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nefret ediyorum
i might have said this already but i like those turkish words that end with [vowel]rum it makes me think of latin
-iyor is "is doing"
-um refers specifically to the person himself doing it
another turkish thought to close out the thread: i bet ataturk thought he was real smart when he came up with a "new" letter by removing the dot from the i but then typewriters and keyboards came around and now you need a special layout to write turkish and it looks odd on the computer screen should've just gone with a standard ` or ´

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anyways i was thinking of some stuff about turkey too

>privatize and liberalize the whole economy, especially the industrial segment
>fix the education system and put heavy effort into education that's related to industrial production and management
>jam turkey into the eu as a special member, put heavy public and private investment from eu governments and companies into the industrial sector of turkey
>as a special member turkey is partially isolated from foreign markets, for a turk to be allowed to live and work in the eu proper he needs to pass a few certain conditions so as to filter the retard brown mudslimes out
yup its perfect
you get a way for the eu to produce its own industrial goods, save the white men stuck in turkey(me), and fix the turkish economy
why didnt they just do this irl????
alri am sending an al-mileioglu for xmas 
>Don't you dare slander the Apostle Thomas! His circumstance and this have nothing to do with one another! Not only that, the Word itself CONDEMNS TO ETERNAL HELL anyone who would deny even a single stroke of the book of Revelation! It says it right at the beginning! And do you know how long this has been a Christian belief? 2000 YEARS! 
laughed out loud especially at the "right at the beginning!" part
i'm making a thread
its been made

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Last edited by poster2233
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oh new therad soon
findd a good pic i beg you
i'm making the thread
make a few more posts so we can get it over with

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i'll make the next thread
its a based retard sort of thing
hope its not retarded
i chose a turk theme for it
hope its groundhog themed

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but they said its fixed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what cs2?? itsnot
>Removed Spasm radio ad (due to offensive content)
this was in the cs2 hotfix
glad theyre focusing on the important things
2 hours of sleep>12 hours of work>10 hours of grunting and screaming>2 hours of sleep>12 hours of work

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sure man and as youve said before if you dont get your way and find another human being that you can own and not have to put any effort into them then youre just gonna stoically accept a lonely monk existence yeah and youre gonna be perfectly okay with that and not ever feel lonely
yeah my whole life so far has been stoically accepting a lonely monk existence
itll keep going until i hopefully die a young death and go someplace better than this shit world
youre already saying 'i hope i die soon' and youre thinking youre not ever going to make concessions of any kind of have any change of mind
ive been saying that all this time and not once have i conceded
your life sucks too but i think the reason you keep conceding stuff isnt because your life sucks but you think too much about these sorts of things, life is a swamp and you keep panicking and flopping around like a tard whereas i simply sit still
From Middle English gunne, gonne, from Lady Gunilda, a huge crossbow with a powerful shot, with the second part of the term being of Old Norse origin. It was later used to denote firearms. The name Gunnhildr and its multiple variations are derived from Old Norse gunnr (“battle, war”) + hildr (“battle”), which makes it a pleonasm. In the given context the woman's name means battle maid. 
e1 from now on i'll think of all guns as battle maids

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okay yeah then use one we're 4 away
hope you like funny animals and japan
better not be the funny animals im thinking of
its actually not very funny at all
top 10 funny niggers of tragsg

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i still dont know anything about that game except its the /v/ mascot
yume means dream
that's what i know
nikki means diary
so that must mean... yume nikki means dream diary
good work team
i used to keep mixing it up with mirai nikki and suffering
think i want to play it sometime
i secretly like mirai nikki because i watched it in middle school before i had taste

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taetae scion
but what does that mean
it's something i saw
we'v all seen something
it was pointed out to me

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A variety of erroneous folk etymologies exist, with the most common claiming that the word is an acronym for one of either westernized, worthy, wily, or wonderful preceding “Oriental gentlemen”. Another erroneous claim is that it was used in the mid 1800s, with WOGS (meaning Working On Government Service) stencilled on the shirts of Indian workers in Egypt.[1]
nhk recited a poem about niggers for me
you better hurry up andmake the new thread
and maek it a good one
im going to vomit christ
the smell here is unbearable, the hygienic condition is a mess and its way too overcrowded
i cant bear being here
it's like that sometimes

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