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what is it about the pirate genre that makes every single game ludo
i genuinely cant think of a single bad one
even assassins creed which is a shit series, the one pirate game is amazing
sigh when is everyone going to notice....
wow argentina has penguins AND anteaters?!?!? what an epic and rich country i guess i will move there, and possibly bring all my family and all our money too
i liked mirai nikki too when i watched it as a kiddo
i think the scene with yuno bathing was the first time i saw proper anime boobies
i thought it was okay
this was kino
yep its time for my weekly second south carolina string band listening session
wasted today too
how about you
days just started
ill take that as a yes
\\\\\\\\\\agggggggggggggggggggggggggiuiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhu!!!!!!!!!!!!!(cool anime boy scream) i need to fucking study and learn!!!
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you dont need to study or learn 
especially not with that attitude where youre all hyper about it 
never get anything done that way, slow and steady
wahey took me 2 hours to notice
first time thats happened to me
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>its over
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wooow this fog is so aesthetic
looks like a recurring dream i used to have
the fog cleared up and the moon hid behind those big clouds so im glad i got that shot
why didnt you make the thing i said
(i forgot what it was)
say it again
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ugh.. just like my grandi strategy games
really awful photo realism for contrived situations. add like "in a propaganda cartoon style" or "a minimalist art style"
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Replies: >>33187
did you specifically ask for a naval land invasion
huge fan of the battleships going down main street
for the navy yes
next will be the pygmy paratrooper corp parade
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for some reason it made them into literal monkeys the first couple times 
but hey couldnt have done it without the loyal paraniggers
Replies: >>33187
your account is going to get flagged
there are rumors that microsoft employees are going to do a big sweeping post-moderation in person and if anyone finds a prompt or image they dont like youl be banned from using it forever
why would this offend google
or microsoft same thing
who cares about a random account with no relevant information 
you just make a new one
somebody with different sensibilities than you is employed by microsoft in the capacity that they can influence your access to the service if they get a bad feeling from anything you generated thats how
oh no!
some indian retard would print these out and hang them in their room though 

they are psychotically obsessed with messi, and hate britain
theyd give the account superpowers
in his* room
09 that speaks to the true legitimate purpose of this stuff, propaganda and advertisement
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jim are we going to mp or what
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why is jim like this
jim jacobin
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me after am done debating a topic with the lot of you
thats nice but why did you give me black arms and a white face
you should be able to get it
 oh i get it, it's a metaphor like "playing in the mud gets your hands dirty"
well it IS a metaphor..... just not that one
no im pretty sure ive got the right interpretation
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to represent tragsg my brain went with... a cornucopia overflowing with gold....... i have a lot on my mind right now... unm it's getting closer anyway
maybe using this thing turns your thoughts into random cliche category type ai thouhgts
im begging to sleep
just imagine me giving you a good night kiss on the forehead
woke up
im going back to sleep i dont want to deal with the trite that is life
i got forced awake
what am i supposed to do now
oh yeah i heard about that
dreamt i was kneeling over the trash bin puking and spitting
then when i woke up my pillow was wet with spit
also i'm pretty sure i was yelling and speaking in tongues in the real world for a good while
dreamt i was watching an oreimo live action adaptation where kirino (played by a rather ugly girl) runs off into wonderland/oz and her brother chases after her
ive no clue what the plot of oreimo is but its definitely not that
(she ran off because she was upset he wouldnt have sex with her immediately even though he was being flirty)
dreamt that i was a huge bag of shit and when i woke up i really was one
oh yeah i see that one on the map all the time
didnt know it moved though
did you know that everything is always moving
everything except my life
yeah i thought to say the same thing but it felt a bit too depressing so i stopped
we should have an expedition there
i watched that video on west virginia
wanna discuss it
is mr skyrim modderman in
i am recently feeling the urge to play it
sorry only ciV modderman is in tonite
for me its jan "lat" janis, owner and founder of caca.poo
wonder if that deranged tranny is still bossniggering around there
almost certainly is 
cant believe they let the website fall from a completely reasonable, well adjusted, hands-free, responsible and technically competent eastern european
to a less-eastern european thats deranged, controlling, spiteful and doesn't know what a server is
thats how the story goes innit
ought to order the turk in poland to assasinate the guy
the turk in poland is real i played mp with him on big
yeah? obviously hes not made up
he was real in my head
all my emulators have completely different and bizarre controls so ive gotten really used to freaky controls on keyboard
54 well there was a point i didnt believe we ever had anyone like that and it was some assumption to fill in some gaps and explain some posts but really he must have been here long ago and drifted elsewhere and now that i went to elsewhere (in our neighborhood) i found him
it's like going to a neighboring kingdom and coming back with a tale of "remember we thought there was some guy.. walking around here but didnt know for sure and havent seen him since well.. i saw him.. in fact i SPOKE to him"
he played worms with us
ohhahhhhhh maties you cant believe it i almost destroyed my monitor uwahhhhghhg
i almost did too yesterday
i was going to clean a little smudge but a lost my balance and lightly punched the screen
in my case i was watching a little tard video while playing with the halfripped paper cover??(you know the thing thats stuck to the bottle) of my soda bottle, then it suddenly got torn and i reflexively kneed my desk and my monitor fell backward
you people are such bizarre freaks
what exactly is so weird about it
how do you get into these comically pathetic rube goldberg scenarios
ill have to ask god about that
i wish i knew but it happens way too often and i almost always end up hurting myself
you all sound exactly like the tranny
at least im not a freak who has to resort to fucking men
beware you dont become the fucked one day
dalle 3 integration in project alice that shows you images of a city or province, with accurate demographics. or an image of some soldiers in a brigade. or a factory.
is there an easy way to go the correct archive for a board
if it doesnt happen to be on desuarchive i have no idea how to find it
you need ai stuff to be super fast for it to work well in games
but they're all either super slow or super shit and oftentimes both
74 these would just be individual pictures, and a loading screen would be ok
thank you...
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morning jim
ach yes who could give a speech without a comfortable office chair behind him
imagine how many votes a (real) politician would instantly lose if he sat down during a speech
remember project reality
now that was a fun mp
ive completely forgotten what the biggers voice sounded like
he sounded like your average 18 year old american/british
you cant just say american/british those are completely different things
thats like saying your average penguin/alligator
yeah nothing british about it was just generic 4channer american
he sounded like a normal guy
84 would have been funnier if i said crocodile/alligator wouldnt it have
i wouldnt have laughed either way
yes it was idk why we stopped playing it
because sp didnt have a mic, the tranny didnt use his mic, and the bigger is now gone (for the better)
think ill get windows xp on a vm just to play shitty old visual novels on it while larping that im in ancient times(2007)
also for the last 7 or so years ive been wanting to go through the muvluv series but you have to read 200 hours of unironic love comedy trite before the war even starts so i havent been able to get into it
oh great i shouldn't have said "bigger" now i've invoked him
if you cant handle vn ecchi/hentai then you got filtered
youre the bigger here you fucking tardo whats wrong with wanting windows xp
dont you remember the bigger going on about his tranny-adjacent retro fetish
yeah i do remember it but retro fetish on its own is white and based
its just that trannies and niggers and faggots just so happen to also like it
sorry mate i dont make the rules once trannies get a hold of something its ruined for good 
at least until everybody forgets about it then you can enjoy it again
trannies got a hold of new york
when are they gonna make a 3d printer but it can make circuit boards and machine parts
never because its impossible and even if it was possible the no-fun kikes wouldnt allow it
what about uh if russia or china or iran makes it
c: no-fun kikes
the circuit boards thing already exists
machine parts are wayyyy harder
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so DID you find any epic civ 5 mods 
i'll probabl never play it again but i got curious
yeah the argentina mod
when the everloving fuck did we reach a state where everybody belongs to some distinct "internet culture" and you can guess 99% of their hobbies, interests, things they do, the software they use etc just by knowing which one they belong to
i got to thinking of this post when i suddenly realized i can tell exactly what people do and what makes them happy or pissed off just by learning which internet culture theyre from by analyzing their typing style
i reached a point of self awareness about that where ive aimed to dissociate myself from that and be a true individual
i cant wait to vote for peron poaneves penebla
son of reagan
kojima predicted this
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i hate the fucking world
Replies: >>33191
thats not real
it literally just happened to me
i took the screenshot
well i would say none of those look industrial
none of them are but apparently it thinks the skyscrapers are industrial
train the ai wrong as a joke
the indians didnt do that as a joke
oh yeah speaking of all that
iii heard that there was some shit going on with the spic'er of the house in america and that they kicked him out for being a bidenpuppet or something like that basically a carpet

and now there was going to be chaos and the government was gonna "shut down"(fake term) until they picked a new one and than then the american credit rating was going to go down(or already has??) and that the interest rates are going to keep going up or at least stay high

because of how the congress hasnt been hostile to biden enough and let him have 7!!!!% deficit (SEVEN!!!) and uhh yeah now theyre also going to struggle to turn down inflation until at least the end of 2024 

also the yield curve(remember??) of Japan has to be looked at and its very flat and if it inverts it will be really bad supposedly, since Japan is the big owner of debts to everyone, and a thing that happened a lot is people would take debt in japan(low interest) and then go buy american assets (that grow faster than that interest)
the Japanese Yield Curve inverting hasn't happened since like the 80s (remember the 80s??) 

another thing is the value of the yen itself, i think its supposed to go to shit if that happens... im not entirely sure though....BECAUSE Japan is that big holder of foreign debt, and especially theyre the biggest owner of US Treasury bills so people always meme
anyway the Japanese government basically already intervened to make sure the Yen didndt devalue more than to 150yen/usd by basically selling usds that they have. iif they didnt have enough usds they could sell US treasury bills for dollars and keep doing the same. idk if that would have a big impact on the dollar itself or no

the EURO is also in trouble, i think since the russia war started, the usage of Euro for transactions went down like...40% 
some retard analyst said it should go down to <1usd per euro
the usd should be dismantled and the euro should take its place
anyway thats all really funny because in the one pivotal moment we have where we could avoid hyperinflation and dollarize without anyone getting hurt, the world fucking sharts itself and poops its pants and goes into global recession(probably) as well as fucking over "developing countries" in general 

because basically if the USA has 5% interest rates that means a country like argentina with high risk and low credit scores would have to pay like 15% interest for a loan (and we need money to dollarize) 
if this was 2015, we LITERALLY got a 100 year loan, with like 2% interest rates, and we also managed to sell some foreign retards, debts to be paid IN PESOS rather than usds 

its like fortune always favors the retards for them to make a huge fucking disaster for as long as possible, and when somebody decent wants to do something there's just a flurry of excrement raining down on them
same with the kirchners having soy be worht 10000trillion dollars
they cut the broadcast of the thing i was watching to talk about that speakertrite and i just turned it off immediately
but the japan thing sounds interesting i think the country has been too stable for far too long a little crisis would surely push their creative drive to new frontiers
if they have an active crisis(they already have a dozen passive ones) the country will immediately collapse and become northeast indonesia
i say this as the pro of japan
maybe they would get taken over by that weird paganoprod cult
i mean i couldnt care less about the whole speaker of the house thing, its just a condiment in the general climate of things that are happening

if it was during some other time it'd be as irrelevant as a fart, but its intersting the impact that political things like that could have in triggering other stuff, when the general feeling is like it is and things are building up

you know maybe there WONT be a crisis and things will managed to be defused and everything will be ok. you know its been quite a few years since people ahve been saying "there going to be a crisis soon!!!" and there totally should be but there hasnt been one yet 
even with covid it was a completely fake crisis because everything(economically) went back to normal quite quickly 

but yeah when theres tension anything could make things go off
turk what are the big historiographical currents of japan

like who are the biggest figures of events that (serious)people still argue over whether they were good or bad
they basically already are
according to official investigations around 70% of the members of the ruling party were directly related to the cult and like 25% of the members of the other parties
uhhh i dont think im qualified to talk about this but i'd say theres like 15 or so things from the 19th century onwards
stuff like the satsuma-han which rebelled againt the shogunate, the shogunate collapsing, perry and the reaction of the han and the shogunate regarding the situation, the fall of the shogunate, the creation of the imperial constitution and its strictness, the fact that it gave full control over the army to the emperor, failure to westernize korea peacefully by supporting their pro-westernizing party, shinto becoming the official faith and being reorganized by the imperial government as well as buddhism being whacked to death to quell peasant unrest, the policy of the imperial faction rapidly changing from "protect tradition by destroying the shogunate" to "destroy the shogunate so we can westernize and thus gain the power to defend against the foreign incursions and protect our tradition", between 1860-1890, the rapid change of japanese policy towards the rest of asia changing from "cooperating with them so that they can westernize too and then we can build a bloc to protect against western imperialism" to "attack them and make them into a part of our empire", the latter policy was completely set in and approved by all after the victory against the russians, which to the japanese population was irrefutable proof that japan can have its own empire and protect itself against the westerners without having to cooperate with the stubborn asians, who kept refusing to do so for decades
other than that you also have stuff like the declaration of war on china, negotiations with ameriKKKa, immediate post-war, that one old bastard in the 80's who perfectly kiked the americans and gave an immense boost to the economy and so on
i would talk in-depth about these buy my memory is pretty fuzzy and in the first place all ive done is read a history book or two and a bunch of nationalist comments on niconico
regarding the yen yes they have sold a fuckload of dollars to keep it afloat, i dont really remember but i think it was like 20 or 30% of all the usd that the government owns, i think it was a bad move in general since theyre just artificially propping the number up when its bound to crash sooner or later, and infact it has already tanked pretty hard and everything has gone up in price by like 20% since 2020, though part of that reason is the ukraine war
the average minimum wage has also gone up from about 900 yen per hour to 1020 recently
he didnt get kicked out for being a biden puppet
what's going on right now is the government is about to (at least was, maybe the reached a conclusion) shut down because the "trump" camp of republicans are refusing to agree on a deal (they will not accept a deal if it cuts funding to border patrol (notice: they dont care about military and everybody else getting budget cuts in this deal))
the guy in question failed to get elected 8 times in a row because he was such a retard nobody liked him enough, and since he was unwilling to give democrats any concessions he had to get the "trump" camp of republicans on his side, and one of their concessions was that they can vote him out of the speaker position, no questions asked any time they want
so what are the main arguments pro and anti westernized emperor 
i mean i'd understand it during that time but seeing how things turned out i dont see how they'd wanna stay around without westernizing more

i guess there could have been degrees to it, i dont know how much the internal society changed and in which ways it was "too much" but yeah

what about the imperial constitution tell me about that one
and this should give you a nice glimpse into the truth of american politics
it should be abundantly clear that, posting here, i do not like democrats at all and they are equally responsible for the wasteland that is this country and its pointless future
but this is what happens incessantly, dems try to do (something) while they have the chance (you can agree or disagree with what they want to do, it isnt particularly important in this abstraction)
republicans will refuse to do literally anything, just on the basis that its dems pushing it forward, no matter what the situation is
republicans get back in power and then get to talk about how "ahhh yes yes you see dems have not done anything cant you see just how evil they are" and then THEY will actually not do anything at best, and at worst do actively malicious things (example: trump had a bill signed that will raise taxes on lower and middle class people for the next 6 years while he was in office, very convenient that now it's not republicans problems and they so conveniently can say "hey look how high taxes are with dems in power!")
the most important lesson from all of this should be obvious enough, which is that every single member of both parties needs to be put up against the wall
none of them have anybody's interest in mind so it's all just poo flinging to see who gets to be king of the slowly growing banana pile
isnt bidet the one who made the deficit really big though 
i dont follow american politics but i thought the whole thing is that theres more republicans than democrats in the house, but they still let bidet blow a trillion dollars a day on nothing, and now theyre in this whole mess, and well what you're mentioning about "cut this but not that" its just the usual small blanket situation
there will be government by military aristocracy soon enough
bidet "made the deficit big" sure
but keep in mind he has to fix problems that arose via covid and the last administration
im not blaming drumpf or anybody for anything by the way, i cant imagine really anybody handling what happened well, but it's not like biden or trump would have handled this term's deficit well trying to bounce back from covid raping everything
and yes, thats basically what i was mentioning too, the republicans HAVE POWER right now, and what they did was uhhh.......ban abortions......and....nothing else???? actually nothing else that actively helps the little guy (who they are "supposed to" be fighting for) so like i said, at some point they'll get to say "ummmmm, how come when the democrats were president things got WORSE??????" despite them controlling everything but the presidency
people refer to them as "the dog that caught the car" which is very true, republicans in america have built up a LOT of favor in the littlee guy by simply being one-issue focused
you would be amazed how many people only vote republican because they dont like abortion, or for awhile because they didnt want gay marriage (then obummer made that a thing so thats out the window)
so its not impossible that now that they got what they want (abortions are kind of illegal in a lot of states now) the question is.......how do they get the voters back again because like i said, a lot of these people are single issue votes
(the simple answer is theyre fucking retarded (not because theyre voting republican) and dont give a shit about anything so they'll just keep voting the same party theyve been voting)
but at least THEORETICALLY some people will notice "huh hey wait i keep voting for these guys but my life keeps being shit!!!"  and.......something will happen??????????????
this is of course any of this comes to fruition before the banana pile gets established
and also why im able to talk this much about republicans and not democrats is because theyre just........boringly bad
nothing interesting to talk about just shitty retarded inefficient morons who couldnt get out of a wet paper bag even if they had a knife
16 i reposted that on 4g and you got a reply: "kek"
what a coincidence since it was a repost from the 4 in the first place
well but thats the thing havent those "problems that arose from covid" been dealt with by increasing spending
and just generally spending trillions and even burning up all the oil reserves

i mean obviously nobody wants to be a president during a big recession but it'd probably have been better to just let there be a small little shit recession rather than try to keep things from exploding and then theres a big explosion

well i say this but i guess if the recession doesnt come until after the elections..............well then they get away with it
i just mentioned that as a major event of japanese history that could have gone either way i dont think anybody that isnt legitimately braindead thinks that it wouldve been better to not westernize
regarding the constitution i honestly think its better for you to read the wiki page, all i can tell you now is that it was very restrictive on the people and gave very little limits to the power of the state and to some extent that of the emperor, a lot of people were discontent with it right from its creation(i also vaguely remember there being some civil conflict about how it should not become the constitution but one of the other proposed, more "liberal" ones instead), the lower house had absolutely zero authority until the 20's since it was filled with stinky commoners, even during and after it did not have any significant authority
the wiki page is also pretty retarded and shit though, for example it says that only 1.1% of the population could vote, which is true, but that was only true when the constitution was first enacted and in just 10 or 15 years it was greatly loosened and the population that can vote rapidly rose to 5%, 10%, 15% and so on
well the recession is theoretically going to get worse too
as im sure you heard in the news there was ZERO student loan forgiveness (no comment on this) and payments are resuming this month, so on paper people are going to quickly have less money to spend than they did during covid when payments were paused because they're going to...be making payments
and the holiday season is coming up soon too so who knows if this'll impact that a lot
but also theoretically it should be...good for the government??? if theyre getting payments from people again
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anybody got an idea why i cant spoiler things now
i was never able to
well i mean what does "westernization" even entail

was the ottoman empire more western than japan before and/or after meiji??? what do you think?????????

because obviously a big thing you want is to industrialize, but thats kind of an independent thing of being "western" or not 
i assume the whole meiji reforms and constitution and whatever, must have entailed a lot of social reforms that probably werent strictly necessary to make the country into a sovereign state capable of defending itself (not necessarily making an epic empire)
it means being able to research the regular techs and build factories
ohohoho ahaha yes...
and you get access to the gas kikes decision
well the data i have now is that the economy is actually growing quickly(too quickly) but thats like the high-frequency data thats also seasonal with holidays and the like making people spend more
i think the data for the really short term was like 5% and with the forecast being like 2% yearly

also i heard that the consumer habits changed with that covid money and that basically they blew it all on stupid things, instead of saving it, that savings in generals went up, and that the rates of people not paying their credit cards was as high as during big recessions
also some banks were starting to go to shit due to mortgage related things

WHO gives the student loans though??? don't normal banks give them?? or is it the actual state that gives you loans
it depends
you can get federal or private loans (or both)
the original loan forgiveness plan was JUST for those federal ones form the start
and yeah of course people blew it on stupid shit, that was the """point""" of it
yeah you can be an economy lord and say "well why DIDNT you put it into a savings account/stocks? it was free money" and you would be right, sure
but the "point" of that money WAS to get money back into businesses because so many people were out of work they couldnt buy stupid shit
so the covid money certainly did its job, if you think that job needed to happen thats different though
it created a stable and clearly defined government, the first in japanese history, gave people unrevokable rights, set standards on many things, created branches of the government to deal with different issues and so on, obviously it was a very major positive influence on the westernization of the government, economy and society
i think the social reforms were absolutely necessary to make japan able to defend itself and to protect against any possible reactionaryism that could possible put all efforts to waste, it clearly stated to the populace that a new age of westernization has begun, that its to the benefit of everyone, and supported the westernization of the society itself, which i think is far more important than that of the economy
the meiji constitution was declared on 1890 whereas the ottoman one was in 1876, despite this i think that the ottoman empire was still more western all-around than japan was until 1890 or 1900 or so
one interesting tidbit about japanese history are the newspapers and other published content, ranging from social satire to ways to protect your beauty, which started being made during the middle of the tokugawa shogunate and were extremely popular, any random retard could make his own and there were tens of thousands of pages being bought every single day, it helped propogate literacy and i think 15% or so of the japanese population was literate in the 18th century
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_newspapers#Brief_history (as usual its a fucking barren article despite there being interesting information)
grrrrrrrrrr real political discussions??? on *MY* tragsg???
its not real at all its just a bunch of dumbasses larping as smart people by making vague statements t.pro
i mean i dont know anything about the economy so i dont think anything im saying is PARTICULARLY correct but it is stuff im vaguely aware of and i welcome being corrected
just realized ive now been posting on image boards for a full decade
dont wanna tHINK about how long its been for me
i cant believe its been a whole decade since i died and became an electricman permanently stuck on the internet
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always thoroughly enjoyed the unabashed "pretentiousness" from what i've seen of this show so i look forward to this (i've bed led to believe the pretentiousness is part of the joke...but it also doubles down its still pretentious about being pretentious...or something like that...)
is that monogatari
and yeah its as pretentious as debating on tragsg
enjoyable as such
i decided i think i will just watch as they originally aired
wow was just reading something random and i saw this line
>The students at Heidelberg, with their sword-slashed faces, inspire me with sincere respect
heidelberg was the uni my prof went to, fucking faggot doubter
i thought it was hm going on about american politics
who said it wasnt
in the comments for this torrent batch there was a guy complaining how one series had the font outline was a few points off standard which was very funny
hurrdurr im retarded
anyways has anybody else watched these meme shows curious if i'd have anybody to discuss them with
whats your motivation for watching or being into them and what kind of parts of your life are you connecting them to like what do you like about them that makes them engaging or relatable to you, because i dont know if i have anything like that anymore that i could watch these things and find them relevant to me
i did a long time ago but i dadc'd at the time and remember nothing
i too watched them like 8 years ago but remember nothing
uhhhh well my motivation is that i always thought they seemed interesting and people i know and trust enjoy them so...im interested
also what originally spurned this on was i tried watching them forever ago and didnt get past three episodes, but recently i had watched prison school with someone, a show i thought i would hate but i thought it was really good so good that i read the manga and its probably one of my favorites (ignore the ending) and i know they arent...exactly the same...but i feel like the tone between the the monogatari stuff and prison school is....probably kind of similar sometimes??? obviously prison school is a comedy first and foremost so thats a big difference
and im not accusing you of being accusatory but if you were insinuating i may be watching them because of "ugh he's just like me..." aspects no i can assure you that has no part, i dont even really understand him as a character with my osmosis other than he's a strange man surrounded by women
now that i think about it i dont even know what the series was supposed to be
it wasnt comedy it just happened to have comedic qualities so.......what was the main content then
i think, from my limited understanding, if you arent watching for waifu wars the content is watching a man solve mysteries with cool presentation
if you're japanese though i think the content if you clap your hands and slap your knees and go "ohohohoho he said 'bu' instead of 'fu' when talking about the fuju mountain ohohohohoh"
isn't it kind of a mystery not a "mystery" mystery but generally mysterious
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what kind of retard would read a book in the bath
almost makes me want to jump into the computer and give this tard a beating
just look at all that steam
oh yeah everything was so hazy yesterday that i forgot but i kind of broke the sink
right at the end of the faucet there's this little tip that ensures the water goes straight down and it just fell off
i stuck it back in there but it's still a little loose and sometimes a tiny jet of water escapes through the crack and splashes me in the face

====  \
         |  | <--- this
ive still got lots of things i want to do
...but it had to come to this
*camera zooms out until all you can see is a tiny dot falling from a building*
i mean a fucking argentine is the one who came up with the "patria grande" term how could the capital NOT be buenos aires (or la plata even)
what is the context of writing that
drooling like a retard thinking about la plata
a very heated monologue i'm sure
oh i see hes fantasizing about a giant empire probably with himself as boss
hm's brain is unironically like those comics about how men think about sex all the time except with la plata
radical federalism with peronist characteristics
hey i didnt post about that
big fan of how you can make mashed potatoes and then form them into whatever shape you want and fry them so that a skin forms and youve recreated the original form of the potato but moulded in your image
i never thought about it like that but i now thoroughly am enjoying thinking about the philosophical implications of that
is that how they made YOU??? 

bwahahhaahahha ahahahahhaha!!
argentina seems like one of those bizarre little countries that would LOVE cricket
indians already fill up the brown men quota for cricket
likewise rugby fills up the british sport quota for argentina
it's not a good match

and if you want to talk about cricket do you know just how RETARDED it is
if it rains during a scheduled game day and they can't play... the game is cancelled, forever. a while ago there was this big international tournament and it rained during the finals and they just called it off it's a draw everyone go home
AND you must use the exact same ball during the entire 39438 hours you play if it goes flying you need to send someone out to get it and wait
just bizarre
pretty sure beisbol is the same with rain cancellations source: i read a baseball manga
no it's not you always play a makeup game possibly two in the same day if needed
ohhh ok
we used to have a lot of cricket clubs in the 1860-90s but then like 07 says it got replaced by rugby and, most importantly, football
uruguay's oldest football club comes from a cricket club too

im not sure why it didnt catch on but i guess its just a fucking shit sport

and i guess for posh rural elites type of people we have polo and the like (the one where you ride a horse)
a polo or general horsing field opened up here where there used to be a big plot with trees and nothing. next to a big mall so it's in a suburban populated area. rich area aswel
the way i understand it the old 1800s sports clubs were all just british men doing their own thing while they worked on the railways 
and then when they were done they fucked off and mostly took their sports with them
BUT for whatever reason the natives took a liking to certain sports and kept playing them after taking over the clubs, but i don't think anyone will ever know why one sport instead of the other
for example in brazil we kept playing football and everything else faded into complete irrelevance but as we all know argentina also ended up liking rugby
new sport: __ where you  and the ball is a ___ (fill it in so it's funny)
what in the HELL happened to that formatting no noooo nOo
tragsg where you post and the ball is a.... board
how do you score
by making an e1
if thats the case you just lost 2 points
e1: communal garden
the hanging gardens of babylon
someone should rebuild those
were they even real or did civ invent them
note: tragsg is scored like golf where e1s give you negative points and bad posts increase your score
have this theory that the longer you stay awake the closer your thoughts approach truth
not sleeping is bad for your grey matter but it's good for you morality and philosophical thoughts
everything seems stranger and more menacing if it's been long enough.  you just have to get lucky with circumstances that actually keep you up for a while, and this could compound over several days or weeks even of merely getting less sleep than usual, if something in your life if keeping you more up and alert and you have a lot of nervous energy that just keeps getting refreshed
i think someone on the gundam wing team really wanted to fuck this character or just really liked her because the entire ed is dedicated to her and also the eyecatches show her
is this a sick joke youve been watching gundam all day every day nonstop for MONTHS how is there still more
Replies: >>32829
no no im not the turk im the other guy
and i havent watched much gundam recently i got burnt out on it but im ready to go back
arr rook same
and uhhh theres still quite a lot other than what me and the turk have collective seen:
gundam x
gundam 00
gundam AGE
gundam ibo
gundam seed
the gundam build shows (these are ACTUAL toy commercials)
im probably forgetting one
(funnily enough, none of these are actually considered particularly "good", x got cancelled because viewers got sick of gundam, 00 has a terrible 2nd season, age was an absolute failure, ibo has a terrible second season, and everything i hear about seed sounds like a nightmare)
need a subscription to this magazine badly
shuuuuut the fuckup
i presume you (34) are referring to the glut of gundam posts and not my (33) entirely tasteful and welcome post
no i was definitely talking to you 
i did click around though and one of the porn magazine companys female manga artists is married to a male manga artist and presumably they have a normal life and normal sex life even though they both draw extremely depraved porn 
maybe it's just a japanese thing but i am sure if you looked into their lives and mindsets there would be valuable lessons there in moderation and keeping your head on your shoulders and living in a way that youre comfortable with 

because i really im very confused how anyone is ok with anything
my favorite was the mangaka who wrote the yuri one where the girls puke on each other and then commit suicide in a park via hypothermia
and presumably she goes out and lives a normal life when not making things like that
you did more clicking around than me
ive posted about this before but japan is really unique in how it seamlessly integrates pornography into the rest of society its not like here where its this separate thing
and lolicon there is just as normal in the same way
its honestly a bizarre mindset i could never think like that
im not like a sicko porn lover but its a bit stupid how neutered the west is
they dont even put nipples in movies anymore
the west is extremely hypersexualized which is also why everyone's so prudish about normal media (because you cant see a little willy on a greek statue or a tasteful nipple in the kinoplex without immediately thinking SEX SEX SEX HAHA SEX) but japan completely sublimated the sex drive into the fabric of society
one thing is those little rape whistle the lolis carry in japan
youd be hard pressed to find a country where a little girl is LESS likely to get raped yet that's the only one where those whistles are a thing
i think it all goes back to american pagano-prodism for the fucking bizarre mixture of hypersexuality and prudism
40 how do you think they managed to do this? i have a really out there theory about it and it has to do with a bit of mid 20th century.. scientific.. trivia. im not hinting anything else because i know it's wrong but it's an interesting thought. 
how confronting an extremity might have prompted them into dealing with it. idk nvm
yes it does all go back to americans being weird
if you look at european cinema everything is a lot different
it cant be the 20th century because its been like that since long ago, see: those wood block prints of porn
please dont use your therapy psychobabble
actually that does make me wonder are there many old european artworks that are JUST pornographic in nature? like as we all know theyve got statues with nipples and willys but obviously thats not sexual in nature
but are there any famous discovered works that are just...fucking?
the obvious answer even though its a bit handwavey is that its simply a part of the japanese national character to treat sex a certain way, mixing prostitution with high culture (this was once a european thing too, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hetaira) leads to those aspects of society being merged
europe has been christian for 2000 years you have to keep that in mind, the only purely pornographic examples that come to mind are all from ancient greece, like above
i'm not making any specific point but how do the weird japanese censoring laws tie into this whole thing
ohhh yeah you know that's a good point which very easily slipped my mind
forgot about that christendom
i suppose you could say japan is a glimpse of what europe may have looked like if it remained pagan
ugh... every country could've had its own comic LO if not for that kike constantine
wonder just how correct that statement is
dont know enough about either really to Agree or Respectfully Disagree
i think its time for a return of high culture prostitutes
i hear escorts are a big thing now
unfortunately foids are extremely fucking stupid this day and age
just gonna have to get rich and finance a couple prostitutes' college education
and of course since im financing it i'll be choosing their education so no stupid shite
they will become experts in argentine history
47 this historical stuff came to your mind first because it's what you think about usually. "merged those aspects of society" yeah yeah MAYBE. you had just heard of that type of prostitute historically and since you view everything as a historical process and it's also connected to your preconceptions of the place of aristocracy in society. but what if there were some things you werent thinking about because they arent on your mind and are in fact more urgent and present in the world and far less theoretical and has less to do with like, different cultures being different or national stereotypes
what the FUCK did you just type am i retarded or is that post exceptionally confusing
it makes more sense the 5th time through
can you break it down with bullet points for me
im just saying your answer to the question was so certain to you and came to you so quickly because it aligns with the view of big cultural groups and their history because thats what youre into
i'll translate
"yeah your argument is solid but what if the actual reason is something completely different that you're not considering"
okay but...what's the alternative??? japan just........developed this belief out of thin air?
no, it was so certain because this is like the 4th or 5th time ive given it serious thought
considering things in terms of "processing trauma" and other vague therapy nonsense is completely worthless and it doesnt yield valuable conclusions
ok where this therapy shite coming from is a tardfight about to happen
ive had lots of offscreen conversations with jim so i know exactly what he's thinking when he writes his vagueposts
ok but youre already going on the offensive about "therapy nonsense" for some reason. 
it doesnt matter how much serious thought youve given something if your range of experiences youre drawing from is limited. 
the thought i had, which i dont want to say because i know it's wrong, is so wildly different from any historical cultural based reasoning i just wanted to point it out
so let me get this straight
you're telling someone else he might be wrong, because his guess is based in reality, and your guess is based in delusions and imaginary worlds?
yeah i know but i gave proof positive that it's incorrect
and the "range of experiences" that im drawing from (im pretty sure youre referring to my "style of reasoning") isnt artificially limited in scope because of some bizarre fixation of mine, it's the result of thinking about lots of different things and what sort of reasoning/what type of information led me to the best answer in the past
so applying pseudo-freudian analysis to an entire nation is not magically going to be the thing which yields the right answer this time, im sure of it because it's been consistently wrong every other time ever
I’ll add that my idea has to do with the yakuza and some of japans more infamous crimes
pretty much
68 "reality" as in, "my framework for understanding the world". yes for both of us our reasonings are based in our reality.
well no because you're a crazy person saying crazy things presently
if i really made my thoughts accessible to you you would dismiss them immediately
youre seeing now why ive had so many long conversations with him
ive tried my best to snap him out of his delusional worldview but im afraid he simply wont listen to an internet trashman over his AA group therapy meetings and whatnot
i really don't get what is even being contested
the japanese treat pornography and sex differently not because of cultural differences but... the yakuza????
and again 69 youre assuming i was going for a universal psychological thingy which thats not wrong i mean what i think is probably closer to that for sure but i think maybe if enough people have enough exposure to a thing it could ripple through to everyone else like that money ladder experiment
so.......youre saying cultural trends...........could be the cause?????
>i have a really out there theory about it and it has to do with a bit of mid 20th century.. scientific.. trivia
>how confronting an extremity might have prompted them into dealing with it. idk nvm
>how do the weird japanese censoring laws tie into this whole thing
>but what if there were some things you werent thinking about because they arent on your mind and are in fact more urgent and present in the world and far less theoretical
i think i have a decent idea of what hes (not) saying
do you not see how you're also appealing to a "national character" just as much as i am
couching it in modern sociology terms instead of victorian minekiddie terms doesnt change that fact
even if you're ultimately trying to say the same thing jim is STILL fukken wrong because japan has shown lax sexual trends even before the modern yakuza existed
75 the problem im having right now is that all that style of thinking is SLIPPING from me, like ive felt it, ive felt it make less and less sense and "damn all those people are just sad" and "you only have to have that outlook if youre really in a bad place" and "i dont really gotta treat my thoughts so seriously like that all the time" yada yada. and im giving myself permission to get back in my old thought loops which are sustainable theyre just.. they might be wrong or might be missing the bigger picture. 
the thing with a paradigm shift or change in thinking is that whatever you thought before doesnt make sense anymore and doesnt seem real anymore and just sounds like nonsense
*slaps you*
why cant you just be normal boy
no im not trying to say the same thing, what im trying to say is that it's a deeply rooted aspect of their innate character, what he wants to say is that it's the result of some sort of collective processing of a traumatic event in the last century i.e. an extrinsic result of some supra-human factors
well i think it's a lot easier to just expose your thoughts and be called a retard and move on instead of beating yourself up over everything
yeah being called retarded online really shouldnt be a big deal, even if it's your "friends" doing it
worst case scenario, you feel a little bad but maybe you can learn
best case scenario, you can smugly convince yourself theyre all retarded and you're right (im a pro at this style)
i think this conversation is a perfect example of how you abuse the notion of "meaningless intellectualisms"
youre perfectly content to use them as long as they have a certain flavor, but you violent reject them if they have a minekiddie tinge
youd be good if you just flipped the value judgement. 4chan minekiddie reasoning is good. group therapy freudianism is bad. convince yourself of that and youll feel better
Replies: >>32813
funny how i havent gotten any positive reinforcement irl when one kind of thinking is ingrained vs the other. 
maybe what im doing is confusing putting actual effort and work into constructing ideas and processing feelings, with having different opinions on things. thats possible
you should first and foremost understand nobody irl will ever reward you for thinking 
that shit is reserved for talking with speds online
ok ok THAT is definitely demonstrably false i have a huge amount of experience to back that up consistently
nobody (worthwhile) irl will ever reward you for thinking (intelligently)
why do you need rewards or positive reinforcements to do anything, specially something so basic as thinking
yeah thats also a good point
jim check discord
what could be SO IMPORTANT you cant share it with the class
its mostly a restatement of what i already posted but in more personal terms, youre not missing anything
if youre around other people 
and you interact with them and they interact with you 
you need to THINK about these interactions and sort of plan them a little bit 
and process your own feelings towards them and towards the situation 
and act in a way that results in the least amount of discomfort for everybody but is also in tune with your actual wants 

when I do this, I seem to be able to click with people a little bit. idk if im imagining it or developing schizophrenic views but I swear this keeps happening and you really notice it in certain places. you can read peoples minds and they can read yours. best case scenario here is that im being cured of autism through brute force.
consider the following: i dont think about any of this retarded shit and my human connections work out just fine
i just go with the flow
youre not gaining mindreader powers youre just trying to forcibly turn your brain into theirs
maybe thats how you GET mindreader powers. maybe this is how to ascend into the ranks of the telepaths
uh no
maybe cutting your dick off is how you GET to be a woman. maybe this is how to ascend into the ranks of femininity
i mean i wouldn't call it mind reading it's just empathy, people are transparent and they specifically try to be so in certain situations
and it goes both ways
you are trying to do the "right thing" and even if that's not 100% right the other person can see what you're trying to do and they go along
yeah thats all im trying to say actually
i think jim should become a circus clown
or perhaps a mime
i only had one bottle of water left and i drank it all during this posting spree and now i have to be thirsty until the morning comes
why do you value "telepathy" with other people over yourself
its so so much better to be yourself but not relate to others than it is to turn yourself into others just to relate
what do you even gain from twisting yourself into a parody of a normie
its not like it makes any difference to them whether or not youre a freak
the only difference is youre torturing yourself to no avail
jim have you thought about demonic possession 
the thing about styles of thoughts and paradigm shifts reminded me of one time i was motionlessly laying in bed when suddenly i started having completely different "types" of thoughts and everything just felt really weird and foreign to the way i usually think
from then on my mind itself felt normal but i had these weird thoughts and urges that eventually faded away after a couple months
i personally believe it was a passing demon who briefly infected my mind
i hav a question to the experts
why are the japanese always biting their tongues
i know it's a trope but it must be somewhat rooted in reality right maybe their phonemes and tones involve a lot of tongue-sticking and mouth-closing when compared to normal languages
what if the US ends up having 20-30% inflation to end up liquating all that 5% interest debt.........and bring the debt/gdp ratio to manageable levels again
i think the "meaningless intellectualisms" guy youre trying to quote is me(me) and not him(canman or something???) i think i originally said it and you thought i was canman then but i told you im not
no i was paraphrasing something he said to me in dms
*looks over to the beaten up and knocked out canman body*
well that clears it up
*beats YOU up and knocks YOU out*
wait HOW on earth did you not realize that was jim
you ruined the joke why did you have to reply first
i wasnt reading the posts at all i jusy saw "meaningless intellectualisms" while scrolling

i wanted to talk about the economy more
well you somehow managed end up at the most incorrect possible conclusion
all i'll say is that if you can't differentiate canman and jim you'll have no spot in my government economy or otherwise
i can tell which posts are mine just fine
you're the retard who mixed us up
ohohohoo big words from the man who just mixed ME up with the other guy
noooooo *gunshot*
but anyways since the episode is now over and everyone's off to bed i just want to make it clear that / (canman) am the one who came up with the epic theory everyone (except jim) agreed with
ok i read the posts now yes i wasnt even making a guess its just the OTHER time i said something about meaningless intellectualisms i was accused of being canman afterwards and so i assumed that the one being accused due to the usage of meaningless intellectualisms was being accused of being canman again when they should of been accused of being me (which they were not)
barrage of shit in the brain 
i am thinking of something and feeling something that i know, i KNOW, is off the right track and i would get made fun of relentlessly if i said anything
its just an anime thing just like slipping and landing facefirst on boobs
i really dont want to eat it just seems like such a waste of time
c https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/Gundam_Wiki:Series
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i fucking HATE videogames holy shit they suck so bad
weird clicking sounds in my head
wahey big posts for me to read with my coffee
theyre all shit t.read it all with coffee
you know they made a series where the gundam robots are oda nubanaga and friends
who would think to do such a thing
i have seen oda nobunaga be revived in kamen rider (and turned into a rider)
nips seem to be quite fond of that guy
yeah i watched that one
like half of it is just normal gundam shitposting and then the other half is sengoku gundam
i just skipped the sengoku parts since they werent that interesting
this oda fellow seems like a quasiperonical figure
he is in the sense that he's a total meme that only shows up in shitty anime and games and nowhere else, and this despite being a completely irrelevant figure
caesar was histories first peron
laughing imagining argentine media taking off and they just keep reviving peron in increasingly retarded situations
its interesting to me how nobunaga is the big historical general in a lot of japanese stuff BUT in shin megami tensei theyre always wanking masakado
season 1488 of isekai peron
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the anime ant eater....
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ah yes having a lot of fun playing an epic game
note: the audio and video do not match at all because the recording feature of the emulator recorded the video at its original speed, 120fps, but the audio at 60fps
another note: 4 minutes and 30 seconds of video footage came out as a 10gb file
yeah sure looks fukken epic *understands nothing*
last time i played the game i couldnt get the epilogue of the girl i was aiming for so now im redoing it all by skipping at 2x speed so i can see the epilogue
despite skipping all dialogue at 2x speed itll still take like an hour and a half just to get to the 2-3 minute long epilogue
also ill have to repeat this like 3 more times
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love the idea of living in venezuela and going "yeahhhhh this kinda sucks......but those colombians sure know where it's at"
do you think they can afford a plane ticket

its like the whole syria thing where europeans complained there was like 1000 syrians but turkey has like 6 million because it's right nextdoor
colombia is where the great brown masses migrated, and then other venezuelans with a bit more luck went elsewhere (including here. a lot of venezuelans support milei. theyre all delivery workers)
well can the fukken colombians or ecuadorians afford plane tickets????
its actually 10 million
its not like plane tickets are THAT expensive

a flight from buenos aires to vancouver is like 1500 and thats with 100% taxes 
a colombian could easily save up 500 dollars as life savings to fly to the usa
and is it genuinely that bad in venezuela that they cant do that and
ohhhhhhhhhh wait wait i wonder if we have a travel sanction on them??????? probably not i would assume
yeah you can travel with your life savings but thats not the problem is it the problem is getting big enough savings that you can kickstart your life over there in that new land
that is of course assuming that venezuelans dont get 10000 dollars a month from the government just for being brown
do you seriously not know the situation in venezuela
i mean its "better" now but they were the only country to have a hyperinflation that lasted multiple years
they had millions% inflation 

people just stared getting wages measured in minimum wages(whichd be updated daily) and youd earn like 100 minimum wages (with a minimum wage being like 50 cents)

there was apocalypse-tier shortages of everything and at the same time oil was free and well eventually they basically dollarized the economy de-facto and I think last year the government recognized the dollarization de-jure
now theyre "fine" in that its not literally the apocalypse without even the upper classes being able to get goods
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dont know where the myth that we give handouts to brown immigrants came from
theyre treated like literal shit and the only "serious" argument is "oh they dont pay taxes!!!" which is like............a half truth........since they arent citizens yeah income isnt taxed but if they ever but shit or rent shit that's obviously taxed
and once again to reiterate, brown people are condemned to working garbage shit jobs in the hope their kids can get into the system and get out on top
no i didnt know it was that bad
even turkey gives niggers living wages just for being brown so why wouldnt amerikkka the one who started the great browning
they can just pick fruits and wash dishes while renting a room together with anotherr 50 spics
its not that hard
well okay...youre forgiven then........ how have you not heard of it though...??? 

anyway "hyperinflations" usually last a few months. venezuela was really a big outlier because of just how horribly terribly ridiculously everything was handled
you could probably spend a few minutes reading about it itd be interesting if you dont know anything
at best they might be able to get college scholarships for being the children of immigrants but no, no handouts specifically for being brown
its not "its not that hard" you tardo even just getting enough cash for the plane ticket would take a lot for them and then theyd have to pay for documents in the country theyre getting to, deposit for the big shithole dorm theyre going to live in and so on and so on and the total price will instantly go up from the original 500 dollars for the plane ticket to 2500-3000
though of course that can be dragged down to like 1000 if they have some brown mates over there to arrange shit for him
well obviously i had "heard" about it but i take anything i hear on the news as a grain of salt so yeah, i hear about "venezuela hyperinflation" and i figured there was some kind of problem but instantly assumed it was probably just some manner of fearmongering
but it is interesting to hear it truly was just that bad almost impressive to fuck it up that badly
what are you supposed to do when your hyperinflation lasts almost a full decade
the minimum wage inecuador is like 400 dollars a month
idk about colombia its probably slightly higher

it really couldnt be THAT hard to get life-savings in the order or 3 or 4 months' wages
thatd be enough to start ur life
well...look on the bright side, it cant get worse can it
*inflation hits 1488%*
i was talking about venezuela though where they presumably earn 1 peso a day or something
obviously it'd be a lot more easy for countries like colombia or pooland
no it was definitely a huge crisis I dont know how many people emigrated but you should read up on it
the biggest problem really was just the complete shortage of all goods, partially because vnzs real economy is kinda fucking shite. as in they dont really make basic things like crops and meat because there a tropical country with plenty of people
and they imported a lot of things while exporting oil

when they became unable to import a bunch of shite basically the oil became worthless too and eventually because they couldnt export the oil much or sell it inside that fucked their oil industry too
they had in the order of 100s% a month inflation in some periods ajd basically everything became super-indexed
like i said an index would be "minimum wage" so for example your incomed be 100 minimum wages or youd go to the store and a soda would be 0.5 minimum wages. thats the high indexation that happens during a hyperinflation 
(because how much money a "minimum wage" is gets updated constantly)

rich people basically managed to open offshore accounts in miami and basically people would trade thinhs, and then the transaction would happen between 2 accounts in Miami
another thing that helped is crypto 

thats never happened anywhere
"hyperinflation" is when the demand for money collapses to near 0 and when inflation percentages spiralize
you know how if you have something worth 100 and you start multiplying it (inflation) the curve is exponential
well hyperinflation is like if thatd happen to the inflation rate itself

even normal countries like the USA had 10% yearly inflation for a few years 
high (and even really high, chronic) inflation isnt necessarily all bad or unlivable, its just the longer it goes on the more chances there are that something else fucks up 

venezuela.had like 30% budget deficit at one point which they paid for by printing money which is part of the cause too
you know what hm after reading 10 quadtrillion of your posts ive started to think that your economic knowledge is extremely standard and average whereas your knowledge of inflation and peron is extremely high
well yes im not an economist, i dont know what average your taking though, defiantly not the average of this thread 
and the average person doesnt know jack shit about the economy anyway 

"the economy" is a hugely stupid topic anyway though there's so many different dimensions to it, and not only that, because its NOT a hard science by any means, you have 200 different retards giving different opinions and diagnoses on things that are antagonistic with eachother, so you cant even just go "oh okay X said it i guess he's right" you just have to choose who to believe 

milei & co are of the austrian school, and from what ive gathered the FUNDAMENTAL difference between those and all the other economic school (whether there marxists or neoclassical or keynesian or whatever) is that basically most schoools do TRY to treat economics as a science, and as such they make a bunch of "models" for how agents behave and equations for what things do what
and the austrian school basically says "no thats nonsense, people just act nonsensically and in ways we cant imagine because theyre humans and they pick up experience and then change their behaviour as events happen, so you cant predict what they'll do and try to solve 2 things the same way because then people will already know what youre going to do so theyre going to anticipate to your measures and blbalbalb" and so thats why they propose infinite free market (because the only thing that can organize all these different behaviours and actions is the free market)
all that aside, yeah there's a huge difference between the "real" economy and all this financial trite

you can't be a good economist if you have no idea how a factory is run, or whether its raining in the pampas or not, or what pipelines there are and where they go
in the end the thing that makes the world go around is production, and you have to take real measures to take care of that (or at least not IMPEDE that) so that everything else functions
.........inflation does impede that quite a lot because it makes planning hard...............
wish that were real
then again wouldnt want to get punched randomly
ughghoghgohoghghghh i could make an EPIC joke about schools and milei right now but the name of that one hyperkike one doesnt come to mind
do you mean die frankfurter
and anyway, the "real" economy very much links up to the financial trite obviously. its all dependent on eachother. a big thing we'd win with dollarization is basically that people would finally put their money in the bank, which'd allow private entities to have access to credit (either companies, or just normal people that say...want to buy a house) 

another reason you have to know way too much to be an economist is for example a very logical question/argument regarding dollarization:
what if when the government switches all the pesos to USD people just go on a bank run and take all the USD and there arent enough dollars to give to everyone??? 
well that IS a legitimate threat or danger. but as it turns out (if we are to believe this) nowadays trust in banks -and the peso- is so low, that the majority of deposits in the bank is from people who HAVE to have it in the bank, for example: companies, who have their money there that's going to be transfered to their employees that month. so if the majority of pesos in the bank are those types of deposits, which "cant" be ran on anyway, then the dangers of a bank run would be much lower
and whenever the people receiver their wages, if they decide to take out the cash (rather than just use it normally with a card or an app or bank transfers), a lot of it will go back to the bank anyway due to people paying taxes or the money people spend on consuming things, simply flowing back to the banks via companies and the like 

its impossible to be a good economist if you dont know all this random specific operating details about concrete things like how companies pay their wages and so on
Replies: >>33017
this is why i just think killing rich people would solve the economy eventually
dont know to know pipes from pampas
if by solve you mean turn it into haiti then yeah
no no but i'll do it right
makes more sense to kill all the poor people
going to play a video game
wish me luck!!!
hey turk remember this guy
*kills all the poor people*
*all the fukken garbage piles up everywhere and nothing gets done*
what about him
hm probably knows him better than i do
well yeah they would pile up if you killed them all at once but you could just throw their bodies in the ocean and itd be fine
i dont know i think its a good conduit to get you into argentine culture via-japanese gaucho/samurai man
hm is in utter disbelief when he posts something vaguely related to la plata and someone isnt instantly interested
well after finishing my phd in japanese culture and gay sex i want to get another one in western/central european culture so i can larp as an epic intellectual teuton and not a migratory gaucho
you are a brown dwarf
no you dont get it though, to understand japanese culture fully you need to appreciate the argentina-japan connection
imagining the turk learning everything there is to know about the holy roman empire then arriving in germany and he just gets lumped in with the horde of kebab merchants
who is
if youre talking about me then i am literally 195cm tall
yeah and im 205 cm tall
well its just the plain truth what else can i say
it is pretty shocking though considering i ate nothing but bread and butter through my entire childhood
going to play a video game
wish me luck!!!
i have 8 fingers in each hand an 9 fingers of the foot
me i dont have any foot fingers on my hands
woah... (ignore those other youtrite links this one is actually interesting)
TEN whole hours of peron speeches!?!??!?
im seriously fuming that the turk posted THREE fucking gundamtrite links in a row that NOBODY gives a single shit about because now the epic video i found is going to be completely ignored when it could have spawned an episode
you pay what you turk for
just post it again later and if anybody asks tell them that you forgot you posted it before because of your memory problems
thats what he always does
yeah i will
but you can watch it now to get early access and have time to think up your clever posts
any of you men planning on switching to linux
i'd say its about time
i've used it on the other computer for years
the other computer(argot)
i left a partition on my drive when i reinstalled windows specially for that
left a partition on my heart
when you left me
*deletes all the data on your main drive*
got a sneak preview of an upcoming jimisode
youre not going to BELIEVE what the writers did for this one, its almost lazy
Replies: >>32934
did they release tiktok 2
no spoilers i dont want to ruin it for you
at least give me the eta i have an early day tomorrow
at least make a trailer
i dont know somewhere between a week and a couple of months
i really cant say anything though or ill ruin the big reveal
Replies: >>32934
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hold on is there REALLY an eromanga, australia
watched the fuji film
cant imagine anything more japanese than killing yourself on mount fuji
what about killing yourself on the forest under it
opened the video
saw an angloid man doing a monologue
closed the video
that wasnt an anglo its some sort of esl voice
no its without doubt an anglo
isnt there some band or artist by the name of like fat sausage? it's not that, im horribly misremembering it, but it's something close maybe.
but der mjana...
is jim going to show up at my argentine house
or did he get a gf
curtis got a bf named jim
wow guys check out this cool video about mount fuji
opened the video
saw an angloid man doing a monologue
closed the video
that wasnt an anglo its some sort of esl voice
no its without doubt an anglo
its definitely an asian american i recognize that type of voice
anyways what do We think of the female spirit voice
> On many older devices which require firmware to work, the firmware file was permanently placed in an EEPROM/Flash chip on the device itself by the manufacturer. Nowadays most new devices do not have the firmware embedded this way anymore, so the firmware file must be uploaded into the device by the host operating system every time the system boots. 
why is this
no no no were doing the mt fuji episode right now
i think it was just the wind and because japanese has such a low amount of sounds it seemed like a word
or it was someone from the stream like how there was voices earlier
but it would be really cool if it was a ghost/kami
no the stream voices sound different
its hard to prove it WASNT the wind but thats kind of the whole point with spirits, so i think it was a mountain spirit warning him
opened the video
watched the entire thing
closed the video
i think was the wind too, since that was all i could hear, nothing resembling a voice
the ghost would be cool though, as they say "i want to believe"
i didnt hear it the first time even though i was listening for it but i heard it really clearly when it shows the specific segment at the end
part of what adds to it is that it sounds like what i imagine a spirits voice to sound like
almost tts-ey
A     A
i could post something really fucking gay and annoying right now but i wont
greek genuinely looks like gibberish
thought it was japanese for a second and then indonesian the next
was genuinely surprised when i saw it was greek
richard nipson eh
yeah that whole watergape thing was gross
jim jacobsons japanese half-brother
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i wish i could find this one /m/ shitpost about gato
did you know gato means cat
also the nuke mobile suit looks epic as fuark i love the big brick shit house mechs so much
for me its the zeon newtype gundam mobile ultra extreme from gundam z plus alpha
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massive lump growing on my nape
yeah its over
first you eat the gmo
next you become the gmo
like how japs invented the nape fetish
not entirely sure what a nape is 
think its part of the neck
the back of the neck
over the years my intelligence has fallen a lot
i cant really figure out allegories and puzzles anymore
imagine the stupid look on my face when i wake up tomorrow and realize im still alive
uhhhhhhh im not sure whats going on but i guess today is one of those days that saps you of your energy
you too huh
yeah but most days are normal for me
i think it's the carbohydrates
oh yeah did you know that the federations mass produced gundam is named GM and in japanese its written as ジム(jimu, can either mean gym or the name jim) and pronounced as jim
its getting to the point where i actually get a tinge of murderous rage when i start reading a post and realize its going to be about gundam
everything in katakana is a joke
they got stuff like staato and reberu
shouldn't it be... gee em
"oh yeah did you know that the federations mass produced"
hmmm this post is promising looking forward to this interesting factoid
why do you even care man just filter it like you do with the argentina posts
at least the argentina posts are based on reality so i can feel that what im about to read might be vaguely insightful on some level
thats just an illusion
for the past few years ive been experiencing some very interesting phenomenon that would only occur to somebody with a very broken spirit but if i ever told anybody about them they'd just think that im high or that im trying to be a cool little chuuni no matter how honestly i try to explain it
i will not judge you
is 92 a second attempt at getting someone to bite 51
my wall is littered with smashed dead bugs but i don't want to clean it up
92 me too but yeah nobody understands or appreciates it especially not a certain somebody on here
wellgo on then sweetheart
halfway through bakemonogatari
i do enjoy it
since ive befriended some high schoolers i could probably leverage that and the fact that i have a decently luxurious apartment all to myself to throw parties for high schoolers
it would be tough managing the noise though my geriatric neighbours would surely complain
uh that sounds like an awful idea
yes it does i wont do it but i COULD is the thing
but it is a useful idea to think about because if i arrange the interior with that in mind i think it would lead to a good result
*hangs out with a bunch of highschoolers*
*fukken kills myself cause they suck and are annoying as fuck*
*also my corpse gets arrested*
and you call me a maladjusted freak
i think BOTH of you are maladjusted freakazoids
*crosses my arms and smiles smugly*
thunder is so scary!!
oh yeah i wanted to make a post about how "belle" and "bellum" sounding similar seems like significant and how it could probably used to great poetic effect
been there done that t.housand year old man
well now that ive waken up i will have to wash my face, take a shower, eat, change clothing, fix my bed and then make a coffee before i can start my day
very tiring
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this proves my theory that anime doesnt exist in anime world
its all live action to them
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that looks like...
today i woke up in the middle of the afternoon after hearing classical music coming from a local elementary school
and only then did i realize that all the elementary schools near me, including the one i went to, play classical music for to signal the breaks inbetween class
for me it was the ear splitting BRRRZZZZT of the bell
i have a retarded question 
what if everyone in south america dollarized but then it started giving the dollar instability and problems 
is that something do to with the federal reserve
there's a big fox wedding going on
Replies: >>33025
well you see that's what us japanese shinto people say when it's raining but the sun is still out
Replies: >>33025
people in the south call that "the devil beating his wife"
always just heard it called a "sun shower" up here
when thers grey and black clouds everywhere and it looks like it should be raining but it isnt, we call that commencing a dark one
nothing makes you feel brown like eating big brown bean slop
>but then it started giving the dollar instability and problems 
no why and how could it give the dollar instability
the THING with the dollar (and previously the pound, and previously dutch and spanish coins) is that its the "global reserve currency" and the one everyone uses to trade
all their monetary policy and all that trite is all within the context of "everyone in the world uses the dollar" 
a bunch more people using the dollar wouldn't really change much 

the thing is that the whole "dollarization" thing is something which mainly affects the LITTLE guy, the average normal person
if we're talking about huge banks, multinational corps, mining or oil or soy trade, theyre all dollarized anyway
the monetization% is obviously higher in other countries, but for reference, the value of all CASH pesos right now is ~15 billion usd (if you changed them all into usd at the current value)
and to put it in perspective, some jewish kike in NY is trying to make Argentina pay 16billion usd to some international fund due to the nationalization of YPF (because we "stole their money" or something
and Argentines have 200 billion USD of cash in savings and the like

and if you look at idk how much money gets exported from argentine agriculture every year, its really small compared to the monetary base
so even if all of america adopted the USD as their normal everyday currency, it wouldn't make THAT much of a difference, because all the big money flows are already in USD
thats funny we say theres an old lady's wedding here
i dont know what we call it here
we call it rain while its partly cloudy
something that really makes me annoyed is how many libertarianoids and general lib/con type of characters ended up (very unwisely) flipping to the JxC side during the election year and went away from the Milei space and obviously that was a terrible move

there's a lot of characters the could have been candidates or ministers and left, and also a bunch of people that were in JxC/Pro before and stayed there when they could have joined Milei
some examples'd be Espert whos a bald guy I voted for in 2021 (Milei ran in the Capital and the bald guy ran in Buenos Aires and so i had to vote for him because i live in the province) and he would have been a quite good candidate for governor, but instead he flipped and so the candidate became some literal who random retard whore girl who's been working as a useless bureaucrat for 5000 years and whos claim to fame is having ran over some guy who tried to rob her, and obviously she was never some epic libertarian/conservative but rather just a very boring average politician retard
but the Espert guy was at least not in the government until now, and has been saying "yea shoot all the criminals" and "yea open the market" for the past 20 years

theres also a guy called Maslaton whos basically a meme man more than anything but he was behind a lot of the say political "building" of you know getting contacts and making the lists of candidates and so on, and he's called himself "the libertarian wing of peronism" or what have you. and yes hes a fat ugly peronist. some people say he was only doing all that to "inflate" milei enough to steal votes from JxC but not enough for him to win and now it backfired for him and now he's out of the party and also milei is gonna win but... uh idk he seemed genuine enough to me

there's also this Lopez Murphy guy who was a minister in the 90s and even ran in 2003 and he was also of the most right wing area of JxC but he stayed there like a retard despite basically regurgitating everything milei says. i mean he was 99% just a tool to try to get milei voters in but yeah its pretty lame, if he had any self respect he should have just switched over 

there's some guy called Iguacel who was basically just some not-politician kinda wealthy guy who even was in macris government as some small official of some type and there were talks that he could have run for governor and he was quite close but he didnt and now hes just the mayor of some irrelevant little town 

and then there's a bunch of economic team members of JxC who are basically 70-90% aligned with what Milei says but due to internal struggles they have to keep their head down and basically get cucked out of their policies by people who are pretty much just like the government but more moderate
Sturzenegger, former central banker i think, basically made this huge work where he went through like every regulation (thousands of them) and made this plan on which and how to deregulate all of them, but he "made it for JxC" and for now hes like, not sharing it (and not working with) Milei's people even though theres literally 0% chance they implement it in a JxC government. youd think if Milei wins he'd probably cooperate but who knows what happens inside these peoples' brains
Caputo some other guy, people say he's basically the (or one of the) best economist there could be for the ministry of economy, he's that guy who basically managed to scam foreign funds, by selling them a 100y bond at like 2% interest, and he also sold them a bond that pay in pesos(lol) to foreigners 
he could possibly join later on but he's one of those thats anti-closing the central bank and anti-dollarization, but they say he'd be the most appropriate to run things AFTER that's done. but again who knows maybe the opposition just gives them loads of money so that they dont help the governmetn when that time comes
anyway what all that is going to cause (as it already sort of has been) is that Milei is going to end up having more peronist people than Pro/Radical people if they keep being retardedly and electorally antagonistic as they have been
hold on you lost me up there already ill understand it eventually but theres some basic shit like wouldnt a libertarian be against nationalization of an oil company and therefore in support of the NY kike wanting his 16 billion from argentine coffers
lolbertarians have no actual belief system
huh wow what the fuck its raining while the suns out here now!!!
it started raining here too but theres still clouds ill keep you updated
it's october here
yes, what about that made you lost????
i am comparing 2 numbers, is all im doing. the amount of cash pesos (15 billion) with the amount a company sued the government for (16 billion), just so you can see the perspective of how much money that is

i never mentioned or said milei's opinion about it
and milei's opinion about it is something along the lines of: "kiciloff (the guy who did it) is a delinquent and a retard and he knows nothing he's a retard. when i'm president we're going to re-value the company and make it worth a lot of money and then we're going to privatize it(again) to pay off the debt"
it was already privatized in the 90s, and then it was nationalized again in the 2000s by CFK(and his minion Kiciloff), and now we're supposedly going to privatize it again

honestly i'm against privatizing it, firstly cause i think someones just gonna fukken nationalize it again eventually, and its going to cost us lots of money again
and secondly because i just think that as Oil(and gas) is a strategic resource its good to have at least some state participation in the market. its fine if oil companies invest in the country, but its proven to be quite essential for the government because due to having YPF, they've been able to "freeze" the prize of fuels and utility tariffs and so on. not that it's been GOOD for the economy, becuase now its so "behind" inflation that whenever the price is liberated things are going to blow up
BUT in a normal context with a normal economy and so on, i think it's good that the state can "manipulate" such an important market as is the fuel and power market 

for reference a liter of oil is about 0.30usd when its "supposed to be" 0.70 - 1.00 usd, especially with how the price of oil went up and all that
in europe i think its like 2 euros, and in neighbouring countries its all above 1usd (granted they dont make any oil)
saw an epic ps2 scifi game about how most of humanity died to aliens and you have to fight them
but that was months ago and i dont remember the name
who was it
who was it that made my mother into a retarded american proddie
there was a ps2 fighting game i remember playing at my cousins house that i never managed to find again
its made harder by the fact that i hardly remember any details
laughing incredibly hard i cant believe uraki was stuck with gatos used goods this entire time
it sure is tough being a feddie eh bright is still one of the ones that are "better off"
^ is gundamtrite isnt it
uraki is codeword for hm
gato is codeword for sao paulo
feddie is codeword for BRICSer
and zeon is codeword for CSTO
used goods that are ALSO retarded as fuck
seeing tragsg gradually get taken over by completely alien incomprehensible posts must be what it felt like to be a white londoner seeing your neighbourhood gradually get replaced by pakis
yes yes i felt the same way when the board was overflowing with dune and jojo and other retarded trite
just get over it its not like people are going to talk about it for a thousand years
you know "humankind"????? and how its kinda crap????
well in that game, unlike civ, you start and you pick a culture/civ lets say aztecs, and then when you age up you pick one thats appropriate to the era lets say.... medieval....franks... or what have you

i think that idea could be decent if instead you picked a civ to start with and then you got to swap through (period-related) leaders, and youd get some sorta choice too

like you could start as the french/franks and uh well idk have some random gaul or germanic chieftain and then youd go on and idk youd get to pick a gallo-roman leader or a frankish leader and then later on you could pick between idk napoleon or robespierre and so on

also on the 4x topic, paradox is publishing one (called Millenia) and theres some other one coming out called "Ara" no idea if that means anything besides you know...
no that ISNT comparable at all you weaselly kike
one episode of 2-4 people who like the same thing discussing it is PERFECTLY FINE just because you never read dune does not mean there was anything wrong with it
I was never a dune complainer but i agree to me (dont 'are about Dune OR Gundam), arr rook the same
no no no fuck you this is a completely false equivalence
jojo was 2 guys making a dozen or two posts about something they both liked ONE SINGLE TIME late at night when nobody else was on anyways
gundam has been NONSTOP for MONTHS probably over a year now and there is literally never any interaction its one guy dumping trite
yeah and this is one episode of 2 people discussing gundam so it IS the exact same thing
just be glad hm doesnt like gundam too or else he would be shitting out 50000 posts about how argentina is singlehandedly keeping up the economy of the federation or whatever the fuck
i dont know anything about humankind everybody talked about how it has niggers everywhere before it released and after it but never about the game itself
i would have played it myself but its probably shit or mediocre so its not worth the 500gb download
there have been a minimum of two dozen gundamposts EVERY SINGLE THREAD since VII (seven (7))!!!! thats 8 fucking months!!!!!!!
what a retarded thing to say dune easily had hundreds of posts maybe even a thousand and it appeared at any time in any way for like 6 months straight
i didnt sperg out when dunetrite was getting posted so you cant sperg out now either
also i will remind you that the bigger liked dune and not gundam
oh humankind is a game huh now that post makes a little more sense
no it didnt 
the bigger kept saying he was going to read dune (and then never did)
but the big dune discussions, there were 2 or 3 and they were contained to episodes
with gundam every fifth post in the thread is about some random gundam shite that never spawns any discussion and it just clutters up the thread and makes everyone check the tab just to roll his eyes and click back off
yeah i didnt play it myself, i watched a bunch of videos of it and it just seemed quite unbalanced and boring especially when you went into the like modern eras
i think it had argentina as one of those civs you can pick though lol

anyway the one thing i liked about that game was the early game and how you actually start as a nomad hunter-gatherer tribe rather than starting as a city, and you have to like collect some trite before you can advance and settle
it sounds good in practice but also most of it was just "collect thing" quests which ends up becoming boring after 3 or 4 games
and yes if youre going to count the bigger constantly be an annoying little tard after everyone who actually did read dune was satisfied and no longer cared to post about it, then it IS comparable to that
but guess what the bigger was so loathsome we had to go out of our way to excise him
i think it had argentina as one of those civs you can pick though lol ← totally natural introduction of argentina into the conversation
some game did a "south american civ" pack and the images for all of them were hut dwellers in loincloths except one which was swarthy italians unloading off a boat
remember when the bigger was going on about ellis island for some incomprehensible reason i cant remember
god what a shitty human being hope he's dead
hey / interact with the gundam posts if im around to see them
it's still raining
its raining somewhere else
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alright ive finished stardust memory
it had what i assume is the best animation in all of gundam, good characters(except someone i shan't name), and a very good plot, i particularly liked stuff like forcing the moonkikes to send the colony straight to earth and cima's revolt, they were believable and also executed so well that you only realise they'll happen a few moments before they do, both the planning and execution are very well, and i like the background behind the titans and how all the federation scenes imply cliques moving around and influencing eachother
gato and delaz were fucking epic, to me the whole stuff with uraki seemed to be like a highly realistic example of what happens when a good man falls in love with a retarded woman, despite originally being a good mc who isn't too unfortunate he ended up being endlessly put into fights and suffering all because of one femoid, he could have avoided all that suffering just by playing his cards right
regarding the ending, since you warned me about nina i thought it would all be ruined by that fucker, but it turned out into an episode that made me laugh like a fucking retard from beginning to end, due to events in my childhood and my character i utterly detest ntrshit but this one was incredibly funny, i felt bad for him but couldnt stop laughing at the sheer fucking ruthlessness, possibly the best thing in the whole episode was gato telling him "none of this would have happened if you didnt side with the federation", and speaking of gato he has easily become one of my favourite gundam characters with this ova
the things i didnt like were the gundam, it had some very forced plot armour moments and in general it feels like people in the series think that any bullshit will be forgiven if its done by an "experimental gundam" that looks kind of cool, which is in fact not the case, i also disliked delaz's ignoring cima despite her being under him and acting very suspicious, as well as the whole "men forced together by fate" mood that gato and uraki had, to me they aren't like that at all and it just feels like they tried to force a certain static and simple idea into the real dynamic relationship of the two when its not like that
in other new ive heard that cima is 195cm and that she got ptsd from being forced to gas colonies and her home colony being turned into the solar ray, i think the only thing i can sum up my feelings regarding her is "i can fix her", which is something both me and my mate have said several times
she's up there with haman and the like on my gundam females list, which is pretty high
and i have to say i am very interested in what uraki does from now on
it seems like he's just gotten utterly and completely laid the fuck right out by fate and he even got court martialed
i hated the ending because i thought the entire plan was retarded as fuck
the idea of "we'll show them that if the federation cant protect a farm, they cant protect anything!" is absolutely mongoloid tier, ESPECIALLY after you just nuked an entire fucking fleet i think the message of "feds suck at protecting shit" was probably already understood
you had the colony and didnt use it for anything that mattered and its stupid
i guess it just feels like such a fucking weird and meaningless step down in violence
if the drop on the farm happened first and then the nuke i think that'd feel better
i think the reason was based on the idea that since it'd cause mass starvation, the people would start revolting enmasse since historically no food = eat the rich
i honestly think its a good plan especially since delaz and gato knew that after executing any plan with all their forces put into it, they would lose the strength to fight against the federation, even if it got dropped on jaburo they'd still have to use the rest of their puny might to fight the remnant federal forces, and even if they win that they couldnt do something like occupy all of space or earth or whatever, it'd just be a slight, tiny phyrric victory that does nothing but destroy the federation, it wouldnt revive zeon or anything
i think it was very good at setting the stage for axis, both setting-wise and in the context of they themselves, and as we both know axis would have easily won in ZZ if not for a fucking 10 year old newtype brat and the dumbass who couped just to show off to roux, who didn't give a fuck about him even after he did it
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ahhh i found it
well first we'll have to ask where that nuclear weapon came from and why the federation was treating POW's so cruelly and then we can start talking about the things neo-neo-neo-neo-neo-neo-neo-zeon did
everything is justified against spacenoids
vghjhhhh my head is drifting
fucking flu
i just realized that ive actually watched lots of anime and read many manga and played many games yet i never realized it because all the places on the internet that people can talk about them have died or been subverted enough that you cant talk about them anymore(see /a/, /jp/ and many other places) with people
realize what that post is complete gibberish
maybe youve just done so much drugs that you cant even read anymore
jim jAAAcobson
jimu if you will
the AAAguy isnt jim its me
and i want to scream now too
hair has grown so long that i have trouble seeing
🀈🀉🀊🀈🀉🀊🀈🀉🀊🀚🀚🀚🀋 🀋
oh its mahjong tiles i thought it was the missing character unicode symbol
i dont think its physically possible to read whats on them
its numbers 234234234 then three one dots then two other chinese numbers i cant read
man its called zoom in
i agree with 49 just saying the gundam has been totally not interacted with by anybody
*zooms in*
*its still 2 pixels but just wider*
we should all get into the clone wars animated series on disney plus
i did that like 13 years ago
there was an episode where obiwan and skywalker go to a whore house and it aired on tv here
just did a big poo
twileks are supposed to be hot but youre also not supposed to think of them that way. an individual who is adept at the force has very high levels of self and other awareness and twileks are good at it or whatever, so you cant see them as sex objects even though thats what they are since the females are all sex slaves everywhere
i dont think retards who have two of those massive long japanese onions on their head look hot
uhmm ok i guess its just me then
well i googled that word and they are all half naked i don't think it's you at all
its their culture you asshole -_-
im watching andor..
andor the sea
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yuno in a way star wars is a lot like the gundam of the west
lately i've had this thought in the back of my head telling me to watch the movies because i never did but i just know it will be complete crap specially 100 years later
yeah but you know what the best one is the gundam of argentina
sure and we are all (except you) in the west so we would rather discuss star wars
there is no gundam of argentina
star wars is the kind of thing thats been bad for so long and its mostly for children that i dont feel good about openly liking it or discussing it as a serious grown man in a serious place like tragsg
ok fine
(andor is rly good though)
yeah but you shouldnt say that out loud
yeah just talking about it is a little embarrassing but i don't really mind if someone does
i'll consider watching that maybe
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i usually hate tv series but especially american ones seem exceptionally retarded and dumb
not really related to what i want to say or anything but look at this freak
havent seen that one yet but it doesnt look good
a big problem with all current starwars trite is that its a continuation of the cartoons and what works in cartoons doesnt always work in live action
what was good about andor is how grounded and "un-starwars" it is most of the time
i was thinking just a bit before the original starwars post about how i really prefer 2d over 3d stuff when it comes to movies and the like
i could explain myself but im really fucken sleepy so i wont
(just click it)
it isn't, click it
if its not cp im not clicking
dont want to get yarn
uuuhhhhhhghhg it's JUST a quote i liked
just post it in text then
maybe screenshot it
(in context the party was arguing over some shit and he was saying the argument was only because everyone was scared of the mission tomorrow)
is that from gundam again
try to keep up this is star war
(925) ‧ $$$$
Fine dining restaurant ‧ Closed
i like the epic space hitler imperium in star wars but i also have a strange liking for the plucky band of americans who are fighting them
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who the fuck would eat this is it looks like cat food
that looks good
what is it
some people i used to know invited me to watch star wars (the new ones) with them (at the cinema)
i thought they were mediocre
the movies or the people
or maybe the establishment itself
why cant he just leave it ambiguous it's really up to him how he uses language to convey meaning
never saw the last two new star wars movies
last one i watched was the han solo movie and i deeply regret it
the cinema itself was fine
so what is 30
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a classic image
looking back on it i was 100% right it does look like 4 completely different people
vlad semen boris and uhh what was the other one
top right and bottom left look vaguely vaguely related
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top right doesnt even look russian he looks like the generic default american man
extremely good post
remember when we (like 3 of us) watched the dollars trilogy
yep now that was some kino
yeah i guess

we should watch one of those argentine movies again
there should be a button that lets you give a post tragsg silver (it isnt worth anything)
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you should be able to give pesos to posts
whatever happened to that one where they crashed a plane on a mountain and had to eat each other?
it was all a part of his plan
i would watch an argentine movie i still remember the first one
yes we're going to watch that one (except its not actually an argentine movie it just happened in argentina)
right now yeah let's go
its urugay, it may as well be
no no not right now i have to sleep and wake up early
nobody has the file, and the technical knowledge to host a cytube is lost technology
these problems can be worked around
why will the sleep not come
I just thought of something that made the sleep less likely to arrive
this was a vox video a few years ago
i absolutely guarantee you whats going to happen is humanity is going to invent something far worse and more deadly and also bury it underground and it will have NO warning. like if you unearth it you unleash a horrible virus to everybody on earth rather than radiation which just affects individuals in its vicinity. 
far future architects will find all this ado and hoopla about nothing and then (maybe as life valuations change or lessen) find absolutely nothing about a nightmarish pandoras box that will make earth hell as soon as it's stumbled upon
not me problem ack ack ack ack
ack ack ack said the tranny
no i was doing a skeleton
wish i could do a skeleton and be dead
commence me a dark one please god
only 3 hours of sleep tonight
*spits in your face*
im getting into bed now, later loser
when i wake up i will be anxious 
when i wake up i will be tired 
when i wake up i will be doubting myself
i feel like there has been a 1000x increase in youtube personalities making "video essay" type things, but the problems is that now its all either the same thing done again for the millionith time, or something so irrelevant and pointless, i hate it
update on 73 all of that happened AND i felt like i was shitting a lung out for 25 minutes and i still managed to slap myself into going to work and guess what they sent me home i was scheduled by accident.
now i dont even want to sleep (dont want to do anything either though)
74 this is why ai content works so well and will only get better. if you actually consider all the regurgitated unoriginal shit that people have been producing in such massive numbers for so long, someone gets in their 20s and starts making video essays or drawing or writing or whatever, or becomes an actor or just does ANYTHING that is presented to others, they join the recorded infinitude of stuff out there, the same things repeat themselves over and over and over and over again. human relationships are like this too different types of people meet up and have to fulfill some role and the same dynamics play out over and over again, this is easily seen in schools or high turnover workplaces especially with young people that just live their first impulse.
here i am
eating leaves for breakfast
theres nothing wrong with that
and air for lunch and for dinner
you do realize that since everybody makes boringass unoriginal and more or less meaningless content that when ai develops enough to be able to replicate them itll just shit out worthless content too
yes, sure that means it's "good" it works how it's supposed to and reproduces any amount of similar type of content.
I think it will make everything more redundant than it already is, people will more clearly see how pointless it is to get into anything or to express oneself in any way or to create anything. depression will get worse.
well maybe it'd have the opposite effect and people will try to express themselves properly
(i wouldnt count on that though)
heres the problem with ai content
why would i watch somethings nobody cared enough to actually make
its slop in the goytrough
well you would watch it if it was entertaining or educational
problem is that it isnt
in the end the people thing say to defend technology is true
it DOES destroy and take away a lot of jobs

but it also increases productivity so much, for example something like >>32498 >>32502 would never in a millions years have been made because nobody would have wasted their time on doing it, nor paid someone else to do it
but now its been "produced" and exists when it was impossible before
yeah but those images are digital waste
i look at them and go "heh"
they will have no lasting impact on me
yeah but before you wouldnt have gone heh

nobody is saying lasting masterpieces will be made with it
its just a slight increase for the average person in the range of things they can do
the problems with these things is that despite having little to no benefits it could have large negative effects to a specific group such as artmen and the like
oh and also the kikes will use it for evil as always c>>32617
reckon people will just start drawing on paper again
it doesnt have little to no benefit though
the benefit is quite decent id say 

and like i was saying, yes sure it will fuck over SOME artists. but simply put the amount of things that will be made with AI could have never been made by people anyway because you would have needed 10 million people to become artists and shit out drawings 24/7
yeah the ultimate truth of this is that it will exclusively be used by billionaires to churn out even more insipid trash than they already do, except now they can cut out any human middlemen so they get 1000% of the profits while they pay the indians $5
and if you're a gay retard with no concept of consequence you could say "hahaha yeah those writes and actors deserve to be btfo, so who cares" but if you think media is shite right now just wait for shitholes like marvel to start using this
anybody with the drive to make actual meaningful art would have taken the steps to be able to produce it
this kind of stuff just serves to allow the lowest of the low to churn out true low effort content endlessly (also lets anybody make funny pictures which is fine)
yes but those "things" are just things with little to no benefit like i said
a picture of argentine aryans(monkey) parading through the falklands is funny to look at but thats all, it definitely has no value whatsoever other than making people laugh for 1 second, and as for other forms of image generation like the one for porn all it does is obliterate the current "market" for it while giving people even more avenues from which to become depraved
and why do you even care about corporate media trite

if anything these types of tools let you ignore it even more, you have more tools at your disposal to make whatever you want. if you were some small indie retard who wants to make a videogame you could do it 10x easier now
or even if you just wanted idk....some backgorund image for your website 

i honestly think youre exaggerating anyway, if it was -lets say- 80 soulless, now its going to be... 95 soulless
but i dont think it'd make that much of a difference because as we know, corporate trite was ALREADY basically AI but human-made, it already had that style
yes they will profit more but.......... okay?? they already made trillions of dollars i dont think it changes much for me

the AI is a thing that mimics other stuff anyway, so the fact that its able to shit out corporate soulless trite, is because there were already billions of examples of corporate soulless trite
why would you even want there to be a market for porn drawing slaves
i dont it was just an example
99% of them draw fucked up shit anyway i hope they all get raped by ai and die
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ok now for the new topic
what do we think of this 4x game that looks like its abandoning gay hex tiles and replacing them with these uhh... procedurally generated?? tiles with more interesting physical shapes 

if you really look at them, it seems under the hood they all function like hexes (that being, having 6 neighbours) but i imagine you can ocasionally come across one that has 5, or one that has 7
dont care
any news about sote though????????
demiansky drowned in a fish tank
the tranny acked
its still shit
*scans your paper*
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flag of the tragsg empire
i think everybody who has worked on this is retarded
or at the very least they melted their brain jimstyle
seriously though its all so stupid
literally all youhave to do is fucking hide it underground so deep down that nobody will find 

no fucking caveman is going to randomly dig a hole 1000m underground and then fucking come across a nuclear waste bunker
the only people who'd be capable of finding it would be people who already know fukken everything
the whole topic is even more retarded when you realize like 99% of nuclear waste is recyclable into more energy and they're only dumping it because of Big Oil
>French author Françoise Bastide and the Italian semiotician Paolo Fabbri proposed the breeding of so-called "radiation cats" or "ray cats".[11][12][13][14] Cats have a long history of cohabitation with humans, and this approach assumes that their domestication will continue indefinitely. These radiation cats would change significantly in color when they came near radioactive emissions and serve as living indicators of danger.
>To transport the message, the importance of the cats would need to be set in the collective awareness through fairy tales and myths. Those fairy tales and myths in turn could be transmitted through poetry, music and painting. As a response, the podcast 99% Invisible commissioned musician Emperor X to write a song about ray cats for a 2014 episode about long-term nuclear waste warning messages.[15][16] The song, called "10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Settlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories (Don't Change Color, Kitty)", was designed to be "so catchy and annoying that it might be handed down from generation to generation over a span of 10,000 years".[17] 
its because of shit like this that people like me and canman sprout up and think that everybody but themselves is retarded
imagine this but the "knowledge ark" is just wikipedia
and humanity 1488 years from now on has to rely on it to survive
its really just a flagrant example of the type of retards that are allowed to leech off of people's money on the basis of being "intellectuals" and having studied some meme garbage degrees and then just sitting in a university doing meaningless shit and stealing money
its almost funny how little those tards value myths and cultural heritage if they you can just meme something retarded like that into sticking around 3 times as long as the iliad
ALMOST funny, it just makes me mad
well the good news is that it probably wasnt done with that intent at all but just to get some social media buzz and advertising or something
if it wasnt...well then huhhhhhhhhhhh.............
wow this sucks
wow this doesnt suck
clicked and then it started downloading something and then my desktop started getting filled up with argentine flags
honestly if we ACTUALLY did any of those retarded things on 06 i think i would die of embarrassment knowing that id forever be associated with this civilization
that's a funny thought
you're on the afterlife and everybody just thinks of you as "the guy from the civilization who tried to make cats glow in the dark"
its the same line of thinking as how everybody is going to assume you took it up the ass unless you break enough laws to become a folk hero
id insist i was against this but nobody would care
yeah, if you look at very ancient cultures and so on, they always mention them like "the corded beak culture" or "the big mound culture" or "the bone through the neck culture"

so if someone studied our (archeological) culture in 5000 years they'd be talking about the "man going aaah /O\" culture, and the "glowing cat" culture
yeah they'd just look at tiktok and assume that it was the very height of our culture
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is that tohuo
mixed with who knows what else idk theres only one jap culture enthusiast on here anyway
its gundam i dont know how i know but i know
its not gundam
forever gundamned
it just has to be gundam it smells exactly like gundam
I dont think I can resist temptation to hit up the shop
he didnt fly so good
i think youre a mentally ill freak obsessed with people who have fun
are any of the last 3 posts related
its stream of consciousness time
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is this funny
Replies: >>33251
i don't get the cheetos but yeah a little bit
mexican women eat hot cheetos alot (a stereotype here) ((but also a fact))
not eating spicy food is really what separates the silvers from the browns
spicy food is really good but theres a massive difference between real spice and red powder
yeah browns just dump chili powder and garlic in everything
and lime too I hate that shit
speaking of spices is it true that the ubiquitous seasoning in america is "salt and pepper" rather than just salt
yes every table in america has salt and pepper on it and its common to make steaks with the two
lime is great usually
yes 31 so what do you want me to do about it
41 is not an exaggeration even remotely if you go to a restaurant every single table will have salt pepper and ketchup
and probably 98% of homes have salt and pepper on their dining room table
a sign of america's browning is now theres a thing of hot sauce on most tables too
i think you're too autistic about this americans just throw hot sauce in shite and have for a long time
my dad always throws some tabasco in his eggs
i've really never liked spices of any kind
even just a bit of pepper makes me all hot and red not to mention the overpowering taste
what a terrible life you must live
well yes but not for that reason
feels like i saw that girl before
looking at it again i think its the meme girl from the meme doujin who gets raped to death and then dies
no that was me
i thought salt and pepper are normal everywhere
do you people not have pepper??????
hear in turkey its customary to have sand and mud at the table
dont forget the red kurd
salt pepper nutmeg and saffron are basic condiments
saffron is not basic here its expensive as fuck
well its not like basic basic but all classical rice recipes put saffron on it
it comes in tiny little capsules though so theoretically itd be expensive if you buy a lot but... you dont buy a lot

also idk why that guy is freaking out about pepper
everywhere has pepper either black or white i mean its just a thing you have in your house

i cant believe the amount of times ive gotten it in my eyes though
wait wait WHITE pepper????
yeah mate white pepper
one of the best ween albums
this whole thing made me click through a bunch of historical culinary links and i ended up here https://dar-urtatim.palazzo-giordano.org/Urtatim/Food/2003-Mists_Bardic/index.html
ate a whole bunch of shit and i dont feel good about it
if my finger slips now its going to penetrate straight into my eye
*pops a paper bag right behind you*
*finger slowly flies away from my face like an airplane before suddenly accelerating and flying straight into your eye*
why do women always start screaming like pigs whenever something "bad" like a fight or a shooting happens
they do it 99% of the time yet men dont do it even 1% of the time
gay comments 
makes me want to go explore that cave under the tom sawyer park again that we got kicked out of 
maybe find someone to take with me 
someone young who hasnt been there before 
that would be fun again
women are completely useless in crisis situations
theyre like escort quest npcs, if anything bad happens they just freeze up and wait until the combat ends (and then proceed to fuck the winner)
this video is so insane
ive never seen more reckless people
did you guys just find out about cave exploring or something
yeah its super fucking wild but you know.........get used to it.........its not like YOURE the one being made to do it
i would do it
what a shitty retarded fucking post did you type that while fucking drooling???????
of COURSE i know what cave exploring but i DONT think you """get used""" to not checking the weather and then having the cave fukken flood while you're in it
i would also do it
drooling fucking retard that cant read english
lot of retards in today it seems
you would do it but then shit yourself in fear 10 minutes in and take hours to get yourself back out
no you dont get to pull the "everybody but me is an esl" card for this
you made such a stupid fucking post inviting people to be hostile for no reason so you have to take it like a man
havent watched the video yet but yeah i probably WOULD shit myself in fear if the cave i was in was flash flooding
but that sounds like a pretty freak occurrence so in all likelihood i wouldnt shit myself with fear
okay watching this if i was out with some mates and they were like "lets go check out that cave!!!" i would almost definitely do it
have to have mates that like going out
always have to fight against age
alright ill explain my post to you and HOPEFULLY youll be able to read this current one and comprehend it
>did you guys just find out about cave exploring or something
it means what it means
>get used to it.........its not like YOURE the one being made to do it
now what THIS one means is that, since youre not doing the exploration, youre just sitting on your ass on your truck, jacking off to cave exploration videos, you should just quickly get used to the sheer nightmare qualities of the activity itself since you arent the one doing it
thatll be a 10 dollar fine to you for wasting my time hm
no you're a stupid retard, i highly suggest just killing yourself
i didnt even read your post because you're so stupid and you put yourself in such a meaningless pointless corner if that post didnt just read "im sorry for being retarded" its not worth my time
ugh these guys look like fun to hang out with... theyre racing up the slope.... just mates being mates... havin a bit of a laugh in the cave
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"ugh yeah man you just get used to it y'know?"
yeah they explicitly said in the comments they didnt check the weather beforehand
hm is living his life man YOU are sitting on your ass
hm is acquainted with the realities of an active lifestyle and interpersonal relationships ok hes inspiring
Replies: >>33297
ah yes driving a truck with a tranny.... so inspiring
yes yes i agree der hm is inspiring eespecially when he gives me a tax cut and vacation days
how braindead do you have to be to misread a fucking post and get angry at it, proceed to repeatedly post about how shit it is, and when somebody tries to explain to you that you fucking misread it you start raging on and on about how retarded others are?? you are legitimately retarded man there is not a single factor in the last 100 posts that could piss you off yet here you fucking are probably yelling at your monitor in rage
im presently smiling knowing i didnt even have to argue to win this argument
is this what arguments look like from the other side
i can tell one of them is a big retard but i dont know which one
we need a gentleman's agreement where you're only allowed to call the other guy a drooling retard if you're in the right
ok let's recap:
video about retards almost dying in a cave is posted
one guy says "wow they are so reckless"
another one goes "ugh it's like you guys don't even KNOW cave exploring this is how we do it in the business you'll get it when you're older"
anything to add
i agree to this gentleman's agreement
the other guy is a drooling retard
what did i do now
ran over a penguin
look at your wheels
i tell you one thing if you almost die in an incident like this i think youre allowed to clickbait it with a title like that
el pinguino aplastado..... que en paz descanse........
i literally said none of that and then the one guy started screaming about how retarded i am and how epic he is for refusing to read my posts(while talking to me)
well yes as the man who watched the video i dont even think its clickbait
the screencap i posted is pretty fucking grim but it is like...one minute out of 25
yeah finally got to that part
its like 10 seconds and it makes it look way worse because thats the part with the least air and theres still enough to breath and its only like a couple of meters
but from the thumbnail youd think that its like the last tiny bit of air he had left
ive got beer!!!!!!!!!!
i could go for a beer or hundred honestly now that you mention it
my best beer related memory is probably that one time i was playing some crappy unbalanced multiplayer game and then 5-6 discordites logged in and started talking about how much they want beer and whatnot
so i said "haha yeah i could go for a beer too!" and then they all got together and made fun of me and said that i must be a little kid
thinking back i am 90% sure that not a single one of them was above 15 years old
i fukken hate beer
for me it's ancient roman mulled wine
luv beer the older i get
yeah me too but im poor
also alcohol here is taxed to fucking hell so its far pricier than in any other country
im getting to that point in a mans life where he lusts for blood and violence and getting into fights
normally that happens when your like 10 but im a late bloomer i guess
happened to me when i was like 8 but the spiritual exhaustion got so bad that by the time i became 15 that feeling completely disappeared
now i just want to lie on the floor and die
eastern europeans are the darkskins of white people
^- random thought i had
i had that thought too when i was 8
darkskin and lightskin rhetoric wasnt invented when you were 8
well when i was 8 i could tell the difference between a skin that is dark and a skin that is light
yes but eastern europeans have the same skin tone as western europeans the lightskin darksin thing is a conceptual difference
yeah thats what they want you to think but have you ever seen a REAL russian theyre all either black or yellow
idk mate look at brenton not a hint of yellow in him
or was it boris
he's 100% pure yamato
funny how the most attractive nhk is also the most asiatic looking one
harro everyone ai amu furniture meeka
>In the United States, about 3.5% of adults have PTSD in a given year, and 9% of people develop it at some point in their life.[1]
why is it so high ohio, canman, bigger, jim, mr.florence
1. because people lie
2. because people are insane
you see a lot of """veterans""" claim ptsd for benefits, but they have no fucking ptsd because all they did was sit on a bote for 3 years and do nothing
well surely they spent those 3 years getting railed by their mates(get it??? its because men on botes are all gay)
i tried talking with an ACTUAL veteran i know about this and he insisted its a real thing
maybe it is for him because hes seen hundreds of people burning alive in plane crashes but i think its one of those fake things like adhd
i mean im sure it is real depending wildly on where you get stationed and your branch
but yeah, navy tards its 1000000% made up
i'd say air force too but i guess at some point your brain will tell you "hey isnt it fucked up how you got to blow people up with the press of a button from hundreds of miles away" and that probably will fuck you up a bit
he was search and rescue so arguably the most stress inducing one.... seeing random dead innocents all the time
okay yeah thats pretty brutal yeah
look at the funny per capitas
greece has it as high as france
always found it bizzare than unitedstatians call anyone who finished their service 'veterans'
here it solely means troops who participated in actual combat
'its because the military is a sham scam meant to trick bumbling retards in every facet of society
yeah i do find that bizarre as well
cant you just go to the military for 1 year and then retire, and then you have your college healthcare etc ALL paid 100% for by the military
ive heard that a lot of people actually do that
this fever is killing me
you have to sign for a specific amount of years for benefits barring like, honorable discharge
i think its usually 4??????
yeah i think they even call it a contract
yeah yeah i know but i remember some guy who did it saying that he did it for just 1 year or 2 or whatever and could just get out normally without honorable discharge
i dunno maybe theres some epic prankster loophole but im certainly not aware of it
*accidentally shoots my foot*
daydreaming maladaptively
i'm so sorry for taking so long 
i set up the email i provided you with on a tablet i don't use, and whenever i get a new email the tablet has this little blue led that starts flashing so i can check on it, but for some reason it didn't do that this time 

anyway it's mostly just the board software that shits itself for whatever reason nowadays, so i think i'm just gonna cut out the middle man and give someone ssh access to the server itself so they can just reboot everything when necessary 

are the people that are emailing me the admins? 

it doesn't really need to be the admins i suppose but the people that email me are dadc1871 and nazbolgang1917 so if they're okay with it i could provide them with the keys

if you are not familiar with what sshing is, it involves the command line, but do not worry you just need to input a single command line and i gonna explain everything to you, also if you're on windows you will need to a program called putty to establish a ssh connection
Replies: >>33345
i dont think most of us actually know the email
would be epic if 0 or 1 was the last post ever
uhh yeah dont mind it man part of the blame is on me too for trying to upload a picture of ultramen crucified
you're a saint for still being around and helping us for this long
dadc1871 an old tragsg "public" email that only trusted men should know about so feel free to put the secret keys in there
Replies: >>33578
hope people realize its back up now soon before they suicide
wait i don't remember this public email in which era did this happen
also 43 c >>5018
well \ know the "public" email and the mystery websitemans email and am an admin so the keys to the website would be safe with me
but do you actually know what to do with it
i'm probably the most knowledgeable person here in regards to this topic other than maybe jim but he's the last person i'd trust a website to
yeah i would have no idea what to do with it so it would be better for someone else to handle it
i can post the public email and password and leave it up for a ten minutes so bigger spies dont get it
Last edited by Hidden User
i don't think there's a need just have the website man send it to both emails just in case 
oh well you already did it ok
waheeeyy!!! were back!!!!
i made the tranny sent an email too btw i dont know who else sent them but ill tell her to post the mail so everyone can spam this guy
Replies: >>33369
there were a few posts i wanted to make and i wrote some of them down but now i have to wait and trickle them in organically
first post: 
luv me some trannies and some drugs
going to do a quick reboot
noooooo dont do that !!!
got myself some of those soup in a cup things
ill eat(drink) one later
got burgers coming my way
i've sent an email to dadc and nazbol with instructions and the key file
there was another email consisting only of numerals but i didn't send anything to it since this is the first time i'm seeing it... 

anyway if you need any help let me know! 
you can still email me of course, but i think it's better if someone from here can just reboot the server instead of waiting on me to notice
thanks mystery websiteman!
can you permaban this guy called "hm" ive done my investigations and it seems to be the new personality of this bigger guy that we all hate
>the most recently made accounts are jj jj2 and jj100
had a big laugh at this
remember this piece of shit that was supposedly an epic game but ate shit because it was a kinect exclusive
yeah that looks cool
thats the tranny's mail (see >>33353) which i mean now that ive read all the posts i see someone already posted the mail but yeah
funny to think that all the depression and irritation ive been feeling the past few weeks could instantly poof out of existence if i could just draw a cute little girl
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brown people are so funny and interesting
those arent brown those are............ uhhhhhh....................... whatever you get when you mix brown with yellow...............
orange????? beige????????????
so.. uhhhhh.......... what do We think of the "war"?
its an e1
i have absolutely 0 information regarding it
kikes getting killed
give more
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oh yeah i saw a bunch of video some days ago
oh i thought we were talking about war in abstract
it didn't finish my post??
i also said
"the actual kikekilling is too big for the website"
heard reports that the palestinians are being funded and armed by both russia and ukrainian nazis
killing kikes? i approve
browns getting killed in return? i approve
theyre getting funded by erdogan too ill have you know
only epic thing he's done other than nuking kurds
big big BIG ffan of the bird i love crows
anyway this has been coming for a long time i don't know who is funding them or why it happened now but this whole last couple years attacks have been ramping up and every time someone says "this is the third intifada for sure" and it finally happened this time it looks like
breaking news: argentine boat filled with enriched uranium detained en-route to gaza
theres no way argentina would help anybody that isnt jewish
argentina helped iran AND israel nuclearize
so my linode subscription is up i actually COULD host We if it was totally necessary
what if we went public again
what the fuck is linode
it was what the guca was hosted on before i stopped paying for it
massive suffering in my genitals
dont know whats going down there but its killing me
one of those motorized parachutes in the lady video on 78 flys around my neighborhood all the time
last* video damn me phone
there was a motorchute guy who flew over a football match with a milei flag last month
i have a japanese questions and while i could google it i rather hear it straight from the turk's mouth
what's the deal with japanese surnames
i ask because i was looking over japan on google maps and like 90% of the little village and city names i saw were also surnames of anime girls i know
wait til you find out about european surnames
big thundering
light flickering
yeah theres a lot of surnames that are just land descriptions like 小坂(little hill) and lots of other stuff
c also 8
ive gotten pretty good at telling japanese surnames and forenames apart because it happens all the time that if i see them together i dont know what the order is
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trigger warning
this ova is quite good despite being 3dcg trite
so why are they occupying all of wastelandsouthamerica but not the massive coastal population centers
thats not actually their occupation map its one of those animations where they start with no land and then start rapidly occupying stuff but since its just a jpg it turned out looking weird like that
i also have some epic footage of mobile suits having shitty midcoldwar tier cameras to look out from and some cool propaganda videos but i cant show those since theyd look unintelligible as jpgs
but the animation probably wouldnt expand realistically or practically
help me my instant tomato soup tastes like water
all you can is learn from your mistakes and put less water in next time
*eats dry instant tomato powder*
see that wasnt so bad was it
it had the taste of red dust
and thats all you need
if any of you are thinking of sending me MRAs im willing to try them
do you mean those military rations
oh yeah it was MRE wasnt it
i remember one day the military came to our school and they showed off a bunch of different rations (but you couldn't eat them)
one day they came to our school and waved their guns around while we sang the national anthem
when around americans i write words english-style to spite amerikikes
when around anglos i write words american-style to spite anglokikes
>In ancient Rome, soldiers relied on wheat, which was replaced with barley as punishment. 
makes all those posts about eating barley a little funnier
yeah im the barleyeater and i found it pretty funny
no idea why barley is a bad thing though
barley is disgusting
you only think that because youre part of the 0.000000001% of kikes that gets to be a carnivore and eat meat all day
im a pure blooded aryan that only gets 10g of meat a year because of opression
argentines gonna be debating in a few minutes
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(pounds per year)
Replies: >>33625
is that the debate topic
actually erdogans family is eating 3.400.000.000 pounds all by itself so its more like 1 pound a year for the average person
ohohohoho look at israel hahah yes quite
what about isreal
there's FOUR MILLION people in kuwait???
99% are indian 1% is kuwaiti
theres also 1 turk somewhere in there
also thats information from either 2015 or 2016
turkeys population is over 90m now i believe
once a country has more than 60m its an over populated shithole
yeah but instead of 60 its 20
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want to make this into a banner
you write it something and you read it soul t.english expert
got 600+ files in the download folder
really dont want to go through the effort of clearing it all out
got 7 folders and 26 files
inside the folders are a total of 21586 files
well 14405 of those are sound files from a ps2 game
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watched a bunch of youtubes and now i want to learn karate (the kind where you hit each other really hard all the time not the kind where sweaty middle aged man shows you how to punch the air)
why these arbitrary numbers
how do you seperate sounds
like how do you extract just the vocals from a music video and so on
i dont know how they do it
if you dont have the original files its insanely hard
well yeah but i see them around quite a lot
how does it work
i think it involves levels and frequency
you know like if the instruments are at 10 and the singing is at 20 you just delete everything under 10
except those numbers can change every second so yeah not easy
more or less what i expected then
must be an utter nightmare to do the finer tuning
i went to the renaissance fair
actually had a stellar time
try going to the stellaris fair next time
what do you do at a renaissance fair
dreamt that i was santa claus and i was delivering presents to a kid but there was a team of 4 enemies who wanted to stop me
had to run around home alone style getting them individually into spots where i could beat them, eventually beat 2 guys then i was fighting the girl in the group
and i managed to start choking her out, i knew i just had to hold the choke until she passed out but i suddenly REALLY had to fukken pee so i needed to hold it in longer than she could maintain consciousness
then i woke up with a nocturnal emission
well what we did was walk around and drink a lot of beer
then we went to a "knife throwing" show (it was actually just a comedy thing (and it was funny after drinking two big drinks))
then there was uhhh a falconery thing going on and we watched that
then a jousting tournament
theres also a lot of shitty garbage you can buy from gypsies if you are so inclined, ate food too
but theres mostly just a bunch of stupid shit you can do and its fun with friends
oh yes and this may come as a surprise but there is frankly a surplus of extremely attractive women doing dress up there so its fun to look at them too
saw a couple women with unreal tits and they were wearing corsets for their costumes it was crazy and lots of elf women
(i didnt dress up because i didnt know i was going until last night)
ive always wanted to go to one of those but they dont do them where i live
would probably be a great place to meet girls like you said (though not a fan of the big boobs)
gypsies and elves... the true reinassentist experience...
i mean yeah i think if you actually did dress up (and probably went with other people) it would genuinely be a good place to meet people
a woman said i had beautiful hair but i was also lost from trying to find a bathroom so i just used that as a launchpad to have her help me find me mates (she was going to the place i was meant to go to)
obviously dressing up would be fun too because were all faggot historical nerds
yes i wont lie if i went back it would be fun to put on a little costume i did thoroughly enjoy it so i would have liked to feel a bit more "participated"
oh and also, absolutely UNGODLY amount of people there like a metric fuck ton of people
and probably more people were in costume than weren't
imagining the "costume" i would wear and it would basically be how i already dress but id replace the shirt with one of those frilly poofy fencer/pirate shirts
did one of your mates take you or did invite you or something or how did you end up there anyways
me mate invited me
back when i was a child there were a lot of old men around me that used to do falconry and shit
now theyre all dead
according to the falcon lord there are just...falcon training apprenticeships here??? (as in, in the state)
i dont know if you like...need a degree or something to do it
well the men around me were just fat old depressed bastards that are good at playing with birds
my neighbor had one when i lived around old people
it is a cool hobby and i bet i would like to get into it if i was old and bored
need to bring this back
milei: we are against agenda 2030 and cultural marxism
everybody says that
nobody does it
milei: we will use the full might of the argentine land air and naval forces to defend the great state of israel
everbody says that
everybody does it
ughhh i love being unemployed why cant i do this forever
...you can't??
ugh stfu stfu stfu i seriously hate you fucking niggers who take it granted so bad i wish i could kill you and tear your smug countenance right off
yep being unemployed rules
70 UGH no he didnt say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

anyway the "debate" is over, still pretty crappy because the format is awful

if we get a 2nd round hopefully the debate will be a lot more fluid and fiery since its a 1 on 1
you have to read between the lines
the only way i can stand being unemployed is if i have an addiction
otherwise it's unbearable and boring and depressing
addicted to having free time and not breaking my back
got severe ptsd from working
now that i think about it i was going to make an epic post about ptsd and brain size and memory problems but the site died before i could do it
what a coincidence the site dies just as the palestinian war of liberation begins
i ran here to spread the good news but it was dead
ultraman saved the day again
he died for our posts
a hilarious thing is
so the ufc banned walking out with flags right when the war in ukraine started (they never officially said why, but it's fucking obvious they did it so people wouldnt chimp out over russian flags)
they just recently unbanned them (and the ceo of ufc said "uhhh if a flag offend you, then you have to get over it >:)" when he's the one who banned them in the first place and it was a wildly unpopular decision literally nobody liked)
and now theres yet another geopolitical conflict ongoing, so i wonder if they'll ban flags again
oh i also went to the ren fair a couple months ago and one of my friends found an elf ear in the parking lot and i put it on and had a cowl that i sort of draped over it to expose it and make it look like my other ear was just inside. but we were walking around and some foam sword boothman wanted to charge $20 to fight everyone and HE also only had one elf ear and he did a really good job at drawing a little crowd and explaining whoever 'wins' gets both elf ears, loser has to give his up. 
he destroyed me though i thought he might go easy on me or let me win or something but he was utterly ruthless and fast and he was hitting really hard too and it kind of made me feel bad. like maybe there was somethint wrong with me or my mood or affect that made him be like "ok this guy sucks im going to kill him" but thankfully it really didnt seem like that (and ALSO that wouldnt make sense, if he didnt like me or if i was giving off antagonistic or awkward vibes he would have just had a bare minimum demeanor but he was jumping around and performing so yeah). 
but anyway he charged me $20 and took my elf ear
never done anything in my life
no no i dont think there was any malice in it
i noticed a lot of the shows i went to half the joke is fucking with the audience again, so i think the entire joke is to pull in some random schmuck and just absolutely obliterate them
that swordsmaster only obliterates argentines and trannies
anyways its funny because while i was there i remembered YOU posting about going, and i think at the time i probably said "dont get the appeal at all walking around a bunch of weirdos all day"
BUT i see the appeal now proper fun
i really fucking wish i just had 10m dollars pood on my head by some richkike so i can just sit at home all day and do things in a leisurely pace
also while i was really drunk before sobering up i got into a thought loop about how just weird the ren fair is as a concept
like these will probably continue going on for a long long long time, and i dont know what else you'd pick but it's funny how this is such a big thing for just one "time period" im sure theres smaller more retarded things like fucking.....colonial argentina fairs...but these fairs dedicated to this specific time (and obviously a pretty fictionalized version) will exist for a long time probably
BUT theres never gonna be some kind of fucking 2000's fairs
maybe you should try deserving it
what got me is how similar the fairs are through the world like your fair and my fair are almost the same thing and yet so far away. not to mention the actual number/amount of people going to these things, in modern times thats greater than the populations of entire countries in just people that have gone to ren fairs. 
obviously you can apply this to literally anything sports work school etc but something about it being a specific little subculture..
i mean a ren faire isnt really about a time period now is it, what time period has elves? and it's called "renaissance" but what theyre actually about is the medieval era (specifically the popular perception of it, not the actual version) which itself is a whole bunch of distinct time periods that they mash into one
that doesnt even make any sense you pretentious retard we all KNOW that you think all white men deserve to not suffer by working in nightmarish conditions all year long
also 92 you have to consider this isnt really an event devoted to a time period, this is an event devoted to an entirely modern subculture
yes it being a little subculture is the fascinating part
like you would expect this kind of thing to be solely for the most fringe weirdos but they're exceptionally popular amongst a huge amount of people, it really is just interesting that, like you said, it became a really big subculture
well yeah thats what i meant by "albeit a fictionalized version"
why do you think this is a "subculture" at all as both of you have said its just a shitload of people fucking around doing random stuff in a little festival
its not strange at all that people go there and do things and the fact that there's so little difference between nations is simply because theres nothing in particular to differentiate or specialize on
i mean it IS a subculture
like a lot of people going to these are like...going every year potentially, and the way some people dress up you can clearly tell they care a lot about it
and as has been said before theyre EVERYWHERE and exceptionally similar even in different places
i also really cant stress enough just how many fucking people were there it was insane, and this was ONE DAY
allegedly they announced the parking lot was completely filled up (when we got there they had us parking in the grass already so i cant imagine what happened) so nobody else could come in
and driving down took two hours, one hour to get to the traffic that was backed up SOLELY due to this event
its not a subculture because nobody considers themselves a "renascence fairer"
i dont think thats true though
i mean / haven't heard it but like i said seeing the people there its clear some people are VERY into this
and all the old men running the stands i mean come on, you think they found these guys on the street? some of these guys have probably been into this for awhile
no idea what any of the last 50 posts were about

viva peron
people just go to things without making it a part of themselves
sure some people are doing it but most just dadc when they get home
well yeah of course a lot of people are just there for something to do, even if theyre doing it every year and dressing up thats just the end of it
but i DO think theres certainly a subculture of people exceptionally into these
just because its called a renaissance faire doesnt mean that the people in it particularly care for the faire
as i said its just general entertainment and in 99% of cases the care that goes into costumes or whatever wasnt there because they Wanted To Honour The Great Renaissance but because they wanted to go to the faire with a good costume and have good fun
the falconers and other standsmen are also most likely almost all just people who happen to have a hobby or job completely independent of the faire, and youd presumably have folk dancers and stuff too who participate for money and so on
i think im a retarded lazy fuck
amerikkka has been cornered by Japan....Germany.......and Argentina.......... (comment in regards to my civ game)
me im retarded and lazy and uhhhh...ugly
im pretty sure i saw the same trapeze people at 2 different local events (one of which i was volunteering at and the other was the ren fair)
oh yeah the falcon lords brought out some owls (just to show, they dont fly so good)
owls are fukken epic as fuark
07,09 me too but the trick is to pretend not to be as often as possible and think "yes i want to do xyz" instead of "nooo thats all bs and im sad and dont wanna". it doesnt really matter whats actually true all that matters is you did something
how does that fix the ugly
should i watch this anime film tonight or just get ready for bed
im fukken tired and had a long day
yeah fuck all of this im going to bed too
trust me just watch it
alright then
for that you have to act a character. you cant necessarily be hot and attractive and effortlessly liked. but you can be that person who looks like this and has these characteristics and talks in this manner of speaking and has these quirks. you can be known as a someone and have a place among people no matter how ugly you are
im beautiful in hearth its just my physical body dragging me down
im an odorous shit, personally
repeat after barbie ryan gosling "i am kenouh"
i like how every time jim does anything ever he has the exact line about people just being people and having their place and getting along with each other
its like a dog that gets excited every single time it sees its reflection
im trying to find something to rely on for contentment and reassurance. it is often tested and i say some things a lot because i want to reinforce belief
i also like it when people all have their places and get along with eachother but only because its an utter nightmare when people dont and the only way to fix that is to beat up the cocky idiots until they start getting along(and that right is only reserved to superiors)
in the context of anime girls though it really is very godly and pure when theyre all together and act nice and considerate to eachother and have a good time
the only reason you dont get the heavenliness of anime girls is because you are a materialist kike attached to your petty worldly desires
anime girls are products in most cases
ughh ok ok i decided i am too tired to actually enjoy the movie
also me fucking pinky hurts like hell so that will distract me
i really really really really really really hope i wake up in the coming months and see "the fall of jerusalem" as a headline
checked the map thingy and it looks like all the fighting is in the arab containment zones aside from one village so its a whole lot of nothing
well yeah i mean its gonna be a whole lot of nothing for awhile
but once israel gets organized and gets all their fun western weapons we may unironically see them level the entirety of gaza
nobody is going to stop them
at least i wont have to keep hearing about it
just wanna see the fall of israel is that so much to ask
the worst part is if it doesn't happen now it never will
they spent the last 60 years destabilizing the entire middle east so this will just be an internal cleanup operation
imagine how things would look if any of their neighbors had functioning militaries or werent total collapsed hell zones
well always the ultimate problem is israel's nuclear policy
its not even retaliatory it is "if we are invaded we will nuke the entire middle east (if we had nukes wink wink)"
like thats just so disgustingly evil
youre basically indoctrinating yourself
30 what movie
kizumonogatari 2 - hot blooded arc
im going to stop thinking about this i just keep thinking about israel and developing a big huge frown
wow japanese stuff sure has awful retarded sounding names
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currently getting lobbied to read to love ru 
have to admit this is one of the best images ive ever seen
still think ill pass though
Replies: >>33582
isnt that a big pile of shit
dont know mate
pretty sure its supposed to be a big pile of shit
could be could be
but i do like the blonde girl a lot
exactly... my type............
think ive said enough
looks like th death note girl
yes she does but less sexy/slutty and foidish
more cute and youthful
44 really gives off an old internet sort of aura
well because its old
probably because to love ru was popular on the old internet
*ear-rupturing fart thunders across the room*
extremely high quality post
alright yeah im off to bed now
i don't think you should be that negative on the israel thing
this is the worst position they've been in for a long long time and this is hardly the same army that used to dominate the region ages ago
the thing about israel is that their whole geopolitical strategy involves indiscriminately bombing and killing civilians and that makes it seem like they're unstoppable and can do whatever they want
but iran and hezbollah specially are also in a position to seriously hurt israel, the thing is that the moment THEY do something you know it's going to become an all-out total war and likely involve international players so everyone is just holding back and taking it on the chin so to speak just waiting until the moment israel takes it further than just friendly bombings
so yeah maybe you won't read about the fall of jerusalem next month but this whole thing is one big step towards the inevitable and you should be happy knowinng that kike settlers are fearing for their lives more than ever more
if it was 2016 or even 2018/19 id be cheering against israel but now i honestly dadc
you know ive really grown to appreciate the spanish as a people
ive already told you the spanish empire was the only decent empire of the last 1000 years
you can go from mexico to salta and you will see the legacy of one people and one nation and its a very clearly imperial legacy that'd make you go "oh wow.... epic...." if you were some little guy either 200 years ago or today 

if you go to jamaica, virginia, calcutta.... you wont see some connecting legacy of an empire
if you go to haiti and quebec and some random vietnam place you wont see shit either 

but because of the way the spanish empire was created, it became an empire which built up and invested in its colonies rather than being exclusively niggerfarmer extraction 
you know it really was fascinating because it wasn't a colonial empire in the way the other european empires created it later, it had a more feudal structure and the places conquered/settled were simply established as new "crowns" which the king was a king of so it was basically a personal union, and then well you know there were viceroys and the like, as well as integrating the indian nobilities(if there were any) 

now because the spanish are incompetent and retarded, instead of fleeing to america like the portuguese did, they drowned in napoleonic semen and the rest is history
i dont think any of the spanish empire is epic except for maybe when they it was still just conquistadors
i mean the bull fighting and the flamenco and don quixote hidalgos and the reconquista and the francoists and all of that
how could those possibly be different things
because they... are completely different
all of the peninsular spanish stuff is entirely separate from the latinx world
sudacaland has santa muerte and vaqueros and gauchos and reggaeton, not bullfighting and flamenco
wow you are beyond retarded good job congrats 

they literally built huge bullfighting stadiums across america and well the traditional music is just all connected to eachother
yes and im sure argentina is broadly considered as having the best bullfighting in the world too

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST offensively retarded and antirational

funny you should say that because i was just watching a video and a guy offhandedly mentioned that some of the worst pizza he ever had was in buenos aires
probably cause there stupid and buy frozen pizza or buy pizza from McAmerican's chain
do you think it's weird that i really like these "for kids" strawberry milk boxes that the corner store started selling last month
or that i just bought a dozen of them because last time they ran out and i couldn't quench my strawberry milk thirst
yes yes im sure that was it 69
well what do you want me to say retard
i can invoke a dozen witnesses and mail you a pizza but it might arrive cold and shitty (like all the pizzas in your uh... so-called country)
what the fuck is "strawberry milk"
are you sure its not just yogurt
i think it's just milk with enough industrial crap to make it taste like strawberry i don't really like thinking about it
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the dadc scrolls
^seriously cannae believe its been 6 years and weve not made that post once
holy shit someone actually used that
i made it and i forgot the password long ago
me too
just retrieved a memory of a short phase i went through where i kept "helicoptering" (you know what that is) in front of my dad
i did it so much he started to get angry and threatened to "trounce" me (it was that specific word because i remember thats how learned it)
the worst part is i was like... 14... way too old to be doing that
big fan of how hm has a mental breakdown everytime somebody dares to claim argentina is not paradise
no its normal
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anime girl proportions in the year of our lord 2013
anime girl proportions in the year of our lord 2023(NOT for the faint of heart)
god i hate this
oh it wont let me spoiler so youll just have to wait for hm to do it
put some canned tuna in bread and ate it like that
80 no i dont know what that is
click the little arrow that shows "show post actions"
check "spoiler files"
click the little box in the upper left of your post
click "submit"
there is no "show post actions" because im not a moderator
well imnt either
got forced into playing mahjong by an anime girl and hated every second of it
did you win
yeah it was easy as fuck
jesus christ did deepl get fucking worse in the last year or something?
i swear its utter shite now and it used to be 1000% better than alternatives
oh yeah just checked and all of a sudden its as bad as google translate now
guess translators will never die out
wonder if they intentionally gimped the base translator to push whatever their ai powered one is
not like thats necessarily bad i guess, but seems like something that would happen
huh what ai translator
i dunno i saw a big button that said "ai" on the page and just assumed
uhh i think you mean this
its just some useful thing to give you more variety in your speech
ohhh ok
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theyre also going to have new aq/qara koyunlu stuff, georgian as well as mamluk stuff
yeah but thats eu4
yeah which is why i wont be trying it out
huh honestly good area to touch up
mamluks always felt weirdly shafted, it makes sense with the original scope of the game because mamluks exist to be a historical punching bag but i'd figure since it's an alt his game now they very quickly would have done "HOLY FUUUUUUUUCK EGYPTIAN EMPIRE WORSHIP SETH AHHH ROMAN EMPIRE LED BY THE EGYPTIANS"
oh yeah forgot to add that aq qoyunlu and qara qoyunlu have the same missions
theyre probably going to go the usual route of 70~ missions for 9.99 dollars
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( _ )
99 flavor text is so flavorless. should have said something about the decline of turkic warlordism, or like "now our urban classes wont have to fear and can rise through the social ranks to participate in the state and their commerce is protected by our professional military again as opposed to turk hooliganism"
they had their commerce protected very well by the ottoman army mate dont worry about it
i declare my allegiance to hamas
we are all palestinian on this day
some good news kind of: seems like the initial shilling campaign didnt work because i am seeing more and more people bring up how overtly evil israel has been and will be if they are allowed to fight this uncontrolled
i think deepl did get gutted and it was very recently like the last month
i have this program that lets you use various translators all at once and deepl was always much much better but i used it last week and i could barely tell which one was google translate and which one was deepl anymore awful stuff
thats so bizarre glad im not the only one to notice this then
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger : nigger
stop me if i sound insane but does anyone else like eu4's ui
i don't mean the functional design but the aesthetics with the colors and fancy borders and everything, i never really stopped to appreciate it before but when you compare it to some moderner games it's a lot nicer
maybe this is stockholm syndrome
eu4's ui is the last good one they did
goi4, imperator, and v3 all just have fucking ugly as sin mobile game ui
eu4s eui is nice looking but its hard to notice with how distractingly bad the map looks
the tension is fucking killing me when are we finally going to hyperinflate and eliminate the peso once and for all
its shit but its still 10000000 times better than the modern ones
the tension is fucking killing me when are we finally going to hyperinflate t.weirdo fetishist freak
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well we've jsut been on this slow and extended run against the peso for the past week or so 
usually when theres mini crises like these, the government does SOMETHING after a few days and it sort of at least "calms down" things so everything doesnt go to shit

but now the government is completely out of tools and out of resources and has 0 credibility because they'll lose, and everyone knows milei will dollarize, so people are just dollarizing themselves before the government does it for them 
so we're on this marathon where it'll just keep going up and up everyday and god knows what the top is, and it'll be hard  to find a top because the government wont do anythng and then after the election theyll probably just massively devalue without any plans

anyway heres some chart about something i was talking about a few days ago
people not using the euro as much
if the euro drops in value then i will instantly die
you have turkish lira (tira for short)
what kind of retard would have his savings in a currency that went from being 0.50 usd to 0.025 usd in 6 fucking years
i have half of my savings in usd and half in euro they add up to a pathetic sum since even triple the minimum wage here adds up to nothing more than a feeble trickle of piss
revel in the fact you're still richer than the average argentinian
you dont HAVE savings though

anyway why would anyone ever save in euro
if youre going to save in a currency, usd is king, if youre going to do anything else besides saving in a currency, invest in something. buy some bonds or some stocks 

24c >>33424
why doesnt that retarded thing have production written down too
also ive already told you, argentines have 200 BILLION usd in cash saved up in cash
thats more money than the entire turkish economy
for which
the beef or the dollars
i do have savings theyre right there in my fucking account why do you think ive spent the last 4 fucking years eating 1 meal a day for
argentina is well known for having the best dollars in the world
they also have penguins i heard
no tigers though
that outdated information all the russian tigers migrated to argentina with the breakout of the war
ohhhh okay thats good to know they got out safely
the giraffes couldnt make it however
theres no giraffes in russia you cant trick me that easily
you sure about that mate
ive got fukken animals in me zoo they dont count
oh yeah you got a panda????
uhhh i dont know actually
we have red pandas though
the manatees are my favorite thing to see at the zoo
i thoroughly love those big retards
the one time i went to a zoo a horse swallowed my hand whole
thinking about it they really must have trained it very well for it to not just rip my whole fucking hand off
then you better go catch it
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see the following attatched images 
the methodology is something along the lines of how many cash is in circulation (statistics provided by the fed) and how many billions of USDs in cash have been flown into the country for banks in the past decades
i forgot to add:
when there's no trees around, a llama is basically a giraffe
the giraffe of the steppes if you will
none of those are tigers or giraffes are you some kind of retard
a tiger is basically just a jaguar with lines instead of dots
same thing
no the tiger is actually closer related to the hippo than cats
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georgios papolopolaoloulosoglos
okay i have an interesting question

what would a turkish colony in america look like
we already talked about how the spanish empire was and how the anglo-french empires were
what would the turkish administration and bureaucracy and economy be like
(and by turkish i mean ottoman)
would there be.... inca jannisaries.........and the like
and whats up with the thing where they castrated slaves
would they still do that in america???? it seems like it'd be a huge waste of money to do that

im not sure WHAT they used slaves for in the ottoman empire BUT they definitiely didnt use them for cotton plantations, so if they did have them in plantations i'd imagine they'd care about the profits more
i dont know if they would have continued this practice but one of the more fascinating aspects of the ottoman empire was their picking and choosings of local cultures to add to their culture/brand of islam
would be curious to see if they chose to export any native traditions back home
if the turks colonized around la plata, they'd import mate and then not JUST Syria, but ALL of the Middle East would be drinking Mate. perhaps even balkanites
don't know about turkish specifically but my mental image of islamic america is always a blob of converted natives with a tiny core of arabs that heavily influence their culture and language like it happened in africa
so you'd have all these redskins but instead of them being called chichichtawa it's muhammad
small and very disconnected from the empire
itd probably just get blobbed on by some kikeretard country after 100 or 200 years just like crimea and azerbaijan and so on
if youre interested id recommend you just read about ottoman influence in southeast asia
i dont know about the castration part but there were plenty of african slaves in the empire, they all got caught by the egyptian kikes and would slave away in tobacco/coffee/cotton farms, mostly the latter
cotton made up a large part of the egyptian economy at some point
for the non-nigger slaves i have no clue about them at all
theres the v2 event chain about egyptian cotton
oh yeah now i'm remembering all the southwest bantu slaves in the middle east
argentine protectorate of anatolia
10 million argentines couldnt win against 1 turk
few people know this, but argentines actually have nukes
unlike turkey who cant even get a nuclear plant
few people know this but the argentine king peron kowtowed before ataturk and swore allegiance
he was refused because of the (at the time) turkish foreign policy of distancing from brown countries
the reason of course, is that if argentina and the fellow brown countries integrated themselves into turkey, they'd take over the empire from the inside and then buenos aires would end up being the new istanbul
Turkish Tobacco Trade in The Twentieth Century (1096 pages)
the hero that will save tragsg from argentinaposts
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you know what i don't get
those news websites that won't you let read articles until you subscribe BUT you can just disable javascript and read whatever you want for free
is the profit from the number of people who are too dumb to bypass it really significant compared to the possible traffic increase from just advertising themselves as free for everyone
going to have to get deeply ill by the 19th so i can dodge a certain tragic event to occur on the 20th
are we talking centuries here
days of the month
imagine how stupid you have to be to want to read those articles
the venn diagram of regular readers and competent interneters has very little overlap
you know it would be pretty funny if america sent all the ukraine aid to israel and then ukraine instantly capitulated
now now there's plenty for everyone
*drags the poor tax slider all the way to the right*
well both america and russia are going to send aid to isreal so itll probably balance out
thats very funny in v2 terms but you had to sacrifice real world accuracy to make it
i would have said the middle class tax slider
Spoiler File
(6.1MB, 500x639, 02:37)
*drags poor and middle taxes to the right*
*drags the healthcare and education sliders to the left*
*presses the hotkey to expand all factories at once*
*drags you left*
*drags you right*
*drags you into the well*
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mf ghost
big fan of the long gloves + bare shoulders combo
accidentally bought like 3kg of poultry 2kg of pork and 3kg of beef
(for about 24usd)
freakazoid pervert japanese men made another horror game
ill check it out
women owe me sex
women owe me money
men owe me labour
fish owe me water
kikes fear me
trees owe me oxygen
what horror game
i mite have a good thing going for me 
oooooo i keep thinking about the truck 
they got a new 2022 model truck in new bed everything really nice and im thinking maybe MAYBE it'll be """my""" truck, theres already one guy there that they give the same truck to every day and he keeps it perfect and im consistently the only other driver they let drive it because HE knows i keep it exactly the way he does. 
and today they just had me set up the new one and i set it up THAT way, it's a little different from all the other ones, and im thinking maybe if i keep being ocd about it i can just "HAVE" that truck every day. 
and!!!!! depending on if people leave or whatever i might ALSO be getting a stable crew like the same crew every day, which so far the lack of that has prevented me from getting a lot of hours but now theres a person i like working with and they seem to like me and the managers are scheduling us together all the time and they listen to what i say and i get to teach them stuff. 

pretty excited just wish i actually owned the truck you know like it's all fake unless theres real ownership but this is still cool if it works out like i want it to.
good for you jim
dont lose to that brown kike from the underworld
>japan is making five nights at frieddies clones
its over
also if it doesnt work out and this person suddenly thinks im lame or retarded or something and they quit and i dont get to drive the new truck much anyway im going to become extremely pissed off and sad so this better go at least sort of how im hoping it will even just a hint of what i want would be nice
its not even remotely similar
but yeah shit like that is strangely popular even in japan
>now theres a person i like working with and they seem to like me
uhuh.... anyone notice anything suspicious about this phrasing.....h
stfu hm
jim would you care to elaborate on the nature of this... person
are you really going to do this
i dont know what you mean
hm is a male fujo
you write it male fujo and read it gay nigger
miss the days i could just fuck around doing nothing everyday and feel no guilt
all im going to say is that id use a passive rather than active voice, not "i think like i like them" but more like "the same feelings of liking someone are surfaced around them", and not doing anything with that fact except enjoying that it seems to give me more energy and make me feel better like finding something that was missing. and also she passes really well. and also let me repeat im not actually interested i just like the feelings that im getting lately i want to string that along and turn it at least into like, a closer than normal work relationship like a work spouse. besides i like seeing a version of who i used to be at that age, doing this same job when i was barely 20 and having that energy drive etc. you have to think about the practical aspect of this too, if she sticks with me i get reliable help and a lot of the depression and questioning why am i doing this and fatigue just goes away because theres this Other Person that you care about at least a little bit and you try to make things easier for them and they do the same for you and every day is just nice. 
ive already said too much i know the more i daydream the less likely it will work out that way and she sees something in me she doesnt like and the other way around too and yeah. the best way for it to work is just.. not think about it and let it unfold naturally. i already know im grasping for connection and validation nobody can have and trying to rely on it unhealthily for basic motivation
Replies: >>33783
>she passes really well
wait whats going on
who cares this is just my personal journal anyway. theres some people here i care about the inputs and reactions of ill leave it at that i said what i said.
what ARE we talking about???????? whats going on??????????????????????????? trannies??????
we were making fun of you
all the posts got deleted though
well ONE guy is talking about trannies
lets find a new topic
now hold on i think this one still has a lot of posts left to milk
are those giraffes they got in the silver ungulates
all giraffes are ungulates
but are the silver ones actually giraffes
are we really THAT desensitized to tranny stuff
we're sensitized so it will be swept under the rug
i should let things process for some days or even weeks before talking about them i guess
is this the big jimsode mentioned a few days ago
ah so was the the upcoming jimisode that someone was alluding to
hey stop copying my posts
lets see what wikipedia has to say about the moscow zoo
it doesnt say anything about wars in the article
god the more i make japosts the more i realize how worthless the various machine translators are
everytime before posting i make sure to send them through the translator so i can tell if you people can read them or not and half the time it forces me to make bizarre freak sentences just to translate properly
if only... there were an easier way... to be understood....
yeah if only these google kikes made proper translators
i am 99% sure jim was talking about a real woman
we have moved on
German Chancellor Died Recently 

Emergency bulletin
Prime Minister Germany died the other day

not a single one good
deepl is clearly the better
you think theres a ONE percent chance he's referring to a real woman "passing"
whoops i messed that up but you get what i mean
are we passing or not
stop thinking that everything is about trannies trannies trannies all day you retarded freak
back in the days before people like you shat up the internet you could use the word "pass" for a million different things, in this case he might very well be using it to say that she does her job very well, or fits his standards, or is very cute
just finished my beautiful fluffy white-gold mashed potatoes
it feels so wrong mixing in the meat sauce and absolutely soiling it
going to have some porkchops and potatoes/salad i dont know yet
did everybody used to say "they" on purpose to avoid using gendered pronouns as well
they did
uhhh yeah??? its been a thing for a thousand years now
it is used more recently now and niggerkike liberals use it in really fucking stupid situations these days but its always been a thing
mate mate mate
you know as well as i do that "pass" is normally a transitive verb
the intransitive version... that only has one meaning
the kikes of tragsg are very annoying, they always bully argentina and say that us sicilian-argentines are not white despite us having a 4000 year history of being aryans
in the above example you cannot replace "they" with any gendered pronoun, its use is absolutely necessary
yes... because its plural............
you are talking about multiple people 
nobody uses singular theys
not it hasnt you tards
why is it that nobody can ever provide a single example of this
id say google is just barely better because despite being shittier in the overall structure it properly translates 先日 as yesterday and not "recently"
why would i go out of my way to prove this to you retard go read some books if you care so much
i can even recommend you some if you want
you failed to pass the tragsg test
prepare for death
of course you cant, because you dont actually read books
i do read old books thats why i can tell whats a neologism and what isnt
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ive literally read more this year than you have in your life
nuh-uh ive read a million books time infinity plus a billion
oh yeah ive read 1 more than they(singular) have kike
why am i retared...
anyways its hilarious that all of your sophistry is meant to "prove" that jim isnt talking about a tranny when i know for a fact he is because he told me (yes this is the jimisode i was referring to)
my jim wouldnt do that
right jim
you waited for a minute to pull that last card out huh really wanted to make it sting
they them thy though
thy jim....thy did you betray me.....*cries*
yeah and it felt damn good
in 5 years every tragsgman will be dead or have his own pet tranny
make that 2 days i want a quicker death
seriously whats going on i dont wanna read 80 posts tell me whats going on whats this about thy jacobson
c08 thats the only one you need to read
70 we can make it 1 day 
(a tranny shows up on your doorstep tomorrow morning)
first ill have to ask you a question........do you believe in trannies?
what are some alternative topics
preferably nice ones
that post made me think about the last old book that i read (a couple years ago) and it all just feels so pointless
i remember sitting down and reading it but absolute NOTHING about its content or the guy it was about, only the general topic
alternative topic: ftm
thats because most books are actually atrocious
the only ones worth reading are minimum 100 years old
im going to resume my book now in fact
it was a biography from 18xx
alternative topic: turkey and greece peacefully reuniting
under the albanian flag
wait wait wait i see so a mere 4 or 5 days after someone questioned if he's striaght or not, hes fallen for some tranny

what a feeble and lowly man
ohhh man im really relishing in it its not very often you get to definitively and undeniably "beat" someone in an argument like that in front of everyone
my last book was this i think
all the other books ive got now that i want to read are technical 2deep4you shite so ive been slacking real hard
trannies arent real
.."everyone" *gestures*
carlyles good but for that type of thing ive moreso been wanting to read kantorowicz
you know i'm really glad there's no ip counter anymore it could really kill any discussion when there was only a couple people in and if you could see it was just you that was just soul draining
honestly of all the boards we've been on 4channel was the best mechanically
the only problem was the getting bumped off
my biggest issue with this one other than the breaking is that the (post number) doesn't go away if you scroll down to the bottom you have to individually "look" at every post and sometimes it just doesn't fukken work
well i dont know about kantorowicz but carlyle left me very satisfied with his book and it really felt like it gave me something new that i should think and feel about
stop making up fake names you fake tards
imagine travelling back to 2017 and telling We that jim and hm fell for trannies
honestly dont think anyone would be that surprised
the post timer on vg is like  a minute and a half now its unbearable
....isnt that what it always was
wasnt the whole point of the board that you can post a lot
also terribly funny how they keep trying to slow down the gachatrite by making the number of threads higher, raising the number of posts to bump limit higher, raising the post timer yet it does fucking NOTHING to slow down the gachatrite
they should have just banned it all day1
well i dont remember it being that bad
lately i've been in a mood to read "short stories"
i'm unsure of what exactly that means or some good short story writers but it has been stuck in my head for over a month
why didnt they just make a board for gacha when they added like 5 /v/ boards
my memory has it being 60 for posts 90 for imageposts maybe thats wrong
it was the other way round on trash
on vg it was 90 for everything
they made one for mobile games and it's where gacha SHOULD go but then they refused to ban gacha on other boards
no images definitely took longer on vg
and on trash it was 60 post 30 image post
pretty sure it was 60 for a post and 90 for image
there was something special about seeing posts exactly 60 seconds apart and knowing that guy was sitting there fuming while he waited for that timer to tick down
i liked trying to time my posts exactly 60 seconds from someone else to make people think exactly that
not easy since it always took a random couple of seconds before your post went through
yep the twin arts of samefagging and falseflagging... there was nothing quite like it
used to do it real hard and perfectly too
nobody ever even knew i did it
i remember seeing those "op here, im trans btw if that matters" posts on /fit/ and thinking its was so amateurish and i could do a much better job
those are good because theyre so shit though
its intentionally transparent
Their character is built upon conventional morality. It leans on the social order. Mine stands free from everything artificial. They are bound in all sorts of conventions. They depend on life, which, in this connection, is a historical fact surrounded by all sorts of restraints and considerations, a complex organised fact open to attack at every point; whereas I depend on death, which knows no restraint and cannot be attacked. My superiority is evident.
sounds chuuni
i was thinking about falseflagging as a concept the other day and it brought back this memory of a story i heard a girl tell in high school
apparently her old school had its own anonymous forum thing and people started falseflagging like "omg dana is a whore!! t. sally" "noo i didn't say that i know it's you jim t. REAL sally" and apparently the entire thing devolved into nothing but that until they had to shut it down
dont only private schools get that kind of fancy shit
i was reading a manga where they had that for an elementary school
well yeah that's why i said it was her old school and not the crappy one we all went to
really big fan of how the japanese collectively decided to make ALL of their teenage girls wear miniskirts
why cant we have that
i feel kind of silly right now because those uniforms are obviously western
great satan
yeah they should be wearing miniyukatas instead
private school girls here wear skirts too
cant wait for the 2nd great bolivian invasion once we dollarize and become the richest country on earth (possibly the universe)
aaaaaaaaggghhhh that combination of words is my weakness
i wish it wasnt because quite frankly i feel like a video game enemy with a giant glowing orb that anyone can attack
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Why am I retarded
dont worry you only sound like a hypernationalist indonesian brown
thank you for that
reminding me what they actually look like in real life is the cure
no that was just how my face looked like when writing that post
holy shit verloc freakin blew himself up
and here i thought he was about to have some kind of reflection or conversion
its ridiculous how unattractive those asian weeb girls are
thats what all weeb girls are like
my soul is trying to drag me over to the next world but my body wont let me go
im sure there must be a good reason for you to stay here
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its called spite
it's too anxious to sleep time
saw a dead dog on the side of the road
dont you think it's weird that nobody can ride horses anymore. it used to be a basic skill that probably everyone had some familiarity with now nobody knows even the first thing
saw some living horses on the side of the road
cows too
i want to see reconstructions of prehistorical cows and horses
yeah but i know how to drive and all of my ancestors couldnt
it really wasnt except in some very specific societies
your average peasant/farmer/serf was way way too poor for a horse
here in argentina thats the only thing you see
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i dont think its going to happen now but i had a theory that public opinion was going to sway towards the palestinians because of all the ukraine programing
that they would see pooroids getting bombed by an occupying force and this would set off a switch in their brains because its vaguely similar
unfortunately they will always just take the side of whoever the news tells them to, they have no capacity to think about it for themselves
ive actually seen all my educated (NOTE: i do not mean intelligent, i simple mean received higher educated) normies siding with palestine here which surprised me
libtards love browns
yeah but stupid people love jews even more
anyways it seems like, as of RIGHT NOW the only people actually supporting israel are:
1. jews
2. stupid americans
3. euros completely blinded by their hatred of muslims
so when are the nukes dropping
lol this character said "hai" but the subtitles read "no"
its because she was responding in the affirmative to a negative question but its still quite funny
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wwhy can'r i do aything riht
theres butter all over the floor
wow its like a tranny post but the tranny is right next to me and theres no butter on the floor as far as i can tell
it actually happened half an hour ago that's how long it took me to clean it or at least try to
all i wanted was a quick snack before going to bed after a hard day at the computer
i didn't even want butter but i forgot it right on top of the bread sack and as soon as i pulled it it went flying across the room and because it was out of the fridge it was almost liquid and spread across the whole trajectory
the worst is my hands i scrubbed it with multiple soaps and sponges but it still feels and smells buttery it's disgusting, oh and i managed to step on some butter i missed with my bare foot too so that's just as awful
i wish it wasn't like this. i don't do it on purpose. i don't want to be a cartoon clown. but it just keeps happening with everything i do
and it's not even butter it's margarine
isnt it utterly horrifying to think theres a minor possibility that in the future "the tranny" will no longer unambiguously refer to a single poster
also i don't like to post about messing things up so it wouldn't be me
what why is jim trooning out i thought he was only buying a truck or something
oh yeah i better read all those 100s of jimposts that i skipped
ok i read them why the fuck did someone tell me jim bought a truck

why doesnt he buy a truck first and THEN get on with the tranny
he's doing it the wrong way around

and anyways what kinda psycho goes on about "my" truck and "my" crew when he's just a puny employee
just start your own thing retard you have literal millions, you could fuck it up and go bankrupt like 10x over 
jims such an idiot really
a jidiot if you will
i cant believe its not butter!
look 63 thats a big step and this is like a trial run of that and yes i will use first person possessives because you have a lot of autonomy and all that shit basically is "yours", thats another reason moving companies are scam garbage they scam their employees too.
if i wanted to get a truck also i already know where i would start contracting through and it's not this place. 
anyway off to ohio for an overnighter now
61 thats not even close to the narrative
thats the narrative i got from skimming over all the posts
is it really a big step when you have 20 trillion dollars 
i dont know how much of a bureaucratic nightmare it is there but i'd say you have it easier in most regards
anyway if i have any advice its to stop being such a coward like all suburban 1sties are
why are you even larping as the courageous p&b of the group when all youre doing is working de facto part time for a relative
i liked the old hm better
because i invested my money and i manage my own stuff
at this point(years after) i barely interact with my uncle 

also im in a stable adult relationship
also its my job that i live off of i dont really get how it being part time is a bad thing
i like not working 5 days a week
4 digits
its 4 digits

its over
heard the japanese version of the 4 went down
that was 10 years ago
time flies
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all dead
losing my english
acquire platine spanish
the language of the future
just speak normal spanish but say "che" every now and again
god damn i thought this buzzing was a far away plane or maybe a lawn mower but it was a giant bug right outside my window
think yuri is utterly fucking retarded and as far as i can tell every yurinigger is legitimately insane
wow I was just thinking that a moment ago too
i think i want.... to blob
i dont care too much about yuri but ive begun hating yuri complainers because it seems like they popped up from the ground in annoying droves within the last 4 years
as is usual i choose to blame /v/ermin
its the opposite for me ive seen so many cases of yurifags just suddenly screaming about how evil people who dont like it are and the few times that somebody DOES tell them to shut the fuck up they start doing that weird passive aggressive typing style where you pretend to not care about the conversation but are raging really hard
also i see them literally everywhere they dont stick to their nests like the pony fuckers etc do theyre always all over the place posting about yuri
no no any time i've seen something with vague yuri in it the thread inevitably ends up "AHHHH YOU WILL NEVER BE A WOMAN!!!" x100 which is far more annoying than any alternative (because it makes everything feel like /v/)
can't even imagine the places you have to frequent for any (2) of that to happen
just 4channel unfortunately
isn't it crazy how tvs and phones still exist
i don't mean the devices but like the signals and how the whole business surrounding it is still going strong despite being so incredibly predatory
wel i dont go on 4chan i go to secret fuhrerbunkers
it gets to be predatory because theres no alternative
yeah but that's the thing you don't need an "alternative" because the internet already does everything they do (transmit images and sounds)
ive got shite in me arse
that's what the bidet is for
one thing that happens when im dreaming is that near the end, i lose the visual and it turns into a self-narration (probably what a blindoid's dreams are like)
shortly before this i become aware that i'm dreaming and then i know it's about to end
for me dreams always end because I keep trying to do things and the dream wont let me
and its warm and tastes like shit!!!
my house is 40 square meters
my rent is 4 quadtriliion
my meat consumption is 4mg per day
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uh uh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhh sieg zeon uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uh
zeon more like peon
do they eat "sour cream" in ""other countries""
no thats retarded
its probably used in cooking though
i'm not even sure what that is
its unflavored yogurt that comes with potatoes and mexican food
ohhhhh you mean yogurt
yeah yogurt is good t.only guy who can eat yogurt in this whole site OTHERWISE KNOWN AS only white in the whole site
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yet another fukken gundam
im told that this is bad but actually good but really just shit
so far it has an average of 0.7 niggers per minute which is about 50-100 times that of other gundams
also this one i am watching against my will
everything is just a shitty gundam double zeta
which is a shitty gundam zeta
even the op and ed and audio quality and animation are shittier
even the fucking eyecatcher is lame jesus christ
it doesnt even have any animation its just a picture of a dog, even the original gundam made 25 years ago had a high quality one
oghohooghoggoho theres 50 more fuckingg episodeso f this save me jesus christ
they added helicopter rotors that completely defy the laws of physics to mobile suits
for some reason theyre called beam rotors now despite looking, acting, and sounding the exact same as normal ones, and they can deflect beam weapons for some reason
i can only watch two to four episodes of something a day before it feels like my brain is dripping out my ears
any tf2men on
its halloween
its almost christmas
this thread went fast
wow it sure did
in the past we'd have 500 posts in a day
not a single one good
yes but how many of those were filler bumps
all the posts these days are about trannies and argentina
like half of them were utterly retarded arguments
if only we could go back to the good old days of bloodymouthtraps gotes and commie bees
fuck it's all so blurry i'm going to need to bring my monitor closer
blind old man
going to die soon
yeah because back then all the posts were made by different people and not one mentally ill freak
i think it was roughly 50/50 split between gps and misc posters
drank the beer too fast so now im flipping out
think im at my strangest when im sober and not flipping out since i have plenty of reason to do it
why are pathetic "allied" scum so weak and disgusting
im glad they were all killed by the armies of justice, they would have polluted the whole earth with their trite otherwise
victory is an interesting show
you will see all of tomino's neurosis in full display
the start is definitely a bit weaker and i wouldnt say it ever gets....REALLY good or anything, but it certainly gets better and i thoroughly enjoy the final arc
tomino tomato
and yeah the beam rotors look stupid i generally hate how the zanscare mobile suits look i think they all look like fucking shit
but the victory and victory v2 look real good
i dont know about v2 but victory just looks like an utterly standard gundam
i really just hate everything so far its all worse than ZZ and even that had tested my patience
the thing that pisses me off is that its yet another anime where the mc and the people around him are retarded cardboard cutouts and nothing more
*raises glasses*
well you see the victory looks standard because at this point anaheim and other mobile suit manufacturers had managed to compartmentalize the minovsky drive systems through the formula series, so thats why victory is much smaller than older mobile suits and looks very normal
don't know nothing about v2 he says what has tragsg come to no respect for our history
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the minovksy drives being put into mobile suits are why these tow are such ugly fukken behemoths
i know that but it looks like a tiny piece of shit with no individuality
i think that just the orthodox gundam design surviving for so long in itself is very fucking weird when last i checked(30 years ago) the spacenoids used mass produced magic rape machines that can kill 100 MS in a second
well around victory everybody is kind of falling into space poverty
really the only thing suits in f91->victory have over older suits is maneuverability and improved beam weaponry
theyre basically in the chinesium era of mobile suits where they just want to make them very cheap
you'll see as victory goes on uso will just fukken throw pieces of victory into the metaphorical trash nonstop because replacement parts are so mass produced
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*mogs you with brilliant engineering*
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g fighter is full of classic gundam ingenuity
i will also mention i think that is one aspect of victory that gets very enjoyable as time goes on
uso is probably amuro tier craft with the victory and more often than not he does some really creative maneuver with it
(overall i'd just say victory is Okay as a television program ignoring any meta stuff, i definitely prefer it over zz but thats about it)
got a few images that could be used
water yuu waiting 4
10 more posts
you do realize we'd hit the bump limit before you can post it
well i'll help us bump limit so we can see imaged
its images that could be used for the new thread dummies
ohhhhhh wow
okay yeah then use one we're 4 away
hope you like funny animals and japan
better not be the funny animals im thinking of
its actually not very funny at all
top 10 funny niggers of tragsg

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