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thats not a train!!!
not really a fan of korean "anime" girls
nor chinese for that matter
only the japanese do them well and even then only some of the japanese
also we really need a term that includes anime girls as well as vidya (2d and 3d) and gacha and vn and whatnot
theyre like plastic knockoffs of the real thing
not good enough but better than nothing
the koreans (and chinese) just have weird aesthetic preferences
the japanese do too to an extent but usually they manage to avoid doing it to their 2ds
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kill americans
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finished a drakengard manga i realized i never read
lots of rape and murder and incest
all me
wonder if japanese boxer chants(i assume that exists???) call for the restoration of the emperor and the hanging of all gaijin
no nips actually dont do fucking anything in environments like that it's been drilled into their brain
read an anecdote where some pro wrestlers from america talked about how, when they went to japan it was very weird
because like, as a pro wrestler audience reaction is an indicator you're doing a good job, BUT they were told that these japanese audiences would probably be making next to zero noise
yeah okay what about back when they were w&b(the 20th century)
idk im not japanese
well no better time to become one than now theyre even importing indians in these days
>wouldnt mind trying it out if any of you are interested its uhhhhgfgghghhg The First Descendant.
any poos interested yes hello!????
not even slightly
koreans are such a weird sexless race but every time theyve made a video game its always intensely sexualized
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jim would either absolutely love this or get so utterly depressed by it that he kills himself
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huh wait this chapter is weird all of a sudden where'd the boxing go?
boxers out kickboxers in
*legsweeps you*
joe caused a race war
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but what about der video about those jap footballoids 
i get it there just copying their ancestors (sudacas) but evidently at least some of them figured out the whole crowd thing
never seen any
posted earlier in the previoous thread
well do it again harris
sound in either my headphones or my ears randomly goes out
not a big fan either way
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(its to the beat of the peronist march)
also you can tell they dont really get it because they dont move to the beat at all and they take a minute off someone doing it so that they can see what theyre supposed to do and then they just stop
couldnt hear properly for obvious reasons but from what i can gather its pretty neutered
not even a single demand for all niggers to be killed
how do you spoiler images on here on my iphone on safari
if it doesnt show the option to you then you just cant
and uhhh nobody knows when it shows you the option and when it does
personally for me when we switched to xyz it became impossible for me to spoiler
17 is he talking to himself
hes talking to the korean who killed his own father
in the last page in 05 its like a kid version of himself
XL thread for XL men
no thats the korean(who went through all that)
guess i was being pretty vague due to my attempt to only spam 3 posts and not 5
ok is joe rabuki korean
he's called joe yabuki and he's a pure blooded turk
193 and 198 what is in the pages between those pages
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you can hear the bombs humming
next one will land on me 
just you watch
so im mixing the people up yeah uhh 
>wear your trauma like a badge or proof of strength etc 
maybe when i was younger i also thought it was bizarre and kind of pathetic and just "out there" that some people who have gone through some horrible shit-or some stupid shit, or just some shit that would be best not to think about-try to integrate it into who they are, where it would be better to try to leave behind you and not consider redemption from. like just better to get out of the frame of it completely. 
but imo the truth is that everybody has something to reintegrate or recover from just by virtue of being born and having to live in the world with others. it varies based on person and those with "lesser" or easier or less "traumatic" fatal original flaws are less likely to wear it as a badge because it looks outwardly more normal. ultimately this cripples them, it gives them a blind spot, it lets them not have to think seriously about self identity and not have to fight too hard for themselves. ik i dont know this manga but (if i get it now and joe in 17 is talking to the grown up kid from the flashback) joe is fighting hard because hes kind of insane, maybe he doesnt know his original sin in specific, but it's there. 
but what im saying is people without traumas can sink into malaise and inactivity and never learning about other people and not developing empathy. thats my main point. possibly it makes them easier people to get along with though, or at least get things out of. you never have to have a critical moment of falling into other people around you as a cathartic survival love if your original life situation wasnt shit and you didnt desperately want to get out of it. if things were kind of ok for you growing up, and you lack self awareness and dont feel like you have to reintegrate some original flaw, i subjectively think that makes you a worse human being.
well if you like it so much you can read it yourself
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooollllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy shit i almost just dunked a fucking beer bottle right at my computer
well thankfully i managed to use my instincts to save it at the last possible second
stop drink alone
maybe i would fucking stop if i had people to drink with
maybe find some
yeah youre right *walks out to be immediately shot to death by niggers and looted*
curtis nooooo
thats exactly the shit i thought it was gonna be 
>no i cant find anyone these people all suck everything they do sucks theyre unfamiliar and alien and i cant find one ounce of common ground 
meeting other people means adjusting yourself to them. means giving up some parts of yourself, just a little bit. seeing things different for a time. and to do that, people will usually find ways to get things they want through new people, not specifically or purposefully, but just seeing others as a way to live, a way to get the fruits that life offers. if you already have all your fruits maybe youre good but it sounds like you dont
51 why would that be me i dont even like alcohol i mean i do but im not into it right now and also drink alone is bad
illl be honest man all the fruits outside are rotten and filled to the brim with bugs and i would honestly rather starve to death than enjoy them
i dont care if it makes me sad or whatever and i dont think that i am in even the slightest refusing to give up part of myself to accommodate them into my life i simply see a bunch of shit people and dadc even if theres something more to it this is all i can see from my perspective
anyway in any case if i had to step outside and talk to people everytime i get drunk i would just be 100 times more miserable because then my funtime is instead retardcaretakingtime
youre fucked
ok look ill give you the easy, marginally better than nothing response here, for free: 
eliminate alcohol UNLESS it's with others. you only GET to drink with others
how come its always you has has to "give up parts of yourself" and never them who has to do it
dont worry bro i have a great and long history of not fucking up nothing you fear will happen and i will rise up to such a place that all of humanity(the gay race) will look up at me seething in jealousy
*dies of alcohol poisoning*
58 it is them too. they would also be reclusive weirdos who do nothing all day but instead theyre some TYPE of weirdo. youre typeless. that looks bad
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me on the ren faire last week
first thought when i saw the thumbnail was that you look like one of those hokuto no ken characters
ive never read that by the way
serial killer jim
i have exact same color on my phone
mine is grey exact half of it is actually black because the paint just started fucking falling right off
sneakers stick out like giant neon signs in a period costume
you should really have thrown on some work boots or something instead
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holy fuck
been playing a steambonk stalker rpg set in nuked roman syria
it's pretty good
been meaning to play that for years but instead i do nothing
it's strange how it feels like a game from 1999 but was released only 7 years ago
inventory interface is straight from fallout 1 with very minor improvements
but character screen is good
..how is it stalker if it's in roman syria
similar atmosphere
but its not literally stalker ok good to know
well no it isnt and it isn't roman syria just very strongly themed so
whats the game i dont recognize it from a sseth review
age of decadence you plebeian
sorry i dont go on /v/
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gonna start a new playthrough now
shall be nuking everything
dont think games should have so many words
those are different things from just 'games' i'd say
this one leans into vn territory quite far
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character stats
won't be a talker mostly just shooter & looter
a vn eh..... whens red garden coming out
in the wind ill be gone like a feather
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robbed an inn
got a couple of rubies and a steel dagger out of that, but mostly experience
i got a new pair of flip flops and they squeak every time i take a step
woke up
want to play a game but dont know what
soviet republic
tried that like 4 years ago but i couldnt get my buildings to line up properly so i uninstalled
well its been 4 years so......
will have some barley soup and wheat bread
love good food
love starving
hate shit food
cantankerous <- just learned this word
what a shitty word
never heard of it
i have (but english is my first language)
purchased mr taro's weird little rpg games curious about them
thoughts on the alifuru script
i think its pretty interesting
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she imported a monkey this time
can a match box?
no, but a tin can
*bans you*
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what a fucking wasteland
its like the sahara desert
theres a digital edition which costs 165k yen and requires over 20gb of free space on your computer
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now thats the boxing we know and love
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yeah im just more and more certain that jim would absolutely love this 1
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literal terrorism
far too many gay niggers this time, also it was really cinematic, always cutting between the live broadcast and some pre recorded scene, it wouldn't be very good to watch in real life, it had a big "made for television" feeling. also it was really disorganized in general, jumping between rather subpar performances without much coherence. like there was one part where it just cut to "minions" doing stupid things for a few minutes, i guess illumination paid them a nice amount. i guess all it had going for it was the river thing, that was kind of interesting, and seeing all the different countries. it just feels like could have done a lot more with it.
brain melting
katamari...now thats a good fukken game
yeah it was pretty terrible i only watched an hour or too until the brazil boat came around with their terrible clothes
the heavy metal opera thing was cool
blessed are the men who can still enjoy vicky2
can you still consider it enjoying at that point
huh wow listened to this album for the first time in ages today and it was like 10x better than i remembered
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yugoslavia with big breasted anime girls...what should have been.....
any1 tried koikatsu
whats it like
*tumbleweed rolls by*
i tried it last month actually
i played quite a bit of aa2 before which is kind of like the prequel (same company and same mechanics) and the 'gameplay' from the older one is way better the part where you wander around school and such but as far as dressing up anime girls and doing whatever you want to them (as well as the quality and the actual selection of girls(seriously you can find models from every single game or anime even the obscure ones)) then koikatsu is better
one of the things that was putting me off from playing it before is that it's like 60gb
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that cat had its teeth ripped out and its tail cut off
could've been taxidermied for all i know
whats with you freak
oh the koikatsu company died last year
at this rate if i dont start clearing my fucking anime-manga-game pile then i will literally stop being able to use my computer because i will be stuck on 1gb free space at all times
apparently there's a different company trying to make a new game of that type but that's all i've heard
yeah yeah "honeycome"
downloading it right now actually since its smaller
also heard some rumour that its the same staff under a new company or whatever
that kind of game without focusing on porn would be amazing honestly
just go to school make friends join a club 
there's a million vns like that of course but the magic is that's it's the characters of your choosing and all the scenarios are the natural results of the game's mechanics instead of being prewritten
99% of the playerbase would give up at the part where they have to make their own characters
what a horrible noise
i think it's a truck backing up but it's also super high pitched
for me its my headphones randomly making some noises super high pitched
it only happens like once an hour too and for just a second so i cant get used to it
you know what's funny
still measuring cars in horsepower
ive had entire dozens of times where i almost called a teacher mother or father
even in highschool!!!!
never did that myself
death to kikes
missed the sound of human beings speaking
showered and smell like poo again
im starting to think its the towel
i am a noble
my days are spent deleting windows edge just for it to be secretly reinstalled and repeating this every single day
i will use the administrative privileges i have on this world to make sure that every single case of singular they is followed up with a big red (im a nigger tranny btw) that cannot be erased in any way
i always dadced about that but recently i've seen random freaks write in "neutral" portuguese and it makes me unbelievably angry you replace every o (male) or a (female) in a word with e and it sounds retarded as fuck i think people do a similar thing with spanish too
the struggles of being latinx...
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*does this in front of you*
finished game
didnt bother going for a proper god ending but enslaved everyone just in case and nuked a couple cities
this shit is so dumb it looks like cheap plastic toys for toddlers
well..it is
honey i got us some kikes for dinner
dont be so harsh on them they need some way to pay off the yakuza after all
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need a world with more killing
heard about the olympics in france and my first thought was huh imagine if that was a vicky2 event that made you lose prestige
i heard that its tranny related but other than that i have 0 information
well????whatis it
bunch of trannies and other satanic imagery
Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo and President Macron both vowed to swim in the Seine prior to the Games to prove that the extensive clean-up operation worked. A late June date for this swim was postponed;[117] the primary reason cited was the concurrent French general election but reports also circulated that protestors had planned a mass defecation event to coincide with the swim.[121] On 12 July, two weeks before the start of the Olympics, the Paris City Hall announced that the Seine had been clean enough for the majority of twelve days, also noting that the bacteria (including E.Coli) levels in a designated spot in central Paris had fallen within acceptable limits for four consecutive days.[122][123] On 13 July, Sports Minister Amélie Oudéa-Castéra briefly swam near Pont Alexandre III for a television crew from BFM TV,[124] and Hidalgo, along with Tony Estanguet and Marc Guillaume, swam in the Seine near Hôtel de Ville on 17 July.[125][112]
The Dutch Olympic Committee, NOC*NSF, selected Steven van de Velde to represent them in beach volleyball. Van de Velde pleaded guilty in 2016 to three counts of raping a 12-year-old child in the United Kingdom. The British judge said that he should not be able to continue his Olympic ambitions.[144][145][146] He had initially fled to the Netherlands after the rapes, which took place in 2014, before being extradited back to the UK in 2016.[147]

When asked about the decision to select van de Velde, Michel Everaert, the head of Nederlandse Volleybalbond (NeVoBo; Dutch Volleyball Federation), said that "[van de Velde] was convicted at the time according to English law and he has served his sentence. [...He] has now been fully reintegrated into the Dutch volleyball community" and "[is] an exemplary professional and human being".[148] Sentenced on 21 March 2016 to four years in prison,[149] he was transferred to the Netherlands due to an extradition treaty, where he was re-sentenced under Dutch law[150] and subsequently released on 17 March 2017. Comments he made upon his release were criticised by British child protection charity NSPCC as showing no remorse and being full of self-pity.[147][146] 
e1e1e1e1e1e1e1e1e1e1e you can rape children and get released in less than a year after your arrest
you have to be ABSOLUTELY braindead to conform to law in our current world where rapists and killers are treated as heroes, not punished in any way and in fact given many gifts for their "service" and "hard work"
i am become bored
i am a retarded nigger faggot and i have nothing to do AT ALL so im just randomly clicking tabs and switching from one to the other constantly with no purpose
lower back pain
as for me i ate some light food and started trembling because of it
i still am
i think the lower back pain follows my diet vis a vis a continuously distended gut and knotted, blocked up intestines. it's my slow metabolism.
yeah same
me too actually
my back just started hurting right now
dead kikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
random heart pain every 3 minutes
probably gas
no its probably death
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jopefully so
jimfully so
wonder how he'll fare in the civil war
he'll lead the csa to victory
will he though
yup no doubt about it
it came to me in a dream that he will
jim will lead the csa to victory (hes fighting for the union)
the only communities in the country that you could picture having separate autonomy besides black people is random immigrant groups but thats how its always been
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yup its finished over you shant hear of it from me anymore
truly epic i wish it would have continued for a hundred more chapters
_-_____---_--_-_-- nevermind theres a sequel to the original anime(79 episodes) thats 47 episodes so now i have to watch that too(after having spoiled myself everything by reading the manga) so youll hear about it a billion more times
while im at it heres some funny stuff
>The manga was very popular, having sold over 20 million copies after its serialization.[16] Also, during its serialization, it was particularly popular with working-class people and college students who were involved in the New Left, who saw themselves likewise struggling against the system like Joe Yabuki did and revered him as an icon.[17] An example of this New Left influence were the members of the Japanese Red Army who took part in the Yodogo hijacking in 1970 and compared themselves to Joe as they saw a revolutionary message in the manga. During the hijack, they shouted "We are tomorrow's Joe!".[18][19][20] 
>Approximately 20 minutes after takeoff, a young man named Takamaro Tamiya got up from his seat, drew a katana and shouted, "We are Ashita no Joe!"[8] He stated his intent to hijack the plane and instructed the other hijackers to draw their weapons. The hijackers then took 129 people (122 passengers and seven crew members) hostage and commanded the pilots to fly the plane to Havana, Cuba, where they intended to receive training by communist military groups. The hijackers were then informed that the aircraft, a Boeing 727, was not capable of making such a journey, due to the plane's inability to hold the necessary amount of fuel. Upon learning of this, the hijackers insisted that the plane be diverted to Pyongyang, North Korea, after stopping to refuel in Fukuoka. Upon arrival at Fukuoka, the police convinced the hijackers to release 23 of their hostages, and the pilots were given a map of the Korean Peninsula. Attached to the map was a note which instructed the pilots to tune their radios to a specific frequency. The air traffic controllers, who were aware of the situation, intentionally gave the pilots incorrect directions in an effort to have them land at Gimpo Airport in Seoul, South Korea, where they had disguised the airport as being North Korean.[9]
wish i could sleep
it smells so so so so so much of the 1980s jesus christ
and in just the first episode alone ive found two major characters who got their seiyuu changed to random below mediocre retards because some nigger nigger nigger that never watched an anime in his life decided it
its pretty clear it wont compare to the original but hopefully i can get used to it
wow street racing is insanely fun
especially the part where you crash into obstacles at 300km/h
well yeah the whole point of having fun is that its dangerous otherwise pussies and faggots would be able to do it too
big fan of how THREE fucking major supporting characters are voiced by random nameless retards that just fucking talk in monotone all the time because they cant manage anything else, ill love having to deal with them for 50 episodes
and the WORST one is this one character who originally always speaks loudly with great emotion and a strong dialect, the guy who replaced him sounds like a 16 year old boy and always speaking in monotone, he cant even do the dialect either so he literally just doesnt fucking try
and im not just talking about pronunciation, theres a clear effect on the script and all that remains of the dialect is an occasional "ya" at the end of a sentence(said in monotone)
ah yep just checked
guys not even a fucking seiyuu and this is his one and only job as one ever....yep.............of course......
and then theres major female supporting character 1 who suffers from the same problems, new seiyuu is a literal nobody who never did anything ever again
and THEN theres major female supporting character 2 who is listed as "tanaka emi", which happens to be the name of a seiyuu that was born 6 years AFTER the anime released, and its impossible to find any other person with this name and surname
so you have 3 major supporting characters, one is voiced by a fucking actor that never worked as a seiyuu, one by a literal who, and one who is so irrelevant that scouring the internet for her yields 0 fucking results
hey hm heres something to help your tranny learn
retard nigger fan broke
i guess nobody has anything to say today
everything has already been said
took a nap and i'm tireder than before
seriousl'y i'm so fucked up i've stayed awake for almost 24 hours for three days now with a few long naps in between while i usually can barely manage to stay conscious after 12 i'm just waiting until i collapse from exhaustion so i can rest properly but it still hasn't happened
yet another week of mind numbing arbeitung
death to kiked
finished game yesterday as a fighter, suprisingly easy to play with 10 str 8 dex and and an axe crit build, simply onehitkills half combatants in the game
looked up other endings, turns out there's roughly 40 variations of them with 8 major themes, cool
wallowing and wallstaring and imagine what its like to do things is a lot more fun than doing them
aye not of wallstarere but agree x1
far wallstarey
tempted to play ass creed mirage
which one out of the 40 ass creed games is that one
the new one
or at least it was that
did you know that there were bantu samurai and emperors
have you heard of the +NIGGER licensing?
feel slightly nostaltic for uppercase neovictoria posts in vgsg
feel slightly nostalgic for how i could carry myself when i was balice
whrn you was what
a word for whatever state im thinking of, nontemporal, idk how or when it is
the day is late
the day will come
ohmy toun
sunshine will burst through this prison of clay
and old gabriels trumpet 
and the voice of the lord 
will raise up the dead
wouldnt mind an atomic blast above my head right this moment
the atomic blast must occur in your belly
barely stopping myself from destroying this retarded fan
the fan proper and the stand that it uses are two different things, normally the fan fits into the stand just fine but now the thing that fixes it in place doesnt work(SOMEFUCKINGHOW???) so the fan is always looking straight at the ground like some antisocial little cuckold and wont do jack shit to help me survive
*consumes plutonium thoughtfully*
i had that issue
solved it by buying a new one that worked much better as well
i have like 5 fans do you want me to send you one
how many are you using
about 3 actually
well try more????? have you tried not living in uhhhhhh hell
1 was to 9
i have 2 in my bedroom one is super powerful it's one of those stubby ones that stand on the ground by itself kind of like an industrial fan but it's unbearably loud so unless it's scorching i use my regular shitty one
why was this post deleted
kikes got him
never forgive
never forget 11.11.18
what happened then i forgot
i kind of remember 
skyrim came out on 11 11 11
i wa5tched a crappy horror movie with my friend about 11.11.11 on 11.11.11 that's probably my only memory from that year
me i dont remember 13 years ago
i played serious sam then and a bunch of people had that date in their nickname
one of them, a friend from irkutsk, btfod the server at 30/0 kd
its a god damn miracle drakengard managed to spawn a whole franchise because this game is seriously no fucking good well the story is FINE (so far) and certainly unique but playing it is so shit
some stuff
1: when japanese read chinese names they read them in japanese onyomi, so for example xi jinping is shuu kinpei and not shii jinpin which would be more accurate to the actual name, the chinese do the same thing to the japanese also, for example 奈葉(nanoha) is read as naye
2: when an anime girl says stuff like "mogumogu"(sound when eating food) and so on this is translated into chinese as 我X where X is the action thats being done, for example mogumogu would be translated as 我吃 which literally means "i eat"
absolutely loathe nips and the chinese name situation
first time i watched thunderbolt fantasy whatever dumb retard subtitled it just used the japanese names for the characters........despite the show being in fucking chinese!!!! everybody is speaking chinese!!!!! so why am i just seeing "fake" names in the subs!!!!!!
see there would be no problem if you just learned japanese and mandarin
shall play edf 4.1 tomorrow with a faggot and his gf
actually wanted to play 6 but they didnt let me
hm finally wants to mp eh
no its a real girl
tired of that
neck bleeding from all the scratching i am doing
kill þe unitedstatesian government!!!!!!! Aaaa!!!!!!
altaic exceptionalism
want death
i'm such a piece of shit
trying to read this thing but its so so boring that i can barely manage not to fall asleep
yeah these posts arent what they used to be
thinking of inviting some nigerians to help us make posts
isnt all that name business exactly the same as reading friedrich as fred or pyotr as peter
uh no because those sound pretty fukken similar or are just shorter
i want to be dead :)
shoo kingping sounds more similar to shee jingping than alessandro does to alexander
yes except that unlike with pyotr/peter its always written the same way(well not always now since the simplifiedkikes took over) and just read differently
well thats just the nature of logographs its not you can make minor changes to reflect slight pronunciation differences
french fartsniffers have awoken
finally finished the common route of this boring shit and got to a girls route
hope these ones are really short and full of sex(so i can skip) instead of being big fat fucking books
riddle me this name enthusiasts
how does the name alexander, in russian, become 'shura'
i think jews are somehow responsible for this
well i dont know
how does alexander become iskender kebab
maybe the turk who first read the name thought the x looked like a k
by gradual degeneration as name goes through different cultures and languages
alexandros how would that be written in archaic persian, babylonian aramaic coptic etc
niconicos coming back on the 5th
didnt know it left
nico nico night
basileos nikonikos the fifth of his name
i only know popodolopoulos
funny name that
vhere is iohan
thum dum dum dum dum
ss marschiert
Authors of a paper published in 2017 in the American Political Science Review estimate that the Chinese government fabricates 488 million social media posts per year. 
tragsg when þe servers fell
niggers when the kikes fell: exterminated
ears bleeding because of my headphones
trying not to die of sleepy
FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK should NOT have eatean ttat fuckinfish agaga
shat half of it out and then right after vomited a good liter
oh well shall never eat fish again fucking fishkikes
and for all those wondering i actually managed to vomit so much into the sink that i clogged it
that is disgusting
get well mait
i literally feel better and stronger now than i did before eating it
fishe work in mysterious ways
fish always been good to me
im glad lord of the rings got such a perfect film adaptation
were probably never going to get another one of that caliber and i dont think there was a more worthy series
>Meanwhile ENC-kun had to come to terms with the fact that encoding is not really that important of a job anymore. So he spent most of his time catching up on his mahou shoujo backlog and smoking marijuana with his father. Who has recently retired and decided to become the world’s biggest pot head.
the 2nd two lotr movies are kind of sloppy
didnt ask shant ever ask
why did weirdos latch on to that shamiko show
theyre crypto-trannies
iykyiykyhk(the sound of having a stroke)
not crypto just trannies
you know whats worse though
tiny little western tranny boys screeching and begging for the japanese to dismantle their entire language so that they can learn it(they wont anyways)
yeah but did you consider that pad thai is really fucking good
never heard of it
well its fantastic
is that the terraria þing
youre thinking of a yoyo
retard bugs on my screen
retards bugging me
retard niggers killing kiiekes
need to go back a year into the past and fix things
i've been thinking that every year for the past 10 years
well the past isnt going to come by itself
gee big guy how come you get to have TEN whole bugs crawling all over your monitor? youre so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we all seek warmth whichever way we can
oh yeah well watch me obliterate these freaks
seriously dont understand why seemingly normal people become superpolpot after learning a little japanese and decide that what the language really needs is all the kanji removed, katakana removed, 80% of hiragana removed and 90% of vocabulary obliterated to be replaced with nothing at all
these freakazoids make mao look like a good guy
ðey consider it as if ðey're þe daily users
ok but is that ðey singular or plural
singular ðey isnt a þing
*trannies it up*
in the mood to play video games
just need to find one to play
no more niggers 2
okay okay get this: aurora 4x with porn mods
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wouldnt that just be ßtelaris
well hopefully not
what if niggermod but real
niggers r us
niggers and kikes will eventually destroy it
want to eat lots of rice
thats easily achievable
(i am) deaf to kikes
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does any1 want to watch this 1 with me
its a lot harder than you think
i dont have any rice left and it would take a long time to make some
god damn korean spoken by a normal human being just sounds like turkish spoken by someone who got hit over the head
.......................white men..............................
what about em
oh no i meant us
you wouldnt understand you had to be there
amazing how tv is shit no matter which country you go to
it was maid to be
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would love to eat all those
it's ovwr
the camp at mount nigger
getting my first ai model so i can try something funny(hopefully it WILL be funny)
ughuhuuguhuguhgh oh my god that is BIG wtf -___
make a big prußßia
>Pierre Vallières (22 February 1938 – 23 December 1998) was a Québécois journalist and writer, known as an intellectual leader of the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ). He was the author of the essay Nègres blancs d'Amérique, translated as White Niggers of America, which likened the struggles of French-Canadians to those of African-Americans.
"python 3.10 is now in the security fixes only stage and therefore we have removed all installers for it" wow thanks you fucking nigger im sure nobody will be troubled by this you cattle
was python made by retards
yup definitely
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i am still here trying to get this tarded shit to work
i fought the law and the law won
someone tell that nigger screaming to shut the fuck up
eeeh eheheheheheheeeeeeeee eeeeeehhhhhhhheee eeeeeeeehhhhhahhxhhhvhch
get jimmed on kiddo
*leg sweeps u*
my kurdish training is unmatched.....
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new jim selfie just dropped
wow that looks just like me t.jimmerman
its crazy what power level retardation has done to some people's brains was reading a comment about one of my children shows and someone said "yeah but why did he do (thematically important, and above all else, cool) thing when he could have used his stronger form?"
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is he a white
is he a nigger
no! he's a zebra
people have completely forgotten that the point of narratives in general is to be entertaining or artistic in some way
one of those fascinating absurdities of our time
what the future needs is a drug that makes you want to do things
if you're bored you take the drug that makes you want to play games
if you have something annoying to do you take the drug that makes you want to do chores
you can literally just make yourself do that using your mind
no i can't that's why my life sucks
youre mentally defective then
wow i have to fucking go GRIND in this game epic thanks a lot
that game? life
wow really love eating lunch at 5pm
remember chuunibyou i never wartched it
you know what i hate shadows
all these modern games with fancy graphics oh look the sun is making this tree have a big shadow so realistic
who careeeeees
i watched it a decade ago
negerwaffen engaded
this boss fucking sucks
unpaid overtime
paid undertime
selfcompensated kikekilling time
there was someone in highschool who was a staunch bernie sanders supporter but upon learning that he is a jew he switched sides to trump
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prompt: jim, help
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prompt: jim, kill
anyway after spending a whole day generating shit i can say 100% that this thing is fucking demonic and also that it will never amount to anything
i dont think you are doing it right
>parameters jim, kill
>Steps: 20, Sampler: DPM++ 2M, Schedule type: Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 1719005867, Size: 1024x1024, Model hash: 7eb674963a, Model: hassakuHentaiModel_v13, Version: v1.10.1Õ!
yeah thats not how you do it
wtf how can you see it
talexial power
how the fuck do you do it then
you have to give the machine more keywords to work with
kill isnt very descriptive and i doubt it knows what a jim is, also increase the steps to 30
well yeah i know that much i just pooped these out just before installing because i felt an obligation towards jim
that being said though when i put in too many keywords it just fucking brainfarts and shits all over the canvas, and as far as i can tell theres no real difference between using 20/30/150 steps at all
spent all day yesterday and today (thats like 20 total hours just based on how long the jobs have been) babysitting this senegalese guy who cant even speak french. at first i thought he just couldnt read but he cant even speak french. only wolof. when i said wolof his eyes lit up and nobody else knew what that was. so i was his friend by that and that meant he trusted me enough to ask me for favors i dont want to fucking do
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maybe the model you are using is shit
why are you teaching niggers french
well maybe if you hadnt learnt the wolof language he wouldnt have been able to ask you for favours eh
i learned the word wolof and that was enough
*asks you for a favor in smoke signals*
thats basically what happened
eating a loaf of bread in my car in the parking lot 
some things never change
im still the same
glad it's wolof and not another west afrikan language
'tis forbidden knowledge
^ bantu
yep southeast western forest bantu man me
the revolt of the illiterate
posts ŵen
wish i knew
i think a ghost tried to rape me
yeah i did
epic my browser history broke thanks satan
jews set me up
thinking of drinking and dying
have to go to a "family outing"
try to make it a family offing
its called outing because you out them as kikes and stone them to death
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i have a feeling that paradox will just convert everything back to how it worked in eu4 after the game comes out and their fans complain
yeah and theyll add in tranny queens too to appease the average player
can these fucken chinks ever do anything other than copying the japanese -_-
lazy fat retard
welcome to my hell
first time in my life playing an eroge while earnestly desiring to beat up all the women
time to collect uhhhhhh 50 weapons to get the true ending for this game
sounds like a pain in the ass
yeah it is
i think im at like 30% now already stuck on this shitty fucking terrible flying mission
its fukken impossible god dammit!!!
nevermind did it
and im at 39% weapons
need to die soon
time for another big piece of shit mission
whoever did the flying missions in this game needs to die
time for a big piece of shit life
50% done...
other half niggers in the world left unkilled
>Let 25 minutes pass. It'll appear next to the final target.
ohohoh thats epic :)
waste more of my time!!!!!!
why are japanese games like that
well this one is bad partially as a "joke" (the joke is on you)
at least i think so, the game is fucking weird, i dont know why it was made in such an obtuse and offensive way in every sense of the word
well i have 5 more minutes or so
like i knew this game would be more bizarre than i thought it would be when the first like...3/4 of the game you are CONSTANTLY being harassed by your "party" in the most alien ways
caim is mute (because of events in game) but for that ENTIRE 3/4 of the game everybody with you is constantly shit talking you talking about you're such a murderous psychopath who loves to kill and feels nothing in his heart except love for killing
and this IS mostly true, but the fact that theyre basically just saying all this shit to a mute constantly AND they will just turn around and go "yessss...yess....leave nothing of the empire's army left!" its just a hostile environment constantly
and like i said i think this is meant to be a "JOKE" making fun of silent protagonists and stuff
the asinine weapon collecting stuff is just the biggest fuck you though since the ending you get anyways is meant to be the biggest dumbest fuck you
thats what you get for playing a game that came out in the last 10 years
>September 11, 2003
wrong retard!!!
uhhhhhh drakengard??
oh youre the nier guy
alri 64% thats a good hustle for tonight
closing the window goodnight
och nier is that the robot ass game heh
need to cope with my life byh like.....spending every wakingmoment playing mmorpgs...or something
anyway shower
shower finished time for rice
got nothing to say
biden lost the debate so hard he literally died
dont worry kamala will avenge him
someone was paid to write that
probably(hopefully) an ai
now that i think about it maybe what i actually need are friends who arent mentally ill
do you know where to find some
all this light is killing my eyes
kill it in response
kikes changed my wallpaper when i wasnt looking
to vhat
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it was this when i noticed it but it was a slideshow that goes through all 290 images in my downloads folder
still believe that an anime girl with the hobbies and "soul(not literal)" of an old man is the best a girl can get
The core of the storyline revolves around the struggle between the belief in magic. You have the Pro-Magic faction (represented by the Shipgirlist faith, and shipgirl nations) and the Anti-Magic faction (initially only the Papacy). To a certain extent this means Catholic nations are their enemy of shipgirlism as well, but Catholics themselves aren't inherently hostile to Shipgirlists (at least any more than any other religion), but rather compelled to be hostile by the Papacy. So it's probably a much better long-term strategy to focus on taking out the Papacy rather than trying to destroy all of Catholicism.

The recent history is that the Shipgirls were originally hanging out in Constantinople, in the Byzantine Empire, which is why their default culture-group is Byzantine and they speak Greek. Anyway, they began tinkering with eugenics, which enraged the Papacy and sparked the "One-Year War" which resulted in Shipgirls going the way of the Jews: Being kicked out of their homeland and wandering Europe, mostly living in the courts of other nations.
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why arent these pieces of shit on any pirate site are you kidding me
the city of bean airs
ughhhh fuckkkkk i cant wait to get home from work and unlock even more weapons!!! maybe i'll get the rest today!!!
>Before learning a new character they first learn the word using English letters (Pinyin) making the characters redundant
There is a meme about this. In a dota2 competition a player typed "ji ba yang", it could both mean "how many scythe of vyse" and "my dick feels itchy".
piss smells like burnt rubber all of a sudden
"i will murder you" "wow really thank you so much!!" <- this has been playing out nonstop in my head for the last 12 hours
my favorite paradox events are the ones with options like
option a: lose 100 diplomatic reputation, +50% agressive expansion cost, -50 prestige, -10000 money
option b: gain 1 papal authority
hmmmm do i pick this option(-10% ae for 25 years) or this option(25 diplo mana) yes what a great event
you're supposed to roleplay and pick the most thematically appropriate one
ohoho in that case i WILL pick the event to spank the bavarian politician on the bum
*loses my fukken weapon contract*
nothing wrong with being a bulgar
hmm yeah which abstract gameplay mechanic would the ruler of a medieval/renaissance nation choose -_-
the one that lets him get islamic communism fastest
i miss the days when people thought obama was an islamocommunist who was gonna send everyone to concentration camps at walmart
i was literally thinking about that today
there were 8 years straight of fully serious headlines talking about he was guaranteed to be the anti christ and an islamic nationalist
time to collect more weapons waheey
ate bread
by allah i will smite a million niggers
> Minecraft非公式日本ユーザーフォーラムは閉鎖しました 
>Kill 1250 enemies to make the box appear.
ughhh fucking CHRIST
lol loser
its not that bad i get to use the dragon
goddam im a f4g -_ shit in yo mauth
Listen upp here old pal .... *sighs* twas an aeon ago it seems ... ehhh... the first wiggler rally in Luton... AHHH RELIEVE!!!! ... Me and my pals built our own old tree house *wally rises of memory* whatever we did we Always came back home from school to do a Little wally wiggling in the ol treehouse... Ahhh.... waggler they called me ... *nothing personell kiddo* but I just kept on waggling, day in and day out. I waggled for Charles, I waggled for Margaret Thatcher. I even at one Point waggled the willy to Ho Chi Minh.... Ahhhh... the memories of the hazy wiggle waggling summer of 1986.... I still remember the wiggle wally race we had in Surrey.... We would gather... Me, this bloke from Newcastle and some guy named Ian the clam... waggling our Willies in record speed..... AHHH RELIVE ..... CUM!!!!!!!!!!
imagine a world where "vicky" is slang for vagina
luv vicky me
i just wanna jim it out
oh yeah
just gonna jim it out
oh fuck
ugh 611 reviews kill me
girls love to get upset when a bunch of people get into something they dont like (when nobody stops them from also getting into it)
dont care about girls
had a dream wherein i got into an argument about vns that essentially boiled down to the other guy not liking when anything bad happens in any story at all
that was me
are northern or southern indians better
which chinaman do you like better pingpong or pangping
gonna go to hell
smell you later kike of wien
none of these answer my question
yup i think its time for me to start reading a bunch of vns
i want to kill mgvcsembfd
i need a computer so / can read vns!!!
all weapons acquired time to finish the job
well i beat the game
it sucked
i cheated to beat the final boss (you can pause and prepare to hit notes that way) because the game was bad and its not worth wasting my night memorizing a fake rhythm game
you still wasted time getting to the end
well yeah
remember cheat codes
nowadays it's all boring console commands
i dont remember anything. i just want to disappear
yeah but instead of disappearing i want to have a good night of sleep without contorting my neck and waking up screaming
nope i get random people yelling and arguing in front of my house great
nuclear warheads ready to strike
didnt ask ready to not care
the x artists are doing this "gothic kimono" trend and i must say it is very good
sir curtis negertod
are they 44 or is it just something youre paying attention to from a few people and nobody is really doing it
how should i know man
dont remember anything of the last 24 hours
nhk is making me press buttons for him
didnt even get to pres any buttons -_-
holy scheisse me fucken back uhghgjyg
had a dream i was at this beach party and really wanted to swim but couldn't find a swimsuit
when i finally did it started storming and everyone was going home
as a last ditch effort i sprinted towards the sea because i really really wanted to swim but right on the beach there was this giant glass wall and i smashed my face against it
me i got invited to the beach but told em to fuck off
i think ill try to download ck3 and try out some literal tranny fantasy mod made by the former leader of the hoi4 tranny fantasy mod called tno
good luck
dont worry ill probably just get tired of it and delete the install folder without having installed the game or just grunt immediately after opening the game and decide to uninstall
that's what i did last time i bothered to install ck3 but i almost want to give it another chance again
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*flips the islamic communism switch*
booted up the game
it ate up 20gb+ of space from my disk while playing(no its not a bug or mod related)
uninstalled the game
chinks are kikes dont let anyone convince you otherwise
i shook a mans hand 
and lied to him and reneged an hour later 
and then lied to a woman
kikes deserve to be lied to
that my hero academia ended
positive nobody here read that shite
66 what about wolofs
at least the lie to the lady was mostly about the timing though i did say my help canceled on me.. which. yeah that was a bold face lie because i canceled on him. and told him SHE canceled. he only speaks wolof so he wont find out. she wont find out either. but like holy shit i just told everyone total lies because it was easy
madison had withheld a $100 tip from him though so if i throw him $30 tomorrow or whenever maybe i'll feel better. 
we coulda been like ishmael and queequeg. the guy has energy and enthusiasm even if hes really not aware of his surroundings
well try to not lie eh
nothing else can be said
it just happened 
idk what to tell you
the manga or anime
cant believe that literal blacked cuckshit managed to get like a hundred episodes of anime imagine having to animate that fucking worthless trite
the manga
so so sleepy
my ffffffucking charger is breaking -____-
was really pissed off by this nigger using a singular they
then i saw the credit page.....and its a fucking MTL translation!!!!!!!!!!!!! this little retard here literally took the mtl and ACTIVELY made it worse!!!!!!!
cant stop bleeding from the neck since i keep scratching it
stigmata of the neck
stigmata of the soul
you know what i probably need more than 1 single tshirt
its soaked in liters of sweat now and i cant change into anything else because there is no such thing
worst part is i actually had dozens of other ones but they just.........vanished.....
hmm yes i think i shall drink
in this mood
the content blocked. contact site owner to fix the issue mood
beer waheheyeyehe
have you tried getting out of the mainland
was wondering why me nuts felt all weird and its because that pair of underwear had a fukken hole in them -_-
spent a dozen minutes whacking the nose hair trimmer thingie against the wall to get it to work again
turns out it just ran out of battery
(Vs) [jìmò] lonely/lonesome/(of a place) quiet/silent
how are pointless shitholes like myanmar ever supposed to exist as stable functioning countries
its simple they just need to go back to the technology they had 500 years ago
all these retarded wacky western tech and meme ideals are not helping anybody ESPECIALLY not bingobango vietkong in the bumfuck of the world
huh never thought about that
vgh yup nothing like having to see cp every single day because some satanic kikecorp operating in the indian jungle decided to massspam it everyday in the sites i use
saw the kiwifarms owner talk about how running image boards was the literal worst thing he's ever done because there seem to be literal bots set to spam all of them with cp
(amongst other reasons but that was one of them)
what i dont understand is how some shitholes are just not targeted at all and others are targeted nonstop
theres probably some telegrams where infuriated spergs can post website to get added to some kinda bot list
oh my gosh it's friday!!
the day where we fry gays
I forgot to mention an army of the HRE under Charles V composed largely of Lutherans destroying the Vatican Secret Archives during the mutinous Sack of Rome ANNO 1527.

that one is probably the most underrated historical loss, the secret archive had to be totally rebuilt by drawing on their trans-national resources over centuries

moreover, since this occurance goes completely unmentioned in the wikipedia article for whatever reason, the only way the average person is going to learn this ever happened at all is if they do their own research or someone tells them
man the sequel to joe was made by some clueless mediocre retard with delusions of grandeur
its so blatant
fucking retard niggercattle director ill kill his entire family
le ebin kurismasu episode !!!!! *blasts christmas song for the whole 20 minutes while forcing all the characters to wear christmas outfits and the whole episode is literally not only just anime-only but also blatantly ripping off a fucking american movie of its time while breaking both the story itself and the personality of several characters*
and then theres this retard playing fucking handheld consoles despite the thing literally being set somewhere in 1960-75 japan
goddamn what a fucking faggot this director is
saw a weather channel map with a heat wave slowly creeping up and engulfing a region and it gave me a sudden desire to blob
i dont know when i became like this but now i can 100% sympathize with the retard virgin losers in anime, if a girl confessed to me i would absolutely shit my pants and panic even if the feeling is mutual
ugh what am i some sort of jim
can't say the same
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how high would you rate this agony-wise
for me its 8/10
yeah 8/10 for me too
giggling like a little retard thinking about all the hundreds of anime fox girls doing this sign in my disk
got a pixiv page open with loads of em doing it too which just makes it even harder not to laugh
fox girls are just red headed wolf girls
not all fox girls are red headed
even though most of the 20th century was kike it was really comfy
yeah because you didnt have to pay out the ass for water and food
liquor is the light of life
it's funny after that post about shirts disappearing i found this super comfortable shirt i had never seen before waiting for me in the wardrobe
nooooooooo kike give it back give it back!!!!!!!!
founders keepers
saw somebody mention megacaca somewhere else
yes "somewhere else"
they were extoling the virtues of "liveposting"
to be young again...
the world is a beautiful place and worth dying for
back when we still could afford to livepsot...........
the world is a shit i hate it
Ich liebe alle Menschen
dreamt i was a sovvie and the americans tortured me by ripping out all me nails
was watching a terrible "documentary" youtube video (really dont ask for the context i just needed background noise) but at one point it mentioned there was drama where someone was trying really really hard to convince people someone's fursona was an intentional nod to the gray wolves (because it was a gray wolf)
to be clear too, everybody involved in this was an american, presumably white
funny world out there
at a certain point liquor can be a bad thing
chanced on a chink manga aggregator where they only put up chink translations of stuff and not only is every single manga compressed to a ridiculous point but every page is filled with watermarks, in just a single page there can be 4+ links to aggregator sites
really funny to see i woner if they have anything like mangadex or not
opening the second chapter and just seeing a one piece character made me audibly laugh
>In 7 hours I'll be in a protest to defend venezuelas presidential results.
>Might die or disappear for a while (6 years in prison, maybe some torture added), just need a place to write this shit and lower my anxiety.
>It's been a psychological warzone throughout the past week since the elections on sunday 28th, we won them, but this dictatorship will hold onto power, be it by force. Paramilitaries on the streets kidnapping anyone that disagrees with the government, cuban agents, wagner group, chinese shit.
>I feel that today will be an inflexion point in our country, last time we had to run away while being shot at, plus the tear gas, I think they don't care anymore and today it will be a butcher house. These are just my thoughts, will let you know later if I survive.
from the gukkka
funny place huh
ugh god if i go to work today and they tell me this dumb fuck retard truck guy is pushing the truck to tomorrow im gonna be fucking livid
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*translation bees completely fucking wrong*
41 look man shit happens sometimes
i'm tired of excuses
just realized ive watched anime all day
how many years ago was the last time i managed to do this
almost crushed my balls into paste
hey wait a minute where did half the day go
anyway venezuelaman survived
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yeah about that vn
every single route is as long as the common route -_-
okay so the truck guys did show up and didn't want to push it
in retrospet i wish they did because it was just me and one other person unloading until someone else came to """HELP""" but it was just the most annoying day of work ive had in a long time also my feet hurt
us embassy issues a statement telling people to get out of lebanon as soon as possible
fukken israel!!!!!!! i hate israel!!!!!
wasnt commie beeman from lebanon
who are "the truck guys" labor help?
no they deliver products to the store
they were good and got the job done fast also the reason they were late in the first place was because someone gave them the wrong address for their second stop so they basically did nothing wrong all the annoying shit was external
do the symbols actually have any meaning or is it just normal sudoku with a skin
i assume its stroke orders or some shit
that sounds painful
deþ to kikes
no i mean in regular sudoku the numbers literally dont mean anything and you could replace them with any symbols but there are some variations where you have to do math with the numbers
oh uh yeah idk i cant play sudoku im too dumb
death to niggers
you know i didnt really care for the doll in the other parts of monogatari but im growing rather fond of her in the new season
toe really hurts all of a sudden
snake DOES still really suck though even if this current arc with her is great i just cannot be asked to give a fuck about her she's so annoying and dumb
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nuh uh
remember when turkish people used to pretend they were black as africans
remember robbie
what the other guy said its just a skin
all the kanji are shite like heaven hell water land wind etc
epic guess theyre gonna invade lebanon and kill more christians too -_-
>Recently there was a breach with an Asian MMO (Genshin Impact) where a backdoor opened by their ring 0 access was used to infect their players with ransomware malware.
>Recently there was an issue with a CSGO league where a rogue employee used their ring 0 access to install invisible and impractical-to-remove cryptocurrency mining malware onto every PC which used their software.
gonna rape this fly to death
big fan of how i get gassed every single day by the stink of some retard or another cooking his shitty little food or bbq
i want to kill them
dune doesnt say enough about pauls psychological state 
like how hes always minmaxing with whatever causes less overall harm when he allows things that cause immediate great harm 
all it says is that he does it because he has the end vision of all humanity inside but i think the weight of that would destroy a human and not allow him the energy to get out of bed and paul is still a human 
like yes theres the breeding program but paul has to be some sort of psycho too and theres no indication of that either in fact we are shown he does have a lot of sentimentalities
did you read the book or watch the movie
im reading messiah now
well he cant NOT get out of bed
part of the whole point of dune is turning the idea of a "chosen one" on it's head
no matter. how miserable and agonizing what he's doing is he HAS to keep going, he might still be a human but he's a human with a lot of spinning plates he doesn't want to and can't afford to drop
i get that but the agonizingness of it isnt emphasized enough
like there should come a point where he starts getting different neuroses about petty things but no hes just "above" all that
this is like the 3rd year in a row of dunetrite
every year until you like it
uhuh... *uninstalls tragsg*
i think its pretty clear he's in horrible agony considering he isn't allowed ot have a normal life and is constantly seeing visions of hell
ebony agony
they call me chart
could eat a whole goat right now
focusing on psychology is gay and lame
86 hes unrealistically strong then. some weakness should show through where he wants to give up, lets things slide, tries to escape in any way
how is he unrealistically strong??????? he was bred through eugenics to be space jesus and he drank a bunch of space poison that gave him a crazy brain
also it's a fucking STORY!!!!!!! you giant fucking homo the STORY!!!!!! is gonna be less interesting if every five pages we have to read paul doing what a normal person would do and go "ohhhhh this is so fucked up and so hard but i must steel my resolve for the greater good..." that'd be so fukken annoying
paul doesnt need to constantly steel his resolve to overcome psychological damage because he's not a weak willed faggot
isnt he a high schooler
he doesnt have to go to school he's in space
high schoolers street race motorcycles in sneakers and t shirts its got nothing to do with age
god damn im mangled
mangled how
in all ways
in all directions
im sorry to hear that you can submit a report in the link below
*accidentally clicks the moderate button instead*
the newest heroes of justice
doesnt look bad at all
eugh i stink
missed like every single post in this thread
how was it so far
its ok
every time i close my eyes i stop existing
i might be punchdrunk
do you reckon anything will happen in england
it has to eventually
billions of niggers will be parachuted
whites out
niggers in
brexit means brexit
not parachuted wtf you don't know the lore
oh yeah i forgot that theyre not parachuted just chuted(dropped)
whats with the japanese and singing imperial songs while playing pachinko
they're good
i like the camp song
do we know how to live yet
20+ years in still no clue
think you need to flip the switch though
ah yes......the islamic communism switch...
wouldnt it be funny if next thread was XXL
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kikes(passage of time) stole this from you...
funny how electric cars became uncool the instant they became widely attainable
my electric powered deathmobile from cdda is still cool
pretty sure like 99% of the world still doesnt have the infrastructure necessary so theyre still just expensive shitsquares to show off your wealth with
really theyre supposed to be good because they minimize deathly gas but literally nobody has ever cared about them because of it theyre all just loser soyjak freaks that want to feel special and get a funky type of car because of it
i remember ages ago watching a documentary about how electric cars were pretty close to taking off at least to a surprising degree until big oil destroyed it all
realistically a (theoretical) future full fo electric cars or at least hybrids is a net positive but yeah nobdoy seems to care except for that faggot ass south african and i dont think he even cares its just about le epic truck
feel terrible
no electric cars are nowhere near replacing gasoline just because batteries wont be anywhere near good enough for at least a hundred years
theyre a good substitute in a lot of applications like city-only use but as general vehicles theyre just inherently flawed but its not like it changes much because the power has to come from somewhere and all the shit they need to make the batteries is also really really bad for the environment
HATE the stupid fucking "power has to come from somewhere" argument like fukken epic nucleariums dont exist
its good that someone is out there working on them and pushing them forward though because theyll never be good enough
...unless someone wastes a lot of money on them while theyre still shitty 
did not know there was a kb shortcut for send post
yeah about that "power has to coem from somewhere"
i agree but as he said nuclear would just fucken solve everything and nobody would be getting gassed to death because of kikegreed either
yeah but nuclear power would solve everything regardless of whether electric cars exist or not and we still dont have it so....
keyboard shortcuts dont work for me on this browser so ive been doing it manually for years
yeah ctrl+enter is send post for me
i mean yeah thats the real important thing is that things WILL be shitty for awhile (same with "ughhhh but der batteries!!!")
we cant just prevent progress eternally because something might suck for a bit/people are retarded
gas kikes
we just need a new world war so all the kikes up top can finance funky new tech again
well thats 2 different kinds of shitty
the battery problem is insurmountable as a matter of simple physics because batteries are like 100x less energy dense than gasoline
the other problems are fixable or able to be worked around
batteries wouldnt be an issue if we shot our garbage into the sun
noo you cant do that we need to use the resources of the planet to make more soyjak posters not rockets!!
remembered that time i nuked london in dh felt good
the problem with batteries isnt the waste.........
ugh why do all these fucking thunderbolt fantasy torrents use the fucking japanese names!!!
jim seems like the type of guy who would like older women
okay well apparently the fukken show only even had a taiwanese dub for s1??? and the mandarin dubs for s1 and s2 aren't readily available??? so i guess i'll just be watching in japanese so it turns out it doesnt matter
when did they add taiwanese as a language i must have missed that update
you know what i fukken mean!!!!!!
uhhh no i really dont
taiwanese in the context of spoken language refers to the indigenous languages of taiwan mate
anyway went to take a piss and just when i was about to do it i saw a big fat cockroach walking around and the shock made it impossible to piss for a good half minute so i just silently watched it the whole time with my willy out
i think the first season was dubbed in this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwanese_Hokkien) because the show IS taiwanese not china chinese but it also did get mandarin dubs (presumably also for taiwanese airing and mainland)
wait why the FUCK would they dub it in taiwanese abo speak
thats NOT what they did ignore that guy i mean he is right but thats not what i mean
i like abo speak but only in the context of china and only because it makes chinless grosschinkiums retards from peking get their panties in a twist
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ugh yes the inevitable femme fatale x kamen rider collab...
reminder to report and ignore shitposting
respectfully disagree
i cut them down like lambs and i took their idols to my temple
idols are illegal
jim the kike slayer will save us
sweating so much that my coffee tastes salty because of the sweat
my life is a waste in a wasteland, n im just spinning my wheels but it's ok because im trying 
we all are, we're all fighting
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*says this to you*
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh dude -__- buddhism is for fuckin kids dude -_- like what is benis is this some freakin kindergarten or what BOOM memed on -_0. Willies are hella epic whathe fuck is waglle ur bemis even supposeda be. -__-. Go back to flippin indoland with your kiddy buddha me me kid......
btfoed him epic style
hey whats that line
incredible how childish the tranny is sometimes seriously
was madoka even good
no t.didnt watch
ive been considering rewatching it because the movie is coming out this year even though i dont really care about it but...it is important anime
yes it's good but i only watched the anime like twice i prefer the movie compilation followed by the real movie
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every time someone posts this webm it makes me laugh
actually this is now giving me extra comedy because he implies he steps in shit and proceeds to not clean his shoes
what was that from again
one of those "x does not y of z senpai" i think
apparently they all suck but normie tards seem to LOVE them (i always see them rate rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai very highly, and i think that one is just a garbage haruhi ripoff)
that is the bunny girl senpai show and i hadn't heard of it in about 5 years dont think anyone talks about it anymore
every now and again i see normies still bring it up to this day i swear
i think its one of those weird popularity shows where it's completely forgotten in the true weeb spaces but normie weebs still discover it and praise it
it's hard to think of a group i despise more than "normie weebs"
maybe kikes
what the HELL the guy who wrote all of the light novels for that franchise wrote the scripts for a lot of episodes of iron blooded orphans (some of which are great)
he also wrote everything for that "synduality noir" show that literally zero people watched even on /m/
i used to despise them but then i just walked away from the shitholes they frequent and then my anger managed to cool down to indifference
yeah i dont interact with them enough to be bothered but i see them enough to at least be aware of the stuff they think
also i couldnt even care anyways i think theyre basically just critters to me
everybody i know stopped watching that deer show
the only time i remember they exist is when i scroll too far down on the subs please website with the torrents and it automatically opens up a comment section with absolutely deranged freaks everywhere
i had a bunch of things i wanted to watch but i haven't even started yet just haven't been very animated
funny to think there are now sudacas out there who make a living generating ai porn and locking it behind their patreon
freakish world
peoples of all races and creeds do that no need to single anyone out
i STILL have girls band cry just sitting there on my disk rotting
i even watched it until right before the climax of the story and just...stopped....
i see them because i use anilist (i had a mal account ages ago that i forgot the login to and one of my friends just posts anilist links whenever we talk about shit so...i just made an account there)
anyways it has a global feed (obviously i dont interact with it) but it's just something i peek at now and again to see how normies behave
i did a similar thing only finished it a couple weeks ago it was... alright i guess i don't think anything actually happened
i don't remember if anyone here watched it or not but last season i followed that train show and for the first time in a while i was very pleased with the ending in an anime
the show wasn't amazing or anything just well paced and satisfying no sequel bait it ended exactly as i was starting to get bored of it was the perfect sweet spot of being "average" and not leaving me wanting more while still not making me regret having watched it
didnt watch that one
also while we're discussing anime im sure nobody here really cares about this (i dont even particularly) but i think we're about to get to experience a very strange time for shonen
my hero academia JUST ended and jujutsu kaisen SHOULD be ending this year (im reading this one, 1000% in the actual final arc probably the real final battle is about to start)
and these two are titans right now so i have no fucking idea whats supposed to replace them, i guess their adaptations will continue for a bit more but other than that...who knows
i know people keep trying to meme that kagurabachi into relevancy but i refuse to believe it's actually good it must all be one big joke
people love sakamoto days, havent read any of it, will probably watch the anime to see if i like it
i do like undead unluck a lot but it's very clear editors/jump are rushing it to end soon also nobody really gives a fuck about this
dandadan is fantastic but it ALSO seems like the final arc is about to start up so who knows
i watched up to like ep5 but stopped because the humour was eh, there was some occasional drama and i really fucking hated how fast the characters talk(and to a lesser level the wackiness of it all)
heard the talk from another guy
apparently the last time something like this happened was like 20 years ago and shonen jump got knocked way down the popularity rankings as a result
personally i hope that between the new shonenpoo wave and the present there will be a mini boom of good new manga made by new people with good ideas
they should go back to the classics
whatever happened to good ol naruto and goku
well good news for you those still exist
never watched or read it but it sounds like abject horror that is kept alive purely by sunk cost fallacy
>dragonball super
watched the anime and it is genuinely one of the biggest pieces of shit i've ever watched and there will always be a small part of me that hates dragonball now
apparently all the arcs after the anime ended fucking suck too!!!!!!
but the broly movie was really really good...
incels be like kafka's the metamorphosis is an allegory for being a sub8 male :crying_laughing_face: :crying_laughing_face:
the new naruto and goku is green naruto from mha and whoever the main guy of jjk is
did you get hit on the head
yeah well green naruto's manga is over and the jjk guy's is almost over

i guess one piece will exist forever to keep jump alive
the jjk guy's manga (jjk)
oh yeah did everybody here get to hear how mha ended?

deku (formerly known as green naruto) beat the big bad by giving up all his powers, only to become a teacher while none of his friends who kept their powers talked to him for 8 years then they showed up to give him an iron man suit
also he didnt get a girlfriend

those nips really know how to end a story
well now theres boruto and dragon ball super so you can count on another decade of post-ending content for mha and jjk too
no i didnt but i guess ive been spoiled now
oh noo (monotone)
just trying something new
some experimental posting
yeah THATS actually my big question
the manga landscape is undoubtedly very different from before, like i dont know if toriyama made dragonball today if he'd be as strong armed into continuing it fucking forever as he was in the past, same with naruto
so im very curious to see if the mha and jjk authors  get forced to make spinoffs and sequels forever or if they get to make new things
theres a billion trillion things coming out all the time now so all the zoomers and shounenniggers are going to get distracted before they can demand sequels
yeah that too
didnt he also get cucked by his white haired bully or something
if i was 10 years younger the fire and ice guy would be my favourite character from anything ever
mha 2: iron man
i dont know i think that's freakazoids who want eveything to be ntr forcing their thing into reality but he didnt get the girl that (according to screenshots ive seen) was heavily heavily into him so it's pretty insane regardless
luv this discussion about a show not a single one of us have ever watched
i dont even know if i would like it if i was 10 years younger its so tepid and boring in dragonball frieza kills every namekian and buu kills every single human on earth nothing ever happens in shit like mha
i think thats why i enjoy jjk because sometimes a horrible thing will actually happen that cant just be handwaved (sometimes)
ive had jjk downloaded ready to watch (then read) for a few weeks now
it looks like ill probably actually enjoy it my impression is that its basically shounen but for 17-24 year olds
kids can't even have a good genocide these days
uhhh yeah thats a good way to look into it
just watch/read it knowing it's target audience is little boys who want to watch people beat each other up and you'll have a good time thats what i did
jjk has a pretty good genocide happen in it
in fact thats one thing the anime does fix is theres basically an entire episode of anime only content talking about the event and how fucked up it was, in the manga it just goes basically right into the next arc which is a bit jarring
well i actually like shounen it just pisses me off a bit when they do the shoehorned power of friendship bit over and over
whose jjk
which episode is that so i know to skip it
jim justkidding
i think it's the final episode of season 2
i havent watched any of the anime but my friend, who's opinion i trust a lot, did say it was actually a good episode that helped the show
oh yeahh and uhhh watch the movie "jujutsu kaisen zero" between season 1 and 2
the main character is the author's pet i seriously cant even pretend to care about, some people like him though, but it does have important stuff in it
you know those large easter chocolate eggs they sell
i bought one
back in april
and i just finished it right now
hope i don't get sick
i used to love those tiny german ones
another day fucken wasted
ohhhh smellin of poo yes i am
or to be more accurate...i AM the poo!!
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need a vicky2 edit where it says liquor and vicky2
well you better go draw it
all i've drawn in life are short lots
me its the lot of the serf
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ok fine
did you really boot up vic2 for that
no i just grabbed anything serviceable off google
þe jimobite rising
evening nhk
the nothing ever happens bros have been real quiet lately
words may break my bones but niggers&kikes will never do the saaaamee
opened up niconico for the first time in two months and the first thing i saw on the front page was gay porn
yup its good to be back home
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ugh yep definitely among the 5000 most important words in the language -__-
>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has given MSG its generally recognized as safe (GRAS) designation.[9] It is a popular misconception that MSG can cause headaches and other feelings of discomfort, known as "Chinese restaurant syndrome".
uh huh...
yeah that was some whole thing in america where people claimed this stuff was killing white people and giving them super aids
its like how people like about celiac and shit
thing crashed when i tried to post a eu5 screenie so uhh you wont get to see it i guess
is it really eu5
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wow so this is what chinese highschools look like...
looks like mine
no god said its MY turn to die!!!
ugh thunderbolt fantasy is so fukken good hope i can catch up before season 4 comes out (i should)
>Ep 1: 60d 19h 57m
ohhh okay yeah im fine
thats a pretty long episode
i think to kill
why are germans such cucked little shits god i want to strangle them to death
how in gods name does a fucking gacha take up 110gb
full HD 8k anime girl pngs
...........and you cant see 99% of them because theyre hidden behind the gacha
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 oy vey goyim you want to see the jpegs you downloaded???? thatll be 100 dollars for a 1% chance
wonder if the biggerfreak is still going on about his esports
no he also talked about brood war and shite
never played starcraft in my life
i played 2 with no dlc i think
i found it pleasant
i dont think he even played starcraft just liked the idea of playing it and begging one of us to play it
never given any rts the time of day and i doubt i ever will
might even stoop so far as to open victoria 2
alri get on with it schombert
opened it the other week myself
wasnt amused
don't you think video games are weird
EVERYONE plays them now
in a few decades we'll have gamer presidents
is project alice playable
no we wont since politicians arent human and are created in pods
same with anime
counterpoint: i'll be president
eternal president curtis, first of his name
literally everyone pronounces thalassocracy wrong (like thassalocracy)
bet you can count the number of living people who have said that out loud on both hands
do centrists still exist
is there anyone out there who thinks the anti-immigrationists and the mass immigrationists both have good points
modern centrists are pro mass immigration
is jim pro mass-migration
jim is a zombie
we welcome the wolofs
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you cant just draw a jew star in the middle of things and say they are satanic
why not
the curtis-paul connection
stupid fucking body
i had things to do!!!
santos pavlos what are your thoughts
acceptable, do move on
man this song is good
just remembered that my dream for today was having my teeth shattered into pieces and being forced to swallow them all up
chinese porn mod is among the 15 most popular stellaris mods of all time
glad i've never had any teeth dreams sounds bizarre
had two dreams in a row now about moldmen zombies
ive got enough dead skin just barely attached to my elbows to make a few tires out of them
me i got a lot of dead skin on me hands from climbing
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everyone wants to hate elon but the fact you dont get banned for that anymore is a massive massive improvement
>User "rapeniggers1488" has been suspended
the kikes won
i will not be entertained by bread and circuses, the sotuh african should be hanged just for being so fucking annoying
wanted to kill my one friend after i told him for like, the 100th time, i wouldnt read this book he wants me to read, not because it sounds bad or because i dont trust him, but because i KNOW i wont do it and dont want to just lie to his face
but the reason i wanted to kill him is he then went "ohhhhh well you should really read more, you know if you dont use it you lose it, that's brain neuroplasticity" as if im gonna fucking forget how to read because im not reading whatever this book was even called
huh was he south african
milei is so fucking epic really like incomprehensible how an average spergo just got to be president
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so uhhh.... harris walz huh........
seems like he could be a good lad
shame he died so early
big fan of how they were going to make the kike governor of minnesota vp as a reward for handling floydmas so well but it got out tha he pretended to be in the idf years ago and now democrats think israel is icky so they had to pivot at the last minute
and then i made germany bigger!
i think they're just trying to flip flop so they dont loose the islamic vote
the islamic vote...of ohio.....
not ohio but for some reason theres a ton of them in michigan
theres a lot here me white mate became one after highschool
cant stop drinking water
overhydration kills
hope itll kill me and send me to the 72 virgins
drop the niggers in the ocean and depth charge them
rocket propelled depth charges are cool
idea: rocket propelled niggers
keep hearing spanish is getting bigger and bigger in the unitedstatians of isreal can any1 of you kikes tell me if its true or no
i mean yes just because of...demographics...i mean my anecdote is at my job (a shithole retail store) i'd say like once or twice a day i have to speak to a customer in spanish because their english is just that bad
im interested because from what i hear it sounds like it just keeps getting bigger and the english education of the country isnt keeping up with it thus meaning that at this rate eventually it may overtake english in common usage
its getting bigger because billions of squat brown spanish speakers come over the board each year and shit out 8 goblins each and not a single one of them ever bothers with learning english
uhhh no that's just completely fucking retarded i dont know who told you that
like just from my anecdote usually the kids with the parents can speak english even when their parents cant at all
like anybody telling you spanish will overtake english is either purely shitposting or just an idiot
spanish speakers will probably continue growing a lot purely because more spanish speakers come into the country, but (most of the time) their kids learn and use english
like i went to public school and none of the mexicans or whatever i went to school with had any trouble speaking english, even when their parents couldnt speak a word
actually i found that a lot of the arab kids spoke much worse english than the mexicans
what is 47 even trying argue
that english education is so bad kids are just naturally picking up spanish?
rocket powered nigger shredding turbine machine
what would one call it shortly
basically the same as 48
gorillions of them coming over every year and they dont bother learning english and just live in their own ghettos instead making spanish more and more common
why i ought to strangle you to death myself(i am speaking to myself)
i mean that probably happens in like...texas and california and new mexico and florida but everywhere else thats not close to reality
they bus them directly from the border to every corner of the country now and have been doing it for years
are you sure YOU know how to speak english?
ive seen a lot of bad movies but upstream color remains the worst movie ive ever seen in my life and frankly i find it impossible to imagine a film that could be worse
that film is almost perverse with out much its fellating itself while doing nothing or saying anything and yet it smugly smiles at you and goes "oh i bet this is hard to understand eh?"
i would kill the guy who directed that if i saw him
its also one of those movies where if someone liked it i would actually stop talking to them or at least my view of them would never ever be the same
never heard of it
yeah i was just randomly remembering it and i just had to make that post while it was fresh in the brain (ive probably made the same post at least twice before)
reckon my fan will break within 2 weeks max
retar started making weird noises
just shake it a bit
i did but it wont shut the fuck up
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keep sleeping earlier and earlier and thus waking up earlier
dont know how my stamina is so terrible that i cant go a full 12 hours awake
i got about 4 hours in a day before i turn into cement
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make way for the first blacko-asian-female president
i have no idea what republicans were thinking with the jd vance pick, everything ive seen of this guy is just absolutely negative charisma
one of those people when you look at them you can just tell nothing real goes on behind those eyes, just a "Politician" through and through without a soul
say what you will about trump buy i believe that man is 100% a purebred human
so whose jd vance eh
nobody knows anything about him except he called trump hitler in 2016 and uhhhh thats really it i think
i swear all these politicians just get randomly generated out of thin air everytime theres an election
japanese christians really make me happy
it's weird i mean i don't actually care what they believe in religiously speaking but seeing christian schools and people with people with christian names always warms my heart
what about african christians
now THIS is a good song
hello everyone its me jesus mark shinagawa
i cant even like christianity anymore because the idea has been so utterly contaminated by bullshit that the first thing i think about is the catholic/proddie split and the second is about whichever of the two would import more niggers and trannies into the country
back in the good old days i too could think of the concept of japanese christians in a nice and simple fashion but now not even that is allowed
did someone flip your islamic communism switch
no i just keep getting dumped retarded identity politics and the freaks leading the two churches arent helping one bit either
who is the protestant pope i don't know him
every protestant is their own pope
but none wear a funny hat...
you can wear any hat you want
so according to the orthodogs every single human on earth has not only a personal guardian angel assigned to him but also several other misc angels no one talks about
death to kikes
mine are doing a really shitty job
i imagine being a guardian angel would be like playing one of those telltale "games" where you mainly just watch your mc do stuff and then occasionally intervene with a quick time event
*makes the mc stare at a wall for hours*
*makes you a kike*
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dreamt i was sleeping on a wet bed turned pitch black from filth
they changed the niconico ui to a shitty shitty modern one that is functionally inferior and looks like an indian copy of youtube
as a result, it has stopped functioning on my browser
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made me smile
stuck in this hell where i need to play a blobbing game but paradox sucks
might buy one of those steam decks
fvr whvt pvrpvsv
computers are too fukken expensive and i just want to play some games
did your pc die again
and speaking of which i havent dusted mine in an entire year i hope its uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok :) or else im fucked
i just looked it up and a steam deck is more expensive than a very decent desktop computer here i love taxes :)
my pc has been dead for like 5 years straight
if they still had this they would be a superpower by now...the entire northern hemisphere would speak canadian........
>During his address Harper spoke a few words in Cantonese, "Ga na daai doe heep"
miss him everyday
been burning up with bloodlust recently and these stupid anime characters arent helping
also i wont lie i basically just want the steam deck as a visual novel machine
mmm yes food *bees fat fuck*
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would have been cool if it was one of those magic png where they change when you open them up
wanna mp
ugh theres even a sequel
do you want to test this
supposedly its just as good as the search engines of olde
no i gave it a pretty reasonable search request and it doesnt work very good i mean i guess its "better" results than google but if its not giving me what i want then i dont care
thinking about argentine conquistadors in hoi4
thinking back on the dozens of times ive installed epic hack&slashers just to uninstall them immediately after because i have no console and playing them on a keyboard is pure agony
some time ago everyone was talking about devil may cry so i installed the first one and had to spend an hour rebinding everything and making autohotkey scripts but afterwards it wasn't too bad
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*crashes site*
glad i never got into anime
think about all the wacky stuff youre missing out on
really find the term "anime blacks" hilarious even though its just a mundane descriptor
played a fps and i had fun....fun!!! can you believe that
the last time i had fun was like...200 years ago
death to niggers
life to anime blacks
tough day
weak night
ugh dad is into all the annoying shit now keeps telling me about all these fascinating elon musk interviews he's been watching or some black twins he watches on youtube
have you tried getting a cooler dad
he's pretty cool i just politely tell him i dont give a shit and the topic gets changed
noo he cant just act sensible that way there wont be any funny stories you can tell me
did almost get angry at him though because i distinctly remember telling him when i was in highschool i didnt want to go to college and his exact words were "uh no, you're going to college" then today he starts telling me about some turning point guy who's really smart who talks about how college is a scam and less people should go to college that almost got my goat real bad
my dad has been watching stuff about the trump assassination attempt nonstop since it happened
honestly forgot it happened the day after until this moment
yeah honestly dont know what his team did but that really lost steam real fast i thought it'd be huge news for like two years but nobody really bothers now
my dad likes to watch videos about cars
he should try to get assasinated again
another assassination is a bad idea i mean come who has two attempts on their lives
HE should try and assassinate someone
hmm yes you have a fair point
well mr.trump what do YOU think
>The Leaks:
>Re Zero Season 3 Episode 1
>Dandadan Episode 1-6 "potentially 7-12 too"
>Terminator the Anime Full Series
>Mononoke the Movie
>Ranma 1/2 Episode 1-2

what the hell
what leaks
>Terminator the Anime
jajajaja what
>Re Zero Season 3 Episode 1
>Dandadan Episode 1-6 "potentially 7-12 too"
>Terminator the Anime Full Series
>Mononoke the Movie
>Ranma 1/2 Episode 1-2
yeah okay but who leaked how and why
yeah it got announced recently, i dont think its even supposed to come out for ahiwle?????????/
so someone fucked up bad
also i think it looked like shit and the staff was shit
uhhhh i saw re:zero leaked via a french convention, apparently it has french hard subs
dandadan, terminator, and ranma i THIIIIIINK are leaked because of netflix shenanigans?
no idea about the movie
im gonna finish betterman tonight!!! im gonna fucking do it!!!
Spoiler File
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am i an idiot for laughing at this
and it should be 100%
its not that bad
>Smith, have a minute to share? It could open your eyes... Japan doesn't have its own defense system. Its survival is contingent on the United States. But as far as the homeland is concerned, Japan is extra baggage. Its usefulness as an ally is long past. Straight up, it ain't worth saving, you see? That's reality for you. So, chief, you still gonna do it? You know what is meant by fireworks? They're missiles. The explosion that occurs when missiles collide... Well, sure, that's a beautiful sight indeed! But you'll only see it if the defense system is activated...

>The world is a big place. Mark my words. The pamphlet on First Life contains 93 lies and 7 truths. The truths don't provide any answers. Corporations are built on lies. The lad has hints of genius. Dazzle people with smoke and mirrors, and swoop down like an eagle to clutch their hearts in your claws. First Life is a winning trading company that can purchase goods from the world over. A truly gigantic distributor.

>The homeland's history is all right here. But there's a catch... The first presidential election created a precedent. An artful technique came into play. Could it be? That the vote count isn't always what it seems? What do you do if the truth is all lies? What do you do if your history is a charade? Can't you smell the stench of deceit? Smith, go and peer upon it with your own two eyes. The truth behind this country...
i cannot believe this show got an english dub what a strange world
i have no dad 
am a black soul me
watched aguirre
some kino it's
watched a guerre
some kino it's
god i have like 10 movies i should watch
next up will be a passage to india
any1 want to watch that with me or am i going to be soloing that too
i would but i cant
uuuuuuuu this sucks
i wish i was in grobb friedrichstadt
the day the american 2016 elections end will be the greatest day on this planet
are you unitedstatian
wish i was back in deutschland
the 2016 elections are like ww1
theyll only really end once the century ends
no itll only REALLY end when ww2 ends
and it goes without saying that we're in....*looks at clock* 1922....
i wanted to drink alcohol today but i didnt and now i regret it
me i wish i had a fukken ciggie but i havent bought one in an eternity and i wont
you'd have regretted it more twenty years from now when you're dying of cirrhosis
utterly delusional if you think any of us has 20 years left
i know i can make it 20
i may live poorly but i have a good time doing it
if you showed me that i still have 20 whole years left id pull a jim and swallow every drug under the sun to die faster
...and then you turn into a meth aryan superhuman!!
*lifespan multiplies by 20*
two more episodes waheey
such a strange show
i think i enjoyed it a lot? but it has also taken me...5 months to finish it
its very dry at times but its got a very unique atmosphere to it that i've really enjoyed also the story really doesn't matter uhhh the more i type the worse it sounds but somehow i liked it a good deal unique experience
it took me 4 full months to finish the common route + half of a girls route in this eroge
at this rate ill finish in...12-16 months......
i think all of tsukihime took me a full 365 days
well i would like to fucken finish it faster i dont want to spend over a year of my life on an eroge
Tags > Style > Design > User Interface > Panic Button

This game includes a panic button. This allows the player to quickly hide the game with a blank screen or innocuous-looking image, in case they are interrupted during a NSFW scene.
ugh finally i wont have to worry about being found out by my mom....thisll make playing so much faster
theres an urban legend that during the japanese occupation in 1920s they used to round up taller than normal men, accuse them of being communists and then summarily execute
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HOLY SHIT this fucking route is double the size i thought it was are you kidding me kill me now AND the rest are just as big hoofdhoosoahggggggfsaogoosaosaooasooosasgash killkillkkilllkill
is it even a good vn
"senren banka" one of the "good" modern ones but to me its lacking compared to golden age ones and i genuinely want to just beat the shit out of every single heroine
thats not to say that theyre bad or anything i just hate them
anime girls should be (wö)manning crew served weaponry not be gay little box creatures
maybe in opposite land
in good land that would be
i still think we're close to a big vn revival it'll just take one good one
i keep saying to people i want yoko taro to just make a vn because most of the time he makes shitty games with cool stories and characters so if he didnt have to make a game thatd be ideal
*drops heat wave bomb on turkey*
there has never been a good vn
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i think that if theres any chance itll ironically come from chinks because the japanese are too dead to do anything now and all english ones are terrible terrible terrible
to prove my point on that last one just guess which one of these 4 is englishm i literally just opened vndb and didnt even have to refresh once to find something like this
jokes on you there was already a heat wave going on(restricted to my city alone)
yeah but just to be malicious
audibly laughed at that the english one
heres your anime girls turkie!!! *poos on your head*
aye he does look like his choice in animegirlen would be unbaßed
i thought the seconds on the clock were minutes and it said 50 gave me quite a scare
welllll thats that show over
my opinions remain unchanged from that last post
but now i get to watch some epic shit!!!
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absolutely laughable display really
girls should not do things that are meant for boys only
girls should wear cute frilly dresses and cast magic spells at each other
was always baffled how ingerland's anti-immigrant party leader, became the brownest man ever, who proceeded to let the most brown people ever in, all while talking about how bad it is to let brown people in
all while his party has had complete control for...awhile
well the kikes thought it would be really funny you see
its even funnier because the guy who canned the whole rwanda plan is some white(atleast in skin maybe he's a kike dadc)
they definitely were not the anti immigration party that was the meme party with nigel farage that never won a single seat
i dont mind them doing boythings when its not some freaky fetish shit and they dont get hurt either
wouldnt want to see an anime girl get shot and gassed that pleasure is allowed to boys only -__
tories always campaigned on anti-immigration then turned around and increased immigration the second they got into office
only recently did people figure it out and that why nigel farage made another party
Would you like to live in Turkey..I'm single..I am looking for single women friends...I am looking for a wife
>Would you like to live in Turkey
live in turkey
die in gravy
wow its absolutely retarded how good this ova looks
no fucking wonder they never made another braves series after this jesus christ
is that gundam
big fan of starmers plan of sending all the chav nigger haters to malvinas concentration camps
calling it now: the 48th president will be a bipoc jewish woman
you know what i think the next assasination attempt being in england would be nice
absolute holy mother of all e1s
dad wont stop raving about this coffee a bosnian muslim made for him
>In foreign policy, Starmer has supported Ukraine in its war against Russia and Israel in its war against Hamas, but has also called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip since February 2024, after previously declining to call for one. 
ahh yep yep very interesting
whats the point of a ceasfire??? they tried that for like a week last november
like just be honest and say you want to end the war
wow thats one shit user interface
works for me
all the important information is on the left
yeah probably the only thing mal has over that site
hwhy not just https://anidb.net/
uhhh i dont know
gonna break some shit in rage if i wake up tomorrow
no you arent
been thinking, the quality vice presidents has declined immensely. like last century you had vices that went on to become presidents in their own right, like truman, nixon, johnson, and bush sr. even ones who didnt end up becoming president, like al gore (inventor of the internet) still had relative prominence and notoriety. however in the 21st century, theres been a sharp decline in iconic vice presidents. what did dick cheney ever accomplish?? joe biden is going down as an awful president who is widely disliked. mike pence is hated by the left and right alike. i dont think this trend will change with walz or vance.
ugh sleep truly does feel even better than sex n drugs i love it
dick cheney got away with shooting a guy in the head
i have seen al gore mentioned TWICE just today after an entire decade of not hearing about him even once wtf is this kike plot
and both times i was reminded that he "invented the internet"
cheney was a shadowy figure who allegedly ran the country for 40 years through multiple presidents and his connections with the MIC and CIA
source: dick cheney
yeah cheney is an evil evil evil creature who loved war and war profiteering
BUT he's the only guy i know who managed to get the guy he shot in the head apologize for being shot in the head
vance is a very good vp pick who is probably going to have a bright future
the bright future: being a yes-man who is paid billions of dollars to do nothing except say yes
we should invent see through food
sometimes i look at an anime girl and think she has an ugly mole but its actually just that my monitor is dirty
yeah every single day i think "god this monitor is filthy" and i never clean it
dont even know how this happened
annoying how much drump is a kikelover
american politicians would end the world if it meant israel would the only habitable place left
last time i tried cleaning a monitor it stopped turning on
>After the theft of more than $600,000 worth of Bluey coins from the Australian Mint, police set up Strike Force Bandit, then bingo, an arrest.
i just realized suleyman = solomon 
i don't know why it took so long for me to figure this out it was just an inherently turkish name in my mind
because it's hideous as turkish things are inherently
my dislike of turks originates with turkish province names in eu4 specifically how they rename european provinces in their retarded manner
really love how elon musk is replying to /pol/ infographics with "is this true?" over and over
nooooo i dont wanna go to work i want to watch more gaogaigar
huh what the hell ukraine is going INTO russia???
ugh thank god i shit all this poison out of my body before work
Replies: >>59008
told you theyll sack moscow
gonna need a long august
Iran’s Foreign Ministry says Tehran's response to Haniyeh's killing will be “costly for Israel”
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wonder if theres still some place out there doing those imperial examinations
that would be cool
That's what "you" originally was. If you were talking to a close friend, you’d address them as “thee”; if you were talking to the king, you’d address him as “you”. It's called a T/V distinction and exists in most European languages (tu/vous in French, tu/lei in Italian, du/sie in German). The reason English no longer has this is actually the exact opposite of what we tend to assume about the language becoming more informal over time.
Around the Early Modern period, the informal "thou/thee" was dropped, and now "you" sounds infinitely more informal to our ears than "thou", even though it was the exact opposite. The likely reason behind this is that the rule in English’s T/V social etiquette became such that whenever you meet a new person, no matter how informal the situation, you address them as “you”. The informal second person was gradually pushed out of common parlance altogether because it's better to err on the side of formality and the distinction started to sound contrived and old-fashioned.
time for anime :)
突然 turan
sudden, unexpected
took me 4 months of playing this eroge to get to the confession scene and my first sex scene so far and im just sitting here thinking about how hungry i am
funny how someone can know all that about language and then still use "they" completely wrong
saved in the middle of the sex im gonna go eat something
there was a seinfield episode that had something like that
ugh delicious bread
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what would an anime woman think of seeing hentai of herself
saber would be weirdo out she thinks she's ugly
wouldnt know i only read the type-moon vns about vampires
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wouldnt know i only read the hpm events
you know what we're basically in a second ww2
most of continental europe is allied with the EU(germany), britain is isolated
in the east the russians(soviet union) are being gradually pushed back
all we need is for them to reach moscow and then for everything east of berlin to annex themselves to the EU(germany)
uh... do you want to know what russia ended up doing in ww2 after getting pushed back to moscow
how about instead of all that we have an intriguing mystery-romance with sexy vampires in an ancient manor
third times the charm
*skips the sex scene*
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ughhh fuck!!!!!!!!!
the government punishing you for hunting without a license is THE EXACT SAME as a feudal landlord beheading you for hunting on "his" forest
when are we killing these filthy oppressors
one thing ive noticed is that these chink niggers pirate everything made overseas but when it comes to chinese shit they barely pirate and its an absolute bitch to find torrents
final episode is an hour long yes!!!!!
and ill also add that a SIGNIFICANT part of the people i seed to or download untranslated chink shit are from canada/australia and other stereotypically chinkfilled shitholes
need to find a fun game
try ANNO - Mutationem
yeah ok sure i'll try it 11-15 hours not too long
i thought it was going to be one of those "anno" games i don't remember if they're supposed to be strategy or city builders but they always looked dumb
feel like shit think im sick
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ughhhhhh that was everything i needed and more can tell im gonna be chasing that high for a loooooooong while
snapped my alternator belt offroading....
head hurts terribly
this NEVER happens to me it always just stalls in there and coagulates
if i shat the poison out of me i would have nothing left
well if it makes you feel any better i got lucked today because uhhh last week i drank some coffee before an early shift and dear lord i actually thought i was gonna have to go to the bathroom and force myself to puke because i was getting into so much pain
luckily i farted
stalling in the stall
warded off in the wardrobe
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wow he's literally me
bright memory infinite is good, short and small
just finished it and it took an hour and 53 minutes
its supposed to be replayable so you can unlock more stuff(i think) but i dont like that sort of thing
Chicken Strike®: Cluck Ops™, the action-packed adventure where feathers fly and the claws come out! Join the uprising to liberate FCK!
big big big fan of the thing in cartoons where the guy walks over a cliff and doesn't fall over until he looks down, then looks over at the camera
thats like 100 years old by now
havent watched a cartoon in quite some time
dont fix what isnt broken
thought process has been a bit sexual lately think i need to cool down
former president literally on suicide watch because now (after he was sued) there are leaked chats and pictures of him beating his "wife" and also i read that they might leak a video of him having sex with some prostitutes 

i dont think he will do it but honestly it'd be kind of an incredible turn of events if he did
how could it end like that for mighty trump
happens to the best of us
thats fucking incredible the us is going to have a crisis where nobody knows whos in charge
why were you off roading 06
thinkin about bums and tits
homeless people and birds huh........
they set up a live camera at his apartment balcony
why am i not seeing anything about this
because im cool and youthful and its a fun reckless thing to do
hes not talking about trump thats why
i see 
i could do that but then id have to clean my car also there would be some issue like something breaks like what just happened to you and then you have to make sure you fix it which actually can be a good kick in the ass sometimes
what other former president was sued??
you dont have to clean your car
yeah something is very likely to break but thats the process of learning
wait what they set up a camera at my apartment balcony/????? gadagagah
ARGENTINA former president idiot 
why would trump beat his wife
did you forgot that america isnt the only country in the world again
ohhh i should have know
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like i was saying earlier he apparently threatend to kill himself yesterday when they told him the pictures of his beaten wife wre being leaked (and also videos of him talking to somewhores) 
they are saying there are videos of him having sex and videos of him actually punching the wife so

i highly doubt he'll jump though but i'm very glad someone is out there filming just in case
in case any cute girls are lurking and reading this, / would NEVER beat my wife
wait its a LIVE fucking camera of all that 
i mean WHY would you leave a mark if youre a famous person
35 the "process of learning" is redundant
"but thats learning" doesnt sound very good
it actually does SOUND good the problem is that learning is never ending and continuous, and involves an equal amount of forgetting and arduous re learning which becomes more exhausting the more conscious you are of how much of it youve already put yourself through in this life
do you talk like this in real life too
i'm in the process of learning how to
learning can end you just need to be immortal ok -_-
whenever i start wanting to i know it's probably my problem
clothes are coming off
why is it so hot during the night but perfectly cool during the day
because you live in the southern hemisphere and time is reversed there
heat builds up in the ground and water and then gets farted out at night
wonder why youtube sent me this
its really cold here (southern hemisphere) though
didnt ask
how can it be cold in a jungle retart
jungles can snow in minecraft last i checked (2013)
going to suck when i finally go argentina and find out it isnt full of european aristocrats in their giant manors
its full of european(of the soul) aristocrats(of the soul) in their giant manors(of the soul)
well i cant do much with a girlfriend of the soul now can i
you can have sex of the hand
maybe ill dig a hole and have sex with the land
dont its not worth it
lmaooo e1e1e1e1
right now theres a peace ceremony thing on nagasaki because its the 79th year since the big bomb was dropped, and the americans refused to participate because isreal was not invited(they say so themselves)
seems like england did the same???
its good to see that old joe stands with our greatest ally
i ought to kill all the americans
just summon a tulpa girlfriend cant be that hard ;)
>the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders, rather than in a manner for the benefit of his employees or customers
so thats went it all went wrong huh
everybody already knows about that
i'm not everybody is what mom always said
is that why you beat your mothercumwife up
vgh yep just 3 more days and i'll have finished all b2 vocab and moved onto c1, then within a month ill have finished c1 and this deck of mine and then ill just naturally pick up other shite
actually according to my original estimations i was supposed to finish c1 vocabulary right about now but..i just...stopped....doing anki for an entire month so uhh
>British Ambassador Julia Longbottom is also skipping the ceremony
such an unfortunately british name
literally a hobbit name
shits fucked jim
whos shits
what a clown (directed to an undisclosed third party)
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i'm squinting really hard but i can't quite decipher it
are those mandibles??? an elephant's trunk?????
girl sipping tea
and all of a sudden it makes perfect sense funny how the mind works

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could go for a girl myself
sorry were fresh out but we DO have 1 hm left over...
an estimated three billion dollars worth of goods were stolen from the United Nations during a crackdown by rebels last week
Replies: >>59098
the un building in new york?
the UN Security Council has said that its inspectors should not comment further until they know that they are in the country for their duties
life sucks so bad
so sad
isnt worth it
yeah this mouse sucks
þe life out of us
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woah anime nigger person
imagine if real life niggers were like anime niggers
ate my first fruit in years
where the fuck did you get this from
bing gives no results---_
going to watch eminence in shadow as a break from giant robots
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love seeing this and knowing theres a page in baki where someone goes "yeah but i think yujiro could beat a nuclear missile"
you wont regret it its an e1
ive already seen a couple episodes when a friend showed me but im fascinated to see where it goes
i'm ready to...
*does the air guitar*
got a big rock here me *points at heaed*
omg im finally watching an isekai...
maybe that means i should finally watch overlord at the behest of two friends
>29-Years-Old Bachelor Was... Brought to a Different World to Live Freely
>Different world survival to go with the master
>When I Woke Up, I Got the Strongest Equipment and a Spaceship, so I Went and Became a Mercenary in Order to Live as I Please While Aiming for a Detached House

all the same author
how does this genre not just fucking implode on itself
i imagine jim could have ended up like cid if his mental illness was slightly different
i can do full pull ups from a neutral position now o_O
lil jim is gonna be so happy when he sees this ep of nier
ugh i guess i'll download it and watch it in...like 30 mintues...
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me i keep growing shorter
yeah that was a good episode
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mildly interesting the episode title is the name of A2's ending in the full game
probably means nothing but still
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which eastern european country is that from
and how much of the art is ai generated
idk i didnt care enough to ask
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a plane fell in the next city over
that's all i know since my power just came back (probably unrelated)
it sure is tough being argentine
i JUST saw a headline about that
everybody dead apparently
noo canman you have eto give me all your money!!! you have to you have to you have to *breaks down and cries*
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there was a bird suddenly 
and i said "bordy" at it almost involuntarily
hurting the feelings of 1.5 billion sparrows
are sparrows not birds
why else would their feelings be hurt by being called bordy
it wasnt a sparrow
spare me some posts
go find some and bring them back
dont wanna read
not quite white enough yet to understand the difference between a reason and a cause
the reason: didnt ask
the cause: didnt care
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is this you
dreamt i reconnected with my old arab friend he sent me this weird selfie and we went to a cafe together
but i never met this person in my life!!! this type of stuff really freaks me out i mean i was having a great time really liked the guy and it was all completely fabricated by my mind either that or it's some demonic entity trying to influence me
whaaat its me your old friend hamza!
dont you remember we used to smoke hookah together and talk about our favourite arabic poems??
theres no way bolt is actually his surname
didnt he make that up
if you can accomplish athletic feats like that you should be able to bend the truth a little
athletic feats like running 0.01 seconds faster than the other guy
so niggers come from atlantis huh
i dont want to read i want to sleep
i wanna sleep i dont wanna die
i have thoughts of suicide sometimes
dont we all
hmmm i don't know
why the fuck is breakdancing in the olympics
its honestly less of a sport than league of legends
well i dont know why is shooting airguns in the olympics
god fucking damn i dont know why but i keep crushing my balls lately
at this rate ill become a fucking eunuch
thats an idea
think ill go ask those koreans to use kanji again
.....they said no
>The children were playing the game in loud voices, with rock representing "warship," scissors representing "Korea," and paper representing "Hawaii."
>"I wondered if parents were really teaching their children the meanings of the words (an older Korean man nearby clearly reacted to the words warship and Korea). You might think it's not something to be so concerned about, but it would be unpleasant to see American children playing happily in Japan, chanting, 'Zero Fighter, Okinawa, Hiroshima!'"
like to imagine argentine children have a version that goes "las malvinas!, exocet! peron!"
shooting airguns is like fencing with those flimsy toy sabers they use
its simulating real fighting which is the sportiest thing you can do
accidentally didnt sleep so i have to go to work at 5am with no sleep
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woke up 2 hours too early so for the whole of today shall be on the verge of collapse
what is it with satanists and not letting me sleep
well that was a shitty day of work
hmm do i drink this coffee all the while enduring an overwhelming need to go to the toilet or do i go to the toilet and then come back to a big fat cold cup o coffee
aand now i dropped one of three pizza slices on the floor -_-
cold coffee it is
took a poo now i feel human
so sleepy
so so sleepy
its really funny if you imagine that the last 10 or so posts are stories from the life of one man
he dies at the end
HoI IV devs stated the other day that HoI IV will be supported for at least 3 more years possibly 4 before talk of a HoI V which means 5 more years of HoI IV taking it to EU IV title length of 13 years before a successor which is currently in development right now and being teased regularly.
where the fuck is my mediciennen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's a sugar pill
right here *gunshots*
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websites back
not that i have anything to post
my body demanded sacrifices so i ate 6 bananas, 1 pear and 1 big tomato all in a row
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shows over, they ended up killing god
you could say its....divine punishment uhuhuhuhuhuuh
Hello hello hello!
I am glad to help a newbie like yourself! Yes, I am!
The first decision you marked is not a real decision. No, it's not! It is not! It simply hides or makes other decisions, which are real decisions and actually do decision-stuff appear! This means by clicking on it, you simply make them appear in your list. Why does HPMguy do this? WHY? I can tell u. He does it to prevent clutter. Also! Also. Also just because it makes those hidden decisions appear, does NOT mean you are eligble ... eligable ... eligible to actually pass these decisions. You still need to fulfill their requirements. Same with native status. I do not play often with new world nations. No, I do not! But I am making an educated guess that most of the decisions associates with giving citizenship rights to natives only unlock late in the tech tree. I also recommend to never give native Americans citizenship! They will just eventually be a tiny minority without any rights through immigration anyway. By making them accepted you have the risk of some of your Immigrants accidentally becoming natives in provinces where there are only natives and no POPs of your primary culture.

So ... how do you like Viccy 2? Are you going to continue to play? Would you like to visit our general? I can give you more tips there! Yes, I can!
cant imagine that many people are getting into the old vick2 these days
82 i also wanted to post about bananas while the website was dead
i saw a pair of yellow rubber gloves hanging off an open drawer and for a second i was convinced they were fresh bananas and it was really disappointing when i went to take a closer look
>write a 1955 animated theatrical short entitled One Froggy Evening
feels like i know that1
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i found it funny
in the mood too hug a woman take her to my bed and smell her but thats not happening so im watching this wall instead
you ought to watch the inside of a padded cell
always thought it might be fun to bounce around in one of those
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*doxes u*
yeah but i have the feeling it's not very bouncy at all and would still hurt
theyre marching to moscow
too bad for them, putler sent in the wagners
02 ive put pictures of that building here before i think even the inside. actually yeah i took a top floor view and put it on the 4 years ago
could go with a cute girl
think ill just sleep though
gonna kill a kike
kike a kill gonna
I may not be from Buenos Aires, but I say "KILL 'EM ALL!" anyway.
yeah bed fuck this
dice said i wont die in my sleep but i hope i do
recently discovered this beverage called milk
watched dyrl
i want to kill myself
in my dream i killed teenagers and also came ro some creepy middle school run by pedos
gujgh holy shit my shoulder
thinking of getting blue eyes
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muhamad was white with red hair though
sweat dripping down my chin and into my open wounds and causing massive damage
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this is the future of gaming
5000+ reviews on steam(49% pos)
supposedly the entire game has been ripped off of some "lyssa goddess of rage"
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(they count taiwan and hong kong as under the ccp so they can claim they won the olympics)
counting hong kong is perfectly fair
uhh no
in fact they shouldnt count macau, manchuria, canton, outer mongolia, tibet nor uyghuristan either
which would leave them with 0 medals
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looks like the vtuber anime descended into official commissioned porn and girls pretending to be babies
more or less whats expected from an anime about vtubers
idea:play ck3 and make big germany
counteridea: go have sex
dont know which one to pick guys
i know how to make a big germany
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found a guy
heard he was the same guy as hpmguy
...AND GAY!!!
honestly when i saw him i just thought him pitiful would absolutely hate to be playing gsg and modding it and making elaborate aars and shite for a full decade and that all among retards the whole time
even in that thread everybody just ignores him and talks about cowboys and shit
liked him until he went off the rails with that ck2 aar where everyone unanimously wanted him to settle in prussia but he refused and spent irl years doing nothing
yup i still remember him raging about how everybody always picks prubbiums
wasn't that when people were resetting their router to rig the vote
because i remember doing that a few times
i dont think so and i definitely didnt do that(on that vote)
i did vote prussia though
i STILL dont get how you can just "reset your router" to get a new ippy
well you see its called a dynamic ip
its dynamic...
yeah they must be close to running out of new ones at this rate
isnt that why theyre switching to ipv6
didnt they make up a whole new network(that nobody has moved on to yet) just because of that
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hmmm think i will crash the site yes
why do cloacas even exist thats so fucking stupid
hmmm i think i will merge the most dirty part of the body with the one where cleanliness is most important :)
its your one stop shop for shit and piss and cum
>月姬 Remake 游戏本体 汉化补丁及使用教程
uhh no fuck off -_- no im not gonna do that
my favourite /his/ thread of the month:
>How did Jews convince Europeans that indigenous European folk and spirits like gnomes, fairies, pixies, brownies and elves don't exist? Were these creatures genocided by groups like the Teutonic Knights and other medieval Christians?
what did they conclude
4chan is no longer a real site where people go to have independent thoughts and discussions
now people just go on there to regurgitate preformed ideas and opinions theyve acquired elsewhere
uhh no so far its all been chatgpt spam
im still mad that the classical languages general(sole light of reason in all of /lit/) was killed by some literal child with an inferiority complex
was talking about it just yesterday with another guy that used to frequent the general before it got killed
big big shithole really im not even supposed to go on that shite site just too retarded to drop it thats all
every time i go on there i can instantly see every discussion boils down one guy got his preformed opinion on [topic] from some youtube video essay and the other guy got it from a twitter thread and theyre just having a yugioh pokemon battle with what they managed to remember
>Ah, finally an interesting /his/ thread. The semitic rewriting of history. It's not even called Sumer. The country is called Kengir and the people are called Saggig. The reason why Sumer and Sumerians is used is because that's what Kengir is called in the semitic Akkadian language. The academic fields of both history and archeology refuse to use the correct, non-semitic words and are thus anti-sumerian. They also did not just simply "leave". Their country was subverted by priests who had good knowledge of astrology and math and probably also doctors who used poison to kill important people, and after that invaded by the Akkadians.
i actually almost like this thing because the real information that i vaguely remember(sumers and shite) merges so perfectly with the increasingly schizophrenic bullshit that it gives my mind a strange sort of high
i really want to take this kind of person out to dinner and watch him try to describe the taste of fast food in his weird half-schizo half-retard manner of speech
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first time seeing a simplifiednigger getting rightfully bullied
most of them just use the continental pinyin with traditional characters, you can spot them because it fucks up(actual differences are just 2-3 pixels) some of the characters
54 makes a lot of sense if you dont think about it too much
58 most of "them" as in who?? all the chinese?
well continentaloids who try to fit in among traditionalers
i think in the mainland the most common writing system is pinyin, followed by the one that uses parts of kanji(for example youd write 忠 as a line, a box, and then a heart(i think) with each key press corresponding to one part of the kanji)  and the third one is the one where you write by the actual strokes
in the mainland traditional is hard to come by and and they just write in simplified 99% of the time
taiwanese seem to mostly use bopomofo(as i do) which is just some 30 new symbols that you combine by sound to make kanji, for example 忠 is ㄓㄨㄥ which comes down to zh, o, and ng
most of these characters are kind of retarded, ㄨ can be o but is usually u(normally o is ㄛ), ㄥ is sometimes eng sometimes ng, and so on
this is because these characters are split into three types, the initials who come first, then the middle ones, then the final ones
they can conflict with eachother hence this situation, you want to write ㄓㄛㄥ(also zhong)? YOU FUCKING CANT, ㄛ and ㄥ conflict since they occupy the same space, so you cant use them together and have to instead use ㄨ. finally theres the tones, you just either dont write any or add it by pressing one of 2, 3, 6 and 7
i ignore the tones when learning vocabulary so i have no clue which kanji needs which, normally i just write it over and over again trying a new tone everytime until i find it
i should also add that to all chinese writing systems there is a very good tracking system, what it does is that it predicts what you will write, for example if i want to write 對不起(im sorry) then after i write the 對 it guesses that i want to write im sorry and follows up with the next kanji, more specifically after writing 對 and then writing the ㄅㄨ of 不 it doesnt give any other kanji with the same pronunciation but specifically the 不 of 對不起 without me having to go on the kanji tab and select what i want, this feature is really brilliantly done and does you absolutely no harm while making your life easier
some other stuff i have to say is about regions, while i dont understand too well i know that people sometimes stuff shanghainese, cantonese etc into their writing
this is impossible under the taiwanese systems, you simply cant, and for example for cantonese you need either the hong kong one or the macau one, the hong kong one makes it possible to write both mandarin and hong kong cantonese, the macau one mandarin and macau cantonese, there doesnt seem to be any reason not to just get the hong kong one and then install the patch that allows you to write macau cantonese as well
also when i try to write the bopomofo characters without converting them to kanji my system starts bugging out
theres also a bunch of alternative systems outside of pinyin, the parts one and the stroke one but nobody cares about them including me
try clicking the thing to the bottomright of the title of the page, you should see 6 options which are respectively
-mainland simplified
-hong kong traditional
-macau traditional
-malaysian simplified
-singapore simplified
-taiwan traditional
when you pick one it displays all characters in that specific characterset, pretty cool eh
also did you know that you can read shite on wikipedia in classical chinese??? https://zh-classical.wikipedia.org/wiki/日本動畫 though its pretty fucking desolate for 99% of things and god knows how accurate it is
bet its like scots and its all gobbledygook
wow holy shit its JUST like i guessed 1-2 days ago the russians are doing an allout attack in the east to distract the ukrainians and prevent them from entering kursk proper
President Zelensky: we are recording from Nikopol, that Russian occupational troops caused fire at the territory of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant
sn't goobledygook i can say that for sure
not on the anime page at least
gonna be honest "classical chinese" wasn't even registered as a thing in my mind until now
other than pronunciation you'd think a language with specific characters for every single thing wouldn't have much room for change
if anybody asks im bulking
youre not bulking youre just fat
bulkbuying argentine pesos just in time for the economic bounce back
did you like it
in a goo way or a bad way
but that movie's ending is one of my favorites it fukken epic i dont care what anybody says
also idk if you've watched the original macross show but the movie does some CRAZY heavy lifting to make minmay into an actual "sane" choice for hikaru
in the anime she spends like half the show being groomed by her fucking shitcunt rapey cousin
youre not buying youre just fat
also im sad my favorite song didn't make it into the movie it does play at a point in the show that doesnt happen in the movie but still
I dont give a shit about anything chinese
noo you have tocare!!
minmay is chinese

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