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at least its not gote
what if it was
what would We do
fucking retard fly on my screen
well i crushed it and i rubbed its corpse all over my fingers until all traces that it ever existed disappeared
would like to do this to a lot of people actually
should start making idols to worship
but i have no silver nor technical skill nor licence
thankfully japan already made idols so you dont have to make your own
mein idols :)
uuuhh thats not pruben
its ost prubben
ugh yep nothing beats THE roman larp
want to offer up my being
offering up a dadc
find the scandi accents pretty cute on girls but generally not attracted to their faces
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didnt even need to open the thread to read the new posts
murio lula
>They had no idea when the final Heisei was gonna be because the Emperor had been open about wanting to abdicate for years but the rest of the government needed to clear it. That's why for like 4 years straight every film had a ton of returning characters in case it was the send off for Heisei.
funny thing
taking 4 years to clear the emperors abdication taking 4 months to send test results what the fuck are they doing????
i cant WAIT to do byzantine japan in peepoo5
catching up on the episodes reminded me, saw my normie friend for the first time in a bit and he was telling me how he was LOVING kaiju no. 8
i try not to be too much of a retarded elitist but this show is so bad i cant believe normies can eat it up like there is actually no positive to it other than sakuga now and again
didnt one of you say they liked it
no i think im the only one watching it, presumably der turk started it (im assuming him because he watches everything) and dropped it because it sucks
thats what i used to do (start amillion shows and drop 90% of them because they suck)
3 people here watched it i think
and we all dropped it immediately because it was trite
well for a retard normalfag subhuman ape it would probably seem very good since it'll be his first anime probably and thus very fresh and novel
i think i would first do a golden horde run
just a few decades ago you had christian princes everywhere and there were even attempts to take jerusalem with the help of the west so i would basically do that just go down south and bleach the shitholes and make them christian
no he's WATCHED a lot of anime (normie anime to be clear)
but i just dont get it
like even other shitty normie anime (e.g: my hero academia and attack on titan) i do see the appeal and both of those (allegedly) had pretty good starts/arcs here and there
but this show JUST sucks from the jump i dont get it
i also am extra bitter because i've brought up like five times "heyyy you should check out that dungeon meshi" because its COMPLETELY normie friendly but also really fucking good and he just will not watch it
kill yourself honestly
yeah you better never imply i like shit anime cuntass -_-
i think 54 is a bit harsh
kill yourself you fucking dumbass *angry gargling noises*
you know full well why i hate your post
/ dont
supposed to be doing things but i cant stop wallowing
yup no clue
oh nevermind i got it
or i got they as one may call it
im starting to see people replace "it" as well
insane how fast a language can devolve into vulgar slop this trend hasn't even been around 10 years
bunch of fucking retards ruining my beautiful latin
big fan of blind racist black guys who think theyre white
wish there were more of them
Diversité des terroirs, des microclimats, des petites régions individualisées. Diversité, aussi, des races de la France
didnt one of you say it liked it
looked up a random french word and it just so happened to be nigger
for me it's joye de vivre
dont got any of that
>The books final parts examine the future of China and the US and their relationship together. He posits that China will continue to develop into a superpower, whilst comparing the US-China relationship to the Britain and German pre-World War Two. Kissinger finishes examining contemporary areas which erode the U.S. and Chinese ability to create a mutually beneficial relationship. 
oh yeah about this "zhou enlai" guy
the zhou part interested me and i checked it and it turns out his surname really is just the kanji for the zhou dynasty, the first really big dynasty of china
pretty funny how some glowing red topkike of the commie regime has that as his surname
china is only interesting when someone else is invading it
what if china invades taiwan does that count as someone invading china
just chinks fighting other chinks
like every other war today
just slavs fighting other slaves
just semites fighting other semites
no more brother wars
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so turk what was your recommended anki deck
core 2/6k optimized japanese vocabulary OR core 2/6/10k further optimized
get uhh VN core 1250 v3 too while youre at it
ideally you'd do both at once
both??? at once??? ugh
well you dont have to do both but if youre doing one at a time then you'll have to do vncore first
wonder just how much quicker learning japanese would be for me sine i consume japanese content every day for hours
i think i can have a pretty basic conversation i just cant fukken read 
especially since im a pretty expressive person i mean i could just be like explaining the thing im trying to say and then the japanese person would tell me what the word is and i would go ah hai hai sore ... tonikaku
i was one of the people who was doing the anki ages ago i did the vn deck until it was like 80 90% mature then i went "i'm going to be busy lately so i'll wait a bit to start the other one" and then i never really felt the urge to do it
honestly i'm happy with my level of knowledge i got this handy mtl program and i know just enough to know when it's bullshitting me and to understand some basic phrases without it
microsoft asking me if i like donuts
well....... DO you?
looks like a big storm outside
literally never ate one in my life
they'll make your stomach thunder
i quite like them i suppose but... the big hole in the middle doesn't really add anything
im NOT a huge fan of dounts i prefer other kinds of pastries
its orange outside
pitch black for me
sometimes i look outside at night and it's really bright sometimes it's really dark
i won't pretend to understand it i don't think it's the moon phases maybe the clouds
nothing like cussing a nigger out after a long day of piled up stress
now translate that into turkish
um no
just successfully caught a falling knife without cutting myself
keep it up and you'll be making dozens of pennies at the stop light soon
laughed out loud
randomly moving my arms around with remnant electric currents left all around my body
you know everyone has electric currents in his body right
couldnt be me
for me it's commanding the electrical currents by rubbing my clothes really hard
thats not currents thats static (ie now flowing)
*gets zapped and turns to human crust*
*gets raped into dust*
want to take a laser and wipe my existence with it
i'm thinking about installing a password manager
after all these years the old text file is getting a bit unwieldy
me i just scramble the same 8 character combo for everything
yep i literally just have a passwords.txt
and i use the same password everywhere(i started using it 15 years ago)
tbe thing is i'm paranoid so i like to keep things obfuscated like not write what the passwords are for or use acronyms and codewords but then eventually i forget what it all means
*hacks into your club penguin account*
oh im a good old trashman
i wonder which two trashmen are most closely related
surely itd be macon and jim or some combination of dixies
woudlnt americans be more unrelated because they havent mixed for 10000000000years
i bet the turk and nakhodka are closer to eachother 
there turanic brethren after all
*stares at you blankly*
remember back when nakhodka was here
yup those were the good days *cries
(he's spamming simpsons porn in /vst/ again)
uhguuuugguhuughuughughughghg WHEN is this trite releasing i want to play as the pope and as austria now!!!!!!1!!1
why should we trust johan 
isnt his division of paradox the same group of browns who have been making awful eu4 dlc for years
well youll have to trust him because theres no other way to kill time
as far as i know his division has only made eu4 dlc for the last 1-2 years and its hard to gauge the actual ability of the team since eu4 was already so fucked that you cant fix or improve it in any way and because (presumably) the guys working on eu4 dlc and the ones on eu5 were different people
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absolutely love how something that only became a thing two years ago already feels completely outdated being seen in a modern anime
is that the facebook thing
yeah and in true nipponjin fashion this show is desperately trying to pretend it's still a thing and will let you visit talking animals in a zoo and go to school all on facebook
*takes 4 months to load the school map up*
there was also a gundam metaverse shilling show but i havent watched that one yet (heard it sucks)
that one ALSO had, apparently, proper metaverse integration, but instead people just cracked it, found 3d models for gunpla, and started 3d printing kits which was an e1
i think there was a game for that or something?
and it was just so so sso os fucking terrible holy shit
i watched a playthrough of it and the guy was just perpetually seething while playing it and eventually he just started skipping all dialogue and cheesing the battles, he only had fun when making his own MS(which would immediately be destroyed when taken to real battles because some retard decide to make it so that each MS part can be permanently destroyed in battle and you have to get it and attach it anew)
uhhhh i think you're thinking of gundam breaker
of which there are two games i think are very beloved, and a third one people HATE, and a new one coming out that is allegedly good based off people who played the beta
yeah uhhh lets see *bings* this https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm33413226
yeah thats the one everyone hated
apparently the marketing for it too was super smug and acted like gundam fans were fat losers, which may be true but i'll never understand why marketing tries shit like that
well that sort of marketing would work well if they were using a cute anime girl to treat the fans like trash
civ7 leaked
Replies: >>53441
cant even begin to imagine how much worse it'll be
it was just an image of the logo
i can only imagine how ugly they'll make the characters
what a lying faggot absolutely nothing was leaked
well i meant as in that its being produced
probably therell be some proper announcement soon yep maybe
summer games fest is tonight, or something so maybe there
remember e3
yeah it was epic (because it was bed)
holy shit he's wearing an actual suit instead of a green t-shirt
that's a rare volodododmoryort zelenskiyyyyyyyy right there
i wouldn't even be mad if he wore like an actual military uniform, or a suit like a normal politician or literally just walked around wearing a kevlar vest or something like that but the t-shirt is unironically infuriating
i get that it's a gimmick meant to "make it clear that Ukraine's defensive struggle requires the efforts of civil society nothing less than the deployment of the army" but it just reeks of somebody's spoilt kid who's never been told no and walks into school wearing a halloween mask in the middle of july because he's desperate for attention
who is he
man you know what if it wasnt for all these retarded arabic loanwords i could have just randomly picked up kazakh and turkmeni and mongol books and just casually fucking read it with a high degree of comprehension and 0 effort required
what a shame honestly
but whos in debt, turkish???
well all sorts of turkic languages really but i was specifically talking about turkish
i was farting on wikipedia and stumble on this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altan_Debter which is why i made my post
its literally just altın defter its PRECISELY that not even archaic words or anything like that nor have their meanings slightly changed i could definitely see this as the title of some shitty new turkish novel or something
just think about how much closer the turkic languages would be if we all shed the tarded loanwords, hell mongolian isnt even in our fucking language family!!!!
and just yesterday some autistic britishman tried to talk to me in uyghur for some reason, funnily enough i could read a third of what he said
there starting to figure it out.......
not gonna rape my recommendations for that sorry mate
its not a sorry mate its a pretty decent one i wouldnt mind having some with that lad
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this is the (arab descended) guy who fought the jewish guy on tv for saying he was in favor of bombing the israeli embassy
 "today is a peronist day, companions(comrades). its ideal to fight goriloids. i see more every day, how about you?"
"fat criminal. you should be in jail."
"i am"
thats probably great for filtering both autists and esls
no brown would know what it means to have a pensive expression
i got 27 (should be 28 i missclicked one)
imagine a tragsg post guesser test
tried the eyes thing and it was so horribly retarded that i quit halfway
convinced the guy who made it has never looked anybody in the eyes before
you may find it difficult to understand a person's mental state based on their facial expressions
im an expert actually
waheey reading haruhi im having fun!!!!!
thats nice
me its clannad(anime)
clad in a shroud of exhaustion
guvvghhghhvhhghguvuguuhguvghuuh how are kyou and tomoyo THIS fucking good truly 10/10 women
in other news the retard cripple i am watching the anime with would rather fucking beg for a gf on /soc/ than actually watch at a proper pace!!!! fucken retard
he's ALSO playing fucking eu4 too
truly pearls before swine
it's no laughing out loud matter
laughed out loud
70 what the fuck even is this post just what are you on about man
illiterate tard
has there ever been an actual real life woman on /soc/ ever in history
awfully curious are we eh bigger
really really wish there was an actual use for my epickkk!!!!! windows XP vm so that i could use it for something other than larp
use it to play toohoo
wasted the last 24 hours
oh boy...work at 5 am!!!
kyon is much more of an "asshole" in the haruhi novels im noticing
not like an actual asshole, but his monologues are much more rude and judgmental which is fun
1923 Great White Way Orchestra - Yes! We Have Work!
been thinking that i probably need to learn the days of the week in english
ooooo i know them
i only know monday thats it
remember the moth poster
now that was a poster that

we should have called him tim (short for timothy)
honestly forgot
been listening to that retarded banana song on loop for hours because i have nothing better to do
yeah thats weird
fucking hate the peepoo4 fort system
yeah its seriously so fucking bad i need tinto to fix it
do you mean shika noko noko noko
nihongo people cant say ti
if you have to pull out the small runes that means you have lost
got some really bad acne on me back
bacne of sorts
finally closed the tarded banana song
been listening to it for a long time...
whenever i hear "god save the queen" or "my country tis of thee" start up i always think its the kaiser song at first
oh yeah absolutely i barely even associate that melody with england it always takes a while for me to remember
see anime man sleep
get sleepy
see anime man eat
get hungry
see an anime man weep
god gives his hardest plays to his strongest clowns
what the fuck ARE turks anyways
theyre not actually turkic, not greek, not anatolian, and they say theyre not arab.......... what does that leave.........
bit of this bit of that
think i dreamt about girls twice today
the subject is starting to weigh on my conscience again
thankfully no sex though
think i dreamt about turks twice today
the subject is starting to weigh on my conscience again
thankfully no sex though
is there a way to make using dual audio in vlc not cancer
pretty sure white men exclusively use mpc-hc
....does that solve the problem or are you just saying that for the sake of saying it...
i dont know what the problem is mate
i just flip the switch according to whichever dub i want to listen to
also vlc is hyper tritetrash (apparently according to what i heard from some spergs on the internet)
having to manually switch tracks every single episode and then being subjected to the dub earrape when you dont do it within 0.01 seconds is precisely the problem
well that happens to me in mpc-hc too
pretty sure its because the retard triangloids who encoded the thing intentionally set the english as the default dub so that it always shows up first
i guess maybe theres some plugin out there to redirect all default dubs of a language to another language?????? not that i would know
so..... you dont know either..... naruhodo
never been a problem for me i just set the default language to japanese in mpv like 10 years ago
anyone else get my bloody valentine and bullet for my valentine confused all the time
i set mine to jap too 10 years ago and it didnt change shit!!!!!!!!!
saw a big turd today too
almost makes me feel vikingic
葡萄牙 portugal
葡萄 grape
牙 teeth/ivory
hey doctor can you make me an eunuch
big BIG fan of burping while coughing hope i can roast the retard who invented it alive
that retard... is you
couldnt be me im a pure gentleman i would never do something so unsightly
in a bit of a penguin mood
there arent really many penguin related activities
ill be honest when i see anime girls mention penguins it pisses me off a little
i think its because my mind has completely synchronized hm with penguins so to me it sounds like theyre talking about hm
was just thinking about that
i think they broke the original game at some point because i remember being able to win at it twice but then every time after that i would death spiral no matter what i did
going to go fucken insane trying to get clannad in jap
searched all the western pooholes and all the chinese ones and the end result was....some stuff with prepatched english and ONE torrent that has the original clannad and not the full voice version
how is a classic this hard to find
Replies: >>53542
have you tried searching in japanese
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is this what you are looking for 
it includes the english patch but it's not pre-applied
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there's also this
there are bunch of other versions available but these seem to be the most relevant for what you are looking for
if only there was someone still alive to see these posts
well yes theyre both what im looking for
is that a private tracker
yes, it's animebytes 
i can download it for you if you want, just tell me which one to get
well then the first one if you would
thanks matie
here you go
after you download it please reply to this post so i can delete the file off the server

Replies: >>53557 >>53558
dead men cant reply
think my brain is melting
to write a few paraghraphs of japanese i had to consult the english-to-japanese dictionary AND the chinese-to-japanese dictionary
God never intended anyone to know more than one language
mei fucking god with each new ep blue archive makes me more and more pissed
WHY is it a fucking defacto shounen manga with a ridiculous amount of shitty ass drama on top
nothing about the fucking story is new or interesting in any way its all just shit i could accurately guess would happen right from the fucking 2nd episode!!!!!!!! why just WHY would you adapt a fucking gacha that has 0 story and is only famous because it has cute girls and silly humour and then make it into this boring shit
also FUCK your fighting scenes my god its like youre trying to show off to everyone how poor your studio is, and theyre also bland as shit with meme gimmicks every time
if i wanted to see war so much i would go sign up to the army!!! i can do it right this fucking morning if i want you know!!!!!!
really just an utter waste by some rando fucken director(https://anidb.net/creator/33236) it should have been some silly comedy SoL thing instead(since the fucking target audience really likes that!!!!! the people who will be watching!!!!) and no problems would occur with the dogshit budget either nor would half the anime need to be 3dcg that looks out of 2005
 Macron calls snap parliamentary election after crushing defeat to far-right in European election poll
surely you'd want to NOT have elections if the polls show you'd be defeated crushingly
uhh here you go
that's pretty funny
yup finished it and it works just fine
thanks again lad
am downloading it too
niconico got cyberattacked and has been down for a few days
was it the chinese
i bet it was the chinese
its still going on though and they just decided to sit it out
奥特曼 ultraman(simplified)
奧特曼 ultraman(traditional)
my eyes arent small enough to read chinese
dont worry i also stood there for 2 minutes fucking stupefied
started watching gundam sneed with a friend
will take an eternity to finish it since we only convene once a week
the show is just 79 but worse except i can already see the seams where it's going to burst into full retardkino
already one girl became a super racist (note: theyre racist against test tube babies in sneed) and because of that she's now trying to fuck the main character, because he's a test tube baby, and she wants to try and drive him to die in combat
then theres another girl who is just like a dog she just wanders around and acts retarded and sings idol music which was always really funny
almost got fired for doin some fuck shit at work. now everyone thinks theres something stupid going on, and there really isnt. they dont fire people at this company they just throw them through a psychological hellscape on purpose for a week straight, and it affects everybody. everybody hates me. ive taken steps to alleviate some stress and pain but ultimately i wont ever be able to make anyone understand. maybe i dont even understand yet.
what did you do
nothing man
yeah yeah...tell it to the fukken comissar!!!
read "doin some fuck shit at work" and my first thought was "are we getting raided" and then i remembered jim exists
thats how i talk off of here
like a retarded faggot? yeah i know
no you dont!!!
i can only imagine hat that means did you say something stupid ???
hm hows your life going
hm has been moldering in the grave for weeks now
the idols got him
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so does this mean for anybody
it probably means another fat jewish woman will become president and import dozens of millions of niggers
mein ankestors
the older total wars (shogun and medieval) have good music too but they are really obtuse to play
jeff van dyck is an epic lad shame the kikes killed him
also the ui is fine when you get used to it
its more of a control and constant crashing problem
latter never happened to me
why are you so retarded and dysfunctional
why are you always looking for approval and validation

you seriously act like a teenage girl and youre an almost 30 year old man 
americans are fucking sick man
ive been somewhat busy at work but uhhh hpretty much the same as usual been playing some rythm games i suppose
jim spiraled into THE mental hell t.expert
what gets me is he wont say what happened to his tragsg pals beyond vagueposts
doeos he have to talk to elderly women or something what is it
just the voices i reckon
which one is worse i wonder
people are all people
well that depends on their ethnic makeup
yup kyou is 10/10 texpert
imagine if the circle was divided up in 365 days and a right angle was a season
the fuck are you talking about
honestly was completely surprising when i watched one punch man and it was actually funny and good
never watched season 2 becaus everybody told me it sucked
i watched season 1 when it aired and it was epic
think everybody only hated it since it was THE normie thing
yeah i specifically avoided it back then because the annoying people i knew liked it
many such cases
wish i had a gugie right now
want a google with the mates
im definitely a validation seeker to my detriment and it ends up everyone hates me
think i could make 100 friends if it wasnt for the fact that i hate everyone
you might enjoy this one jim
honestly hope jim gets the good end he deserves
me too but he's not making it easy for himself
this is the episode where the sad anime boy gets himself healed by a girl
problem is all 3d women are fucking kikes so he'll just get btfo instead
"this is the episode where teh sad anime boy gets himself healed by a girl"
the episode title: jim dies
well you know how tomino's like
want to see anime girls on piixv
problem is that because of the morning sun they will be able to see me also
i think i am going to balkanize turkey(anatolia)
nooooooo please do not put me in a different country to all the brownies and kurds and ugly fucken niggers!!!!!!!
what are some couintries you could make in anatolia
uhhhh kurdistan uhhhh armenia uhhhh the greeks on top of anatolia.... what else........ surely theres some other freaks
the freakiest bunch are those turks
well surely theres subspecies of turks just like theres...... weiner dogs or racing dogs or niggerdogs
i posted an image of it like 10 billion years ago
there were the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pontusians and the greeks and armenians of istanbul and izmir and uhgghhhhhh you could make a larping celtic state in galacia or whatever it was called
youre thinking of iberia
why would literally anyone want to make a bunch of arbitrary states with no relevance whatsoever to anyone today
see france and britain
see south america
south america developed 100% organically
t.clueless retard or disinfo agent
indeed you are
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm actually 90% of south america is argentine clay t.expert
t. schoolchild
can you imagine gathering the mates to bully the argentine exchange student lol
fantasizing about bullying is one of the most pathetic things imaginable
yeah and then as revenge he keeps shitting up your epic secret board
yeah whatever you say FAGGOT
*dunks your head in the toilet*
the only people who post stuff like that are literal trannies
cmon mate it's just some light ribbing you don't have to take it so personally
im just trying to warn you mate
couldnt be me tertified talle mane
i was just thinking itd be interesting if there was just 1 or 2 big balkan countries and then it was turkey thats balkanized (and then you wuodlnt say balkanized, but rather, anatolized)
also the reason is that turkey also used to be a messy ethnic shithole but its mostly all the same ethnicities (greeks armenians and kurds) so idk what other countires there could be
greek anatolians
islamic greek anatolians
western armenians
eastern armenians
christian turks
greece 1 greece 2 greece 3 who gives a shit...
Lift 5x a week and make sure you don't look like a chestlet in doing so by going too hard on shoulders instead of chest. Eat like 1500 calories and drink half a pot of coffee a few shots and beers and 2 bowls pwo.
the important part is WHICH greece is the real byzantine one
splitting things up even more would just make the middle east even worse
the only way to stabilize it is for some imperial power to blob all over it and unify it
but who said i wanted it to be stabilized
the idea is for it to be a shithole
it already IS
i mean 5x a week will absolutely rape you and if youre just maintaining then its a waste of time
dont forget legs too!!!!
1500 calories will kill you unless youre already a fat fuck
browns already do a good enough job of that
the white mans job is to improve the world
so youre saying white people actually went extinct over 100 years agoo?????
uhhh yep
anybody wanna do GOMAD with me
i actually hate milk
not intolerant i can drink it just fine but it tastes horrible to me
loudass sun raping my ears
yu havetn tasted it straight from tbe cow
it tastes like shit but if you keep drinking it it tastes good
im an expert man trust me
anybody else have that one friend (...the past counts) who only like, 85% understands jokes and spends too much time making shitty jokes with bad timing
well no... i HAVENT.... i would love to try it like that but i dont exactly know any cowmen
no i am the friend
wouldnt that just make it worse if he doesnt like it
look man you may not like milk but the raw power GOMAD gives you will be worth it
it doesnt give you any power you freako
stop believing in horoscopes for men
oh wow a gallon is a lot of milk
its liters here
its not a horoscope its scientific
would hate to piss myself
for me it's shit
something very funny about the ubiquitous advice for young guys wanting to look better was SS+GOMAD for years and years when its hard to conceive of a way to end up looking worse
starting up a political organization
men wanting meat
whats the SS portion actually
i only know of GOMAD because it's completely hilarious
me i forgot the ss
whats up with all the posts
ss is when you do painful unfun lifts  that everyone hates just so you can grow specifically the muscles that nobody finds attractive
big fan of the posts since im actually drunk right now and have nothing to do(and would thus stare into the air if it wasnt for the posts)
i'll be having cake with anime girls soon enough
me itll be dearth
is that a euphemism for going to heaven
if so i got some news for you buddy
it is all fucking horoscopes "oh yeah bro im totally doing another cycle of CROFLOP+NAMNAM and im starting up C4 supplements yeah its gonna be epic today i sunbathed for 6 hours while eating raw meat its totally fucking paleolithic man tomorrow im gonna cook some organic farmer nuts to get the *gather* part of hungergatherer"
NAMNAM is very close to being a real biochemistry term
well yeah ive posted about this before a lot
faggots on the internet will look you in the eyes and say "ohhh yeah but you gotta do spider crawls and dog walks otherwise you may as well not be working out, also if you eat a grain or hamburger you are gonna die"
when this shit has been figured out 100s of years ago and if you just do basic cardio and some lifts and pulls then eat your meats and veggies you'll be healthy as fuck
that's what /'ve been saying all my life
uhh well no thats not quite enough to be "healthy as fuck"
yes it is!!!
yes like its really not that hard but everyone nowadays has to feel like they belong to something and like they have some secret knowledge and have some way to look down on other people

i mean fucking THINKING became a thing to look down on other people with, when the whole "NPC" thing became big
its literally like the barest fucking minimum thing, and people still thought themselves epic over it
its all just larp
the trite about how if you sleep ass naked in the winter your balls will react to the cold and make more testosterone is STILL fucking burnt into my brain
you don't need to look like mr olympia to be healthy
its probably enough to make you not unhealthy but to actively be in very good health it takes a lot more work than that
i almost got in a tizzy about this when a coworker told me "oh but did you know you're not supposed to drink water cold? it's supposed to be room temperature"
which okay even if this is true, how many microseconds of my life is going to be extended if i do this retarded shit
the npc thing is especially painful to me because i know exactly where it came from(super fucking old /r9k/) and also that the one who made it was some retard nigger who kept spamming it on twitter
well yeah for the rest you need the healthy gene
remember when "chad" was incredibly niche incel/r9k lingo
now everyone knows what it means
i still find it hilarious when i wander into the other side of the internet and see random memes with chads and wojacks not the memes themselves but the fact that these kinds of people know about it and use it
i told you YEARS ago how i keep seeing KIDS on the fucking TRAM show eachother soyjaks and laugh
fucknig insane world i hate it alll
theres an argentine imageboard which recently had its lingo enter mainstream usage by other internet places (x and such)
yeah i almost like seeing children post about gems and coal because it just proves in my mind that all the soyspammer tards that i use to fight on 4chan were all retarded children who are going to grow up with mental problems (and thusly i will be SUPERIOR to them and i will LOOK DOWN on them)
anybody want to watch macross: do you remember love
its impossible not to feel like a sort of intellectual royalty when our discarded memes get recycled for years and years and end up defining culture
yeah that was a crazy redpill was realizing everybody im arguing with on 4chan is an underaged retard...i thought only / was allowed to be an underaged retard (10 year ago)
7 honestly no
agree x1
i had a girl call me cute recently i wonder if i'll get to have sex with her
today i witnessed a terrible half-assed attempt to hit on some girls rightly fail
#8ball (no)
hey wait a minute
it is funny how zoomers have no meme culture of their own it's just frogs and wojaks all the way down
thats just plainly not true you retard you havent laid eyes on a zoomer in over a decade how could you possibly claim to know
ohhhhhh me mem em me mem me mememmemmeemmee!!!!! i have to see them everyday on 4chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yup its indeed true theyre all wojakniggerapes kill them all
"it is funny how 4chan memes are on 4chan"
they ARENT (well they are) on 4chan wojaks and frogs are literal instagram twitter tiktok shit now
do chuds count as wojaks
when was the last time you went on tiktok
ask that to jim
chuds are their own thing but its from an old movie so its still a loss
its just insane how nearly every post thats been made on tragsg is 100% wrong
well then enlighten me to the epic zoomer culture tardoid niggeroid
theres no way you dont know the skibidi fanum tax ohio rizz let him cook trite (95% of what zoomers actually meme about)
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it begins
ohhh yeah wait i did forget about those okay you're right
i mean the chudface you know the one thats traced of a guy with glasses and those things on the side of your nose/mouth
i was 100% expecting you to be a complete retard and move the goalposts and say "those are all terrible though" so im pleasantly surprised that you didnt
me i actually dont know what 17 is on about
i gues im better off this way
im proud to say im of the generation that put Trump in office
*starts rocking in my argentine rocking chair*
i only know 1 of the ones in 17
funny that ive been a trump supporter for my entire politically-aware life
skibidi: reference to skibidi toilet (gmod animated series)
fanum tax: reference to some fat nigger streamer who eats his streamers friends food
ohio: reference to "x in ohio" meme (implying that things are strange in ohio)
rizz: short for "charisma" and slang similar to "game"
let him cook: evolution of "what was he cooking" meme
skibidi: piss?? toilet???poo???
ohio:no clue but i keep seeing it everywhere
oh funny thing didnt see 27
no thanks sir i will stick to looking at touhous thank you *refuses to leave the nursing home*
even touhous are becoming trannified now after the trannies found out about fumos
thats happened like 5 years ago byw now
yeah well he's got a lot of catching up to do
aniem girls will always be subject to trannifying but it doesnt count when they're like 
[person with a reimu profile picture]: "oh yeah i dont know what anime is from she just looks hecking valid!!!"
i mean if you leave the nursing home youll just see like.....tranny parades on the grand canyon...........or whatever
would much rather remain in my own head
you may find solace in the fact that when i was a child and first started learning english i was so utterly disgusted by all the mentions of drugs and sex in popular american songs that i completely stopped listening to all things american
and now my skin is brown
adorned with a permanent frown
the metamorphosis was about jews going from being considered white to being considered brown
smells like the dog shat but it didnt
punching myself in the face but im a little bitch so all my hits are sort of halfassed and barely even hurt
this gets a stoic "pretty disappointed" from me 1/10 try harder next time me
well okay now my face doesnt hurt but my brain what does it mean
you gave yourself a concussion
extremely retarded
you dont get it man
i act retarded and THEN as a result do stuff like this
therefore the retardation of my latter action does not count only the former
have you considered the two might be related
there is genuinely nothing more retarded than punching your own head
its like THE image of tard
its an epic faustian symbol of the spirit of resistance against the natural order or whatever
what does that have to do with striving for infinite space
ask pol
remember interpol
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watching 2d children die is basically my way of coping with life
cute couple
it remains to be seen if he actually likes her or if this all a part of the keikaku to become the biggest shit disturber in the solar system
the average person things being a faggot freak who puts his penis in poop licks it and spreads aids everywhere is perfectly normal and acceptable but 52 is some beyond the pale freakazoid thing
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Borges: "Everything that is done in India is ugly. Imagine what the modern artists of India will be like. They beat everyone. There are countries with a vocation for ugliness: India, Mexico. Worse than the demons (for them they will not be demons) of the Aztecs are the caricature characters of Rivera's frescoes."

pictured, the frescos of the aforementioned rivera(i think)
imagine being brown
you have to walk around all day with poo colored skin
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what are the implications of the demiurge's imagery matching perfectly with the argentine libertarian phenomenon

(a snake with a lion's head and a sun as the background)
i mean i guess thers also a moon i wonder what it all has to do with eachother
and also the popes argentinian i guess
absolutely none because the demiurge is a retarded /x/ meme on par with soyjaks
it may be but it really does match 
i mean you DO know how much milei is associated with the lion
and you DO know they fly gagsden (snake) flags all day
and  you DO know argentina has the sun
and you DO know the pope is argentinian 
and you DO know the jesuits are involved all throughout this
so we just need to figure it out........ whats exactly going to happen when the pope and milei meet in argentine soil
milei is going to cut his head off with a chainsaw and crown a new chud pope
can you just watch that or is it better to watch the full show?
aint got no water
oh i aint got no water
how do i survive
well yes and no
they may as well be completely different, dyrl basically just covers one single arc of sdf (with a lot of changes)
im of the opinion that watching dyrl first, or even as your only macross thing, is a good idea because its very fun has very good animation and is very good, and it's a good litmus test to see if you'd like macross
but also it's just a good movie so you can watch it and never watch macross and be satisfied
spare your fellow man some water
come on mate it falls from the sky you don't need my help
epic total death
why is the sun up for so long
its not
i'v seen it out as late as eight lately
the world ends with you was a good game
it's over, like, for real this time. i caved. i surrendered. call me french now, because i admit defeat. yeah, i just bought it off amazon now out of pure convenience instead of trying to go the long way around, i'm not even ashamed to say it anymore. jeff bezos won.

$400, gone, just like that now. all because someone brought a switch to the office and we had a little game night apparently you know, we played smash brothers. i played smash brothers once, on a much older console, i kinda remembered how it worked. oh yeah, sure, i can participate. i get absolutely btfo. no, no, this won't do! and then there's going to be more office parties like this? no, no, i gotta get my game up. i gotta get good, i gotta practice.

so i thought, hey, i have a pretty strong computer, i can emulate a switch, find a copy of smash brothers, and just practice with the controller i use for pc games sometimes. NOPE. turns out nintendo cracked down on yuzu, the switch emulator i was already familiar with and i know runs on my machine (and don't give me the ryujinx bull crap). shoot what do i do

spent time hunting for yuzu.exe. well turns out i had an older copy of yuzu in a diff computer, sweet, i can just use that. okay, progress. now to find the switch game file for smash brothers. uh oh, turns out the crackdown affected rom sites, none had a copy. okay, time for torrents. fitgirl.

ah, >fitgirl. i've heard things about >fitgirl repacks before, but never used one before. okay, this will be the right. spent time waiting for the torrent, spent time launching it. huh okay, fitgirl repacks have yuzu baked in. kinda cool, okay, but i didn't need to hunt for my earlier yuzu. waiting a while for it to load... and it turns out it loads openGL by default instead of vulcan which loads instantly. ugh.

reloaded. game is... functional? let's do a test battle. LAGGY FPS. literally unplayable. cannot practice with this. OH and i STILL have to unlock the main character i have to practice? good lord. i'm so done. c'est fini. a-m-a-z-o-n dot com, overnight mail -nintendo switch oled smash brothers pack-. sigh, whatever man. you win today, jeff bezos. but i will win the office soon enough when i come back and start smashin instead of getting smashed. i hate video games so much
is this a real post
yeah but from elsewhere
best part is how therell either never be a switch party again(and thus he'll have wasted all that money) or he's just going to practice a lot and then get ostracized because hes too good
i'v always seen smash bros as these silly party games where you are supposed to play with different characters and items and maps but everyone who ever talks about it on the internet seems to dedicate themselves to becoming a pro who only ever plays the same character religiously
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we're fucked!!!
im not gonna read all that did Jim break the office's switch in a fit of rage while playing with coworkers and now he has to replace it before the boss finds out
its unrelated tardo!!!
i took it from elsewhere!!!
>Grendizer U
>Na Nare Hana Nare
>Sengoku Youko
>Wuliao Jiu Wanjie
>Yi Nian Yong Heng
thats all for me
its yet another shit season
sheesh just keep getting bullied by people nonstop
i would pull their throats right fucking out but then i would have to deal with more annoying trite
ublock blocked 7.6m ads since i installed it
not sure i believe those numbers
itll say something like 78 when theres only like 6 ads maximum on the page
tendancies or tendencies
mmm.... tendies...
monster & off season
grendizer u
nier (is this actually fucking coming out ive heard nothing)

everything else is poopy :)

my friend keeps sending the fucking deer anime thing i dont know where it came from looks stupid
the sukuna rice thing seems mildly interesting but i cba mostly
just realized that stratego is the western version of shogi
isnt that..... chess........
no chess is chess
auslander raus!!!!
that one white thing you put on top of bread,
whats it called
ah yes "beurre" indeed quite
my life is all weird again already
which means eminently normal
mine suxx coxx
just a few days ago i was having the identity crisis of a century and now it's like 
womp womp
jaw fucken hurts from all the punches i ate yesterday
when my jaw hurts i make the jew hurt
as for me i cant believe how normal and decent my life became it almost makes me uneasy like im unknowingly heading towards a big catastrophe
ive spent the last year walking right into one i can quite easily fucken see it in front of me
just dadc honestly when it tires me out i hope i can just jump off a roof or whatever
found out the pro strategy in the game i'm playing is to kill niggers
what do we think of bullfighting
honestly im slightly annoyed they dont do it in latin america anymore because its kinda epic and also if the guy fucks up its cool too 
and they used to have pretty big stadiums for it but they tore them all down when anglofrench liberalism spread everywhere
couldnt care less honestly almost believe it to be fictional in fact
LGBTQ2+??????????????????what????????? they have more than two?????
the problem with catastrophe is if you end up being able to kind of handle it and come back from it, makes you think another is ok. 
actually no, maybe not being able to handle it is bad because it inclines you to invite smaller catastrophes you probably can handle to give you a confidence boost and feeling of reintegration
i dont care about catastrophes i just dont want any since its a fucking bother
in my head a catastrophe is either just
1: wastes time with stupid bullshit until my life is terribly unfun and i either kill myself(fine by me) or dont
2: fucking life destroyer thatll just straight up kill me
worst is if i just silently endure one and end up having wasted a lot of time suffering for essentially no reason
why is it that whenever youre presented with a group of girls the instinctive response is to choose which one you like the most
god said polygamy is a sin thats why
suffering multiples
i think im seeing a bigger picture of what could have happened but didnt because i did something fucking retarded
im going to kms
help me out too while youre at it
love vagueposting
stupid dumb useless grunts i hate them
Rising is impossible
At my bedside pillow:
Waiting for chrysanthemums.
i go to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 5 am
what am i
someone i wish i coud be
for me its midnight to 11
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this is Milei's main advisor's anonymous account 
"this is wave 5 of III of the first impulse of this great national bull market of 89 years that will take Argentina to the status of world superpower.
we will have prosperity, million of immigrants, we will be a nuclear power. I am not ruling out annexing any countries. dont forget it" 
(most milei X people say these kinds of things too. obviously not the normal people) 

hes also tattoeed himself those images of that Argentine Nostradamus guy who went on about the gray man who was going to start a revolution in argentina that would turn it into the lighthouse of the world 
(the guy taking the picture is a legislator who i voted for) 


honestly what i like most about Milei's government (besides all the good things hes doing and the even more good things that hes going to do) is that its full of autists and schizos rather than the usual rulers which are sociopath psychos
tattoos are a sign of lowly nigger character
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hes also got some in russian but nakhodka never told us what there about
some people seethe about this sector of the government for being trumpist and putinist (retarded freaks do) 

the uh other legislator guy went to that "conservative" conference thing in hungary and apparently talked to Orban for a while because he was the fan of some goalkeeper from the 80s that was argentinian???
also the big law is going to be voted on uh on wednesday or thursday and they say its like 36-34 or something like that uhh basically its really close
Milei will be at the G7 this week and it shoudl be voted on while hes there. if it passes (instead of having to start all over again) then milei will probably be able to show that he has enough support and be able to close some deals for financing and alignment and weaponry and the like
what law
this kind of stuff reminds me of what willy said about how right wing politics without monarchy and nobility is just gangsterism with suits
the one thats like 500 laws into one package 

its a lot of stuff but really the most important part macroeconomically is one "big investments regime" which is like a special taxes system for when someone invests 100billion usds 
itll be important since milei has been going all over the place for months getting interests from all sorts of investors all over, it should help a lot of capital into the country and it gives them guarantees for quite a long time, and because its a special regime you cant just change it form one year to the next

the main sectors it'll help are mining and oil/gas. it could turn us into one of the biggest copper exporters (like chile because we basically havethe same minerals just with shitty laws) and also a bunch of other minerals like lithium and uranium and gold and the like

then theres also all the Tesla talk and theres some other random investments that could come like some regular car manufacturers and some techtrite
oh and also once they pass that law it does other stuff with taxes which allows them to start lowering certain taxes (one of them is basically a huge tariffs on anything thats imported, including parts or raw materials for industrial things produced here, which is obviously idiotic even if youre a protectionist)
like i said its a million things into one but it also has some elements of labor reform (not huge but its a step in the right direction) and ALSO it has privatizations of a lot of companies that just make the state lose billions for nothing, and ALSO i think it helps kick government bureaucrats out more easily 
and also it has some stuff for air flight companies
no thats specifically fascism and i agree
absolutely nothing wrong with fascism
except that they made women vote
just a little joke you know
a little jab
in my mind the weight of human life just keeps fucking falling nonstop and while i know i sound edgy as fuck i dont think i would care at all if i was made to see a mountain of bodies so long as the ones killed were human waste(such as the one i just saw and inspired me to write this)
just fucken kill em all and let god judge his own i guess
yeah man just tone it down i know living in turkey is rough and public transport is rough too but you cant just write those things with a straight face
and also i just wanted to say im not entirely sure how it was with trump if he had any close people who were epic but its just pleasing that theres a group of people that espouse my exact ideas that are vital to the government
milei himself (obviously) doesnt talk about blobbing the argentine empire but he does say about turning argentina into a world power in 30 years and i mean this is the first time in decades that the military actually gets decent equipment for a period of time (and its barely costing anything)
i AM a bit self-conscious about this attitude of mine i admit since its basically the attitude of russian and chinese peasants as is frequently memed about but i mean really what else am i supposed to say
you have all these fucken criminals and those who are 1 step away from being a criminal at all times just barely dodging the law and filthy politicians and law abiding freaks who make spreading cancerous ideologies their life
and then youre just told......that theyre human.............so you should uhhh feel bad for them as they rape you or something, and just protect them at all chance and never do any activity that may help you defend yourself
we've gotten to a point where even in the few places where you still have the capital punishment its some ridiculous show where they actually live carefree lives for fucking decades straight "to let them repent" paid all with tax money and they get their cutesy documentaries where its said that they were traumatized when they stubbed their toe on the couch at the young age of 5 an that it led them to kill 50 men and rape 100 women or whatever and they're so fucking pitiful for being such a tortured soul, and they get books and flowers and shit in the mail while the victims are left to eat shit
then the epic execution!!!! comes up and its just instant fucking death without even the chance to recognize that you will die
ALL this when you only need a bunch of people to give him his sentence and one policeman/gendarmerie/armyguy to shoot him in the head and a janitor to clean the mess up
i could go on about all these sorts of people and why they shouldnt be allowed for like...500 pages... but im not in the mood for this shit
just pissed i guess theres no reason to tolerate all this "human" garbage everywhere but the ones on top dont care at all since they're not affected and the vocal minority of the average men keep screeching about mein humanities and mein grace so that they can show off just how kind and forgiving they are
did you get mugged or raped recently or what
no even worse i opened up the /int/ catalog and saw a gorillion threads ragebaiting about how this or that absolute waste of oxygen is being a retard in the most obnoxious way whatsoever and i couldnt post my thoughts there since im banned now(somebody reported one of my japanese posts for racism and the janny who checked it couldnt be assed to google translate) so since i was too lazy to flip the router off and on i decided to rant here instead
its all so kafkaesque
just find a way to have a good time in spite of it all
me i'm playing 40 year old computer games
climbing has been staving off the dread for me lately
you cant climb away from niggers and kikes forever
what home workout is good for back muscles
dreamt about killing billions of aliens
honestly still have no clue what kafkaesque means
you get turned into a buge
couldnt be me
dreamt about a penalty shootout but it took place inside a convenience store and the goal was the fridges but you had to open them first before you take your shot (or while you take your shot???)
dreamt i was in my old hometown and part of it was a burned out ruin but it was a part that never existed in real life
gundam protagonist got his entire right side paralyzed due to gundam aids so now whenever he has to move around other characters are just carrying him slung over their shoulders like a sack
potato life
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^ the tranny about to murder hm while he has his mate
okay yeah he got his gundam and it sure looks like he never really cared about the little girl it was just to be an asshole and get power
can i get one too
well if you really want to follow his gundam trajectory you'll have to get raped 100 times as a child first
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he's so fukken epic
do you want to get angry at something really retarded
absolutely hate children
absolutely hate children
>in game: Europa Universalis IV
giggle at that
have to take a fucking break every now and then so that i dont die of the heat
As an argentinian I love that Argentina has a spirit themed on conquistador heritage that gives 20% attack
You know Argentina so famous for it's conquistadors and totally not the ass end of the American continent that was sparsely colonised by cattle ranchers and hosted no native empire to be conquered
And its under the Italian path too what the fuck did they mean by that
And it makes your army the best in the world on the offensive because something that happened (it didn't) 500 years prior when the country didn't exist?
I'm going to create a mod where you can take a focus tree with Sweden called "Avenge Ulfric Stormcloak" which changes your tag to Vinland, your religion to pagan Hellenism and you gain the spirit "blood of the Valkyries" that gives you 100% breakthrough with armored cars so those quirky first world retard swedes understand how cringe and dumb their focus trees are
what should argentina have a bonus for
100% more pops abducted with pirate raids
5% to tea and silver production
4chan just completely stopped working in my browser so now i couldnt go on it even if i wanted to
its for the best i think
>突 to break through
>厥 to faint
i dont get it
they break through and you faint
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no idea what any of this means
which one makes it illegal for indians to migrate outside
who is this guy talking to
anyway i agree goy4(??) has become the worst paradox game by far its just a CYOA
*tumbleweed rolls by*
i am randi
i am dotty
i want a mecha
There are two ways a man can live his life: taking "women's being impressedd" as ontologically real, or taking "women's being impressed" as something as ephemeral as what pocket monster trading card game the kids currently in primary school are playing.

The latter has a kind of relative reality, it is no doubt real in a sense, you might even care about it in a local way if your little brother or the kid you're babysitting starts telling you about Sneedmonsters. But it has no objective, ontological reality. You don't go around WORRYING about whether you've failed to keep up with the Sneedmonsters meta. That stuff is for kids. It's only situationally relevant if you choose to care about a specific kid.

Whether a woman is impressed by you or interested in your or not has even less ontoogical reality than a little kid's Sneedmonster opinions, because at least the latter has some kind of objective content and the kid probably takes it seriously. Women aren't even GOOD at their equivalent of sneedmonsters, they just play random shit, spill the deck all over the carpet and step on the cards and so on. Sadly it is the norm for men to take womansneedmonsters completely seriously, as if it's a metaphysical substance that ought to be accruing to them. They walk around thinking "I hope that soon to be cat lady thinks I'm nifty." If a group of little kids said to me "you don't even know who Sneedler is!?" and started laughing I would just be like "haha no who's sneedler, this some kinda gay game? I used to play shit like this." but if a group of women says "lmao you didn't sneed right." men will start palpitating and stuttering and asking for their forgiveness like a pathetic loser. Always remember, you can just beat those kids / women up and take all their cards any time.
Thin like me
Autumn gruel.
me i'm immune to women
got to a weird place searching for poetry
feel like i'v been seeing masonry more and more lately
Atop my bones
Dripping in spring—
Morsels of gruel.
Being nothing but bones
Is the floating world
Of the scarecrow.
when you kill a faction in shogun 1 it plays a little poem like that
its got one for each clan
this is the latest i'v been up in a while
i sure hope i dont go fukken broke tomorrow
hahahahahahahoahahahobahahahahahahahahahah just remembered how epic it is to be meeeeee
well im not epic
things i've consumed in the past 12 hours: my own blood that started gushing from my gum after a light poke
on the other hand the western sahara is about 20c
computer said it was dead but then it came back to life 20 seconds later
that just looks like advisors from peepoo4
nah not really
yeah not eu4 it's pretty much ck2's council thing where you pick someone and send him to do some action in a certain province like get more taxes or soldiers
probably ck3's too but i wiped any memory i had of that game
its basically a slightly expanded ck2 council but without all the retards ripping your ass all the time
ck3 council was just a dumbed down ck2 council its not even worth talking about
finished iron blooded orphans
decent show good parts were very good nothing bad lots of meh though
how much gundam is there left for you to watch?
should be done in 10 years
actually not much (of substance)
AGE is a full 50 episodes
sneed is 100 episodes
and theres all the build shit
also probably some random fucking shit i dont think about like igloo

AGE i'll probably watch uhhhhh when i get really really fucking bored heard that ones bad
sneed im watching with a friend (allegedly) but he is too adhd so i know it will not be finished
build i dont care about also maybe when im really bored
instead uhhh i'll be watching this
(after i finish betterman)
igloo was pretty good
i downloaded it but i keep forgetting
also for some retarded reason the torrent had...the second set of episodes listed as the first so i watched those ones first
not like it fukken matters!!! but that's what happened
but i did enjoy what i watched i like the technology development side of gundam
can you wake me up when eu5 comes out
bought some acne wipes hope this shit goes away!!!!!
those dont do any thing
they worked when i was in highschool
the thread? 
*open video*
*hear female voice*
*close video*
i really stopped having acne problems at like 20
head fucking hurts man
its just gas
i think that COULD be funny if it was translated to dutch
Originated in 2023 after influencer Saskia Cort encouraged her Instagram followers to ask their male partners how often they thought about the Roman Empire, to which many answered quite often. The term spread internationally and evolved to mean something that frequently occupies one’s thoughts. 
ok this one is kind of funny
ive been thinking about it at least once a week for over a decade now
>The Māori name of France (Wīwī) came about when French sailors couldn't understand the language and answered to every thing the natives said with "oui, oui"
wish i could eat food
32 coming after 31 is kind of funny
isnt that literally a spongebob bit
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meant it as 32, a story about a cannibal, coming after a post about wishing you could eat is kind of funny
ok but whats that about spongebob
>Later on, having been diagnosed with schizophrenia, he received a disability allowance; he supplemented that source of income with prostitution.[26] Besides his work as an escort, he began in 2003 to appear in gay pornographic videos. He also worked as a stripper.[24][27] He appeared as a pin-up model in a 2005 issue of Toronto's fab magazine, using the pseudonym Jimmy.[18]
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thats the river
whats the bay called
its a river
its the widest river in the world
jewgle says its the uruguay river and samborombon bay
did argentines really name it the zambo river....
the samborombombombom bay is the one thats like a cirlce, and thats on the sea
the uruguay river is the uruguay river
the river plate sort of ends where the samboromobmobm bay starts
(samboromobmos is some mythical island or something)
zambo island... where everyone is mixed race.... and nobody is white..... (its called south america)
its one of those islands that floats around the world 
they say it detatched from that bit of land
blew snot all over myself while reading 45
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thats not a river though its clearly a bay a bunch of rivers let out into
if you look at "baha blanco" on the map nearby it has a bay called baha blanco
so the bay should be called baha plata
why is the article exclusively in galician
its ancient celtic lore
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no its literally a river because it
1. flows outwards towards the sea (seas dont flow) 
2. doesnt have saltwater
3. it goes up and down with the rain and such 
the sea doesnt do any of those (well it does go up and down but with the tide from the moon and shit not because of rain or flows)
sorry man its a bay
im sorry you have to hear this
or rather it gets mixed with saltwater more as it goes along obviously by the time its close to the sea its pretty close to normal saltwater but as it gets towards the delta it becomes more like river water
its a river because its poo colored
its by all measures a river
its sediments okay -___-
yeah yeah tell it to the eugenic council
ill never forgive that geography teacher for forcing me to memorize every fucking type of sand and rock and soil
luckily i forgot it all by the end of that school year
its an extremely short stubby and brown river
its also penis shaped
yeah its not easy being the widest river in the world yknow 
its also somewhat shallow if you didnt know
we could totally just raise all the land and get a land border with uruguay
what if they dug it wider instead
if you raised the land where would all the water pour to
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what a weird penis you have man
well i suppose itd all channel into a smaller river or delta which would then make it so its even more variable when it goes up and down (so more flooding) and it would have to be dredged even more often because all the sediment would go into less space
oh come on man doing tarded infrastructure projects and flooding your major cities what are you chinese?????
itd be cool though
erm..... no.... *hides atlantropa map behind my back*
i think about the roman empire
they should damn it up and really show those montevideo kikes what for
they ran out of water last year but idk if it quite reached international news
really funny to think about how badly you could fuck over entire countries just by damming certain rivers in certain spots
*dams the euphrates and tigris*
*puts on my pelt*
yup its that time of the year
*larps as a wolf*
would be really funny if one of those tumblr furries larped as a beaver and started damming rivers causing widespread damage
stop it demiansky youre going to flood the entire midwest
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vomit inducing
dont worry birthrates are slowing down globally aside from niggers and poos
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yeah glad to know that instead of 1 billion whites and asians and 19 billion niggers we'll just have 20 billion niggers instead
what the aactual FUCK is wrong with all these people??????? am i going fucking crazy????????????
why do i see people EVERYDAY who claim that it was trump that pulled out of afghanistan
fucking retarded freaks i swear
its fucking soul crushing to realize how many people literally do not live in reality
trump never pulled out of afghanistan but he should have pulled out ten times over
well yeah
do you think people with anger issues feel their anger more deeply or is it just that they have very little self control
definitely the latter
yeah given that theyre usually tardos the answer is obvious but i was in a wistful romantic mood wishing that i could feel emotions so intense they completely overwhelm my rational mind
i do that regularly
....got bad news for you mate
me im the former
saw a picture of turkish pickled pinecones
*epically cuts your fucken internet for no reason*
woooaoohoaohoaohoaohoah ""suuugooooiii"""""" they told me itd be fixed tomorrow but its fixed today!!!!!!
actually kindd of disappointing since i had a billion things to do today and having no internet would help prevent me from wasting time on TT(tardedtrite)
so.. uhhhh...... does anyone know why 2ch became 5ch?
they merged with 3ch
wasnt it because everybody hated hiroshimoot
05.10.2013 until 22.03.2014
holy shit i am old i just keep getting older
didnt like that one
i liked that one ninja girl or whatever she was
wasted the last 3+6 hours
uhhh yoruichi????
uhhhdjdn bbuundbdji bunmbidum
its over
most succesful week of the government so far 
big law got approved and the grand grand majority of it passed (when it was forecast that only like half of it would pass even in its watered down version)
imf gave some money and is now entering negotiations for making the deal better
some more central bank regulation got lifted
may's inflation announced at 4.2% (down from 8.8% in april and its the lowest since 2022) and july is looking even lower 
USD went down 
new investments announced now that the big investments law is out and more are probably going to come out
milei is at the G7 and hes gonna talk with all the big leaders and with the imf and the world bank and we're going to get billions
give me half of the dollars the imf will give to argentina and ill let you have the rights to my brain after i die
*gives you 0/2 dollars*
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why didnt anyone else think to go to all the big g7 kikes and beg for money
well the thing is that argentina is on everyone's mind right now 

OH also i forgot the chinese extended a debt with them thats like 5 billion USD so we DONT have to pay that now which would have been very annoying to pay now 
even thuogh people were saying "haha u called xipinpong a communist genocide hes going to embargo you and fuck you forever now *smug leftists face*" bunch of retards lmao 

but yeah i keep telling you this, and remember russia "found" like 500 trillion worth of oil in antarctica now do you think this has nothing to do with anything??? and lula being a communist bricsbag???????
everyone else was argentine he's jewish
milei isnt jewish he just wants to be
triple dadc
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thats kind of funny
compromise: push them in front of the train
*bràîn êpicâlly èxplôdés frôm hûrt*
yeah accent marks will do that to you
vietnamese got 'im
arbain regards to the slow floor and the more bore and the long door and the slam roar
Imagine the slurry of chemical soup that has to wash down the drain and into the ocean every day as women collectively rinse their fucking clown costume off.
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juan milei de rosas
busy doing 4 things at once
milei is more like napoleon really
the argentine rosas (argentine napoleon)
>Un Français sur dix est aujourd'hui africain, portugais, espagnol ou yougoslave. Ces travailleurs étrangers retourneront-ils tous dans leur pays? La France est certainement l'un des pays d'Europe qui assimilent le plus - au sens américain du terme - les étrangers.
lost me there
*flops over dead*
bedwaffen take me home
dreamt i killed someone and then ran away so fast they gave me a olympic gold medal
if there was a gold medal for posts this thread wouldnt be getting it
says right there we're a hot thread
its the pit of hell
dreamt i killed my father and then faced away from the people watching and cried in regret
also there were two ver very beautifl older women sleepijg in my home
im really liking this shipping between milei and meloni
very redditly written
was reading a lille book from 100 years ago and in it right after the mc graduated the school he's studying in the principal came up to him and told him theres a job as a teacher in the bumfuck of the countryside and that he could help him work there
is that really how it used to be in the good old days
your principal could actually give you advice/help in getting a job
my principal was an old kike
i have nothing but bad thoughts on faculty members because the teachers clearly gave up on life long ago and are just going through the motions and the higher up ones like the principal and the discipline guy etc treat all the students like filthy nigger gypsies since 90% of them are basically like that and if you dont treat them harshly theyll just start fucking bullying you even if you are the principal
sweat dripping down from my brow to the keyboard
its 1 am
uhh no it isnt
my principal in elementary school was a huge bitch who clearly hated everyone but herself and especially children, which causes one to ponder why you would work at a school, for children
Walahi no fear my oga….. gimme… if e burn good if e do well good. Me i no be timeline junkie wey derive endorphins from drama. I just wan chop 3 sq meal and do my work…help me abeg

what a language
Replies: >>54073
guessing thats the mix of some african language + english + arabic influence
good ol' nigerian pidgin
dont remember  asingle principal or school authority
only teachers and such
stuck emulating stuka sounds in my head
accchh yep home sweet home *gets firebombed by the sun*
getting near the end of the awful ancient video game i'm playing
these are the two top "did you know" facts in wikipedia today
>... that according to legend, the invention of Chinese characters (examples pictured) caused grain to rain from the sky and ghosts and demons to wail in frustration?
>... that Alexandru Talex was described as "the gentlest" member of a Romanian far-right organization?
its too much to be a coincidence
cant believe alexandru talex took over wikipedia
i'm trying to come up with some sort of joke about all those times he would fight over sources and things being out of the scope of the game because its something from 1834 but i cant think of anything
^my life
my agony has inspired me to creation
but i cant create anything so it is all wasted
just pick up a pen and put it all on the paper
*farts on paper*
they said that itll take over a month for niconico to be restored
was looking through some old posts
this one sure got owned eh

anyways i wonder whatd have happened if i actually participated in the libertarian party politics all the way in 2018
itd be like 5 years of being in there so maybe i could have ended up at some important post

sadly in reality, i did actually go to affiliate, and did some paperwork, but then i checked on the internet a few times and i wasnt registered 
then i sent them a message and they didnt reply
so i decided they were a bunch of retards and didnt bother again 

(i reconfirmed that there mostly retards when i went do the vote counting last year too)
really funny how theres a jimfacepost in that thread and theres people who dont know who it is
are you having difficulty understanding 
because if you are thats your problem
the internet is unusable because everyone morphed into a disingenuous kike
really this is just too funny
even the opening paragraph mentions him "quitting in september"
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would have been funny if that was the last post ever
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3 peronists...the most powerful men in the world.....
3 peronists
0 posts
turk why do yakuza and other hooligans use "aniki" instead of other words for brother whats the origin of it
dont know nor care but i can bing it and read the results after i have my first meal in days
also new fable!!! yippie!!!
yup im catching up on it meself
i liked how the rotoscoped the break in scene made it spooky
>This place invents new ways to be gay and retarded.

good post from the 4
seeded 40gb in a day
probably ought to stop for a while
ohohoh...but did you consider...oooohhhhh get this...sneeding?
*coughs up blood*
i was just trying to laugh since something was funny but i couldnt since if i did i would start coughing and burping at the same time
sad world
its really fucked up how kaiju no 8 is not only still bad but it has the audacity to have a completely dog shit ost too
oh and ugly women basically theres nothing truly a shameful display from japan's "next big thing"
next up: isekai suicide squad
no i shant be watching that
umm scheisse
going the execute schleeppen plan
>His writing style is exact same as those Marx/Engels letters where they write the most insane unhinged shit about Panslavism being based and then write a 19th C equivalent of "/s"
made me smile
it really is hilarious when you learn a lot of well respected philosophers/political theorists were also just complete catty retards
Merneptah states that he defeated the invasion, killing 6,000 soldiers and taking 9,000 prisoners. To be sure of the numbers, among other things, he took the penises of all uncircumcised enemy dead and the hands of all the circumcised, from which history learns that the Ekwesh were circumcised, a fact causing some to doubt they were Greek.
people have always been retarded
why DID genital mutilation even come to be?
is it as simple as some guys went "ahhh these poor fuckers cant even wash their willies...gotta lop the dirty bits off" and then they just kept doing it?
moloch blood cult or something
that doesnt fukken help me!!! i thought they just threw whole babies into that shit!!!
visual novels i will read when i have a computer again

-muv luv
-full metal daemon murasama
-baldr sky

almost forgot that one
only real reason for circumcision that i can think of is marking slaves
absolutely 0 reason otherwise
but thats fucking retarted you have to have their willies out to notice why not just like, mark their ear or face or brand them???
everyone had their willies out all the time back in the day
i mean you CAN do both....i would assume that it would be some stuff like circumcision + a mark cut into the back of the hand or something along those lines
the mark would be to let people know and the willy would be to instill fear and obedience or whatever
really its just a fucken mystery
okay im becoming more partial to my "poor retards couldnt clean their willies so they lopped it off" theory
come on man you just sprinkle some water its not that hard
well as you know, white people didnt invent bathing until the ottomans conquered constantinople
yeah about the aniki thing
in short no fucken clue no amount of googling does anything
apparently theres a great variation in titles among the yakuza though so i would assume that aniki is just THE thing that media portrays them using and its not actually strictly aniki all the time
huh interesting
i was wondering if it was just some weird archaic word or like...some chinese shit
i guess theres always the possible answer "they just fukken made up a word"
ohh no no no dont get it wrong mate aniki(兄貴) is a pretty common word though its not used that much these days
huh well okay i guess its really simple and it looks like its just a compound of "brother" and "superior" so...that makes sense why crimesters would use it for...their superiors
ohhh wait
aniki(兄貴) is a sound contraction(dont know what you call it) for anigimi(兄君(an anime girl who is my sister kept calling me that before)), the ki(貴) is added there not for the meaning of the kanji but because it can be read as ki, though i assume that it was selected over the other possible characters because it means precious/valuable/superior etc and thats a good meaning
ki is also used in words like 姉貴(originally 姉君) etc, apparently the shortening to 貴 first started appearing during edo
huh okay that's all the info i could have wanted thanks
what a fukken annoying language namely with "ki" meaning "special or precious" because one of my initial thoughts was "maybe its 'ki' because that means oni and it represents being an evil crimester" but in fact its the opposite
(the opposite despite being the exact same sound)
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huh yeah i guess so
i just did that stinky
brain exploding once again
not funny to be honest
unfortunately for you...
im going to bed!!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmm i think i will watch ashita no joe - words of the deranged
mein gott i can only find 1 thing and the audio quality is shite
fuuuckkkkkkkkk my life
farted the site back to life
no need to thank me
lit. climbing over the wall fig. to breach the great firewall of china
ive seen people refer to proxies as 梯子(ladder)
also seems like its standard practice to pay in subscriptions for your proxy, highest ive seen is 500 yuan per year i think which supposedly is decently affordable
why are they like that
lets all read infinite jest and cry
infinite dadc
my trips to /lit/ have convinced me that its a shitty book loved only by posers and women so no i dont think i shall read it anytime soon
note: i havent read a single line of it and honestly dont care about the book at all
me i have no idea what its about whatsoever
its a book written by a guy who killed himself due to all the ideas and themes we wrote about in it. but maybe the book itself has a positive spin because he didnt khs right after he wrote it
the only person i know who read it was a girl in highschool
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they are basically just real world culture at this point so im not like annoyed or upset obviously but it still feels weird to see vtuber references in...things
in my head this is still covid and people only post about them on /jp/
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a while ago i heard a vocaloid song being played by the cheering band of a japanese baseball game
if i was ever caught listening to something like that i'd be considered a freakozoid weirdo but over there it's just business as usual with how long hatsune miku has been around
fun with anime
i love miku!!!!!! 
t.grown south american man
full grown to a whole five feet tall
playing video games is exhausting
changed my mind
will NOT be watching tekkaman blade next
decided on this 1 instead
*echoing tomb noises*
woke up
yuppppp gonna watch this fucking retarded shit over this week
Replies: >>54224
ashita no joe is a pretty uh interesting anime
in this episode: joe gets fucken locked up in prison, the other guys in the same cell hold down all four of his limbs, then start jumping down from the top of the bunk bed right on his stomach one at a time, when he passes out they wake him up with water and do it again
also in this episode: man has his heart broken, starts drinking hard sake nonstop, and wanders around the town crying and seeing hallucinations
and i am only halfway through the ep!!!
also the mc is a crazy prideful bastard utterly deranged and with no hint of humanity
so joe biden eh
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i always thought it was about boxing
i've meant to read der manga but i kepe not doing it (this applies to 10000000 manga)
good day
to die
well alri now that that episode is over i can go watch......blue archive!!
would actually like to do the gacha but that would mean id have no time to do the "living" part of life
how much time can an anime girl slot machine take up
it takes a lot if youre playing without paying(i have no money)
if only there was some way to profit off of anime
download it illegally and make an underground anime cinema/bar/club
you can make "anime reviews" on youtube but honestly you may as well just go outside and shine peoples shoes for money instead, far less shameful
never seen a shoeshine in real life
i saw plenty in the past my father would have his shoe shined by them
but that was a long time ago, before the kikes from outer space invaded and stole all our leather shoes
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meanwhile in argentina
thought the new reply button was a strange small post for a second
if it was me
if it was me, i could have brought victory to the axis
lately ive found it hard to cough since every time i try to do so it feels like ill burp too at the same time
its really troubling because im a very big cougher
lately ive found noposts since all i do is wallow and got nothing to say
dreamt i got hot cheese in my eye then i woke up with real life eye pain
dont feel like it
i'm gone
personally im doing pretty well how about you???
dun dun du dun dun dun dun du d-*music stops -_-*
i'm back
i'm all liquored up
...with nowhere to go
12 posts today
and a partridge in a pear tree
was listening to some bladee in the car and the seat belt pestering sound blended in perfectly with the music
twas heavenly
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did nietzsche come up with that phrase or was it a reference to something else
oh its from the bible
yeah that makes sense
you arnt asposed to have that sound
its pretty funny how the understanding of the word homo among the common men gradually shifted from "man" to "faggot"
a man
a plan
a faggot
*looks over at the faggot in the room*
same with "gay"
isnt it funny how theres no good word to refer to them that doesnt actually mean something else completely different (except faggot)
lesson of the day is that theyre all subversive kikes
fucking sick of this tarded youtube shit i should just drop it again
i have to reload a page dozens of times just to listen to 1 song 1ce because the fucking thing keeps freezing at the 19th second and nothing fixes it other than direct divine intervention(very rare)
why even bother with a service that requires you to jack it off for hours on end so that it can sort-of-but-not-really work
english looks so weird in all caps
Those who believe they are owners of Peronism or the Peronometer must be invited to read history and read Perón.  
These days with a little more free time it is good to reflect and study to learn from experience.  
Peronism is a strategic, not ideological, thought.  It privileges achieving the objectives for the happiness of the people.
You don't have to fall in love with failures. He says it clearly in Political Conduction.  

All the parties of 1946 were united against Perón. Thus was born the Democratic Union, the caste of that time.  
They stayed with the instruments and Perón with the people. Perón always saw it.  Peronism never fell in love with instruments.  He always acted according to reality, postulating that this is the only truth.  
The first Peronist government promoted the prominence of the State and increased the income of workers.  But when he saw that inflation became a problem and reached 40% annually, economic policy changed and lowered real public spending, established the principle of productivity to increase wages and stimulated exports.  
Thus, in two years, inflation fell to 4% and the economy regained strength.  
Perón saw it again.  
And he saw it very clearly: “The starting point is price stability;"  “Work and sacrifice, creators of wealth, are the decisive factors of any economic solution, and men and people who do not know how to discern the relationship between well-being and effort do not earn the right to happiness that they claim.”  
Interpreting the new times that Perón warned that Argentina needed capital: he saw it again and sought to promote foreign investments in oil and the automotive industry.  Frondizi then put many of these proposals into action.  

You have to be practical, not dogmatic.  Do you know where I was inspired to talk about evolution?" Yes, that's right, from Perón. In the 1948 Legislative Assembly he said: "evolution is for the people an indispensable and permanent agent of rejuvenation. It is necessary not to cling to archaic or overtaken by time. Politics has the function of forging one's own frame to ride the evolution of history." And he added a little later: "Whoever spends more than he earns is a fool; and he who produces and earns more than he consumes is a prudent person who ensures his future.” 
And I want to contribute so that Argentina is fixed once and for all. 

Daniel Scioli, Peronist and libertarian.
anarcho peronism
a new age
komm suBer tod is such an epic epic song title but the song is just decent
i fink its really good
i do really like the one that plays in 3.0+1.0 though, something about it
oops meant ot include it
the dj sharpnel remixes supersede all the eva songs in my head
woke up
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my favourite thing in life is when im pissing and the piss stream splits into two for no reason and half of it flies right toward my foot/clothing
this post was brought to you by a piss covered man absolutely seething
ill go hit the showrer
finally going to der doctor abou me skin
^ future lampshade
i got hired (higher)
i got paid (fake)
i got higher (hired)
i got fake (paid)
i got hired (higher) 
i got 
10 this is why i've been doing it sitting down for years now i have huge stream problems
feel like ripping my spine out to repent
very rarely happens to me
we're different
really i'd love to make some posts but i'm in a weird headspace things are just weird weird weird
doctor gave me a fungus cream
tragsg and its denizens are literally rotting
how are you supposed to get that on your brain
well im not rotting
ive had one spot for a year and i didnt know what the fuck it was so i didnt do anything
now another one showed up, and a couple on my back, so figured i should check before it kills me
but the doctor just seemed confused which means its definitely nothing serious because like...i think if i had something like devil skin cancer she'd be like "yeah this is fukken bad" but instead it was"i dunno...put some fukken cream on it mate"
finished this video
is quite spectacular what can happen to a human
jim i saw u tried to message me but i cant log into steam on my phone because i forgot my password
youll just have to wait until im home buddy (2 hours or so)
luv how jim sprints to hm whenever theres trouble afoot
too late
is it about fungii
no no / have the fungus
i CANT reply to you but i can read you jim
dont worry i wont violate your privacy
jim i will NOT respond to you today i qm going to sleep 
but anyway i dont think thats possible
advising jim on how to drive down to the silver
my bet is that theyre gangstalking him and calling him jim at work
would be an e1
i want to play video games
the pope told me to stop killing french people
and start killing german ones
joe's boxing instructor left him to teach some random little kid
this would normally not be such an important thing but the mc treats it literally like netorare or something, absolutely mindbroken
took me a moment to realize that said joe and not jim
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i have this weird disease where everytime i try to have fun every single embarrassing memory and every single thing i need to do suddenly starts flashing before my eyes and torturing me
went through 90 minutes of traditional japmess with no subtitles and it was literally just about a man getting rejected by a prostitute and killing her
going blind
ughhhhhh this fukken torrent has the opening changed (the original opening was a blatant ripoff of a queen song) and i cant find any ones that preserve the opening -__- fuck me life
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*bes like a wild pig*
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pic extremely related
am able to tab out and do other shit because these gattais take so long (and i have seem them 10 times already)
>Design copied from an old game I made a decade or two ago…
e1 johan
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music in my twice-recurring dream where the towers with the boat on top of them is in saudia arabia instead of singapore and the towers shift up and down in the sand to simulate the boat on a wave
cant recall ever having music in my dreams
last night i had a dream that my neighbors (whom i had never spoken to) had installed a gate in the fence, that opened into my back yard and they just walked in talking about how they were gonna hang out
this really pissed me off so i went inside and they followed me in, continuing to talk about how they wouldn't leave even after i kept telling them to fuck off
then i kept trying to call 911 but every time i dialed it i just called in to some radio show
then when i was trying to find the non-emergency number for the police i couldnt find it
the entire time i was trying to figure out if i was legally allowed to kill them or what
dont remember any emergency number me
if theres an emergency then i die simple as
its 1234
yaeh do you really NOT remember whatever your country's 911 is???
no thats the number for the canman gold safe
dont remember mate never needed it
they teach that shit to kids
amnt a kid
yeah youre more dumb than one
youre jealous of my stoic spirit
im so fukken stoic for not knowing how to dial the police!!
look youre having a mental breakdown
youre jealous youre seething
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i want some me me me me
anyone ben to atlanta
atlantis eh
no but georgia as a whole is a giant fucking shithole
was in the car with me mum and some (terrible) song by a (notoriously) terrible band was playing and it kept saying "bury me in georgiaaaaaa" and all i could think about is how depressing it would be to live and die in georgia
in terms of the big 3 for quality of true southern states
alabama (people make jokes but it can be considered civilization) > georgia (chernobyl tier) > mississippi (african nation tier)
funny how alabama is both known for its niggers and its inbred whites
to be clear alabama does suck but georgia and mississippi are so much worse
it fucking SUCKS mate atlanta is the only real place and atlanta is fucking crap too
what about......macon.............
heard a pyscho schizo lives there
macon? macon...macon? macon...what's...macon...
i think he meant macron (the president of some african country)
in with the old
out with the new
out with... the jew
big fan of this 1 guy
got over 5000 anime screenshots now
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enjoyed this video
is this that "girl band cry"
didnt watch it because i cant be asked but it seems like it was a sleeper hit
no its this guy called Anon (You) he always comes up with the best posts
yup its that
pretty good one and a hit overall in all markets, i think its one of (if not THE) the most popular anime in china of this season?
trannys watching it doesnt seem that bad but uhhh not my cup of tea
is it even a popular manga??? obviously it being 3d cg, even though it looks GOOD, i just assumed this was made to advertise something and then fade away, so its funny it seems like it got really big
big foot callous because apparently i wore out my loafers
its an original anime
i would suggest that all of you check it out since (while its filled with the usual tard drama and all that) its presented in a more agreeable manner and the anime is always sprinkled with a decent amount of (quite good) humour
for me its highspeed etoilet ending tomorrow
which was a better show than kaiju no 8
etoilet was quite shocking
when i watched the first 2 eps i just decided that ill watch it to have some girls to ogle but then unexpectedly the mc captivated me with her actual mental retardation, then the series managed to somehow make races that are interesting to watch
so what is ep11 the end of konosuba or what
normally wouldnt it be 12 or 13 why is everybody(elsewhere) acting like its over
yeah unironically its been not bad at all the first two episodes were just so so so so so so so so so bad
its managed to be completely fine cgdct and have Okay races
reminds me i should have finished initial d (i never did)
and yeah honestly the mc being an ACTUAL retard was genuinely engaging

didnt watch it but i think its over
speaking of initial d i should watch mf ghost
oh yeah i remember that coming out
didnt watch it
i already had been watching gbc it's fine sometimes it gets a little over the top with the yelling and the wacky expressions but yeah i'm waiting for the see ending to see if i can truly say it's "good"
also i heard somewhere they'll be launching a game after it ends most likely a gacha but maybe it'll be a normal game who knows
i hope for a rhythm game
i messaged jim when i got up today but he still hasnt replied
i guess it wasnt that urgent......
he's at the bottom of a sewer drain by now
the job agency went a little far with that one
its never urgent with jim
happy flag day :)
got gut pain
i thought it was slave day
no that was yesterday
omg star citizen finally came out
*gets demoted to star slave*
it really is amazing how the world works
theres nothing that prevents us from making a fake game, raking in hundreds of millions and dividing it with 0 legal repercussion
*flings poo*
the last resort
lest' do it !!!!!!
*does nothing*
do what
*eats poo*
make a fake game rake in millions and divide it with 0 legal repercurssion
think you gotta be a kike first
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this video is somewhat funny
burn me alive
>crashed after winning a crusade
>crashed after straffing england
>crashed after opening the save menu
think god doesnt want me to play medieval total war
never happened to me x3
we may be changing domain name so remember the numbers in case you cant find the website later
uhh ok  why
coincidentally it looks like gsg died
last thread archived with under 300 posts
well it looks like theres no need to do anything since everyone is fuckin dead
me im here!!!
so what
what if i dont remember the numbers
carrier pigeon dispatched with new domain
i can give them if you ask nicely
so why is the name changing
peronism i reckon
the day i found out peronism is actually the whole reason argentina went from first world tier to shithole was the day i lost my innocence
you can easily figure out the numbers by.....uhhh.... looking in your browser -__-
its there somewhere
you guys hear about how they have magic fat drugs, that make fat people stop being fat (more than old ones)
hope it kills them 
fat people are inherently evil
ive been philosophically pondering quite a lot lately, if evilness is inherent to fat, as in if someone gets fat they had evil in them already, OR if the fat creates the evil...
also im trying to figure out where the FUCK all these fat people that come into my work get all their fat money from, fat people are EASILY the biggest spenders here and it makes no fucking sense
some of them arent even using EBT or food stamp cards!!! its just true liquid fat money!!!
you have to lazy and greedy and have poor judgment and no self control to be fat
but you ALSO need money to become and remain fat...so how do they have money left over!!!
they save a lot of money by not being physically capable of doing anything
but then where do they get that money from because none of them can work!!!
kikes give evil people free money to commit evil with
wheres mine then
eaten by fats
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starting to notice how all these live action jap things are filmed at industrial and construction sites
the quarries are big too
>but you ALSO need money to become and remain fat...
hasnt been true for like 60 years
if its so importat then at least say achtung or something
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yep thats some bridging and damming that
that video of putin driving kim jong un around and they both have big smiles is making me laugh really hard
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apparently since this little girl (not pictured) has adhd she has to sit in a chair that makes her a computer and shows her demons
and while shes in it they pump her full of ritalin
what will they think of next
well wlel lets see here
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they need to make buildings in that style again or im going to go on a shooting spree in an architecture university
imagine how fucking loud it would inside one of those buildings when trains and cars pass over you
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*looks at the camera*
we've been complaining about how hot it is at work for like weeks now
turns out one AC unit was broken, got kind of fixed, and the other is 30 years old and just completely fucked.
corporate kept ignoring my manager complaining about how hot and shitty it is inside so she had her mum call corporate and pretend to be a concerned customer and corporate called my manager talking about how they were gonna get it fixed like 5 minutes after the phone call
so jews eh
ah... the fifties...
thought i was going blind or dying because everything looked weird and was shimmering but it was just because the screen cable was loose
peer reviewed sources confirm that the 50s were fake
no one has ever owned a house
no one has ever had a happy family
no one has ever lived without niggers
and everyone spoke with really pleasant accents and voices which couldn't be more unlike today
niggers could be anywhere
you joke 73 but theyre really trying hard to push this baseless trite on media
want to kick some guys spine into pieces
helo friend i want friendly chat too my friend
head exploding
waheey time to finish highspeed etoilet
i got medieval 1 to work and i wiped out the french
welllll i have watched worse shows
stuff is only good if it has good music
>2103: Per an agreement between the National Archives and Caroline Kennedy, the jacket Jackie Kennedy wore on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated cannot be displayed in public until this year.[27]
whats the point
its got plasma burns on it from the rayguns the assassins used
prove this thread isnt me talking to myself
hang on let me get my peers together to review that
take your time talex
bet i can count all the posts that will be made in my absence on one hand
my head hurts to omuch to post
dont get excited for new games any more
honestly scary i think im growing out of it
i wa sbusy all day sorry for no posts
yeah me neither will play this elden ring dlc, the armored core 6 dlc whenever that comes out, then i have no fucking clue waht game i would play ever again
i get excited for everything but then when it comes out i play it for 30 minutes and never bother again which i would argue is even worse
i'm not worried though i still enjoy playing timesink games like gsgs and i could probably cycle through my current selection of them for the rest of my life
i havent even bought the elden ring dlc yet and dont really have any plans to play it despite having been there day 1 for every game since 2
like oh boy i can't wait to play the new stalker that comes out this year even though it will be a buggy mess!!
i think people are mad about the dlc presently im avoiding spoilers but i think it is not only very hard but kind of does a "soft reset" for your progress when you start it (so it can be actually balanced)
i actually started playing elden ring for the first time a couple weeks ago and i was surprised when i found out a dlc was about to release it's hard to care about it when i haven't even experienced the whole game yet
wellllll i hope you have a good time i think its an excellent game :)
yeah it's pretty good i'll write up my thoughts when i'm done with it probably months from now
i haven't really gotten to the cool bosses yet but i'm enjoying the exploration side of it a lot both the open world and the dungeons i like the jumping thing a lot more than i thought i would it integrates really well with some of the maps
i wasnt a fan of that game until the first actual dungeon (big castle idk if youve been there yet)
but once i got there it was like everything clicked exploring a fuck huge castle felt so rewarding and i had that feeling for basically the rest of the game just wandering about
yeah stormveil castle has been my favorite part so far
the one thing that hasn't clicked with me is the whole crafting mechanic i never cared about consumables in the other games and it all just feels like consumables with extra steps
and consequentially how underwhelming it feels to find a secret or treasure and then it's just... more materials
i actually never crafted a single thing in the entire game its such a pointless feature unless your some minmaxxing freak or some pvp ghoul
i had some revelations about elden ring after i played it that made me sort of lose my spark of interest in the series and by extension from soft and gaming in general
my personal revelation about gaming was that not every game has to be perfect and cater to me specifically and have 100s of hours of content
i try to extract whatever enjoyment i can out of them and if it provided me with at least a few hours of not being bored that's good enough
yeah thats a pretty good philosophy to have
fucking dying
Nevertheless I ought to accomplish something even on days like these, – days which are fully employed, and indeed from morning till night. For there is never a moment when fresh employments will not come along; we sow them, and for this reason several spring up from one. Then, too, we keep adjourning our own cases,[2] saying: "As soon as I am done with this, I shall settle down to hard work," or: "If I ever set this troublesome matter in order, I shall devote myself to study."
just read 32 poems and there was not a single good one
honestly feel like this whole poetry stuff is throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, every 50 poems or so i see a single one that makes me go "oh that ones pretty good!" but thats it
arm got sprayed with a fine mist of boiling oil
*boils you alive*
god already beat you to it
god already beat me
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feel like i've already seen that posted
i have probably posted it 10+ times
moved little men around on a map for a few hours
my eyes sting i'm so exhausted
from having so much fun all day!
haruhi could be real for all we know
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ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck my life how am i this much of a subhuman kill me already
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looks like a giant poo
time flies when you are wallstaring
does anyone remember what anime i wanted to watch
luv being tarded hate being smart
hate tards
hate "smarts"
when i move my head around my eye hurts
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what would it look like now?
last station
i dont get it
theres a new thing and its about mahjim and a blackie
kikes just used magic to destroy another word
pronounciation is now pronunciation apparently
cant let them keep getting away with it
need to do everything within 2 hours of waking up otherwise i'm out of energy and feel like cement
already seen that one
im the same except i ALSO feel like shit within the 2 hours so no matter what im fucked
the joke is that 35 is always true
drinking just to realize that you actually have nothing to fucken do while drinking is probably the most terrible feeling in the world
its hard to drink and do things
where were you when i was eating shit
i'm always here except when i'm not
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physically recoiled
im pretty sure its a joke in which case epic
its always been like that
irregular words are trad and germanic
[Middle English, from Old French prononciation, from Latin prōnūntiātiō, prōnūntiātiōn-, from prōnūntiātus, past participle of prōnūntiāre, to pronounce; see pronounce.]
and isnt all the irregular trite because of The Great Noise Shift which was not accompanied with The Great Spelling Shift as it was in EVERY OTHER FUCKING LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD!!!! that it happened to
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early signs of it being OVER for japan
(for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtNpLS4GQOA )
whats that the first argentine migrant ship heading to yapan
their skin looks a bit too white for that though
god that sounds so brown
get your act together are they brown or white
hate it when i see a freaky little bitch try to act cute it makes me feel like cutting her face into a thousand pieces
sometimes i feel my sanity slipping away
you know all the flower symbolism like flowers growing and wilting and having snow on them and stuff
what if we had....flowers burning!!!!
think it could be big
went to the pool on a whim 
did laps for 2 hours
all i can do is float and sink
one more thing than me
symbolism with flowers... could be interesting...
me im thinking of going bowling
thats gay
theres few things sadder than bowling alone
i went once as a child with some friends
we couldn't hit the pins so the staff did the thing where they raise the sides of the lane so the ball can't fall
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want to kill
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dee el see time
feelin like fucken dieing
stop drinking liquor
start drinking water
love suddenly waking up and having energy right when i should be sleeping
in hindsight its a bit strange that they named a fad after being emotional
emo i figure
i thought i had no money but i have some :)
is we getting another good gsg
what more could you want when you already got vic2
a good gsg
what would a good gsg look like
watched a "horror" movie
jim keeps pestering so does ANYONE else have another way to contact the websiteman??? or access to all the servertrite??
Replies: >>54502
it's been months since i tried logging on but... yes i guess?? why
jim wants to change the domain
well have you managed to log in or not
need a ziploc full of powerups
i'm eating i can't try right now
i coud also mail you or him the key later
id say send it to him so i dont have to deal with it, but giving jim the keys seems like such a hazard
ok yeah i can log in just fine but i don't know what i need to do to change the domain or even if this user has enough permissions to do this
i'm ging to bed so jim can just write up whatever he wants me to do and i'll get to it tomorrow
he wants to change the domain to something else that he already registered
there was some manga last year that everyone was creaming about when its first issue released but i never heard a peep about it afterwards
it was kagurabachi
cant believe i found it so easily 99 was literally all i remembered about it
ive been complimented for my appearence by females at least 3 or 4 times
hello, if you need a domain added i can add it for you, i just need the domain name
you could do it yourself by editing the nginx config but unless you know what you're doing i'd advise against this
also i don't think the tragsg account has permissions to access the config files in the first place

anyway protonmail is terrible and you can't even use an email client with the free plan so if you need to contact me for whatever reason please do so at the following email from now on:


i should respond more promptly, probably
does hm have access to the nginx config??
Replies: >>54528
ah the old cock.li
also whats the point in changing anything about a website that only 3 people use for less than an hour a day
wanna drink saké
feet are so itchy right now that i want to take a knife and skin them
jim says hes being gangstalked and uhh well even if its a schizo delusion itd be good to at leaast calm him down
is that why he needs the domain name changed
well i dont think its a good idea to use a jim run domain considering what happened last time
it's not "run" it's registered to me through icann 
and that wasnt my fault anyway remember how i wrote the harvesting script and found the guilty ip
i thought the old website went down because you forgot to pay for it
oh that
well yeah 
this new domain was $1.50 though
what was the guilty ip
alex grandi
vic3 dlc dropped
hope it drops down to mostly negative
wtf it took them THIS long to shit out a dlc?????
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literally yeah
i have autism
we both got buckets of chicken
and no oil to fry them in..........
i dunno who that is, the tragsg account i provided has no sudo rights outside rebooting the server
also a site can have multiple domains so even if the new one expires it can still be made reachable by the old one, and the ip will always work as well
i'm not a fan of doing anything that risks the website exploding
yup im autistic
what did you do
nothing much just some silly little stuff
saw a chink city name and went "hmmm i heard this before" guessed that it might be this 1 random city that was in japanese occupation under another name and when i checked it i was spot on
then later i heard about the ooi river and the first thing that came up to my mind was the ooi light cruiser and kancore
mind is filled with stupid little things like this
thats actually the opposite of autism
who cares the word got raped to death anyway
wtf this isnt about japan or argentina
theyre the ancestors of the modern argentines actually
overcooked me fucking steak -__-
look at this rich boy
you wandered into the wrong side of the city kid
its actually really easy to get meat cheap you just go to der store before they close and thyere trying to get rid of spoilables
or just live in la plata
wanted to do something but too tired for it so.....
y3eah man since milei took over meat has really fallen in price you can get a kg of ribeye for like 5.75usd/kg
Another prion disease called kuru has been traced to a funerary ritual among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea in which those close to the dead would eat the brain of the deceased to create a sense of immortality.[14]
The brain of animals features in French cuisine, in dishes such as cervelle de veau and tête de veau. A dish called maghaz is a popular cuisine in Pakistan, Bangladesh, parts of India, and diaspora countries. In Turkish cuisine, brain can be fried, baked, or consumed as a salad. In Chinese cuisine, brain is a delicacy in Chongqing or Sichuan cuisine, and it is often cooked in spicy hot pot or barbecued. In the southern part of China, pig brain is used for tianma zhunao tang. In South India, goat brain curry or fry is a delicacy. Even in Mumbai, the local indigenous East Indian community has their own version of brain masala curry.[1]

Similar delicacies from around the world include the Mexican tacos de sesos.[2] The Anyang tribe of Cameroon practiced a tradition in which a new tribal chief would consume the brain of a hunted gorilla, while another senior member of the tribe would eat the heart.[3] Indonesian cuisine specialty in Minangkabau cuisine also has a dish consisting of beef brain in a coconut-milk gravy named gulai banak (beef brain curry).[4][5] In the Philippines, tuslob buwa is a popular street food in the regional capital of Cebu City made from fried pig brain. In Cuban cuisine, "brain fritters" are made by coating pieces of brain with bread crumbs and then frying them.[6] In the Ohio River Valley fried brain sandwiches are popular, especially in the Evansville, Indiana area.
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didnt know lucky sukebe stuff like this existed all the way back in 1970
also pictured: him making the daughter of his boss do his work for him while he spends his time at work watching tv instead
big fan of that girls character by the way she's basically a noname char but she feels like a mix of purity multiplied by itself + youthfulness and a diluted form of the japanese concept of a yamato nadeshiko
remember back when we were young?????? that was fucken billions of years ago
well if YOU are going to change the URL then make sure everyone has the ippy firstl......
*changes it and makes it so only jim knows what it is and never tells anyone*
how would someone not know it we all had to use it for like a month
people are retarded and already forgot
savinho é ruim caralho nao entendo pqp ficou na convocaçao esse morto
wtf that isnt chinese
i actually didn't even watch that and as a result my night was great
wasnt worth watching 
i only watched it because i was having dinner and then i had already watched most of it so i had to finish it
the biggest river
the widest avenue
the best player in the world (x2) 
the pope
the most famous president on earth
the most racist population
the largest dinosaur 
the biggest urban bus network
i could go on and on
brings a tear to the eye
yep... russia has everything
id insult you but nkh is off in the 'kraine so youre obviously not him
how could argentina be the most racist when the turks are literally singing auslander raus
where were you when
i think my dream job would be being a roman guy attempting to learn what the fuck china is
*gets eaten alive for not being yellow*
cawfee recipe:
1. whatever shitty grounds you can stomach that are both cheap and give you a lot
2. brew
3. spoonful of coconut oil
4. however much honey you want
sounds gross and brown
for some reason whenever someone says "resilience" my ears can only hear "brazilians" and it confuses me every time
sounds like a curse
you need to be an actual subhuman ape to put honey and coconut oil into your coffee
it all gets mixed together in the stomach anyway
going to go insane
whats so bad about it huh
was just thinking about how if my mother showed me a soyjak i would kill her
>Noldeke is highly based and redpilled but this is one of the cases where things are indeed "outdated". I don't mean cucked btw
why cant these people talk normally
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in kamen rider den-o, momotaros catchphrase is simply "ore...sanjou!"
which is a pretty easy translation to "i...have arrived!" or something to that effect
now granted, im not exactly sure the kind of weight behind "sanjou" but i do obviously know that "ore" is meant to be a masculine "strong" pronoun.

old sub groups for the show however, decided that "ore sanjou" is LITERALLY UNTRANSLATABLE so the subs just say "ore...sanjou!" with a translator's not at the top that literally says "tl note: ore sanjou = i have arrived"
they also did not translate "nee-san" when the character was explicitly referring to his sister
all fascinating and now i understand why there was a lot of old kamen rider translation drama
i also can't remember if i told this anecdote before but it's really really really funny in my opinion which is why i might have already mention it
in kamen rider gaim their belts are called "sengoku drivers", now the astute of us may know that in a lot of english cases, the sengoku era is called "the warring states" i dont know if this has any connection to the word "sengoku" or if its just...used in english because thats what was happening back then
anyways, this same sub group decided to translate their belts as "wärring drivers" much to the dismay, hatred, and annoyance of literally everyone
but whatever, you know that certainly counts as a "localization" and it least it makes sense
...however later on in the series it is revealed the drivers are called the sengoku drivers because they were made by a guy with the last name "sengoku"
i actually forgot how this story ends but i think they actually ate their humble pie and went back and fixed it
yeah they ate their humble pie meanwhile im here being forced to eat shit day after day after day
it’s feast or famine
68 that sounds good!!!!
feel like shiiiiittttt
anime girls yeah theyre nice think i havent participated in quite a while
ecco2k is gay beyond a shadow of a doubt
you would know
life sucks
but not thaaaaat much
life was amazing til lately
in what way?
enjoying this elden ring dlc
dont care for souls trite but you already know that
ecco2k is that an anime
woke up like 4 hours too early and cant go back to bed
whoever sent me the email regarding domain change, please check your mail
that was jim (jacobson)
hes something of a character around these parts
he's probably off in a ditch or a closet or somethin
he always comes back though, somehow
cast in the name of god, ye not guilty
too lazy to make my bed
can i get a maid
never made me bed unless i wash the sheets
im just gonna fuck it up when i sleep!!!
>monthly progress to communalism
well its over
its going to be yet another game where you can form a big commie blob before marx is even born
someones gotta do it
dont jump the gun tardo
you gotta trust man -_-
prefer women
heard milei just defeated inflation
yeah its actually down to 0% (real argentina information)
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wait a minute are cats supposed to have that many fingers of the foot
fucken ai infecting me cats -_-
heard the bolivianos are couping
heard the sun is coming up in the morning
fuck i hate migraines
it's not evena normal pain like a sore ankle you're just going about your business when all of a sudden BANG like a nail being driven through your skull
maybe liquor would help
same 13 t.havingmigraine
wonder what the deepest point in territorial waters is
maybe its lake baikal
looking to dump a little something are we
*dumps a bomb in my toilet bowl*
Is it racist to pronounce L's as R's in japan as a non-japanese person?
its racist to speak japanese as a non-japanese person
ok i'm going now so you can start posting
turk do you have the nurl
how come jims sites are always insecure
am i going to get a virus
if you dont dress right
you aint my type
okay... i'm going to disable the old domain now...
its over
i tried to join thru the IP but its broken good job jim you just leftout everyone
fuck hm
okay.. the bare ip should work again and the new domain has https now 

the reason the ip went down is due to the peculiar reasoning of the request i've tried blocking access to the old domain server side because, well, while 
DNS records might be removed  it can take up more than 24 hours for it to propagate across all the DNS servers, and additionally DNS records get cached on OS level too, but i think the TTL is pretty low on freedns, what this basically means is that the site will still be potentially reachable on the old domain

anyway when i did that only the current domain worked like intended but it also borked the ip and i don't really feel like troubleshooting this at this time so i reverted the change 

regarding the new domain name... i guess it's not okay for me to share it here and you'll share it among yourselves through other means or?
Replies: >>54684
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join retards
what was it called again
country historines???
no sorry
me i have no clue what the domain name is
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is curtis a word
only one way to find out
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we've determined that is it
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game ended
i (nhk) won with best words though not by score
nigger doxxed us
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whos gonna win the anime man or the waves
i won
and i won the chess which is the only game where u actually have any agency
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pics or it didnt happen
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looks like one of those weird ancient drawings
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another fantastic game well played
i wonder how psychologically taxing it is that the most based man in history wanted to exterminate your entire people
cannae believe nhk lives
got any peer reviewed sources for that?
yeah i thought so
was talkin to 4 tardo
if this was a real website there would have been a big banner up for weeks warning about the domain change
i dont think it happened fast enough personally 
the way everyone kept posting about it someone was just going to drop the new domain
absolutely cannot wait for it to get deleted after jims next schizo freak out
8 hours of work coming right up
fuck my life!!!!!
are you hyped for suicide squad kids!!!!!
only if hm and jim are in it
imagine how many sad middle age bureaucrat men there are in china
i bet if you conscripted them all you could conquer the world
death to kikes
is anyone watching the old kike fight tonight because I'm not
no im too busy being a faggot nigger
so many fucking tick bites on my ankles
less i scratch or notice them the better but
theyre THERE
i dont go outside so i dont have tick or nigger bites
i have nightmares about ticks
glad we dont have them here
can doesnt think i live true to myself but terry davis said god says gym is gay, tackle a horse. thats where this head switch came from in the first place. thats how i got out of myself anyway. i still believe i have been out here tackling horses.
can says im not being myself but [other guy] says i should do [thing] and i do [thing]
i'm lost in all of this but [other guy] is in the right here
god or canman. or terry davis
/ think terry davis would call you a faggot
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3 consecutive weeks of inflation around 0%
re: jim
already told him hes a fukken faggot with womanly worries
if biden and milei rules for 10 more years each then argentine and usa would switch places
well thank g-d biden is like 90 years old then
and anyway, no matter if trump or biden wins the budget deficit is still going to be absolutely utterly fucked
the budget...... deficit...................
>DNS records get cached on OS level too
how about on phones 
probably especially on phones huh 
>only the current domain worked like intended but it also borked the ip
??what does this mean
Replies: >>54763
i dont know what any of that means but good job eh
some1 should probably take a walkr around the wot and maybe 4trash and gsg and so on maybe hte turk got lost over there
so does anyone but jim and his handler know the new website name
if you dont know it then how are you browsing huh???
the ippy still works
iits .xyz
whoa it actually is
supposedly its 20c yet here  i am sweating like im gonna fucking die and huffing on the fan so that it will shoot my breath back in a colder fashion and thus cool me down
its not working
its 13c here and its going to be -1c on the weekend
i am here you tardo
did anyone here a noise just now
i think i heard a mecha
cass builds gundams and has friends over to build gundams
it starts there and i wish i was younger and then i go too far 
it's hard for me to continuously identify where im at or how to be a good boyfriend
or whatever it is im talking about
its not looking good for bidet tonight
being debuffed
is it the election dya or whatever
its just a debate
any new mpmen for the table this saturday
theres barely anyone around to post let alone mp
well i shant sit on the Table of Kikes sorry
joe is being paid by china, he's a manchurian candidate
hilarious how nobody can really doubt or dispute that but it doesnt even matter at all
first it was russia now its china dont you have anything new
holy shit is trump really 6'5
why would biden say that
honestly dont believe lincoln thats 100% a lie
haven't you seen his famous statue he's quite large
youre NOT a good boyfriend because your boke up stop being a freak and trying to get together with another mentally ill person 
this is literally what teenagers do youre nearly 30
he's smaller than me
we cant all be paul bunyon
cant believe we have a live empirical scientific case study to answer the age old question of if youre more of a faggot for dating a ftm to mtf tranny
jim is faggotier than either
yeah jim could be with a women and still be a gay retard
which is exactly whats going on
wait is he not with a female wöman
he's mentally with a woman
does he identify as a wöman haver
not a fan
he got himself a gf but then she told him to call her "he" so he cucked out and said yes
are the electoral college delegates actual people
how do you become one of those
probably gotta be a kike or at least kike adjacent
im catholic and that counts as kike adjacent in america
'lol, lmao' as the kids say
what a weenie
HOW do you not know this after ive explained it to you like 5 times already
nobody reads the posts anymore
i didnt know the pronounciation bit but i did know that jimmy was a cück
by the way did you know that james cook was cooked and eaten by natives
didnt literally everyone know that
i was one of the natives
nhk what were your favourite books as a little nakhoshka
was reading 'ruhi at work (in the back room, away from anybody else so its not as embarassing) during my breaks today
chemistry, cosmology encyclopeadias fascinated me the most, those ones for sure
they had books there?
no i mean the adventure books you actually had fun reading
iuhhhh read tom sawyer but didnt really care for it
respublika shkid was fine
why in the hell did they have tom sawyer there
why not
russians love western books
oh right
i liked star wars films novelizations a lot as a kid
i read the original trilogy at 10, perhaps earlier, but only watched the films last yearv
negr jim......
never read tom sawyer but i read huckleberry finn
i enjoyed that book in school the part that really stuck with me is when the main character is talking to some old man the old man goes "well you know, one day im gonna die, and theyre gonna put me underground in a casket, and nobody is gonna be able to bother me no more"
you fukken liar you told me you read starship troopers -_- so obviously youve read more
i havent read starship troopers
i read space cadet 
but they have the same title in translation
the one i read was about a guy on one of satellites armed with nukes that formed a ring around earth as a chimpout prevention measure, not bugs
yeah well what other such books did you like
spider world by author that i forgot the name of
i think i only read books 1 and 2 

other books by heinlein, eg podkayne of mars
okay well clearly you didnt like them very much because i have to torture you to give up any details so nevermind im sorry to bother you
i am at work maît
and i did like them, but as with most things i'm not really passionate about them
i also read witcher but don t even know which book now
it was huge, 600+ pages
i remember a part of it where geralt and someone else are discussing an ongoing invasion by some faraway nation, and they say that though their skill in use of scythes is commendable, it's a fucking retarded choice of a weapon for a regular military force
scythes.... O_o is that a poland referenece??????
surely it's the scythians
so what measures are there for the satellitemen to not chimp out and obliterate the earth
selection mostly
they're like opposite of police, have a minimum intelligence to enter
so this is actually hell and not earth
it is pretty amazing how consistently i pursue self-destructive actions
starting to think maybe listening to one guys whim was a mistake but you guys did not seem to complain so i went ahead with it..

i dunno how DNS cache works on android/ios

for what its worth i can't load the old domain on my android phone anymore so there

>>only the current domain worked like intended but it also borked the ip
>??what does this mean

it means you could only reach the site through the domain you provided and nothing else, the ip became non connectable
anybody read gene wolfe
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hoohooly fuck  this is so epicly nostalgic
Replies: >>54769
huh wow so jim fucked it up??? color me surprised...
the website has been working fine for me
i am this old
how the fuck am i still alive
too lazy to explain so uhh here you go
pretty funny how they got competely fucked over by no-name haxorz i bet i could install ransomware on their shit too if security is this shite
>business data
>employee records
who cares
well yeah its just irritating because we're fucken locked out of all kadokawa services(because they got hit by ransomware!!!) and also baffling because of the sheer incompetence
yeah i dont really understand anything but ivent had any problems mr.websiteman

for the record, this post was made straight from the IP address from my android phone
cirno is the one toho i will never pronounce correctly
cirno eh is that what they call her in brazil
in brazil they call her çirno
i like flandre

in that order somewhat

not a big fan of some of the other ones (the witch one, the maid one, etc.(
power went out in the middle of my video game
happens to me a lot really
really pisses me out since theres a genuine chance that my whole pc will be fried because the sudacas at the electric network are too busy siestaing and pouring cheap cola knockoffs on the wires to do their job
for me its youmu
always like raisin
thats me!
can we just have a post editing feature for the first minute or something i always make annoying typos
nobody cares about typoes
/ care
wonder if anyone will care to make a new thread
i wont you do it
being forced to watch uhhh "isekai suicide squad"
hope this stops soon
not doing that
its so blatantly obviously made for americans and not for japanese or humans in general
why do i have to hear about game of thrones IN A FUCKING ANIME!!!!!
and i highly suggest to everybody that they watch the OP of this anime it basically explains everything
japs watch western mind poison media too the same way everyone in the west watches anime
they BARELY do its a tiny thing
i bet 99% of the japanese audience(all 10 of them) were baffled by "game of thrones" and had to google it
i truly hate america i hope they all die painful deaths honestly
nips literally love american trash more than any nation, except china
no they dont youre just trying to put on a lgbt flag tshirt on them against their will meanwhile theyre absolutely fucking baffled and have no clue what the fuck an lgbt flag is
uhhh no, actually nobody is saying that. maybe you need to fix your head?
all americans are trannies all americans are kikes all americans are demons this is common knowledge
in my country the word "american" is a cussword
youtube links dont work here
works for me maybe ask the kikes to let you see them
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been a long while since i last saw that pageboy
hurry the fuck on to 1488 and make the new already im sick of waiting
waiting for what?
uhh idk try askin chatgpt :)
a skin change
got it ready to go

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