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im the whitest one there
the rest are you people
alri so to get my thoughts set
>phantasy star 4
>phantasy star 1, remake
>phantasy star 2, remake
>phantasy star 3 but its supposedly shit so only if i can stomach it
this is what i've been told to do but i might put 4 to the very back because that's the release order and the one who talked to me refuses to explain WHY i should play 4 before 1
why would you ever go through anything in any order other than how it was released
because the mysterious phantasy expert told me to do it in his mysterious way for mysterious reasons
that being said i probably will start with 1
play the master system version of it and make sure to not turn on the fm synth music since thats the way it was meant to be played
unless you're a real big guy who can read japanese then play the japanese version with the fm synth music
ajajajjaja extremely loud thunder came out of nowhere and the girl next door screamed
even the doors are shaking now
if it hadn't been raining all the day i'd tthink the city was being bombed
ohhh yeah that would be a real big shame wouldnt it mate but thankfully its JUST a rainstorm yup thats all
the 2023 bombing of sao paolo...
death to kikes
death to sao paulonans
going to tear out my eyes in scarlet coloured despair
ah nevermind its fine now
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*jumps up and down*
anime girls! anime girls!
sorry mate they're here for ME not for you
is that why they look so miserable
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oops sorry wrong pic :)
those are all different ones
out with the old in with the new and all that
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the fabled unmoving gif
they didnt have the money to make moving gifs back then
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you cant hear it but there's some amazingly tense music for when you meet the academy director.....for some fucking reason
the baki mangaka's daughter made beastars (the cgi furry anime)
i find this to be funny
no its sad
what ISNT funny about a guy who wrote one of the most retarded manga i've read in my life having a child that just makes some normie furry manga (made into anime)
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five people couldnt beat him so they decided to throw acid at him (he proceeded to dodge every drop)
imagine the kind of weapons we'd have today if the kikes hadn't put a stop to chemical warfare
all that bullshit about crimes of humanity was retarded there is no difference between killing/permanently disabling a man with a bullet and with some gas
think theres a lot of difference
germanic post (negative)
oh yeah well why dont you tell me the differences eh angloid kikes???
if i shoot you in the head execution style you just die thats it youre dead
however if i put you in a little box and drop a little capsule into water you lose your ability to breathe slowly, your lungs will burn, your eyes will burn, and you'll probably be restrained as well so you'll be thrashing about only hurting yourself more and then after you deal with this for quite a long time, you die
too bad that you ARENT shooting in the head execution style you're shooting a random body part and then the little guy bleeds out to death while suffering agonizingly
any other anglos for me to btfo?
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thought she was some old retard but she's pretty cute
guess theyre mass manufacturing monster pets in here
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she's the mentor of the mc so i guess she'll die some nightmarish death in the next mission
also i set the scanlines to 100% but it didnt display in screenshots, should work just fine in the screenshots after this though
 uhh this is all in japanese!
yeah sorry so youll just have to look only at the girl instead
....at least shes cute
all i need!!!!!!
a fun phenomenon that occurs here and in many other japanese games of the time is that plenty of words that are normally written in kanji are instead written in hiragana....which is fucking awkward to read for those who arent japanese children born in the 80's
apparently phantasy star 1 only uses katakana from beginning to end
well isnt that because games were like...kiddy things in the eyes of many? like i know the first couple of dragonquest games are pure hiragana
granted i guess uhhh something like dragon quest is like...overtly for kids, moreso than phantasy star
nope it was because of memory issues
there simply wasnt enough memory to house thousands of wacky fucking kanji you see
the fact that games were mostly played by children DID help though, they wouldn't be as put off by the lack of kanji as adults would be
also in game centers of the time for example, the games featured in them would use far more kanji than the console games of the time, this was both due to differences in playerbase(there were plenty of adult games made for depressed suicidal 30 year old salarymen in game centers) and due to differences in hardware, which allowed more kanji to be used
anyway the girl just blushed to some random faggot with gayass cyan hair so both me and the mc are depressed and suicidal right now
ohhhhhhh thats actually very interesting wouldnt have considered that
also you might have noticed the conspicuous spaces between words in the screenshots
this was used frequently in the past, and it actually still is, though substantially less
at the time they used it with the mindset that it would allow people to read easier, since not using kanji properly can lead to problems(such as reading 10 hiragana as a single word, when it was actually a word composed of 6 hiragana, and another composed of 4 after it, and only realizing it after you finish reading. this is clearly noticeable in speech so if somebody is listening to you they will know), having these spaces makes sentences a lot easier to read. it's also secondarily used with the purpose of showing spaces in one's speech
of course this sort of thing is never actually used in real books and whatnot though
thats something that seems so retarded and senseless about japanese, like something that should have been "reformed" 100 years ago
yeah kanji is stupid but i can see the "reason" its still around
but the lack of spaces is utterly asinine, like you said i GUESS its not that bad in proper context because of kanji and such but i just fail to see any reason to not have spaces for convenience
its really not all that bad actually, i basically didn't suffer from the lack of spaces(which surprised myself back then) and you only suffer from them in this particular case, where the amount of kanji you're allowed to use is very low
i forgot to mention but now that the memory problem doesnt exist anymore the primary function of spaces in games is completely annihilated and it's only used for the second one
the reason they didn't reform to have spaces is because they really don't need to, and even if they did they'd need to have all of the population abide by the reform, which is something they would not do because it's simply not necessary at all
you see this attitude of conserving the balance quite a lot in japan actually, and it's always in really bizarre and special spots that are isolated from eachother
japanese at least has uhhhh very specific ending sounds right???? like arent there a limited amount of sounds a word can end with? or is it purely just enough knowledge of words letting you go "okay yup i recognize that word in here so it stops there"
good bunch of posts huh

anyway i got some words from the 'im 'acobson
remind me to elaborate further tomorrow on wakeup
ughh why not now you fuck
there's not really any such rule no, though i guess there probably is a bias for words ending in certain sounds more than with others or something
uhhh heres this line right here
>安っぽいお酒が 並んでる。
word-wise it's split up like 安っぽい お酒 が 並んでる。
you can tell that it's 安っぽい and not 安 っぽい because the kanji is basically never used all by itself, and っぽい both has a meaning when attached to words(very frequently mind you) and it also happens to just not mean anything by itself at all
お酒 is rather obvious, 酒 is just a word by itself, sometimes i get it confused when お is put before words(this is completely unnecessary, but people still do it depending on the word and their personality, it's something really hard to explain) but most of the time it's just fine, especially since it's mostly put behind words written in kanji
が is a particle so it's easy to tell
並んでる has a space behind it so you could tell anyhow, but even if it didn't have one there'd still be no problem because the が particle was instantly recognized, so whatever comes after it must be a completely different word
>Did you know Amazon took their name from the message carriers of the Amazon jungle? They were known for swiftly travelling through adverse conditions to deliver messages and packages to other tribes.
hm is this true
well alright i cant tell if it gave me a level 20 guy so that i could speed through to the important parts or if it was because it expected me to already be around that level so i guess i'll just fucking grind some
hate it when people pretend life is fun
been living off of nutella bread for the past few days
for me i liked the anglo invention of french fries between bread
i put eggs in bread
someday ill put eggs on rice and then put the rice in bread
theres simply no reason to combine rice with bread
poordom is a good one i reckon
all the more reason to only eat one and save the other for later
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got to the first segment where you see ancién technology
normal people are beating the everloving shit out of massive security bots and monsters so i think there must have been some radical changes in humanity in the last 1000 years, also quite interesting that in this spaceship(?) buried underground there are vats for growing ugly ass fucking monsters
perhaps one of the funnier things in baki is that boxing (western of course) is constantly portrayed as shit and everybody who is a boxer exists to be fed to either the sick freaks or people who practice eastern martial arts
didnt know it was that realistic
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yeah this realistic thing also happened
well anyway im gonna go eat some nutella bread and die of hearthburne you can do your thing
yup i can tell this group's scans are going to be good because the credits page says "proofreader: none"
one day i'll tear this face of mine right fucking open
not opening
i guess somebody doesn't care about long 19th century coal production
baffling how you always hear news about places being renamed to not offend yet places like this stay the same for 100000 years
places like this being...tragsg?
no i was referring to places like burnturk
well i'll have you know that name can trace its roots all the way back to pictish before anybody had even thought up turks
spaniards still have the surname "matamoros"
i remember there was a place named matajudios but they changed it
funny how these things are eh a bit suspicious if you ask me
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>The name dates to the 14th century. According to toponymist Pierre-Henri Billy,[4] the name was initially "la mare au juin″, which means "the liquid manure pond" in local old French. Like in other toponyms in the area, those words evolved, becoming ultimately "la Mort aux Juifs" with an intermediate form "la mare au Juif" quoted by the local historian Paul Gache.[5] The transformation of "mare" (pond) into "mort" (death) is very frequent in old French toponyms, and "juin" (liquid manure) would have become "juif" (Jew) in two steps, first a denasalization turning "juin" into "jui" and then a graphical change into "juif", which had the same pronunciation in old French.[4]
jajajaja e1
why would it be called liquid manure pond in the first place
well...i can take a couple guesses
is "the liquid manure pound" better or worse than "the silver"
the same thing innit
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wheres mr sun!!! hes late!! i can only sleep after first light
that's a lot of posts
won't read any
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aight i lied 
94 is admittedly an e1
from liquid shit to death of kikes
otherwise howecer the thread degraded badly
i blame the turk, he was a cacan nativoid and has turned this place into a smaller version of that place

nothing but trite mangaposts or animegirlshit
fine thread by my eyes
t. pitch black-colored possessor of chitinous exoskeleton
i have no internet and i must post
ok so teh jim posts yeah i messaged him on steam a while back and he said he was doing better and NOT in crisis anymwore yeah eh crisis averted 
i forgot to ask him if he came on this website though i should probably tell him
im not a nativeoid you retard
turk is it true that in turkish hot blooded means good friend
sıcak kanlı
former means hot, latter means with blood(blood by itself is kan, lı is attached to it)
nevermind i fucking misread
it doesnt mean "good friend" it just means a very friendly person
ok well its close enough in meaning to what i menat
hey you dropped a couple of these
auegh fuck how silly of me to drop my ink filled ballons
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the lore is slowly starting to be set up
presently i'm thinking that the "colony ships" in blue burst might be the few of the escape ships that happened to malfunction and fly off the star system while trying to evacuate the planet parma
ah fuck i wandered into a whorehouse
funny looking anime girl
she's the result of a superai spending 1000 years to create a powerful organism from scratch all by itself
for some reason a bunch of retards came and made a big town around the tomb of the ai, so when the ai started glitching and shitting out abominations they gut hurt pretty bad
reading and thinking about video games is way more fun than playing them
well yeah
presently trying to figure out why the fucking path to the story event is blocked with some faggot trees and not even guides have anything about it
wow i feel like killing myself there was a random pixel in between the trees you can get through and i figured this out by accident after reading 10 fucking guides
i was promised jimquiries yet i see nothing
shut the fuck up retard cant you see people are busy
the jim news was just he didnt kill himself yet
bet the tard didnt even ask him if he knew the website went down and we got a new one
yes he literally says on his post that he didnt do that(as he is retarded)
i asked jim if he was on the .mooo a few hours ago when i was doing stuff yep havent received a reply yet though
even if he did know he wouldnt be able to post
then if he said no i would explain to him how it works or maybe he does have an account i think i remember there being more accounts than there "should" be
that was the bigger and his secret account
that little freak is probably still around reading every single post
waheey my chinesium earbuds got here in RECORD time!
keep meaning to make a post but lose the will and energy halfway through
fuck my life
almost thought that was the last post of tragsg but it isn't 
wheres the rest
yep thread hadnt improved since yesterday
mate thats not the thread thats the lavatory youre looking at
For eleven months, there was practically no rain, temperatures were five to seven degrees [Celsius] [9–13 °F] above the normal values for the 20th century, in many places summer temperatures must have exceeded 40 °C (104 °F). Many forests in Europe went up in flames, choking smoke darkened the sun, not a single thunderstorm was reported in the summer of 1540. Water was already scarce in May, wells and springs dried up, mills stood still, people starved, livestock was slaughtered. Estimates are that in 1540 half a million people died, mostly from dysentery.

Everything began in northern Italy, with a winter that felt like a July. Not a single drop fell from October 1539 to early April 1540. Then the drought advanced north. ... July brought such a frightful ember-like heat that churches made prayers while the Rhine, Elbe and Seine could be waded through without getting one's feet wet. Where there was still water, the warm broth acquired a green colour, and dead fish floated belly-up. Water levels in Lake Constance sank to record low levels, and Lindau actually became connected to the mainland. Soon the surface water had completely evaporated, soils broke up, some dry cracks were so wide that a foot would fit into them. ...

The first grapes were already ripe by 12 August, in Alsace fruit trees bloomed a second time, in Lindau it was actually enough for a second cherry harvest. At Lake Constance and in Bayreuth wine eventually became cheaper than water, and in Limoges winemakers were harvesting roasted grapes, from which they obtained sherry-like wine, which ... made one quickly drunk.
........................................yet not a single man turned brown from the sun
for eleven months, there was practically no posts
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make sure you cover your ears before you open this
what you see is the 4th and 5th stages of touhou 7, i kept getting fucked over in 6 so i switched over a bit to cool off
i managed to get all the way to the last bit of the 5th stage bossfight(she would have died if i shot her for 3 more seconds) in just my first two tries at the game, so i'm feeling pretty positive
there's plenty of new features in this touhou and it's radically different from 6 in a lot of ways, in all the touhou games the 4th stage suddenly raises the difficulty but i felt it especially in this one, i literally went from having 5 extra lives at the start of stage 4 to only 1 left at the end of it
going to cover my eyes too
i have it on good authority in the new chapter for the fate gacha game they go to a dino planet, where tasukihime characters are dinos
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i dont play the fate gacha game
i dont either but its kind of funny
isnt it??????
dont tell me japan fell for the feathered dinosaurs meme
are you blind mate?
sorry a dino took my glasses
fate gacha... i knew a chink once who would spend thousands of dollars on that game
did you know that game is SO POPULAR theres arcade machines dedicated to it?
i believe the arcade game is rather different as well but i think its still gacha???
didn't know that, how does an arcade gacha game even work??
i dont know im not japanese fortunately
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you dont need to be popular to have an arcade machine dedicated to you actually, there are many series with their own arcade machines
/ want one too
go play with your poo or something ugly brownie
alri i made that as a joke but i feel a bit bad now sorry if i hurt your feelings matie
just a little bit so i forgive you
somehow knew exactly what 58 was going to be
had 2 nocturnal emissions last night and i cant recall anything about the dreams
pressed play because of your post and it scared the fuck out of me because i started like 10 assignments in the past with "test test testing" in that exact cadence and i thought i uploaded myself
testing total nigger death
i'll report when it's done
had a fun one last night but its too stupid to share
don't think i ever recorded my voice... ever
only a couple of phone videos but they were silent
did it when i was 8
havent heard my own voice even once since then
nocturnal emissions being farts
i thought the same thing but i didnt post it because it's not funny
wish i'd have a nocturnal remission of all my mental and physical ailments
yeah well i was smiling and giggling while i posted it so clearly i have a bit of joie de vivre
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big fan of this one
starts really strong but then it runs out of steam by the end
i absolutely hate the sound of my own voice
had a few sexual dreams lately and woke up boiling with anger each time
why is that one only red
where did the green waves go
i have genuinely never had a sex dream
pretty sure the dreams werent even sexual which is new
if they were id remember what happened
hard to tell if this is a good sign or a bad one
i had like 2 in my entire life and then once i started doing nofap it became something that happens every 2 months or so(though sometimes it happens repeatedly in a single week)
pretty sure i could get at least one a week every week but that'd be the opposite of my goal
yeah same
its a thing that happens when you dont waggle
although for me its more like every 2 or 3 weeks rather than 2 months
never waggle 
never have sex dreams
never have girl thoughts
havent had girl thoughts in the last 5 years
but before that i had like 5 full years of being filled with them every day
i have sex(ually suggestive) dreams very rarely and emission'ed maybe like 3 times in my whole life but never both at the same time
if you have zero girl related thoughts whatsoever thats definitely an awful sign it means youre really low on the hierarchy of needs
not awful at all it keeps you honest
thats not what "keeps you honest" means
well yes i'm awfully aware of that i eat 1 meal a day
why the fuck are there a biollion postsos
a language is defined by its speakers
and a river is defined by its plates
a plate is confined by its meals
a car is refined by its oils
*looks over at the bread with egrice in it*
first the egrice then the avarice
imagining someone sitting in a middle school classroom being yelled at by the teacher for laughing and being asked what's so funny and they just stammer out "the silver"
im a big boy now im in high school
big boy bigger man
not a man yet
we still haven't gotten to the episode where he tracks down his father and kills him
havent you esls learned your lesson by now
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH yeah yeah yeah thatw as a thing i cCOMPLETELY forgot about it
literally only esls post this
t.ranny apologist
ive spoonfed you this garbage at least 10 times now quite literally not my problem anymore
quite literally... not your problem....
what does that even mean
why are you throwing out random expressions
its quite literally not their problem you see
because my life is unchanged by you stomping and crying so i wont bother trying to defuse your stomping and crying (because it is not my problem)
is it so much to ask that you learn to speak english properly after over a decade on the internet
i speak it better than you any day of the week, it is ALSO not my problem if you can't understand me
youd turn into a stammering mess if you walked into a 7-11 dont get too cocky you little third worlder
not liking this hostility going around today
pot meet kettle
its either this or the turk posting about his games in a graveyard
i like turkposts
think about all the poor kurds
turkposts are like dessert
good but you can't have JUST that
absolutely no clue what you mean
think i'm getting one of those hand finger problems like rsi or whatever the fuck else all i know is it hurts
probably because i've started using a 20-year-old very tiny extremely unergonomic mouse that manages to either double click or not click at all half the time
i said the same thing 2 years ago and nhk laughed condescendingly at me because he was overjoyed i would suffer from the same disease
it never happened to me ever again after that though so uhhhhh you know respect your fellow man or god will be angry
read that as desert at least 5 times
turks and deserts go hand in hand
what if all the browns lived in brown lands and not deserts and tropics
wasted the last 3 hours looking at some absolutely hilarious stuff
its a shame i couldnt bring myself to laugh since i'd puke from starvation if i did
just felt somebody hitting my desk but obviouslyt theres no one there
...and again
i think somethings loose
cannae believe kill la kill got as popular as it did
just saw an esl say "devil entendre" and it made me livid
looked that up in a few archives so as to gangstalk you and theres a couple hits all from this week
it looks like we have a serial esl
a sesl if you will
its a diamond dozen
maybe im getting trolled then
and you dont even have to gangstalk me, it was on /a/ and i just saw it on page 1 so not even in a thread i was using
this is the other one so not unlikely https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/179781400/#179782025
i think a /tv/ archive is a good contender for the single biggest waste of digital space
right after me of course minus the digital part
i managed to waste the entire day again doing nothing
and i mean "nothing" nothing i didn't play games didn't leave the house, barely spent any time watching things either but the day still went poof
*hands you the wall starere of the year award*
death to niggers
20 never happened as i never had issues with my hands or fingers or the mouse (never ever doubleclicked)
though it did not happen, I do laugh now condescendingly just for sport
laughed like a fucking retarded maniac at 97 for straight two minutes
hey nhk can you track down the man that made all this "ai art" mess
i'm thinking of paying him a visit and teaching him the world isnt so simple by stabbing his eyes and peeling his skin
read petrol office as papal office and got my hopes up for nothing
yeah so jim said he didnt know the url and that maybe it wasnt his kind of place (now?) and I gave it to him and asked some other things about how hes doing 
warmly and damply awaiting for his response
jim eh how many years has it been since i last heard that name
about 50 posts so 3 or 4 tragsg years
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last known footage of jim
thats just a cat
thats pretty rude of you to call him a cat
keep hearing things that arent there
wish i could see posts that arent there
happens to me all the time but theyre always my posts
sometimes i open the thread and there are posts that werent there before
sometimes i open the thread and there are no posts
sometimes i open the thread and it fails to connect and i can't post and i cry until someone fixes it
its the demiurges way of telling you to find something else to do
who would i trust if not my old pal demiurge
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looked back up the thread to see what i was talking about last time and realized i've made one gamepost for each 10 normal posts there are in the thread
can you fix this by making it so i'm not the only one posting
met an android girl, fought the edgelord who wants to kill everything, grabbed the thing needed to kill him, and now all thats left is for me to go there and beat the shit out of him(assuming my level isnt too low)
the android girl is far more humanoid in appearance than androids are in later games, no idea why they later made them look more robotic
i should be done with the first world(out of 4) tomorrow, assuming the other worlds have less content i should be like halfway through the game
also ever since i started this game i've been consistently able to subconsciously imagine a photorealistic dub whenever the characters speak so to me most of the time it's like it really is dubbed
probably a result of severe mental corruption
no posts i was watching a macross movie (it was a masterpiece)
robots should look like robots
its dumb for one to just have an anime girl head
whats the point of a robot girl that has a retarded looking ugly robot head
you may as well just make it a normal robot instead of a vaguely humanoid female android
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ホーリー    シツ
pretty sure it's supposed to be ホリー シット instead so the mangaka even miswrote that
any good news
i have no soul
my problem with posting is sometimes my internet will go out for like, all of five seconds, and i wont even notice, and this website dies from that and doesnt reconnect so i never see that tab get poasts because its dead on my end and then
la mort di la caca
1488 deaths for the 4 men in tragsg
i just thought up a magnificent pun but you people couldnt understand it
is it in turkish
no its in bantu
east or west?
give me whichevers best AJAJJAAJAJAJJAJAJAJ
kill yourself
think i'm going to start practicing touch typing can't be that hard
my age has been catching up to me and i can't type as fast with just a couple fingers like young me used to
what the fuck is that
the only typing i know is clicking buttons like my analog ancestors did when they bombed dresden
you know using all the fingers of the hand to tap on the keyboard like your secretary ancestors did
oh i already do that
death to kikes
i do that too
kikekillas will rise
*flops over dead*
cant wait to open the fridge and find out all my beer is fucking frozen....>!!!!!!!
woe to drunkards
t. samvel ward, preacher of ipswich
mate why the fuck are you putting beer in the freezer????
negrish spirit possessed him
ohhh sorry mate *puts it in the boiler so i can drink it boiling hot as aryans do*
when are we bringing this back
when did it go away
about 400 years ago
just put it in the FRIDGE
holy shit now that im drinking it its like my insides are being cut apart
and why not the TOP, POWERFUL part of the fucking fridge????
not to mention my fridge is literally from 40 years ago so the normal part doesnt even work
your fridge should not be doing freezer things
its fucking winter mate
*looks outside*
platinean issues
tod der juden
der juden tod
die biiren drunken
every time i tried to tell my mom how the news hates white people she would always say “but theres white people on the news!!” and even when i said how its because they hate themselves she could never understand
have you tried not trying to talk about white genocide to your retarded 90 year old mother
niggerkommando weiBmannbekampfrung
such a beautiful language
mein acnestors :)
well i only did because she would ask, and i thought she would be more receptive since she’s talked about “not wanting to become a minority” before
is she amerikaner
have you ever held your hair with both hands and screamed just like in animes before
well i just did
im overflowing with passion
passion for murder
death to kikes!!¡!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!
everything that couldve gone wrong today did but i stand ready to tackle tomorrow with renewed vigor
got too much hair
read something about hair on another tab then this post immediately pops up
just wait until you see the post up above
that wasnt there before!!!!!
im always there
deep in your mind....
think you're meant to be in the scalp
there's voices in my head calling for national revenge and for the salvation of the people
it's been years since i last heard it
if you're a turk thats epic
if you're one of the faggy new worlders thats gay and retarded
*sends the info to kurdish assassins*
if it's epic why am i retarded
yes exactly
what if its......................nhk
e1 i guess
hope nobody is hearing me scream in the dead of night
and yes i AM genuinely screaming here
it's the least i could to show that this place is hell and we are stuck in it
some time ago i was doing just that but it was silent screaming
except i let a real one slip out once
deathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeathdeath it's all over everybody is waiting for my death
the good thing is that it's only a few weeks away
are you all tarded????? do you not have fingers?????? hurry up and make some fucking poatssts
ten thousand niggers falling onto london from negerwaffen zeppelins
as for 22 it aint me even if i agree
*saves russia by assimilating to turk(ic)*
the turkish state welcomes valiant kikekillers into its ranks
*drops off a boatload of arabs* 
kikekiller delivery!
ugh atatürk didnt give enough gas to deal with all this
does turky have big oil
it had some until the kikes took it away
damn whats the point of being brown and islamic then
there should be a massive oil spill in the black sea so that it finally turns black
well i dont know ask canman
*laughter track plays*
there should be a massive white spill in the white sea so it finally turns white
there is a white sea by the way you just dont know it
yeah she goes to another school
(a private one, not a public one, so she wears a school skirt)
why did you have to go and post that
now im thinking about schoolgirls again
i just wanted to make my lads laugh by making a sudden callback to the school skirt conversations from years ago
was there even a specific episode about that
audibly laughed at 46
honestly the girlthoughts arent taking hold right now looks like my mental defenses have improved
may be you just need a nap
summoning the spirit of kikekilla1938
what do you want man give it a break already
amazing how much your way of speaking changes when you become intoxicated
maybe the devil possesses you when you drink
jim can back me up on this but i become more articulate when very drunk its really quite a funny effect
yeah and i just realized today that when i become extremely drunk my intellectual and physical capability literally double for no reason whatsoever
its a funny thing
being drunk reveals your true self
for most people thats a subhuman disgusting slob
for me its an arrogant genius anime villain
wow me too as you can clearly tell from my posts
kill niggers kill niggers kill niggers kill
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hate turkposts
what kind of post would you like to see
that made me realize i never heard erdogan actually speak before
looked it up and he doesn't sound as tough as i imagined
i'd like some sort of interesting discussion on obscure topics that i am not necessarily familiar with... none of this turkish mangaposting japtrite garbage
saw the term "anasazi" for the first time in two completely disparate places at more or less the same time recently
that wasn't @66 btw i have absolutely nothing to say on that topic
ananas ss squads
the problem with obscure topics is theres a high chance everyone will dadc
topic: white pygmies in the middle of europe
high likelihood they would have been genocided sooner or later but then today you would be able to make fun of whoever occupies their land by pretending they're their direct descendants
Replies: >>7484
the pygmies of the rhine...
one time i managed to find a torrent of some videos of some cute russian ~16 year old fingering herself and it was far and away the best waggle i ever had
ever since that point i think its impossible for me to be attracted to any post-wall roasties (18+) and im most likely going to die a virgin
well those topics elicit less extreme dadc reactions than your usual turkpost
thought id get at least one reaction posting about literal cp
thats not quite cp young man
well yeah she was a fully grown adult but... its still transgressive....
fuck having rules and law and shit
(in my best american negro impression)
preach it brother
any1 played cuck kings 3
mi computer no worko
unfortunately i have
the original swisss??z 
theyrr a race
swiss eh now thats a word i havent heard in ages
i've got a few really obscure and interesting topics i wanted to talk about but....i forgot.....what they were........
i'll get back to you when i remember
almost broke my finger trying to shut the lights off
it went like 70 degrees
dadc u in
dreamt the entire mooo network got shut down because a frenchoid uploaded his manifesto before going postal
realized yesterday that you can make GUCA out of RNA
did that happen during your latest protein folding session
im doing research in a protein folding lab right now so kind of yeah
doing some independent research myself
its a longitudinal study on how awful one mans life can be before he fuckin dies
whose the subject
its me!
keep having naval dreams for no discernible reason
i have decided macross is awesome
one of the things i think is cool is that the macross movies are supposed to be like...movies made in the show's universe...which explains why things get changed or embellished
had my best run so far, didn't die a single time until halfway into the 4th stage, then i died twice because it didn't bomb, twice because reimu stops when you do a hard turn and you have to press the arrow key again, twice in the confusion, then i went all the way to the 6th stage while dying only twice, then lost
this would have been a fucking perfect clear if it wasnt for the utterly braindead bullshit happening in the 4th stage, it's not even the first fucking time i died 6 times in a row on that stage, and mind you i don't die to the boss, that's fucking easy, i die to the shitty retard normal enemies
wasnt macross the one with the little idol girl bringing love and friendship between humans and ugly retard aliens
yeah and its fukken epic
i'll only be their friends if they swear eternal obedience to me and me only
well at least in what i watched its less friendship and more "we'll stop trying to murder you forever" and they go fuck off to their own corner of the galaxy
its the middle of winter but somehow its hot and swampy outside
must suck living in the everglades
is florida dixie
i vote no
how could they not be dixie you tard
people only started living there after 1920 and its full of jews and cubanos
*looks at the last 10 dixies tragsg has had*
fits right in with the rest of dixieland then
need to talk to a girl
an anime girl
about what
anything goes
how about cereal production in the long 19th century
wouldnt want to talk about something that cerious
ceriously bad posts
get real
get groovy
florida being dixie is a complex question only i can answer
and the answer is no
does that mean cuba isnt dixie either
cant even imagine what things would look like if they had done the full golden circle
it would be like today but even browner
but it would be just from the sun so it's okay
i playead at realase
isnt it funny how brain rot turned out to be real and we're all experiencing it
sp im being told that macross is brazilcore
is this true?
was going to say i never heard of it but apparently its called "guerra das galaxias" here which i definitely HAVE heard of but never actually watched i think it was a little before my time
amazing how good it feels to extend my spine
and how do you do that
wouldn't mind some extra inches
all you need to do is stop hunching
but i don't hunch over i can't read whats on the computer screen
tragsg is dead because the baited are too tired to be baited anymore and the baiters are too tired to bait anymore
its a terminal case of dadc
misread that as macacos so yes the obvious answer is yes
(the misreading was @27)
its night you can make posts now
im seeing lots of good stuff today this is making me happy
i'm happy too but i forget why
having my heart torn right out every single day
at least it keeps growing back
would rather it didnt
we should go back to throwing pineapples at niggers and laughing at them and killing them when we're angry
living in the same area as niggers and pineapples is a big sign of being a monkey
you buy the niggers from the nigger market in los platos
you buy the pineapples from the plantations in the belgian congo
what if we took the turks and we made them cowboys that fight against the north(russia) in the central asian deserts
think it could be a worthwhile reboot
*falls asleep mid post*
it'll make a killing in the box office man trust me all you need to do is let me write the script
*drools all over the script*
ah well at least a kurd didnt eat it this time
do you reckon im the only one who wants to burn his willy off with a blowtorch
really really do not need sexual desire
me i suddenly got the desire to "play" cwe again
thats even worse
if i see another map ever again i'll burn it with a blowtorch
gott unser helfer
qing could have been epic why did it have to be shit
i blame the chinks
chinks ruined china
genuinely just came to the realization that chinese are people too but i cant disclose why
so you think chinks are people eh
looks like you need another year or two in the re-education camps
would rather volunteer for the death camp
sorry we've just run out of space for it
you can try to apply again in 7 years
but i need to die now!
ever heard of suicide tourism
might work for you
prefer suicide terrorism
i would legitimately take dozens with me when i kill myself but im too lazy to actually do that
speaking of which its fucking baffling how often you see people try to massacre others but only manage to take one or two people out if even that
literally all you need to do is....shoot........or make a shitty improvised explosive
not everyone has cia training
well its a good thing i do
people are pretty sturdy 
when you see somebody going down in the middle of an attack the natural reaction is to move on to the next victim instead of making sure each and everyone is dead and the result of that is your wikipedia article infobox having a low number of kills
a lot of times theres just... nobody around in which case that's probably on you for not picking a better opportunity but what's done is done
if it's a crowded place however even with a knife you can kill dozens
t. errorism expert
been hearing explosion sounds outside and seeing flashing blue lights
not my problem
what if the revolution's starting don't you want to  join in
im the type to coup the revolution and conquer half of europe you see
dont see anything
my bedroom's light has been flickering all night
went to the bathroom and it's the same
the door is also very loudly creaking all of a sudden
can't believe my humble abode is haunted
the curse of the noposts
tod der juden
as for me a massive explosion sound came from only a few dozen meters away and woke me up
oh also i overslept 4 fucking hours so UHHHHHHHHH ;)))
i'm gonna fucking cry
Replies: >>7603
permanently feel like shit
just ate a lot of rotten meat
terrible idea in hindsight
rotten meat for a rotten life
they are truly just like me
yeah me too except im not a towelhead nigger worshipping sticks and rocks
dreamt i was back in elementary school and i wanted to color in some real nice drawings but my colored pencils were missing
then an anime girl showed up and went "d-do you want to borrow mine?"
i grabbed her hand with both of mine and started shaking her up and down all while repeatedly yelling "thank you!!!"
i'm pretty sure i was yelling in real life too my throat was really dry after i woke up
the only two times i said something in real life while dreaming was that time when i was 5 years old and seeing a nightmare, and that one time where i was singing "christ has arisen from the dead" in a dream and woke up to realize that i was chanting it in real life all the while slowly raising my body from the bed
the latter was a pretty surreal experience
heer lies dadc
>it's funny how Japanese people are so concerned about kappas and onis and shit and they never mention the 6-inch fucking BANANA SPIDERS that spin a 6-foot web between trees and wait for you to walk thru it
saw this post and really liked it
why would the japanese mention south american fauna
they have it too
they got it in exchange for exporting japs to brazil
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a worthwhile trade id say
wish i was in that ship
been constantly experiencing the full retardpotential of the human mind for the past few days
how does it keep raining on me i don't see any leaks
think ill quit here once and for all
not even missing out on anything since there's been no posts for months
how about you quit being a baby instead
what ar eyou on about you little kike i'll stab you and shove you back in your mothers womb
*grows up*
okay... im a child now.... now what
are you okay buddy????
i hate the biological needs for food and sex
i wish i was an angel
some posts will be happening soon
sex is not a need
it is though
agree with 04 except i just dont want any biological needs at all
sex isnt a need but lust is always present in your mind at some level and not only is it "impure"(abstract moral thought that only insane people like me have) but it also hinders logical thinking
gonna have to blame adam that fucking drooling retard for making me like this
ok mister what biological needs did i miss huh
that was clearly not meant to be an exhaustive list
the need to shit and so on
there's plenty of little obscure ones you just dont know them like i do because i fold proteins all day and you dont
no foo' no poo it's pretty simple
shitting is the thing that inspired me to come up with that post
its rolled up into the "eating" thing because.... well i dont need to explain that
the biological need for posts
the biological need to blink and breathe
lets go back to talking about how much we hate adam
how can there be no posts for months if it says 7616 posts right there
 a biological need to slay niggers
the biologoi al need to hang out with monkeys
and thats why i've been on tragsg for the last 10 years
can you imagine what tragsg will look like in 2027
hope to God it doesnt exist by then
it wont exist but tragsg 2 will
remember how the bigger went on about how he thought we were epic badasses despite us just being a bunch of retards flinging caca at eachother
wonder how hard he's being fucked over at discord now by accidentally thinking retard freak discordites are "epic" because they're trying to pretend to be epic
i imagine he moves from cord to cord sharting up each as he goes and thinking its everyone else who is the problem each time
speaking of freak discordites i wonder how jim's new mates have been treating him
forgot they existed
give me the rerundown on them
heard they're all professional flipflop hunters from east siberia
its funny how the little still reads this thread
bet he enjoys my posts and always does a little happy dance whenever he sees a new one
feel like crying again
this is a no baby zone
thinking about rewatching the kara no kyoukai movies because theyre good
Replies: >>7982
thinking about doing a few things before i die
me i'm just waiting for the next BIG post
i'll make it if you dont want to but it'll take me a month to prepare it
if this website is still alive in a few months i got a big idea for a fun event
we can barely watch a movie mate what fucking EVENT can we handle
the first annual tragsg posting event!!! the first trash to make 10 posts this week will receive a complimentary ploid!!!!!
100 posts a day is more than enough to keep me going
friend started talking about this 18 year old bpd girl he met on genshin who said she has a crush on him and how he's gonna block her from now on because she's mentally ill or whatever
incidentally this is that one girl i made a post about uhhhh sometime in the past
he can save her
dont remember that but i wouldnt want anything to do with a bpd gatcha girl either
theres nothing there to save really
she made her own little clique and got into big drama fights or whatever after chasing him into irc and half of the time when i talked to her it she would reply with something about me/he/she being a tranny or foot pics and so on(thankfully those were all jokes so she's bad but not that bad)
i realized from the first time i saw her that she's not someone i want to get too involved with so she never bothered with me, no clue why my tard friend didnt just do the exact same
oh also she told me he has his number, but when i told him that he said she doesn't have it
he also previously said that she's stalking him so uhh......
glad my only internet mental illness encounters were all here and not with women
wow sounds like shed fit right in here
well you wont have any with women if you don't try
my policy with women is "speak when spoken to" so they subconsciously give little attention to me and never bother me
that post could be interpreted either way so i choose to believe its the based way
it's the based way
even back in kindergarten i didnt talk to girls because they were boring and a pain in the ass
just had a memory of explaining to my dad why i was vote manipulating grandi's papal states poll
first i had to explain the concept of map games, and he agreed with me that the papal states should be white
presently boiling with anger
amazing how much time has warped with age
in the past i would stare at a picture for a second or two but now it's not strange if i stare for over a minute without realizing the passage of time when all i wanted to do was a quick glance
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how about this picture
what the heck i thought he was supposed to be up in heaven!
proof making giant statues on mountains is epic
hey wait a minute why is the fucking sky cyan
brazil gas
if you look closer theres a trillion antennas on the mountain
not so epic now eh
the big man needs to hear your prayers somehow
if he heard me he'd just kill me out of rage
yeah if he can hear me they must REALLY not be joking about loving all his children
about to put this fucking cat in a headlock if she doesnt stop standing right in front of me like a creep
₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾
canman you fucking tard
i was gloating about not having had womanthoughts in years when you cried about them a few weeks ago and now you went and fucking infected me with womanthoughts and i've been suffering for days because of you
you should be thanking me
not at all no
next youre gonna tell me to thank satan
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thats going to be me in a minute
thats the bigger chugging down estrogen pills
shat my pants because my cat up and left at some point didnt notice and then out of nowhere i saw a black blob start walking towards me which was my cat that i didnt know moved
shat with cat
oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleight...
one anime girl dream after the other, and every single one of them has the girls acting positively to me and showing approval
...maybe theyre finally starting to warm up to the idea of letting me in their world too and all i need to do is get the approval of a few more......
vomited, cut my foot, and was surrounded by anglos for all of it
thats significantly worse than my dream
dreamt they made a total war game that took place during the long 19th century 
and they called it... victoria 2...
dreamt they made a commune in paris
nothing makes me more livid than people making ugly dykes in character creators
can think of 20000 things that are more rage inducing
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love how theres an entire compendium of pronunciation trite that only the pronunciation community knows how to read and they make all these useless maps and charts
best part is how the germanic and scandinavian a's are represented with the exact same symbol yet are coloured differently
they arent u blind tard
^actual retard
the german and scandinavian a's are not the same symbol you gigantic tard
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did you know that japan used to call china 志那(shina) for the past 2000 years but ever since the end of ww2 they call it 中国(chuugoku)? this is because of some abstract braindead leftist bullshit that has deeply pervaded japanese culture, even the word "janitor" has received a new modern equivalent because the original word for it, which has been in use for hundreds of years at least, has been deemed "offensive" by some retards because of the kanji used in it, note that i've personally checked and the kanji is not offensive to anybody at all
there's plenty of ancient words that have been getting forcefully displaced by this nonsense over the decades and essentially destroying literature culture from the inside out
one interesting thing about the chuugoku change is that one of the 8 regions of japan is also called chuugoku, with the exact same kanji, so when one says "中国" one can mean either the region in japan or the country, with no way to tell them apart except context or without the person adding "地方"(region) after it, but even that doesnt work perfectly because 中国地方 can also mean the region of china
according to the japanese wikipedia the name of the chuugoku region comes all the way from the beginning of the ryouseikoku, in 6th century ad
some other interesting stuff for you(hm) to read
there is an entire branch of japanese internet slang that composes of writing a word or sentence in romaji, then taking all the vowels out of it, thus leaving a garbled mess out of it that other people are supposed to understand somehow
you may have seen "ktkr" for example, this is きたこれ(kitakore) 
presently what i'm trying to figure out is what the fuck MRMKRRRN is supposed to be
also some interesting wikipedia articles
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyaru-moji (baffling retarded femoid script, i've never seen it actually get used)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%8Dh%C5%8Dkai (the first two kanji are the same as that of touhou, and the 会 can mean meeting, party, group of people too, in a completely civil manner)
i DID know that and i recall posting a link about the word for "retarded" or "disabled" or something like that being changed not too long ago
cant remember if i read this exact same post a few months ago or just read about it on the pedia
well i do vaguely remember the shina mess being mentioned before too
dont remember if it was hm or me though but at least the other parts should be brand new
theres more than two people here you know -_-
there arent other people in the thread
only in the head
dont kid yourself we all know me and hm have been the only ones posting ever since the bigger got himself killed
wrong wrong wrong
here you go turk i found a new list of words for you to add to your deck https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B7%AE%E5%88%A5%E7%94%A8%E8%AA%9E#%E5%B7%AE%E5%88%A5%E7%94%A8%E8%AA%9E%E3%81%AE%E7%A8%AE%E9%A1%9E
well actually if you click on the "list of discriminative words" part of that wiki page it leads you to a 2 trillion word argument about the deletion of the whole list and what should be done
here you go
gonna need to drink some tea and calm down
(the context is that the lid on my baffling insanity has been torn off about a week or two ago)
then put a lid on it as they say
think the reason i dont like tea is because i'v only ever had shitty old stale tea
it might be possible i've never drank any but i don't really remember
but the smell was never very pleasant
all ive ever had was shitty garbage 0.000001 cent per pack black tea
the smell was nice and the taste was okay but only if you put sugar in it, when you don't put any it tastes like fucking mud and looks like it too
i cant put it back on its in fucking pieces
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did you know that theres whole forests of tea?? crazy huh
is that the famous tea province of the silver
funny how retarded the actual plant looks
think my mind is starting to consolidate all time into a single instance
i dont feel so good
theres no time like the present
finished my boring anime
now to watch macross until i die
saw a game where one of the main characters attacks is dabbing
think i'm starting to understand how the demiurge felt like when he decided to set out on his grand adventure to destroy humanity
talking about the demiurge is the post equivalent of that dabbing video game character
no not at all no you need to go and read more religious lore
crazy how much better being in a low light environment feels
thinking of ceasing my deals with the lightbulb kikes and subsisting off candles
ive quite literally read enough lore and theory for five lifetimes (in my head never opened a book or wikipedia)
( ・ω・) auhagghagaaaaaa
is this an ascii representation of  00's lid being torn off
feeled asleep 2ce
we're gonna play a video game!!! oh yeah!!! gonna play a video game!!!
meine reise
finna eat some borgarz
i am still alive!!!
not for long
cut myself again in the same spot on my foot
*legsweeps you*
i'm here and ready for an action packed night of posts!
ill be watching macross probably
game was shit i regret it
mine started out good but the level of fun plummeted halfway through
mine would really be so so so much more fun if all the enemies didnt start out with 5+ people together right from the beginning with all of them being individually stronger than me
how am i even supposed to level up????
wake up and suffer the pain of existence
just had to go on a grand wikipedia adventure to remember the phrase sleep paralysis so i could use it
i've started moving with the assumption that i will be dead in a few months and started getting rid of the things around me
going to be real sad when your future self finds out he is still alive
then send me something good mate i'll be alive for another 100 years, minimum
yeah can i have something too
still alive
almost just pissed my pants
no idea why i didn't even want to go that badly i just lost myself in thought and the desire slowly crept but i managed to stop myself just before the floodgates were opened so to speak
big senile moment coupled with all this gray hair things aren't looking too good for me
got some gray in my beard personally
anybody want to make some posts
i'll be going out for a bit
just came up with a math problem:
say you have a safe with code that's 10 digits long. a criminal trying to break into the safe sees your fingerprints on the digits in the code, but not what order they are in or if there are repeats. how many unique digits should your code have to maximize the thief's difficulty in brute forcing your code?
i'm guessing around 5
obviously 1 digit is the worst because it has only one possibility (1 10 times)
10 digits has 10! possibilities
9 digits has 10! possibilities except you have to divide by 2! for the repeated digit, but then you multiply by 9 because the repeated digit could be any of the 9
for 8 you do the same thing as for 9, divide by 3! and multiply by 8, but then you also have to account for the case where there's two different repeated digits.... so you add 8!/(2!*2!) * 8 * 7.... this is tricky i think ill need some sort of tree for this
me i completely forgot how to do any kind of math and just go off gut instinct when it comes to numbers
all the portraits of the anime girl are perfectly fine except for a single one where her eyes look straight on into my soul despite her body leaning towards the right
makes me really uncomfortable
what ive managed so far is that 5 is the minimum possible answer because once you go below 5 you start strictly losing options
i think ill just plug it into a little calculator to figger out if 6 or 7 or 8 etc is better
the results are in:
8 digits =   55,641,600
7 digits = 109,015,200
6 digits = 105,265,440
5 digits =   28,803,600
your guess wasn't too far off but i figured it had to be above 5 simply because 10 was so much better than 1
the posts are out
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cant decide if it would be funnier without the text
thinking of getting back into mountain blade
make sure you dont trip on the rocks
i ended up playing some bannerlord since i last made a post about mb a few weeks ago
it's exactly what i expected yet somehow still disappointing
there shouldnt even be a word for disappointing since everything is
been incredibly pissed off these past few days and nothing cures it
basically been switching constantly from wanting to kill everybody including myself to buddhalike dadc nonstop and i'm not liking it
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ill pull that little kike fishies fins right out
havent had an energy drink in a month
havent had an energy drink in... my whole life
reading instead of sleeping
i'll regret it in time but for now i am satisfied
guess everyone else is also reading huh glad i came to this eruditeklub
what do you say i skip work tomorrow
why just tomorrow
the boss will let me off with just a few whippings if it's a day but if it's too long he'll hang me in front of all my black brothers
came back to a fairly funny thread
which one of my pists did you like in particular
you people are supposed to make posts while i'm away playing video games so i got something to read when i finish
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wow its back!!!! would have been bakc hours earlier if you gavem e your fucknig mail!!!!!!
his email is on the fffffucking himasugi or whatever it is
go there and ctrl+f protonmail
traditional argentina discussion general
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i've been summoned but the site seems to be working...
it did go down like twice
but came back on its own twice
you know what they say live and let live
wait until you learn about il argento...
hmmm monday, 7am, no better time to move some furniture around
^ the thoughts of my neighbor i'm sure
is the turk alive i heard theres been a big 'quake
i think turk and can should transition to furniture related jobs 
sp can only hope to be furniture at best
had this little guy my entire life and it used to be pretty tough
you don't ever really experience it in normal daily life but when i was a student it was absolutely terrible because the only way you could sleep in school(resting your head on the desk) had me suddenly jump up and wake up every 10 minutes as well as an unfathomably terrible headache in the inner parts of my brain that continues on for hours
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only just heard about it from you
there was a 7.8 earthquake across the turkish-syrian border and then 2 more of more or less the same magnitude in the same place, so i can only take this as a divine sign that god doesn't want more arab niggers in my country
the only real damage seems to be the ancient gaziantep castle reduced to fucking poo which is a terrible thing to happen
so if there was a nhcantur artisan alliance which furniture do you think each of them would be assigned to create
laughed at the second filename
weird that a castle would stand for centuries only to get owned by that earthquake
you mean millennia
it was first built by the hittite and then turned into a proper castle in the 2nd century ad by the roman
>the meaning 'world' probably emerged from the notion of 'living world, place of the livings', since the Proto-Celtic stem *bitu- derives from Proto-Indo-European *gʷiH-tu-, meaning 'life' (cf. Lat. vīta 'life', OCS žiti 'to live').[7][8][9]
what does this sentence even mean
bunch of fucking nonsense
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wtf how did mishima know about nhk
the real question is what did mishima know about noposts
>affects 60-70% of the population 
*yaaawn* *jumps* *grunts* yeah i have it and so does my aunt and my brother and my neighbour and my dog and who cares
as for me, its La Plata being mentioned in Umineko
for me its anime girls saying "ohio"
you dont have it anywhere near as bad as me because youre a little single-celled faggy little fag
me im fukken folded....
feeling protozoic
i think (when its evenly matched) the league war in peepoo4 is one of the more fun gsg experiences
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curious catpcha
had uninstall4 uninstalled for months
keep it that way eh?
*shoves you against the locker*
no its fucking terrible man
one memory i have of is that one time i sided with the catholics and the retard emperor seperate peaced with the 1 superpower i had brought down to its knees, so the warscore crashed straight into the ground, causing him to then sue for peace with the protestant leader and causing us to lose the war
of course i just reloaded tagged as him and yesman'd it into a total victory but that event really pissed me the fuck right off
sounds like a skill issue
no it sounds to me like a very accurate and historical simulation of what it is like to have the kikes subvert the people in power
i play games to kill kikes not be killed by them
anyway it was really fun to hang out with sp
yeah hope i can hang together with him next life too
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kept this one under wraps for a while but since we were going to be close to brazil i told sp if he wanted to come hang out and he did
we ate some bananas and he showed me how to pick fleas from someone else's fur
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this is him and his mom+little brother when they came to pick him up

bye sp!!!
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good joke hm but we all know sp is a beautiful mature blonde woman in real life
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you know i really like monkeys you just can't hate the little buggers
ive resented them to an unbelievable degree since i was born
cant see a single one without wanting to kill it
are you brazilian or argentinian
neither one
then water you crying about
its just an animal you dont even have to deal with
im not crying about anything its just a disgusting little animal that jumps around everywhere
i dont need to deal with 500m long fish and giant desert spiders to be utterly disgusted by and resent them, and in the first place it's a subconscious reaction so i can't do anything about it
no monkeys are actuallly pretty funny theyre cool to look at since they kind of grab things and so on
there was also this other little animal that looked like a mix of a raccoon and a cat and climbed on trees and ran around like a scared little retard and tried to eat your food
yeah thats what i'm talking about to you it seems really funny and wacky but i don't feel that at all so there's just nothing in me but a bizarre feeling of it being some sort of corrupted little creature resembling all the evils of the world
well if you imagine something like you get to see a little homunculus of 8iq struggling to go about the world in its disabled little state as "evil" then yeah sure becasue thats about what a monkey is
also some retard pulled out some food to eat in front of the monkeys and they instantly all started looking at them and jumped down from the trees and started chasing them
(you arent allowed to feed the monkeys)
squirrels are funny yeah
no they werent squirrels they had the size of a middle sized dog and also they had really long noses and really big claws (but they were retarded cowards even though they could easily slit your throat with them)

tranny has all the pictures
ok well go tell them to post so we can figure it out
badgers perhaps
its the jungle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohhhh maybe you mean a raccoon
maybe it was paraguayans
come to argentina
we have paraguayans
how come uruguay is aryan as fuck but paraguay is niggerland
and argentina is BOTH
because one was full of indios and the other wasn't
come on mate it's like you never played vicky
also paraguay got fucked over by wars and epically retarded dictators multiple times
look at a map u should be able to figure it out idort
one of those countries is in the jungle and the other isnt
yeah uhh didn't like most of their male pops get killed in some war so they had to allow polygamy for a bit???
i already knew the answer i just wanted to make a post
35 made me realize though how i never hear anything about uruguays history and politics
speaking of uruguay you just made me remember my dream
the montevideans and buenosairesians were in a fierce war against each other
because its essentially an extension of argentina's internal politics that always gets invaded by brazil
i think the colorados were friends with the unitarios and the blancos were friends with the federales 
or the other way around
hows their economy nowadays
why don't all the impoverished platines flee there considering it's basically the same country but whiter
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27 sorry had to do the laundry
anyways here they are
amazing how many ugly freak animals there are in the world
because its not actually a huge improvement and moving countries is difficult
"the economy is better" is a meme because economies are multifaceted things and uruguay has some bad things

essentially since its nearly empty there's very few jobs and things are really expensive, like beside exchange rates and so on you just end up paying more for the same stuff because logistics costs are higher, there's less people selling stuff, market is smaller etc.
so if you go there you probably wont have a job
and beyond that, the people who are struggling are mostly poor people, but poor people are the ones who get massive money from the government and just get to do little odd jobs on the weekend for some extra cash on the side and yeah

all that said a bunch of people DO go to uruguay, but they're the really wealthy ones beceause uruguay is one of those tax evasion countries so they got there with all their dollars and wealth and buy property there to protect it from our government
what the hell ive never seen even an image of that thing
idea: go to uruguay and buy a house there with the money argentina gives you
tranny post images of them climbing on trees
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only thing i have of them on a tree
also uruguay ethnically isnt particularly different from other pampean provinces
i havent been to montoveidoe but the crime statistics are actually quite worse than here so i assume their favelas are also filled with brown people 

its only significantly browner in...the brown provinces...such as the ones that border bolivia and paraguay
i know those but had completely forgot about them up until now
we call them "quatis"
i didnt know whjat they are and i thought it was sps until i put my glasses on and started talking to them
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unsure if these are catis or not but i saved this just yesterday and i'm a fan (albeit not a big one)
wow what the fuck hahahah why are those coats running backwards
its a defense mechanism
*activates my self-defense mechanism and presses the shutdown button*
yeah the kike mindcontroll rays cant get you if you just like close your eyes and ears
AND walk backwards
there was some random hair around my adams apple so i was trying to cut it but i accidentally cut my apple instead
you die?
not yet i guess
turco russian argentine georgian saopolitan general
if there really was a georgian in here then hopefully he would be an autistic little political retard and he'd drag nhk and the turk into black sea political fighting every day
nno i meant georgian (indep. nigger state)
i know i just dont care
i thought 8 was the tranny from the shower evidently not though
call me a tranny again and i'll make sure i'm not the only one getting cut
ok sorry uhhhh
*flips through my notebook*
im sorry mr coaty i wont be feeding you again
*fukken walks backwards towards you*
woah watch out man you wouldn't want to walk off a cliff (backwards) now would you?
if that happens then you can just run forwards and that unfalls you
amount of people i want to kill just keeps going higher and higher
the troubling thing here is that they're all fictional
you can kill a man but not an idea
well yeah actually put that to the list too
really utterly confused as to what i'm supposed to do in this situation
*seethes incontrollably at some drawn mango cartoons*
print their faces
put them on a target
play some darts
*prints dakimakura of abstract concepts and strangles them to death*
starting with...the protein folding wikipedia page...
just close your ey s, imagine that you kill them...and................wallah..........
thats a terrible idea because the next time i open wikipedia i would still be able to clearly see the protein folding page
i cant help you then matey
its called the "encyclopedia that anyone can edit" mate just go and wipe it clean
any1 ever post protein flipping
perhaps protein flopping
*protein gestopa waltzes in and arrests me on accounts of vandalizing pages*
more of a fan of aminoacid hopping myself
amen o acid
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she seems retarded
she seems cannic
canine if you will
people cant think things you dont like if theyre dead
i recommend genocide of humanity that should help you out
imagine all of humanity ending because of one angry turk
why is posting from the twallet so enticing
i'll give you an answer when i find out what a twallet is
its where you flush the money
its my phonetic spelling of toilette 
i found out that if you start spelling alll of french the way it sounds then it looks really brown
they already invented that two hundred years ago its called haitian creole
actually canman can you answer some questions
what does the adams apple even do
what would happen if you cut it off
all i know is supposedly if you get punched in the adam's apple you can just up and die
adam's apple
god's punishment
yes i heard this/had this idea too when i was a kid that being hit in the adams apple would be very scary but ive never actually seen it be a thing
like wouldnt people just hit eachother in the throat if it was so easy
well i think you are brown so i dont blame you but i think when most people fight they do not actively wish to murder
so does it fall into your throat and you choke on the apple or what
no i think you just cant breathe
i mean like if you get robbed or something like that yeah just hit the guy in the adam's apple
what if you do the pen trick and open a new breathing hole right below the apple
i can envision that happening in baki
all i know is baka
yes yes i see
dont click that link it breaks your apple
>A few minutes ago, I tripped :sigh: and fell forward hitting my throat and Adam's apple (well, slamming) it into the side of the toliet seat. So basically slamming my adams apple on concrete.
something funny about this
another one of those days where you instinctively know you'll have a nightmare if you sleep
so uh.............
is hpm for v3 out
no but i bet theres a big dumb reddit mod thats basically the same thing
wahey anime girls
keep getting fucking hot flashes the fucking vax is actually going to kill me
its a slow burn
im aware thats why im posting about it
my left ankle of the arm is just really really fucked its horrible
its fucking pitch red and massive and bleeding and scratching and shit and i dont know why
its been months but tit remaisn same
no not ankle its knee
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i dont care about the journalist tv man and i dont care about retarded sonic jokes
well and i don't care about you!!!
nuh uh i didn't care about you caring about me first!!
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ugh stop posting shitty 4chan memes you little tard
huh wonder who could have psoted the stupid sonic meme
*glares southwards*
if you go south enough you go north
and the northest man we have is nhk(this is a lie)
its me actually i think
yeah it is, by a lot actually
which is somewhat surprising because im not even that far north.... my latitude is the same as berlin
latitude is cheating
youre not supposed to use it
wtf does that even mean
the question is literally about latitude
wow its true unbelievable i can't believe mercator has rotted my brain so deeply
laughed at that exchange
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mercator is epic though
t. sailor
funny how you had to sail for like a whole year to get to america back in the day
imagine spending a year in a shitty little box ship
*spends a lifetime in a shitty little box apartment instead*
>Ellesmere Island on the north of Canada's Arctic archipelago looks about the same size as Australia, although Australia is over 39 times as large. All islands in Canada's Arctic archipelago look at least 4 times too large, and the more northern islands look even larger. 
youre not gonna like this canmank////......
canada is still the biggest country after russia
well do you have tigers???
no, just lions (me)
forgot canman was canadian
can you give me the rundown on truckers
umm... they drive trucks... from place to place...... which carry lots of things.... like food.... and anything else really
yeah okay but what was the revolution about
that guy lula wasn't it
knew some people who went to the big strike
dont really know what to say... not much came of it..... everything sort of jsut fizzled out on both sides
forgot what that post was about for a second and thought you were talking about some kind of baseball event
ugh fucking kike lula stealing the baseball award from us argentines
are you willing to entrust all of humanity to me
i will fix everything from the roots
when life gives you roots
make root beer
been thinkgen of romanian
still can't tell if i love it or hate it after all these years
its epic
watched a jap ova with a mate
the translator thanked yuriko from downstairs for emergency translation which was pretty funny
realized my 3 idols are a japanese an italian and a german
deleted half of my computer and now i have 16 whole gigabytes of free space wahey
just buy some disks
*holds out my hand*
i hate the brown tropical shitholes of japan and ohio with all my might
some account called "grandi" appears to have showed up like 2 weeks ago nobody said anything and i dont think its jim cause i hadnt told him yet but i activated his postings to see what happens
finally... now i can shit the thread up with impunity and just blame it on somebody else
the undying phoenix
the one that killed the site the last 3 times was me
was trying to post an epic 20mb drawing of crusaders but it kept stopping at 100% and then crashing the site
dont know if the same would happen with other files at the same size or if its just something about that specific file
mildly funny
just fukken relock it unless somebody has complained directly to you
no image needs to be bigger than 2mb
starting to realize its awfully suspicious all this ai shit got its meme power in order of least terrifying implications
started with just art, then those chat bots, not indistinguishable audio
now indistinguishable audio i meant
i'm just going to lock myself out of the outside world and slowly start to pull out of the internet too so its really not my problem
it will impact all of life soon enough
govt will use this as proof of how many bad actors are on the internet
wont be able to do anything without proof you're a real flesh and blood human
everything you do will have to be tied to your human id
yeah hence why i've stopped caring about this tard world
it'll all implode in on itself eventually anyway
something in my eye
something in my body
soon to be in the potty
going to die of rage
for me its noposts
you know those sandbags they use in war
what if instead of sand you put me in there instead
oh yeah i was gonna complain about this
the drooling retard who designed my box apartment chamber went and made the little railing-like thing right next to the sink of fake wood
so over time as it kept repeatedly taking in some water(since its like 3cm away from the sink) it started rotting and a few months ago it became bad enough that a bug infestation popped up right there
its the best example of braindead modern design there is though thankfully the bugs dont do much other than just sit there and wait to be squished by me
going to rewatch the kara no kyoukai movies
you told me that already
did i????????? i dont think i did...
oh wow i did
my brain truly is melting
told you
first they make you mercator next they make you tard
been obsessively listening to this sonata lately
you can skip to 32:24 if you're too much of an adhd tard to listen to the whole thing
well / will post that while watching the first one i remembered how much i like the music in the movies
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the little men did something retarded again
spoilered for extreme gore and being generally disgusting
mishar more like mishart
whats so bad about that theyre all slaves
whose slaves are they
germans mostly
oh and turks for the bottom ones
let me check the answer key...... uhh nope that's not quite right.... partial marks for the ottomans because im feeling generious
it looks gross on a map because of all the massive fucking broders and mountains and empires between each
i also hate how its all one big blob and not east slav west slav south slav brown slav etc etc
and this was in a dev diary specifically for russia so you KNOW that they'll make some meme missions to scretch you all the way to berlin to save the "slavs" there
mate i deserve at LEAST 2/3
almost all of those south slaves became turkic slaves and at least half of the rest became germanic slaves
fairly positive russia already has a mission to end up in berlin for.....whatever reasons
russia has a fucking xbox hueg mission tree and MULTIPLE country specific gimmicks i have no idea why it needs an update
cant think of a single instance where theyve ever been germanic slaves
let me(3rd person) give you the answer key
silesians sorbians and czechs dont count because they're german so the germans only have the poles as slaves
bulgarians and bosnians dont count because they're turk so the ottomans only had the serbs as slaves
fuckken czechs and slovaks under austria??????
poland????? fucking poland???????
wait a minute that's from a dev diary???
i thought by "little men" it was nakhodkha talking about his little brothers doing some retarded eu4 modding or whatever the fuck
yeah its a dev diary they're making yet another dadlc
do you know the definition of "slave"
its me...
*flips through the dictionary*
slave (/sl^v3/)
1. alternate spelling of slav
oh actually now that i think about it it's absolutely ridicilously funny how they made all of east prussia german yet went and made fucking silesia and saxony slavic
okay but WHY
is it more russia wank or general slavdom???
i know south slavs dont have shit, i think
its all arbitrary anyways they can just put whatever funny ethnic name they want
i just ran through the diary while dadcing but at least that specific diary was solely for russia
they're adding a lot of new shit to russia like uhhh releasing the finns as your vassal....paying tribute to the hordes.... and so on so i guess 90% of the content will be russia exclusive
oh also the mission trees for novgorod russia and muscovite russia are completely different and shit
im seriously like 90% certain that up until england and spain (and everything after) russia had the biggest amount of content by like...a factor of two
eu4 is a complete and utter meme
also funny how constantinople in the year of our lord 1453 is just as "levantine" as oman is
nonononono constantinople starts out greek but turks get to instantly flip it to turk once they conquer it
ugh look at this tart misreading 1453 as 1444
they have a lot of content but their focus tree wasn't on the same level as the ones added recently
also they get owned by poland every game now so i guess they decided to buff them by adding more buttons to click
t. eu4xpert
luv how the worlds get less and less believable the more content they add
also why the fuck are they still updating this shit game
didnt they say the emperor dlc would be the last one???? or at least the last european one??? i swear i read that
did their awful india and sea dlcs do that badly
what are you talking about if it wasnt for the sejm poland would scretch from antwerp to the urals right now
it still gets people playing it and buying it not to mention they switched to the subscription thing ages ago
check the steamy charts
well yeah i never denied people still played it, but i think people would still play it if they ended it when they said they would
does goi4 get as many updates???
ottomans are in an interesting situation where you either lump them in with all the arabs, with the greeks, or with all the turkics and there are no other choices
you just have no choice but to pick a meme option
goi4 is in some bizarre beta thing or something that i don't really care for but i guess they'll get a dlc soon, if i remember right they generally get dlc's less often than eu4 but have like double the players
also stellaris is getting a dlc too where you play a bunch of.........slaves........... that rise up against their kike oppressors
does italy STILL not have missions in goi4?
they got some a while back but it was terribly retarded
i actually did a run of it and there's some button stuck in a really fucking obscure place in the ui where you have to keep clicking mana shit to make sure mussolini/the council don't get too much influence
at some point my mussolini got hanged but it changed fucking nothing at all
how does stellaris get 10k+ players???????????
i get with goi4 if you slap some mods on you get an okay visual novel basically
but stellaris even with mods is just zero fucking fun to play, also there arent many games like hoi4, BUT there are like five fucking 4x games i can think of on steam that are better than stellaris and probably cheaper to play
aughguhugh *scrambles for an answer*
for STELLARIS??????????????
oh if only you knew lad
luv unloading to women(in their 20s) wearing their nightgowns and breastfeeding
i guess i'm in no position to judge
dont like that post
but i do have to say today i saw a uhhhhh very motherly thing and i have to say i felt an extreme amount of tiredness pervade my soul and it made me wonder when im going to have something like that happen to me too
sorry to break it to you lad but i don't think you'll ever be a mother
how about unloading into women instead
no i was thinking about how i wanted to make a mother and lead a happy little life
for me its women in their early teens
sorry to break it to you lad but i don't think you'll be able to unload into them
whens the last time you got to see breasts in real life
when i was 7 and a relative was breastfeeding
do male pectoral muscles count because i see mine every day
obviously not
do male fat overweight manboobs count
then uhhhhhh it was whenever i last saw my moms i suppose
its not the number of times you saw breasts that counts its the size of your heart
*dies from big heart disease*
the bigger they are the more they burn
(the breasts)
holy shit holy shit my skelelton is burning im gonna vomit ohhgh god save meeee
yep thats a classic case of the dengy AKA the paraguay fever AKA the brazil virus AKA the bone crusher

it will pass in a few weks
dont live in the tropics if you dont want tropical disease
>About 390 million people are infected per year
really amazing to hear this
you never even hear of it in the vaguely civilized countries and above so i guess all south americans and south east asians just get infected like 4-5 times a year every year
>An alternative name for dengue, "breakbone fever"
yeah ive never had it nor heard of anyone have it but some  years you hear on the news about it "coming down" from paraguay and the like and i guess its endemic on teh border areas 
its only really a problem in the summer though i think

also i heard it was making its way up florida and the other southern states
it was kind of a scary media thing when i was younger though because the climate wasnt as warm so it was a newer thing i think
i know som people ho had it
and yeah when i was youger i remember a lot of media about how you aren't supposed to leave still water outside because thats where the big evil dengue mosquito likes to lay eggs
dengue sounds chinese
just wait until you hear about dong
whistling dixie (in a video game)
so why didnt we just burn down all the fucking tropics so the tropic diseases disappear along with all the bugs
surely there was leftover napalm from vietnam
you cant just destroy all that rubber and tropical wood
it not worth existing if its not worth eating
you ever hear of rubber cement
only cow gum
so the posts start from now on eh
lets get to 1488 in one go
that's what they said when colombous said he was going to india and look where we are now
are we supposed to call the pacific coast side of the americas western west india or are we supposed to call it eastern east india
we call it the west pacific coast
isn't the west pacficic coast just china
no china is in the east
ran out of fun and ran out of cope
now what
for me its cake and anime girls in about 15 minutes
dadc about the cake but i'll itadaku the anime girls(though i wont gain joy from it)
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any impressions
what the fuck
its denge
i don't understand: anything about that image
that reaction
is that some ai shart garbage
stepped in poop i believe
step in poop with denge!
its just a little drawing
that wont hold up in court
well alri what if i give her a nightgown instead
im suffering!! i'm suffering here!!! its emotional pain and i'm living it!!!! there's a fucking lot and nothing i can do to solve it!!!!!!
for me its physical pain
Gllâome le Contchérant
R'chard le Quor de Lion
Jean sans Terre
the normans were such funny people
you know how you can just take a bunch of painkillers and all your physical pain goes away
why did they never release a variant for emotional pain
they did its called *gunshots*
no guns in sight
have you tried not peering through the barrel
weiBes menschen... meine kameraden...
things are looking up
maybe life isn't so bad after all
walls looking down on me 
mat looks up to me
did your denge get cured
look forward to my upcoming album...dengue blues
another day another rice
i hate having to wake up and the daily morning ritual
yup...gotta pray towards mecca...count my prayer beads...light my menorah...take me vax...never a fun morning
personally its domestic violence against trannies every morning
is one of you idiot niggers being interested in settlers of catan
just btfo'd some guy called "gokturk" at chess

1. e4 e6 
2. Nf3 d5 
3. e5 c5 
4. c3 Ne7 
5. d4 Ng6 
6. Bd3 Nc6 
7. Na3 cxd4 
8. cxd4 Bb4+ 
9. Bd2 Qa5 
10. O-O Bd7 
11. Nc2 O-O-O 
12. Nxb4 Nxb4 
13. Rc1+ Bc6 
14. Bxb4 Qxb4 
15. Rc2 Nf4 
16. Ne1 Qxd4 
17. Rxc6+ bxc6 
18. Ba6+ Kd7 
19. Qxd4 Rc8 
20. Qxa7+ Rc7 
21. Qc5 Ra8 
22. Qd6+ Ke8 
{ Black resigns. } 1-0
is that...good?
no but it was an epic battle he tried to trick me by pretending to hang a rook to take my bishop away from defending a square that would fork my queen and king

alas the turk could not do it and constantinople stands strong
(i was white)
those are some funny looking mathematical equations man
while i was vastly oversleeping i was thinking about how all the men i've seen on the internet in my life have shown clear signs of wanting to just rest on the lap of some motherlike woman and cry to sleep while being hugged from behind
it might just be something specific for this generation of men but i think it goes for all men and is because of the unique position we're in in life and it's burdens
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when were at the flals with the tranny i yelled nigger a bunch of times because there were anglos around but she just wouldnt
also there was a couple of germans (the woman was about the same height as the tranny) and i was going to mutter about hitler to see if he heard me but i dont know enough german
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official content
ëpıc eç fuarkoğlu
actually completely and utterly epic
the absolute most insane part of that is gaining EVERY latin as accepted
also is that just if you're rum or do ottomen get it
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only if you're ottomans
as ottomans you can switch to devlet-i rum(state of rome) which allows you to do this
lets see uhhhhhhhh https://steamcommunity.com/app/236850/allnews/
actually i think you can switch to ottomans as rum now or get their missions or something
absolutely and utterly insane
honestly i cant even get upset because eu4 has been a comedy game for so long now
what are you on about didnt you know the mother of the first turk was also the one who went to rome and raised the 2 children
so basically romans and turks are brothers yup so if we go by succession laws turks have a right to claim rome :) makes perfect sense matey
holy FUCK im reading the actual patch notes
ottomans get absolutely retarded turbo buffed at the start of the game for no reason
its to make them an actual threat for players(alternatively to blob like an utter retard when lead by player)
the eyalet stuff seems like a big stinky poo bomb though the eyalet of egypt seems like it'd be a bitch to handle(though you DO get all of egypt as your vassal for literally free in a single war)
but did they need a free 100 splendor at the start of the game, a hand out morale advisor at the start of the game, and free fukken cannons before anyone else?
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and wtf is this??? why??? thats so much free money
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those are the most insignificant weakest bonuses they get though
anyway there's also china japan and russia getting meme stuff so i'm guessing the plan of paradox this time is to just massively buff all the big fucken countries for some bizarre reason
it's historically accurate though i believe irl it was mostly just algerian corsairs sponsored by the ottomans and only a few were actually ottoman
if i had to take a guess paradox thought you'd be struggling with money(laugh here) while blobbing like a tard so they put that in there
yeah i wont deny these are small bonuses but the thing is when you're already ridiculously strong a small but adds quite a bit more
you should be able to play the ottomen with peak efficiency while drooling now
i think these might just end up making eu4 fun for 1 mp campaign
imagine doing a france-ottoman-austria-russia-china-japan mp game where everybody clashes the most braindead meme bonuses together in a free for all
i think they could really seal the deal on this patch by giving england a bunch of buffs to truly make it a joke
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jajajajajajaj literally all of the mission trees this patch are a fucking meme
this is like middle tier in strength compared to the other missions for japan
>In order to make colonizing North America actually a worthwhile endeavor, the trade flow of North America has been adjusted:
in what fucking 100 year old version of this game was colonizing north america NOT worthwhile
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god they did it again
this isnt even historically accurate
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k-k-k-k-k-kirishtan japan??????? you become christian so you change the fucking name to kirishitan japan???????????
yeah they should change it to IAPPONIUM IMPERIUM
Moveru Capitaru To Romu?
Meku Emperor Pope?
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i'm gonna fucking cry man
now all they need to do is allow you to be a holy horde just like the teutons and it'll hit the maximum retardation the simulation can simulate
when was the last "good" patch to eu4
i cant even remember when it became totally unsalvable but i want to say it was sometime around the big china update
also hate all these meme names countries can get i blame goi4
god i forgot about holy horde
thats a massive e1 in terms of comedy
they should make japan be anglican(japanglican) too
reformed makes the most sense for japan
haven't played any of the new eu4 updates since uhhh before the one where they added native tribes in australia
i think i stopped right because the thailand and shit update
im fairly certain i was playing uhhh the turkic chinese men (NOT mongols) and something retarded happened or the ai cheated and i just closed the damn game
that was the one that killed the game for good
colonization become completely impossible
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and this is the meme shit for russia
i think russia might legitimately be the most balanced of the 3 which is....uhhhh
i stopped at the europe update or 1 or 2 updates before it
well like i mentioned before russia was ALREADY a disgustingly powerful blob machine so it checks out that they are kind of fine
yes i distinctly remember seeing people completely hate that update and advise turning it off if you bought it
actually uhhh didnt that update introduce taking development in wars
i remember seeing that you could do all manner of retarded garbage with that
yup that was a good laugh
whats up next in the time table
which one do you like best
meow nyan or miyav
not a fan of any
well then woof wan or hav
hate wan
any anime girls caught waning will be shot on sight
the empires influence in the balkans wanes....
shouldnt have imported all those cats
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oh yeah i forgot that i got some pictures of the turk from a few years ago
*winter cicadas*
remember that getting spammed a lot early on in 2018 along with other horrible images 
glad those days are over
actually just realized something
turks always get portrayed either as pure blooded blonde aryans or as brown little freaks in manga and there's absolutely no inbetween
thats because the japanese dont know how to depict white people except pure blonde blue eyed and pale
theres never any in between
its all either bishonen or fat bastards
time to play videogames
still havent started playing
ok now i'll do it
just realized my thought processes and sense of value are wayyyy fucking off from that of the average person
watching a video about the first godzilla
they could get buckets of sweat out of the suit after filming
the guy in the suit would pass out constantly in the suit from the heat, lights, and fumes
he could only be in it for 3 minutes
he lost 20 pounds by the end of filming
you JUST realized that?
does it explain how he's 50 meters tall too
well you see he's not REALLY in tokyo they made a small tokyo out of toothpicks and popsicles
isn't building an entire city without a license illegal
oi m8 you got a loicense for that palingenesis?
its legal as long as its made of wood
the fuck is """"catupiry""""
turkish for "godzilla"
think its a baby butterfly
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next up is the eternal night one
developed a terrible habit of begging for my life in japanese whenever i have to deal with strong anime girls
its really good!!! this creamy cheese thing goes really well with pizza
*fluoride stare*
been years since i had a pizza
*cyanide stare*
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revolting sicko garbage
with or on
why are your braziliots putting it on a hot dogão
i've had it both as a topping and as a filling for the crust
its not very strong so you can put it on most things
whats next a green banana cake
*cries while i hide my banana cake i baked for you behind my back*
would've been fucking epic if brazilians had natural green hair
oh and also if they were white
the amazon and parana civilizations were white atlantean ubermesnch until all the brown asians came and then the flood
yeah ahvent you heard about the roman ruins in the amazon
ive come to realize that sex with your prepubescent wife is morally completely okay
didnt ask
cant believe they let men like you walk free while i'm called mentally ill everyday
didnt ask about your asking
dont care
hey how about you shut the fuck up for a bit mr dadc?
you talking to me???
dadc is a paradox because if you truly didnt care you wouldnt reply at all
my mind does not care but my fingers do as they please
cleaned my flip flops and now it feels like they're half the weight they were before
now i can flip better
commercial idea: spin slop
its a flip flop but with wheels under it
sounds like a commercial flop
you'll end up flipping burgers if that's your best idea
what are you on about it's brilliant
you can spin along with your chair
you can fly through your house by just moving a little bit
i remember wheeled sneakers being a big thing (that niobody could afford) during some point of my early school life
me too actually
theyre called heelies here
also nobody could afford them
this is what the first of 2 extra stages is like
absolutely fucking demonic
stuff like that is made by and for autistic japs who have been playing shmups since birth
easy for someone like me
me i can barely survive in baby games like xevious for 30 seconds
yeah im sure it's easy for you man
hours since i woke up: 2
tiredness meter: 100%
zun is a terrible fucking drunkard so i wouldn't be surprised if he designed the whole thing while drunk
it wouldn't even be the first time really
got a question are you willing to answer
if you have to ask if you should ask then you shouldnt ask
know any games about beating off alien invasions
think like xcom but instead of gayass squad tactics you focus more on actually doing things
halo 2
i should mention that it's preferably set on earth and near our time
using the alien code in dh
ohhh that activated ancient memories
there was a japanese mod for dh where you fight against the aliens from uhhh that one vn series
doesnt nu-xcom have a bunch of non-gayass-squad-tactics spinoffs
all i know is old it had some third person shooter thing set in the 50s that bombed and flopped
old xcom had a flight sim and some kind of action game
no clue then
you'll have to settle for watching independence day again i'm afraid
the invasion already began long ago 0_0
wow thats a big guy
love how everyone looks like they dont give a shit
probably thought it was just another luftwaffe plane shot down by AA
we need some good strategy games
dadc: legacy of biggers
13 sentinels aegis rim is kind of about fighting off aliens but theres like 10 layers to that
theres...saints row 4...but thats a terrible game...and destroy all humans, but you're the alien there.........uhhhh is killzone about aliens?
those are the only alien games i know
dont worry mate i've already given up and accepted my fate
*dies of bad games
ohhhh yeah nothing like surfing the japanese web for hours to find obscure free games from ages past
had to crawl through 1000 wikis and 1000 2chan bunkers to get it because every single download link was dead
a sight of note was 2 men arguing about the download link and one of them said "there are some people who've been waiting for it for 3 months"
he said this in 2010
maybe just maybe have you considered there are better things to do with your time than play japanese games that were already shitty and dead a decade ago
there really isn't
if a game isnt preserved it probably isnt very good
best played before: 2010 2023
*opens the box(zip) up to see it's fucking rotting*
eugh not again!!!!
at least turk has a pass time
my pastime is berating everyone else's
yeah look at how much fun the man is having
*the camera shifts to the turk crying with a gun in his mouth
he'll make it
*gun disappears in a cloud of smoke leaving behind only the message "confiscated by the erdogun control"*
first they confiscate your guns next they confiscate your anime girls
how will our protagonist get out of this tricky situation
knife i reckon
time to kut the kurds
time to hit the sack
surprised the website didnt die again
well if you want i can...
i'm going to be passed out for the next 12 hours anyway so as long as its up by then
disappointed i haven't gotten the chance to use the word "nymphette"
disappointed i haven't gotten the chance to use any words because there's no posts to reply to
aasaffghgahfsav so fucking many girlthoughts that i cant even fucking sleep this(girlthoughts) is so fucking excruciating im going to fucking cry
disappointed i didnt see any big titty breastfeeding women today
the news are saying that like 15k turks died and 300k are homeless how do you even get this owned by an earthquake
it was 2 7.8 magnitude earthquakes in a row in the same place
also keep in mind it happened in the ooga booga part of the country filled to the absolute max with arab refugees and that building regulations are utter jokes(if building materials get stolen, which is common, then the company just makes the building without those materials)
had a passing though about suicide and immediately after i got reminded of the "please don't go. the drones need you, they look up to you" thing
i think i will learn the dutch defense
the breastfeeding attack
the crying in bed defence
dreamt i got stabbed in the eye by wiggers and woke up with real life eye pain
dreamt i spent weeks in the same room as my fathers rotting corpse
didnt feel a single thing though
spent years in the same room as my own rotting corpse
well yeah
yeah its really bizarre when your dream like works its way backwards in time to give a justification for something you wake up with

either a pain or a noise or a wetness or whatever
need a mod where the entire world is uncolonized aside from japan
probably the most fun eu4 could possibly be
you just press the colonize button and see numbers go up
love how all the people in my neighbourhood are screeching little retards from morning to midnight and i can hear everything
quite literally have no choice but to put on deafening music and slowly lose my ability to hear
got a letter about me hospital visit a few weeks back
think i will say i am unemployed and proceed to not pay any money
mi no monie sir doktor....mi buraun
k-k-kill...i'll kill......
kill them all
CUSTOMS took my fuckingTRAIN
next they take your life
not if you take ur meds :)
played video games
now im tired of video games
but theres nothing to do
ahh what do i do what do i do!!!!
ate some food now i'll sleep(i woke up 4 hours ago)
*stands on the shoulders of giants*
just experienced the classic meme of dying in a video game and having to watch a big long unskippable cutscene again
me i just experienced total willpower death
me im assimilating to fatso
had 2 fish
ready to kill
just give me a target
*holds up a mirror*
*holds up another mirror in front of that mirror*
another murder thwarted
ugh i'll get you next time holmes
got a game some of you may be interested in
*slumps over dead with my brain leaking out my ears*
another successful murder
the turk who kills with each post
been a month and a half since i waggled
think i might be done for good
wouldnt it be really funny if there was this massive global earthquake event where the entire earth shakes from la plata to louisville but then the places that usually get earthquakes like the pacific rim just get like 9.5 quakes that utterly obliterate them
if there was a 10.0 earthquake and i had to pick between saving all of japan and saving an anime girl i'd pick the latter
if you save all of japan they can make even more anime girls
its like that fish saying
we should watch triumph of the will
i can watch it right now or later but only if you...... people?? watch with me
i didnt mean right now i meant like in a couple of months because thats the average turnover time for doing anything
enjoying the tarded football game
just had one of those
ah well it just crashed in the middle of a match time to kill myself
any posts
im starving and want to eat and drink coffee while awtichng posts
me i'm all video gamed out but i cant think of anything to post
me i have now seen every japanese godzilla and godzilla connected film
oh yeah i'll tell you that anime girl dream i had a week or two ago
there was an anime girl(some of you may know her) living with me for some reason and she kept walking into my bathroom, telling me to close the lights, then she would put on a cardboard mask with slits for the eyes and mouth and chant some weirdo shit
she said that when she does that she gets possessed by a god or so, and i somehow believed her and was about to post about it on the net, she stopped me to show it to me one last time, after she got possessed i opened the door and she was just standing there staring at me, then i closed and reopened and she was staring at me but she was closer, then when i closed and reopened again she fell straight on top of me while laughing at me for believing her, presumably she was resting her weight on the door despite knowing she'd fall right on top of me
all in all it was a pretty good dream and i was glad to have a dream about a positive interaction with a cute girl even if it's only possible in dreams(primarily because there are no cute girls in the real world and secondarily because i'm an ugly retard)
how come you get anime girl dreams and all i get is stabbed in the eye
probably extreme obsession
also i dreamt of being stuck in a room with a rotting corpse for weeks today so we're more or less even
me i havent been able to dreamanything since the last 6 years
maybe i should just get a tulpa
actually managed to play video games the whole day (night) i usually get bored a couple hours in
luv me fizzy water
its got all the nice satiating healthy clean hydrating feel of water
with all the palate-cleansing bubbly nice feeling of soda

and no lame tastelessness like water or gross icky taste when it gets warm like soda
personally i think gas should come OUT of the body and never in
the helicopters are here
shouldn't have badmouthed the ol' fizzy pop
as for me, woke up
and now i laughed at some retards
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was hopping that was going to be one of those videos where the cat tries to talk and makes weird noises
imagine being reborn as a cat
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i was sent an email to give money to the "türkiye earthquake relief"
too bad they dont accept bananas
so do you think the ottomans are green because they ate green bananas
think its due to the islamism
but that raises the question of why islam is green
coffee for breakfast
tea for lunch
coffee for dinner
coffee as my 15 midnight snacks
luv not being poor
heard ohio exploded
happens to the best of us
as for me its the trannys spergout attacks infront of the fly. (shortnened "FamiLY")
tranny forgot to zip up the fly in front of the fly again
as for me my eyes are pink now(i don't know why)
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whats that cloverfield movie all aboot
cloverfield is about not godzilla and a camera man with parkinson's syndrome
the spinoff movie thats about a woman trapped in a bunker with a schizoid is better
gonna hit the showers then i'll hit bugs in edf and then hit the bed i suppose
yeah first cloverfield is whatever
second one is fantastic, but has one of the worst endings ever made
third is one of the worst movies ive seen in my life bottom five

yup over in east palestine ohio
i want to fly through the sky freely
got an idea to swap all i's with y and all y's with i
so you could say stuff like kike and nigger perfectly safely all the while being easily comprehensible
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deeply disturbing
just heard offhand on the radio(news): "there is a mafia behind the sudden mass arrival of pregnant russian women to argentina" 
i will investigate more later

leading theory for me is that theyre making russian spies (which will have innocent looking argie passports and birth certificates)
most likely its just good old prostitution and sex slavery
no some russian spies in skovenia got caught with argentinian passports
most.of them just go back (the prrgnabt women and babies) and theres a huge reason to come get a fairly good passport like ours if youre currently russian and you cannt get into normal western countries

you get to go to lots of places
yep, nothing beats scrolling through cable television channels, truely the best
tomorrow 80 more russian pregnants come on an ethiopian airlines charter

there was like 10k last year and theres russian signs at the birth hospitals
i'd curse my mother from the womb if she flew halfway across the globe just to make me an argentine
nhk welcome your new 10k arjento-russian compatriots

they get to go around the world
regret playing edf
i'm drunk ahhahaa *falls over* zzzzzzz
*takes out my permanent marker and draws a willy on your cheek*
so turns out this ohio explosion is bad
anybody want a post about it
well is it interesringm? <- slurring
more of a pdf man myself
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well for starters, what's being exploded is "vinyl chloride" which is apparently like the single most toxic chemical used in industrial manufacturing in the country, heres a quote about what it's doing
>"It’s vinyl chloride and since it is on fire, it’s producing hydrogen chloride, which is going to become hydrochloric acid as soon as it hits water. All of the black you see on the ground is acid burning and oxidizing everything it touches. All of the white you see is them trying to berm and neutralize the pH with sodium bicarb, which is also producing a shit ton of heat and boiling off into the air."
so basically this may as well be like, literal comic book evil green goo i suppose
but anyways, city council claims the water is "safe to drink" however, apparently in rivers and shit literally every single fish is dead in the water presently, and farm life is dying en masse, and people's animals are getting sick and dying just being in the vicinity
theyre also now trying to drop giant metal rods through all the tankers to pierce them, because the situation is so bad that this is the best solution as the alternative is every single one blowing up
it's also like, 27 tanks of this stuff
ok it's not interesting good to knoe
it's shaping up to be like, chernobyl tier disaster honestly
nobody is going to be able to live here for a long while and this will absolutely fuck the environment up in surrounding areas
you cant even fix it at this point either
also funny because it's like 75% what happens in a vonnegut novel
>The generic Midwestern town of Midland City, Ohio, in which Rudy was raised, is virtually destroyed by a neutron bomb, all the people in the town dying.
in the book nobody cares or remembers because it happened in the middle of nowhere and there was a media blackout
wow so the isrealites are using yet another biological weapon
huge huge fan of cute girls too bad they dont exist
ooohhh its a train huh wow interesting that would have beem some interesting contdxt i rhiught it was like a factory fire o rosmrhin
so howuhwere is it
ohio isnt a city and rivers font go through thrains
its in east palestine
(middle of nowhere, i didnt know it existed untilt his happened)
this this this so so so much i'm obsessed with them just cannot stop looking and thinking ofthem agahjagajgahahgagaaaahga
well im not an obsessive freak about it like you are
Replies: >>8374
why just why would you lie on the internet >>8373
well if its so good why dont we do more of these vinyl chloride explosions
i think all the talk about this ohio thing is a little.... overblown
i was typing this before ur post btw it's not a rebuttal or anything
reporter got arrested for (allegedly) asking if the groundwater was safe because of all the dead fish
the first 1:40 of the bodycam footage is silent which is fun :)
also apparently the train that crashed had been having issues previously that were brought up
also rail companies blocked a bill to update safety procedures some time before this
yeah no idea why everybody's talking about ohio all of a sudden
what did he do
theyre genociding my people
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after reading this book ive started to think of myself like this
maybe im not human after all, maybe that explains everything
why does nobody mind it when canman makes posts like this yet everybody starts crying when i do it
because my posts are so much better
well anyway everybody thinks the same when they're a teenager mate thinking that you're not a "normal" person but special is something we all do
no no this is completely different from chuunibyou i dont know how to explain it
also stop using the tranny "they" you can just say he
mr xinping please save me from the yankee regime genociding my state
youre just making me believe in it more the only way to convince me out of it is to show me there's other people who are truly like me
you're confusing "being different from normal people" with "being a great man"
all great men are different from normal people but not all abnormal people are great men
a great man wouldn't be wasting his limited lifetime sharting purposelessly in an imageboard, he would at least be purposelessly learning things instead
i understand exactly how you feel but it's better to humble yourself at every opportunity than to try and convince yourself it's true, even if it is true you don't need to be self-aware of being an epic great man to be one
any posts
sorry i was trapped on the toilet
me its a game lobby
wow holy shit the ai knows legitimate squad tactics
they try to flush you out
Replies: >>8415
im not trying to convince myself of anything
im just weighing the possibility of something i hadn't considered until now being true
youre not even real
one day im going to wake up and you wont exist anymore
^is that canman or who
i suspect its hmappeaser
its,,,,,,,,,,,grandi........i'll take vengeance on you all
when you're someone who clearly does not belong to his time or place you end up asking yourself "how and why am i here" and its a question that defines your life from then on
one of the millenium era godzilla movies the plot is that godzilla comes back but this godzilla is created by the ghost of everybody the japanese killed in ww2 coming to get revenge on japan and also punish them for trying to forget

anyways grandi should do that
its because god is a drooling retard
there's no choice but to leave this life and hope whats after death is better
a really good argument against this line of thinking is what actually happens in the book i got it from but none of you read so i'm safe from that
yep no choice
*frowns and looks at you, still perfectly alive*
need to find a way to stop wanting to cry at every little thing that happens it doesn't fit my personality
have you considered caring less about a "personality" and merely living a life
i decided against that
ok then enjoy crying a bunch like a retard
i won't enjoy it!!!
just bawled my eyes out because i dont have a child bride to have sex with
you people are worthless
i'd fetch a pretty penny at the barbary slave market
*gets bought by a kind turk gentleman*
i'm guessing it's just something like "epic people created a world that fits them, they didn't happen to be born into one"
which is true, but some people's ideals just contrast too much with reality for it to be possible to create a world they can fit into
personally my minimum expectations of this world are far far above what is actually being provided to me(and could be provided to me, if i did an epic thing and could influence the world at will) so i will kill myself
honestly feel like seppuku'ing right here right now
what does that mean
i will take care of the pregnant russian women

the tranny of their babies
not a fan of the posts
no the book is entitled "the decay of the angel" and that pretty much tells you what happens
changing the world is way too much effort and by the time you've done it you're not in a position to enjoy it for yourself
decay huh never heard of it
*eyes fall off*
there's a bunch of massive frog enemies that show up around mission 15 and they try to encircle you, provide suppressing fire, hide behind cover, etc etc
want to guess how many posts there were while i was out
yeah yeah it's 0 i know man it was the same for me too
four me it was 4
four me it was 88 teens
there are corpses under the sakura trees
not the best place to hide them
honestly wish i was dead under one
maybe the posts are all buried under the tree too
well i hope when someone digs them out they'll be less poo and more sakura
ok now i'm getting concerned
where are the fucking posts!
under the tree
...the christmas tree
why did they make the guy who gives presents some ugly fat balding retard and not christ
i know you're all bitter broken men but hating father christmas is a new low
why are you anglos so obsessed with the idea of old fat men breaking into your homes
it reflects in all parts of your culture and is gross
^ emaciated brown who cant understand the concept of charity and altruism
/'m brown and i love getting gifts
christmas is germanic
tell it to the judge kid
wahey my fucking ears are in ruins and i can't hear shit
oh hey this isn't that bad
i can't hear retards anymore either
congrats tard i forgot what i was gonna post because of you
suffer no posts
me i've been thinking about albanians
how albanians were prominent mercenaries in the past and some even took over egypt as we all know from vicky and now today they have a global criminal empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albanian_mafia i'm sure these things must be connected somehow some sort of deep spiritual impulse in every albanian to go out into the world and earn his keep by whatever means necessary
they were also very prominent in the ottoman empire in high administrative and military positions
pretty sure at least one of the grand viziers were albanian
feels like everyone but the turks were running things in the ottoman empire
my feet hurt as if i'd trekked through a whole continent (the furthest i've gone is the kitchen)
i find it funny how i have better phone signal in the middle of the chubutian steppe than inside some houses ive been to in la plata

anyway 49 well go walk up the fitz roy with the tranny in some days
i packed like 20 pairs of socks, 20 pairs of pants, 20 pairs of underwear, etc. etc. but forgot to bring any shirts
well you know the steppe is flat so the signal can travel unimpeded
while laplatan houses are full of... walls... and even roofs sometimes
well but you see sheeps dont use phones and the economy is supposedly in shambles so i dont see the point in installing 4g antennas so all of 5 people can have high speed internet in these like 400km of empty road
in bizarro world tragsg would hm be from uruguay or chile
from chile and a brown anglophile (as chileans are)
i hope to some day be reborn as a dog so i can experience what life as the turk is like
turkey is a bird
woah whats with all the negativity today
you do know i can paste your posts to the police and get you arrested??
i'l turn you into paste first
not if i turn you into a dog kike
dog kikes
cat niggers
its obviously the other way around you tard
he lives in upside-down land you see
little tailless steppe rats: biggers
just wait until you see tailless japcats
you see its like this:
child rape = evil 
consensual loli sex = epic
raping adult women = epic
consensual casual sex with adult women = evil
did you accidently post in the wrong thread
what does any of that have to do with turk rat jap cats then
i am playing eu4
*retard looking face*
but ive been gone for.....hours
ive been busy
get busy making posts
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not until we negotiate a new union contract
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imagine if it was your eye there instead
is that a joke 
why would they make such a complex machine just to make little springs
its perfectly serious
no clue why they did it though
geuss everyone is busy watching the superbowl
no clue what youre on about
actually me i took a nap listening to an anime girl
massive cloud of negativity over my head
could also be chloride gas
in my dreams
thinking of all the posts that used to clog the thread
personaposts... maidposts... the list goes on...
not sure what was going on with that maid bug i fell victim to it myself
it was just a bunch of men posting about maids nothing strange about it
wouldnt want to force a cute girl to clean up after me
we all got the same lust at the same time
girls like cleaning up shed be happy to do it if she loved you
"strength in unity" and all that
*spills my juice all over the floor*
hahaha oops
ideally i would just be floating in a void with nothing but a computer so there'd be nothing to even clean in the first place
and really floating in the void with a computer is a lot more likely to happen than a maid falling on my head from the sky and cleaning up my disgusting fucking filth
got my own pocket dimension planned out
oh yeah what happened to all the dream fort posts
there an smt3 ending where everyone gets their own pocket dimension
do you reckon i was one of them
i dont remember how it all works
its either everybody outside of tokyo gets to go to the new universes too or everybody outside is just gone forever and ever
ohhh yeah i just remembered ohio
its the former
the former what
this is the song that plays when you hear about the pocket dimension plan (it is a good song)
oh yup and someone got the quote

>The way I see it, there's me and there's everyone else. Most people don't even notice I exist. They don't care about me, and I sure as hell don't care about them. To me, that's neither empty nor sad.

>In the end, we're all the center of our own little worlds. And isn't that the way it should be? Wouldn't you be happier in your own private sanctuary? One where you had full control?

>And that's what you get with my Reason: the Reason of Musubi.
did you know that is a video game and not real
doesnt sound very positive
yeah but it's a fun video game and someone brought up their own dimension
well this is what plays during the ending proper (i do not fucking know why)
reminds me of something but i cant say what
but if it's not real then how come life is shit
because you have shit colored skin
project again and i'll project the full might of my pocket dimension to annihilate your existence kiddo
nonononono the whole point is youre not allowed to fuck with other people dont break the rules mate
brown people do not understand the concept of "rules"
*annihilates everybody outside of la plata*
did you know "la plata" means "the silver" in the argentine language?
in my dimension it means "the plate"
*slams the desk*
the fucking....SILVER!!!!
saw another platine guy online somewhere unrelated and he also was obsessed with los sinsones and got upset when someone mentioned cigarillos 
cant believe they're ALL like that a whole country full of hms just imagine
the basin of the river plate
its something in the water down there argentinians are just far too funny of people for it to be coincidence
didnt someone report the same thing but with turks
its not impossible that every argentine you run into on the internet is hm
well the turk i knew was a muslim and also an erdogan defender
no this guy hates trannies hes definitely not hm until he's hm from the past or something
the last thing the world needs is two hms
woke up to my computer mysteriously shut off
for me its closing it only to wake up to it mysteriously open
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finished my children's show now im reading the manga that spawned it (technically there was one before it)
bit violent for a childrens book
you wont believe what they show on tv these days
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well it was just a manga then became a children's show
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heres a fun fact for you
did you know the who made ultraman was a kurishitan catholic
its why ultraman & friends make a cross to shoot their spacium beam
why is it the weird gay alien freak that makes crosses and not anybody more trustworthy
then why did they draw a turk impaling a greek with a cross
he's a friend of humanity you know
he's a friend of humanity you know
also kamen rider is a grasshopper not a roach -____-
potato tomato
wow i am playing my game yet somehow i can't take it seriously at all and just keep randomly refusing to use features and dying like a retard
the same happened to me earlier
are there non catholic kirishitans
catholicism seems like it would be the most japanese compatible version
i meant to say converted kurishitan i'll be honest
he wasnt born 1
yea alri this shit is impossible for the me now can't play seriously at all
maybe video games just aren't for humans
from the tip of my toes to the top of my head
all i want is to stuff my face full of lead
wish i had a cute imouto but im glad i dont because i dont actually think she'd be my type
you mean "wished i had a cute imouto but then i remembered all imouto and in fact women in general are fucking pests"
just imagining how i'd be EVEN POORER if i had sibling fills me with dread
but then again maybe there's always the chance they'd actually work and give me money
site fucking killed itself for like 15 seconds upon the hmpost
fucking swear the floor of this house is made of paper
i can feel the vibration of some guy closing the door of his car 30m away
my life would be soooo novelesque if i had a cute imouto uugghh just imagine no parents and all the money we'd ever need....
imouto more like im poo
the other day i heard the growl of an antediluvian beast as i wandered the pitch black hallways
but it turns out it was just a bus with funny sounding brakes passing through the street
well did you vibrate
felt like a kurd even
blood kurdling
so do you think i should eat a little biscuit or whatever and then drink a coffee or should i just drink without biscuits
never drink on an empty stomach
>Criminal charge	Moharebeh ("waging war against God")
>Penalty	Death
randomly happened upon this and it's sort of amusing
especially if you just look at the picture he has on the page and just pretend that posting it is the reason he was charged and executed
keep forgetting persia is a weirdo islamic theocracy
interesting how they're some bizarre modern-esque islamic-esque freak country hope they have a civil war soon and get a more reasonable government
iran proves weird nazbol third positionist moralism doesnt work and in fact just makes your people even more libtarded
ohhh wow the czech have the eu presidency huh
what happened to uhhh romania
still there unfortunately
"the czech have the eu presidency" makes it sounds like a pointless bloat mechanic they added to eu4 which i guess is appropriate on multiple levels
yeah actually i put it that way because it's an utterly worthless title
yep now they have +0.1 yearly republican tradition good on them
theyre going to need it after that awful presidential scandal event they had last year
....which is
yeah they got unlucky on that event the mtth is pretty high
no idea i think the president liked russia and the people got angry
i still find it really funny how this ukraine retardation has infected nearly every country but here both the left and right still support russia
what if you united the left and right in their love of russia and annexed argentina as the second alaska of the empire
you seem to be mistaken both right and left euros have hated/disliked russia for a long time
it's only right wing slave govs that are usually sympathetic/kowtow to russia
right wing slaves such as.... .
every euro country that was previously either part of russia, austria, or turkey
so this includes hungary, greece, and albania as slaves
french colonial troops(1919)
oh and baltoids but theyre basically culturally western euro at this point
no white country has ever been "slaves" for another white country
*pulls down my big map and shows the russian, austrian, and ottoman empire all existing at once and controlling white countries*
that's not what slavery is you drooling int-brained retard
*stretches out my white hierarchy tree with russians austrians and turks at the top*
its spiritual slavery you low vibrational retard -_-
yeah so you're admitting to making up bullshit got it
it's been a while since i dug out the tragsg argument book
okay but balkan people were but you're still wrong even without jokes
do you think russians didnt use a bunch of poles and ukranians as serfs?
and ottomen would take balkan babies to make them good soldiers
they were WHAT
what were the balkan peoople????
they also had russian serfs
serfs are serfs
i fucked up my post
also notice how i specified white countries because the only ones who actually did any slavery were the ottomans
turks are white though
also how were ottomen practices any more slavery than serfdom????
um probably because serfs arent slaves
if the jannisaries were the ottomen doing "actual slavery" then serfdom is also slavery
no idea what anyone is talking about anymore did someone let the text AIs loose
uhh no buying kidnapped slaves from tartar slave raids on slave markets is not the same thing as the russian empire conquering some land that had serfs on it and not doing anything to change the arrangement
saying that what the ottomans did was slavery is pretty retarded
not only are there massive benefits to the one who gets picked up but in the first place the amount of people who did get picked up were very very few with many ways to dodge your kid being stolen
also the janissaries in their height had only 30k soldiers or something
they had a bunch of regular non janissary slaves to work the mines and the galley oars and the harems
and they participated massivly in the barbary slave trade
but you see this is exactly the same as when the russian empire administrated the province of poland and uhh... made them pay taxes... and put down independence revolts
no but its similar to when the russian empire had people tied to feudal lands where they had to shine their feudal lord's shoes
yeah except it was ethnic russian serfs shining ethnic russian nobles' shoes
and according to angry baltoids they forced all the wealthy people into serfdom and gave all their lands to russian (german) aristocrats
yes ergo it is whites imposing slavery on whites
which you so arrogantly claimed had never been tried

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