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evidently bump limit is 1488 now hope everyone finds this
also couldnt find a real image on such short notice
took me 4 hours to notice
looks like a crying face hiding halfway behind something
mhmm oh really?
*writes "fucking lunatic" in the patient notes*
;-; <- crying face
) <- curtain or something
ahhh okay okay i see 
*writes delusional in front of fucking*
*writes da in front of dc*
your little bump limit joke killed everyone
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just as good as i remembered
could be days before some men figure it out
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still waiting for the next BIG post
you know a post that really shakes things up
the kind of post people remember and say wow now that was a post
(pretend we're back in the guca and i made one of those shaking posts)
wow now THAT was a post
yawn that was some good sleep
when i was swiping around i saw a girl who was 18 with a 2.5 year old daughter
some guy was getting epic 14 year old pussy... how do i get that for me...
probably by being 14 years old
i cant accept that
theres plenty of 12-16 year old girls on dating apps youre just being restricted from seeing them because youre a pedo or something
*submits an anonymous tip to the royal canadian mounted police*
also you are ugly
ok i found the way around it theres one that lets me see the 13-17 year olds if i pretend im 17
might be flying too close to the sun here
oh nooo canman you silly little old fart look what youve done
now that you said "sun" i suddenly feel like playing stellaris!!! nooo
dont do that its a bigger honeypot than a dating app
something must be in the atmosphere
i also had intense girllust recently
spotted another one
16 and currently pregnant
read through all this recently
amazing how dumb someone can be even after reading 1000 dune mishma books
cant wait to see chris hansen haul him off
16 is actually legal here
>Türkiye Oct 14, 2022 $1,534 $1,534

let's play....guess that...number!!!!!!!!!!!
gdp u tart
nope...care to take another?!?!??!!??!
everything below 18 is off-limits here
unless you get their and their parents permission, in which case it goes all the way down to 12 or something
ahhh i see its yearly income
nope...anybody care to take the third final guess?!?!?!?!
yeah but you see america is a third world country and 18 is ridiculously high
not well versed in consent laws
that way i can claim ignorance if i ever get arrested
number of anime girls presidently residing in izmir
should be 25 honestly along with the liquor and driving age
it's........how much shin ultraman made!!!
wow a whole dollar and 53 cents!
uhhh i think thats presumably usd like converted from lira
consent should be at least 18 because (as you may have surmised) women are fucking retarded
also voting rights should only be given to men between 25 and 50 who will have to accept the possibility of being conscripted by the government at any time in exchange for the right.....just like in the democracies of my greek ancestors
for me its no voting
and lets get rid of public meetings too while we're at it
you see the problem is everybody who wants the age of consent lowered are people like canman and hm
one of which is a mentally deranged psychopath and the other is a professional groomer so i find it hard to trust any good faith arguments
*2m liberal rebels rise up in your country(but only in the african colonies, where you have no troops at all)*
ugh fine...as long as we keep the unions!!!!!
how did that old saying go
boss makes a dollar i make a dime thats why i revolt for public meetings on company time
i remember it being all the time but that works too
my favorite is when the liberal rebels rise up after you max out all the reforms to the limits
what a terrible game to be frank
and it's telling that it's still their best by a country mile
vaguely remember a austrian empire game i did where i was gonna austrianize the entire balkans but i closed the borders like a fucking retard so none of the perpetually butthurt slaves and hungars could get out, and they rapidly reverse colonized the country since pop growth is spread out equally
i cannot imagine how this could ever work with v2 code but i always wanted a population transfer cb
i think i did ask gex (and i just linked him like three articles about greek-turk population exchanges) but he said it couldnt be done
if only the made another game that fixed the issues and added features people want...
you can move pops around with events and decisions if i remember right so it shouldnt be impossible
would be an absolute nightmare to do it though
swear to fucking god i once saw a mod that had the population exchanges in it
well i think hpm has exchange DECISIONS
its insane how few of these girls are thin
and even fewer of those are attractive
i think the reason i wanted it was an italy game where i wanted to put all the serbians and croatians inside of yugoslavia instead of inside my country
well yeah glad you woke up to reality tardo
3dpd women are NOT anime women in any way or form
i would make a fantastic absentee father
like with a lot of things with vicky you can do it but it's not dynamic (you have to hardcode which province they go to)
you could technically make it dynamic by writing a text generation script that goes
"if province id 1 meets certain conditions send them there, if province id 2... etc" but i don't think the engine can optimize that very well
it is regrettable but you dont understand my present condition
yeah see thats what im saying
yeah well its a shame the game is fucking caca!!!!!! and i never wanna play it again!!!!!!!!
*puts a bunch of holes in my wall with my fist and starts crying really hard*
There was a young man from Stamboul,
Who soliloquized thus to his tool:
“You took all my wealth
And you ruined my health,
And now you won’t pee, you old fool.”
love when everyone wakes up right as i'm about to sleep
all i'm going to say is you'd have a lot better luck on your paralegal endeavors if you snuck into some teenage drug party instead of meeting up with feds from dating apps
just stay awake mate
and what IS the point of being an absentee father huh retard
you see it gives the kid something to grow up and be hateful about
then when you finally reconnect he can attempt to kill you, and if he does he has become a stronger man than he ever could have been otherwise
no i think what im doing is actually rather standard practice and i obviously do not know of any parties of that sort
its not so much that as it is getting to have unprotected sex with a teenage girl
heres my suggestion before you do this
use some of that generational wealth, put me through law school, keep me on retainer as a lawyer
why would i need a lawyer
what i really need is a priest
use some of that generational wealth, put me through samurai school, keep me on retainer as a bodyguard
think it could be big
youre supposed to be above the urge to have sex
yeah you see i was but then i stopped waggling entirely and now ive probably lost 10 effective iq points because i cant stock thinking about how much i want to have sex with a girl
what am i supposed to say to that
it never happened to me
i think honestly im just in the sourspot for this to be an issue
if i was a depressed tard on survival mode like half of you id be too busy struggling to live to have these thoughts
and if i was an ascended monkman i would be above the urges
but im right in the middle like a normalfag and stuck in this horrid catch-22
take a shower 
hit the weights
gain height
get a clue
*gets an arrest warrant instead*
i do all of those things
the problem (or saving grace, depending on how you look at it) is not getting laid its that my standards are still high enough that finding a girl im willing to have sex with is an issue
just get a hobby no matter how retarded it may be
may i suggest watching japanese men in spandex slap each other for 50 episodes
oh yeah i got a good idea
you can just commit all your crimes to your hearts content in skyrim modded canman
i think you are not getting the issue
the issue is you are BORED
develop a bizarre (non sexual) obsession with a fictional character to take your mind off things
in fact i have quite a lot of things going on
well you did say that this only became an issue when you stopped waggling
none of the things are fun, and waggling is "fun" and you are not doing that so do something fun
waggling is not fun i did it once every 2 weeks precisely to get rid of these thoughts and i hated myself afterwards every time
off to the romanian monasteries with you then tard
fan of the universe where having a wank every two weeks makes you feel bad but fucking some retarded teenager doesnt
oh it probably would
it will probably feel WORSE
well yes i can see my demise with perfect clarity here thats whats tragic about the whole situation
then how about you uhhhh....dont
youre putting me on a tight spot by not making any posts
i have nothing else to do you see
not my fucking problem lad
whatever happened to all for one and one for all
youve never helped me
what about that one time in reno
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ughh yup yup still good the second time certainly "peak fiction" as the kids say for me
good thing i dont have to read it now that youve shown me everything that happens
thats what im here for
spoiler: trump dies at the end
honestly there is zero discernible difference between the under 18s and the over 18s
a sad state of affairs
yeah glad im not like all the common masses but an epic intellectual instead
spoke so much me lips are about to fall off
read a little about how the chinese apparently smell a certain disgusting "stink" coming from whites, because of racial difference
it made me think about how i've actually had the exact same thing my whole life, but with browns instead
i've smelt a terrible stink coming from them ever since i was like 5 and i can say with certainty that not only is it always the same stink, but also that ive only smelt it on browns and that it doesnt disappear no matter how much they may shower
racial differences are pretty interesting eh, especially when they cement my position as w&b even further
nothing is cemented until a chink complains about your smell
they should hire some white construction workers then
used the new toothbrush i got but its a piece of shit and doesnt brush properly and now my fucking teeth hurt after using it
there's a gene that makes you have dry earwax which also makes you not have any perceptible body odour, and most east asians have it, which is why the deodorant market basically doesn't exist in china and japan 

conversely, whites smell, and niggers smell even worse
how can something that small make a man smell that bad
it's not the earwax that makes you smell, it's just that same gene that determines earwax type will also determine if your armpits smell or not when you sweat
should i play victoria 2
ugh ugh ugh if eastasians have it why cant amerindians(brownasians) have it too
would instantly make life 10x better
unlike the noble japanese their turkish blood has been too diluted
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found this and i enjoyed it
would be extremely funny if trains had a bunch of little arms instead of just wheels
canaman do remindn me to forward you the NevqveN newspaper with all the property listings theres some epic mountain cabins for like half a million dollars (i.e. just a smidge of your generational wealth that you amassed)
can you forward me some caca leaves so i can kickstart my narcoboss career
>plants grow from leafs
not going to be a very long career "bud"
are you retarded i dont wanna grow the plants i'll just deal with the leaves
give a man a fish and all that
i thought the joke was you were going to turn your mountain mansion into some secret coca growing operation
also if i forward them to you what will you do when you run out
can you post the rollchart for vic2
and also remind me how to roll der dice
you'll send me...more
click "fag" down at the bottom
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here you go (##2d9+3) Rolled 2 dice with 9 sides and modifier +3 = 9
(##1d99) Rolled 1 dice with 99 sides = 61
(##1d99) Rolled 1 dice with 99 sides = 55
(##1d99) Rolled 1 dice with 99 sides = 93
wow these are the most fucking terrible rolls ive ever seen
(##1d99) Rolled 1 dice with 99 sides = 81
ach the iberia pasta i forgot that was thing
*peels my banana*
*stuffs it in the charger*
nhk u nh
can you prepare me a working dh 1.05(not 1.05.1 or 1.05.2 but exactly 1.05)
(##1d100) Rolled 1 dice with 100 sides = 2
nvm m8 fixed it
darkest hour was a really appropriate name since its always the last resort for desperate farting around
remembering that one time i won in north africa and arabia and even went all the way down to ethiopia but the pesky anglos put their entire fucking army to south africa and dragged the damn thing all the way north and i eventually had to abandon both africa and arabia because it would have been too much of a pain in the ass to not only prevent the anglos from breaking through into egypt but also dealing with russia at the same time
oh yeah
i just remembered all the little marathons i'd make my army do to pass the time while waiting for war
anybody willing to congratulate me on the start of my 1488th dh germany playthrough
surely this time i wont quit midgame because its boring as fuck or i find other things to do
horrific headache
for me its goy3 BICE
black ice eh
sorry to hear that
just heard the single most terrible piece of "music" in my life
genuinely desire to murder the man who greenlit this trite
for me its mozart k546
think that one was in civ5
invading france
forgot how terrible it felt to accidentally forget to order around a division while invading and only realize it after it spent weeks doing fuckall
also forgot the annex nation button
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woooowwww a they fucking cut the power
and its gonna continue like this for FOUR more fucking hours what the fuck am i supposed to do???? i cant even pee because theres no light
march over to the town hall and begin your hunger strike
>august 1939
why didnt hitler invade that early in real life
he had to wait for the decision that lets him invade to arrive
me all i had to do was click the declare war button
arent those closed on weekends
really not a SINGLE post????z
anyway i got a big spike out of my foot, i will post it later
would rather a big spike in posts later
the superiorst way of watching film is arriving halfway through and trying to piece together whats going on 
even better if you can theorize with your fellow dadcers
when the fuck did ((( they ))) invent long paved roads as a THING that countries have 
like you know they were building autobahns and interstates by the 30s but by the 10s they barely had cars at all
they had paved roads before cars
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what should the capitals of these ugly hyper blobs be
newly constructed cities in the exact geographic center of their territories
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think i figured it out
lwow and..... metz?
yeah why not
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well now the yellow wine of life is back in my circuits
i'd like to post here about how i've read the author of "europe, an empire of 400 million" saying that when he heard of the molotov-ribbentrop pact being signed, he was 18 at the time, it was "his happiest day in his life" and that he viewed it as a pact of friendship and non-aggression among two different competing schools of fascism(or communism, dont fucking remember which he said)
what an idealistic tard
what were YOU doing in 1939 then eh buddy
share with the class
just cant believe a grown man from the era really believed the nazbol gang could happen
me i was right there fighting for hitler
he is actually a frenchman and he fought for hitler all the way up until 1945 as well, then later in the belgian colonies and in algeria
he's also like the uhhh....godfather......of that russian gypsy.....the nazbol who got his daughter killed
if its not limonov then i could tell you
alexx dugin
(also known by the pen name talex)
ive been steadily moving towards the opinion that every map ever painted is awful because it's just remixes of historical anachronisms
a truly great map would have brand new nations with brand new borders never before seen
Replies: >>5814
once you see em you'l wish you hadnt
well personally im having lots of fun imagining grandi signing talex at the end of every single post
imagining him signing a lengthy document for his job as a brazilian diplomat to china with a beatifully florid calligraphic rendition of "talex"
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this might be going a bit too well
ach yes the airborne assault on hull yes yes we've seen this happen
didnt end so well
the only way to move troops around navally is to use transport ships, and every time you move troops with them their strength falls to like 0.00001(with a daily(24 full hours!!!) recovery of 3 or so) which makes them extremely susceptible to being sunk
so what happened is that every time i tried to transport shit to hull the anglos would put a fleet of 10 shitty dingies on the sea, these would attack my fleet and kill the transports, then disengage
my fleet could actually destroy them easily but the retard nigger fucking cunt kike friendly ai keeps trying to put the enemy at a distance of 30km, meaning the only ship that CAN fire at the enemy from my fleet is a single CA, while the enemy can do whatever the fuck it wants
anyway ive got a bunch of paratroopers being trained and they'll be ready by february '40 so i guess i'll just reload and wait for proper transportation to be built before attacking
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yeah yeah here we go this is more pleasing
i think one of the worst things about this game is that you cant do anything with your fucking planes in allied airfields, giving france their shit back in exchange for joining the axis was a terrible decision on my part because it instantly shattered my aerial superiority over england because i stopped being able to use french airfields and had to rely exclusively on benelux ones, which arent enough to field my entire airforce
but i make them all the time you just go like "bbblkkkuuuuuggghhhhh whats that olive-green colored blop -_- thats LAME dude"
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any thoughts
i spent late 1940-february1943 dicking around in arabia and india and africa and all sorts of shitholes while waiting for my troops to build so i couldnt barbarossa
the soviets declared war on me in february and i think ive done quite well for myself, i've not advanced east of the baltics at all because i had put like 30 divisions there against 120 soviet divisions, all so that i could put 50 motorized and armored divisions on the caucasus 
ive just taken leningrad, pretty close to taking stalingrad, and the road to moscow from the south is completely unprotected, though moscow has 30divs squatting on it
both me and the soviets started the war with around 350 divisions, i've encircled and killed off around 100 of them but they just received more via event
my allies have like 200 divisions yet all theyre doing is farting around doing fuck all, and im too tired to bother controlling their shitty retard armies by myself
my biggest problem in the war has been that my transport capacity has been consistently over the cap by 300+, so i couldnt utilize my mobility properly since the fucking thing made moving from one province to another with motorized troops go from taking 1 day to 1 month
oh also ive been playing for like 8 hours straight now and it feels like my brain is gonna fucking shatter into a trillion pieces
was supposed to eat food like 12 hours ago
for me its Friedenreich
ate my meal
chicken with rice
took my punishment
hanging with kikes
why is my heart beating so desperately
that's when you know you finally met "the one"
the one (heart attack) that will kill you
thats a lot farther than i'v ever got as germany but i dont think its ever a good idea to wait that long for barbarossa
and you better hurry up before the americans start nuking you into the stone age
well yeah the soviets start building up really fucking hard from 41 onwards
i was actually planning on attacking them august of 40 or so but uhh....things happened
i just never did the decision to declare war on america and so i'm not at war with them, i'll probably just drop the campaign once i kill the soviets
i do wonder how much troops the americans have though, since they have been at one fucking thousand IC for several years straight now(more than me and soviets combined)
there are mods that gives america 100 divisions out of thin air if anyone lands on the mainland so you cant even try to rush them real quick
now that i think about it the entire axis experience is a race against time
do you think they'd still have Formula 1 if Hitler won
formula 1 (pronounced ein)
never liked it the cars look so fucking stupid
they should look cool instead like king tigers
i'm just going to come out and say it
german tanks are ugly
well either way it's a hell of a lot better than The Man In the Mirror mate
did you never see the early (40s&50s) f1 cars??? there like a cigar with wheels
later more in the middle theres some freak designs like 6 wheelers 
but yeah later on they just became the shape that every1 knows
god fucking damn
touhou can be the most infuriating piece of shit in existence
if you play for more than a certain arbitrary amount of time in a day you suddenly lose all of your skill and get into this bizarre mode of seeking out bullets and killing yourself on them against your will and you slowly start to get more and more enraged because of it(i've seen plenty of streamers on niconico do the same so i know im not some freakish exception to the norm)
i've just come back from dying in the first 10 seconds of a boss 30 times over, about half an hour earlier i had repeatedly easily killed her but now i can't even get to the fucking second phase without bombing/dying
cam on talk to me
got nothing to say
really wish i had one of those world war "dont speak secrets" posters with a guy putting his index finger to his lips so i could post it at times like this
ate too much pizza and beer last night today i feel like the living embodiment of a bomb
been craving pizza a lot too recently but it costs way too fucking much
for me it was pasta 2 days in a row and it will be 3 tomorrow
pizza has become a pretty economic choice here now that the tranny eats 5 plates of pasta or 2 of steak every meal
should have recruited amongst your fellow 3rd world poors instead of a 1st world inheritancekiddie
im in it for the long run
did you know her father just started a construction metal company??
who just goes out and starts companies wtf is this victoria 2
not such a great company now eh
*expands infrastructure 10 times*
waheey its free money!!!
.....no................my sailboats factory in the depths of turkistan........how could this happen to me........
private companies endlessly expanding infrastructure and housing without thinking about it at all is a really really good way to fuck up the country and economy
ooohhhh no there will be highways everywhere and houses will be dirt cheap!!!!!!
highways everywhere(that lead to fucking nowhere and have nobody maintaining them, and which are presumably planned out extremely retarded)
dirt cheap houses(majority of which completely violate zoning laws(cool kind not gay kind), and are basically shitty favelas made with garbage resources, which cannot stand the test of time or natural disaster)
speaking of houses can you explain to me how 98% of adults in romania have their own house
simple: you arent legally an adult until you purchase a house
im fairly certain 52 is actually correct
i think the socialistas did managed to get everybody a house and then the country just turned into poo poo garbage so the houses stay in the family/the ones that dont are cheap
wow wish i lived in a communist country too
*flips the turkish communism switch while nobody is looking*
*flips the moon and star to red as well*
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what if i did this
a blood red moon isnt anything new but id like to patent the idea of blood red stars
theres no reason a country shouldnt eventually qchieve 100% housimg
the reason they dont is because companies are allowed to own houses, and especially foreign ones

if houses were limited to personal ownership of where you dwell then thered be 100% housing ij any country within a few years
and also nobody cares to invest into Romania so all their houses havent been stolen yet
theres plenty of people who are too poor or retarded to buy their own house or just prefer living in their parents house so they dont "waste" money
was thinking about romania yesterday and how it should be called romany instead
frankly i cannot fucking believe foreign companies are just allowed to buy homes in america and canada
this must be illegal in other countries right...?????
what do they do with them
no its not
welcome to the 21st century economic model -_-
well they PRESENTLY do nothing with them, because theyre too fucking expensive to buy
but theoretically, they'd be no different from other real estate agencies
but this is reality, and inr eality they just charge 10x the price of the home
as the days go by i a sympathize with mr zedong a bit more and more
ive incorporated the best parts of his ideology into my personal own one
specifically the part about genociding chinks
i personally like how "maoists" popped up all over the globe
we need something like that again
hellooo  i would like to register this as *ahem* my dwelling : ))
*shows you a picture of a 50 story hypertower with 900 bedrooms and 2000 bathrooms*
maoism was more appealing than stalinism or any other soviet-isms because china was a big fucking stinky shithole like a lot of the non-euro countries that tried their hands at communisms
oh yeah and that reminds me of the maoist communist party graffiti and i saw in the tunnel almost everyday
don't know how that and got there
nazbol gang is quite literally the only option
all the fucking commie posters i see irl have that old maoist art style for some reason
thought you meant posters (people who post) for a second
all the famous tragsg maoists like jim and canman
the propaganda posters of tragsg...
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...such as this one
what a legendary image to be frank
looks like my eyelids both threw their anchors down into the deep sea
feels like ive been slowly bleeding out my soul ever since i was born and all the things that i am fervently interested in are just bandages that i shittily wrap around myself to slow down the bleeding even if only by a little bit
now im thinking about that penguin again
he really is just like me
that penguin has it better than me 
i cant even walk anymore
Spoiler File
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i quite enjoy this
looks like genuine trash
looks like noposts
just wait till you see the mirror
its me!
how am i supposed to fall back asleep after having scary demon dreams
i guess 5 hours isn't so bad at least
walk around a bit and realize how ridiculous it all is
think i made it through that little episode without embarrassing myself
hope you guys enjoyed it
did you give up childhunting already
theres nothing to do at all ugh
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made me laugh
join me in pacing around the room for a straight hour
sounds like a brilliant way to get forced into a mental hospital by onlookers
im going to bed
make sure to do the cross sign so the demons dont get you
SIX HOURS without posts!!!!
if you insist.... i can make some...
i didnt have enough food of a single type so i had to eat small portions of various foods
in no particular order: sausage and eggs, chicken, mushroom, potato
now i will sleep
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this shot out of my foot a few days ago
it had been sitting there for a few months, i was wondering why it still hurt

(this is the fragment of a huge ass tree spike that i stepped on in Cordoba which pierced my flipflop)
for me its that one time i smashed my toe on furniture, then it bled and you could see the blood under the nail, and that toenail was pitch black for 1.5 years straight because of the blood(it only disappeared because the nail fell off)
something similar to that happened to me once but more as a teen i smashed my foot into a big old thick door and the fingernail like went inside or up or something and it was bleeding around it and i think i may have had a little crack on my bone (it was the little finger of the foot)
>cero postos
consuming somefood
not a fan of painposts
even less of a fan of nopossts
a post could be either good or bad
with noposts you always know what you will get
a big pile of poo on top of my head every time i check the thread
so that's where the smell is coming from...
the rotting carcass of posters past...
my jaw has been starting to lock up when i look at food
unfortunately for them this time i am much too hungry to be stopped by a mere bone
forgot to open the tab all day
turk is your surname ending in oglu
are there any patterns or traits to turkish surnames

also can you tell someones ethnicity from them
vax might kill me tonight
dr. vaxoglu thats not a foreskin youre chopping off!!!!
my body just feels wrong after i ran
if i die before the turk i will be eternally ass blasted i will be so mad
how do you rven get tested for vaxocarditis
is it like an xray
i dont think you CAN get tested which is the point
but ive heard of athletes testing positive for it

also i just thought of a really funnt situation
well you see athletes are more important to american society than anybody else
1) eventually too many vaxxtarts die off and the government is forced to look into it/recognize it
2) people demand some sort of reparations. the ones who cant do physical activity for work anymore demand disability paychecks
3) government has to give in and creates a class similar to retirees and veterans where they just get government money
4) in the interim, millions have rushed to take the vaccine so they can get free government money for life
is an shitposter an athlete
no thats why the government is killing me with the vaccine
im going to my cardiologist right now and claiminf an XRAY and MRI and a RSI
ill have some RMR, IRS and SRS as well
cant even go to the cardiologist unless i give up burgers for a month
got chicken in the oven
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never have I seen a truer post
dont think so
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what if the bigger was ododadcer
i'd dadc
*hat falls off*
the quality and quantity of posts is unraveling
just ride out this cycle retart like we always do
*rides into the grave*
when you spend all day bouncing back and forth between boards you really cant help but notice that most threads are the same ones made over and over again by the same deranged little men
all me on every single board
i'v sometimes thought about that happening 
running into someone you know and not even knowing it
slept for 16 hours straight
dreamt about a lot of things but the principal one was one where i got dragged into a programming exam despite knowing nothing so i somehow made an mmo and even a cute little german anime girl character for me to play as, named wolf
remember when i was a kid with dreams of making my own mmo and thought it was as easy as learning to code
i think the saddest thing about the gaming industry is that anybody could dedicate themselves to making a super epic game all by themselves but even if they succeed and create a good game there will be absolutely nobody playing it because you cant afford marketing it
making a good mmo from scratch all by yourself only for it to be played by maybe 30 people must be one of the most painful things a man can suffer on earth
dreamt about something i cant remember but i think dead rotting animals were involved
and there was a big explosion on an island at night too but i cant piece it together
imagine how much pain the mystery websiteman is in making a website for 3 people who barely even use it
i dont think theres anything particularly special about them at all, but some surnames do sound fucking silly
you mostly cant tell peoples ethnicity from them, since we(with the exception of greeks and armenians etc living in anatolia) only got surnames in the 1920's. ataturk ordered it and "the eldest one in the family"(actually pretty much anybody in the family, the government didnt have a record of peoples at the time so they had no fucking idea who is who and whose dead) would have to  make up a surname by himself and go tell it to the government. people just had to make shit up without any past cultural examples helping them so theres not really much of a difference between the surname of a turk, a kurd, and an arab. i recommend you read the wiki article
on the other hand though, jews always have surnames like "altıntaş" which means goldenstone, so theyre easy to spot. you also cant tell peoples ethnicity from names, but people with names from the quran(shit like muhammet, ahmet etcetc) are infinitely more likely to be brown as fuck than to be white, though there are a decent amount of hwhite muhammets
some fun trivia is that "turan" can be used as both a name and a surname here, that only about 10-20% of people have surnames ending in oglu, and that my mothers surname had white in it
turan turanoglu
formerly jim jacobson
formerly alive
off to bed
*turks you*
not so fast
*crosses myself*
i have become a bossnigger of my faction on the server but it brings me no joys
turns out utter passiveness is endemic everywhere
it's harder to get a good amount of people to show up for anything but the biweekly sieges, more frustrating than trying to set up mp on tragsg
good job youve finally realized why literally nobody bothers working for higher positions(both in game and in real life)
its a total nightmare to get people to do things
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fun all around
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i think it'll be all right though
i am calling a crusade against retarded niggers of the server (army faction) and A LOT of people already pledged their support
i'm looking at about 45 men now
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this was in august 1943 and now im at october 1944, i allied with the japanese(who are too retarded to take china) and got put to war with both the chinese and america
the americans were in thailand and vietnam, i encircled them and killed about 70 divisions, then i went on to conquer china
italy conquered the labrador for some reason so i'll eventually kick in the door of amerikka eventually
you should have seen what my screen looked like when i encircled and killed 200+ divisions of the soviet union all at once
also the mod im using is a fucking complete meme, ostplan decisions aside it even has events where you colonize "new swabia"(hint: antarctica)
dreamt that i was going to a university or something, and instead of giving assignments as the class goes on, they just gave everything all at once so you could get it done in any order and timeframe you wanted. also the school was at the top of a big hill, but there was a cable car that you could take to the top.
well im gonna starve to death soon so ill go have food
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not a single fucking reasonable being lives in the oceean
imagine just how much worse it must have been in dinosaur times
>Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime. Thats why I poop on companies time
which one of you is this
i shart of own volition
die wach am tragsg für die posten
i wouldnt even shit on company time i would just go stand in the bathroom for like 5 minutes sometimes
i do that too but on my free time
what if hitler took half of the 80 million germans and he sent them down to colonize italy instead of the east
think it could be big
would be real awkward when they got there and realized it was already full of germans
mum....why do these germans look so brown?????
because they live in a place with sun
soon we will all look like that Gunther Lömbardisch (new surname invented due to settling here)
thought to play games but the moment i thought it my body instantly lost all energy
now even if i play them ill play terribly
pulled out my old copy of return of the king and i forgot how much fake fantasytrite there is in the back
nearly 200 pages of made up timelines and genealogies
now i can play the first windows game
staring out the window isnt a game
from one window out the other
died like a retard twice early on, once while i was looking at the boss instead of myself, and the other while i was vainly trying to graze,(its when you sit really close to a bunch of bullets, the more you do it the higher your points get, and if you've got a lot you get a new life) but it was still "acceptable"
then i died twice again, just before patchouli(the 4th stage boss) appeared, i remember that i literally told myself "wow im doing so well, i've got 3 lives and im about to fight patchouli!" right before that catastrophe happened
if i had lived for just a tiny bit more i'd have killed patchouli and activated her practice stage, where i can practice fighting her, but alas
also holy shit homing reimu is so terrible here, her damage is pathetic, so i tried switching to full-on-assault reimu instead but you have to sit right under the boss if you want to damage her, and with some of their patterns its just outright suicidal to sit under them so i have to desperately dodge until time runs out instead
why did i click that it was super loud!!!
can't let my guard down even in my own thread
take it up to the bossnigger zun
its almost weird to see the thing these characters are from after only seeing them used for shitposting for years
think about how much more wacky it would be if you werent seeing it but playing it
dont get touhou at all
it would make a lot more sense if they were spaceships rather than anime girls
looks fun but i don't think i'd ever have the patience to play the same stages and bosses 1488 times until you get good (i assume that's how it works)
thats already been done to death man noodys gonna pay attention to spaceship game no14.888.888
what if the spaceships were piloted by... anime girls
you dont have to play that many times over to finish the games, at least on normal difficulty
what you saw was my 4th time playing the game, and I was only a few hits away from clearing the boss of the 4th stage and advancing to the 5th stage, and there's only 6 stages in the game(though i do have the advantage of having experience thanks to playing through 2 through 5)
a full clear only takes 30 minutes so you can just play the game once a day without minding much and finish it eventually, within a month at worst
well that's good to hear i guess i can add it to my mental list of games i might play
which is empty because i already forgot all the other ones
sleep demons trying to drag me into the bed
overslept once again
brain screams in pain
skull bursting
too many thoughts
try pumping them out
feels pretty good holding the fate of america in my hands
i can destroy the whole damn thing in months if i so desire
same but to a clan of equally as malicious retards
funny thing their leader joined our mumble server right in the middle of our discussion of how we're going to skullfuck them
the moment he joined everyone fell silent, for 10 seconds noone said anything and he left without saying a word

a man weak of spirit truly
he betrayed us last time so he'd be allowed to have a castle which quite angered my men
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deja bu....ive seen this pic before
same (in another life)
*mixes all the different mythology for no reason*
*finds nemo*
wasnt asgard from lord of the rings or whatever or am i being utterly retarded
isnt that the  guy from the wardrobe thing
its called valinor in lord of the rings
asgards is norsetrite
oh alri pretend i only posted 1 ironically
yup cant endure anymore of this good night mates
but which one...
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thoughts on rocks that stick out of the water?
used to know what those were called
for me its groBsaxony being together with the dutchs and danes, and groBavariums being together with the swiss and austrians
germany must either be a big disgusting blob or not exist at all
i'll go with the latter
all in favor??
Agree x1
maybe i should play katawa shoujo right now
you should join my great crusade on sunday
theres a hole in my heart through which some sort of thick black liquid is slowly pouring out and im concerned about how much longer i have
is there really or is that just poetry
if i told you thatd defeat the purpose
tired of turkposts
me i'm just tired
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thoughts on these borders?
death to niggers
simply painful in every way
relapsing into mental illness
good news i didnt die
bad news i still live
why does this piece of shit always die at around this time
cant you set up a thing that automatically restarts it or atleast something that tells you when its down
also wow holy shit its embarrassing that i posted barely minutes after it got back on makes me look like a damn loser
my feet is turning brown from bruises and my ankles hurt
i think i might be kicking the wall in my sleep
keep being told that the area around my eyes is red/purple yet when i look at the mirror theyre perfectly normal
think somebody may be beating me up in my sleep
that wasnt me
well after all these years it looks like im playing katawa shoujo
thought you might like to know that
yeah thanks i'll write it down in the personal information folder that im keeping on you
a federal agent assigned to tragsg would have the easiest job ever he wouldnt even have to do anything just wait for us to blog all of our life details
the one who keeps giving reports like "jim has wet farts" would be the first agent to be secretly given lsd by the cia
anyways ill report back once im a bit further into the game
think its really not a good idea to be giving me visual novels but we'll see
well if you hate it then you can play eu3 in my stead and make a nice aar
that game is actually just baby's first vn but it has good music and like two good routes also the best girl's route is basically unfinished so who fucking cares
it FUKKEN died again for a few hours didnt it
yes the music is one of the best aspects it makes me quite nostalgic also since i played it when i was younger
cant wait for the day ill get a japanese friend so i can actually use the damn fucking thing
couldnt sleep because every time i fell asleep i thought i was dying and woke up
managed to force it now though
so are you sleeposting
almost certain my chin/jaw receded due to too many teeth removed
i dont remove them i just let them rot there and slowly kill me from the inside
pretty sure your jaw(a bone) doesnt start moving backwards just because a tooth isnt there anymore though
it actually does look it up 
pulling out teeth changes up your facial bone structure because its not there to stand up to other forces andmovements and bones
and i think getting brackets or some other dental thing also makes your facial structure be off

there's pictures with identical twins that show it quite well
what if they were never identical O_O
the website going down at 2 in the morning is gods way of saying its bedtime
not a problem for us gold teeth havers
also when your tooth rots it rots and btfos your actual jaw skull bones so....
it doesnt just btfo your bones it can and will literally kill you
not a problem for me though as i will die long before it can be a major concern
people go on about medieval dentists and how awful they must have been but they also forget how 99% of people literally did not have to deal with any of this shit before the invention of fizzy drinks
not like its even their fault they did a shit job
even now dentistry consists of pumping liters of no-pain juice in your skull and then tearing your fucking teeth open
now i am awake
now i am dead
personally im dead and alive
how could it be unfinished if it came out 10 years ago???
because they released an incomplete game
im assuming the unfinished one is some shitty girl no one cares about
theres one route thats finished but sucks because they didnt do what they wanted
and then another girl never had her route actually implemented, i think theres mods that "Restore" it (people basically made their own)
well i dont think im going to do every single route regardless unless theres a reason i should
its not "unfinished" in any way its just seethe from random retards
well if you dislike it there's always the next vn to try(eu3)
dont you mean dh kr
the whole game is kind of just shit regardless
yeah but its fun to kick back with a grobgermaniums once in a while you know
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starting to worry i actually had a heart attack
going to try and go to the doctor tomorrow i hope
maybe theyll transfer you into a school for disabled people
no theyll just pat me on the back and tell me to do my best not to die
if turkish medicine is anything like i imagine theyll probably just give you some potent heart steroids
i just dont want to face mortality right now
i dont even think heart steroids do anything
i think once you have one youre just fucked arent you
do you want me to give a real answer or will you complain about protein folding again
i LITERALLY made my bed and was about to lie in it and suddenly someone started playing tribal drums
give me a real answer
how could you possibly have a heart attack and not notice

anyway i reckon a bypass or two or three and you'll be ok
well there arent really "heart steroids" i just said that for the post
as for heart attacks i dont know a whole lot about them but anabolic steroids do cause your heart to grow so if the cause is weak heart muscles the steroids would help with that
personally i keep getting comments about the beauty of my splendid manly chin
wont mind donating my jaw to one of you once im dead(in a month)
arent they called the silent killers
and i DID have some kind of situation two nights ago where i ran to get something from a store kind of fast and when i got home i was extremely out of breath i dont THINK i felt any tightness in my chest but something was clearly wrong and now i keep having little tinges in my heart and its making me uncomfortable i probably wont sleep tonight
*hangs it on my door to protect against the turkish demons*
im suffering from heart issues as well but im not the one literally dying of it
well i might not even be dying
that'd be the embarrassing part, telling my mom "i may or may not have had something happen with my heart" and then i go to the doctor and they tell me im insane
then i die in a week anyways
im having major heart issues too but not the literal kind
for me its the lungs
but a bit of the heart too i suppose
die in a week anyways(slip on jewish lampshade)
well you dont have to tell anyone anything
doctor patient confidetinailty and all that
there was a period of time where i thought i had the tapeworm
but i obviously didnt
so maybe im just ill in the head
the tapewormed taped all the way into your heart
its over, i'm afraid

may i offer you some euthanasia?
had a similar suspicion for a long time but now that ive actually started gaining weight i realize how retarded that was
d*ctors and *nsurance exist for a reason
go harass some doctornigger until he checks your body and sees if youre gonna die or not
pretty sure you can gain weight just fine no matter how many worms youve got blooming in your guts
but it still sucks no matter what
i'll die within the month even if a doctor says i do have it and pats me on the back or i do nothing
uhh no i dont think thats right
the worms eat up all your food
as for me its agonizing pain from every single muscle in my body(literally, from arm muscles to jaw muscles to foot muscles fucking all of them) that continues on for days at a time
i think its to do with nutrition/starvation
Replies: >>6106
yeah i remember having a dog with worms at some point and he got real skeletal
you can just eat even more to make up for it
its not like the little retards can consume 20k calories a day
this is why i'll be furious if i die before the turk it will absolutely be proof of either no god or the most vindictive god
dont worry the chances you'll die before me are tremendously low
clearly not!!! somethings probably wrong with my heart!!! that things fucking important!!!
you don't know that there's always the bus
its already difficult to keep up with my own metabolism theres no way i could manage to feed some worms on top of that
whose going to take care of the funeral when the turk gets run over by a drunk kurdish bus driver
you have the dengue

that will be $5000 plus tip
put it on the tab boss
cousin had that some time ago heard it was pretty bad
imagined the turk paying in monthly installments of 1 dollar
can always declare bankruptcy
*roof gets liquified to pay for debts*
yup truly a life like a tragic novel
so uhhh
who was the girl with no route
might just die today actually
feeling the weakest ive felt in my life
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how about an anime about total nigger death
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fascinating map
personally for me its the carlotists superblob with a revived latin iberian creole as the main language
for me its ferdinand II
latin iberian creole eh... think there was a name for that.... escapes me right now though....
what does the red mean
what does the blue mean
your guess is as good as mine
i just heard gallego being spoken and its extremely fucking close to having a stroke
i dont know how it sounds to portuguesers, but i thought it was supposed to be some inbetween of castillian and portuguese 
seems closer to castillian though
Replies: >>6154
just wait until you hear chinese mate
speaking of which i realized a few months ago to my shock that my language has 90% of the sounds chinese has, its just that we almost never utilize them
my language(tuscan texan)
hmmm yes yes chinese my brotherly language
*walks away in my 6 legs while rubbing my antennae*
wasnt it 8
i googled it before making the post and it said roaches have 6 legs
i bear the gift of unlimited agony for everybody to enjoy
quite a few posts
dont think theres anybody around me who isnt rapidly dying
both in real life and online
it does seem like everyone is dying but me these days
im not dying either to be honest just not bragging about it
maybe its an itai itai byou epidemic
thinking its time to hit the sack and return to the land of nightmares
ok im off to the doctor
this didnt post
doctor said im fine
what doctor did you went to
what symptoms
im beter than some dr. tuna for sure
went to the emergency room
saw a...doctor
symptoms were just weird feelings in my heart
they did an ekg
they checks blood pressure
they did a chest x ray
listening to my heart and lungs
so your heart pain is poetic and not physical after all
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so fvcking trve
i WOULD say that
ate that one 
love me emi and rin
lost cat screeching into the night
well no its physical but evidently not a danger
just a mild case of black heart ooze nothing to be worried about
off to bed hope i dont end up dying
think i got the good ending
that was MUCH longer than i expected it to be
yeah looks like i did in fact get the good ending
and its a good thing too because the non-good ending would have been upsetting to say the least
not quite sure whether i'll do more routes, i've done the girl i like the most and this has already given me sufficient material to contemplate
the crispy girl is amongst the worst
i was doing lilly's route
but i would probably do her next if i were to keep playing
anyways it seems im fully back to my normal self now
all the thoughts and feelings plaguing me now are no different from the usual, which is a good sign i think
dreamt my uncle was the buddha
its much closer to portuguese but most people don't speak "pure" galician but a bastardized spanish version of it
and who are you the galician grammar gestapo???
for me its
(insofar as how i liked the routes not the girls necessarily but it does correlate a good amount)
cant believe all it took to return canman to sanity was a few hours of vn
cant believe all it took to return* canman to sanity** was a few hours of vn

**a semblance of lucidity
well anyway looks like your fate is tied in directly with anime girls now
we've got another guy just like that actually
fortunately he's about to expire any moment now so you can seamlessly take his place
not a fucking single thing to do today
makes me wonder why i even woke up at all
the ever-changing ecology of tragsg
just downloaded eu3
i will ask again is there REALLY nobody willing to play in my stead???? i dont want to waste time on this stupid shit
*opens up my agenda with not a single thing written on it*
sorry mate got a full schedule today
*opens up MY agenda to page after page of "kill kikes"*
hate being the only one here who gets things done
didnt die in my sleep
but barely slept
think my brain thinks i will die
also i cant stop manually breathing
wow a case of the manual breath eh that means you will die in 24 hours mr its a very serious condition
anyway did a test run of eu3 and got fucking memed over by that one national idea which gives +1 morale
it literally makes you invincible so long as your enemy does not have the same idea.........and i was the one who didnt have it in this case
tried playing eu3 one time
wow they locked the meiou download links behind logging in to paradoxplaza im gonna squash a nigger into paste
well that's not ALL it took it was just the last thing
but now im better off for it
what does that even mean
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idiotic image
its funny if you know
all i know is death and taxes
........ i still want to talk about katawa shoujo
it stinks
*farts and then leaves the room*
dont know a thing about it aside from how it had 1200000 threads on /vg/
ok what i really want isnt to talk about katawa shoujo itself
yeahhh i'll talk if you can fix the stench in this room
*looks over at the rotting carcass in the corner*
now who could that be
could be anyone really
you know what im about to die too
die of anger
add a h to that and you have me
not funny retard ill fucking kill you
ugh you guys are NOT giving me what i want here
the soup kitchen is down the block
think i'll have to pick how youre boxed into certain death scenarios if your luck is bad as my most hated feature and how bombs randomly decide not to work as my second most hated feature
had to read that 4 times before it made sense
oi i can talk avout KS with u :)
then talk about it
oh hm mate youre not gonna like THIS one.....
ugh am i being a girly fag for wanting to talk about my feelings
but thats all this place is good for
anime girl feelings have always been a core tragsg topic
talk first
ill decide if youre a fag afterwards
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i dont really know what to say thats why i want someone else to say stuff so i can figure out what i want to say
me at the bottom
ok ok ill recycle some thoughts i put down elsewhere last time i was feeling like this
what strikes me about romance as depicted in... well japanese media i guess is how it always requires mutual obliviousness from both parties involved otherwise well itd obviously just become a normal relationship and thered be nothing romantic about that innit
but the world is too unromantic for anything like that i cant imagine how something like that could happen with me or what the context would even be you know it makes sense everything is ALWAYS set in high school because thats the last time guys and girls are together with an level of relative innocence
maybe im wrong i hope im wrong and if it actually happened to me id be just as foolish but it seems unlikely
>it always requires mutual obliviousness from both parties involved
huge fan of this but i dont know why
turned my neck left 90 degrees just as i was sneezing and i suffered the most incomprehensibly terribly pain in the right side of my neck because of it
no you are right romance as its depicted in japanese media is basically the only "good" or "desirable" form of romance and its literally impossible to experience in this world because we're in hell
nothing one can really do about it but get used to it
just kicked a can while playing canball in a field with a cantran and cut myself
hope i didnt give myself the tet
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i have to wonder about that
is anime romance REALLY the only good form of romance? probably not because high school is a new invention, but obviously older forms are even more impossible to have
still there must be something else thats being overlooked
never been to a court so i cant emphasize with courtly love
(i was wearing flipflops to clarify as to how i got hurt)
i guess some omder types of romance are about love yoy cant have due to social norms and rules (which dont exist anymore)
>kicking things with your nearly bare feet
classic brown activity
i think its mainly about your social environment
as long as theres some innocent everyday familiarity the seeds of love can grow
yes familiarity is the key thats why you have to marry a girl thats around the same age as you and had similar life experiences and it especially helps if you grew up in the same area
rather than being a 35 year old man who scoops up toddlers from the local church
in ks lilly says her first crush was her english tutor
Replies: >>6221
familiarity as such doesn't really have anything to do with being the same age or having shared interests
it can be a pretext for the familiarity but thats about it
that is how you know it's a western game
no dont be silly the japanese would go even farther with that
wonder how many 11 year old girls read mishima
probably a few precocious readers in japan a few decades ago
thats it then
no more thoughts on the topic
im still not satisfied
>crush = love
ploid alert
laughing at kicking the can and giving your self tetanus with a mail order bride
me i laughed when i saw eu3 meious performance
meiou more like poo
playing poopoo and taxes in pee poo 3
canman i declare you my heir
you will inherit all i have in this world when i die
*gets a big box of poo shipped to me in 3 years*
what the fuck man
*looks at the note attached to it saying "happy 10th anniversary of tragsg!!"*
you know what
i think the redditors and old people were right
i think queen did just make pretty exceptional music been listening to a lot of them recently
me too
yep nothing quite hits me like god save the queen
yup the queen of armenia now that was a character
who would you visit...
dr dadc
heard that biden wants to ban gas stoves... people would be a lot more on board with this climate trite if they were doing stuff that would actually make a difference like... making more nuclear reactors, producing more things locally, ect, but of course that would be top hard for them, instead they just punish the working man
ugh fucking kiken banning my gas stove guess ive got no choice but to reintroduce the traditional stove to my house -_-
*bans gas stoves so everyone is forced to use electric which is powered by the local gas power plant*
big gas wins again
*goes camping*
*gets raided and shot 50 times by glow in the dark cianiggers in the depths of appalachia because i brought my little propane stove *
in case you havent realized yet some posts just magically dont get the (you) attached to them when you post them
guessing this happens to everyone and its not some mysterious kike hex that applies only to me
also i just checked and more than 1/3rd of this thread is me which is pretty terrible in various ways
doesnt happen to me
what does happen is every time i open the tab it says there were 100 something new posts but its just the same ones from before
stfu ploid nigger crush is just my paraphrase she did in fact say love in game and she explicitly meant it in the exact same way she loves the player
i think people who love more than 1 person in their lives deserve to burn in hell for all eternity
yeah i agree that was the worst thing about lillys route honestly
honestly thought i'd have my national identity completely erased by the internet ages ago and end up as a nationless international qiqe but here we are
that happened to me a while ago
i am a cosmopolitan at heart even if i never have been further than a hundred kilometers from where i was born
im a cosmopolitan at heart with no further qualifications i just am
me i dont even know if the nation outside of my city even really exists
could just be living in a city state surrounded by endless wasteland for all i know
just realized im exactly like an anime character
where are the cameras??
sorry mate you got cancelled two years ago
no...how am i gonna have a high school romance now.....
surprised nobody has made a fantasy high school camp yet were people go to pretend they are still in high shcool
except its all fat old people
i think thats just called a job ever since they let women have em
theres one out there youre just not invited because youre not rich and jewish enough
college isnt really the same
wouldnt want to go if its all rich jewish girls
now if it were rich half-scottish girls... count me in
i think its really interesting how half of humanity would rather die than repeat highschool and the other half would gladly die if it means they can repeat highschool
theres no inbetween
how about everyone dies and i go to anime high school instead
i had an amazing time in high school i guess i would re-experience it if it were like replaying a video game but i wouldnt want to like... do that again... unless there was a ton of cute girls this time
agreed with you until the latter part
i'd do it only if it were the same people 
beats working anyway
its comical how beaten and bruised i am
i walked into the wall twice just while taking a shower today
doesn't help that i haven't slept properl for 3 nights in a row
think updating k-lite codec fucked up my headphones and theres no way to fix it other than randomly uninstalling and reinstalling until i rediscover the fix by chance
dont even need lack of sleep to do that everyday
remember when catallunya was going to become independent 
wonder if theres a world where that really happened
maybe i can become a tutor for some rich guys daughter
i would make a good tutor
but the fact that im thinking about this means its already ruined
elbow hurts
heart hurts
honestly sitting at the computer is the worst thing i can possibly do whenever im outside anywhere i can cope but inside theres nothing but me and my sadness
it smells funny outside
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rare willy
common noposts
funny how despite all the willy memes germany isnt very fun to play in kr
well yeah its like how america is no fun to play in hoi
america is never fun to play ever
america fukken rocks in v2
yeah but you shouldnt say that too loud
wow fucking cool this wikipedia update made it look like its on a fucking phone but guess what im not on a phone so it looks like shit isnt that crazy? isnt it crazy how that happens every time? a site updates their ui? every time it makes it more mobile friendly it looks like shit? its so bad theres so much empty blank space it looks like fucking garbage if i wanted it to look like a mobile app i would look at it on my phone but im on my fucking computer am i not?
fuck's sake
first they make it illegal to date high schoolers and now this? the kike system has got to do
it seriously looks so fucking bad how can someone get PAID to do this its fucking maddening im like tensing up cause im getting so mad thinking about this it should seriously be fucking illegal to edit your website design if everything is working properly
its new and more inclusive and heres why thats a good thing
wikipedia is a tranny libtard website weve been telling you this for ages man
wow yeah thanks for the information you retard let me go find the information on this othe-oh...
once again i will post the new wikipedia style feedback page
literally EVERYONE telling them how shit it is from day one and the only response is "thank you for your feedback have you read all of our research on why this modern design is just so great??"
its literally the demiurge fucking with me
it happens on every website
maybe its why im so attached to imageboards since this DOESNT fucking happen
the demiurge the jews same thing really
mystery websiteman next time you're in could you edit the website to look fucking awful
*makes it so your own webcam is permanently plastered on the side (pretend any of us have webcams)*
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ahh thats more like it
just need to figure out how to set the profile picture next
topic researchers at the talex institute have determined that change is always a good thing
meant to say top researchers but that works too
make it roll a d8 every post and randomly assign a picture of the trashman it landed on
got awarded the veteran of labour medal
the real atrocity here isnt that retards do retarded things but that NO ONE has bothered to make an extension that returns wikipedia to the sufferable version
if we were a real website then thatd be a really funnyto do for like aprils fools
speaking of april fools my aunt wanted to pull an april fools(in december) on my mom about the gf being pregnant (-__-)
think thats the most garbage post ive ever seen and your entire family should commit ritual suicide
"innocents day" which is how aprils fools is called here actually happens in december, due to soem saint or something. hence why she wanted to do that in december

i told her no obviously because i hate that and i would never want to do a joke like that anyway ive been pestered about children enough already
i found one that automatically adds ?useskin=vector to every page but it takes a full extra second to load properly
you can change back to the old version but you have to make an account which is probably what i'll do
1 chicken burger please
im fucking starving and theres nothing to eat
its over
you made your order 4 minutes ago have some patience
any hints as to what that is for us non-card carrying members of paradoxplaza
oh so you cant see it huh
its a turkish modder of eu3 going on about how greeks and turks are the same(he made the greco-turkish culture group and he's the reason that still exists in eu4 meiou too)
thats epic as fuark
im sending out an sos to the world...
im sending out a sausage
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ello mates welcome to my poosalis 1488 blog!!!! as you can see i started as hosokawa 100 years ago and it took me this long to form japan because of the absolutely braindead usage of the infamy system that arbitrarily punishes you for doing literally anything to try and unite japan at all!!!! ive got an army and navy that can defeat all other countries of the far east but i cant do anything because my tarded fucking ruler died and made me sit through a 15 year regency council!!! also the trade system is broken in such a way that i can barely gain 24 ducats a year from it when i should be able to get 100+ easily so im gonna have to figure that out
read up on initial salaries for college graduates in tokyo and salaries for men in their 20's to 30's
think i may have figured out why nobody has any fucking children over there
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wait til you find out about america
no need to worry about america their black brothers are pulling all the extra weight so that the jims dont have to
why do i always have to pick between doing things i hate and doing nothing at all
just had the bizarre experience of making a drive by shitpost in a 3 hour old no replies dead thread only to instantly get three replies in less than a minute
happens to me all the time in this random bunker i found called "tragsg"
its not a bunker its a tomb
canman would you be interested in an easy job where you interact with hundreds of girls below 15 everyday
is it the daycare perhaps
its a job as an english teacher where you get paid minimum wage with no paid days off to teach elementary schoolers
will they give me a house
no but you can live in the dog house when the dog is out on walks
*fukken kills you and wears your skin for a real home*
the under 15 girls wont be happy with the smell matey
got the urge to play a grandi strategy game but all of them are pure poo
though the games might be poo
they're still fun for an hour or two
bing bing yahoo
just had to use the new wikikepedia and now i'm gonna puke
nobody likes it!!!! somebody needs to seriously fucking die for this i'm getting really pissed off now
here you go mate makes your thoughts known ;)
neuron deactivation
wahey first i took korea and then i took manchuria you had to see it men
already know how it ends
with a bullet through the skull yes
i dont want under 15s i want high schoolers im not a pedo
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ugghhhh yes yes this is what i was destined to do if only it wasnt for that "g-d" bossnigger incarnating me as a  loser virgin retard as punishment -_-- ill get that kike eventually
not a fan of the font
uhhh can you poast ur campaign so im less board
no sorry its for the knowers only
retard energy drink for a retard man
life is tough
no wait nevermind its fucking broken
connected for live posts by dead men
neigbor is having a barbeque!! i can smell it!!!and im dying of hunger over here!!!!
the chicken burger that never arrived.....
how come theres specific little names for every cut of every animal but a chicken burger is just a "chicken burger"
chicken cant be a burger 
only a patty
its just a sandwich
plastic patty
be glad you even get that
god just needs to give me time control powers holy shit
i'll settle for eternal rest
you get a nap take it or leave it
i'd like to take the advice of my representative trade union before i decide
we think you should take the nap
...after you fulfill your daily kikekilling quota
is there anything more painful than when you laugh to hide your anger but it only ends up hurting you more instead
kicking a sharp rusty can
wouldnt call him sharp
i'll take you up on that nap
any men here
just boys
only a lad
really need to end my life before the mental corruption takes any more control
mental wellness
wearing a button down shirt and tie is like cosplaying light yagami every day
better light yagami than a white yagi
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in love with how utterly retarded this is so far
in pain with how utterly retarded everything is so far
>"If one is born as a male, at least once in his life, he'll dream of becoming the strongest man."
noposts encourages noposts
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the 男の中の男 if you will
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wow i just woke up full of energy i cant wait to have my meal and do lots of productive things!!
nevermind its gone now
the pains never gone
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profoundly retarded
especially like how novogorod lost almost all their starting land but is still blobbing through siberia
and wtf is that font
i thought timurids was jnjujds at first
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but it is inuids or whatever the fuck, mongols blobbed all the way to mongolia and then exploded all at once a few decades ago
also i forgot to mention but i attacked ming with a claim to the throne and just now i inherited the whole thing, i thought i'd get cores on it all but i didnt get any at all, so now i'll have to sit through........50!!! years of rebels until it all gets cored!!!!!!
in the meantime i guess i'll just continue blobbing across china every once in a while
oh yeah also i forgot to mention this but all of ming was of the chink religion, my narrowmindedness slider is set to max(for the national faith tolerance bonus, 8 tolerance give +8% monthly growth to shinto provinces, and the base growth is only something like 3%) so the tolerance for them is -6 or something, thus giving me a lot of revolt risk, so i need to convert them but i only get like 0.60 missionaries a year and sending just a single one to a province costs 200+ ducats because of the sheer amount of population
play a meme game get memed on
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is gokalp really a name
its gökalp
gök means sky(in a cool way)
alp is some shit i dont know the meaning of its the same alp as in like alparslan and whatnot
surname is probably kölenoğlu and i don't know what kölen is, so lets pretend its köle(slave) instead
i wouldnt really call it getting memed on since possessing china is a ........pretty fucking big bonus and also something youre only supposed to do late game if you're not a chinese country(and if you are one, you get massive debuffs to simulate historical chinese retardation) so im not particularly mad
the fact that there really is no proper way to get a decent amount of missionaries at a decent speed is fucking irritating though
i still cant believe it
well jim jibson is a real name so anything goes now
do you think that perhaps i should stop running away from responsibilities
i'll take that as a no
yeah no way can't think of a single good reason to do that
ugh just looking at that japan makes me want to load in and blob like a drooling retard
big fan of the thing brown people do where they automatically assume you are from their group of rival browns if you disagree with them
not a single day has gone by where hm didnt accuse me of being brazilian
if it makes you feel any better the argentine under-20s team just lost to paraguay
the paralympics squad will avenge them
feeling a lot better after having a pickle
a pickle with the queen
suddenly getting the sewer smell in the air
oh yeah well for me its games detonating themselves and no longer working
my god what a fucking pain in the ass im about to die of anger
no more brownther wars
first comes the anger then comes the hanger
and when do the posts come
think i've genuinely developed some kind of communication neural problem
i will think of a perfectly grammatical and logical sentence in my head but as i type it out it's all messed up
and i don't mean typos i mean completely different words and verb tenses
ugh i redownloaded the whole damn thing and now it doesnt even work on a clean install either when it was working just fine yesterday
theres no cache at all and even restarting doesnt do anything
yeah me too
need vanilla eu3 but the map is less ugly and the ai is programed to only blob historically
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luv stealing hawaii like this
grotesque go to hell
never seen a shogunate player who wasnt a snobby little kike
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any1 else here know this
very nostalgic to me
the one fun thing about eu3 ai blobbing so hard is that you never know what youre gonna get
slept with the lights on last night and it seemed to have helped with my night terrors
might try again tonight
ugh that looks really familiar but i cant place it
wait wasnt it a flash game where you just beat the shit out of your computer
i remember a few of those yeah was about to say that
yeah it was
as for me i want pitch black curtains so i dont have to ever see light again except for the one from my computer
but theyre way too fucking expensive and the 1 time where they went on sale some fucking kike drove around at 4 am and bought all the cheap curtains stocked in 10+ stores so i didnt have any left to buy
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a house divided...
fukken kino i do it literally every game too even as imperial
also my mother is jewish
need curtains like that because i got a big street light beaming into the room at night like the eye of sauron
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well if you cant find any on the cheap throwing rocks at the street light is also an option
ugh you lucky little retard i can NEVER get alaska
took primorsk once while russia was weak right after i westernized and it turned out to be a big fucking mistake that ruined the game
me ive never even seen it
is it a decision or event
why would havint primorsk as a state fuck it up
its just sheer luck, the russian decision sends the offer out "randomly" but it favors the usa i think
also least thats how it works in hpm
thats the thing i even had it as a colony but the problem is russia kept coming back for it every few years and I got sick of fighting them in the middle of siberia constantly
doesnt happen to me when i blob into russia as an european power
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my fucking NECK!!!!!!!! it feels like i had one of those things that melts your entire spine slowly applied to it ohhh my god save me
looks like i'll have nightmares tonight too
turns out i was already in one
guess ill do daggerfall mp....................
wowww holy shit why are tehre so many fucking titties in this fucking game
wow watched raising arizona
that's a good movie!!!
adopting ohio
since when was there daggerfall mp
there is now but we're trying to figure out how it actually works
anyway im really shocked by the sheer amount of naked girls in the game wow
its all cardboard cutouts that are 50x50 pixels
nothing to get too excited about
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me i need the crunchy  downscaled dos look
been watching the nier anime (i dont think its goin to be good im morbidly curious though)
anyways it got a delay after three entire episode because the new covid outbreak in china killed all the chinese animators the cheap ass studio uses
didnt know it even had an anime
well you see in their infinite wisdom they decided to make one uhhh 5 years after the game came out so nobody would care anymore
then they had a studio that has produced nothing but garbage make it
many such cases
also the elephant in the room without spoilers is that...automata makes use of the fact that its a video game to enhance itself
making it into an anime is entirely pointless
what about der volk who dont want to replay the same 100 hour game 8 times over to get the real real ending
well you see you only replay the game twice and the game itself is maybe like 40 hours and if you arent willing to deal with that you wouldnt enjoy the good stuff anyways so it doesnt matter
actually wait looked at my hours and i have 46 hours but i played halfway through a second time around so the game is maybe 30 hours if you really take your time
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wow fantastic scanlation page
As for me, bed
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is this going to be death or gore
the drooling retard actually survives with just some aching through his body
it wouldve been deathly gore if he didnt luck out really fucking hard though
jesus christ
the worst thing is it was entirely his "fault"
i figured a chunk would just break off
well yeah i was literally just thinking about how its epic as fuck to go ice climbing and how i want to do it but i remembered how i cant use my fucking hands at all and would definitely make some grave mistake
and just as i was thinking of that the retard does....a grave mistake
climbing is a bad hobby same with diving
far too many risks going where man was not meant
me too, have you played the game? i never ended up finishing it
dixie fascists have awoken
but oh fucking boy are they sleepy
yes also replicant and dod3
i hang my head and cry
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i am the bossest of the boss fucking niggers
we won again
completely raped to death the opposition to death with my nominal leadership

i won the game
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my bossnigger crown
now to move on with life
We might return on in a couple months to humiliate the opposition
tennou heika banzai
yamato minzoku banzai
got the daggerfall mp to work and played a little with my little friend
its uhhh pretty boring you can exploit the game really fucking hard even in vanilla and also theres no "multiplayer features" as one would call it and theres a few bugs too, also the game was originally singleplayer so theres no fucking real content to do together either
we both fought in a dungeon and the whole thing was just us picking 2 different directions and fighting all the monsters on that side ourselves
it DOES help to have 2 people in a dungeon though since its normally a cancerous fucking mess
makes me wish there were still good mmorpgs left
daggerfall was always a giant mess of a game that wasnt even good when it was new
all it has going for it is how unreasonably huge it is but that doesnt make it fun or enjoyable to play in the slightest
yeah i watched my friend play it one time and 75 seems like the most correct thing like the enjoyment i'd get out of daggerfall is the same i get from reading wikipedia articles and jumping between them
i can see some glimmer of a great game but its just not there
its way too obfuscated and there's no clear proggression at all, youre supposed to just.....do whatever the fuck
the fact that its easily exploitable and that you cant get any proper concrete explanation on anything(not even any fucking health bars or levels for enemies, you cant even see your own level) are both painful
HE seems to be really enjoying it though and i dont know how to break it to him that its fucking boring
guess ill just sit this one out
feel like it could be a good 3d roguelike with a bit of tweaking
well thats the end of this mpisode for me time to go play a good game instead like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
competitive wall staring
so nakhodka i think we're taking in russian refuges if you wanna come over.......just saying.......
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flips became independent so i got them without having to fight the europeans
civilized industrialized urbanized catholicums grobHispanicum flipflopines fighting for naval dominance in the pacific with japan would be hella epic
really hate it when only a small part of the flips flops off from spain
happens to me almost every game too
ohhh hm just what are we gonna do with you mateey just WHAT are we gonna do with you??? havent i already explained to you that the philipinos are a nigger race that deserves to be extinguished lad??
there was a meme thing where you can get the decision to annex all of korea 40-50 years earlier if you just take one of their states through a normal war first
i always did that exploit because having to wait until 1920 to annex korea is legitimately fucking braindead
the japs are literally just as brown as the flips

their culture literally has walking around in flipflops and banging on drums as a traditional thing
^ guy who has never heard of a warm climate
yes im an expert on knowing that warm climates (such as japan's) turn you into a brown nigger
thats why the yamato soul lives in hokkaido
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are you retarded you nigger literally all of it except kyushu gets snow every fucking year you've never even SEEN ice or snow before in your shitty little favela
getting snow doesnt make it not be a tropical hellhole and also it really doesnt even snow that often it literally does snow here in the shitty nigger zones too
yes yes it snows on the highest mountain peak once every 100 years and then all you browns bow to it and pray to the white god who lives on the mountain peak that he may turn you white too
it literally snows every winter in the whole west of the country
and also it snows in the pampas just more in the inland areas not on the river plate
so how does the river plate tie in with silver plates and underground plates
its snows in the andes but that doesnt mean brown little men dont live there
flops are literally so brown how can you say japanese are as brown
my fucking chest still feels fucking weird
computers making the room hot
(harpa's) computers making the room hot (by specificailly targetting me with their weather manipulation capabilities)
hapa's making me feel hot
*sound of winter cicadas*
imagine if winter bugs existed
theres some massive snow spiders i think
if only hapas were blonde blue eyed aryans like they are in anime
dont get the deal with hapas they still got potato chink faces
ugh whats with this fucking chink nationalist shitting up my thread if you dont like japan stop browsing imageboards retard_--_
japan used to be epic but they have always been funny little brown people
now they are just funny little brown people who make anime
theyve never been blind are you blind or have you just never seen a brown before
well with eyes like that its no wonder people think theyre blind
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they were also a ton more browner when they were alll rice farmers working under the sun 24/7

now that 80% of the population are shutin virgins or salarymen they appear paler
the same would happen to flips if they had houses and electricity
ugh yes im sure this black and white picture of a single brown man in the only "tropical" province in the whole country will epically prove my argum-*strangles your retard ass to death*
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this guy is even surrounded by flips and he blends right in
okay to play your little game there may be brown nips but there are literally zero white flops
im sick of this retarded sun argument i've literally been under the sun for 16 hours a day for weeks at a fucking time and i didnt get 1% browner i was pale as fuck
stop pretending the sun is the reason you were born brown kikes
^posted by the brownest man around the town
^man who called me aryan 1 week ago
none of you are white except for me
there is not a single white jap you tard
i see them everyday by the hundreds you brownoid
some of them are this pale off white color like southern euros
next youre gonna tell me germans are filipinos who just got splashed with white paint
there are a lot of swarthy germans to be honest
either all asians are white or none of them are you cant have these little jap brown monkeys be magically genetically special just cause they built some phones and made some games you liked
(asians east not counting indians and the like obviously)
either all south americans are white or none of them are you cant have these little argie brown monkeys be magically genetically special just cause they built the internet and made some politicians you liked
thats like saying all white skins are evil because jews are evil
no thats like saying mars isnt real because the antichrist wasnt born yet i mean come on cant you see the logic here??
been a while since the last inane argument i suppose
*drops a few firebombs on your house*
*turns brown from all the ash*
*drafts you for the Paulistano Niggedropper Batallion XXIV*
*unleashes you on london*
yeah you can thats literally exactly why theyre special
the antichrist is real and he is among the 5 of us here
it has to be hm
love it when people say things in my stead
hate when people do things to my steed
qahhhh my eyes my boddy its all melting awaya so painful
theres been 10 thousand "argh i am dying!" but theres been 0 deaths
huge wind and rain all of a sudden
still cant believe my men managed to 100% btfo bossniggerkikes of the server under my leadership
we had 54 men at peak vs some 70 faggozoids

very regrettable that noone recorded the siege in its entirety but i do have some screenies
sp did you watch saint seiya in the favela
i don't remember ever catching it on the telly but i had a couple dvds of random seasons i watched over and over and also a few games
i actually tried to watch it in its full a few years ago but without nosltagia it's hard to go through 100s of episodes of nonsense. maybe if i was 12 again...
isnt it funny how you can just..........live......without some organs or parts of organs..... like the spleen or the appendix.....
i wonder how much you can strip down a human and still have them live
also i wonder if someone's found some special combinations like "oh if i cut the stomach in half but leave this part on then its fine"
back from counting up to 300
some retard told me that its good for making yourself fall asleep yet here we are
so did you hear they wanted to make a mercosul currency
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whats a mercosul
....you know..... a mercosur
the la platan EU attempt that basically does nothing
power going out!!!!! light flciekring!!! any minute now!!!
i did hear about it
it doesn't feel like mercosul ever actually does anything so it's interesting to hear about them... actually doing things
its not a currency currency as i understand it but it would be epic if it someday turns into one
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fighting the franco-anglo menace at the same time
yeah it will obviously end up in nothing

partido libertarianista will take over at the end of the year anyway and at that point they might dissolve the mercosur alltogether
yeah the moment i binged it up i immediately realized it'll never actually happen
*gets needles and files stuck into my toothholes*
waheeeyyy sufferings
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after a few decisive battles, the british were swiftly defeated
the japo german platine alliance...
think i accidentally moved one of my organs out of place
they usually move back in a few days
ugh its yet another episode of not eating anything for an entire day
when are they going to make some new episodes instead of recasting the same thing over and over
recasting would mean it has a different actor
replaying then
>church client that wanted to send like 70 boxes of books to another church in misiones is now also asking to send some "religious icon" which is like 2m tall
well i sure hope it doesnt get damaged or anything........wouldnt want to get cursed.........
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took much longer to end this one, i had to help germany out in france but it worked out in the end
haven't been conquering much yet, would rather wait for a great war than fight all the gps individually
are you taking treaty ports from china off cooldown
Last edited by hitlerman
religious icon of that funny little man  from cuba a few decades earlier
no most of them are already taken anyways
theres something about japan that just makes me envision blobbing like no other country
like half of my vic2 games have been as japan and every time i just did the exact same thing step by step
that means its fun
why didnt any of the modder retards overhaul the migration system so you could actually colonize colonize places
i figure the game must just be fundamentally broken
a fundamentally broken game for fundamentally broken men
i didnt break the game the game broke me
gonna have to ask god to send me back 15 years so i can play some mmos in the golden age until i get bored of them
gonna have to ask god to kill me
as for me i'd just ask him to fix v2 immigration
nothing more agonizing than trying to rediscover a copy of an old japanese console game(japanese version)
what gemu
Drag-On Dragoon as it's called in the far east
the timeline is actually directly connected to nier i believe
actually you know what i think i just found it myself
guess it was a terrible mistake to over-rely on torrents and not check direct downloads like archive.org every once in a while
me i'm downloading ancient trash from archive.org right now
could always just look at the mirror
i was gonna say im assuming youre the turk and having trouble finding a physical but i remember finding jp physicals for dirt cheap (cheaper than my na physical) but obviously...you arent in america
but anyways i now see it was 1. digital 2. you found it anyways
buying physical console games eh what are you mentally ill
be warned dod1 is literally the worst game ive ever played in my life i havent beaten it because it sucks so fucking bad it handles like it's the first 3d game ever made its fucking terrible
good story and music though nothing else is good at all
i like to own things i think are cool
things i think are cool: a house
it was over for consoles when they started using discs and had fans in them
cant stand listening to them grind and wheeze trying to do anything
*looks around at all the homes own by Qing Realtor Incorporated*
cant you just plug a headphone in the tv or whatever and listen to the game instead of the fans
if your console is loud clean it you nasty fuck
dont got the tools to open them up and clean all the belts and gears
buy a hammer from the dollar store
99% of the time you only have to clean the fans unless you are pouring cola inside of it and using it as a tray for kebab
just realized >>6666 is coming up
wonder what >>666 was
so do you agree with me that all games are shit or am i just a jaded old piece of shit
yeah but i wont stop playing them
theres good ones
thats just your childhood nostalgia
no because i played it like a week ago and had good fun (and did not play it as a child)
death to kikes
yimpale the yids
been watching gunbuster
kind of thought people just liked it for mechs and anime girls but it's actually just really really good
been eating
going to eat some pseudo """"cake"""" very soon so i dont fucking die
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the cake in question
great its 15mb and i cant unclick an image after trying to open it
let them click cake
big images for big cake
no the one i ate was brown
another day well spent doing mother of fuck all
i should devise a system where there's always a gun pointed at my head that's remote controlled by a guy watching me to make sure i actually do things other than staring at the wall
i will entrust none other than nhk with the role of monitoring me
the grand gog imperium has fallen so low(monotone as if dadcing)
sudden stabbing pain in me willy
as for my daily health report i now experience random 5~ seconds of blindness daily
me i have lots of food inside my stomach
stayed up too late doing stupid thing so mine has already emptied itself out
drank some milk to wash the puke taste off my mouth but now it tastes like car oil instead
yeah got to admit it think i just want to be spoiled
but obviously not in a retarded childlike way something uhhh not utterly pathetic
i am genuinely a blessed sort of supernaturally lucky individual like caesar was
which is why im certain my blonde teenwife is waiting for me in the near-to-mid future
ugh i'm so epic *spins around in my computer chair for 20 years*
ugh ugh ugh im so fucking white
*mutters some shit in japanese*
whiter than you muhammad-i el peron
dreamt i was raging really fucking hard here about how americans now say slooch(fictional nigger invented word) instead of slut  and how much of a lowly race they are that they copy niggers
you know how theres steambonk romans
well i dreamt about electrical greeks
apparently one of america's latest mass shooters was called "huu can tran"
all is vain
my successor does not know of my toil
successor huh all i get are failures
why cant i fucking win??
touhou girls giving you trouble again are they mate
giving death
americans (niggers) invented a new term called "chile" which doesnt mean anything but it is really confusing to read
argentines (browns) invented a new term called "las malvinas" which doesnt mean anything but it is really confusing to read
giving chili
drinking coffeeeee
already did that
just found out one of the people i've been talking to frequently was a high schooler american girl
amazing how much slower time is when i shut the faggot internet down
got too many things i want to do but i keep bouncing between tabs instead
am retraining from the basics such as grazing and earning score, now i'm playing far more aggressively instead of squatting in the bottom, so i'm far more likely to make basic tarded mistakes, but i also earn 2-3 times the score which is important for getting extra lives
i've also realized that i really am expected to memorize every single fucking pattern there is both for bosses and normal enemies, and that i am expected to memorize where the latter appear
also attempting to play without using any bombs at all, both to get better and because the motherfucking piece of shit just randomly decides not to work at times
have died 5 times fighting patchouli(normally i'd die twice maximum) during a test run while trying to fix my playstyle, which is absolutely fucking abysmal so i'll have to train myself more until it's actually viable, and also learn to switch to deadfishing while fighting bosses and not being aggressive with them
by the way in some games you dont get extra lives for gathering score so i
what the FUCK you retard i didnt click new reply
>This deathbomb time interval only lasts for 6 frames (about 0.1 seconds), after which you will lose a life as normal. Every successful use, the interval is shortened by how many frames you took to deathbomb, down to a minimum of 1 frame (1/60th of a second)
anyway i was about to say that ^ must be the reason i cant fucking bomb properly and also erase that last sentence of the previous post
that doesnt sound very fun
well you're normally supposed to bomb before you're hit, when shit hits the fan or you're certain that you got meme'd into a situation where you literally cant avoid
deathbombing is usually for when you didnt see a stray bullet and got hit by it or other retard meme situations where you have no chance to react at all
by the way i watch touhou streams on niconico and literally everybody suffers from retard meme situations regardless of skill, even this one guy i'm watching who is doing a lunatic no bomb no death run of one of the hardest touhou games keeps dying to random stupid bullshit
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cant remember a time i didnt meme a crisis by saving and reloading
russia...the defender of south east asia......
finished gunbuster
produced tears
sp u spin????????

make me a spost
surprisingly everyone has been "in" today aside from the bigger and the mystery websiteman according to the activity log
but you would never guess that from the posts
it really is magical how much better the thread is now
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not going well...
can you get nakhodka from russia
i think if you own the russian portion of the peninsula you can rename the water
why didnt japan do that in real life (liberate berlin not rename the water)
answer to both is didnt own the russian peninsula
really like the little ottoman conquest of 2sicilies at the bottom
64 how about this
i don't have a single cent and everything i own is broken!!!  all that's for dinner is cheap disgusting chicken!!!! it's way too hot!!!!! my back hurts!!!!! my ankle is twisted!!!!!!!
wow this guy is literally me haha
had the saddest meal of my life today
instant noodles with a hot dog cut up into it
it was cold rice and cold cola for me
now i guess i'll eat some noodles too
make sure to keep the cola away from your ps2
ugh how else will i cool this piece of shit then
think it would be erotic to drink a girls blood
think i'd be fucking badass if i slit my flesh open poured my blood into a cup and bled out to death while drinking it
dudnt work like that buddy if you do that it'll just go right back to where it came from
would be an interesting visual at the very least
sun has just gone down wonder what i should do...
i know i'll just hammer away at some fucking concrete t. absolute retard outside
what about the infamous 4am steelcutterman
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the last night of showa...
opened the tab to make a post about night steel cutters but someone already made if for me
wasnt aware there was a fellow trashman living in my neighbourhood
its too hot to cut steel during the day
guess i'll just go to sleep
its not like there's anything to do anywhere
there are fish out there to fish
dont know what you mean
you know
in the water

there's little creatures 
you can eat them
yeah freaky little bugs and weird sponges that strangle you to death if you try to eat them
made the mistake of wanting to play a modern video game but fortunately its 80 fucking gigabytes so i think i'll stick to vicky2
lang may yer lum reek
and a happy chinese new year to you too
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should have known better than to watch the sequel made many years after the fact without anno because this kind of stinks
good screencap here though
i guess its less that it stinks and more that they took a cool thing and turned it into the most obvious normal late gainax/early trigger anime
thanks 4 subscribing 2 my blog
hmm do i get into guns or cars
that anime man (presumably japanese) looks brown
well its space times so they just get people so i think he is a brown man
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20 dollars for these... uuughhh
where and when would you wear something like that
every day
yup that show was a rock solid 6/10
wonder when my christmas present will arrive in the mail
feel like a balloon with soup in it
like a bag of shit actually
have absolutely no motivation or energy to do anything do any of the genius men here know what to do in cases like this(other than wallstare)???????
no luck i've been in a slump for the past few weeks and can only bring myself to do productive things for a few minutes each day
in other news my stomach sounds like a whimpering dog
( ◠‿◠ )
amazing how much i can actually eat when im not purposely starving myself
reminds me that i am a big guy
wonder if i'll kill myself first or die of anger first
could be either really
‿◠‿◠‿◠‿ <- you are here
>a universe where the Illuminati and Elders of Zion are real but child's play compared to the literal demiurge and its agents, represented by Da'at. Da'at is manipulating the leftover !Blue Helmets sent to Japan because of the outbreak of a space disease that may-or-may not have been sent by God to give god-like power to humans. Their goal is to recreate the Old Testament by using a young girl and her younger brother or any acceptable replacement of said brother because this young girl happened to prick her finger on the space disease rock. However, said younger brother rejects his role as Adam and becomes Jesus 2 by rehabilitating a vessel of Eve, who may as well be Lilith, into one of the Marys. The post-apocalypse world wanted by Da'at is one of entropy where only crystals composing the memories of all life exist on a now soundless Earth. Before this, Japan is turned into a puppet state for the remnants of the !Blue Helmets because of an outbreak of the space disease caused by Eve getting upset that the two Adam candidates, her younger brother and a genetically modified illegal immigrant, did not want to sleep with her.
wow so good anime CAN be made after all
sounded good until the part where everything happened because a little girl got mad she couldnt be an incestoid
then it just became the usual retarded japtrite
thats actually only like 1/3rd of it all i can post the rest if you want
might as well
>However, this situation only occurred because their adoptive mother brought them to Tokyo for Christmas. From this, Adam 1 loses his memories, and Adam 2 leaves to start a terrorist organization for the purpose of recovering Eve with a cover that it's for the liberation of Japan. Adam 1 lives a normal life with his hot stepmother until he acquires the power of King Solomon by accident and meets the Eve Vessel. After joining Adam 2's terrorist organization and failing to destroy a space laser, he and his comrades stop Da'at's apocalypse short, and he kills Adam 2 and Eve while regaining his memories. In a now even more dystopian Japan, he becomes the King of Inner Tokyo due to a false flag quarantine and goes full Solomon, establishing effective but strict rules, including a caste system, as he unknowingly collects the pieces of Eve in an attempt to escape a genocidal plot by the Remnant !Blue Helmets, who now overtly control the government. After successfully escaping, Adam 2 arrives and cuts off Adam 1's hand to gain his !quickening of King Solomon's powers following his sudden interruption of a coup by a damaged goods rich girl who was upset at having been voted out of power for her incompetence. Adam 2 goes on to demand the subjugation of the entire world with a bluff of space lasers and the full power of King Solomon. Adam 1 recovers in time to rejoin the terrorists, who have now joined hands with the UN and a PMC, but he accidentally gives himself the space disease as a delayed consequence of the caste system due to his innate power taking on everything of other people. He fights and kills the head agent of the Demiurge, Adam 2, and a reborn Eve whose ballet is a direct tool for the Apocalypse. Using the now doubled power of King Solomon and the love between him and the Eve Vessel, whose consciousness is held within a flower crystal, he takes on the world's suffering, removing the disease and everyone's powers, which were born from their insecurities and guilt. For this, he is literally called "another Savior," and, despite having lost his powers from this event, is left blind as an inheritance from the Eve Vessel. This isn't even the craziest the franchise goes, for the prequel visual novel is about an amnesiac rapist and the girlfriend whom he raped fighting Da'ath, whose members can do things like summon accurate golems, with the power of their not alive-not dead baby who turned into crystals in the girl's womb and acts as a void that is a giant chainsaw sword.
yup here you go
it's "guilty crown"
mucho texto
eggs in my rice
unfortunately i only put 3 and it wasnt enoughz should have put 5
thats a lot of eggs mate you're risking an eggsplosion
its nothing for me im a big guy
speaking of eating a lot i think those worms came back i've been insatiably hungry recently no matter how much i eat
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the fruit of the chicken
just explained what browser extensions are to my mom
i can easily eat 3k calories a day if i try and considering how fucking corpse-like i am all the time i might actually need that much just to continue operating my brain
h8 nutritiontrite so much
don't know what a calorie is and never want to find out it's all just food to me
human being didnt know what a calorie was for thousands of years and they lived just fine
calorie = energy
2000 calories = amount an adult male eat a day
when the military decides on rations for the army they have to consider calories and mg of nutrients so you'll just have to suck up and learn it
i am what i eat from my head to my feet
i am a chicken leg
wahey nigger music
what does that even mean
music by niggers for niggers
frank zappa is extremely white and made white music
i clicked to a random part and it was filled with sounds of punching walls and groaning so i've got to doubt your claim
filtered by the white man's creative prowess
if even a nigger can do it its not epic
but they didnt and that's why everybody (who knows music) knows zappa
zappa is world renowned for recording niggers in their natural habitat and selling it as natural music with which the white man can reminiscince of his ancestors times 100m years ago when they were still monkeys
not sure why a man making music has you crying and sobbing so much
i really dont give a shit about him but when i clicked that video it really was just crying and grunting and i respectfully disaggree with the notion that it is epic music
well yes because you dont understand the context or significance
thats really fucking retarded to say just WHAT is the context then
romans crying and grunting while the franks fucking sack rome?????? hitler in the bunker???? you can make music that perfectly fits these and is depressing and sad or whatever all the while sounding pleasant to the ear so why would you just make it awkward grunting and punching sounds??
you dont care about the context so why would i BOTHER you've made it clear you dislike it this saved both of us time
really enjoyed this episode cant wait for the next one
no actually as one of the participants i can say that it was just shitty filter and im sure neither he nor i felt a single thing through the whole conversation
yeah i didnt really care
what makes it funny is i didnt listen to whatever it is so i'm imagining it actually is grunts and farts
in comes the eggs
out comes the masterworks and farts
such is the life of the white man
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wow look its us on the big screen!!
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have you played the game or is this your introduction
i cant play the game because i am fucking poor
>its the future and theres only robots and the main character ones all have white hair and have gothic cosplay outfits with blindfolds
another award winning idea from japan
they dress like that because the guy who made them was a freak also so they can trick the things on earth with lust
(also because taro thought it was hot)
also its not only robots mankind is on the moon dont you see them saluting mankind matey?
no no you see theyre not robots theyre people turned robot by uhhhh aliens which attacked humanity and turned earth into detroit after a dimensional fuck that caused a dragon to do another 9/11 at the tokyo tower its all very deep
yes i understand completely *calls the mental hospital*
if there are so many humans why dont we see any of them
cause nobody tuned in to the robot anime just to look at filthy meatbags
urgh no,,,,,wheres my self-insert
you're supposed to insert into the girl
well anyway ohio are you willing to lend your pc to me for 2 weeks so i can play it
uh no the pc i played it on is dead i can mail you my ps4 but i dont own the game on the ps4
only like 50% wrong
cut my neck 4 times over while trying to get rid of my beard
interesting enough there's exactly 2 on the left side and 2 on the right, and they're all perfectly parallel
*tumbleweed rolls by*
as for me i am presently listening to a very loud cricket outside
horrible creatures
i remember when i had a lizard and it didnt eat all of its crickets and i was trying to sleep and a cricket would not stop chirping 5 feet away from me
wanted to set everything in the tank on fire
remember a couple years back when one of those niggers just materialized inside the shower and i was too blind to realize it wasnt just a blob of hair until it started cricketing and jumping around
at my highschool a previous "senior prank" was to release a bunch of crickets in the school and i believe they unsurprisingly didnt get rid of them so just made a colony in the school and there were a couple hallways you could always hear cricketing years after the initial event
all mine had were black scorpions
oh yeah and these weird centipedesque things that showed up when it rained
i have a distinct memory of getting up from my seat and just stomping one with full force as a girl screamed "no don't kill it!!!" from behind me
glad i live in the first world
*releases a pack of niggers as a prank*
old anime girls are just ugly and the soul thing is complete cope
youre ENTIRELY insane what the fuck
and you're just finding this out now??
80s anime girls are ugly but then it got good again for a little while before turning to shit again
im not even doing an old good new bad thing i think both eras have plenty of good and plenty of bad but to say "old anime girls are ugly" is insane
seen this too much to know it as true
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ive sat through old 80s stuff only because of cute girls before
show me ONE cute anime girl from before eva
epic fucking image for microbes
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found an ancient steam folder that has nothing but decade old thumbnails in it
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the one from the anime that song is from (this one i watched because it was good fun not because of girls)
retarded image i cant tell anything from that
maybe its 90s anime girls who were ugly and i misremembered
well i'll be honest that was the best image i could find on google images
NOT a good look
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i like older anime girls solely because they remind me of dragon ball
dragon ball girls look terrible though
even android 18 (by far the best looking) is not very good
here you go someones 14 year old waifu video
shes..... alright
i also sat through this because of the girls
pretty good ova if you like it when literally nothing happens but its kind of nice looking
nothing more disheartening than when a website puts up the VA photos right next to the anime girls
fairly certain mal does the exact same shit
wow just found anilist's "global activity" tab surely this will be funny
okay yup already is, this one guy posted everything he wants to watch this year and it's...............................six movies
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i hate these!!! i get excited to look at an image all big and then nothing fucking happens!!!!!!!
those germanies would unironically be so much better if there was no poland because then it would imply all the poles simply assimilated to german
its fun because you have to imagine what it could have been
*crosses my eyes until the entire image looks grey*
guhhhh fuck yes!!!!!!!
the holy roman empire was unironically perfect and the perfect europe is just the holy roman empire from gibraltar to the urals (and britannia replaced with japan)
disgusting swarthy germanic opinion
its just true read evola
ehhhh??? ebola???? you mean the africa disease????
imagine if it was pronounced hulio evola
it is in spain
exactly 0 posts
debt to kikes
wow holy shit my bone relocated
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ugh just like in my animes
the perfect europe is just a swarthy brown blob from gibraltar to the urals (and britannia replaced with las malvinas argentinas)

its just true read adolfez
wahey my fucking internet doesnt work fucking hell
and when i call them and tell them they tell me to turn the router on and off ( ◠‿◠ )( ◠‿◠ )( ◠‿◠ )
...well.............have you tried it...?????
if it worked then i wouldnt be bitching
the little retard internet light doesnt light up on the router no matter what despite working just fine 10~ hours ago, so i can only assume its on THEIR(die juden) end
im sorry sxir, we will send a technician within the next 720 hours
testing the limits of my luck by eating soup that may very well be spoiled
Last edited by hitlerman
what was it
take me out to the ball game...
soooooooo fucking bored
its interesting how in all other industries any companies that do not perfectly cater to the consumer get killed off yet in the field of Computerz and Internet the consumer is treated like a little nigger kike being sent to the auschwitz camps and yet the companies all prosper with no problems
had to endure a family outing but i made the strategic move of liquoring up first
the fucking nigger on the phone told me that the internet was out out for all of the people in my area subscribed to their kike telecom company and that it would return...... -1 fucking hours ago!!!! where is it you fucking kikes!!!!!!!!!
-1 hours ago... so thats 1 hour in the future
be patient
business idea: after all the browns migrate to europe the europeans migrate to the middle east/africa
no you big stinking retard they migrate to argentina's antarctican colonies how do you not know the script
yes yes migrating to the places browns used to be thats what i meant
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the spudcord twitchtriters are trying to revive schombert's abortion or something like that 
kind of funny that shit died years ago and they only care now that vic3 is (expectedly) garbage
those are some words i havent heard in a while
willing to bet it's going to end up worse than whatever johan managed to whip out in a weekend those kind of people aren't known to be smart
its not smart to spend any time making an open source version of a 10 year old map painter that wasnt very good to begin with
somebody thanked me and now i got a big urge to cry
thanks for nothing
nonstop hiccuping coughing and sneezing theres something inside of me and it wants to come out
alri men whats the consensus on fellatio
its revolting right
*leaves the room*
all sex is disgusting unless you're the one having it
finished up my heisei era godzilla movies
big fan of eras named after monarchs too bad all of well known ones are anglos though
for me its reiwa era visual novels
had a couple of images about the era change but never got to post any of them
now its too late
wait a tick the reiwa era just started like nothing has come out yet
arent all godzilla movies heisei era then
well its complicated
theres all the showa era ones yes yes you know this theyre the goofy silly ones
then there is the "heisei" era movies, which is comprised of 7 films, with the last one being a big send off for godzilla, because toho planned on letting americans make godzilla from that point on
then three years later the american godzilla movie came out and it was so terrible and the people at toho were so disgusted by it they made a new japanese godzilla movie in two years and made a new era, which is TECHNICALLY heisei yes, but the second batch of movies are generally called "millenium era"

and also yes shin godzilla is the only reiwa era japanese godzilla movie supposed to get a new one this year however
wait no...shin isnt even reiwa either...jesus
anyways i think its understated how good the scores on some of these movies were
if i was His Most August Imperial Majesty The Reiwa Emperor i would issue an edict outlawing further godzilla movies but thats just me
you'd have to be insane godzilla is probably one of the few things japan is proud of
exactly, wouldnt want to shit on that legacy by releasing a million more of them
in fact they gave ifukube (the man who made that song and many others obviously) a post-humous culture award for all his godzilla music
well the comedy is (and while i havent seen the millenium era yet) heisei era is a net positive on godzilla's legacy and shin godzilla is just not only an amazing godzilla movie but a phenomenal movie
the showa movies did the most damage to godzilla's image but they got that out of the way early
did hirohito ever watch them
i bet he did
well yes absolutely
the original godzilla is an overtly "nationalistic" movie (there is obviously nuance to this)
he probably loved it
its so easy to have an honourable death as a japanese
you can just assassinate some evil kike and then commit seppuku
if youre a white man youre not allowed to kill yourself because you go to hell
actually theres one heisei movie where its revealed godzilla in the past protected japanese soldiers from americans and then later they shoot godzilla with a nuke to make him stronger
that movie is basically insulting to the "point" of godzilla but it's still a cool movie
how come the internet is still not back on :)))))))
trust the plan
2 more weeks
now theyre telling me its going to be fixed in 3 hours(maybe)!!!! are you fucking kidding me!!!!! ive spent 40 hours without any fucking net!!!!!!
hellooooooo!!! *smacks kike skulls* can you hear me!!!!?!! wheres my fucking internet!!!!!
i would cancel my fucking subscription to these niggers but i cant even do that because id have to go through the process of getting a whole new router(pricy as fuck) and set up a whole new contract, which would all in all take 2 whole weeks where i have no internet at all!!!!!
have you tried stealing someone else's internet
the people here are too civilized and know how to put in passwords
also if you properly listened to the nonet saga you would know that the internet is down not just for me but the whole shitty retard nigger area
no i mean just grabbing the cable and stealing it
yknow you like cut it or something and attatch the little mouth to the mouth you already have and bang its yours
get a new router?? over here the internet company just lends you one and takes it back when you cancel the plan
when i first moved here i had to choose between an honest local internet company and the big internetnational kike company and i ended up choosing the latter because they said they could get everything up and running in a single day rather than a week (and they did (but in the end everything sucks and i wish i hadn't picked them))
im not a fucking cuban
they dont do that here and you have to sit 1 week for the router to arrive(you have to purchase the router not have it fucking lended or whatever you do in downside up land) and another week for the little retard technician to arrive and plug the little cable in
so you have to buy your own router... okay... but then when you want to switch you have to buy ANOTHER one?? what's the point of owning it yourself then??? do you just chuck it in the bin afterwards
woooooow it feels so good to sleep in bed after you wash your sheets
feels even better when somebody else washed them for you
you buy another because the fucking contract says you have to
exploitation and all that
it smells like im at the dentist's office i don't like this
better than smelling like a morgue i suppose
*goes to the dentists office*
*gets teeth opened*
"yeah and see it smells like a morgue here because your tooth are dead"
*proceeds to get taken to the morgue*
ahhh fuck my life
making an epic ass omeletttetª!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(assuming it doesnt get destroyed before its done)
*guts erupt in magnificent eggsplosion*
rock as fuck btw
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waheeeyyy!!!! total egg destruction
mate mate mate WHAT are you doing mate *grabs you by the arm as youre about to crack open yet another egg on it*
i was trying to flip the omelette but it slipped out of where it was supposed to land
people werent supposed to throw circle shaped objects in the air
would have never guessed that was an omelet
did you put pineapple in that omelette
99% sure thats just potato
the tab didnt say there were any new posts but theres 3...
and then there were none
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russian man decides to fight a 15 year old because of his mongolian honor
cut some hair
ran out of air
no internetz to post with sorry
...at least ive got water
holy shit that sword for the guy on the top right looks exactly like a fish from the thumbnail
it even has a little mouth and nose and all
thats the zulfiqar i'll have you know -_-
zulfiqur... the legendary fishe...
wahey i did the thing
the omelete??
yeah me famous piña y papa omeletta
if you beat the omelette sweets come out of it....
ok i'm done with video games the posts can start now
not yet the game is on!!!
spent half an hour trying to remember how it was spelt and some of my guesses were pinyata and piniata but it turns out it was pinata despite the sound not fucking matching in any way with the spelling
this is why english sucks cock nothing makes sense
its a brown word that needs one of those brown marks over the vowel to work
not the vowel the consonant -_-
is pineapple piña in la plata or do you have a goofy word
potato tomato
tomato no posto
no no tomatos make pasta
episode 2 of this fucking ova had the sheer audacity to have a 10 minute long recap of the first episode (which was 40 minutes long)
*catches the dengue*
no literally 99% of the world and languages use "anana" although "piña" does exist as a word to refer to..... a punch.....

and why on earth would that be anything but potatoes on an omelette you sickos
woooow i actually didnt know that its literally only spaniards and english people who use some kind of pinecone originated word
one-a piña por favour
*gets punched in my retard anglo mouth*
why dont you shine my shoes you little brown pineapple
we call it the abacaxi
dont you put a hex on me you freak
wow one of the places i go to got raided in my sleep and lost everything
really felt like walking through dresden after the bombing
wahey nutella bread now thats something i havent done in a decade
im having so much fun killing kikes i cant believe me old mate from high school adolf hitler is going to send a whole 6 million more over here for me to kill
when you think about it there really were people who did go to high school with hitler
wonder how they felt after everything
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tragsg government
zero postavo
。 。
°   °
Replies: >>6960
keep reading a really shitty manga that i had saved because i have no internet to do things with
it would actually be at least an 8/10 were it not for the main characters not behaving like real college girls but alas
the one i was reading the other day had an ambiguous rape scene that wasnt in the tags and it wasnt a sex doujin
was genuinely outraged
laser discs were such a bizarre thing
regular discs are the same thing but smaller
but they dont shoot lasers
lasers are shot at them
yes you RETARD they were bizarre BECAUSE they were so big you mongoloid
wait until you hear about how big computers used to be
computers were actually very small for a while most of them fit inside a keyboard
yeah and big computers were ALSO bizarre
absolutely no idea what you get out of being pedantic about this like a no imagination tard
what isnt bizarre
^ bizarre little man
frankly everything is bizarre thats why its fun
yeah man its all so fun
this is a GOOD post
so now that all the sickos are gone is there any man with yellow fever left alive
thankfully not
its bright yellow outside and theres a big storm going on
i believ this is what they call "comfy"
bright yellow (brown)
if you have mongolian spots when youre born youre just not hwite thats just the rules im sorry japan
and just who were the ones with yellow fever again
also speakng of storms the last time it happened was like 3 days just as i went to sleep and i woke up in the dead of night after a horrible nightmare inside my pitch black room with nothing but the sound of a massive storm and my wide open......veranda......... door
celebrating the 72nd hour of nointernet with somewater
if you can post you got internet
big screams outside
t.gsg screams outside
talex rides again
dont want to do anything because i feel like shit
feel like shit because i'm not doing anything
your wish is my command
death for all
all for death
h8 weekends
sure hope you don't prefer weekstarts
unironically do yeah
spent the whole day reading manga and eating
only just now realized that i'd have preferred to spend it all playing games
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weekends feel horrible i never do anything productive i just feel myself wasting away
weekdays are nice because im out and about in the world working towards my goals and then when i get back home the stuff i do to relax doesnt feel like a waste of time
itd be different if i was a wagie but im not so
mmmmhmmhmhmhuhuhuhuhmuuhmumumu umumumumuhugumumumumumu nomonomonomonomonomonomomo i love carrotsss guguguguguug
there alreadt legal in amerikaka arent they
really like the "disabled" at the bottom thogh it adds a whole other flavour to the image
i was under the impression that i had expelled a great deal of the mental corruption in the last few months but i only just now discover that they merely dug deeper into my subconscious, and thus appear more lately but in more critical moments
completely serious by this post by the way its not vague cool deat message no.1488
theyre already legal here but its about the sentiment
idea: leagalize 14 year olds
wow i agree completely
business idea
prohibition but for 24 year olds and upwards
there was an episode of a sci fi tv show i watched with my mom premised on a guy jumping around alternate timelines trying to get back to his own one and one of them alt timelines was a world where everyone was euthanized after turning 30 and i think that sort of world would be perfect honestly
oh yeah can't imagine anything better than a world filled with young people (in a monotone voice)
got unlucky with the "pick a random ova and watch it" (it was boring)
unlucky with ova's unlucky with life
can't make an omelet without cracking open a few ovas
komm susser tod
it all comes crashing down
another day over
another step closer
or is it a step away....
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he's eating the teeth of a large ape he befriended (after fighting it) after his father killed the ape and then kicked the head into viscera in front of him
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hey wait a second...who's THAT down there!!!
why though
wow those funny little island people sure are wacky
purely because his father likes to kill things and make people's lives worse (this is good)
my public education is failing me
i remember reading in a textbook how indians would resist slavery by sitting in the corner of a room and wallstaring all day and there was even a funny painting depicting just that but i've been searching for almost an hour now and i can't find neither the picture much less any information about the practice
well..gandhi sat for awhile
star wars empire at war now that was a game......
too many wars
was that the one with the epic space battles but dogshit ground battles
Replies: >>7017
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awful thing
isn't it funny how rats were just supposed to be funny little guys you see while having a stroll through the glens but now they're the disease-ridden scourge of urbanites everywhere
saw a rat pop right up out of a hole and into a glue trap once
they were always a fucking scourge
same with bugs
think a punishment is in order
what is the thing where you start hitting your bones together endlessly out of boredom called
and the epic grand strat campaign map 
i remember posting it on vgsg like 10 years ago and someone calling me a chad
sat down and finished a whole game
its my first time in years
finished with life
first time in years
woww andnnownimnplaying all 20 of the routes of this vn!!!! yay
katawa shoujo i hope
thats too many routes
and you need to do all of them to get the REAL ending
the real ending is when you shut the game off and never play it again
does that mean real life is a vn
never had any cute girls assaulting me
having some, so-called, goyslop
its completely unrelated to discord trannies but the individual elements fucking reek of trannyism
>founded in 1963
no need to read any further
for me its Liquorianism (founded 2013)
feel like computers should explode more often
i'm surprised how uncommon it is for them to just suddenly fry themselves from being old or pressing the wrong thing
its just a bunch of copper and electricity man
literally all you need is for the electricity to be suddenly cut for the psu to fry and fry all the other parts with it
*fizzles out into nothingness instead of giving you epic excpulosion*
yeah it fizzles out into nothingess along with 10k$ of equipment
what more could you want
actually there used to be soviet tvs that just explode out of nowhere itd be nice if there was a set of soviet personal computers who do the same
perfect for people like us with nothing to do in their life but to sit in front of the computer and cry about wanting to die
anyone ate any seeds recently
was randomly singing some fascist italian songs and marches off my memory so as to pass the time and then i happened on to the sentence "rome will save europe" in the lyrics and legitimately teared up the second after once it sunk in
so it goes
people romanticize rome too much
its literally in the name
yeah see
its funny how paradox games are all map painting or larping and cities skylines the one game they publish is basically landscaping in a city setting (not too different from either painting or larping)
its also a giant unfun broken waste of time just like all their games too
my fucking chinesium earbuds broke AGAIN!!!!
want to post something but i'm worried its too low brow for tragsg
...so i bought the same pair again
theres almost over isnt it better now than later
not opening
96 hours of no internet
some of you would die if this happened to you
think i went 5 days once when moving
i went like a full month or two when i moved
didnt affect me as much because i was outside the house though and also i managed to use my phone as a modem on my desktop which was epic
oh yeah
just remembered that one time i had to go 3 years without it because my mum literally entombed me in her fucking basement
better to be entombed in the basement than entombed in the womb
the internet is stuck in the tube
next time i reincarnate ill just tear the fucker up from the inside so she cant bear me
bet god wont see that coming
*turns you into a stone fetus just to spite you*
youre going to reincarnate as an ant or an intestinal worm
oho well now just WHY would that happen??
*scrolls up to hundreds of different cases of blasphemy*
have you done a single noble act in your life worthy of reincarnating as anything higher than a cordyceps wasp
there have been a couple times when ive been drunk ive given music players on the sidewalk the cash on me (max like 15 dollars)
thats a crime
55 posts today
hilarious digression in this video
is this the protein folding channel
and yeah that was a big e1
you probably dont realize it but you're essentially the equivalent of a stomach worm when you could be this epic ascended 5th dimensional creature existing in the aether so yeah
2 dimensions is more than enough for me
*makes you a 1 dimensional creature ( aworm)*
*worms my way out of the tab*
remember in elementary school every time it rained the blacktop and sidewalk going into the school would be absolutely caked in worms
happened constantly to me
and then their dried up remains would stain the pavement for days
schoolworms weren't fun
i remember the boys would chase and throw them at the girls and the whole time i was just terrified of one of them realizing i was just as freaked out by worms as the girls were
also its raining right now!!!
watch out!!!
*worms towards you*
now that was some quality mp
yep its back
it would be back sooner if you sent the email sooner... maybe i should just give someone root access to the server itself....
well i woke up just now
i'll set up a mail for next time i guess
someone actually did send a mail but at 6 pm while the server seemed to be down for 12 hours already
it died right as i was going to bed which is gods way of saying its not my problem
have you considered that i'd have sent you an email when it first died if you told me your email address u fucking tard?????
only the knowers ahve acess to that settle down mate -_-
didnt want to bother the man if it was only going to be down for a few minutes so i waited until after my 12 hour nap to let him know
oh yeah i had a crazy dream tonight
too complicated to put into words but let's just say it involved aquatic horse nomads and japanese pirates usurping the saudi throne
wouldnt want to be the one who dreams of turks and japs and arabs every day
better to dream it then live it
ugh arabian techno-japanese steambonk
anime i was watching had a 25 year old man get a 14 year old girl drunk and once she passed out he kissed her
are you satisfied now canman you perverted little jewish freak?????? look what you fucking did
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i had eaten some spicy wings before seeing this post and it nearly made me throw up from the combination of laughing really hard and the stomach heat
chicken wings are for niggers
you are an idiot and not american so you know literally nothing about wings and wing culture
you are american and thus a nigger
therefore you are below me, the white man
literally every single poster that isnt in north america and nhk is brown
i can literally hear you munching on watermelon right now retard
yeah yeah go drink your mate mate
*spitfires it on ur stupid fucking face*
does anybody have any knowledge of the original phantasy star games
i've just finished up with the shit jap game of the month you see and want more
they're on the list of things i was going to check out but never did due to being too busy wall stareing
well if i ever play through them i'll spoil it all to you if you want
already know the general plot is that its fantasy science fiction and one of the main character girls dies tragically in one of them
thinking of making a new thread
made a new thread
still 5 posts left to be made in this one
better get on it
prefer 1492
it was all down hill from there

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