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yeah some retard kike called bolsonaro
ugh i hate how all of the movie theatres in this plce are in like a 5 block radius from eachother and then you have an endless  desert of nokino
ill have to admit i want everybody who says "kino" lined up and shot
(together with the boers)
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oh how the mighty have fallen.............

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gundam probably has more real human soul behind it than breaking bad
remember the japanese are real human beings and every western tv show in the last 20 years is made by libtards
and this is a good and a bad thing
it worked very well for tomino because it meant he go to make gundam 79, a show about child soldiers murdering people constantly with no glossing over it
zeta is just 79 turned up to 11, i havent finished it yet but it's far more pessimistic than 79 ever was
a tomino show i havent seen yet but im aware of has the premise of some people finding a big robot in space and some way along the line this devolved into the robot committing omnicide
but like i said, he could get away with all of this because his toys sold well so nobody was willing to tell him to stop
also gundam's impact on anime as a whole is something i think most people recognize now, but it really cant be understated
evangelion is literally just gundam+devilman with some minor tweaks, but i think most people know this by now
and funnily enough, the guy who made devilman is part of the reason gundam even, he made like three separate giant robot manga that invented the whole "real robot" genre, and while gundam isnt exactly that obviously i dont think gundam would exist without the stuff go nagai made
just in general go nagai is probably one of the secretly most influential people to all of anime for a lot of reasons
to be honest i'm not a big fan of big robots

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people who dont understand a syphon
SAN check
(##1d100) Rolled 1 dice with 100 sides = 6
yeah i googled it out of confusion and it was not "syphon" but siphon
have you tried using real words
no word was real until a bold man decided to make it up
alzheimerseqsue posts

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but you see this is exactly the same as when the russian empire administrated the province of poland and uhh... made them pay taxes... and put down independence revolts
no but its similar to when the russian empire had people tied to feudal lands where they had to shine their feudal lord's shoes
yeah except it was ethnic russian serfs shining ethnic russian nobles' shoes
and according to angry baltoids they forced all the wealthy people into serfdom and gave all their lands to russian (german) aristocrats
yes ergo it is whites imposing slavery on whites
which you so arrogantly claimed had never been tried

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better get on it
prefer 1492
it was all down hill from there

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*slumps over dead*
shit and poo rainjbg
a terf appears on scene
she yells: its raining men
somebody make 15 more posts so i can make a new

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why is that freak taking this gentleman's loli
the gentleman (human) was trying to murder he (she is a genetic mutant it would seem)
the gentleman (bear) lives with her
i dont know more
hyper-dadc mode engaged
hey we got 1500 make the new mr dadc

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dont have pictures
just sneaking in a little post here wonder if any1 will notice
stealing the last post here for me
ah god fucking damn

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huge huge HUGE unfan of websites that let you put multiple images in one post
dadc bout ukrainums
ugh yeah why cant i make 50 posts that are nothing but pictures anymore
ukrainiums more like south east germaniums
there's something fucky with the site
about a fifth of the time it doesnt register (you's) as (you's)
by which i mean it doesnt count my post as mine

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