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i had to make it so you have to deal with this
this assassination attempt is extra hilarious because it sure is a real big coincidence that this intensely schizophrenic man just so happened to purchase a gun as a felon, board a plane and get past tsa, get military grade attachments for it once again as a felon, then get close to a presidential candidate
huh the https works now
did it die twice and i just missed the brief window it was alive
no its alive
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could go for mass murder
my morbidly obese elementary school art teacher claimed to have eaten one of those
maybe thats how she got fat
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really unsettles me how his post-show hair style looks exactly like me old mate who was really into these shows years ago AND im pretty sure he wasnt animated with this hair at all back then in any season
fuck i cant find any of these 20 year old for-windows eroges anywhere
big fan of the hair sticking up thing
its only good on girls
its genetic for him
saw the ukrainian guy i know for the first time in like...9 months
he's in a german refugee camp right now and spending his time playing 20 year old pirated wargames
what a life
wer DA FACK is my ps1 emulator -_-
its fucken gone?????? bizarre
god knows how many games and shit i lost with it
sorry i was borrowing it
dont forget he was at an undisclosed location not a public event
me mate put it best
>no income, just living on minimum wage government assistance with no real estate.  But was able to afford multiple flights to Ukraine with multiple video appearances and sponsored a big recruitment drive for their foreign legion and showing up in places with serialless rifles
i mean wasnt this "undisclosed location" his house or resort or whatever
probably doesnt take a genius to check that out first
everything else is the laziest cia plot though
theyre not sending us their best glowies
playing planetarian
trump has like a billion houses and resorts how on earth would he know exactly where he is
wasnt this the main one though in florida
like hypothetically, if i was being trained manipulated by the cia to kill (i would never ever attempt to take the life of any politician) who had some big beach house(?) golf course in florida that's where i would check first (with my one-way plane ticker)
"(i would never ever attempt to take the life of any politician"
yes i would never do such a thing as it is not only a crime but morally reprehensible
well no hes on his campaign trail youre not going to check every place one by one
every trail has a destination
death to kikes
i keep eating my dinner and lunch earlier and earlier just to get it out of the way
same except with sleeping
i'm trying to get it so i'm never awake at all
ate all my food at once today because i couldnt be bothered to deal with it
now im starving.....and cant be bothered to deal with it
yesterday i saw some bodycam footage of an arrest on the news and last night i dreamt i was a cop beating up a thug on an alley i definitely went too far i almost killed him the power got to my head
funny how everyone freaks out when it dies but when it comes back they return to dadcing
finished planetarian, pretty good 9/10 though i hate sad endings and a part of it was just boring trite
i misremembered it as being 1 hour long and not 4 so... im going to end up waking up late -_-
opinion of indians increased to cordial
ugh... THIS is what idols used to be about...
never liked indians sorry
At the end of World War II, Li was arrested in Shanghai by the Kuomintang and sentenced to death by firing squad for treason and collaboration with the Japanese. As tensions subsequently arose between the Kuomintang and the Communists, she was scheduled to be executed at a Shanghai horse track on December 8, 1945. However, before she could be executed, her parents (at the time both under arrest in Beijing) managed to produce a copy of her birth certificate, proving she was not a Chinese national after all, and have her childhood Russian friend, Lyuba Monosova Gurinets, smuggle it into Shanghai inside the head of a geisha doll. Li was cleared of all charges (and possibly from the death penalty).
what am i supposed to do with this information
its wacky
could go for cute girls
its nearly the same i dont blame them
imagine being arrested for that
wikipedia said having more than one wife is illegal in tunisia
thats how it is in most places
as time goes on ive grown to think harems werent that bad of an idea
would YOU leave your earth girlfriend for lum?
dont know what that is
imagine being a head of state and you didnt even ask for it and had to perform all these duties and essentially get walked on by circumstance always
yeah it would suck
thats why i only fantasize about being some sort of adviser
personally i’d give it the old college try
*jims it up*
could do with some dirlewangery
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dont know why this particular thing set me off like this but i am in complete awe at the fact that giant oil rigs the size of skyscrapers get towed around the ocean into place
everyday i keep trying to wake up early and fail
kongyo kongyo
cant hear my music over the sound of the retards above drilling into my roof
In September 2024 it was reported that the Commission on the Common Alphabet of the Turkic World, which is an arm of the OTS, had agreed on a common alphabet of 34 letters based on the Latin alphabet in an effort to transition away from the Cyrillic which had been imposed when under Soviet rule. TURKPA member Professor Nizami Jafarov of Baku State University made the announcement. The project for a common Turkic alphabet based on Latin was first proposed in 1991 after the dissolution of the USSR.[17]
booo i hate the latin alphabet
i would honestly support a return to turkic runes
they should use the greek alphabet as a way to honor and apologize to the hellenic people they've oppressed throughout history
yeah the slavs should do that
latin is actually a great alphabet though everything is very recognizable and very easy to write down cyrillic is pretty easy too though
now granted i dont actually know how well turkic language sounds correspond to the latin alphabet but uhhhh turks do it so im sure its good enough not some shitty nightmare like gaelic with latin characters
i just wish they'd get rid of the stupid dotless i
would have been funny if china had bribed them to switch to moon runes
theres NOTHING wrong with ı stop being retarded
i knew a guy in highschool who i just assumed was a white dude then i heard from someone he wrote some college entrance essay about how he never felt accepted because he wasn't white and i was like wtf is this dude talking about
turned out he was central asian
just turn it into a normal i with a diacritic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dotted_and_dotless_I_in_computing
i remember being very annoyed at this in the past i had to constantly keep telling the program whether i'm turkish or not or it refused to work properly
ugh fukken computer programs asking me if im turkish sick of this fukken police state
diacritics are for poor browns
but it's already full of umlauts the ugliest diacritic there is
umlauts are awesome you big fucking faggot
yeah umlauts are great get this frenchie outta here
did you know: portuguese had umlauts before they were eliminated in the language reform some decades ago
i did not
i'm not a fan of any sort of accent marks whatsoever to be honest
in my spanish linguistics class we had a big long portion on accent markers and their rules and i remember going "ohhhhh this makes so much sense" now i forgot
i love the hat ^^
i think persian looks really nice with the latin alphabet because of it since some transliteration systems use it
realized i have no clue about three sizes
how am i supposed to know how big or small a 90 bust is
time to look up some learning material
while you were waggling to paizure trump survived a third assasination attempt
bigger numbers are better simple as
welll uhhh i guess except the middle one
what about it
to hang oneself
>Israel delivered pagers to Lebanon which were loaded with explosives, allowing them to injure over 2800 people in a single chain detonation.
funny how they can just kill thousands of civilians arab and non-arab and get away with it every single time
we should kill every single one of them
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every time i think about this tweet it makes me smile big
he just sounds like your standard man who got his life ruined
yeah but he has a way with words
(also that tweet is 4 years old but it's still good)
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the japanese are so funny
uhh bro....
i see the flag but im taking a wild guess and assuming those are japanese immigrants since theyre holding axis flags
funny how the nazi flag was just as normal for them as the german flag is for us now
Replies: >>62381
the nazi flag is perfectly normal for me
Replies: >>62381
no it isnt you cant see it and not have at least a bit of a reaction one way or the other
achhyesss...!!! *willy starts engorgening*
*gorges ur eyes out*
my reaction: ehhhhh naruhodo ne??????????? manji???????????
i found the url to that website in a text file bundled with some music i downloaded off soulseek at one point
by the way i was thinking about it the other day and while yes i agree with hitler its kind of weird (and if you allowed me "cucked") of the german population to let just.... some guy..... come in and change your whole flag for his party's flag

its like what if trump wins and then switches the USA flag for an elephant huh??? that'd be pretty dumb 

i guess its different because "Germany" as a country only existed pretty briefly and it had its flag changed during weimar anyway but....... its still funny. he should have gone back to the imperial germany flag and left the swastika as his own thing 
yes thats where i found it too
i mean if you're looking for complete control it's pretty reasonable to realize that conflating party with country is a great way to further solidify control
well the idea was the party = the state so its not that strange???
pretty sure chinkia is similar
well maybe youd be more receptive to it if your current flag was already quite recently changed from by the most cucked government ever
ohohohoho look at us two peas in a pod, great minds and all that
great niggers in a gas chamber
well i also happen to disagree with hitler on that since you know, over time parties and organizations like that rot away and degenerate into nonsense, like i mean look at the commmunist chinese like you just mentioned its not communist at all
and i imagine eventually the NSDAP would either liberalize or communize over time and there'd have to be like a Neu-NSDAP to come along and re-nazify the country
Proprietary software should not exist and should not be used if you want to have freedom.
so what you should just never try to improve anything ever then
yeah from my view germany would absolutely liberalize in a scenario where they win ww2 or just survive in general
which just makes talking about ww2 even more annoying since every freak keeps going on about muh great democracy/fascism and how it must win, if fascism manages to accomplish its goals then naturally it should(and would) reorient and reorganize itself
-------------ummmmm..... no....... all that means is you shouldn't mix...things together.....that don't need mixing.......... 
the party should just be the tool to make the state function well and therefore to make the nation/race be good

if the tool breaks, you just replace it
you shouldn't mix the tool and the thing you are trying to fix into a single thing
The Peronist Rebels have risen.
*gets killed by peron*
isnt the whole concept of having a "party" and a "state" a complete novelty that hasnt shown itself to work well on any long-term timescale though
you know mussolini? yeah honestly that guy was pretty good, had quite good ideas too
shame that he was italian
as we all know parliamentary representative democracy worked like a charm for thousands of years just as God intended until those 20th c upstarts got the idea to merge party and state vgh =__=
no chieftain ever made me vote
they really should do away with nebulous "ideology" based parties and just make corporations for every occupation and such and fill the lower house with those
Did you know? 
The first Argentine constitution (Sanctioned 1819) had Corporativist elements, where in the parliament, there would be 3 representatives from the military, 4 from the church (catholic), and one representative from each university (2 at the time it was made)
i present to you, the height of retardation;
playing a japanese vn, patched into korean, with a textractor to then machine translate the korean back into japanese
in the medieval times there were like 5 different jobs you could have so it wouldnt be that hard to manage all the guilds
but now theres wayyy too many
i want to enter into the inquisition
the septic tank cleaners union demands more seats
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i like the SS gang
remember when negroes had this mythical status where they were just so innately cool they could all dance and sing (they had "rhythm") and no matter how they dressed it was effortlessly fashionable
the japanese are like that except actually and not just a blatantly made up lie
the japanese dress like fucking crap though
uh no the businessmen all wear expertly tailored suits the kids wear elegant uniforms and the young people are all into avant-garde fashion scenes
a part of the girls are really fucking cool and hot(their clothes to be specific) but unfortunately they're all mentally ill
thankfully we can just import those clothes to beautiful mentally well anime girls
think i could be big
after someone pointed out japanese women all have short legs i went "ooooh thats why theyre not attractive at all" and now i cant unsee it
i think thats why they had to make do with fashion, they need a way to compensate for the terrible proportions
this is why tall nip women are the perfect formula
no the formula is white weeb girls
its too hard to find the good ones
white weeb girls are all mentally ill
youre gonna have to settle for mental illness (and a lot of it) if you want an attractive girl in this day and age
"cant stand menally ill women" - the most mentally ill people i know
wtf do you expect
im not gonna deal with a mentally ill bitch just because i am one myself
two negatives might make a positive
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*sad musics*
next up: tragsg
did you know that the last english coal power plant got closed down
the straffing continues
literally the first thing my new mouse started doing is double clicking
fuck my life
maybe you got heavy fingers
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already saw that one
never ever had doubleclicking t.chinkmouseusere
its happening on my scroller
which means itll probably break soon
remember justin bieber
remember that one really famous song he had
im being told that its "ancient" now
anyways always hated that little twink bitch hope he killed himself
i realized i hated him for absolutely no reason just because it was cool to do so on reddit and i actually dont care at all
i knew from the start that i was just hating him for looking like a little faggot
but he just didnt look like he has enough of a personality to make it reasonable to go out of my way to suppress my hate and treat him like a human
when did "online game" become synonymous with "shooter"
im not meant for this i grew up with starcraft and dota i dont know how aim a gun
it slowly took up the whole market
feels like even league of legends is dying now and all the retarded normies are playing valorant
i think i had a closed beta key for that one but never actually played it there's so many generic corporate shooters that you can tell only care about money the most i'm kind of surprised this particular one took off
ehats the difference mr bearkiller
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who the fuck would willingly join you you damn freak
guess what im in bed and gonna sleep
as soon as i read "you damn freak" i was sure you were talking about me but then i saw the image
was thinking earlier about how if i had a girl near me who i hold a positive view of then i would put my 110% into things simply because her seeing me be lazy and fuck up would be agonizing for me
but theres nobody like that and never will be so even if i end up going homeless and starve to death because of my retarded actions i will not feel the slightest hint of shame
death comes to young and old alike
shall be a listenere
it comes slow
love how everyone calls him president trump because hes the last president we had
i just call him trumpie
or trump for short
funny how all east asians use different systems
and if i wake from dreams shall we cry together
there's many kinds of systems
i meant languagewise
japan uses kanji and kana, korea hangeul, chaina kanji, and vietnam latin
yet all of them use the metric system
because theyrent braindead
wow this waggle game is so good it makes me wanna kill myself!
how so
why not some old chinese measruemnts they must have a bunch
its the first ever h-game where you have a genki hot girlfriend who loves you and there is ZERO ntr or degenerate fetishes in it
while going through my vn i realized that i like the parts before you get a gf more than the ones afterward because its really fucking alienating to see the mc have a loving gf
am i a goner
uhhh something about the thrill of the hunt
can't imagine being a carer in currentyea4
yeah i thought something similar
gotta catch em all and all that
i actually really like the idea of seducing edgy hard to get women and stuff like that
yeah its epic shame it doesnt happen in real life AND games suck
cause yeah i do agree any time i’ve played a game of this caliber the hard to get girls are ALWAYS the most satisfying and feel rewarding
with your hair of flaming roses
your kiss, medusa's touch
turn me to a pillar of salt
to die now would be perfection
i hate word soup songs
i dadc
sounds good
what am i even doing here
isn't that the big question
the bigger question
no that happens in real life basically as soon as you actually get in a relationship the love starts fading
niggers exterminated in tragsg
but now who will post?
saint paulus of brazil
wasnt that the guy who bungled stalingrad
we all make mistakes
don i no it
and then the place started crawling with cops
me? dadc
unsure if jim or sp
canman ye be a drivere right
explain road rage to me 
calmest in other circumstances people turn into raging maniacs at minor inconveniences
if you drive youll understand
when you get behind the wheel suddenly other cars seem like annoying npcs and the slightest thing feels like a personal attack
i know how it feels and ive never driven
its enraging to have your movements restricted
do you want to play frostpunk 2
its out
roadrage is a lose lose situation in america because people can and will just get out of their car and shoot you to death (it happens relatively often)
hey nhk why dont you pay them a visit
wave a few imperial flags around and stuff
A heavy artillery bombardment along the front line and into Seoul would
be followed by a massive infantry and mechanized assault. Besides diversion-
ary attacks along the DMZ, North Korea would send down special forces
troops by sea, air, and through tunnels dug under the DMZ. These troops,
many of them dressed in South Korean uniforms, would create a second front
behind enemy lines in an attempt to divert South Korean troops,disrupt ROK-
U.S. command, control, communication, computer, and intelligence (C 4I)
operations, and prevent U.S. reinforcements from landing in South Korea.
bought a manchild toy i did
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"for as long as manchuria remains in japan" e1
oh huh wow manchuria is based on a japanese word (manshuu) in the first place chinese people dont even call it that (i dont know what they call it)
range banned on the /vg/ despite not posting there for months
manchukuo = 滿洲國 = old romanization of manzhouguo(<- this is pinyin) which was taken by the chinese from japanese manshuukoku(also written 満洲國 in kanji)
it was also called 満洲帝國(manchurian empire) which used to be called Manchoutikuo in the west, which is again an old chinese romanization(in pinyin it would be manzhoudiguo, and manshuuteikoku in japanese)
満洲 means manchurian, it's an ateji(randomly giving kanji to a foreign word) of the manchurian word manju, which is what the qing emperor wilhelm II decided to name his people
the chinese call manchurians 滿族/滿洲族, 族 means tribe/clan/that sort of shit

while i was looking this up my cup ramen went to shit
huh interesting thanks i guess when i saw "manchuria is based on a japanese word" i expected the chinese to be pretty different but then i realized........................where would the japanese get a word for a region from china from............from china.........
Replies: >>62551
manchuria isn't china ok _-_-
it is now and forever you dirty little barbarian
dreamt that i was set up on a date and it went so badly (the girl did not say a single word back to me, and she wasnt even attractive) that i got angry and left right after ordering
then i had to reverse out through a gravel bridge with no railings to get home because that was the only way to get to that restaurant
as for me on the same day i turned 25 i had a dream i was being made fun of by mexican college students for being 25
i mean they took the 満洲 from the manchu word of manju and 國 just means country, 帝國 empire, so technically 満洲帝國 is completely unrelated to china and if anything it was the chinese who took this japanese-made word from the japs
as you can see here there in this map of the administrative sections of the qing dynasty there was no "manchuria" at all, the country of manchuria and the word 満洲帝國 were invented by the japanese
even now there is no manchuria in an administrative understanding, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/ROC_Administrative_and_Claims-ja.svg/2560px-ROC_Administrative_and_Claims-ja.svg.png is what the administrative division of the ROC looks like and https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/中華人民共和国の行政区分 is what it looks like for the PRC, for them manchuria is just a historic country made as a puppet state by the japanese and thats it
before the qing emperor Willy II gave his tribe the name manju they werent even called that by ANYBODY but something else entirely(i dadc)
knew an australian (one of the most medically psychotic people i've known like i think he was supposed to be taking pills but he never did a single time) who harbored a lot of hatred towards the british for gallipoli
huhhhhh okay weird man asia is such a retarted place
also for every manchu the PRC genocided we need to kill 100k(拾萬 as one may say) chinks to settle the score
theres a good reason to hate the british for every nationality and those pills just make things worse
sounds like he was a sane man
no no im not saying he needed to take pills but he was completely fucking insane i wish i remembered some anecdotes about him but i just dont
he would endlessly harass certain people for months on end though
i am going to decide who to support in the SMO based off which side has better NSBM
wats the smo
Shanghai Monetary Organization
its definitely NOT a war
god is there chinese NSBM out there do you think
theres probably chinese black metal out there but i give it a 30% chance of there being any ns flavoured
wtf are these flags its just a bunch of normal ones then the ustashe flag???
croatian fascists have awoken
montenegrin monarchists have dozed off
>Do you recognize and voluntarily abide by the laws of Manchukuo?
>If you agree, please check the oath and click Agree

>Real-name registration needs to wait for review, and you can get an ID card after the review is passed.
>Real-name registration requires the following information: real name, date of birth, place of birth, current residence, correspondence address, ethnicity, etc.
>Real-name registration requires uploading of personal photos
>After registration, you need to pay "national tax" of US$12 per year.
looks like this is the only in for any of us

>Article 6. Foreigners or stateless persons who have made special contributions to Manchukuo may apply for naturalization even if they do not meet the above requirements but are listed as a national naturalization candidate by the government and approved. The Ministry of Civil Affairs shall obtain approval from the Prime Minister for the naturalization mentioned in the preceding paragraph and report it to the National Assembly for record.
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one mans quest to find the worlds most obscure form of chink
theres probably all kinds of secret ones the prc doesnt want us to know about
dont they do human experiments
to make new ones? maybe...
do you want to play frostpunk 2
its out
closest i could find after searching around was this
high school students doing a little nazi parade on the anniversary of their school
thats pretty funny at least
Although Hong Taiji patronized Tibetan Buddhism in public, in private he disdained the Buddhist belief of the Mongols and thought it was destructive of Mongol identity. He is quoted to have said that, "The Mongolian princes are abandoning the Mongolian language; their names are all in imitation of the lamas."[21] The Manchus themselves such as Hong Taiji did not personally believe in Tibetan Buddhism and few wanted to convert. Hong Taiji described some Tibetan Buddhist lamas as "incorrigibles" and "liars",[22] but still patronized Buddhism in order to harness the Tibetans' and Mongols' belief in the religion.[23]
holy shit massive mosquito
big mosquitos are male and cant bite you
within 5 minutes of it entering my house my entire body started itching
whens the p-diddy style tragsg freak-off happening
nows not the time jim
whoohoooh///??????/ who???
musician who is currently under fire after it was revealed he was having big rape parties and trafficking women and diddling people for decades as an open secret
well i say "under fire" by that i mean i believe he's currently under arrest from the feds
cancel culture strikes again smh
hm will be arrested for drug/human trafficking  one of these days
but what of kikedeath
the real kikedeath was the mischlings we made along the way
ach yes en wikipedia org genocidal rape yess
mum told me if you waggle too much your willy falls off
actually scratch that 滿洲 came from chinese into japanese so you are right in that the japanese took the word from chinese -_-
test test test
finally come oooooon it was only 500kb how does the site crash for an hour with just that why is it always me
think ive gotten too old
back in the good old days i could argue for hours with any nigger but nowadays even just getting insulted on 4chan makes me feel bad
finish golden kamuy -> dungeon meshi -> medaka box
amat the theeathruh to see some chinese people playing the classicalmusik (western)(i hope)
also im not the turk but i just realized im contributing to the sinization of tragsg
water yu dong
>Princess Luna cutie mark
all me
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least mental man on the chan
oh its the "barnyfag" bit
he's been going at it undisturbed for over 50 posts
iirc now its like two guys with bots who
impersonate the barneyfag
you decide if this is more or less retarded than the original barneyfag
we're the last sane men on the planet
1.37.3 was constantly crashing, I'm not sure load this update. There is a saying where I live, If you wash a dead man too much he will either fart or shit.
(from paradoxplaza)
i want to grow up to be a big boy who knows lots of things
I'm already half way there
big fan of how a lot of people will just put japanese text in english designs in a mirror image of how the japanese used to put random english in their designs
*glances at the text saying "gas kikes"* ohoho quite the nice shirt youve got there mr.hirohito
just came back from the PRC anniversary celebration concert 
was shorter than i expected (huuhuhuhuhu)
in china?
for me its
everything about hongkongians feel really petty i don't like them
only natural to be petty when your great greek citystate gets occupied by ooga booga niggers
if anything we should give them all they need to kill chinks
do you mean the british
obviously the ccp
before they entered the wto they were an absolute shithole(they still are now outside of the tier 1 and 2 cities which are a tiny portion of the country)
hope i can dream of cute girls tonight
yesterday in china a 44 year old chinaman stabbed a 10 year old japanese boy to death as he was going to school
why was a japanese going to school in china
parents work there probably
he was going to a japanese school there
the funniest part about the barneyfag thing is how the soy guys deify him for some reason
the reason: big retard who wasted years of his life shitting up a shitty website
wgat if i just don't sleep tonight and actually do something
the alternative is also not sleeping but instead rolling in bed from 11pm-5am
sleep is nice
wait a minute i'm also a big retard who wasted years of his life shitting up a shitty website
deffo to kikesu
tards in the telegram mmo group chat are arguing over israel vs hezbollah
fact that they have russian and urkaninian soldiers among each other completely fucking nonwithstanding, this baffles me
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uuhhjjhgfgjjuh 3 hours of sleep and a hang over!!!!!!!!!!!
spent like 4 hours rolling in agony before i could sleep
are you fucking kidding me the exact moment i started thinking of hugging a cute anime girl i got earraped by a phone call how is this possible
fuck just when it was getting good
wait a minute i'm also a big retard who wasted years of his life shitting up a shitty website
think you would like lollipop chainsaw
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my understanding is that game is Just Okay i mean yeah you can dress her up in bikinis if you want and if thats enough draw then go for it
also the re-release they just put out barely works and they took out all the licensed music (im sure someone will make a mod)
i mean its pretty wacky
didnt know that about the rerelease though
Nintendo Is Suing Palworld Creator Pocket Pair For Copyright Infringement
coulgfsdg gofd fucor big tits
>Most mounted police officers in Germany today are women
girls like ponies
girls hate me
should have incarnated as a pony
i would gladly give up everything to become a retard horse thats only concerned with running and shitting
i'm already a phony
were we in favor of noojabs or against
who was nojabs again
that weeb nigger who died
everything is getting blurry i cant see anymore
big sign of conjunctivitis
grm lf
idea: tragsg without vowels
snds jdsh
wr ll kks hr
i was supposed to be an epic horse archer mercenary killerman not a tard in a box
scary thunder
wish it would strike me
mumu ogun thunderstrike you
grainspear see sky glow yellow...
theres these two kanji which both have the meaning of teasing, as you may be able to tell by looking with a microscope the left one is composed of the kanji for man, then woman, and then man again, with the other one being two women and men
people like to joke about it and how it seems like a threesome/person in the middle being sexually dominated
also i just realized the utterly sad composition of the kanji for man 男, 田(field) and 力(strength, to strain oneself)
empire of jim
men are beasts of burden, in the east even more so
wow hitler sure did a lotta peronism in the economy
sure hope me chair doesnt break
augustus kurtis kentukius
all i can do is wish
death 1488 death everyday death for all death death death death
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our comrades in nakhodka.....
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ajajajjajajajja come on now
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they look alike
think i want to remake the japanese empire
you have to unmake a few things first
you should be able to blob more as nippon in v2 i dont care what anybody says -_-
you should be able to form the altaic federation as nippon in v2
actually i'd be satisfied if the china blobbing cb wasnt so shitty and broken
reading this thing made me feel all bad
i wanted to spend my life with cute girls too fucccckkkk fuck fuck fuck fuck
atleast you have your tragsg mates :)
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turk can you fact check if it's true that imperial japan wanted flag bearers in the military to be virgins for good luck
Replies: >>62654
had a dream i was playing a vn where you could pick the mc's voice, and i picked...imperial japanese soldier
also dreamt that i was in a thread and some arab came and started talking about how the keys on his keyboard proved that allah is real so i started tearing off the keys on my keyboard and throwing them at my monitor while writing in the thread about how he's a mentally ill freak and he should fuck off
i want them to try doing imperator again but with all this new stuff
>During one of his many private-dinner monologues, Hitler presented his vision of the soldier-peasant.[18] After twelve years of military service, soldiers from peasant families would receive completely-equipped farms located in the conquered East.[18] The last two years of their military service would focus on agricultural education.[18] The soldier was not to be allowed to marry a townswoman but only a peasant woman who, if possible, had not begun to live in a town with him.[18] That would enable the settlers to live out the blood-and-soil principles of Nazi Germany.[19] It would also encourage large families.[20] Thus, Hitler stated, "we shall again find in the countryside the blessing of numerous families. Whereas the present law of rural inheritance dispossesses the younger sons, in future every peasant's son will be sure of having his patch of ground".[18]
gh wht cld hv bn
>Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, made a series of inflammatory comments on a pornography website’s message board more than a decade ago, in which he referred to himself as a “black NAZI!” and expressed support for reinstating slavery
nigger(cool kind not gay kind)
cant wait to see the report on canman when he runs for president
need someone to make me food
*steps into neighbours house*
*gets shot to death by kurdish mafia*
finished golden kamuy
excellent manga
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george alexopoulos
laughed at the first two panels stopped at the rest
thats the authors name by the way
wait huhhhh grendizer is only 13 episodes???? im 6 behind but this show is so boring how is it supposed to just END?
i dropped it
im more inclined to finish it knowing that it'll end in one week
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nhk is this true
fffucking time to work
hate that
school started and all the cute cashiers at the grocery store are gone...... yeah they were all in high school huh
*police sirens*
wish i (and only i) could downvote posts
wouldnt know
By the way, there is an interesting anecdote about the Blue Mosque. Ahmet originally ordered Sedefkâr Mehmet Ağa, the architect, to make the minaret around the mosque of gold (altın in Turki). However, the architect, who judged that the national treasury would not be left if the gold was wasted and wasted, made six spires (altı for 6 in Turkish) instead of making the spire out of gold . However, since this would equal the number of mosques in Mecca and the number of minarets, Ahmed had no choice but to donate one minaret to the mosque in Mecca.[12] . As an aside, this is a coincidence, but Ahmed I and Mehmet Aa died side by side in 1617. However, Mehmet, who was born in 1540, was 78 years old at the time of his death, so it cannot be said that he died young.
its funny how this was basically the average life of the average western hemispherer and yet since the poor dispossessed germen had no colonies they had to start a global spregout just to become cowboys (and failed)
imagine how the world would be if pruBia had secured lebensraum in the american continent and we had kraut köwboys
german cowboys have awoken
*third world war starts*
fuck work fuck work fuck work
kill nigger apes starting with araps and kurds
anyways ill be off playing with cute anime girls if you need me
god damn i want to kill so bad let me kill
kill kill kill kill i want to killso oooooo bad fuck
i live
thus want to kill
god i really want to kill so bad
you gotta relax
i am relaxed but just in the mood you know
sort of like a morning wood but its the middle of night and instead of a boner ive got the urge to kill
saw the term "netnography" some time ago and i was glad they finally came up with a word for it
the nog part sounds like its referrring to niggers which is really funny
.................................................................................................................................................................please respond.............................
t.urk did you read kingdom
yeah ive been reading it for god knows how long
lost knowledge of the plot some...200 chapters agto
hope i dream of cute girls this time and not grown men being forced to eat cockroaches
Replies: >>62705
what a turkic metaphor
100% zanj free iraqi baathist south africa
well anyways i wanna ask are the battles epic as fuark in it i mean i wanna see some fukken sieges
in where
bought some pants at a chinoid's
pretty shure they arent even chinese but viets anymore
are they chino pants perhaps
jajaja el chino
in kingdom
dreamt that while i was cooking meat a man sneaked into my house to hide from the cops
i slowly cut into his throat with a knife while looking him in the eye and repeatedly saying that i will kill him
at least you didnt eat him huh......
huh nichijou man is getting another anime
no haruhi season 3 though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah i guess
youll have to wait a long while to get there though
well i dont plan on starting it any time soon but it has gone from "never fucking ever it's too long" to "ehhhhh maybe some day" now
ill also add that it has some wacky shit like the mc soloing 100 men and his gf soloing 50 men and stuff like that
well that's fine i mean the reason i want to read it is because golden kamuy had a really fukken epic siege as the finale and that has sperm fight so uh...yeah...

kind of bums me out and i mean im sure these exist i just am too lazy to look AND im an eop but anyways reading golden kamuy really made me crave some kind of proper historical manga with really fucking good art and satisfying battles because golden kamuy has all that in spades but also just a bunch of ACTUAL goofy shit which i dont mind but your mileage may vary obviously
but something with golden kamuy's art and detail but played completely straight would be perfect
well i dont know any so you are doomed to suffer
vgh...but i only feel alive when im reading about mortar fire...
i wield it tired
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one of the funniest images
i mean shes not wrong
did i poast about how haruhi's va married a kamen rider less than a year ago and now they're getting divorced because SHE was abusive to him
i think you talked about how theyre getting married
not about the divorce or abuse though
oh okay
well that happened recently i dont think they said what the abuse was but any time i post about it on 4chan i say "yeah she was beating him" because it's funny
majikoi has too many good girls in it
how am i supposed to pick just 1
never heard of it
they look alright but i'd need to get to know them personally
middle and red hair seem good
dreamt i was in the woods being chased by a bigfoot and a bigfootess because they were both in love with me
i kept trying to get them together instead but they really weren't having it
thats worse than my dream
i want to drink coffee but drinking coffee right after a shower makes me poo
but ONLY after a shower eh
ugh i wasnt even after a girldream but i dreamt i was cuddling with my middle school crush and we were looking for a place to have s*x but thankfully didnt find one
not dead
just dying
as for me coffere gives me heartburn but only when i have to go work
work gives me heartburn
kinda want to play ac or whatever that plane game is called
you get to kill lots of people right
they seem epic as fuck never played one though
luv forced drama in my visualized novelistas
german girls have cute english accents
too bad theyre all freaks
we're all freaks
It is only natural, considering that Blue Archive was nicknamed "Prime Minister Kone" due to its similar system to Princess Connect! Re:Dive .[7][8]
just occurred to me that not only will i never have a cute sister i wont even have a cute step-sister
wnt ct grls
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this random stock footage of flipping through a book is in spanish and mentions donald trump
i only noticed this because there was an inexplicable censoring blur around that area
literally the first word i saw was "manana"
hopefully hm can explain
it's some gibberish about new york it's probably referring to trump as a semi-famous local businessman not as a politician
new york eh all i know about it is how much i want everybody there to die
it can't be that bad
goinna waoit all over the place so hugnry
we seriously need to segregate the internet
even the chinks in my pixiv feed are repeating weirdo zoomer western instagram memes to eachother
the day i realized chinks are people too was the day i translated some of their hentai comments section posts
they usually say some pretty funny stuff
as the boomers say being starved and beaten leads to healthy development of humour
want a daughter
ew whose this gross freak replying to me
guess ill report him...
sure hope i can wake up in....5 hours
just realized my thoughts are exactly like those of an ill person
took you long enough
that wont stop me though
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g-d bless america
i dont know how much 92 is nor 36 soooo
90-60-90 or 36-24-36 is the "ideal" mariyln monroe typo proportions
the marilyn monroe doctrine...
".. that makes it be more like a thing to where .."
fucked sleep schedule
been getting raped by this mosquito nonstop for a full day
woke up 5 hours late
sleeping is a better use of time than most things
wow this mc is circumcised he's just like me...
]need food
ughohooodooooghfo odamn it feels so good to have a filled stomach
you should try it out sometime
me i had chinese dumplings
got banned for racism every single day for the last week
how is this even possible
maybe you're racist
not my fault theyre niggers
if anything its god thats racist, why dont they ban him eh
they banned him around 2000 years ago
ate bread with canned turkey
had to force the can open with a knife
that's dangerous what happened to your can opener
never had one
either i use the pin thing and open it or the fucking thing gets ripped straight off and i have to use a knife
i have become sad again
watched Crank
thats one of the greatest movies i’ve ever seen in me entire fucking life
opinion of indians dropped to opposed btw, like what the fuck man why are you so friendly to my face and then go and write that
yeah liked the smoketalker african better
the one with jason statham?
i mean... it was decent.....
no its actually a perfect film fuck you!!!
i dont remember any specific smoketalker african
folow me
vgh this sucks
done absolutely nothing for the past 2 days
or the past 20 years depending on how you look at i
may i suggest you watch Crank
already seen it
what did you like about it so much
its just a constant stream of action in the most ridiculous and unnecessary way like everything about that movie is like if a little boy came up with 85% of it. i also do really like how it's shot in a very frenetic way like the way that movie is shot is like...it feels like something someone would do for an artsy movie but it's just in service of one of the most stupid and most vulgar things and it all come together to make a movie that is entertaining in a way i've never seen a movie
also i like the music in it and how its used
think ive had that scene at the end where hes falling out the helicopter happen to me in my dreams several times since watching it
i have strange dreams
ugh thank god for this mongatari season being so so good
forget my existence when my life is over
you dont have to wait
slept for 15 hours
same but i haven't slept at all
had a haisukuuru dream
needless to say the dream where i cut into the throat of a man was infinitely less displeasing than this
i wish octopuses were several times bigger so we could give them handshakes and establish cross-species diplomatic relations
gonna have to wake up at 5 in the morning
hey hey human suckerrrr
hey hey human fuckeeerrrr
sure hope pc doesnt die
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feel like when i was younger and actually went on 4chan i didnt fully appreciate the fact that literally all of the greentexts are 100% made up
when i went on 4chan when i was younger i didnt appreciate that everyone else was also young and didnt know what they were saying and had ridiculous unbridled egos and bizarre conceptions of reality that they usually keep to themselves
a lil 30 minute nap would not go amiss
i am also a non-sleeper today
people my age are cute little 20 year old things that have the energy to do 10 billion things a day on 2 hours of sleep
me? im an 80 year old man
20 year olds can have a hard time getting up
was gonna wake up early to wash the clothing but i was so sleepy
thoughts on moo deng
only know moo cow
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milei at the stocks house
(also as well as all the argentine government figures and argentine flags everywhere, the logos of argentine companies are on the screens)
have to think up yet another excuse -_-
guhguhguh kill meeaa
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for me its
>The Japanese multinational video game company Nintendo was founded on this day 135 years ago in 1889.
theey're that fucking old?????
they started with hanafuda cards
doesnt everyone know that
is that macross 7
one of the greatest shows ever
tottaeru nigru dettu
want to eat lots of food
could go for 5-6k calories
i dare you
i cant even though i want to i dont have the money to afford that
in othernews i think my right leg broke
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smiled at this
every man deserves a slave in his home who makes food for him
mom :)
laughed at that
gonna watch anime alllllll fucking day tomorrow i am
ill finish fart gayass tomorrow finally
the original or nu
its a pretty dumb show but i did enjoy it
搖搖欲墜 on the verge of collapse
literally shaking shaking(not shaking as in like when cold, like 揺れる, like when youre unconsciously swerving left and right when youre sick and your consciousness has gone to shit) desiring (to) fall down
just like me...
yeah i should probably go to bed
ughh the shamelessness of chinese is so good when theyre not directing it towards others
i cant fucking sleep are you kidding e!!!!!!!
happened to me
will probably happen again
i thought iut was october
still september here
accidentally napped earlier now i have to be awake
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thanks seibah
stayed up really late for no reason again
new hpm soon........
bearded man in mmo couldnt beat a 20 year old girl
so he challenges her to a 1v1 fight irl
russia is a funjy place
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62 really
i wont rest until i rape and behead the entire family of this mosquito
are they still working on that thing to make mosquitos not kill people
think they completed it but it failed
now it kills only white people and 1000x more than before
that is not hpm you bastard benchod!!!
what do you want me to do about it
ok so
3 episodes of the fable->5 episodes of grendizer u->5 episodes of the fable

i guess 13 episodes is a really low amount (also 9 episodes behind on shinkalion but i REALLY dont care about that now)
13 eh thats how much i watch in 2 weeks
i thiiiink the most ive done is like...20 in one sitting? i think that was me finishing macross 7 and then watching macross zero then some of frontier
>Tamio Kageyama was a Japanese novelist and TV personality. He suddenly died at the age of 50 due to unidentified circumstances in a house fire, although it is speculated to be due to burns or carbon monoxide inhalation.
huh yeah really mysterious dying in a house fire
Replies: >>62899
i used to watch like 30 a day when i was a young lad
could go for dying in a house fire myself
oh yeah heres my seasonal blog nobody asked for

>nier s2
this was actually fantastic interested to see what happens in the last episode
>grendizer u 
boring as piss never let the saudis buy an anime again
>code geass
really fun but retarded obviously
super super super good
it's a good adaptation but i didnt even know it was coming out when i read the manga so i've just constantly been behind on it because i read the entire fucking thing like a month before it came out
i think i haven't watched anime in two months i keep waiting for the right time but it never comes
buuut "uzumaki" is releasing on the 28th and i want to check it out i think it's an ova not a full anime
ive nevre read any of uhhh that guy's stuff but yeah im hoping uzumaki is good
it's been in development hell for like 8 fucking years because they kept making it and going "ohhhhh wait this sucks" and remaking it
read it all
forgot it all
the villain in fart gayass is LITERALLY me
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really fucking silly i dont even want to waste energy pointing out the problems
managed to enjoy it anyways though
my favorite was the villain just releasing a bunch of blender robots to kill everybody as his plan (they stole this from gundam f91)
yeah and the worst part was how they only killed a few hundred thousand people and not the entire human race
i also like how pointless and stupid whats his name's death was
literally no reason he couldnt have just like.......fucking ejected......or done anything
yeah i was laughing at that
"uhh im gonna kms...oh no....death sounds spooky O_" and then he dies and the mc does a little chickens scream in his honour
also thought it was very funny how much it really did just feel like code geass being transported into this era
i mean there are like three episodes straight where all sayaka doe sis get strung up like it's bdsm while her big boobies dangle around
the geass stuff at the end too
could have just cast it on herself telling her to forget it exists....instead she.......casts it to make herself unable to speak.....................
i also liked the subtitles that appear after she goes mute, literally appears only once and its just a "yeah" which you could have guessed that she's saying just by staring at her nodding her head
AND of course how she does that RIGHT BEFORE going to start a speech(except she cant speak now so she'll be awkwardly staring at the air instead!!!)
the boobies and bum were easily the best part of the show
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now i know why jim kept crying about having to use his car
that happens because nobody wants their kids to be enriched on the bus
what if someone killed him and then lit the house on fire to cover up the assasination
always baffling to hear about the whole bus&school situation of america
who would ever let his president force his son into a school, hours away by bus, thats filled with blackies
is it really that hard to just get off and walk 20 meters (4178 inches)
oh hey i watched Kageyama Tamio no Double Fantasy twas good
i have it on my list dont remember where i got it from
nobody is forced to take the bus people can just drive you to school
yeah no one would make a big line like that, you'd just walk to wherever the car thats taking you is
also SOMETHING retarded must be happening there becauase that school(?) is so fucking small and most of those kids would be riding the bus home so that should not be happening
my guess is that it's some kind of election (either local or whatever) and those people are going there to vote (a lot of times polling locations are just in the gyms of public schools)
or somebody shot the school up and they cant get all the busses on time or whatever
at least the trains run on time
they dont have those anymore
stuff breaks, people die, i sneed
i death
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hope the one who made it dies in a fire
hair is dirty as fuck but i cant shower today
*lights it on fire*
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e1 i guess
funny how you can change her clothing colour
is the message that we should crack blackoid skulls
really want mum to pop out of nowhere right now and tell me she won the lottery and give all the money to me
dunwannawork simple as
going to a wake on thursday
no thats not epic thats aids put roca or sarmiento or something that fucking dirty whore represents nothing but being a poor nigger who gets handouts from the government
if i remember right they put himeko or whatever as the japanese leader(tarded)
i can't believe it those libertarians really brainwashed hm into hating peron
next up is muslim turk and ukrainian nakhodka
the ghost of nakhodka...
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theyre still bombing lebanon
why would they stop
uhh because bombing civilian centers of foreign countries without reason is...bad
but there are still goyim alive
got the watch of the rhein on my mind
big fan of it
kiru mii beibee
wait is turk not a muslim
is he a gnostic or hwat
he is 100% into allah t.urkexpert
no he hates moslems therefore he is a greek orthodox
just remembered that the reason i slept like shit yesterday is because every couple hours i kept waking up with horrible pains in my chest
a little bit of gas can really bring a man down to his knees
then why is he a turk......
wolf genes
shina launched a mock icbm into the pacific
look at the posts the turk makes and tell me he could possibly believe in any kind of higher power
doesnt he worship anime girls or whatever
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dreamt i opened up whatsapp, scrolled down, and then found unread messages from dozens of people about all the things i have to do and telling me to pick up the phone
sleeping every other day
>First of all, there is the super old school way of getting one from an event. This may not cater to everyone's playing style, as it is way too random, but if it was good enough for your parents back in 2001, it is good enough for.. Eh
e1 johan
it came true -_-
i dreamt that kamala harris dropped out the presidential race to be replaced by keir starmer (and she ran as his vp) who then won
and so england finally took back its unruly colony...
that was my reaction yeah
dont blame me im voting corbyn
think they should replace s*x with hand holding
same thing
wow mileis speech at the UN is actually pretty good
"please give us money...money good...need money...money please..."
thats not milei thats me begging my mother
"life to kikes"
that reminds me i was watching an anime where a character begs for money from mum and i was thinking wowwwww life would be so much easier if i was just a huge piece of shit and harassed my parents for money
my parents have no money
if your parents die you can have all their money
no he was exposing all the globalist kike bureaucrats for what they are
today i learnt that people can disturb you on your phone even if you press the dont disturb me button
how terrible is that
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everyone has already seen that
yeah i was just reminiscing
nevermind that the singing sucks cock
>On 21 September 2024, it was reported that Prime Minister Edi Rama of Albania was planning to create the Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order, a sovereign microstate for the Order within Albania's capital of Tirana.
oh yeah i heard it was for some cuck shit reason
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this is what the average spaniard who says that looks like btw

(the ones that dont look like visigothic conquistadors)
he looks like he could eat 10 sudacas whole
you are what you eat
we need to send nukes to japan, taiwan and korea
this sucks i want to be unemployed
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whats that monkeypox
for some reason "chinois" is taking over "china" in my head
linguistic cases
the ones you use in your posts
honestly stunned china has zero
me I dont even know what a case is
its when something happens
why the fuck is this gacha getting a summer event NOW
do the japs live on the southern pole or something
and events in this gacha are 70~ days long each so its only going to end in like..... the tenth of december....and the next event will probably be christmas
they took too long working on it
those jpegs dont make themselves
today i keep remembering that one webm i saw of some city getting shelled by artillery
really wish that were my neighbourhood
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he became a total incel
many such cases!
oh sorry mister no ehh speaka ingles
you want fries?
dont want fries but could go for a live torpedo
if only i could crawl into a manned torpedo
yeah i pretty much just live for anime girls now i guess
would you crawl in a manned torpedo with an anime girl
why are they making that face
why are who doing what face
i'm going to stop being lazy or add or whatever it is that stops me from doing anything
i don't know how yet but i will
good luck we're all rooting for you
we're one hundred percent blaq
me i cant
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heard that if you convert to greek you can activate the special skill 'throw yourself into a volcano'
that only works for ancient greek
i should get into the habit of destroying things
should help me feel better
already destroyed myself
argentina's passportis pretty strong
how much can you sell it for
want to kill
wow i saw the word script kiddie in a japanese thing
how bizarre is that
sukuriputo kiddo
it was スクリプトキディー actually
hate how sturdy my body is
starvation and the 10 billion other debuffs on me yet i STILL cant collapse and get dragged into a hospital to be euthanized
uguuuuuuguuguuuuhuhhgaaaaaAaFaFaAAaGjhhhhhhgjjjjjjhhhgg ahghhhghh -__
just realized that literally every place in my computer is littered with anime girls
what a paradise
i honestly forgot about it
i was looking at an anime girl and then when i closed the tab i just saw a massive anime girl looking me dead in the eye, then i realized that my shortcut icons, wallpaper on the places i visit, desktop wallpaper, icons on windows explorer are ALL anime girls
even when im not consciously aware of it im looking at them...
a life of envy
Our last president used to hit his gf while pregnant and forced her to get an abortion. The same guy that used to school everyone on feminism and diversity, he single handed killed their movement.
>During the conflict, Blahyi became a warlord, leading a unit of several dozen combatants (consisting primarily of child soldiers) known as the Naked Base Commandos which operated primarily around the Monrovia area. The unit, including Blahyi himself, frequently wore no clothing except for their shoes and magic charms, earning Blahyi the nom de guerre 'General Butt Naked'. Blahyi claimed that this practice made him and his soldiers "immune to bullets." During the conflict, Blahyi's forces perpetrated numerous atrocities, including cannibalism and human sacrifice.[6][7]
>Blahyi would later claim that he had received a vision from the Devil during the conflict; in the vision, the Devil told him that he would become "a great warrior and should practice human sacrifice and cannibalism to increase his power."[8] Recalling the atrocities he and his soldiers perpetrated against civilians during the conflict, Blahyi stated in an interview, “sometimes, I would enter under the water where children were playing. I would dive under the water, grab one, carry him under and break his neck. Sometimes I'd cause accidents. Sometimes I'd just slaughter them."[8]
>Blahyi also made his soldiers consume psychoactive drugs in order to make them more alert and willing to follow Blahyi's orders. He would later recall that whenever the Naked Base Commandos captured a town, “I had to make a human sacrifice. They bring to me a living child that I slaughter and take the heart out to eat it." 
>According to Damon Tabor of The New Yorker, during the firefight a bystander reported seeing Blahyi standing atop a truck, "holding an assault rifle in one hand and a man's severed genitals in the other."
>In 1996, as the civil war was drawing to a close, Blahyi claimed that as he saw the blood of a child on his hands, he received a vision of Jesus Christ, who "asked [Blahyi] to stop being a slave." After receiving the vision, Blahyi eventually converted to Christianity and became an evangelical preacher
The way cow milk works doesn’t quite make sense, it was meant for baby cattle to help grow big and strong yet humans can drink it and get the same benefits as the cattle why would milk from a cow benefit humans so much? How is this even possible? I want to say it was some ploy by big milk and they paid scientist to say this stuff but the benefits of milk cannot be denied not just cow milk but goat milk too and others I may have missed.
milk is milk
why would a cows be any different than a womans
This foreigner told Socrates to his face that he was a monstrum — that he harbored in himself all the worst vices and appetites. And Socrates merely answered: “You know me, sir!”
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thought that was grandi at first
taiwan has as many jlpt exam takers per year as the entire mainland does
japan should take taiwan back under their control
i think most mammals can  drink eachothers milks with no problem 
i mean its just whata bunch of proteins and fat and whatever diluted in some watery stuff, why wouldnt you be able to drink it

i dont remember where i saw it but i saw some 1800s drawing of a peasant woman breastfeeding a little cow or some animal and then some upper class women (with little dogs) being all appalled and it was supposed to be some social commentary

but yeah i think it wasnt unheard of for something like that to happen if something happened to the cow mother (remember cows were very valuable back then)

also dont forget the roman/turks drinking from a wolfess milk (wolves are also mammels t. scientist expert)
its funny how all mediterreanean people look exactly the same that turkish guy could pass as a portugal or sicilian and nobody would bat an eye
thats because theyre alll uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh turkics.......yup..........
went to the wake
it was sad
then after at the celebration of life there was an open bar
now i am rather tipsy
cant believe grandi is gone
guess im allnightering
how cool is that
wooow badass
im an old man bro ill be on the verge of death in like 5 hours
oh god im gonna die
happens to the best of us
i still clearly remember that time like 6 years ago when i was playing some slop webgame and some group of discordkids logged on and started chatting
the conversation shifted to alcohol and i said "ohh man i sure could go for some beer right now :))" intending to start a conversation and one of them just replied to me saying "lol what are you some edgy kid trying to pretend to be an adult??" and all the other guys laughed while i didnt reply because i didnt know what to say
lol what are you some edgy kid trying to pretend to be an adult??
i'm glad that i converted someone to doomism
is it weird to you that we can consume the meat of other animals interchangeably too
forced cannibalism could be kind of epic
i wouldnt need to be forced
5 4
i mean 3
chinese nuclear submarine sunk
arent they meant to do that though
no it sunk in the bad way
just like in das boot..... the *nglos will pay for that
submarines are cool
i lightly punched my eyeball and now my whole head is hurting
theyre wülves just like me...
my internet is being stupid so i went to check the wifi with my phone and someone nearby has their wifi called "nihongo2g"
i look so embarrassing right now
what the fuck is this
the entire coastline is filled with bugs
you cant even sit down somewhere without getting swarmed by them
just remembered my dream this morning where i was at the airport waiting for my luggage late at night and they announced that it was going to be on the on the opposite end of the airport
but i was too tired to walk so i looked for an employee to drive me instead and i saw ben shapiro so i pretended to be jewish so he would pull some strings and get me a ride
also donald trump was there but i didnt want to bother him because he was autographing the back of a bald guys head
in my dream i was throwing a bingo party for some kind of death metal musician but he didn't want to come so his parents got really sad
then a dog showed up and mauled everyone
walked somewhere between 10 to 15 kilometers
how much did you people walk
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took a stroll around central africa 
the land usage and demographics are really puzzling it really makes you think
walked 20km in a day on a mountain once and carrying things
was awful
i walk from the bed to the toilet
i want to design cool planes and warheads why did ksp2 have to die i don't want to install the first one again
i don't even care about the space shit someone needs to make a game where it's just general aeronautics and also with lots of bombs
huhwhat its dead___????
anyawy i was talkin g with the tranny the other week how she should try ksp(1) and how i mainly used it to make planes
we've had this discussion like 5 times now the early access was terrible and they fired all the developers so there won't be any more updates and it will never get better
still alive
tranny wont shut the fuck up
need someone to make food for me
really funny posts if you ask me
need to play a real pen&paper wargame-grand strategy-rpg with a huge and detailed map
some fucking crap is happening with germany political parties i dont know what though cause i dont care
nothing is happening anywhere ever
the afd are being called nazis but arent they liberals
no no theres some crap with the green party all running away idk
German Green party leaders to quit after election drubbings

The co-leaders of the German Green party, Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang, are to resign, following the party’s dismal performance in elections in east Germany.

The two said they and the party’s whole executive would stand down in November.

wooo (monotone)
>Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang
mein gott
omg the last episode of nier!!!! im gonna get food and watch it!!!!!!!
wowie good anime!!!!
was very surprised by THAT at the end started thinking people were crazy but it happened.
im dying
>Omid Nouripour and Ricarda Lang
is it just me or do these not sound german at all
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the seaplane airport is just like what regular airports are supposed to have been like pre 911
you can just show up buy tickets and sit down all they do is weigh your bag
hows it going grandi
good im sick of this retarded fucking redtape over every single thing in the world
tape is usually blue in my experience
i swear i remember trump saying hed abolish the tsa in 2016
obviously a low priority but i wonder if hell do it this time around
is he still going to win what about the debate
hes definitely going to win based off how badly the democrats are infighting
that's what you told me 4 years ago!!!
spoiler alert: hillary wins
when are the results going to fart in
i cant afford another 4 years i need to be dead by next election so i dont have to turn 30
its slowly looking less and less like a trump win to be honest
okay well how about you answer 0 mr niggercattle
uhhhh idk when the election is honestly
november 5
no matter who wins i win because i get to stop hearing about it
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is that even any good
dont know mom never let me smoke any
going to get coffee then watch nier
is this really the last ep or will it continue/maybe get a new season sometime
no spoilers but its a very conclusive ending
any new shit would have to be a new game probably
ohhh so it caught up to the whole plot of the game?
didnt really know how deep we are in so far since i gave up on playing the game ages ago since its cancer without a controller
oh yeah managed to get all caught up with fable and i just have the last 3 episodes left of grendizer, which will be another hour of my life where nothing will happen and nobody will get into a robot or fight a robot or do anything
yeah we're at the end of the game in the anime
obviously the anime didn't make us watch season 1 again but from 9s perspective so it all is much quicker than the game obviously (also season 2 speedran all of 9s shit in favor of focusing on a2 (this alone makes the anime worth existing))
honestly i really liked fable if we got 50 more episodes id watch them all
was thinking that it would be epic if as punishment for crimes against humanity you would be reborn as a penguin
yeah like i said i liked fable a lot its just that i read the entire manga like a month before it aired accidentally
luckily i read it all ages ago and forgot it by the time the anime came around
WHY is just a fucking pod THIS cool
what was up with the girl at the end
uhhh its a long short story but the gist is she’s “from” dod3 but she’s also an android who has been visiting and manipulating multiple timelines to collect data
also she was “made” in the kingdom of night (somewhere we know very little about except its basically the last mystery in drakenier)
also this is her first visual appearance in uhh a decade?
outside of minor references (both in the game and in the anime the weapons trader mentions getting his weapons from “ms. accord”)
hate glasses on my women
never had a woman in my life let alone multiple
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thats what i would expect
feed me
um no
keep fucking scratching my neck like crazy
its pitch red at all times
getting random bouts of anxiety and other trite like that recently
the fuck is this
wish i had a diarrheal disease right now my stomach feels like SHIT!!!!!
girls in my game are fighting messi, the famous brazilian
is it just me or is immortality getting less popular
more for me
less for you
just spent like 2 hours in agony for no reason glad thats over
while you were doing that i found out char's seiyuu voices characters in some reverse harem vns
speaking of char i saw an image of momoka pregnant earlier
i cant believe char would do that
god said its my turn on the bed
(bed means grave)
would have been funny if that was the last post ever
im in awe that we managed to get so many men together to watch so many different kinos it feels like a completely impossible task now
if i was still a fukken neet i'd watch stuff more often but im always booked saturdays
also i suddenly became wayyyyyy too lazy to hardsub shit meself so if it's not on archive.org i shant
i don't even remember how we used to do it something to do with dropbox
wasnt it google cloud
dont think anything we used to do even works any more
we could probably host it on this site actually but i don't know if it has enough bandwidth or free space
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makeine finished time to finish fable
also the imouto was fucking epic easily the best girl in the series
so who did the foreigners choose for moe
moe sinsone
theyre doing a new saimoe right now if you care
i dont i just want to know who that guy was so angry about winning
that rika i guess
dont know who rika is
yes i can read but i also dont know who that is hence why im asking
well youll have to wait until a new trashman who knows rika joins us
well maybe he can introduce me to her im quite the eligible bachelor
want to blob all over asia
arent there things out there where you can do that
gary grandis war in the east
join the people's liberation army
you can always fall back on ms paint
did you know that the pla is filled to the brim with literal traitors
traitors to the republic of china (taiwan)
is it more lolicon to like pettanko high schoolers or proper lolis with oppai
1st one for sure
only rika i know is a witch
only rika / know is the idolm@ster one which seems plausible
well yeah but i was referring specifically to all the active japanese collaborators that joined the pla post1945(hundreds of thousands at the very least)
as we have been shown many times in the last 105 years the cccp is the robust lighthouse in the dark for those who desire to harm china and slaughter the chinese
and how many of those japanese collaborators are still in the pla
well surely theres still one or two
kinda want to install hearts of poo (1)4(88) and blob with some wacky mod
i thought that too until i remembered how much of a VN it is and how all the game systems suck
its kind of fun when you set your army up properly and you only lose 1k men for every million that you kill
rest is shit
i actually played quite a bit of hoi4 but it was before all the dlcs and meme mods (or any kind of mods) it must be even worse now
no it was probably better before thet covered it in bloat and broken systems
kinda bored
kinda boreish
kinda bore
there was a froge
its gone now
i just realized that you can get away with expelling an entire race from the world by making a massive fleet of interstellar colony ships and launching them far away into the depths of space
the whole world will think that youre doing them a great favour by letting them be the spearhead of humanitys expansion into space when actually youre getting rid of genetic waste
god im such a fucking genius
i heard blue archive overtook touhous #1 spot for doujins which is a big deal but i still like the tohos way more
why not just launch them into the sun
that happened a billion years ago
you cant do that because all the retards who hate genocide will get mad at you
instead we throw them into the bumfuck of the milky way where theyre sure to run out of resources and die painful deaths
ooops something malfunctioned and accidentally redirected their course tragically
rest assured we have fired everyone responsible, too bad theres no way to get them back now that theyre all gone
(their course was redirected directly into london)
reading about this
death to mass media
>ore than 100,000 people in Okinawa rallied against the textbook changes at the end of September
how about you rally against american bases instead!!!!!!
need them to raid the bases and kill every single ami in there
antisemitism on the rise
while you were wasting your life building up a career and having sex i was making germany bigger
why is it smaller than ever then
it gets bigger if you have a big screen
the future of grossyapaniums lies in using the excuse of the ccp to peacefully annex korea and taiwan as highly autonomous entities inside of it and directly transmitting japanese culture into them
nigger death
>In March 1992, while working at the Embassy of Japan in Korea, I had the opportunity to travel to the northeastern region of China. In Shenyang, I visited the September 18 Memorial Hall, where the same photograph as the "Photograph of the massacre of Koreans by Japan soldiers" published by the Korean newspapers on the 1st of the same month was displayed as "Photograph of the massacre of Chinese by Japan soldiers." In fact, it was a picture of a Chinese man killing a Chinese person
from the book im reading right now
finally done with the ten billion word not!preword and now i can read the actual book!!!
i wasn't feeling well mentally but now that i'm looking at anime girls it's all better i don't know how i went almost a month without this
hey youre not me
honestly forgot what i even do in my freetime so ive just been randomly clicking buttons for the past few hours while listening to music i dont particularly like
what the fuck is this no matter what i do im bored
i like this word
ohhhhh i get it its times like this where youre bored and nothing makes you feel any better that youre supposed to just lay down together with your girlfriend and relax together
well now i want to die
glad i dont have a woman around eating up my time "cries"
every time im sick or in pain for some reason i like to think about how nice it would be if i had a gf or wife to take care of me
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sick in the head
There are two typical flood myths in Korea. In the brother-sister intermarriage
myth, mankind continued its existence through the marriage between a
brother and sister who survived a big flood. In the Namu Toryo(ng (A Son of the
Tree God) myth, namu Toryo(ng played a similar role in the continuation of
our history after a big flood. I will briefly summarize the story of the brother-
sister intermarriage myth here, and continue to explain its implications. once
upon a time, there was a big flood and everyone disappeared except for a
brother and sister. In order to determine heaven’s will, they climbed a high
mountain and rolled a pair of millstones (or watched rising smoke signals
merge in the sky). The upper stone rolled by the brother and the lower stone
rolled by the sister met each other at the bottom of the hill. After finding the
stones sitting on top of each other, the brother and sister decided to get
married. Mankind was thereby able to continue its existence and thus our
ancestors originated from this brother and sister.
thats my real name
eufffffffffffffffffffffff my fucking vn crashed are you kidding me man god
SEOUL, May 29 (Reuters) - North Korea sent hundreds of balloons carrying trash and excrement across the heavily fortified border to South Korea on Wednesday, calling them "gifts of sincerity", prompting an angry response from Seoul, which said the act was base and dangerous.
Photographs released by the South Korean military showed inflated balloons with plastic bags tied to them. Other images appeared to show trash strewn around collapsed balloons, with the word "excrement" written on a bag in one photograph.
By Wednesday afternoon, more than 260 balloons had been detected, and most of them have landed on the ground, carrying animal faeces and rubbish, the South Korean military said in a statement, calling the act "base and dangerous".
North Korea said the balloons were in retaliation for an ongoing propaganda campaign by North Korean defectors and activists in South Korea, who regularly send inflatables containing anti-Pyongyang leaflets, alongside food, medicine, money and USB sticks loaded with K-pop music videos and dramas across the border.
and one word from me: i hope that the guys who send usb sticks filled with kpop and dramas die violent deaths
how are they going to use a usb stick with music if they dont have computers
you need tosend an mp3 player idiot gooks
would be an e1 if north korea still used kanji
at the corner of haiti and venezuela
go on home british soldiers go on home
have you got no fucking homes of your own
in a bit of a killer mood
todays dinner: bread cheese and vegetable broth
for me it was bread, sausage, ketchup and mayonnaise
may as well go die in some poo war at this point
you got a couple to pick from
which one will help make germany bigger
ive been playing goy3 and i have like 10gb of screenshots but i was too lazy to write up even a single post/page about it
what is there even to say
>blobbed epically and changed the map color
read some interesting stuff but too lazy to write up 10 pages about it
did nothing interesting for the past 10 years because i'm too lazy
i actually meant to write hours but my brain automatically corrected it to years and i left it like that
all the epic encirclements and shite
it took me a while to realize this but im actually not right wing but a centrist and its just that 99% of westerners are so far gone into the left wing that they think the centrists of yesteryear are fascists
for me its centrism with nazbol characteristics
i just don't want to pay taxes honestly that's it all politics are fucked already
this alt chan kills fascists
through suicide
dont need to be a fascist to want to kill myself
but yeah i would love to not have to pay taxes
One such propaganda campaign was one initiated by WW2 propaganda sloganist[8] and American reporter Jeremiah Hilfen.[9] Hilfen believed that due to the immense racism that was ubiquitous in America at the time[10] it would be effective to dehumanize the Axis powers by depicting them as having proximity to blackness.[11] Hilfen proposed to the Office of War Information [12] that Germans be referred to as 'Blitzniggers' in propaganda reels and postage stamps. He also proposed that Germans be depicted as having dark skin on offical propaganda posters. Hilfen's ideas were rejected outright due to fears of offending African-American servicemen.[13]

Hilfen attempted to get propaganda posters with dark skinned Germans printed in the deep south but the circulation was limited. Today all of his posters are in possession of the NAACP. [14] He also tried unsuccessfully to have radio announcers use the term 'Blitznigger' on the air but these were unsuccessful. Hilfen retired in January 1945 to Nevada where he would frequent the atomic testing site of Los Alamos and voice his support for nuking Germany, even after Berlin had fallen.[15]
that's a pretty german name to be a german hater
my headphones are too tight so a part of both of my ears is always pitch red as a result
its like a sort of incel mark
music is too quiet i cant hear it
dad fukken loves israel now -____-
also to be clear i DONT care about ukraine but its funny to hear someone go "yeah ukraine is such a waste of money" and then go "yeah but we have to protect israel" in five minutes
i'm still doing the thing where i get angry at a post for being esl word soup only to realize 30 seconds later there's nothing wrong with it and i just skipped half of the words for no reason
for me its making fun of people on the 4 for being esl monkeys and have typos in my post
ugh see i did it there -_-
maybe stop being such a blitznigger and write your posts properly
gonna pee myself
seal clubbing with human characteristics
doom approaches
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not feeling too hot
meant to post this one
2000 President Kim Dae-Jung presses his positive approach to
North Korea in public statements, and in the spring there
is the sudden announcement of plans for the southern
leader to visit his counterpart Kim Jong-il in P'yongyang.
After careful preparation the meeting takes place in June.
It is the first time that leaders from the north and south
have met since the division of their country in 1945. The
visit takes place in an unexpectedly cordial atmosphere,
with the personalities of the two leaders setting a tone that
raises spirits and hopes that at long last the intractable
problems of separated families and mutual hatreds can be
solved. President Kim Dae-Jung and Chairman Kim Jong-
il sign documents affirming their intention to work toward
reconciliation, not along lines of German reunification but
more as a confederation, Chinese style, of "one country,
two systems." They agree to implement a program of fam-
ily reunifications at an early date, and Chairman Kim ac-
cepts President Kim's invitation for a return visit to Seoul
in the near future.
dont know how to say this but i really fucking hate this "girly" way of writing its so agonizingly bad to fucking read and keeps trying to mislead you
hope that nixon retard is burning in hell
you'll join him in a year jimmy
i forgot i had some cake and it will go bad if i don't eat it soon
so i decided to eat a huge slice and now it's been 8 hours and i'm still not hungry enough to eat dinner
im starving and havent had cake in a year
>In 2024, 550 fighters from the Sultan Murad Division were reportedly deployed to Niger to participate in the anti-ISIS campaign on behalf of the Nigerien government.[46][47]
>Afrin Post reported that the group kidnapped a civilian, named Khalil Manla, after he filed a complaint against them and detained him to their headquarters. They beat and tortured him before released him on a ransom of 1,000 Turkish liras.[60]
also lol 1000 is nothing
spent my time enjoying the experience of looking up korean worship asmr on dlsite and laughing at it
not entirely sure what that is and i dont wanna know
is it about koreans worshiping or worshiping koreans
if it's on dlsire i'm guessing the latter
its when a japanese woman pretends to be a korean woman and does some femdom stuff
(to the listener, who is a "patriotic japanese male")
The penguin, who used to live at a zoo in the eastern state of Maryland, died recently at the age of 33, leaving 230 offspring. He had a female named Mrs. Greedy as his partner and got along well all his life. Like Mr. Greedy, male penguins usually show amazing family love, such as establishing a strong relationship with one female penguin and holding an egg on her behalf.
being mogged by a penguin
thats not a penguin thats a spider
how do penguins even reproduce
do they have willies
are they mammals
thoughnt they were birds
birds have willies and... holes
if they lay eggs they must be related to dinosaurs
are penguins supposed to be fish or birds
all of the above
a hundred horrid posts
nuh uh theres posts about animals
from the latest milei rally/show/concer
"bring the penguin out of the casket
to show him his soldiers are still fighting
but now holding the flags of the lion"
(intonated by the brown anarchofascist hordes of reconverted peronists)
(tl note: the penguin is nestor kirchner ('es 'ead) and the lion is milei)
trying to wake up but my eyes wont open
korean and japanese really are pretty close to eachother
like look at this
온도가 10∼20도 (meaning "temperature is 10-20 degrees")
if i were to transliterate this to the latin alphabet it would be "ondo ga 10-20 do", which happens to 100% match with the japanese "温度が10-20度", meaning the same thing
if i were to go up to some random jappy and write to him "ondo ga 10-20 do" with the latin alphabet he would absolutely understand it, and think that i am speaking to him in romaji japanese and not transliterated korean
i mean to be fair this IS somewhat cherrypicked, both ondo and the last do come from chinese, which explains why its in both languages, and the only japanese↔korean thing here is actually the "ga" particle, which is present in both languages, but the fact that you can sometimes encounter stuff like this example really is fascinating
eventually you are going to run out of asian languages
after this i just need to dabble a little in mongolian, uyghur and kazakh for the larp and then ill never do anything ever again
spent the last two hours daydreaming about vomiting blood everywhere all of a sudden
thought i was peeing blood earlier but it was just a trick of the light
best i can do is shit blood
for me its nosebleeds at erotic situations
hate that meme
do the japanese really do that
gonna piss my pants
Replies: >>63338
gp mp
"gonna play mp".....what could he have meant by this
great power medium power
    You're not to think you are anything special.
    You're not to think you are as good as we are.
    You're not to think you are smarter than we are.
    You're not to imagine yourself better than we are.
    You're not to think you know more than we do.
    You're not to think you are more important than we are.
    You're not to think you are good at anything.
    You're not to laugh at us.
    You're not to think anyone cares about you.
    You're not to think you can teach us anything.
I am to didnt ask
I am to dont care
one time my grandma was angry that indians were refusing to wear a helmet because of their turbans, and i said how i dont care if they do or not, she got annoyed with me because she thought i was defending brown peoples feelings but really i just dont think that the government should punish people for being stupid
>United Church of Christ in Japan permits openly gay and lesbian pastors to act as ministers.[10]
isnt that not actually a christian church though
you can always tell because they have to put christ in the name
only catholic and orthodox and coptic churches are real
theyre evangelical or whatever
so yeah not christian
oh i thought they were like those weird unitarians
well maybe they are i mean both evangelicals and those weirdo units are cultists anyway
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could REALLY go for some food even something like this
this world is ass
go fuck yourself hiroshimoot
now im thirsty
saw some warstuff
now im in the mood to study war
which i wont do
hearrd its good
you know whats not good
i suckkkkkkkkkkkk
developing a new theory that all the piss and shit and puke ive done in my life has actually gone to my head
^wrote a man a million times more blessed than me
oh theyre just outright invading lebanon now
guarantee you they will fullannex it
yeah it worked out so well last time
god i hate israel so much
hope china opens a third front
how the FUCK is there still a civil war in syria how is that shit not over
gamergate is still going strong 10 years later so
nothing ever ends
nothing ever happens
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me in traffic
inadvertently made some dry aged steaks and yeah it does objectively taste "better" like it has more flavour  but id still prefer fresh meat honestly
the jim ist deadt
give him 3 days
could go for meat
dreamt i installed windows
i had some weird dream but i forgot
quite literally bleeding on my food as i eat it
4chan birthday if you care
website fixed itself right as i was about to hit the fix the website button
have to use the full might of my divine will to not tear my neck off by scratching it violently
i do care about the 4’s birthday…
/k/ got a sticky just now to not talk about the war
maybe now all of the redditer armchair generals there will go home
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so beautiful
so much so that it's about a tenth of an anime girl
ugh what the fuck are you kidding me i was surprised by the (9) but it turns out its all shit ive already seen
got assaulted by what appears to be a jewish assassin while i was in my bathroom doing a pee
it looked suspiciously close to a cockroach
anyway killed it and flushed it together with my piss
in a bit of a beer mood
ought to kill
could og for rain
and blood
we have to destroy the enemy
wasnt the iron dome supposed ot be epic as fuark why did this work (kind of)
my brother keeps sending me stuff about how epic israel is and how we need to contain iran
ugh its fukken horrible isnt it
tell him about the samson option and uss liberty that's about all you can do without giving them a full lecture about the illegitimacy of it as a state
happy birthday.... china!!!
ah...now that's some news that'll cheer me right up
remember one time stumbling upon a jav where the asian woman was in full blackface (and black body and fake black hair) and i was completely blown away this existed then i looked at the comments and someone said "the weirdest part is this is the second time she's done this"
>“Dunbar loved shooting skeet because he hated every minute of it and the time passed so slowly. He had figured out that a single hour on the skeet-shooting range with people like Havermeyer and Appleby could be worth as much as eleven-times-seventeen years.

>“I think you’re crazy,” was the way Clevinger had responded to Dunbar’s discovery.

>“Who wants to know?” Dunbar answered.

>“I mean it,” Clevinger insisted.

>“Who cares?” Dunbar answered.

>“I really do. I’ll even go as far as to concede that life seems longer i—“

>“—is longer i—“

>“—is longer—IS longer? All right, is longer if it’s filled with periods of boredom and discomfort, b—“

>“Guess how fast?” Dunbar said suddenly.


>“They go,” Dunbar explained.




>“Years,” said Dunbar. “Years, years, years.”

>“Do you know how long a year takes when it’s going away?” Dunbar asked Clevinger. “This long.” He snapped his fingers. “A second ago you were stepping into college with your lungs full of fresh air. Today you’re an old man.”

>“Old?” asked Clevinger with surprise. “What are you talking about?”


>“I’m not old.”

>“You’re inches away from death every time you go on a mission. How much older can you be at your age? A half minute before that you were stepping into high school, and an unhooked brassiere was as close as you ever hoped to get to Paradise. Only a fifth of a second before that you were a small kid with a ten-week summer vacation that lasted a hundred thousand years and still ended too soon. Zip! They go rocketing by so fast. How the hell else are you ever going to slow time down?” Dunbar was almost angry when he finished.

>“Well, maybe it is true,” Clevinger conceded unwillingly in a subdued tone. Maybe a long life does have to be filled with many unpleasant conditions if it’s to seem long. But in that event, who wants one?”

>“I do,” Dunbar told him.

>“Why?” Clevinger asked.

>“What else is there?”

still one of me favorite moments in a book
for me its

epic innit
gonna have to find out a good aggregator site i can read this chink shit from
Replies: >>63432
i dont understand
its just insane to me that girls actually are sexually attracted to penises and want to have them inside of them
understand what
the numbers and arrows
fucking manga flashed some miso ramen at me and now im DYING to eat some
i dont either it was just something my mind kept flashing at me nonstop while i try to sleep
on one hand ramen is basically the mcdonalds of japan
on the other hand even actual mcdonalds in japan is way healthier than any american food
when you put it that way it is pretty funny yes
i need to be like hm and catch some retard jap through the internet then make him my (cooking) slave
could be a girl too i guess doesnt matter
*makes a face*
look man i NEED to eat something other than sausage + bread and if i dont get a slave to make food for me this just isnt gonna work out
get into canned goods
whos gonna be the last non-gay trashman standing
*stares directly at the camera*
me obviously
daydreaming about eating big fat tomatoes whole
even the leaves
my great grandpa used to do that
see this is proof i am trad
yeah a traddy
do i win any points for still liking the same anime girl that i did when tragsg was born
you dont win any but you dont lose
lets get to 1488 boys!!
*gets retarded*
get to bed nigger
in Hindu mythology, Madhavi, who was blessed with the miraculous ability to regain her virginity after each childbirth, was married to three kings, each in exchange for 200 rare horses
cant believe a fourth of humanity believes in this crap and showers in poo daily
if i could pilot a plane i would crash it into a building
that's probably why they don't let you pilot planes
ive piloted a plane once
im really feeling like its over lately
but i think thats okay
its been over forever
people are fucking crazy
and i'm one of them
i'm no people
i'm gruel
kill me kill me kill memjjiijllllmmhfreeee
in the mood to kill chinks and amerikikes
>Yani Neko gets 12th place at the Manga NEXT popularity poll.
>Suddenly the author starts getting spammed with a bunch of targeted, anonymous harassment online.
>It turns out it's all coming from the manga author of Satsudou. He gets in legal trouble for this and his manga is put on hiatus in the meantime.
>Satsudou author's death is announced a few months later.
-_- and here i was fucking looking forward to satsudou!!!!!!! turns out the fucking author is DEAD!@!!!!!
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this would never happen irl
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hey cannmann read this
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he looks just like me
dun it
phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh rezero yeah remember that??? i guess its getting a new seasonnow
i MAY possibly watch it i guess(dont even remember the first season nor if i watched the 2nd or not)
the 4 has instituted a slur limit
you can only say nigger/faggot/tranny three times per post
big if true
in the mood for a game where you torture people
oh theres the new hoi4 dlc thatll be announced tomorrow
but thats a game where you get tortured
most games are about torturing yourself
you might like people playground
i used to play flash games like that when i was a little boy
i'm a big boy now
yeah i can even eat tomatoes whole
cant wait for the tragsg deathgame to start
is it just me or is the combo of possessing a loving family + the power and heart to kill and beat whoever you dont like basically the most gratifying thing in the world
too bad none of us will have either
recycle niggers into rubber
The fact is, I'd as soon mate with a hornet or a snapping-bug as one of these Yankee girls!
god damn anxiety is the worst feeling anybody could ever have how stupid is this shit --_-
next thing you know i'll be getting all anxious about the trajectory of my piss streams or whatever and end up unable to muster the courage to piss
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i cant relate to this
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heres something you can relate to
do you guys know this guy called "hasan piker"
sounds like some form of brown
heard he's some turkish commie "internet commentator(aka unemployed)" thats been making the rounds lately
sounds like a retard so i want nothing to do with him but maybe you could google him and have a chuckle
>turkish commie internet commentator
what a life
>In a number of small societies, people are chronically hungry and care little about one another’s welfare. Consider the Sirionó Indians, who lived in the tropical forest of eastern Bolivia by hunting, fishing, gathering, and planting some crops. Unlike the starving Ik whom Turnbull described, they were not entirely asocial. They loved their children, at least when they were small, had some family bonds, engaged in a few social activities such as drinking parties and wrestling matches, and some people, particularly young lovers, now and then showed affection for one other. Yet Allan R. Holmberg, who lived with the Sirionó in 1941 and 1942 (where he learned about Pearl Harbor three months after the event), wrote that the unconcern of one individual for another, even within the family, “never ceased to amaze” him.26 To illustrate his point, he recounted an episode, said to have been typical, of a man who was overtaken by darkness on his way back to camp after hunting all day. Lost in the moonless night, he repeatedly called for help. His Sirionó relatives in camp nearby heard his cries but paid no attention. After half an hour his cries ended, and his sister blithely said, “‘Ajaguar probably got him.’”27 In fact, the hunter survived the night by climbing a tree, but when he returned to the camp in the morning, no one welcomed him. Instead, his sister complained bitterly that he gave her only a small portion of his catch.
god damn this american cartoon looks so shit
spent the day reading a manga i dont like
now i can hang with regrets
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Kingsley Amis' letters
He is best known for satirical comedies such as Lucky Jim (1954),
my back button on my mouse keeps getting registered twice
mine doesnt have one
wow the nigger limit is real
whose nigger limit
i wrote a bunch of niggers and it said it was spam
then i spread out the niggers between actual words and it said the post succeeded but it never actually got through
wow how retarded and annoying
i cant even use 4chan any more
kill me
gods doing it slow
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getting the frog all crispy eh
humiliation ritual
are you referring to my life or to 71
everything i eat hurts
yes me too t.inflamation or whatecer in my mouth the past few days


if this isnt a rogue state then what is
theyre making nord korea look gentle
say omething
could go for an omelet
they dont have those here
all you need is an egg surely they chickens there
all we have are cockroach farms
going to watch uzumaki later tonight
it's... black and white o_O
ohh okay ill watch it too
make sure to remind me tomorrow morning
is there a term for stuff like chainsawman that is meant for more "refined" weeb tastes but is mostly enjoyed by complete normies
dont know if im describing this right
i think i get it but i don't know the answer
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watched it
it has a black and white kind of animated manga style but i'm skimming thefirst chapter of the manga now and it's not 1:1 (both the artstyle and the content)
i haven't read any of the source material but i did watch the live action movie on a whim a long time ago apparently that one had an unrelated original ending but a lot of things from this episode 1 i can still remember in fact i already knew almost every scene but at the same time it's already gone through like 90% of the movie, i don't know if the movie was slow or this is going fast
it will have 4 episodes i just looked it up
>Rommel was disgusted by dead necrotic cows and chose to let others do the actual investigations while he waited upwind in the car.[95]
>Rommel (a former FBI bank robbery expert)
you tricked me -_-
i like margiela shoes
i wish it was 3 million instead of what we got
got a call now i have to answer it
i heard a phone ring as i was reading that post
well you better go catch it
why are there traces of blood on my hadn
no ones hands are clean
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wheres my beer you stupid bitch
/fit/ is a good board
dont think so
indian communist are rising up
actually i just realized indian communism is lame since they just want to be prc lapdogs
actually nvm its based
based on shit
love the idea that someone earnestly thought something called "indian communism" could ever be remotely good
the first time i heard of fema was playing deus ex when i got the impression they were like an explicit government terrorist group that puts people in gitmo-esque camps for no reason and i still dont know what they actually do irl
okay get this
indian communism.....with islamic characteristics
ten million animes popping up on my rss feed today
not a single one good
what if the lead actor in a big movie just... refused to be in the sequel.... do they put sequels in the fine print of the initial contract....
sometimes i guess
woohohohoooooow oph my god anime girls EVERYWHERE is this heaven???? wowowwwwww
still dont know what the additional buttons on mouses do or if its worth it to use them
yeah i like the fat people hate threads
ohh i used to go there everyday
just imagine an industrially revolutioned india could be epic
it certainly would be epic if 10m indians died of industrial pollution everyday
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me in armour
me in the boat
lucky you
Hey 5'2 midget weakling, CARLOS NEGRITO?

I know you lurk every Japanese thread, creepy stalker?

good to finally know hms name
im being such a lowballer bitch on grailed right now
what are you eyeing
just went to vote and my strategy of picking whichever guy is from the most right-wing party completely failed because there were 2 independents so i picked the guy whose signs are purple on the assumption that if he picked the same color as maxime berniers party he must also be anti-immigration
not going to bother checking if i was correct
this is probably a good idea against universal voting
ive heard in countries like aus with mandatory voting this is essentially what most people do
i do hope i didnt accidentally vote for a libtard though
we have mandatory voting here but you can vote blank which doesn't go to anyone
makes you wonder why the fuck they force you to go to the voting booth only to let you say "hmmm i don't actually care"
what do you even get as punishment for not voting
do you get billed a thousand pennies or something
yes you get fined
i probably owe the state a hundred bucks because i never voted in my life
me i recently got a visit from the tax gestapo telling me to pay up my tax of 80$ dollars
i dont have 80$
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here you go bro
the robe and skin colors should be swapped
i like it this way he looks like a poopmancer
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shit in my pants
sleep no sleep
fuck the life
>religion is "le opium for the masses"
>college is a scam
>jobs are slavery
>being patriotic is xenophobic or some kind of "ism"
>your hobbies are stupid
>raising a family is a waste of effort
>everyone is retarded at best or actively malicious at worst and don't deserve the time of day
>oh and some kind of cataclysm (ww3, civil war 2, economic collapse, AI apocalypse, le 4th turning, the fucking rapture, whatever) is just two more weeks away so don't even bother caring about something
>oh AND everything you're doing to cope with this shithole culture we made (alcohol, porn, weed, video games) those things are le bad and you're stupid for engaging in them, find god bro oh wait we just said religion is a meme
liked this 1 what do you think
holy shit
hear me out
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if you geton a plane, go west, then you can SLEEP while GOİNG BACK İN TİME
fucking amazing
you could maximize it by doing it on daylight savings
heard someone knocking on the window but it was the rain
京都府警察本部の白井利明 本部長が部下に対し「殺すぞ」などと発言した問題で、白井本部長は3日開かれた府議会で陳謝したうえで、警察庁から訓戒の処分を受け、今月14日付けで警察庁の長官官房付への異動の内示を受けたことを明らかにしました。事実上の更迭とみられます。
good stuff
it reads like a post
the vgsg is gone
its been gone for a while
even longer if you count spiritually
it's on vst now
how come every macho man sport like mma or strongman or weightlifting the top guys are all either british or slavic
are they
all i know is that all of the non-nigger basketball players are balkanoids
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me if i were animegirle
girls shouldnt think things like that
shit happens, people break, things die
this gay little school near me house(it just appeared out of thin air one day) blasts its gay little track everytime class ends/begins and oh my fucking god does it sound terrible
after being woken up by it i likened it to the sound of a cow being reduced to dust and i think thats a fairly accurate description
really dont wanna go outside
anyway see you later ill be back in 5 hours and be screaming nonstop for that whole duration
kirrruuuuuu miiiiii
have sex little retard
fucking virgin retardoid -- __ bingf loser --
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
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sexy little thing
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never been in a motel before...
its just like the kinos
me im more of a model guy if you get what i mean
speaking of models i clicked that hoi4 link yesterday before the website died and it's a little sad  how half of the preview pictures are just closeups of their stupid toy soldier 3d models on the map it's so stupid i can't believe there's people out there that actually like their game looking like that
when i hear toy soldiers the first thing that comes to my mind is always how back when i was a wee little lad i would take the gambling toys of my parents out and use the individual pieces as soldiers and make them duke it out
gambling toys??
i think i used to have some of those plastic armymen
i dont remember what they were called so thisll just forever be a mystery in your mind
anyway only toys i ever had were race cars and they went god knows where before i even managed to hit the age of 6
heard the president groveled on the ground and begged isreal not to attack nuclear and oil producing facilities of iran
hollywood literally just makes movies that lose millions of dollars with the sole purpose of owning chuds nowadays
but hwhat about the free market
got harrased by a prostitute and a gypsy and almost died
at least the food was cheap
just woke up
dreamt i had lots of delicious food and was about to eat it all, at that moment a bug fell into the food from the ceiling and i started punching the wall while crying and cussing out of sheer sadness at not being able to eat
vance needs to be replaced by the late great hannibul lector
prefer jd peron
dont know what any of that is
did isreal get nuked yet
the pen is mightier than the sword
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saw an image of the sexy little imouto so i think ill watch all of monogatari from the beginning
does anybody know what da fuck the watching order was
uhh did you guys lose your accounts or something
i got nothing to say
fucking mosquioteos
turns out 81 was the twin peaks town
almost went to the diner from the show but decided against it
hows the town looking
is it full of niggers and browns like the rest of the west coast
Welcome to Virtus Unita Fortior: the Andorra focus tree mod. This mod brings over 200 focuses for Andorra, tons of decisions, a lot of high-quality portraits, and a very fun experience!

In the focus tree, you will be able to:

- Develop Andorra to achieve the status of a Great Power!
- Become communist, lead the Iberian revolution and form the communist European Union!
- Support catalanism, become Catalonia, and reclaim its rightful land!
- Remain loyal to your traditions, follow the historical path, or take some ahistorical decisions to form the Pyrenean principality!
- Support fascism in Andorra, and proclaim the Andorran Empire!
- Get rid of the French prince, ally the carlists, form Spain and reclaim the Spanish Empire!
- Give full power to the episcopal coprince and the church, liberate Spain from liberalism and form the Roman Empire! Maybe a secret leader hides in this path...
- Crown Boris as the tsar of Andorra, achieve greatness for your kingdom, and return to Russia to form the United Tsardom of Andorra and Russia!
- Bring back the king of France to Andorra, return to Paris, and restore the Carolingian Empire!
never been this fucking bored in my life
can i just kill myself
A bugging device was found in Boris Johnson’s bathroom after a visit by Benjamin Netanyahu when he was foreign secretary, the former prime minister has claimed.

Mr Johnson alleged that his security team had made the discovery when they did a sweep of the toilets after the Israeli premier had used them during a meeting in 2017.
no didnt see any nonwhites save a couple asians
just like any small town in the pnw really
>As the project advanced, the 1586 Memorial General of the Philippines included a document written by Sánchez, titled De la entrada de China en particular, where he collected an immensely detailed treatment of the conquest of China and the future government of the conquered lands.[5]
hey nigger hm go translate this
ohh this chink treatise from the 19th century is referring to japs as manlets(倭)
dont think i explained it before so ill do it now
as i said 倭 means "really short height" and it was used to refer to the japanese in the first historical record that mentions the japanese, https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/魏志倭人伝 which was written around 280ad
after a few hundred years the japanese(finding it disgraceful) started referring to themselves as 和(peace, calm) which had the same sound but a lot of a better meaning, then around the 10th century they officially asked china to rename themselves to 日本(nippon, literally 日の本, the base of the sun, since the sun rises from the east) and the chinese accepted to do so
but even now they and the koreans occasionally call the japanese 倭 when making fun of/cussing them out
i actually just recently read about an event about this in a japanese book like a week ago, during the edo period chinese and korean scholars frequently referred to the japanese as 倭 or 倭 bandits despite the request for a name change to 日本 having been accepted over 500 years ago
japanese scholars were aware of this since they frequently read material written by koreans and chinese, and during a korean envoy which came to congratulate the shogunate on the crowning of a new shogun, the daimyo of tsushima asked a member of the envoy(i forgot who) about the matter, and the member replied saying that the japanese deserve it for invading korea, then when the daimyo stated that they the japanese treat the koreans with respect now and that they have never referred to the koreans in deragotary terms in their texts the korean replied asking why the japanese frequently refer in writing to the koreans as chinese(bad because it implies that to the japanese arr rook same) and then the daimyo replied stating that they do so because to the japanese the koreans are just as enlightened and noble as the chinese
thats interesting but i have nothing to add
im off to organize over 2000 anime girl images
i only got around 1200 unorganized images right now
lucky you
ohhhhhhhhh fucki holy shit my brain is exploding
how is organizing anime girls this taxing
how do you organize an image if theres multiple girls in it
i first put the images in their respective folders, which are determined by which series they belong to, so a touhou character would go to the touhou folder
this is the step i am at
then after thats over i open up my database software and tag all the images by character
never to be seen again
killed a fucking bug sticking to my screen and immediately after another one came
we have all been there
well im sick of being there
time to come here
to hell
stopped in belgrade amsterdam and manhattan before i found a suitable motel
honestly this whole road trip motel thing reminds me of a lot of kinoa but mostly... lolita
i mean its like half the book so it makes sense
gee wiz grandi where will you go next
not sure how manhattan ties in with the rest
i think the joke is americans like naming their small middle of nowhere towns after famous cities
sounds like a sort of mental illness
saw quite a lot of cute girls i think i can sleep well today and probably even not have dreams about bugs
its not a joke i didnt make those places up
dreamt that im in greenland and thus cant go to work
sadly just a dream
well wheres the original source material
i tried looking it up so i could bruteforce reading it with my brilliant english vocabular capabilities but i couldnt find it so.... you go do it
rob the library of peron or something
am i sick
i'm sick and tired is what i am i was planning to stay up for 6 more hours but i give up today sucked
funny thing is i need to go to sleep in....5 hours...and i woke up 1 hour ago
and if i dont do that then ill end up going to work while dying of lack of sleep
>In a 2004 speech to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF), Ishiba, then Director General of the Japan Defense Agency, said that the SDF "has sometimes been made fun of as the 'autistic forces.' It's the autistic forces as in autistic children." The remark was apparently intended as a pun, as the word he used for "autistic forces" (自閉隊, Jihei-tai) sounds similar to the word for Self-Defence Forces (自衛隊; Jiei-tai).[60]
everything sounds like something else in japanese
the japanese self destruct forces
this conversation happened in 1719, during the arrival of the korean delegation to celebrate the succession of tokugawa yoshimune
雨森芳川(amenomori houshuu), ruler of the domain of tsushima
申維翰, part of the korean delegation to japan, profession is 製述管(see 「書記官のこと (コトバンク) 。文事を担当し、また日本で漢詩を求められるのでこれにも対応する。詩文が上手い者が任命される。定員1名。忙しい。」)

had to transcribe this by hand from the book because ocr fucking sucks so here you go
after this post ill shit out another one with the deepl translation of it, with the blatantly wrong parts fixed by me

Amemori: "I have a question that I have thought to ask you should I have the opportunity somedady. Japan and your country are neighbours across the sea and have mutual trust and respect. All the people of our country know that the king of Korea and our ruler have exchanged the Book of Salutations, and therefore they always write with the highest respect(towards you people) in their public and private documents. However, in secret, the writings compiled by the people of your country, whenever a word is used to refer to our country, it is always referred to as 'Japanese pirates' or 'barbarian chiefs', and is a disgraceful and unforgivable offence. In the last year of his reign, King Munzhao (Tokugawa Ieyasu) happened to see the Joseon Collection and said to his subjects: 'How dare Joseon insult me and come to this point?' and thought of the matter with deep regret.  Nowadays, do you people know of his thoughts...?"
Shen: "His thoughts are easily guessed, but in retrospect, it seems that your country does not understand. I do not know how much of our writings you have seen, but it must have all been published after the Imjin War. Hideyoshi Taira (Hideyoshi Toyotomi) is the greatest foe of our whole nation, the disgrace of the dynasty and state, the flesh and blood of the evil spirits, and indeed an anomaly that has never been seen before in all history. Who among the subjects of our country would not wish to cut up his flesh and eat it? From the highest to the lowest, from the most humble to the least humble, they have come to call him a 'son of a bitch', and it is only natural that this is reflected in their writings. However, today, our holy dynasty loves your people with benevolence, trades with them in Gwangsi (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waegwan_(enclave), the one in Busan), and knows that there is nothing left of Hideyoshi in the mountains and rivers of Japan. Therefore, he sent an envoy to make peace, exchanged state documents, and all the people, large and small, looked up to his virtues. Why would we dare to rekindle the hatred of the old enemy?"
Amemori: "This is true. However, even now, the people of our country are always referred to as 'Japanese'(倭人, literally dwarf people). It is not what we want.
Shin: "It has been a long time since your country has had the name of Japan(倭). What is it that you regret?
Amemori: "In the Tang history, the name of Japan was changed and the country's name was changed to Japan(日本) (starting from the 旧唐書 onwards). Hopefully, from now on, you will admonish your underlings and call me Japanese(日本人) when you call me."
Shin: "Your countrymen call me Tangjin(唐人, meaning Chinese but the kanji literally says "tang person", as in person of the tang dynasty), and the calligraphy of my countrymen is called Tangjin Brushstrokes. What is your intention again?
Amemori: "In the National Ordinance, Shinshuji(korean delegation) is referred to as a guest or a Korean. However, Japanese and other peoples, large and small, have long regarded your country's cultural relics as equal to those of China, and therefore refer to them by the name of Tangjin and admire them.

here you go something like this
i also just found a site that already has all of this written in jap that i could have just copy pasted instead of transcribing myself...
turns out theres also this record of observances regarding japan that was written by this shin guy while he was in the delegation
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really well preserved eh
(##8d8) Rolled 8 dice with 8 sides = 33 evens ksp odds hoi3
you won
wanna sleep
am i weird for not wanting to wake up at 5 am
not a fan of this pdf file trend
water you on
people using it as a way to censor "pedofile"
its been cropping up everywhere lately
glad i havent seen it
peace in death
turk can you do a lets play of tokimeki memorial here
theoretically yes
The nation of the Turks is very numerous and independent.’ They are not versatile or skilled in most human endeavors, nor have they trained themselves for anything else except to conduct thémselves bravely against their enemies. 
These nations have a monarchical form of government, and their rulers subject them to cruel punishments for their mistakes. Governed not by love but by fear, they steadfastly bear labors and hardships. They endure heat and cold, and the want of many necessities, since they are nomadic peoples. They are very superstitious, treacherous, foul, faithless, possessed by an insatiate desire for riches. They scorn their oath, do not observe agreements, and are not satisfied by gifts. Even before they accept the gift, they are making plans for treachery and betrayal of their agreements. They are clever at estimating suitable opportunities to do this and taking prompt advantage of them. They prefer to prevail over their enemies not so much by force as by deceit, surprise attacks, and cutting off supplies.
could be mildly funny to see if you can win
you would probably get bored during the 50 hour prologue that comes before that
pretty sure i flip a button that kills my feelings whenever i go outside
im tormented by intense passion in every moment
managed to hold my breath for 50 seconds
hows that
next ill try holding it in forever
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waking up in 90 minutes
good luck

wow i sure cant read any of that
i hang you
you hang me
happiness spiral
i see grainspear
yes yes
and the stuff next to him is "kill"
hes saying "grainspear killkiklkiklkilliikillkillkill"
what an excitable boy
bloodlust makes up half my being and sleeplust the other half
cutting into bedtime is like cutting into my blood and flesh
i used to do all sorts of crazy stuff like 2 hours of sleep in the past but because of that my body is in pieces and now i just start flipping out if i cant get a bare minimum of 8, i just become emotionally very rampant and mentally weak
i pass out instantly and feel like my body is shutting down after 20 minutes in bed now
sometimes though i stay up for hours with stinging pain
so far the states get worse the further east you go from montana
until you head down south to the land of cotton
if you go east enough you end up in the west
the mystical land of dixie will have to wait a while longer
was thinking of tutu desmond
he's been dead for almost three!!!! years
i fought the law
and the law won
 (a) Give lengthy and incomprehensible explanations when questioned.

(b) Report imaginary spies or danger to the Gestapo or police.

(e) Act stupid.

(d) Be as irritable and quarrelsome as possible without getting yourself into trouble.

(e) Misunderstand all sorts of regulations concerning such matters as rationing, transportation, traffic regulations.

(f) Complain against ersatz materials.

(g) In public treat axis nationals or quislings coldly.

(h) Stop all conversation when axis nationals or quislings enter a cafe.

(i) Cry and sob hysterically at every occasion, especially when confronted by government clerks.

(j) Boycott all movies, entertainments, concerts, newspapers which are in any way connected with the quisling authorities.

(k) Do not cooperate in salvage schemes.
already do all those
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so after being killed by being cut in half by a revived musashi the chinese man is isekai’d (in a spinoff manga)
dont know how im still alive to be honest
moloch needs you still
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the real enemies are the friends we made along the way
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when i opened the tab all of that was cut off below the eyes
so it was like an anime girl was peeking over the taskbar at me
daiei (a japanese company) produced THREE daimajin films in 1966
all three of these came out the same year, different directors and actors
the films are mostly just fucking boring period pieces until the last 15 minutes where the titular diamajin shows up and breaks shit theyre completely unexceptional i guess theyre fine but like i said mostly just boring period pieces with a big rock man at the end

for some reason in 2010 it was """rebooted""" in a television series titled "daimajin kanon" which is just a j-drama about a girl with crippling depression as the A plot and the B plot is a bunch of weirdos fight demons and the titular daimajin in stuck in stone
that jdrama sounds like an early 2000s jap rpg
better than most things
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lvoe seeing foreign niggers (congolombians, brazilians, venezuelans, seniggalese etc.) complain that theres no black people on tv or on ads or on the street and how everyone says theres no black people here and that makes them seethe (notice all the aforementioned are NOT Aryantinian)
for me its sleep
eu4 year coming up
the internet has been going in and out
uhhh 2025???
not yet
woooow the east coast is actually full of niggers theyre everywhere
why would anyone not want to live on the west coast
you didnt see any because you only went to small towns
no theres niggers in the small towns in the east coast and not one in the big cities i passed through
death to the jews
want to kill the retard who invented phones
because of him im subjected to long range artillery strikes by old farts everyday
och yeach
i've disabled notifications from that primary artillery platform
but now they're getting onto telegram which is annoying
at least youre popular
notifications dont even really matter since they just fucking bomb you anyways without a care in the fucking world
artillery is cool
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does water dowsing actually work
mom is listening to youtube videos about justin bieber and didi
harrased a woeman in mmo
tomorrow will be my 4th day in a row of not showering
cant fucking do it becauase theyre revamping it for no reason!! at an extremely slow speed




had a nightmare where the website was merged with some other forum due to lack of posts
china is such a big place
tell me something i don't know
sometimes china changes shape and size
me i had a nightmare where there were some really big and strange spider-butterflies and one of them got stuck its leg stuck on my shoe and they were like sort of as sentient as a mammal so it was like trying to get out and it was getting angry at me and then it was going to kill me buti woke up
sounds like roadrage
i want a cheesecake!!!!!!!!! want a big fat cheesecake right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my god i want a cheesecake
dealing with people is easily the worst part of my life
eating moldy bread
if i stop posting thats why
heard "the big one" is headed for america
yeah supposedly 6 million kikes already evacuated
thats a shame
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is that real
its only a trick of the light
This monument is a historical legacy of the destruction of the last Jewish state, and now is being used as a canvas for support the modern Jewish state. People say ironic, but only to the long dead Roman imperials. This is beautiful to me.
they are not openly gloating about their triumph over humanity
no thats pretty open
In the Longer Sukhāvatīvyūha Sūtra, the Buddha begins by describing to his attendant Ānanda a past life of the Buddha Amitābha. He states that in a past life, Amitābha was once a king who renounced his kingdom and became a bodhisattva monk named Dharmākara ("Dharma Storehouse").[7] Under the guidance of the buddha Lokeśvararāja ("World Sovereign King"), innumerable buddha-lands throughout the ten directions were revealed to him.[8]

After meditating for five eons as a bodhisattva, he then made a great series of vows to save all sentient beings, and through his great merit, created the realm of Sukhāvatī ("Ultimate Bliss").[8][9] This land of Sukhāvatī would later come to be known as a pure land (Ch. 淨土) in Chinese translation. 

lived for over 2 decades and still have no clue what buddhism is even supposed to be
death to kikes
kikedeath huh sounds pretty good
ill have one of that then
why can spainoids have moordeath as a surname but We can't have kikedeath huh
dont know

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