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i fucking hate animals
but i hate humans even more
you are what you eat
i am nothing
i eat nothing
turn me to a pillar of salt
to die now would be perfection
just imagined not letting myself go to sleep
*gets reborn back at the latest save
*its 10 years ago*
long my loneliness closes in
and i drink a jërman wine
10 years isnt far enough back to fix things
was reading about how evolutionists think that not monkeys, nor dolphins, but birds are going to be the next species to "evolve" intelligence
yeah thats why i picked that specific number
its just enough time to maximise suffering and just little enough that you cant fix anything
2013 would be a good year to start fixing things for me
lets be honest theres no way any of these retard animals are going to evolve intelligence
the only ones with intelligence in this world are humans, souls, demons, angels and god
thats when it went really wrong due to a build up of years of awful decisions 
also say a dumb documentary once where they said squids were the next big thing
yeah they like to make a big deal out of those ones too, but they don't take it too far because they think you need fire to evolve a soul or something
for me its going back and fixing things in the short term, but also trying to keep the same result in the present
that sounds like it would be impossible
hanchen oh hanchen du schmekst so gut
10 years would be enough time for me. i would gratefully take 5
kill kikes
you have to go back to 1789 and plant the seed of esoteric hitlerism into the soul of europe for any meaningful change to happen
i went beyond i went below
i did that
how could it be argued thats not what i did
why would you bother with saving evropa when even just being happy is next to fucking impossible
well you see its impossible because everything has been going wrong for at least the past 3 centuries
by the way how long till the next reign of terror do you reckon
i did it and i found out 
and now theres nothing left to believe in 
*sqealing pig noises*
actually i didnt go far enough
bed time
its coming real soon its right around the corner just you wait! *cries*
you can very clearly see it forming now
the difference between the worldwide culture of 2013 and that of 2023 is like 50 years away
have no fear
really really have to sleep wtf is going on
dont worry ill sleep together with you
2nd half of my bed is boobytrapped to prevent tranny incursions
memories cant hurt you
yes they can
start it over 
yeah yeah maybe
extinguish every neuron
execute every negroid
when I am king by divine right...
me i was nothing a year ago and now i'm a co-consul
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ugh hope this shit ends soon this last arc has been very good i think it can end very good
it's back
it crashed the instant i tried to upload a picture of my slop
anyways look at this abomination of an op
all eyes off me by the end of march
hi o hi o way 
15 minutes lemme charge my watch o 
hi o hi o way 
they slapped me with it when they let me loose o 
hi o hi o way 
dont give these motherfuckers no excuse no 
hi o hi o way 

this came to me in a dream, the whole thing, with the tune and everything and a bunch of people singing it i will explain later
gestão da cargas
really like those flat nose trucks
thats 99% of trucks nowadays
so i woke up in the middle of the night some hours ago and tried to post this:
bizarre nightmare about some kind of mega dome like stadium or concert hall, actually more like an arena. with chainlink forming the dome. 
enormous crowd. im talking to some randoms in a back area somewhere like under the seats and we figure out that a nuclear detonation is inevitable by a logical reasoning. france is behind it somehow. 
nobody else knows or has figured it out so i start trying to leave. but i wait around because my mom still might be in the crowd. theres also a girl somewhere here that i know i could get to like me. i find the girl first, shes either ginger or blonde. i ask if she wants to get out of here with me. then i find my mom and we all talk for too long and the event is over and the crowd starts peacefully exiting. 
the dream ends with me telling as many people as i can about the incoming nuclear explosion but nobody cares, in fact some people are just entering the arena for some reason. 
the explosion definitely happens, but the dream ends first. i guess i woke up just now at the exact point it went off

and then i fell asleep until my alarm and then fell asleep again but only for 20 minutes but IN those 20 minutes it was very vivid and i was back in the same place again, the same arena. but i was just on the outside of it and people were exiting still. 
and it was storming and raining violently and also this whole place is like on a dockyards on the ocean and the tides were coming up and washing over everyones feet. 
on a pier extending pretty far out to the ocean, right outside of the arena theres like this giant fucking oil rig, i mean it cant be an oil rig but it's a huge metal contraption with a lot of moving parts and cranes to move things. 
and workers were climbing all over it and some of them were lifting each other up with the cranes like one would sit on the crane and the operator would hoist them to wherever. and the whole crowd from the arena was walking through all this and the workers started singing a sea shanty (in 25). 
and i was wandering around thinking the only reason they were singing was because they had an audience of randoms, and thats also why they were messing around with the cranes and running up the stairs so fast and looked so busy was all just to impress the crowd from this venue. 
point is, i guess the explosion actually didnt happen yet but i STILL knew it was coming and was even thinking "wow im glad i did that writeup on tragsg so everyone knows i called the nuke before i died and nobody els knew". (i forgot i wasnt actually able to post it). the storm made it seem much more imminent.
wait wait and also yeah uhhh a different girl was also definitely a part of all this. a real one this time. but i totally forgot how. and that was probably the most important part that i want to remember most
did you get to have sex before you die
i feel like thats the part i cant remember
i have swelling on my left ankle and on the back of my right knee
as you may have guessed walking is quite hard
poke a hole and the liquid will come right out
why walk when you can lay down and die slowly
they wont let me do that do
nothing but death marches everyday its like im some armenian or something
my mental health is deteriorating again, already
pretty seriously, i might add
just another day
oh god
it's setting in
piece of shit hate kill
i think you need to take a deep breath
they hate me
joke clown retard
why why why why why
 and why
at least youre not working at paradox
t.reading a dev diary
stupid fuck stupid fuck kill yourself fucking joke offend everyone by still being here get the fuck out dont show your face forget you fool fucking retard rat shit
i want to leave too but they won't let me
>Citizens can own pets. Pet owners are chosen randomly from the citizen pool, and while pets are purely cosmetic and do not affect citizen Happiness or their consumption of Resources, garbage accumulation, or noise pollution, they add a bit of flavor to your city.
ugh epic epic
cant wait for it to be 3 times more laggy than the original
already knew what game it was before i clicked on it
i also like just how stupid and arbitrary it is
you could just..... add a 120% modifier to the filth of citizens with pets....it would take like 3-4 lines of code to do this
even the original game had a pet ban policy that lowers the amount of filth produced in that area
>And yes, you got that right. Chirper, the lovable bird from Cities: Skylines makes a glorious return in Cities: Skylines II! Its functionality has been expanded and integrated more into the core gameplay as citizens voice their happiness and frustration about the various things happening in the city. The chirps relate to actual events and looking at the “likes”, you can see just how important the subject matter is to the chirp sender and other citizens. Citizens can inform you about the lack of city services and congratulate you when their various service and leisure needs have been met.
>Citizens also chirp about events in their own lives such as moving together with another person or breaking up, finding a new job, and so on, and as mentioned, they integrate with the Citizen Lifepath giving you an overview of the followed citizen’s life.
i mean you just have to imagine the people who make the game, the average western office rat who doesn't eat meat and treat his "doggo" like a child
i haven't actually played it yet but that soviet city building game seems to have pretty much solved the genre no point in making any other games anymore
German empire gay
turconian the brave armenian who clumb out of the well and clung to wellfare
yes the only problem with it is that its janky slavcode and its not very well made and its hard to mod

but in terms of concept and design yes its solved city building
holy shit this game sucks so fucking bad
i got blocked out from resupply by a single enemy transport plane(empty), when i try to shoot it down it just regenerates all its health because its on a supply point, and then midway through the battle they got reinforcements and wiped my entire force out because i cant even move or fire due to lack of supplies
now this all sounds very fun and interesting but ill have to restart the campaign because of this as i have suffered such enormous losses in troops and time that my defeat is certain
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tried to play ck3 for 2 hours
it was the most terrible shit ive ever witnessed everything is just so fucking plainly bad i dont even know how i could explain it
was a big fan of how you get 20-30 notifications a month even as a count and how theres no way to stop them(they also take up around 30% of the screen)
had an utterly ridiculous dream i dont even feel like elaborating on but when i woke up i literally said "thank god that was a dream"
also everybody already knows this but i WILL complain about the ui
its so fucking retarded not only is the ui made in such a way that it conceals information and actions but the various ui elements keep fighting with eachother and constantly blocking eachother, you cant see jack fucking shit
theres roughly an empty space of 640x480 on the middle of the screen but thats it, everywhere else is filled with retarded shit, and i want to remind you that i am playing on a 1920x1080 fucking screen
its crazy how fucking bad paradox is at ui now, goi4, imperator, ck3, and v3 all have borderline unusable ui especially compared to their prior iterations
i played ck3 some time after it came out and although it was undoubtedly shit i still manage to play a hundred or so years and figure out the game
but then i tried playing it again last year and it felt so so shit i quit after 15 minutes i don't know if they managed to ruin the game further or it was just me
my current controversial opinion is that i think eu4 is actually their best game ever
if every game theyve made is shit (fact) then the best one should be the most fun one, and yeah eu4 is still not good and full of SUPER retarded shit but it is genuinely fun, in a cookie clicker way
its been 3 years since release and the only things theyve added are new events, some retarded bloated trip system, and a fuckload of new courtier positions
that last one gives you like 10 or so notifications at all times of the game and you cant disable them, they come back after a single month
eu4 was fun for a while but its been unplayable trash for years now and they are still updating it
you just have to relish in the trash
yeah i had a really memorable campaign with that Byzantium migrating to the americas mod 
thinking about it, if it predates goy4, then it's quite revolutionary because it followed to a T the "visual novel" system and focus tree, but in an actually good and organic way, in that there wasnt 20 walls of texts but rather decisions you'd take and events that'd pop up over time(in relation to your decisions) thatd keep the narratve going and give you some goals
(this was in like 2016/17 or something. i could probably go look in my computer for the save file)
think that mod came out in like 17 or 18
people understandably bitch about mission trees but i think in games like eu4 they work and add to it
in v2 you do NOT need them because the scope is so small and barring extreme circumstances you arent meant to become der blob or shit like that
(this would also apply to goi4 in a just world)
but eu4 the timeline is so long, there are so many retarded "what if"s that i think mission trees do a decent job of enhancing the game
it would be nice if they had actualy results and not just stupid shit like "+1 stability" or "+10% nigger strength for 10 years", theyre also wayyyyyy too fucking short and constrained considering that a single guy who knows nothing about modding can make 80 missions for a country in a single day
i would also prefer there to be real mechanics in the game and for decisions to actually matter, like for example for austria there would be a decision to encourage austrian immigration to transylvania and that would take adm mana and raise the development of the provinces as well as change their culture and stuff
really the biggest problem with the mission trees is that absolutely no effort goes into making them good in any way shape or form, theyre not cool lore, they dont add to the gameplay, they dont let you do interesting things, all they do is make it even easier to blob like a retard, and paradox just puts like 50 missions into a pack and sells it for 14.99
what i hate the most about mission trees are how linear they are
like you HAVE to conquer korea then china if you do it the wrong way you miss out on all the bonuses
it was always annoying to compete with portugal and spain for colonies but then they gave them new hyperblob powers every year so now its impossible
when geopolitics start taking place in space around colonies in mars ans jupiter and in orbit and whatever, theyll be called heliopolitics
and then when we leave the solar system, theyll be astropolitics
think theres SOMETHING to the jewislamic idea of not eating pork
they are self-evidently evil animals, and theres something wrong with them when you look at them

it must also be kept in mind how they put bacon in everything, and how the great satanic peoples of north america have abandoned beef in favor of pork
noble people must eat noble animals
really i think they look cute
piges are cool
ive also always thought that theyre ugly and disgusting but i would gladly eat bacon(although i prefer other meats)
i was told that youre not allowed to eat pork because pigs roll around in filth and shit and are violent
pigs ARE violent 
what does a cow do in nature??? walk around and eat grass
what does a PIG do in nature???
eat trash, eat poo, eat worms, eat other animals, eat corpses

theres a reason that people use starving pigs to get away with murder......

and what THEY eat...... is what YOU eat later......
i only eat christs flesh -_-
that post from a few days ago about gay flags being plastered everywhere and how the equivalent of that would be putting up prussian and nazi flags really got into my head and now whenever i see one i imagine it as prussia and want to burst out laughing
speaking of pork did i mention how i saw a big boar on the side of the road and it looked at me back 
boar is probably fine to eat
boars are the actual gross thing
boars are bores but pigs are nigs
you know its quite silly how america is actually one of the oldest countries on earth, along with most american countries

all the rest of them all only got established as what they are fairly recently (germany, turkey, poland, greece, italy, china, japan, etc. etc.)
only the western european states are properly older

if you look at important national and patriotic figures, most of them are much more recent than Washington or San Martin 
(see ataturk or garibaldi or meiji or mao or the india guy or all arabafrican niggers)
thats because the old world was pulverized and destroyed after 1900
and obviously this is with the understanding of all those asian and european states trace their heritage to much older things

BUT when they look at what they factually are today, their figure that established THAT is fairly recent 
like sure krauts can look at that Hermann guy but.....really..??? i mean seriously????
somebody smarter than me could bring up the fall of "imperialism" and its replacement with "nationalism" being the reason but im too lazy
there are lots of old important national figures, but they were more "imperialistic" in nature, stuff like cromwell or suleiman
i mean the turkish case is the most obvious because they explicitly stopped being a big imperial blob and declared independence from themselves as a proud TÜRKVSH nation that hates all the minorities
it's really just about continuity
all these figures are only relevant because they directly contributed to the founding of the nation in question
but the old world has been through so many iterations of countries falling and rising that nobody cares about the old guys anymore
prüBia uber alles
for me, its hitler's argentine minister of agriculture, who developed the idea of blood & soil, and encouraged to blob and kill everything in the east
if only deutschland had won the war.... the argentine connection would have led us to have farms in mars by now...
well when you think like that america is even younger than the other countries in the world
just look at america in the 60's 70's or 80's and then look at it now, they dont even look remotely similar, the oldest you could put this current iteration of america is like 80 years old and the youngest 40
no thats not really what you get when you think "like that", you get that when you think differently from how i said
maybe you're just thinking wrong then
glad someone appreciated it
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which of these dishes do you think looks more appetizing
both look like pastaslop but the second looks the closest to real food
well i honestly think the left slop tastes better
yeah thats how it usually is the sloppiest of them all also tastes the best
i havent been able to do allnighters in months
ill try to do one today but it might not work
i think im just too old now my body would sooner force me to pass out than to let me go 24 hours without sleep
when i grow up im going to be a grappler just like baki
when i grow up ill buy a tragsg account
id sell him mine for 10k dollars
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one unexpected side effect of learning japanese is that i've started accidentally writing l's as r
its happened several times today
read its like 45 degrees in brazil 
hope that doesnt make its way here anytime soon.............................................................
45 kurds in a well
theres many good things in the world
i will never experience them in this lifetime
what of great north american race war
it's hot but windy so not too bad overall
the real problem is that it's hot during nights which make it horrible to sleep and then it goes back to normal during the morning and before the afternoon
kike niggers must die
what about niggerkikes
power went out x2
i don't wanna sleep you know i just DON't want to!!!
you dont have to do anything
^bullshit fucking nigger kike liar
you HAVE to watch or read baki the grappler
more like caca the crappler
the hungary cacapilar
thank you hm
i was getting a little angry but then i remembered what a funny life you lead and it made me laugh
say what you want about hm but he lives his life the way he wants to
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im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry for playing eu4 i didnt want to do it i really didnt they forced me to do it they made me play it against my will im sorry im sorry im sorry
why are thre black people in your game
i actually installed eu4 yesterday and played for a bit but i'm already bored of playing japan
shogun total war is always kinda fun
i remember an epic otomo campaign i did with some epic mods where you can get spain and portugal to help you blob
better an otomo campaign than an otome campaign
sometimes i wish i could play total war but it just doesn't click for me i've ever been able to get into it all the time i'm playing i just keep wishing it was another game
you can just autoresolve all the btttles
the management is kinda entretaining in a coookie clicker fashion
*loses my epic 10000 man kikekilling legion to 10 men and a horse*
ankle and knee have swelled even further
now they constantly hurt a shitlot and its even harder to walk
why are you so stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gods will
ive reflected on my idiocy thousands of times but it hasnt made me any smarter
so anyway people have been saying about china moving a lot of troops near taiwan, how the whole brics thing is advancing and the oil prices are very high and the US is running through all of the strategic oil reserve's because of bidet's horrendous government policies 
what do we think the outlook is for 2024
i thought all the oil america produces covered almost all of its own consumption
china is the most shitty country in the world they couldnt even beat a turk let alone the western world
i'd play total war mp with trashmen 
merely imagining hm stumbling his forces on the battlefield brings a smile to my face
doubt anything big with taiwan will happen, maybe just cubaesque standoff, nothing more
why dont nigger hordes in washington dadc ever storm the white house
it isnt even that protected
didn't they all surround it one time? surprised they didn't try to breach it, although maybe they're saving that for the next wave of nigger unrest
if gobald dumb wins next election i reckon they might do that
not with bidet i think...............
and anyway the american oil is all based on fracking and so on which means its more expensive than conventional oil and there whole thing is that they want to keep the price down to make inflation stay down and so on 
idk exactly what there doing but i guess theyre just selling the oil theyve saved up over the years just to keep things as they are for a while longer and not have oil be $120000000000000000 dollars
We should create the Waggler-SS
kanada has foolen........
does capturing a capital even matter anymore if everyone is moving to remote communication 
why should all the politicians even live in the same place anymore
furthermore, why should i even live at all
so you can play mmo event with me this weekend where We will mass kill retards
yes keeping busy is a solid answer
where are the postd
update: still really enjoying baki
whats that
really big fan of this shiba chiharu guy
what an epic character
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there's a willy mod for total war warhammmer
that's fucking epic
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and this is his horse
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and the second horse
i need to find a gimmick to ape
i don't understad those words
i need to copy someone elses style or way of doing things that works for me and im compatible with because i cant come up with my own
i see well there's no shame in doing that no one is a completely original person everyone copies each other either wittingly or not and even if you try to emulate a specific style eventually your individuality will shine through and make it your own "fake it till you make it" is what they say
that willymod looks like an e1
too bad its trapped in tritehammer total poo
why do they always cut off the electricity during day and not at night
dont know why but my computer in sleep mode was completely unaffected
these two men(one unemployed and 26 years old, other a college student ages 22) gave over 300000 bomb threats thoroughout the country, and around 1400 colleges were threatened too
thats pretty hilarious
just calling everywhere you can
you dont know that trick??? its the oldest one in the book man

back when i was a wee tiny little kiddo, i liked using the computer, but my parents didnt want me to and wanted me to go sleep or do other things
so when they told me to turn it off (and werent directly watching me) id put it on sleep mode, and then unplug it and plug it back in
that would bypass the part where you have to put in a password, and so id get up late or when they werent around and use it
it was by fax
one of the letters sent was "ive put 334 bombs in your shitty college, give me 300000 yen or ill detonate it all"
even funnier holy moly
i thought that putting it on sleep mode makes the hdd stop using electricity but the cpu and gpu still use an extremely tiny amount
i didnt have to use any tricks like that since my parents didnt care about me using the computer and if they tried to stop me i could beat them up
if you socially engineered some students or professors with access to chemistry labs to put ingredients somewhere and you took them discreetly to the experimental hyper advanced research 3d printer i wonder if you could remotely 3d print a bomb and detonate it
damn that was the dumbest thing iv thouhgt all day
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natural borders of turkey
so this is paradox's new trite
it's not even a paradox game is it they're just the publisher
anyway another lame turn based 4x to chuck in the bin
yeah but its the thing htye announced
so there wont be a new stone age gsg or somesuch
caveman times makes me ponder what the first language was
there must have been several first languages at many times and places but which was the earliest and most talky (least grunty)
dreamt that i exorcised a ufo
you cant often talk about dreams with others, they are just not interesting to the other person
dont have an answer but i've probably posted this before but a generally agreed upon theory is some kind of """language""" developed whenever proto-man first started making those coastal bote type things, since whoever is piloting the bote has to keep looking you cant just point and grunt, and granted the language was probably still grunts but more sophisticated
Replies: >>31191
(also like all early language related things there was probably a very broad spectrum so some kind of sophisticated grunt language probably did exist prior to this but this is a thing we can point to and say "IF language hadnt developed yet, this is something that could have encouraged development")
early language is one of those things that academics are so blatantly wrong about if you think about it for 5 seconds but its impossible to know what the truth is so people are going to treat it like fact
i mean "blatantly wrong" is a blatantly wrong statement
its an impossibility to figure it out so like i said the best we can do is find "specific" things in the development of humans and say "well if language didnt exist yet, this COULD have spurred language development"
god that paradog game looks so shit
yes youve defiantly posted about that before and ive heard of it but it just sounds like some coked-up slop thought up by people who had absolutely no idea or point of reference(obviously) as to how life could have possibly been back then

you can see this same effect even today when people give absolutely insane and retarded explanations for things they have no relation to or idea about
okay yeah guess we should never think about anything ever and just say slop until we die
no i didnt say that what i mean is that to have worthwhile opinions to be considered by other people you should have some idea of what ur talking about
that theory seems pretty retarded though its like if i started talking about the chink cultural revolution and its consequences when i have no idea about anything that happened there, my thoughts and theories will probably be quite awful
Replies: >>31410
what kind of retard would have ridden on a shitty boat back then anyway
you see serious expert pro men with 50 phds saying shit like "the original japanese descended from australians/indonesians who sailed all the way over to japan" and it all just sounds so retarded
especially in this particular point which some real people and real "experts" legitimately believe to be true
ive also heard some say that the japanese might have descended from ancient thai or some other people from that general region, because supposedly according to a single set of recreations of the pronounciation of medieval japanese it sounds similar to thai
you're retarded i wont even waste my time with this
are you referring to me(94)
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morning men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mourning men
*crashes straight into the cold hard floor crying and twitching*
theres a song for this
the new flcl exists
it looks utterly terrible
death to the west
googled flcl
saw adult swim
closed the tab
and we are making the last film
they say it's the best
and we all helped make it
it's called death of the west 

a star is rising in our northern sky
on it we are crucified
a chain of gold is wrapped around this world
we're ruled by those who lie
the original flcl is masterclass you retard its only "adult swim" because thats what it aired on in america
(although all the """sequels""" are adult swim originals through literal corporate scammery)
yes my point is that since its directly related to adult swim it must be absolute cancer
why are you even like this why post anything if some retard is just gonna waltz in and act like some degnerate vermin about every single topic ever
just kill him
i just want an explanation for what makes someone such a faggot
it's not like i cant handle the bantz or i care if someone calls something i like shit but i do care about someone who's sole purpose seems to call anything and everything ever brought up in any capacity some manner of buzzword and just act like the trve smvrtmvn for not caring about anything ever
what the fuck are you talking about
are you speaking to me????? or the voices in your head?????? why are you going crazy all of a sudden
you know exactly who you are
so you ARE talking to me? i wasnt even shitting on the original one you retard because i have never even watched it im shitting on the new one because you say adult swim is involved in the production
why are you so childish that you misunderstand people and then start freaking the fuck right out about how they have the wrong opinions when they dont even have them
all me
i didnt misunderstand shit you made a post that reads exactly like the usual posts whoever the fuck makes them makes here whenever anything gets brought up where they just go "yup googled it say x looks like big sloppa"
well that guy is not me i just so happened to say that its shit
*fucking stangles you to death just to be sure*
*all the epic posts stop coming*
any necromancer in
is slop the new term we're all using
you know the progress bar youtube puts on thumbnails of videos youve already seen
for a while now its been putting them on videos ive never seen
and i cant be forgetting because some of these are recent uploads
feels like only 30% of the blood that my brain needs is actually getting to it
i open youtube once a year so i haven't experienced that but they're always adding new retarded things my unfounded guess is that it's setting your progress to the most viewed section so you can click get your dopamine hit and leave
its not even doing that because the progress was fully filled and it started from 0:00 when i clicked on it
in fact i saw this video earlier and i thought "oh cool new video from that guy ill watch it later" then i get home and i have to manually find it so its like youtube THINKS i watched it
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the can eviction
wait a minute that looks like a squirrel not a woodeaterrodent
i think the canimal in question is a prairie dog
gihren's ambition has a lot of alt his shit
theres like 13 different scenarios and only 5 of them are historical, when you finish a historical route you then get to switch to an althis one depending on what your actions were
i heard that if you get char and amuro together during the war with the titans they'll both disappear after a while and then resurrect zeon and reenact cca, but with amuro siding together with char this time
oh yeah heard about that game
some cool routes in there from what i remember
am i going crazy or is 27 two completely unrelated posts in one
it makes sense once you realize historical doesn't mean "historical"
oh so its like a secret coded message
if you want to play it you should get the psp version of the threat of axis V or whatever its called in english, there should be some good english patches somewhere
looking at it now there's:
79' feds
79' zeon
scirocco's titans
delaz fleet
kycilia's zeon
garma's zeon
casval's zeon(either char's zeon or someone larping as him)
quattro's AEUG
glemy's axis
char's neo zeon
tem ray's army(some meme shit)
speaking of civ think am gonna start playing civslop for some time while i do othersloptrite that i have to do

whats the latest & greatest modslop
(for ciV not ci6 or ci4)
i tried old world
it was kind of boring and bland honestly but at least it wasnt outright offensive like civ 6 was
also late game wars are absolute cancer since moving your units is terrible
one day i installed civ 5 and i played it for like 2 days straight then i uninstalled it and never looked back
every so often i try civ 4 but never have fun
never even contemplated mods or in fact even realized they exist at all (for civ 5 at least, i do know about that popular civ 4 one)
so what was that argument from earlier about i didn't read the posts but someone seemed pretty angry
canadian milk bags
argentine milk sachets
slop = new age hippyspeak
trite = trad tragsg culture
triteslop good
sloptrite bad
hating all of you presently
yeah i hate it
i always liked referring to food as a whole as "slop" but now its a gay suffix for everything
if you hate everyone........the one you truly hate.............................is yourself...............................
fuck you
we're all going through tough times alright keep yourself together
kill niggers
hhow did brazil hahndle the graet immigration wave
(sociopolitically speaking)
first they enslaved them to work in the farms after freeing all the slaves
but more kept coming and moving to the cities so they put them to work in the factories too
and then some time later the elites forced them all to speak portuguese and become brazilian under the threat of imprisonment
and so wheres the problem in that
sounds like it went well for everyone involved

its not like they revolted and killled all the brazilian elites
i'm working on that
i just remembered how i brought up how immigrants in brazil were treated like nigger slaves once and somebody didnt believe me and got angry
well its no wonder argentina got 10x the immigrants then
i'm not sure that's true
its more or less true
so who the fuck is this guy then
from what i heard even the japanese were shipped off to the same rubber mines the natives were laboring in because they looked the same
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mind you that brazil has 5x the population of argentina so proportionally its basically like 10x
it's probably like how there's been a bunch of russian presidents but nobody knows them because putin is always pulling the strings
also im sure theres more accurate numbers but.......................it'd probably take hoours and hours of research to get them right
one thing to keep in mind is that a lot of them went back home, precisely because of how shit everything is imagine
who knows how many compared to other countries
yes this is history none of that intellectualoid trite
big big fan some of those are hilarious
the good thing of modern history is that many things from that era still remain either in popular memory or at least a lot of records so its easier to understand what people actually thought back then (which is itself important to understand the processes that took place) 

its harder to understand what some uhhhhhh idk peasant revolt 1488 retards thought (and thus why they did things that they did)
"¡Derecha, izquierda, los yanquis a la mierda!" [enviado por Nora, 2005]
"¡Arriba, abajo, los yanquis al carajo!" [enviado Nora, 2005]
e1 nora
>"¡No son bengalas ni luces de colores, son los trotskistas en platos voladores!" [hacia un sector del trotskismo que consideraba seriamente que si los extraterrestres pertenecían una civilización superior necesariamente debían ser socialistas]
"its not flares or colored lights, its the trostkyists in flying saucers!"

reference to
>Posadism attempts to introduce elements of ufology into Marxist thought.[1][2] Arguing that only communism can allow the development of interplanetary travel, they concluded that visiting aliens from other planets must live in highly advanced communist societies and are bound to help Earth-based communists with bringing about the world revolution.[3][4]
i think it's theoretically possible to view all of history. like watching it on a screen and controlling a flying observer camera that you can go anywhere with. the revolution in technology that could allow such a thing would be a forwards time machine. 
you cant go back in time because it would change the present and be a paradox, but i think you CAN go forwards in time. imagine a time capsule or dino bones, thats the same thing as teleporting an object from the past way into the future. it can greatly affect the future world, as the discovery of fossil fuels very suddenly affected humanity. 
you can jump forwards in time, and suddenly the future is affected by your presence. 
so essentially, the time machine is a one way trip into the future, you cant ever come back. 
now hear me out: i dont know HOW, but i have a feeling such an invention would come out around the same time as (and have a lot of scientific overlap with) a process of extrapolating past events based on current conditions. like analyzing a dent in a wall and knowing with 100% accuracy the qualities of the object that hit it and its velocity, and based on that what other thing launched it and how, etc. 
BUT!!! (this is very important) again i dont know HOW, but this technique would NOT enable you to predict the future based on current circumstances. for the SAME or very similarly connected reasons that time travel backwards is impossible. 
so the whole secrets of evolution, anthropology, language, who cheated on who, who killed who, which imprisoned persons are innocent or guilty, what everyone ate for dinner last night and indeed!!!!! what everyone did a just millisecond ago (allowing for full realtime exposure of literally everybodys actions at every moment, viewable by anybody). it will be a world where there are no secrets, no surprises, no concept of individual or self.
the only way to get out of the organism of humanity would be to use the time machine and go into the future, because then nobody would be able to view you anymore. but they can view you when you make the attempt, and they will stop you before you can do it. this would be analogous to a cell in a body attacking the others and then the immune system goes and kills it. humanity would kill you for trying to use the time machine. and if EVERYBODY used the time machine at once thats the only way it COULD be used, which would be the extinction of humanity.
yes me too mate viva la revolucion
what happened to no more meaningless intellectualisms
well you see as much as id like too i cant stop others from wasting time with that
or........i could..........
the cord is too short
74 well you see that was a meaningless outtelectualism
i think i'm going to try to sleep while sitting tonight
never worked before but it's not like i have anything better to do
never been able to do that in my life even when deathly ill
when i was little mom brought home two cardboard boxes for the dog and i insisted in sleeping on one of them that was the closest i've gotten to falling asleep not on a bed or couch
well and i guess on the car a couple times during a long trip but i was laying down
i think i did it once when my nose was super plugged i had to use a ton of pillows to prop myself up
honestly it completely ruins your sleep quality
but maybe itd be fine once you got used to it
i think im being haunted
time to call an exorcist
>"I told him: you will be killed; You've gotten yourself in such a mess that you will get killed. Either you will be killed by one or the other. Because he had taken money from the american embassy, and thought that he was going to smoke the CIA people. I told him: Now you are between the sword and the wall. If you fail the Movement, the Movement will kill you; and if you fail the CIA, the CIA will kill you. I remember he cried. I told him you are not as skilled as you think, there's no skill in this, there's honor, which is not the same."
ill say it one more time
baki really is kino any man would enjoy this
haunted by peron
the hands of peron crawling down the hall
is that quote from peron or from baka
tranny said Kennedy Jr from the democrats is a chud and so i said they should run on a 3rd party "united america" or some such name to join up all the working class americans against der mexikan and against ukraine and all that trite
what do we think

(disclaimer i did not know there was a JfkJr until moments ago but i trust that he's the way i was told)
uhm actually its rfkjr not jfkjr
he's a total meme but so are biden and trump so who knows
hes a meme candidate like desantis
true but desantis is a complete flop, there was so much making him up to be a big deal and now he is nothing, soon enough he will drop to third in the primary
Replies: >>31410
so it seems you know him....??? 

is he like the tranny said then
does he hate trump
why DONT they do what i said which is make a 3rd position 
or at least take him into the republicans to "cement"(jajajaj) them as the chud workers party and steal all the working class from the democrats and then the democrats become neolib+neocon woke area
all i know is he is officially a democrate but said "grr hate immigrants"
demo-crates and republic-cans
yeah making the republicans move into that direction would be much better than to try and make some turd party trite
anyways i did see some rumor that he (kennedy) is a possible vp for trump but i don't think its true, the more likely case is that he is just going to pick some q schizo woman to check the boxes (loyalty and the woman vote (although i don't know how much it would help him with that demographic))
god i cant imagine how the election is going to look
Replies: >>31302
couldnt any big candidate, theoretically, just use one of those dozen tiny irrelevant parties as a vehicle for running

you know, you grab the uhh... Radical.... Dead Nigger Creek..... United....... Niggers..... 
and then you slap Trump-Kennedy on the ballot

and people will vote for it whether it says Republican or Democrat or RDNCUN
Replies: >>31386
repeat of 2020 but with slightly lower turnout so the margins a little closer
why not
its just trump biden again
its pretty funny how canonically the reason america pulled out of vietnam is because of yujiro
well that was trumps plan for when he was running the first time in 2000 (before he dropped out)
people joked about biden being too old 4 years ago and now he's a shambling corpse they dont even want in public anymore
and the media response when trump inevitably gets the republican nomination is going to be something else
qhwat the fuark are yo uon about 
whats the media response gonna -beo besiades --i dont lke trump--
yeah but also they'll be making a big deal over the investigations and stuff since those will be further along by then
not like the media response matters when the precedent is already that they can just conjure up as many millions of votes from thin air as they want
itll come down to whether they let them get away with it again
i'm just saying i'm not looking forward to the insanity ramping up
get used to it mate its the fouryearly cycle
crateman you in
.....i dont know....
the crateman theory of history
i honestly enjoy working out way more than video games now
if it werent for the fact you need to spend way more time resting than training i would probably drop games completely
whydont u pick up target shooting
guns are restricted here
if i lived in the states i would be all over shooting as a hobby
here's how bernie can still win...
every time this happens something implodes and the economy goes to shit
even before covid

what do we think........
Replies: >>31346
(and the point is that were in that scenario right now)
bernie would win if he promised tnd
we think that this economic peepeepoopoo can fuck off until something actual happens
economic peepeepoopoo is really interesting though....... how can a man not care about financial markets.....
only poor people care about money
fantasic input from our metal friend
but is it silver or tin.....
in my nonsleepness i googled jfk on twitter and 99% of the people were progretriters who were sneeding about vaxines or other "conspiracies" and some people who were happy about him saying stuff about jfk and 9/11

ive convinced myself now, that the only way forward for america(wont happen) is a trump-kennedy run, where it will clearly end the discussion between the traditional party lines, and make it become woke niggerkikes vs white qtards
please stick to argentine politics
one could say that traditional conservatism is holding unitedstatia back
peronist america...
yes pro working class trumpennedy vs woke white tower twittards and cia
the breaking up of the traditional parties combined with a new group of populist(???) protectionist pro industry retards would be a step towards that yes
though i hVe absolutely no idea what this guy says about the economy, and trump didnt actually improve much for workers so.......

any hope for america is all fake cardboard nonsense
trumps appeal was never "working class" as he's not a communist
communoids dont even try to appeal to them
what do you call rust belt america first retards
all the supposed coal miners and car makers and whatever

appealing to the working class has nothing to do with communism, that stopped being the case about 100 years ago
you just have to promise them jobs and good wages, not revolution, retard

i forgot to add isolationist...yeah thatd be good too
yes thats the paradox innit
the real productive class of people can't be appealed to using "working-class" type rhetoric
except its not really a paradox
ok you just have no idea what working class or working class rhetoric actually means i see
do you think they voted for trump because of his... industrial policy.... they voted for trump because he promised to build a wall and deport the illegals
sure that stuff DOES wind up benefiting them economically too but
thats not why they voted for him
that IS working class rhetoric!!!! working class rhetoric -unlike what commies think- is NOT about seizing factories and killing rich people. thats for college students
and jfk supposably coincides with it, is my point

theyd be both working class appealing retarfs despite differing(???) on their party lines and i assume some policies 
so thatd be good
see its like this
trump appeals to a group of people
those people happen to fit a contrived definition
therefore people make the mistake of assuming that trump appeals because of the contrived term
but of course this contrived term is an incorrect model of reality
so if you actually use this contrived term you are betraying your ignorance of the situation
working class is not a contrived definition

really its quite simple. its people who live grounded in reality and have to interact with it to earn their living
they might be poorer or wealthier depending on what they actually work as, but they work

as a result, they are LESS ideologized than normal, and as such they dont give as much of a shit about manufactured things such as progressivism, and the supposed dangers to democracy and foreign wars etc. etc.
they just want their material life to get better (this includes the economy, security, things like migration which affects both of those, and specific things like inflation and wages and all that trite)
and then as people are LESS grounded in reality, say living in a gated community, or working from home, or being some bureaucrat or a professional (doctor, lawyer, financial kike), or involved in colllege, etc. they become MORE ideologized and as such care about more abstract problems

this is kind of the best that we can get of the blood & soil
we cant get most of the population to be volkish farmers today......but at least if theyre all based retards they wont destroy the country........so we should hope the west can reindustrialize itself some time so we will have based retards for decdes to.come
sounds good on paper but thats just not how things work
well you can guide a horse to water but you cant make him swim....
dreamt that i was living in japan, somewhere a little bit off from tokyo, and i had to go there to take care of some bureaucratic matter so i started walking there
along the way i got stopped and then forced to wear an abrams costume, i spent at least half an hour trying to figure out how its worn and still couldnt get it, but then some japanese nuclear family stopped by me and taught me how to wear it, the costume had a little open space at the top of the head, and you have some cutesy little 50cal there thats supposed to be looking towards your back
now as to what these costumes are, apparently its a new form of japanese public transport, youre supposed to wear that costume and transport passengers, but nobody tries to get on and theres no place to get on either, i was going by a highway near the sea, and there was a special lane for us like 100m above the sea, thing is sometimes the lane suddenly cut off so you would start freefalling until the continuation of the lane comes, and during your freefall you had to make sure that your costume and your personal clothes dont fall off, as well as make sure you dont die, in my case i lost all my personal clothing
at some point i really had to piss so i went to some public toilet, for some reason there were only like 3 stalls and all of them were for both genders, i had to wait there naked(dont know why) for half an hour until i finally could enter one, but for some reason the guy behind me on the line didnt let me close the door, he grasped it tightly so its open all the time, so i had to piss, completely naked, while being watched by several men and women
and then i woke up
i dont get it
is that dream working class or not
isnt this like 70% of all non-african countries right now
its only important when it happens in the US especially as the dollar is the global tradd currency and basically when you get a lot of money (interest rates(the yields)) for just getting USDs and giving them to the government that trashes other economies but also it can trash the US economy and when that happens that also sends everything else to shit and yeah ................
working out is hard
im going to make better posts. from nowon
im going to make better posts. from tomorrow onward
i had a bunch of weird dreams
in the last one i was in full riot gear with a beating stick mass murdering argentines in the streets
there were tanks and helicopters but they just kept arriving in packed buses then running straight towards us policemen
i didn't feel too bad about killing them because they all had river plate shirts
why do americans keep looting things
yesterday i was watching an anime episode
it was about the mc and some random 7 year old girl in a terrible shithole city, she was abandoned by her father and mother and had to commit crimes everyday just to survive
and then there was a scene set in her home, and it looked way better than mine and had more furniture so all my sympathy instantly changed into hatred
thats pretty contrived but i guess id loot too in that case
id loot an anime girl of her mothers inheritance
i wish somebody would loot my troubles and worries
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fourth campaign so far and this is the best ive managed, all the other ones were abandoned halfway because i received too much damage to have any chance of winning the war
at the start zeon is basically germany mid-1943, by turn 10 you are at early 1944 and everything just keeps getting more and more painful over time
the reason my resources are so utterly bloated compared to my money is because zeon is just that weak economically, i have the resources to build units but not enough money to actually do it, all my money goes to intelligence and research, but even then i am behind in tech level and there are a dozen unit designs that i have not been able to research due to lack of money, as zeon if you do not constantly stick to what is realistically viable you will quickly get raped
the scripted events and the fact that you cannot take over the regions with circles without certain cancerous requirements also hurts very much, the enemy has two bases in space that they constantly keep pouring out of, and i am barely able to repel them every single time, they shit out about 10 battleships every three turns, whereas i have not built a single one so far because of the tremendous cost, it would take me 3500 money and 6000 resources to build a single one, and my income per turn is roughly 6500 for money and 7000 for resources, every turn i have to pay 2400 for basic research, an unknown amount for new models(generally 2000-5000), 1000 for intelligence, and of course ~1200 to resupply units that have taken losses
went to pick up some furnished at the furniture store in downtown la plata.......and there were a lot of little children (3-8)........ and they were all blonde and pale!!!! as well as couples (i was in a childrens furniture shop)!!!
this cant be happening....all our proud mapucho-sicilian and quechua-vasque peoples.... are being replaced!!! 

in all seriousness though, IS there any coherent theory for birthrates and how to make them go up down???? cause alll the ones IVE heard seem wrong
why are you having a mental breakdown over there being children and couples in a childrens furniture shop
anyway ill enlighten you: when you have lots of money and your culture is one that encourages having a lot of children you will have a lot of them
see thats what i mean thats completely wrong
if that were true, uppee middle class (90% white) people would be having 5 children each, and brown poors would be self gcucking themselves 
but in reality its the opposite

both live in the same culture btw
i just blanketed a lot of different factors under culture
for example one of the things i mean was whether the person wants to spend their time and money to raise one children to the best of their capability(average middle class white) or if they dont even want their children to go to highschool, just to go straight into the labor force so they can mooch off their childs wage(average arab)
in the latter case they would give their child no money or spend time with them, thus the act of having a child is as simple as having sex, and even if their child was for some reason an epic based aryan they would be stuck a p&b forever because they have no money to do anything, and no moneymaking job is available to them because they have no education and cant get any
the reason you dont see any good theories is because a good theory would have to speak indepth about 20-30 different major matters and literally nobody in the entire world wants to do that
it also requires you to have experienced life and known a lot of other people so you cant just stare at some charts and then make a theory about it like you can do with other stuff
also idk its just funny how in 50 years argentina will be the only white majority country and you will be forced to weep and migrate
>the reason you dont see any good theories is because a good theory would have to speak indepth about 20-30 different major matters and literally nobody in the entire world wants to do that
well id LOVE to read that myself.......and natality is one of the important things of the modern world, there SHOULD be studies on this. especially by the internet chudwaffen intellectuals

because ignoring all the kike conspiracy tritr, western governments "have" (they dont but...) to get immigrants because they FAILED to make policies that cause people to breed 
there have been natalist policies across europe (and other countries) before the great anti natalism and they didnt make an effect

if they want to "save" the west yadda yadda they have to make a natalist grand master plan, because just geejunking 200 million people is not really feasible
geejunking all the smelly retard arabs and niggers is incredibly easy you just have to drop like 10 nukes and theyll go extinct
the west would probably have increasing birthrates if it had a healthy economy(like in the cold war!!!)
no it really wouldnt, i already explained to you why, money doesnt make birth rates go up
benefits (free money or pseudo monetary help) dont help 
being in middle/upper classes (having more money) doesnt help
countries with growing economies and better economies dont necessarily breed more than lesser ones (even in a western context)

there has to be SOMETHING besides money the state can do to encourage productive people to waste their extra money on more children (at least 3) rather than more luxury items and services
also, healthy economies during the cold war is just........nonsensical......especially in the european context........ a few countries did have great booms but others had terrible terrible stagnation and deindustrialization etc.
spain and poland arent european countries so yes my example IS a good and valid one
ok i think youre just stupid and cant speak indepth about anything
i dont care about the topic at all why would i speak indepth about it
because its something that matters

but yeah i guess stick to your "just nook -___- da smelly araps :|||| epik win for white people °○°" policy
uhh....enjoy your meltdown???? dont know why youre getting angry over me dadcing
very sloppy post
in my dream i got married to a beautiful girl and i was so happy but then it ended before we could do anything fun together
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local japanese man(gaka) btfowns fatties yet again
ate a lot of chicken bones
took me about 15 minutes of chewing
my what big teeth you have
anybody could do it
........if they're a real man, that is
that "they're" sticks out as a really flagrant grammatical error now that i've started to pay attention to these things
honestly that sort of stuff really doesnt matter anymore
i took a look at the normal side of the internet today and only about half the people there could speak normally
thats precisely why you should take care to differentiate yourself from them
and its easier than ever, all it takes is refining your speech a little
my point was that it all just keeps getting worse and worse
so if i just continue speaking the way i do now then at most ten years from now on i will be a w&b gentleman speaking High English
unfortunately it doesnt work like that
if you accept mediocrity youll look in the mirror in 10 years and be horrified when a normaltard stares back
41 i hear you but it's almost as if to say "we need a starving mass that lives in fear for their basic security otherwise the social order will be upheaved"
Replies: >>31392
man you do realize america has none of those types of names youre thinking of australia
dead nigger creek literay exists tardo --___---------------------------------=
ok whatever. i just remembered i live in the same county as 3 way intersection between "penile road", "manslick road" and "old new cut road"
wait 79 how is that an error what
huhuhuhu here comes the storm
oh great and now the light is flickering i know how this story ends
no not really
you can be ideologized AND an epic kikekilla retard
i mean being a kikekiller nazi to begin with IS being really ideologized
or other fringe right ideologies

the problem is that all the leftoid kikes infiltrated all the areas that produce and spread ideology (media, news, universities, corporations, bureaucracies, etc. etc.) so THEY have all the ideological warfare tools at their disposal, while all the epic right chuds didnt have them for the most part until the recent years, where """the culture war""" started being waged on more equal terms 

and likewise, you can be a very non-ideologized down to earth person who very much lives in the real world.....................and be a lefty............ for normal person reasons........... like its not that hard to convince someone that prices go up or wages are down because of "evil companies" or that housing is hard to get because of "real estate speculation by big rich people"
its really not about left-right
its just about the types of things that movilize people, and if theyre more motivated by reality or ideology; from there you can manipulate them into whichever side you want, but it's gotta be with different methods
i dont think the "politics" of the last 15 years are even politics nor that the modern "left" or "right" are real things that mean anything at all
its just two massive groups of drooling retards trying to kill eachother for no reason, all to the benefit of like 0.01% of the population
Replies: >>31410
only 10 minutes of outtage thats not so bad
still not sure if its hailing or the rain is just falling really hard
"anybody" is singular
well yes left and right are completely meaningless without context but yeah lately its all nonsense 
id classify stuff like the occupy wallstreet trite as "actual" politics and trump saying stuff about trade tariffs is also actual politics
N1ggerbrigade420xxx looting shit and then people arguing about it is quite nonsensical though

i mean IF I WERE american i would kind of despise how the whole state is generally so repressive and invasive towards its own citizens...................................i'd especially be really seething at the existance of all intelligence-related things................. 
but yeah i dont think it was ever a normal way to protest against the state to just support the niggerlootings of random citizens
speaking of repression i want to talk about "militias"
are they even real
what do they do
they were real before the kike new world order
a one man militia.. without a cause.. or arms..
things i see as legitimate politics independent of left or right:
decoupling all the financial kikery from government intervention (bailouts buyouts fed interventions etc. etc.). you can justify this either by "muh free market will take care of it" or "kill all the rich wall street kikes" but either way its the right thing
reindustrializing the country and bringing wages up compared to management/ceo positions (if you need trade tariffs for this or not..........idk im not an economist.....) 
probably do something about the whole race and nigger situation...... they should probably just bring back segregation or something i really dont know but with the amount of race war trite that there is all the time, its really not a tenable situation for a normal country. i mentioned how there were lootings here  for about 4 or 5 days (then they vanished) and even then thats really weird HERE. lootings being commonplace in a developed country is just strange and shouldnt be sustainable
control immigration more (maybe put some quota or something, or force them to go back eventually after a certain period) whether you like mexicans or not, it defiantly should be a thourough process where they get qualified people and they dont btfo american wages, and also so they dont completely braindrain their native countries
dismantle or at least make smaller the entire intelligence "community" and repeal most acts and laws which allow uncontrolled espionage on their own populace
fund space trite and nuclear trite more 
energy independance, even if you have some gay enviromental agenda; and then if you do just come up with some way to get rid of all the waste in space and to start turning everything electric etc. etc. but even then, producing the power with your own oil at a power plant is better than importing oil from some 3rd world shithole and then putting it straight into a car
do something to more thoroughly expose politicians who are bought out by various companies and groups, i mean theres already some transparency with that but make sure to publish it somwhere big every day, and then punish them for it
reform all academic research in some way, i dont know WHAT way im not an expert but uh you know people here will know how all academic research of the last 20 years is broken and stupid and their incentives are all wrong and all the researchers are bought out to write nonsense and if they write something thats true they dont get money anymore 
expand the rail network in accordance to all the reindustrialization trite, and also bring back passenger trains everywhere (not only due to enviromental reasons and anti-car trite and all that but also because its simply epic. also to strenghten the sense of community and civic society in america) 

theres probably more but yeah i think thats about it, whether youre a left or right wing candidate both sides in a normal ideal country should agree that theese are issues to be fixed and things to aim towards, and they can be justified through multiple ideological lenses (as theyre simply sensible policies) but uhhh yeah it wont happen because..... hte kikes o__0!!
does anyone wanna timewaste with this to see if its good
why dont... you
isolationism isnt good because you end up getting boxed in and blobbed on by your rivals
real life is exactly the same as eu4 mp
>the Tlatoani Huey is (that's you), 
so youre telling me the name of the huey helicopter(which i always thought was epic) was some retarded indian oogabooga speak???? are you fucking kidding me man thats the lamest thing ive learned in my life
all american helicopters are named after nativetrite
wait til you find out about the apache and the chinook
american militards are obsessed with nativoids
what i wish these games had was actual interaction with the terrain, so uphill-downhill would matter, there would be realistic disasters, you would have rivers being used for trade etc
i would also like it to have actual aztec stuff for example i heard that they had cities with millions of people at their height and they used humanpower for everything because there were no labor animals, instead this game just looks to be..........like every single other city builder but the names and sprites look aztec so they named it aztec city builder.........theres no individuality in the game mechanics despite the setting its based on being very interesting and unique
this isnt just a criticism of this game ive never played but the city builder genre in general
ach yes of course.....if only THESE games had authentic up-down action and true to history manpower for buildings......
its an advanced post only a tragsg gold subscribers would get it
bigger i know youre reading this post
im willing to sell you mine for 10m usd
if i die i want it to be via starvation
i would do it but sadly people would notice and call the hospital on me just a bit before i die
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^ban this guy
i like the image
dont think i deserve long hair yet
besides argentina what other countries have an interesting political history
france??? japan??????????
everything is interesting to someone
im watching a startrite show and the main character is like an argentine rebel dude
unique is a better word
i guess turkey is also pretty wacky with the whole ottomans ataturks and islamists thing
all of them you tard
nothing interesting ever happened in luxembourg
what about that lady rosa
the white rose of the sliver
the only places that dont have unique histories are the ones that are hardly real countries like the mbapotulu "empire" which are all the same tribal trite
maybe interesting was a better word
well interesting is completely subjective you know that
okay then no problem let's hear your personal top 5
la plata (city)
viceroyalty of rio de la plata
spain (specifically the colonial empire)
spains empire IS really very interesting, because it was structurallly completely different from later imperialisms 
and you know just the fact that it began as some little feudal kingdom thats barely getting it together and then has to adapt that whole structure and worldview to managing a global empire

absolutist retard empires that came later are more uninteresting

yes but that someone is YOU, the person who i am asking the question to
i think early colonialism is neat
too bad there are*[CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP]*oo4 and civtrite
Last edited by hitlerman
Replies: >>31472
you'd need both good diplomacy and good asymmetrical warfare to deal with natives and games always suck at both of those
*takes a bite off ur fucking post*
a new precedent
i really do hate myself
i cant even comprehend some things
the worst thing you can do is bring someone else in for yourself 
and only then can you learn to forgive your parents 
and you have to forgive them
so why do i still see dumb motherfuckers who are in gay relationships and think thats ok
why have we gotten to the point where the most neutral way to describe faggots is a euphemism that means "happy" or "joyful"
the greatest sin you can commit against someone is creating them because you need and want them. you have to do this yourself to understand. if you dont do that, then surely you invalidate yourself right? 
I just feel like ive been wronged in some really horrible way nobody wants to talk about. and yeah I have. so has everyone. 
why am I started to go crazy again wtf is this
the thoughts wont stop
they wont stop im freaking out
theres evidence both ways
shut the fuck up why
im like, why though 
and if nobody is 
youre the bad one and you know it 
and nobody else
why am i feeling psycho
you get the feeling something was very wrong yeah it probably was just wish i knew what it was. that usenet shit never bothered me i always knew about that. maybe it bothers me more as i think about what it. anyway. and the video hoarding. and that video. why? 
but the real answer is that everyone is innocent except for me right. no thats not true either. there was some type of bullshit that got VERY bad. and i probably wont figure out what it is. not that thats even important. im just super unlikeable and i hate everyone else too and have internal panic about every situation
but is there a reason im thinking about all this right NOW and is it connected to anything
and a natural tendency to freak out 
bad combo 
i remember still being in college posting on 4chan about im gonna kill your or some bs and then the site froze and with all the anxiety i already had about what life was like there at school and how i was on the verge of flipping out anyway i spend the entire day on the run from invisible police. hiding in hiking trails in parks in the middle of the day when everyone else was just.. normal. what was that shit 2018. and that was before any fucking around so you cant say im not like that. later i hid in my car in a parking lot for 2 days because i was terrified of being introduced to my sisters bf who was coming over. i was posting on here about that too. luckily i spared this place of any more recenter bullshit and still dont talk about it. so i wont. i cant fucking sleep though
i should probably sort all the images i'v been saving 
they're really piling up
i haven't slept yet
going to do it right now to tell you the truth
me too me too just wanted my salt crackers before packing it up and going to bed
comprehensive kikedeath
i believe i am being punished for not eating my vegetables
this girl is addressing the mc as "kisama" but the subtitles just say "you"
care to explain further
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omg... its the leek spin
picked up on another japanese only pun
his name is "ichigo" which is a homonym for one five but his little sister calls him "ichi-nii" which is a homonym for one two
big fan of calling your final offensive 'operation 1' 7 years into a war
that is extremely epic yes
thinking about it, if i were a japoid general in charge of naming your operations i'd probably name it exactly the same
who even cares about that in the moment, '1' if perfectly fine
only americoids obsessed with historical image call their actions 'operation glorious freedom of piss and poop'
i think he means moreso that it's called "1" when its very blatantly not the first operation in the war
its sort of the same concept as seal team six, faking the numbers to make yourself seem cooler
yeah... team 88 reporting in
commence operation kill all the kikes
*operation is only planned to kill 14% of all kikes
may or may not kill billions of white men in the process
uhh right
then commence operation DONT kill all the kikes 
*winks at the camera*
a price to be paid 68

in disco elysium, theres a bit of dialogue where a richoid lady asks the main character what would he do to save the now destroyed city during the war as the communist bossnigger of that city, how would you prevent tens of millions of deaths etc etc

theres a bunch of shitty dialogue options, and one that says
>i would have killed billions more to achieve my goals
which the richoid lady approves of
what people seem to keep constantly getting wrong is that they think human lives have some sort of inherent value and that them getting btfo'd in real life has some sort of significance
whats this
making business decisions sure is hard.......... i could even be giving someone a job right now..........
whether they have an "inherent" value or not, its usually hard to kill billions and when you do you will get kiked, zogged, fbidded and mossadded
playing "stellar monarch 2"
its not bad
but it's not stellar either is it
welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.......its better than stellar is
i really like black hair that has an incredibly small amount of purple in it that its even hard to notice it
gives off a feeling of aristocracy and nobleness you know
god my cat is so annoying
i think im going to break her down into her component parts
sad and remorseful
killing cats will do that to you
did you know?
a lot of mkultra experiments were things already being done, but they just decided to begin finance and sanction them with mkultra
its amazing how mkultra isnt even a secret you can just go and look it up on wikipedia and somehow people are still government fans
yeah its amazing
really makes me wanna strangle people to death when they talk about muh gubmint in any capacity just the dumbest fucks ever
i think my brother in law is actually falling down that path, i forget what the topic was but i brought up how police in new york wanna implement drones to check out backyard parties and make sure nobody is going over capacity and he went "well they'll at least probably use them to catch criminals"
really just wanted to say "do you genuinely think this will be used in any way except to make everybody's life worse" but im not retarded
i think its just the dumbest safety net actual dullards are capable of believing in
proper ideology is too abstract, complex, and scary
but the government, in theory, theyre supposed to protect you, you know, that's the basic purpose of a nation+government
so when you're too stupid to think up anything else you just blindly believe in the "government" as some kind of abstract god that doles out love to its citizens
i was reading some voice-to-skull schizobabble this morning about technology that can make you "hear" fake thoughts using your own internal voice
and of course if your government is like...at least some vague real "government" i think this mindset is fine enough (any ideologically achieved government i guess, regardless of if you believe that ideology is correct) but the american government system is a sham scam fuck shit fuck evil mass so believing in it is inhuman
fuck you great satan for destroying spring and autumn and forever making the world stuck with only summer and winter i will never forgive you
now lets have an ethical and philosophical debate
1. what are the moral ramifications if the entirety of america (united states of) were to be glassed?
2. what would be lost if the entirety of america (united states of) were to be glassed?
3. what would be gained if the entirety of america (united states of) were to be glassed?
4. would it be a bad thing if the entirety of america (united states of) were to be glassed?
billions would die
now is this a good thing or a bad thing
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for me its this retarded getter robo armageddon cockpit
did you watch xabungle yet
when i first saw the mc punch with a mecha whose sole method of control was a driving wheel i didnt know how to react
no not yet
i havent even finished wing and its been MONTHS
wing is enjoyable but uhhhh idk just dont feel like watching anime very tokubrained right now
have considered dropping it to watch macross 7 but im like...13 episodes in so i feel like i should just power through
armageddon is a good ova now that i remember it
my biggest complaint is that it's like......just so close to greatness, like it could have been phenomenal, but it JUST barely misses that and that feels worse than if it was just mediocre
im watching sd(the 80's comedy spinoff) now after having taken a break from gundam
maybe ill watch the ovas like that one with retards testing wunderwaffen or war in the pocket or something before continuing on to the other tomino gundam tv series
war in the pocket is excellent
stardust memory and 08th ms team are both good, but both have massive glaring retarded flaws that really fucking drag them down
stardust memory in particular has one of the worst endings i've ever seen in anime (in the sense that it's just so retarded and meaningless)
oh and in the case of 08th the writer just fucking died halfway through and you can really tell
cockroach churchill station
war in the pocket also has one of my favorite gundam ops
ugh the feddies shat out a big tray and 6 guncannons are you kidding me
its like april 79 right now
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god should put wings on them and make them like 4x bigger
canman whats your current interest rate on loans
what would you take as collateral
a betrothal with his selection of your sisters or cousins
federal niggers are developing and shitting out overpowered units endlessly and they are seriously fucking terrifying
imagine having the entire world overflowing with mass produced gundams by may when you still have zaku 1 in active use
i think 10 said it for me perfectly
watched a little thing of some 20 year old japanese guy raping 10 children and threatening one with a knife and getting 2 years of prison labour for it
its really funny how their legal system is a trillion times worse than even the american one
you don't get it man the japanese are honorable so they don't need a legal system -_-
the yamato warrior spirit cannot be contained
for me i like how they boast about their 98% conviction rate or whatever it is (because it is impossible to fight back even if you're innocent)
no their legal system is actually perfect but only for them specifically and their brains are too alien for you and me to understand
by the way for what it counts all the children he raped were male
morning mateys
its just about time for the dinner bell
what of breakfast drum
shant be clicking that
city of evil
city of churches
comissary, janissary
the local janissary
from curtistan
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this one post on 4 is burnt in my memory for some reason
for me its that one with hm
me and my legion of curtissaries
the march of the lonely
oooo every time i have to pay me loans oooo boy oh man gonna be poor forever
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
you are 100% nigger
well i do take the blame for having them, but i am certainly just the slightest amount bitter that everybody around me convinced me going to uni without a real plan was a good idea
obviously not me
go to university
run to another country immediately after finishing it, get a job and credit card there, never pay your debts
become a citizen there and never go back
i mean i guess i dont exactly blame my parents
neither went to uni so i think in their heads (and this is obviously whats advertised) they had the idea that uni is a fast ticket to being a succesful well adjusted human being
which is TRUE if you're an actual smart person with engineering or science or whatever, but this was not the case for me
god SD gundam is filled with so much old man humour
you can really very easily tell that its an 80's show made solely by old men just from the humour alone
i watched about a third of monty python holy grail from '74
it's really really bad in a modern reddit way
monty python is funny dont care what you say
there were some funny moments like with the black knight but most of it is horrid dog shit
glad i watched that when i was a big redditor in middle school because then i could enjoy it greatly
now if i watched it i would feel the same way
if i watched it i would simply separate it from modern problems, like a sane person
wtf are you on about
its just painfully unfunny nothing to do with "modern problems"
you licherally said "in a modern reddit way" why are you like this i ought to beat you to death for being such a fucking moron
i said no such thing but thats a perfectly reasonable phrase
what is going on in your little brain i dont understand how you manage to twist these tortured connections
YOU'RE the one twisting shit
how the hell am i supposed to interpret "modern reddit way" in any other way?????????
"it's really really bad in a modern reddit way"
well basically what he's saying here is that the movie is really really bad
and then he's clarifying the way in which it's bad
no sob stories about modern culture war problems or whatever it is that makes you cry
who said anything about modern culture wars
i really want to murder you you're so fucking dumb i cannot believe what im dealing with right now
"if i watched it i would simply separate it from modern problems"
- (You)
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wow that looks like shit
wow cant believe monty python looks like that
okay ill leave it to him to explain himself then
does "its really bad in a reddit way" mean:
a) that it reminds you of the evil reddit mods who are traducing poor putin on the front page
b) that it has the same style of humor that has become insufferable thanks to reddit
c) we're both wrong and its something else
no this conversation is over whatever you keep trying to bring up is so unimportant to the initial """problem""" i dont want anybody to deal with this garbage conversation anymore what a waste
*shits all over the table*
this meal fucking STINKS im not eating this
*waltzes into a room and throws shit all over the wall*
okay first of all theres NO shit on the wall, but if there WAS shit on the wall anybody wanna explain why its on the wall?
spread the news
they play for france but theyre all from angola
how great it is, theyre gonna break
theyre trannyfuckers like that faggot mbappe
his mom is nigerian, his dad cameroonian 
but in the documents, nationality: french
in the west if you chant that youll get shot by the police
not like based eastern france
it was quite funny walking around in a crowd of literally tens of thousands and saying that
and the fact it was by chance broadcast on live television before the world cup even started is yet more proof that G-d is with Argentina
year 2035 cascadian dirlegang is assembled and doing work
craving shitty street food
>Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
>Happier than you and me
>Mongoloid, he was a mongoloid
>And it determined what he could see
wow...he's just like me...
guy in the image looks like a mongoloid
jimboloid he was a jimboloid
skitzoer than u and me
jimboloid he was a jimboloid
and it determined that hes curtis
my heart hurts
hm can you make the site offer a json api? does jschan already do that somehow?
not clicking that
no i cant do anything im just a lowly admin i dont have any access to any server trite
i want to have to sign into the tragsg app on my iphone
i want your painful death
the tragsg app should have credit card integration so you can buy gifts and increase your score. you can buy a gift in tiers of 1k argentine peso, 10k, 25k, 75k 200k, and 700k (these tiers do not adjust with currency value). upon purchase, the system would ship a similarly-priced item to the physical home address of a random tragsg account holder, randomly chosen from their amazon wishlist (you link your amazon account to your tragsg account). any leftover funds are collected in the tragsg treasury. the more gifts you buy, the higher your score goes. the highest score at the end of every month gets the entire current contents of the treasury deposited into their bank account (you also put your banking info into the app).
Replies: >>31584
it should also have twitter and discord integration too
Replies: >>31584
actually i just realized it just means the richoids would be the only ones buying gifts and then they just get tiny amounts of their own money back that doesnt make any sense
nobody here is actually retarded enough to buy anything for tragsg
when you give you are not uspposed to expect anyything back
can it have mercado libre and mercado pago integration thougggghhh??????????
(panamarican amazon replacement and also virtual wallet created and based in argentina and currently dominating the actual Amazon(in brazil) (though they call it mercado liVre there) )
i didnt know any of that, of course. actually, those will be the only marketplaces it supports
a panamerican panama man plan
i think its interesting how lots of local web based food and item delivery services exist and its not just like with social media where one single bossnigger site dominates all others across the globe
theres plenty of asian and russian social media websites
recalling the african bike gang
well its harder because you need actual infrastructure and shite its not like just opening a website

and sometimes those big multinationals dont want the risk of investing there and dont see enough upside so its left to local capital thats "trapped" there
yeah like grindr now thats a good russian social media app
its local version is called SergeiYa

(the joke is that in Spanish "Sergei" is a funny name because it sounds like "Ser gay", to be gay)
the hammer and the sword
take it
it's yours
gonna need some nails too
death tried to break life's chains
death tried and tried in vain
oh i just received some big information
apparently theres a lot of filthy nigger kurdish ape criminals in kawaguchi city of saitama
all 10 turks in japan are doing a service to japan by killing them
isnt saitama that bald anime man
innit kurds that cheese material
its a prefecture right next to tokyo
kurdish saitama vs polish hokkaido
blllllack rrrrradioooooooooooooooo
burn the kurds with napalm
shouldnt tokyo be pronounced tok yo
its toukyou but the u are a bit thinner than usual
just pronounce it like you always do not like it matters
its GROUYERE cheese you idiot
thought it was saitama
*assimilates to black anglo*
for me its Japan as a kingdom of the Hagsburg empire 
capital: Quioto 
do not confuse for Quito
business idea: mass produced habsburg clone mutants to be used in 'human' wave attacks
i kill kikes for you...
theres this one mexican kid in the ufc who looks so hapsburgish cannae believ ei forgot ot bring this up here oh my god
big fan of how everybody got riled up and started posting once kurds were mentioned
i didnt
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 yes yes look at this
he's 17 years old and they had to do a bunch of shit to make him able to fight
is this the fabled niggerkike
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and look at the side profile
no he's just some mexican
why do all the ufcmen look like freakish goblins
including the tall ones who just look like goblins with gigantism
habshburg inbreeding is a very overexaggerated dark legend anglokike propagandistic maneuver that still goes on to this day
just like napoleon being short or all the hitler things
it just goes to show how powerful and scary the spanish empire that was to the anglos, that not only do they have a smear campaigj agaisnt a single ruler, war, period, or even country
theyve run a 500 year campaign agaisnt the entire culture and religion of about 1 billion people

and all for what
to fill every place up with n1gg3rz
Replies: >>31688
i hate to be the one to tell you this but the one to fill all of argentina and all the other latin countries with niggers was the spanish, not the anglos
no niggers here
only the proud subjects of the king of spain(and their heirs)

id rather have 100 amerindians than 1 african 
especially in......amerindia
*all italians and germans are also subjects of the king of spain
**brazil is a british proxy
amerindians south of amerikkka are niggertier anyway
american and canadian indians let themselves get subjugated and bred out to death but the brown indians are all barbarous freaks trying to doom international whitedom
good night!!!!!
they really arent and you are clueless
especially the andean ones were quite civilized but outside of those most werent much different from your proud plains indians
the only really freaky and nigger tier ones were the mexica(ns and all of those with the human sacrifice, whcih werent all of them), the mapuche, and i think some of the caribbean island and amazon ones were kinda shit but overall ok

all those native nobilities became completely westernized and had big universities and courts and theatres etc. and the little native retards got put into reductions (basically concentration camps) where a bunch of priests would turn them into little native societies with writing and artisanship and western buildings etc. etc. 

as opposed to...... little mudhut niggers..... getting put in a ship.....and picking cotton.............
nativoids were much more westernized and had a much higher level of society, and were integrated into the spanish system (even if as lower members)
niggercattle was just a commodity and it did nothing more than shit up the future of society
Replies: >>31688
ugh ci the natives of sudacaland muy epico senor
also thats another retardddd part of anglokike dark legend trite, amerindians are possibly the LEAST threatening race to white people. only mentally ill suburban americans spread fear.about them

amerindians are
1.western culturally in every way (religion, language, values, and just general world vision)
2.fairly submissive
3.dependent on the rest of the west
4.most of them are already at least partially white anyway
5.low birthrates compared to most other shitholes

CHINKS, ARABS, NIGGERS are all 10x way more dangerous than amerindians and latin americans in general 
i dont think i need to explain why but its basically because they dont fill most or all of the previously mentioned points
well im specifically talking about the spanish empire and how they became integrated into it and general western society

but apart from that, the incan empire is much more significant than anything thats happened in africa.
browns are bad but some are worse than others
the spanish empire was brown so it wasnt difficult to integrate other browns
yes yes great analysis mr.retard do you get off to saying nonsensical shite??? is it an actual fetish to you? bastard
couldnt expect any less from a turk whos only education ever was reading the quran
i mean what else is there to say, turkey is one of the big anglo proxy countries, and always an enemy of the Pope and the Habsburgs, of course theyd be anti spain and pro anglo
oddly the turks were not good at assimilating other browns
there were ever only like 10000 steppenturks that came all the way from central asia so the fact that 10s of millions of people decided to become turkish is actually a huge landmark
most of them greek, armenian and albanian
they are ancient anatolian not greek -_-
anyway nobody could have foreseen the complete going to shit of "the west" but if there was ever a place to expand the west to, its the rest of america
the colonization of america is what the one in africa should of been (complete societal and cultural change from the ground up and with a western model) and over a really long period of time
instead in all the other nonwestern places you still have literal tribes running around and stupid cults and folk religion and nonsensical ancient organizational systems (village elders and so forth) 

latin america basically follows all western societal norms and should have been developed and used as an ally and more people should have migrated there during the cold war and after

if all the industries today were in brazil and argentina and chile and shit thered be absolutely 0 threat to the world order
AND i dont even say this because i am argentine, because in my opinion we should be anti the anglokikes (and THEIR "western" world order), but if i wanted to keep it safe (which i dont) thats what id have done

especially given the complete economic control they had......
i mean seriously why would they put all their factories in faraway hostile dictatorships instead of in basically "safe" places that you can easily get to and nobody else can??????

well you know why but.....
now to be more specific scratch everything i said and change "western" for "atlanticist", because thats the right and specific term that im referring to

if you TRULY wanted to preserve the actual western world and values, just sink britain and prevent or shorten the world wars
let Deutschland blob or whatever since France and RuBia alone wouldn't have stopped it, or just make Willy less retarded with his sea competition

because america being the center of "the west" is not "western" at all
south america was hostile to the west during the cold war
it really wasnt, it was "hostile" to america, yet another meme where american is replaced with western to justify everything 
relations were perfectly good with most european countries, after ww2, and immediately after ww2 a lot were already subservient to america("the west"""") anyway
the conflict in south america during ww2 was just USA vs Britain over who kept control of all those markets and britain obviously lost

it was onyl afterwards, when south america was left out of european reconstruction and world reindustrialization that things turned more hostile and commies started popping up
south american industry would have thrived if they got to export to bombed-out europe (and give food and other raw materials too) but it was kept as a Yankee monopoly, and since then, thats how things are now
yeah I guess relations were good with the soviet union and spain
and britain
and italy
and pre-war germany (not post because its ZOG)
basically what im saying is they should have given latin america the franco treatment (keep epic anticommunist pseudofascists in power and integrate their economies so they obey you) rather than the banana treatment

spain was an utterly bombed out shithole until they changed that policy towards them, and then its results speak for themselves 
if all computer chips and plastic trinkets and oil and cars and steel came from the american continent then wed truly be in the end of history
like with everything, some would rather go down as the kings of a turd rather than cede power to someone wholl keep things going or improve them
it has a name in terms of psychology but i forgot 

serves them right 
buenos aires will be the capital of the free world whether they like it or not 
and itll be actual freedom not their zogged niggerkike trite
I'm sorry but all of this just comes across as a classic case of angry little brown man syndrome
you're completely lost then
talking to you is about as worthwhile as some isolated guy living in a cave being visited by flying saucers (im the flying saucer)

theres nothing but optimism for the future
does any1 breathe like whaaa whuoo whuaaa whuooo when theyre alone? almost whistling but whispering. or like hhruoo hrwreeaaa hhrrao hhhwruaoo hhreeeiioouhh wwhahwahuuhouu
sometimes my nose whistles so loud it scares me
thats not what i mean this is kind of intentional but also subconscious
bbzzzzaaaarrrppp gazooop yoooiiuuuuiiiiuuuuuyuyyuyuyuu *eeeek* mlululululul *alien g00 noises* brbrbrbaaaaa zlorp zlorp zlrop
i mean its been a pleasure to debate wihth you idiot
^thats the noise we flying saucer aliens make, in case it went over your puny earthling head
>AND i dont even say this because i am argentine
funniest part of the whole episode
scrolled up and he has a system where the andeans and europeans form a super race and lead to argentinas dominance over the world but if thats the case why hasnt it happened yet???
well because if i dont clarify this it sounds like i am supporting the complete absortion of my nation into the general globokike capital conglomerate of soul destruction
which i don't 

but if i were a policymaker id defiantly consider putting my resources in argentina, brazil, colombia, mexico..... rather than china, korea, saudi arabia and so on......
white man came took everything
you are even more clueless as to what i am saying
see thats why i have to clarify things and even then its not enough because you are barely sentient

i am speaking as if i were an atlanticist policymaker at the end of ww2 
with the foreword that yes NOBODY could have forecast that "the west" would jave gone to utter shit by now
but id STILL be close and integrate with and outsource TO, 80% western societies of latin america
rather than communist, islamic, tribalist and caste based societies such as all the other shitholes that they raised up into relevance 

PAKISTAN has nuclear weapons because of their retardation
hm is basic
yeah they were really retarded and ruined the world but you cant deny how funny
>if I were in charge I would invest everything in argentina and not because I am an argentine
pakistan has a lot of their shit well together. and a lot of these shitholes that they raised up were because they HAD to because it didnt make sense not to (iran, saudi, gulf.. what do these have in common?)
like i said it really doesnt matter which country, they could use venezuela(full to shit with oil) brazil(full to shit with iron) chile (full to shit with copper and misc minerals) peru (full to shit with asian people) and made a huge antiargentina partition bloc

thatd still have been more sensible than what they actually did
like hm you cant just call other countries tribal savage rain dance pygmies with village elders thats not right within any context even the worst of the shitholes their problems are massive corruption and warfare and they werent even the ones raised up by the NWO west anyway
they tried to align south america but failed
what do you think all those cia niggers were running around down there for all those years for
no they really didnt
all they have is raw resources
look at what they did to venezuela
explain to me why they couldnt just do THAT to saudis over and over

i mean whats happening with them now is even more ridiculous with their capital spreading all over the place, but thats more got to do with modern policies
argentina also had a ton of oil for that time period (not as much for nowadays numbers  but we have like the 2nd biggest fracking reserves)
i didnt call all of themthat
that applies to areas lkke afrifa, india and parts of the middle east
i also accused them of being islamic, communist, and generally asian(you know how they are)

that is NOT western
latin america is none of those things (ok sometimes its communist)
i already explained to you how that wasnr the case
it was isolated and use as pure resources extraction 
it wasnt invested in, industrialized and integrated to the world trsde, as other plaves INTENTIONALLY and STRATEGICALLY were 

it was cut off from european markets post ww2 so america could reap all the benefits. THATS when all the problems started
soviets just took advantage of that situation 
doesnt help how America (not the west) was buying out and btfoing european capital in the region (and pressuring countries to join ww2)
>i DONT want argentina to have become a western aligned first world country but IF i did, EVERYONE ELSE would have to give us the opportunities to be rich (because we cant do it on our own)
most of south america closed themselves off from western markets because they were communists or as revenge for hitler like in argentinas case
do you actually just have goy4 understanding of politics????? are you just pulling my leg because you have nothing coherent or at least interesting to say????????
do you not know how trade works
how come nobody but the west(anglokikes) has any agency
is there a single time where a county turned to shit and it was their own fault
nobody but the west has agency on what the west does
i am talking about western policy towards other countries
maybe the shah should have fled to south america and created a persian empire in exile with no specific geopolitical claims, but claiming leadership and protection over all the diaspora (which would have also gone to southamerica instead of california) and running a lot of hedge funds and maybe even private militias in multiple countries down there. 
this wouldnt have changed anything but it would have been cool
and its also after the era youre talking about but still
yeah he should have thrown a party in venezuela with peron
why didnt all these poor shitholes just not be poor 
why is it always whiteys fault
i dont get what you are trying to say
they do do that
now the west is going to become shit because the countries that did get their shit together,  be it by western aid or not, are not exactly holding western values
also you just sound like a 5yo tard i cant believe you can't make a more serious question
nobody is getting their shit together
its all a fantasy
so what happens now though not 70 years ago but NOW, what are your demands upon the international community or the anglokikes or both about how to finally allow south americas light to shine through
nothing, why would anyone want to jump INTO a sinking ship
europe is more okay societally but absolutely stagnant and shite economically, and with worse and worse future outlooks if they dont make big changes to allow for greater growth
america is still doing very well economically, but is terrible societallly
and if anything happens to the USD theyre just completely fucked

NOW is time to just build something new forwards, and no stupid cold wars or whatever just leave them behind

this topic in my head started As a Reflection of the current situation, and how it COULD have been different
theres way way more markets now and theyrre way more free than 70 years ago, nobody needs anything from europe nor from america
i want to know the trannys input on this esoteric bullshit 
im not fully convinced you believe in it yourself
Replies: >>31702
>i want to know the trannys input
now i have witnessed all
absolutely LOVE posts where people from countries that have had absolute nightmare economies for decades talk about how other countries are on the brink of collapse
stfu cratoid
and like you just dont understand how much the world has changed
EVERY country is industrialized and having all sorts of crazy infrastructure and people consume all sorts of goods

that wasnt the case in 1950
good luck selling a car to a rice farmer in vietnam or exporting 500 boatloads of tshirts to montenegro
thats not so crazy today
but back then having a productive industry with access to world markets would have put you at a crazy advantage, which is part of why america was so wealthy in that era (as well as other reasons)
because even with the economy being how it ia, society isnt 10% as fractured as it seems in your shitholes
no matter the way it is, at least we have a Nation
i assume its much the same for every other shitholer here....
society is chugging along fine
dont believe everything you see on tv
whats a tv
well ive never met a single jim, and no matter what TV says, at least i can tell HE is real
and i dont see him here

maybe i should stop encouraging him to come....
jim is a true shitholer btw
society is fractured but not as fractured as my mental health and frankly that goes for mostly everybodys mental health and their shittiness towards each other and the basic shittiness of the human condition which cannot be fixed and definitely cannot be worked on from the top down and that is why i dont have time to hear about supposed 500 year old masonic conspiracies against the habsburgs as being the reason argentina doesnt have nukes but pakistan does
everyone here is a lot more bizarre than the people in real life
except ohio and sp they are completely normal mild mannered human beings
sp has mystery about him
ohio has good music
theres definitely racial tension everywhere all the time it's just not as intrusive as media makes it seem. idk if im in a good enough mood to talk about this
also its really not esoteric maybe i say it in an exaggerated or convoluted manner but general historiography will agree with the parts about native nobilities becoming europeanized and about the high development (relative to the era) of native reductions 

its the type of thing you could easily find out if you read any normal thing about the era that actually goes in-depth beyond "and rhen the king declared war.....and then they did the war bad.....and then they became poor because they were brown....and as such the p&b was born....."

hispanic america in general especially by the 1700s was quite wealthy, and extremely important for.the development of.europe
it was a huge consumer market (because of all the silver that came from there) and cities like mexico had huge courts for the viceroy with all sorts of trite from all over the world, as it was an important trade area (manila galleons coming from asia and shit coming/going to europe converged there)
im not talking about any sort of conspiracy, i am merely connecting a few facts and thoughts together into a narrative

the dark legend is a well attested historiographical reality
american skepticism towards spics is a reality
post ww2 reconstruction was a reality
capital and trade flows during the cold war are something everyone is familiar with 

then you just use your brain to make it interesting and tell a story of sorts
it was all nigger tier resource extraction (literal in some areas)
and they never invested the money back into themselves properly so they had no economic base to industrialize with and the house of cards fell apart once the rubber and gold ran out
oh and i guess i forgot to mention, I GUESS 18th century economic history is a bit more obscure but you can also investigate yourself
silver was vital for europe because it allowed them to trade with the chinks
also all sorts of trite from america developed europe, from your potato and corn (cant be understated), to furs, leather, cotton, tobacco,sugar, those bird poo fertilizers, dyes, fishing (inc: oil)
most important was silver, like i said because of the consumption aspect, but those others were relevant too, very profitable
it's all in the feeling 
*winks and nods and steps one foot back* (the statement and gesture together make you think i am referring to some well understood concept present in a passive and continuous way that is nonetheless not often or never precisely articulated)
the nodman
but see thats where youre wrong 
theres hugely developed colonial areas all across latin america, theres massive churches, forts, administrative buildings, simple streets and houses, universities, etc.
it was developed there, NOT with the niggeranglo system

there was no industrialization at the time, even in spain itself, thats not really something to be expected
many products took a lot of skilled artisan labor though, you can see many central american jewelry works from.the period.for example, as well as a big body of artistic work from the 1700s either in painting or architecture or even baroque music (there were a lot.of musicians in those courts then and so i think some compositions survive)

the POINT of industrialization, thats.completely feasible and independent of colonialism, is post ww2, keep this point separate because obviously i will never support or suggest hispanic industrialization in the 1700s, im just saying there was a high level.of.development, and it is well attested and i encourage yoh to study on your own
also all that obviously fell apart as the spanish empire entered its decline and then the whole productive system went to shit 
the reason britain funded all the independence movements (besides simply shitting on spain) was for THEM (and not someone else) to capture all that (at the time) huge consumer market
it became less relevant as time went on, but that was the purpose. obviously all the free trade created economic dependency and hurt local industry (sometimes by literal force)
the spanish empire was in terminal decline due to mismanagement long before south american independence
I would say it was over for them right at the beginning of the 18th century
 yeah so anyway other people piss me off and make me feel worthless and wrong and weak, all the prodding and judgement and wanting to validate themselves, nobody can help it but it's constant and relentless and sometimes it can have serious racial or cultural attributes and overtones but thats more of just a piece in the arsenal than the full image of the tapestry of shit that is the human ego. 
this is the same in every country and every country also has women and it also has libido and it also has shit tests and having to watch your back and keep your emotions in check and having to tiptoe around yourself and other people so carefully or else you feel like shiiiiiiiiit and it also has the quality of age where you get older and become weaker and more sensitive to pain and more aware of all the things that can hurt you and want to maybe surrender to being like a meek nobody but you STILL have your ego and it's still mortally offended that other people dont respect you enough and that you dont have enough control over your reality and your world doesnt make sense. 

this has been true for all of time. why should i care about economics
well i dont disagree with you on the 1st thing
and i dont think youre disagreeing with me.......unless you misunderstood me or i misunderstood you

i do disagree with the 2nd part though 
simply because determinism is stupid
200 years is plenty of time to do something, for the first 100, at that era your kind of fucked because all the blatant imperialism where you get bombed if you dare close your trade
but during the world wars period yeah things start being more dynamic
you only need 5 hours of sleep right
because economics are vastly more interesting than all that nonsense you wrote
I just dont see how they can recover after the war of the succession 
and things were not dynamic during the world wars, the only 3 outcomes were no war willy world forever, big red bolshevik blob (we nearly got this), and what we have now
I wouldnt say economics is more interesting than 12 but it is easier to talk about
we should have gotten the most radically different outcome just so you retards would see how shit everything would still be
there will always be jims in every outcome
like something that happens to people is they forget the state and the people are different things
see 16 
i am talking about the economic wealth of spanish america
that is very different from the geopolitical might of the spanish crown
the boorboons mismanaged the empire and lost it retardedly, but before then, and as that was happening, people in america live well
theres even a correlation. since the empire was being mismanaged the state was less efficient at collecting taxes (for example dueto all the massive institutionalized smuggling).......that MEANS that necessarily there was less of a % stolen from you to be spent on big cannons
and more of a % for you to spend it on your own imported european goods, which made the world go around. ergo, a higher standard of living for you (in spite of the monarchy)

also, by more dynamic i dont mean the OUTCOME 
i mean the terms and conditions by which you can negotiate 
if youre outside europe in the 1800s.you basically cant negotiate anything. the naval powers will just dictate whatever
by the 1900s, it wasnt as exaggeratedly like that anymore
if you did a better diplomatic and geopolitical job, you could have gotten away with better....... trade.deals, alliances, industrial cooperation, tech exchanges, etc. 
something unseen in the 1800s
but then south america did a really bad job getting deals just to spite the anglokikes and thats why they are p&b
i cant tell if a lot of the things i feel and notice all the time are just me, or just kinda bad where i live, or really are overwhelming and everywhere and all people just have this unspoken agreement to not talk about it. 
i definitely think it's always in the back ofpeoples minds especially ask they get older and notice things, notice others motivations change, notice their own change and their likes and desires shift, but i wonder if it's just weird or worse for me because of repeated social failure and being treated like a lower form of life
well not unseeen but you get what i mean, much less usual, you still had to give up a lot.more.than what youd get

yes.....??? sure??? i feel like you are missing the point entirely
i am not trying to refute reality 

also i am talking about the whole hispanic america
and not only are you missing the point, youre still not understanding that after independence, the big struggle in south america became British capital vs American capital
then British capital lost after ww2

and then the whole commiefication happened a decade or two aferwards, you know after the whole post-war boom that latin america missed out on (resulting in poor brown retards)
Europe also had its wave of.commies.in that era, it was a tendency
why not try developing your own capital for once
it's in the works t.mercosur executive
because you sadly dont live in a vacuum

like what do you even mean about "develop your own capital"???? you mean industrialize yourself and make money???
well see.thag did happen across south amerifa during world wars due to the shortage of industrial products from europe(because they were at war)

but what happens in those cases is, as i am stating, the markets werent open for competition (free.market.for me not for.thee....) so they couldn't sell there
and when all the industry was back in place, they can just launch their little coups or zogged rulers or whatever 
and just open the economy 

no serious country actually does that or ever did that, even very liberal countries today have all sorts of tariffs and regulations and shite. you can sell SHIT in europe to this day because muh government trade agreements
developing your capital is easy you just click on the province and spend some mana points
europa is simply protecting itself from shoddy brown merchandise
argentina still hasnt embranced the industrial revolution institution so they cant build factories of their own
i heard they banned corn syrup there
voce eh um assa sino
and why are markets so important 
it allows access to more consumers......which allows you to make MORE.MONEY!!!!$$$$$

and with capitalism its all basically just a big race. you are always competing for more profits
in the realm of industry i think its fairly obvious how if you make more.money you can hire more.people to make more products to industrialize the country more and then develop an larger economy of scale for vigger margins and develop a secondary industry of other related goods thatd help you(supply you) to make.more and better products..... for example a tire factory showing up next to a car factory..... or a engineering firm to subcontract when you need to desifn something....etc....
and when you get more.money you can invest it in improving your thing for better technological development and thus competing more, and you can buy or create more.modern machines etc. etc. and then if EVERYONE is growing, that means thers CAPITAL going around, and banks will be full of.money to lend you to make.more. expansions
and eventually peoples wages and shit will improve too, sending your internal.market.to be more.relrvant and your countrynto be more developed

thats all the virtuous cycle of an economic boom
obviously at some point youve hired too many people or taken too much debt or wasted on too many dumb projects, but eventually things sort.themselves out ans your still left better off than you started
I still dont understand what possible explanation south america has for being poor
every time someone tries to explain it it always comes across as seething for not being given enough free money from the dastardly anglos
they never factor in the corruption or shit climate or brown hordes
what a coincidence that's just what the last 100 posts are about why not give it a read
it's incredible how you could explain trade to 35 as simply as "I give you this thing i made and you give me money" and hed be like "WHAAT??? you brown subhuman!!!! youre trying to rob me!!! give me that thing you made, im not giving you a fucking cent for it nigger!!"
all countries trade but not all of them are hyperinflated and blame everything on not owning the falklands
>On 24 September, the first group of refugees reached Armenia through the Kornidzor border post,[30][31][32] with 1,050 refugees arriving that day according to the Armenian government.[33] As news of the ability to leave spread, there was a flood of people fleeing, with the number of people reaching Armenia hitting over 65,000 by 28 September, which constitutes over half of Nagorno-Karabakh's population.[11][34][10] 
guess that argument from the other day is concluded huh
>all countries trade 
but they are only allowed to trade certain things
if you trade a no-no you get a visit from the mossad and 10 years of financial punishment
anyway im going to sleep now i got bored
no don't leave i think i just heard a ghost nooooºººº°°°°''''¨¨
this is what I meant by the only anglokikes have agency thing
you're presenting it like they have total control over who gets to be rich or poor and they chose poor for the poor noble argentines
Replies: >>31755
surprised there was that many people living there 
not surprised about how theres almost zero news about tens of thousands of people being killed and displaced since its another islamic turkic conquest
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but does your kitchen have retractable totalniggerdeath
gee nakhy your mom lets you have SEVEN tnds??
and a dishwasher
i want death
death to kikes
death to niggers
death to israel
there was an anime i recall watching where the filler was really good and it was the best part of the show but i cant for the life of me recall what it was
just caught myself fantasizing about a girl speaking in japanese to me with subtitles
why does this weirdo freak start screaming at me every time he has a mental breakdown about islamic communism and brown pops
the ottomans never put any power into assimilating other cultures, even their colonization policy in the balkans consisted solely of importing turks there, and in the majority of the empires lifetime it was actually better to be a non-muslim non-turk, turks were stuck with mandatory military service whereas every other culture did not have to go to the military under any circumstances, armenians got to trade freely with the west but turks werent allowed, etc
thoroughout the empires entire history non-muslims got conscripted for like only 5 years, in the late 19th century, and even that quickly stopped due to internal instability
just take a look at scotland or ireland and then at the balkans and itll all click together
also the population growth of the balkans was always like 2-3 times that of anatolia
there were hundreds of thousands at the start and millions more came later
dont forget that there have been many waves that came to anatolia in the last 1000 years, even before the seljuks the whole area around anatolia was crawling with turkish mercenaries
no you really dont get it at all 
im talking about a specific policy and posture, in a particular period of time (which turned out to be pivotal)

im not talking about the entirety of history -future and past- nor am i saying various countries could have behaved differently 
i am just pointing out a process which, looking at it from todays view, seems to have been mistaken 

of course by the end of the cold war any country could have enacted a number of reforms and policies and held a steady ship for 30 years and now theyd be...... idk fine i guess
but like i said capitalism and development is a neverending race so each moment youre not going forwards as much as you can, youre going backwards

not even the greatest powers have complete agency, like I said for example if the USSR managed to get Partido Socialista in power in some place, the USA would have had no other option than to coup it or be hostile
but again of course im going to put the focus on their actions, because im talking about THEIR policy
could other things have been done by the various nations??? yes
everything you do will be dependent on how you relate to others anyway. consider that as a synthesis of jim's trite and the economy
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callate puto
i made a mistake. not a huge one but it will affect today
jim if you wanna have sex with tiktokers just come to argentina
all those elecebs would be just unremarkable women you see on the street here
vamos a coger!!! jajajja el soy muy dixie quiero sexo
i remember when one of jims reasons not to emigrate was "uhh well.... you know, you need to be VERY well versed in motorized tricycle mechanics to handle yourself well in the 3rd world......." 
hes really completely off the rails and disconnected with reality

(ive never seen a motorized tricycle )
yeah if he was a normal human being he would assasinate his entire family, inherit their assets and give it all to hm in exchange for being smuggled to Argentina(write it with a capital a)
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this is more like it
if he was a normal human being hed go "no, id rather not, im happy with my life the way it is"
is there any problem that cant be solved by moving to the silver
tried to find something funny to say related to gold but it didnt work out
got a man outside
for the past 15 minutes he's been screaming into his phone about how theres nobody in his home and somebody planted drugs there
am i the only one who noticed how an entire word just suddenly disappeared from this world overnight
it doesnt even exist in dictionaries anymore(i checked)
62 that was one post.. 4 years ago why do you even remember thahyr
no no that was 2 years ago
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ugh now thats an ova
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there should be more epic anime for manly men and less tranny isekai trite
because its funny why else
which 1.....
sorry if i tell you itll cause the butterfly effect
anime is made primarily for japanese teens and modern ones have primarily trannyesque tastes
a new imperial restoration would fix this problem t.pro
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replace space with la plata and thats a useful image
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big fan of that last scene
when i think about it al was just a fucking niggerkike who made people die for his autistic delusions and got a kiss from chris meanwhile bernie died a kissless virgin, and he even has a cute autistic childhood friend
i was surprised that he didnt just end up completely mindfucked at the end
also i have to say i like the stupid childish "war = cool guns = epic" which is something very real and nostalgic, it feels like these days all media just either completely ignores the existence of that boyishness or treats it like something evil
also regarding that little part at the bottom about uno and the ldp
i dont know about uno but the ldp is a real party in japan which makes it pretty funny
and on the left you see some trite about commiepoles despite there being something far more important at hand(end of the war that wiped out like 70% of humanity in a single year)
god im exhausted
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had stuff typed out but it was retarded
yeah the ova is very good the final scene is really perfect
and yeah the simplicity of al+friends is something not enough stuff really touches on i think, i honestly think its because dimwits see simple characters and think "simple = poorly written" so they cant just see a kid who thinks war is fukken epick they have to go "uhmmmm he has a computer, how does he NOT ever look up the war and see war footage and become horrified prior?"
oh yeah and i enjoy the very small touch of the pictures being colored in the final ed
not like it means anything but its nice and satisfying
>Recent deaths: Dianne Feinstein Sycamore Gap Tree (felled)
ach yes now that is wikipedia for you only two relevant people died recently and one of them is a tree
wow so it sounds like some zoomer just cut down this old ass tree
what a fucking faggot, should get the death penalty, not because cutting down a tree is that bad, but just the flagrant disrespect for anything
bet you wouldnt say that if it was destroyed via complete and utter annihilation of the british isles via nuclear strike
trees are sturdy i'm sure it could survive
what if the radiation made it mutate and it became a 3.14 dryad girl huh
if only the world was so good as to allow things like that huh
think you forgot a letter or two there mate i dont know why i should care about a pi dryad girl
no reactions to the cryptic goy4 post huh
oh yeah did we say qt3.14
sorry its been years since i last wrote that so i dont remember
i posted that because i saw the latest dev diary and instantly thought "wow yet another dlc that consists of nothing but shitty +1% modifiers and mana that constantly haunts you the entire game"
we surely didn't
i dont think ive ever seen anyone say qt3.14 in person only in greentext screenshots
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back in the days people used it in casual conversation on 4chan
dont know if the retard tourists use it too or if it got lost with time
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ah yep.....epic...........
Replies: >>31895
if the treechopper had some kind of mental fixation on that tree. had some vision about it, had it all jumbled up with his.. struggles or something.. and chopped it to prove a point to himself and the world and say "look at me, im here, i did this", or "i can turn strange and inscrutable  thoughts harbored in the back of my mind, into real execution in the world", that that would at least make it more ok. 
if he was just a shitter who did it randomly then hes a shitter but.. just by how popular the tree was supposed to be i doubt this was random or spontaneous.
personally i have recurring thoughts about a very long and very tall train trestle nearby. i think it could affirm for me some ideas about what becoming initiated into knowledge means, what it means to learn, what it means to not understand something and only have a mysterious and ridiculous inner conception of it, and then actually get into it yourself, live it, and then understand. understand why it has its reputation, understand how the impossible could be possible. 

i didnt explain that very well but basically the train trestle is a large thing that tens of people have died on, and it's supposed to summon the goatman if you walk across it. what do you find when you walk across it? a long hopeless distance between you and the landing, and a train coming your way. the train IS the monster. see how cool that is? the supernatural IS out there it just manifests itself as a train for this instance. 
and my idea ive had for like 5 years has been go to it, walk to the middle, wait for a train, and then dangle off the edge and see if i live
amazing how i can tell a jimwall apart from an hmwall in just a few words
personally i dont even have to read the words i can tell just from the composition
well you should read the words i liked this one
yeah i will but reading jimposts takes a lot of strength out of me so ill do it later
that one is going in my top 10 jimposts for sure
i explained it better once irl and had some people go "yeah man.. whoa.."
(leaving out the part about dangling off it people dont really like hearing about your cringe cryforhelp plans)
imagine being a trainman who uses that line every day then you hear the urban legend about it being abandoned and your like... .wtf no its not
i bet if you died from that everyone reading the news would just think you're stupid rather than suicidal
'im 'acobson stop your idiotic thoughts RIGHT NOW!!!
just become a train machinist if youre such a colossal cocksucker
would jim be fixed by becoming gay????(bottom)????? 
its a honest question hes just such a massive fag
what a disgusting question whats wrong with you
i mean seriously just look at his brain
all his thoughts are really feminine 

you should be glad i didnt suggest another thing.........
and anyway yeah just let some guy sort him out, maybe punch him in the face a bunch too, leave him like that funny image girl(male)
the only space im talking about is the space in j-
alri im going to hold back from 1 like that
you dont realize how horrible of a thing youre describing
youre a really bad friend for even bringing something like that up 
you should be ashamed
that too
yeah but im not talking TO him im talking ABOUT him 
sadly you cant really talk "behind someones back" in a format like this.....
but i think its a valid topic

if he gets somehow influenced by something as feeble as a few posts on the internet then what can i say
hes a fag
also i dont consider myself a friend to jim (or others) anymore
ohhh okay okay sorry man look i DIDNT mean to insult argentina okay look here you go *hands you a green banana* consider this a pact of peace between america and argentina okay we'll give you free bananas every once in a while
see your not a friend of mine ive always called and acted as a friend and yet youve never acted as such and therefore my friendship act with "the lot of you" is revoked as of the past year
(with concrete exceptions to be handed out on an individual basis)
jim has the rank of "mate"
nakhodka has the rank of "1st mate"
and so on and so forth
the only reason people dont act like friends with you is because you keep trying to convince people to become gay and a have a breakdown over the argentine economy every 3 days
what are you on about 
when have i ever been ona campaign to make people gay
ive been making effortful and thought out and well informed posts about politics and economics and other trite for YEARS 
how dare you compare it to a 1 singular post about wondering if jim MIGHT Be gay underneath all that faggy attitude
effortful and thought out and well informed posts about politics and economics such as...
"did you know argentine pizza is broadly considered the best in the world"
why are you even pretending to be innocent this is like your 10th post this year about how poster X acts like a total fag and maybe he should start dressing up
now it's way more than one you could've just dropped it you know not everything needs to be a huge argument
remember that one guy 1-2 years ago who kept trying to talk about gays and trannies nonstop
those are impostors falseflaggers and ghosts you are seeing
no thats not how that works
this is all a conversation subservient to that one post i made and as such its all the same post
talking ABOUT trannies shouldnt be an encouragement to anyone with a will greater than a rodent's
also we like episodes here and we g
hate noposts so its always better to be an argumentative retard
kill kikes
i think its in the genes of the family
i just saw me reflection and i got a little freaked out
i mean i see it on the mirror sometimes but i don't think i've ever seen myself sitting on the computer before and i don't know i'm so "one" with the machine it just doesn't feel right being reminded of the person behind it which really made no sense when i remembered i can also see my hands and body at all times who knows what goes through my head sometimes
glad i missed this one
curtis' new name would probably be something dumb like carla or catherine
this ends
in a massacre
kys kys kys kys kys hope you get raped by niggers and die you damn freak
alri curtia
don't get curt with me
need an expert freudian psychoanalyst here
expert retard reporting in how may i help you
whats the psychosexual implications of wanting to get "railed" so to speak at a folk legend site in the forest where nobody can see or hear
there are much nicer things that could be the topic right now
how about the magistral wind
yeah like the fact he specifically mentioned a goat man......does that mean that.....
jim is?!?!?!?
no retard
jim is curtis
^actual goteposter
here i am sieging hawaii once more
big fan of the ocean
formerly big fan of space
you know im having some vague recollections of some other perverse and out-there things hm has said and then doubled down on when called out
nothing he has said is more perverse than his deeds
but we are changing the topic now
wish i was smart enough to be good at u-boat games
my spy codename would be double-downie 
you will never catch me backing out
*isnt smart enough to respond*
the joke is downie is an insult, referring to people with downs syndrome
"down"(with a pseudoenglish pronunciation) is a widely used insult in argentina by youths too
vocaroo it
whats up with the downs *laughtrack plays*
i kind of wish i had those sort of vaguely feminine anime boy good looks but i guess having the assurance that i would be hideous as a tranny is a nice benefit
me i'd look like one of those ugly old men background characters
id say i have anime boy good looks myself
jim used to when he was 20 (or whenever the original jimage was taken)
he looked like a glass eyed fish lipped doofus
wish i were a little girl in princess world
instead of a nigger in kike world
yeah thats what this comes down to
big fan of the music in the dominions games
not a big fan of playing them though
not a big fan of the taisho era
who is
write up a 5 page report on whats so great about it please
cool uniforms
thats about it
theres cooler uniforms in the other eras
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ugh epic
note that western europe, thailand and peking all also belong to me but are just being invaded by incredibly tiny enemy forces
its pretty obvious how the developers expect the player to constantly have big fronts with the ai, but since the players always try to make it as small as possible you end up with shit like britain and brazil(not invadeable until the late game) overflowing with hundreds of enemy units by the time you can invade them
kamchatka should not be its own region in any game
thats why it sucks
the limited grammar of those posts has led to some confusion 
when I posted "who is" I meant who on earth is a fan of the taisho era
and then the subsequent post confused "I" (you) as meaning "I am a fan"
people "like" the taisho era because it meant a more liberal and prosperous era but in truth it was filled with imperial bossniggery and you couldnt even enter into a workers union since the government was breathing down your back, the economy was stagnating very hard by 1910 and took a massive blow in 1919, since the exports to western powers suddenly stopped, and it didnt "recover" until the war economy of the late 30's
it was only an epic era in anime and for rich aristocrats whose heads are up in the clouds
in a sense it was japans gilded age
uhh no its the other way around
ugh why is my body so weak
and why cant i make up for it with resolve like they do in anime
theres something utterly satanic about how even people with an unshakeable will cannot do anything to change the physical situation that they are in, all they can do is rely on their physical body
usually dont ploid but i will here
tomino designed this specifically because bandai told him they wanted battleships in victory for toys, and he hated that idea so he designed the most retarded thing he could thing of and was blown away when bandai said "yup looks great"
another sign of the times
hate bandai
yes uhhh let me see if i can find this interview
i heard that he did it because one of the higherups has some extremely unhealthy obsession with bikes and he wanted to make fun of the guy
i think the most disgusting part of the whole thing is how you can kind of see the inner musai peeking out of its shell looking at it gives me the same feeling as looking at shitty freakish corruption porn
ok well i cant find it
anyways the gist is tomino was very opposed to sunrise being bought by bandai from the start
then during the production of victory he was such a mental wreck, he said he almost never left the house, he couldnt ride in cars because the shaking would freak him the fuck out, and he had to have his wife do literally everything for him
he said all he would do was play puzzle bobble 2 (known in the west as: super bust a move 2) because it was too hard and he could never beat it so he could play it forever
i think its epic in how retarded it is
the part about tomino playing puzzle bobble 2 for eternity or the battleship
wtf is an inner musai
its like an outer musai but inside
when i grip these soda glass bottles with all my strength it feels really pleasing
but im always worried that itll just explode from the pressure and rain glass on me
computer smells like ozone
i really hate these fucking 5l water bottles so fucking much
for SOME no doubt retarded reason they always fill it up completely, theres not even a little bit of space left for the air in the bottle, so when you try to open the cap for the first time water starts rapidly sneaking out, wetting your hands and the cap, and then you become unable to open the fucking cap because its way too wet, and then you have to sit there like a retard for hours waiting for the cap to dry so you can give it another shot. also even without the water issue the cap becomes extremely hard to open in general
i think the most important thing in a woman is a beautiful smile
are 5l the fat ones with a little pull up thing in the cap i never had trouble with those
Replies: >>31936
speaking of women i thought of a funny analogy to them when i was at the store
"they dont charge full price for merchandise that's already been opened"
you know what's funny
wish it would happen to me 
*backflips into a fucking hole*
may get into this band again (its very gay)
but this songs a jam
last one i'll post
isnt it just insane to think about how quality of life keeps getting worse and worse and not just by a little bit by a LOT as time goes on
thats what gundams about
oh yeah turk fucking watch the hathaway movie now
if i fucking despise gundam from all the posts ive seen about it at this point i cant imagine how bad it must be to be the guy who's been watching it nonstop
i did it nonstop and so did the turk so clearly its good for you
cant believe theres trashmen with cute imoutos and sexy onee-sans who completely squandered their easymode romances but here i am with no siblings whatsover
get help you weird little man
and WHERE exactly am i supposed to get help if i dont have any loving caring sisters to support me???
my file's gonna go all out of whack now that i don't have anything to look forward to anymore i can already feel it slipping through my fingers
if you exit through the exit why dont you enter through the enter
or entrance through the entrance
it doesnt add up
the gilded age was... the west's taisho era???
yeah but the ones here dont have any pulling up you just spin the cap around
Replies: >>31936
whats got you hating gundam so much eh
dont have ANY motivation to eat at all ill just starve for like 10 hours instead
looked at all the epic anime that im nostalgic about and felt like dying when i saw that they were all aired between 2008-2014
.....am i an old man now?????
big fan of the neighbours phone which rings constantly
argentine women are too pretty
those are 6l here and theres bigger ones but i dont remember how big they are
he means like a little handle to carry them around, not to open them
i think am gonna invest in some of them dashcammes someday and install a few of them (front and sides) and ppst them all day every day
yeah they usually have handles, though i have seen a few without them
also for some reason instead of having 20l ones we have 19l ones here, i also have a memory of almost getting hit over the head with one by a woman
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they finally apprehended the notorious argentine fascist known as "hitlermod"
uh...isnt that his gf
did he take the fall for hm
they were both convicted for the heinous crime of using a delivery service as a front for hanging up willy flags across the country
just came out of this "german colony" store place that ive always wanted to eat at but was always closed when i passed by

the food(mainly sandwiches, burguers, hot dogs and the like) were all called stupid names like Bismarck, Panzer, V2, Graf Spee, big Otto, Kaiser, Zeppelin, etc.
no Hitler sadly............ or maybe there is but its a secret one you have to wink and ask for under the table
theres a bavarian restaurant in town and the one time I went there the food came with a giant jug of mustard
it's still weird to me that everyone eats in foreign restaurant now i don't even know of any in my town (i'm sure they're there somewhere)
the italian place next door burnt my pasta
its a 1stoid thing, theres no "ethnic" or "foreign" restaurants anywhere but the capital pretty much
this place ive stopped by isnt particularly foreign its jsut german themed because the place is next to a town literally called "German Colony" but the food itself was mostly the same youd find at any other side of the road food place, just with silly names
had a very dangerous dream because there were some cute girls on this thing i was watching right before bed
but as soon as i woke up i started having unrelated religious thoughts and almost forgot about it i'll take that as a sign
like in la plata the only "foreign" food places is sushi stores, of which a lot popped up like 6 years ago, and then thrres like....... 2....places with mexican food

now theres also some venezuelan ones but thats because of literal venezuelans making their own stores and thats the only thing they know how to make i suppose

in the capital you have all kinda meme shit like armenian food, greek food, jewish food, chinese food, etc. etc. all probably made by people NOT of that ethnicity
all the ethnic restaurants are run by american bumpkins and staffed by mexicans
except the chinese ones those are all 100% chinese
arent the chinese ones filled with vietkong and thai and the like
they sound chinese too me
yeah that sounds about right sushi is the only foreign food i ever see people eat and talk about here
unless you count all the italian-themed pizza places i'm sure some of them have proper italian pizzas too
the asian place right outside of where i worked was all asia men but one time i went in there and there was just some white woman from the uni working there ohohohoh that was a funny chuckle i had
yeah those dont really count becuas any pizza place can be called "IL BUONGIORNO DELLA MAMMA MIA!!!" but then its up to them what "style" they make the pizza in and its all marketing anyway, pizza is a western or just global food 

i guess we also have arab food places but again thats just ancient diaspora......and fatay/arab empanadas are already completely widespread towards the whole country since 100 years ago
the tranny eats them often because shes mentally allergic to egg and those dont have egg
well italian pizza is fucking shit soooooooo...
did you know that argentina has chinese pizza
cannae imagine not eating eggs due to autism
eggs are so fukken good oh mein gott
oh yeah i didn't even know those were arab foods growing up
mom used to make "esfihas"
yeah its nothing compared to argentine pizza

just ask any tourist foreigner whos been
actually that makes me think
what IS pizza like in places it isn't popular
surely they just copy one of the popular styles but... which... wouldn't it be hilarious to fly to a random country just to find out they have argentina pizza
also another arab food that was adopted was "wrapped children" which is when you make a filling of minced meat and some other thing (rice, cheese, vegetables, egg, whatever u want) and then wrap it in the leaf of some vegetabke i dont remember and then you have like little tubes filled with meat. it was taken to school and such

another version, is where thin slices od meat are themselves the wrapper, and inside you put some other filling of your choice

and apparently that comes from arabs(with a different name)
you should pe0bably trynit turk
its an economic way to get some meat in your diet, and theyrr easy to put in a container and eat....say.... in the bus....or at work....(whatever work t is you do)
was talking to my dad a few weeks ago and said how it looks like a libertarian was going to get elected as the president of argentina and his response was
>what? argentina? do they even have elections there? dont they still live in straw huts?
extremely funny post
and then everybody clapped
everybody knows that the average retards opinion of argentina is "dont they have nazis there???? lol"
or if theyre from the 3rd world "dont they have messi there???? lol"
aren't you glad your mate tuck is out educating everyone about argentina now
has tucker really stooped to shilling the silver
got a message from the indonesian wiki
its thanking me for visiting them
not really 

nothing good can come from americans and their stupid opinions
dont want 1 billion retards on the internet jerking off to political things here that they dont understand
also apparentl bank of america and jp morgan and black rock are alll ready to give milei about 50 billion usds to dollarize the economy with (change all the pesos for dollars without the exchange rate being really bad)
is thar a good thing or a bad thing
will the deal be accepted
given hm spent the entire other day asking for international handouts i reckon he's pretty happy
yeah i didnt read any of that
think i was off having a wank
how is that going to work with argentina joining the brics revolution which is right about to rug the dollar
the little jew hates brics from what i heard
yeah but apparently the joining cant be reversed
in the short run its a good thing because it means we can finally stabilize the economy by ending inflation
not immediately, there will be inflation in usds too, because prices are distorted qnd they will un-distort (for example fuel or utilities being really cheap. wages will tend to go up too and living costs in general) 

in the long run probably not, it depends on what they ask in exchange
if they simply want the i terest to be paid like a normal loan its probably fine
if in exchange rheg want..... YPF..... various other state companies...... concessions for idk lithium and the like..... then its probably bad
how and why would it help you with inflation and whats the catch
i thought you guys were so used to inflation that it doesnt even negatively affect the economy anymore
brics as of now is basically just a friends group
they have no common policies or any trade deals or alliances or anything 
theyrr not gonna rugpull shit at least not for the next decade. and if they do itll be more gradual at first. right now they have nothing

i dont see how it CANT be reversed to join..... but whether we do or not seems like a fairly secondary thing. we already trade with China and Brazil........ and if they come up with a new currency...we can just....... get it.....

what the government will ACTUALLY do isnt force people to use the dollar
its to destroy the peso
uhhhh.....because the dollar is worrh something..???? and the peso isnt??????

inflation now is due to monetary policy. we have a budget deficit and debts and things, and the only way to pay them is to print money
when you do that,money "dilutes" its purchasing power, ergo its value goes down. value of money down = price of goods measured in that currency go up = inflation

the USD has its inflation too but its minimal compared to the peso
people use the USD to safeguard themselves from the peso losing value

Argentines have about 200 billion usd in cash which is the biggest of any foreign country......
why dont you just become an export economy eh thatd be good for you
anglokikes dont allow it
AFTER we dollarize, there will still be some inflation to "catch up" to the value that things should be
a huge sandwich i bought was like 3 usd
a liter of fuel is like 0.5usd
a bus ride is like 0.01usd
electricity is basically free

all of those things are wrong and basically they have to "catch up" to a real world value, along with everything in the economy 
argentina for the past few years was incredibly cheap as a tourist because.of the favorable.exchange rate
now itll go back to being normal
it's simple mate the silver ran out nothing else to export
nobody here can afford meat
we ARE 
its just due to the retarded government policy basically they steal 80% of your money(i am NOT exaggerating) if you're an exporter becaus rthey want all your dollars 
and due to their currency nightmare of retardation, its also REALLY CHEAP to import things, which made it so basically exporters dont export and importers inport a lot

weve had a trade surplus for most of the 21st century and will have it again if things retuen to normal
now in 1 or 2 years well become a big GAS exporter too,now that Vaca Muerta is up and running....maybe oil exporter as well.... and now we get the dollar....heh.....makes you think
basically neuquen (and surrounding area) has the biggest shale gas and one of the biggest shale oil deposits

in the very south there exploring another one too whichd be like the 4th largest deposit
now they finished building a bunch of new pipelines so well be able to get all that stuff

there planning to build one of those gas liquefaction plants in bahia blanca to export the gas
in the mean time we can also export it to neighbors who are hooked up to our gas network
okay explain this about "dollarization" to me
do you completely get rid of the peso
are you going to have to pay the cashier in benjamin franklins or will there be an intermediary currency
how does that work international things like idk steam will you still pay 5 dollars for a game or will it use american prices
i sincerely hope that argetina gets its own erdogan simply because itd be tremendously funny
well im going to explain it like these
the value of ALL pesos in circularion is something like 10-15billion usd... its not a lot
if you add to that the value of all pesos that are in banks and other things, its about 50-60billion usd....still not that much

IN COMPARISON... argentines have about 200billion usd circulating in cash, because thats what people use to buy cars, houses, and that kinds thinv, and what people save in
 everyone has usds

so now there's a problem. 90% of those 200b are 100 dollar bills. because thats the ones people value idk it just works like that

when we dollarize, basically what happens is that all money in the bank "magically" gets turned to USD by the government. the RATE that they decide on is based on how much the government can get.... if the government gets 1 trillion usds vs 1 trillion pesos they could chanve them 1 to 1 but thats impossible
if they get like 50b usd, then they can change them at lets say.... 1000 to 1

as for the CASH thats going around... there wouldn't be enough small change for people to make their purchases at the start
so whats.probably gonna happen is thered be a FIXED exchange rate thatd be the one the gov. managed to get. and people would still use the peso as "change" for some years, until there were enough 1, 5, 10 usd notes and even coins to go around 

and yes basically it means the peso isnt used for anything anymore except physical cash purchases, and stops being valid as bank mney
what would that even be
weve already had populist retards for the past 100 years 
you dont need to wish, its already sank us to turkey levels
an islamist inflation enthusiast
oh you know just like erdogan but instead of islam its paganocatholicism and instead of importing arabs he imports niggers
yeah no we wont get any religious retards 
hasnr been a thing even when the church was really strong
also we already has an islamic president (menem) who did something similar to dollarization and it was the best decade the country had
yeah yeah ataturk said the same thing
anyways, if you want to get more technical, there gonna FEMinize the peso

basically the government will create an entity called the FEM (monetary stabilization fund,.in spanish) and there they will put a bunch of government bonds, assets, and whatever money the government is able to get there
and from that entity they will issue a bunch of over-collateralized bonds for the amount of money to be lent, which will make the interest rates very payable instead of stupidly high(which would be the case normally because nobody wants to lend to argentina because we never pay rhe money back) 
thats what the banks want. if we go broke they get to take all the things in the fund i think
but if we dont go broke basically what happens is that all the money the government would pay to the Central Bank(of argentina) will go there instead 
and from that flow of money the FEM pays the banks or something like that

the FEM can also sell those gov. bonds if the market wants them, so they get the usds now instead of later
where i live all government policies are expected to fail horribly and everybody just pretends they dont exist if it doesnt directly affect them
thats how it is everywhere
oh and also there was a pretty big drought the past 2 years
thats also negatively impacted exports a lot
dad purchased a turkish shotgun
ok im on my way to that family reunion thing, not really "family" since nobody knows each other too well but "target is descendants and families of [great grandmother] and [great grandfather] [surname] sr" (among their children are my grandmother on my dads side, and the guy that became incredibly wealthy and is the reason i have over $100k in stocks and other things). 
people used to have A LOT of kids so there are always A LOT of people at these things. theres not much point to it either it's always so awkward and again nobody knows each other it's just "heyyy we (the primary members of the family who are closest to all the money) are paying lip service to all of you guys because youre all distant relatives.. and we have a bigass skyscraper downtown because of what that one important dude did a long time ago.. but we know you all actually kind of suck.. and arent capable of being epic elites but.. heres a party anyway.."

or maybe thats an incredibly warped view of it
try telling them you're a member of a famous underground community
give me your money kike
that sounds about right i mean what other reason would there be to throw a party for people you barely know it's just being diplomatic and acknowledging they exist
what i do find bizarre is that someone who is part of that kind of dynastic family not only posts on tragsg but has the most fucked up life out of everyone else
canman obviously
(theres not enough self hatred to be jim)
if i had a quadtrillion dollars like you do i would distribute it evenly among the tragsgites so that nobody would have to suffer which is why you have to distribute your money to me
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK fuck fuc kfuck fuck fuc kf ufck fuck fuck fuc k fuck you fuck you aaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuckkkkkkkk fucking hell fuck this shit i fucking hate it
^ jim accidently feeling a stab of happiness
is it really a stab if it penetrates right through your chest and goes out the other side
no that's a pierce t. damage types expert
ddaaaaammnn it nobody else is here yet i will have to introduce myself alone WTF NO AAAAAAAA
can you take pictures jimmyboy

also will you present yourself as curtis or as christina
does your sister know about "that" yet????
its kind of funny how canman fancies himself a superhuman aristocrat of the sovl because hes got money, and yet 'im's probably more wealthy than him, without an ounce of retarded rhetoric
yeah wonder how he copes with the fact that jim is an utter fucking mess despite being 10 trillion times more wealthy than him
kys kys kys
theres no foreign restaurants here because im in a small town with few ethnics but in all the big cities theres millions of them
ugh what the FUCK so it's not going to be dirt cheap anymore? whats the point of going
Replies: >>32029
i dont see how jim's issues are supposed to reflect on me
i want jim to prosper because he's a fellow aristocrat but that's not what you're saying
your idea: im an epic aryan because im rich
jim: far richer than you yet retarded
therefore either rich people are retarded OR being an epic aryan is completely unrelated to your material wealth
i dont think ive ever said that
im rich because im an epic aryan who deserves to be rich
but some people are rich because theyre kikes
oh fuck off how did the internet cable get disconnected when i didn't even touch the table
don't tell me the stupid 50km wind blew on it too hard
you said it several times during the yearly canman bullying episodes but everybody wipes those out of their memory because of how retarded they end up being
no no its backwards. HIS idea is "im an epic aryan aristocrat BECAUSE im rich"
and yet theres people far wealthier than him who
a) dont hold that retarded view
b) clearly don't fit it
its like if some african nigger found a gold nugget and started showing off to all the village as if hes preordained to be kang
(tragsg is the village)
tonight's activity: doubling down on any retarded thing you come up with
why are you telling me what i believe
those episodes all amounted to what we're doing right now which is one or two retards trying to explain myself to me and me telling you you're wrong in circles over and over
well theres a lot of things to see in argentina and also so you can experience what a real nation looks like and not some antisocial psychopathic zogged mass of people with no defining character 
and also just what else are you gonna do with your time??? you gotta occupy yourself with something
22 said the same thing
okay but wasnt it being dirt cheap one of the big selling points
and sure i could visit still but how am i going to invest in your vineyards
the fact he didnt realize is a major symptom of cds (canman derangement syndrome)
knew a few people who visited argentina
youre not going to get any turkish tourists anymore when argentina becomes a superpower
my grandma wanted to go to istanbul a few years ago
didn't go though for some reason

she was also invited to go to paris by her dentist but also refused 
shes beeen all over the country though
why would your dentist ever invite you out on a trip
are they having an affair
well you just wontt, will you

also property prices increasing will be a slow process. if long term credit comes back and the real estate market gets reactivated then yeah, but that'll probably take a few years

the fact its cheap is just a convenience for you......in case youre not as wealthy as you claim to be........ 

we might get an argentine real estate bubble 15 years from now
in fact i predict argentina will be the new japan (and well export billions of oil and the usa will need us to keep their petrodollar alive)
idk they were friends for a few years and she had one of those things where you can invite a friend
...................(......it was a female dentist.........you sicko.........)..............
people used to be friends with their doctors its not like today
around dolphins never relax
lots to report
and even more to ignore
i really hate dolphins and squid honestly they're filthy disgusting rapist animals yet all the fucking normalfreaks go on about how cute and funny they are
never seen anyone go on about how cute squid are
yeah maybe you mean octopus and it's not cute and funny they're COOL because they're SMART
squid and octopus are the exact same thing
same with crocodiles and alligators
uhh hno we JUST had an episode about this
also theyre not smart okay theyre fucking retarded just like all the other animals
octopuses are smarter than the average argentine
so anyway if id have to be realistic my positions in a government could be:
ministry of trade, ministry of infrastructure, ministry of production, ministry of economy, anti corruption office chief, intelligence services chief, chancellor

what COULD you do if you had to be added to a government
squids are like
  <  >
   ( )
/ / | | \ \

octopuses are more

      ///  /
C== <
      \\\  \

this is going to look stupid after i click post and i'm going to cry
id honestly hate that i'd be constantly burdened by a fuckload of work because other people are too retarded to do their jobs
and im not evil enough to be a corrupt kike and steal tax like all the other fags, not social enough to get favours from rich people either
if i became one i'd resign
i'd rather be like... a mayor
a much more reasonable scope
the squid looks good but the octopus looks like shit
id be a great in a king's court as an advisor or as a baron/other minor prince but i wouldnt last a day in a modern demokikeic government
i dont know i think we need the squid to be cooked a bit more
well it could be a democratically elected fascist government
in that case the only natural spot for me would be in the ahnenerbe equivalent
then i'd be the minister of the interior
    |° °|
---| o |---
  / / | | \ \

well its hard to fit eight arms and i don't know how to make a round head properly
do ministers usually DO anything i always had the impression they just sit on their office and tell their lackeys to implement a general "policy" and after that it's just waving to the cameras
you also always hear about random politicians becoming ministers so it's like... does he REALLY know anything about agriculture of course not the big man just wanted to give him a fancy title
thats because its a demokikeic government
in an based fascistotrad parliament the politicians actually have to work
well a minister COULD do real work if he wanted to and was competent
the thing is none of the ministers in the world want to work and they arent competent either
yes ministers have and always have had a big impact
you judge a king by his ministers

in 1stoid countries policies are always rhe same but in the real world ministers can ne really important and determine the route or how good the administration was in a certain area
also presidents cant know everything so delegating is very important and if a competent person is put in the right spot with the adequate amount of backing it can be very good for a country 

example: peron's industrialization man who had an epic plan that even radical governments followed afterwards
just KNEW i was going to see the word "peron" somewhere in that post
i need some high quality wargames and galgames to heal my soul with
or alternatively a bullet to the head
ok so i learned i have a relative that moved to utah many years ago and has built a life around trying to convert the mormons BACK (to southern baptist evangelical)

but anyway guess what!!!??? the MAIN rich guy, the son and inheritor of the late senior ultratrich guy who did everything (and is himself important and successful and shit) TALKED to me for like 15 whole minutes about china. he had gone to china in the 80s and taught english there and we were talking about different china podcasts and the political history of the CCP and some other shit.
im PRETTTY sure though he only gave me the time of day because his aunt (my grandmother) "asked" him to 

also he spent the first 20 minutes of the event gathering everybody up to shill his new book.
also my autistic cousin (or something like cousin) was there (ive seen him before a lot) and his mom (who ive also seen a lot) definitely Knows about the bullshit i had gotten up to and was trying to give me advice. 
im in a decent mood right now so i cant really express all my thoughts but yeah basically it's just learning more that people are... transparent
i liked pike and shot (game)
having a life mission is good

in tragsg we have 
a man who is hellbent on reopening the great migration to argentina
a man who is determined to become the first japanese-speaking turco-teuton
a primate whos priority is to never be recognized as a real man by the government 
a guy who is convinced hes going to be the next king of somewhere so he just travels around looking for his place to be 
and someone who beyond all else, just wants to extinguish all niggers

converting mormons is a pretty respectable thing
teaching english in 3rd world shitholes is a very big sign of being a loser with no future
hey wait a minute we have more than five men
not all of them have missions
yeah he forgot jim
maybe but from what i gather thats not really what his main career path was back then he did it just to do it as supplementation.
the secret mission continues on schedule...
well yeah its either like you said or he's just some nouveau riche that inherited shit and sat on his ass
but in general its a very shitty career path not just for angloid niggerkikes teaching abroad but thirdworldoids teaching english to their own volk
my mom learmt french in school
you could pick between french, italian and english

no such luxury now
we still have that here
(but its only left in private schools)
i think theres something really amazing and enlightening that could be said about the massive increase in demand of education personnel post-ww2 and how they were composed primarily of incompetents but i cant really delve deep into it
also a kind of.. odd thing is that he said "good luck" to me twice, out of any real context. 
whatever it meant it sounded sincere and even if he was being polite talking to me he wasnt being patronizing or.. idk it was just a good interaction i felt good about it
so whens the party gonna break out
are you on your 3rd or 4th drink jimma

dont get too friendly
wouldnt wanna come home with a cousin
it wasnt that kind of event refer to 04 they just had food and made a point to take a biiiiig picture with all the families there. and then you tried to talk to as many people as you could if you could stand it, and fall back to talk to your closer family who knows all your bullshit
got absolutely no strength in my muscles
its no longer a matter of determination im fucking dying my body is running on 40 joules of energy
went to a big family event once but everyone was poor
except my great grandfather but he made sure to spend al his money before he died
ill be going to sleep
when i wake up i want to be in charge of a better life
any hot female cousins jimmy
"curtisian" sounds kind of cool
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for almost an entire decade now ive always felt like im high on some drug or something, unable to focus nor think properly, and the few reasonable things that i do think i am unable to put in words well enough
sometimes, like half a day every 3 months or so, my head suddenly clears up and i can do everything normally and it feels so good, but most of the time im just fucked, it impacts my daily life too by making me slow to react in certain social situations
i wonder what the hell could be the reason for this, trauma or trauma(physical) from when i was younger?? or am i being poisoned everyday by an unknown party
been having that too but only for the past year
the only way to counter that is real drugs
that would just cause more brain problems
second night in a row i got to have a nice dream of putting my arm around a girl and walking around with her
dreamt I saw a bird accidently rip its own head off by getting caught in a net and there was blood everywhere
94 do you like the people youre around or the evironment youre in? when your brain doesnt appreciate the stimulus it's getting it slows down and you start to feel bad. your dislike of certain people or situations though could be more emotional or psychological in origin, that has some source somewhere
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i think golf courses are the western equivalent of japanese gardens
me I live next door to one
it doesnt look that nice
i think golf would be much more respectable if they just played out in the wild
you need really smooth grass to golf
its a nice peaceful view
during the day its pleasant to watch people going by as they play
it makes me feel like im living on a marquis' grand estate
billions must dfe
thought that said billions must dfc at first...
luv me dfc
district of french canada
need a counter of how many times somebody yelled out "run" and was completely ignored
its gotta be at least a half a dozen times so far
does that happen often on the mean streets of turkey
no but it does happen basically every episode of bleach
contemplating golf leaves a bad taste
what a masterful statement, you could interpret it in about a dozen different ways
list 3
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bwee bwaaa
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wooooooowww someone actually ran after being told to thats a fucking first
my left hand smells of wet dogs
i tried to wash it a few times but the smell is still there
anybody seen "party animals"
usually i hate games like that but i laugh every time i see the stupid way the animals move
a few days ago i was thinking of playing ck2
i managed to avoid doing it by forgetting
ck2 is only good in mp and it utterly terrible in mp
the one time i tried to mp the guy i was playing with started sperging out because he kept getting diseases and his genius heir that he got by exclusively marrying genius women died and then he ragequit
every time i play ck2 i get cursed where my character and their heirs start dying earlier and earlier until the dynasty is wiped out in 3 to 4 generations
thats a feature
fertility drops too so it goes from 8~6 kids to 5 to 2 to 0
oh yeah its 4chan's 20th birthday innit
who cares
don't be a bitter man
tragsgs sixth anniversary is right around the corner
who cares about them anymore
theyre like that one relative you have that you fucking hate for being a downie but you get stuck with them every reunion
and then he comes up to you and starts talking about china
i was playing victoria 2 with big
the air here is so filthy
am basically walking around on one leg
dont know what happened but my left knee feels like its about to break any time
how are you enjoying 0083 so far
it's okay i guess
omg that way my post too
heard dall-3 is out and its better
but it has a retardedly strong lewd filter and it even counts things like feet as sexual content
is that why i'm seeing ai images being spammed everywhere
probably yeah
also i havent actually seen any of those new images myself since i dont go on shitholes can you tell me if they really look better or not
yes quite a bit but it's still visibly ai with some weird faces and hands and nonsensical details
ajajjajajajaj censoring feet now thats funny
silly man playing the violin with his feet

"noooo what are you doing you fucking pervert?!?"
so how long until the indians crack the filter
isnt it developed by like microsoft or whatever
if its them they must have spent an outrageous amount of effort to make it impiercable or something
also isnt it based on some online-only kike system where all the processing is done on their side
just realized that black foxes exist
they dont look bad at all
did you know they found a fox dog hybrid in brazil some time ago, but only after it got ran over
but south american foxes are not "real" foxes according to some biological mumbo jumbo
opened that thread and saw a furry already got it making nipples on lizard women
back when i was a child i liked foxes because they looked cute and i wanted one as a pet(impossible because im not a nouveau)
now that im an adult i like foxes because of cute foxgirls
ok so i looked up the fox dog hybrid and yes it's a "pampas fox" (which looks like a fox idk what would make it not a fox, though i suppose it's a bit big and closer to a dog on the cat-dog axis where some foxes are more cattish (this makes me ponder what a pure foxish fox would look like)) and theres seems to be MULTIPLE occurrences of these things being born unless it's the same incident with 10 different articles
lookk at this one lole
anyway this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culpeo
is the one (i think) i see running across the road or being ran over by trucks most often
because theres one thats gray in the same areas and theyre usually not gray

apparently https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuegian_dog the natives domesticated it
strange hybrids happen all the time in the wild but its not technically "supposed" to so it doesnt get acknowledged
>ugly, with long tawny hair and a sharp snout
>I never saw them, no matter how large their number, take an aggressive attitude or defend their masters when these were in danger
uh huh... reminds me of a certain people currently inhabiting patagonia
i have a microsoft account i can use that image generator
you mean chileans?
yeah theyre the devil
god i took a look at that thread and its filled with literal retard scum that use it to generate pepe images of all fucking things
also i heard something about using "coins" to generate images is that fucking real??????????????
lets see how long this "5 minute" wait turns out to be
cant allow myself to use ai for images anymore after i peered beyond the veil and ruined myself forever generating anime girls
yeah peering beyond the veil makes you wise but also very sad
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freaking epic image
one day the people who make things like this will be dead and the world will be a much better place
this image is kino
*swats you with a rolled up newspaper*
*takes the newspaper out of your hand and opens it up*
what the heck... putin invaded ukraine!?!?!
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i have to say mnemonics are completely retarded and only make you "feel" like you remember something that you dont
t.expert who mastered the language in 660 days without using them even once
SO since we're all here

are We watching the debate tonight??? its in like 2-3 hours
the WHAT
the argentine presidential debate where we will see if Milei is needing deep psychiatric help and goes loose and starts yelling and punching everyone OR if he's being sedated to not do that OR if hes actually completely normal and btfos everyone
i wont be watching but i want you to watch it all live and post about it live as well
also a likely topic will be the yatchgate where the chief of ministers of the Buenos Aires province basically got "cancelled" so to speak (and fired) because a ton of pictures that one of those VIP Whores took got posted and it was basically them in Europe in a big private Yatch and her receiving tons of gifts (rollex, louis button things(??), big seafood banquets, champagne etc. and you know also showing her ass because shes a whore) and even a video of them having s-x
so he was made to resign by the government because it made a lot of people angry

this is after, not too long ago, he paid 25 MILLION USD for a divorce.....being that supposedly all his jobs have just been as a public servant...............................
which I mean as far as I know... having 50m usd puts you as incredibly wealthy ANYWHERE....not just here............. but here its absolutely obscene, and he's not even a "big" guy, he's like a 2nd or 3rd line of politicians
and then you dont believe me when i tell you that argentina has everything to be a superpower
theres probably hundreds of little retards like that guy who are trillionaires. if that money went to production rather than corruption we'd be living in space colonies right now
yes thats the thing if you had some epic productive society and populace and government you'd be a superpower
but you dont and never will have those so youre relegated to the trash bin
even the real superpowers dont have those and the only reason they became as such is because they were the least shitty shithole in some specific aspect or other
no the productive society and populace is already there
you dont understand that politicians dont produce anything?

all that money is stolen money. someone paid taxes or someone paid a bribe and it ended up in those guys's pockets
if the burden of corruption and the big state in general went away, the growth would happen even if you make 0 other reforms 
and not only is the human capital already there, but also the physical resources

thats what i am saying
for example: here's a very common, banal and stupid form of corruption

most municipalities have some sort of building code. a common one in certain urban areas is that "you can't build buildings above a certain height/floorcount" 
however something that happens is that they make hundreds of exceptions, and in exchange for letting them build...say 8 floors instead of 5, is they take for example 1 apartment out of each floor as form of payment
imagine if THAT didn't have to go into the profitability calculations of some construction company
people would have more homes
construction sector would be bigger and more effictient, and create more jobs
more people would invest in construction

another common form of corruption:
random people are signed up as government employees (even as actual elected officials) without their knowledge. then someone higher up (who "hired" them) goes and takes all their wages for them
now imagine if the taxpayer had to pay for the 100 people that actually work at a government office instead of 100 people and 400 fake people?
once again taxes could be much lower, people would earn more money, investments would be higher

you dont need to do some big fukken change where ""protestant work ethic"" is beamed into people's brains, or suddenly society is all orderly and pruBian, and that takes to a yet-unknown era of productivity and industrialization
all you need is to kill all fukken politicians or at least lower their stealing by 50-80%

NOW IF YOU ALSO do all sorts of positive legislation for labor laws, infrastructure, public works reform, education reforms, etc. etc. etc. yeah now we're talking superpooper by 2050 or whatever meme date you wanna set
of course this is being highly optimistic, but if you at least want to be a normal country where people can work and progress, just killing all politicians and removing political costs by a good amount is good enough
and obviously all you need to do is to just fucking remove the state
its impossible to "control corruption" or at least really fucking hard

so all you need to do is just "remove restriction on height limit" and there'd be no bribe to bypass it
"remove paid secretaries/assistants for parliament workers" adn there'd be no 500 ghost employees, if they want a secretary just let them pay it out of their own pocket
just remove all sorts of regulations or payments or free things, because all that does it just create something that politicians can charge you to bypass, or that they can exploit themselves for more money
>so all you need to do is just "remove restriction on height limit" and there'd be no bribe to bypass it
your skyline is going to suck if you do that
what do you not understand?
its very simple
"You can't build past 8 floors"
>ok here's 100kusd, can i build now?
"okay i will make an exception just for u ;)"

"You can build as high as you can"
>ok i will build this building and keep those 100k myself which i will use to keep building more buildings thus benefit the economy

who on earth fucking cares
"skyline" is such a fake manufactured retarded nonexistant concept anyway
you cant SEE a fucking skyline if there's a mix of midrises, high towers, and common 1-2 floor buildings for kilomteres and kilometeres (which is how a normal city looks)

skylines ONLY exist in the context of a city that's FORCED to build 100 flor towers that are literally 2 blocks away from an unending procedurally generated mass of suburban housing, and thus the buildings are unobstructed by anything
that type of urban layout only exists in the USA, because other places usually have a gradual shift between little houses, medium buildings, and huge towers, and usualyl have multiple cores as well, centered around busy areas and so forth
i just thought that its funny how the shortest man in tragsg is going on about it *gets banned*
also the thing about building height is just a very easy to understand example, with how i explained it
but it applies to whatever other regulation
be it some health inspector looking at some chinese store, or idk some building having ramps for wheelchairs, or some parking lots, or having fire exists, WHATEVER you can imagine
it just basically creates a restriction which you can "bypass" with bribes, and as such it enhances corruption and makes the economy shittier because more money has to flow away from those who create jobs, and into the coffers of politicians who do nothing
needless to say im not saying there CANT be any regulation or that there shouldn't be any regulation at all

im just saying that in a society that is filled with corruption, that's the easiest and quickest thing to do. you can build regulations back up afterwards, and hopefully in a way that's less prone to be exploited
hes actually the tallest because its the southern hemisphere
does any1 know any ci(v) mods that are epic
i didn't learn of any since a couple of days ago no
hey who the fuck installed counter strike 2 in my computer
japanese is one of the easiest languages on earth to learn so they had to invent kanji to balance it out
am gonna start a curtis thread on the 'iwifarms
dont urt curtis
please dont do that
obviously thats a joke but what's even cow-esque about jimbo
he's just a normal guy with some dumb shit going on
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so this is what the average milei voter looks like.... the silent 30%....................
if anyone else posted such an imagine it would be spoilered or deleted immediately
*falls in love immediately*
kill yourself
already reported it hopefully the moderators will do something soon
the manager at the apartment building i lived it for a bit was a middle aged chilean woman and she looked quite a bit like that
comprehensive kikedeath
did she do tiktoks and be an influencer
was she a trump voter
i am dazed
d'bate started now
commie socialist retard with 2% of the vote
the old opposition 
random governor guy who i guess got voted for by a few people of the interior
give me 15 years: italy, france
20: germany
30: usa
i dont get it
wouldnt invading england be priority 1
he's a staunch pro-anglo
whats stopping argentines from reinvading the falklands
anglokikes need to give them the money for it first
what seperates an argentine from an egg? the white
do you think they could sneak in "you will give us the falklands" into a 2000 page trade deal contract somewhere
the anglos would sneak in a "you will import 2000000 browns" clause
...wait a minute nothing changed
only gets worse
its funny how the cordoba guy goes and says "yeah in cordoba the streets are paved in gold and we have flying rocket cars as well as free housing for everyone" and nobody has any idea because who knows what happens there
actually pretty terrifying to think that hm is the whitest guy in argentina
just imagine how the average argentine must look like
they looks south italian (arab)
didnt know arabs had blue eyes
kinda stupid how they had 5 replies and they used them all on chain-replies during the first minutes and then theyre out for the rest
they should of reset them for every topic
ive seen blue eyed arabs
canned men
drowning in acid
well how could i have known that
i dont live in some euslamic shithole 
i live in a white country
blue eyed arabs dont exist retard
no they do
theres even blue eyed niggers
no clue how they got it obviously some recessive genes from white ancestors but ive seen it twice irl
made some keiki
now i get to eat keiki
*activates raigeki*
i have been surrounded by filthy nigger ape arabs since 2010 and ive never seen one have it
have you considered the possibility of contacts
obviously its even less common in arab countries like turkistan because they dont have whites to be their ancestors
man are you retarded or what why do you always get all passive aggressive with me whenever somebody reminds you youre not white
have some watermelon to eat and calm down
give me an image generation prompt
dead niggers in heaps
which of the 8 nonwhite posters are you talking to
is 45@44
i dont know how to reply to this because this is another instance of a completely nonsense reply
all of them
turk: brown smelly arab
sp: banana monkey man
hm: 4 foot nigger goblin
nakhodka: asiatic manchu horse rider
jim: niggerlipped quadroon 
ohio: so black hes never been seen
canman: son of aristoctats..... of the shokwom?akaka* tribe
winkmann: ????? i guess he made the post
the tranny is the only blonde blue eyed tall and nordic person here
and....well........ you know
win the kkk man comes
he'll slay all the kikenigger tragstrites
and peace shall once be restored to argentina
bigger: nigger
"ive been surrounded by filthy nigger ape arabs since 2010"
"wtf why are you saying i live in a brown country"
i like the green robots with the mono eye
hope those are the "good guys"
yeah im surrounded by nigger arabs and its all your fault for not letting them come and rape your country instead
theyre mobile suits of the principality of zeon which is basically the most plainly based country you can think of 
the other side are just hyper blobbing amerikkka
okay well WHAT the fuck does that have to do with what i said
im trying to calmly state the FACT that there are blue eyed nonwhites (because they have some white ancestry) and youre just freaking out like a fucking retarded baboon flinging your shit at me for NO REASON
im telling you those dont exist retard -_- let canman fill you in on the details
zeon is not based theyre space chimps
eye color doesnt determine race
you can be brown eyed and be white
you can be green eyed and be brown
got any proof??
they're literally just space gross germany its as epic as it gets
no they arent theyre a bunch of stinky spacemen who love being in space but at the same time they hate being in space so they chimp out constantly and beg to get to live on earth despite loving space (allegedly)
and the feddies are evil crimesters as well but zeon is retarded
thinking about prison school
that mangas so fukken epic shame about the ending
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oh yeah you asked me about 83
i dont want to comment now since im only halfway done but ive had two thoughts so far
nina is a fucking retard cunt that shouldve died at episode 6(but magically survived)
cima is epic and thus should stop fucking jobbing so ridiculously hard
well.....its over....... im was a very big NONfan of how they straight up cut the microphones when they were yelling at eachother

mostly they didnt interrupt eachother at all (read: t'was boring) but the couple times they did.....well who knows what they said

the vicepresident debate was far better where they straight up put 2 people face to face with eachother and let them yell at eachother for a few minutes
hope the next one gets changed but i doubt it
and all of your fukken shitholes are brown sadly argentina and russia in that order are the whitest countries of here
brazil is probably whiter than canada too
nina is utterly hilarious cant wait to see how you feel about the ending
i cant believe tomino DIDNT write it with how she behaves
hey wait a minute 83 isnt even out yet
oh one thing i (not you) will say about 0083
absolutely gorgeous ova, animation in it and the art is so good i loved to look at it
anyway milei said something epic which everyone thinks but all the media and politicians hate/seethe at which is there werent 30.000 dead in the dictatorship but rather 8-9k and that there wasnt a genocide but rather a war and that there were excesses and thats all
year 2083: argentina is a world superpower and heliocolonial pioneer
(and by everyone i mean people >40/50 years of age which is a lot due to the lower birthrates in general)
oh yeah the animation is very good, it was the same for 80 too
personally i dont really mind animation too much so sometimes i just dont even notice it
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dont want to live my even a second longer
im like a rotting piece of meat that just gets left on the floor and stinks up the whole fucking place
oh man am i gonna have an epic image to post in here once this 30 minute wait is up
i look fat and jimmisch
feel slightly bad about it
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ok so the truck isnt accurate
sad that you need a microkike account to fool around with the new aitrite though
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oooohhhhghohohojoHAAAJHJJAAAHA look what flag it invented ohh man
Replies: >>32348
the trangentina flag...
yeah thats pretty funny man 
big fan of aganza aremtiinaa
^typed while holding back tears
you know what they say plagiarism is the biggst form of compliment

your plagiarizing my life with some microshart supercomputer
you spend THREE minutes coming up with that comeback?
three minutes isnt much
it felt like longer to me because i did a lot during that time
i went to get a pizza slice before typoing that
turn me to a pillar of salt
to die now would be perfection
a pillar of salt and a block of pepper
then my loneliness closes in and i drink a german wine
and dream adrift in other lives and better times
the romans said german wine was bad
never tried it
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make them chase him
hm what is the make and model of your truck i know ive seen it before it's like triangular
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fuck damn it 
i need to find a way to run this locally
something is vile about this language
you cant ask the computer to whip you up more poo right now
i cant get over that flag 
i didnt even ask it to combine them
abominable intelligence stirs
but what even is this
hm please PLEASE make&model
the silvermobile1488 by peron motors
microsoft hasnt heard of it its not available in your country
i think i will watch the monogatari series
would any of you happen to have the image for production order
wait ill make it do something to make up for the flag desecration
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2 milliseconds on google
you lazy tard
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(not mine but)
i heavily support this
doesnt anyone have a suggestion for something to ask it for
a couple hundred bucks
you can probably spend that in credits for it
doesnt help me at all
100 dollars is nothing i cant imagine being so poor that much means a lot to you
you can have infinity nice images to look at while you sit in the dirt in poverty
100  bucks takes care of me for like...a month
personally after listening to the debate we've all already dollarized, milei is president for life so 100 usds for me is what i use to wipe my bum
my minimum expenses are probably at least 1k usd a month
cannae wait for one year from now for the "welp the economy is broke again"
it likely will be but uhhhhhhhhh
2025 will be good.........................
make it draw amerindian elites driving around in flying cars during viceroyal america
make it draw a robot vampire
33 sounds good should do it before they lobotomize it change it to a lower quality model or remove all its access to information. these things usually start out amazingly impressive and then kind of shit themselves in 3 weeks
you can tell ive never been on /v/ because 73 is genuinely the first time ive ever seen ludo as a standalone adjective
ive seen it on tv shitposts
dont go there either
in fact i dont go on 4chan at all
so whoever keeps accusing me of it is telling on himself
why why why why why why why whywy why why why why why why why why why why why why
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they all look the same
why are they ALL craftsmen wasnt the lore that each one was a completely different personality
generating 4 sets would take all day
hey that's my actual coat
big big big big big fan of this thank you for making it
tell me about vargas
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make the ai show buenos aires during the argentine empire
love when new world countries larp as empires because they blobbed into empty wasteland
well its a good thing argentina never larped as an empire nor had some monarchic retard project where they shit up the country
but we WILL larp as an empire once we blob into the guays, chile and possibly other south american countries
he was an oligarch
then he allied with the military and killed all oligarchs
then he allied with the fascists and killed all communists
then he went back to the military and killed all fascists
now that there was no left to kill he allied with the usa, joined ww2, and promptly started killing all italian german and japnese immigrants
after a while he was deposed by the military and then promptly suicided

people like to praise him because he built one single steel mill but he was really just a horrible little kike
sounded like an e1 until the halfway point
i see 
during some of my reading i came upon someone that said something along the lines of the USA having this whole big campaign against peron/argentina and then isolating it diplomatically and other shite due to wanting it to join WW2 and also calling peron a fascist, but then also they sold arms and supported brazil, who was ruled by vargas who was even more fascist than peron

from what you mention, i guess he could have been more fascist than peron during some period, but probably wasnt one at heart 
for reference, peron's friends group came to power in argentina in 1943, when the country was on the brink of joining the war in the allies' side, then peron himself came to prominence later on during their government and became bossnigger effectively in 1945 (late in the year, after the war had ended already)
sounds like this vargas fella was just a brown warlord with no ideology
politically speaking he was just your average latin american populist
take power by any means necessary, kill all opposition, then placate the people with basic labor rights
it's not really like peron who developed this whole cult around him
you know what im thinking
im thinking that you made this whole peron mess up because youre his no1 fan and nobody in argentina actually cares about him or his ideology or what have you
ajajajajaja now thats a funny concept, enormous fan of this one
what if peron never even existed huh
i see i see....
i guess i'll try to learn a bit about brazilian history some day, its good to put things into context and well argentina and brazil are eachother's most important neighbours
that'd be great wouldnt it
forgot all about that
i rememberd it a few days ago but i didnt remember what it was called so i didnt say anything
you know the internet is quite small sometimes
its really bizarre when you come across people youve met before in completely unrelated circumstances
thats never happened
At the 2009 CESA Developers Conference, Tomino used his keynote speech to criticize the gaming industry, citing that video games "bringing no productivity at all" and that "consoles are just consuming electricity", while stressing that game developers need to focus more on quality content rather than advanced technology, comparing it to the modern animation industry.[21] His surprising remarks have sparked mass discussions online.[22]
its happened to me a decent amount of times
ive even posted about it, for example with that shitty native american modder guy who we doxxed on vgsg and he fucked off 
corporal something... yeah
and then years later he showed up in some multiplayer video of that spudtrite and was some discord wanker or something. and i think he was playing as some sudaca country

very funny
oh yeah corporal huh it definitely feels like ive heard of him before
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oohhh ok yes here i found it
major murray AKA darixrexus AKA jacob ray

he literally was "marjomurray" in some random video i saw
i think he changed it later though
major dadc
servered in ww2 huh
yeah i dont particularly care about it either anymore i just knew i had it saved somewhere and i couldnt quite remember what there name was 

it was a funny episode back then though
he even wrote some big text about being bullied by gsg
boiling in wrathful fun i hope i die
 There is a tale in the Hasidic Chabad movement that Stalin became sick as a consequence of some metaphysical intervention of the seventh Chabad leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, during the recitation of a public discourse at a Purim gathering in 1953, which supposedly caused Stalin's death and averted massive deportations of Soviet Jews to Siberia that were to take place as a result of the antisemitic campaign sorrounding the doctor's plot affair.[42][43][44]
Khrushchev also claimed that Stalin hinted to him to incite antisemitism in Ukraine, saying, "The good workers at the factory should be given clubs so they can beat the hell out of those Jews."[46][44]
really think that hitler guy was the manchurian candidate if you know what I mean
had to get myself a subway as a punishment to the tranny
is that what the kids are calling it these days
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unrealistic to not have them start as a boat
started reading 54 to the tune of sk8r boi
dont know what that is but it sounds retarded
its a classic
unfortunately it falls apart on the second line
but i bravely kept it going until the third
being me is like being the court clown
i get a little bit of body dysmorphia whenever i see my unscarred face and body
not really
i need cool scars to prove that ive struggled
i get a little bit of body dysmorphia when i see that im a fat loser
ritualistic face scarring used to be a germanic tradition
it still is
my nuclear physics prof was a germoid, i asked him about it and he said he knew a few guys with mensur scars
thats definitely bullshit
oh yeah mhm i guess ill believe you over him then
well yeah we have been friends for 10 years
and in those 10 years you have not stated a single fact
been watching an awful video with awful lore but it has been insane
i have not stated a single fact
i have not
imagine how good tragsg would be if nakhodka lost his job and just sat on the thread all day
i dont even think he'd do that with no job
probably just play his bote gacha all day
he would get bored after a few days and then spam killkikes for weeks before starting to spam mmorpg posts
i dont think nhk can "lose" his job hes got one of those local unofficial things going on
they can always tell him to just fuck off or stop paying him money you know
the other workers would fear
how else would you control them
but why would they? people need furniture made its a pretty steady inelastic market
and its not like theyre going to grow into a big multinational corporation its a fixed local operation
Schubert: Ave Maria, Op. 52 No. 6, D. 839
Song 1 of 3
I Don't Like Niggers
Song 2 of 3
Bad Boys
Song 3 of 3
im not trying to tell them to fire nhk mate im just saying that its a possibility
maybe one of the higherups just so happen to be connected to canman and nhk called can a niggerkike the day before
well its not impossible for them to go broke
russia could just one day go into a big 2 or 3 year long recession and furniture sales drop by 60% because people need to spend money on food rather than wood and then they shut down
in the mood for ai again
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trying to make hms study. microshit doesnt know what a phrygian cap is, the painting is supposed to be the cap on a stick with the hands. 
the site seems to be letting me generate wayyy faster and oftener than yesterday
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yes i just spill all the leaves all over my books
hms study eh
does he analyze pictures of peron there all day
i was thinking he composes his posts and researches and has a log or planner of like.. potential customers and destinations and dates
why are you so fascinated by my life anyway

i dont have an epic study or anything i barely have a desk but yeah i guess it'd be nice to have some more organization and a proper workplace someday

problem is all the business trite has to be phone-based because i have to be able to carry it around and pay attention to it while were traveling
i've thought of investing on a tablet or some such
i could also bring a laptop, but a tablet can be easily charged in the truck
i dont give the slightest fuck honestly its everybody else that cares about it
maybe you should start scooping up your bathwater and selling it to them or something and give me half the cut for giving you the idea
its ONE fucking guy
yeah his name is hm we all love him very much
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ohohohoho nice picture mr.....................sp.................................... hahahaahahahhaahah gonna post a gote now or something???
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does anybody have some good news
feels like not a single good thing has happened these past few days i'm more miserable than normal
why would there be any "news" at all in "the past few days"

new for me are a thing that's once a month AT BEST
good news is that im almost finished with this game
bad news is that ive not touched it for the last two weeks even though theres just 3-4 hours of playtime left
you dont have to be "obsessed" with hm to mess around on flavor of the month ai demo
now here's a good prompt
jim's original self description
i never wrote that. i NEVER wrote that and repeatedly it has been attributed to me
to this day i still dont understand what "begging the question" means
all i know is it doesnt mean at all what it sounds like
yes thats true i agree with you thats why i didnt use the word "obsessed" especially as im a big antifan of how people use it all the time for banal stuff
and ive only brought it up now the 2nd day in a row where you post about it

it was a mere question anyway not some attack about how youre sneeding, coping and otherwise fuming in regards to my persona
think i will go beg the bed if you know what i mean
me im begging for a gf
microshart is throttling me again -__-
this thing is unexpectedly fun
>what i dont get is how there are no dating sites for weird spergy losers to meet weird spergy loser girls
>what happened to necessity being the mother of invention, that is the literal definition of "need"
its because "weird loser girls" have far more value than "weird loser boys" do and when in a social situation both sides are fully aware of this, also weird loser girls are far less common than loser boys so any site like that would have a 100:1 ratio which would just make it as much of a nightmare as a normal dating site
also to my knowledge there have been several attempts at that but everytime it turns into a big shitshow because youre getting the absolute dregs of mankind and womankind and putting them together
i dont think that question would even need to be asked now because trannyism really really spread a lot since then i mean we all knew it would be a problem back then but now its blatantly obvious that anything of the sort would be a magnet for it
it was extremely prevalent back then too my hometown was filled to the brim with fucking tranny cunts shitting it up and begging people for sex back then and i had to flee because of them
tl note:hometown means internet hometown
you know trannyism is actually just the invisible hand of the free market

like you said, you have this 100:1 demand vs offer of a cute gf
so then of these 100, say 20 of them become entrepeneurs and start giving their own cheaper (and to some, better) version of a product(the product being a gf) and then the market becomes more balanced and less monopolistic, price of a gf goes down and yadda yadda
yes im not denying that /r9k/ is the quintessential "loser dating service" and by 2018 it was already completely devastated by trannies but it was possible to be naive about it back then
"weird loser girls" dont exist they just get positive feedback for existing anyway and let guys do all the social heavy lifting for them and let themselves be manipulated. they look like regular normie hoes that dont talk much
44 viva milei
they do exist if they manage to segregate themselves into one of the random female internet communities and then never leave the house
no the real problem is that because of the massive difference in value betwen the lowest male and the lowest female, even an utterly dogshit retard freak gf is something incredibly hard to get for the lowest male and even decent men too, THAT is the true problem
this is also the reason why you sometimes see perfectly fine men and they have 300kg neet freakazoid gfs that sling poo at them or whatever
there actually is a way to get a girlfriend pretty reliably and its to be a completely submissive reddit bugman type loser
youll have to stomach horrible humiliation and you wont get to have any control over your relationship but these types genuinely end up with wives decently often
and i just know im going to get told im wrong and retarded by a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about
i can feel my mind getting all.. weird and manic, not actually manic since i dont have that but imjust.. in too good a mood for no reason and all in my thoughts and nonsensical daydreams
"by a guy who doesn't know what he's talking about" is incredibly retarded what are you man a pro redditor cucko weirdo??? how would you "know what you're talking about"
but yeah i have to say i do disagree because most of the lowest men act like completely submissive reddit bugman losers yet most of them cant get any lasting relationships anyway
havent had that specific good mood in two years
50 no youre right, from your perspective anyway. the difference is these guys dont see themselves as neutered or whatever they see their whole mindset as like the only appropriate way to cope with being a male and all that entails. one would probably call you in denial and would be confused that you think a masculine ideal even exists
itsj ust balance
i'm usually like that but like i said everything's been terrible lately so the universe gave my happiness to you
what do you mean im not happy at all
even if you divide a crumb of bread in two and distribute it evenly its still not even one calorie
i could try to dig up some hard evidence for you but this "mode" of relationship where the man makes himself as obsequious as possible (sort of defining himself in complete opposition to what he views as an incel) is actually what normie relationships are slowly turning into
the general trend is that "having a gf" is slowly becoming more and more of a low-status thing as the quality of women plummets more and more
and a scalded cat fears even cold water
57 yes i see.. i must.. date tranny
yeah yeah i know what you mean and i do agree with you i was just contesting you on the difficulty level of getting a gf and actually having it last for a decent amount of time
even completely subordinate men struggle with getting one despite being the "ideal" boyfriend for women now, thats what i wanted to say
obviously women are just basically SCP now and people are starting to become celibate or try to kill the loneliness by looking at the 2d world
i have to say this all sounds like complete crap based on my real world interactions with people in relationships
maybe it's an american thing
we should "mp" yume nikki by playing it at the same time and sharing our thoughts and experiences
i still dont know anything about that game except its the /v/ mascot
yume means dream
that's what i know
nikki means diary
so that must mean... yume nikki means dream diary
good work team
i used to keep mixing it up with mirai nikki and suffering
think i want to play it sometime
i secretly like mirai nikki because i watched it in middle school before i had taste

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