!!! 
*turns all turks into fukken dust*
what DID the turkenreich call athens or did they not rename it
atina acanma amanma
During the medieval period, the name of the city was rendered once again in the singular as Ἀθήνα. Variant names included Setines, Satine, and Astines, all derivations involving false splitting of prepositional phrases.[29] King Alphonse X of Castile gives the pseudo-etymology 'the one without death/ignorance'.[30][page needed] In Ottoman Turkish, it was called آتينا Ātīnā,[31] and in modern Turkish, it is Atina.
uhhhhhhhhhh we play video games and talk and maybe watch anime
deffo some freako shite'o going on o.o
she DOES call us gay and make fun of us though
>The people preparing to bring us gaymergate 2.0 (Sweet Baby Inc.) are already hard at work shitting on Toriyama, don't worry.
ohhh my god i keep hearing about it more and more
its definitely going to happen again we're going to go through this shit AGAIN and itll be EVEN MORE retarded and prevalent
i fucking hate americans so much
us???? whos us???
me and my mate you tard
not your mate or your tard
she calls you gay for hanging out with your friend??? what kinda retardo would think that
she calls both of us gay for.....hanging out a lot
also we met years before she met him
she probbyly things UR the gay
im so sorry
tackle a horse 

gym is for losers, tackle a horse. 
why are you dumbasses worrying about narrative quality in videogames? art will always exist in a genuine form. create art in your life. manifest it. manifest reality.
uhh no buddy if anything she thinks YOURE a tranny sorry to have to tell you that
saw prostitutes on my screen and instinctively started calling them worthless cattle
saw a horse and tackled it
me im mongolian
bout fucking time that i make my own cute anime girls
better be drawing them and not spawning them from satan
my dream(of the week) is to start drawing and writing and just lob myself into a happy little story of cute girls(as opposed to real life)
ill probably be cursing the jews up until my last breath
wanna try some poutine me
if its free
hey wait you arent me
i was going to stay awake but maybe i won't
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ahhhhhhhh dear havent clicked it yet but its grim isnt it
well here we go i guess
well i dont get it but i guess hm did something ultraretarded because of his sicko fetish(again)
i do find it mildly funny though that "shed do more than your poor malnourished crass because mine has 2 heads and 50 pounds on yours" its like comparing slaves or oxen or something
don't think there's nothing to get it's just an old screencap i remember those posts
oh its screenies of .....here and not some 4chan shithole
*stares into the toilet bowl*
memento mori…
EUGH whats with all these weird posts did you take it from some weird 4chan tranny general or something???????
03 nobody saw them until now
wanna drink coffee
i remember those posts too why are you showing tragsg to another tranny uur this close || to getting pwned and btfod
also martial arts are useless in a street scuffle well maybe not 100% useless but at least 90% useless
pretty sure 99% of martial arts retards just did karate for 1 month back when they were an elementary schooler and then never again so its not really anything to brag about
martial arts aside though any grown man could probably just scare off your tranny with a big roar though hm
09 all their discord friends know about me and seen pictures of me and everything in fact i want to put some pics in here but i dont want to be annoying too much
i know some brazilian jujutsu guys have to power down in actual street fights because if you slam dudes onto the pavement the way you do on mats they just die
woah i was thinking about martial arts before i fell asleep... and now theres posts about them
actually conceptually funny but then i looked at the screenshots and its all eu4 scornful insults tier “””COMEDY”””
thats the only form of comedy youre still allowed to show in public
if we talked about flipflops on steam or wherever we'd get banned 1488 times over for ???
can you play this in my stead
no :(
-_- feeling bloodlust again and this time theres not even any reasons for it i just want people to bleed and suffer
banned by the sweet baby mafia
*crushes you like an accordion*
absolutely no gamergate 2 in these hallowed grounds
yeah yeah ok but how about sweet trannies that should go along well yeah??
the rain has been bringing in some foul smells these past couple days
ok moot
been raining black hail these days think gods got diarrhea again
just remembered hiroshimoot owns 4chan
its a system of benign neglect
which is preferable
well yeah but its only a coincidence that it just so happens to be preferable
who gives a hoot about their religion
*kills you with my voodoo owls*
i sort of "get" mtf trannies, its like a living suicide in a way, but with ftm trannies its just so silly. its like a clay golem trying to become a (hu)man, its just completely futile
mtf are just men that realized that life is fucking dogshit and before they managed to get their own thoughts on the matter they got gaslighted into thinking that if they cut their dicks off they'll become anime girls living in paradise
the women only do it because they want to look cool and become equal to men, and the vast majority stop their retarded act soon after they start because they realize its actually absolutely shite to be a man
more importantly though rate this flower https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camellia_japonica
nice flower!
would crush it underfoot
----------------_------------------electrics out
my bad
fucking hell turn it back on you retards
ioggughghghghghgghgg myy yymyymymy ffufufuufucckkkkiikngngngngngn ggooooooooododddddodododd height this shit hole
5 turks in japan made some kebab to japanese who suffered from the recent eartquake
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genius idea: you’ve heard of image boards and text boards
how about an audio board
want electricity
gonna have to trade rock mana for some
ok got electricity time to look at anime girls
uhh just found out my mates gf bought three security cams and put them around her room and told him to watch her with them all the time and that this has been going for...........a long time.....................
he showed me a picture of this and also said that he doesn't really bother looking through the cameras(), also her entire room is covered in hello kitty
no clue why all the people i know are such fucking weirdos this is almost as bad as the argentine slaveowner
weve ben thru gh this tis not slavery if its consensual
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forgot to type “omg” for that
that horse is literally smarter than me
well yeah me too
he could make a fantastic tragsg postere
like(NOT love!!!!!!!!!) a cute girl and considering picking her trash game up for her
wat gaem
(im waiting for the truckman to fix his truck so im posting)
uhhhhhhh "arknights"
you kill niggers or something in it
ohh that retardo game me mate really wanted me to play that but i adamantly refused
huh can you do some mp in it or something
i'd expect the gameplay to just be placing units in a tower defense or something considering its....welll...yo know...... THAT kind of game..........
uhhh no i think he just wanted me to shitpost about it with him and be gay and shit
ALLEGEDLY its a “good” gacha though apparently very good for f2p players
oh well thats good to know
it is very saddening though how with games like this all communities you can talk about it in just end up being filled to the brim with retarded teenagers going "look at how much i wanna fuck the characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and bizarre drama so no proper discussion is possible
was never too interested in that one but since i haven't been very busy i might at least try out that other one someone mentioned was going to come out soon
girls frontline 2????
yeah yeah that one
well it’s not like there’s anything to discuss
ow about the thrilling story and the latest strategies
one thing that i found interesting is that supposedly all these chinese and korean gacha shite have stories where everybody suffers and dies 24/7
you can actually play sharts frontline 2 right now but its still in a china-exclusive open beta so all the text will be in chinese(but you can switch to japanese voices at any time)
it takes a man with a strong personal will and constitution to appreciate a character nonsexually
yup thats me
or just any good ole regular person, when the character is NOT simply a moeblob whose personality is "im edgy...." or "fun things are fun" or whatever and is actually a well-written character with a compelling story or whatever
for me its christ like characters who endure enormous suffering for no good reason
UHH???ill have you know that my anime girls are very deeo character s----__--
that aside though you greatly overestimate the average youngster these days they'll absolutely ignore the character of a ....character if said character is an attractive female and they'll just screech about big tits until they die or whatever
well yeah i guess i should have said a normal adult 
retards will be retarded no matter what, so any media they consume will be retardized and consumed in a retard-like manner, even if the media itself isnt retarded
did you know raytheon had a hand in antarctic bases (whichever one is on the bottom)
know nothing about raythong
for me its boing
for me its rayearth
uhhhhhhhhhhh alcohol :)
always stay hidden downstairs whenever mum has company over so she doesnt have to explain her failure son
me i just didnt want to deal with her and her retard friends gossiping for 1488 hours in a row
watching a crack addict lolcow gamble because im bored
mine would shout and slam on the door if I didnt come out and greet them
actually may just start telling family and friends only about how ive been listening to coast to coast am to encourage them to not talk to me
>shout and slam on the door 
yeah thats probably a fucken trauma for me at this point
was about to say would pay good money for the turk to see a therapist and then get their notes but i realized WE were the therapist…
i wouldnt go to a therapist are you retarded
that being said though i DID go to one as a child and it was a nothingburger
i would consider going to one purely for the drugs
i'm not an addict or anything but maybe they'd fix me
well here all the drugs cost 10000000000 liras so...
i would actually like to try out some of those things that let you actually concentrate and so on but i dont want to spend my life savings on 1 fucking bottle, nor to get myself registered as a mentally ill retard(in a country where theres no welfare)
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uwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg iya daneeeeee
god fucking damn i hate it when the sun rises up
go back down you fucking idiot
if i had it my way the fuckin sun be gone
well yeah me too
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mental illness physically manifested
yeah we call that "sun"
the prodigal sun
UHHHHH UMMMMMMMMM thoughts on cute girls
big fan but i cant seem to see any in the wild only online
sometimes i see them and it reminds me life isnt that bad
(this happens before i lay in bed and think about how bad life is)
-_- got malwared
*shakes my finger*
i warned you about rapesector
warned you about hpm mate
gettong ore walware
nooooo grandi save me theyre downloading the niggermod again
sometimes when i fall asleep i get startled awake thinking im dying
wish I would fucking die yeah
oh yeah somebody go make the new
you do it
there is no way anybody is making 40 posts before i wake up (12 hours from now)
what if i spammed nigger for 40 posts
woke up for a piss just wanted to say absolutely drenched in dread right now utterly sinister atmosphere in this house
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apologize to the eastern europeans
always thought them nonwhite
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wow so this is what the aristocratic class is doing these days
anyway just woke up and my room absolutely stinks of alcohol
Replies: >>47350
remember playing this as a wee little lad
for me its the one with the ninja guy that sneaked through a building and there were some elevators or something
any1 wanna rent an intensive pig farm with me
hwy not
not a big fan of pigs
not a big fan of argents
if you wanna overcome and surpass your islamic trauma then you have to manage a pig farm its the only way to prove youre not a mahometan camel-riding saracen deep in your heart
not the turk im ohio
dont you fukken lie im ohio
anyone can be ohoi
googled it and it turns out that everyday i drink 1/10th the lethal amount of caffeine
i cut caffeine out of me diet
i think you're supposed to grind it not cut it
meam tarded
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enormous sign of being brown
ate my meal
consumed my beverages
dont think that happened i havent heard of it at all but i guess i can check with my sources
vgh what could have bee
if turkslayer gets turned into turdlayer....... does the turk just become the turd....
a turd is a turkokurd
stop drink 
i hope you dont send shitty text walls to people once the euphoria starts wearing off and the real drunk starts
we need to come up with words for all the kinds of turk
like islamoturk and secularoturk and the greek turks russian turks crimea turks azeri turks japanese turks bulgarian turks and so on
i propose grurks
in other words....our turk....
no when i feel sad i just put on some sad music and stare into the air silently for hours and when i feel angry i just rant about the jews on here and 4chan for hours
ive fucked up a whopping 0 relationships so far with my antics which i think is pretty good
damn youre right i should drink(this post was directed at no one)
well yeah now i want to drink too _---_-
anyone got an idea for a thread
make it like...islamic chinese kyushu
AND east is north
and theres mahjong
more like mahjoff

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